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A GENERIC FRAMEWORK FOR ENGAGING ONLINE DATA SOURCES 2 “LIVE” DEMO https://datahub.io/dataset/ubigeo-peru/resource/12c2cc3a-5896-496b-96f6-d95cd1618d61
A GENERIC FRAMEWORK FOR ENGAGING ONLINE DATA SOURCES 3 CONNECT - LOAD - FETCH import core.data.*; public class PeruData1 { public static void main(String[] args) { DataSource ds = DataSource.connect("https://... ds.load(); String[] names = ds.fetchStringArray("NOMBRE"); System.out.println(names.length); System.out.println(names[367]); } }
A GENERIC FRAMEWORK FOR ENGAGING ONLINE DATA SOURCES 4 WHAT’S IN THE DATA? import core.data.*; public class PeruData1 { public static void main(String[] args) { DataSource ds = DataSource.connect("https://.. ds.load(); ds.printUsageString(); String[] names = ds.fetchStringArray("NOMBRE") System.out.println(names.length); System.out.println(names[367]); } }
A GENERIC FRAMEWORK FOR ENGAGING ONLINE DATA SOURCES 5 USAGE STRING ----- Data Source: https://commondatastorage.googleapis.com/.../ Ubigeo2010.csv URL: https://commondatastorage.googleapis.com/.../ Ubigeo2010.csv The following data is available: A list of: structures with fields: { CODDIST : * CODDPTO : * CODPROV : * NOMBRE : * } -----
A GENERIC FRAMEWORK FOR ENGAGING ONLINE DATA SOURCES 6 USER-DEFINED CLASS class Geo { String name; int pop; int elev; public Geo(String name, int pop, int elev) { this.name = name; this.pop = pop; this.elev = elev; } public String toString() { return String.format("%s (pop. %d): %d m.", name, pop, elev); } }
A GENERIC FRAMEWORK FOR ENGAGING ONLINE DATA SOURCES 7 DEMO - ADDITIONAL FEATURES DataSource ds = DataSource.connectAs("TSV", "http://download.geonames.org/export/dump/PE.zip"); ds.setOption("fileentry", "PE.txt"); ds.setOption(“header", “geoid,name,asciiname,altnames,lat,long,feature-class, feature-code,cc,cc2,admin1,admin2,admin3,admin4,ppl, elev,dem,tz,mod"); ds.load(); Geo g = ds.fetch("Geo", "name", "ppl", "dem"); System.out.println(g); ArrayList places = ds.fetchList("Geo", "name", "ppl", "dem"); System.out.println(places.size()); for (Geo p : places) if (p.name.equals("Arequipa")) System.out.println(p);
A GENERIC FRAMEWORK FOR ENGAGING ONLINE DATA SOURCES 8 OUTPUT Brazo Tigre (pop. 0): 0 m. 102315 Arequipa (pop. 1218168): 3351 m. Arequipa (pop. 0): 3164 m. Arequipa (pop. 841130): 2355 m. Arequipa (pop. 0): 106 m. Arequipa (pop. 0): 2327 m. Arequipa (pop. 0): 404 m.
