A FREE magazine published by the Langley Churches for the people - February 2020 - of Langley - The Parish of Langley Marish

Page created by Darrell Moreno
A FREE magazine published by the Langley Churches for the people - February 2020 - of Langley - The Parish of Langley Marish
February 2020

             Christ the Worker Church Langley

 A FREE magazine published by
the Langley Churches for the people
           of Langley
A FREE magazine published by the Langley Churches for the people - February 2020 - of Langley - The Parish of Langley Marish
GENERAL                                             FAITH MATTERS
Editorial                              Page 3       Regular Weekly Services            Page 10
Langley Neighbourhood Forum            Page 4       Regular Church Activities          Page 11
Community Coffee Shop                  Page 4       Reflections - a life of music      Page 12
Bus timetable updates                  Page 5       Reflections - life after Langley   Page 12
Langley Business Centre Plans          Page 5       Reflections - Langley Park         Page 15
Climate Action Plan                    Page 6       New Bishop Appointed               Page 15
CrossRail Update                       Page 6       Langley Churches invite you ...    Page 16
Election Results                       Page 7       Church Directory                   Page 19
Reflections - a physical perspective   Page 8

“Whenever you find yourself on the
    side of the majority, it’s time to
                        pause and reflect.”
               Mark Twain American Author

Editorial & Enquiries                               Copy Deadline
Anna Thomas-Betts                                   15th of the previous month
01753 822013
a.thomasbetts@gmail.com                             Website
Richard Shircore                                    Front Cover illustrations
07943 404388                                        Michael Day - 01753 512519
                                                    Printing by
Layout & Advert Design                              Print Direct Solutions, Langley
Roo Kanis-Buck rookanis@btinternet.com

                                                Page 2
A FREE magazine published by the Langley Churches for the people - February 2020 - of Langley - The Parish of Langley Marish
Around Langley
‘The stranger came early in February one wintry day through a biting wind
and driving snow’ is how HG Wells began one of the earliest sci-fi novels,
The Invisible Man.

If the long-range weather forecast is accurate, we may get some strong
winds, but it seems more likely to continue with mild weather here.

Whatever the weather, it seems a good time of year for reflection. I am
guest editing this issue, so that Anna can take a well-earned break, and
have quickly been reminded how dependent the editor is on a range of
people meeting deadlines, and I thank both the named contributors and
those behind the scene who have ensured that we get this out on time.

Following a wide range of local news items we turn to Reflections.
Reflection, my dictionary tells me, can be either the throwing back by a
body or surface of heat, light or sound without absorbing it OR serious
thought or consideration.

You will find in the following pages an article covering the first aspect by Dr.
Roy Fletcher. There follow personal reflections by Kate Cox on Langley Park,
by Peter Williams on a life in music, and by Rev. Bruce Russell, Vicar of St
Francis Church from 2003 to 2017, on life after Langley. These all follow a
painting (and sorry you cannot see it in colour) by our youngest contributor,
Faith Cantore, a budding artist who is in year 11 at Ditton Park school.

