A Right to Safety - THE NEXT PHASE OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA'S WOMEN'S SAFETY STRATEGY 2011-2022 - Respectful Relationships
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A Right to Safety art2:Layout 1 28/11/11 12:48 PM Page 1 THE NEXT PHASE OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA’S WOMEN’S SAFETY STRATEGY 2011-2022 A Right to Safety
A Right to Safety art2:Layout 1 28/11/11 12:48 PM Page 2 A Right to SAfety defineS violence AgAinSt women AS A humAn RightS iSSue And uSeS the united nAtionS convention on the eliminAtion of All foRmS of violence AgAinSt women [1993] definition of violence AgAinSt women AS followS: Any Act of gendeR-bASed violence thAt ReSultS in, oR iS likely to ReSult in phySicAl, SexuAl oR pSychologicAl hARm oR SuffeRing to women, including thReAtS of Such ActS, coeRcion oR ARbitRARy depRivAtion of libeRty, whetheR occuRRing in public oR pRivAte life. The Office for Women acknowledges that we are on Kaurna land and pays respect to the traditional owners of this land. All women and children and indeed ⟁ the whole community have the right to live safely, free from all forms of violence.
A Right to Safety art2:Layout 1 28/11/11 12:49 PM Page 3 ➻ pRemieR ’ S StAtement ➹ t oo many women suffer from violence in our community. At a time when we encourage our girls and young women to have the highest ambitions and aspirations, women’s lives continue to be lost and damaged through violence. It deeply affects women who experience and fear it, and hurts their children, families and communities. It can and must stop. For this to happen, violence against women must be everybody’s business – to change our attitudes and culture across the community. But as a State Government, we have a special responsibility. That is why we have released this Strategy, A Right to Safety. It builds upon on the reforms undertaken through the Women’s Safety Strategy to improve our legislation and services and to strengthen community understanding of the effects of violence against women. It has also has a stronger focus on early intervention and prevention – to stop this violence from occurring in the first place. Our Government will work to ensure that all South Australians can live free from the fear and suffering that violence causes. And I have made a personal Hon Jay Weatherill MP commitment as a White Ribbon Ambassador to never Premier of South Australia commit, excuse or remain silent about violence against women. I encourage all South Australians to do the same – so that our women, young and old, can live with confidence in their own safety. ⟋ 1
A Right to Safety art2:Layout 1 28/11/11 12:49 PM Page 4 ➻ miniSteR ’ S StAtement ➹ v iolence against women is unacceptable. It is a consequence of continuing inequality between women and men, and it is also a barrier to achieving equality. As Minister for the Status for Women, I am committed to working with our partners to ensure that all women in South Australia can live safely and free from violence. Violence against women has been present in our communities for a long time and is sadly embedded in some of our attitudes, behaviours, and social structures. Many incidents of violence are still ignored or go unreported because they are deemed to be a ‘private matter’. Government reforms to date have been focused on strengthening our legislation and services so that women receive a timely and respectful response. They also aim to increase awareness that responding to violence against women involves the whole community. The first Women’s Safety Strategy achievements are outlined in this publication, and include the establishment of the Family Safety Framework and the reform of South Australia’s domestic violence and rape and sexual assault laws. Our new Strategy, A Right To Safety, reaffirms our continuing commitment to these reforms while also focusing on addressing the factors that contribute to violence against women, such as unequal power relationships between women and men, gender stereotyping and discrimination. Respect for women is a fundamental and essential starting point for this work, in order to effect a cultural Hon Gail Gago MLC change in attitudes which in turn will effect a change Minister for the Status for Women in behaviour. ⟁ 2
