A Global Analysis - Mobile ordering, powered by - HubSpot

Page created by Diana Lambert
A Global Analysis - Mobile ordering, powered by - HubSpot

A Global

                       Mobile ordering,
                          powered by

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A Global Analysis - Mobile ordering, powered by - HubSpot
Why you need to read                                                                     Contents
this white paper:
The restaurant and home delivery market is in the midst of an industry revolution -
your business cannot afford to be left behind.                                           Overview
Preoday supports businesses, like yours, around the world and has its finger on the      United Kingdom
industry’s pulse. This white paper will make sure that you’re up to date on the latest
trends in key regions across the globe.                                                  North America
What you will learn:                                                                     Australasia
• The value of the restaurant market in each territory and how it’s predicted to
  change in coming months and years
• In which regions digital ordering is experiencing the strongest growth, and why
• Which online ordering and delivery companies are competing to take control in
  each market
                                                                                         About Preoday
• The role of mobile internet penetration in furthering the march of online ordering

2                                                                         Contents                        Contents
A Global Analysis - Mobile ordering, powered by - HubSpot
Overview                                                                                            In Summary
No one-size fits all                              is no real limit to the number of restaurants     In Summary:
There’s no one sentence that can accurately       they can sign up. However, as Deliveroo has       • There is no single, unifying factor for success, but there is strong investment and interest in
describe the state of the global food and drink   seen recently, rapid growth and investment          online and mobile ordering everywhere, amid a rapidly changing market
market. Every region is experiencing different    does not automatically result in profit. And      • Food delivery is going digital with 25 percent growth expected between 2015-18 in key markets
highs and lows, trends and technologies.          Grubhub? As of October 2017 its shares were       • The aggregator model is seeing investment but its success is potentially short-lived
The economy of the USA is different to that       falling rapidly and investors marked its shares   • Businesses are increasingly considering their own branded platforms
of the UK and naturally, this impacts growth      as ‘Sell’.
and changes in the industry. Equally, it is not
possible to talk generally about “food and   Going off the aggregator
                                             While the aggregator model has gained much
drink” trends; in order to draw out meaningful
insights we need to be more specific about   of the world’s attention until now, white-label
the type of business.                        products could soon pull ahead as businesses
                                             look to carve their own digital ordering
Here we look specifically at the restaurant  identity. Such technologies not only facilitate                                                 Projected value of               Annual value of
industry and break the facts down by region. order and, sometimes, delivery, but also                                                        the online delivery
                                                                                                                                              market by 2022
                                                                                                                                                                              the online pizza
                                                                                                                                                                              delivery industry
We aim to answer the question, what do       reduce in-restaurant queues for guests. Quick
restaurants need to be aware of so they      service food outlets, catering to busy office
don’t fall behind in North America, the UK,  workers in particular, are realising the benefit
Asia and Australasia?                        of click and collect meals.

Strong investment all round                       Of course, the rise of both aggregator and
                                                                                                         of all restaurant orders that now
Across the world, the business of delivering      venue-specific ordering technologies is being            come from digital channels,
                                                                                                                                                                                                         in India currently partnered
restaurant meals to the home is undergoing        driven by consumer demand for convenience.                outpacing phone orders (5
                                                                                                                                                        Global Figures**                                   with the UberEATS food
                                                                                                             percent) for the first time
rapid change as new online platforms race         As people choose to stay at home, rather than                                                                                                                delivery service

to capture markets and customers. Related         head out for a traditional dining experience,
to this, there has been significant investment    many are seeking more convenient ways to
in technology companies aiming to disrupt         eat quality food. When out and about, they
the market with new ordering and delivery         want to be able to grab their food on-the-go,
methods.                                          rather than spending a significant portion of
                                                  their time waiting in a queue.
Aggregators in particular, have caught the
imagination of the industry, though we argue      With these new online platforms making their                                                                                                      of internet users who told
                                                                                                                      of commission costs                                                          research analysts they had
that their reign might prove short-lived. So      mark around the world, the food-delivery                         charged to participating                                                        ordered food delivery in the
far Grubhub has been through six rounds of        industry is in the midst of a dramatic channel                    restaurants by ordering                                                       past year; another 20 percent
                                                                                                                   platforms such GrubHub,                                                         said they plan to try it soon
funding, raising $84,100,000 in the process;      migration. According to McKinsey & Co, we                        UberEATS and DoorDash
Deliveroo’s six rounds have seen it raise         can expect online delivery to grow by 25
$859,597,403. The reason companies like           percent per year from 2015 to 2018 in key                                                                    of online orders
                                                                                                                                                              which come from a
this have seemingly done so well is that there    markets.                                                                                                      mobile device

