7Waste Reduction and Recycling Guide - City of Lincoln and Lancaster County - Habitat for Humanity ...
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Recycle Right! It’s easy to think we are being virtuous when we fill up the curbside recycling bin or take recyclables to a recycling drop-off site. However, recycling improperly is costly. Items that are truly not recyclable are called contaminants. Contaminants must be removed in order to receive the highest value for recyclable materials. If you don’t recycle properly you place a costly burden on the sorting facility to remove the contaminants. The removed contaminants are then landfilled or sold for a dramatically reduced price. How do your decisions result in contaminating high value recyclables? Leaving fluids or food residue in food and beverage containers is one way. Recycling materials not listed as an acceptable recyclable is another. Follow these essentials to recycle right: • Recycle only acceptable items. • Keep items empty and clean. • Know and follow your collector’s recycling guidelines. How do you know what items are recyclable? Recycling Container Lending Program A list of what is and is not accepted at recycling sites is on the back page of this Are you planning an event? The City of Lincoln’s guide. If you are unsure of whether an item is recyclable in the City’s program, Recycling Office encourages you to make call 402-441-8215, email recycle@lincoln.ne.gov or go to recycle.lincoln.ne.gov. recycling a part of any group activity. The Although curbside recyclers generally follow these same rules, it is important Recycling Container Lending Program provides to learn their standards. Contact your recycling collector directly if you are no-cost portable recycling containers. All items unsure if something is recyclable with their service. collected must be recycled properly before the containers are returned. Visit recycle.lincoln. ne.gov and select “Event Recycling” to secure High value recyclables accepted in curbside recycling containers for your event. bins and at the recycling drop-off sites are: • Aluminum/tin cans • Junk mail, • Cardboard/ magazines, paperboard catalogs, shredded • Glass bottles and paper jars • Plastic containers • Newspapers and #1-#5 inserts Table of Contents Find Us Online 3 What to do with your waste Websites 4 Keeping it clean • City of Lincoln: lincoln.ne.gov 5 Reuse–Give your stuff another life! • Recycling: recycle.lincoln.ne.gov 6 Recycle–Give your waste another life! • Household hazardous waste: lincoln.ne.gov 8 Safeguard your home from toxic chemicals! (keyword: household) 9 Hazardous waste disposal services • Litter and illegal dumping: lincoln.ne.gov (keyword: kllcb) 10 Business waste reduction and recycling • Waste facilities: lincoln.ne.gov (keyword: solid waste) 11 Organic waste options 11 Building materials reuse & recycling Facebook 12 Recycling drop-off sites Recycling: facebook.com/LincolnRecycles 2
What to do with your waste Curbside Recycling Public Recycling Drop-off Sites Garbage Collection Many local companies offer subscription Recyclables will need to be sorted if taken Contact the Lincoln Solid Waste and curbside recycling on a weekly basis. to a public drop-off site. Locations and Recycling Association at 402-475-8360 Recyclables are placed in a single accepted materials can be found on the to find the waste hauler that serves your container provided by the company and back page of this guide. area. Subscription-based weekly garbage collected from the curb at your home. recycling and grass and leaf is available Contact your current garbage service from privately owned companies. To or a recycling collector to subscribe to select a service provider, check the their services. business listing on the internet, in the phone book or ask your neighbor. City Waste Facilities Additional Info North 48th Street Solid Waste Disposal Bluff Road Solid Waste Disposal Facility Recycling and Compost Facility 6001 Bluff Road Recycling Office 5101 N. 48th St. 402-441-8102 402-441-8215 402-441-8104 Landfill