4WD Club Central Coast - Respecting the Great Outdoors - CC4WD Club

Page created by Kim Bates
4WD Club Central Coast - Respecting the Great Outdoors - CC4WD Club
Central Coast
4WD Club

Respecting the Great Outdoors

       March 2021
       Issue No 465
                            Kylies beach
4WD Club Central Coast - Respecting the Great Outdoors - CC4WD Club
                                 CLUB MEETINGS
Faye Goodman—0423008628          Club meetings are held on the SECOND
president@cc4wdc.org.au          THURSDAY of each month at the Tuggerah Public
Vice President:                  School Assembly Hall, Old Pacific Highway,
Damien Erickson                  Tuggerah, at 8 pm. Members are invited to bring
vicepresident@cc4wdc.org.au      their friends to the club meetings and outings.
                                 THERE IS NO MEETING IN JANUARY OF EACH
Secretary and Public Officer     YEAR.
Alan Booth—0404729704
secretary@cc4wdc.org.au          COMMITTEE MEETINGS
                                 Committee meetings are held on the SECOND
Membership Officer:
                                 MONDAY after the general meeting. Woodbury
                                 Park Community Centre, 1 Woolmers Cres, Mardi.
                                 Meeting time 7:30pm
Treasurer:                       MAGAZINE INFORMATION
Craig Green
0408436727                       Any information or articles of interest are
                                 welcomed by the editor and can be emailed to
Magazine Editor                  editor@cc4wdc.org.au Please ensure that your
Roz Oshea/Simpson - 0427536916
editor@cc4wdc.org.au             articles and trip reports are sent to the editor as
                                 soon as possible so they can appear in the next
Trip Master                      magazine. The cut off date for production is the
Trevor Banks—0428972763
                                 last Thursday of each month.

Public Relations:                CLUB POSTAL ADDRESS
Jim Collis—0401144278            CC4wd Club
                                 PO Box 4354
SUB COMMITTEE                    LAKEHAVEN NSW 2263
Assistant Treasurer:
                                 CLUB WEBSITE
Michelle Edwards
Quarter Master
Peter Glendinning—0407201120     Steve Farmer
Merchandising: Sean Du Toit
DTU Officer                      CLUB contact; Jim Collis—0401144278
Mark Roper                       The Central Coast Four Wheel Drive Club is a
0420976784                       member of the Four Wheel Drive NSW & ACT
dtu@cc4wdc.org.au                Association www.4wdnow.com
Raffle Co-Ordinator              Club delegate :
Joyce Hollins—43923878
                                 Mark Roper - 0420976784
Supper Co-ordinator
                                 Matt Corp— 0488011971
Steve Turdak
Lease Manager                    ISSUE NO 465— March 2021
                                 The opinions expressed in this magazine are not necessarily those of the
Paul Kelly—0408433790            club.
Social Co-Ordinator
Jo Kelly –0448271064
4WD Club Central Coast - Respecting the Great Outdoors - CC4WD Club
Hi All
Id like to give a big thank you to the members that donated to my Cancer Council Fundraiser .

“Doing it for Neale “ . I raised $2507.00 for research into this insidious disease.
As you can see I went the colour Blue to represent prostate cancer . So again thankyou so much it
We have a lot going on in the mag this month but there is always room for a trip or two.
It was exciting putting together the save the date for both the Christmas in July and our annual Christ-
mas party . Always a highlight for my family.
So put it in your diary.
Australia certainly is the lucky country so lets take advantage of our ability to travel. Hint Hint.
I hope you enjoy this edition of the magazine as much as I have in compiling it .

Cheers Roz

                                       Image by Roz Oshea

                                       Woko National park

4WD Club Central Coast - Respecting the Great Outdoors - CC4WD Club
Presidents Report March 2021
G’day everyone.
It’s been an interesting month with club activities and planning for the year ahead well underway.
We had a ball on the Kylies Beach trip with the inclement weather adding plenty of excitement and adven-
ture. Getting out on a club trip, driving a tricky beach and avoiding sand cliffs with the adrenalin pumping,
the camaraderie around the campfire and the spirit of co-operation really makes you remember why you
got into four wheel driving.
High rainfall at the lease saw the creek reach a level not seen in many years, which unfortunately meant
the advanced recovery weekend couldn’t go ahead as planned. However, our scheduled driver training is
back to normal. This year we have a new head of DTU – Mark Roper. Mark has been a part of the DTU
team for quite a while and his experience and skills will make him a great leader for the team. Thank you
so much Mark for stepping up into this role.
Thank you so much to Dave Edwards for your awesome job as DTU leader over the past few years. We
know Dave is a very busy man with a business to run, and the time he’s given to this role is really appreciat-
ed. Dave will still continue as a DTU trainer, which is still a big commitment. Each and every member of
the DTU team gives a lot to the club – so thank you!
Our new Vice President, Damien Erickson has hit the ground running, becoming involved in Clean up Aus-
sie day and contributing to other projects too.
After our discussions at last month’s general meeting, I’m now happy to confirm that we have obtained a
semi-permanent grant to hold future general meetings at The Entrance Leagues Club free of charge We’re
very grateful for this assistance which has meant we can all meet face to face. There’s always a bunch of
members having dinner beforehand, so if you’re a new member feel free to come along and join us.
We’re exited about our upcoming stand at the 4WD Supa Centre. This is a great opportunity to showcase
the club and potentially gain some new and enthusiastic club members. Thank you Jimmy for organising
this event. More details in this magazine.
At the last committee meeting we spoke about the club’s financial position. On current trends, we should
have a reasonable profit at the end of the year. The committee would like all members to give some
thought to where we should spend some money this year. So far we’ve had suggestions of a bush dance/
camping weekend in the Hunter Valley, a new generator and/or shower set up for the lease. Maybe you’d
like to give some money to charity or have the Christmas Party fully catered for this year. We’ll be talking
about this at the March meeting