                                                                                                                                                                                          **data sourced from PYMNTS.com

4                                                                                   Contents                      The Restaurant State: A Global Analytics                                                                              5
A Global Analysis - Mobile ordering, powered by - HubSpot
United Kingdom
Where the takeaway market is mature but open to disruption                                          Kitchens are going dark                                       Deliveroo Editions champions ‘dark kitchens’:
                                                                                                    Within the UK, Just Eat and Hungryhouse are                   delivery-only kitchens that exist solely in the
The UK has the largest share of the online        But it’s not just home delivery people are        perhaps the best known of the aggregator                      online space without any traditional shopfront.
takeaway market and is the most advanced          looking for; there are more than 32 million       order and delivery companies and have                         It says it provides restaurants with unique
country in Europe. We are therefore focusing      people in work in the UK, and few have time to    the widest reach, although more recently                      insights “that allow them to tailor menu items
on it as a leading light of the region and one    take a relaxed lunch break. This demographic      UberEats and Deliveroo have been gaining                      and pricing to the customer base, leading
which other countries are carefully watching.     is one that increasingly uses its smartphone to   headway with their disruptive approaches.                     to increases in sales of up to 400 percent”.
                                                  place lunch orders, avoiding lengthy queues in    Deliveroo’s Editions programme, for instance,                 Whether true or not, the kitchens aren’t
                                                  order to collect favourite foods on-the-go.       has opened up new lines for business for the                  universally loved and are facing significant
    The UK by numbers                                                                               online ordering industry.                                     controversy. As the Guardian reports,
    • Britain will spend £8bn a year on           According to Vianet, consumers in the UK are                                                                    Southwark Council told Deliveroo to suspend
      takeaways by the end of the decade          twice as likely to use their smartphone to pay    Because London has particularly high                          operations at a site in Camberwell, south
                                                  for lunch than they were a year ago (a figure     commercial rents (there’s been a doubling of                  London, on account of the company not having
    • There are 32m people in the UK in           that will include tap-and-go payments as well
      work and many experience rushed                                                               business rates in some areas), it’s not possible              appropriate planning permission. It remains to
                                                  as online order and payments). Additionally,      for some restaurants to afford a property with                be seen if and how this trend grows.
      lunch hours
                                                  analyst house CGA revealed, during a              enough cover seats to turn a profit. Noting this,
    • 35 percent of mobile device                 presentation at the 2017 Lunch! show that
      using weekly food-to-go users use a
      smartphone to speed up food orders
                                                                                                             Snapshot of Europe*
    • The phone is the biggest threat to online   35% of                                                     'Online Takeaway' market volume in 2017 (in US$)
      takeaway companies - more than 40
      percent of orders for takeaways are still
                                                  mobile                                              5000
      made using a phone in the UK                device using                                        4500
                                                  weekly food-                                        4000
                                                  to-go users                                         3500
Time-poor consumers look to takeaways
                                                  use mobile                                          3000
According to the NPD Group, outside of the        devices to                                          2500
USA, the majority of growth in foodservice        speed up                                            2000
traffic comes from the quick service              food orders.                                        1500
restaurant (QSR) segment. In 2015 it was
predicted that Britain would spend £8bn                                                               1000
a year on takeaways by the end of the             And why? Because                                     500
decade. The given reasons were a surge            we are constantly seeking                              0
in smartphone use, alongside time-pressed         more choice, greater convenience                                 ia       ce       y      ly       ds     ay                 l       ia             en        nd         m
                                                                                                                str       an       an    Ita      lan     rw       lan
                                                                                                                                                                      d      ga      ss       ain   ed       rla         do
households cooking fewer meals. Since that        and faster opportunities to get what we want.                u        Fr       rm
                                                                                                                                                er       o        o       rtu      Ru       Sp     w        e          ng
                                                                                                              A                Ge             th        N        P      Po                        S      itz         Ki
prediction, if anything, the nation’s urge to                                                                                               Ne                                                         Sw       ited
order online has grown.                                                                                                                                                                                      Un
                                                                                                              *Data sourced from Statista

