Page created by Heather Sherman
Spring 2023   PREVIEW

1600 E. Lincoln Highway, Suite F, DeKalb, IL 60115
                                                                                                                                                 Leafjoy Plants, Packaging and POP
           introducing leafjoy                                                                                                                   Retailers can count on the same premium quality genetics and retail presentation they’ve
                                                                                                                                                 come to expect from all Proven Winners plants with our new leafjoy houseplant collection.
                                                  Bring Nature Inside                    ™
                                                                                                                                                 These are beautifully grown and packaged plants that you will be proud to sell.
                                                                                                                                                 Sizing – To allow for flexibility in sizes and price points
                                                                                                                                                 for retailers, our entire leafjoy line is available in
                                                                                                                                                 three container sizes:
                                                                                                                                                 • 12 cm / 4.72 in
                                                                                                                                                 • 17 cm / 6.69 in
                                                                                                                                                 • 21 cm / 8.27 in
                                                                                                                                                 Container Upgrade – Multiple styles of decorative cache pots                                                                                                                     Left to right:
                                                                                                                                                 are available as an upgrade to retailers looking to merchandise                                                                                                                  12cm container
                                                                                                                                                 them alongside or package with their leafjoy plants.                                                                                                                             17cm container
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  21cm container
                                                                                                                                                 Labels – Premium leafjoy varieties
                                                                                                                                                 come with our standard style,
                                                                                                                                                 variety-specific label. Boutique and
                                                                                                                                                 Collector’s Edition varieties come
                                                                                                                                                 with premium, variety-specific labels.
                                                                                                                                                 Labels are currently under development
              PREMIUM                                          BOUTIQUE                              COLLECTOR’S EDITION                         and are subject to change.

        Available to all customers                            Exclusive to IGCs,                              Exclusive to IGCs,                 Supporting POP – Leafjoy posters
                                                           premium label included                          premium label included                and benchcards are now available                                                                                                                                                  Metal Medallion for
                                                                                                                                                 to help retailers merchandise our                                                                                                                                                  Collector’s Edition
Why Houseplants?                                                    varieties that command higher retail prices are found in our Boutique        new houseplants. Find them at
                                                                    and Collector’s Edition groups which are available exclusively to            provenwinners.com.
Houseplants have never been hotter, yet IGCs are struggling                                                                                                                                           Tag design for Premium group                       Tag design for Boutique and Collector’s Edition groups
to find clean, premium genetics in reasonable quantities to fill    independent garden centers.
their displays. We’ve searched long and hard for the perfect
propagator who could provide what our customers need and            What Makes Leafjoy Different?                                                Leafjoy Hydroponics: H2O Minis and H2O Bowls
consumers want. By adding houseplants to our lineup, people         This program starts with the very best genetics available, all grown in      In addition to potted plants, the leafjoy
can now garden with Proven Winners year round.                      brand new, state-of-the-art greenhouses. This controlled environment         plant line also includes an innovative
We are proud to announce our newest partner, The Plant              enables The Plant Company to produce higher quality, more durable            line of hydroponic houseplants sold
Company nestled in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Stuarts Draft,       plants than what retailers and consumers have come to expect from            as H2O Minis and H2O Bowls. No soil
Virginia. Together, we are bringing over 100 varieties of           traditional houseplant suppliers.                                            or fertilizer is needed – they are
premium quality houseplants to market – all backed by the           Next, we are providing variety-specific labels with every plant shipped.     clean living at its finest.
Proven Winners consumer marketing program.                          You won’t find generic labels that simply state “Houseplant – for bright     H2O Minis and Bowls require virtually
                                                                    light” on our plants. Leafjoy varieties will be clearly identified by name   no care other than adding a little more
How Does it Work?                                                   and photo, and proper care instructions will be included on every label.     water about once per month when you
                                                                                                                                                 see the container is almost empty.
Our new leafjoy program will work a bit differently than our        Additionally, consumers have told us they struggle with knowing the
                                                                                                                                                 They can be grown almost anywhere –
other partnerships in that The Plant Company will be delivering     best place to grow houseplants in their homes. To address that issue,
                                                                                                                                                 on a windowsill, desk, nightstand, or
retail-ready plants directly to retail stores. Those who’ve         we have developed the four collections you’ll find on the next few
                                                                                                                                                 anywhere else you might imagine. Plus, they                  Above, left to right: leafjoy H2O™ Mini Princess Clusia rosea, leafjoy H2O™ Mini Grey Star Ctenanthe setosa, leafjoy H2O™ Bowl
already seen the product can attest to the amazing quality.         pages: Atrium, Cocoon, SpaScene and WorkLife. Recommended lighting           make thoughtful gifts for friends and family,                 Bambino Alocasia, leafjoy H2O™ Bowl Friedrichsthalii Monstera adansonii and leafjoy H2O™ Bowl Golden Allusion Syngonium
These are well-grown, healthy, virus-indexed plants with a          conditions and placement are noted for each collection to make it            co-workers and teachers, whether they are
polished retail presentation. Three finished container sizes        easy for consumers to find the plants that will be the best fit for their    a novice or experienced at growing plants.
are offered (pictured at far right) and optional cache pots are     situation. POP is available to support each leafjoy collection.
                                                                                                                                                 Availablility – Leafjoy H2O Minis and Bowls
available. Low single pallet minimums make these plants
                                                                                                                                                 are sold as assortments; 20 per box for Minis
affordable and accessible for our IGC customers.                     How Do I Order?                                                             and 12 per box for Bowls. They ship directly
The leafjoy line is divided into three product groups: Premium,     The entire leafjoy line of houseplants can be purchased directly from        to retailers on racks with variety-specific labels
Boutique and Collector’s Edition. This allows retailers to offer    The Plant Company. Four Star Greenhouse and Pleasant View Gardens            included. No assembly required; these plants
a range of price points on classic and more rare varieties.         will also soon be adding this line. Get started today by contacting          are ready to be merchandised with leafjoy
The Premium group includes popular varieties that are available     The Plant Company at customerservice@theplantcompany.com                     POP and kiosks. Contact The Plant Company
to all Proven Winners customers. The more unusual, collectable      or 540.487.4043.                                                             directly to place your order.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Tag design subject to change.           1
™                                              ™                                                                                                                                ™                                              ™

                  leafjoy atrium collection                                                                                                                                                                    leafjoy cocoon collection
                                                                    High light plants for bright spaces                                                                                                                                                   Low light plants for calming spaces
                                                   Lovers of bright, airy, south- or west-facing rooms, these plants enjoy basking in                                                                                           These plants are homebodies, preferring to spend their time in the lower light levels of interior rooms
                                                       the sun streaming in from windows. In the summertime, take them on a                                                                                                              or those with smaller windows. Their sanctuary is a room that faces north or east.
                                                                          siesta to relax with you on your patio.                                                                                                                                                            Popular varieties:
                                                                                         Popular varieties:                                                                                                                                                Alocasia dwarf amazonica ‘Polly’ – Dwarf elephant ears
                                                                           Ficus elastica ‘Tineke’ – Variegated rubber tree                                                                                                                                         Calathea lancifolia – Rattlesnake plant
                                                                              Monstera deliciosa – Swiss cheese plant                                                                                                                                              Clusia rosea ‘Princess’ – Autograph tree
                                                                                Philodendron ‘Birkin’ – Philodendron                                                                                                                                      Asplenium antiquum ‘Hurricane’ – Japanese bird’s nest fern
                                                                             Philodendron ‘Lemon Lime’ – Philodendron                                                                                                                                          Epipremnum aureum ‘N’Joy’ – Variegated pothos
                                                                           Syngonium ‘White Butterfly’ – Arrowhead Vine

