A place to call home Student accommodation guide - Royal Agricultural University

Page created by Dan Strickland
A place to call home Student accommodation guide - Royal Agricultural University
A place to
call home
Student accommodation guide   rau.ac.uk
A place to call home Student accommodation guide - Royal Agricultural University
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Hello and
Make yourself at home                      Living on campus
Whether you choose to live on campus       There are a lot of benefits to living
surrounded by the rolling hills of the     on campus at the RAU. You’ll get to
Cotswolds or off campus in the heart       know the university and be right in
of the town, the RAU is a place you        the heart of the action.
can call home.
                                           The RAU offers catered and self-
The University is large enough that many   catered accommodation on campus,
facilities are on-site, yet small enough   just a few minutes’ walk to the library
to create a close-knit community that      and study areas, restaurant, Retreat
inspires students to consider us a home    Café, shop, lecture blocks, Students’
from home. With a population of around     Union bar, laundrette, gym and sports
1,100 students, we are more like a         facilities. There is also a free shuttle
community than a campus.                   bus to Cirencester and the RAU
                                           farms, plus car parking on site.
                                           Student Support
Our stunning campus, which is within
walking distance of the bustling town of   A whole team of welfare and
Cirencester, is surrounded by beautiful    pastoral support staff are available
countryside and is also within striking    to you whilst living on campus.
distance of urban adventure.               From our dedicated Student Support
                                           Services team and Accommodation
Cirencester is a thriving cultural hub.
                                           Officer to our Student Team
With plenty of restaurants, unique
                                           Advice Representatives (STARs)
boutique shops and popular night
spots, it’s easy to see why so many
                                           and University Nurse – there is
                                           always someone close by.
                                                                                      The RAU was
students never want to leave – even
after graduating.
                                                                                      again named safest
Bath, Bristol, Oxford, and Cheltenham                                                 university in England
are all within an hour of the University
and London is less than 90 minutes                                                    and Wales according
away by direct train. The University
is a 90-minute drive from London
                                                                                      to the Complete
Heathrow and within two hours                                                         University Guide
of Bristol and Birmingham airports.
A place to call home Student accommodation guide - Royal Agricultural University
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                                                                Halls of
    Add a personal touch                                        residence
    You might like                    Already in                Our range of accommodation on
                                                                campus includes standard rooms with
    to bring:                         your room:                shared bathroom facilities, ensuite
                                                                rooms and twin rooms, as well as quiet
       alarm clock                         single bed           bedrooms. All accommodation includes
                                                                a housekeeping service, out-of-hours
       bed linen                           bedside table
                                                                security and Wi-Fi.
       clothes airer                       chair
                                                                You have the option to stay in full board,
       coat hangers                        desk
                                                                half board or self-catered accommodation,
       coat                                wardrobe             with a 35-week contract. There are also
       waterproofs                         kettle               some 28-week contracts available, where
                                                                you vacate your room for 3 weeks at
       wellies                             lamp                 Christmas and 4 weeks at Easter.
       cushions                            noticeboard
                                                                Full or half board catering meal options
       throws                                                   are available in the main restaurant and
       rugs                           Please                    the Retreat Café, both offering a selection
                                                                of hot and cold dishes. We can cater for
                                      don’t bring:              special dietary needs but please advise
       crockery                                                 us of your dietary requirement(s) at the
       mugs                                heater               time of booking your accommodation.

       extension lead                      candles
                                                                Please note accommodation is allocated
       laptop/desktop PC                   blu tack             on a first come, first served basis.

       laundry basket
       printer                        NB: Any electrical
       towels                         items will need to be
                                      PAT tested. This is a
       TV/DVD player and TV licence
                                      free service offered on
       TV aerial/cable                site when you arrive.
A place to call home Student accommodation guide - Royal Agricultural University
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“Vic Hughes was really sociable, where everyone                                                                                                                                                       “A modern, self-catered block, right in the
 met up in the common room after a day of lectures.”                                                                                                                                                           heart of everything on campus.”
Freddie, Vic Hughes                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Rhys, West Lodge

Bledisloe Court                                                                           Garden House                                                                     Main Building
59 standard, single bedrooms                                                              11 standard, single bedrooms                                                     33 ensuite rooms
                                                                                          with shared facilities
These rooms have a light, airy                                                                                                                                             Housed in the oldest part of the
feel with some enjoying views                                                             Garden House offers quiet, catered                                               main RAU building dating back to
across farmland towards the village                                                       accommodation for overseas and                                                   1845 are 33 spacious bedrooms of
of Coates. Bledisloe Court is divided                                                     postgraduate students. All rooms                                                 varying types. All are ensuite single
into six houses on three levels.                                                          are standard, single with shared                                                 bedrooms, with twin-bedded rooms
Each house has nine or ten standard,                                                      bathroom facilities, a student                                                   available on request. There is also a
single bedrooms with a wash basin                                                         lounge and a fitted kitchen.                                                     large, airy common room for use by
and shared toilet and shower facilities.                                                                                                                                   Main Building residents.