A GENERIC FRAMEWORK FOR ENGAGING ONLINE DATA SOURCES 10 OUTLINE ▸ Motivation ▸ Goals ▸ Usage & Functionality ▸ Design & Implementation ▸ Related & Future Work ▸ Conclusion
A GENERIC FRAMEWORK FOR ENGAGING ONLINE DATA SOURCES 11 MOTIVATION ▸ The “Age of Big Data” ▸ Incorporate the use of online data sets in introductory programming courses ▸ Provide a simple interface ▸ Hide I/O connection, parsing, extracting, data binding
A GENERIC FRAMEWORK FOR ENGAGING ONLINE DATA SOURCES 12 GOALS ▸ Minimal syntactic overhead ▸ Direct access via URL (or local file path) ▸ No requirement of pre-supplied data schemas/templates ▸ Bind (instantiate) data objects based on user-defined data representations (i.e. student-defined classes) ▸ Other good stuff ArrayList places = ds.fetchList(“Geo”, ... ▸ Caching ▸ Help/usage ▸ Error handling/reporting
A GENERIC FRAMEWORK FOR ENGAGING ONLINE DATA SOURCES 13 USAGE ▸ 3-step approach: • Connect • Load • Fetch ▸ Infer data format if possible — XML, CSV, JSON ▸ Display inferred structure of data — printUsageString() ▸ Fetching atomic values ds.fetch("Geo", “info/name/std”, ▸ provide a path into the data “metrics/pop", “phys/elev”); ▸ Structured data: ▸ provide name of class and paths of data to be supplied to the constructor ▸ Collections: fetchStringArray / fetchArray / fetchList / …
A GENERIC FRAMEWORK FOR ENGAGING ONLINE DATA SOURCES 14 OTHER FUNCTIONALITY ▸ Data source specifications ▸ Query parameters ▸ Iterator-based access ▸ Cache control ▸ Processing support
A GENERIC FRAMEWORK FOR ENGAGING ONLINE DATA SOURCES 15 DESIGN & IMPLEMENTATION ▸ Connect ▸ prepare URL/path; set parameters, options, data type code$ ▸ Load: 2& data$sources$ fetch& ▸ get the data object(s)$ ▸ infer a schema 1& signature$ load& 3& ▸ Fetch: field$schema$ instan.ate& ▸ build a signature for type requested by user ▸ unify schema with signature - instantiate as objects
A GENERIC FRAMEWORK FOR ENGAGING ONLINE DATA SOURCES 16 EXPERIENCE ▸ Limited to date: “Creative Computing” ▸ Tutorial-style labs ▸ Sample data sets used/discovered by students: Name Source Type Records (Asterisk indicates data set discovered by students) *1000 songs to hear before you die opendata.socrata.com XML 1,000 Abalone data set UCI Machine Learning Repository CSV 4,177 *Airport Weather Mashup NWS + FAA XML fixed *Chicago life expectancy by community data.cityofchicago.org XML ˜80 Earthquake feeds US Geological Survey JSON variable *Fuel economy data US EPA XML 35,430 *Jeopardy! question archive reddit JSON 216,930 Live auction data Ebay XML 100/page Magic the Gathering card data mtgjson.com JSON variable Microfinance loan data Kiva XML variable *SEC Rushing Leaders 2014 ESPN CSV (manual) variable Figure 5. Examples of data sources used in lecture examples and student final projects.
A GENERIC FRAMEWORK FOR ENGAGING ONLINE DATA SOURCES 17 ISSUES ▸ Finding proper links to raw data (students can have trouble) ▸ Sites requiring “developer” registration ▸ Error messages not helpful (yet) ▸ XML as common intermediate format ▸ Better caching (of schemas as well as raw data) ▸ Streaming, pagination, sampling…
A GENERIC FRAMEWORK FOR ENGAGING ONLINE DATA SOURCES 18 FUTURE ▸ Redo abstraction layer over data formats ▸ GUI tools ▸ Multiple language support (Python, Racket) ▸ Different language mechanisms to achieve dynamic binding (reflection, macros) ▸ Additional data formats ▸ HTML tables, web scrapers (regexps) ▸ Customized for popular APIs (ebay, twitter, etc.) ‣ Curriculum resources ▸ Evaluation of effectiveness
A GENERIC FRAMEWORK FOR ENGAGING ONLINE DATA SOURCES 19 RELATED WORK & ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ▸ CORGIS Dataset Project - http://think.cs.vt.edu/corgis/ ▸ XML Data Access Interfaces ▸ JAXB, Castor: schema-based; compile-time setup required ▸ FasterXML (Jackson): dynamic binding to POJOs; emphasis on Java → XML direction; tight coupling ▸ XML schema inference ▸ Contributions by Steven Benzel, Stephen Jones, Alan Young
A GENERIC FRAMEWORK FOR ENGAGING ONLINE DATA SOURCES 20 CONCLUSION ▸ Facilitate incorporation of online data sources into programming assignments ▸ Painlessly ▸ Seamlessly
Use a data set in your next assignment! cs.berry.edu/sinbad
A GENERIC FRAMEWORK FOR ENGAGING ONLINE DATA SOURCES DATA SOURCE DataSource.connectUsing("geospec-pe.spec"); SPECIFICATION FILE { "name": "Geographical Data - Peru", ‣ Data source URL and format. "format": "TSV", ‣ Human-friendly name and description, along "path": "http://download.geonames.org/export/dump/PE.zip", with URL to a project or informational page "infourl": "http://www.geonames.org/", about the data source. "options": [ ‣ A specification of pre-supplied and user- { "name": "fileentry", supplied (required and optional) query "value": "PE.txt" }, parameters or path parameters. The latter are { user-provided strings that are substituted in "name": "header", for placeholders in the URL path. "value": ‣ Programmatic options specific to the "geoid,name,asciiname,altnames,lat,long,feature-class,feature- code,cc,cc2,admin1,admin2,admin3,admin4,pop,elev,dem,tz,mod" particular data source object (such as a }], header for CSV files). } ‣ Cache settings, such as cache directory path or timeout. ‣ A data schema defining the exposed data structures and fields from the source with various helpful annotations such as textual descriptions of fields that can be displayed by printUsageString().