A Right to Safety art2:Layout 1 28/11/11 12:49 PM Page 5 ➻ intRoduction ➹ v iolence against women is prevalent, serious and preventable. Women experience this violence in public places, at work and at home and it has a profound and devastating effect on the women themselves, their children and families and violence are provided in a more structured and systematic way, through agencies sharing information about high risk families and taking responsibility for supporting these families to navigate the service system. The Family Safety the whole community. Framework [FSF] has been developed and implemented in 11 regions across South Australia. As part of its commitment to a safer community, the ⟷ Sustainable Economic Futures South Australian Government released the Women’s Safety Strategy in 2005 outlining its vision to reduce A research project to identify and document violence against women through a more strategic and barriers and supports for women living in comprehensive approach. situations of domestic violence whilst working or seeking employment. Through this Strategy significant reforms have been implemented encompassing early intervention and community awareness initiatives, law reform and system improvements. These include: ➻ A Right to Safety defines violence ⟷ Don’t Cross the Line against women as a human rights issue An anti-violence community awareness campaign. In addition to the media campaign, community and used the united nations convention groups have been funded to undertake education on the elimination of all forms of and awareness raising with groups of young people. violence against women [1993] definition ⟷ The Focus Schools Program of violence against women as follows: Builds on the success of the Share Project Any act of gender-based violence that [2003-2005] aiming to improve the sexual health, safety and wellbeing of young South Australians. results in, or is likely to result in A significant component of the program focuses physical, sexual or psychological harm or on respectful relationships. suffering to women, including threats of ⟷ Family Safety Framework A strategic and pro-active way of addressing such acts, coercion or arbitrary domestic violence in South Australia. It aims to deprivation of liberty, whether occurring ensure that services to the families most at risk of in public or private life. ➹ ⟋ 3
A Right to Safety art2:Layout 1 28/11/11 12:49 PM Page 6 ➻ intRoduction ➹ ⟷ South Australia Police [SAPOL] domestic The reforms improve the response of the criminal violence strategy justice system to rape, sexual assault and An overarching corporate framework which domestic violence. provides the foundation and sets a clear direction ⟷ Establishment of a position in the for SAPOL’s response to domestic and Aboriginal Coroner’s Office family violence. SAPOL has also developed a To research and investigate domestic violence domestic violence policing response and related deaths. investigation approach which aims to improve safety for victims and hold perpetrators Women’s Safety Strategy reforms accountable. The companion document Women’s Safety Strategy ⟷ Reform of rape and sexual assault Achievements Report 2005-2010 provides more and domestic violence legislation information about the iniatives shown below and Provides greater protection to victims and holds illustrates the extension of the reform agenda. perpetrators of violence more accountable. pRevention SignificAnt 2008 Don’t Cross the Line public Awareness Campaign And SuStAined 2005 Community 2009 Community Education Reduction in Education Grants Grants violence AgAinSt and support for key 2010 Prevention activities women events with specific sectors 2011 SASP Target White Ribbon Day System improvement lAw RefoRm 2006 Family Safety Framework 2008 Rape and Sexual Assault 2009 Domestic and Aboriginal 2009 Domestic Violence Family Violence Sector Reform Intervention Orders including Staying Home, Staying [Prevention of Abuse] 2009 Safe 2010 Integrated Response Model including the Abuse Prevention Program 2011 Coroners Position ⟁ 4
A Right to Safety art2:Layout 1 28/11/11 12:49 PM Page 7 ➻ c ontinuing the RefoRm AgendA And focuSing on pReventio n ➹ A Right to Safety outlines the next phase of Men who do not perpetrate violence against women our work to reduce violence against have a positive role to play in ending such violence, women through the continuation and through shaping the attitudes and behaviours of embedding of these reforms while also children and other men, including peers, colleagues focusing our efforts on the prevention of violence and friends. against women. A Right to Safety recognises that violence against women is a human rights issue and outlines South Australia’s commitment to the National the weatherill labor government Plan to Reduce Violence Against Women and believes that: their Children. VicHealths Preventing Violence Before It Occurs – ➻ All forms of violence against A Framework and Background Paper to Guide the women are unacceptable. Primary Prevention of Violence against Women in Victoria1 found broad international agreement that ➻ All forms of violence including the the key drivers of violence against women are: threat of violence against women ⟷ unequal power relations between women and men are fundamental violations of ⟷ adherence to rigid gender stereotypes human rights. ⟷ broader cultures of violence. ➻ women have the right to be safe Preventing violence against women requires changes in culture, society and social norms and involves from violence and to live free everyone. Working with men is a critical part of this from the fear of violence. work. While most men do not perpetrate violence against women, violence against women is ➻ women have the right to live in a perpetrated predominately by men. safe community that promotes and supports their health and well-being. 1 VicHealth, 2007. ⟋ 5
