Careers at the CSIR 2018

Page created by Alan Vazquez
Careers at the CSIR 2018
  at the CSIR
Careers at the CSIR 2018
The CSIR is a remarkable organisation distinguished for its excellence in research and development, as well as its commitment
to making an impact in people’s lives. To achieve these goals, highly skilled people are required – which is why we are
always looking for bright, passionate people to embark on this journey with us.
By building and investing in a strong core of professionals in research and development, we contribute to the development
of a national pool of scientists, engineers and technologists. The positioning statement of the CSIR, ‘our future through
science’, expresses the unshaken resolve of the CSIR to harness the power of science and technology for building a
prosperous future for South Africa. However, this future can only materialise if more young people choose careers in
science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). The CSIR contributes to this effort by providing opportunities for
skills development and career progression.
Young researchers are highly regarded at the CSIR because as the next generation, they will play the biggest role in
transforming the science, engineering and technology skills base in South Africa. The CSIR firmly believes in nurturing and
developing the expertise of its young researchers, ensuring that they are not only able to independently conduct research,
but that they can also be role models for students and learners.
Choosing the right career is a critical step in your life. Your career choice will determine where you go, what you learn
and who you meet. It will allow you to unleash your full potential and fulfil your passion. It will determine your legacy for
generations to come. It is therefore important to make informed decisions. The more you plan for a successful and fulfilling
career, the more opportunities there will be to find a career in which you can grow and reach your full potential. When
choosing your career path, you have to ask yourself: What do I want from a career? What do I expect? What is it that I
am looking for in an employer?
Career paths within the STEM field are seldom linear. Scientists and researchers are exposed to so many different
opportunities, that many choose to grow in a whole new area of interest they had not considered before.
In this career booklet, we highlight some of the careers available at the CSIR and provide some pointers on the academic
institutions offering the relevant qualifications, as well as the characteristics you require, ensuring a perfect fit with your
chosen career.
Careers at the CSIR 2018
CAREER            DESCRIPTION                               CHARACTERISTICS                   WHERE TO STUDY                           RELATED CAREERS

                  Researches, designs and develops          Aeronautical engineers            The University of the Witwatersrand      Mechanical engineer
                  aircraft and spacecraft. They also        typically enjoy solving           is the only institution in South         and industrial engineer
                  perform fundamental research that         complicated problems.             Africa that offers a full aeronautical

                  relates to aerodynamics, aircraft         They have an aptitude for         engineering undergraduate
                  structures and related materials. They    mathematics and science           degree. Other universities, such

                  are involved in the optimisation of       and are creative. The type of     as the University of Pretoria, offer
                  aircraft components, such as wings,       work brings a fair amount of      mechanical engineering with some
                  engine inlets, tail sections and          challenges, so perseverance       aeronautical subjects included in an
                  fuselages.                                is key.                           undergraduate degree.

                  Performs tests and other procedures       To be an analytical chemist,      The majority of South African            Quality assurance
                  on compounds to discern their             one needs to have an              tertiary education institutions offer    manager in the food
                  nature. They typically do this work       inquisitive mind and be keen      qualifications in chemistry or           industry, production

                  in laboratories, where they operate       to explore and solve problems.    analytical chemistry.                    line manager in the

                  and maintain instruments such as          You need to be organised                                                   petrochemical industry
                  spectrometers and chromatography          and have an acute interest in
                  instruments.                              technology.

                  Studies, analyses and draws               To work as a behavioural          Most South African universities offer    Human resource

                  actionable conclusions about how          scientist one must get along      degrees in psychology, sociology         practitioner, corporate
                  people think, act and react to a wide     well with people from diverse     and anthropology.                        psychologist,

                  variety of situations in various fields   backgrounds and also have a                                                sociologist and
                  such as the military, police, business    lot of patience.                                                           anthropologist
                  organisations and many more.

