A Mechatronics Major Will Soon Be Offered At UTN - Are You Superstitious? In Memory Of Joaquín Salvador Lavado Tejón, Quino, Creator Of Mafalda

Page created by Carlos Flores
A Mechatronics Major Will Soon Be Offered At UTN - Are You Superstitious? In Memory Of Joaquín Salvador Lavado Tejón, Quino, Creator Of Mafalda
2021              ISSUE #98   APRIL
A Mechatronics Major Will
 Soon Be Offered At UTN

  Are You Superstitious?

             In Memory Of Joaquín Salvador
               Lavado Tejón, Quino, Creator
                       Of Mafalda
A Mechatronics Major Will Soon Be Offered At UTN - Are You Superstitious? In Memory Of Joaquín Salvador Lavado Tejón, Quino, Creator Of Mafalda
INSIDE                                                             COVER PAGE
                                                                                                       This month our cover page is dedicated
                                                                                                       to Mafalda, a cartoon girl who cared
    	 UTN NEWS                                                                                        about humanity and world peace and,
    3  CONARE Interuniversity Campus Will                                                              in her own way, struggled against the
       Move to The UTN Facilities In Alajuela                                                          problems she saw around her. If you have
    4  A Mechatronics Major Will Soon Be                                                               an awesome picture you think could be on
       Offered At UTN                                                                                  the cover of one of The ILE Post editions,
                                                                                                       send it to eherrera@utn.ac.cr. So far several
                                                                                                       readers have sent amazing pictures
    5  China Cut “Carbon Intensity” 18.8%                                                              that we will be sharing with you soon.
       In Past Five Years, In Effort To Rein In                                                        If you want to know what is happening
       Emissions                                                                                       in ILE, follow us on FACEBOOK.
    5  Bill Gates Denies Conspiracy Theories
       He Created Virus Outbrake                                                                       Photo Credit: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/
    6  Live Animal Markets Should Be Closed        This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic license.

       To Prevent the Next Pandemic                All materials used and produced by The ILE Post are for educational purposes. They can be used
       THE ILE ETHOS                               and reproduced for educational purposes as long as you credit you for the original creation.

    7  Are You Superstitious?
    9  Technology Enhances Language

       Thought Experiment On Post-COVID
                                                         Jenaro Diaz-Ducca                                             English For You
       Cambridge Suggests That For
       Universities, Blending Is A New Beginning         Eugenia González                                              Essay Writer
    12 VOX POPULI                                        Clare Goodman                                                 Academic Editor
       THE STUDENTS’ VOICE                               Christian Moya                                                Essay Writer
    13 Fast Food Consumption
                                                         Xinia Nagygéller                                              Essay Writer
    14 Technology Now And Then
                                                         Izabella Sepúlveda                                            News Translator
       POP WORLD
    15 Is There Truth In The Psychology Of               Jose Soto                                                     Editorial
       Colour Or Is It Simply Down to Personal           Alejandra Villalobos                                          Essay Writer
       DID YOU KNOW...?
    16 What Would Happen If Earth Stopped
       Orbiting The Sun?
    17 Using Wakelet Collections And Spaces
       To Curate Personal And Collaborative
    19 In Memory Of Joaquín Salvador Lavado
       Tejón, Quino, Creator Of Mafalda
    20 English For You

A Mechatronics Major Will Soon Be Offered At UTN - Are You Superstitious? In Memory Of Joaquín Salvador Lavado Tejón, Quino, Creator Of Mafalda
      Reflections On The Student And The Teacher
        In Times Of Remote And Virtual Learning
                                                                                                             by Jose Soto (ILE Director)
                      After a year of working online with students,        major has its particularities. A student’s success in a remote and vir-
                      we have gained a lot of experience regard-           tual learning modality will depend on a high commitment to his or
                      ing how a language is learned. Remote and            her own learning. This implies that they will need to be constantly
                      virtual teaching of English for teachers has         measuring their acquired skills and knowledge with real-world tasks.
                      gone from being a challenge to an uncertain          This also requires that they know how to deal with the process of trial
                      process that depends on several factors. One         and error that is the cornerstone of language skill formation. Among
                      of these is the student factor. In-situ teaching     many other factors, it also implies that the learner must know very
                      kept us comfortable in our classrooms perform-       well the objectives achieved and how to modify his process in order
                      ing the pedagogical mediation that we know           to modify his or her learning path. These are many responsibilities for
thanks to our professional training. The student vs. methodological        a person without a fundamental guide. The fundamental premise
factor gives us quite a different picture if the process is face-to-face   will always lead us to an important conclusion: the student will re-
or virtual. In the end, a decisive factor will always be the human         quire another person to be successful in his or her learning. An edu-
teaching factor.                                                           cational professional will always be important.
Paulo Freire has insisted that each person receives education differ-      All these reflections can be compared to many others that could
ently depending on his or her context and experience. Therefore,           tip the balance towards the student, the process, or the teacher.
what the student already knows must be incorporated. In addition,          However, the human factor will remain if technologies do not solve
the student not only has a learning style, but also has many ways of       the permanent paradox of flesh and blood education. Artificial in-
learning. In a virtual and remote learning environment, the question       telligence has not yet crossed the line of completely autonomous
arises as to how much these two premises can really be considered          teaching mechanisms, or not that we know of yet.
for successful learning and teaching. On the shoulders of the teach-       Learning a language requires motivation from the learner. Part of
er lies the responsibility to make it happen.                              that motivation is the experience with the object of learning and its
Some authors, such as Sciacca, visualize education as a process            guidance. It is not the same to learn a language in a face-to-face
that is carried out from the person; teaching does not have an ed-         environment with someone or sitting in front of a screen for three
ucational character in itself, but in an instrumental function with re-    hours a day. In today’s remote and virtual context, we need to un-
spect to learning (1976), says the author. Could it be then that the       derstand that the student will remain active in his learning as long as
student has more responsibility for learning? It cannot be so from         the teacher knows how to diversify the online and real-world experi-
a literal point of view since the person will always look for a way to     ences. More than ever, the need for a teacher has been required.
find a guide to learn. This guide has lost its physical definition today   At the UTN, the learning of different competencies and knowledge
and has become omnipresent. If a person needs to learn, he or she          depends on how teachers promote this process. Therefore, it is nec-
will look for a way to do so, and today virtual environments have          essary to understand that the teacher is the main factor in our insti-
provided the answer. Does this mean that teachers are no longer            tutional pedagogical context of 2021. Listening to the student in his
necessary?                                                                 or her difficulties in learning also means listening to the teacher in his
Far from reaching that conclusion, it is necessary to analyze many         or her difficulties in teaching. There is someone who needs to learn
important aspects. A person’s responsibility to provide effective          first, and then someone who must be well equipped and informed
learning implies that he or she will search for the most appropriate       on how to do this.
way. This search starts from a need for a professional-based training      Finally, lack of resources, time and space are as much of a chal-
to one of a technical or immediate nature. Training in a specific pro-     lenge for the student as they are for the teacher. Each has a share
fession is not the same as looking for online tutorials on how to build    of responsibility in the educational function, and it is the responsibility
a table, for example. The focus here is on the first element, a student    of proper administration to provide enough for both. If one is not
does not learn a profession just by watching online tutorials. The stu-    fine, the other will not be. Investment in teacher welfare is as neces-
dent requires a guide based on a previously defined pedagogical            sary as investment in student welfare. Reaching a balance remains
process. The human factor will always be needed to elaborate such          a constant challenge, and it requires a great deal
a guide. This applies to language teaching as well.                        of wisdom and judgment as when one requires
The case of language learners in an English as a Foreign Language          more attention than the other.