A Right to Safety art2:Layout 1 28/11/11 12:49 PM Page 8 ➻ c ontinuing the RefoRm AgendA And focuSing on pReventio n ➹ Women and the women’s movement in particular In this work our decisions will continue to be have led the prevention of violence against women for guided by: many decades. They have provided the leadership ⟷ The safety, health and wellbeing of women, and direction for significant social change and have children and young people subjected to violence dedicated their skills, time and resources to ending must be the first priority in every response. violence against women. ⟷ Violence against women requires a range of A Right to Safety aims to support men and boys to responses that recognise women’s diversity, play a more significant role in preventing violence unique backgrounds and experiences. against women to complement and strengthen the ⟷ Those who use violence against women must leadership women have provided to date. accept responsibility for their acts. ⟷ The promotion of gender and racial equity and the Preventing violence against women recognises that importance of challenging negative stereotypes just as violence against women is a consequence of based on disability, sexuality or ethnicity underpin continuing inequality between men and women, it is all responses to violence against women. also a barrier to achieving equality. The tools available to affect change in gender equality are therefore ⟷ The prevention of violence against women integrally relevant to tackling violence against women. requires strong government and community As a result A Right to Safety outlines South Australian leadership and commitment. initiatives to address gender inequality through ⟷ Acts of criminal violence against women must be increasing women’s participation in the workforce, in treated as such. leadership roles and ensuring that government ⟷ Responses to violence against Aboriginal2 women policies and programs are informed by gender will acknowledge the legacy of past failures and analysis. the need for new collaborative approaches to preventing violence against Aboriginal women. ⟷ Services and support for women living in regional and remote communities are addressed in the development of initiatives and programs. ⟷ Programs developed to respond to violence against women should be evidence based and subject to continuous quality evaluation. 2 The term Aboriginal is used to refer to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in South Australia. ⟁ 6
A Right to Safety art2:Layout 1 28/11/11 12:49 PM Page 9 ➻ c ontinuing the RefoRm AgendA And focuSing on pReventio n ➹ Responses to Aboriginal women will recognise: ⟷ The right to be free of family violence and live in a safe environment. ⟷ Responses to family violence need to recognise the diversity across Aboriginal communities. ⟷ Locally based ‘Whole of Community’ ownership of issues and solutions. ⟷ Community development approaches at the core of planning and implementation. ⟷ Partnership building between governments and communities and across portfolios. ⟷ Holistic approaches when identifying and responding to family violence. ⟷ Restoration of community harmony through cultural, spiritual and social healing. ⟷ Recognition of our shared history and the impact of past practices. ⟋ 7
A Right to Safety art2:Layout 1 28/11/11 12:49 PM Page 10 ➻ c ontinuing the RefoRm AgendA And focuSing on pReventio n ➹ The National Plan to Reduce Violence Against ⟷ Violence against women and their children was Women and their Children3 outlines that: estimated to cost the Australian economy ⟷ “...nearly all Australians [98 per cent] recognise $13.6 billion in 2008-09. Without appropriate that violence against women and their children action to address this issue, an estimated three- is a crime,4” the prevalence of violence quarters of a million Australian women will against women, however, continues to be experience and report violence in the period of unacceptably high. 2021-22, costing the Australian economy an ⟷ The Australian Bureau of Statistics Personal estimated $15.6 billion.9 Safety Survey released in 2006 reported that one in three Australian women have experienced 3 Council of Australian Governments, 2011. 4 VicHealth, 2009. physical violence since the age of 15, and almost 5 Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2006. one in five have experienced sexual violence. 6 Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2006. 7 Indigenous is the term used in this report to refer to Aboriginal women according to the Australian Bureau of Statistics,5 and girls. 8 Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, 2006. In 2005, over 350,000 women experienced 9 KPMG, 2009. physical violence and over 125,000 women experienced sexual violence.6 ⟷ The Australian Institute of Health and Welfare reported in 2006 that Indigenous7 women and girls are 35 times more likely to be hospitalised due to family violence related assaults than other Australian women and girls.8 Reported in a study commissioned by the Commonwealth Government in 2009. ⟁ 8
