A publication of the Southern African HIV Clinicians Society - Nursing occupational health Infection control in HIV care HIV post-exposure ...
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A publication of the Southern African HIV Clinicians Society Nursing occupational health Infection control in HIV care HIV post-exposure prophylaxis guideline update & self-testing Overwork & nursing June 2016 Volume 7 No. 2
SOUTHERN AFRICAN HIV CLINICIANS SOCIETY CONFERENCE 2018 JOHANNESBURG, SOUTH AFRICA | 24 - 27 OCTOBER 2018 ABOUT THE CONFERENCE The Conference programme is being carefully designed to benefit all health care practitioners. There will be a wealth of current and thought-provoking academic presentations, fascinating ethics sessions as well as practical sessions such as case studies and skills-building workshops. CONFERENCE PROGRAMME FOCUS AREAS ARVs • Women’s Health • Paediatric & Adolescent • Basic Science • Monitoring & Evaluation • Prevention • Operations Research • PHC & Nursing • TB • Opportunistic Infections • HIV Resistance EARN CPD POINTS The Conference will be fully CPD-accredited, providing delegates with an opportunity to accumulate clinical and ethical points. Level One: 30 points including ethics. Level Two: 45 points including ethics (subject to completion of an online multiple choice test). WHO SHOULD ATTEND? Infectious diseases physicians, NIMART-trained (or interested) nurses, general practitioners, HIV specialists, academics and other health care professionals. JOIN US IN 2018 FOR THE SOUTHERN AFRICAN HIV CLINICIANS SOCIETY 4TH BIENNIAL CONFERENCE! Website: www.sahivsoc.org Telephone: +27 (0)11 728 7365 2 18 Email: conference@sahivsoc.org
HIV Nursing Matters focuses on inside the well-being of a nurse 2 Guest editorial Jennifer Cohen 37 C ontinuous QI Small deeds done are better On the cover than great deeds planned • Nursing occupational health 3 Message from the president • Infection control in HIV care Francesca Conradie 40 Competition • HIV post-exposure prophylaxis A day in the life of a TB nurse guideline update & self-testing 4 News • Overwork & nursing 46 W hat to do Current issues Quiz questions 8 Nursing occupational health 12 Overwork and nursing 47 W here to go 17 HIV self-testing Provincial nerve centre hotlines 20 Babies for bling and national AIDS helpline Clinical updates 48 Dear clinician column 24 Infection control in HIV care Integrating HIV care into 27 Occupational exposure to HIV chronic care services 32 TB corner TB infection prevention and control in paediatric clinical settings HIV Nursing Matters | June 2016 | page 1
Guest editorial our interview-based study in Gauteng, nurses felt ‘overworked’. This is also explored in greater detail in this issue (p. 12). earnings, and those who are ill or who Another cause of mental strain for care for family members with mental nurses is moral distress – the sense illnesses, HIV or physical disabilities. that one’s moral integrity is threatened These were often the same nurses by a mismatch between one’s values who thrive on the work itself; who love and perceptions or actions. Many of helping patients get well and are often the nurses I interviewed believed that pleased with the autonomy that income young girls are having ‘babies for from nursing offers. bling’ and experienced frustration over providing care that they perceive to be Some of the nurses were emotionally contributing to a social problem. Hodes, exhausted, having poured all of their Toska and Gittings (p. 20) look at the work into caring for others, seemingly question of whether teenage girls are Jennifer Cohen without being cared for themselves. As having children in order to access the BSc Soc, MA (Pol), MA (Econ), PhD (Econ) one nurse put it in our interview: “Who Child Support Grant using data from Society, Work & Development Institute, will care for the carers?” the Mzantsi Wakho study, and find that University of the Witwatersrand, the grant may instead make girls less Johannesburg This important question has a number vulnerable and less likely to engage in of possible answers, some of these are risky behaviours. Nursing is a profession unlike any other noted in Venter’s article in this issue (p. in South Africa: female-dominated and 8). The article documents a wide range Each article contributes to a better notoriously stressful, yet offering secure of interrelated occupational health understanding of the ways in which employment, in contrast to many other hazards, from chronic and infectious nursing is a stressful profession, even types of increasingly casualised work diseases, to risk of physical injury. though the work is secure. An answer to in Africa and elsewhere. Nurses are the nurse’s question, ’Who will care for securely employed in the sense that In terms of biological hazards, occu the carers?’ is complex. Some of these the work is formal and contracted, they pational exposure to HIV and TB are challenges can simply be addressed are unionised, and are in short supply key concerns. Crowley, Klopper and individually or institutionally, while relative to the demand for health care. Moorhouse (p. 27) provide an update others require structural changes to the Given these labour market conditions, on the post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) profession. Still other challenges that nurses should enjoy a measure of guidelines for HIV in the health sector. nurses confront in their work lives extend bargaining power to secure good The piece clarifies the correct steps beyond the workplace, into nurses’ own working conditions. The reality is that to take in case of exposure to HIV, households and into those of family they continue to confront a number of and notes that PEP services need to and friends, and relate to child- and challenges which are explored in this be scaled up in order for health care elder-care, financial dependency, and issue of HIV Nursing Matters centred workers to care more effectively for complicated familial relationships. on the theme of occupational health. themselves and each other. Mramba and Garcia-Prats (p. 32) offer a rich One certainty is that nurses must care During the past year, I conducted discussion of TB transmission from for themselves and for each other and an infection prevention and control that nursing organisations and unions in-depth interviews with about 70 perspective, specifically with respect to must advocate for improved working professional, staff and auxiliary nurses paediatric settings. environments. A conclusion drawn in a public hospital in Gauteng. The from the interviews that I conducted interviews focused on challenges en Sleep disorders, anxiety and depression in Gauteng is that other nurses are countered in their daily lives, which are likely under-diagnosed among often a nurse’s best resource: each often connect their work lives with nurses, in part because nursing is nurse has expertise and skills learned their lives at home. I was struck by known to have a relatively high degree through experiences in their daily lives the intensity of nurses’ emotions as of occupational stress. Occupational that are valuable to those they work they described the strain that they are stress can enhance performance up to with. Actively trying to create a more under on a daily basis. There were a point, but can contribute to excessive supportive and collaborative working single mothers who struggle to pay strain beyond that. Many nurses are environment would facilitate sharing for childcare, nurses who support under considerable stress from their expertise and could help enhance more than 20 family members on their lives outside of paid work as well. In occupational health for nurses. HIV Nursing Matters | June 2016 | page 2