6                                                                                   Contents                      The Restaurant State: A Global Analysis                                                                      7
A Global Analysis - Mobile ordering, powered by - HubSpot
United Kingdom                                                                                        North America
Disrupting the industry                             their own online and mobile ordering options      Where take-out is king and big brands are investing in digital technology
Within localised areas of the UK, restaurants       which help them cut down on excessive costs
regularly express concern about the costs of the    and avoid commission on every order placed.                                                          Backed up with statistics
services provided by traditional aggregators.       Using their own technology they can incentivise       North America by numbers                       In 2015, for the first time, Americans spent
This is leading to the rise of new, commission-     customers by offering discounts, and access           • 70 percent of consumers think of online      more at restaurants than at traditional
free services. Oxford Orders, for example, is the   owned customer data for future marketing                services as the most crucial elements of     grocery stores. Since then growth has
first in a series of local marketplace solutions    campaigns. Most important, they give the                restaurant technology                        stagnated in the traditional restaurant
intended to promote regional restaurants by         ability to control their customer service, such       • Online delivery already represents 43        space, but not for order-ahead venues.
bringing them and other businesses together         as delivery deals or menu creation, rather than         percent of all delivery orders in the        Here technology use is on the up. In fact,
under a single e-commerce platform. Because         having it created by a third party.                     region and this is growing
                                                                                                                                                         according to Webstaurant Store there has
it won’t charge commission, and will only                                                                 • In the last year, 18 percent of delivery
ever serve residents within a set location, it                                                              orders were placed digitally through a       been a 50 percent increase in the use of
is expected to foster greater relationships                                                                 website or app                               technology across the industry and 70%
                                                      UK - key takeaways                                                                                 of consumers now think of online services
between businesses and consumers.
                                                      • People don’t have time for relaxed                • 85 percent of consumers would visit
                                                                                                            quick services venues more often if they     as the most critical element of restaurant
Despite incoming competition, Hungryhouse’s             lunchtimes, particularly at work                                                                 technology.
                                                                                                            had an app
CEO Alice Mrongovius said last year that she          • Using smartphones to order food is an             • Pizza Hut’s digital mix of orders is
perceives the main threat to online takeaway            increasing trend - consumers in                     around 50 percent, while Papa John’s         Online delivery already represents 43 percent
companies to be the phone:                              the UK are twice as likely to use their             and Domino’s are both seeing well over       of all delivery orders in the region and if
                                                        smartphone to pay for lunch than they               60 percent penetration                       Cowen is correct, that number will continue
more than                                               were a year ago
                                                      • Just Eat and Hungryhouse have been,
                                                                                                                                                         to grow. The investment firm has predicted
                                                                                                                                                         a 79 percent upsurge in the total U.S. food
40% of orders                                           perhaps, the best known of the                Own-brand digital ordering platforms               delivery market by 2022, a number which will
for takeaways                                           aggregator order and delivery
                                                        companies and have had the widest
                                                                                                      are taking off
                                                                                                      Despite the success of aggregators such as
                                                                                                                                                         take figures from $43 billion to $76 billion. As
                                                                                                                                                         a demonstration of this, in the last year alone,
are still made                                          reach in the region
                                                      • New players are disrupting the
                                                                                                      GrubHub and the rise of UberEATS across            the share of orders placed online through a
using a phone                                           industry, providing new types of
                                                                                                      North America, many of the bigger brand
                                                                                                      names in food have forgone such platforms
                                                                                                                                                         delivery service website or app increased
                                                                                                                                                         from 15 percent to 18 percent.
in the UK.                                              services and business models
                                                      • Businesses are increasingly considering
                                                                                                      to invest in their own technologies, or partner
                                                                                                      with technology providers that offer white-
                                                                                                      label platforms. McDonald's, Tim Hortons,          Mobile solutions provider DMI released
Just one month later it was announced, rather           investment in their own mobile and                                                               complementary data demonstrating the
                                                        online ordering services                      Panera Bread, Papa Johns, Subway, Dominos,
controversially that, Hungryhouse was being                                                           and others, are all seeing great success with      growing dependence consumers have on
acquired by Just Eat.                                                                                 loyal customers downloading and regularly          online and mobile ordering. Of the 2,500
                                                                                                      using their own branded services.                  people it questioned, 63 percent had at least
Also gaining ground on the online ordering and                                                                                                           one quick-service app on their phones and
delivery aggregators are technology providers       Read our guide, Four Stories of Mobile and
                                                                                                      As for the 'dark kitchens' created by the likes    35 percent said they use mobile every time
that build individual platforms for brands.         Online Ordering Success, to gain insight into     of Deliveroo in the UK, these have had mixed
Eateries such as Vital Ingredient and               how other companies have benefitted from                                                             they visit a quick-service restaurant (or at least
                                                                                                      success in North America. Delivery-only            regularly). Perhaps most significant is that 85
Churchills Fish and Chips have launched             having their own branded ordering platform.       restaurant Ando has performed well in New York. percent would visit quick-services venues
                                                                                                      Others have tried and failed to sustain successful more often if they had an app that appealed
                                                                                                      services which suggests that the wider customer
                                                                                                                                                         to them.
                                                                                                      experience and a strong brand association is
                                                                                                      important to the American consumer.