A Right to Safety art2:Layout 1 28/11/11 12:49 PM Page 11 ➻ linkAgeS ➹ i n t e R nAtionAl accountable for their actions, while also working to prevent violence against women in the longer term. Under the United Nation’s Convention for the A Right to Safety outlines the reforms we will drive as Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against part of our commitment. Women [CEDAW], Australian governments have an international legal requirement to take: Recognising that violence against women does not occur in isolation from other issues faced by women, “All appropriate measures [to] modify the social their children, families and communities; linkages with and cultural patterns of conduct of women and other COAG reform agendas will be strengthened. men, with a view to achieving the elimination of prejudices and all other practices which are Key linkages include: based on the idea of the inferiority or the ⟷ National Partnership Agreement on superiority of either of the sexes or on Homelessness stereotyped roles for women and men”. Recognising the significant interaction between women’s homelessness and domestic violence. A Right to Safety responds directly and systematically ⟷ Protecting Children is Everyone's Business to this obligation. National Framework for Protecting Australia's Children 2009–2020. n A t i o nAl This framework is aimed at reducing child abuse The National Plan to Reduce Violence Against and neglect in Australia over time. Women and their Children released in February 2011 ⟷ Closing the Gap on Indigenous Disadvantage following endorsement from the Council of Australian Working to reduce the gap in life expectancy and Governments [COAG] brings together government life opportunities between Indigenous and non efforts across the nation to make a real and sustained Indigenous Australians. reduction in the levels of violence against women. ⟷ National Health Reform The National Plan is underpinned by the belief that Working with the health sector through doctors, involving all governments and the wider community is nurses, specialist and allied staff as they are often necessary to reducing violence against women. an early point of contact for women who have experienced domestic or Aboriginal family Consistent with A Right to Safety, the National Plan violence or sexual assault. directs efforts to ensure our responses to victims reflect best practice and that perpetrators are held ⟋ 9
A Right to Safety art2:Layout 1 28/11/11 12:49 PM Page 12 ➻ linkAgeS ➹ S o u t h AuStRAliA Legislative and policy changes including: South Australia’s Strategic Plan [SASP] 2011 drives ⟷ Amendments to sexual assault rules of evidence performance across government and the community. and rape and sexual assault legislation through It outlines a future shaped by choice, not chance and the Criminal Law Consolidation [Rape and Sexual expresses South Australia’s values and priorities. Offences] Bill 2008 and Statutes Amendment [Evidence and Procedure] Bill 2007. The plan includes a specific target to ⟷ Amendments to the Victims of Crime Act 2001 reduce violence against women. including the establishment of the Commissioner ⟳ Target 18: Violence against women for Victims Rights. A significant and sustained reduction in violence ⟷ The passing and enacting of the Intervention against women through to 2022. Orders [Prevention of Abuse] Act 2009. ⟷ South Australia Police’s Domestic Violence The inclusion of this target in the Plan acknowledges that responding to and preventing violence against Strategy. women is complex and requires whole of government and community involvement. This work involves Policies that aim to reduce gender response agencies such as sexual assault services, inequity such as: women’s domestic and Aboriginal family violence ⟷ South Australia’s Strategic Plan [SASP] services, police, courts, corrections, health, housing Commitment to sex disaggregated data to report and child protection. It also involves policies and on key targets. agencies that contribute to the prevention of violence against women through cultural and attitudinal change regarding discrimination and inequity; to empower women; and to promote non-violent and equitable communities and organisations. As a result A Right to Safety is supported by: ⟷ Anti discrimination legislation such as the South Australian Equal Opportunity Act 1984 and the role of the Commissioner for Equal Opportunity 10 Indigenous is the term used in this document to refer to Aboriginal people. ⟁ 10