Bambino Ficus lyrata –               Rhaphidophora tetrasperma                         PRISMACOLOR™ Philodendron                       PRISMACOLOR™ Philodendron      TATOO™ Clusia rosea                                                                                                                                                         Alocasia dwarf
Dwarf Fiddle Leaf Fig                                                                  ‘Birkin’ – Philodendron                         ‘Red Diamond’ – Philodendron   ‘Princess’ – Autograph Tree    COLOR FULL™ Calathea                                                                          Alocasia                                       amazonica ‘Polly’ –
                                                                                                                                                                                                    leopardina – Zebra Plant   COLOR FULL™ Calathea               SWEET DREAMS™                    lauterbachiana –                               Dwarf Elephant Ears
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               makoyana – Peacock Plant           Ctenanthe setosa ‘Grey Star’ –   Purple Sword       LIVING LACE™
       For versatility in merchandizing and sales, most leafjoy varieties fall under two or more of the four collections described here.
       Just a small sampling of each collection is pictured. Learn more at provenwinners.com.                                                                                                                                                                     Never Never Plant                Elephant Ears      Asplenium antiquum ‘Hurricane’ –
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Japanese Bird’s Nest Fern
 2     Leafjoy plant names subject to change.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           3
™                                               ™                                                                                                         ™                                              ™

          leafjoy spASCENE collection                                                                                                                                      leafjoy worklife collection
                                                                  Plants for warm, humid spaces                                                                                                     Space-saving plants for desks, shelves and tabletops
                           Warm air filled with humidity keeps the leaves of these plants looking fresh and radiant. The spa-like atmosphere                                                     When space and time are at a premium, choose these low-maintenance, compact and vertical
                                of powder rooms, sunporches or even the windowsill behind your kitchen sink are all ideal locations.                                                                       plants to occupy just a sliver of your work desk, bookshelf or tabletop.
                                                                                Popular varieties:                                                                                                                                         Popular varieties:
                                                              Alocasia reginula ‘Black Velvet’ – Black Velvet alocasia                                                                                                  Alocasia x amazonica ‘Bambino’ – Dwarf elephant ears
                                                                         Calathea orbifolia – Prayer plant                                                                                                                       Calathea makoyana – Peacock plant
                                                                  Ctenanthe setosa ‘Exotica’ – Never never plant                                                                                                           Epipremnum aureum ‘Hawaiian’ – Golden Pothos
                                                             Asplenium antiquum ‘Crissie’ – Japanese Bird’s Nest fern                                                                                                        Ficus lyrata ‘Bambino’ – Dwarf fiddle leaf fig
                                                              Microsorum musifolium ‘Crocodyllus’ – Crocodile fern                                                                                                                 Zamioculcas zamiifolia – ZZ plant

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                SWEET DREAMS™
                                                                                               COLOR FULL™ Calathea                                                                                                             SIESTA™ Zamioculcas
                                                                      Alocasia cucullata –                                                                                                                                                                                      Ctenanthe setosa ‘Grey Star’ –
    COLOR FULL™ Calathea                                                                       orbifolia – Prayer Plant                                                                         LIVING LACE™ Phlebosia          zamiifolia – ZZ Plant
                                                                      Buddha’s Hand                                                                                      COLOR FULL™ Calathea                                                           Alocasia reginula –     Never Never Plant
    rufibarba – Velvet Calathea       LIVING LACE™ Asplenium                                                              COLOR FULL Calathea
                                                                                                                                     ™            Alocasia x amazonica                          ‘Nicolas Diamond’ Hybrid Fern                                                                                    COLOR FULL™ Calathea
                                                                                                                                                  ‘Bambino’ – Dwarf      concinna ‘Freddie’ –                                                           Black Velvet Alocasia                                    lancifolia – Rattlesnake Plant
                                      antiquum ‘Crissie’ –                                                                roseopicta ‘Dottie’ –
                                                                                                                                                  Elephant Ears          Prayer Plant
                                      Japanese Bird’s Nest Fern                                                           Prayer Plant
4         Leafjoy plant names subject to change.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           5
2023 NATIONAL PLANT OF THE YEAR PROGRAM                                                                                                          2023 NATIONAL RECIPES
          Wondering where to start building your orders for next season? Begin with our eight National Plants of the Year.        Packed with our top-selling, most distinctive varieties, our National Recipes have been proven in trials to work.
          All will be marketed extensively to build excitement and demand among consumers, and your customers will be                        We'll take care of driving consumer demand while you watch them fly out of inventory.
               looking to you for these items. Now is the time to plan to have these strong sellers on hand for 2023.
                                         Learn more at www.nationalplantoftheyear.com.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Acapulco Sun
                                                                                                                                                                                                                SUPERBELLS® Coralina Calibrachoa
                                                                                                                                                                                                             SUPERTUNIA® BERMUDA BEACH® Petunia
                                                                                                                                                                                                                SUPERBENA® Peachy Keen Verbena
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       SUGGESTED THRILLER:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     STRATOSPHERE™ White Gaura

                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Misty Seas
   TRUFFULA™ Pink                  HEART TO HEART ®                     DOLCE® ‘Wildberry’                     SHADOWLAND®
                                                                                                                                                                                                             SUPERTUNIA MINI VISTA® Indigo Petunia
     Gomphrena                      ‘Scarlet Flame’                        Heuchera                          ‘Empress Wu’ Hosta                                                                            SUPERTUNIA MINI VISTA® Violet Star Petunia
                                       Caladium                                                                                                                                                              SUPERTUNIA MINI VISTA® White Petunia
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       SUGGESTED THRILLER:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        GRACEFUL GRASSES®
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       BLUE MOHAWK® Juncus

                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Rockin’ Rush
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  GOLDILOCKS ROCKS® Bidens
                                                                                                                                                                                                             SUPERTUNIA® RASPBERRY RUSH™ Petunia
                                                                                                                                                                                                                SUPERBENA® WHITEOUT™ Verbena
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       SUGGESTED THRILLER:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        GRACEFUL GRASSES®
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       ‘Sky Rocket’ Pennisetum
LET’S DANCE CAN DO!®               RINGO ALL-STAR™                      LIMELIGHT PRIME®                       PURPLE PILLAR®
Hydrangea macrophylla                   Rosa                           Hydrangea paniculata                       Hibiscus
       x serrata

   6                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    7
New Proven Winners Annuals for 2023

                                                                                                                                                                               Yellow Improved                                           GRACEFUL GRASSES®
                                                                                                    SUPERBELLS Double
                                                                                                                  ®                           2023                             Calibrachoa                                               QUEEN TUT™ Cyperus
                                                                                                    Yellow Calibrachoa                        MUST
                       SUREFIRE® CHERRY                                                 SUREFIRE® White
                       CORDIAL™ Begonia                                                 Begonia                                                                                    GRACEFUL GRASSES®
                                                                                                                                                                                   ‘Ogon’ Acorus                                                                   GRACEFUL GRASSES®
                                                                                                                           SUPERBELLS® PRISM™
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   ‘Curly Wurly’ Juncus
                                                                                                                           Pink Lemonade Calibrachoa