All are Langley residents.
                                        Roo Kanis-Buck rookanis@btinternet.com
A short &reflection
Editorial Article   based on Paul writing to believers in Philippi, from his
Submission                              Copy Deadline
Anna           in Rome, follows in the Faith
     Thomas-Betts                       15th ofmatters   section.
                                               the previous month
01753 822013th
Friday 14 February is, of course, StWebsite
                                          Valentine’s day, with its romantic
a.thomasbetts@gmail.com                 www.langleymarish.com/around-langley
connotation, and 25th February is Shrove Tuesday when, as well as perhaps
Announcements,                             Front Cover illustrations
tossing a pancake, many Christians willMichael
Advertisements                               anticipate
                                                   Day -the    period
                                                           01753      of Lent which
begins the
Richard       following day as a period of reflection
         Shircore                          Printing by and preparation for Easter.
07943 404388                               Print Direct Solutions, Langley
richard.shircore@btinternet.com                                       Tony Randall
Layout & Advert Design
                                      Page 3
A FREE magazine published by the Langley Churches for the people - February 2020 - of Langley - The Parish of Langley Marish
News from Around Langley
               Langley                       of the Langley Community Shop when
                                             Robin leaves at the end of this year.
                                             All are welcome to the coffee shop held
               Forum                         every Tuesday from 10am until
The next Forum is expected to be on          11.30am.at Langley Library so why not
March 3rd at Langley Hall Primary            come along and make new friends.
Academy. Please consult their website                                  Sheila Papali
www.langleyforum.org    for    further
Langley Community                            Come and
Coffee Shop                                  join the fun! Langley & Iver Rotary Club
January brings such miserable weather        invite you to an evening of Music and
so it was good to start off our year with    dance acts, In aid of Cancer Research.
the Happiness workshop. I think the
                                             Saturday February 1st. 7 for 7.30pm at
coffee shop has all the attributes which
help to make people                          Iver Village Hall.
feel happy and to cope                       Tickets £20 each including fish and chip
with the everyday
                                             supper from Christine at 01753 541411.
anxieties and sadness
we might feel when we
                                             Langley Business Centre
lose people we love.
These attributes were                        Redevelopment
talking and listening to                     An outline planning application for the
others, just supporting others as well as    redevelopment of the Langley Business
having activities such as our armchair
                                             Centre on Station Road has been
exercises. Other attributes were just
                                             submitted to Slough Borough Council’s
taking notice of simple things which
might give you joy such as house plants      planning department. Local residents
like Cyclamen. Giving to ourselves as        will be given further details in due
well as to others also helps to bring a      course.
feel- good feeling- giving to ourselves
might mean finding some me time, to          Height Detection System at
read a book or go to the cinema.             Station Road
Our next speaker on Feb.11th is John         As the railway bridge on Station Road
Bernard, the Langley Free Church             has been subject to relatively frequent
minister who is going to tell us about his
                                             bridge strikes which cause many issues,
life and hobbies and how he came into
the Ministry. John will take over as Chair   including disruption to road users, and

                                        Page 4
A FREE magazine published by the Langley Churches for the people - February 2020 - of Langley - The Parish of Langley Marish
potentially rail users, Slough Borough        Terminal 5, with extensions to Heathrow
Council are installing a height detection     Central Bus Station only early in the
system which will give drivers of tall        morning and late at night.
vehicles advance warning of the low
                                              In Slough, buses will continue to serve the
bridge, by means of an electronic
                                              High Street, but will no longer serve the
message sign. One of these signs will be
                                              bus stops at ‘Queensmere’ on Wellington
installed on both the north and south
sides of the bridge. The project is being
led by Slough Borough Council, with           Service 8 and 9, Slough - Windsor -
support from the Berkshire Local              Egham - Staines - Heathrow – Slough:
Enterprise    Partnership,    and    with     Service 9 has been withdrawn.
involvement from Bucks County Council
and Network Rail.                             The Service 8 timetable will be
                                              amended. but will continue to run every
On the Buses - New Route 459                  30 minutes between Slough, Windsor,
A new hourly bus route 459 has been           Old Windsor, Egham, Staines and
introduced between Heathrow Terminal 5        Heathrow Terminal 5.
and Richings Park via Sutton Lane. It will
                                              The section of route between Slough and
operate experimentally for 3 months
                                              Heathrow (direct via Langley) will be
before a decision is taken on whether to
                                              provided by the revised Service 4.
continue to operate it.
                                              This means that you can no longer get to
Timetable changes                             Staines directly via Terminal 5 without
Service 3, Slough – Langley -Iver -           changing.
                                              Parlaunt Road/Sutton Lane/
The timetable has been amended.
                                              North Park Junction
Service 4, Slough - A4 - Maidenhead           A modified layout of the junction of
Service 4 will now operate from               Parlaunt Road, Sutton Lane and North
Maidenhead to Heathrow Central Bus            Park has been submitted to Slough
Station via the A4. This will replace route   Borough Council. This will make provision
9 which is discontinued.                      for the traffic lights to include provision
                                              for pedestrians to cross.
Service 7, Slough - Langley - Heathrow
Airport: Service 7 will be amalgamated        Chequers Bridge Possible
with Service 1, to enable customers to
travel between Britwell, Slough and
                                              Chequers Bridge (Between Market Lane
Heathrow without changing bus. Most
                                              and Mansion Lane) will need to be closed
journeys will terminate at Heathrow

