26 Standout Exhibit Ideas Selected by the E3 Exhibiting Effectiveness Evaluation Team

Page created by Ryan Vaughn
26 Standout Exhibit Ideas Selected by the E3 Exhibiting Effectiveness Evaluation Team
26 Standout Exhibit Ideas Selected
   by the E3 Exhibiting Effectiveness Evaluation Team
                  By Jefferson Davis and Bob Milam of Competitive Edge Training

  As a value-added exhibitor service, NCBA 2022 provided exhibiting companies who attended the
          Exhibitor Summit with the award winning E3 Exhibiting Effectiveness Evaluation.

While conducting the evaluations, we looked for exhibits throughout the show displaying imaginative,
creative, and effective ideas and practices. We want to congratulate exhibitors featured and hope all
    exhibitors look to these ideas as examples of how to make your exhibit even more effective.

   Note: The ideas are presented in no particular order and are not ranked good, better, best.
  They only represent a sampling of effective exhibiting practices observed at NCBA 2022. Enjoy!

                                                                 Competitive Edge: Stand-Out Exhibit Report NCBA 2022
26 Standout Exhibit Ideas Selected by the E3 Exhibiting Effectiveness Evaluation Team
Creative Attention-
Grabbing Techniques
  ●   Attractive Imagery & Graphics
  ●   Dramatic Lighting
  ●   A/V & Technology
  ●   Unique Exhibit Property
  ●   Attractive In-Booth Promotions
  ●   Outside the Booth Promotions

                            Competitive Edge: Stand-Out Exhibit Report NCBA 2022
26 Standout Exhibit Ideas Selected by the E3 Exhibiting Effectiveness Evaluation Team
Creative Attention-Grabbing Techniques

Performance Livestock Analytics

Performance Livestock Analytics won the Reserve Champion Small Island Exhibit in the Best of
Show Contest by re-creating an exhibit experience reminiscent of the Genius Bar at Apple stores.
With this familiar design setting, they were able to more effectively show how customers could
access data in real-time on their smartphones. Using visual cues in this manner adds authenticity
to the story you’re telling, and Performance Livestock Analytics told a great one. Well done.

                                                             Competitive Edge: Stand-Out Exhibit Report NCBA 2022
26 Standout Exhibit Ideas Selected by the E3 Exhibiting Effectiveness Evaluation Team
Creative Attention-Grabbing Techniques

Silveus Insurance Group

Bright and colorfully lit, Silveus’ four columns at the corners of their exhibit space, demanded
immediate attention. As your eye was drawn to the light and color, you then noticed the simple
value statement and background scenes on each column. Light, color, and clarity of
communication is always a sure-fire winning combination to attract any visitor’s attention.

                                                              Competitive Edge: Stand-Out Exhibit Report NCBA 2022
26 Standout Exhibit Ideas Selected by the E3 Exhibiting Effectiveness Evaluation Team
Creative Attention-Grabbing Techniques

Corteva AgriScience

Corteva’s exhibit featured multiple vignettes, identified with bright blue signs, each telling a unique
aspect of their story. In addition, they created interesting details for visitors to explore, including a
photo op with two topiary cows , which were impossible to pass by without a second look.

                                                                 Competitive Edge: Stand-Out Exhibit Report NCBA 2022
26 Standout Exhibit Ideas Selected by the E3 Exhibiting Effectiveness Evaluation Team
Creative Attention-Grabbing Techniques

American Hereford Association

A great way to attract attention is to make sure your exhibit is well lit. AHA’s fabric back wall
jumped out at you, and because they were careful to remove the staff’s personal items from view,
the image came through most powerfully. This attention to detail is often overlooked. Good job.

                                                             Competitive Edge: Stand-Out Exhibit Report NCBA 2022
26 Standout Exhibit Ideas Selected by the E3 Exhibiting Effectiveness Evaluation Team
Creative Attention-Grabbing Techniques

Purina                                             Red Doc Farm

Purina put together a giveaway involving their     The more real the experience, the better it’s
strategic partners throughout the show,            remembered. Red Doc Farm brought actual
effectively driving traffic among six different    livestock to NCBA, so visitors could see the
exhibits. It’s a smart way for all six companies   real thing in person and up close. If a picture’s
to leverage each other’s traffic.                  worth 1,000 words, how much is this worth?

                                                             Competitive Edge: Stand-Out Exhibit Report NCBA 2022
26 Standout Exhibit Ideas Selected by the E3 Exhibiting Effectiveness Evaluation Team
Creative Attention-Grabbing Techniques

Oklahoma Steel and Wire

“Oh Nuts” -- Sometimes you have be a little “nuts” to think up ways to get visitors to linger longer
at your booth. Oklahoma Steel and Wire hung a bucket of peanuts on their fencing materials, and
visitors helped themselves as they chatted about fencing. A very creative traffic stopper.

                                                               Competitive Edge: Stand-Out Exhibit Report NCBA 2022
26 Standout Exhibit Ideas Selected by the E3 Exhibiting Effectiveness Evaluation Team
Effective Visual Communications

      ● Crystal Clear Value Propositions &
      ● Answering Attendees’ 3 Major
        Questions: What – Why - Who
      ● Effective Promotion of NEW Offerings
      ● Thoughtful Brand Integration

                                 Competitive Edge: Stand-Out Exhibit Report NCBA 2022
26 Standout Exhibit Ideas Selected by the E3 Exhibiting Effectiveness Evaluation Team
Effective Visual Communications

Case IH

Case IH was the Reserve Champion Large Island Exhibit in the Best of Show Contest, and
here’s why: By using small, cleverly placed signs and decals (yellow arrows), together with
spotlighting in unexpected areas (red arrows) they gave visitors a complete picture of the features
and benefits of a complex piece of equipment. Then, as visitors showed interest, staffers engaged
to discuss their needs further. A very smart way to bring oversized equipment to life. Brilliant.