A Mechatronics Major Will Soon Be Offered At UTN - Are You Superstitious? In Memory Of Joaquín Salvador Lavado Tejón, Quino, Creator Of Mafalda
    CONARE Interuniversity Campus Will Move
    to The UTN Facilities In Alajuela
                                                                                                                                           Translated By Izabela Sepúlveda (ILE Professor)
                                                                                                                                                                     plan of the campus, which
                                                                                                                                                                     requires architectural analysis
                                                                                                                                                                     and feasibility to define if some
                                                                                                                                                                     of the existing modules 1, 2, 3
                                                                                                                                                                     and / or 4 are intervened or if
                                                                                                                                                                     empty land is used. This solution
                                                                                                                                                                     is projected for a period of 2 to
                                                                                                                                                                     3 years.

                                                                                                                                                             To implement it, a work commission was
                                                                                                                                                             formed, made up of: Gustavo Otáro-
                                                                                                                                                             la Vega, Director of the Administrative
                                                                                                                                                             Area of CONARE, Gastón Baudrit Ruíz,
                                                                                                                                                             Director of CONARE’s Legal Counsel,
                                                                                                                                                             William Rojas Meléndez, Dean of the
                                                                                                                                                             Headquarters of the UTN, Oscar Quirós
                                                                                        phase involved the transfer to                                       Morera, Academic of the UTN, Noelia
    On March 8th, members of the Univer-                                                                                                                     Soto González, Administrative Head of
    sity Council of the Universidad Técnica                                            the UTN of 23 courses taught                                          the SIAU, Adriana Brenes Porras of the
    Nacional and the National Council of                                               at the current Headquarters,                                          Engineering and Architecture Unit of
    Deans (CONARE), held a meeting to                                                  however, due to the health                                            the UTN and Jonathan Morales Arias,
    initiate the execution of the agreement                                            emergency caused by the                                               Director of Legal Affairs of the UTN; who
    to transfer the Interuniversity Campus                                             pandemic, remote teaching                                             have already started their coordination
    of Alajuela (SIAU) to the facilities of the                                        was maintained and students                                           work. It is expected that the building will
    UTN campus, located in Villa Bonita, in                                            did not need to use the                                               be available next year and the trans-
    Alajuela.                                                                          planned classrooms.                                                   fer of the SIAU will be completed in the
    This proposal, initially promoted by the                                        2. The second stage is projected                                         year 2023.
    dean of the UTN and supported by the                                               in the medium term and
    Commission of Academic Coordinators                                                consists of three specific                                                3. The third stage is long-term
    of the SIAU, aims to join efforts towards                                          actions:                                                                     and consists, in addition to the
    the better use of university budgetary                                           •Remodeling of the second                                                      aforementioned, in the
    resources, to strengthen the develop-                                              floor of module 9 (building of                                               construction of its own
    ment of joint substantive teaching ac-                                             the Center for Technological                                                 University Campus, which
    tivities, research, extension and social                                           Development in Engineering),                                                 houses the Interuniversity
    action.                                                                            which has the civil and                                                      Campus of Alajuela, at
    This initiative looks for a viable solution                                        mechanical works to build 6                                                  Finca González in the Atenas
    to infrastructure limitations. In the first                                        laboratories / classrooms.                                                   Campus, linked to the project
    instance, it seeks to solve the problem                                            These spaces would be used                                                   of the UNED campus, in that
    in the occupational health conditions                                              by both the SIAU and the UTN                                                 canton.
    of the SIAU facilities, according to the                                           and could be executed within
    studies presented by the occupational                                              6 months.                                                             This strategy, which has already
    health commissions of the universities.                                          •Construction of a building                                             been initiated, will make it possible to
    These studies have determined serious                                              with 24 classrooms planned for                                        strengthen the link, articulation and
    inconsistencies in the infrastructure,                                             module 7, which is the same as                                        management among state universities
    which has put the university community                                             the building of module 6,                                             to maximize resources and the promo-
    lives at risk if faced by natural disasters.                                       currently the land is being reserved                                  tion of the integral development of the
    Likewise, the building presents a limita-                                          for that purpose, with its                                            country.
    tion in installed capacity, as a result of                                         respective construction                                               This is one more example of the interest
    the increased number of students en-                                               services. This work requires a                                        that state universities and, of course,
    rolled in the SIAU and, in addition, with                                          complete design process,                                              the UTN have, to strengthen articulat-
    the strengthening of this Headquarters,                                            generation of construction                                            ed regional management to contribute
    the needs of university regionalization                                            plans, construction permits,                                          to the democratization of knowledge
    will continue to be met.                                                           bidding and construction,                                             and the social, cultural, environmental
    The proposal consists of three stages:                                             which could be ready in                                               and economic growth of the country,
                                                                                       approximately 15 months.                                              through the teaching, research, exten-
       1. The first, short-term, began in                                            •Construction of a new building                                         sion and social action.
          the first cycle of 2021. This                                                is not foreseen in the master

3   To read original news in Spanish, go to: https://www.utn.ac.cr/content/sede-interuniversitaria-de-conare-se-trasladará-las-instalaciones-de-la-utn-en-alajuela
A Mechatronics Major Will Soon Be Offered At UTN - Are You Superstitious? In Memory Of Joaquín Salvador Lavado Tejón, Quino, Creator Of Mafalda
A Mechatronics Major Will Soon Be Offered At UTN
                                                                                                  Translated By Izabela Sepúlveda (ILE Professor)