See you all out on the tracks soon!
4WD Club Central Coast - Respecting the Great Outdoors - CC4WD Club
General Meeting
                 11th March 2021
                                        In the
                       Arthur Lake Room
              The Entrance Leagues Club
          3 Bay Village Road Bateau Bay
       Please note that as this is a registered club so the usual registered club entry rules

 You can attend by Zoom if you wish

Zoom meetings are free and you can join from your computer, phone, IPad or other tablet.
If you are joining by phone you will need to get the Zoom app before you can join a Zoom
   • For iPhone or iPad, go to the App Store.
   • For other phones or tablets, go to the Google Play Store
                     The app you need is called “Zoom Cloud Meetings. “
Once you have the app, click on the meeting link below to join a meeting.
If you are joining from your computer, you can just click on the meeting link below and follow

the instructions on your screen       Click here to join
Meeting ID 859 9471 9079       Password general1
4WD Club Central Coast - Respecting the Great Outdoors - CC4WD Club
Central Coast Four Wheel Drive Club
                                               General Meeting
                                                   Thursday 11th February 2021

Meeting;                 General meeting and AGM meeting held at the Entrance Leagues Club, 3 Bay Village Drive Bateau Bay the
                         meeting was also presented on ZOOM. Meeting started at 8.03pm.

                         All members and guests are welcome to the meeting.

Attendance;         As per attendance book, and on ZOOM.

Apologies;               Craig Green, Ros Neale, Helen John Smyth, Simon Newton, Spotto, The Browns and the Bill and McConville

Visitors;                  Nil Tonight

Minutes of the previous meetings;

 Motion                       That the minutes for the General Meeting held on the 10th December
                              2020 as published in the magazine be accepted.
 Moved; Damien                Seconded; Tappy                                                             Action; carried

Secretaries Report;                      by Alan

Correspondence, emails received – 10th December – 11th February as tabled.

4WD Club Central Coast - Respecting the Great Outdoors - CC4WD Club
From                    Subject                                  Response
4WD Touring Australia   Christmas Buyers guide                   Meeting
David Doggett           Application for Membership               Meeting
Craig Green             Bills for payment                        Meeting
CAMPERSAT               Promotion                                Meeting
Faye                    Cert. insurance                          Secretary
Craig Green             Committee meeting minuets                Meeting
4WD Touring Australia   12 Epic Christmas escapes                Meeting
Tony Cook               Membership Enquiry                       Meeting
Hunter 4WDNOW           Request for assistance                   Meeting
The Convict Trail       CTP Newsletter                           Meeting
CAMPERSAT               Promotion                                Meeting
Hunter 4WDNOW           Barrington Tops Scotch Broom Post Fire   Meeting
                        working Bee
Jeffery Cox             Membership Enquiry                       Meeting
CAMPERSAT               Promotion                                Meeting
CCIANSW                 2021 super show applications             Meeting
Tim Leggett             Membership Enquiry                       Meeting
4WD Touring Australia   The Road less Travelled                  Meeting
CAMPERSAT               Promotion                                Meeting
4WD NSW ACT Inc         January Newsletter                       Meeting
4WD Touring Australia   On The Brink                             Meeting
Alan Bowerman           DTU 1                                    Meeting
The Convict Trail       CTP Newsletter                           Meeting
4WD Touring Australia   Sunset Country                           Meeting
PM4WDC                  January Newsletter                       Meeting
CAMPERSAT               Promotion                                Meeting
Kylie Godden            Site-train Driver Training               Meeting
GME                     Promotion                                Meeting
Kathie Trypas           School Hire 2021                         Meeting
Tony Cook               Membership Enquiry                       Meeting
4WD Touring Australia   Cooktown real cape Country               Meeting
Hunter 4WDNOW           Clean up Australia Day                   Meeting
Hunter 4WDNOW           Barrington Tops Scotch Broom Post Fire   Meeting
                        working Bee
Hunter 4WDNOW           Shore Birds Webinar                      Meeting
Craig Green             Invoices to Advertisers                  Meeting
Faye                    Brochure Proof                           Meeting
Lance Ross              New safe Driving Product                 Meeting
Hunter 4WDNOW           McBrides Beach permanent closure         Meeting
Sharon Croker           New Member inquirers                     Meeting     7
4WD Club Central Coast - Respecting the Great Outdoors - CC4WD Club
Hard copy correspondence: Nil to report

Outward Correspondence Tabled above.

 Motion                       That the inwards and outwards correspondence as presented be accept-
 Moved; TC                    Seconded; Scott                                                                   Action; Carried

Treasurers Report;                        by Craig

As Craig was not at the meeting the report will be presented at the committee meeting and reported in the general meeting minutes to
be printed in the magazine.

Fun Fines Collected $36.30, thanks you.

 Motion                       That the Treasurers report and bills of payment as presented at the
                              Committee meeting and reported above be accepted.
 Moved;                       Seconded                                                                          Action;

New Members;                        by Cherrie

 Motion                       The Club seeks the approval of all members to welcome Dave Fox and
                              Catherine as new members
 Moved;        Mark           Seconded Jane                                                                     Action; carried

Congratulations to Mysteire and Sean for taking over the merchandising. Please contact if you want any of the fantastic club stuff.