recycle.lincoln.ne.gov Recycling drop-off site: Closed after Refuse trucks and other large trucks and trailers staffed hours of operation. Solid Waste Nuisance Complaints only. Wastes must be secured to the vehicle with a Lincoln-Lancaster County Transfer Station: Small vehicles and tarp and/or tie or else load will be rejected. Health Department trailers only. Waste must be secured Certain materials require “special waste” disposal Report uncollected garbage, litter and to the vehicle. permits. Call for information on fees, hours and leaking fluids from garbage/recycling Construction and demolition waste: other requirements. Unloading must be complete collection vehicles. All vehicle sizes. by site closing time. 402-441-8022 Composting: Small vehicles and Yardwaste Composting lincoln.ne.gov (keyword: complaint) trailers only. Unloading must be Commercial lawn services and waste haulers Business Waste Reduction and Recycling complete by site closing time. Finished may drop off grass, leaves and brush to be WasteCap Nebraska compost is available year-round, hand composted. Call for information on fees, hours 402-436-2384 loading only. and other requirements. wastecapne.org 3
Keeping it clean Make a Difference Report illegal dumping Dumping your waste is against the law. Help us prevent illegal dumping by taking action. 1. Get the make, model and plate number of the vehicle involved in the illegal dumping. 2. Take a photo of the offender, and note Litter is waste too! a description of who was doing the illegal dumping. Keep Lincoln & Lancaster County Beautiful (KLLCB) is a 3. Call law enforcement: community resource to help keep your County litter free! If you are in the City limits, report it to How can you keep Lincoln & Lancaster County the Lincoln Police Department at Beautiful? 402-441-6000. 1. Report littering at 1-877-665-4887 If you are in Lancaster County, report 2. Volunteer for a neighborhood, school, the incident to the Sheriff’s office at county or city litter cleanup. 402-441-6500. 3. Money is available for individuals and neighborhood associations to complete cleanups. It’s your community—keep it clean! To volunteer, apply for grant funding or find out more: • Visit lincoln.ne.gov (keyword: KLLCB). • Call 402-441-8025. • Email kllcb@lincoln.gov. Visit us on Facebook: facebook.com/kllcb. See pages 5-7 for legal disposal options. Find us online Website: Facebook: City of Lincoln Recycling lincoln.ne.gov (keyword: kllcb) facebook.com/kllcb 4
Reuse-Give your stuff another life! Do you have Scherer's Architectural Habitat for Humanity ReStore Community Action clothing, furniture, Antiques 4630 “Y” St. Partnership 9141 S. 63rd St. 402-464-0010 210 “O” St. appliances or other 402-423-1582 402-471-4515 household goods Fabulous Finds you no longer need Mattresses (clean) 2702 N. 49th St. Cell Phones People’s City Mission that can still be Star City Recycling 2615 “O” St. 402-466-4006 used? Give them 402-890-4320 Family Thrift Center 402-428-2066 1745 “O” St. another life! Take Voices of Hope 2545 “N” St. 402-476-2857 these items to the Packing Materials Goodwill locations 402-476-2110 businesses and Mail Plus 402-438-2022 organizations listed 3201 South St. Home & Closet Electronics 402-434-5315 1356 S. 33rd St. below instead of Gamers Star City Recycling 402-474-5407 throwing them N. 27th-402-435-3700 402-890-4320 Once Upon a Child away. 48th and R-402-464-8899 UPS Stores 2600 S. 48th St., Suite 15 Goodwill Computer and (peanuts & bricks) 402-464-4443 Electronics Store Bicycles 1700 S. 17th St. OMT! Divine Women’s Lincoln Bike Kitchen 402-438-1109 Records/CDs Resale Textile Reuse 1635 S. 1st St. The Gameroom Backtrack Records 1725 Van Dorn 402-915-2453 North-402-438-7161 1549 N. Cotner Blvd. 402-423-2066 Worn-out clothes M.A.D. DADS of Lincoln Downtown-402-421-0935 402-464-4567 People's City Mission and textiles (pants, 5610 Seward Ave. Star City Recycling Black Circle Records 2615 “O” St. shirts, sheets and 402-742-0224 402-890-4320 100 N. 9th St. 402-475-6888 Plato’s Closet towels) with stains, 402-613-3376 2525 Pine Lake Rd. tears or just hopelessly Books Eyeglasses CD Warehouse out of style can be Star City Lions 5141 “O” St. 402-420-2440 A Novel Idea Bookstore 118 N. 14th St. Drop-off boxes located at 402-486-0047 Play it Again Sports repurposed into rags optometrist offices, Eyeglass (No scratches, must be in cases 800 N. 48th St. as long as they are 402-475-8663 with artwork) 402-483-7447 Bluestem Books World and Walmart stores Ruby Begonias (vintage) clean (laundered), 137 S. 9th St. Star City Recycling Lefty’s Records 2776 South St. 1321 “P” St. dry and odorless. 