As a result of the initiative of the Rectory of the Universidad
Técnica Nacional, on Monday, March 8th, a meeting was held
between members of the University Council of the UTN and
the National Council of Rectors (CONARE) to publicize the
endorsement to give the pilot plan of the new Mechatronics
Major that raises a paradigm break with a new Academic
Innovation Plan that satisfies all the pedagogical and meth-
odological aspects of the Educational Model of the UTN, fully
aligned with the National Framework of Qualifications (MNC)
and the Central American Higher Education Qualifications
Framework (MCESCA).
Emmanuel González Alvarado, Dean of the UTN indicated
that the project also contemplates that by virtue of CONARE’s
approval of the Mechatronics Major from the UTN and due to
its modular design, this can become a joint offer of the Public
Universities, which have careers related, in the Interuniversity
Campus of Alajuela and in this way, to be a model of inter-                                                         Results.
university articulation for “The framework of Qualifications of                                                   • Continuous evaluation, through diagnostic, formative
Technical Education”.                                                                                               and term evaluation techniques. The evolution of
“We are giving an example as a university, to function as a                                                         learning is measured through learning indicators.
single system with the other sister universities so that career is                                                • Academic management linked to the productive
likely to be offered with funds from FEES, which would reduce                                                       sector. Learning techniques in real contexts that
the costs of laboratories and equipment. On the other hand,                                                         provide solutions to productive needs through public
this career is approved with a vision of a new educational                                                          and public-private partnerships.
model and academic innovation, which is a significant ad-                                                         • Insertion of the Professional Certification Program in
vance in university education”. González mentioned.                                                                 Industry 4.0, under the UTN-SACA alliance.
The agreement for the approval of the Major was taken by                                                          • Academic dynamics based on learning cells (CA)
CONARE in session 7-2021, held on March 2nd, 2021.                                                                  accompanied by a learning mediation team (EMA).
                                                                                                                  • Transformation of the classroom concept by the
          Academic Innovation Project in Mechatronics                                                                concept of Techno-environmental Habitat (HTA).
         Major Pilot Plan, under a disruptive and innovative                                                      • Integrating project of the entire study plan.
                        pedagogical approach
                                                                                                              In addition, it is intended to centralize all academic man-
The objective of implementing this pilot plan is to evaluate                                                  agement through the use of advanced communication and
the performance of an innovative process of University ed-                                                    information technologies through a learning management
ucation at the undergraduate level, focused on the forma-                                                     computer platform (PGA), which facilitates personalized
tion of the whole human being, oriented to technical training                                                 monitoring of the meaningful learning of each student, to
that maximizes efficiency and effectiveness in Meaningful                                                     take timely corrective actions and at the same time allows
Learning. All this, in response to the demands of Costa Rican                                                 for mixed activities, both face-to-face and virtual (inside and
society in accordance with technological evolution and                                                        outside the university campus) in a context of Educational
competitiveness in a globalized world.                                                                        Technology and Intelligent University.
The main characteristics of Academic Innovation, proposed                                                     For its part, the study plan will have a generic approach in
in the study plan are:                                                                                        the context of Mechatronics, reinforcing the theme corre-
Active and Metacognitive Learning centered on the student.                                                    sponding to Industry 4.0, to facilitate the graduate’s perfor-
It is an autonomous learning with pedagogical mediation,                                                      mance in different fields of the labor market.
based on challenges and challenges.                                                                           The Pilot Plan for the Diploma in Mechatronics will be of 5
                                                                                                              years with three cohorts, so that it allows three evaluations of
    • Inter and transdisciplinarity of Knowledge, based on                                                    their performance (one for each cohort).
      challenges                                                                                              The UTN projects the beginning of the academic offer from
    • Inter and transdisciplinarity of Knowledge evolves from                                                 the 1st semester of 2022, with the opening of three groups
     a fractional knowledge                                                                                   per year, for three years, each with a maximum capacity of
    • The curricular structure transcends the traditional model                                               25 students, for a total of 75 students per year and one total
      based on thematic courses to a model based on                                                           population of 225 students.
      modules made up of thematic nuclei.
    • The learning process focuses on the development of
      Professional Competences managed by Learning

To read original news in Spanish, go to: https://www.utn.ac.cr/content/conare-da-aval-para-que-la-utn-imparta-la-carrera-de-diplomado-en-mecatrónica-bajo-un-modelo

A Mechatronics Major Will Soon Be Offered At UTN - Are You Superstitious? In Memory Of Joaquín Salvador Lavado Tejón, Quino, Creator Of Mafalda
    China Cut “Carbon Intensity” 18.8% In Past
    Five Years, In Effort To Rein In Emissions
    China, the world’s biggest emitter of                                               the Paris Agreement, China has been
    greenhouse gases, succeeded in low-                                                 boosting renewable energy consump-
    ering “carbon intensity” by 18.8% in the                                            tion and curbing coal burning to re-
    five years through 2020, a Ministry of                                              duce carbon dioxide emissions.
    Ecology and Environment (MEE) report                                                China will have to improve energy ef-
    said, showing the economy’s reduced                                                 ficiency and further reduce its use of
    reliance on fossil fuels.                                                           coal to meet Xi’s goal.
    The decline in “carbon intensity” — the                                             A new carbon intensity target is expect-
    amount of carbon dioxide emissions                                                  ed to be contained, along with other
    the country produces per unit of GDP                                                climate-related targets such as ener-
    — beat the official target for an 18%                                               gy consumption control, in a five year
    reduction. During the five-year period,                                             plan for 2021-2025 that is due to be pre-
    China’s GDP increased to 101.6 trillion                                             sented to China’s parliament later this
    yuan ($15.71 trillion), from 68.9 trillion                                          month.
    yuan in 2015, Reuters reorted.                                                      The ministry’s statement said heavy
    For 2020 alone, carbon intensity fell                                               metals, in particular cadmium, were
    1% from a year earlier, according to a                                              major pollutants endangering the quali-
    statement issued by the National Bu-                                                ty of China’s farmland, while also saying
    reau of Statistic.                                                                  that more than 90% of the total con-         year in the offshore marine areas near
    President Xi Jinping has pledged to                                                 taminated arable land last year was          Shanghai and the eastern province of
    cap carbon emissions before 2030 and                                                safe for agriculture.                        Jiangsu.
    achieve the carbon neutrality by 2060.                                              The ministry also warned that the wa-
    To meet commitments made under                                                      ter quality had deteriorated in the past
    Information taken from; https://irandaily.ir/News/281303.html   Image taken from: www.pixabay.com