                  Explores the chemical processes           To qualify as a biochemist,       The majority of South African tertiary   Structural biologist,
                  within, and related to, living            one needs to obtain good          education institutions offer science     biotechnologist,
                  organisms. They work in laboratories      grades in mathematics, as well    degrees.                                 medical biochemist,
                  to bring together biology and             as physical and life sciences                                              protein biochemist,
                  chemistry to solve problems such          in matric. For undergraduate                                               application specialist

                  as those in the biotechnology and         studies, one needs to take                                                 for equipment or
                  related fields.                           at least one of the following                                              consumable supplies
                                                            subjects as a major: Biology,                                              and laboratory
                                                            microbiology or biochemistry.                                              manager

                  Works at the intersect of engineering,    Strong abilities in mathematics   Most South African universities          Electronic engineer,
                  science, biotechnology, chemistry,        and science are required.         offer a BEng degree in electronic        biomedical scientist,
                  and nanotechnology, to design and         Subjects such as computer         engineering. It is important though      medical doctor

                  manufacture products and solutions.       science and biology are also      to choose a university with a strong
                                                            useful, but not essential.        engineering faculty that allows for
                                                                                              specialisation in bioengineering.
                                                                                              Some examples are the University of
                                                                                              Pretoria, UCT and Stellenbosch.
Careers at the CSIR 2018
CAREER                                                DESCRIPTION                                CHARACTERISTICS                  WHERE TO STUDY                            RELATED CAREERS

                                                      Concern themselves with the practical      Chemical engineers should be     Chemical engineering is offered           Chemist, process
                                                      design and operation of equipment          interested in how processes      at most universities in the country,      designer, materials
                                                      used in making new products or             work and how products are        as well as some universities of           scientist

                                                      chemicals as well as streamlining          developed. They should excel     technology.
                                                      existing production processes.             in mathematics, physics and

                                                      Civil engineers design, construct,         Civil engineers need to be       Most South African universities and       Environmental
                     CIVIL ENGINEER

                                                      maintain and adapt the built               innovative, willing to work      universities of technology offer civil    engineer, transport
                                                      environment infrastructure.                hard and continuously develop    engineering programmes.                   engineer, hydraulics
                                                                                                 their skills.                                                              engineer, geotechnical
                                                                                                                                                                            engineer and structural

                                                      Studies the ongoing processes              One must have problem-           The University of Stellenbosch is         Marine engineer,
                                                      and construction within the coastal        solving skills, be a logical     the only university in South Africa       oceanographer
                     COASTAL ENGINEER

                                                      zone. The field involves aspects of        thinker and have strong          offering specialisation in coastal
                                                      nearshore oceanography, marine             abilities in subjects such       engineering.
                                                      geology, and civil engineering,            as mathematics, applied
                                                      often directed at combating erosion        mathematics and physical
                                                      of coasts or providing navigational        science. Most importantly, one
                                                      access.                                    should have a love for the sea
                                                                                                 and being outdoors.

                                                      Helps researchers to understand            You should enjoy spending        Most South African universities offer     Software engineer,
                     – HIGH PERFORMANCE

                                                      complex data sets by using software        long hours behind a computer     courses in computer science.              software developer,
                                                      to visualise them.                         and be good at problem-                                                    business analyst
                                                                                                 solving and logical reasoning.

                                                      Uses their analytical skills to find and   To become a good data            Most South African universities offer     Risk analyst (banking
                                                      merge different data sources, analyse      scientist, one needs strong      degrees in computer science, with         and insurance),
                                                      them and formulate it in such a way        technical skills such as         Honours and Master’s degrees in           scientific informaticist
                                                      that people understand their results.      mathematical modelling and       data science or related disciplines       (biological patterns,
                                                                                                 algorithm design. You also       such as machine learning, data            chemical structure
                     DATA SCIENTIST

                                                                                                 need to be curious and willing   mining and artificial intelligence. The   modelling), academic
                                                                                                 to continuously earn and         Sol Plaatjie University in Kimberley      or researcher
                                                                                                 change with society if you       in the Northern Cape offers an
                                                                                                 want to stay relevant.           undergraduate programme in data
Careers at the CSIR 2018
CAREER                 DESCRIPTION                              CHARACTERISTICS                  WHERE TO STUDY                         RELATED CAREERS