8                                                                                    Contents         9                                                                                      Contents
A Global Analysis - Mobile ordering, powered by - HubSpot
North America                                                                                        Asia
A slice of the pizza pie                         programme, a move that is seen as a game            Where consumers are keen but growth varies according to each country’s internet penetration
If there was one market in North America         changer, not just in the USA, but further afield.
where digital ordering has been pushing                                                                                                                 India
forward faster than any other, it’s the pizza    Making digital ordering affordable                    Asia by numbers (figures in US$)
market. The region’s leading pizza chains        Of course, while online delivery growth should        • Indians access the internet through            Online delivery outpacing traditional
have seen enormous digital ordering growth.      be good news for fast food restaurants, it can          their mobiles nearly 80 percent of
                                                 be difficult finding an affordable service. As                                                         restaurant dining
                                                                                                         the time                                       In India, where the biggest market player
Pizza Hut's digital mix of                       in the UK, the leading aggregator solutions           • The food order and delivery market             is Foodpanda, the key driver for online
                                                 charge exorbitant commission fees which
orders is around 50% while                       take chunks out of a restaurant’s online
                                                                                                         expanded by 30 percent from 2015
                                                                                                                                                        ordering is noted as a lack of time to go out
                                                                                                         to 2016
Papa John's and Domino's are                     profit. However, also like the UK, alternatives       • The online food and delivery business          and dine.
both seeing well over 60%                        including own-brand platforms are gaining in            is worth $15bn in India but 80 percent
                                                 popularity. Preoday is behind the upcoming                                                             Here the overall restaurant industry grew 11
penetration.                                     launch of a new aggregator solution in North
                                                                                                         of online orders in India originate
                                                                                                                                                        percent from 2015 to 2016 but was outpaced
                                                                                                         from just five cities
                                                 America, set to provide a cost-effective              • 20% of the world’s population lives            by food order and delivery which expanded
                                                 solution for restaurants and to offer greater           in China                                       by 30 percent. As we reach the end of 2017,
                                                 access to customer data and intelligence than         • The number of online users in the              we would expect online orders to have
                                                 current market vendors.                                 Chinese online ordering and deliver            escalated further.
                                                                                                         market has exceeded 200 million
                                                                                                       • Ordering through apps and other digital
                                                   North America - key takeaways                         interfaces accounts for 40% of all
                                                   • Big brands are building their own digital           orders
                                                     ordering platforms
                                                   • Where in-restaurant dining is
                                                     stagnating, ordering for home delivery
                                                     is increasingly popular                         800
                                                   • Online delivery is already a significant part
                                                     of all delivery orders and is growing           700
That’s a figure eating into phone-based orders     • Digital ordering is experiencing a strong       600
as well as in-restaurant ordering.                   upward trend - particularly in pizza
                                                     restaurants                                     500
Figures aside, Amazon’s entry into the food        • Amazon Restaurants is an indicator of
delivery space is a clear indicator of the                                                           400
                                                     the potential for the industry
potential this market holds. Amazon doesn’t
do anything unless it sees a clear path to                                                           300
profit and room for significant expansion.                                                           200
In September, the retail giant announced it will Visit our website to find out how you create
work with restaurant delivery service group      your own aggregator or local marketplace            100
Olo to bolster its Amazon Restaurants delivery solution.
                                                                                                               2000               2007               2013               2016              2021