402-435-7120 402-890-4320 402-438-0038 402-438-4438 Take them to any Star City Recycling 402-890-4320 Internet Sites Recycled Sounds Salvation Army clothing donation box, 909 “O” St. 4690 Leighton Ave. Goodwill or People’s freecycle.org 402-476-8240 402-466-5052 Building Materials (post offers and wants) St. Louise Gift and Thrift City Mission. For toss Conner's Architectural lincoln.craigslist.org box locations - visit 2201 “O” St. Antiques amazon.com/sellonamazon Thrift, Consignment 402-474-1600 peoplescitymission.org 1001 “L” St. LinConsign Electronics and Sports Equipment St. Teresa’s Thrift Store 402-435-3338 Facebook Page (furniture, clothing, etc.) The Daisy 643 S. 25th St. EcoStores Nebraska Items for Sale Facebook Page Cause for Paws 6433 Havelock Ave. 402-475-7065 530 W. “P” St. 2445 S. 48th St. The Black Market 402-475-7777 402-477-3606 Latex Paints 402-420-5758 1033 “O” St. Twice As Nice— The Habitat for Humanity ReStore (Fees may apply) 402-475-1033 Consignment Shop 4630 “Y” St. EcoStores Nebraska 3743 S. 48th St. 402-464-0010 530 W. “P” St. 402-423-0083 402-477-3606 5
A Accepts other scrap metal Recycle-Give your waste another life! B Accepts fluorescent tubes C Accepts microwaves D Fees may apply Appliances D Scrapy’s A C Button Batteries 123 System Solutions C 7701 Cornhusker Hwy. Akala Jewelry 17 Gateway Mall 402-217-9095 4230 S. 33rd St. 402-464-5556 Star City Auto Salvage 402-488-8217 (large appliances by appointment only) 2705 N. 33rd St. Gold Smith Jewelers Alan Mitchell’s Appliance C 402-464-7009 5500 Old Cheney Rd. 4033 Progressive Ave., #1 402-421-2253 402-420-2012 Automobile Batteries Sartor Hamann locations Allen’s New & Used Batteries A-Can Recycling 402-476-8561 3320 Cleveland Ave., Suite 2 3255 S. 10th St. Star City Recycling 402-467-2455 402-421-9101 402-890-4320 (washers, dryers, stoves and hot water tanks) Advance Auto Parts locations The Time Shoppe Alter Metal Recycling A C Alan Mitchell’s Appliance C 6450 “O” St. 6100 N. 70th St. 4033 Progressive Ave., #1 402-467-1884 402-476-3306 402-420-2012 Walmart locations Hoffman’s Appliance Allen’s New & Used Batteries Wolfe Ace Hardware B 4734 Adams St. 3320 Cleveland Ave., Suite 2 6118 Havelock Ave. 402-466-6252 402-467-2455 402-466-7707 (water heaters accepted; no dishwashers) Alter Metal Recycling A Wright’s Jewelers Major Appliance C 6100 N. 70th St. 402-476-3306 4101 Pioneer Woods Dr. Plastic Bags 3221 Huntington Ave. Capital City Auto Recyclers 402-474-0774 Plastic bags are readily 402-466-1022 100 W. “P” St. 402-475-2982 NOTE: “Regular” batteries (alkaline, zinc- recyclable but should (24/7 drop-off) Four Brothers Auto Salvage air) can be placed in the household trash. not be deposited at N. 48th St. Transfer Station 5440 N. 70th St. 402-467-3531 recycling drop-off 5101 N. 48th St. Graham Tire locations Rechargeable Batteries sites or in curbside 402-441-8104 402-421-1500 Allen’s New & Used Batteries recycling bins. Plastic Sadoff Iron & Metal Company A H.I.S. Auto Care 3320 Cleveland Ave., Suite 2 4400 W. Webster St. 7000 Van Dorn 402-488-8934 402-467-2455 film can clog sorting 402-470-2510 Interstate All Battery Center Best Buy equipment, causing 6919 “O” St. Scrapy’s A C 4310 N. 27th St. 402-474-1991 delays and adding 402-473-2099 7701 Cornhusker Hwy. Jensen Tire & Auto locations costs to the sorting Grainger 402-217-9095 Kendle’s Auto Salvage process. If you have 100 Oakcreek Dr. 100 W. Sumner St. plastic bags, dry 402-476-9014 Automobiles 402-477-9702 