                       Electromechanical engineers bridge       You must have an aptitude for    Currently, the University of Cape      Mechanical engineer

                       the gap between two disciplines          mathematics and physics, love    Town is the only tertiary education    and electronic engineer
                       (mechanical and electrical               challenges and have a great      institution to offer a degree course
                       engineering) that often work together.   deal of persistence.             in electromechanical engineering in
                                                                                                 South Africa. However, mechatronics

                                                                                                 engineering is a very similar field
                                                                                                 and is widely offered at many South
                                                                                                 African universities.

                       Applies science to improve the           Environmental researchers        Degrees in environmental science       Environmental
                       understanding of the causes and          need a keen interest in          are offered at most South African      engineer, climate
                       drivers of air pollution, as well as     the environment, good            universities.                          specialist, geoscientist.
                       the study and discovery of means         communication skills and

                       to mitigate the negative effects of      the ability to work well with
                       climate change. This generally           others.
                       involves collecting data on the

                       sources of pollution emissions and
                       quantifying the impacts on air quality
                       and on people.

                       Studies and characterises properties     To succeed as an enzymologist    Most universities in South Africa      Molecular biologist,
                       of enzymes and how these function        you need good technical          offer a BSc in biochemistry or         proteomicist, protein

                       in biological systems, with an           acumen in this field. You have   biotechnology.                         biochemist
                       emphasis on translating these into       to develop dynamic problem-
                       products and solutions for research,     solving skills to formulate
                       industry and health.                     solutions in response to a
                                                                multitude of challenges.

                       GIS specialists visualise, analyse       You need to have a good          Learners can study at any university   A GIS specialist can

                       and interpret data to understand         understanding of geography,      in South Africa. Some universities     work for government
                       relationships, patterns and trends.      mathematics, physics and         offer GIS as part of geography,        departments, local
                                                                statistics.                      surveying or environmental sciences.   authorities, state-

                                                                                                                                        owned entities, private

                                                                                                                                        companies, mining
                                                                                                                                        houses and academia.
Careers at the CSIR 2018
CAREER                    DESCRIPTION                             CHARACTERISTICS                    WHERE TO STUDY                            RELATED CAREERS

                          An information security engineer        You need to have a passion         Information security engineering can      Security architect,
                          develops, monitors, evaluates and       for the development of security    be studied at various South African       incident responder,

                          maintains systems and procedures        measures and the patience          universities, such as the universities    security consultant,
                          to protect identified networks and      to educate people on how           of Pretoria, Johannesburg and             security analyst,

                          systems from unauthorised access.       to protect themselves against      Cape Town as well as the Cape             computer forensics
                                                                  cyber criminals who employ         Peninsula University of Technology,       expert, security
                                                                  tactics that have not previously   Stellenbosch University and the           specialist and malware
                                                                  been thought of.                   Nelson Mandela Metropolitan               analyst.

                          Designs innovative laser systems for    Physicists are curious about       Stellenbosch University and the           Computer programmer,
                          a variety of applications in sectors    how things work and why they       universities of the Witwatersrand         astronomer,
                          ranging from industry, to medicine,     work in a specific way. To         and KwaZulu-Natal offer courses that      mathematical modeller

                          defence and communications.             specialise in the area of laser    specialise in lasers.

                                                                  beams, one needs a good
                                                                  understanding of photonics.