New members packs to                Tim and Linda Leggett

                                    Libby Finemore

                                    David Box

                                    Catherine Batice

10year membership           Brian and Linda Payne not present

15year membership           Jim and Lisa O’Donoghue

Vic President;                      Welcome Damien
Quick one, most members have received a pack from the NSW Association that includes a sticker. The sticker allows us to go into the
parks with more than 6 cars.

Editor;                     Roz

KEEP the photos and stories coming as all is welcome. Some photos did not make it due to ongoing covid-19 restrictions. The magazine
a great read, thanks to all.

Assistant Treasurer;                by Michelle

Nothing new to report

Lease manager;                      by Spotto

The lease is running along nicely
4WD Club Central Coast - Respecting the Great Outdoors - CC4WD Club
DTU Report;                 by Dave Edwards

The 2021 training starts this Sunday, so we are back in business, refer to dates posted in the magazine.

Cooranbong has been informed about the commencement. The quarry is still operational if you pick your spots.

Presentations;              Nil

Trip Leader Report;                 by Trevor Banks

Trip reports,               Nil.

Upcoming trips,
April         Duel River Trip 3 spots left. The whole easter break 3 days.

April         Rose Hill Caravan show

August        Short drive to Winton, 3-4 week trip

August        Gem feast

Keep an eye on the magazine and Facebook pages for conformation of dates.

Public Relations Officer Jimmy
The new 4WDC Super Centre will be holding promotional days in April and the Club is invited to attend presenting our great people and
their trucks. Refer to the face-book page for updated information.

NSW/ACT Association
Mark refers to the face book entries which is all to report

Neale mentioned the upcoming association meeting and will advise dates shortly. All are welcome to attend.

General Business;
The Club has offered us to continue holding the meetings at the Entrance Leagues Club. Options are the school or the club. Everyone
has voiced their preference for the club.

 Motion                       For the Club to submits an application to the Entrance Leagues Club to
                              continue to hold the meeting.
 Moved;        Keith          Seconded Tappy                                                                      Action; carried

Pets on trips, the insurance is the issue. Perhaps people who wish to take pets on trips may book through the face book group with
mention of pets. Therefore, it must not be a club trip. Faye to chase up with insurers. Will discuss at the next Committee meeting.

National Parks checking on bush cameras not going ahead, due to Covi-19 fears.

Association clean up Australia Day to be organised by Damien. Please check the face book page for dates and times.

McBride’s beach access closed for good.

Peter Glendening advises that he has an assortment of old magazines to borrow. These old issues are a great read.

Piston Broke Trophy
Steve Turdak wins the coveted trophy this month, congrats. The story goes that he lost his roof rack. For further clarity on this inter-
esting issue ask Steve.

Club person of the month, this month goes to Damien for stepping up, welcome.

The Committee meeting will be held on the 15th February, all welcome to attend.

The next general meeting will, hopefully be on Thursday 11th March 2021 at the Leagues club and ZOOM.

Meeting closed at 9.00pm Minutes by Alan Booth

President Faye Goodman
4WD Club Central Coast - Respecting the Great Outdoors - CC4WD Club
A word from our
                  We Lease manager
                         “Spotto “
               We are implementing a
    Mowing / maintenance Roster
  If you have done the mower train-
 ing or would like to , and be on the
   monthly roster, could you please
    send your name and details and
          month preferred to
               Jo Kelly—0448271064
               If you have Facebook
Jo Kelly has placed a feed On the clubs Facebook
page for you to leave your details

A word from our Trip master
                     Trevor Banks
                                           CHRISTMAS IN JULY
When- 24,25 July 2021
Location- Casuarina Camping Area
Watagan Forest Road Olney State Forest

The club has enjoyed this event since it was started by Barry and Joyce for a few years now with only last year
being missed due to covid. The event was planned as a chance for members to enjoy a weekend in the colder
months close to home where we can get together, have a fire to keep warm (camp oven cook if desired), some
local forest drives on the Saturday (possibly on the Sunday ), enjoying good company.
Ps If you cannot come for the weekend come up for a day visit.
From Morriset take Freemans Drive to Cooranbong,
Turn left into Martinsville Rd.
4.5 km later turn left into Watagen Forest Rd.
After 11Km turn right into Casuarina Camp Ground keeping to the left fork on the road.
Find a good site to enjoy your stay among the trees.
What to Bring- Tent, camper or caravan, chair, family (kids if inclined) food possibly some drinks to satisfy a thirst
and have a good time enjoying yourself with good company.