cleaning bags, bread Must have clear title N. 48th St. Transfer Station Home Depot locations bags, wrapping Capital City Auto Recyclers 5101 N. 48th St. (power tool batteries only) from paper towels, 100 W. “P” St. 402-441-8104 Interstate All Battery Center bathroom tissue and 402-475-2982 O’Reilly Auto Parts locations 4310 N. 27th St. napkins, diaper bags Four Brothers Auto Salvage Sadoff Iron & Metal Company A 402-474-1991 or newspaper bags, 5440 N. 70th St. 4400 W. Webster St. Lowe’s take them to the 402-467-3531 402-470-2510 6101 Apples Way Kendle’s Auto Salvage Scrapy’s A C 402-420-3660 following retailers: 100 W. Sumner St. 7701 Cornhusker Hwy. Menards Locations Hy-Vee, Leon’s 402-477-9702 402-217-9095 Office Depot Gourmet Grocer, 3120 Pine Lake Road LKQ Auto Parts of Lincoln Star City Recycling Lowe’s, Russ’s Market, 402-437-9115 3450 N. 35th Cir. 402-890-4320 Target, Walmart and RadioShack locations 402-467-4541 T.O. Haas Tire locations Super Saver. For more 402-474-1525 Staples (Cell phone batteries only) info, visit: abagslife. Tractor Supply Company locations 4940 “O” St. com. Walmart locations 402-467-1118 Households and businesses should check with the firms listed in this guide to ensure proper handling of your recycled product. The City has not conducted an environmental audit on any of these firms. Fees and restrictions may apply. Please call before dropping off material. 6
Star City Recycling American Recycling 402-467-3531 Televisions D Pittman’s Tires 402-890-4320 5001 S. 16th St. Graham Tire locations 123 System Solutions C 3320 Cornhusker Hwy. Target locations 402-805-4985 402-421-1500 17 Gateway Mall 402-467-1082 Total Tool Best Buy H.I.S. Auto Care 402-464-5556 T.O. Haas Tire locations 2611 Kimco Dr. 6919 “O” St. 7000 Van Dorn Alan Mitchell’s Appliance C 402-474-1525 402-476-6673 402-473-2099 402-488-8934 4033 Progressive Ave., #1 Uribe Scrap Tires (power tool batteries only) Goodwill locations Jensen Tire & Auto locations 402-420-2012 402-450-0971 US Cellular Office Depot N. 48th St. Transfer Station American Recycling 2662 Cornhusker Hwy. 3120 Pine Lake Road 5101 N. 48th St. 5001 S. 16th St. Toner Cartridges 402-466-8700 402-437-9115 402-441-8104 402-805-4985 Best Buy (cell phone batteries only) Sadoff Iron & Metal O’Reilly Auto Parts locations Best Buy 6919 “O” St. Company A T.O. Haas Tire locations 6919 “O” St. 402-473-2099 Clean Asphalt & 4400 W. Webster St. 402-474-1525 402-473-2099 Cartridge World locations Concrete 402-470-2510 Tractor Supply locations Major Appliance C Latsch’s Cather & Sons Construction Schrock Innovations Walmart locations 3221 Huntington Ave. 200 Oakcreek Dr. 6400 N. 70th St. 2801 Pine Lake Rd. 402-466-1022 402-323-7222 402-464-2113 402-423-9595 Plastic Bags Scrapy’s A C Messiah Lutheran Church & Constructors, Inc. Scrapy’s A C (see inset) 7701 Cornhusker Hwy. School 6701 N. 70th St. 7701 Cornhusker Hwy. Hy-Vee locations 402-217-9095 1800 S. 84th St. 402-499-4047 402-217-9095 Leon’s Gourmet Grocer Star City Recycling 402-489-3024 (only concrete) Staples 2200 Winthrop Rd. 402-890-4320 Office Depot Gana Trucking & Excavating 4940 “O” St. 402-488-2307 3120 Pine Lake Road 13800 S. 54th St., Roca 402-467-1118 Lowe’s 402-437-9115 Tires D 402-794-5000 Star City Recycling 6101 Apples Way Staples Don’s Used Tires Pavers, LLC 402-890-4320 402-420-3660 4940 “O” St. 2141 Cornhusker Hwy. 12303 Hwy. 6, Waverly Russ’s Market locations 402-217-9095 402-477-4332 402-786-5900 Fire Extinguishers Super Saver locations Four Brothers Auto Salvage Star City Recycling NOTE: Separation of materials General Fire & Safety Target locations 402-890-4320 5440 N. 70th St. may be required. Equipment Walmart locations Target locations 402-467-3531 2431 Fairfield St. Graham Tire locations Child Safety Seats 402-476-4646 Wood Waste D Propane Tanks 402-421-1500 Tracy’s Collision Center Jacobsen Fire Equipment Hofeling Enterprises (15 lbs. or larger) Jensen Tire & Auto locations North-402-441-4820 Company 2200 S. Folsom Ct. Lee’s Propane N. 48th Street Transfer South-402-441-4800 140 W. Cornhusker