COVID-19 in conflict border regions: a case of South Kordofan, Sudan

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Sserwanja et al. Conflict and Health   (2021) 15:34

 CASE STUDY                                                                                                                                       Open Access

COVID-19 in conflict border regions: a case
of South Kordofan, Sudan
Quraish Sserwanja1,2*, Mohammed Bashir Adam1, Joseph Kawuki3 and Emmanuel Olal4

  The novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) was first reported in Sudan on 13 March 2020. Since then, Sudan has
  experienced one of the highest rates of COVID-19 spread and fatalities in Africa. One year later, as per 22 March
  2021, Sudan had registered 29,661 confirmed cases and 2,028 deaths with a case fatality rate (CFR) of 6.8 %. By 12
  December 2020, of the 18 states in Sudan, South Kordofan had the fifth highest CFR of 17.4 %, only surpassed by
  the other conflict affected North (57.5 %), Central (50.0 %) and East (31.8 %) Darfur States. By late March 2021, just
  three months from December 2020, the number of cases in South Kordofan increased by 100 %, but with a
  significant decline in the CFR from 17.4 to 8.5 %. South Kordofan is home to over 200,000 poor and displaced
  people from years of destructive civil unrests. To date, several localities such as the Nubba mountains region remain
  under rebel control and are not accessible. South Kordofan State Ministry of Health in collaboration with the federal
  government and non-governmental organizations set up four isolation centres with 40 total bed capacity, but with
  only two mechanical ventilators and no testing centre. There is still need for further multi-sectoral coalition and
  equitable allocation of resources to strengthen the health systems of rural and conflict affected regions. This article
  aims at providing insight into the current state of COVID-19 in South Kordofan amidst the second wave to address
  the dearth of COVID-19 information in rural and conflict affected regions.
  Keywords: COVID-19, Post‐conflict, Rural, Sudan and South Kordofan

Introduction                                                                         South Sudan, Somali, Eritrea, Central African Republic,
Globally, several socioeconomic and livelihood activities                            Syria, Chad, Yemen, and Ethiopia [4–6]. Despite high
have been disrupted by lockdown measures to control                                  COVID-19 case fatality rate(CFR), Sudan has had limited
Corona virus disease 2019 (COVID-19) spread since it                                 national capacity to effectively manage patients in need
was declared a global pandemic by the World Health                                   of advanced respiratory support and critical care. South
Organization on 11 March 2020 [1, 2]. These disruptions                              Kordofan is located in the South Central region of
have further strained the already weak health systems of                             Sudan, with an estimated population of 2.5 million
many low- and middle-income economies [1–3]. In                                      people [7]. It is a wide conflict affected State bordering
Africa, Sudan was among the first countries to report                                South Sudan in the South. The years of conflict in the
COVID-19 cases in early March 2020 [4]. Sudan is the                                 region has resulted in displacement of over 200 000
second largest country in Africa by land mass, with a                                people, extensive infrastructure destruction and high
population of over 40 million people [4, 5]. It is a                                 poverty levels [7, 8].
refugee hosting country for thousands of refugees from                                 Besides COVID-19, South Kordofan has previously
                                                                                     been affected by yellow fever, chikungunya and dengue
* Correspondence:                                                  fever epidemics, which immensely strained the health
 Programmes Department, GOAL Global, Khartoum, Sudan
 Global Health Uganda, Mawanda Road, Plot 667, P.0 Box 33842, Kampala,               system [9, 10]. An inter-agency assessment report in
Uganda                                                                               May 2020 in the internally displaced people’s camps
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article

