Page created by Casey Fisher
“You shall love the Lord your God with all
                               your heart, and with all your soul, and with all
                                  your mind. This is the greatest and first
                                And a second is like it: ‘You shall love your
                                           neighbour as yourself.”
                                                Matthew 22.34-40

  30TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME                                                                October 25, 2020

1 Thessalonians 1:5c-10
Spread the Word
When faith takes root it spreads. When you are truly touched by the mercy of God, you tell other people. You share
your faith. They come to believe because of your testimony.
In the business world, customers are some of the best agents for selling products. If you really like something you
have bought, you tell other people and inspire them to get it too. In the secular world, this is a form of evangelization.
Paul, Timothy, and Silvanus, writing to the Thessalonians, complimented them on their faith. It had taken root and it
was spreading. The Thessalonians were telling the world about Christ. “For from you the word of the Lord has
sounded forth not only in Macedonia and in Achaia, but in every place your faith in God has gone forth.”
The Thessalonians had received the word in great affliction, and it brought them tremendous comfort. They shared
their faith with others who needed to hear this gospel of hope as well.
People undergoing any affliction may find comfort from the gospel of Jesus, whom God raised from the dead and
who delivers us from all adversity. If you have experienced peace through faith, and if you know someone suffering
some affliction, you can do the world a favor. Proclaim the peace of Jesus Christ. Faith has taken root in your heart.
Let it spread.
                                                                                                      Written by Paul Turner

                          Alleluia. Alleluia. The one who loves me will keep my word and
                         my Father will love him and we will come to him Alleluia. John 14.23
Holy Spirit Parish                                                                                Spiritual Communion Prayer
114 Kingsmere Place • Saskatoon, SK S7J 3V7
Phone 306 374-1425 • Fax 306 374-3190                                                             “My Jesus, I believe that You
                                                                                                   are present in the Most Holy
Church Hours 8:00 am - 3:15 pm, Mass Tues.- Friday 8:30 am                                            Sacrament of the altar.
Office Hours: 9:00 am to 12 noon                                                                   I love You above all things,
1:00 - 4:30 pm Staff available by phone, email or appointment                                          and I desire to receive
only.                                                                                                    You into my soul.
Office email info@holyspiritsaskatoon.ca                                                          Since I cannot at this moment
Website holyspiritsaskatoon.ca                                                                      receive You sacramentally,
                                                                                                   come at least spiritually into
Roman Catholic Diocese of Saskatoon                                                                         my heart ...
Phone 306 242-1500                                                                                      I embrace You as if
Website rcdos.ca                                                                                   You were already there and
                                                                                                   unite myself wholly to You.
Holy Spirit Parish Masses: Due to Covid-19 restrictions you                                           Never permit me to be
must sign yourself up to attend. Click this link to schedule a                                    separated from You, Amen.”
time and date for yourself: Sign Up Genius
12 noon Sunday Mass continues to be livestreamed.
Adoration: Wednesdays 7pm - 8pm , Fridays 9am - 12 noon
                                                                          Let Us Pray—Prayers of the Faithful
Confessions: Saturdays 11am -12 noon in parking lot
Any other time by appointment call
Call: 306-374-1425 or email:                                     •      For the Church: that we may manifest our love of God
                                                                     and neighbor in words that express our commitment and
Rev. Darryl Millette dmillette@rcdos.ca                              in deeds that show our commitment to Christ. We pray
Associate Pastor                                                     to the Lord.
Rev. Phong Pham ppham@rcdos.ca                                   •      For all those in public service: that they always decide
                                                                     in favor of human dignity and integrity. We pray to the
Pastoral Associates:
Administrative Assistant
Karen Klein kklein@rcdos.ca                                      •     For all who have the coronavirus and for those who
                                                                     care for them: that God will heal and restore the sick and
Ministry of Care                                                     help those who are assisting them to be instruments of
Charlene Nijhawan cnijhawan@rcdos.ca                                 God's healing love. We pray to the Lord.
Kelly Wormsbecker kwormsbecker@rcdos.ca
                                                                 •      For each of us: that as we feel more effects of the
Faith Formation                                                      isolation we are experiencing we may develop a spirit of
Sharon Powell spowell@rcdos.ca                                       compassion to feel the pain of others and reach out to all
                                                                     who are suffering or alone. We pray to the Lord.
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)
Arch McKay amckay@rcdos.ca                                       •     For a safe election this week: that God will protect all
                                                                     who plan to vote and all who will be working at polling
Sacramental Preparation
                                                                     places so all may fulfill their civic responsibilities. We
Erin Gratton egratton@rcdos.ca
                                                                     pray to the Lord.
Youth Ministry Coordinator
                                                                 •     For a deepening of gratitude in each of us: that we
Celena Komarnicki ckomarnicki@rcdos.ca
                                                                     may recognize all the ways God has shown love for us
Financial Administrator                                              and be filled with awe and gratitude for the blessings that
Monica Johnson mjohnson@rcdos.ca                                     have been given to us. We pray to the Lord.
Building Maintenance:                                            •   That we may spread the Gospel message “Love Your
Jack Altrogge, Ed Yuzyk jaltrogge@rcdos.ca                        Neighbor as Yourself” as we generously support the
Finance Committee:                                                Bishop’s Annual Appeal. We pray to the Lord.
Byron Bitz, Mike Gartner - Chair, Greg Kirzinger, Jonathon       • For the sick; Jack Tipton, Michael Rogers, Blanche
Neufeld - Council rep, Melina Palendat, Pat Pitka                 Kolojay, Patricia Wollbaum, Dominic Zyla, Theresa
                                                                  Matiakis, Concepcion Pangilinan, Betty Anne Tomney,
  Parish Pastoral Council:                                        Stella and Sophie Hollman, Kathleen Kroeger. We pray
  Kenton Peterson,Chair         Adrian Cochet                     to the Lord.
  Louise Bitz                   Lynn Eremondi                    • For Dana Volk, Benita Fernando, Mary Pshebylo, and
  Fern Boutin                   James Nestmann                    all who have died and for those who mourn them. We
  Susan Burns                   Jonathon Neufeld                  pray to the Lord.
  Cameron Choquette             Aaron Pangilinan
                               “Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I shall
                               dwell in the house of the Lord my whole life long..” Ps 23
                              Although we are not currently making home visits, Ministry of Care is still at
                              work, supporting you. We are maintaining contact with parishioners by phone and
                              email. Please let us know if someone needs our attention. If you need assistance,
                              have questions, would like to add a name to the Prayers of the Faithful, or simply
        wish to be in touch with us to talk with someone, please:
        Phone 306-374-1425 and press 6 for Ministry of Care.
        In case of emergency, call the parish office: 306-374-1425 and press the pound key #.
        email: Kelly Wormsbecker kwormsbecker@rcdos.ca
               Charlene Nijhawan cnijhawan@rcdos.ca