                                                                                                                              Growth in India’s Internet Population (millions)

10                                                                                   Contents                   The Restaurant State: A Global Analysis                                             11
Internet access presents a barrier                 The success online food ordering companies           China
While much of India’s population still lacks       have found in the country is centered around
access to the internet, this is slowly changing.   the country’s biggest municipalities; more than      The biggest population on earth                   A cashless future
Greater internet penetration means more            80 percent of orders for these companies             China is one of the world’s largest and most      One factor aiding in the growth of mobile
people are connected to the World Wide Web         come from the top five cities. Yet, despite          populated countries; in 2013 it was estimated     ordering in China is the country’s movement
than ever before. Moreover, when it comes to       this, the online food ordering and associated        that 20% of the world’s population lived          towards being a cashless society. Already
accessing the internet, Indians are apparently                                                          within its borders. Boasting a population of      paper money and coins are being used less,
                                                   delivery business is flourishing. Said to be
more mobile than the rest of the world. Half                                                            1,379 billion, the national food and beverage     with mainland Chinese stores and services
of the world’s internet users went online in       worth a sizeable $15 billion, it is experiencing     market is, as you might expect, gargantuan.
                                                   10 percent year-on-year growth.                                                                        increasingly requesting payment from mobile
February 2017 using their mobile; in the UK                                                             With an average annual increase of 11.7%, in
and US, where more than 80 percent have                                                                 2015, its revenue has now exceeded 3 trillion     pay apps like WeChat Pay and Alipay; $5
access to the internet, a third of internet        Awash with potential                                 Yuan (US$ 455,297.4m).                            trillian in 2016 according to data cited by
traffic is via mobile. In India, however, mobile   That Google sees potential in the market                                                               Hillhouse Capital. This shift in attitude plays
is by far the most common tool: while those        can be observed by the launch of its Areo            The Chinese market is known to be                 naturally into the digital ordering of food;
in India are keen to use their mobiles to order    restaurant delivery platform in April 2017;          technologically advanced and this is reflected    China is a country where a love of mobile
their food, they are demanding as to ordering      UberEATS followed suit in May. Indeed,               in the growth of online and mobile ordering in    technology, speed and convenience is driving
perfection. Research by Business World             market data suggests that restaurants using          the country. Research from China-based Daxue industry changes faster than anywhere else.
showed that punctuality was clearly the most       mobile apps are prospering; mobile ordering          Consulting shows that ordering through apps
important factor for consumers with 87 percent     systems get 23 percent more check-ins on             and other digital interfaces accounts for 40%     It really shouldn’t be a surprise that the
of those asked considering only a 10-minute        an average, and 70% of all food delivery or          of all orders. We are also told that 18.5 percent online takeaway market in China is the
delay acceptable.                                                                                       of the population, or 256 million people, used    largest in the world.
                                                   takeout orders are places via mobile in the
                                                                                                        online food ordering services in China in 2016,
                                                   country.                                             a number that is expected to grow to 346
Difficult past, bright future?
Despite the success of the smartphone, the                                                              million by 2018. These are amazing figures
                                                   The Indian online ordering and delivery              considering that digital ordering services
market restaurant in India has faced difficult     market is brimming with potential despite            already cover 1,300 cities; the market is
times. Consultancy firm, RedSeer commented         still being in its infancy. When compared            expected to reach a value of over
that: “The Indian online food delivery industry    to other regions, its penetration is minimal
experienced many roadblocks in its growth
story in 2016, with multiple players scaling
                                                   and venues rely predominantly on the large,
                                                   multinational food aggregator platforms.
                                                                                                        240 billion yuan
down their operations or shutting shop. This
was also visible in low investor sentiment
                                                   Online orders represent a tiny 2 percent of          (US$37 billion)
wherein the industry saw a total funding of
                                                   restaurant takeaways compared to 13 percent in
                                                   the US, and 32 percent in the UK (according to
                                                                                                        by next year.
less than $80 million in 2016 against $500         RedSeer). Still, much of this can be attributed to
million same period year before.”                  the country’s lack of internet access.

                                                   As internet and mobile growth continues,
                                                   online ordering should do the same, and
                                                   venues may start to look at alternative ways to
                                                   reach out to their mobile customers.

