A cognitive model of the positive symptoms of psychosis
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Psychological Medicine, 2001, 31, 189–195. Printed in the United Kingdom " 2001 Cambridge University Press THEORETICAL PAPER A cognitive model of the positive symptoms of psychosis P. A. G A R E T Y ," E. K U I P E R S , D. F O W L E R , D. F R E E M A N P . E . B E B B I N G T O N From the Academic Department of Psychiatry and Psychology, Guy’s, King’s and St Thomas’s Medical School, King’s College London, Department of Psychology, Institute of Psychiatry and Royal Free and University College Medical School, London ; and University of East Anglia, Norwich maintenance or recurrence of symptoms. The INTRODUCTION resulting cognitive model of psychosis is con- In the last 10 years a consensus has developed sistent with existing theoretical and therapeutic that the symptoms of psychosis may be better studies. It generates testable hypotheses and understood by linking the steps between the should lead to theoretical and therapeutic phenomenological experiences and social, advances. psychological and neurobiological levels of explanation. Cognitive models of psychosis are an important link in this chain. They provide a A cognitive model of psychosis psychological description of the phenomena from which hypotheses concerning causal pro- There is widespread agreement that psychosis cesses can be derived and tested ; social, in- occurs in people with a vulnerable predisposition dividual, and neurobiological factors can then (of biopsychosocial origin) ; that onset often be integrated via their impact on these cognitive follows life events, adverse environments, illicit processes. In this paper, we set out the cognitive drug use, or periods of isolation ; that there are processes that we think lead to the formation emotional changes, and disruptions in cognitive and maintenance of the positive symptoms of processes of attention, perception, or judgement ; psychosis and we attempt to integrate into our and that, at onset, its most prominent symptoms model research in social factors. If this model are delusional beliefs and hallucinations (Garety proves useful, a fuller integration with the et al. 2000). findings of biological research will be required We postulate two proximal routes to the (Frith, 1992). development of the positive symptoms of psy- Our cognitive model builds on the work of chosis : one proceeds through cognitive and other researchers (e.g. Maher, 1988 ; Frith, 1992 ; affective changes ; the other proceeds through Hemsley, 1993 ; Bentall et al. 1994 ; Chadwick & affective disturbance alone. We think the first Birchwood, 1994 ; Morrison et al. 1995) and our route is the more common : a triggering event own clinical and theoretical studies. The model gives rise in a predisposed person to a disruption is new in that it incorporates both disruptions in of cognitive processes (Garety & Hemsley, 1994). automatic cognitive processes and maladaptive The basic automatic cognitive disturbance may conscious appraisals ; it covers delusions and be conceptualized in two ways. First, it may be hallucinations in one framework ; it posits a viewed as a ‘ weakening of the influences of central role for emotion ; and it considers how stored memories of regularities of previous input social factors may contribute to the origins, on current perception ’, which leads to am- biguous, unstructured sensory input and the " Address for correspondence : Professor P. A. Garety, Academic subsequent intrusion into consciousness of unin- Department of Psychiatry and Psychology, Guy’s, King’s and St tended material from memory (Hemsley, 1993). Thomas’s Medical School, King’s College London, Adamson Centre for Mental Health, St Thomas’s Hospital, Lambeth Palace Road, Secondly, the basic cognitive dysfunction may London SE1 7EH. be recently developed difficulties with the self- 189
190 P. A. Garety and others monitoring of intentions and actions, which biased appraisal processes are made worse by would lead to individuals’ own intentions to act negative emotional states (e.g. anxiety, not being recognized and therefore being ex- depression, anger). perienced as alien (Frith, 1992). (There are These immediate processes occur against a similarities between these accounts, as Hemsley conducive social–cognitive background. Inner (1998) has noted. Both imply a breakdown in city birth and rearing appear to be major risk ‘ willed intention ’ activity, particularly in the factors for psychosis (Mortensen et al. 1999), later stages of the disorder, albeit for different and there are also variations in incidence of reasons.) What is important for our model is psychosis in ethnic groups. Bhugra and his that at onset both accounts emphasize that the colleagues (1997) in particular have argued that basic cognitive disturbance leads to anomalous these factors are linked to social adversity and conscious experiences (e.g. heightened percep- deprivation. We suggest that earlier adverse tion, actions experienced as unintended, racing experience, such as social marginalization, child- thoughts, thoughts appearing to be broadcast, hood loss (Agid et al. 1999), or severe childhood thoughts experienced as voices, two unconnected trauma, may create an enduring cognitive events appearing to be causally linked). Many vulnerability, characterized by negative sche- sufferers report of these cognitive and perceptual matic models of the self and the world (e.g. changes of the psychotic prodrome that they are beliefs about the self as vulnerable to threat, or experienced as