                                        MASS OF REMEMBRANCE

                We will commemorate ALL SOULS’ DAY this year with an online Memorial Mass.

                                        This Mass will be livestreamed
                                        Monday, November 2 at 7:00 pm
                                          at holyspiritsaskatoon.ca
            Due to Covid limitations, we are NOT able to accommodate in-person attendance this year.
                                               Please join online.
                     “Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them.
                     May the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. “

INFANT BAPTISM                                                  CHRISTIAN INITIATION FOR ADULTS
                         If you have had a child in the past                          If you are interested in inquiring
                         few months and would like him/                               about the Catholic faith feel free
                         her to be baptized, or are                                   to contact:
                         expecting a baby I would love to                             Arch McKay at
                         hear from you! We were not                                   agmckay1@sasktel.net or
                         baptizing babies for a few months                            amckay@rcdos.ca.
                         but we are able to do so once
again. We are baptizing children one family at a time. If
this is not your first child and you have attended baptism      MARRIAGE PREPARATION
prep sessions in the past couple of years you don’t need        This program is intended not only for engaged couples
to take prep again. If this is your first child please call     but also for couples considering engagement and
and we can arrange for prep sessions and the                    marriage. For information and to register for the next
celebration. Please contact Sharon at 306-374-1425 or           session contact Nicole Gursky at 306 229-0384 or
email spowell@rcdos.ca.                                         email ngursky@sasktel.net.

                                        CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF CHILDREN
                                         In the past couple of years we have had inquiries from parents of a number of
children who have not been baptized and now the child is showing a keen interest in receiving the sacraments of
initiation (Baptism, Confirmation and First Communion). Is this happening in your home too?
We, at Holy Spirit Parish, are trying to meet this need and have created a process for children 8 to 16 years who would
like to explore the possibility of being baptized and receive the sacraments of Confirmation and First Communion.
I would love to talk with you and your child if she/he has been questioning. I so look forward to telling you more
about this encouraging and gratifying process. Please either call or email me at spowell@rcdos.ca or 306-374-1425.
There’s still time to sign up! A LITTLE MORE INFORMATION ON ‘THE SEARCH’

                                 Tuesday, October 27, 2020 – 6:30 pm
The Search begins…!
We are all searching for something. Why am I here? Where did I come from? What am I looking for? What happens
when I die?

We find the answers to life’s big questions when we wrestle with them in faith. In fact, the story of human history
has largely been a story of faith. We need a relationship with our maker—a relationship with life—to make sense of
all of this.
Are you ready for The Search?

The Search is a powerful new Catholic video series hosted by Chris Stefanick and featuring scientists, astronauts,
artists, and fellow searchers who uncover the answers to life’s big questions on happiness, purpose, meaning, and
Whether you’re a regular church-goer or someone who has never considered faith before, The Search will speak to
you. You may be reassured by some parts, and challenged by others. Either way, you’ll find a lot here to think about.
And when all is said and done, life’s questions demand to be answered.
If you are ready!
Please join us in watching 7 videos (at your own pace and in the comfort of your own home). Then for seven weeks
beginning Tuesday, October 27 from 6:30 to 7:30 pm we will reflect on the video of the week. Celena, Sharon and
those who are watching the videos will join on ZOOM for that one hour.
To begin watching the videos and to register for your free account simply go to holyspiritsaskatoon.formed.org.
You will be guided on this website. The cost to you is absolutely free: our parish has a subscription for the entire
Each week there will be a different video. The first video is titled “What Do You Seek”?
Here are a few quotes from the video “What do you seek”:
“The part we often overlook is really the most important part of a tombstone; it’s that little thing between those two
dates – the dash”. (Chris Stefanick)
“Many suffer from ‘destination addiction,’ the belief that happiness will not arrive until a particular circumstance
changes in our lives”. (Jim Owen)
“Maybe the first mission in life as an adult is to find the meaning and purpose in your life, because you will not find
happiness unless you know what the meaning and purpose of life is”. (Jim Owen)
On October 27, we will reflect on these quotes and more. Please join us!

If you plan to attend please either email/call Sharon or Celena by October 27. We need to know if you’re coming so
we can give you the ID number and password to get into zoom when we meet. Email Sharon at (spowell@rcdos.ca)
or Celena at (ckomarnicki@rcdos.ca). You can phone one of us as well at 306-374-1425!
We are looking forward to hearing from you and most importantly seeing and talking with you on October 27th!!
CATHOLIC WOMEN’S LEAGUE                                        KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS 8905
                                                                                Thinking about joining?
            To enquire about joining or if you have
                                                                                 Have questions? Call:
                   general questions call:
                Adele Giblin 306 374-7524, or                             James Nestmann (306) 260-8206
               Margaret Schwab 306 227-8930                                     Bob Wacholtz (306) 933-9499

                                                                                         Holy Spirit Parish Adoration
                                                                                     •    Wednesday Evenings 7 pm - 8
                                                                                          pm (sponsored by HS - K of C)
                                                                                     •    Friday Mornings 9 am - 12 noon