A GENERIC FRAMEWORK FOR ENGAGING ONLINE DATA SOURCES 25 (base type) B := boolean | int | String | . . . SCHEMAS & SIGNATURES (constructor) C := any Java class name (schema) := ⇤ | [p ] | {f0p0 : 0 , . . .} (signature) ⌧ := ⌧B | [⌧ ] | C{f0 :⌧0 ,...} ersion) h := parseB( ) | h( [i]) Primitive, List, or Structure | h( .p) | new C(h , . . .) | new list[h ▸ 0 0 The following data is available: A structure with fields: { )h row : A list of: A structure with fields: schema unifies with signature ⌧ to produce { a conversion ds.fetch("Prop", expression h. Address_1 : * Electricity_Use_-_Grid_Purchase_kWh : * "row/Property_Name", Energy_Cost_ : * ... "row/Year_Ending", prim-prim Natural_Gas_Use_therms : * prim-singleton-comp "row/Energy_Cost_"); Property_GFA_-_Self-Reported_ft : * Property_Id : * ⇤k⌧ )h Property_Name : * ...⇤ k ⌧ ) parseB( ) B Weather_Normalized_Site_EUI_kBtu-ft : * ⇤ k C{f :⌧ } ) new C(h( )) Year_Ending : * } list-list list-strip
(constructor) C := any Java class name (constructor) C := any Java class name A GENERIC FRAMEWORK (schema) := ⇤ | ONLINE FOR ENGAGING [p ] | {fDATA 0p0 : SOURCES 0 , . . .} 26 (schema) := ⇤ | [p ] | {f0p0 : 0 , . . .} (signature) ⌧ := ⌧B | [⌧ ] | C{f0 :⌧0 ,...} UNIFICATION (signature) ⌧ := ⌧B | [⌧ ] | C{f0 :⌧0 ,...} (conversion) h := parseB( ) | h( [i]) | h( .p) | new C(h0 , . . .) | new list[h0 , . . .] (conversion) h := parseB( ) | h( [i]) | h( .p) | new C(h0 , . . .) | new list[h0 , . . .] k⌧ )h k ⌧ )schema means h unifies with signature ⌧ to produce a conversion expression h. means schema unifies with signature ⌧ to produce a conversion expression h. prim-prim prim-singleton-comp prim-prim ⇤k⌧ )h prim-singleton-comp ⇤k⌧ )h ⇤ k ⌧B ) parseB( ) ⇤ k C{f :⌧ } ) new C(h( )) ⇤ k ⌧B ) parseB( ) ⇤ k C{f :⌧ } ) new C(h( )) list-list list-strip list-list k⌧ )h list-strip k⌧ )h k⌧ )h k⌧ )h [ ] k [⌧ ] ) new list([h( 0 ), . . .]) [ ] k ⌧ ) h( 0 ) [ ] k [⌧ ] ) new list([h( 0 ), . . .]) [ ] k ⌧ ) h( 0 ) wrap-list comp-strip wrap-list k⌧ )h is not a list schema comp-strip k⌧ )h k⌧ )h is not a list schema k⌧ )h k [⌧ ] ) new list([h( )]) {fp : } k ⌧ ) h( .p) k [⌧ ] ) new list([h( )]) {fp : } k ⌧ ) h( .p) comp-comp comp-comp i k ⌧i ) hi i k ⌧i ) hi {f0p0 : 0 , . . . , f n pn : n, g 0g 0 : n+1 , . . .} k C{f0 :⌧0 ,...,fn :⌧n } ) new C(h0 ( .p0 ), . . .) {f0p0 : 0 , . . . , f n pn : n, g 0g 0 : n+1 , . . .} k C{f0 :⌧0 ,...,fn :⌧n } ) new C(h0 ( .p0 ), . . .)
