90TH ANNUAL EDUCATIONAL CONFERENCE - The Catholic Medical Association October 7-9, 2021 Orlando, FL - Catholic ...

Page created by John Ferguson
90TH ANNUAL EDUCATIONAL CONFERENCE - The Catholic Medical Association October 7-9, 2021 Orlando, FL - Catholic ...
The Catholic Medical Association
                October 7-9, 2021 • Orlando, FL

90TH ANNUAL EDUCATIONAL CONFERENCE - The Catholic Medical Association October 7-9, 2021 Orlando, FL - Catholic ...
   What is the Annual Educational Conference?                                               SPO
   Joy is the reward for a life lived well, or to paraphrase Aquinas, a life loved well.
   Joy is an experience we all seek for its own sake, a foretaste of the Beatitude we
   are meant to experience forever. The plenary sessions of The Joy of Medicine
   will first explore the nature of joy and its relationship to love and suffering.         PRES
   Second, many speakers will describe how and where they have discovered joy as            $75,00
   physicians in an array of settings. Finally, experts will explain how to practically
   rediscover joy in your life of medicine if joy has become a stranger to you. As
   a bonus, by attending this family friendly conference in Orlando, you will be            PLAT
   able to meet and get to know like-minded medical professionals and family                $50,00
   members who seek joy by knowing and imitating Christ.

   Unlike many medical conferences, the Annual Educational Conference of the                DIAM
   Catholic Medical Association has a very strong spiritual component. Mass is              $25,00
   celebrated daily, and adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is available 24 hours
   a day. Many priests are in attendance to hear confession and provide spiritual
   guidance. Time spent with likeminded people celebrating the sacraments leads             GOL
   to renewed hope in our mission and a spiritual renewal.                                  $15,00

   Recent Conference Numbers                                                                EME
     502 Physicians and other Medical Professionals                                         $10,00
     56 Medical Students and Residents
     297 Spouses, Clergy, and other Supporters                                              SILV
   Who Does the Annual Educational Conference Serve?
      2,580 members (through physical attendance & online talks)
      111 Physician and 46 Student Guilds across the United States
      Catholic businesses and organizations
      Dioceses and Parishes
      Catholic Universities                                                                 RUB
      Physicians, Nurses, Healthcare Professionals, Ethicists, Clergy, NFP Practitioners,   $4,000
      hospice, and more!
      Strong state presence in addition to national

     Catholic Medical Association • 550 Pinetown Rd, Ste 205, Ft. Washington, PA 19034
      Questions? Call (484) 270-8002 • Fax (866) 714-0242 • Email Linda@cathmed.org
90TH ANNUAL EDUCATIONAL CONFERENCE - The Catholic Medical Association October 7-9, 2021 Orlando, FL - Catholic ...
SPONSORSHIP is an important component of every conference, giving
individuals and organizations the chance to connect with CMA members and
conference participants in memorable ways. The sponsorship packages listed
below feature varying levels of participation and recognition opportunities.

$75,000 Ad listed on the       Acknowledgment Complimentary          Registration         Registration     Registration for    3 Pulse Magazine
        Conference App         on app and social exhibit table       for 10 to the        for 10 to the    10 to the special   ads
                               media                                 conference           banquet          event
$50,000 Ad listed on the       Acknowledgment Complimentary          Registration for 8 Registration for 8 Registration for    2 Pulse Magazine
        Conference App         on app and social exhibit table       to the conference to the banquet      8 to the special    ads
                               media                                                                       event
$25,000 Ad listed on the       Acknowledgment Complimentary          Registration for 6 Registration for 6 Registration for    1 Pulse Magazine
        Conference App         on app and social exhibit table       to the conference to the banquet      6 to the special    ad
                               media                                                                       event
$15,000     Ad listed on the   Acknowledgment Complimentary          Registration for 4 Registration for 4 Registration for
            Conference App     on app and social exhibit table       to the conference to the banquet      4 to the special
                               media                                                                       event
$10,000 Ad listed on the       Acknowledgment Complimentary          Registration for 3
        Conference App         on app and social exhibit table       to the conference
$8,000      Ad listed on the   Acknowledgment Complimentary          Registration for 2
            Conference App     on app and social exhibit table       to the conference
$6,000  Ad listed on the       Acknowledgment Complimentary          Registration for 1
        Conference App         on app and social exhibit table       to the conference
$4,000      Ad listed on the   Acknowledgment Registration for 1
            Conference App     on app and social to the conference