The Saskatoon Regional CWL Quilters have
resumed quilting for charity. We make quilts for the                                 Join us in saying the Rosary @
CWL Clothing Depot, Egadz, the YWCA Women’s                                          11:35 am just before the
shelter, Lighthouse and the new hospice to name a few.
We are in need of donations of quilting fabric and
                                                                                     livestreamed Mass at 12 noon
batting. If you are housecleaning and would like to
donate fabric to our cause, please call Margaret at 306
227 8930.
                              Christmas Cakes and Religious                     11 am - 12 pm Saturdays
                              Christmas Cards for sale.                       Will now be inside the church
•  1 lb cakes $15.00                                                                  Sunday Mass
•  2.5 lb cakes $25.00
•  Christmas Cards packages of 10 for $10.00 or
                                                                            Fr. Darryl will be celebrating and
•  3 packs for $25.00                                                         live streaming Sunday mass
Order by phone or email :                                               on Facebook and at saskatoonmass.com:
Email campaignlifesk@gmail.com or call John at 306-
477-1748.                                                                    30th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Order soon as we didn’t bring in as many cakes this year.                    Mass: October 25 @ 12:00 noon
Fundraiser for Campaign Life Coalition Saskatchewan.

                        Where can you :                                     Act of Contrition (alternate form)
                        • sign up for Mass,                             My God, I am sorry for my sins with all my heart.
                                                                         In choosing to do wrong and failing to do good,
                        • get the current and past Bulletins,
                                                                     I have sinned against you whom I should love above all
                        • check out the Catholic Catechism,                                  things.
                        • donate to the parish,
                        • sign up your child for Sacramental Prep,       I firmly intend, with your help, to do penance,
                        •and more?                                            to sin no more, and to avoid whatever
                       All in one place?                                                 leads me to sin.
                                                                     Our Savior Jesus Christ suffered and died for us. In his
Holyspiritsaskatoon.ca (click the link!)                                      name, my God, have mercy. Amen.

        Sign Up for Mass                                                                     October 28
    Click on the orange box                                                       Feast Day of Saints Simon and Jude
                                                                                         Click the link to read their story
30th Sunday in Ordinary Time

    •   Children’s Liturgy
    •   Children’s Bulletin
    If you can’t open the links please go to holyspiritsaskatoon.ca

                           OCTOBER IS THE MONTH OF THE HOLY ROSARY
                        ‘It’s easy to fit the rosary into your schedule. Do you have two and a half minutes in your day
                        that you can give to God? This is the beauty of the rosary.
                        I I need a quick pause in my busy life - just a two-and-a– half-minute break - I can pull out my
                        beads and pray a decade in order to regroup with the Lord and be nourished spirituyally.
                        That’s all a decade takes: one Our Father, ten Hail Marys and one Glory Be. Ican do that
                        easily, pausing for a moment in between emails, in the car, in my office, in between meetings,
                        in between errands. I don’t even have to stop some things I’m doing: I can pray a decade while
                        cooking dinner, weeping the floor, holding a baby, or walking to my next appointment.
                        If an urgent need comes up in the day—- someone is in an accident, I’m about to begin a big
                        project, my spouse is having a rough day, I have an important decision to make, I need to have
a difficult conversation with someone, my child is taking an exam—I can say a quick decade right on the spot. In just
two and a half minutes, I can offer a special gift to God—one decade of the rosary – for that particular intention.’
Praying the Rosary Like Never Before: Encounter the Wonder of Heaven and Earth by Edward Sri

The Bishop’s Annual Appeal changes lives through service to the Lord. Your gift helps to support those
cultivating a vocation to the priesthood. Your gift to the Annual Appeal is an investment in the future of our Church
and our Faith.
Two weekends ago was the 2020 Bishop’s Annual Appeal Gift Sunday for our Parish. Thank you to the parish
families who have already made their gift. If you haven’t had the opportunity, please prayerfully consider
supporting the many good works of the Diocese. Every gift, no matter the size, has value, and will be gratefully
received and sincerely appreciated.

Bishops Annual Appeal 2020 – Volunteers are needed for calling parishioners regarding the Bishops Annual Appeal.
If you would like to volunteer, please call:

                                    Kelly at 306-374-1425 or email kwormsbecker@rcdos.ca

                       For all current and relevant information in our diocese check out the Roman Catholic Diocese
                       of Saskatoon’s website! Rcdos.ca

                       For the Diocesan Bulletin click this link: Diocesan Bulletin Announcements, Oct. 25, 2020
Holy Spirit Parish’s 5% offerings accrued from March 15 to August 31/20

                        $10310.49 in donations was dispersed to the following charities:
   Farm in the Dell – 775.00                                    Str 8 Up – 775.00
   Vision TV – 775.00                                           Spectrum – 775.00
   Saskatoon Pregnancy Options – 775.00                         Alzheimer Society – 775.00
   Global Gathering Place – 775.00                              Prairie Hospice – 775.00
   Canadian Wheelchair Assoc – 775.00                           Care & Share – 775.00
   Serena – 775.00

   Easter Money Distribution for 2020 - $7469.40
   Prairie hospice – 1000.00
   Keewatin Le-Pas – 1500.00
   Bosco Farm School – 1500.00
   L’Arche – 975.00
   Saskatoon Pregnancy Options – 975.00
   St.Mary’s Parish – 1519.40

“You shall love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your
mind.” – Matthew 22:37
Do you put other “gods” before God? Is your love of money, power, status, comfort or some personal possession
greater than your love for God? Do you really recognize that everything you have and that everything you are is a gift
from God? The good news – it’s not too late to put God first in all things in your life.