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Sserwanja et al. Conflict and Health   (2021) 15:34                                                              Page 2 of 5

found overcrowding, poor water supply, inadequate               months from December 2020 to March 2021 [20].
medicines and limited health workers in the State which         Neighboring conflict prone states have registered similar
are risk factors for COVID-19 spread [11].                      transmission rates with persistent high CFRs. Currently,
  The second COVID-19 wave is anticipated to further            the CFRs in North Darfur, Central Darfur and East
strain health services in the State. Additionally, there        Darfur States are 45.9 %, 42.9 and 23.5 % respectively
might be equal increase in demand for health care by re-        ranking as top three in Sudan. These States are as
turnees in the event of a successful conclusion of the on-      well affected by recurrent conflicts both internally
going peace talks between the new government and the            and from bordering Central African Republic and
rebels in the region [12], thus making it imperative for        Chad.
the State to effectively plan for the limited resources to
ensure proper service delivery in terms of water, sanita-       COVID-19 prevention measures
tion, and hygiene (WASH), health services, and                  The State Ministry of Health (SMoH) through support
nutrition.                                                      from the Federal Ministry of Health (FMoH) and health
  Rural areas in Africa such as South Kordofan, which           non-governmental organizations (NGOs) has taken
make up the largest part the continent have been                some measures to ensure that COVID-19 is controlled.
given less attention in the fight against COVID-19              Due to the scarcity of hospitals in South Kordofan most
compared to urban areas [13]. With such little atten-           patients’ first entry points are Primary Health Care facil-
tion, these areas continue to face challenges such as;          ities which are mainly supported by international non-
poor road network, insecurity, inadequate health                governmental organizations (INGOs). INGOs mainly
workers, health facilities and inadequate COVID-19              provide training, supplies for triage, and COVID-19 re-
diagnostic services [13, 14].                                   lated management protocols, referral services, personal
  Of the 18 Sudan States, South Kordofan is among the           protective equipment (PPEs), and infection prevention
most under resourced which greatly limits access and            and control (IPC).
provision of essential services [15]. It is therefore crucial      Some of the measures that have thus far been imple-
to give more attention to these areas to ensure equitable       mented include training and setting up of atleast14 rapid
access to care, universal health coverage and above all,        response teams (RRTs). The RRTs are engaged in con-
enable successful containment of COVID-19.                      tact tracing and community-based surveillance. Simi-
                                                                larly, there has been continued community awareness
Current situation and COVID-19 statistics                       and sensitization on COVID-19 preventive measures
The limited testing and screening services in Sudan risks       through mass media campaigns using vehicles with
a high number of undetected cases. A recent report              mounted microphones. To supplement nationwide
showed that between April and September 2020, about             media messages about COVID-19, broadcasting aware-
16,090 deaths were undetected in Khartoum and the fa-           ness messages via television and local radio stations is
tality rates are expected to increase in the second wave        ongoing albeit not accessible to everyone. INGOs have
compared to the first wave [16]. As per 22 March 2021,          also supported the SMoH in implementing community
Sudan had registered 29,661 confirmed cases and 2,028           health activities such as community lead action training
deaths with a case fatality rate (CFR) of 6.8 % [17, 18].       for local leaders to spearhead COVID-19 community
Although Khartoum State, the capital, accounts for ma-          prevention [21]. This approach has been documented to
jority of the cases, most of the COVID-19-related deaths        empower communities into taking action against
have been reported from other states [17]. Between No-          COVID-19 spread [21].
vember and December 2020, Sudan registered a surge in              However, the nationwide restriction of movement be-
COVID-19 cases, with a rapid increase from 10 cases             tween States that was imposed from May 2020 to Sep-
per day at the beginning of November to about 200–300           tember 2020 was poorly adhered to due to the limited
cases a day in December [17]. However, since end of De-         resources to monitor and effect it, and negative attitude
cember 2020, daily COVID-19 numbers begun to stead-             of the population towards COVID-19 existence [5].
ily decline to a daily average of about 25 cases from the       Nevertheless, there is no clear information regarding the
beginning of February 2021 [17].                                COVID-19 measures in the closed rebel-controlled
   The overall CFR as per 22 March 2021 in South Kor-           areas.
dofan was about double that of Khartoum, 8.5 % as com-             Other challenges faced include social distancing being
pared to 4.1 % [18, 19]. Most COVID-19 cases (78.7 %)           poorly adhered to in the community due to social
in South Kordofan have been from communities, and               norms, which are being challenged through community
despite the overall decline in CFR from 17.4 % in De-           awareness and sensitization messages.
cember 2020 to 8.5 % in March 2021, the state registered           In addition, use of face masks is poorly being adhered
100 % increase in the number of cases within three              to by the community partly due to the negative attitude
Sserwanja et al. Conflict and Health   (2021) 15:34                                                              Page 3 of 5