Message from the The Team president Guest editorial Prof Jennifer Cohen President Dr Francesca Conradie Editorial Advisory Board Dr Elizabeth Mokoka Dr Natasha Davies Dr Michelle Moorhouse Dr Sindisiwe VanZyl Ms Nelouise Geyer Ms Zodwa Mthembu Ms Talitha Crowley Ms Maserame Mojapele Mr Siphiwo Qila Ms Rosemary Mukuka Advertising Dr Francesca Conradie Zodwa Mthembu President, Southern African HIV Clinicians Society E-mail: zodwa@sahivsoc.org Tel: +27 (0) 11 728 7365 When I became a doctor I was very young and naive. I wanted to make sick Article/Letter submission people better and there were things I never thought about. Zodwa Mthembu E-mail: zodwa@sahivsoc.org The first was that I needed to look after my own mental health to be a good Tel: +27 (0) 11 728 7365 doctor. I worked as an intern at Chris Hani Baragwanath Hospital in 1989. And I saw, as in many emergency departments, terrible things: severe injuries, ill- For more information nesses and death. And this exposure made me hard. I had to leave this SA HIV Clinicians Society Suite 233 Post Net Killarney environment to gain perspective and to get my compassion back. I wish, looking Private Bag X2600 back on that time, that I had been for debriefing more often, even if it was only Houghton with my colleagues. 2041 www.sahivsoc.org The other thing is that we, as health care workers, can get infections from our patients. I have seen a number of health care workers who have acquired TB Tel: +27 (0) 11 728 7365 and even HIV at work. While it is the responsibility of the employers to provide Fax: +27 (0) 11 728 1251 a safe environment for staff, we also need to take responsibility for our own E-mail: sahivsoc@sahivsoc.org health. With the high prevalence of TB, we are at real risk at work. And there The opinions expressed are the are some very resistant TB bacilli out there. While I do not enjoy wearing an opinions of the writers and do not N95 mask, I do not want to be infected with MDR- or XDR-TB. So, I put the necessarily portray the opinion of the mask on, and carry on. Editorial Staff of HIV Nursing Matters or the Southern African HIV Clinicians My advice as you read this publication: remember that to be the best health Society. The Society does not accept care workers, we need to keep ourselves well – mentally, emotionally and any responsibility for claims made in physically. advertisements. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without prior consent from the Editor. HIV Nursing Matters | June 2016 | page 3
News The full articles may be accessed via the ‘Read further’ links provided. Gender differences and power with sexual-risk behaviours in New HIV treatment to relationship power could be key adolescents. The researchers identified debut in June in preventing HIV among South promising pathways to reduce IPV and African adolescents help prevent HIV infection, including Published by Health-e News on 19 April 2016 promotion of gender equity as a social Published by Science in Action norm. The findings are set for publication in on 26 April 2016 an upcoming issue of Health Psychology. ViiV Healthcare is expected to introduce the latest in antiretroviral treatment in Millions of those infected with HIV South Africa’s private sector in June at worldwide are young women, aged The research was conducted in South Africa, where the prevalence of both HIV about R720 per month. 15 - 24, according to the World Health Organization. Because the HIV epidemic and IPV is high and men often have more power in relationships than women. The Although the brand name version of overlaps with an epidemic of intimate team assessed data from more than 700 dolutegravir is registered for use in South partner violence (IPV) against women and girls, researchers have suspected sexually experienced adolescents in the Africa, generic registrations may take up a correlation between inequities Eastern Cape Province, South Africa, who to three years. in relationship power and the risky had been followed up at regular intervals sexual behavior that can lead to HIV for 54 months as part of a separate NIH- The new drug, dolutegravir, is also transmission. funded trial ... marketed under the name Tivicay and, like other ARVs, must be used in A new research study from the University Read further: http://www.nursing.upenn. combination with other ARVs. The new of Pennsylvania’s School of Nursing edu/research/Pages/Science-In-Action. drug has already made headlines due to (Penn Nursing), Annenberg School for aspx?itemID=172 low side-effects and its ability to control Communication, and Perelman School the virus better and sooner than South of Medicine, investigated and confirmed Africa’s most common HIV treatment in those associations of IPV and relationship some … HIV Nursing Matters | June 2016 | page 4
news Read further: https://www.health-e.org. Taking the HIV prevention pill is and Ethiopia. The federation estimates za/2016/04/19/new-hiv-treatment-debut-june/ about recognising your risk that two-thirds of diabetes patients in Africa are undiagnosed ... Published by Bhekisisa Treating mental health on 19 April 2016 Read further: https://www.health-e.org. helps economy za/2016/04/19/one-nine-tb-patients-co-infected- Elected state clinics will soon provide diabetes/ Published by Business Day Live a pill that can prevent HIV infection to on 13 April 2016 people at high risk of contracting the virus. Every rand invested in treating depression ‘Not only are people with and anxiety will yield a four-fold return Eight of the 10 sites where between in better health and greater workplace 3 000 and 5 000 HIV-negative sex diabetes more likely to get productivity, according to a global study workers will get an antiretroviral pill that by the World Health Organization, TB, they are also less likely prevents HIV infection will be ready to published in the Lancet Psychiatry journal do so in June, according to the health to respond to treatment.’ on Wednesday. department’s deputy director general of HIV, Yogan Pillay. The findings add weight to calls for increased funding for mental health The 2013 - 2014 South African Health programmes in low- and middle-income Monitoring Survey with Female Sex Quarter of surveyed health countries, such as SA, where they receive Workers, which was conducted facilities report stock outs a meagre slice of health-care budgets. among about 2 000 sex workers in Domestic figures are sketchy, but Johannesburg, Cape Town and Durban, Published by Health-e News experts agree that too few resources are found that about 72% of women on16 April 2016 allocated to mental healthcare ... surveyed were HIV-infected ... Almost 25% of health facilities surveyed Read further: http://www.bdlive.co.za/ Read further: http://bhekisisa.org/ nationally have gone without HIV or national/health/2016/04/13/treating-mental- article/2016-04-19-prep-is-about-recognising- health-helps-economy tuberculosis (TB) medicines at least once your-risk in the last year, according to preliminary survey results released this week. Home HIV testing gets the One in nine TB patients co-infected green light with diabetes As part of its third annual survey, the civil society coalition Stop Stock Outs Project Published by Health-e News Published by Health-e News telephoned about 60% of the country’s on 8 February 2016 on 19 April 2016 public health facilities in late 2015. As part of the survey, facility staff were asked Pharmacists can sell take-home HIV About one in nine South African whether their facility had experienced a testing kits, according to Pharmacy tuberculosis (TB) patients are also living shortage of HIV, TB or other essential Council of South Africa Registrar and with type 2 diabetes, according to medicines and vaccines in the preceding CEO Amos Masango. According to Stellenbosch University medical biologist three months ... Masango, a May 2015 decision by the Dr Katharina Ronacher. Ronacher warns council effectively quietly removed the Read further: https://www.health-e.org. rising rates of co-infection could have ban on pharmacist sales of HIV self-testing za/2016/04/16/quarter-surveyed-health- consequences for treatment outcomes. facilities-report-stock-outs/ kits. The decision comes almost one year after the council gazetted a draft plan to About 2.3 million South Africans may be remove the ban. The proposed lifting of living with diabetes and many of these Delamanid clinical access the ban was warmly received publicly, people may not even know it, according programme expected Masango told Health-e News ... to the International Diabetes Federation. Published by Health-e News Read further: https://www.health-e.org. According to the federation’s 2015 atlas, on 29 March 2016 za/2016/02/08/home-hiv-testing-gets-the- green-light/ nearly half Africa’s diabetes patients are found in just four countries – South Africa, The South African National Department Democratic Republic of Congo, Nigeria of Health is expected to roll out a clinical HIV Nursing Matters | June 2016 | page 5
access programme to allow drug-resistant South Africa rolls out ‘test and ARV-infused vaginal ring tuberculosis (DR-TB) patients access to treat’ to sex workers significantly lowers HIV infections the new drug delamanid. Published by Health-e News Published by Bhekisisa on 4 March 2016 on 3 February 2016 According to Director of the Department of Health’s DR-TB, TB and HIV division South Africa has become one of the Trials have found that vaginal rings Dr Norbert Ndjeka, the Department world’s first countries to begin rolling out containing an antiretroviral drug could is currently in talks with Japanese pre-exposure prophylaxis as well as ‘test more than halve women’s chances of drug maker Otsuka Pharmaceutical and treat’ to sex workers as it launches contracting HIV if used consistently. to negotiate access to Otsuka’s DR-TB drug delamanid for what will initially be Africa’s first plan to prevent and treat HIV among sex workers. A vaginal ring infused with anti-HIV a small number of patients as part of a medication can reduce women’s chances clinical access programme ... South Africa will soon begin providing of contracting the virus by almost a third Read further: https://www.health-e.org. HIV treatment to HIV-positive sex workers – and by up to 56% in women older za/2016/03/29/south-africa-to-roll-out- upon diagnosis as part of a new national than 21 – according to the results of delamanid/ plan announced late Friday. Currently, two clinical trials announced at the most people living with HIV must wait annual Conference on Retroviruses and until their CD4 counts – a measure of the Opportunistic Infections in Boston in the ‘South Africa treats about immune system’s strength – fall to 500 United States on Tuesday. 12 000 MDR-TB patients before they can start treatment ... The trials required over 4 000 HIV- each year and only Read further: https://www.health-e.org. negative women aged between 18 and 40% are ever cured ... za/2016/03/14/south-africa-rolls-out-test-and- 45 in South Africa, Uganda, Zimbabwe treat-to-sex-workers/ and Malawi to insert a flexible silicone Delamanid could help the ring containing the antiretroviral country improve these cure dapavirine into their vaginas. They had Occupational health into to replace the ring every month over a rates.’ mainstream healthcare (planning period of two years ... the future: implications for occupational health; delivery and Read further: http://bhekisisa.org/ training) article/2016-02-23-drug-laced-vaginal-ring-could- New clinical trial may shorten TB lower-hiv-infections Published by UK Council for Work & Health treatment for kids in March 2016 Published by Health-e News Promising new HIV prevention on 24 March 2016 The number one recommendation from a tool gives women greater control recently released report from the Council About a million children develop tuber for Work and Health, based in the UK, is Published by Business Day Live culosis (TB) annually around the world the integration of occupational health into on 23 February 2016 and when they do, they are often forced mainstream healthcare provision. ‘Return to try to take tiny handfuls of adult-sized to work should be a clinical outcome for A new tool for women to protect tablets for months. Now, local researchers care pathways formulated for adults who themselves against HIV is a step closer, are looking at ways to make TB treatment need or wish to work. Clinical health care with the announcement on Monday that for kids shorter and easier. teams in hospital and general practice a vaginal ring containing the antiretroviral settings should have access to, and be drug dapivirine is safe and reduces the When the world’s tiniest patients develop able to refer to, competent advice to risk of infection by up to 56%. active TB, everyone from mom to the facilitate appropriate return to ‘good’ local clinic nurse is left trying to crush work’ ... The results of two phase 3 studies — the adult-sized tablets into bitter-tasting, kid- Ring Study and ASPIRE — were released Read further: http://www. on Monday at the annual Conference sized portions ... councilforworkandhealth.org.uk/images/uploads/ on Retroviruses and Opportunistic library/Final%20Report%20-%20Planning%20 Read further: https://www.health-e.org. the%20Future%20-%20Implications%20for%20 Infections in Boston, paving the way for za/2016/03/24/new-clinical-trial-may-shorten- OH%20-%20Proof%202.pdf the developers of the ring to apply for tb-treatment-for-kids/ regulatory approval. HIV Nursing Matters | June 2016 | page 6
