Page created by Javier Robles
                                       MAJOR PROJECTS

  June 2014 • N° 17


Real estate: an industry
built to last

  “In the medium               Mota-Engil
      term, oil                 to build
 production could               Mbalam-
 more than double”            Kribi railway

Yasmine Bahri-Domon

On peace and the World Cup

                          s I write this editorial, I can’t help      and tolerance which are the foundations of all
                          thinking about this month’s ma-             religions. These fundamentals of Islam are ap-
                          jor sporting event: the World Cup           parent in the nation of Cameroon. At the May
                          2014 being held in Brazil! I have to        17, 2014 meeting to which he was invited by his
               start with a cheer: Go Lions! You represent the        French counterpart, François Hollande, and in
               love a nation and its people can have for their        the presence of his African colleagues and the
               team – Cameroon’s team. You are undeniably             international community, the Head of State,
               one of the strongest teams in the tournament           His Excellency, Mr Paul Biya, expressed his de-
               because of your homogeneity. Samuel Eto’o              termination to preserve peace in Cameroon –
               Jr, Eric Maxim Choupo Moting, Alexandre                peace that is essential to economic and social
               Song, Aboukar Vincent, Nicolas Nkoulou…                development.
               You’re all stars! Believe me! Be proud to rep-         Bolstered by this assurance, Cameroon has
               resent Cameroon and wave high and wide the             been pushing forward its extensive programme
               star emblazoned flag that symbolises the unity         focused on affordable housing, real estate has
               of Cameroon; a country that is simultaneously          been booming and growth has been tangible.
               complex, endearing and enigmatic.                      Increased cement consumption is the sign of
               But, at this very moment, I also can’t help            an economic resurgence and its repercussions.
               thinking about these fanatics seemingly from           The State of Cameroon and its financial and
               another planet and these girls who have been           local partners are finding sound value in real
               kidnapped in the name of what cause and                estate. Over 75,000 homes are undergoing
               what religion? They certainly were not taken in        construction, the sector is profitable and the
               the name of the Islamic faith which promotes           investors are many. On all fronts, Cameroon is
               peace and tolerance. When I was a preteen, I           striving to improve the quality of life of its peo-
               lived in a predominantly Muslim country. My            ple and the business environment. The local
               grandmother, with whom I spent two years of            banking sector’s dynamism and the financial
               my life, read the Koran, prayed and respected          partners’ keen interest are proofs of this eco-
               the five pillars of Islam… and passed this on          nomic recovery.
               to us. But above all, she taught us love, sharing

 Publisher • Mediamania Sàrl • 6, rue du Léman • 1201 Genève • Suisse
 Publication Director • Yasmine BAHRI-DOMON
 Contributors • Beaugas-Orain DJOYUM, Idriss LINGE, Brice R. MBODIAM
 Operator • Médiamania Sàrl • www.mediamania.pro • Design : Jérémie FLAUX, Web : Christian ZANARDI, Translation : Craig Bloomfield
 Advertisement • regiepub@businessincameroon.com • In Cameroon • Albert MASSIMB • almassimb@yahoo.fr •
 Tel : 00 237 94 66 94 59 / 00 237 77 75 13 98
 Printing • Rotimpres, Aiguaviva, Espagne
 Circulation • Albert MASSIMB • almassimb@yahoo.fr • Tel : 00 237 94 66 94 59 ou 00 237 77 75 13 98
 Free – cannot be sold
 www.businessincameroon.com • info@businessincameroon.com

June 2014 / N° 17                                                                                                                    -3-

CONTENTS                                       15419 Cameroonian companies and
                                                   145 products have been accepted into
                                                   CEMAC’s preferential regime
84The Cameroonian Head of State “declares
                                               154For the World Bank, education can be
   war” on the Islamist sect Boko Haram
                                                   a new source of economic growth for
104Real estate: an industry built to last         Cameroon

114In 37 years, Crédit foncier du Cameroun    164Elara Capital Ltd may make Cameroonian
    has financed the construction of               debut with four hotels
    69,500 low-income housing units
                                               164Germany disburses 56.7 billion FCfa in
124State pulls out all stops to complete          2014-2016 to support decentralisation
    10,000-home project
                                               174Japan donates 4 billion FCfa to Cameroon
124Société nationale d’investissement (SNI)       for micro-project financing
    to create subsidiary in real estate
                                               174Korea lends 28.7 billion FCfa to
134180 billion in financing from Turkey           Cameroon for the construction of a first
    now available for real estate projects         rate hospital in Garoua
    in Cameroon
                                               184Cameroon: Greenpeace accuses Herakles
134Moroccan company, Addoha, to build             Farms of illegal felling through a front
    1,300 low-income housing units and             company
    26 villas in Yaoundé
                                               19410,000 ovens to improve drying and
144Deutsche Bank and Vital Capital Fund           quality of Cameroonian cocoa
    join forces to build 40,000 low-income
                                               194From July/August 2014, Nestlé Cameroon
    housing units
                                                   will produce Nescafé using locally
144Local banks come to the rescue of low-         produced coffee
    income housing
                                               204Cameroonian cotton no longer to
144Haba Business Group also seeking to            be subjected to American market
    build 10,000 homes                             dictatorship

-4-                                                                             June 2014 / N° 17

204Cameroon explores Israeli drip irrigation   264Cameroonian government and Actis make
    technology                                      AES deal official
214A dream year ahead for timber               274Cameroon State grants to oil products to
                                                    reach 450 billion FCfa in 2014
214Semry to develop 18,532 acres of land to
    increase production                         274Chad-Cameroon pipeline operating at
                                                    only 50%
214Cameroon starts inventory of agro-
    pastoral production for FAO                 284Cameroon starts prospecting for
                                                    renewable energy sources in five regions
224Treasury bills for 10 billion FCfa issued
    since June 4 by Cameroon on the BEAC        284SNH forecasts production doubling to 57
    market                                          million barrels in 2016
22425% of loans given by Cameroonian           284Tower Resources wants to go faster on the
    banks are risky, according to the               oil block Dissoni
    Managing Director of UBA
                                                294Sundance Gets Strategic Infrastructure
234Amity Bank up for liquidation despite           Development Partner
    CEMAC Court of Justice decision
                                                314Portuguese company Mota-Engil to build
234South Africa’s Standard Bank eyes               Mbalam-Kribi railway
    Cameroonian banking sector
                                                324Standard Bank to raise financing for the
244Telephone company, Viettel Cameroon,            Mbalam iron mining project in Cameroon
    accused of importing labour heavily from
    Vietnam                                     334Nestlé Cameroun plans to reduce its
                                                    importation of raw materials by 70%
254Cameroonian and Gabonese mobile
    operators flood the Equatorial Guinean      334Société des eaux minérales du Cameroun
    network                                         deficit widened significantly in 2013