and limited availability and affordability of face masks.      Public Health implications
INGOs have been pivotal in supplying PPEs to health            To ensure effective and well-coordinated response to
facilities to protect essential workers.                       epidemics, decision-makers need to have the right infor-
                                                               mation via health information systems and data plat-
                                                               forms [26]. In South Kordofan and similar contexts, data
COVID-19 treatment facilities                                  collection and surveillance are affected by poor internet
Although the government of Sudan has set up 36 isola-          access, limited phone network coverage and poor roads.
tion centres across all the States with a bed capacity of      This leads to insufficient reporting and delayed response
985 beds and 198 intensive care unit beds, these are still     to active cases, risking further spread and mortality.
very low as per international standards [5]. South Kordo-      Investing in infrastructure development such as roads
fan SMoH has four isolation centres with a total of 40         and telecommunication will enhance earlier detection
bed capacity of which two are intensive care beds with         and effective response to future epidemics. This will en-
only two mechanical ventilators [22]. Through the sup-         sure innovations in the health system hence enabling
port of FMoH and INGOs, health facilities have been            digital data collection, confidential self-reporting, and
trained and supplied with PPEs. There are presently no         epidemic control measures such as health messaging
COVID-19 testing centres in South Kordofan , instead           [26]. Furthermore, with timely reporting of accurate
any collected sample is transported through over               data, the different stakeholders can ensure efficient re-
500 km to the national capital, Khartoum. This causes          source allocation due to good visibility across the health
delay in receiving results. No clear information is avail-     system’s various components via quality health informa-
able regarding the COVID-19 treatment services set up          tion systems. However, to ensure that these develop-
in the closed rebel-controlled areas.                          ments are feasible and sustainable, there is need to
   The above undertaken preventive measures, to a large        promote truce between warring factions during pan-
extent, have helped to slow down the mortality rate of         demic times and unconditional access to affected popu-
the disease as indicated by the declining trends in mor-       lations. Such ceasefire allows vital services and control
tality statistics. However, the same is not observed with      measures to be availed to all populations through trusted
transmission as evidenced by the significant increase in       channels.
the number of cases during the second wave. Neverthe-            Conflict affected areas are usually lacking in sectors
less, these statistics could be challenged due to limited      such as education, gender equality and technology which
testing, diagnosis, and surveillance capacity of the fragile   is the case in South Kordofan compared to other States
South Kordofan State.                                          in Sudan. To ensure effective and context specific health
   In May 2020, the Inter Agency Standing Committee            policies, scientifically based evidence is critical. Decision
issued interim guidelines on key public health and so-         makers and supporting partners should strive to foster a
cial measures needed to reduce the risk of COVID-19            peaceful environment to attract investment in research
spread and its impact in low capacity and humanitar-           and economic development. Given the conservative na-
ian settings [23]. Based on these guidelines, South            ture of Sudan, research and development strategies need
Kordofan has registered some success in particular             to address gender differences. This is crucial in ensuring
fields, while still facing challenges in several domains.      feasibility of data collection and ensuring accurate data
Commendable efforts have been attained in mobiliz-             as women would not readily participate in male domi-
ing stakeholders and community efforts. In addition,           nated activities that would require them being open and
training of health care workers on COVID-19 stand-             giving information.
ard operating procedures and supplying PPEs to                   In conflict-affected and rural communities like South
health workers has been undertaken by SMoH with                Kordofan mistrust is often high. Community engage-
support from partners [24, 25]. However, several limi-         ment through use of local health committees, trusted
tations still exist in complying to social and physical        leaders, and community health workers is crucial in
distancing, securing handwashing facilities in public          health service delivery [26, 27]. These help to form a
places and inadequate PPE, especially masks in the             quick link between clinical and community-based ser-
community. Moreover, screening and testing capacity            vices, disseminate culturally appropriate and context
is also limited due to less funding and resources.             specific information on behavior change, which ensures
Having designated isolation and quarantine facilities          positive responses and community ownership of service
in all localities is also a challenge, in addition to the      delivery. Increased community participation in health
few intensive care units needed for treatment of ill           projects facilitates the community to contribute to the
COVID-19 patients. These still are attributed to               logistics of the effort and ensures sustainability of the
under financing and lack of structural facilities due to       projects or response activities. Stakeholders need to en-
political instability.                                         sure that more trusted members of the community are
Sserwanja et al. Conflict and Health   (2021) 15:34                                                                             Page 4 of 5