news news More than 4 500 women were enrolled Africans from ever contracting the virus. in the two studies, which each included The MCC has officially registered the volunteers from SA ... use of a combination pill of two anti- retroviral drugs as a form of pre-exposure Read further: http://www.bdlive.co.za/ prophylaxis (PrEP) medication; a pill national/health/2016/02/23/promising-new- taken once a day that massively reduces hiv-prevention-tool-gives-women-greater-control the chances of contracting HIV ... Read further: http://bhekisisa.org/ article/2015-12-09-sa-registers-a-two-in-one-pill- Policy: Managing patient safety that-can-prevent-hiv-infection incidents in South Africa Published by Health-e News on 8 January 2016 Released in December, this 56-page policy outlines the management of patient safety incidents, including the provision of feedback to patients, families and clinicians, as well as the sharing of lessons learned. This policy describes a national stan dardised system for managing patient safety incidents to ensure that health facilities, district offices, provincial offices and the national office respond effectively to patient safety incidents. According to the document, all health facilities must have a system in place to manage patient safety incidents according to the following principles … Read further: https://www.health-e.org. za/2016/01/08/policy-managing-patient-safety- incidents-in-south-africa/ SA registers a two-in-one pill that can prevent HIV infection Published by Bhekisisa on 9 December 2015 South Africa has become only the second country in the world to allow widespread access to groundbreaking HIV pre- exposure prophylaxis medication. On Tuesday, the Medicines Control Council (MCC) helped secure South Africa’s leading position on the continent in the fight against AIDS. In one press release they have allowed a new, extremely easy-to-use and powerful weapon to stop HIV-negative South HIV Nursing Matters | June 2016 | page 7
Nursing occupational health Francois Venter, MB BCh, FCP (SA), MMed, Dip HIV Med, DTM&H Wits Reproductive Health & HIV Institute, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa A challenge for governments, public health, trade unions and nurses themselves Nurses are a unique occupational that occupational health receives very high incidence of these disorders. High group, when one looks at the myriad little attention does not make sense, workloads, especially in the context of of health challenges they may face especially as some interventions can nurse shortages, which are common in an average career. A nurse may easily be accommodated in health across Africa as noted above, affect transition from a frontline shift-work facility planning and management. many of these disorders, and may job in a hospital, to working days in also affect sleep and stress, even in a primary care clinic and occasional Occupational health for nurses can the absence of shift work. In addition, nights in casualty, to a management broadly be broken down into several nurses often earn more than women role requiring substantial desk work, categories. The majority of nurses are from surrounding communities, and to a pharmaceutical representative women, so this article will focus on are often expected to shoulder added required to undertake frequent travel. issues directly affecting them, although support burdens for their families, which This article focuses on occupational most areas also apply to men. can create significant stress. Finally, health challenges that nurses face unpaid reproductive work still falls doing conventional clinical practice, Shift work, overwork and predominantly on women. Childcare rather than managerial or other roles in chronic diseases facilities for unsociable shift work times which they may find themselves. may not be available, meaning that These are discussed together, as issues home life creates additional stress. Nurses’ health matters, especially in such as hypertension, obesity, diabetes Africa, where nurses are a precious and mental disorders themselves It is important to realise that many commodity. There are far too few interact in complex ways, and are consequences of chronic diseases are of them to meet the health needs of exacerbated by shift work and sleep extrapolated to Africa from health data the population and training takes disturbances. Shift work is only one taken from developed countries; it is substantial time and resources. In many aspect that may contribute to this important to have a healthy scepticism areas in Africa, nurses are the only complex interplay, and nurses who about some of the so-called ‘chronic health care resource available; the fact do not do shift work may still have a diseases’ that are commonly cited as HIV Nursing Matters | June 2016 | page 8
current issue ‘epidemics’ in African communities, activity. Associations with elevated Hypertension: This chronic condition as we lack data on the extent of the cholesterol, high blood pressure and appears to be associated with cardio consequences of these disorders, as abnormal sugars have been raised. vascular and renal outcomes, although well as on their causality. That said, However, there is a substantial amount its manifestation in Africa appears certain issues such as sleep problems of research to demonstrate that inactivity to be different from heavily studied and diabetes clearly impact on health may be a far more serious risk factor populations in richer countries. As with and quality of life, with interventions that than weight gain, which is notoriously diabetes, treatment revolves around life can help people with these disorders. difficult to reverse. style modification and medication. HIV is now regarded as a chronic dis ease, but is covered elsewhere in the Mental illness: There are few data on article. ‘[n]urse complaints the prevalence of mental illness among around patient care nurses; however, it is unlikely to be lower Sleep: Shift work is strongly correlated than the general population, where with sleep problems, for obvious reasons. and other issues may undiagnosed anxiety and depression Tiredness, insomnia, and poor quality not be taken seriously, is very high. Women in particular have sleep all impact heavily on quality of leading to a feeling of high rates of these disorders, and again, life in multiple studies, and interventions disempowerment, as the fact that nurses are overwhelm are often inadequate. Sleep disorders ingly female, suggests that prevalence have been associated with weight well as poor peer would be high. Mental illness remains gain and hypertension. Sleep is often support ...’ highly stigmatised, even among health further disrupted by exposure to light, care staff. Referral mechanisms for interruptions by children and family, treatment are notoriously inadequate, and daytime noise. Medication that Recent dietary advice has veered despite availability of some effective induces sleep artificially can assist, but towards cutting down on refined interventions. Shift work has been asso is rarely an option for the long term, due carbohydrates, especially sugar, and ciated with depression. to increased tolerance, dependence away from recommending low-fat diets; (especially with the older medications) the diet field, however, is notoriously Substance abuse: Again, there are and cost. Typical ‘sleep hygiene’ advice faddish, with few evidence-based few data to suggest that levels of may help (comfortable bed, light and recommendations beyond those around use of substances such as tobacco, noise control, etc.), but the temporal refined carbohydrates, as a mechanism alcohol and illegal recreational drugs, nature of shift work may prove to be to reverse weight gain. Exercise is all but interact with chronic disease very difficult in lessening impact of poor similarly controversial as a mechanism presentation. Opiate and other addict sleep. Recently, cognitive behavioural to reverse weight gain; however, in ions to drugs available through the therapy interventions have been used activity (the ‘couch potato’) is firmly workplace would be more prevalent successfully for insomnia, and may help linked to poor health outcomes, even in among health care workers (HCWs), address other areas that may be useful skinny