unfamiliar and not like ordinary about others as dangerous) that facilitate ex- self-generated cognitions – they feel external and ternal attributions and low self-esteem. potentially threatening. At this point, however, This would be one plausible reason for the these experiences have not been transformed finding of Myhrman et al. (1996) from the 1966 into psychotic symptoms. Emotional changes Finland birth cohort that unwanted pregnancies also occur, in direct response to the triggering resulted in children with twice the risk of event and in response to the anomalous developing schizophrenia. Evidence consistent experiences. The generation of arousal is also with a role for negative schemas in the de- implicit in the model of cognitive disturbance velopment of psychosis has recently been proposed by Hemsley (1993). Such emotional reported by Van Os (2000). In a large epidemio- changes feed back into the moment-by-moment logical study in the Netherlands over 7000 processing of anomalous experiences and in- people were screened for symptoms and psy- fluence their content. For example, if anxiety chiatric status and followed up for 3 years. and depression result from a job loss, and Those who subsequently developed psychosis further anxiety directly from the experience of were found more likely to have low self-esteem voices, the person’s voices may develop a and depressive schemas. Furthermore, threatening and critical content : ‘ You’re useless, Birchwood et al. (2000), in developing a model you won’t get another job now. We’re after you, of auditory hallucinations, have suggested that a we’ve got you marked ’. childhood experience of social adversity leads to Furthermore, the anomalous experiences, be- the development of negative schemas involving ing puzzling and associated with emotional social humiliation and subordination, which in changes, seem personally significant and trigger turn fuel voices and paranoia. a search for explanation as to their cause (Maher, These pre-existing negative schemas also 1988). Here biased conscious appraisal processes provide content to the psychotic attribution are crucial : they contribute to a judgement that (Bowins & Shugar, 1998 ; Fowler et al. 1998). these confusing experiences (which feel external Thus, a person with religious beliefs about in any case) are in fact externally caused. Garety innate wickedness concludes that the external & Freeman (1999) have reviewed the evidence threat is caused by a punishing God. Some for biases in cognitive processes and found triggering events may have attributes that render empirical support for an information gathering externalizing appraisals particularly compelling ; cognitive style characterized by jumping to we have pilot data linking life events categorized conclusions, externalizing attributional biases, as intrusive to first episodes of psychosis and deficits in understanding social situations characterized by persecutory themes (D. Raune, and the intentions of others. It is likely that these personal communication). Finally, we suggest
Cognitive model of psychosis 191 that social isolation contributes to the accept- (Garety & Freeman, 1999). These are : a ance of the psychotic appraisal by reducing ‘ jumping to conclusions ’ data gathering bias, an access to alternative more normalizing expla- externalizing attributional style, and poor social nations (White et al. 2000). understanding or theory of mind. This abnormal We argue that people with anomalous quasi- reasoning may in turn be maintained by social psychotic experiences do not develop full-blown isolation. We would also highlight two other psychotic symptoms if they are able to reject the factors that have received less experimental hypothesis of externality, leading to a protective attention. First, we have obtained evidence that self-correcting decision, e.g. ‘ I thought I was a lack of belief flexibility (the willingness to hearing the voice of God, but more likely my consider alternatives to delusional beliefs) is mind is playing tricks ’ ; ‘ Things look different, associated with poorer outcome, independent of somehow, I must be stressed with all that’s the severity of the delusion (Garety et al. 1997). going on ’. It is thus quite possible to have Secondly, the normal belief confirmation bias is hallucinatory experiences without becoming de- likely to maintain psychotic beliefs (Maher, luded, as has been reported (Peters et al. 1999). 1974). These two factors suggest that delusions The externalizing appraisal is thus a defining are more likely to be maintained in individuals decision. Psychosis is recognized as occurring who have a dichotomous thinking style and who when the individual appraises experiences as cannot tolerate ambiguity. externally caused and personally significant. Such appraisals are formally identified as 2 Dysfunctional schemas and adverse social delusions and hallucinations : e.g. ‘ I am being environments poisoned ’ ; ‘ God is giving me special powers ’ ; There is a growing literature on the poor self- ‘ my voices are coming from persecutors who concept and self-esteem of people with psychosis want to kill me ’ ; ‘ a transmitter is beaming my (e.g. Trower & Chadwick, 1995 ; Kinderman & thoughts worldwide ’. Bentall, 1996). Freeman et al. (1998) found that In a small proportion of cases (e.g. some cases self-esteem was poor in many people with of delusional disorder), it appears there is a psychosis. Close & Garety (1998) found that second route to psychosis : the triggering event hallucinations and delusions that have negative does not appear to cause