Assessing Readiness for E-Learning

Page created by Joanne Johnson
Performance Improvement Quarterly, 17(4) pp. 66-79

Assessing Readiness for E-Learning

Ryan Watkins
The George Washington University

Doug Leigh
Pepperdine University

Don Triner
United States Coast Guard


     Today, e-learning is a common de-       self-assessment. As a first step in de-
 livery media for education and train-       fining an instrument that measures
 ing within many organizations. Yet,         an e-learner’s readiness, with the
 while both the supply and demand for        cooperation of volunteer participants
 e-learning opportunities has risen in       from the U.S. Coast Guard, this study
 recent years, many professionals are        looked into the validity and internal
 beginning to question whether e-learn-      consistency of items within a self-as-
 ers are prepared to be successful in an     sessment of e-learning readiness that
 online learning environment (e.g., Gug-     is under development, and provided
 lielmino & Guglielmino, 2003; Watkins       data for the continuing develop-
 & Corry, 2005). After all, a learner’s      ment and revision of the instrument.
 demonstrated success in a conventional      Having demonstrated evidence of
 education and training classroom may        internal consistency and construct
 not be an adequate predictor of success     validity, the self-assessment now pro-
 in an e-learning classroom.                 vides a tool for continuing research
     One way of gauging a potential          into the prediction of e-learning
 online learner’s readiness is through       performance.

         Introduction                        more than 1.6 million college stu-
    Since the upsurge of Internet use        dents took at least one online course,
in the mid-1990s, the characteristics        and more than half a million of those
of distance education (particularly          students were completing their
in economically developed countries)         degrees entirely online (The Sloan
have changed substantially. Today,           Consortium, 2004).
earlier modes of distance education             The movement toward online
(e.g., correspondence courses, radio-        learning (or “e-learning”) has not
based courses, video taped lectures)         been limited to institutions of higher
are being updated or replaced with           education. Today, many private sec-
Internet-based learning opportuni-           tor organizations use the Internet to
ties or other computer-based modes           deliver training (American Society
of delivery (NCES, 1999). During the         for Training and Development, 2003;
Fall semester of 2002, for example,          Stephenson, 2003). According to the

66                                         Performance Improvement Quarterly
American Society for Training and        strument to measure an individual’s
Development (ASTD) the delivery of       perceived readiness to engage in
training programs via e-learning plat-   e-learning. Specifically, the research
forms (for example, DVD, CD-ROM,         sought to obtain empirical evidence
Internet) has increased to rates as      of the construct validity and internal
high as 29% in 2002 and 31% in 2003      consistency of the instrument. While
across a variety of business sectors     the development of questions based
(ASTD, 2003). And while the use of the   on a literature review is a necessary,
Internet for e-learning delivery ranged  but not sufficient, step for defining the
from 32% to 74%                                             ingredients of the
across organization                                         effective measure;
in 2003 (depend-          The purpose of this               a subsequent step
ing on the business                                         is to determine the
sector), questions       study was to support internal consisten-
remain regarding             the development                cy of the recom-
both the instruc-                                           mended items. This
tional soundness of
                            of an instrument                determination is
e-learning as well            to measure an                 then a precursor
as the readiness of             individual’s                to future studies of
learners to engage                                          the predictability
in online learning        perceived readiness               (i.e., external valid-
environments.                   to engage in                ity) of the measure.
                                                                In cooperation
                                  e-learning.               with participants
Problem and                  Specifically, the               from the United
Purpose                    research sought to               States Coast Guard
    The predomi-                                            (USCG), this study
nance of e-learning         obtain empirical                used the statisti-
as a delivery meth-           evidence of the               cal relationships
od for instruction is                                       among the ques-
well documented.
                            construct validity              tions included on
Today’s learners               and internal                 the self-assessment
consist of those that       consistency of the              to determine the ex-
have likely had ex-                                         tent to which mea-
perience in tradi-              instrument.                 sure yields similar
tional classroom                                            results among its
environments, but                                           different sections
may not have experience in online        as it measures a single phenomenon.
learning situations. Despite this pre-   Based on these results an updated
dominance of e-learning in both the      instrument is proposed and discus-
literature and within instructional      sion of an initial effort to determine
settings, measures of learner’s readi-   the predictability of the instrument is
ness for new environment are rarely      included. As a result of technical prob-
assessed for their internal consistency  lems, however, only recommendations
and external utility.                    for future research on the ability of the
    The purpose of this study was to     instrument to predict learner success
support the development of an in-        can be offered at this time.