12                                                                                    Contents                     The Restaurant State: A Global Analysis                                             13
Asia                                                                                                Australasia
Market dominance                                                                                    Where market barriers are slowly being dismantled
You would imagine that such a large territory         Asia - key takeaways
would support hundreds of industry vendors,                                                                                                          The impact of online ordering to date has
                                                      • Online ordering is strongly focused
and yet the market is actually dominated by                                                           Australasia by numbers (figures in             been measured by YouGov which found
                                                        on five key cities in India - there’s
just two core companies: Meituan Dianping,                                                            AUS$)                                          almost half of Australians ordered food via
                                                        limited movement outside of these
backed by Tencent, and Ele.me, its main
                                                        areas                                         • Australian restaurant industry revenue       an app in 2016. Further evidence of growth
investor being Tencent’s rival Alibaba, also                                                            is expected to surpass $30 billion by        within the market is provided by a National
the owner of the South China Morning Post. A          • In China, there are 1,300 cities active         2022                                         Australia Bank report showing 5.8% of
third large operator, Baidu Waimai, backed by           with digital ordering and this number         • Just Eat bought out the Australian           Australia's $20.1 billion online spend is
Baidu, was sold to Ele.me, meaning that the             will increase                                   company Menulog for $855 million             down to take away sales.
market is now essentially a duopoly.                  • In India, limited internet penetration is     • Half of Australians ordered food via
                                                        preventing the market from reaching             an app in 2016                               Market consolidation
This is something we don’t anticipate                   its full, considerable potential              • 5.8% of Australia’s $20.1                    Online and mobile ordering isn’t new to the
                                                                                                        billion online spend is down to take         region. Back in 2013, PayPal announced
changing; there seems surprisingly little room        • Mobile is the only way forward in               away sales
for new market entrants in China. As these              China - nowhere else in the world is it                                                      that more than 2,000 Australian restaurants
                                                                                                      • In New Zealand 53% of consumers              let their customers use phone apps to
two companies start to corner consumers                 as pervasive                                    has purchased takeaways thinking
in smaller cities we would expect them to                                                                                                            order drinks and meals. Still, when the
                                                      • Despite its size, the Chinese market is         that they are more affordable than
                                                                                                                                                     online ordering and delivery companies first
branch out with new offers products and                 controlled by two main players,                 cooking the same meal from scratch.
services that keep users loyal and block future                                                                                                      entered the region, there were questions as
                                                        allowing little room for new entrants                                                        to whether the industry could sustain all of
disrupters. Chinese companies are known to
evolve, replicate and adapt at speed when
                                                      • In India, Foodpanda is the largest                                                           the emerging companies. To an extent this
                                                        player, but the market hasn’t settled       Australia                                        has proved true, companies have come and
challengers try to break in; it will be this that
                                                        and others may yet find dominance           Small but confident                              gone and international giants have absorbed
ensures the two players remain the major
                                                                                                    Forecasts for the market are positive.           smaller, local businesses. In 2015, for
market forces.
                                                                                                    Financial researcher IBISWorld predicts          example, Just Eat bought out the Australian
                                                                                                    revenue growth of 2 percent for the              company Menulog for $855 million while
                                                    If you’d like to find out how mobile and        restaurant industry in 2017/18 (reaching $21     Delivery Hero acquired Suppertime.
                                                    online ordering can help your business,         billion) and expects that to reach 5.8 percent
                                                    check out our Complete Guide to Online          in 2018/19, with revenue then surpassing $30
                                                    and Mobile Ordering.                            billion in 2021/22.

                                                                                                    There is considerable confidence in the
                                                                                                    market and again, the new breed of online
                                                                                                    ordering and delivery technologies is making
                                                                                                    the difference to the way people respond
                                                                                                    and behave around mealtimes. Here though,
                                                                                                    other names are receiving prime exposure;
                                                                                                    Delivery Hero, Menulog and Foodora, along
                                                                                                    with Deliveroo dominate the Australian online
                                                                                                    food aggregator space.