                          Uses the huge fundamental base of       An aptitude for mathematics,       Various South African universities        Lecturer, materials
                          knowledge on materials and their        physics, chemistry, design         offer degrees in metallurgy and           consultant to industry
                          processing to develop properties        and engineering is required.       materials engineering. Students           and research manager

                          and new materials suited to specific    You need to be an analytical       can also follow a general science
                          applications. For example, using        thinker and be system-             track by acquiring a BSc in physics
                          titanium powder to make industrial      oriented.                          or chemistry at any university and
                          components such as valves.                                                 following this up with a specialisation
                                                                                                     in materials engineering at the
                                                                                                     Stellenbosch University or the
                                                                                                     University of Cape Town

                          Collects and analyses atmospheric       To work as a meteorologist         The University of Pretoria offers a       Atmospheric modeller,
                          data on, for instance, wind, air        in general, you need to love       degree in meteorology, while the          Weather forecaster
                          pressure and humidity to predict        the natural environment and        University of Cape Town offers

                          weather patterns. These forecasts are   have an aptitude for working       degrees in ocean and atmosphere
                          needed by industries, farmers, event    with large datasets. You also      sciences. The Universities of the
                          planners and the general public.        need to take mathematics and       Witwatersrand and Venda, as well
                                                                  physics at university.             as the North-West University offer
                                                                                                     postgraduate degrees that include
                                                                                                     meteorology-related topics.
Careers at the CSIR 2018
CAREER                 DESCRIPTION                             CHARACTERISTICS                   WHERE TO STUDY                            RELATED CAREERS

                       Microscopists support almost every      These professionals pay           A degree in natural sciences or           Material scientist,
                       field of science. In the healthcare     attention to detail and have      engineering from universities and         physicist, chemical and
                       industry, they may identify abnormal    a genuine interest in science     universities of technology can            metallurgical engineer,
                       cells or disease-causing pathogens      and a strong commitment           provide the basic background              polymer technologist
                       in tissue, while those who support      to customer satisfaction,         needed to become a microscopist.          and biologist

                       environmental science may seek          collaboration and team
                       toxins or small organisms in water      work. They have good
                       samples.                                communication skills and the
                                                               ability to work in a fast-paced

                       A scientist who studies the ocean.      To become an oceanographer        The University of Cape Town and           Marine biologist,
                       The scope of the studies includes       you should have a love for the    the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan           chemical

                       the geology of the sea floor and the    ocean and be interested in        University are some of the universities   oceanographer,
                       physical properties within the ocean,   science. A sense of curiosity     offering oceanography-related             marine physicist and
                       the ecosystem dynamics, ocean           about the Earth system and        qualifications in South Africa.           climatologist
                       currents and waves.                     how the land and ocean
                                                               interact is imperative - being
                                                               able to swim is not.

                       Studies how atmospheric pollutants      One needs to be able to           Aspiring photochemical modellers          Air quality modeller

                       interact through chemistry involving    grasp computer programming,       should take chemistry as part             and atmospheric
                       radiation from the sun, and how         because a lot of time is          of a BSc degree. BSc and MSc              scientist

                       these are dispersed in space over       spent working with data and       (Environmental Science) qualifications
                       time to affect air quality.             developing models.                can be obtained at most universities
                                                                                                 in South Africa.

                       Uses their knowledge of the             Physicists must be driven         Most universities in South Africa offer   Astrophysicist,

                       fundamental laws of nature              by a curiosity about the          both undergraduate courses and            photonics researcher,
                       to develop new technological            forces of nature and how it       postgraduate degrees in physics.          nuclear engineer

                       innovations. This includes research     works, believe in the spirit
                       into the quantum control of atoms       of exploration, and have
                       and molecules, developing quantum       patience, coupled with
                       control applications of trapped ions    discipline.
                       and ultrafast pulsed lasers.

                       Studies the diversity of plants in an   A love of the outdoors and        Most universities in South Africa offer   Agricultural specialist,

                       ecosystem.                              plants, and an interest in and    undergraduate and postgraduate            conservationist

                                                               understanding of agriculture.     courses in botany and ecology.
Careers at the CSIR 2018
CAREER                      DESCRIPTION                               CHARACTERISTICS                      WHERE TO STUDY                            RELATED CAREERS

                            Combines science, engineering and         Engineers who work in the            If interested in robotics, start with a   Computer scientist,
                            art to design and develop robots for      field of robotics constantly         degree in mechanical engineering,         mechanical engineer,
                            industry and various sectors.             attempt to break new ground.         which is offered by most South            electrical engineer,
                                                                      They need to be resilient,           African universities. In your Honours     mechatronics engineer