Volume 17, Number 4/2004                                                       67
Background                       (Chan, Yum, Fan, Jegede, & Taplin,
    From both pedagogical and tech-        1999). And while many of these
nical perspectives, the relatively         characteristics have demonstrated
young field of distance education is        ties with success using specific tech-
swiftly changing. While technical          nologies and/or media, predicting
advances lead to new teaching strate-      more general success continues to be
gies, the growing experience of online     challenging.
instructors often times generates the          The limitations of past research
development of new software and            should not suggest, however, that e-
hardware to facilitate the demands         learners are without an assortment
of the online classroom. This cycle of     of surveys and questionnaires avail-
change in an evolving field of prac-        able to offer guidance in determining
tice, however, continually challenges      their readiness for online learning.
researchers to validate theories           A selection of online assessments of
and concepts across range of media,        readiness for e-learning is available
technologies, and teaching strategies.     in Table 1.
Meeting these challenges has been              These, and other online assess-
especially difficult for those looking      ments of readiness for e-learning,
to validate a measure for predicting       can be a valuable tool for either
learner success.                           organizations or individuals look-
    In 2002, Lim, Eberstein, and Waint     ing to Internet-based courses as an
suggested that research related to         opportunity to expand knowledge
the readiness of learners to adapt to      and skills. The development of an
the online learning environment has        assessment instrument of e-learner
not kept pace with the changes in the      readiness, with evidence supporting
field of distance education. With new       its validity, first internal consistency
technologies quickly changing the          and then external utility, could influ-
capacity of Internet-based courses         ence the retention and success rates
to support increased social support,       of e-learners in a variety of online
interactivity, and simulation experi-      learning experiences in both higher
ences, it is no wonder that research-      education and training institutions.
ers have not been able to adequately       Carr (2000) suggests “no national
measure learner readiness. With            statistics exist yet about how many
each new advance in technology, re-        students complete distance programs
searchers are continually challenged       or courses, but anecdotal evidence
to expand their concepts of what           and studies by individual institu-
knowledge, skills, and attitudes are       tions suggest that course-completion
necessary for success in e-learning.       and program-retention rates are
    Research on e-learner perfor-          generally lower in distance-educa-
mance has most often focused on re-        tion courses than in their face-to-face
lationships between performance in         counterparts” (p. A39). And while
the online environment and specific         research has not verified a significant
learner characteristics, including for     problem with retention rates in on-
example self-directed learning (An-        line education or training programs,
derson, 1993; Pachnowski & Jurczyk,        any decline in retention rates stands
2000), learning styles (Aragon, John-      to strain many organizations already
son, & Shaik, 2000), and study habits      limited resources.

68                                       Performance Improvement Quarterly
Table 1
     Sample of Online Distance Learning Self-Test Instruments
         (derived from Lim, Eberstein, and Waint, 2002)

  Institutions                      Main Features
  The Community College of          Quantitative score for each of three response options
  Baltimore Country                 to ten questions. Yields an estimate of the degree to      which distance learning courses fit an individual’s
  metadot/    circumstances and lifestyle.