14                                                                                   Contents                   The Restaurant State: A Global Analysis                                            15
Australasia                                                                                             Conclusion
New Zealand                                           “New Zealand is following a trend that is well    The state of the food and drink - or restaurant   Preoday provides these added benefits at
                                                      established in other countries where healthier    market - looks very different now to how          no extra cost to you. You can discover the
The importance of health                              options and upmarket food delivery is growing     it presented just five years ago. No doubt,       top five reasons our clients love working
New Zealand is taking a similar path to the one       and becoming commonplace.”                        another decade will see it represent              with us and using the Preoday platform
seen in Australia, with many of the same market                                                         differently again. But at this moment, many       here. Once you’d done that, send us
leaders in play. As in other regions, the uptake of   The future looks bright for online ordering and   companies are still figuring out how to make      an email, we’ll be ready to answer your
online ordering and then delivery is increasing       delivery in Australasia but the question as to    online ordering, and then delivery, profitable    questions on trends in the market and on
as a result of consumer time constraints. It          whether the crown will go to the technology       while still meeting customers' needs. How         our technology.
seems that humans the world over are turning          aggregators or to owned and venue branded         close they are to discovering the answer
to takeaways to counteract increasing work            apps remains to be seen. Venues are starting      varies from region to region as you've now      While some regions are ahead of others
commitments and time pressures.                       to develop their own branded ordering             seen.                                           in terms of revenue, technology or market
                                                      platforms, but they are perhaps behind the                                                        penetration, in all of them, mobile ordering is
Back in 2015, research showed that                    curve of the rest of the global industry.         The best advice we can give any of these        becoming a crucial part of restaurants' plans
                                                                                                        companies is this: consider the opportunities and a way to enhance sales. Online orders
                                                                                                        provided, not by aggregator technologies,       often result in larger basket sizes and greater
53% of New                                                                                              but by own branded platforms. While the         customer experiences lead to improved
Zeland's consumers                                      Australasia - key takeaways                     Deliveroos, Just Eats and Grubhubs of the       loyalty and a better rate of repeat ordering. If
purchased                                               • The markets in Australia and New              world charge commission fees for every order you picture the market a decade from now -
takeaways thinking                                        Zealand are smaller than those in             received, many white-label technologies         in North America, India, the UK or Australasia
that they are more                                        North America and the UK but are              have predictable and manageable monthly         - you should see mobile ordering sitting at the
affordable than                                           expected to grow                              costs. And, while there are few added           heart of the customer's experience, no longer
cooking the same                                        • In Australia, company consolidation           benefits to partnering with an aggregator,      just as a point of differentiation.
meal from scratch.                                        and acquisitions have led to a small          white-label platform providers come with
                                                          number of dominant market players             extras including access to customer data        Preoday is active across the world. From
Since then, what has changed is that the                • Online ordering and then delivery             and in-built marketing functions such as push sport stadiums in Australasia, to theatres
locals are said to be setting aside their love                                                          notifications. The data restaurants collect can in North America and restaurants in the
                                                          is seen as a way to combat time
of full-fat food for health and mindful eating,                                                         help them determine customer preferences,       UK and across Europe, we serve food
though Nielsen might disagree!                                                                          adapt their menus, assess performance and       companies of all types and sizes. We know
                                                        • Mindful eating is a trend that is             even understand each customer's inclination your market and we can help you grow
                                                          expected to impact the online menus           to spend.                                       within it. Email us on hello@preoday.com
Menulog, which has a stronghold in both
Australia and New Zealand, and partners with              of restaurants in New Zealand                                                                 and let us explain how.
more than 850 restaurants in the latter, claims         • A perception that takeaways are a
the health movement is so marked that is is               ‘cheap’ option has driven orders in
deliberately partnering with more restaurants             the region
that offer healthy options to meet demand:

                  Email hello@preoday.com to find out how we can support
                         your online and mobile ordering ambitions

16                                                                                     Contents                    The Restaurant State: A Global Analysis                                             17
About Preoday
Preoday builds bespoke e-commerce platforms offering mobile and online ordering along
with strategic solutions such as GDPR compliancy services.

Preoday enables hospitality businesses to offer branded online and pre-ordering facilities
to customers purchasing food, drink, merchandise and making bookings. It provides
a white-label service to companies across the hospitality industry, from quick service
restaurants and cafes, to theatres and stadiums. Preoday works both directly with
hospitality businesses and partners including resellers, ticketing agencies, technology
providers and food tech start-ups.

For more information, visit www.preoday.com

18                                                                              Contents
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