                                        Page 5
A FREE magazine published by the Langley Churches for the people - February 2020 - of Langley - The Parish of Langley Marish
if The Western Rail Access to Heathrow is      now have 1 million pounds for the
constructed. Slough and South Bucks            planting of an urban forest across the
Councils are now jointly considering           whole of Slough. This will translate into
contributing funds to help create a road       10,000 trees in many different wards,
from North Park to Dog Kennel Lane as          especially the ones that have the least
an alternative. The route would need a         access to wooded areas. The project will
structure to cross the railway which would     take place over the next 2 years and we
be expensive. Negotiations are underway        are very optimistic about the difference
with Network Rail to establish whether all     that it will make to local residents’ health
parties can agree on funding. A major          and Slough air quality.
complication is that South Bucks Council
                                               This project will have quite an impact on
is being abolished on 1st April and is being
                                               the local communities, and we are hoping
replaced by a Unitary Bucks County
                                               you will join us for tree planting days
                                               where we can spend a day outside, enjoy
Langley Station & Crossrail                    the benefits of physical activity and fresh
                                               air, and get to know each other a little
Transport for London has taken over
responsibility for Langley Station from
Great Western Railway. Langley Station is      To help our environment even further
now within the Oyster Card zone. The           there is a new community group being
platform crossing with lift access is now      formed in Slough. Climate Action Group
well advanced.                                 will allow us to communicate with every
                                               community that wants to make a positive
Crossrail has announced that the
                                               impact on climate change and improve
underground section of the Elizabeth Line
                                               their local environment. You will receive
from Paddington eastwards to Abbey
                                               regular updates from SBC environmental
Wood is likely to open in Summer 2021.
                                               services on upcoming projects you can
Passengers will then, but not before, be
                                               take part in, and we will be happy to hear
able to travel directly from Langley
                                               your feedback about the changes you
station to Central London without
                                               would like to see in your local areas.
changing at Paddington.
                                               Please let your SBC neighbourhood
Climate action plan for 2020                   officer know if you, or a group you are
2020 has barely started and we already         involved with, is interested in taking part
have big plans for it, especially when it      and we will get in touch.
comes to our environment and climate           To make 2020 even better for the
change. At the end of last year SBC            environmental services, we are applying
successfully applied for funding from the      for more funding to install environmental
Urban Tree Challenge which means we            technology across the new urban forest

                                          Page 6
that will take measurements in the soil,       General Election results
tree canopies, and will make sure our air
                                               The General Election may seem a lifetime
quality is going in the right direction. It
                                               ago with a government now in Parliament
will also become an invaluable
                                               with a working majority but the results
educational resource for local schools and
                                               for Slough of the December election are
colleges and will educate and encourage
                                               given below.
young people to engage with our
environment, and possibly even choose it       Congratulations to Tan Dhesi who
as their career path.                          remains our MP and has become Personal
                                               Private Secretary to Jeremy Corbyn.
We are very excited about what 2020 has
to bring and we hope we will meet some         He can be contacted at his Business
of you this year!                              Address 52 Chalvey High Street SL1 2SQ
                            Alisa Chukanova    and holds a clinic in Langley Library on
Project Support Officer, Environmental         the afternoon of the third Friday in the
Services, Slough Borough Council               month from 2.30 – 3.30pm.

Name                                Description                          Votes
CHAHAL, Aaron Singh                 Liberal Democrats - to stop Brexit   3,357

DHESI, Tan                          Labour Party                         29,421 (Elected)

EDMONDS, Julian Edward Jubal        Green Party                          1,047

GRAY-FISK, Delphine Isabel          Brexit Party                         1,432

TOOR GILL, Kanwal                   The Conservative Party               15,781

Votes cast: 51,197 Turnout: 59%

                                         Page 7

‘Reflections by the Lake’ by Faith Cantore

Reflections: a physical perspective                different medium (gas, liquid or solid). For
                                                   example, light from the sun will travel through
What is the physical or scientific definition of   space, a vacuum, or near-vacuum, until it
“reflection”?                                      contacts the Earth’s atmosphere, at which
If you consult any science book or publication,    point it is either reflected back into space or
or even use an internet search tool, you will      passes into and through the atmosphere; the
find there are three main examples of              scientific term for the latter phenomenon is
reflection which relate to light, sound and        refraction. Similarly, when the refracted light
water waves.                                       reaches, say, the ocean, it is again either
                                                   reflected at the surface or passes through the
Also, there are three types of reflection, which   water.
are termed specular, diffuse, and glossy; but
more about those later.                            Perhaps the most common example of light
                                                   reflection is when you see something in a
Both light and sound take the physical form of     mirror. What you are seeing is some of the
waves, very small waves, and reflection is         light that has illuminated the object, let’s say
defined as a change in the direction of those      your face, travelling to the mirror, passing
waves when they come into contact with a           through the thin layer of glass that forms the