                                            Required For The Event
- To come up early with chainsaws and trailers to help cut load and transport 15-20 trailer loads of firewood.
- To arrange games etc for adults and children for the afternoon and evening.
- To put on drives and guide members into the forest ( and bring them back)

                                            Other Dates to Plan for

Each year some members have gathered at the lease over the long weekend to have a good time.           This event has
in the past had dress up themes and A Long Table Dinner and as always a fun weekend.
The Lease
2,3,4 October
Organizer/s required.
(A chance for a party animal to put up there hand)                                                              11
Christmas in July
     24th—25th July 2021
Casaurina Camp Ground Watagans

Annual Christmas
   Club party
  27th—28th November 2021
           At the
   We Leaser Dungog

A big hearty welcome
                       to our
                  New Members
              Let the adventures begin

                                   Libby Finnemore

Tim Leggett

Upcoming Driver Training
Date             Event             Class   Trip Leader    Telephone    Limit

20th 21stMarch           Stage 2   C       Mark Roper -   0420976784         6

18th April               Stage 1   C       Mark Roper -   0420976784       8 ppl

15th 16th May            Stage 2   C       Mark Roper -   0420976784         6

20th June                Stage 1   C       Mark Roper -   0420976784       8 ppl

17th 18th July           Stage 2   C       Mark Roper -   0420976784         6

15th August              Stage 1   C       Mark Roper -   0420976784       8 ppl

18th 19th Sep-           Stage 2   C       Mark Roper -   0420976784         6

17th October             Stage 1   C       Mark Roper -   0420976784       8 ppl

20th 21st No-            Stage 2   C       Mark Roper -   0420976784         6

Driver Awareness
              Training DTU
Stage One for 2021
Dates for 2021— all sessions start at 8 a.m. and run until approximately 4 pm
April 18th— June 20th— August 15th— Oct 17th
Where: Cooranbong Community Centre, 614 Freeman’s Drive, Cooranbong.
What to bring: Food and drink for the day, a pen, basic recovery gear and a readiness for
What to expect:
   Stage One training is an introductory course to 4WD. The day is split into two parts,
      initially at the community centre and involves theory, starting with the basic me-
      chanics and safety knowledge of a 4x4.
   Morning Tea break allows the trainers to work with each participant and their vehicle,
     locating and identifying the necessary safety equipment in their truck.
   The next session outlines driving techniques over various terrains and an introduction
      to club protocols.
   After lunch we move into a practical training session allowing you to practice your skills
      in a safe, supervised area. This session will cover the essential safety technique of a
      stall start recovery, followed by practice in picking a line in assents, descents and
      basic rock steps.

                                                                Images by Brad Tooth
Driver Awareness
              Training DTU
Stage Two for 2021
Dates for 2021—sessions start Saturday 8 am, with additional opportunities on Sunday
March 20th 21st —May 15th 16th—July 17th 18th—Sept 18th 19th—Nov 20th 21st .
Where: Club Lease ‘We-Leaser’ Dungog.
What to bring: Food and drink for the two days, however, dinner is provided on the Saturday
night. Vehicle checklist from Stage One training and recovery gear.
Recovery Gear: Front and Rear recovery points, snatch strap, bridle or tree protector, damp-
ener and rated shackles. Please note, that a trainer will accompany you during the practice
drive and there must be a seat available in your vehicle.
What to expect:
   Stage Two training is a full day of practical exercises completed as a team to expand on the
      knowledge gained in Stage One training.
   We further investigate aspects of vehicle maintenance, practising pre-trip inspections and
     completing a tyre change.
   After morning tea, we revise the stall start recovery and simulate simple snatch strap re-
      covery techniques- this is where you finally get to use all that wonderful gear you’ve
      brought along.
   In the afternoon we head out the back gate and put our training into practice. Taking the
       back tracks through the State Forests we complete rutted and rocky tracks and simple
       water crossings.
   Prior to dinner, we complete a simple revision assessment as a group.
Upon completion of Stage Two, you will be prepared to undertake the NSW and ACT 4WD As-
sociation Accreditation certificate, a nationally recognised qualification.

Central Coast 4WD Club Open Day
      Kings 4WD Supacentre: Camping Store
        Unit 4B/900 Old Pacific Hwy, Lisarow

                     Saturday 10th April 9am (Store opens at 8am)
We will be sharing information on our club with the general public when they visit the 4WD
Supacentre whist selling them our own version of a Sausage Sandwich (better than Bunnings)
raising some money for charity.
On display we will have members vehicles both heavily and slightly modified as well as a mem-
ber’s camper trailer. If you would like to offer your vehicle to go on display, please contact me
directly or speak to a member of the committee.
We will be looking for people to help on the BBQ, talk to people about the club and help set up
For more information on the 4WD Supacentre please have a look at their Facebook page where
you will find links to their own page where you might just find the accessory you have been
looking for a a price you can’t resist.
I am contactable via Facebook Direct Message, https://www.facebook.com/Jim.Collis/
Or you can call/txt me on 0401144278

Jim Collis
Public Relations Officer
Trip Report
                         Kylies Beach 20-21 Feb 2021
T. C. and Faye - Huey
Ian and Fiona Fisher - Donkey
Damien and Anna Erickson - Stormy
Alan and Gavin Bull – Nellie
Cheryl Parsons – Feral
Mick Ellis and Claire - Maggie

Note to self: pay attention to where you’re going in case you have to write the trip report!

Frequently alternating between drizzling, bucketing and torrential downpours, the wipers were no match for
the cats and dogs pelting down from above. Although it was a slow trip, everyone, except yours truly, managed
to meet at Taree Maccas before “paddling” in convoy to Harrington Bait and Tackle for our beach permits.

Leaving at about 10am, and like a scene from The Pied Piper, we happily followed our illustrious leaders TC and
Faye to a very wet and windy Harrington Beach. Unfortunately the powerful surf had washed away much of the
normally soft, easy-to-get-bogged-in sand, revealing a relatively firm surface. Cruising north along this 5km
stretch of paradise proved an absolute delight.

Exit: Harrington Beach. Enter: Crowdy Bay Beach. First Obstacle: roughly 5km into our 14km beach odyssey. The
heavy rain forced a creek through the beach and into the ocean. A few members evolved into human dipsticks
and deemed it safe to cross this knee-deep moving body of water. And sail through we did.