    Bill Gates Denies Conspiracy Theories
    He Created Virus Outbrake
                                                                                        Doctored photos and fabricated news          generate “vaccine hesitancy.”
                                                                                        articles crafted by conspiracy theorists
                                                                                        — shared thousands of times on social        Since the start of the crisis, AFP Fact
                                                                                        media platforms and messaging apps,          Check has debunked dozens of an-
                                                                                        in various languages — targeting Gates       ti-Gates rumors circulating on platforms
                                                                                        have gained traction online since the        like Facebook, WhatsApp and Insta-
                                                                                        start of the pandemic.                       gram in languages including English,
                                                                                        A video accusing Gates of wanting “to        French, Spanish, Polish and Czech.
                                                                                        eliminate 15 percent of the population”      A number of accusations, including
                                                                                        through vaccination and electronic mi-       posts claiming that the FBI arrested
                                                                                        crochips has racked up millions of views     Gates for biological terrorism or that he
                                                                                        on YouTube.                                  supports a Western plot to poison Afri-
                                                                                        “Our foundation has given more mon-          cans, share a common thread.
                                                                                        ey to buy vaccines to save lives than        They accuse the tycoon of exploiting
                                                                                        any group,” Gates said, referring to his     the crisis, whether it is to “control peo-
                                                                                        eponymous foundation.                        ple” or make money from selling vac-
                                                                                        He has pledged $250 million in efforts       cines.
                                                                                        to fight the pandemic, and his founda-       “I’m a big believer in getting the truth
    Billionaire philanthropist Bill Gates                                               tion has spent billions of dollars improv-   out,” Gates told CNN.
    pushed back against some of the con-                                                ing health care in developing countries      It is not the first time Gates has found
    spiracy theories spreading online ac-                                               over the past 20 years.                      himself targeted by conspiracy theo-
    cusing him of creating the coronavirus                                              “So you just turn that around. You say,      rists. When Zika virus broke out in 2015
    outbreak.                                                                           ok, we’re making money and we’re try-        in Brazil, he was one of several powerful
    “It’s a bad combination of pandemic                                                 ing to kill people with vaccines or by in-   Western figures blamed for the disease.
    and social media and people looking                                                 venting something,” Gates continued.         Other rumors claim he is secretly a liz-
    for a very simple explanation,” the Mic-                                            “And at least it’s true, we’re associated    ard, an old favorite among online trolls.
    rosoft founder said during a CNN Town                                               with vaccines, but you actually have
    Hall interview on Thursday, AFP report-                                             sort of flipped the connection,” he said,
    ed.                                                                                 adding he hopes the conspiracies don’t
5   Information taken from: https://irandaily.ir/News/271917.html          Image taken from: www.pixabay.com
A Mechatronics Major Will Soon Be Offered At UTN - Are You Superstitious? In Memory Of Joaquín Salvador Lavado Tejón, Quino, Creator Of Mafalda
Live Animal Markets Should Be Closed
To Prevent the Next Pandemic
                                                                                                                                By Reynard Loki (April 1st, 2021)
The exact origin of the coronavirus called
SARS-CoV-2, which started the COVID-19
pandemic, is still unclear. Early reports sug-
gested that the virus jumped from an ani-
mal to a human at Wuhan’s Huanan Sea-
food Wholesale Market, a “wet market”
that sells live animals. On March 30th, the
international team of scientists assembled
by the World Health Organization (WHO)
published a report of their recent visit to
Wuhan to investigate the source of the vi-
rus and confirmed the “zoonotic source of                                                mechanisms such as genetic reassort-                             robust, bipartisan support the bill received
SARS-CoV-2.”                                                                             ment, recombination and mutation,” ac-                           last year and we’re committed to building
“Evidence from surveys and targeted stud-                                                cording to a paper written by a team of                          on that momentum to see this bill become
ies so far have shown that the coronavirus-                                              microbiologists from the University of Hong                      law.”
es most highly related to SARS-CoV-2 are                                                 Kong and published in the journal Current                        In addition to their threat to public health,
found in bats and pangolins, suggesting                                                  Opinion in Infectious Diseases in 2006. They                     wet markets are sites of extreme pain
that these mammals may be the reservoir                                                  add that these markets, “at closer prox-                         and suffering for so many animals. “Wild
of the virus that causes COVID-19,” the                                                  imity to humans, with high viral burden or                       animals sold in commercial wildlife mar-
WHO report states. “In addition to these                                                 strains of higher transmission efficiency,                       kets endure extreme stress and unsanitary
findings, the high susceptibility of mink                                                facilitate transmission of the viruses to hu-                    conditions before being slaughtered,”
and cats to SARS-CoV- 2 suggests that                                                    mans.”                                                           according to the Animal Legal Defense
additional species of animals may act as                                                 “Once you walk into one of these plac-                           Fund, a nonprofit based in Cotati, Cali-
a potential reservoir. … Several samples                                                 es, it’s quite obvious why they’re called                        fornia, that works to pass state and fed-
from patients with exposure to the Hua-                                                  wet markets,” said Jason Beaubien, NPR’s                         eral legislation supporting animal rights.
nan market had identical virus genomes,                                                  global health and development corre-                             “As the world continues to grapple with
suggesting that they may have been part                                                  spondent, on the radio station’s “Morning                        COVID-19, our continued exploitation of
of a cluster.”                                                                           Edition” show last year. “Live fish in open                      animals and our environment is fueling the
Virologists believe that these sites, which                                              tubs are splashing water all over the place.                     next pandemic. Shutting down commer-
bring together a variety of live animals                                                 The countertops of the stalls are red with                       cial wildlife markets—and the internation-
into close contact with humans, are ide-                                                 blood as fish are gutted and filleted right                      al wildlife trade—is critical both to reduc-
al places for this sort of interspecies viral                                            in front of the customers’ eyes. There are                       ing the risk of novel zoonotic disease and
transmission. In 2002, for example, scien-                                               live turtles and crustaceans climbing over                       animal suffering.”
tists identified the severe acute respirato-                                             each other in boxes. Melting ice adds to                         “We must acknowledge the basic tenet
ry syndrome (SARS) coronavirus in Hima-                                                  the slush on the floor. So things are wet.”                      that the more we destroy and intrude on
layan palm civets, a small mammal, in wet                                                In January, Rep. Mike Quigley (D-IL) and                         nature, the more likely zoonotic spillovers
markets in Shenzhen in southern China.                                                   Fred Upton (R-MI) reintroduced bipartisan                        will occur,” said Dr. Walzer. “Zoonotic spill-
SARS-CoV-2 is a strain of SARS.                                                          legislation to address the public health                         over events and subsequent outbreaks
“While there remains a need for more in-                                                 risks posed by wildlife markets, called the                      are inevitable, as the interfaces between
vestigation, we are not surprised about                                                  Preventing Future Pandemics Act (H.R.                            wildlife and humans increase, primarily
the wildlife origin referenced in the report                                             151). The bill “prohibits importing, export-                     due to deforestation and agricultural ex-
and we know enough to act now to re-                                                     ing, purchasing, or selling live wild animals                    pansion.”
duce risks of future zoonotic pandemics,”                                                in the United States for human consump-                          The cruelty to animals witnessed at wet
said Dr. Christian Walzer, chief global                                                  tion as food or medicine.”                                       markets points to a deeper, ethical con-
veterinarian of the Wildlife Conservation                                                It also directs the Department of the In-                        cern about how we view and treat oth-
Society, in a press statement. “Some 60                                                  terior to “hire, train, and deploy at least                      er species. In November 2020, during an
percent of emerging infectious diseases                                                  50 new U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service law                        interview with Euronews, Jane Goodall,
reported globally are zoonoses, causing                                                  enforcement attachés around the world.”                          the renowned British primatologist and
about 1 billion cases of human illness and                                               Additionally, the bill obliges the United                        ethologist, said that “we, in part, brought
millions of deaths every year. Of the more                                               States to work with other members of the                         [COVID-19] on ourselves by our disrespect
than 30 new human pathogens detect-                                                      United Nations toward instituting a global                       of nature and our disrespect of animals.”
ed in the last three decades, 75 percent                                                 ban on commercial wildlife markets and                           She added, “We push animals into closer
have originated in animals. Important-                                                   enforcement of wildlife trafficking laws. A                      contact with humans. We hunt them, eat
ly, research has shown zoonotic-origin                                                   companion bill, S. 37, was introduced into                       them, traffic them, sell them as exotic pets
pathogens increase along the supply                                                      the Senate by Senators Cory Booker (D-                           around the world, we put them in factory
chain from source to market.”                                                            NJ) and John Cornyn (R-TX).                                      farms in terrible close conditions and all
Wet markets are “unique epicenters for                                                   “For the sake of our health, our economy,                        these situations can lead to an environ-
transmission of potential viral pathogens,                                               and our livelihoods, preventing the next                         ment where a pathogen, like a virus, can
[where] new genes may be acquired or                                                     pandemic before it starts is perhaps the                         jump from an animal to a person, where it
existing genes modified through various                                                  most important thing we must do,” said                           may cause a new disease like COVID-19.”
                                                                                         Rep. Quigley. “We were thrilled with the
This article was produced by Earth | Food | Life, a project of the Independent Media Institute.                                                                                                            6
Information taken from: https://citizentruth.org/live-animal-markets-should-be-closed-to-prevent-the-next-pandemic/   Image taken from: www.pixabay.com
A Mechatronics Major Will Soon Be Offered At UTN - Are You Superstitious? In Memory Of Joaquín Salvador Lavado Tejón, Quino, Creator Of Mafalda
    Are You Superstitious?
                                                              Written by Xinia Nagygéller (ILE Professor)