254Camrail wants to interconnect its           344Alfred Forgwei Mbeng appointed
    passenger stations with fibre optics from       Managing Director of Chantier naval et
    North to South                                  industriel du Cameroun (CNIC)

June 2014 / N° 17                                                                            -5-

                        JAKOB SIDENIUS
                                            On May 30, 2014 in Douala, the eco-
                                            nomic capital of Cameroon, Dane na-
                                            tive Jakob Sidenius officially assumed
                                            his post as Director General of Doua-
                                            la International Terminal (DIT), the
                                            concession holder of the Douala Port’s
                                            container terminal, replacing Neville
                       Bisset. Jakob Sidenius is originally from Cotonou, Benin,
                       where he managed the container terminal of the Beninese
                       port which is reputed to be one of the most competitive in
                       sub-Saharan Africa.
                       But before Cotonou, the new director general of DIT, a
                       company that specialises in container terminal management,
                       earned his stripes as head of the container terminal at ports
                       of Havre, one of the most prestigious in France, Dunker-
                       que (France), Copenhagen (Denmark), Brigantine (Hong-
                       Kong) and Nouakchott (Mauritania). According to the new
                       chairman of the board at DIT, Hamadou Sali, with 25 years
                       of experience in the maritime industry, Jakob Sidenius’ ar-
                       rival at the helm of the Douala container terminal “demon-
                       strates DIT’s commitment to profound change.”

                        MARIO DE ZAMAROCZY
                                           Following its mission in Cameroon on
                                           May 8, 2014, the International Mone-
                                           tary Fund (IMF) mission led by Mario
                                           de Zamaroczy, strongly criticised the
                                           gap identified between the State’s
                                           “rare” revenue and “daring” expenditure
                                           which is putting the “the budget under
                       pressure. The budget needs to be rethought in order to in-
                       crease revenue and, in light of the scarce resources, there
                       needs to be some prioritisation of expenditure,” stated the
                       IMF chef de mission.
                       For the IMF, the main budgetary elements involved are
                       State grants for oil products and grants to public sector
                       companies. For at least two years, the IMF has consistently
                       recommended to the government that it do away with the
                       oil product consumption grant which rose from 120 billion
                       FCfa in 2010 to 420 billion FCfa in 2013.

-6-                                                               June 2014 / N° 17

 BI ESSAM                                                         MARC SAMATANA
                     For the celebration commemorating                              The Cameroonian government has
                     the 149th International Communica-                             just made two international calls for
                     tions and Information Society Day, the                         tenders for the provision of 1,000
                     Cameroonian Minister of Postal Ser-                            tonnes of phosphatised steel to pack-
                     vices and Telecommunications, Jean                             age bales of cotton and 12 semi-trail-
                     Pierre Biyiti bi Essam, announced the                          er trucks for the transportation of
                     upcoming construction of the first in-                         Société de développement du coton
ternet hubs in Yaoundé and Douala, the two largest cities        (Sodecoton) cotton.
in Cameroon.                                                     Market subscribers will have to make deposit payments of
Without providing a project timeline and the cost of the         20 and 24 million FCfa respectively for the provision of
investment, the Cameroonian government member stated             phosphated steel for packaging and trailers. Bids are to be
that “the implementation of internet hubs at the local, na-      submitted to the Ministry of Public Contracts no later than
tional, sub-regional and regional levels is a priority if we     July 4 2014 (phosphate steel) and July 17, 2014 (trailers).
intend to solve the connection problems and improve the
quality of service as well as lower interconnection costs.”

 OMER GATIEN MALÉDY                                               JEAN DAVID BILÉ
                     Within the framework of the pro-                                The concession holder of the pub-
                     gramme to clean-up the cocoa and cof-                           lic electricity company in Cameroon,
                     fee sales in Cameroon, the CICC has                             AES Sonel, recently sold to the Brit-
                     announced that, as of the next season, it                       ish investment fund, Actis, launched
                     will be providing exporters with mag-                           May 27, 2014, a competition to name
                     netised cards. “We have invested heav-                          the new electricity production, trans-
                     ily in this equipment,” confessed Omer                          portation and distribution company in
Gatien Malédy, the Executive Secretary of the CICC.              Cameroon, states the press release.
According to the cocoa and coffee sector, this innovation        Christened “Who wants to write history?”, the competi-
aims to limit the sale of beans and berries which skews the      tion launched by the company directed by Jean David Bilé
statistics and pauperises producers. Generally, people who       Baptisé is for clients, company employees, students and
are sometimes quite unknown excel at this activity, but of-      professionals in marketing and communication. They must
ten falsify the organisation’s professional IDs issued to dis-   submit their proposals to the jury by June 10, 2014. Ac-
tinguish real exporters from imposters.                          cording to the competition’s organisers, the winning pro-
                                                                 posal must “evoke a positive national symbol or expression
                                                                 that belongs to our cultural heritage. It must be short, dy-
                                                                 namic, easy to pronounce and to understand, be long-term
                                                                 and demonstrate a commitment to the well-being of the
                                                                 Cameroonian people.”

June 2014 / N° 17                                                                                                        -7-
BUSINESS IN CAMEROON                                                                                                      FOCUS

The Cameroonian Head of State
“declares war” on the Islamist
sect Boko Haram

The presidents of Nigeria, Came-        According      moved by the story of the young         having a serious impact on securi-
roon, Benin, Chad and Niger were        to François    captives which sparked an interna-      ty in the northern region of Cam-
received at Elysée Palace on May        the mee-       tional movement to end the crisis       eroon, a country that shares 1,500
17, 2014, by their French coun-         ting led to    that has been destabilising the the     km of its border with the African
terpart, François Hollande, for         the drafting   African continent’s leading eco-        economic power. According to se-
                                        of a
a meeting in which the United           programme      nomic and demographic power.            curity sources, due to its location
States, Great Britain and the Eu-       of actions     According to François Hollande,         relative to Nigeria, Cameroon has
ropean Union also participated.         border sur-
                                                       the meeting led to the drafting of      often served as a base for members
“We are here to declare war on          veillance,     a programme of actions including        of this hunted Islamist sect which
Boko Haram,” briefly stated the         a military     border surveillance, a military pres-   has readily committed exactions in
Cameroonian Head of State, Paul         at Lake        ence at Lake Chad and intervention      Cameroon.
Biya.                                   Chad and       in case of danger. “Boko Haram is no
                                        interven-      longer a local organisation alone. As         ON THE SECURITY
                                        tion in case
By kidnapping over 200 young girls      of danger.     of 2009, its activity has become that              FRONTLINE
and threatening to sell them, the                      of Al-Qaeda in West and Central         There have been three kidnappings
Nigerian terrorist group wanted to                     Africa,” warned the Nigerian Pres-      of expatriates (seven members of
generate publicity. One can say that                   ident, Goodluck Jonathan.               the Moulin Fournier family in Feb-
it surpassed its objective beyond its                  The presence of the Islamist sect,      ruary 2013 and the French priest
ambitions. The whole world was                         Boko Haram in North Nigeria is          Georges Vandenbeusch in Novem-