                                                                      with an ability to solve             year, choose your project topic in        and computational
                                                                      problems and a willingness           robotics and add as many computer         neuroscientist
                                                                      to continuously improve the          programming and mathematical

                                                                      specialist skills needed for their   studies during your degree.
                                                                      focus area through reading
                                                                      and communication with their

                            Applies engineering principles within     To be a great software               The basic degrees are in electronic       Computer scientist,
                            a digital space. The work involves        engineer, one needs to be            and computer engineering. These           mathematician,
                            design, conceptualisation, creation,      passionate, patient, curious,        courses can be studied at many            physicist, programmer

                            innovation and a strong focus on          innovative and a problem-            universities across South Africa.         and systems engineer
                            engineering development through           solver.

                            Uses statistical methods to collect       Statisticians should have            At most South African universities,       Lecturer in statistics,
                            and analyse data to help solve            strong analytical and                students will start with a BSc course     statistician in the
                            real-world problems in business,          mathematical skills to enable        which includes linear algebra,            banking and insurance
                            engineering, healthcare and other         them to understand problems,         calculus, experimental design,            industry and actuary
                            fields. They decide what data are         identify possible solutions and      survey methodology, probability and

                            needed to answer specific questions       gather the tools (materials and      the theory of statistical inference.
                            or problems, determine methods            methods) required to get to          Students then specialise in statistics
                            for finding or collecting, as well as     those solutions.                     when doing their Honours, Master’s
                            analysing and interpreting the data.                                           and PhDs.

                            Researches the molecular structure        This career requires                 At most South African universities,       Molecular biologist,

                            of biological macromolecules,             inquisitiveness and dedication.      students will start with a BSc degree     biologist and
                            especially proteins and nucleic acids,    Moreover, you have to be             and then specialise when doing            biochemist
                            how they acquire the structures           nimble with your hands as            their Honours, Master’s and PhDs
                            they have and how alterations in          high-throughput micro-arraying       in various different fields to equip
                            their structures affect their function.   is somewhat of an art.               them to work as structural biologists.
                            Structural biology is a branch of                                              Many of these courses are offered by
                            molecular biology, biochemistry and                                            departments of biochemistry.
Careers at the CSIR 2018
CAREER                     DESCRIPTION                               CHARACTERISTICS                   WHERE TO STUDY                           RELATED CAREERS

                           Studies the movement of people and        For this career, a strong         Transport studies can be done            Public sector analyst,
                           goods over space and time and how         background in statistics and      at local universities such as the        policy analyst, public
                           scarce resources are expedited and        econometrics is required. You     University of Johannesburg, Cape         transport specialist,
                           allocated in the transport sector to      should have an analytical         Town, Stellenbosch, North-West and       fleet controller,

                           positively impact transport activities    mind.                             the University of South Africa.          transport regulator,
                           on society, the environment and the                                                                                  transport policy
                           economy.                                                                                                             specialist, business
                                                                                                                                                logistics practitioner,
                                                                                                                                                as well as careers in
                                                                                                                                                the aviation, roads,
                                                                                                                                                maritime, pipeline and
                                                                                                                                                rail sectors.

                           Guides the development of                 An urban and regional             Accredited undergraduate or              Urban designer,
                           neighbourhoods, towns, and regions        planner needs to be able to       postgraduate qualifications are          public policy analyst,
                           by applying conceptual, analytical,       grasp spatial inter-relations     available at a range of universities     environmental scientist,
                           communication and technological           and implications of major         throughout the country. These will       civil engineer and

                           skills to achieve spatial outcomes        development challenges,           qualify one for a professional           property developer
                           such as more equitable, sustainable       as well as the wide range         registration with the South African
                           and productive cities or thriving rural   of economic, engineering,         Council for Planners.
                           regions.                                  social, legal and procedural,
                                                                     land development and

                                                                     environmental aspects at play
                                                                     within an area.