Hwy. 402-438-8733 625 W. “O” St. Station 402-474-4203 402-474-3235 5101 N. 48th St. Clothing Star City Recycling (20 lbs. or larger) 402-441-8104 H&M 402-890-4320 Gateway Mall Otte Oil & Propane 3435 Maple St., Davey Glass Bottle Recycling 402-464-3196 Hearing Aids 402-785-2365 Glass can be recycled without losing strength, Northeast Sertoma - Compact Fluorescent purity or quality. It is a widely recycled material, Nebraska Hearing Aid Bank Recycling Buy Back but every time glass is handled, it can break. Lights (CFLs) |D P.O. Box 830731 Broken glass contaminates other recyclable Bishop Heights True Value B 402-467-4837 or Centers 4200 S. 27th St. 402-488-2260 for pick up Cans and/or aluminum materials such as paper. This causes the paper 402-420-0077 contact@northeastsertoma.org A-Can Recycling to be landfilled. Broken glass that falls through EcoStores Nebraska B Star City Recycling 3255 S. 10th St. screens at recycling processing facilities ends up 530 W. “P” St. 402-890-4320 402-421-9101 in the landfill. Some curbside recyclers do not 402-477-3606 Alter Metal Recycling A accept glass bottles and jars in their single-stream Home Depot locations Oil 6100 N. 70th St. curbside recycling containers. Lowe’s Advance Auto Parts 402-476-3306 6101 Apples Way If your curbside recycler does not accept glass locations Sadoff Iron & Metal 402-420-3660 bottles and jars, you can take them to the City’s Capital City Auto Recyclers Company A Wolfe Ace Hardware B 4400 W. Webster St. recycling drop-off sites. This glass is shipped 100 W. “P” St. to Ripple Glass in Kansas City. It is color 6118 Havelock Ave. 402-475-2982 402-470-2510 402-466-7707 Scrapy’s A C separated and the brown glass is made Farmers Cooperative 7701 Cornhusker Hwy. into new beer bottles. The green and 208 W. 3rd St., Firth Computer Equipment 402-791-5837 402-217-9095 clear glass is sold to Owens-Corning to 123 System Solutions Four Brothers Auto Salvage produce fiberglass insulation. 17 Gateway Mall 5440 N. 70th St. 402-464-5556 C 7
Safeguard your home from toxic chemicals! Shop Smart Everyday household products such as pesticides, • Buy less toxic alternatives. cleaners and automotive fluids can be dangerous. • Buy only what you need. They can cause health problems, contaminate the • Make your own cleaners. environment and injure sanitation workers when put • Use the EPA’s “Safer in the trash. Choice” website: www.epa.gov/saferchoice Is It Hazardous? Read the label and look for: Use Smart • Signal words: Danger, caution, warning, poison, • Read labels. flammable, toxic • Follow all directions. • Phrases: Keep out of reach of children, harmful if • Don’t mix products. swallowed, causes burns Follow the instructions: Care, use, handling, storage, Store Smart protective equipment, first aid • Store in original containers with labels. • Keep away from kids and Unwanted Medication Disposal pets. Keep your friends and family safe by taking your • Keep away from heat leftover medications back to a pharmacy. Lancaster and flame. County pharmacies offer residents a safe way to dispose of leftover medication year-round. Dispose Bureau of Fire Prevention of prescription and over-the-counter medications Proper disposal/handling today. Visit nebraskameds.org or call the Poison of ammunition, explosives, Center at 1-800-222-1222 to find a participating fireworks pharmacy near you. 402-441-7791 Pesticides are poisonous and dangerous! Do you really need them? Pesticides are dangerous chemicals Follow these safe, chemical-free IPM steps at home: that discourage or kill pests such 1. Identify the kinds of pests you have. Sticky traps work as insects and rodents. While well. sometimes effective, pesticides are 2. Once you know the pest, take steps to eliminate toxic to humans and pets. This is sources of food, water and shelter that they need to especially true for children, pregnant survive. Follow these IPM tips at home: women and senior citizens. Reduce a. Keep living areas clean and uncluttered. the risks and consider less toxic b. Keep food in tightly sealed containers. alternatives to poisons. Integrated c. Keep trash in a closed container. Pest Management (IPM) is a great d. Fix plumbing and water leaks. place to start! IPM is a non-chemical e. Seal all entry points, such as gaps and holes in walls method that focuses on knowing and other surfaces using caulk, steel wool or other what pests you have and why, to pest-proof materials. help you more safely manage the 3. Use traps and baits, or contact Lancaster County problem. Extension at 402-441-7180 for more info. 8
