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Global Information Society Watch 2014 Global Information Society Watch 2014 Communications surveillance in the digital age This report was originally published as part of a larger compilation, which can be downloaded from Association for P rogressive Communications (APC) and Humanist I nstitute for Cooperation with Developing Countries (Hivos) ISBN: 978-92-95102-16-3 APC-201408-CIPP-R-EN-DIGITAL-207 Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Licence
Venezuela Spying in Venezuela through social networks and emails Escuela Latinoamericana de Redes (EsLaRed) Privacy of Communication3 (Articles 1 to 9); the Law Sandra Benítez on Data Messages and Electronic Signatures;4 the Law on the Social Responsibility of Radio, Television and Electronic Media, and Telecommunications;5 a Introduction law called Infogobierno6 (Article 25); the Code of In the following report, government measures and Criminal Procedure;7 the Law on Science, Technol- legal instruments that have been implemented in ogy and Innovation8 (Articles 5 and 6); the Law Venezuela in connection with the surveillance of Against Organised Crime and Financing of Terror- communications are analysed. These measures ism9 (Article 30); the Law on National Security;10 were implemented as a way to ensure national and the Law of the Bolivarian Armed Forces.11 There security – but they can affect fundamental rights, are also regulatory bodies that are responsible for such as freedom of expression and the right to monitoring communications, such as the National privacy of individuals. Some cases involving the Telecommunications Commission12 (CONATEL); the violation of human rights during the surveillance Centre for Strategic Security and Protection of the of communications are also presented. These have Fatherland13 (CESPPA); the Vice Ministry of Social occurred in recent years in Venezuela, and are Networks;14 the Bolivarian National Intelligence the result of a series of national economic, politi- Service15 (SEBIN); the National Telecommunications cal and social events that have had a significant Company of Venezuela16 (CANTV); and the National impact on the population, and, according to the Centre for Forensic Computing17 (CENIF). government, have jeopardised national security. Venezuela, as a member of the Organization In addition, some statements by civil society on of American States (OAS), is committed to sup- the measures implemented by the government in porting agreements and statements such as those the period February to April 2014 are discussed. made by the OAS Special Rapporteur for Freedom of Actions that citizens can take to prevent access Expression,18 mandates from the sixth Summit of the to protected information and to guarantee the pri- Americas on the use of information and communica- vacy of communications are suggested, alongside actions that the state can implement to institution- ally coordinate surveillance of communications 3 4e18-84ea-f9bc5893abc4/1ley-sobre-proteccion-a-la-privacidad- and to establish clear principles. de-las-comunicaciones.pdf 4 Legal framework 5 Venezuela has a regulatory framework which guar- 6 leydeinfogobierno.pdf antees fundamental freedom of expression and 7 information rights of people, freedom of associa- 8 tion, the right to privacy, honour, reputation and 9 private life, and the right to privacy of communica- Contra-la-Delincuencia-Organizada-y-Financiamiento-al- Terrorismo_tcm1286-533853.pdf tions. These are stipulated in articles 2, 29, 48, 57, 10 58, 59, 60 and 61 of the constitution.1 Moreover, Ley_Organica_de_Seguridad_de_la_Nacion.pdf there are legal instruments that guarantee the 11 implementation of human rights when it comes to ZonaDescargas/LOFANB.pdf 12 surveillance of communications and the security of 13 citizens, such as: the Law Against Computer Crimes2 reglamento-del-cesppa (Articles 6, 7 and 11); the Law on the Protection of 14 15 Nacional 16 1 17 2 18 270 / Global Information Society Watch
tions technologies (ICTs),19 and the Joint Declaration • Establishing communications hegemony, in- on Security Programs and their Impact on Freedom cluding strengthening the regulation and social of Expression.20 However, it is important to note control of the media and developing a media that in September 2013, Venezuela withdrew21 from sector that contributes to the overall defence of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights the country. (IACHR), which does not guarantee the protection • Strengthening the responsible and critical use of rights in Venezuela under the OAS. However, citi- of the media as a training tool to promote Boli- zens may use other protective mechanisms, such varian values. as the International Court of Justice at the United • Updating and developing the technology plat- Nations,22 