                                                                   DONATING TO YOUR PARISH

ways to submit parish donations:
1. Sign up for Pre-Authorized Giving Registration forms are available at the church office, online on our parish web-
   site, or via email. Donate using debit or credit card. Form

                                                     You will receive a receipt via email from Canada Helps.
2. Through CanadaHelps click

3. Interac e-Transfer using online banking: send e-transfer to finance@holyspiritsaskatoon.ca (it is directly depos-
   ited, no password needed). Please put your full name and envelope number in the message box along with
   any special offering designation.
4. Mail envelopes to the church: 114 Kingsmere Place, Saskatoon, SK, S7J 3V7
5. Drop envelopes off at church: Put envelopes into the office door mail slot.
Given the ghoulish and ghostly nature that Halloween has adopted in modern cul-
                         ture, many are unaware that Halloween is actually Catholic in origin. The word
                         “Halloween” is a contraction of “All Hallows Eve” and began as a celebration on
the evening before All Hallows Day or as we now call All Saints Day.
Over the years, as Halloween became commercialized and secularized, its true roots and purpose have
been misconstrued and misunderstood (much like Christmas and Easter). However, Halloween really pre-
sents a wonderful opportunity to have fun as a family and educate our children about the Church in a way
that is interesting to them.

Start by telling your kids about Halloween’s history and its connection to
All Saints Day. Explain that All Saints Day is an occasion when we honor
special people who spent their life doing good things for others — these
people were so selfless that the Church declared them saints.

Take this time to introduce some of the saints to your kids There are
books that will help you accomplish this, including “The Children’s Book of
Saints”; “Loyola Kids Book of Saints” for older children; and “Catholic
Saints for Children,” which can appeal to those as young as 2 or 3.

Encourage your child to pick a particularly interesting saint and use this
opportunity to, as a family, ask that saint to intercede for you. Let your kids know that if they’d like to dress
up as a saint for Halloween, you will help them put a costume together.

Even if your child has a different idea about what the Halloween costume should be, he or she can always
dress as a favorite saint on November 1st.

Should you decide to go out to trick or treating, ask Saint Michael the Archangel for protection and safety
of the whole family.

                               In the days leading up to Halloween, embrace all the opportunities for fun to-

                                • Designate a day to decorate your home. Try to keep things light with family
                                -friendly options.
                                • Decorate or carve pumpkins safely together and roast the seeds for a
                                healthy snack.
                                • Enjoy that snack while watching family-friendly Halloween programming.

                               Celena Komarnicki
                               Youth Ministry Coordinator
For Your Information from rcdos.ca (click on the links for statements and information on the following topics)
•   Expansion of Euthanasia: Call to oppose Bill C-7 https://rcdos.ca/euthanasia/
•   Statement by the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops on Bill C-6
Contact your elected representatives to express your concerns about Bill C-6 or Bill C-7. You can find contact
information for Members of Parliament at: https://www.ourcommons.ca/en/contact-us
•   Political party representatives respond to questions based on Catholic social teaching during Saskatchewan
    provincial election campaign

                          The Saskatoon Pregnancy Options Center provides peer counselling for those facing
                          unplanned pregnancy, and a full range of education, support and services for client
                          families and their children. The Centre also provides services to those who have suffered
trauma from past abortions. The staff and volunteers of this essential mission are supported by a Board of Directors
who use their knowledge and experience to provide governance to this Pregnancy Care Canada affiliate.

We are currently accepting applications from persons with a passion for our mission and a background appropriate to
serving on our Board. If you think this might describe you, and you are comfortable working in a committed
ecumenical Christian faith based environment, please consider getting in touch with us to find out more. Some
specific areas of qualifications we are always interested in are as follows: (These are optional and not necessary for
those who are committed to our mission and have a desire to learn and serve.)
- Non Profit Board Experience
- Financial, Legal, or HealthCare Professional Experience
- Working in or with Immigrant or First Nations Communities

Please contact Cathy LaFleche, Executive Director,
to find out more.

                               A whole lot of love
                                 The greatest commandment: Love God with all your heart, soul, and mind, doesn’t
                                 really need a second commandment to follow it. But Jesus offers one about loving
                                 your neighbor as yourself. Why? If first-century Jews were anything like us, they
                                 didn’t really have a clue what it means to love God. Not sure how to love God? Start
with yourself. Learn to love yourself; then love your neighbor as yourself. Work on that for a while, and you’ll get the
hang of loving God.
In case you haven’t realized it, that second commandment—never mind the first—is way harder than Jesus makes it
sound. Even by later life, most of us will have barely figure out how to love ourselves, so our neighbors are definitely
going to get shortchanged.
But before you decide this love stuff is a hopeless cause, remember that a big part of faith is acting as if something
were true. You may not have mastered self-love, but act as if you are a loveable, loving person. Try to do at least one
thing in your day that a person with a healthy sense of self-respect and self-worth would do. Then act as if you feel
love toward your neighbors. At least once during the day, try exercising patience and understanding toward others
for actions that would normally set you off.
Follow Saint Paul’s advice and become an imitator of true Christians, and you just may find yourself with a whole lot
of love someday. Patrice Tuohy, co-founder of TrueQuest Communications and publisher of PREPARE THE WORD
Diocesan Bulletin
                                                       Oct. 25, 2020 - 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time
                                                                          In all things we are rooted in Christ,
                                                                  in His desire to bring God’s love to all peoples.