  St. Louis Community College       Twenty checkbox questions that are randomly ar-        ranged. Ten of these are positive indicators and the
  distance/assessment/              other ten are the opposite. Prediction of suitability is
                                    based on the number of positive responses as compared
                                    to the number of negative responses.
  Suffolk County Community          Twelve multiple-choice questions with three answer-
  College                           options. General feedback and prediction is given to       respondent without assigning a score. However, there
  Web/VirtualCampus/                are explanations for twelve of the dimensions or ques-
                                    tions asked.
  Tallahassee Community             Introduces seven elements or facets of a successful
  College                           online distance learner. Ten multiple-choice questions   with three option-answers follow survey. No submission
  selfassess.asp                    is required as respondent is given guidelines for mark-
                                    ing his score based on the number of responses, with
                                    option “a” being the most suitable for distance learning,
                                    “b” being somewhat suitable for distance learning, and
                                    “c” being not suitable.
  University of Phoenix             Six multiple-choice questions with each having four Distance            options. Three standard feedback questions advise or
  Learning                          forewarn respondents about what distance education
  http://iiswinprd03.petersons.     entails.
  com/dlwizard/code/default.asp                   Eleven multiple-choice questions with four options to      determine what kind of learner the respondent is by
  learningquiz.asp                  counting the number of R’s, K’s, V’s and A’s. Each of these
                                    letters corresponds to a different mode of learning:
                                                  R= Reading/Writing
                                                  K= Kinesthetic
                                                  V= Visual
                                                  A = Auditory
  Capella University                Six multiple-choice questions concerning time schedule,    convenience, time commitment, computer, reading, dis-
  html/index.aspx                   cipline; six Yes/No response-type questions regarding
                                    independence and collaboration; four Yes/No response-
                                    type questions regarding class interactions.
  Florida Gulf Coast                Forty-seven multiple-choice questions, most of which
  University                        are Yes/No response-type covering mainly technology      skills. Skills assessed include basic computer operation
  techskills.html                   and concept, word processing skills, Internet/Web/Web
                                    Board, email, library skills, and computer and Internet

Volume 17, Number 4/2004                                                                          69
One of many obstacles in pre-             was initially developed to provide
dicting learner success is defining            potential e-learners with quick, yet
“success.” Success for distance edu-          comprehensive, analysis of their
cation can be viewed from multiple            readiness for success in an online
perspectives, each having its own             learning environment (Watkins,
definition and criteria. For example,          2003). The audience for the instru-
for supervisors of online learners the        ment is intended to be individuals
definition of success would likely in-         without previous e-learning experi-
clude the learner’s ability to improve        ence, and as a result, the instrument
productivity and time off-the-job;            requires the self-evaluation of par-
while for the e-learner success may           ticipants on future behaviors. The
be defined through positive interac-           preliminary assessment instrument
tions with peers and the instructor, or       provided an initial blend of questions
the capacity to apply skills in future        that potential e-learners should ask
positions rather than their current           in determining if they are ready to
job (see Watkins, 2004). These diverse        be successful in online education or
perspectives on success, including            training. The instrument was con-
those of the instructor, client, and          sidered a useful guide for assisting
client’s clients, are all critical to the     individuals in determining their
success of an e-learning initiative.          readiness for e-learning, as well as
Nevertheless, as a self-assessment,           identifying practical study and tech-
the proposed instrument focused               nical skills that should be developed
on individual (i.e., learner) achieve-        prior to enrolling in online courses.
ments within a broad e-learning               In 2003, funding for research into
context.                                      the initial validation of an e-learner
    The success of e-learning as an al-       readiness self-assessment was pro-
ternative or supplement to classroom          vided by the International Society for
instruction requires many changes             Performance Improvement.
to our currently accepted mindsets
regarding education or training (see                       Method
Kaufman, Watkins, & Guerra, 2002).            Participants
These changes include, but are not                To obtain evidence regarding
limited to, our perceptions regarding         the internal validity of the Online
the responsibilities of educators and         Learner Readiness Self-Assessment
trainers to ensure that learners are          instrument, the research team ob-
adequately prepared to be success-            tained three samples of volunteer
ful in the learning environments we           participants from enlisted personnel
create. The validation of an e-learner        of the U.S. Coast Guard (USCG). Par-
readiness assessment instrument               ticipants were attending either “boot
is one of the first steps required             camp” or rate training and were not
for research in this area to provide          required to be actively enrolled in an
practitioners with tools for improving        online course.
both individual and organizational                To maintain anonymity, specific
performance through useful e-learn-           identifiers were not collected during
ing experiences.                              the research. However, in 2004 the
    As a result of this context, the          Human Resource Research Orga-
Online Learner Self-Assessment                nization reported that 84% of the