    SUREFIRE® CHERRY CORDIAL™ Begonia x hybrida                                                SUPERBELLS® Double Yellow                                              SUPERBELLS® Yellow Improved Calibrachoa ‘**’ USPPAF CanPBRAF              GRACEFUL GRASSES® QUEEN TUT™ Cyperus prolifer
    A color expansion for the series, this striking selection features                         Calibrachoa ‘**’ USPPAF CanPBRAF US Utility 7786342                    Improved rooting means a consistent supply of top-quality liners          This petite-yet-vigorous umbrella grass makes a fun thriller
    deep chocolate foliage with vividly contrasting red flowers                                This essential new addition to our Superbells Double line features     for growers looking to produce a picture-perfect crop of yellow           for container recipes paired with other moisture-loving plants.
    displayed beautifully above the upright mounded form. Thrives                              fully double, sunshine yellow blossoms on robust, well-branched        calibrachoa. A more upright habit makes it a snap to mix                  Finer texture with smaller but more plentiful umbels
    in both sun and shade.                                                                     plants. Makes a delightful Grande™ and glows in container recipes.     with in recipes.                                                          compared to Baby Tut®.
    • Self-cleaning flowers reduce the incidence of botrytis                                   • Abundant, rose-shaped blossoms appear early                          • Large flowers on full, mounded plants                                   • Bright green, starburst-like umbels
    • Thrives in a wide range of soils and climates                                            • Screened for Thielaviopsis resistance                                • Screened for Thielaviopsis resistance                                   • Versatile in sun or shade containers and landscapes
    • Grow in 4.25 Grande™ and 1.0 Royale™ containers,                                         • Grow in 4.25 Grande™ containers, hanging baskets,                    • Grow in 4.25 Grande™ containers, hanging baskets,                       • Heat tolerant with excellent vigor
       monocultures and landscapes                                                                window boxes, recipes and monocultures                                 window boxes, recipes and monocultures                                 • Grow in 4.25 Grande™ and 1.0 Royale™ containers, recipes,
    • 12-2" height; 18-24" spread                                                              • 6-12" height; 12-24" spread                                          • 6-12" height; 12-24" spread                                                monocultures, landscapes and water gardens
    • Sun or shade                                                                             • Part sun to sun                                                      • Part sun to sun                                                         • 18-24" height; 12-18" spread
    • Vigor 4                                                                                  • Vigor 2                                                              • Vigor 2                                                                 • Part sun to sun
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                • Vigor 3
                                                                                                                                                                      GRACEFUL GRASSES® ‘Ogon’ Acorus gramineus
    SUREFIRE® White Begonia x benariensis                                                      SUPERBELLS® PRISM™ Pink Lemonade Calibrachoa ‘**’ USPPAF CanPBRAF      This bright gold and green variegated, evergreen grasslike plant          GRACEFUL GRASSES® ‘Curly Wurly’ Juncus effusus
    Another color expansion for the series, this vigorous, broadly                             This dynamic bicolor calibrachoa changes through the seasons with      jazzes up moist landscapes, containers and water gardens with             Fun and distinctive corkscrew twisted foliage in shades of dark green
    mounded, green-leaved begonia produces showy white flowers                                 the blossoms first opening lemon yellow and then transitioning to      its evergreen foliage. A longtime classic, now elevated to the            spirals out in all directions from a dense central crown. A whimsical
    held above the foliage for maximum flower power. Thrives in                                vibrant pink. Easy to design and mix with other medium vigor plants.   Proven Winners brand.                                                     accent plant for containers, landscapes and water gardens.
    both sun and shade.                                                                        • Large flowers on full, mounded plants                                • Variegated foliage appears brilliant yellow from a distance             • Often sold as a water plant, but also works well in
    • Self-cleaning flowers reduce the incidence of botrytis                                   • Changes color through the seasons as it reacts to varying            • Grows in moist soil or standing water up to 4" deep                       gardens with consistent irrigation
    • Thrives in a wide range of soils and climates                                               light levels and daylength                                          • Grow in 4.25 Grande™ and 1.0 Royale™ containers,                        • Selection of a native species
    • Grow in 4.25 Grande™ and 1.0 Royale™ containers,                                         • Screened for Thielaviopsis resistance                                   monocultures, landscapes and water gardens                             • Perennial in zones 5-9; evergreen in mild winters
      monocultures and landscapes                                                              • Grow in 4.25 Grande™ containers, hanging baskets,                    • 6-14" height; 10-12" spread                                             • Grow in 4.25 Grande™ and 1.0 Royale™ containers,
    • 12-24" height; 18-24" spread                                                                window boxes, recipes and monocultures                              • Part sun to sun; needs afternoon shade in climates                        recipes, monocultures, landscapes and water gardens
    • Sun or shade                                                                             • 6-12" height; 12-24" spread                                             with hot summers                                                       • 12-18" height; 16-20" spread
    • Vigor 4                                                                                  • Part sun to sun                                                      • Perennial in zones 5-11                                                 • Part sun to sun
                                                                                               • Vigor 2                                                              • Vigor 1                                                                 • Vigor 2
8      '**' = See our website for varietal denomination information at www.provenwinners.com                                                                                                                                                                                                                      9
2023                                                                                                                                                                               AROMANCE®
                                                                                    MUST                                                                                                                                    2023                                       Mulberry Nemesia
                                                                                    HAVE                                                                                                                                    MUST

 HAVE                                                                                                                                                      LUSCIOUS® Royale
                                                                                                                                                           LEMON TART™

                                                           Sweet Caroline UPSIDE™                                              Basket TANGELO™                                                                                             LAGUNA® Compact Blue
                                 Sweet Caroline UPSIDE™    Key Lime Ipomoea                                                    Lantana                                                                                                     with Eye Improved Lobelia
                                 BLACK COFFEE™ Ipomoea                                                                                                                                                                                                                             BRIGHT LIGHTS™ HORIZON™
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Sunset Osteospermum

   Sweet Caroline UPSIDE™ BLACK COFFEE™ Ipomoea batatas ‘**’ USPPAF CanPBRAF         LUSCIOUS® Basket TANGELO™                                                   LAGUNA® Compact Blue with Eye Improved                              BRIGHT LIGHTS™ HORIZON™ Sunset
   This new well-branched form of climbing Ipomoea quickly forms a robust            Lantana camara ‘** USPPAF CanPBRAF                                          Lobelia erinus ‘** USPPAF CanPBRAF                                  Osteospermum ‘**’ USPPAF CanPBRAF
   mass of deep burgundy purple, dissected foliage. A dramatic accent for            Created to shine in hanging baskets, this dynamic new                       This upgraded lobelia exhibits stronger color impact due to         Ideal for spring and fall hanging basket recipes, this mounded-
   baskets; presents well in Royale™ containers with trellis.                        mounded trailing lantana bears large clusters of vivid yellow               its larger, tightly packed, electric blue flowers with a bright     spreading Osteospermum dazzles with orange sherbet-colored
   • Best habit and branching of any climbing Ipomoea series on the market           flowers that transition into tropical coral colors. Exhibits                white eye. Bred for increased heat tolerance, it holds a            flowers with a lavender purple glow emanating from the center.
   • Use as a twining vine (recommended) or long trailing plant                      superb heat and humidity tolerance.                                         month longer in the summer heat.                                    • A new habit for Bright Lights, ideal for hanging basket recipes
   • Climbs/trails longer in the South where the growing                             • A new form of Lantana for our longstanding Luscious® series               • Improved densely branched habit full of flowers                   • Longer sales window due to increased heat tolerance
     season is warmer and longer                                                     • Versatile in hanging baskets and uprights as a filler and spiller         • Grow in 4.25 Grande™ containers, monocultures,                    • Grow in 4.25 Grande™ containers, hanging baskets,
   • Grow in 1.0 Royale™ containers with trellis, monocultures, in                   • Grow in 4.25 Grande™ and 1.0 Royale™ containers, baskets,                    baskets, window boxes and landscapes                                recipes, grab ‘n go pots, monocultures
     combination with other vigorous varieties, or in landscapes                        recipes, monocultures and landscapes                                     • 8-12" height; 10-12" spread                                       • 8-12" height; 10-18" spread
   • 36-72" height; 18-36" spread                                                    • 12-26" height; 12-24" spread                                              • Part sun to sun                                                   • Part sun to sun
   • Part sun to sun                                                                 • Full sun                                                                  • Vigor 2                                                           • Vigor 2
   • Vigor 4                                                                         • Vigor 2