A Right to Safety art2:Layout 1 28/11/11 12:49 PM Page 13 ➻ linkAgeS ➹ SASP targets to improve women’s ⟷ Women at Work which aims to encourage women participation in leadership roles to access training in high-demand, high growth, ⟳ Target 30: Boards and committees non-traditional industries, such as mining, defence and construction. Increase the number of women on all State Government boards and committees to 50% on ⟷ South Australia’s Women’s Health Policy and average by 2014, and maintain thereafter by Action Plan 2010 - 2011. ensuring that 50% of women are appointed, on ⟷ Policies to promote Aboriginal health and average, each quarter. wellbeing such as the Aboriginal Health Care Plan 2010 – 2016. ⟳ Target 31: Chairs of boards and committees ⟷ Policies addressing disadvantage, and promoting Increase the number of women chairing State Government boards and committees to 50% diversity and inclusion, such as Keeping Them by 2014. Safe, the South Australian Government's program to reform child protection services and systems; SASP targets to improve women’s youthconnect South Australia’s Youth Strategy 2010-2014; and South Australia’s Homelessness participation in employment Strategy 2009 - 2013. ⟳ Target 52: Women Have women comprising half of the public sector employees in the executive levels [including Chief Executives] by 2014 and maintain thereafter. ⟳ Target 13: Work-life balance Improve the quality of life of all South Australians through maintenance of a healthy work-life balance. ⟋ 11
A Right to Safety art2:Layout 1 28/11/11 12:49 PM Page 14 ➻ ouR AppRoAch ➹ p A R t neRing with the community Alliance Network Recognising the impact of violence against women UN Women on the whole community, this network, modelled on In July 2010, the United Nations General Assembly South Australia’s Strategic Plan Alliance Network, will created UN Women, the United Nations Entity for seek to engage non-government and private sector Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women. organisations to sign-up to A Right to Safety. In Over many decades, the UN has made significant signing up, organisations will outline the way in which progress in advancing gender equality including they will contribute to reducing violence against through landmark agreements such as the Beijing women. Declaration and Platform for Action and the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Supporting Regional Collaboration Discrimination Against Women [CEDAW]. Violence Against Women Regional Collaborations will be established across South Australia to support and Gender equality is not only a basic human right, but bring together service providers, advocates and its achievement has enormous socio-economic interested organisations to develop regional ramifications. Empowering women fuels thriving approaches to respond to and prevent violence economies, spurring productivity and growth. against women. These collaborations will support South Australia is partnering with UN Women on its organisations to prioritise issues on violence against Towards Universal Access: Emergency Services for women through the development of Regional Responding to Violence against Women and Girls. Alliance Plans. This initiative aims to achieve universal access for all women and girls who have experienced gender- based violence to a core set of emergency and immediate services. ⟁ 12
A Right to Safety art2:Layout 1 28/11/11 12:49 PM Page 15 ➻ ouR AppRoAch ➹ w i t h And foR eveRyone Incorporating diversity and inclusion Violence against women occurs across the South The Role of Men and Boys Australian community, however, some groups are less Most men do not use violence towards women. likely to be reached by whole-of-population Recognising this A Right to Safety seeks to engage strategies; have limited access to services or settings non-violent men in ending violence against women, and and/or have specific needs that ‘general’ strategies shaping the attitudes and behaviours of children and do not account for. Additionally, the women in these other men, including peers, colleagues and friends. groups are often at increased risk of violence. Children and young people A Right to Safety aims to prevent and respond to violence against all women, including those who are A Right to Safety recognises that women can marginalised or in hard-to-reach groups. We will experience violence across their lifespan. Many ensure that all our strategies incorporate diversity and attitudes, beliefs and behaviours are formed in consider the needs of different groups. childhood and adolescence, and this is a crucial time to educate and build skills around gender equality For example, the issues relating to violence against and respectful relationships. older women must be viewed in the context of an ageing population and shifting family relationships. A Right to Safety also recognises that physical abuse, Similarly, where children