                                              Page 8
front of the mirror, and then being reflected       of the building and reaching your ears a split
by the ‘silver’ coating at the back of the mirror   second after the direct sound. The third
towards your eyes.                                  example of reflection involves water waves, as
                                                    observed crashing against the quayside during
And it’s not only visible light that can be
                                                    a storm.
reflected in this way. This type of light is just
one small part of what is called                    Now comes the most technical part. The law
electromagnetic radiation and occurs over a         of reflection states that the angle at which a
limited range of wavelengths; wavelength            light (or sound or water) wave is reflected
being the distance between the peaks of             from a surface, the so called angle of
adjacent waves.                                     reflection, is the same as the angle of
                                                    incidence, which is the angle at which the light
In the case of visible light the wavelength will
                                                    reaches that surface. That is the reason why
be between 0.4 and 0.7 micrometres, where
                                                    the image in a modern-day mirror is
one micrometre is one millionth of a metre.
                                                    essentially undistorted; you look exactly like
Now one common form of invisible light
                                                    you, but a mirror (reverse) image. This type of
which has a slightly longer wavelength than
                                                    reflection is termed specular reflection and
visible light is called infra-red radiation and
                                                    relates to a perfect or near-perfect surface.
again this can originate from the sun or from
anything considered to be a heat source.            The other main type of reflection, and the
                                                    most common form as far as human vision is
Infrared radiation can also be reflected from
                                                    concerned, is called diffuse reflection and this
surfaces such as water or glass and, of course,
                                                    can occur when the reflecting surface is
the latter phenomenon is the basis of the
                                                    irregular and not totally flat, like in moving
greenhouse effect.
                                                    water, a wall, a road, a piece of paper, or even
Similarly, radio waves, another form of             the leaves on a tree. In this case, light
electromagnetic radiation, can be reflected         reflecting from a curved, undulating or uneven
from the surface of an aircraft or ship, and        surface can be reflected in many directions
detected by listening devices; this is the basis    and is the primary mechanism by which our
of radar. And, at the other end of the              entire surroundings become visible to us.
electromagnetic spectrum, short-wavelength
                                                    Another, extreme example would be the
X-rays are used in medicine. In the case of
                                                    curved mirrors once seen in fairgrounds which
sound waves, reflection from walls may be
                                                    gave the observer the appearance of being
heard as an echo, as perhaps experienced in
                                                    thin or tall or anything unlike your real self.
the “whispering gallery” of St. Paul’s
Cathedral.                                          So next time you see a rainbow or a mirage or
                                                    the sunset or an image in a mirror, or just
Sound reflection from the seabed is used to
                                                    anything visible, reflect on the fact that this is
determine the water depth below a ship; and
sound reflection from submarines or
                                                                                       Roy Fletcher
shipwrecks forms the basis of sonar.

The acoustic effect that can be experienced in
a music venue is partly achieved by sound
waves being reflected from the internal walls

                                               Page 9
Regular Weekly Service Times
St Mary’s (St Mary’s Road)
Sunday                        8.00am     Holy Communion (Book of Common Prayer)
Third Sunday (16 )            9.30am     Family Worship
Sunday                        11.00am    Family Communion (and Sunday Club for children)
Sunday                        6.30pm     Evening Prayer (usually a said service)

Holy Family (Roman Catholic) (Trelawney Avenue)
Sunday 9.30am 11.15am & 6.30pm           Mass
Mon & Tues                   9.30am      Mass
Wed & Friday                  9.30am     Service of the Word and Communion
Thursday                                 NO SERVICE
Saturday                      5.30pm     Mass

Langley Free Church (Baptist) (Trelawney Avenue)
Sunday                        10.30am    Morning Worship and Sunday School (All Age
                                         Worship on first Sunday)
Second Sunday                 10.30am    Holy Communion

