4 Bromeliad Society of Broward ...
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P.O. Box 17272 Plantation, FL 33318 ϐ President Richard Sedlak 954-296-5633 Vice President Shirley Konefal 954-632-4528 Treasurer Charlene “Becky” Blackwood 954-791-8017 Recording Secretary Melissa Stevens 954-275-5526 Corresponding Secretary Brad Beardsley 954-531-7322 Asst. Corresponding Secretary Elsa Snavely 954-584-5108 Directors Eric Petrusha 954-647-8548 Maurice Bruet 646-522-2519 Gloria Chernoff 954-327-8516 Committee Chairpersons Country Store Gloria Chernoff 954-327-8516 Librarian Lee Magnuson 954-427-4790 Membership Judith Lahey 954-764-0429 Susan Mather 954-584-0908 Photographer Eric Petrusha 954-647-8548 Plant Sale Table Shirley Konefal 954-632-4528 Publicity Eric Petrusha 954-647-8548 ϐȀ ͻͷͶǦͷͺ͵ǦͶʹ Refreshments Harriet Abo 954-434-8466 Interested in Learning More? Our monthly meetings generally offer a guest speaker on timely and noteworthy topics, member plant sales, a plant raffle, special holiday plant auctions, diagnosis of disease and pest problems, and a Country Store with selected bromeliad and gardening supplies. We meet the third Monday of every month except January and February. ϐǣ ǡ ȋʹͲͳǦʹͲʹͲȌ 2
3UHVLGHQW·V0HVVDJH ǥǤǤǤ ǫ ϐ ǡǥǤǤ you were unaware of! Of course simply helping with muscle power is also always appreciated. There are always plant show sales that need you to help set up and sell plants. Club administration is another area you are encouraged to delve into. We can always use the talents of ǡǡ ability, sales, advertising and publicity, and so much more! So don’t be shy! We can always use you and what you have to offer. You may just surprise yourself Ǥǡ ǤǥǤǤǫ Membership News Next Meeting: Monday, Jan. 14, 2019 at 6:30 pm at Deicke Auditorium 'RQ·WIRUJHWWKDW-DQXDU\LV0HPEHUVKLS5HQHZDO0RQWK7KHFRVWLV IRUD)DPLO\IRUD6LQJOH0HPEHUVKLSDQGIRU6WXGHQWV 2XU-DQXDU\6SHDNHULV&KLS-RQHV Chip studied Horticulture at Alabama A&M University before moving to Florida. He started Jones Landscaping in Davie and maintains a nursery as well that is open by appointment. They have interesting plants for south Florida with an emphasis on water wise plants that are grown to good size for immediate impact in the land- scape. Their plants perform well and look great! Chip specializes in eco-friendly, esoteric exotics and native plants, with bold textures and larger sizes for residential and commercial landscapes. They have cycads and plants available that you won’t find anywhere else! Chip has won numerous awards with his plants and is known throughout the plant community by his participation and support of various societies. His website is www.cycadflorida.com and this month he will be doing a hands on presentation and will also bring plants to sell. Don’t miss it! 7KH&RXQWU\6WRUHDQGUDIIOHWDEOHZLOOEHRSHQEHIRUHDQG DIWHU&KLS·VSUHVHQWDWLRQDORQJZLWKGHOLFLRXVUHIUHVKPHQWV 7KH6LOHQW$XFWLRQ 0HPEHU6DOHV7DEOHZLOOEHFORVHG 3
January Birthdays (PPD6LPPRQV *D\OH6SLQHOO*HOOHUV %RE6PLWK -DQHWWH:DOWHUV ǤǤǤ We’re adding a new segment to the SCURF where you can become a contributor rather than just a reader! By sharing your own personal triumphs or possibly a failure you encountered, others can learn and grow from your experience. It’s an opportunity for you to share pictures of your favorite plants or simply get answers to questions like “Why did it do that?” from our group of knowledgeable growers. It’s your chance to become a “player” rather than just a “bystander”. So if you forget (or were too shy) to ask questions at the last meeting, here’s a way to get answers or simply show others what a really awesome grower you are! As Richard said in his opening remarks, you might just ϐ Ǩ Simply email your pictures, questions, or other information that you’d like to share with the club to the editor at bbtwest@msn.com, and take that next step. The plant you save may be your own! 6KRSSLQJRQ$PD]RQ"5HPHPEHU\RXFDQXVH $PD]RQ6PLOHWRVXSSRUWRXU6RFLHW\:KHQ\RX VKRSDWVPLOH$PD]RQFRP\RXJHWWKHVDPH SURGXFWVDQGSULFHV7KH$PD]RQ6PLOH)RXQGDWLRQ ZLOOGRQDWHRIWKHSXUFKDVHSULFHWRWKHFKDULW\ \RXGHVLJQDWHOLNHWKH%6%&DQGDWQRFRVWWR\RX 5