                           Develops waste and pollution              An inquisitive mind, an eye for   Most South African universities          Waste treatment

                           reduction solutions through directed      detail and a positive attitude    offer degrees in environmental           scientist, environmental

                           research to support government,           are required.                     management. Once students develop        researcher,
                           society and industry in decision-                                           key areas of interest in this broad      environmental

                           making.                                                                     field of study, they may opt to pursue   economist
Careers at the CSIR 2018
The CSIR offers a number of opportunities to help you on your journey towards achieving your career aspirations. These
opportunities are available for students who meet the requirements.

                       BURSARIES                           POSTGRADUATE BURSARIES              INTERNSHIPS                       STUDENTSHIPS
                                                           (INTER-BURSARY SUPPORT

                       •    South African citizens         •   Full-time students at any        •   New graduates in              •   BSc Honours, BEng
                       •    Unemployed students                public university studying           science, engineering              Honours, MSc or MEng

                            studying full-time towards         towards Honours/BTech, 4th           and technology fields             graduates studying full-
                            BSc, BEng, BSc Honours or          Year Engineering Masters,            interested in gaining work        time at tertiary education
                            B Tech, MSc and PhD                and Doctoral degrees.                experience                        institutions could qualify for
                       •    Current Grade 12 intending     •   Thematic areas supported                                               a CSIR studentship
                            to enrol full-time for the         include ICT, Modelling
                            degree of choice at a South        and digital sciences,
                            African public university          Photonics, Microsystems,
                            with English (Level 5) and         Biotechnology, Titanium,
                            Mathematics, Physical              Aerospace and Composites
                            Science (Level 6)

                       Financial support                   Bursary support as follows:         Financial support                 Financial support
                        • Registration fees                Honours level = R60 000              • Monthly stipend                 • Monthly salary
                        • Tuition fees                     Masters level = R90 000              • In-house short courses          • Registration and tuition fees

                        • Book allowance                   Doctoral level = R120 000                                                 for an MSc or PhD degree
                        • Laptop allowance                                                                                        • Informal in-house training
                                                                                               Non-financial support
                        • Accommodation                                                                                              (short-courses)
                                                                                               • Mentorship
                        • Meal allowance                                                                                          • Opportunity to present your
                                                                                               • Working on projects
                        • Living allowance                                                                                           work on a national and
                                                                                                  that contribute to the
                                                                                                                                     international stage
                                                                                                  improvement of the lives of
                       Non-financial support
                                                                                                  South Africans
                       • Annual induction, vacation                                                                              Non-financial support
                          work, visits at the university                                                                         • Mentorship
                          and an annual social event                                                                             • Working on projects
                                                                                                                                    that contribute to the
                                                                                                                                    improvement of the lives of
                                                                                                                                    South Africans

  How do I apply                                           Opportunities are advertised throughout the year on in the vacancies section.

                                                           For more information, please email Khuliswa Jakuja on or +27 12 841 2665.
  Contact details
                                                           For postgraduate bursary, please email to
The CSIR also offers scholarships and an additional bursary programme in partnership with the Department of Science
and Technology.
    •   Local scholarships
        The CSIR, in partnership with seven South African universities, has a postgraduate scholarship programme
        that provides students with funding to obtain Honours, Master’s or PhD qualifications in their chosen fields. The
        programme is open to full-time students in the Faculty of Science or Engineering, carrying out research in priority
        areas identified by the CSIR.
    •   International scholarship programme
        The CSIR South Africa Cambridge Scholarship offers students an opportunity to pursue PhD studies at the
        University of Cambridge in the United Kingdom. The initiative aims to provide the country’s emerging researchers
        with international training and exposure in science, engineering and technology.
    •   DST-CSIR Inter-bursary support programme
        The bursaries are restricted to qualifications that are aligned with the Department of Science and Technology’s
        national priority research and development themes. See thematic areas indicated in the table above.

For more information on the above offerings, visit the careers section on:
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