           Upcoming events
Knights of Columbus speaker: In preparation for the beatification
of Blessed Fr. Michael J. McGivney (founder of the Knights of

                                                                            Bishop’s Annual Appeal 2020
Columbus), San Lorenzo Ruiz Council in Saskatoon presents:
“Defending our Faith through the Mission and Vision of the

                                                                              Proclaim Christ: Reaching Out in Service
Knights of Columbus” 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. Friday, Oct. 30 at St.
Francis Xavier Parish, 222 Willow Street (at Melrose Avenue),
Saskatoon with guest speaker Fr. Stefano Penna and special guest               The Bishop’s Annual Appeal changes lives through
State Deputy Joe Riffel. COVID-19 protocols will be in place.                service to the Lord. Your gift to the Annual Appeal is an
Attendance is limited. Please call and register: (306) 717-8239.             investment in the future of our Church and in our Faith.
Praying with Art with Sr. Felicitas Drobig, OSU, will be held in              Your gift helps to support those cultivating a vocation to the
person from 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m., Wednesday, Nov. 4 at Queen’s                priesthood (Vocations / Education of Future Priests), to
House, 601 Taylor Street West, Saskatoon, and will be repeated                 evangelize and catechize those preparing for sacraments
from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 5. Call (306) 242-1916.                  (Evangelization and Catechesis), to reach out to youth and
Lay Formation Fall Gathering 2020 – “The Healing Ministry of                 young adults searching for meaning (Youth Ministry), and to
Christ and His Church” with guest speaker Fr. Mark Miller, CSsR,              enrich and equip adults deepening their faith as missionary
will be presented at the Lay Formation Alumni Fall Gathering                    disciples (Adult Faith Enrichment / Evangelization and
Saturday, Nov. 7 from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. available either virtually        Mission). Your gift also reaches out in service to those who are
via Zoom, or in-person at Queen’s House, 601 Taylor Street West,                 sick or dying (Hospital Chaplaincy), to those in prison
Saskatoon. All are welcome to attend this event. Cost: $45 virtual
                                                                              (Restorative Ministry), and to refugees fleeing violence and
/ $55 in-person (includes lunch), with a 10-per-cent discount for
                                                                            persecution (Office of Migration). Find info and online giving at:
Lay Formation Alumni. Register by calling (306) 242-1916.
Gregorian Chant Mass featuring Gregorian Chant and Polyphony,
will be held 7 p.m. Friday, Nov. 13 at the Cathedral of the Holy             You can also make your gift at your parish, or contact Cathy
Family, 123 Nelson Road, Saskatoon. To register to attend e-mail            Gilje at the Diocese of Saskatoon Catholic Foundation for more
info@gregorianchantmass.com (COVID-19 restrictions in place.)                         information: cgilje@dscf.ca or (306) 659-5851.
Schedule: 6:30 p.m. confessions and evening prayer; 7 p.m. Mass,                  Each and every gift has value - Thank you!
followed by night prayer. See: www.gregorianchantmass.com
                                                                           40 Hours for Life campaign will be conducted Monday to Friday
Spiritual Health: A Path Toward Flourishing is an online Zoom
                                                                           until Oct. 30 with prayer and witness offered along Queen Street
gathering with Simon Lasair to be held from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m.
                                                                           in front of Saskatoon City Hospital. Signs are provided. There are
Thursday evenings Nov. 5, Nov. 12, Nov. 19, & Nov. 26, and Jan.
                                                                           three one-hour time slots each day (Monday to Friday): 9 - 10 a.m.;
14, Jan. 21 & Jan. 28. Cost: $70 for the series. Call Queen’s House
                                                                           10 -11 a.m.; and 11 a.m. - noon. To commit for time slots e-mail
before Nov. 2 to register: (306) 242-1916.
                                                                           campaignlifesk@gmail.com or call (306) 249-2764.
Catholic Women’s Leadership Foundation - Learn how your
                                                                           Centring Prayer – All are welcome to gather in-person at Queen’s
leadership has the power to transform where you work, volunteer
                                                                           House, 601 Taylor St. W., Saskatoon, or virtually on Zoom from
and live by applying to the 2021-2022 Catholic Women’s Leader-
                                                                           7 p.m. to 8:15 p.m. Monday evenings for centring prayer. Fr. Paul
ship Foundation’s in-person and online program at St .Paul
                                                                           Fachet, OMI will provide leadership and guidance for these
University (Ottawa) running from April 2021 to May 2022. Visit
                                                                           gatherings. No fee – donations to Queen’s House are welcome.
https://cwlfcanada.ca/ for info. Application deadline is Nov. 20.
                                                                           Register online to receive the Zoom invitation or to let us know that
Annual General Meeting for Queen’s House - Join the staff and              you will be coming in person. Call (306) 242-1916 for information.
board of directors for the AGM virtually on Zoom - a free event at 7
                                                                           FacetoFace Ministries United Youth Conference (Grades 9-
p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 28. Register by Oct. 27: (306) 242-1916.
                                                                           12) will be held Saturday, Nov. 14 at the Cathedral of the Holy
                                                                           Family, 123 Nelson Road, Saskatoon: encounter the love of God
Diocesan Prayer - Lord, help us fulfill the commandment to love
                                                                           through community, fun, keynote talks, Eucharistic Adoration, and
our neighbour when we exercise good stewardship, joyfully sharing
                                                                           more! There will be a unique set up and schedule in response to
our gifts of life, abilities, and resources to meet the needs of others.
                                                                           COVID-19 requirements. Register at: https://f2f.ca/united
             Message Board
Saskatchewan Provincial Election Oct. 26 – The organization
Catholic Conscience is working with Catholic dioceses across the
province to offer information and resources during the

                                                                               Expansion of Euthanasia:
Saskatchewan provincial election. The Catholic Action campaign
is a non-partisan voter education initiative, centered on educating