70                                          Performance Improvement Quarterly
male recruits and 82% of the female      They were required to be enrolled in
recruits of the USCG were self-iden-     training that was at least partially
tified as “white” in 2002, with 4% of     delivered using online technologies,
males and 7% of females self-iden-       but were not required to have e-learn-
tified as “Black,” and 8% of males        ing experience. A total of 15 volunteer
and 5% of females self-identified as      participants were included in the
“Hispanic” respectively. Of those re-    third sample and the demographics
cruits, 89% had earned a high school     of USCG personnel in this sample
diploma and 11% earned a GED or          were similar to those of the first two
other alternative high school diplo-     samples, with the only notable differ-
ma. USCG recruits were primarily         ence being the additional experience
between the ages of 20 and 24 (35%),     of having completed basic training.
with 7% being 17
to 19, 21% being                                            Self-assessment
25 to 29, 14% being              Success for                Instruments
30 to 34, and the                                              The initial self-
remainder (23%)
                                   distance                 assessment instru-
being over the age                education                 ment (Watkins,
of 34.                         can be viewed                2003) consisted
    The assessment                                          of 40 statements
of internal consis-            from multiple                related to readi-
tency relies on            perspectives, each               ness for e-learn-
the relationships                                           ing success, which
of answers within
                              having its own                were grouped into
the measure and                definition and                10 scales (e.g.,
its subscales to de-               criteria.                technology access,
termine if similar                                          technology skills,
results among its                                           online readings,
different sections are measures of a     Internet chat). For each statement
single construct. Nine hundred thir-     participants completed a 5-point Lik-
ty-six participants were included in     ert-type scale response ranging from
the first two samples of the study, 436   “completely disagree” to “completely
and 500 participants in each sample,     agree” with the statement.
respectively. It is typically recom-        Sample statements included: “I
mended that validation studies have      can send an email with a file at-
10 participants for each item in the     tached”; “I think that I would be able
scale (DeVellis, 2003). As the initial   to communicate effectively with oth-
measure consisted of 40 items, the       ers using online technologies (e.g.,
sample size was deemed sufficient.        email, chat)”; “I think that I would
    The third sample consisted of        be able to take notes when reading
15 USCG personnel who recently           papers on the computer”; “I require
completed basic training and were        more time than most others to pre-
receiving their rate (i.e., job specific) pare responses to a question.” The
training prior to assignment. Partici-   statements solicited both declara-
pants in this final group received the    tions about their abilities to perform
revised instrument and a measure         common e-learning tasks as well as
of self-defined e-learning success.       predictive statements regarding the

Volume 17, Number 4/2004                                                     71
application of their skills in areas        using a paper copy of the assessment
that may not have previous experi-          and a scantron form (see Watkins,
ence (e.g., online synchronous chat,        2003). The initial assessment includ-
use of online audio). Since many            ed 40 statements related to learner
participants in the study had no            readiness measured on a 5-point
previous experiences as e-learners,         Likert-type agreement scale. The
the readiness assessment required           questions were developed based on
participants to anticipate their suc-       a review of the literature. The face
cess in applying skills in the online       validity of the items was assessed
environment.                                through reviews by colleagues at
   Based on the initial data collection     three universities.
and analyses, a revised instrument             Data from the completed assess-
was developed. The revised instru-          ments with the first sample were
ment consisted of 27 statements and         used to perform both an item and
the same 5-point Likert-type scale          factor analysis. These analyses ex-
response format. Thirteen questions         amined the individual items and
from the initial instrument were re-        groups of items of the initial instru-
moved and multiple questions were           ment, providing information for the
re-written to improve their ability         determination of which subset(s) of
to communicate the constructs they          questions would best provide a valid
represented. Given the number and           assessment of the desired construct.
characteristics of the changes to the          Following the revisions to the ini-
initial instrument, a second sample         tial instrument based on the item and
group of participants was used to           factor analysis, participants from the
provide evidence regarding the              second sample completed the revised
internal consistency of the revised         instrument. The resultant data were
instrument.                                 used to complete a second item and
   In addition, a second survey was         factor analysis of the revised instru-
developed to assess the perceptions         ment.
of performance in actual e-learning            The third, and final, sample com-
experiences. This survey permitted          pleted the second revision to the
participants to self-define their “suc-      instrument. Participants in the third
cess” in completing e-learning experi-      sample completed both the instru-
ences, and was delivered completely         ment used with the second sample
online. The survey consisted of seven       and the self-perceived performance
questions; five multiple choice items        survey using an online data collection
and two open response items. This           site. Data from the second assessment
additional survey was provided only         (self-perceived performance upon
to the third, and smaller, sample of        competition of an online experience)
USCG personnel who were expe-               were intended to be used to examine
rienced students in the e-learning          the relationship of readiness with
environment.                                self-perceived performance in an ac-
                                            tual online learning experience, but
Procedure                                   had to be discarded due to a technical
   The first sample of participants          error that corrupted the data and cre-
was asked to complete the initial           ated inconsistencies that could not be
online learner readiness instrument         remedied by the researchers.