   Sweet Caroline UPSIDE™ Key Lime Ipomoea batatas ‘**’ USPPAF CanPBRAF              LUSCIOUS® Royale LEMON TART™                                                AROMANCE® Mulberry Nemesia fruticans ‘**’ USPPAF CanPBRAF
   This new well-branched form of climbing Ipomoea quickly forms a                   Lantana camara ‘** USPPAF CanPBRAF                                          Intensely fragrant, rich plum-fuchsia and lavender bicolor blooms
   robust mass of bright chartreuse, dissected foliage. A dramatic accent            Replacing Luscious Bananarama , this new cultivar forms
                                                                                                        ®              ™                                         on bushy, upright plants appear early for use in spring recipes.
   for baskets; also presents well in Royale™ containers with trellis.               a more compact and polished, upright globe-shaped mound                     Withstands summer heat and rains admirably compared to
   • Best habit and branching of any climbing Ipomoea series on the market           covered in bright lemon yellow flowers. It shines as both                   common market varieties.
   • Use as a twining vine (recommended) or long trailing plant                      a monoculture and in recipes.                                               • Showy, scented blossoms have exceptional appeal at retail
   • Climbs/trails longer in the South where the growing season                      • Aligns well with all other Luscious Royale varieties                      • Sets no seed; no deadheading needed for continuous bloom
      is warmer and longer                                                             in its tidy habit                                                         • Grow in 4.25 Grande™ containers, color bowls, baskets,
   • Grow in 1.0 Royale™ containers with trellis, monocultures,                      • Grow in 4.25 Grande™ and 1.0 Royale™ containers,                             window boxes and landscapes
      in combination with other vigorous varieties, or in landscapes                   recipes, upright monocultures and landscapes                              • 10-18" height; 12-18" spread
   • 36-72" height; 18-36" spread                                                    • 12-26" height; 12-24" spread                                              • Part sun to sun
   • Part sun to sun                                                                 • Full sun                                                                  • Vigor 2
10 • Vigor 4                                                                         • Vigor 2                                                                                                                                                                                                           11
                                                           MUST                                                                                 2023
                                                           HAVE                                                                                 MUST
                                                               SUPERTUNIA MINI VISTA®
                                                               Midnight Petunia

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     ROCKIN’® Deep Purple
                                                                                   2023                                                                                                                                                                                              Improved Salvia
                                                                                   MUST                                                                             COLORBLAZE® MINI ME™
                                           SUPERTUNIA®                             HAVE                                           SUPERTUNIA MINI VISTA    ®        Watermelon Plectranthus
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            MOJAVE® Yellow
                                           Persimmon Petunia                                                                      Yellow Petunia                                                                                            Improved Portulaca
                                                                   SUPERTUNIA MINI VISTA®
                                                                   Scarlet Petunia

     SUPERTUNIA® Persimmon Petunia ‘**’ USPPAF CanPBRAF                             SUPERTUNIA MINI VISTA® Scarlet Petunia ‘**’ USPPAF CanPBRAF                COLORBLAZE® MINI ME™ Watermelon Plectranthus                        ROCKIN’® Deep Purple Improved Salvia ‘**’ USPPAF CanPBRAF
     A thrilling new color for Supertunia! Coral-orange blossoms                    A useful color addition to the Mini Vista line; perfect for creating       A new small but mighty form for ColorBlaze. Feathery                We’ve improved this popular salvia by giving it a more compact
     with a gold throat blanket this extra-vigorous selection all season            patriotic-themed, summer recipes. Scarlet red flowers bloom all            textured, watermelon red leaves edged in chartreuse                 and floriferous habit; now a good match for the top-selling
     without deadheading. Trailing habit; an ideal spiller for recipes.             season without deadheading on attractive globe-shaped plants.              grow vigorously to form a compact, highly branched plant            Rockin’ Fuchsia. Large, deep purple flowers with black calyxes
     • One of the most vigorous standard Supertunias                                • Durable petunia that tolerates adverse growing conditions                with no pinch or PGRs needed.                                       are a strong draw for pollinators.
     • Trailing habit with little height                                            • Pair with Supertunia Mini Vista White and Indigo or                      • Dwarf, lance leaf form perfect for smaller monos and recipes      • Darker flowers, stems and foliage give this improved
     • Perfect for creating long trailing baskets                                     Violet Star for patriotic recipes                                        • Excellent vigor compared to other dwarf forms in trials             selection a richer look
     • Grow in 4.25 Grande™ containers, baskets,                                    • Grow in 4.25 Grande™ and 1.0 Royale™ containers, recipes,                • Grow in 4.25 Grande™ containers, baskets, window boxes,           • Denser flower coverage draws in more buyers and bumblebees
       window boxes, recipes and landscapes                                           baskets, monocultures and landscapes                                       recipes, monocultures and landscapes                              • Grow in 4.25 Grande™ containers for early season sales
     • 4-8" height; 24-36" spread                                                   • 6-12" height; 18-24" spread                                              • 12-20" height; 10-18" spread                                        and 1.0 Royale™ containers for summer sales
     • Part sun to sun                                                              • Part sun to sun                                                          • Sun or shade                                                      • Now right-sized for recipes, also great for monocultures
     • Vigor 3                                                                      • Vigor 3                                                                  • Vigor 2                                                             and landscapes
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   • 24-36" height; 24-36" spread
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   • Full sun
     SUPERTUNIA MINI VISTA® Midnight Petunia ‘**’ USPPAF CanPBRAF                   SUPERTUNIA MINI VISTA® Yellow Petunia ‘**’ USPPAF CanPBRAF                 MOJAVE® Yellow Improved                                             • Vigor 4
     Finally, a near-black petunia that lives up to Supertunia standards!           Our very first yellow Mini Vista petunia! This strong growing              Portulaca umbraticola ‘**’ USPPAF CanPBRAF
     It’s loaded with flower power all season without deadheading                   cultivar bears clear yellow flowers on an attractive globe-shaped          An improved selection, offering greater color coverage due
     and its dense habit makes an exquisite Grande™ for retail.                     habit. A compact form loaded with flower power all season                  to larger, golden yellow flowers that open earlier in the
     • Durable petunia that tolerates adverse growing conditions                    without deadheading.                                                       morning and remain open until late in the day. A durable
     • Near-black to deep velvety purple flowers with a black eye                   • Durable petunia that tolerates adverse growing conditions                and captivating flowering succulent.
     • Grow in 4.25 Grande™ and 1.0 Royale™ containers,                             • Excellent heat tolerance exhibited in Florida trials                     • Fits the popular succulent trend, now with even showier flowers
         recipes, baskets, monocultures and landscapes                              • Grow in 4.25 Grande™ and 1.0 Royale™ containers, recipes,                • A foolproof plant for warm climates and poor, dry soils
     • 6-12" height; 18-24" spread                                                    baskets, monocultures and landscapes                                     • Grow in 4.25 Grande™ and 1.0 Royale™ containers,
     • Part sun to sun                                                              • 6-12" height; 18-24" spread                                                recipes, baskets, monocultures and landscapes
     • Vigor 3                                                                      • Part sun to sun                                                          • 4-8" height; 12-16" spread
                                                                                    • Vigor 3                                                                  • Full sun
                                                                                                                                                               • Vigor 2
12                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      13
New Proven accents for 2023

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Swedish Ivy
                                                                                                                WAIKIKI SUNSET®

        Hedera helix
                       Lysimachia                                                   ILLUSION®
                                                                                    PENNY LACE™
                                                                                                                                                              Big Leaf Creeping Wire Vine                                          ‘Purple Queen’
                                                                                                                                                              Muehlenbeckia                                                        Tradescantia