                                                                                 Call to oppose Bill C-7
Catholic voters about Catholic social teaching and how that
teaching relates to relevant political issues; along with mobilizing
the Catholic community to get out and vote. . A new addition this
week is a video in which representatives of five political                     The federal government recently introduced Bill C-7, An Act
parties answer questions about issues related to Catholic                   to Amend the Criminal Code (medical assistance in dying),
social teaching. Find the video, resources and information online           designed to loosen rules and expand eligibility for medically-
at: https://catholicconscience.org/saskatchewan2020/                        provided euthanasia / assisted suicide.
                                                                               On Oct. 20, the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops
Seniors’ Living Apartments for Immediate Rental are available
                                                                            (CCCB) released a statement condemning the legislation,
at St. Ann’s Place and Residence, 2910 Louise Street, Saskatoon.
                                                                            identifying the need for palliative care, and calling on Catholics
Join a vibrant community of seniors living in enriched living or
                                                                            and all people of good will to contact elected officials to express
independent living apartments. Enjoy the integrated chapel for
                                                                            opposition to the legislation. The CCCB statement affirms: “All
worship and prayer at St. Ann’s, which includes amenities such as
                                                                            Canadian legislators should recall that no law that permits
centrally-located park or patio, lounges, laundromat, and organized
                                                                            the taking of innocent human life can ever be morally
social activities. If you move to St. Ann’s Place, you’ll get to savor
                                                                            justified” and also raises the timely question: “How can the
the included daily supper. For more information, please contact St.
                                                                            federal government in good conscience expand the
Ann’s Village at (306) 374-8900, Extension 222.
                                                                            eligibility to euthanasia and assisted suicide in Canada
Video series: Conversations about Fratelli Tutti - The                      when our country and its citizens are still unable to offer
Roman Catholic Diocese of Saskatoon has launched a video series             basic human care to the elderly and dying?”
to assist in reflection about Pope Francis' latest papal encyclical
                                                                               Find links to the statement from the CCCB and to statements
Fratelli Tutti: on human fraternity and social friendship. The first
                                                                            from other groups opposing Bill C-7 on the diocesan website
episode in this video series is a timely conversation about Chapter
                                                                            at: https://rcdos.ca/euthanasia
5 of the letter: – “A better kind of politics” – in which Pope Francis
calls for a social and political order based on “social charity.” Go to        Please take time to contact your elected representatives to
www.youtube.com/user/saskatoondiocese to view the video                     express your opposition to expanding eligibility for medically-
conversation with Myron Rogal, coordinator of Justice and Peace             provided euthanasia/ assisted suicide! (Find contact info for
for the Roman Catholic Diocese of Saskatoon; Dr. Brett Salkeld,             MPs at : https://www.ourcommons.ca/en/contact-us )
Theologian for the Archdiocese of Regina; and Catholic Conscience
representatives Matthew Marquardt and Brendan Steven.                     Civic Election Day is Nov. 9: There are 12 trustee candidates
                                                                          vying for seven at-large positions in Saskatoon for the Greater
Tourtières for Sale: Order a French-Canadian meat pie for                 Saskatoon Catholic Schools (GSCS) board of education. GSCS
Christmas from Sts. Martyrs-Canadiens Parish, 1007 Windsor St.,           candidate biographies and voting information can be found at
Saskatoon. Size: 9 inches; cost $15/meat pie. Deadline for orders         www.gscs.ca/election. Information on eligibility to vote, voting
is Oct. 31 for pick up on Nov. 21. Contact Muriel at (306) 665-1829.      options, where to vote, applying for a mail-in ballot, etc. is found at:
Bill C-6 Conversion Therapy” Ban - The federal government
                                                                          Eligible voters in the City of Saskatoon may apply for a mail-in ballot
recently introduced Bill C-6, An Act to Amend the Criminal Code
                                                                          before an Oct. 30, 2020 deadline.
which would ban conversion therapy for minors in Canada. The
Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops (CCCB) has issued a               Ecumenical Stewardship Webinar Series will be held Thursdays
statement saying that if passed, this legislation could have serious      live at 3 p.m. and repeated at 7 p.m., running weekly until Nov. 19.
repercussions for religious freedom and parental rights in Canada.        Next session Oct. 29: “Money Talks: How to Preach Stewardship’
Conversion therapy is defined in Bill C-6 as “a practice, treatment       with Rev. Dr. Herb Gale, former stewardship director for the
or service designed to change a person’s sexual orientation to            Presbyterian Church in Canada. A single registration works for all
heterosexual or gender identity to cisgender, or to repress or            afternoon and evening sessions. Register by e-mailing Nick Jesson
reduce non-heterosexual attraction or sexual behaviour.” In a             at njesson@archregina.sk.ca
statement about Bill C-6 on Oct. 7, 2020, the CCCB states: “The
Bill makes no provision for legitimate diversity concerning                    The Diocesan Bulletin is a publication
viewpoints on human sexuality arising from religious beliefs, from
                                                                           of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Saskatoon
philosophical debate, or from scientific and medical study; nor does
it make any provision for conscientious dissent related to such             Catholic Pastoral Centre, 123 Nelson Road, Saskatoon SK S7S 1H1
matters in forums of teaching or public presentations.” Contact your              Phone: (306) 242-1500 or Toll free: 1-877-661-5005
elected representatives to express your concerns about Bill C-6.                             E-mail: ky aw or s k i@r cd os . ca
You can find contact information for Members of Parliament at:             Website: h t t ps:/ / rcdo s.ca News: h t t ps:/ / n ews.rcdo s.ca
https://www.ourcommons.ca/en/contact-us                                    The communications office is supported by the Bishop’s Annual Appeal.
Sunday, Oct 25, 2020                                                             Regardless of their relative obscurity, Jude and Simon were
THIRTIETH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME                                                chosen by Jesus to share the Good News and there is every