72                                        Performance Improvement Quarterly
Results                   analysis, item-total statistics were
Data Analysis: Sample One                 calculated which provided indica-
   Using data from the first sample,       tions of the relationship of individual
Cronbach’s Alpha coefficient for each      items to the overall composite score
scale within the instrument was           of each scale within the instrument.
used to determine the strength of the     These item-total statistics included
relationship among the items within       the corrected item-total correlation,
each scale. The Alpha coefficient is       the multiple-squared-correlation,
based on the average correlation of       and the Alpha if a respective item
items within the scale and/or sub-        were deleted. Items for which the “Al-
scales of the measure. Based on the       pha if item deleted” was greater than
coefficients, the determination was        the overall Alpha of the scale were
made regarding which scales should        earmarked for possible modification
be combined or removed as well as         or deletion from the instrument.
which scales could benefit from the           Several scales and individual
addition or subtraction of items. An      items of the instrument were revised
Alpha value of at least 0.8 was select-   based on this analysis. Evidence sup-
ed as a minimal value for accepting       porting increases in Cronbach’s Al-
the items in a category (Kehoe, 1995).    pha within a scale when an item was
Each of the Cronbach Alpha coeffi-         removed was used to justify reducing
cients for the instrument’s scales are    the instrument from 40 questions to
presented in Table 2.                     27 questions.
   Based on this data analysis, items
were selected for inclusion, modifica-     Data Analysis: Sample Two
tion, or deletion from the next version      An exploratory factor analysis of
of the instrument. As part of this        the data from the second sample was

                               Table 2
     Cronbach’s Alpha Coefficients for Each Subscale Within the
             Initial Self-assessment (i.e., sample one)

   Self-assessment category           Number of Items      Cronbach’s Alpha
   Technology Access                        4                    0.88
   Technology Skills                        5                    0.88
   Online Relationships                     6                    0.86
   Motivation                               4                    0.82
   Online Readings                          3                    0.72
   Online Video/ Audio                      3                    0.85
   Internet Chat                            3                    0.82
   Discussion Boards                        3                    0.05
   Online Groups                            3                    0.73
   Importance to your success               6                    0.79

Volume 17, Number 4/2004                                                      73
then conducted to discern the un-               nology (e.g., building online working
derlying factors of the relationships           relationships). As a result, in the
found among the items included in               revised instrument these questions
the revised instrument. After analy-            are grouped into a single category of
sis, the consistency (i.e., communal-           Online Skills and Relationship.
ity as represented statistically by                In addition to the exploratory
Eigenvalues or coefficients) of the              factor analysis, Cronbach’s Alpha
constructs was used to identify how             coefficients were again calculated for
well each variable was predicted                each item of the revised instrument
by the remaining items in the as-               completed by the second sample.
sessment1. Eigenvalues over 1.00                This process resulted in reducing the
customarily suggest the number of               interpretation of the 27 statement
factors to analyze (Gorsuch, 1983).             instrument to just six factors (cited
Table 3 presents Eigenvalues along              in Table 4).
with a scree plot of the data. Both
suggest that the revised instrument             Data Analysis: Sample Three
was best considered as a measure of                The final data set to be collected
six discrete constructs.                        and reviewed in the study was col-
   Based on the results of the ex-              lected from the third sample of USCG
ploratory factor analysis, the re-              participants. These participants were
sults of the “Technology Skills” and            experienced in online training and
“Online Relationships” scales were              education, and enrolled in USCG rate
considered representative of a single           training. The participants in the third
construct. After reviewing the items            sample completed both the revised e-
within each scale of the instrument             learning readiness self-assessment
the researchers concluded that items            used with the second sample, as well
related to technical skills (e.g., us-          as a seven-item survey of their self-
ing email) could be combined with               perceived performance in e-learning.
items related the to the content of             Data from the third instrument were
the communications using the tech-              not analyzed however due to techni-