     Needlepoint Hedera helix                                             WAIKIKI SUNSET® Lysimachia congestiflora                              Big Leaf Creeping Wire Vine Muehlenbeckia complexa                    ‘Purple Queen’ Tradescantia pallida
     This finely textured ivy features dark green leaves with 3 to 5      This versatile spiller for sun and shade container recipes features   Looking for new spiller ideas? This unique trailing vine is similar   Purple continues to rank as the most popular color among
     sharply pointed lobes, including an elongated center lobe. Short     dynamic gold and green variegated foliage accented by occasional      to Vinca, but fuller with an airier texture. Use it in any medium     consumers, and this tropical purple trailer always sells.
     internodes keep the leaves tightly spaced on the trailing stems.     yellow blossoms that bring in the pollinators. Easy to grow and       vigor recipe for baskets or uprights in sun or part shade.            Elevate it in your lineup with Proven Winners branding
     • Attractive evergreen foliage                                       use in designs.                                                       • Uncommon in the trade, but deserves wider use                       for premium container recipes.
     • Easy to grow and drought tolerant                                  • Primarily grown as a fun foliage plant; yellow flowers              • Branding adds value to commodity spillers for premium recipes       • Deep saturated color all season
     • Deer and rabbit resistant                                            are a bonus                                                         • Grow in 4.25 Grande™ containers, baskets, recipes                   • Versatile in sun and shade
     • A classic spiller for containers                                   • Variegation shifts slightly with environmental conditions;          • 4-6" height; 18-24" spread; trails to 24"                           • Heat and drought tolerant
     • Grow in 4.25 Grande™ containers, recipes, baskets,                   occasionally accented with a hint of sunset orange                  • Part sun to sun                                                     • Deer resistant
        window boxes and topiaries                                        • Perennial in zones 7 and warmer                                     • Vigor 2                                                             • Grow in 4.25 Grande™ and 1.0 Royale™ containers,
     • 3-6" height; 10-14" spread                                         • Grow in 4.25 Grande™ containers, recipes, baskets,                                                                                          recipes, baskets and landscapes
     • Sun or shade                                                         window boxes and landscapes                                         Swedish Ivy Plectranthus coleoides variegata                          • 12-18" height; 12-24" spread; trails to 24"
     • Vigor 1                                                            • 2-10" height; 10-12" spread                                         This versatile, vigorous spiller for sun and part shade container     • Sun or shade
                                                                          • Sun or shade                                                        recipes features highly fragrant, variegated lime green foliage       • Vigor 3
     Goldilocks Lysimachia*                                               • Vigor 2                                                             with bright cream, scalloped edges. Easy to grow and
     This brilliant gold to chartreuse, trailing plant for container                                                                            eye-catching at retail.
     recipes retains its vivid coloring all season. Complements           ILLUSION® PENNY LACE™ Ipomoea batatas ‘**’ USPPAF CanPBRAF            • Keeps up with our most vigorous annuals in sun
     everything it’s paired with, from bright to pastel color palettes.   This improved cultivar features deeper red, highly dissected            and shade recipes
     • Strictly trailing habit; won’t take up extra space in a recipe     foliage and a more spherical, less trailing habit than its            • Cascading fountain-like habit
     • Deer resistant                                                     predecessor, Garnet Lace. Pairs beautifully with scarlet,             • Fragrant foliage is not favored by deer
     • A classic spiller for containers                                   orange, gold and white in recipes.                                    • Grow in 4.25 Grande™ containers, recipes, baskets
     • Grow in 4.25 Grande™ containers, recipes,                          • Highly branched, rounded habit with lacy textured foliage             and monocultures
       baskets and window boxes                                           • An essential container component                                    • 6-18" height; 18-30" spread
     • Not recommended for in-ground plantings                            • Grow in 4.25 Grande™ and 1.0 Royale™ containers,                    • Part sun to sun
     • 2-4" height; 12-14" spread; 24" trailing                              recipes, baskets, monocultures and landscapes                      • Vigor 4
     • Part sun to shade                                                  • 6-10" height; 24-36" spread
     • Vigor 3                                                            • Part sun to sun
14   * Not available to ship to CT, MA and NH.                            • Vigor 3                                                                                                                                                                                               15

                                                                                                                           Reduce Single Use Plastic!
              We entered the food market with our Proven Harvest® Collection
           with one simple goal in mind. We want to offer incredibly flavorful, high
           yielding, disease resistant food crops to a new generation of gardeners                                                 INTRODUCING THE NEW ECO+ GRANDE CONTAINER                                             ™

             that is eager to grow their own nutritious fruits, veggies and herbs.
                       Join us in supporting the healthy food movement.

                                                                                                                                                  100% MADE FROM PLANTS                                                      ECO+ GRANDE
            PEPPER POTS™ SUGAR KICK™                                          TEMPTING TOMATOES®
                                                                                                                                                            • COMPOSTABLE
            Capsicum annuum (Sugar)
            This sweet, crunchy snack
                                                                              ‘Garden Treasure Improved’
                                                                              Solanum lycopersicum                                                          • NO MORE PLASTIC WASTE!                                         CONTAINER
            pepper grows vigorously to                                        Improving on an exemplary tomato is
            produce 3" long, tapered, yellow                                  is tough, but this high yielding variety
            to orange fruits. Grow it in patio                                adds late blight resistance to its list                                                                                                        A GAME-CHANGING
            pots or in the garden where it
            exhibits good disease resistance.
                                                                              of accolades. Indeterminate slicer
                                                                              tomato with heirloom flavor, developed
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             COMPOSTABLE* POT
            20-30" height, 16-20" spread,                                     in Florida for exceptional heat tolerance.                                                                                                     MADE FROM PLANTS.
     NEW    full sun, vigor 2                                         NEW
                                                                              34-48" height, 12-20" spread,
                                                                              full sun, vigor 4
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                CONTACT YOUR PREFERRED
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              BROKER OR PROVEN WINNERS
            Dragon Tongue Bush Bean                                           TEMPTING TOMATOES®
            Phaseolus vulgaris                                                Patio Sunshine                                   PLANT NUTRIENTS                                                                                   ANNUALS PROPAGATOR TO
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      LEARN MORE TODAY!
            This tasty heirloom bush bean                                     Solanum lycopersicum                             BUILT INTO THE WALLS
            produces long, bright purple                                      One of our highest yielding
            streaked, yellow beans on 2-3' tall                               determinate patio tomatoes,                      OF THE CONTAINER
            plants. They can be picked young                                  producing 100+, bright yellow,
                                                                                                                              • NUTRIENTS ARE SUPPLIED                                                                         PULL TABS
            and eaten fresh or left to mature                                 1" round tomatoes early in the
            and harvest the shelled beans.                                    season on disease resistant                       TO THE PLANT DIRECTLY                                                                         • REMOVABLE TABS
                                                                              plants. Fruits have a mildly                      FROM THE CONTAINER                                                                              FACILITATE STRONG
            24" height, 12-18" spread,
     NEW    full sun, vigor 3                                         NEW     sweet, slightly acidic flavor.                  • HELPS CONSUMERS TO BE                                                                           ROOT DEVELOPMENT
                                                                              15-18" height, 18-20" spread,                     SUCCESSFUL ALL SEASON
                                                                              full sun, vigor 4

            TEMPTING TOMATOES® Bellini
            Solanum lycopersicum                                                                                                                               CAN BE PLANTED OR COMPOSTED
            This high sugar, low acid cocktail                                                                                                             • CAN BE PLANTED DIRECTLY         • CONTAINERS BREAK DOWN AND BECOME INERT,
            tomato has amazing flavor fresh                                                                                                                  INTO THE SOIL                     ORGANIC COMPOUNDS
            from the vine. Resistance to                                                                                                                   • EASE OF PLANTING IMPROVES       • NO MICRO-PLASTICS OR ADDITIONAL
            cracking and good disease
                                                                                                                           The Brand Gardeners Trust   ™
                                                                                                                                                             CONSUMER EXPERIENCE               WASTE BY-PRODUCTS
            resistance keeps the harvestable
            fruits coming all summer                                                                                                                                   ©2021 PROVEN WINNERS® ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.   *ASTM D6400 CERTIFIED INDUSTRIAL COMPOSTABLE
            on this indeterminate variety.
     NEW    34-48" height, 24-36" spread,
            full sun, vigor 4
                                                                                                                                        Contact your preferred Broker or Proven Winners annuals propagator to learn more today!

16                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 17

     GROW THE BEST CALADIUMS ON THE MARKET TODAY                                                                                                                           Calla Lilies
                When you need to yield premium quality crops of caladiums, it pays to start with the best genetics
            expertly produced using refined techniques. Led by world-renowned Caladium breeder Dr. Bob Hartman and
                backed by a team of skilled growers, you won’t find better quality caladiums on the market today.
            We make it easy for your planting crew by painting and de-eying every bulb we ship, resulting in predictably
                        strong crops every time. Choose from 28 versatile sun and shade tolerant cultivars.