-8-                                                                                                             June 2014 / N° 17
FOCUS                                                                                           BUSINESS IN CAMEROON

                                       By kidnap-
ber 2013, two Italian priests and      ping over
a Canadian nun from the Tchéré         200 young
parish released in May, and the 10     girls and
Chinese abducted in Waza) which        to sell
occurred in 2013 in northern Cam-      them, the
eroon and were attributed to the       terrorist
Nigerian Islamist sect.                group
According to the Civil Cabinet         wanted to

   The presence
   of the Islamist
   sect, Boko
                                                     of the President of the Republic,          participated, from December 6-7,
   Haram in                                          the Cameroonian Head of State’s            2013, at the Elysée Summit for Peace
   North Nigeria                                     participation at the Paris summit          and Security in Africa.”
                                                     “demonstrates, once again, Came-           In addition, the same institution re-
   is having a                                       roon’s unwavering commitment to            calls that, “even more recently, at the
                                                     the search for solutions to the varied     4th Africa/European Union Summit
   serious impact                                    crises that are affecting Africa.” It is   held in Brussels on April 2-3, 2014,
   on security in                                    for this reason, the Civil Cabinet         the Cameroonian president made
                                                     maintains, that “Yaoundé hosted the        two important interventions focused
   the northern                                      June 24-25, 2013 Summit of CEEAC,          on the issue of security in Africa at
                                                     CEDEAO and CGG Heads of State              the meeting on the situation in the
   region of                                         and Government on maritime safety          Central African Republic and during
   Cameroon.                                         and security in the Gulf of Guinea.        the working meeting on ‘Peace and
                                                     Then, President Payl Biya actively         Security’.”

 The Heads of State of Benin, Cameroon, Chad, France,              duction of more than 270 school girls, Nigeria and its neigh-
 Niger and Nigeria, as well as representatives of the European     bours have decided to immediately:
 Union, the United Kingdom and the United States, parti-
 cipated on 17 May 2014 in a Summit in Paris dedicated to          1. On a bilateral basis
 security in Nigeria. This Summit has helped intensify regio-      - Implement coordinated patrols with the aim of combating
 nal and international mobilization to combat the terrorism of        Boko Haram and locating the missing school girls
 the Boko Haram group.                                             - Establish a system to pool intelligence in order to support
 The Summit concluded with several decisions that will                this operation
 strengthen cooperation between regional States, both to           - Establish mechanisms for information exchange on traf-
 enable the liberation of the abducted school girls and more          ficking of weapons and bolster measures to secure weapons
 generally to combat Boko Haram. The partners present (the            stockpiles
 European Union, France, the United States and the United          - Establish mechanisms for border surveillance;
 Kingdom) are committed to supporting this regional coope-
 ration and strengthening the international means to combat        2. On a multilateral basis
 Boko Haram and protect victims. All these States reaffirm         - Establish an intelligence pooling unit
 their commitment to human rights and particularly the pro-        - Create a dedicated team to identify means of implementa-
 tection of girls who are victims of violence and forced mar-         tion and draw up, during a second phase, a regional coun-
 riage or threatened with slavery.                                    ter-terrorism strategy in the framework of the Lake Chad
                                                                      Basin Commission.
 Regional Cooperation
 Nigeria and its neighbours will build analysis and response       This approach is consistent with the 2012 Summit of the
 capabilities that will contribute to enhancing the security of    Lake Chad Basin Commission. The United States, the
 all populations and the rule of law in the areas affected by      United Kingdom, France and the European Union will coor-
 Boko Haram’s terrorist acts.                                      dinate their support for this regional cooperation through
 To combat the Boko Haram threat, which has recently mani-         technical expertise, training programmes and support for
 fested itself through several murderous attacks and the ab-       border-area management programmes.

June 2014 / N° 17                                                                                                                  -9-
BUSINESS IN CAMEROON                                                                                   FOCUS ON REAL ESTATE

Real estate: an
industry built to last

In Tunisia, before the winds of         lion low-income housing units. To        The           the low-income housing pressure
the Arab spring blew, the govern-       reverse this trend, the Strategy Doc-    officially    continues to grow.
ment’s promotion of low-income          ument for Growth and Employ-             has an        Even commercial banks are show-
housing led to the construction         ment (DSCE), the country’s long-         estimated     ing their inclination to play their
                                                                                 deficit of
of 10,000 housing units yearly. In      term development compass, aims           1.2 million   part in promoting this sector – not
Cameroon, this same effort, led         to build 10,000 emergency housing        low-in-       out of generosity, but certainly
by a construction company (SIC),        units by 2015 along with incentive       come          because investing in real estate in
a housing bank (Crédit foncier)         mechanisms enabling the replica-         units         Cameroon is profitable. But this is
and a land development company          tion of this type of project.                          a reality that the Cameroonian di-
(Maetur), was unable to yield the       A year from the target date, news                      aspora has been slow to integrate to
same results, falling below the         on the project have been hardly                        take advantage of it as other coun-
government’s expectations.
                                           The foreign investors seem to have weighed
Since independence, Société immo-
bilière du Cameroun (SIC) has built        the opportunities that abound in the real
almost 12,000 low-income housing
units, of which close to 50% have          estate sector in Cameroon
been sold to individual clients. Bet-
ter still, the State-run low-income     glowing, but these concerns are                        tries like Morocco have done where
housing entity strayed from its pri-    appeased by the many upcoming                          their countrymen have become ma-
mary mission by investing in high-      real estate projects that will be car-                 jor players in the national real estate
en, more profitable, but beyond the     ried by foreign investors. The latter                  market. The door through which
reach of the average Cameroonian.       seem to have weighed the oppor-                        this model could be imported re-
The results? The country officially     tunities that abound in the real                       mains open, however.
has an estimated deficit of 1.2 mil-    estate sector in Cameroon where                                               Brice R. Mbodiam

-10-                                                                                                              June 2014 / N° 17
FOCUS ON REAL ESTATE                                                                         BUSINESS IN CAMEROON

In 37 years, Crédit foncier du Cameroun
has financed the construction of
69,500 low-income housing units
Since its creation in 1977, Cré-
dit foncier du Cameroun (CFC),
the country’s housing bank, has
granted loans totalling 261 billion
FCfa which enabled the construc-
tion of 69,500 housing units and
the development of 15,700 plots
of land for building.