even though there is a risk that the gov- forms for communication and information sharing, ernment ignores its deliberations, such as in the ensuring access to timely communication. case of judgments on the violations of human rights issued by Frank La Rue, Special Rapporteur on the Importantly, the Plan of the Nation was approved25 promotion and protection of the right to freedom of in the National Assembly despite opposition, and opinion and expression.23 has resulted in criticism. This can be seen in a statement26 issued by the Academy of Political and Analysis Social Sciences of Venezuela, which said that “the Venezuela in recent years has faced a series of na- government plan deepens the trend to politicise tional events that have had a significant impact on the activity of the National Armed Forces and merge Venezuelan society, from the inevitable call for a the civil administration and the military, which is new presidential election process in 2013 because underpinned by an overemphasis of the idea of the of the death of President Hugo Chávez, to the dif- safety of the nation.” This has been “aggravated by ferent mobilisations of civil society in 2014. These introducing a permanent state of emergency and have resulted in a deterioration in the quality of life increased the militaristic character of government of Venezuelans, a greater division in society, the vio- and public administration.” lation of human rights, and greater control by the Moreover, the government in recent years has government. strengthened the intelligence agencies of the state, In this area the government is implementing a consolidated registration systems and other citizen range of policies included in the Plan of the Nation data, and developed legal instruments to regulate 2013-2019,24 which seek to deepen the socialist social networking and protect its citizens. Here are model that President Chávez began. Among the some examples: most notable strategic objectives related to the sur- • Creating the Deputy Minister of Social veillance of communications and national security Networks,27 CESPPA, the Counterintelligence are the following: Directorate SEBIN,28 and forensic laboratories • Strengthening and expanding the Military Intel- (CENIF) to support criminal investigations using ligence and Counterintelligence for Integrated ICTs.29 Homeland Defence system. • Drawing on the Administrative Identification • Adapting the legal framework to develop the in- System for Migration and Aliens30 (SAIME), telligence and counterintelligence capabilities the data capturing system used by the Na- of the Armed Forces, under the principles of the tional Electoral Council,31 the Military Register comprehensive defence of the nation. • Using citizen information for the security and 25 defence of the country. 26 27 gobierno-crea-viceministerio-para-redes-sociales.aspx, 19 sociales_438424 es.pdf 28 The Directorate of Counterintelligence (SEBIN) refers to the 20 Interior Intelligence and Counterintelligence service in Venezuela. asp?artID=927&lID=2 This directorate is responsible for the coordination of computer 21 services and coordination of strategic analysis. venezuela-se-retira-de-la-cidh.aspx 29, 22 noticias/15335864/El-hacker-argentino-que-trabajo-para-Chavez. 23 html deplora-declaraciones.html 30 24 31 venezuela-2013-019/#.U59xO3YvCSp descripcion.php venezuela / 271
for Comprehensive National Defence32 and Given this reality, citizens have used social net- the National Incident Management System33 works46 and email to learn, communicate, organise (VenCERT). and report on violations of human rights and un- • Creating networks of cooperating patriots,34 citi- democratic behaviour when it comes to the Armed zen policing committees35 and Special Brigades Forces re-establishing public order during the pro- to tackle those who promote violence,36 and tests. At the same time, the internet has been used which manage citizen information to secure the by civil society and student movements to promote defence of the nation. peaceful protests. Meanwhile, various agencies of the government • The implementation of the Law on the Use of that ensure national security found a way to iden- Social Networks37 and the Law on the Protection tify dissidents on social networks, and used the of the Privacy of Citizens.38 internet to stay informed about the actions of the Venezuela currently finds itself in a difficult political opposition. They also implemented a series of ac- and socioeconomic situation. This has led to signifi- tions that affected the privacy of communications of cant levels of scarcity and shortages,39 insecurity,40 citizens, and conducted computer espionage with high levels of inflation,41 censorship of traditional the support of the government and the explicit sup- media communications, which has limited access