Figure 2: A simple program demonstrating the Java Earthquake library BART, ET AL. 1 2 import import java . u t i l . List ; j a v a . u t i l . HashSet ; 3 import r e a l t i m e w e b . e a r t h q u a k e s e r v i c e . main . E a r t h q u a k e S e r v i c e ; FIGURE 2 4 5 6 import r e a l t i m e w e b . e a r t h q u a k e s e r v i c e . domain . Earthquake ; public c l a s s EarthquakeDemo { 7 8 public s t a t i c void main ( S t r i n g [ ] a r g s ) throws E a r t h q u a k e E x c e p ti o n { 9 // Use t h e E a r t h q u a k e S e r v i c e l i b r a r y 10 EarthquakeService es = EarthquakeService . getInstance ( ) ; 11 12 es . connect ( ) ; // Remove t o u s e t h e l o c a l c a c h e 13 14 // 5 minute d e l a y , b u t i f we u s e t h e c a c h e no d e l a y i s needed ! 15 i n t DELAY = 5 ⇤ 60 ⇤ 1 0 0 0 ; 16 17 HashSet seenQuakes = new HashSet ( ) ; 18 19 // P o l l s e r v i c e r e g u l a r l y 20 while ( true ) { 21 // Get a l l e a r t h q u a k e s i n t h e p a s t hour 22 L i s t l a t e s t = e s . g e t E a r t h q u a k e s ( H i s t o r y . ALL ) ; 23 // Check i f t h i s i s a new e a r t h q u a k e 24 f o r ( Earthquake e : l a t e s t ) { 25 i f ( ! seenQuakes . c o n t a i n s ( e ) ) { 26 // Report new e a r t h q u a k e s 27 System . out . p r i n t l n ( ”New quake ! ” ) ; 28 seenQuakes . add ( e ) ; 29 } 30 } 31 // Delay t o a v o i d spamming t h e w e a t h e r s e r v i c e 32 Thread . s l e e p (DELAY) ; 33 } 34 } 35 }
A. Earthquake Program Code The following is the complete source code of a program duplicating EQUIVALENT the behavior of EarthquakeDemo from Figure 2 of [4]. import big.data.*; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; public class EarthquakeDemo { public static void main(String[] args) { int DELAY = 5; // 5 minute cache delay DataSource ds = DataSource.connectJSON("http://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/feed/v1 ds.setCacheTimeout(DELAY); ds.load(); ds.printUsageString(); HashSet quakes = new HashSet(); while (true) { ds.load(); // this only actually reloads data when the cac List latest = ds.fetchList("Earthquake", "features/properties/title", "features/properties/time", "features/properties/mag", "features/properties/url"); for (Earthquake e : latest) { if (!quakes.contains(e)) { System.out.println("New quake!... " + e.description + " (" + e.date() + ") quakes.add(e); } } } } }
quakes.add(e); } } PLUS… } } } class Earthquake { // this class may be instructor-provided, or left to students to define as an exercise String description; long timestamp; float magnitude; String url; public Earthquake(String description, long timestamp, float magnitude, String url) { this.description = description; this.timestamp = timestamp; this.magnitude = magnitude; this.url = url; } public Date date() { return new Date(timestamp); } public boolean equals(Object o) { // introductory CS students would probably implement a simpler version of this if (o.getClass() != this.getClass()) return false; Earthquake that = (Earthquake) o; return that.description.equals(this.description) && that.timestamp == this.timestamp && that.magnitude == this.magnitude; } public int hashCode() { // technically, hashCode() should be overridden if equals() is return (int) (31 * (31 * this.description.hashCode() + this.timestamp) + this.magnitude); } } Sample output of this program is provided on the next page. Note that this is a continuously-running program. Once it prints out the initial current set of reports, it continues to loop, report- ing new events as they happen. A number of interesting extensions
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