)URP7KH(GLWRU I was sad to hear that Gayle was moving and needed to hand over the SCURF. She’s done a great job for years and we will miss her passion dearly. Then I heard her say something about unlimited access to the best growers in South Florida who regularly speak at our meetings and what sounded like “free plants for life”. I may be new to the club, but who can pass up access to knowledge and free plants for life....right Gayle? I’m a Husker by birth and spent much of my life on farms in the Midwest enjoying a rural lifestyle by growing crops Ǥ ǡ gardens and pulling weeds, I swore when I left the farm I’d never touch another plant or shovel snow again! Then therapeutic, unlike shoveling snow. Imagine that? I’ve now lived in several regions of this gorgeous country. Each with its own unique climate and vegetation. I grew succulents for 20 years in Tampa Bay then ornamentals and vegetables in the dense clay of the Great Plains. Ferns ϐ and to this day, several of my friends swear I grew the hottest jalapenos they can recall in Louisiana! ϔ I now reside in Boca Raton so it seems like my botanical journey has come full circle! A couple years back I purchased a bromeliad (Aec. DeLeon) off eBay and contacted the seller to see if I could pick it up in Hollywood rather than take a chance shipping it. The seller? Shirley Konefal, of course. Once I saw her collection and Richard’s unique wood creations I was bitten by the bromeliad bug! Like many of you, I’m quickly running out of room even for pups. Then again who needs grass, right? ǯϔ As the new editor of the SCURF, I look forward to learning all I can, sharing what I know, and of Until next time, course touring your garden in the coming year over cocktails! -Brad 6
8SFRPLQJ(YHQWV7KLQJVWR6HH Date-Time Event Place Glenn Bates Garden Center at Birch Sat., Jan. 19, 9:00 AM Ft. Lauderdale Garden Club Plant Sale State Park Sat. and Sun, Mar. 16 and 17 BSSF Annual Show Fairchild Gardens, Coral Gables Sat., Mar. 16 & Sun., Mar. 17; 9 am-5 pm ; 9 am-4 pm Garden Fest Plant Extravanganza Volunteer Park, PlantaƟon, FL Sat., Mar. 16 & Sun., Mar. 17; Bromeliad Society of South Florida, 41st 9 am-4:30 pm ; 9 am-4:30 pm Annual Show and Sale Fairchild Gardens, Coral Gables Sat., Apr. 13 and Sun. Apr. 14; Seminole Bromeliad and Tropical Plant Garden Club, 200 Fairmont Drive, 9 am—4 pm Society Annual Spring Plant Sale Sanford, FL Sat., April 13, 2019 9:30 am - 4:30 pm Sun., April 14, 2019 Spring Garden FesƟval and 39th Annual 9:30 am-4:30 pm Spring Plant Sale Fairchild Gardens, Coral Gables Sept. 2019 Bromeliad Society of Central Florida TBD Oct. 17-20, 2019 Golden Broms Queensland, Australia !!!! 2021 Australasian Bromeliad Conference New Zealand !!!!!! 6XSSRUW/RFDO%XVLQHVVHV *RWDEXVLQHVV\RXZRXOGOLNHWRDGYHUWLVH" $GVLQWKH6&85)DUHIRUPRQWKVIRUPRQWKV &RQWDFW%HFN\%ODFNZRRGLILQWHUHVWHG 7
ǡ ̷ͻͷͶǤͶʹǤͶͻͲ Title Author Copyright Blooming Bromeliads Ulrich Baensch 1998 Brazil Orchid of the Tropics Mulford & Racine Foster 1945 Bromeliaceae Andreanae Edouard Francois Andre 1983 Bromeliaceae Ole Proceedings of the 1982 World Bromeliad Conf Corpus ChrisƟ Bromeliad 1982 Bromeliaceaes of Venezuela Francisco Oliva-Esteva 1987 Bromeliaceas en Flor (In Spanish) Ulrich Baensch 1996 Bromeliads Francisco Oliva-Esteva 1996 Bromeliads - Genera, Species, Hybrids Louis Dutrie none Bromeliads (Copy #1) Victoria Padilla 1973 Bromeliads (Copy #2) Victoria Padilla 1973 Bromeliads for Contemporary Gardens Andrew Steens Bromeliads for Home Garden & Greenhouse Werner Rauh 1973 Bromeliads HorƟculturalist Guide Jack Kramer 1981 Bromeliads in CulƟvaƟon Robert Gardner Wilson 1964 Bromeliads in the Brazilian Wilderness Elton M.C. Leme 1993 Bromeliads in the AtlanƟc Forest Elton M.C. Leme 1997 Bromeliads, Houseplants of Today & Tomorrow Walter Richter none Bromelien (German) Werner Rauh 1973 Canistropsis - Bromeliads of the AtlanƟc Forest Elton M.C. Leme 1998 Jewel of the Tropics - The Bromeliads Lyman B. Smith 1969 Nidularium - Bromeliads of the AtlanƟc Forest Elton M.C. Leme 2000 Searching for Miss Fortuna - The Hunt for a Bromeliad Chester Skotak 2007 Taking Bromeliads The Colorful Bromeliads - Their InĮnite Variety (Copy #1) Victoria Padilla 1981 The Colorful Bromeliads - Their InĮnite Variety (Copy #2) Victoria Padilla 1981 Tillandsia II Paul T. Isley III 2009 University Press of Florida 2011 Looking Ahead... )HE0HHWLQJ0RQGD\)HEDWSPDW'HLFNH$XGLWRULXP 'RQ·WIRUJHWWRUHQHZ\RXUPHPEHUVKLS:HFDQ·WH[LVWZLWKRXW\RX IRUD)DPLO\IRUD6LQJOH0HPEHUVKLSDQGIRU6WXGHQWV 8
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