                                                                                                                                                                          Left to right: BE MY® First Love Calla Lily, BE MY® Heart Calla Lily, BE MY® Princess Calla Lily,
                                                             Heartfelt Wonder –                                                                                            BE MY® Prince Calla Lily, BE MY® MAIN SQUEEZE™ Calla Lily and BE MY® Sunshine Calla Lily
     HEART TO HEART® ‘Snow Flurry’ USPP31569                 HEART TO HEART®
     Caladium hortulanum                                     ‘Scarlet Flame’ Caladium
     Sharply contrasting deep green and snowy white          HEART TO HEART®
                                                             ‘White Wonder’ Caladium              HEART TO HEART®
     tones set this eye-catching new fancy leaf caladium
     apart. It thrives in the shade where its large leaves
                                                                                                  ‘Scarlet Flame’ Caladium                                  classic beauty inside and out
     brighten up the landscape under tall tree canopies.     Caladiums for Christmas                                                                 Get ready to be wowed! These hand-selected, advanced calla genetics feature multiple benefits over traditional
     • Intermediate to taller, upright habit                 Poinsettias are a classic Christmas tradition, but not necessarily a profitable
     • Sprouts and finishes quickly in production                                                                                                 cultivars beginning with larger, bolder blooms in six unique, non-fading colors. Their blossoms appear for 9-12 weeks,
                                                             one for growers and retailers. Plus, they aren’t an easy or long-lasting plant
     • Bulbs come de-eyed and painted for quick              for consumers. Let’s start a new tradition – Heart to Heart® Christmas Caladiums.       and grower trials have shown good promise of continuous bloom which expands the opportunities to sell callas
        and easy planting                                                                                                                                in color throughout the year. Don’t waste time on weak callas. Be My calla bulbs are larger with a higher
                                                             With stunning foliage in perfect shades of red, white and green for the holidays,
     • Grow in 1QT, 6.5" or 8.5" containers,                                                                                                           eye count, which results in incredibly robust plants that fill a 6.5" container fully with multiple flower stems.
        window boxes, recipes, monocultures                  Christmas Caladiums offer a festive alternative that holiday decorators will love.
        and landscapes                                       These plants are far easier to care for than poinsettias, last longer through the            Be My calla lilies are ideal for gift market sales from spring to fall and can be sold as both an indoor
     • 15-20" height; 10-14" spread                          season, and will give consumers something new and exciting to decorate their                         décor item and for outdoor gardening. The flowers last up to two weeks once cut,
     • Part shade to shade                                   homes with this Christmas.
                                                                                                                                                                                         extending their use into the florist market.
     • Vigor 2                                               Our pilot program over the past two seasons has demonstrated strong demand
                                                             and sell-through for these plants. Contact your preferred broker today to learn
                                                             how you can start a new revenue stream with Heart to Heart Christmas
                                                             Caladiums this year.
18                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            19
     eZ Scapes Perennial Recipe Program                                                                                                                          ready for business
     What is an EZ Scape?
                                                                                                                        We’ve created EZ Scapes to simplify
                                                                                                                        the selling process for growers and
                                                                                                                        retailers, and to take the guesswork
                                                                                                                        out of how to pair perennials together
                                                                                                                        for home gardeners. Each EZ Scape
                                                                                                                        plan can be packaged and sold as a
                                                                                                                        set – as a rack program for growers
         CURATED                            PROVIDING                            PAIRED BY
                                                                                                                        or on endcaps at retail merchandized
         PERENNIAL                          FROST TO FROST                       SIMILAR
                                                                                                                        with available POP. Since the plans
         RECIPES                            GARDEN INTEREST                      GROWING NEEDS
                                                                                                                        are based on series and collections,
                                                                                                                        the specific plants used can be          Now in its twelfth year, our Proven Winners Perennials program led by Walters Gardens has never been more diverse and primed to
                                                                                                                        curated to fit your inventory.           meet growers’ and retailers’ needs. Three new genera are represented in this year’s Spring Preview – some of the 80 genera we are
                                                                                                                                                                 pursuing in our perennial hybridizing program. They were selected from over 35,000 seedlings that are evaluated in any given year,
     Benefits for Retailers                                          Benefits for Growers                                                                        bringing our total number of Proven Winners perennial varieties to 200.
                                                                                                                                                                 Walters Gardens has secured ample supply of all of your top-selling Proven Winners perennials and is continually expanding and
                                                                                                                                                                 upgrading their operations. Four acres of new greenhouse production space is being added this year for a total of twelve acres
                                                                                                                                                                 under cover. Field production has increased to 383 acres of bare root growing space. Perennial liners and bare root plants are
                                                                                                                                                                 shipped across North America year round. Find a Proven Winners perennial broker at provenwinners.com/professionals/brokers.

                                                                                                                                                                 New Proven Winners perennials for 2023

     n   Create colorful, long lasting displays by pairing           n   New product offering to boost your total perennial sales
         flowering and foliage plants                                n   Easily offered as a rack program with quick turnaround
     n   Focus on concepts as well as plants                         n   Picked by Collection/Series to allow flexibility in fulfilling orders
     n   Help customers make decisions on which perennials           n   Ship plants in color with those out of color
         pair well together
     n   Picked by collection/series to allow flexibility in         Point of purchase materials and flyers are available for the EZ Scapes                      2023                                                  2023                                              2023
         building and maintaining displays                           program. Contact your preferred Proven Winners broker or Walters Gardens                    MUST                                                  MUST                                              MUST
                                                                     sales representative to learn more and book your EZ Scapes order today.                     HAVE                                                  HAVE                                              HAVE
                                                         Browse this new mobile-friendly website to explore EZ Scape recipes that solve common                   MEANT TO BEE™ ‘Queen Nectarine’                       MEANT TO BEE™ ‘Royal Raspberry’                   ‘Darkside of the Moon’ Astilbe USPPAF CanPBRAF
                                                         issues homeowners face like deer pressure, clay soil, shade and more. Each recipe                       Agastache USPPAF CanPBRAF                             Agastache USPPAF CanPBRAF                         This thrilling new selection is the only Astilbe
                                                         combines three to four perennials that grow well together to create easy, elegant                       A profusion of sweet peach blossoms held by           Eye-catching rosy purple flowers with burgundy    on the market that combines dark chocolate
                                                         landscapes. Planting schematics and care information included with every design.                        mauve calyxes line the tall, sturdy stems of this     calyxes are produced in abundance on this full,   foliage with rich rosy purple flowers that burst
                                                         EZ Scapes were created with these principles in mind:                                                   full, upright Agastache from midsummer to early       upright Agastache from midsummer to early fall.   forth from raspberry red buds. The contrast is
                                                         n Multiple Seasons of Interest – providing color or textural interest throughout the season
                                                                                                                                                                 fall. A wonderful perennial for drawing pollinators   A deep purple cast on the foliage is a bonus in   striking in late summer. New foliage emerges
                                                                                                                                                                 near but keeping deer at bay. Members of this         spring. The perfect color for attracting          yellow with a dark margin and glossy sheen
                                                         n Successive Blooming – pairing perennials that bloom in succession
                                                                                                                                                                 new collection were selected for their large,         hummingbirds; use in patio-side plantings.        in spring before darkening up completely.
                                                         n Complementary Foliage – using plants with foliage interest to complement what’s in bloom
                                                                                                                                                                 robust habit, significant landscape presence          Members of this new collection were selected      Attractive foliage extends the sales window
                                                         n Similar Growing Conditions – matching up plants with similar cultural requirements                    and cold hardiness.                                   for their large, robust habit, significant        for this plant through the entire selling season.
                                                         This new program is brought to you by Walters Gardens, home of Proven Winners Perennials.               Height: 30-36" Spread: 32-36"                         landscape presence and cold hardiness.            Height: 28-34" Spread: 24-28"
                                                         Continually working to support consumers with The Brand Gardeners Trust.™                               Zones: 5-9 Exposure: Full sun                         Height: 28-32" Spread: 28-32"                     Zones 4-9 Exposure: Full sun to full shade
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Zones: 5-9 Exposure: Full sun

20                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           21
2023                                                                                                                                                                                                             2023
     MUST                                                                                                                                                                                                             MUST
     HAVE                                                                                                                                                                                                             HAVE