                                 Table 3
                    Eigenvalues After Varimax Rotation

                   Individual           Cumulative
      No.                                                       Percent         Scree Plot
                   Eigenvalue            Percent
       1            3.178536                16.11                16.11              ||||
       2            2.929239                14.84                30.95              |||
       3            3.120172                15.81                46.76              ||||
       4            5.145354                26.07                72.83              ||||||
       5            1.955438                9.91                 82.74              ||
       6            1.845009                9.35                 92.09              ||
            Note: Eigenvalues under 1.0 are not reported for the sake of brevity.

74                                           Performance Improvement Quarterly
Table 4
     Cronbach’s Alpha Coefficients for Each Subscale Within the
                       Revised Instrument

  Self-assessment category             Number of Items        Cronbach’s Alpha
  Technology Access                          3                      0.95
  Online Skills and Relationships            9                      0.95
  Motivation                                 3                      0.88
  Online Audio/Video                         3                      0.90
  Internet Discussions                       4                      0.74
  Importance to your success                 5                      0.86

cal problems with the online version        evidence supporting only the internal
of the instruments.                         consistency of items within the E-
                                            learner Readiness Self-assessment:
            Discussion                      a necessary (but not sufficient) step
    After completing analyses using         in demonstrating the overall valid-
data from the second sample, it was         ity and utility of the measure. The
determined that a third version of          revised E-learner Self-Assessment
the instrument could be developed           demonstrated characteristics of in-
that would demonstrate the desired          ternal consistency that make it an ap-
internal consistency necessary for          propriate candidate as an instrument
continuing research. The revised            for continued research regarding its
instrument (see Appendix) included          external utility (i.e., predictability).
the integration of items in scales for      The researchers plan to continue
“Technology Skills and Online Rela-         their research in the validation of the
tionships.” Although items in the sub-      instrument by evaluating the ability
scale of “Internet Discussions” were        of the instrument to predict perfor-
identified with a Cronbach Alpha co-         mance in a wide-range of e-learning
efficient less than the desired .8, since    experiences.
only marginal benefits from deleting            This study of the initial and
individual items were evident from          revised instrument does, however,
the data analysis, those items were         provide evidence to support that the
included in the revised instrument.         questions used consistently measure
These items were subject to a few           the desired scales that were initially
changes in wording.                         derived from the e-learning litera-
    Unfortunately, data collected to        ture. Consequently, future versions
support the external validity of the        of the E-learning Readiness Self-as-
instrument could not be analyzed due        sessment may provide practitioners
to technical problems. Continuing ef-       and researchers with a valid and
forts to obtain a fourth sample were        reliable instrument for measuring
not within the scope of the study. As       the readiness of learners for success
a result, the study concluded with          in the online classroom.