people, and trying to stay active due to easier access, but almost no in nursing, such as stress and burnout. seems prudent advice. data are available on this issue. Obesity: Many countries in Africa have Diabetes: Raised blood sugar is asso ‘Burnout’ and compassion fatigue: documented rapid rises in weight as ciated with obesity (although weight Some work has been done on ‘burnout’ people become wealthier and eating and diabetes may be more related and compassion fatigue, two distinct patterns change. South African women to intake of refined carbohydrates, but related entities that have had have recently been said to have the than a causative association; many substantial media attention. The advent highest rate of obesity in the world cases of diabetes are now being of video capture has highlighted (South African men came in seventh), noted in people with normal weight); public and very distressing instances and it is likely that nurses are similarly diabetes-related mortality is significant of nurses behaving callously or even affected. Shift work is associated with in countries that have accurate data. abusing patients. The reasons for this weight gain, presumably because of Diabetes complications are complex are very complex, but seem largely unsocial eating times, time pressures, and myriad, with impact on kidneys, related to an unsupportive workplace and lack of access to healthier food. eyesight, circulation to feet and environment, where nurse complaints The definition of obesity has recently hands, and on cardiovascular health. around patient care and other issues been challenged, but there definitely are Diabetes outcomes can be modified may not be taken seriously, leading to a associated disorders at extreme weight with a range of lifestyle modifications, feeling of disempowerment, as well as gain, including joint and back problems, which include medication, but require a poor peer support, where fellow nurses that may affect other areas of nursing comprehensive approach. do not hold their work colleagues HIV Nursing Matters | June 2016 | page 9
accountable to commonly held ethical valence of HIV and hepatitis B, and infection symptoms are not permitted to and professional standards. often inadequate access to timely come to clinical work. prophylaxis. Occupational interventions to address Blood-borne infectious diseases: HIV is chronic diseases: Occupational support Tuberculosis: TB deserves special men the most feared blood-borne virus in to address these chronic diseases is tion, as a major occupational hazard. the Southern African region, although complex; shift work is required for Both drug-sensitive and -resistant TB it is now readily treatable with safe patient care, so this aspect of nursing affect HCWs disproportionately, espe medication, with a return to near-normal care will remain as part of the work cially those with HIV, and drug-resistant life expectancy. HIV occupational landscape requirements. Workplace- TB carries substantial mortality, and exposure is common, although actual based screening programmes that treatment is very toxic. TB prevention transmission appears to be very unusual; screen for obesity, diabetes, hyper requires facilities that encourage nurses are far more likely to acquire tension, renal disease and mental venti lation and exposure to sunlight, HIV sexually than through blood or illness can be implemented relatively patient isolation, as well as personal other exposure at work. Hepatitis B is simply. Practical advice on issues protection devices such as N95 masks. far easier to transmit via needle sticks surrounding sleep could easily be Unfortunately, little attention has been than HIV, and is very common, but provided. Better management support given to facility design with ventilation in with a very effective vaccine available, may have an impact on burnout and mind – many clinics and hospitals were compassion fatigue. Further research built decades ago, and renovations are which is compulsory in some countries can help identify effective interventions expensive or impossible. Even newer for HCWs. Hepatitis C is common in for addressing complex issues of facilities rarely seem to be built with certain pockets in Africa, and, while occupational health and chronic occupational exposure to TB in mind, a now curable, requires drugs that are diseases. huge problem when one considers that extremely expensive and generally not TB can live for months in droplet form, yet available in the places where the Infectious diseases if not exposed to sunlight. Isolation virus exists. Organisms such as malaria, of patients with sputum-positive TB is syphilis and others are very rarely Nurses are a critical part of the triage rarely undertaken, often due to over- spread through blood exposure. process, and are often the first to have crowding of health facilities. Finally, contact with people with infectious N95 masks are somewhat effective in Dread diseases: Ebola outbreaks have diseases. Personal protection devices stopping inhalation of TB bacilli, but focused urgent attention on the risks are often expensive, uncomfortable are expensive and uncomfortable; in that HCWs face. The areas where these and unwieldy, and often disliked by addition, they are often confined to use outbreaks have occurred have some of patients, as they can create perceived in TB or infectious diseases wards, and the most fragile health care systems; barriers to human interactions. Gloves, not in many other places in which TB is Ebola deaths among trained nurses masks and aprons may provide some commonly found, including admission decimated maternal health services in protection from bodily fluid exposure, areas. Liberia in a very short time, with catas but the nature of clinical care is that trophic consequences for maternal they may not be used at the point of Influenza: Flu carries substantial mor and infant health. The very complex contact. Occupational exposures, such bidity for HCWs, who are more likely to community engagement seen with the as needle stick injuries, cause significant be exposed to the virus than the general Ebola outbreaks, with attacks on health anxiety due to high background pre population. A partially effective vaccine care staff wearing protective gear, has is available, and may be obtained also focused attention on education, through some workplace programmes, ‘Occupational exposures, and the impact of protective gear on although is not mandatory. Flu also patient perceptions of staff. Health such as needle stick injuries, carries substantial morbidity and mor care staff, especially those involved cause significant anxiety tality risks for hospitalised patients, where it can have devastating conse with initial contact with ill people at due to high background quences in already ill patients. Calls for facilities, as well as those undertaking prevalence of HIV and the mandatory vaccination of HCWs intense nursing, in environments such as have been tempered recently by data hospitals and high care environments, hepatitis B, and often are likely to be canaries in the mine for questioning how effective routine HCW inadequate access to timely flu vaccines are in preventing hospital many similar infectious diseases. prophylaxis.’ infections. In some developed world countries, HCWs with upper respiratory HIV Nursing Matters | June 2016 | page 10