a basic information content are associated with negative self- processing disruption, leading to anomalous concepts. Psychotic beliefs may be more firmly experiences. Here, life events trigger only dis- held if they are consistent with firmly-held turbed affect, which in turn directly activates distorted beliefs about the self (e.g. that one is biased appraisal processes and maladaptive bad), others (e.g. that others are hostile) and the self\other schemas leading to an externalizing world (e.g. the world is dangerous). Moreover, appraisal (i.e. the delusion) for the life event or once formed, the delusion is likely to be the disturbed affect. In such cases, delusions considered as further confirmation of the nega- occur independently of hallucinations and other tive beliefs, leading to further strengthening of psychotic symptoms. the delusion. Central to our model are the factors re- Low self-esteem almost certainly develops in sponsible for the maintenance\recurrence of the specific social contexts (Brown et al. 1990 ; psychotic appraisal. Why does it not correct Harris et al. 1990). Aversive social environments, itself when the evidence for it is not forthcoming ? such as living with high expressed emotion We hypothesize that a number of different families, are a robust predictor of poor outcome factors maintain the psychotic appraisal, as (Bebbington & Kuipers, 1994 ; Butzlaff & follows. Hooley, 1998). Mueser et al. (1998) report that the lifetime prevalence of traumatic events 1 Reasoning processes among a sample of 275 patients with schizo- The biased cognitive processes we think con- phrenia and bipolar disorder was 98 %. We have tribute to symptom formation are also likely to preliminary evidence, from a consecutive series contribute to symptom maintenance, since these of 77 first episode in-patients with psychosis, biases have been found in people with persistent that severe trauma histories are more common symptoms, but may not be present after recovery in those with symptoms unresponsive to medi-
192 P. A. Garety and others cation than in those whose symptoms were anxiety triggers hallucinations and increases in responsive (Fowler, 1999) while Doering and delusional thoughts, i.e. affects cognitive pro- colleagues (1998) have found that traumatic cessing (Slade, 1972). Finally, the experience of experiences and adverse circumstances in child- emotion will drive a search for meaning and hood were related to relapse and re- understanding that is consistent with affect- hospitalization in schizophrenia. Furthermore, associated beliefs : for example, anxiety will as discussed earlier, differences in the incidence increase the probability that a threatening of psychosis in the inner city and in certain explanation is sought and accepted. ethnic groups has been linked to social adversity. It seems likely that social marginalization, 4 The secondary appraisal difficult or traumatic experiences or un- The secondary appraisal of the experience of supportive family environments contribute to psychosis itself (‘ illness perception ’ or insight). the development of negative schemas. We We suggest appraisals of illness influence en- speculate from this literature that early trauma gagement with treatment and adaptive behav- and chronic stress can create dysfunctional iour. Standard assessments of insight are only negative schemas, which in turn contribute to modestly correlated with outcome (David, 1998). treatment resistance and a vulnerability to However, insight is correlated with the ‘ belief relapse. maintenance ’ subscale of the Maudsley As- sessment of Delusions, and improved outcome 3 Emotion (e.g. anxiety, depression, anger, for delusions in response to CBT is associated mania) and cognitive processes associated with and predicted by changes in the MADS with emotion subscale (Garety et al. 1997). Also important are Clearly, dysfunctional negative schemas will be appraisals of the experience of chronic mental closely associated with levels of emotional illness as stigmatizing and humiliating, distress. The presence of emotional distress will appraisals which may influence the development also contribute to the maintenance of the of depression (Birchwood & Iqbal, 1998). These psychotic appraisal through other processes. appraisals probably have some basis in reality, Birchwood and colleagues have demonstrated given evidence that significant others readily the importance of depression in psychosis (e.g. apply negative labels to people developing first see Birchwood & Iqbal, 1998), They report that episodes of schizophrenia (Bean et al. 1996). residual symptoms of both hallucinations and delusions are more common in depressed people with psychosis and propose that feelings of The cognitive model and psychological hopelessness and uncontrollability contribute to treatments symptom maintenance. Consistent with this, We think theory and therapy in this area are hopelessness is a predictor of poor outcome in mutually enhancing. Therapy provides a context early schizophrenia (Aguilar et al. 1997). We for theoretical developments and the empirical ourselves have focused on anxiety. We argue investigation of our model, which in turn should that three processes traditionally associated with clarify the targets of psychological treatment, anxiety disorders may be of particular import- refine its techniques, and enhance its efficacy. ance. Information processing biases will provide Two sorts of psychological intervention seem evidence or substantiation for psychotic beliefs to be effective in diminishing positive symptoms and hence maintain them (e.g. deployment of and their re-emergence. These are cognitive attention ; Freeman et al. 2000). Safety- behaviour therapy (CBT) and interventions with behaviours will prevent the receipt of discon- the families of people with psychosis (FI) firmatory evidence and hence prevent change in (Haddock et al. 1998 ; Birchwood & Spencer, psychotic beliefs (Freeman & Garety, 2000). 