A big thank you for Office Works for visiting us and helping our childcare children with some great activities!

Page created by Kim Brooks
A big thank you for Office Works for visiting us and helping our childcare children with some great activities!
A big thank you for
Office Works for
visiting us and helping
our childcare children
with some great

­ Reduced program & crèche fees
· Invitations to special events
· Priority given for programs/groups          ALBANY FAMILY HOUSE
· Assists towards insurance costs               219 NORTH ROAD
                                                ALBANY WA 6330
            Become an RCNC Member today           08 9841 8254
             and support us to support you!
A big thank you for Office Works for visiting us and helping our childcare children with some great activities!
Rainbow Coast
                                                  Neighbourhood Centre
                                                       We are a not-for-profit
                                                   organisation offering essential
                                                      family support services
                                                       Parenting courses and
                                                        support groups
                                                       Playgroup
                                                       Fun interactive groups
                                                        for children
                                                       Social groups
                                                       Time out for mums
                                                       Child Health Groups
                                                       Community Garden
                                                       Migrant Support
                                                       And so much more…...

                   Kids Central Great Southern
Kids Central Great Southern has operated in Albany for nearly ten years, providing
support for children to maximise their social and emotional development and reach
their full potential. The time has come however for us to reflect on our capacity to
sustain service delivery into the future. The onset of the Covid-19 pandemic caused
a significant lessening of direct support for children, and to modify our modes of
service delivery. This reality has led us to not revert to ‘business as usual’ as Covid-
19 restrictions ease, but to take the opportunity to conduct a strategic assessment
of our services, service delivery modes and our capacity to continue operating in a
sustainable manner into the future.

We therefore advise that we will not be conducting group or individual support
sessions for children as from 1 July 2020, nor taking new referrals, until further
notice. We will keep you informed as we complete this undertaking and would
welcome any thoughts you have regarding our services and our future. Our email
address is kidscentralgs@gmail.com
                                                                                           Keep updated on
A big thank you for Office Works for visiting us and helping our childcare children with some great activities!
BOUNCING BACK 9.30 - 11.30
                                              Commences 19th October, (8 weeks)
                                                  Are you exhausted, anxious or
                                                      stressed all the time?
                                                  Every day seems like an uphill
                                                Do you have a baby 18 months or
                                               Do you have postnatal depression?
                                              Bouncing Back is designed to support
                                                 people becoming parents, with a
                                               special focus on the prevention and
                                                 treatment of anxiety, stress and
                                                  postnatal depression. Evening
                                                   sessions may be available for
                                                    Free program & childcare
                                                To book contact your Child Health
                                                   Nurse directly on 9842 7500

           12.30pm - 2.30pm
A Facilitated Support Group for Mums

       Struggling with parenting?
          Feeling unsupported?
  The Nest offers information including:
       * Self-care
                                           Includes Childcare
       *Common issues with parenting
       *Child Health Issues
    Develop your parenting knowledge
   and feel supported to create positive
            family relationships

                         FREE PROGRAM
A big thank you for Office Works for visiting us and helping our childcare children with some great activities!
           10.00 – 11.00
Commences and runs throughout                                                    Migrant Services
         the school term
                                                                                 Our 2 Migrant Resource Centres are a part of Rainbow Coast
 For the busy toddler in your life!
                                                                                 Neighbourhood Centre and provide assistance to people who
    Help your child learn some
                                                                                 have arrived from another country within the last 5 years,
 language, social, emotional and                                                 under certain visas.
physical skills with our one hour                                                We provide advocacy, practical assistance, information and
 interactive play sessions, using a                                              referral to other community services arising out of the
mixture of messy play and music.                                                 settlement experience.
No bookings needed. Just drop in!
     $3 per session members
         $5 non-member                                                           Albany Migrant Resource Centre                    Funded through the Department of
       RCNC membership:                                                          Family House, 219 North Rd
                                                                                 Albany WA 6330                                         Home Affairs Canberra
         $30.00 per year
                                                                                 Phone: 9841 1190
                                                                                 Email: amrc@rcnc.org.au
                                                                                 Various opening time so please call or email to
                                                    TRIPLE P                     make an appointment. Thank you.
                                         Tues 20th October for 4 weeks
                                                  12.30 - 2.30                   Katanning Migrant Resource Centre
                                                                                 56 Clive Street
                                      The Triple P – Posit ive Pa r enting       Katanning WA 6317
                                      P ro g ram giv es pa rent s s i m ple      Phone: 9821 4420
                                      an d p ra ctic al st rateg ie s t o help   Email: kmrc@rcnc.org.au
                                      th em b u i ld st rong, hea lt hy
                                                                                 Various opening time so please call or email to
                                      re latio nship s an d conf id ently
                                      m an ag e thei r chi ld ren ’s
                                      b eh av io u r and p rev ent p r oblem s
                                                                                                                                              Interesting Fact
                                      d evel o p ing.
                                                                                                                                    Australia was multicultural from
                                      Free program & childcare available                                                            the start! Among the first arrivals
                                      To register contact your Child Health       Migration is expected to add 14                   were people from Germany,
                                      Nurse directly on 9842 7500                 million people to the Australian population by    Norway, France, Portugal, Sweden
                                                                                  2050, accounting for 37% of the nation’s          and the Netherlands.
                                                                                  population growth during that period.
A big thank you for Office Works for visiting us and helping our childcare children with some great activities!
            11.00 - 12.30
             Cost $3 per person
         Runs throughout the year
     A social group for mature women
       who are looking to make new
                   friends.                         GARDEN GRUBS
       Come along to socialise over a
                                                         3.30 - 4.30
               cuppa at RCNC
           No bookings required,                Every Wednesdays during
                 just drop in!                        school terms