However, our north-bound trek soon came to a halt. Again, the heavy rains hollowed out an impassible fast-
flowing deep channel, cutting off access to Kylie’s Beach. Turning around, we headed back south to take the in-
land gravel “road”.

While it was great to see vegetation growing back in Crowdy Bay National Park after the devastating bushfires,
the scenery was not a priority as we tried to find even ground amongst the water-filled craters in the road. A bit
like one dodging sprawled Lego…bare foot and drunk!

After 18km of slalom, at about 1.30pm we reached Kylie’s Beach campground. Beer o’clock…after we set up
camp…in the torrential rain! Thankfully, TC and Faye made a communal shelter off Huey. Nice and cosy except
Ian spilled his own beer into his own hat, my wine on the ground and drenched Claire’s chair in rain water. Is this
why he’s called “Shrek”?

Tiny rain break: Woohoo! Beach                                           walk! The once trickle of water paral-
lel to the beach entrance was                                            now a set of raging rapids, cutting a
massive channel through the                                              beach and exposing submerged
rocks. Some of us stayed and explored the beach while Faye clambered up and slid down the headland. I can only
hope someone got photos.

Back at camp, the rain eased enough to make a relaxing camp fire. Our resident balderdashologist, Mick began
by claiming the beach was named after Kylie Minogue. Even the local frogs croaked in objection! And into the
night it went.

A break in rain saw everyone pack up easily and quickly the next morning, except Fiona and Ian who were heck-
led as they tended to their broken unused-on-this-trip winch. Some of Damien’s friends arrived and, thankfully,
came along for the south-bound jaunt along Kylie’s Beach.

                                We drove south along the beach as far as we could before turning around in
                                soft sand, which lead to Nellie getting bogged. Some of us were too far ahead
                                to see but I believe our visitors helped extricate Alan and Gavin with a set of
                                MaxTrax. Way to go!


Back at the campground, we increased our psi and headed back onto Pothole Way, which, in spots, had
now turned into a lake. I swear I saw Noah’s Ark! And just like the parting of the red sea, we cut through
these bodies of water, eventually returning to Crowdy Head.

A little tour around the headland and up to Crowdy Bay Lighthouse lead us to a wall of army vehicles. No
access, darn it. Disappointed, we snaked our way down and headed for the pub via Pilot Hill Reserve,
where we grabbed a drink and a feed for our last hoorah before the long haul home.

Can’t wait to go back…in dry weather

1.You must personally book in.
2. If you book in early you must confirm that you still intend going no later than two
weeks before the trip. If you do not confirm your position will be re-allocated
3. If you are unable to attend please notify the trip leader as soon as     possible
so that someone else has the opportunity to fill the position.
4. It is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to contact the trip leader the night before the trip.
This will enable you to confirm your attendance, and also check that the trip hasn’t
been affected by weather conditions.
5. Trips can only be booked once they have been published in the Club Magazine.
A sign in sheet will be available at each monthly meeting.

A. This class of trip is considered to be extremely difficult. Participants will have to
be experienced at travelling over difficult terrain. An amount of winching and/or
towing will almost definitely be required. Participants will be required to bring along
basic recovery equipment. The trip leader will have the right to reject a request to
go from someone who is considered under experienced.

B. This class of trip is considered to be a moderate to difficult trip. An amount of
winching and/or towing will almost certainly be required. Under extreme weather
conditions, this trip could develop into a class A trip.

C. This class of trip is considered to be a moderate trip. Various sections of this trip
will require cautious driving in order to negotiate your way. In most circumstances
winching and/or towing will not be necessary

D. This class of trip is considered to be a relatively easy trip. In is unlikely that any
winching and/or towing will be required

E. This class of trip is considered to be very easy. Little or not four wheel driving
will be required and these trips usually consist of easy to reach base camps, scenic
tours, social events, etc.

GAGE LOW RANGE. These classifications codes are A GUIDE ONLY. The code des-
ignated to a trip can change from the time of designation to the actual time of the
trip. Although every attempt is made to ensure that an accurate class is given to
each trip, members should be sure for themselves that they are capable of handling
the type of trip they have chosen. If in doubt consult the trip leader, and they will
advise you whether you and your vehicle are suitable.                             24
Upcoming Trips Guide 2021
Date              Event                 Class Trip Leader        Telephone        Limit

20th 21st         Badass Babes of                                                 8 Vehicles
                  the Barringtons       C     Faye Goodman
March                                                            0423008628

27th March         Settlers road trip   D/C   Ray Kaltenbacher   43427521         8 Vehicles


Easter 2-5th        Deua River and            Tony Clark         0411090653
April              Bendethra Valley                                               6 vehicles
                                              Faye Goodman       0423008628

13th 18th April       Rouse Hill
                    Caravan Show

6th—9th May        Quambone NSW         C/D   Ken and Yvonne
                                              McDonald           0423411830

24th—25th July       Xmas In July
18th August—      Dinosaurs to Dino-    E/D    Trevor Banks      0428972763       8 vehicles
8th Sept                saurs
                                              Roger Carrodus     0416298323

27th—28th Nov          Annual
                     Xmas party
                    The We Leaser

Check out the

  On the following pages
And don’t forget to book
       Your next adventure
Take plenty of piccies and
 someone put their hand
   up for a trip report.
          I love to read them
 Image taken by Roz Oshea /Simpson .