current issue Occupational interventions to address Occupational health and others, though, are systemic workplace infectious diseases: There should be patient care deficiencies that require advocacy and clear protocols for things such as focus. Employers (including govern— exposure to infectious fluids, and the Mechanical assistance for the move ments) have traditionally not paid handling of patients with potentially ment of patients is very limited, as it is much attention to issues beyond what is transmittable diseases. Protocols for a complex task; nurses are often res required of them legally, and it seems dealing with known exposures and ponsible for the lifting and moving unlikely that this will change until nursing access to prevention interventions (such of patients, in and out of beds, into representatives start challenging the as post-exposure prophylaxis for HIV wheelchairs and stretchers, and onto status quo. and hepatitis B), should be readily diagnostic equipment. available and monitored. One of the most trumpeted clichés Backache and joint problem: These beloved of public health policy makers, Some infectious diseases are easily are almost invariable, especially in in- politicians and managers is that ‘nurses dealt with through vaccinations – all patient care, or where poorly designed are the backbone of our health care HCWs should ensure they have access furniture exists. Nursing care of patients system.’ Sadly, when it comes to occu to the hepatitis B vaccine, which is involves examinations that may involve pational health, much more needs to very effective. Those who have had lifting, rolling and moving patients. be done if nurses are going to get the the vaccine should have titres checked Some studies have shown high levels interventions they need to function at periodically. The flu vaccine should be of backache and knee and hip pain their best. offered annually, due to the high-risk among nurses, enough to have an nature of contact with flu patients. impact on quality of life. Useful resources For practical advice on Post-exposure pro New vaccines against Ebola look very Violence: Studies have shown sub phylaxis: Moorhouse M, et al. Guideline promising, and should be made avail stantial risk for HCWs to be exposed on the management of occupational and able to frontline workers as soon as to violence at work, largely through non-occupational exposure to the human they are shown to be safe and effective. exposure to mentally ill, intoxicated or immunodeficiency virus and recommendations upset patients or their families. Immo for post-exposure prophylaxis: 2015 Update. HIV-positive nurses should consider their bilisation of violent patients is complex S Afr J HIV Med 2015;16(1). http://dx.doi. options carefully, as they are at very from a practical perspective, as well as org/10.4102/sajhivmed.v16i1.39 high risk of acquiring TB. At the very from legal and ethical perspectives. For an overview of the challenges facing nursing least, they should be on suppressive health (American): Gooloo S, et al. Nursing antiretrovirals, appreciating that TB risk Occupational interventions to address Staff in Hospitals and Nursing Homes: Is It still is significant. Additional prophylaxis patient care issues: Thoughtful design Adequate?, National Academy Press, 1996. with isoniazid should be considered. of facilities and equipment that makes http://www.nap.edu/read/5151/chapter/1 Ideally, HIV-positive nurses should movement of patients easier has A website with multiple links to legal and policy avoid working in high-TB burden areas, been implemented in many richer workplace resources: http://www.mywage. such as casualties, medicine wards countries, and should be assessed co.za/main/decent-work/health-and-safety-at- or TB hospitals, when making career for implementation in local scenarios, work/health-and-safety choices. according to budgets. Clear guidance An overview of nursing in South Africa: Rispel on dealing with violent patients that L, Bruce J. A profession in peril? Revitalising The role of unions and other professional permits safe restraint within legal limits nursing in South Africa. In: Padarath A, King bodies needs mentioning. There has is usually available, and needs to J, English R, eds. South African Health Review been precious little advocacy around be easily accessible in areas where 2014/15. Durban: Health Systems Trust; 2015. ensuring a safe environment for patient violence is most likely, such as in casualty http://www.hst.org.za/sites/default/files/ care. Needle stick injuries are widely or in-patient psychiatric facilities. KWIKSKWIZ_SAHR_Ch9.pdf recognised as management failures, but Website for Democratic Nursing Organisation of workplaces rarely investigate them as Conclusions South Africa (DENOSA): http://www.denosa. such. Facility safety is unlikely to change, org.za/index.php based on current experience, without Nursing occupational health is exceed advocacy around HCW health. These ingly complex; some aspects are easily issues are easily monitored, and should met, such as vaccinations, access to be a major focus of groups tasked with prophylaxis, and provision of bare looking after the well-being of nurses. minimum protective clothing. Many HIV Nursing Matters | June 2016 | page 11
Overwork and nursing Jennifer Cohen, BSc Soc, MA (Pol), MA (Econ), PhD (Econ) Society, Work & Development Institute, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa Stress and overwork are top health stress, both physical and mental, than impact the worker at home or ‘home- and safety concerns for nurses, who male workers due to unpaid household work conflict’ in which home-based also report that such concerns influence work and care work.[4] Care work stresses impact the person at work.[4-6] their decisions to remain in the nursing entails unique physical, emotional and According to this research, individuals profession.[1] Nursing is known to be an psychological demands, whether or have experiences that connect their extraordinarily stressful occupation.[2,3] not it is performed for pay. For women workplaces and their homes even Unlike in other professions, stress in in paid care work such as nursing, the though they may not perceive a conflict nursing is assumed to be present. focus of this piece, stress from overwork between the demands of paid work can come from the workload in the and unpaid work. Workload and stress workplace, at home, or a combination of the two. Consider the case of overwork as a For nurses, the word ‘stress’ describes cause of stress. Nurses tend to feel a mix of unpleasant situations and Research on occupational stress often overworked, but ‘overwork’ is not merely unpleasant inner personal experi focuses on workplace stress alone, a workplace-based phenomenon, ences.[3] Stress may come from as if the workplace and home are parti cularly for women. Nurses have high workloads; staff shortages, distinct and unrelated.[5] Implicit in this a heavy workload, consisting both of which contribute to overwork; and approach is an understanding of the paid and unpaid work, and often feel a perceived lack of support from workplace and home as ‘separate fatigued, overwhelmed and stressed colleagues, management and hospital spheres,’ dividing the economy into out as a result. Paid work includes administration. But workload-related a public sphere and a private sphere the hours of activity for which nurses stress may also come from outside of the and the life of the worker into a work- receive pay. Unpaid work consists of workplace, namely from the household. life and a home-life. However, some the hands-on work of child-, self- and This often differs for women and men: research emphasises ‘work-home con eldercare, in addition to household women workers tend to have more flict’ in which work-based stresses work like cooking and cleaning. The HIV Nursing Matters | June 2016 | page 12