                      Catholic Medical Association • 550 Pinetown Rd, Ste 205, Ft. Washington, PA 19034
                       Questions? Call (484) 270-8002 • Fax (866) 714-0242 • Email Linda@cathmed.org
90TH ANNUAL EDUCATIONAL CONFERENCE - The Catholic Medical Association October 7-9, 2021 Orlando, FL - Catholic ...

Exhibit Includes:                                    Exhibit Does Not Include:
•   6 foot skirted table                             •   Inbound and outbound shipping and
•   2 chairs                                             freight handling costs
•   Conference wi-fi                                 •   Electrical services
•   2 exhibitor badges                               •   Audiovisual and computer support
•   Post-conference attendee list                    •   Installation or dismantling
•   Attendance at sessions if space is               •   Security of individual exhibit space

Brand Exposure:                                      Location:
•   Acknowledgment on the slideshow                  Caribe Royale Orlando
    played during breaks                             8101 World Center Drive
•   Link to your website from the CMA                Orlando, FL 32821
    conference app

•   Wednesday: Set up after 3:00 PM
•   Thursday: 8:00 AM-5:30 PM
•   Friday: 8:00 AM-5:30 PM
•   Saturday: 8:00 AM-2:00 PM (breakdown
    after 2:00 PM)

              The CMA reserves the right to decline exhibitors promoting issues or products
               that do not accord with the mission of the CMA and the Catholic Church.

            Catholic Medical Association • 550 Pinetown Rd, Ste 205, Ft. Washington, PA 19034
             Questions? Call (484) 270-8002 • Fax (866) 714-0242 • Email Linda@cathmed.org
90TH ANNUAL EDUCATIONAL CONFERENCE - The Catholic Medical Association October 7-9, 2021 Orlando, FL - Catholic ...
Our 90th Annual Educational Conference
                 will be at the Convention Center

Catholic Medical Association • 550 Pinetown Rd, Ste 205, Ft. Washington, PA 19034
 Questions? Call (484) 270-8002 • Fax (866) 714-0242 • Email Linda@cathmed.org
90TH ANNUAL EDUCATIONAL CONFERENCE - The Catholic Medical Association October 7-9, 2021 Orlando, FL - Catholic ...
                Below is a sampling of exhibitors from the 2019 Conference
                         (The 2020 Conference was a virtual event)

    American Association of Pro-Life Obstetricians                  Investing for Catholics
           and Gynecologists (AAPLOG)
                                                                      Kolbe Center, The
                    American TFP
                                                                 Life & Family Medical Clinic
              Ave Maria Mutual Funds
                                                                      Love Good Culture
                                                                 Magnificat Family Medicine
              Catholic Executive Coach
                                                            Media & Communications Committee
           Catholic Investment Strategies
                                                                 Mission Doctors Association
  Cause For Canonization of Blessed Nicholas Konrad
                                                            National Catholic Bioethics Center, The
               Children of God for Life
                                                                 National Gianna Center, The
          Christ Medicus Foundation CURO
                                                                    Natural Womanhood
                                                                    Nazareth Project, Inc.
   Collier Community Abstinence Program (CCAP)
                                                                  Neurosurgery Associates
                Diocese of Savannah
                                                                       OSF Healthcare
            Doctor, Doctor Radio Program
                                                               Pro Women’s Healthcare Centers
           EWTN- Global Catholic Network
                                                                   Reply OB/GYN & Fertility
           FACTS - Fertility Appreciation
         Collaborative to Teach the Systems                         Saint Paul VI Institute