1999 ; Kuipers et al. 1999). It is unlikely that Meta-cognitive beliefs, such as beliefs concerning these work in the same way. the uncontrollability of one’s thoughts, will We hypothesize that CBT acts directly on increase the distress caused by psychotic psychological processes (this is after all its aim). experiences (Freeman & Garety, 1999). In particular, it is most effective in treating Clinically, it has also long been observed that psychosis when the key appraisal, of inner
Cognitive model of psychosis 193 mental disturbance as externally caused, is re- year of treatment was 6n3 ; in the second year of appraised as inner. In traditional terminology, treatment this fell to 3n9. Once treatment ended ‘ good insight ’ is developed. This new schema is the NNT went back up to 7n1 to prevent relapse, incompatible with its psychotic predecessor. and 20n8 to prevent readmission. Thus, although Both symptoms and the risk of relapse are individual studies have found that treatment thereby reduced. Therapy achieves this by effects can continue for as long as 8 years after changing the appraisals and, where possible FI finishes (e.g. Tarrier et al. 1994) this was not negative self-schemata, and by compensating for confirmed by the meta-analysis. This suggests the biased reasoning processes (Fowler et al. that both FI and supportive therapies have 1995). We would also propose that clinical effects which continue only for as long as therapy improvements and reduced risks of relapse can is offered. In contrast, evidence is emerging that still occur when the externalizing psychotic changes from CBT may continue (and may even appraisal remains unaltered (i.e. insight remains be enhanced) when therapy finishes (Kuipers et ‘ poor ’), provided some of the hypothesized al. 1998 ; Tarrier et al. 1999 ; Sensky et al. 2000). maintenance factors are changed (e.g. safety In families (and possibly also the supportive behaviours), disrupting the vicious cycle. therapies), it seems likely that therapeutic im- Family intervention (FI), in contrast, pri- provement occurs via the reduction of negative marily targets the behaviour of family members. affect through the provision of a less stressful It improves social function (Barrowclough & environment, and the improvement of social Tarrier, 1990) and reduces exacerbations of functioning by appropriate prompting and re- positive symptoms (Pharoah et al. 1999 ; Kuipers inforcement of small changes in behaviour. et al. 1999). We offer competing hypotheses There might also be improvements in thinking about how it affects the cognitive processing of processes (e.g. relative to negative schemas or sufferers. cognitive flexibility), but these would be sec- One possibility is that it operates by reducing ondary to the other changes. Thus, under this environmental stress and improving the hypothesis, the cognitive changes brought about associated affect (anxiety or depression). Anom- by FI would be less specific than with CBT and alous experiences would be improved mainly by the maintenance of effects would be less secure. way of these affective changes. We know that The contrasting hypothesis is that FI helps conflictual relationships predict poor outcome family members to discuss directly with sufferers in social and psychiatric patholology, and that their psychotic experiences and to provide affirmative ones can improve outcome even in alternative explanations. FI would then operate those with persistent emotional damage (Lewis, through cognitive change like CBT. No evidence 1998). People with schizophrenia are well able to currently exists to test between these hypotheses perceive criticism in their relatives (Tompson et in terms of change in individual affect, schemas al. 1995 ; Scazufca et al. 2000). Such relationships or appraisals. The second hypothesis requires must also affect mood : while critical or intrusive that carers effectively perform as therapists, but behaviour might increase anxiety and de- it seems unlikely that most would have the pression, supportive relationships would reduce specific skills to do this without training. them. It is of interest that supportive counselling and befriending had some effect in reducing Conclusion symptoms in two recent trials of CBT in We have put forward a new cognitive model of schizophrenia (Tarrier et al. 1998 ; Sensky et al. the positive symptoms of psychosis. While our 2000). However, the benefits were limited to the model is speculative, we think it has plausibility duration of the intervention. There is now in the context of what we currently know about evidence from a meta-analysis of 19 randomized the various processes involved in delusional controlled trials (reported in Kuipers et al. 1999) thinking and anomalous experience. Moreover, that FI also needs to be continued for positive it integrates much of this information in a way effects to be maintained. This analysis found that will contribute to the further expansion of that for single family therapy, the number needed knowledge, and may have important practical to treat (NNT) to prevent relapse in the first benefits for people suffering from psychosis.
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