current issue unpaid work that women do can be workloads are not separable: the work Because a nurse’s caring work may considered a ‘second shift’ of work.[7] is connected through the worker and the be paid (located in the workplace) or care that she provides. The substance of unpaid (located at home), ‘the job’ here Nurses do this unpaid work on top of the work that nurses do, and the hands- may refer to either, or both, of the jobs. In the 9 or 12 hours of paid work that they on nature of that work, connects nurses’ other words, the demands of care never do in wards and clinics. An interview- lives inside their ward or clinic to their end, which can contribute to a feeling based study of 24 female professional world outside. Nurses care for patients of time pressure, stress, frustration and nurses in a public hospital in Gauteng and for members of their own and other even anxiety or depression. Province that divided nurses’ time households. One nurse summarises the into sleep, paid work, unpaid work, relationship: Caring work is a shared commuting and leisure found that, on an challenge for nurses average workday, nurses who do shift ‘I think its a continuation actually, the work do nearly three hours of unpaid home-life and my work-life. To me, it’s a The most obvious form of unpaid care work in the home and professional continuation. I’m here in the hospital work done by the nurses who were nurses in clinics who work from 7 am dealing with the life of human beings. interviewed in the Gauteng-based study - 4 pm do over four hours of unpaid And at home I also care for human is childcare. This form of care work is work.[8] On average, the nurses spent beings. I continue to look after the life not limited to those nurses with young about two hours commuting to and but indirectly. It’s not direct like here in children or to single mothers; it affects from the hospital per day. Therefore, the hospital. There is a connection to nurses in a wide range of circumstances. on workdays, leisure time amounts to me, with the hospital and home.’[9] For example, one nurse in her early 60s under two hours for nurses in clinics is supporting two children, ages 4 and and averaged just 24 minutes for nurses Caring work, paid and unpaid, can be 6, who belong to her daughter who on 12-hour shifts (Figure 1). It is no especially strenuous in part because passed on four years ago. The nurse is surprise, then, that many nurses feel that it places extraordinary physical, emo also supporting her husband, another they are under constant time pressure tional and mental demands on the daughter, and another grandchild. She both at work and at home, which can carer.[6] But more fundamentally, caring said: contribute to feelings of distress. work is uniquely demanding because while the legally or socially recognised ‘You know, when we grow up, you Time-use in hours per day[8] claim on care for a particular person or have got plans. “Ok, this is what I’m Interpreting overwork as the result of patient may be fulfilled, the desire for going to do, if I work I’m going to do separate, if heavy, workloads at home care is by its nature without limit. This this or that.” I had a daughter who was and in paid work paints an incomplete limitlessness may leave the carer feeling working, who was helping me here and picture. It suggests independent work that she can never provide the quantity there financially, now, she’s gone. And loads for the same worker. Yet the and quality of care that the job requires. I’m left with her two kids. And [my other daughter] is not working. I have to look after her, I have to look after her son, I have to look after myself, I have to look Leisure time per day after my husband … it becomes a lot too Unpaid work time per day much.’ [10] Commute time per day workday Paid work time (workday) including lunch/breaks Beyond child care, and among other Sleep challenges, the demands of care work may be particularly challenging for 24 nurses in South Africa due to HIV. Studies of health professionals have found that 18 caring for HIV-positive patients can contribute to overwork and burnout.[2,11] 12 Caring for patients with HIV can place Hours 6 social burdens on caregivers and may take a psychological toll. Several of 0 the nurses who were interviewed in Shift nurses Clinic nurses the Gauteng-based study talked about HIV as a source of stress and overwork. However, that stress typically came Figure 1: Time-use in hours per day. from outside of the workplace, rather HIV Nursing Matters | June 2016 | page 13
than from patient care, but had impacts allowed the nurse to ‘escape into a stress on burnout and satisfaction at work. J both at home and at work. different world, where I did not have Organiz Behav 1991,12(1):39-53. to give out or help anybody …’[11] But 6. Ten Brummelhuis LL, Bakker AB. A resource Some nurses are HIV-positive themselves for many nurses, finding the time to perspective on the work–home interface: and other nurses are caregivers for replenish exhausted mental, physical The work-home resources model. Am HIV-positive family members. Still more and emotional resources outside of Psychol 2012,67(7):545-556. nurses are the caregivers for elderly paid work may prove difficult, if not 7. Hochschild A. The Second Shift. Viking. relatives or for their own grandchildren impossible. As a shared challenge for 1989. because other relatives or children nurses that cuts across generations 8. Research protocol approved by the Whitman passed on due to HIV-related illnesses. and the professional hierarchy, care- College Institutional Review Board on 6 HIV has meant a rising demand for care based overwork may provide a basis April 2015 and issued approval number: IRB inside and outside of the paid work for organisational consideration of 14/15-61. The qualitative study used in-depth environment for nurses. Not only can responses that would reduce overwork interview techniques to collect time-use data. The broader study includes 71 professional HIV contribute to overwork in terms of in the workplace. nurses, staff nurses, and auxiliary nurses and intensity of demand for care in daily life, was approved by hospital administration. The it can have life-long consequences and References/Footnotes time-use categories are discrete; meaning has left some nurses unable to retire, 1. Worthington K. Health & safety: Stress and that they add up to 24 hours per nurse per with frustrated hopes for their own overwork top nurses’ concerns. Am J Nurs day. The reality of time-use is more complex, futures.