St Francis of Assisi (London Road)
Sunday                        9.30am     Holy Communion
Fourth Sunday                 11.00am    All Age Service

Christ the Worker (Parlaunt Road)
1st and 3rd Sundays           11.00am    Morning Worship
 nd   th     th
2 , 4 and 5 Sundays           9.30am     Holy Communion

                                Night Shelter
                  (January to March, Tuesdays and Thursdays)
                        Tuesdays, Christ the Worker, starting 7th January
                          Thursdays, Holy Family, starting 9th January
                    If you are interested in volunteering, please contact

                                             Page 10
Regular Church Activities
St Mary’s
Sunday                       11.00am    Sunday Club and Crèche in St Mary’s Centre
Monday                       9.30am     Jellibeans - Parents and Toddlers Group
Wednesday                    2.00pm     Toddlers’ Service
3 Monday of the month        2.00pm     Mothers’ Union
House Groups                            Monday evenings & Tuesday afternoons

Holy Family Catholic Church
First Tuesday of the month 1.30pm       Tea Dance with Irish music *** NEW ***
Alternate Thursdays          2.00pm     Union of Catholic Mothers

Langley Free Church (Baptist)
Monday                       12 noon    Monday Lunch Club
Wednesday                    9.00am     Toddler Group
Wednesday                    2.00pm     Oasis – fellowship time with various speakers
Thursday                     10.30am    Bible Study (House Group)
Thursday                     3.15pm     J Team – ages 4 - 11
Thursday                     7.30pm     Bible Study at LFC
3 Saturday of the month      12 noon    Craft Afternoon
 st      rd
1 and 3 Saturdays            10.00am    ChatCaf *** NEW ***

St Francis of Assisi
Friday                       9.45am     Mums and Tots (Waiting list: call 01753 548646)
3 Thursday of the month      1.30pm     “Refresh” for a chat, talk, cakes and songs

Christ the Worker
Tuesdays                     2.00pm     Needles & a Yarn: Dec. 3rd and 17th and Jan.7th and 21st

         Anglican Morning Prayer: 8.45am: Mondays and Fridays at St Mary’s;
      Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at St Francis, Wednesdays at Christ the Worker.

                                          Page 11
Faith Matters
Reflecting on a life of music                        my time as organist I have been thankful that
                                                     God has enabled me to do this to the glory of
I guess the first thing to say is how fortunate I    his name.
was as a child to realise that I was gifted as a                                      Peter Williams
musician. I started piano lessons at the age of
                                                     Reflecting on Life after Langley
nine and within three years had become the
youngest church organist in the country              It is now nearly three years since I stepped
according to a national newspaper. By the age        down from being vicar of St Francis, Langley –
of fourteen I had formed and was conducting a        my last service there was at the end of
choir. I say ‘fortunate’ because many people         February 2017 – but I have not been far away
spend years trying to work out what they are         since! Immediately after leaving St Francis I
gifted at. Some never actually come to this          began in the post of part-time Succentor at St
realisation and believe that for some reason,        George’s Chapel, Windsor Castle. I had, since
God bypassed them when it came to handing            February 2015, been a deputy lay-clerk (singer
out talent and gifts. Everybody is gifted in         in the choir) there, and this was increased in
some way.                                            September of that year to singing the priest’s
                                                     part at Evensong five days a week, but
My music has opened up for me a world of
                                                     becoming Succentor greatly increased my
interest and given me many wonderful
experiences. I have had the opportunity to           commitment, with morning services on
form two choral societies and a philharmonic         Sundays and weekdays, and working in the
orchestra. Also I have had the stamina and           liturgy office to help prepare music lists, orders
persistence to continue to conduct. It is not        of service etc.
easy to explain the thrill of conducting choirs      For the first few months I was Succentor I
and orchestras and to hear the beautiful             continued to live in St Francis Vicarage in
harmonies and melodies radiating from them           Lynwood Avenue, as the property my wife and
and hopefully me bringing out the effects the        I were to live in in the Castle needed
composer desired.                                    renovations, and they took longer than
During the fifty six years I have played the         expected. However, in July 2017 we finally
organ in churches, there have been times when        moved in. And, wow, was it worth the wait! It
great sensitivity has been called for. There         would have been worth the wait for the
have been numerous occasions when I have             privilege of living in such a historic yet also
met with the bereaved to discuss their needs         spacious and newly-renovated property. But
when decisions are being made about the              the real wow-factor was the views: out of the
music and songs or hymns for their loved one’s       back over Windsor High Street to St Leonard’s
funeral service.                                     Hill and on towards glorious sunsets; out of the
                                                     front a full-on view of the West Front of St
Of course music can enhance or hamper any            George’s Chapel, glowing in the evening sun
church service and I have learnt that it certainly   after the tourists had left. As if this all wasn’t
can affect the atmosphere of worship.                enough, the property gave privileged grand-
It is always a great privilege to assist             stand views of big royal occasions, including
worshippers in their praise to God and during        Garter Day, and the weddings of Prince Harry