Fossil Windjana Gorge National Park WA
Badass babes of The Barringtons
                                    20-21 March 2021
Trip Leader:         Faye Goodman 0423 008 628
Where:           Barrington tops – camping in Manning River Campground
Meet:     Carpark Denison Street Gloucester, just in front of the park 9.30 am
Bring: Camping gear, recovery gear, food and water, bag of wood.
Limit : 8 cars
         This trip is not suitable for caravans or camper trailers.
Min requirements: Stage 1 driver awareness training or equivalent, good all terrain
tyres, UHF radio, full tank of fuel at meeting point
It’s time for the “babes” of the club to run amok again! This is a drive through the beauti-
ful, scenic Barringtons that will see you driving some “C” grade tracks that will require
your technical skills whilst not being too terrifying. We will meet in Gloucester before tak-
ing the Barrington Tops road across to the tops. There are some great lookouts along the
way. We’ll then be tackling some of the iconic trails of the area, including Barrington trail
and Wrights trail before making our way into camp at Little Manning camp area, which is
situated in the upwaters of the Manning River and has pit toilets. There we’ll have a nice
campfire (restrictions permitting) and maybe a glass or two of liquid refreshment. On Sun-
day we will explore some more trails and waterfalls before heading west through the Din-
go gate and home via Moonan Flat, Scone and the New England Highway.
Boys (and kids) can accompany the babes but we’d like the babes to take this opportunity
to do all the driving and camp set up this weekend. If you’re a babe that’s coming alone
and you haven’t been four wheel driving much alone before, don’t worry as there will be
lots of help if you need a hand letting your tyres down or setting up camp.

                 Along Old Settlers Road

When—Saturday 27th March 2021
Meeting— 9:00am Wollombi Park
Trip leader - Ray Kaltenbacher (rayandberyl15 @bigpnd.com)43427521
Trip rating - C/D
Limit : 8 Cars
Trip will meet at Wollombi Park before traveling to Paynes Crossing to access The
Old Settlers Road to Putty Rd then Putty Rd to Howes Track and back to Laguna
Stopping at Finchley look-out .

Deua River and Bendethera Valley
                                 Easter 2-5 April 2021
Trip Leader:       Tony Clark 0411 090 653
                   Faye Goodman 0423 008 628
Where:         Deua National Park
Limit:              6 vehicles with possible 2 more positions depending on NPWS booking
Meet:              11.30 am, Moruya Riverside park, Shore St Moruya (turn left just south of
                   the bridge)
Bring:             Camping gear, recovery gear, food and water, bag of wood. Full tank of fuel
                   at meeting point. This trip is not suitable for caravans or camper trailers.
Min requirements: Stage 1 driver awareness training or equivalent, good all terrain tyres, UHF
radio, snorkel or bra for river crossings.
From Moruya we will head up into the ranges and drive the interesting Larry Mountain and Yel-
low Flower tracks before making our way to Araluen free camp which has drop toilets.
On Saturday we will make our way into the Bendethera Valley via Buckenbowra looping back
down Dampier Mountain Firetrail.
There we will make camp for 2 nights in this stunning natural valley on the picturesque Deua
River. National Park booking fees apply. Sunday we’ll do a day drive along the Mongamula
track and back to camp via the Dampier Mountain firetrail
On Monday we will pack up and make our way home via Bendethera firetrail and Little Sugar-
loaf track before heading back to Moruya and making our way home.
Due to NPWS restrictions, you will need to book early so please let us know asap if you want to
come along.

Dinosaurs 2 Dinosaurs

                            16 August to 8 September 2021

Trip Leaders : Trevor Banks 0428972763

                  Roger Carrodus 0416298323

Grade- D/E

Limit 8 Cars
Trip is to Travel to Gunnedah for Agquip then proceed to Winton Queensland for the Dino-
saurs then proceed south to home via Quilpie, Cunnamulla and Lightning Ridge.

For those interested please contact the above for more details.
If members do not wish to do the trip but are interested in going to Agquip they are invited
to tag along and then proceed home by their selves

Trip to Marthaguy Annual Race Day 2021
                                  Quambone NSW.
                             6th May to 9th May 2021
Trip Leaders Ken and Yvonne McDonald 43581357 - 0423411830
When - 6th May to 9th May 2021 (an extension to 12th May if on the return home trip
some wish to visit Carinda and then Goulbourn National Park)
Both Pineridge and Messines Farms will be visited during the trip.

Class -    C/D
 (extended trip will include some gravel road thru Macquarie Marches and Goulburn Na-
tional Park)
Accommodation and trip details available from Ken and Yvonne.

Club Person of the
 Goes to “Drum Roll “please

            Our New Vice President
               Damian Erickson

Piston and Broke
                  Steve Turdack
        Think he might need to go to Specsavers .
Something about not knowing the height of his roof rack .

Just wondering what exactly they are drinking at the
coffee meet up .
Simon Newton getting his protective gear for the Bike.
Push bike that is . Me thinks he might have had a fall.

10yrs Membership

Congratulations Brian and Linda

 Jim O’Donoghue


The We-Leaser
               is opened to
Financial Club members
          and their Family
‘Visitors must have a club
   member with them’
 “Please follow the guidelines set out in the Covid policy “

               Current Regulations .
        I have attached the Covid Policy
               Dated 1st June 2020
              Listing the restrictions
               and current changes


This policy has been developed in response to the recent Covid 19 Pandemic which has had a major impact
on the Central Coast Four Wheel Drive Club activity today and in the future.
The Committee has met and developed the following controls to be applied to all Club Activities. This policy is
to be read, taking into consideration what is “reasonably practicable in the situation”.