                                           Coad Court                                                                          George Wing                                                                         Vic Hughes Hall 1 and 2
                                           44 ensuite, single and 9 standard,                                                  20 standard, single bedrooms                                                        26 ensuite, single and 26 self-catered,
                                           single bedrooms                                                                                                                                                         single bedrooms
                                                                                                                               These 20 single bedrooms are housed
                                           Coad Court is located centrally within                                              in the main building across two floors.                                             Vic Hughes Hall 1 is a self-catered
                                           the accommodation buildings and is                                                  All are lovely single bedrooms with their                                           block containing 26 quiet ensuite
                                           split into 11 houses. These large, bright                                           own basin and shared bathroom facilities.                                           bedrooms, some of which are accessible.
                                           bedrooms (some with stunning country                                                There is also a large, shared common
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Vic Hughes Hall 2 is a well-lit catered
                                           views) are either single ensuite or standard                                        room for use by both Main Building
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   block with airy ensuite bedrooms and a
                                           single rooms including their own wash                                               and George Wing residents.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   communal lounge area on the ground floor.
                                           basins, with access to shared toilet and
                                           shower facilities. Ground floor rooms
                                           are available with accessible facilities.
A place to call home Student accommodation guide - Royal Agricultural University
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                                                                                    How to apply

                                           Woodlands Lodge 1, 2 and 3               Once you have firmly accepted a
                                                                                    conditional or unconditional offer from            Room                                    Annual price           Annual price   Annual price
                                           48 ensuite bedrooms                                                                                            Location
                                                                                    the RAU as your first choice, you may              type                                    Half board*             Full board    Self-catered
                                           Woodlands Lodge 1 (Quiet Block)          apply for accommodation. Applications
                                           contains 13 large ensuite bedrooms       are processed on a first come, first served                         George Wing
                                           with a common room and basic             basis so we recommend that you get your                             Main Building,
                                           kitchenette for residents to use.        accommodation application to us as soon                            Bledisloe Court,            £5,985               £6,755           N/A
                                                                                    as possible.                                                         Coad Court,
                                           Woodlands Lodge 2 offers large ensuite                                                                      Garden House
                                           bedrooms over two storeys, with a        All applications will need to be made
                                           common room and basic kitchenette.       via the online Applicants Portal MyRAU
                                           Some of these rooms may be used as       at applicants.rau.ac.uk and you will                                   Bledisloe
                                                                                                                                      standard                                     £6,195               £6,965           N/A
                                           ensuite twin bedrooms if required and    receive instruction on how to access this                               Court
                                           accessible facilities are available.     once you have been offered a place to
                                                                                    study at the RAU and confirmed us of
                                           Woodlands Lodge 3 has small ensuite      your first choice.                                Ensuite           Coad Court,
                                           bedrooms, located close to the main                                                                                                     £7,455               £8,225           N/A
                                                                                    To secure your room, you’ll need to                single           Vic Hughes 2
                                           teaching blocks. Please note that
                                           Woodlands Lodge 3 doesn’t have           pay a £200 pre-payment, via MyRAU.
                                           its own common room.                     You should receive confirmation of your
                                                                                    accommodation by the end of August,               Ensuite           West Lodge,
                                                                                                                                                                                     N/A                  N/A          £5,670
                                                                                    which you will need to accept or decline           single           Vic Hughes 1
                                                                                    within 14 days. Once you have confirmed
                                                                                    your accommodation offer, we will contact
West Lodge                                                                          you with further details such as hall of            Large            Woodlands
                                                                                    residence, how to pay and the terms                                                            £7,665               £8,435           N/A
                                                                                                                                       ensuite            1 and 2
58 ensuite, self-catered,                                                           and conditions of residency.
single bedrooms
This self-catered block contains                                                    Accommodation fees 2020/21                          Small
                                                                                                                                       ensuite          Woodlands 3                £7,245               £8,015           N/A
58 ensuite bedrooms divided across                                                  The charges below are an annual                     single
two halls with the added comfort of                                                 rate, given as a guide only. Please visit:
under-floor heating provided by the                                                 rau.ac.uk/university-life/accommodation/
University biomass boiler. There is a                                               living-on-campus for the most up-to-date
spacious communal lounge and fully                                                  information.
fitted kitchen on each floor. Accessible
facilities are available.                                                           Standard occupancy contract 20 September      *Half board is based on 14 meals per week (breakfast and dinner).
                                                                                    2020 – 23 May 2021 inclusive.**               **Term time occupancy contracts are available in some rooms.
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Living off campus in                                                                      FAQ’s
accommodation rented by you
Looking to find private rented accommodation? Our student accommodation team provide      How do I decide which type                       Will I get my first choice?                 Can I have guests to stay?
help and advice to students looking to rent accommodation with landlords that have        of room I would like?
                                                                                                                                           MyRAU will ask you to list the              Guests are welcome for a maximum