                                               Page 12
All of the above might be true enough but
                                                     some of you might reflect on how lucky we are
                                                     to have such a wealth of history right on our
                                                     doorsteps. Did you know that, according to the
                                                     Register of Parks and Gardens of Special
                                                     Historic Interest, a deer park is first mentioned
                                                     at Langley Marish in 1202 and continued in use
                                                     throughout the Middle Ages.
                                                     Now known as Langley Park, the original
                                                     building within the deer park was a hunting
* The photo shows the view of St George’s from our   lodge for the royals. In 1603 Sir John
house on Maundy Thursday 2018, when for security     Kedermister was appointed Chief Steward of
reasons the cars normally parked in front of the
                                                     the Manor of Langley Park and, after replacing
chapel had be taken elsewhere.
                                                     the hunting lodge with a house, stables and
                                                     outbuildings, he was granted ownership of the
and Meghan Markle and of Princess Eugenie
                                                     park and manor in 1626. Now no longer Crown
and Jack Brooksbank. The role of Succentor
                                                     property, the park was sold in 1738 to Charles
didn’t include an active part in those big
                                                     Spencer, 3rd Duke of Marlborough who once
occasions, but it did for the two Royal Maundy
                                                     again used it as a hunting lodge until, in 1756 he
services that have taken place in St George’s in
                                                     commissioned the building of the present
recent years, in 2016 and 2018. What a
                                                     house which was finished in 1760. His son,
                                                     George, the 4th Duke inherited the house and
My role of part-time Succentor came to an end        park in 1758 and commissioned Lancelot
in March 2019, and in the following month            'Capability' Brown to landscape the whole area.
Alison and I moved back into the property we         His designs and influence continue to be
own in Windsor and that we had let out for the       enjoyed by many today.
twenty years we were living in church
                                                     There have been many changes within the park
accommodation. However, life has by no
                                                     over the years. For example, did you know that
means come to an end: I continue to sing in the
                                                     the plinth on the edge of Temple Gardens once
choir at St George’s as a deputy lay-clerk, and I
                                                     had a thirty metre high monumental memorial
take services from time to time in the Slough
                                                     column in oriental style on it but initially the
area as the need arises, including this last
                                                     plot housed an elaborate, domed, octagonal
Christmas Day back at St Francis. Yes, I have
                                                     Palladian temple, visited by guests to Windsor
missed Langley, but, as I say, I’m not far away,
                                                     Castle. The plinth is still in situ and, on a clear
and Alison and I send our love from where we
                                                     day, affords a fantastic, uninterrupted view of
are now just across the Thames!
                                                     the castle seven kilometres away.
                                  Bruce Russell
                                                     The surrounding Temple Gardens are still a
Reflection on Langley Park                           great attraction, especially when the
When you reflect on Langley as a place to live,      rhododendrons are in flower. Did you know ...
what are your first thoughts? Traffic                one of the plants, called ‘Langley Park' is
congestion? Airport expansion? Loss of               specific to Langley and the only other specimen
identity? Or something completely different?         is kept in the seed bank of Kew Gardens. More
                                                     recently, after visits by a rhododendron

                                                Page 13
specialist, another new species was discovered
and named ‘Langley Surprise'. It certainly is
surprising that the shrubs and trees planted so
long ago, continue to give such pleasure to
local residents and visitors from further afield.