This achievement has not given rise
to celebration as the CFC’s Director
General, Jean Paul Missi confesses
that in Cameroon today, “the avail-
ability of low-income housing is far
below what is really needed.” It is
in an effort to address this grow-
ing concern that the CFC recently

   Crédit foncier
   du Cameroun
   recently                            “The availa-   an agreement for the opening of a      interest shown by more and more
                                       bility of      line of credit of 10 billion FCfa to   decentralised local collectives in the
   launched                            low-in-
                                       come hou-      facilitate the financing of low-in-    promotion of low-income hous-
   a major                             sing is far
                                       below what
                                                      come home construction projects
                                                      for Cameroonian districts.
                                                                                             ing, “only 50% of demand has been
                                                                                             met.” This is due to the high cost of
                                       is really
   campaign to                         needed.”       Yet, the country’s housing short-      construction materials and difficul-
                                                      age continues to grow. According       ty accessing land ownership which
   promote its                                        to experts, despite the arrival of     have become insurmountable ob-
   loan products                                      private real estate promoters and      stacles to a population with rela-
                                                      developers in the sector and the       tively little purchasing power.
   for affordable
   housing.                                              STANDARDISATION OF LOW-INCOME HOUSING
                                                                LAUNCHED IN CAMEROON
launched a major campaign to pro-       On October 10, 2013 in Yaoundé, the           The establishment of these standards,
mote its loan products for afforda-     Standards and Quality Agency (ANOR)           states ANOR, rests with the Chinese
ble housing.                            held a workshop on the standardisation        Programme Specialised Technical Com-
Meanwhile, Cameroon’s housing           of construction norms for low-income          mittee (CTS-PC), for which construc-
bank has partnered with bank-           housing in Cameroon. The meeting was          tion work was officially launched in the
ing institutions such as Ecobank        intended to discuss the expectations of       margins of the October 10, 2013 works-
to make these products available        various entities (government, entrepre-       hop. Once established, these standards
both to Cameroonians at home            neurs, real estate companies…) with           will not only be implemented within the
and those living abroad. On March       regards to the formulation of 30 priority     framework of the above-mentioned pro-
3, 2014, CFC and Fonds spécial          standards to be met during the immense        gramme, but also in other future low-in-
d’équipement et d’intervention          low-income construction project to be         come housing construction projects.
intercommunal (Feicom), signed          carried out by Chinese companies.

June 2014 / N° 17                                                                                                             -11-
BUSINESS IN CAMEROON                                                                       FOCUS ON REAL ESTATE

State pulls out all stops to complete
10,000-home project

A commission chaired by Marie               have been working on the Olembe        company, Shenyeng, which also is
Rose Dibong, State Secretary within         site. They will have to finish 640     working in Olembe, must build
the Ministry of Housing in Came-            homes in a year while the Chinese      1,800 homes.
roon has already enabled the sale of
the first available 1,675 low-income

                                        Société nationale
homes in Olembé in the suburbs of
the Cameroonian capital and built
within the framework of the govern-

                                        d’investissement (SNI)
ment project to build 10,000 homes
by 2015. Put in place in May 2013,
the said commission’s mandate was

                                        to create subsidiary
to provide the government with el-
igibility modalities for these homes.
But, in this project, which also in-
cludes the development of 5,000
plots of land for building, this ma-
jor achievement has not soothed
concerns surrounding the project.
                                        in real estate
Indeed, the Cameroonian author-             On April 21, 2014, the Managing        estate activity, to increase its land
ities were supposed to have deliv-          Director of Société nationale d’in-    ownership and better manage the
ered the first 1,500 homes back in          vestissement (SNI) in Cameroon,        park that is already in existence.”
2010, based on the initial timeline,        Yaou Aïssatou, published a call for    Interested consultants are invited
but numerous delays have stalled            expressions of interest for “spe-      to submit their application no lat-
the project, particularly the lack of       cialised consultants” for pre-se-      er than June 12, 2014 to the SNI’s
financing expressed by the entities         lection to sit on the advisory         Directorate of Real Estate Opera-
that received the contracts.                commission for the “organisation       tions in Yaoundé.
In order to fulfil its commitment to        of SNI’s real estate subsidiary”, a    The SNI real estate subsidiary
build 10,000 low-income homes in            company that is the right hand of      currently being created will find
Yaoundé (Olembe) and in Doua-               the Cameroonian State in the area      in the real estate sector another
la (Mbanga-Bakoko) by 2015, the             of public entrepreneurship.            public company, Société immo-
Cameroonian government, which               Holder of the State’s shares in sev-   bilière du Cameroun (SIC), which
turned to foreign partners (the             eral private and public companies      has built around 11,000 housing
Chinese and Spaniards), has been            in the country, Ms Yaou explains       units since independence, thus
scrambling for several months.              in the above mentioned document        helping to reduce the country’s
During a recent site visit by Min-          that the SNI “is planning to in-       housing shortage which stands to-
istry of Housing officials, employ-         vest in real estate in Yaoundé and     day at one million.
ees of the Spanish company Coffor           Douala in order to develop its real

-12-                                                                                                 June 2014 / N° 17
FOCUS ON REAL ESTATE                                                            BUSINESS IN CAMEROON

180 billion in financing from Turkey now
available for real estate projects
in Cameroon
                                                                                and the Cameroonian government,
                                                                                maintains that “out of the world’s
                                                                                200 best housing construction com-
                                                                                panies, Turkish multinational com-
                                                                                panies make-up the top 30”.
                                                                                From March 25-28, 2013, the Cam-
                                                                                eroonian Head of State, Paul Biya,
                                                                                had led an economic mission to
                                                                                Turkey. Following this visit, the
                                                                                Ministry of Urban Development
                                                                                and Housing had announced the
According to Omer Faruk Dogan           revealed the news following a meet-     signing of an agreement to build
(photo), Turkish Ambassador to          ing with the Cameroonian Minister       8,000 low-income homes in Cam-
Cameroon, Turkish real estate and       of Urban Development and Hous-          eroon with help from the world’s
low-income housing investors will       ing, Jean Claude Mbwentchou.            14th economic power’s investors.
be disbursing a total of 360 million    The Turkish diplomat, who hopes         One should note that Turkish Air-
dollars, which is approximately 180     that “this year will be the year for    lines has just launched a route from
billion FCfa for projects in Came-      completing” the real estate pro-        Cameroon.
roon. The Turkish Ambassador just       jects of the Turkish business men

Moroccan company, Addoha, to build
1,300 low-income housing units
and 26 villas in Yaoundé
According to the Moroccan Ambas-        tonnes of cement per year, with the
sador to Cameroon, Lahcen Saile,        able to reach one million tonnes.
the Moroccan company, Addoha,           The new cement factory is expected
which specialises in construction       to end the monopoly of the French
materials, will soon be launching       company Lafarge’s Camerooni-
1,300 affordable housing units and      an subsidiary, Cimencam, on the
26 villas. Moroccan diplomats have      country’s cement market; a monop-
not specified the cost of the project   oly that will have lasted 50 years.
which will consolidate its presence     But along with CIMAF, Cameroon
in Cameroon.                            will soon have a new cement facto-
The Moroccan construction giant         ry – that of the Nigerian billionaire
has already set-up a cement factory     Aliko Dangoté. Local communities
in the Bonabéri industrial zone in      and authorities are counting on the
Douala, Cameroons’ economic cap-        arrival of these new operators so
ital. CIMAF (Ciments de l’Afrique)      that they can reduce the construc-
has been operational since Febru-       tion costs of building these hous-
ary 2014, with a production capac-      ing units, particularly to reduce the
ity initially estimated at 500,000      price per bag of cement.