to port of CANTV, whose president was also a minister information,42 and social protests. According to the of the government. Moreover, the government in- Penal Forum,43 in the period February-April 2014, 41 creased control of the media, affecting freedom of people were killed, 80 cases of torture occurred and expression and other media freedoms. Among the 2,500 arrests were made44 during social protests, as most emblematic cases are: reported to the Attorney General’s Office. However, in the official report45 of the public prosecutor, only Control of communications one case of torture was recorded. • Taking TV channels off the air without legal formalities, and through making fast and delib- 32 erate decisions without any procedure,47 as in registro-y-alistamiento the case of international channel NTN24.48 33 sistema-nacional-de-gestion-de-incidentes-telematicos-vencert • Blocking Twitter49 and restricting access to con- 34 tent posted using Twitter.50 cooperantes-se.html, patriotas-cooperantes-sapearan-a-sapos • Blocking and restricting access to websites51 35 (,,, erId=420779&name=DLFE-2509.pdf and news portals nationwide.52 36 venezuela/140626/se-creo-la-brigada-especial-contra- • Blocking social networks such as Zello’s voice generadores-de-violencia application.53 37 la-an-lesgislar-sobre-uso-de-las-redes-sociales • Censoring social networks.54 38 a-la-intimidad-y-la-vida-privada-de-los-ciudadanos 39, en-12-meses-se-acelero-la-escasez-de-alimentos-basicos, 46 Del-faranduleo-a-trinchera-informativa-ciudadana medicamentos-ronda-40/122632 47 40 protestas1.pdf, páginas 82-92 comparadas-con-el-mundo-por-anabella-abadi-m-numeralia, 48 latina/venezuela/maduro-confirma-la-salida-del-aire-del-canal- Venezuela_0_407959364.html colombiano-ntn24 41 49 mas-alta-de-america-latina/, cuando-usuarios-difundian-informacion-sobre-hechos-violentos- uploads/2014/06/Venezuela_CREES_03JUN2014.pdf, www. registrados-en-el-pais 50 Latinoamerica_0_427157376.html gobierno-venezolano-bloqueo-imagenes-de-twitter 42 51 %C2%B4maduro-censura-medios-tradicionales-e- 52 internet%C2%B4/305897, Portal-de-noticias-Al-Momento-360-sufre-bloqueo- estrategia-de-censura-del-gobierno-de-venezuela parcial-16032014 43 53 44 venezuela-tuits, denuncia-ante-fiscalia-80-casos-de-tortura-durante-protestas aplicacion-terrorista-los-estudiantes-venezolanos 45 54 ae04-4ebd-91de-dbf7770de03c&groupId=10136 venezuela-alcanza-redes-sociales 272 / Global Information Society Watch
• Blocking the internet55 in the city of San Cris- • The interception of emails from the president of tóbal from 19 to 21 February 2014. the Venezuela Awareness Foundation67 by the • Cancelling television and radio programmes Ministry of Interior and Justice.68 critical of the government.56 • Censoring traditional media.57 Access to the information of users on social • Blackouts (i.e. cutting electricity).58 networks and web portals • Monitoring and analysis of behaviour on social networks59 through CESPPA.60 • Accessing and publishing the private details of • Monitoring of social media by the Deputy Min- citizens through the Twitter account @Drodri- ister of Social Networks, as seen in the case of guezMinci by the MPPIC69 in January 2014.70 In Minister Delcy Rodríguez.61 this instance, a list that contains data about the • The purchase of the only television channel holiday destinations abroad of 27 Venezuelans critical of the government (GLOBOVISION) by a was exchanged between opposition leaders. company linked to the government.62 • Unauthorised access to the personal Twitter ac- • The purchase of the newspaper El Universal, counts @RBADUEL and @AndreinaBadue.71 which was critical of the government. • Attacks on Twitter accounts and websites72 that reported on the cancer of President Chávez, such Interception of communications as the account of the journalist Casto Ocando.73 • The interception of emails of individual citizens63 • Real-time monitoring of the computer activities to determine their connection with alleged plans of citizens,74 with the authorisation of SEBIN. to destabilise the government,64 authorised by • SEBIN targeting hackers who tried illegally to the Attorney General in 2014. access government computer portals.75 • The interception of telephone calls from various members of the opposition in the National As- Using software to monitor web applications and sembly, such as Juan José Caldera65 and Maria internet traffic Corina Machado,66 during the 2013 presidential • According to a report by Miguel Useche,76 a election. study by The Citizen Lab77 at the University of Toronto found that the Venezuelan government 55 bloquear-la-internet-en-venezuela, is a client78 of the security company Blue Coat 56 Systems,79 and uses the service PacketShaper,80 del-programa-radial-plomo-parejo, espectaculos/cancelan-el-programa-de-luis-chataing-en-televen 67 57 digital-en-venezuela comunicación 68 El Ministro Jesse Chacón en el 2006 admitió públicamente que la 58 organización era blanco de espionaje electrónico informativo-en-v_b_4812480.html 69 Ministry of Information and Communications. 