We Leaser Guidelines
Do not attend the lease if you or any of your family are unwell – Stay at Home.
Do not attend the lease if you or any of your family have been exposed to Covid 19 in the past 14 days.
Do not attend the lease if you or any of your family have returned from overseas in the past 14 days.
All people attending the Lease MUST sign on, the Sign on Sheet is located in the café in the metal box.
Social distancing of 1.5 metres MUST BE maintained at all times including in the café and campfire.
Please no sharing food during Happy Hour.

You are encouraged to download the Covid Safe app to your phone
                        Wash hands regularly with soap and water or hand sanitiser
Bring your own cooking utensils and use Non Stick Baking Paper on the BBQ. Please disinfect BBQ, the sink,
tables and surfaces after use.
      You are encouraged to bring your own cooking facilities to help prevent the risk of transmission of
                                                   Covid 19.
Camp site set up, ensure that there is a minimum distance of 5 metres away from the next campsite.
The shower is closed until further notice.
Pit Toilets are still open. Before and after use please wipe down the toiler seat, door handles etc. Parents/
Carers please accompany your children to the toilet to make sure that the facilities are disinfected.
The Club has supplied Earth Choice – Antibacterial Surface Cleaner which is suitable for use in the pit toilets
for cleaning. Do not put disinfectant wipes in the pit toilet.
Please bring your own grey water friendly Antibacterial Surface Cleaners for use in the pit toilet.
         It is encouraged to bring your own porta pottie or wee bucket to help prevent the spread of
                                                   Covid 19.

                                                                                  1st June 2020

Club Trips Training Guidelines

Do not attend the trip if you or any of your family are unwell – Stay at Home.
Do not attend the trip if you or any of your family have been exposed to Covid 19 in the past 14 days.
Do not attend the trip if you or any of your family have returned from overseas in the past 14 days.
All people attending the trip MUST sign the Trip Sign On Sheet provided by the Trip Leader.
During the trip if you or any of your family begin to feel unwell, please notify the Trip Leader IMMEDIATELY.
Social distancing of 1.5 metres MUST BE maintained at all times including around the campfire.
Please no sharing food during Happy Hour.

                          Wash hands regularly with soap and water or hand sanitiser
Camp site set up, ensure that there is a minimum distance of 5 metres away from the next campsite.
              Bring your own cooking & toileting facilities to help prevent the risk of transmission of
                                                          Covid 19.
                                 Please supply your own hand sanitiser, disinfectants and soap.

   Thank you for your understanding and cooperation in keeping the members of our great club

                                                                                       1st June 2020
Are thinking you would like to put on a
                    “Club Trip “????
               Not sure where to go???
          It’s a difficult job to run a trip and only for special people. “NUP”
First of you have to choose where you wish to go and what you would see along the
You get to choose when and where the trip starts from and the duration of the trip.
You have to stay out in front of the trip and not behind somebody else’s dust cloud.
You get to see the wildlife before a group of four wheel drives thundering down the
track scares it off.
After the trip you get to have everybody praise you for getting them lost along the
           Is it difficult to run a trip .– NUP.—We are here to support you
Most of this list is trips done by club members and only touches on the possible des-
tinations as this country is one great four wheel drive destination and If you wish to
explore it often there is somebody that would love to tag along.
 So if you’re not sure, try raising an expression of interest and do not be backward
in asking for help and suggestions , as often others have knowledge to give you or
you could ask Mr Google or one of the many 4x4 books for Help.
If it’s a Spur of the moment thing it’s also possible to advertise it on the clubs pri-
vate Facebook site or E-Mail to the club Editor and Tripmaster, download an attend-
ance form from the club web site and have fun..

Your trip could cover from a day to several weeks, be difficult or a simple drive or
event to attend some possible destinations are.

I will keep the list in the Magazine ,if you would like to put forward some sugges-
tions I will add to the list .

Past Trips— 4WD and Social
Yalwal Circuit                          Maitalnd Gaol
Polblue                                 Cockatoo Island
Crowdy bay National Park                The tunnel systems Sydney
Coolah tops National park               St Albans / sections gGeat North Walk
Lithgow /Turon River                    Blue Mountains N.P.
Cells River                             Hill End
Talwahl/Myall lakes                     Ophir
Watagans day trip/ Weekend              Nundle S.F
Victorian High Country                  Coffs harbour and Hinterland
Back Road to Bilpin                     Yerranderie– WombeyanCaves
Back Road to Cedar Creek                Pilliga N.P.
Patonga                                 Myall Lakes
Bendethra                               Farquar Inlet
Swans Crossing                          Point Plumer
Woko Via the Barringtons                Glen Davis
Western Wollemi/ Dunnes Swamp           Agquip
Newnes                                  A social evening of bowls
Wadbilliga                              Events around area i.e. Billy cart races
Dungog Day Trip                         at Gresford

Stockrington State Conservation Area    Further afield

Caves to Caves – Jenolan Caves to       Vic High Country
Abercrombie Caves                       Darling River
Ourimbah State Forest Day trip          Victoria N.P.
We Leaser Weekend trips via back gate   Flinders Ranges
Awaba                                   Border Ranges
Knorrit Flats                           Moreton Island
Upper Colo Reserve                      Frazer Island
Mount Sugerloaf                         Cape York
Yengo N.P.                              The Simpson
Finchley lookouts and Carvings          The Kimberley’s
Fort Scratchley                         Googs Track S.A
    The lease manager would like to remind everyone not to feed the horses
at the lease as they become too familiar and can cause damage to cars, vans
and tents.
Also, just a reminder, that NO PETS are allowed at the We-Leaser under any
circumstances, unless they are a registered assistance animal, and have been
approved by the Committee.
One more thing…… When visiting the lease please remember to sign in to
the visitor book, as this is an official club site and we are required to take
attendance, just like we do at club meetings and trips.