Volume 17, Number 4/2004                                                         75
Continued research in several             American Society for Training and
areas is necessary in the continued              Development (2003). ASTD 2003
refinement of an effective self-as-               state of the industry report execu-
                                                 tive summary. Retrieved March 31,
sessment of readiness. For example,
                                                 2004, from
the distinction between “Technology              rdonlyres/6EBE2E82-1D29-48A7-
Skills” and “Online Relationships”               8A3A-357649BB6DB6/0/SOIR_2003_
is worthy of further exploration.                Executive_Summary.pdf
Likewise, additional data on the re-          Carr, S. (2000). As distance education
lationship of scale scores with both             comes of age, the challenge is keep-
perceived and actual success from                ing the students. Chronicle of Higher
multiple perspectives (e.g., supervi-            Education, 46(23). Retrieved May 10,
sor, learner, and instructor) could be           2004 from
essential in supporting the broad use
                                              Chan, M., Yum, J., Fan, R., Jegede, O.,
of the instrument as a predictive and            & Taplin, M. (1999). A comparison
prescriptive tool for those consider-            of the study habits and preferences
ing e-learning opportunities. Lastly,            of high achieving and low achieving
as research into e-learning continues,           Open University students. Proceed-
other potential constructs related to            ings from the Conference of the Asian
new technologies and online teaching             Association of Open Universities. Re-
strategies should be pursued as pro-             trieved May 10, 2004 from http://www.
spective items for the instrument.     
                                                 pdf (5-10-02).
                                              DeVellis, R.F. (2003). Scale development:
    Funding for this study was pro-              Theory and applications. Thousand
 vided by the International Society              Oaks, CA: Sage.
   for Performance Improvement.               Gorsuch, R.L. (1983). Factor analysis (2nd
                                                 ed.). Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum
                Notes                            Associates.
     1                                        Guglielmino, P., & Guglielmino, L.
    Communality is similar to the                (2003). Are your learners ready for
R-Squared value that would be                    e-learning? In G. Piskurich (Ed.),
achieved if a variable were regressed            The AMA handbook of e-learning.
on the retained factors, though cal-             New York: American Management
culations are based on an adjusted               Association.
correlation matrix.                           Human Resource Research Organization
                                                 (2004). Population representation in
            References                           military services. Retrieved May 15,
Anderson, M.R. (1993). Success in dis-           2004, from
   tance education courses versus tradi-         poprep2002/contents/contents.htm
   tional classroom education courses.        Kaufman, R., Watkins, R., & Guerra, I.
   Unpublished doctoral dissertation,            (2002). Getting valid and useful edu-
   Oregon State University.                      cational results and payoffs: We are
Aragon, S.R., Johnson, S.D., & Shaik, N.         what we say, do, and deliver. Interna-
   (2000). The influence of learning style        tional Journal of Educational Reform,
   preferences on student success in on-         11(1), 77-92.
   line vs. face-to-face environments. In     Kehoe, J. (1995). Basic item analysis
   G. Davies & C. Owen (Eds.), Proceed-          for multiple-choice tests. Practical
   ings of WebNet 2000—World Confer-             Assessment, Research & Evaluation,
   ence on WWW and Internet (pp. 17-22).         4(10). [Available online: http://ericae.
   San Antonio, TX: AACE.                        net/pare/getvn.asp?v=4&n=10]

76                                          Performance Improvement Quarterly
Lim, S., Eberstein, A., & Waint, B. (2002).   RYAN WATKINS, Ph.D. is an as-
   Unpublished student paper. Florida          sociate professor at the George
   State University.                           Washington University in Wash-
NCES (1999). Distance education tech-
                                               ington, DC. Ryan teaches courses
   nologies. Retrieved April 1, 2004, from       in instructional design, distance
   lications/2000013/6.asp                     education, needs assessment, as
Pachnowski, L.M., Lynne, M., & Jurczyk,        well as technology management.
   J.P. (2000, February). Correlating          He is an author of the best selling
   self-directed learning with distance        books E-learning Companion (2005)
   learning success. Proceedings from          and 75 E-learning Activities (2005).
   the Eastern Educational Research            Web:
   Association, Clearwater, FL.                E-mail:
Stephenson, J. (2003, April). A review of
   research and practice in e-learning in
   the workplace and proposals for its        DOUG LEIGH, Ph.D. is an assistant
   effective use. Proceedings from the         professor with Pepperdine Univer-
   Annual Meeting of the American Edu-         sity’s Graduate School of Education
   cational Research Association, April        in Los Angeles, CA, and previously
   21-25, 2003, Chicago, IL.                   served as technical director of proj-
The Sloan Consortium (2004). Sizing the        ects for Florida State University.
   opportunity: The quality and extent of      Coauthor of two books (Strategic
   online education in the United States,      Planning for Success, 2003 and
   2002 and 2003. Retrieved April 1,
                                               Useful Educational Results, 2001),
   2004, from
   sources/overview.asp                        his ongoing research, publication
Watkins, R. (2003). Readiness for on-          and lecture interests concern needs
   line learning self-assessment. In E.        assessment, evaluation, change
   Biech (Ed.), The 2003 Pfeiffer annual:      creation, and related topics. Web:
   Training. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass- E-mail:
Watkins, R. (2004). Ends and means:
   Defining success. Distance Learning         DON TRINER, Commander, USCG,
   Magazine, 1(2), 85-86.
                                               has over 20 years experience in ap-
Watkins, R., & Corry, M. (2004). E-learn-
   ing companion: A student’s guide to         plied leadership and learning. He is
   online success. New York: Houghton          the prospective commanding officer
   Mifflin.                                     of the MACKINAW, which will be
                                               the most technologically advanced
                                               ship in the Coast Guard when deliv-
                                               ered. E-mail:

Volume 17, Number 4/2004                                                         77

                                                               1 = Completely Disagree
                                                                2 = Strongly Disagree
                                                                     3 = Not Sure
                                                                  4 = Strongly Agree
                                                                 5 = Completely Agree

                                         1. I have access to a computer with an Internet
                                                                                                       1 2 3 4   5

                                         2. I have access to a fairly new computer (e.g., enough
                                                                                                       1 2 3 4   5
                                            RAM, speakers, CD-ROM).
                                         3. I have access to a computer with adequate software
                                                                                                       1 2 3 4   5
                                            (e.g., Microsoft Word, Adobe Acrobat).

                                         4. I have the basic skills to operate a computer (e.g.,
                                                                                                       1 2 3 4   5
                                            saving files, creating folders).
                                         5. I have the basic skills for finding my way around
                                            the Internet (e.g., using search engines, entering         1 2 3 4   5
                                         6. I can send an email with a file attached.
                                                                                                       1 2 3 4   5
       Online Skills and Relationships

                                         7. I think that I would be comfortable using a
                                            computer several times a week to participate in a          1 2 3 4   5
                                         8. I think that I would be able to communicate
                                            effectively with others using online technologies (e.g.,   1 2 3 4   5
                                            email, chat).
                                         9. I think that I would be able to express myself
                                            clearly through my writing (e.g., mood, emotions, and      1 2 3 4   5
                                         10. I think that I would be able to use online tools (e.g.,
                                             email, chat) to work on assignments with students         1 2 3 4   5
                                             who are in different time zones.
                                         11. I think that I would be able to schedule time to
                                             provide timely responses to other students and/or         1 2 3 4   5
                                             the instructor.
                                         12. I think that I would be able to ask questions and
                                                                                                       1 2 3 4   5
                                             make comments in clear writing.

                                         13. I think that I would be able to remain motivated
                                                                                                       1 2 3 4   5
                                             even though the instructor is not online at all times.

                                         14. I think that I would be able to complete my work
                                             even when there are online distractions (e.g., friends    1 2 3 4   5
                                             sending emails or Websites to surf).
                                         15. I think that I would be able to complete my work
                                             even when there are distractions in my home (e.g.,        1 2 3 4   5
                                             television, children, and such).

78                                                                         Performance Improvement Quarterly
Appendix (continued)

                                 16. I think that I would be able to relate the content
    Online Audio/Video

                                     of short video clips (1-3 minutes typically) to the    1 2 3 4   5
                                     information I have read online or in books.
                                 17. I think that I would be able to take notes while
                                                                                            1 2 3 4   5
                                     watching a video on the computer.
                                 18. I think that I would be able to understand course-
                                     related information when it’s presented in video       1 2 3 4   5

                                 19. I think that I would be able to carry on a
                                     conversation with others using the Internet (e.g.,     1 2 3 4   5
                                     Internet chat, instant messenger).
    Internet Discussions

                                 20. I think that I would be comfortable having several
                                     discussions taking place in the same online chat
                                                                                            1 2 3 4   5
                                     even though I may not be participating in all of
                                 21. I think that I would be able to follow along with
                                     an online conversation (e.g., Internet chat, instant   1 2 3 4   5
                                     messenger) while typing.
                                 22. I sometimes prefer to have more time to prepare
                                                                                            1 2 3 4   5
                                     responses to a question.

                                 23. Regular contact with the instructor is important to
                                                                                            1 2 3 4   5
                                     my success in online coursework.
    Importance to your success

                                 24. Quick technical and administrative support is
                                                                                            1 2 3 4   5
                                     important to my success in online coursework.
                                 25. Frequent participation throughout the learning
                                     process is important to my success in online           1 2 3 4   5
                                 26. I feel that prior experiences with online
                                     technologies (e.g., email, Internet chat, online
                                                                                            1 2 3 4   5
                                     readings) are important to my success with online
                                 27. The ability to immediately apply course materials
                                                                                            1 2 3 4   5
                                     is important to my success with online courses.

Volume 17, Number 4/2004                                                                                  79
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