Worship the God of glory                                                         indication they did just that. Even if your life seems quiet and
Leadership earns public honors, and the best leaders exercise                    unremarkable to you in some ways, the call to discipleship is your
humility in accepting them. Pope Francis began his papacy by                     call as well. Saint Jude and Saint Simon, pray for us.
donning simple attire and asking for our prayers before offering                      TODAY'S READINGS: Ephesians      2:19-22; Luke 6:12-16 (666). “Jesus
his first blessing. Genuine leadership recognizes that all authority                  called the disciples to himself. . . . Simon who was called the Zealot
comes from God. Today is Priesthood Sunday, honoring the                              and Judas the son of James.”
multitudes of pastors who did their job this year with passion,
                                                                                 Thursday, Oct 29, 2020
grace, and ingenuity under extraordinary circumstances. Pray the
Rosary’s Glorious Mysteries for those who lead us to: rise up
                                                                                 Do the right thing
from despair, lift our gaze upward, encounter the Spirit’s power,                Even in this day and age, Christians standing up for what is right
                                                                                 have been killed for their efforts. Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.
give ourselves body and soul, and accept honor with grace.
    TODAY'S READINGS: Exodus     22:20-26; 1 Thessalonians 1:5c-10;              comes to mind. So does Sister Dorothy Stang, SNDdeN, of
    Matthew 22:34-40 (148). “You shall love the Lord, your God, with             Dayton, Ohio, who was murdered in 2005 for defending the poor
    all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.”                 and protected lands in the Amazon rain forest in Brazil. Would
                                                                                 you allow yourself to be inconvenienced (or more) to do the right
Monday, Oct 26, 2020                                                             thing? Look for a way to stand up for a good cause today, even if
Slow down, you’re moving too fast                                                it feels inconvenient.
Too many people work too much. Some have a psychological                              TODAY'S READINGS: Ephesians    6:10-20; Luke 13:31-35 (482).
compulsion to work incessantly. Some work excessively to                              “Jerusalem, Jerusalem, . . . how many times I yearned to gather
acquire money and success. Some have no identity outside of                           your children together as a hen gathers her brood under her
their jobs. Some are driven by guilt and fear of being lazy. Some                     wings.”
think that an overly busy work life makes them look important.                   Friday, Oct 30, 2020
And far too many are forced to work too much in order to make
                                                                                 A time for healing
ends meet. None of these reasons are healthy or holy. God wants
                                                                                 One of the comforting takeaways from our experience of church
us to rest and enjoy life too—thus, the sabbath day. Let’s work                  during the pandemic is that people are more important than rules.
together to create a just society where all can get some rest.                   The obligation to physically participate in Sunday Mass has been
    TODAY'S READINGS: Ephesians  4:32—5:8; Luke 13:10-17 (479).
    “Ought she not to have been set free on the sabbath day from this            dispensed during the pandemic by our bishops. We are given the
    bondage?”                                                                    opportunity to make a “spiritual communion” instead. We don’t
                                                                                 have to go to Confession to be absolved of our sins. A sincere Act
Tuesday, Oct 27, 2020                                                            of Contrition and a resolve to celebrate the sacrament when it
Console the consolers                                                            once again becomes available is sufficient. Just as Jesus set aside
Prayerful words from the National Association of Catholic                        the sabbath commandment in order to heal, so too our bishops set
Chaplains, written by NACC member Lisa Ecks: “May the                            aside the precepts so that we may be healed. Let’s pray today for
wilderness of this time, and the uncertainty we may feel,                        our bishops, and for a time of healing.
strengthen our resolve to lean on your word, abide in your                            TODAY'S READINGS: Philippians1:1-11; Luke 14:1-6 (483). “The one
presence, and be guided by your enduring and powerful Spirit.”                        who began a good work in you will continue to complete it.”
The NACC helps priests, religious women, and laypeople bring a
                                                                                 Saturday, Oct 31, 2020
trained, professional experience to their ministry of caring for the
sick. Pray for all hospital chaplains during this Pastoral Care                  Meal ministry
Week. They’re consoling not just COVID-19 patients but medical                   One of the many things to be longed for during this extended time
                                                                                 of physical distancing is the free and easy sharing of meals with
workers on the front lines.
    TODAY'S READINGS: Ephesians   5:21-33; Luke 13:18-21 (480). “Jesus           family and friends, in groups large and small. Shared meals hold a
    said, ‘What is the kingdom of God like? To what can I compare                special place in family life, and in Catholic life as well. It’s no
    it?’”                                                                        mystery why meals are central. Something magical happens at
                                                                                 mealtime, the communion among people is palpable. And in
Wednesday, Oct 28, 2020                                                          Catholic life, Communion is sacred. Pray we may safely gather
                                                                                 again without appointment or extra precautions in the not distant
Obscure but still important                                                      future and freely share the mysteries of our faith in the bread and
Much of what we know about apostles Jude and Simon is who
                                                                                 wine, the Body and Blood. Until then, let us raise a glass in
they are not. Simon was called the Zealot—someone passionate,                    remembrance of Christ.
and perhaps revolutionary, about his Jewish faith. Calling him the                    TODAY'S READINGS: Philippians  1:18b-26; Luke 14:1, 7-11 (484).
Zealot also helped to distinguish him from the more famous                            “On a sabbath Jesus went to dine at the home of one of the leading
Simon Peter. We find Jude (along with Judas, variant translations                     Pharisees, and the people there were observing him carefully.”
of the name Judah) mentioned in the list of the apostles in Luke
and Acts, but he is called Thaddeus in Matthew and Mark,
perhaps to distinguish him from the traitor Judas Iscariot.