Langley Park (and Black Park) are often used
for film sets, the most recent being 'Doolittle'
which is due to be released on 7th February.
Fancy having a park on our doorsteps big

                                                        bench by The Friends of Langley Park
                                                        (more information on their Facebook page)
                                                        and is a wonderful place, close to the war
                                                        memorial, to reflect on how lucky we are to
                                                        live so close to such a beautiful park and
                                                    • the Tea Rooms!
                                                    If you would like to learn more about Langley
                                                    Park there are many information boards that
                                                    remind you of the history - maps and trails are
                                                    available at the Tea Rooms. Simply Walk (run
enough to recreate a whole street!
                                                    by Bucks CC) lead regular walks for differing
Other attractions within the park include:          fitness levels every Monday, departing from
                                                    the car park on Billet Lane at 10am promptly.
• the     mature woodlands          which are
   predominately made up           of different     Other activities are run by the Country Park
   varieties of oak                                 rangers and information can be found on the
                                                    web site.
• the sinuous lake to the south and west of
   the house (which has now been                    So now it’s my turn to reflect. Did I know all of
   transformed into an upmarket hotel and           the above before writing this article? Much of it
   spa) which in 2019 gave great ongoing            'yes' as I have been a regular visitor to the park
   interest as a pair of swans hatched and
                                                    since I moved to Langley in 1980, but details,
   raised seven cygnets, Egyptian geese
   hatched their goslings up one of the             'no'! On reflection, I wouldn’t change anything
   splendid Cedar of Lebanon trees, and other       about the park I love unless it was for safety or
   water fowl entertained.                          a necessary improvement. This is done by
• the more recent addition of a play park           regular volunteer conservation sessions led by
   caters for our youngest generation and the       the park rangers, so there are many ways to
   wide, level paths cater for buggies,             get involved or just turn up and enjoy your local
   wheelchairs or just the less mobile amongst      slice of history, fresh air and friendship. There
   us.                                              is something for everyone!
• the Arboretum has many specialist trees                                                  Kate Cox
   and shrubs and 2019 saw the creation of a
   'Fernery' in one corner. This has been
   enhanced by the generous donation of a

                                              Page 14
Some final thoughts on
One of the loveliest letters in the New
Testament is a Thank You letter from Paul to
the people that make up the small church at
Philippi. He is a prisoner in Rome, dependent
upon his friends for the means of survival, and
he is writing to them to express his gratitude
for their kind gift.
But being the Christian teacher and pastor
that he is, Paul has devoted most of the letter
to writing of his joy in their progress since he
took the good news of Jesus to them, and in        Northampton has welcomed Bishop Elect
encouraging them in their faith.                   David’s appointment and has asked
Then, before his ‘thank you’, he writes this in    everybody to pray for him as he prepares for
chapter 4 verse 8 – finally, whatever is true,     his ordination as Bishop.
whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever     OUR NEW SHEPHERD AND GUIDE David
is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is           James Oakley was born on 28th November,
admirable – if anything is excellent or            1955 in Stourbridge. He is the eldest of five
praiseworthy – think about such things.            children to Joyce and Fred Oakley. The family
As we read this first Around Langley of 2020,      moved to Birmingham when David was 7
perhaps we could reflect on Paul’s wisdom          years old. After school, he worked in a well-
and make sure that our focus is on the right       known department store and entered Oscott
things. It might make our lives a little better.   in September 1974. Fr David was ordained on
                                 Tony Randall      5th July 1980 and has served in several
                                                   parishes within the Archdiocese of
New Bishop Appointed                               Birmingham. He has always suggested that
Holy Family Catholic parish is in the diocese of   the parish is his natural habitat. Fr David
Northampton and on 8th January we received         studied catechetics at the Maryvale Institute
the news that Pope Francis has appointed           and was awarded a MEd degree. He was
Canon David Oakley, a priest of the                appointed Pastoral Director and Procurator at
Archdiocese of Birmingham and currently            Oscott in 1994. During this time he researched
rector of St. Mary’s College, Oscott, to be the    a PhD thesis in Pastoral Theology, which was
thirteenth Bishop of Northampton. Cardinal         later published. As Parish Priest at Maryvale,
Vincent Nichols will celebrate the Episcopal       Fr David directed the diocesan Department
Ordination of Bishop Elect David in                for Parish and Family Catechesis, developing
Northampton Cathedral at 11 am on the              resources in collaboration with CaFE. At the
Solemnity of St. Joseph, 19 March 2020.            same time, he undertook licentiate studies in
                                                   the Pontifical University of St Patrick’s,
Bishop Peter Doyle, our retiring Bishop, on        Maynooth and was awarded the STL degree.
behalf of the priests and deacons, and the         Since February 2013, he has been the twenty-
religious and people of the Diocese of             third Rector of Oscott.