Hazardous waste disposal services What To Bring • Adhesives • Oil-based paint • Bleach cleaners • Oil-based stains • Brake fluid • Old gasoline • Compact bulbs • Paint thinner (CFLs) • Pesticides • Drain/oven • Pool chemicals cleaners • Power steering • Flea/tick products fluid • Fluorescent tubes • Small capacitors Lincoln-Lancaster County Health Department • Furniture stripper • Small propane 402-441-8021 • lincoln.ne.gov (keyword: household) • Glues cylinders • Grease removers • Solvent-based • Herbicides polishes 2017 Collection Event Schedule Do Not Bring • Insecticides • Spot removers No business waste will be accepted. All events are from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Disposal options located on • Insect sprays • Torch fuel and are open to Lincoln and Lancaster County residents only. other pages • Lighter fluid • Transmission fluid • Ammunition • Fire • Mercury • Turpentine Friday, March 24 Appointment only: Call 402-441-8021 to schedule thermometers • Upholstery • Antifreeze extinguishers Saturday, April 29 Walmart: 87th & Hwy. 2 • Asbestos • Household • Mercury cleaners Saturday, May 20 Zoetis: 601 West Cornhusker Hwy. • Batteries trash thermostats • Wood Friday, June 16 Union College: 52nd & Cooper Ave. • Electronics and • Large propane • Mixed gasoline preservatives computers grill cylinders • Mothballs Saturday, June 17 Veyance/Continental: 4021 N. 56 St. • Explosives • Latex paint Saturday, Sept. 30 Lincoln Industries: 600 W. “E” St. • Fertilizers • Tires Additional Fall Dates TBD: Call 402-441-8021 • Used oil Small Business Waste Management Safe Homes for Seniors Service This is a FREE home-based service for eligible, older or The Lincoln-Lancaster County Health Department (LLCHD) has a disabled residents. Trained home handymen are available Special Waste Program for small businesses such as nonprofits, for an in-home assessment and can help seniors to: small farms, churches, commercial properties and artists that 1. Identify dangerous toxic products. have hazardous wastes. The program helps to ensure that 2. Safely sort, store or remove dangerous products. wastes are properly managed and diverted from the Lincoln 3. Recycle or safely dispose of hazardous waste. landfill. The program also provides technical assistance on pollution prevention, material reuse, recycling and other Call Aging Partners at 402-441-7030 to schedule a free home disposal questions. assessment. LLCHD coordinates two Very Small Quantity (VSQ) Generator events each year to provide safe and economical disposal options. Businesses that participate can save $600 to $1,200 in fees, labor charges and transportation costs. These collections can reduce toxic exposures while also reducing the risk of hazardous material spills and fires. Contact LLCHD at 402-441- 8002 for collection information or other technical assistance. 9
Business waste reduction and recycling The City’s goal is to reduce the annual per team” to lead the way in implementing capita waste disposal rate by 10 percent by a waste reduction and recycling Waste Reduction and the end of 2018. To reach that goal industries, program. Recycling Assistance institutions and businesses need to help. 2. Conduct a waste assessment to Nearly half the waste disposed in the Bluff determine the amount and type of Program (WRRAP) The City of Lincoln has established Road Landfill comes from the commercial recyclables generated, as well as how a Waste Reduction and Recycling sector. Starting or expanding a commercial many and what type of recycling Assistance