and young people are the emotional maltreatment, neglect, sexual abuse and target groups, it is important that adults and community witnessing family violence are forms of child abuse leaders provide guidance and positive role modelling. and neglect. In April 2009, COAG endorsed Protecting Children is Everyone's Business - National A Right to Safety recognises the high incidence of Framework for Protecting Australia's Children 2009 - violence experienced by Aboriginal women and their 2020. This framework is aimed at reducing child children, and aims to focus on ways to strengthen abuse and neglect in Australia over time. A Right to communities to prevent violence. A Right to Safety Safety will work together with South Australia’s recognises the role of the annual State Aboriginal response to Protecting Children is Everyone's Women’s Gathering and will utilise these Gatherings Business - National Framework for Protecting as key strategies to engage, support the rights of Australia's Children 2009 - 2020 to bring about Aboriginal people and ensure that solutions are positive change for women and their children appropriate for specific local circumstances. experiencing violence. ⟋ 13
A Right to Safety art2:Layout 1 28/11/11 12:49 PM Page 16 ➻ ouR AppRoAch ➹ Through the State Aboriginal Women’s Gathering we Refugee and immigrant women can face language recognise the importance of communities creating and cultural barriers to accessing services or and building their own solutions to prevent violence. strategies. They are also more likely to be killed as a We will support this by encouraging women to have a result of family violence.11 stronger voice as community leaders, providing Same-sex attracted women experience both sexist leadership opportunities for Aboriginal women and and homophobic violence, discrimination and supporting Aboriginal men to reject violence. stereotyping. Some of the ‘contributing factors’ to Women with disabilities experience violence at a violence against women [around unequal power and significantly higher rate, and in different forms, than gender stereotyping] are shared in part with those for other women, and they have greater difficulty in homophobic violence. To be effective, prevention accessing support services. Women and girls with strategies need to examine issues of gender and disabilities also experience challenges to leadership power, and explicitly challenge homophobia and and skill development based on gender and disability gender stereotyping. discrimination. ➻ ouR fRAmewoRk foR Action ➹ Target Chief Executive’s Group A significant and sustained reduction in violence This Group chaired by the Minister for the Status for against women through to 2022. Women is responsible for: Strengthening the capacity of agencies to respond to New Governance Arrangements the needs of women who experience violence and New governance arrangements are aimed at ensuring those at risk through improving existing service high level leadership and a strategic perspective provision and developing ‘joined up’ service provision through a team of State Government Chief across agencies where appropriate and practical. Executives. 11 Dimopoulos, D & Assafiri, H, 2004. ⟁ 14
A Right to Safety art2:Layout 1 28/11/11 12:49 PM Page 17 ➻ ouR fRAmewoRk foR Action ➹ Identifying opportunities to promote A Right to Safety to Reduce Violence Against Women and their priorities through the national reform agenda and Children and its supporting three-year Action Plans. through significant state level policy vehicles and The Chief Executives group will be supported by four strategies, and industry in the state. working groups aligned with our key directions. Advancing A Right to Safety objectives through Membership will include non government organisations strategic engagement and partnerships with and networks and government agencies. Commonwealth Government agencies and with These new governance arrangements complement state-level strategic leadership mechanisms. the involvement of existing partners and the building Developing future strategic directions and priorities for of new alliances through the Alliance Network and A Right to Safety, having regard to the National Plan violence against women regional collaborations. miniSteR foR the StAtuS of women chief executive gRoup woRking gRoupS: Prevention AlliAnce Provision netwoRk Protection Perfomance violence AgAinSt women RegionAl collAboRAtionS ⟋ 15