trained to ensure availability of enough community             Abbreviations
health workers. Furthermore, their services can be inte-       WHO: World Health Organization; ARI: Acute respiratory infections; COVID-
                                                               19: Coronavirus disease 2019; IPC: Infection prevention and control;
grated to include nutrition, maternal and child health         PPE: Personal Protective Equipment; ICU: Intensive Care Unit; FMoH: Federal
services. To ensure availability of resources and tackle       Ministry of Health; SMoH: State Ministry of Health; RRTs: Rapid Response
shortage of staff and supplies, there is still need for        Teams; NGO: Non-Governmental Organizations

multi-sectoral participation in the fight against              Acknowledgements
COVID-19.                                                      We thank the South Kordofan SMoH, the Federal Ministry of Health and
   Likewise, national pandemic task forces need to have        other organizations such as UN-OCHA for the open-source data which was
                                                               used for this study.
representation from the different regions of the country
and establish regular interaction with the different           Authors’ contributions
States’ task forces. This will ensure equitable resource al-   Quraish Sserwanja designed the study, selected, and processed the data and
                                                               wrote the manuscript. Mohammed Bashir Adam, Emmanuel Olal and Joseph
location and context-specific measures. Multi-sectoral         Kawuki participated in writing and revising the manuscript. All the authors
and proper coordination with different stakeholders also       contributed to the subsequent drafts, reviewed, and endorsed the final
ensures pooling of resources especially in such areas that     submission. The authors read and approved the final manuscript.
are largely under resourced. Furthermore, decision
makers should ensure equitable allocation of resources         No funding was obtained for this study.
to rural and conflict-affected areas given their vulner-
ability. Presently, much of the resources for COVID-19         Availability of data and materials
                                                               Not applicable.
control are concentrated in Khartoum the capital State,
despite much higher CFR in rural and conflict -affected        Declarations
areas such as Darfur and Kordofan.
                                                               Ethics approval and consent to participate
   The dramatic increase in the number of cases ob-            No serious ethical issues involved in the study since secondary data was
served with the second wave clearly shows a high need          used, and no direct interaction of human nor animal specimens was
to revise the implemented COVID-19 prevention mea-             involved.
sures in the state and to have regular monitoring and          Consent for publication
evaluation of the public's knowledge, attitude, and prac-      Not applicable.
tice regarding the precautionary measures. Further ana-
                                                               Competing interest
lysis of the registered cases in the second wave could
                                                               All authors declare that they have no competing interests.
possibly explain the very high transmission rate and low
mortality rate and hence facilitating better planning for      Author details
                                                                Programmes Department, GOAL Global, Khartoum, Sudan. 2Global Health
the next waves.
                                                               Uganda, Mawanda Road, Plot 667, P.0 Box 33842, Kampala, Uganda. 3Centre
                                                               for Health Behaviors Research, Jockey Club School of Public Health and
                                                               Primary Care, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong- SAR, China.
Conclusions                                                     Yotkom Medical Centre, Kitgum, Uganda.
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