                                                              that idea. For example, take the American belief
                                                              or superstition that number 13 is really bad luck.
                         Very superstitious,
                                                              This is reflected in the fact that many buildings
                       Writing’s on the wall,                 in the US do not have a thirteenth floor, or in the
                         Very superstitious,                  case of many people who will not go to work or
                        Ladders bout’ to fall,                do anything considered risky on the thirteenth
                                                              day of the month. By the way, the series of movies
                     Thirteen month old baby,                 titled Friday the 13th is based on this belief: that
                      Broke the lookin’ glass                 because it is the thirteenth day and it falls on a
                     Seven years of bad luck,                 Friday, creepy and scary things may happen, es-
                 The good things in your past                 pecially to those who wander around at night!
                                                              Another irrational belief that is mentioned in the
                  When you believe in things                  Wonder’s song is the fear of walking under lad-
                   That you don’t understand,                 ders, a belief that we have in our Costa Rican
                           Then you suffer,                   culture too. Can this action really bring you bad
                                                              luck? I do not know, but I would not risk it. A lad-
                     Superstition ain’t the way
                                                              der may be leaning against the wall in a very un-
    The lyrics above come from Stevie Wonder’s 1974           safe position so that if I touch it, it may fall on me
    song “Superstition” (Superstition). In this verse, the    or something. Also, what about black cats? Why
    songwriter mentions a few very common supersti-           is it bad luck in the American culture if a black
    tions in the American culture. But, what is a super-      cat crosses your path? Isn’t the cat just going
    stition, really?                                          somewhere and meeting you by chance? Relat-
    The Merriam-Webster dictionary online defines su-         ed to this idea, did you know that in Las Vegas
    perstition /soo-per-stish-uhn/ as “a belief or prac-      gamblers will not play games if a black cat cross-
    tice resulting from ignorance, fear of the unknown,       es their path before going into a casino in fear
    trust in magic or chance, or a false conception           this will bring them terrible bad luck? I think that
    of causation”, and it goes further to assert that         it would be a great way to convince someone
    the term also refers to “an irrational abject atti-       not to waste their money gambling there! Leav-
    tude of mind toward the supernatural, nature, or          ing jokes aside, it is crazy to learn that the belief
    God resulting from superstition”. Whichever of the        in this superstition is so strong that black cats are
    two definitions presented you like better, it is clear
    that superstition refers mainly to a belief or a set of
    beliefs that a person or a group of people have
    which they cannot prove, test of trust. However,
    we all know about superstitions in our immediate
    surroundings, in our culture or in others. Hence,
    superstitions exist all over the world. Now, the in-
    teresting thing about superstition is that it may be
    a window into the beliefs of a culture we want to
    learn about and take part in. In our case as ILE
    students and teachers, this would be the English-
    speaking culture.
    At this point, it is also important to define the
    word belief. According to Cambridge Dictionary
    online, a belief is “the feeling of being certain
    that something exists or is true” (Belief). Hence, if
    you have the belief that something is true, your
    thoughts and actions will be in accordance with
A Mechatronics Major Will Soon Be Offered At UTN - Are You Superstitious? In Memory Of Joaquín Salvador Lavado Tejón, Quino, Creator Of Mafalda

usually the last felines adopted in established shel-         When asked about his intentions with his song,
ters across the United States (Black cats, 2018). As          Stevie Wonder said
the owner of a beautiful 4-year-old black cat, I
cannot understand how this can happen. Max,                        “I think that the reason that I talked about
my kitty, is a bit grumpy and bites me from time                    being superstitious is because I really
to time, but I love him, and let me be sincere: a                   didn’t believe in it. I didn’t believe in the
witch like me would not be complete without a                       different things that people say about
small black critter like him!                                       breaking glasses or the number 13 is bad
Talking about how and why these beliefs are held                    luck, and all those various things. And to
and permuted through time, well, it seems that                      those, I said, ‘When you believe in things
this kind of old-wives’ tales are passed from one                   you don’t understand, then you suffer.’”
generation to the next one, without giving a lot of                                                (Superstition)
thought to why they exist, how irrational they may
be, and how they influence and affect our ideas               Hence, believing in superstitions or events you
and actions. In the different occasions I have dis-           cannot support or explain may not be a positive
cussed the topic with my ILE students, many of                thing, since, in a way, they make us worry and
them have expressed the idea that beliefs like                even suffer. Nevertheless, the richness of a culture
the ones mentioned above may have appeared                    and the world views of its people can be reflect-
when something similar to the basic elements in               ed in the beliefs they hold, and this is the idea
a superstition happened to somebody in real life,             that I think should be rescued in the case of su-
and then the tale spread and was adorned with                 perstitions, whether you believe in them or not.
new, magical or paranormal details. However,                  As a result, I would suggest that when you study a
this does not mean that because something bad                 language, English in our case, go ahead and find
(or good!) happened to someone in the past and                out what kind of superstitions the native speakers
a number, a ladder or a black cat was involved                of the language have, and discuss these beliefs
in the story, the same outcome will be true to an-            with some of them. You may discover many in-
other person if he or she happens to experience               teresting things, develop your vocabulary about
the same or similar events. Therefore, justifying             some specific topics, create real life connections
our actions on unfounded beliefs coming from                  with those people, and have fun together.
old tales and past events may only create fear
and prevent us from enjoying our daily activities
as they are.