59 70 del-cesppa/131622 comunicacion/es 60 Dirección de Estudios Tecnológicos y de Información y la Dirección 71 de Procesamiento y Análisis de la información. familia-baduel-ante-ataques-de-hacker 61, 72 llama-a-la-oposicion-enemiga-y-le-anuncia-derrota-en-las-redes- lectores-sobre-ataque-a-su-plataforma sociales 73 62 billete-y-tecnologia-china.html globovision-201311181903.html 74 63 Maria Corina Machado (former deputy), Diego Arria (former IDB usa-hackers-para-violar-la-privacidad-de-los-ciudadanos director), Pedro Burelli (former PDVSA director), among others. 75 64 los-hackers-que-intentan-vulnerar-el-orden-institucional-en- diaz-aseguro-que-todas-las-personas-denunciadas-por-jorge- venezuela rodriguez-seran-investigadas/çç, noticia/240859/alto-mando-politico-muestra-evidencias-que- 76 vinculan-a-politicos-y-empresarios-en-un-plan-macabro, www. informacion-en-la-red-en-venezuela 77 correos-electronicos-que-muestran-golpe-militar-contra-nicolas- 78 maduro, 79 que-el-sebin-espia-a-maria-corina-machado 80 Cloud-based monitoring for web applications and network devices, 65 with the capability to control unwanted traffic service in real diputado-caldera.html time, allowing for the filtering of applications by category. www. 66 Maria-Corina-Machado/2011/11/28/79239 Application_List.c.pdf venezuela / 273
which allows more control in the monitoring of • A report88 issued by civil society organisations internet traffic and web applications. where human rights89 violations in the period February-April 2014 in Venezuela are detailed. Given these government actions, citizens and vari- Cases of arbitrary arrests and violations of due ous national and international organisations have process, violations of freedom of expression warned of violations of human rights, the privacy of and attacks on journalists and others are pre- communications of citizens, the freedom of speech and internet neutrality. These include: sented in this report. • A communiqué81 issued by the free software Conclusions communities of Venezuela in favour of free- • In December 2013, a new government plan that dom of speech and network neutrality in seeks to strengthen the defence of the nation Venezuela. – among other things by increasing intelligence • A statement82 issued by organisations in the Fo- and counterintelligence systems where the rum for Life83 pointing out serious human rights collating of information on citizens is a funda- violations in Venezuela, from the criminalisation mental component – was started. This included of social protest, to the systematic harassment monitoring the media. of journalists and media, among others. • The events between February and April 2014 • Complaints by MCM84 to the National Office in were a challenge for the government. During which it claims to be a victim of identity theft, civil society protests undemocratic acts were computer espionage, telephonic espionage,85 committed under the pretext of defending na- eavesdropping and forgery. tional security. These included violations of • Complaints by Pedro Burelli86 before a court human rights, the violation of the privacy of in the state of California, in the United States, the communications of citizens, the violation of in which he requested an independent inves- freedom of expression and opinion, and block- tigation of the content of intercepted emails ing the internet, among others. In this context, implicating him in an alleged assassination at- social networks and email became essential tempt in 2014. to share any information that the state media chose not to report on, and the private media • Reporters Without Borders (RSF) warning of in- was skewed by self-censorship. ternet censorship and access to social networks in Venezuela by CONATEL, which represents • During this period the intelligence agencies in a decline in freedom of expression in Latin the government increased measures that were America.87 aimed at preventing the diffusion, dissemina- tion and publication of content dealing with the protests on social media sites and through the traditional media. However, citizens found ways to denounce abuses by the armed forces through initiatives such as the “SOS Venezuela”90 campaign that gave international visibility to the abuses. Regulators blocked internet communications, Twitter, Zello, web pages and news portals, as well as monitored and analysed the behaviour of social networks 81 as a way to neutralise the organisation of so- 82 ddhh-de-venezuela-difunden-accion-urgente-ante-situacion-del-pais 88 83 protestas1.pdf 84 89 Programa Venezolano de Educación-Acción en