Program for commercial recycling program is easy and has many long- containers the business needs. establishments starting new term benefits. Those include saving landfill 3. Kick off your recycling program with recycling programs. This includes space, conserving natural resources, having employee training to explain the government facilities, schools, a smaller environmental footprint (good recycling program. nonprofit organizations, multi- advertising) and creating goodwill among Several resources are available to assist family housing complexes, employees and clients. businesses in developing or expanding institutions, industries and Recycling is a growing industry and an their recycling program. Technical businesses. important part of our economy. Results assistance is available from the Nebraska The City will reimburse an from a 2015 study conducted by the Recycling Council (402-436-2384) or the establishment up to $250 for start- Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries Lincoln Recycling office (402-441-7043). up costs such as the purchase of showed that recycling in Lincoln supports Grants for the purchase of recycling recycling containers or educational 384 jobs and $20 million in wages. As containers and equipment are also available materials and up to $500 for the first business recycling grows, the number of through the Nebraska Department of six months of the recycling collection jobs created will likely increase, and the Environmental Quality or the Nebraska service costs. For more information local economy will benefit. Recycling Council. The City of Lincoln also and an application to participate in Here are some steps that your business can has a rebate program that will reimburse the program, go to recycle.lincoln. take to develop a recycling program: a business’ startup and collection servicing ne.gov and click on WRRAP under 1. Appoint a “champion” or “green cost (see WRRAP insert). Commercial Recycling. 10
Organic waste options The following firms offer organic accepting food waste and non- waste collection services to Lincoln recyclable paper products from businesses and institutions: local businesses. To learn about Waste to Energy Lincoln, an its collection services, visit www. Yard Waste Management prairielanddairy.com or contact From April 1 to Dec. 1, grass and leaves cannot be mixed Uribe Refuse Services company, converts food and yard waste Jacob Hickey at 402-430-7385 or with regular garbage. Your options are: into renewable natural gas hickey@pldairy.com. • Subscribe to a separate collection with your refuse hauler. • Mulch grass clippings on your lawn or compost grass and to fuel Uribe’s natural gas- Big Red Worms is a leaves in your backyard. powered collection vehicles. Food vermicomposting service in • Residents may take grass and leaves to the N. 48th Street waste collections are available Airpark. The service operates an Transfer Station (do not leave plastic bags and containers). independently or may be bundled organic food waste collection • Tree trimmings, garden waste and weeds can go in with Uribe’s other recycling and service for commercial customers regular garbage. Tree branches should be cut and bundled refuse services into one monthly and uses red wiggler worms to certain lengths. rate. For more information, visit to decompose the waste. www.wastetoenergylincoln.com, Residents can also participate LinGRO Compost email info@wastetoenergylincoln. in the program by making an You can enjoy the benefits of healthier soil, even if you don’t com or call 402-467-1239. appointment to drop off their compost. LinGRO Compost can be used as a soil amendment. food waste. For more information, Prairieland Dairy accepts organic It’s recommended that 1 inch of compost be mixed with 4 visit www.bigredworms.com or waste from local businesses and to 6 inches of soil. This decreases the density of the soil and contact Jeremiah Picard at composts it with the manure increases water infiltration as well as its nutrient content. It also 402-476-9340 or worms@ created