Cambridge Dictionary. Belief. Retrieved from https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/engli sh/belief
D’Andrea, A. (2018). Black cats: the good, the bad, and the misunderstood. Retrieved from
Merriam-Webster Dictionary. Superstition. Retrieved from https://www.merriam-webster.com/ dictionary/superstition
Superstition. Retrieved from https://genius.com/Stevie-wonder-superstition-lyrics

A Mechatronics Major Will Soon Be Offered At UTN - Are You Superstitious? In Memory Of Joaquín Salvador Lavado Tejón, Quino, Creator Of Mafalda
    Technology Enhances Language Acquisition
                                                               Written by Eugenia González (ILE Professor)

                       Remembering an anecdote my              cises online to practice grammar, reading com-
                       grandma used to tell me about           prehension, listening and writing. These sources
                       her father’s death, I can’t avoid       help learners and professors to access countless
                       being surprised by the way              resources to improve the learning process. One
                       communication has changed               example of this is the use of videos that give clear
                       our lifestyles in the last few years.   explanations of different topics and let students
                       In 1935 my grandma lived in             improve their communication skills.
                       San Ramón and her parents in            Furthermore, technology and the Internet give
                       barrio San José, Alajuela. With         foreign language students the chance to prac-
                       grief, she always remembered            tice with native speakers. Many students have the
                       the way her father died, and            possibility to communicate with others through
    how she received a telegram with the bad news              email or using Facebook, WhatsApp or any other
    three days after his death. At that time, riders on        application where they have the opportunity of
    horseback were in charge of delivering the mail            interacting in a written and oral way with foreign-
    and giving important news to people. However,              ers. This is essential since this allows the learners to
    she never even knew her father had gotten sick.            practice with native people in real everyday sit-
    She always regretted not having the chance to              uations. This interaction lets learners improve their
    stay with him in the last moments of his life. This        confidence in their performance since they know
    event somehow illustrates how technology has               a foreigner is able to understand them, and they
    changed the world in the last few years. Com-              can get the message the others want to transmit.
    munication has made the world a smaller place              As a consequence of interacting with foreigners
    since everybody is constantly connected, and               many people undoubtedly experience a cultur-
    information flows easily. People can know what             al interchange. Many cultural elements such as
    is happening in any place worldwide just by click-         ideas, concepts, and beliefs are learned when
    ing a bottom or turning on a TV set, for example.          being in contact with natives. Also, there is a pos-
    Any event that occurs in any part of the world             sibility of developing soft skills such as respect to-
    can be heard about immediately through the                 wards others’ behaviors and lifestyles. In this way,
    use of the Internet, cell phones, etc. This has defi-      they can understand the way people from differ-
    nitely affected the way we relate, see the world           ent cultures behave and see the world. Empathy,
    and learn. For instance, technology provides a             values and respect are elements that help indi-
    variety of useful tools for people who want to be          viduals perceive the world when communicating
    competent in a foreign language. Technological             and interacting with foreigners.
    tools are a key element to enhance the neces-              Technology has changed our lifestyles a lot in
    sary skills to communicate properly with others.           the last few years. Communication is now much
    Technology has changed especially the way                  more effective in terms of how we access infor-
    people learn and study. Today, for instance, the           mation today. It is relevant to identify the use of
    use of cellphones makes it easier to learn a for-          different tools to enrich the learning process of
    eign language. Learning a language and using               people who want to learn a new language. Hav-
    an application on the phone has made it some-              ing the possibility of practicing different topics on-
    thing simpler since people can practice through            line, using videos and exercises to acquire new
    their cell phone any time, and decide how much             communicative skills will definitely improve their
    time they want to invest in this learning process.         language performance. Besides that, having the
    Besides that, people interested in learning any            chance of relating in authentic contexts with na-
    language have the possibility to study online the          tive people allows the learners to enhance their
    pronunciation of new words through the use of              language competencies and also learn how to
    dictionaries that provide not only the definition of       respect other individuals’ values and beliefs.
    words but also their pronunciation and phonetic
    transcription. Moreover, there are too many exer-

  Thought Experiment On Post-COVID Cam-
bridge Suggests That For Universities, Blend-
           ing Is A New Beginning