A Right to Safety art2:Layout 1 28/11/11 12:49 PM Page 18 ➻ ouR fRAmewoRk foR Action ➹ Our Actions: commitment to work with the Commonwealth, State Building on our strong foundation and Territory Governments on national priority projects through the National Plan to Reduce A Right to Safety focuses on continuing our reforms Violence Against Women and their Children. Actions and building on the current work being undertaken on aimed at strengthening Aboriginal communities are the prevention of violence against women. It also included across all of our key directions. outlines the South Australian Government’s ➻ A Right to SAfety key diRectionS ➹ pRevention pRoviSion pRotection peRfoRmAnce outcome 3: CROSS CUTTING ISSUE: Aboriginal communities are strengthened nAtionAl plAn outcome 4: outcome 5: foundAtionS foR outcomeS Services meet the Justice responses chAnge: StRengthen needs of women are effective woRkfoRce; outcome 1: experiencing violence, and their integRAte SyStemS Communities are children outcome 6: And ShARe safe and free from infoRmAtion impRove Perpetrators stop violence their violence the evidence bASe; and are held outcome 2: to account tRAck peRfoRmAnce Relationships are respectful ⟁ 16
A Right to Safety art2:Layout 1 28/11/11 12:49 PM Page 19 ➻ ouR fRAmewoRk foR Action ➹ Key Directions 1 1.2 pRevention Promote respectful relationships ` The prevention of violence against women includes any law, policy, program or activity ⟷ Build on young people’s skills to develop aimed at reducing the level, fear or impact of respectful relationships. violence against women or changing community ⟷ Increase awareness of, and education on, perceptions of violence against women. Prevention is cyber-safety issues. about stopping violence before it occurs. This ⟷ Encourage broader societal and cultural change involves changing the social and cultural conditions that promotes respectful relationships. that support violence against women to occur. ⟷ Actively engage men to promote gender equality Outcome and to speak out against violence. ⟷ Women are safe and free from violence in 1.3 Promote gender equality South Australia. ⟷ Improve gender sensitive policy development Actions processes across government. 1.1 Promote and support South Australian ⟷ Improve women’s economic participation and communities to not tolerate violence independence. against women ⟷ Encourage schools, community, sporting and ⟷ Develop workplace measures to support women experiencing and escaping from domestic business groups to prevent, respond to, and violence. speak out against violence. ⟷ Build primary prevention into the work of school, ⟷ Improve the participation of women, in particular Aboriginal women, in leadership positions. community agencies, sporting groups, local government and business groups. ⟷ Build and support legal literacy among migrants ⟷ Change community attitudes and behaviours and refugees on Australian law and gender equality principles. through the Don’t Cross the Line campaign. ⟷ Promote positive media representations of women. ⟋ 17
A Right to Safety art2:Layout 1 28/11/11 12:49 PM Page 20 ➻ ouR fRAmewoRk foR Action ➹ 2 SeRvice pRoviSion 2.2 across the service system Ensure women are supported There are numerous government, non- government and community services available ⟷ Reduce the need for victims to retell their story for women who have experienced violence. through improved information sharing and They provide assistance and support for women to integrated case management. move forward in their lives and reflect the diversity of ⟷ Extend the use of best practice risk assessment women’s experiences and circumstances with a and management frameworks to identify and range of options. respond to violence against women. ⟷ Improve and expand cross-agency support for Outcome women and children to remain safely in their ⟷ Services meet the needs of women experiencing homes and communities while the perpetrator is violence, and their children, through joined up removed. services and systems. ⟷ Increase the number of families who maintain or secure long term safe and sustainable housing Actions post-violence. 2.1 Enhance the first point of contact 2.3 diversity of women to identify and respond to needs Improve responses to the ⟷ Deliver high quality integrated national helpline and online support services which meet national ⟷ Work with remote communities to include specific benchmarks through the National Plan. actions in relation to violence against women in ⟷ Improve early identification of violence against community safety plans. women through routine home visits and screening ⟷ Improve the cultural competence of mainstream tools for antenatal, maternal and child health and specialist services. services. ⟷ Work in partnership with UN Women on their universal access to emergency services initiative. ⟁ 18