                                 Invest just five minutes a day, and your faith will deepen and grow—a day at a time
                       ©2020 TrueQuest Communications. TakeFiveForFaith.com; mail@takefiveforfaith.com. All rights reserved. Noncommercial reprints permitted
                       with the following credit: Reprinted with permission from TakeFiveForFaith.com. Scripture citations from the New American Bible Revised
                       Edition. For more information about TAKE FIVE and our regular contributors, go to PrepareTheWord.com. Free daily email and app
                       available online at TakeFiveForFaith.com/subscribe.
Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time (A)
                                                                    October 25, 2020

Jesus Gave and Asks for All                                                                        A Word from
                                                                                                   Pope Francis
By Fr. Mark Haydu, LC                                                                              All of us, living and dead,

J  esus was a radical. This is expressed        beggar, Peter, Pilate, or Herod. He gave           are in communion, that is,
   by the word all in today’s Gospel. All       all his heart, mind, and soul to God.              as a union; united in the
your heart, all your soul, and all your             And what about loving his neighbor             community of those who
mind. What does that command leave              as himself? He loved not only his perfect,         have received baptism, and
out? That’s right, nothing! Jesus gave it       immaculate Mother, but he also loved               of those who are nourished
all, and he asks for it all. That is radical.   his imperfect fellow human beings: his             by the Body of Christ....
    Jesus is the first one to give us the       apostles, disciples, and fellow Jews whose         We are all the same family,
example of this total and self-giving           faith and understanding were slow. He              united. For this reason, we
surrender to God the Father. When               loved Judas and chased down discouraged            pray for each other.
prayer was more important than sleep,           apostles heading to Emmaus. He loved
                                                                                               —General audience, November 30, 2016
he prayed. When he had to go without            his enemies just as much. Tax collectors,
food, like in the desert, he did. When          publicans, Roman soldiers, Samaritans all
he knew that God wanted him to stay in          received words and acts of love. The poor
town, he did. And when it was time to           also had a special place in his heart, as
move on, he did as well. When he knew           was evident by his many miracles of soul
God wanted him to preach a word of              and body for them.
compassion or condemnation, he did,                 His love even went beyond those
regardless of whether the person was a          people he encountered in his life and
                                                reached everyone for all times. He

Sunday Readings
                                                established the sacraments and his
                                                Church to accompany on their earthly
Exodus 22:20–26                                 pilgrimage all those who would follow
                                                him throughout history. He descended
You shall not oppress or afflict a
                                                into hell to save those who had gone
resident alien, for you were once
                                                before him and opened heaven.
aliens residing in the land of Egypt.
                                                    In short, he gave it all! And so, he can
1 Thessalonians 1:5c–10                         ask the same from us as well. +
And you became imitators of us
and of the Lord.                                 Jesus is the first one to give
Matthew 22:34–40                                   us the example of total                     •    What is Jesus asking as you
                                                                                                    strive to give him your all?
[Jesus said,] “You shall love the Lord,           and self-giving surrender
                                                                                               •    Joy comes from giving our all.
your God, with all your heart, with all              to God the Father.
your soul, and with all your mind.”                                                                 Do you experience that joy?

                                                 © 2020 Liguori Publications l Liguori.org
Translating the Gospel Message for All
By Johan van Parys

M        y nieces and nephews are great
         kids—intelligent and kind—and
I’m proud to be their uncle. Still, I
                                                                                                to preach the gospel. The first option
                                                                                                might prove disastrous as the Church
                                                                                                continues to crumble. The second,
regret their lack of participation in the                                                       though not easy, offers hope—and the
life of the Church. From what other                                                             promise of a Church ever new and true.
parishioners tell me, this is happening                                                             During the next twelve months let
all around, not just in my family. Why                                                          us listen carefully to the spiritual needs
are we losing so many young people?                                                             of our people, learn to understand and
Why doesn’t the gospel message get                                                              speak their languages, and use their
through to them?                                                                                idioms wisely to spread the Good News.
    This issue of the best way to                                                               Let us pray for the knowledge and
communicate the gospel can be traced                                                            courage to do what needs to be done.
back to the apostles. Think about                                                                   Finally, let us pray for the safe return
our Church’s beginning—the time of                                                              of loved ones whose journeys have led
Pentecost. Outside the Upper Room, I                                                            them away from our Church. +
imagine great festivity as people from
many regions and nations gathered in                                                                Successful missionary
Jerusalem. Inside the Upper Room, the          one and true message into the vernacular
apostles were hiding, burdened with            and familiar idioms of the people
                                                                                                      activity relies on the
fear and uncertainty. Then suddenly            receiving the message. The failures                   translation of the one
everything changed. Inspired by the Holy       of the seventeenth- and eighteenth-                 and true message into the
Spirit, the apostles overcame their fear       century mission attempts in China were
and burst into the street. The sight of the    attributed to the Church’s refusal to               vernacular and familiar
apostles, on fire with the Spirit as they      allow a Chinese Catholic rite that would               idioms of the people
spoke about God’s marvelous deeds, must        have included “baptismal” pre-Christian
                                                                                                    receiving the message.
have quieted the crowd. Miraculously,          theological language and accommodated
everyone was able to understand them           ancestor worship, which was very dear
despite ethnic differences and linguistic      to them. On the flip side, the success of
barriers.                                      the Church’s mission in Central Africa
    From Jerusalem, the apostles spread        has been ascribed to the introduction of a
throughout the world proclaiming the           Congolese rite that considers the ethos of
Good News to every nation known to             Central Africa and allows typical African             Lord, I am grateful your
humankind. They succeeded because              modes of celebration.                            commandments to love are simple
they presented the Gospel truth in                 As we preach the gospel in our                and to the point. Keep my focus
different languages through various            current, ever-changing reality, we can do         on loving you. Stretch my heart
channels.                                      one of two things: turn inward and hide              to love my neighbor, too.
                                                                                                     From Grateful Meditations for Every Day
    Successful missionary activity has         in a romanticized understanding of our                in Ordinary Time, Rev. Warren J. Savage
always relied on the translation of the        perceived glorious past or find new ways                     and Mary Ann McSweeny

WEEKDAY                          Monday, Weekday:
                                  Eph 4:32—5:8 / Lk 13:10–17
                                                                                            Thursday, Weekday:
                                                                                             Eph 6:10–20 / Lk 13:31–35
READINGS                         Tuesday, Weekday:                                          Friday, Weekday:
                                  Eph 5:21–33 / Lk 13:18–21                                  Phil 1:1–11 / Lk 14:1–6
October 26–31
                                 Wednesday, Sts. Simon and Jude:                            Saturday, Weekday:
                                 Eph 2:19–22 / Lk 6:12–16                                    Phil 1:18b–26 / Lk 14:1, 7–11

                                 © 2020 Liguori Publications, a ministry of the Redemptorists. One Liguori Drive, Liguori, MO 63057.
                                 Scripture quotations in this publication are from the New American Bible, revised edition, © 2010, 1991,
                                 1986, 1970 Confraternity of Christian Doctrine, Washington, DC. The Pope Francis quotation is used with
October 25, 2020                 permission and copyright © 2020 Libreria Editrice Vaticana. All rights reserved. 1-800-325-9521. Liguori.org.
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