from its dairy operations. adds organic matter and beneficial microorganisms to the soil. bigredworms.com. Prairieland Dairy is currently LinGRO Compost is available to the public on a first-come, first- served basis. Call 402-441-8215 for more information. Building materials reuse & recycling What to do with your latex paint and building materials: Share your good latex paint with friends or family. Bad latex paint can be dried out with cat litter or other absorbent material and thrown away in the trash. • Good, usable latex paint and building materials can be taken to Habitat ReStore or EcoStores (fees may apply). • Buy and donate goods, usable home improvement items at these locations: Plastic Resin Wood Waste Vinyl siding and PVC (No painted or treated piping can be recycled wood) 4630 “Y” St. 530 W. “P” St. at Central States Hofeling Enterprises 402-464-0100 402-477-3606 Reprocessing: 2200 S. Folsom Ct. www.lincolnhabitat.org/restore www.ecostoresne.org 4121 NW. 37th St. 402-438-8733 Tuesday-Friday: 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Monday, Thursday and Friday: 402-470-0007 (Fees may apply) Saturday: 9 a.m.-5 p.m. 10 a.m.-6 p.m. (Fees may apply) Saturday and Sunday: 10 a.m.-5 p.m. 11
Public recycling drop-off sites W. Fletcher 10 North South 1 N.W. Roundhouse Dr. & 13 Leon’s Gourmet Grocer N 9 7 Burlington West “P” 2200 Winthrop Rd. Highland Blvd. Superior 5 2 UNL Food Stores Warehouse 14 Union College 12 1200 N. 17th St. S. 53rd & Calvert 4 3 University Place athletic field parking lot W. Adams 11 8 N. 47th & St. Paul 15 East High School 4 Recycling Enterprises S. 70th & “A” 1200 W. Upland Ave. Seacrest Field parking lot 3 5 Russ’s Market 16 South of Randolph Car Wash N. 63rd & Platte Ave. S. 21st & Monroe Ave. 2 6 Centro Plaza 17 Trabert Hall N 48th & “R” S. 12th & South streets 1 6 7 48th Street Transfer Station 18 Pepsi Cola Distribution Facility 21 16 5101 N. 48th St. 1901 Windhoek Dr. limited hours of operation 19 Russ’s Market 15 8 Air Park Recreation Center 1550 S. Coddington Ave. 19 3710 NW. 46th St. limited hours of operation 20 13 9 Highlands Fire Station Russ’s Market 17 5435 NW. 1st St. 33rd & Hwy. 2 10 North Star High School 21 Super Saver 23 22 14 5801 N. 33rd St. 27th & Pine Lake limited hours of operation Newspaper Only Drop-Off Map Key Lancaster County 11 3250 N. 20th St., Unit 8 22 Blessed John XXIII Center Aluminum cans Bennet Refuse Transfer Station Cardboard Davey Refuse Transfer Station 12 Lancaster Event Center 3700 Sheridan Blvd. Residential mixed paper Denton 2nd & 91st Streets 20 4100 N. 84th St. 23 Indian Village (alley) Glass bottles and jars Firth Community Center 18 Newspaper Hallam Village Shop S. 13th & High #1 through #5 plastic Hickman City Park containers Malcolm Village Shop Tin cans Panama Refuse Transfer Station Newspaper only Roca Village Shop Waverly Honey Creek Restaurant 21 Multi-Material Recycling Sites Newspapers Glass bottles and jars Acceptable: Inserts/ads are OK. Acceptable: All food and beverage glass. Green, brown and Not Acceptable: Other paper products and plastic bags. clear glass. Labels OK. Empty, clean. Not Acceptable: Drinking glasses, window glass, mirrors and light bulbs. Plastic #1 through #5 containers Corrugated cardboard and paperboard packaging Acceptable: All #1 through #5 plastic bottles and Acceptable: Flatten cardboard and paperboard (i.e. cereal containers. Labels OK. Empty, clean. boxes). Not Acceptable: Motor oil containers, plastic toys, Not Acceptable: Packing material and waxed cardboard. plastic #6 or #7 containers, Styrofoam, plastic lawn chemical bottles and plastic bags. Aluminum and tin Acceptable: Empty, clean and flatten aluminum and Residential mixed paper tin cans. Acceptable: Mail, magazines, office and school paper, Not Acceptable: Other metal products, and aluminum telephone directories and shredded paper. foil, cans with liquids or food residue. Not Acceptable: Tissue paper, milk cartons, juice boxes, paper plate, newspaper, soiled or wet paper. 12
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