               A research project which asked University of Cambridge staff
                and students to describe their biggest hopes – and darkest
                fears – for post-pandemic higher education has found that
               many would support a permanent, but partial, shift to online
                                                           able, and to strengthen their relationships within wider
                                                           The study was carried out by Simone Eringfeld, a grad-
                                                           uate student at the Faculty of Education, University of
                                                           Cambridge. She said: “The project deliberately asked
                                                           people to speculate about what might happen to uni-
                                                           versity education, basing their answers on trends that
                                                           we are already seeing in the sector today. At a time
                                                           when universities are having to change very quickly,
                                                           an exercise like this can give us a clearer picture of the
                                                           kind of university we want to emerge from that trans-
                                                           formation, as well as what we don’t want.”
                                                           Eringfeld began the study when a planned research
                                                           project in refugee camps in Uganda was cancelled
                                                           due to COVID-related travel restrictions. Confined to
                                                           Cambridge, she decided to research the ‘post-coro-
The finding comes from a study which began when
                                                           nial’ future of universities instead. This emerging field
the UK first went into lockdown in March 2020, forcing
                                                           of academic enquiry is examining how the changes
universities to move some teaching online. Ten months
                                                           prompted by COVID-19 might offer an opportunity to
on, it suggests that academics and students would fa-
                                                           re-evaluate what universities are for, to whom they be-
vour more ‘blended’ learning – a balance between
                                                           long and how they can become more inclusive.
virtual and face-to-face education – even when the
                                                           She devised an action-research project built around
pandemic is over.
                                                           a podcast, Cambridge Quaranchats, in which she in-
Many are concerned, however, that some univer-
                                                           terviewed academics, students and other staff, about
sities will be tempted to take courses fully online – a
                                                           life and work in Cambridge during the pandemic. She
move they worry would kill off the traditional student
                                                           then carried out detailed, private interviews with an-
experience of living and learning away from home.
                                                           other 10 staff and students. These participants were
During the study, participants were asked to describe
                                                           asked to listen to clips from the podcast and to imag-
the most dystopian near-future for university teaching
                                                           ine how online teaching might transform post-coronial
that they could imagine. In terms that sometimes read
                                                           higher education – for better, or worse.
like a lost script from the science fiction series Black
                                                           Their biggest fear was that institutions might decide
Mirror, they responded with visions of students ‘attend-
                                                           to move all teaching online. Some envisaged that
ing’ Cambridge through VR headsets, while courses
                                                           universities might then seek to increase revenues by
are cut up and sold off in highly-marketable, bite-sized
                                                           breaking up these online courses and selling individu-
                                                           al lectures or classes to mass audiences in ‘bite-sized’
Despite this, the research found that many staff and
                                                           form. At its most bleak, the research suggests, online
students regard the rapid adoption of new, online
                                                           learning threatens to turn universities into ‘placeless’
learning methods during the pandemic as an oppor-
                                                           institutions, where students no longer enjoy social ac-
tunity: to make universities more accessible, afford-
                                                           tivities, or encounter a healthy mix of people, cultures
     and ideas.                                                                        itations of physical campuses, such as departmental
     Asked to describe his not-too-distant dystopian vision,                           divisions, participants also saw the potential to design
     one student said: “Imagine virtual reality has gotten                             new interdisciplinary courses; or to blend academic
     better and better. We can now host the entire experi-                             courses with vocational training by joining forces with
     ence online, so you wake up in the morning, put your                              further education colleges and other training bodies.
     headset on and go to lectures. You sort of simulate life.                         For some students, this represents an opportunity to
     I think that’s the worst-case scenario… the University of                         ensure that higher education produces not just aca-
     Cambridge would be like a network or file. It wouldn’t                            demically-accomplished graduates, but rounded citi-
     even be a place anymore.”                                                         zens. “It’s not that I hope that we produce fewer Nobel
     Perhaps surprisingly after months of remote learning,                             Prize-winners,” one undergraduate told Eringfeld, “but
     however, all of the interviewees saw opportunities                                I would hope that we would be more concerned with
     in moving at least some university education online.                              producing people… I would hope that the process of
     Many felt this would give academics and students                                  education makes people more human.”
     greater flexibility in their working lives, reduce stress,                        Whether or not such ideas are realised, Eringfeld con-
     and provide them with more time to explore other in-                              cludes that post-coronial universities will need to de-
     terests.                                                                          vise ways to combine virtual and face-to-face teach-
     The study also suggests that this could conceivably                               ing safely and flexibly.
     help to make university more affordable. Institutions                             “Neither a fully online university, nor a complete return
     could, for instance, repackage courses so that stu-                               to face-to-face higher education, will be desirable in
     dents are not necessarily obliged to live on campus                               the post-COVID era,” she said. “People genuinely fear
     for as much of the year, thus reducing living costs.                              the possibility that we will lose the more embodied,
     A number of staff and students also viewed the wid-                               communal aspects of being at university. At the same
     er availability of online learning as an opportunity to                           time, they realise that online teaching makes it more
     remodel university education in other, fundamen-                                  accessible. The challenge for post-coronial universities
     tal ways. Many, for example, favour making some                                   will be to encourage new forms of ‘belonging’ so that
     streamed lectures widely available for free. And be-                              even with more blended learning, higher education
     cause online learning removes some infrastructural lim-                           remains a connected and meaningful experience.”
     The research is published in Studies in Higher Education

     Information taken from: https://www.cam.ac.uk/research/news/thought-experiment-on-post-covid-cambridge-suggests-that-for-universities-blending-is-a-new
     Photo credit: https://pixabay.com
 The UTN community includes professors, administrative staff and students. Each
 individual has something to say about everything. In this section, we give the
 university community the opportunity to express what they feel about different
 school, country and world issues that in one or another way affect or impact our
 lives, feelings and opinions.
     What are some thoughtless phrases politicians have said? (I)

                                                              Former President Laura Chinchil-
                                                                la Miranda after she signed the                                          House Repre-
  Former President José María (Pepe) Figueres Olsen            Cyber-Crimes Law, known as the         Former Pre-Candidate            sentative Melvin
 during a hearing before the House of Representatives          global gag rule in 2013. This law      for the Presidency Ro-             Nuñez in his
 about his implications in the Alcatel case in 2011. In        condemns journalist who unduly         dolfo Emilio Francisco             defense of the
 this case, several people were accused of an improper        get political information which is     Manuel de Jesús Piza de            environmental
handling of money for the award of specific grants upon             considered classified.           Rocafort during a presi-           impact from a
             telecommunications equipment.                   “My government was never warned         dential debate in 2018.           tropical shrimp
        “I do not recall it; I do not remember it.”           about any problems of interpreta-        “Here I brought you             trawling project
                                                              tion emerging from the global gag     (addressing his opponent               in 2020.
                                                                              rule.”                Antonio Álvarez Desanti)          “Maritime fauna
                                                                                                       some mouthwash for               caught during
                                                                                                     you to rinse your mouth            trawler fishery
                                                                                                    before you talk about me            can be used to
                                                                                                               again.”                   produce cro-
                                                                                                                                      quettes for cats.”

  Former Pre-Candidate for the
 Presidency Luis Fishman Zonz-
 inski in 2010 used as the slogan Former President Abel Pacheco de la Espriella trying to avoid mak-          Former Pre-Candidate for the
   of his campaign the phrase:    ing the decision whether to approve or not the free trade agreement     Presidency Johnny Francisco Araya
    “I ask for your vote today     with the United States during his precedential term (2002-2006).          Monge in 2014 after finding out
   because the least worst is the   “I am going to appoint a group of notables that last around four        there was little chance of winning
               best.”              years to study if the free trade agreement with the United States is   the second round of the presidential
                                    something positive or negative for Costa Rica. In this way, I can                     election.
                                    wash my hands of any responsibility with regards to this matter          “Good sense suggests, now more
                                       and use all my capability for some more important issues.”          than ever, I need to make consider-
                                                                                                          ations about this reality; therefore, I
                                                                                                               will let you know that I am
                                                                                                            concluding my running campaign
                                                                                                                   for the presidency.”

                                   Former President Oscar Arias Sánchez during one of his speeches in the run up to
                                           approve the free trade agreement with the United States in 2007.
                                    “With the free trade agreement the ones that today ride a bike will soon ride a
                                   motorcycle, the ones who ride a motorcycle today will drive a BMW car, and the
                                                ones who drive a Hyundai will drive a Mercedes Benz.”
                                    As we know, this never happened, and people still do not understand this com-

                                   Fast Food Consumption
                                                                By Alejandra Villalobos (ILE Student)

     The consumption of fast food has increased drastically in the last twenty years as well as the
     increase of diseases as a result of this type of food. Although the negative effects of consuming
     these foods are many and affect everyone, banning them completely would not be the best
     On one hand, the junk food industry contributes significantly to the global economy and pro-
     vides millions of jobs and different job opportunities around the world. Consequently, if this
     sector is eliminated, it would cause a rise in world unemployment. Furthermore, due to these
     times of globalization where people have less time, they decide to consume fast food be-
     cause it is what is most convenient for them when it comes to time and money.
     On the other hand, fast food has increased the development of diseases as it contains high
     levels of sugar, salt, and saturated fat that alter health causing people to become overweight,
     cholesterol problems, gastric and heart diseases, etc. Therefore, it is important to know the
     health risks that these foods can cause in our health to make decisions, reduce consumption,
     and eat more healthier options especially when this industry creates advertising aimed at the
     younger generation.
     To conclude, eliminating and banning fast food completely is not the most appropriate deci-
     sion since it would affect many economic and social aspects. Nevertheless, part of the search
     for a better solution is to obtain appropriate information on how to handle these foods by hav-
     ing a balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals and reducing the amount of junk food you