     CANDELIGHT ™ Coreopsis ‘**’ USPPAF CanPBRAF           FRUIT PUNCH® ‘Funky Fuchsia’                       COLOR CODED® ‘One in a Melon’                       ‘Bit of Honey’                                      DOLCE® ‘Frosted Berry’                                PRIMO® ‘Pistachio Ambrosia’
     This robust improvement over ‘Moonbeam’               Dianthus USPPAF CanPBRAF                           Echinacea USPPAF CanPBRAF                           Heliopsis helianthoides USPPAF CanPBRAF             Heuchera USPPAF CanPBRAF                              Heuchera USPPAF CanPBRAF
     features far greater resistance to powdery mildew,    Boasting some of the largest flowers of the        A new color addition to the series, this unique     We’re expanding our line of native cultivars that   A sport of our top-selling Dolce ‘Wildberry’, this    Replacing ‘Pretty Pistachio’ this year is this
     increased vigor and an extremely floriferous habit.   series, this new cultivar bears florist-quality,   cantaloupe melon colored coneflower bears huge      attract pollinators. This improved variegated       new selection forms a dense mound of very broad,      improved variety with a similar robust landscape
     Forms a full, upright vase-shaped clump of dark       1½ to 2" wide blossoms on strong stems in          5 to 5½” wide blossoms with horizontally held       Heliopsis forms a compact mound of consistently     5 to 6", silver leaves with charcoal veining.         presence and large, full habit but a greater
     green, threadleaf foliage covered in lemon yellow     early summer and early fall. The fully double,     and overlapping petals for maximum color effect.    patterned deep green and white foliage. Showy,      Newest leaves have a slight pink blush. Charcoal      resistance to burning and leaf discoloration.
     flowers from summer into fall. Easy to produce as     fragrant, fuchsia purple flowers are a unique      They are perched atop stout stems for months        large 3 to 3 ½", semi-double blossoms with          stems carry white flowers with rosy pink calyxes      Brightest chartreuse yellow foliage color will
     an annualized perennial; requires no vernalization    shade that is notably less red than similar        beginning in midsummer. Members of this series      multiple rows of golden yellow petals and a         in midsummer. A perfect match to ‘Wildberry’          come with filtered shade or morning sun. Light pink
     to bloom. Another terrific Coreopsis introduction     cultivars, offering new pairing possibilities      exhibit excellent basal branching and exceptional   gold cone appear from midsummer into early          in habit, leaf size and exceptional landscape         flowers on upright scapes add to this perennial’s
     from Darrell Probst.                                  in landscape designs. The glaucous blue-           flowering performance with large blossoms           fall. Also makes a great cut flower and             performance; also works beautifully in                appeal and draw in pollinators in midsummer.
     Height: 18-24" Spread: 30-36"                         green foliage is semi-evergreen.                   that open flat.                                     container component.                                container recipes.                                    Height: 10-12" Scape: 28-32" Spread: 28-32"
     Zones: 5-9 Exposure: Full sun                         Height: 8-10" Spread: 14-16"                       Height: 24-26" Spread: 18-20"                       Height: 24-28" Spread: 26-30"                       Height: 10-14" Scape: 26-28" Spread: 16-20"           Zones: 4-9 Exposure: Full shade to part shade
                                                           Zones 4-9 Exposure: Full sun to part sun           Zones 4-8 Exposure: Full sun to part sun            Zones: 4-9 Exposure: Full sun to part sun           Zones: 4-9 Exposure: Full sun to full shade

                                                           2023                                               2023                                                                                                                                                          2023
                                                           MUST                                               MUST                                                                                                                                                          MUST
                                                           HAVE                                               HAVE                                                                                                                                                          HAVE

     COLOR CODED® ‘The Fuchsia                             DOUBLE CODED™ ‘Butter Pecan’                       DOUBLE CODED™ ‘Raspberry Beret’                     DRESSED UP™ ‘Ball Gown’                             SUMMERIFIC® ‘Lilac Crush’                             SUMMERIFIC® ‘Valentine’s Crush’
     is Bright’ Echinacea USPPAF CanPBRAF                  Echinacea USPPAF CanPBRAF                          Echinacea USPPAF CanPBRAF                           Heuchera USPPAF CanPBRAF                            Hibiscus USPPAF CanPBRAF                              Hibiscus USPPAF CanPBRAF
     Another new color for the series, this selection      Soft honeydew melon, 4" wide, fully double         Intense raspberry pink, fully double, 4" wide       The second introduction in a new series             A color expansion for the series, this selection      Replacing long-standing favorite ‘Cranberry Crush’
     bears large 4½” wide, fuchsia pink flowers            blossoms with broad, horizontal ray petals         blossoms with slightly lighter pink ray petals      which features varieties selected for their         bears huge, 7 to 8" wide, lilac blossoms with         this year is this improved cultivar that has the
     with overlapping, horizontally held petals from       appear in abundance from midsummer through         appear in abundance from midsummer through          large, intensely ruffled leaves and excellent       thick, overlapping petals over the rich green         same upright columnar habit that looks so good
     midsummer to early fall. They are perched atop        late summer. Members of this new series are        late summer. Members of this new series are         landscape performance; a striking                   foliage from midsummer to early fall. The             in containers, but with an upgraded flowering
     dark stems which match the dark cones and make        selected for their prolific production of double   selected for their prolific production of double    complement to the near-black Dressed Up             flowers have cooler undertones in colder              performance. Brighter red, 7 to 8” wide flowers
     the vibrant flower color really pop. Members of       flowers atop low, wide, dense rosettes of deep     flowers atop low, wide, dense rosettes of deep      ‘Evening Gown’. Bright chartreuse yellow            temperatures. Like all ‘Crush’ cultivars, its habit   open fully and flat for best display, and the large,
     this series exhibit excellent basal branching and     green foliage, allowing for use along the front    green foliage, allowing for use along the front     leaves bear heavily scalloped, slightly             is upright and columnar with sturdy stems that        ovate leaves have a dark bronze cast when grown
     exceptional flowering performance with large          of the border. A perfect complement to our         of the border. A perfect complement to our          serrated margins and are topped with                resist lodging. Looks fantastic at retail and         in full sun. Delivers a strong garden performance
     blossoms that open flat.                              single-flowered Color Coded coneflowers.           single-flowered Color Coded coneflowers.            dense scapes of creamy white flowers                maintains its compact form in the landscape.          into early fall.
     Height: 20-22" Spread: 16-18"                         Height: 18-20" Spread: 16-18"                      Height: 18-20" Spread: 22-24"                       in midsummer.                                       Height: 5-5½' Spread: 4-4½'                           Height: 5' Spread: 3½'
     Zones 4-8 Exposure: Full sun to part sun              Zones 4-8 Exposure: Full sun to part sun           Zones 4-8 Exposure: Full sun to part sun            Height: 10-12" Scape: 26-30" Spread: 24-28"         Zones: 4-9 Exposure: Full sun to part sun             Zones: 4-9 Exposure: Full sun to part sun
                                                                                                                                                                  Zones: 4-9 Exposure: Full shade to part shade
22                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 23
2023                                                    2023
                                                                                                                                                                        MUST                                                    MUST
                                                                                                                                                                        HAVE                                                    HAVE