June 2014 / N° 17                                                                                             -13-
BUSINESS IN CAMEROON                                                                       FOCUS ON REAL ESTATE

Deutsche Bank and                                                               Haba Business
Vital Capital Fund                                                              Group also
join forces to build                                                            seeking to
40,000 low-income                                                               build 10,000
housing units                                                                   homes
Received by the Cameroonian            in some towns and cities in Came-
Housing and Urban Development          roon where the low-income housing
Minister, Jean Claude Mbwentchou,      deficit is estimated to be one million
on March 5, 2014, heads of Vital       units.
Capital Fund, a Swiss investment       The starting point for this part-
fund, have announced an agreement      nership between the Cameroonian
with Deutsche Bank, to finance the     government and Vital Capital Fund
construction of 40,000 low-income      was the investment fund’s founder’s
housing units in Cameroon.             meeting at the President’s office on
The Cameroonian State and the in-      March 19, 2013. Following this ex-
vestment fund had already signed       change, the latter indicated that the
an agreement of this nature in Oc-     fund had a five hundred million dol-
tober 2013 in Yaoundé. This earlier    lar line of credit (250 billion FCfa)
agreement included the building of     to carry-out investment projects in         On April 25, 2013, in the Services
40,000 homes in tranches of 5,000      Sub-Saharan Africa.                         of the Prime Minister, Philémon
                                                                                   Yang, the Qatari group Haba Busi-

Local banks come to
                                                                                   ness, represented by Thomas David
                                                                                   Coyne, and the Cameroonian Min-
                                                                                   ister of Urban Development and

the rescue of low-
                                                                                   Housing, signed a memorandum of
                                                                                   understanding for the construction
                                                                                   of 10,000 homes by Haba Business

income housing
                                                                                   Group in Cameroon’s ten regions.
                                                                                   Construction is expected to be
                                                                                   completed in three years.
Accused of not financing the na-       dicated loan will be disbursed in           This is the first solid step emanat-
tional economy, despite excess li-     two phases: 2.5 billion FCfa to start       ing from the investment prospect-
quidity, Cameroonian banks see in      construction and 3.5 billion FCfa           ing visit made by the Qatari group
real estate, particularly in low-in-   subsequently. This public-private           to Cameroon from April 22-27,
come housing, interesting pros-        partnership is necessary to resolve         2013, led by its president, Hassan
pects for their placements. This is    Cameroon’s low-income housing               Ali Bin Ali.
how, for example, a 6 billion FCfa     problem, according to the Minister          During the meeting held between
agreement was signed between the       of Finance, Alamine Ousmane Mey.            the Qatari group’s president and
Ministry of Finance and three local    In addition to loosening their purse        members of the Cameroonian gov-
banks to finance the construction      strings, Cameroonian banks have             ernment, apart from real estate pro-
of 560 low-income homes by the         been making great strides in the            jects, several projects were revealed
Spain-based company, Coffor.           promotion of their products for real        that Haba Business Group wishes to
To the pot, Ecobank added 2.5          estate financing. Bicec Immo is one         develop in Cameroon. For exam-
billion FCfa while Afriland First      such example. It is a product that          ple, the company will be building
Bank and BGFI Bank respectively        enables bank customers to access            an international airport in Douala
contributed 2 billion FCfa and 1.5     financing for real estate projects.         and gold mining in the East region
billion FCfa. This three-year syn-                                                 of Cameroon.

-14-                                                                                                 June 2014 / N° 17

                                                                                                LIST OF COMPANIES ADMITTED
19 Cameroonian companies                                                                         TO THE CEMAC PREFERENTIAL
and 145 products have                                                                          -C  olgate Palmolive Cameroon (soap,
been accepted into                                                                             -A
                                                                                                   lubassa (aluminium kitchen utensils)
                                                                                                   CR Maya (refined oil)

CEMAC’s preferential
                                                                                               -S  ocatral (aluminium sheets)
                                                                                               - Sitron
                                                                                               -C  hococam (chocolates and sweets)

regime                                                                                         -A  zur (soap and detergent)
                                                                                               - Socafer
                                                                                               -U  nalor (match sticks)
The Cameroonian Minister of                    tial arrangement, these companies
Trade, Luc Magloire Mbarga Atan-               will have obstacle-free access to the           -S  ofavinc (wines)
gana, announced on April 30, 2014,             markets of all CEMAC member                     - Sicalia
that the Central African Mone-                 states, thus significantly improving            -S  emme Mineral Water (mineral
tary and Economic Community                    their competitiveness in a context of              water)
(CEMAC) cabinet approved 19                    heightened competition.”                        -N  ouvelles Parfumeries Gandour (cos-
Cameroonian companies, rep-                    For the Cameroonian government,                    metic products)
resenting 145 products, for the                the news is considered to be a major            -N  estle Cameroun (milk and flavourings)
CEMAC preferential system. Mr                  step in the promotion of Cameroo-               -N  ew Foods (biscuits, chocolates,
Magloire revealed that the said                nian products on external markets,                 sugar)
companies will officially receive              particularly in the CEMAC space,                -N  dawara Tea Estate (tea)
their approval on May 2, 2014 at a             which has six countries: Came-                  -C  ameroon Tea Estate (tea)
ceremony held in Yaoundé.                      roon, the Congo, Gabon, Equatorial              -A  ir Liquide
According to the Trade Minister,               Guinea, Chad and the Central Afri-              - The major chemical complexes of
“through the CEMAC preferen-                   can Republic.                                      Africa

For the World Bank, education can be a new
source of economic growth for Cameroon
According to the World Bank, it will be          to the World Bank’s current projections of
difficult for Cameroon to become an              4.8-5.4%. This situation calls for renewed
emerging nation by 2035, as the author-          attention to growth sources in Cameroon.
ities have planned, in light of the lags it      In light of the major impact of education
has already encountered relative to its          on long term growth, a revision of growth
growth projections. The international            sources should begin to examine the qual-       as health, can contribute significantly to
financial institution noted in its last re-      ity of human capital available,” analysed       Cameroon’s goal of becoming an emerg-
port that “the average growth rate from          the World Bank.                                 ing economy by 2035.”
2010 to 2013 was 4.1%, which is one per-         Supporting this recommendation, the             World Bank analysts are also advising
centage point below the Vision 2035 tar-         Bretton Woods institution revealed that         the Cameroonian government to invest
get (and 0.8 percentage points below the         “endogenous growth theories have been           heavily in education because, “although
DSCE reference point)”.                          tested over the last three decades in a lot     expenditure in public education has in-
To reverse the trend, “make-up for the           of countries and have confirmed that hu-        creased in Cameroon, moving from 1.9%
lag and meet the official goals for 2020, an     man capital plays an essential role in eco-     of GDP to 3.3% in 2003, it has since been
annual growth rate of 9.5% for the period        nomic growth.” In this regard, conclud-         at a standstill, remaining below the re-
2014-2020 would be necessary, compared           ed the World Bank, “education, as well          gional average of 4.3%.”