a good track record in Cirencester and the surrounding areas.
                                                                                          Look at your budget, you will see                room types on offer in order of your        of three nights but must be registered
Visit the RAU student lettings website urbanfox.info to view the student properties and   that there are a variety of room types           preference; you can then choose your        at the Porters’ Lodge. The University
house shares currently available or contact the accommodation team, based on campus in    available at the RAU at different costs;         catering type. Every effort is made to      has a duty, under fire regulations and
Old House at accommodation@rau.ac.uk.                                                     you will need to choose a room that is           allocate your first choice of room type     for security reasons, to keep an accurate
                                                                                          affordable for you. Have a think about           (taking into consideration your preferred   register of all persons living, or staying
                                                                                          whether you would be happy sharing               halls of residence); however, as the        as occasional/overnight guests in
                                                                                          your toilet and showering facilities or          forms are dealt with on a first come,       residential buildings
                                                                                          whether you would prefer your own                first served basis, if all the rooms are
                                                                                          ensuite bathroom. If you would like to           allocated, you will be allocated your       Is there a launderette on campus?
                                                                                          share a bedroom with another student,            second choice and so on.
                                                                                          we do have a limited number of twin                                                          There is a laundrette available for
                                                                                          rooms available.                                                                             use by all students located between
                                                                                                                                           How much do I have to pay to
                                                                                                                                                                                       Bledisloe Court and Coad Court.
                                                                                                                                           secure a room in halls of residence?
                                                                                          Am I guaranteed accommodation?
                                                                                                                                           A pre-payment of £200 will be required      How many weeks of the academic
                                                                                          We endeavour to offer first-year                 to confirm your application which will be   year will I pay for?
                                                                                          undergraduate students’ accommodation            deducted from the annual accommodation
                                                                                          on campus; however, we cannot guarantee          fees due.                                   There are two options:
                                                                                          this. Accommodation applications are dealt                                                   35 weeks – Your bedroom is allocated
                                                                                          with on a first come, first served basis so it   Will my pre-payment be refunded             to you for the entire academic year.
                                                                                          is vital that you apply for accommodation        if I choose not to come?                    Your meal plan is operational until the
                                                                                          online via MyRAU at the earliest possible                                                    end of each term. If you choose to
                                                                                          opportunity. We have a limited number            The pre-payment is deducted from your
                                                                                                                                                                                       remain in residence you can purchase
                                                                                          of rooms in a quiet block on campus and,         annual accommodation fees. It will only
                                                                                                                                                                                       meals/snacks as required. Please note
                                                                                          whilst there is not such a strong demand         be refunded if your place is conditional
                                                                                                                                                                                       that during the University Christmas
                                                                                          for these, they are also dealt with on a         and the conditions are not met or if we
                                                                                                                                                                                       closure the catering outlets are closed.
                                                                                          first come, first served basis. If you are       are unable to offer you accommodation.
                                                                                          not allocated accommodation on campus,                                                       28 weeks – Main Building bedrooms are
                                                                                          our Accommodation Office will support            Do I need a TV licence?                     available during term time only and must
                                                                                          you in finding alternative accommodation                                                     be vacated with all belongings removed
                                                                                                                                           If you’re planning to watch TV
                                                                                          in Cirencester or the Cotswolds                                                              for the Christmas and Easter vacations.
                                                                                                                                           programmes live, or on demand, you
                                                                                          surrounding villages.
                                                                                                                                           must purchase a TV licence. Visit
                                                                                                                                           tvlicensing.co.uk to find out more.
A place to call home Student accommodation guide - Royal Agricultural University
Campus map
The Students’                                                                                                 Library

                                                                                                              Parkinson Lecture
Emrys Jones (EJ):                                                                        C                    Theatre (PLT)
the Student Hub                                     D

Student Support
                                                                                                              IT Helpdesk
Academic Registry
Enterprise, Careers
and Placements
                                                                                                              Frank Garner (FG)

Finance Office
(George Wing)
                                                                                                              Boutflour Hall (BF)

Office                                                                 Tithe Barn Bar          Student Lounge   Porters Lodge

 Fire Assembly Points A, B C, D                Bike Sheds            Recycling Centres

   For further information:
   01285 889823
   Royal Agricultural University
   Cirencester, Gloucestershire GL7 6JS


   © Royal Agricultural University Limited Company Registered in England No. 99168
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