[8] The demands of care work, 2001,101(12):96. however, as activities do not divide so neatly therefore, present a multi-generational into discrete categories. The time-use data 2. Van der Colff JJ, Rothmann S. Occupational cited here covers 12 professional nurses who challenge for nurses. stress of professional nurses in South work in shifts and 12 professional nurses who Africa. Journal of Psychology in Africa work in clinics with hours of 7 am - 4 pm Nurses’ heavy load of caring work in 2014,24(4):375-384. Monday to Thursday and 7 am - 1 pm on the workplace and at home interact in 3. Bond M. Stress and Self-awareness: A Guide Fridays. ways that are particularly stressful given for Nurses. London: Aspen Pub, 1986. 9. Anonymous professional nurse. Author’s the unique demands of care work and 4. Galanakis M, Stalikas A, Kallia H, interview, 13 May 2015. Study protocol the limitless nature of the desire for care. Karagianni C, Karela C. Gender differences approval: IRB 14/15-61. For healthcare workers, life outside of in experiencing occupational stress: The role 10. Anonymous professional nurse. Author’s work is critically important for avoiding of age, education and marital status. Stress interview, 12 May 2015. Study protocol stress-related burnout. One clinical and Health 2009,25:397-404. approval: IRB 14/15-61. care nurse described the importance 5. Bacharach SB, Bamberger P, Conley S. 11. Lempp H. Burnout associated with caring for of other interests and hobbies outside Work-home conflict among nurses and people living with HIV/AIDS. Nursing Times of nursing and other engagements that engineers: Mediating the impact of role 1995;19(18):34-35. Do you have too much stress? Some stress is beneficial because it Identifying stress anger, self-doubt, indecisiveness, pro stimulates engagement with work. crastination, or suppression of feelings. Without it, we would be bored and may Stress may be difficult to notice be become frustrated. It is the stress that cause it may increase gradually. Per Behavioural impacts: withdrawing builds beyond this that is experienced sonal reflection can help you identify into the self, verbal aggression, grip as unpleasant and can provoke anxiety symptoms and sources of distress, a key ping objects tightly, losing interest in or have other negative impacts on first step in coping with it. things you liked, insensitivity toward others, or destructive behaviours such well-being. Nurses may be hesitant to Physical impacts: headaches, nau as excessive drinking. acknowledge distress because they feel sea, heart palpitations, high blood pres that it is simply part of their lives at work sure, tense muscles, stomach cramps, and at home, and therefore they should constipation and diarrhoea. ‘Nurses may be hesitant to put on a brave face. But internalisation acknowledge distress because of this can lead to feelings of isolation Emotional impacts: anxiety, de they feel that it is simply part of from others, both at work and at home. pression, fear, feeling trapped, hope their lives at work.’ lessness, despair, loneliness, defeated, HIV Nursing Matters | June 2016 | page 14
current issue Coping with stress and experience of their colleagues. can provide you with information Peer mentoring is valuable because and help you make a plan. 1. Distractions: distractions such as it can help establish the supportive hobbies, exercise, interactions with relationships that are sorely needed in What can management do? friends, and helping others can many wards and clinics. Mentoring can provide temporary relief from stress. help with work-based concerns but it 1. Make mental health resources 2. Self-care: meditation, relaxation can also help with financial difficulties, available and easy to access: exercises, breathing exercises and family problems including divorce, and The extraordinary stress that nurses eating well may help you prepare health-related concerns. are under can lead to anxiety and for, and respond to stress. Further, depression as well as burnout. some evidence suggests that the How to help stressed out Social workers who are available ways we think about stress can colleagues: to nurses and who actively engage predict whether stress will impact 1. Offer to help with work if you see with nurses in their clinics and us negatively. Rethinking stress as someone struggling with their work wards could help nurses talk about an opportunity to give and receive load. the challenges that they confront. support may help strengthen 2. Be approachable so that people feel They could also refer nurses to support networks. able to ask for help if they need it. mental health professionals located 3. Emoting and externalising: crying, 3. Communicate with your colleagues in the hospital, which could make talking about stress with supportive about challenges so that you can seeking help easier. people, or writing down feelings work together for things to function 2. Be supportive of peer mentoring: can help you release stress instead more smoothly in the future. Peer mentoring can improve the of keeping it inside. working environment. Management 4. Confronting causes of stress: How not to help stressed out could put together a list of nurses • Reflect: instead of avoiding colleagues: who are willing to be contacted by thinking about sources of stress, 1. Tease them for requiring assistance. peers who are in need of support try to figure out what causes 2. Tell them to ‘cheer up’ without and mentoring, and distribute the stress at work and at home. working with them to address list with contact details to all nurses. • Communicate: communicate sources of stress. 3. Provide channels for receiving with others at work and at home 3. Have a row rather than waiting and responding to feedback: about sources of stress and ask to communicate with colleagues The hierarchical organisation of for help. The things that cause about challenges once an urg the profession can make it difficult stress can be difficult to talk ent matter has been resolved. for nurses to provide feedback to about, but sometimes simply management and administration. talking about them helps ease Do you have financial stress? Solicited feedback could help stress. Nurses have many shared management identify needed inter challenges and can benefit from 1. Make a budget: Putting together ventions. learning about each other’s a budget can change how you feel 4. Schedule meetings in advance: experiences. about your finances. Being organ Last-minute meetings are experi • Make a stress-relief plan: ised can improve your sense of enced as a disruption in a busy consider seeking out peer men financial well-being. day. Schedule meetings ahead of tors or counsellors to help you 2. Keep track of expenses: time so that clinics and wards can reduce stress. Keeping a notebook where you plan their shift when they arrive. record your income and your 5. Increase transparency when Who will care for the carers? spending every day can help you work processes change: If stay on top of your expenses. This nurses are required to take new Do you have a good working relation can ease payday stress because notes or fill in a new form, take ship with your colleagues? Or do you you will know exactly what is in your care to make the reasoning clear. or do others who you work with feel bank account and where it is going. Otherwise, already overworked bullied? 3. See a financial counsellor: nurses may interpret changes as If you need assistance with your ‘make work’ policies. One of the best resources that nurses finances or have questions about have available to them is the expertise debt, then a financial counsellor HIV Nursing Matters | June 2016 | page 15
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