                 Femm Foundation                              Sister Servants of the Eternal Word

       Forbes Well-Being Advisors/The Medical                       Solidarity HealthShare
         Professionals Retirement Institutes
                                                                 Universal Chastity Education
            Franciscan Physician Network
                                                                      University of Mary
        Helping Hands Medical Missions, Inc.
                                                                       Your Holy Family
              Human Life International
                                                                      Zero Gravity Skin

            Catholic Medical Association • 550 Pinetown Rd, Ste 205, Ft. Washington, PA 19034
             Questions? Call (484) 270-8002 • Fax (866) 714-0242 • Email Linda@cathmed.org
EXHIBIT BOOTHS are an important part of every conference and are
located close to the events ballroom. Your exhibit booth will be seen from
Thursday morning until Saturday afternoon. The exhibitor fee covers the cost
of a 6’ skirted table, a conference meal plan and a listing in the conference
app. Extra tables are $150. Additional charges apply for electricity, telephone/
data services, equipment rental, and extra exhibitor personnel.
Hurry, space is limited!

OVER 800 ATTENDEES!                                            Students,
CMA Conference Audiences are                                   Clergy and    Physician &
                                                                 Others      Healthcare
Large, Professional, and Diverse                                  39%       Professionals
                                                                   Diversity    61%
CMA conferences have a track record of solid local and
national turnouts, continued growth, diverse participation.

$2,250 ............ For-Profit Company
                                                                                 DEADLINE for PAYMENT
$1,250 ............ Non-Profit Company — Selling Products
                                                                                    is JULY 31, 2021
$750 ............... Non-Profit Company — Not Selling Products
                                                                                Please use the payment form below.
10% Early Bird Discount
if payment is received by June 30, 2021

                   Catholic Medical Association • 550 Pinetown Rd, Ste 205, Ft. Washington, PA 19034
                    Questions? Call (484) 270-8002 • Fax (866) 714-0242 • Email Linda@cathmed.org
ADVERTISERS are an important part of each conference
and are featured prominently in our conference app.
For examples, go to www.cathmed.org/events/past_annual_conferences
Reserve your ad today!

                                                                                Ads should be sent as an image file (JPG,
List company name and your uploaded ad .... $350
                                                                                PNG, etc.). Tip: For the best in-app
                                                                                resolution, images should be about 300
List company name, your uploaded ad and
                                                                                by 300 pixels. For rectangular images, we
contact information (address, phone,
                                                                                recommend portrait view over landscape
interactive link, social media url’s) ................ $450

Bag Inserts .................................................... $250
Inserts must be shipped directly to the hotel and arrive no later than Friday, October 4, 2021.
The shipping address and quantity required will follow via email.

   Cut, copy, or print this form and submit with payment to Catholic Medical Association, 550 Pinetown Rd, Ste 205, Ft. Washington, PA 19034,
                                        Fax form to (866) 714-0242, or scan and email to info@cathmed.org

SPONSOR                                         EXHIBITOR                                        ADVERTISER
   PRESENTER             EMERALD                   For-Profit Company                               List Company Name plus Ad
   PLATINUM              SILVER                    Non-Profit Selling Products                      List Company Name, Ad and Contact info
   DIAMOND               UNIVERSITY                Non-Profit, Not Selling Products
   GOLD                  RUBY

Company Name _______________________________ Contact Person _________________________________________

Name(s) of Attendees _________________________________________________________________________________

Billing Address ______________________________________________________________________________________

City ______________________________ State _____________________Zip _____________________________________

Phone Number ______________________________________________Email ___________________________________

Total $ ____________________________                  Check      Visa      MasterCard      American Express      Discover

Name on Card_________________________________ Card # _______________________________________________

CVV# ________________ Expiration Date___________________ I authorize $______________ to be charged to this card.

Signature ________________________________________________________________ Date_______________________
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