June 2014 / N° 17                                                                                                                    -15-

Elara Capital Ltd may make Cameroonian debut
with four hotels
Vinod Tailor, Chairman d’Elara Capital
Ltd, a London-based Indian capitalised
investment bank, was recently received
in Yaoundé by the Secretary General to
the Cameroonian President’s Office, Fer-
dinand Ngoh Ngoh. Leaving Palais de
l’Unité, the Indian investor revealed that
Elara Capital Ltd is interested in investing
in Cameroon, a country which, accord-
ing to him, holds “a lot of opportunities”.
The Chairman went on to explain that
Elara Capital is especially interested in
sectors such as health (to build a lead-
ing hospital), agriculture (to build an
agro-industrial complex), education
(to manufacture school books, of which
80% are still covered by French com-
pany Edicef), large-scale distribution,
transportation and mining.
But before entering these sectors, Elara
Capital plans to make its debut in Cam-
eroon with the construction of four
high-end hotels: two in Yaoundé, one
in Douala and another in Kribi. This is
what Rodolphe Simo Kam, Elara Capital
Ltd’s Cameroonian partner and ADG of
the Sofitoul Group, a company active in
tourism, revealed.

Germany disburses 56.7 billion FCfa in 2014-
2016 to support decentralisation
On May 13, 2014 in its capital city, Cam-      a loan of 31.5 billion FCfa (around 48
eroon’s Minister of Economy, Emma-             million euros).
nuel Nganou Djoumessi, and German              Germany is one of Cameroon’s largest
Ambassador to Cameroon, Klaus-Lud-             financiers in the decentralisation pro-
wig Keferstein, signed two financing           gramme. Ambassador Klaus-Ludwig Ke-
agreements worth 56.7 billion FCfa             ferstein asserts that improving the living
(around 86.5 million euros).                   conditions of people living in decentral-
The money that will be provided by             ised districts helps to fight poverty.
the Federal Republic of Germany for            For the 2011-2013 period, the Federal
the 2014-2016 period will facilitate the       Republic of Germany disbursed 99.5
financing of the on-going decentrali-          billion FCfa in public development
sation process in Cameroon as well as          aid and this sum will increase by 11%
foster local development. According to         in 2014-2016 according to a revelation
the Ministry of Economy, the financ-           made on December 3, 2013 in Yaoundé
ing agreements signed between the two          during the opening of intergovernmen-
countries will involve a donation of 25.2      tal negotiations between Cameroon and
billion FCfa (38.5 million euros) and          Germany.

-16-                                                                                        June 2014 / N° 17

Japan donates 4 billion Korea lends 28.7 billion
FCfa to Cameroon for    FCfa to Cameroon for
micro-project financing the construction of a
                        first rate hospital in

On May 5, 2014, the Cameroonian Minister of Economy, Em-        On May 14, 2014, Cameroonian Head of State, Paul Biya is-
manuel Nganou Djoumessi (photo), and the Japanese Min-          sued a decree authorising the Minister of Economy, Emma-
ister of Foreign Affairs, Fumio Kishida, signed an agreement    nuel Nganou Djoumessi, to sign a loan agreement with South
for the donation of a total of 800 million yen (approximately   Korea for a total of 57.457 million USD which is approximate-
4 billion FCfa). According to Minister Nganou Djoumessi,        ly 28.7 billion FCfa.
this gesture on the part of the Japanese government is a con-   This financing will be used to build and equip the new top
tribution to the Cameroonian government’s crusade against       hospital in Garoua, the regional capital of the North – one of
poverty.                                                        Cameroon’s seven regions. Prior to this hospital, Korea had
According to the Cameroon government’s daily publication,       already financed the construction of the Emergency Medical
this is the fourth donation made by Japan to Cameroon which     Centre being completed not far from the central hospital of
brings the total given to 11 billion FCfa.                      the Cameroonian capital.
The funds have been used to implement a 150-egg ranch in the    Outside of the health sector, South Korea’s financial contribu-
northern region of Cameroon, the construction of a chicken      tions in Cameroon are also apparent in the area of training,
slaughterhouse in Bafang in the West, the building of Société   particularly the on-going construction of four training centres
de transformation de manioc de Sangmélima (Sotramas – the       of excellence, a project led by the Ministry of Employment.
Sangelima Cassava-Processing Company), in the South and         With regards to direct investment, Korea is very present in the
the establishment of telemedicine.                              Cameroonian mining sector.

June 2014 / N° 17                                                                                                         -17-

Cameroon: Greenpeace accuses Herakles Farms
of illegal felling through a front company
On May 27, 2014, the international                 deed, the law states that ventes de coupe            ed in the vente de coupe.”
NGO, Greenpeace, presented its inves-              may only be granted within the frame-                In November 2013, Herakles Farms fi-
tigative report in which it was revealed           work of a call for tenders, which was not            nally obtained a provisional land con-
that “the American company, Herakles               extended to Uniprovince.” Furthermore,               cession on close to 50,000 acres to cul-
Farms, by way of a front company, con-             “vente de coupe no. 11-02-10 is all the              tivate palm oil in the South-West region
spired with the Cameroonian Ministry of            more suspect as it does not appear in                of Cameroon. But, it was in 2009 that
Forestry and Wildlife (which, so far, has          the more recent list of forestry licences            the agro-industrial company signed an
issued no response to the accusation) to           published by the Ministry of Forestry on             establishment agreement for the sale of

 In light of yet another infraction by Herakles Farms revealed by national and international civil society organisations, Greenpeace has called on the
 State of Cameroon to intervene.