                                             Page 15
Langley Churches Invite you to join them ...
At Langley Free Church                       At Christ the Worker Church
Oasis Fellowship group meets on              Needles & a Yarn
Wednesdays (1.30 for 2.00pm). The            We meet to knit and crochet blankets,
programme for Febraury:                      baby clothes and toys for local and
  Feb 5th Precious Things                    international charities. The next
 12th Tea Sharing & Gift Time                meetings will be on Tuesdays, 4th and
 19th Tony Randall                           18th February at 2pm. Contact Maureen
 26th Robin Wilding                          Bush on 01753 543465 for further details.
Contact: Ann Portsmouth, 01753 585845
or 07788 812 500.
                                             St Mary’s
                                             On Saturday 29th February Family Games
CRAFT Afternoon                              Leap Year Challenge will be held at the St
The first craft afternoon of the year will   Mary’s Church Centre starting at 4pm.
be on Saturday, 15th February, 12–5pm.       Call Robin Grayson on 01753 542068 for
For further information contact Chris on     details.
07789 838500, or the church on 01753
                                             On Sun 1st March at 11 am there will be a
                                             Joint Parish Service at St Mary's (no
The Monday Lunch Club is open                service at St Francis or Christ the
to everyone, offering friendly company,      Worker).
and meets every Monday in the church,
12-2.30pm. Purchase lunch for £2 or
bring your own.

                                       Page 16
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       We come to you!                        richard.shircore@btinternet.com

                                        Page 17
Dee S
Clark                                                       NEEDS YOU!
B.Sc(Hons) MChs Dip.pod.med.                          Would you like to sponsor or
Member of The Society of Chiropodist and            support Around Langley? If so,
Podiatrist                                          you may like to give £5 a year
                                                            towards the costs
             CHIROPODIST /                             of the magazine. To do so
              PODIATRIST                                please make a donation
               HCPC CH17351                             at any of the sponsoring
   SURGERY AND VISITING PRACTICE                               churches.
      (By appointment, including                     We are also looking for people
       evenings and Saturdays)
                                                    to report on local issues as well
             Verrucae, Nail Surgery                  as writers who would like to
       Newburn Grange Wood                             contribute articles to the
         Wexham SL3 6LP                              magazine. Please contact the
                                                         Editor if you can help.
         Tel: 01753 552725
   www.sloughchiropodyandpodiatry.co.uk                     A.thomasbetts@gmail.com

                                          Page 18
Parish Directory

                            St Mary’s Church
          Rev. Robin Grayson 01753 542068 r.j.grayson@btinternet.com
           Curate: Rev. Sue Lepp 07930 520562 revdsuelepp@gmail.com
 Hall Lettings: Mr Graham Jones 07802 784024 st.marys.church.centre@gmail.com

                            St Francis Church
           Hall Hire: Mrs Joy Raynor 01753 676011 joyraynor@aol.com
Licensed Lay Minister: Mr Bill Birmingham 01753 548646 billbirmingham@gmail.com

                         Christ the Worker Church
             Rev. Shola Aoko 01753 547025 shola_aoko@yahoo.co.uk
       Hall Lettings: Mr Graham Jones 07802 784024 ctw.langley@gmail.com
 Parish Administrator: Mrs Dalletta Reed 01753 541042 langleymarish@gmail.com

                         Holy Family Catholic Church
                       Parish Priest: Canon Kevin O’Driscoll
                           Deacon: Rev. Graham Jones
                           Hall Hire: Mrs Maria Boland
       All above contactable at 01753 543770 holyfamilylangley@yahoo.co.uk
 Parish Worker: Mr Kieran McKeown 01753 543770 kieranmckeown50@yahoo.co.uk

                          Langley Free Church
         Pastor Rev. John Bernard 01753 473219 pastor@langleyfree.org.uk
               Hall Hire: 01753 540771 bookings@langleyfree.org.uk

                                     Page 19
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                      Page 20
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