                                              An innovated children’s garden
                                                 group that involves lots of
                                               garden play, crafty activities &
                                              gardening. Suitable for children
                                              4 to 12. Children are required to
                                                be accompanied by an adult.

                                                 No bookings needed!

             SOLID START
          18th November 2020
            1.00pm - 3.00pm
                    1 session
                Free program
To register contact your Child Health Nurse
            directly on 9842 7500
A big thank you for Office Works for visiting us and helping our childcare children with some great activities!
 9.30 - 11.30
 Commences 15th October 2020                Annual membership $30
                                             + $10 per session for   1st Saturday of the month
 Never enough time to do the
 things you would like?                           materials.
                                              Bookings essential:
 Are you interested in learning                Contact RCNC on
 some simple art & craft?
                                                  9841 8254
 Put the kids into our childcare
 and take some well earned time
 for yourself!

                                                                                                  Open Garden
              1.00 - 3.00
 Commences 15th October for 5 weeks                                                              Wednesday mornings
Commences 19th November for 5 weeks                                                              9.30am to 12.30pm

   A Post Natal Parenting Program                                                                     Join Yann
                                                                                                  for general garden
Guest speakers                                                                                   upkeep, gardening
 Meet other new parents                                                                             guidance and
 Make some new friends along the way                                                               enjoy a cuppa!
 Keep up with current ideas
 Dad’s are welcome
  Our wonderful Health Nurses present
information sessions and parenting skills
 along with guest speakers and reassur-
             Free program
 To register contact your Child Health
     Nurse directly on 9842 7500
A big thank you for Office Works for visiting us and helping our childcare children with some great activities!
Produce swap dates: (1st Saturday of the month, 10 am-12 pm )

Saturday 7th November; (including plant and book sales and chance
             to have your     gardening questions answered)

Saturday 5th December; (including plant and book sales and chance
             to have your gardening questions answered)
Saturday 2nd January; (including plant and book sales and chance
             to have your gardening questions answered)

Workshops (3rd Saturday of the month, 2 - 3:30 pm)
Saturday October 17th: Introduction to Seed Saving
Learn about the advantages of growing heirloom seed varieties
and techniques for saving and propagating heirloom seeds.
Participants will receive handouts and samples of different seed
varieties for trialling in their own gardens. Cost $20 (includes
afternoon tea).

Saturday November 21st: Water Wise Gardening
In the lead-up to summer learn about how to drought proof your
existing garden and design, irrigate and create a water wise garden
to save water, money and your precious plants and soil biology.
Participants will receive handouts and practical demonstrations.
Cost $20 (includes afternoon tea).

Saturday December 5th: Thank a Volunteer Day (10 am - 2 pm)
Join us for a celebration to “Thank a Volunteer” at the community garden! It’s free
for everyone, so come along and take a look at our Community Garden. There will
be a Produce Swap, garden tours, talks, book sales and more. (10am - 2pm)
A big thank you for Office Works for visiting us and helping our childcare children with some great activities!
A big thank you for Office Works for visiting us and helping our childcare children with some great activities!
During term 3 in childcare we have been focusing on farm
 animals and continuing with individual programming. The
 children have been busy doing art and craft which has been
 displayed in our child care room.
 We welcomed new child care staff; Amber, Abby and Jessie.
 They are all doing a fabulous job of fitting in and caring for
 your children.
 In Term 4 we will be looking at Spring, Summer and
 Christmas! We will have our art work displayed across our
 child care room.
 Now that summer is approaching we would like for you to
 pop a hat in your child’s bag for them to wear when we are
 playing outside. We will also be applying sunscreen through-
 out the day to protect their skin.
 Sharon, Christine, Emma, Andrea, Aleesha, Alix, Amber, and
 Abby are all looking forward to the term ahead and watching
 all our little people grow and develop.

Child Care Co-ordinator
A big thank you for Office Works for visiting us and helping our childcare children with some great activities!
Family House
 Child Care
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