                           Technology Now And Then
                                                           By Christian Moya (ILE Student)

Technology affects most things people
do in life. There is no way to deny even
the tiniest existence of technology lives
among humankind. Its revolutionary
inventions have certainly shifted how
people perform their tasks throughout
the years.
The educational sector has greatly
benefited from the alliance of educa-
tion with technology all along with the
COVID-19 pandemic. To strengthen the
learning process, teaching methodolo-
gies have opted to adapt and lead its
strategies to what technological tools
offer to bring out the best of a class.
Virtuality during the sanitary crisis is the
clear proof education cannot stand by itself without technology by its side. Virtual companion
has given people the chance to access didactic material content and keep studying from the
comfort of their own home. Platforms such as WhatsApp, Zoom, Google Drive, among others
supported by real-time technology, allow learners to keep in touch with classmates to work as
a collective without the necessity of meeting in person. Technologies assuredly enhances the
educational productivity by offering virtual resources that are just one click away.
It is out of discussion technology has reshaped the average workplace environments. Mod-
ern technology programs facilitate the accuracy of developing duties. Due to the benefits
technology offers, people can feel motivated as they can optimize their daily tasks and keep
every single assignment on track. People can easily connect with their coworkers, leaders,
or any contact anytime making the collaboration and work efficiently. From another point
of view, thanks to technology, people can work from home creating their own effective and
comfortable workspace. There is no need to travel long distances spending valuable time
commuting to get to the office, school, or company. Technology has become so advanced
that nowadays work can be done within a blink of an eye.
Information is just one click away from reaching your knowledge. Technologies undoubtedly
serve as a complement that helps solving problems and making the pace of life easier to live
in. Technology is an essential tool humankind cannot simply avoid.


                Is There Truth In The Psychology Of Color Or
                    Is It Simply Down to Personal Taste?
                                                                                                         BY Sue Beckingham (October 20th, 2014 )
                                                                    your first base colour and then a co- GREEN
                                                                    lour harmony. The colour harmonies to Qualities: natural, organic, youth, nur-
                                                                    select from are:                             turing, instructional, education, adven-
                                                                                      •Complementary             turous, ecological, calming, nature
                                                                                      •Monchromatic              Best for: medicine, science, govern-
                                                                                      •Analogous                 ment, recruitment, ecological-business,
                                                                                      •Split Complimentary       tourism, human resources
                                                                                      •Triadic                   BLUE
                                                                                      •Tetradic                  Qualities: credibility, calming, clean, fo-
                                                                    The colour calculator then displays the cused, medical, professional, judicial,
                                                                    results! The site also provides a mini re- power, business like
                                                                    port of the hex, RGB, and CMYK colour Best for: medical, scientific, utilities,
                                                                    values.                                      government, health care, high-tech,
                                                                    Colour Psychology                            recruitment, tradesmen, legal, informa-
                                                                    “The term colour psychology, often tion technology, dental, corporate
                                                                    used interchangeably with ‘‘the psy- ORANGE
                                                                    chological effects of color’’ as sug- Qualities: creative, dynamic, energetic,
                                                                    gested by Van Wagner, tends to refer youthfulness, expressive, child-like, fruit-
                                                                    to a range of affective, cognitive, and ful, innocence, enthusiasm
                                                                    behavioral responses and associations Best for: recruitment, food and drink,
                                                                    linked to specific colours.”                  entertainment, education, sports, hu-
                                                                    O’Connor goes on in her paper to issue man resources, childcare
                                                                    a ‘caveat emptor’ (Latin for buyer be- YELLOW
     How we use any of these colours in our                         ware) with regard to this work. Howev- Qualities: energy, drive, dynamic, en-
     lives can be very personal. From the                           er whilst the following list from the Logo couraging, design, ideas, youth, inven-
     way we dress, decorate our homes or                            Company does not come with any di- tion, bright, positive
     even prepare food; we each may have                            rect signposts to cite the theory behind Best for: childcare, food and drink, en-
     different preferences to colour combi-                         their colour and emotion associations tertainment, new technology, automo-
     nations. What pleases one person’s                             it would seem enough has been writ- tive, signs and banners, ecommerce
     eyes can be a total turn off for another!                      ten about the topic to make it worth PURPLE
     The Logo Company have put together                             considering how colours make you feel Qualities:spiritual, mysterious, magical,
     an infographic on the emotions colours                         personally. Are there certain colour arcane, religiousness, evocative, sensu-
     convey and aligned these with famous                           schemes that would detract you from al, well being, occult, loving
     brands and the design of their logos.                          engaging with a website? See what Best for: body, mind and soul, astrology,
     They say:                                                      you make of these:                           tarot, aromatherapy, massage, yoga,
               •yellow = optimism                                   BLACK                                        arcane, healing, spiritual, occult
               •orange = friendly                                   Qualities: definite, credible, strength, BROWN
               •red = excitement                                    powerful, precise, professional, direct, Qualities: earthly, nurturing, historical,
               •purple = creative                                   accuracy                                     safe, financial, tradition, conservative,
               •blue = trust                                        Best for: construction, corporate, oil, reliable, retrospect, steady
               •green = peaceful                                    financial, fashion, manufacturing, cos- Best for: construction, animals, mining,
     Colour Calculator                                              metics, mining, marketing, tradesmen         veterinary, finance, real estate, ecology
     How does this then translate into the de-                      RED                                          WHITE
     sign of blogs or the creation of visuals as                    Qualities: hungry, exciting, urgent, dan- Qualities: clinical, clean, medical, clear,
     banners for social sites and profiles? Do                      gerous, sexy, evocative, romantic, de- purity, spacious, simple, easy, fresh
     you consider the combinations of the                           sign, warm, fast                             Best for: medical, science, high-tech,
     colours you use?                                               Best for: food, clothing, fashion, apparel dental
     Session College offer a free interactive                       cosmetics, sports, real estate, entertain-
     Colour Calculator to help you select the                       ment, health care, caring, emergency
     optimum colour combinations for any                            services, hospitality, marketing, public
     design project. You begin by choosing                          relations, advertising
     Logo Company, Logo Design Color, Business Types & Qualities – The Science Behind Colors
     Session College Colour Calculator
     Zena O’Connor, Z. (2009) Colour Psychology and Colour Therapy: Caveat Emptor

15   Information takenfion from: https://socialmediaforlearning.com/2014/10/20/is-there-truth-in-the-psychology-of-colour-or-is-it-simply-down-to-personal-taste/
     Phot Credit: https://pixabay.com
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