obtain unlawfully a logging licence as a           March 10.” Yet, it is dated January 28,              over 185,000 acres of land. However, in-
part of the land deal it was granted in No-        2014 and the corresponding certificate               ternational NGOs such as Greenpeace
vember 2013. Herakles Farms is prepar-             was delivered on February 6 which is                 and the Oakland Institute, linked locally
ing to export timber felled, in violation of       over a month before the Ministry pub-                by the CED, have always accused Her-
Cameroonian law, to China.”                        lished its list of valid licences for 2014.          akles Farms’ Cameroonian subsidiary of
Greenpeace revealed in January 2014                                                                     flouting the rights of residents located
that “a little known company” named                       REPEATED COMPLAINTS                           in the area of various project sites and
Uniprovince, which was bought not                  Head of Greenpeace Africa, Irène Wabi-               even of violating regulations related to
long ago by Herakles Farms’ Cameroo-               wa, concluded that this oversight is, “by            environmental protection in Cameroon.
nian subsidiary, obtained a licence from           all appearances, a deliberate attempt to             The multiple complaints by NGOs as
the Cameroonian government (ventes                 conceal an illegal decision made in fa-              well as those of local inhabitants, led the
de coupe number 11-02-10) for over                 vour of a company behind which Her-                  Ministry of Forestry and Wildlife, Philip
6,000 acres. The ventes de coupes was              akles Farms was hiding.” In light of yet             Ngole Ngwese, to temporarily suspend
done on the property of Herakles Farms             another infraction by Herakles Farms                 activity at Herakles Farms for violating
in an area where the company conduct-              revealed by national and international               existing forestry legislation. But this
ed most of its illegal timber activity be-         civil society organisations, Greenpeace              measure was lifted several weeks later in
fore even the signing of the presidential          has called on the State of Cameroon to               May 2013, some six months before the
decree granting it a provisional land              intervene “so that the total stock of tim-           presidential decree officially granting
concession in November 2013.                       ber may be seized and the illegal vente de           the 50,000 acre deal to the American
However, Greenpeace notes that, “the               coupe be called off. An investigation must           company.
vente de coupe was done in blatant vio-            be opened to determine who is responsible
lation of Cameroonian forestry laws. In-           and take steps against all parties implicat-                                                     BRM

-18-                                                                                                                               June 2014 / N° 17

10,000 ovens to improve drying and quality of
Cameroonian cocoa
The National Cocoa and Coffee Board (ONCC) has
just launched the first phase of rehabilitative opera-
tions on the ovens for drying cocoa in the production
areas where the rainy season coincides with harvest.
According to the ONCC, a total of 2,500 ovens will be
rehabilitated in 400 villages of the South-West region,
for an investment of 1.7 billion FCfa. The operation
will last 12 months.
The ONCC indicates that a total of 10,000 ovens have
been identified in the South-West and Coastal regions.
All this drying equipment was built in the late 1990s
and is practically in a dilapidated state today as the
standard lifespan of a drying oven is usually 12 years.
This was explained by Joël Martin Atangana, National
Project Coordinator.
The oven rehabilitation operation, stated Michael
Ndoping, Director General of the ONCC, should help
to improve the quality of Cameroonian cocoa and in-
crease producers’ earnings. Cocoa dried in defective ov-
ens or dried through small scale means in the rainy sea-
son gives-off a smoked odour which affects the quality
and, consequently, the price on the international mar-
ket. According to Mr Ndoping, the price vacillates be-
tween 40 and 80 pounds Sterling per kilogramme. This
represents a major loss of revenue for the sector which
ONCC estimates to be 48 billion FCfa per season.

From July/August 2014, Nestlé Cameroon will
produce Nescafé using locally produced coffee
As of July, or in August at the very lat-   the CEMAC zone is imported from Côte         market, particularly in the north where
est, Nestlé Cameroon, a subsidiary of       d’Ivoire.                                    coffee is regularly consumed. The same
the Swiss agro-foods giant, will pro-       According to current practices within        product imported from Nigeria is much
duce Nescafé using Cameroon-grown           the group, the Ivorian subsidiary which      cheaper and has been invading the mar-
coffee. This was revealed by Richard        produces all Nescafé product sold in         ket through unsecured borders. It is in
Dongué, Nestlé’s Public Relations and       Africa (9,000 tonnes) and exported to        an effort to overcome this practice that
Institutional Communications Direc-         Poland and Greece (3,000 tonnes), sells      Nestlé Cameroon describes as “unfair
tor to Central Africa on May 23, 2014 in    the product to all other subsidiaries for    competition” that it has decided to pro-
Douala at a press conference. According     the same price. However, while Came-         duce Nescafé locally.
to the Nestlé head, the coffee shipments    roon pays Customs duties amounting           Basically, indicates Mr Dongué, Nestlé
needed to achieve this goal have already    to 30% of imported Nescafé, a country        Cameroon will buy coffee locally and
been purchased.                             like Nigeria, which shares its highly per-   will send it to Côte d’Ivoire for its first
Nestlé Cameroon plans to take advan-        meable border with Cameroon, imports         round of processing. This coffee will
tage of its addition to the Cameroonian     its Nescafé duty-free thanks to the free     then be sent back to Cameroon in its
government’s “indirect refinement initi-    trade zone created by the UEMOA Trea-        semi-refined form, which will enable it
ative” provided for in the Cameroonian      ty – a zone to which Nigeria and Cote        to be exempted from some fees as a part
Customs code which mandates a reduc-        d’Ivoire belong.                             of the “indirect refinement initiative”.
tion in the Customs royalties. Indeed,      Mr Dongué explains that Nescafé im-          Nestlé Cameroon will complete process-
Mr Dongué explains that the Nescafé         ported from Côte d’Ivoire by Nestlé          ing and will package it so that it can be
sold in Cameroon and in throughout          Cameroon is hardly competitive on the        sold at competitive prices.

June 2014 / N° 17                                                                                                             -19-

Cameroonian cotton no longer to be subjected
to American market dictatorship

As of the 4th quarter of 2014, the Inter-   d’Ivoire, Mali, Burkina Faso and Benin)       ly, with the new contract, cotton prices
continental Exchange (ICE) will launch      Brazil and India will now influence cot-      should better reflect the cotton market
its new cotton contract. This was the       ton pricing on the international market.      context of most countries.
news stated on May 1, 2014 by ICE           The new futures contract will provide         Although the global cotton sector is cel-
Futures US president, Ben Jackson. Ac-      an alternative to contract No. 2 which is     ebrating this new development, many
cording to experts, this is not only “a     the current sector reference worldwide,       experts are concerned about the capac-
major page being turned in cotton trad-     but only takes into account the particu-      ities of African producers, including
ing” globally, but also “a huge step for-   larities of the American market when          those of Cameroon, to respect the com-
ward for African cotton producers,” in-     determining pricing.                          mitments outlined in the new contract
cluding those in Cameroon.                  Yet, experts explain that, for several        with regards to delivery deadlines, logis-
With the new contract to take effect in     years now, contract No. 2 has proven          tics and quality.
the fourth quarter of 2014, the respec-     vulnerable “due increased artificial price
tive realities in Africa (Cameroun, Côte    manipulation on the markets”. Basical-

Cameroon explores Israeli drip irrigation
The Cameroonian Minister of Agricul-        Israeli technology was introduced for the     sador, Gedeon Behard, explained that
ture and Rural Development, Essimi          first time in Africa in the Eastern Cape      drip irrigation technology is “the only
Menye, has just visited a drip irriga-      region of South Africa in 2003, accord-       technology in the world that facilitates
tion technology experimentation site        ing to our sources. The project’s web-        watering plants at the root.” It also allows
located in the Massakal district in the     site (www.sendeveloppementlocal.com)          “reducing water and fertiliser usage to a
Extreme-North region of the country.        states that drip irrigation has enabled       minimum,” according to experts, and
On the ground, Minister Essimi Menyé        “most fruit and vegetable farmers who pre-    remains “the most significant innovation
urged the Cameroonian people to grasp       viously produced seasonally” to “vary their   in agriculture since the invention of sprin-
this technology which enables farmers       culture four times per year which invreased   klers in the early 1930s, which replaced ir-
in arid areas to significantly improve      production by over 400%.”                     rigation methods that previously required
their harvests.                             Created in Israel, former Israeli Ambas-      too much water.”