     SHADOWLAND® ‘Above the Clouds’                          SHADOWLAND® ‘Echo the Sun’                            SHADOWLAND® ‘Voices in                               PRAIRIE WINDS® ‘Niagara Falls’                          LUMINARY™ ‘Sunset Coral’                             ‘Pink-a-Blue’ Pulmonaria USPPAF CanPBRAF
     Hosta USPPAF CanPBRAF                                   Hosta USPPAF CanPBRAF                                 the Wind’ Hosta USPP33265 CanPBRAF                   Panicum virgatum USPPAF CanPBRAF                        Phlox paniculata USPPAF CanPBRAF                    This deer and rabbit resistant perennial is a
     This beautiful new addition to our hosta collection     Chartreuse sells, especially in shade plants,         This sophisticated blue-green and creamy             This interesting addition to our native Panicum         Expanding the color palette in the series, this new must-have for the shade garden and is one of the
     is a large, very thick-leafed, cloudy blue selection.   and this brilliant hosta has it in spades. In fact,   yellow variegated hosta will catch your              collection stands out from the crowd due to its         fragrant, coral pink flowered selection has a       first perennials to welcome pollinators back each
     Compared to ‘Diamond Lake’, its leaves have very        its yellow foliage brightens as the season            customers’ attention with its notably rippled        extra-wide, cascading, powder blue foliage.             notable orange tinge to the petals, especially when year. Pink buds open to mid-blue flowers in early
     smooth edges and take on cupped, puckered               progresses unlike many hostas of this type which      margins. It emerges in spring as an energetic        Though its strong stems are strictly upright, its       compared to true pink phlox. Luminary tall garden   spring, with both buds and blooms appearing at
     characteristics as the plant matures. Pale lavender     turn green in summer. Like ‘Diamond Lake’, this       mass of ruffled foliage, then matures into a         strappy blades arch like a waterfall, creating a        phlox are selected for their improved resistance to once. The robust mound of mildew resistant,
     flowers appear in midsummer on proportional             low, broadly mounded hosta has similar thick,         broad, stately mound, bringing terrific texture to   feeling of movement in the landscape. Masses            powdery mildew and ability to rebloom that keeps    narrow, dark green leaves with silver speckles
     scapes above the broadly mounded foliage. Pairs         wedge-shaped leaves with intensely rippled            the shade garden. Pale lavender flowers attract      of cream seed heads pack the top half of the            them in color from midsummer through late summer. brightens up the shade garden all season.
     perfectly with our ‘Crested Surf’ painted fern.         margins. Lavender flowers appear just above           pollinators from midsummer to late summer.           plant in the fall. Valued for its easy constitution     They are perfectly sized to shine in the middle     Height: 16-18" Spread: 22-24"
     Height: 25" Scape: 30-38" Spread: 54-60"                the foliage in midsummer.                             Height: 17" Scape: 24-29" Spread: 46"                and wildlife benefits.                                  of the border.                                      Zones: 3-9 Exposure: Part shade to full shade
     Zones 3-9 Exposure: Part shade to full shade            Height: 19" Scape: 18-27" Spread: 42-48"              Zones 3-9 Exposure: Part shade to full shade         Height: 4' Spread: 4'                                   Height: 30-32" Spread: 30-32"
                                                             Zones 3-9 Exposure: Part shade to full shade                                                               Zones: 4-9 Exposure: Full sun                           Zones: 3-8 Exposure: Full sun to part shade

                                                                                                                   2023                                                 2023                                                    2023
                                                                                                                   MUST                                                 MUST                                                    MUST
                                                                                                                   HAVE                                                 HAVE                                                    HAVE

     UPSCALE™ ‘Lavender Taffeta’                             UPSCALE™ ‘Pink Chenille’                              UPSCALE™ ‘Red Velvet’                                ROCK ‘N ROUND™ ‘Bright Idea’                            MAGIC SHOW® ‘Ever After’
     Monarda USPPAF CanPBRAF                                 Monarda USPPAF CanPBRAF                               Monarda USPPAF CanPBRAF                              Sedum USPPAF CanPBRAF                                   Veronica USPPAF CanPBRAF
     A new series of Monarda for Proven Winners              Large 3½", two-toned fluorescent and light pink       Standing taller than its companions in this new      This low maintenance sedum looks like the               This unique new cultivar produces some of the
     focused on taller hybrids with vibrant masses of        flowers lend a two-tone effect to this floriferous    series, this cherry red flowered selection bears     groundcover Sedum kamtschaticum with a key              longest flower scapes we’ve ever seen on a
     large flowers and excellent mildew resistance.          bee balm when it’s in bloom from midsummer            large blossoms that pollinators adore on the top     difference being its non-spreading, polished            Veronica, reaching nearly 12" in length. Icy blue
     ‘Lavender Taffeta’ bears dark lavender purple           through late summer. Though it is the shortest        half of the plant from midsummer through late        rounded mounding habit of deep green, serrated          spikes cover the top 2/3 of the plant over the
     flowers with speckled petals that cover the top         of the Upscale series, it is notably taller than      summer. The newly emerging and youngest              foliage. This tough perennial stays where you plant     glossy green, mounded foliage beginning in early
     half of the plant from midsummer through late           ‘Pardon My Pink’, standing about knee high.           leaves have a bronze cast which complements          it and thrives in hot, dry areas of the landscape       summer and lasting most of the summer. They
     summer. Spreads slowly to create a dense clump.         Its flowers cover the top half of the healthy,        the blossoms. The best red Monarda we’ve             or in troughs. Clusters of bright yellow, star-shaped   elongate for many weeks and shed the spent
     A must-have for every pollinator garden.                rich green foliage which spreads slowly to            trialed in years and a must-have for every           flowers held on red stems are a delight for             flowers cleanly as new ones open. Vernalization
     Height: 22-26" Spread: 28-30"                           create a dense clump.                                 perennial collection.                                pollinators in early to midsummer.                      is required for best flowering performance.
     Zones 4-8 Exposure: Full sun to part sun                Height: 20-22" Spread: 18-22"                         Height: 32" Spread: 36"                              Height: 10-12" Spread: 16-20"                           Height: 14-16" Spread: 16-20"
                                                             Zones 4-8 Exposure: Full sun to part sun              Zones 4-8 Exposure: Full sun to part sun             Zones: 3-9 Exposure: Full sun to part sun               Zones: 4-8 Exposure: Full sun to part sun

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     Heat Is On –
     Bulletproof Plants for Hot climates
     Whether you’re working with southern growers or expanding summer programs in more northern regions, our Heat Is On
     program will be a valuable asset for you. Our new plant development team has been ultra-focused on bringing more heat
     tolerant plants into our lineup that you can confidently recommend in warm climates like the Southeast, Florida and Texas.
     The Heat Is On program was created with the input from experts in the South including those on our trial team, at independent               ROCKIN’® Salvia series   UNPLUGGED® Salvia      WHIRLWIND® Scaevola    LEMON CORAL®            CATALINA® Torenia      CAKE POPS® Verbena
     trial locations, and lifelong plantsmen like Norman Winter. These varieties have been proven to be virtually bulletproof in the                                      series                 series                 Sedum                   series                 series
     southern heat. Expect this program to grow as additional trial results come in and new varieties are introduced.                            Perennials

                                                                                                                                                 ‘String Theory’          FALL IN LOVE™ ‘Sweetly’ DECADENCE® Baptisia   COLOR CODED®            RAINBOW RHYTHM®        SUMMERIFIC® Hibiscus
                                                                                                                                                 Amsonia                  Anemone                 series                Echinacea series        Hemerocallis series    series
     ANGELFACE® Angelonia   SUREFIRE® Begonia    HEART TO HEART®        LADYBIRD®               TOUCAN® Canna series     FAIRY DUST® Pink
     series                 series               Caladium series        Calylophus series                                Cuphea

                                                                                                                                                 SHADOWLAND® Hosta        PYROMANIA® Kniphofia Leading Lady Monarda     ‘Midnight Masquerade’   ‘Denim ‘n Lace Perovskia LUMINARY™ Phlox
     VERMILLIONAIRE®        GRACEFUL GRASSES®    DIAMOND Euphorbia       BLUE MY MIND®          HEAT IT UP® Gaillardia   TRUFFULA™ Pink          series                   series               series                   Penstemon                                        series
     Cuphea                 TUT Cyperus series   series                  Evolvulus series       series                   Gomphrena               Shrubs

     SUNCREDIBLE®           AUGUSTA® Lavender    HIPPO® Hypoestes series Sweet Caroline Ipomoea SAFARI™ Jamesbrittenia   LUSCIOUS® Lantana       PERFECTO MUNDO®          PUGSTER® Buddleia      DOUBLE TAKE®           PARAPLU® Hibiscus       LIMELIGHT PRIME®       SCENTLANDIA®
     Helianthus series      Heliotropium                                 series                 series                   series                  Azalea series            series                 Chaenomeles series     series                  Hydrangea paniculata   Itea

     SUNSTAR® Pentas series GRACEFUL GRASSES®    SUPERTUNIA VISTA®      COLORBLAZE®             MOJAVE® Portulaca        MACHU™ Morado Ruellia   CENTER STAGE®            JAZZ HANDS®            AT LAST® Rosa          DOUBLE PLAY® CANDY      YIN® and YANG®         BLUE DIDDLEY® Vitex
26                          Pennisetum series    Petunia series         Plectranthus (Coleus)   series                                           Lagerstroemia series     Loropetalum series                            CORN® Spiraea           Viburnum                                      27
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