A Right to Safety art2:Layout 1 28/11/11 12:50 PM Page 21 ➻ ouR fRAmewoRk foR Action ➹ 3 pRotection 3.2 and instruments Strengthen legal frameworks Women who experience or fear violence must be able to seek protection and have access to ⟷ Improve cross-jurisdictional mechanisms to effective legal remedies. The perpetrators of protect women and children through a national violent acts against women must be held accountable approach to domestic and family violence for their behaviour. The criminal justice system’s protection orders. response to violence against women is pivotal to a ⟷ Adopt best practice investigation and prosecution broad community understanding that violence against of sexual assault and domestic and Aboriginal women is unacceptable. family violence. ⟷ Enhance responses to domestic violence through Outcome research and investigation into domestic violence ⟷ Men who use violence are held accountable and related deaths. supported to change their behaviour. 3.3 Intervene early Actions 3.1 Hold perpetrators accountable ⟷ Identify potential services and settings to engage men and boys at risk of using violence. ⟷ Implement strong domestic violence and sexual assault legislative responses to offending. ⟷ Enforce attendance at mandatory domestic violence and sexual assault perpetrator programs. ⟷ Through the National Plan, contribute to the development of national minimum standards for domestic violence perpetrator programs and ensure programs for sex offenders continue to adhere to evidence-based best practice. ⟋ 19
A Right to Safety art2:Layout 1 28/11/11 12:50 PM Page 22 ➻ ouR fRAmewoRk foR Action ➹ 4 peRfoRmAnce ⟷ Promote the update of multidisciplinary training for Professional performance and accountability professionals to improve the consistency and are critical to the success of the strategy. We responsiveness in the handling of sexual assault are committed to reporting annually on our cases. progress. This annual report will reflect our 4.2 Build the evidence base commitment to the National Plan to Reduce Violence Against Women and their Children and will provide an overview of the implementation of key projects. Through the National Plan, we will: Actions in this key direction are aimed at supporting ⟷ Support the establishment a National Centre of the actions outlined in the previous key directions. Excellence to bring together existing research, as well as undertake new research under an agreed Outcomes National Research Agenda. ⟷ Women are safe and free from violence in South ⟷ Commence work on developing nationally Australia. consistent data definitions and collection methods ⟷ Services meet the needs of women experiencing as part of a National Data and Reporting violence, and their children, through joined up Framework. services and systems. 4.3 Track our performance ⟷ Men who use violence are held accountable and supported to change their behaviour. Through the National Plan, we will: Actions ⟷ Publicly report on an annual basis on the implementation of A Right to Safety. 4.1 Strengthen the Workforce ⟷ Regularly report through South Australia’s Strategic Plan on progress towards Target 18: Through the National Plan, we will: Violence against women. ⟷ Work with jurisdictions on the development of a national workforce agenda. ⟷ Promote the uptake of multidisciplinary training for professionals to improve the consistency and responsiveness in the handling of family violence cases. ⟁ 20
A Right to Safety art2:Layout 1 28/11/11 12:50 PM Page 23 ➻ bibliogRAphy ➹ Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2006, Personal Safety Office for Women Survey [reissue], Cat. No. 4906.0, Canberra. Ground floor, 101 Grenfell St Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, 2006, Adelaide SA 5000 Family violence among Aboriginal and Torres Strait p 08 8303 0961 Islander peoples, AIHW, Canberra. f 08 8303 0963 e officeforwomen@agd.sa.gov.au Council of Australian Governments, 2011, Safe and www.officeforwomen.sa.gov.au Free from Violence – The National Plan to Reduce Violence against Women and their Children 2010- Women’s Information Service 2022, Australian Government. Chesser House M Dimopoulos & H Assafiri, 2004, Pathologising 91-97 Grenfell St NESB Women and the Construction of the ‘Cultural Adelaide SA 5000 Defence’. Point of Contact: Responding to Children p 08 8303 0590 and Domestic Violence, Partnerships Against f 08 8303 0576 Domestic Violence, Commonwealth of Australia, e info@wis.sa.gov.au Canberra. www.wis.sa.gov.au KPMG, 2009, The Cost of Violence Against Women and their Children, Safety Taskforce, Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs, Australian Government. Premier’s Council for Women Ground floor, 101 Grenfell St VicHealth, 2009, National Survey on Community Adelaide SA 5000 Attitudes to Violence Against Women 2009, Changing p 08 8303 0961 cultures, changing attitudes—preventing violence f 08 8303 0963 against women, Victorian Health Promotion e premierscouncilforwomen Foundation, Carlton. @agd.sa.gov.au VicHealth, 2007, Preventing Violence before it www.officeforwomen.sa.gov.au Occurs: A Framework and Background Paper to Guide the Primary Prevention of Violence against The Hon Gail Gago MLC Women in Victoria, Victorian Health Promotion Minister for the Status of Women Foundation, Melbourne. e minister.gago@sa.gov.au ⟋ 21
A Right to Safety art2:Layout 1 28/11/11 12:50 PM Page 24 published by Office for Women December 2011
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