Derechos Humanos denunciara-ante-la-fiscalia-infamia-en-su-contra (PROVEA) y de la Comisión Inter-Institucional de Derechos 85 Humanos de la Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Políticas de la Maria-Corina-Machado/2011/11/28/79239 Universidad del Zulia, Espacio Público, Foro Penal Venezolano, 86 Asociación Civil Justicia, Solidaridad y Paz (FUNPAZ) del estado forenses-de-la-presunta-falsificacion-de-correos Lara, Escuela de Derecho de la Universidad Rafael Urdaneta, la 87 Comisión de Derechos Humanos del Colegio de Abogados del internacional-contra-maduro-por-espionaje-telefonico-y-bloqueo- estado Zulia, Centro de Derechos Humanos de la Universidad del-trafico-de-internet, Católica Andrés Bello (CDH-UCAB), el Observatorio Venezolano de politica/140312/reporteros-sin-fronteras-alerta-sobre-censura-en- Conflictividad Social (OVCS). internet-en-venezuela 90 274 / Global Information Society Watch
cial movements and the flow of information Action steps content against the government. According to Government: journalist Fernando Nunez Noda,91 intelligence • Ensure the independence of public powers and agencies promoted “espionage, lifted records respect for the legal framework when it comes and monitored topics that are inconvenient to to restrictions on the right to privacy of citizens, those in power,” particularly CESPPA. These and ensure that the collection and use of per- actions reveal how the government has estab- sonal information is clearly authorised by law. lished mechanisms and defined strategies for surveillance of communications and to prevent • Encourage dialogue to increase awareness of the flow of information through social networks the implementation of the Plan of the Nation that allow citizens to be informed about events 2013-2019 and its implications for the surveil- of national impact, and which can undermine lance of communications. national security. • Ensure that actions related to the security of the • Importantly, the cases presented, such as state and the agencies responsible for commu- intercepting emails, phone calls, and Twit- nications do not violate human rights during the ter communications of opposition leaders, surveillance of citizens. among others, reflect a kind of political es- • Establish mechanisms for independent over- pionage that might be going on in Venezuela, sight bodies to ensure transparency in the and could lead to the criminal liability of the surveillance of communications. actors involved. This includes cases of illegal • Ensure state sovereignty and national secu- access to and publication of the data and pri- rity without violating the fundamental rights of vate information of users of social networks, citizens.93 websites and computer systems. Many of the • Avoid practices that promote attacks on, threats reported cases were managed by government to and the defamation of internet users. agencies without due process or the respective court orders to record and disseminate citizen • Review the nature of intelligence agencies like information. This violates the rights to privacy, CESPPA that may be violating the constitutional honour and reputation in the communications order and promoting censorship based on the of Venezuelans. criteria of ensuring the safety and defence of the nation. Given the above, one could conclude that the government has mechanisms for intelligence espio- Citizens and organisations: nage, found both in political and technical bodies • Establish mechanisms to document and organ- that aim to neutralise and defeat plans that seek ise cases where surveillance violates the rights to destabilise the nation, as conceptualised in the of citizens, and present these cases to public Homeland Plan 2013-2019. The warnings by civil so- protectors, both domestic and international. ciety and national and international organisations about potential violations that occur in Venezuela • Use applications and methods to ensure that are an indicator that citizens are not involved suf- the internet is not blocked. ficiently in the work of state agencies and public • Be vigilant about the veracity of the content dis- authorities.92 The guarantees necessary for the seminated through social networks in order to protection and defence of human rights and for the ensure timely and accurate information. surveillance of communications, such as due pro- cess, proportionality, a competent and impartial judiciary, transparency and integrity of communica- tions and systems have not been secured. 91 twitter.html 92 93 The freedom of expression and information, freedom of =article&id=84%3Apoderes-publicos&catid=1%3Acontenido- association, right to privacy, honour, reputation and private life, embajada&Itemid=98&lang=es and right to privacy of communications. venezuela / 275
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