-20-                                                                                                              June 2014 / N° 17

A dream year ahead for timber
Cameroonian operators in the timber
are already licking their lips halfway
into this fiscal period. This was revealed
by the International Tropical Timber
Organisation (OIBT), quoted by Com-
modafrica, when it stated that “recent
price hikes for the most in-demand tim-
ber have now consolidated with a consist-
ent demand and producers are convinced
that this will continue into the third quar-
ter.” For Commodafrica, “Cameroonian           Vietnam and India.”                           Among sectors hit hard by the 2008 in-
exporters are especially well positioned,      One source of concern that has arisen in      ternational financial crisis, with up to
their orders going all the way to the last     this global timber market analysis is “the    30% in cancelled orders by Europe and
quarter of 2014.”                              producers’ capacity to provide enough         the USA, according to the forestry un-
At the root of this blossoming in the          logs to keep up with the shipment sched-      ion, Cameroonian timber has since then
global timber market is “an increase           ule.” But, from this point of view as well,   made a rebound affirming its position
in demand covering several markets,            Cameroon’s timber sector has been for-        as the number two export product from
including Europe and the United States         tunate. “Exports from Cameroon, though        that country (13.3% in profits) behind
while demand in Asia and the Middle            lower, have been going strong and this lev-   oil (50% of export profits). With 45,000
East has been steady over the last few         el of demand supports the entire market,”     jobs, it contributes to the training of 6%
months. Outlook is positive for China,         stressed OIBT analysts.                       of the nation’s GDP.

Semry to develop        Cameroon starts
18,532 acres of land to inventory of agro-
increase production     pastoral production
                        for FAO

                                                                      The Cameroonian government and the United Nations Food
                                                                      and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) officially started on
                                                                      May 14, 2014 in Yaoundé, the preparatory inventory work on
According to the Managing Director of Société de modern-              agro-pastoral production in Cameroon. The programme will
isation de la riziculture de Yagoua (Semry), Marc Samatana,           enter its practical phase in December 2015.
the public agro-industrial company is to start, as of 2015, the       Senior officials of the Ministries of Agriculture and Animal
rehabilitation of 18,532 acres of land devastated by flooding         Husbandry have explained that, meanwhile, technical docu-
that occurred in rice zones in northern Cameroon in 2012.             ments are being prepared to draft the methodology and ad-
This restoration of cultivatable land will make it possible to go     ministrative procedures required to run the project. The in-
beyond the 27,181 acres farmed in 2013, which only yielded            ventory will be taken over a four-year period starting in 2015
80,000 tonnes of unshelled rice last year, most of which was          to finish in May 2019, based on initial forecasts.
sold to Nigeria.                                                      The inventory, which will enable the updating of Cameroon’s
Annual rice demand in Cameroon is around 300,000 tonnes.              agro-pastoral production, presented by the Minister of Agri-
Facing such miniscule production levels and the local un-             culture, Essimi Menyé, as one of the key aspects of the transi-
der-consumption of the said produce due to uncompetitive              tion to second generation agriculture, will cost the Cameroo-
prices, Cameroon imports approximately 120 billion FCfa per           nian Treasury 8 billion FCfa. The FAO’s technical support to
annum, mostly from Thailand.                                          the project is estimated to cost 221 million FCfa.

June 2014 / N° 17                                                                                                                -21-

Treasury bills for 10 billion FCfa issued since
June 4 by Cameroon on the BEAC market
                                            FCfa, as announced by the central bank      ary 2014.
                                            in a press release. These Treasury bills,   According to the provisional calendar
                                            of which the interest is based on their     published by the Cameroonian gov-
                                            nominal value, have a maturity of 26        ernment, the operation planned for the
                                            weeks.                                      BEAC market on June 4 should con-
                                            This first operation of the State of        cern Treasury bills with a maturity of
                                            Cameroon on the BEAC market for the         two years. But Cameroon’s Treasury has
                                            month of June has come after an auc-        visibly changed its mind, certainly due
                                            tion held on May 28, 2014, largely below    to the non-maturation of projects that
                                            the performance achieved since the start    have to be financed by this loan in the
                                            of the year by these securities. On May     medium term. This absence of mature
                                            28, the subscription rate of Treasury       projects, as revealed at the Ministry of
                                            bills at 52 weeks issues by the State of    Finance, has pushed to defer the bond
On June 4, the Cameroonian Treasury         Cameroon reached 203% only, against         loan of 180 billion FCfa initially planned
Department has again issued Treasury        an average of 400% for the totality of      for the month of June 2014.
bills for a total amount of 10 billion      fundraising activities made since Janu-

25% of loans given by Cameroonian banks
are risky, according to the Managing Director
of UBA
Speaking on June 1, 2014 in Douala at       tios given to banks by the Central Afri-
the 3rd “GICAM University” event, the       can Banking Commissions (COBAC).
Managing Director of UBA Cameroon,          Indeed, noted Félix Zogning, according
Georges Wega, revealed that 25% of          to the requiremens of the banking sec-
loans issued by Cameroonian banks           tor watchdog of the CEMAC zone, the
have uncertain outcomes. “This means        banks of that region cannot have a loan
that if the bank granted 100 loans in a     portfolio of an amount greater than 8
given year, twenty-five of them would       times the total funds of the bank. Fur-
run the risk of not being reimbursed,” he   thermore, it is forbidden for banks to
clarified, countering the claim made by     grant a loan of which the amount is
the business community that commer-         equivalent to 15% of the banks own
cial banks have been blocking access to     funds.
credit.                                     All these regulatory restrictions con-
Expanding on the remarks made by the        tribute to limiting loan access in Cam-
UBA Managing Director, Felix Zogn-          eroon in keeping with the limited
ing recalled that reprimands made to        structure of the companies that request
banks with regards to loans can also be     financial support from Cameroonian           Georges Wega, Managing Director of UBA
the result of the strict adherence to ra-   banks, stated Georges Wega.                  Cameroon

-22-                                                                                                           June 2014 / N° 17
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