  You can still purchase your club merchandise!
                                At the Meetings
                     If you’d like to purchase club merchandise
                               we can now post it to you.
Make sure you include full details including your size where relevant.
Sean will advise availability and cost.
Contact Sean Du Toit— 0414158412
Email      :Skdutoit@yahoo.com.au
Make payment to the club account – (purchase price plus $10 postage)
The club bank account details are:
Account name: Central Coast Four Wheel Drive Club Incorporated
BSB: 082 620
Account: 622378649
See the full list of merchandise on page 43

Club Merchandise For Sale
    Club clothing is a great way to promote our club and show your support for responsible
                            4WDriving and the clothing is good value.
       Contact: Sean Du Toit— 0414158412 – email—membership@cc4wdc.org.au

   Jacket (polar fleece with emblem)                                  $35.00

   Green sleeveless vest (polar fleece with emblem)                   $30.00

   Club Shirt (with Embroidered Club Logo)                            $30.00

   Long Sleeve Bisley Shirt (with Embroidered Club Logo)              $55.00

   Optional Extra (with first Name only)                               POA

   Wet Weather light-weight Jacket (with Embroidered Club Logo)       POA

   Extra name plate badges (new style)                                $10.00

   Baseball Caps (with Embroidered Club Logo)                         $15.00

   Floppy Hats (like Cricket hats with Embroidered Club Logo)         $18.00

   Beanies (with Embroidered Club Logo)                               $15.00

   Scarves (with Embroidered Club Logo)                               $18.00

   Stubby Holders (with Logo)                                          $5.00

   Club Stickers                                                       $5.00

   CC4WD Club Windscreen Stickers          Large                       $20.00

   CC4WD Club Windscreen Stickers        Medium                        $12.00

   CC4WD Club Windscreen Stickers          Short                       $8.00

Our windscreen stickers are made by one of our club members, Chris Newbold and donated to the
                                    club. Thank you Chris!

2021 Calendar
            Su           Mo

             3           4
            10           11
            17           18
            24           25

Water Crossing

Links to Handy Websites
                                      National Parks NSW
Forestry Corporation NSW (State Forests)
Live Traffic NSW
Rural Fire Service NSW
Bureau of Meteorology (BOM)
Without a Hitch - Advice on CB Radio Channels

Handy Phone apps
Wikicamps – a great app with details and photos of campsites contributed by campers
BOM – the Government weather app
Mud Maps – shows off road tracks and allows you to create a track log that you can follow
Memory Maps - shows off road tracks and allows you to create a track log that you can fol-
Hema Maps - shows off road tracks and allows you to create a track log that you can follow
Fires Near Me NSW (there are equivalents in other states if you are venturing further
Google maps will show you where you are while on designated roads and can also show
you traffic conditions but will not be reliable once you are in the bush.
NSW Alerts (there are equivalents in other states)
Fuel Map – guide to fuel locations.
Live Traffic NSW

Cessnocks Fantastic 30 ft Lizard Monsters

If you have any issues logging on to the association website, please contact Mark Roper—042097678453
                  DRIVER TRAINING UNIT


                             NOT JUST MALE MEMBERS

 Minimum 2 years Club Membership
 Have completed the Clubs Stage 1 & 2 Training
 Have completed Association Basic Training
           {Drive & Recover a Four Wheel Drive Vehicle }
 Are willing to undergo / obtain Association Training
           ( Drive and Recover a Four Wheel Drive Vehicle
            In Difficult Terrain ) at the next available opportunity
 Are willing to give 10 weekends per year to assist the DTU
 The DTU commitment is for a 3 Year period

             Expressions of interest to be directed to

                           The Executive Committee
                       Central Coast Four Wheel Drive Club
                               PO Box 4354
                         Lake Haven NSW 2263


Just a bit of water
at the We Leaser
 Click here to visit our club website www.cc4wdc.org.au

 The website is a great resource with information about our club as well as club
 magazines, up coming trips, past trips, FAQ’s and memorabilia. If you have anything you
 would like to contribute please email publicity@cc4wdc.org.au

 Our Club Facebook page now has close to 1000 followers and is a
 great place to view recent club trips, videos, photos, tips, information about state forests
 and national parks. Just search on Facebook for Central Coast 4wd club and “Like” our

 This is a closed Facebook group that is only open to current financial members of our
 club. It is a great place to post your trip photos, have a general chat and discuss all
 things four wheel driving!.

 To join, search for CC4WDC members group on Facebook and click the blue button "Join
 Your request to join will then be submitted for approval by one of the Admin team who
 will check that you are a financial member and then approve your request.

The Four Wheel Drive NSW & ACT Association has its own website with information
about                        the association and its current activities
                                 •    Click here to go to www.4wdnow.com
                                 •    Find the “login” option on the left of the page
                                 •    Register your details
                                 •    Once verified by our club you will have access
                                 to the members area
To all
The March babes
 young and old
 Happy Birthday
 Hope its grand

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