                                                              Competitive Edge: Stand-Out Exhibit Report NCBA 2022
Effective Visual Communications

Telus Agriculture

Flat panels are one of the most under optimized assets in most exhibitors booths. A good flat
panel presentation should use large copy to quickly let people know what the panel is showing,
and then have follow up slides delivering drill-down copy. Telus did an outstanding job with their
use of flat panels.

                                                               Competitive Edge: Stand-Out Exhibit Report NCBA 2022
Effective Visual Communications

Central Life Sciences

Every year Central Life Sciences makes improvements to their exhibit that make it one of the must
see booths at the NCBA show. This year they improved their graphics to deliver outstanding and
concise messaging about their solutions using a motif similar to a “Most Wanted” poster. This
theme definitely resonates with the cattle producer audience at NCBA.

                                                            Competitive Edge: Stand-Out Exhibit Report NCBA 2022
Effective Visual Communications

Corteva Agriscience

If you want visitors to watch your videos, it is very important to explain what benefit they will
receive by doing so. Corteva Agriscience did a great job by placing a blue static backlit sign near
their video wall to encourage people to watch their brief educational video.

                                                               Competitive Edge: Stand-Out Exhibit Report NCBA 2022
Effective Visual Communications

Fort Supply Technologies

Simplicity, clarity, and brevity are the benchmarks of effective trade show messaging, and Fort
Supply’s sign racked up points in all three areas. Their use of icons, arrows and numbers gave
you a clear picture of their process, from start to finish in an instant. A clear standout example.

                                                                Competitive Edge: Stand-Out Exhibit Report NCBA 2022
Effective Visual Communications


One of the most important questions an exhibit must answer is: “Why should I care?” Endovac did
an outstanding job delivering their value proposition in just five words. Then, they backed it up with
customer testimonials and back lit their exhibit graphics. This is how you communicate your
message in an effective manner.

                                                               Competitive Edge: Stand-Out Exhibit Report NCBA 2022
Engaging & Informative
Presentations & Demonstrations
      ●   Visual Support of Key Messages
      ●   One to Many Theater Presentations
      ●   Use of Interactive A/V
      ●   Cool Stations & Kiosks
      ●   Gamification
      ●   Unique Ways of Providing Takeaway
          Information for Visitors

                                Competitive Edge: Stand-Out Exhibit Report NCBA 2022
Engaging & Informative Presentations / Demonstrations


An effective way of engaging attendees is with some form of a fun interactive experience. And a
good one can take your mind away from all of the information being taken in. The Zoetis herding
challenge hit the bull’s-eye by providing an experience that challenged attendees to herd cattle
into the appropriate areas. When they were done, they received a Zoetis herding flag which
helped carry their brand around the show floor.

                                                             Competitive Edge: Stand-Out Exhibit Report NCBA 2022
Engaging & Informative Presentations / Demonstrations

Shorty’s Caboy Hattery

One of the keys to having visitors remember your company and product is to strongly emphasize
your points of difference. Shorty’s did this by bringing a skilled expert in to help custom fit their
hats using a steam process. Visitors were enthralled as they watched this craftsman at work, and
then engaged the staff with questions about their product and process.

                                                                Competitive Edge: Stand-Out Exhibit Report NCBA 2022
Engaging & Informative Presentations / Demonstrations

International Genetic Solutions

In today’s world, not everyone is able or allowed to attend NCBA in person, so IGS did the next
best thing, turning their exhibit into an impromptu studio to broadcast live from the show floor.
Activities like this not only extend the show’s impact geographically, but can be viewed 24/7 well
after the show is over.

                                                              Competitive Edge: Stand-Out Exhibit Report NCBA 2022
Engaging & Informative Presentations / Demonstrations

Redd Summit Advisors

A relevant question is a powerful way to attract attention. Then, when that question leads to a
crystal clear, engaging and personalized interactive exp[erience -- it’s hard to ignore. Redd
Summit Advisors simply nailed it with this demo station, which has a strong and clear call to
action, simple instructions and a perfectly placed flat panel to display the outcome. Brilliant.

                                                               Competitive Edge: Stand-Out Exhibit Report NCBA 2022
Engaging & Informative Presentations / Demonstrations

American Wagyu Association

They say “the proof of the pudding is in the eating” and the American Wagyu Association wanted
everyone to taste the expensive beef, to understand their points of difference and and realize the
value of breeding Wagyu. One taste, and you were hooked. An excellent job of involving the key
but often overlooked senses of taste and smell into your presentation. Well done (pun intended).

                                                              Competitive Edge: Stand-Out Exhibit Report NCBA 2022
Engaging & Informative Presentations / Demonstrations

Stay Tuff Fence

What bettter way to show off the strength of your handware than with an actual nail gun. Stay Tuff
placed their demonstration right on the corner of their booth and positioned it perfectly to be seen
by passing visitors. Engaging demos like this add realism and practicality to your claims. Nice job.

                                                               Competitive Edge: Stand-Out Exhibit Report NCBA 2022
Before and After:
Changes Exhibitors Made

               Competitive Edge: Stand-Out Exhibit Report NCBA 2022
Before and After: Changes Exhibitors Made

                   BEFORE                                                  AFTER

Oxford Ag

Sometimes, the Devil is hiding in the details. Oxford Ag had their literature rack placed near the
aisle for easy access. However, this obscured part of their effective and simple messaging. By
simply moving it a few feet, the entire message popped out. The impact was dramatic and
immediate -- and that made all the difference.

                                                               Competitive Edge: Stand-Out Exhibit Report NCBA 2022
In-Line Success:
Small Booths that Rock!

               Competitive Edge: Stand-Out Exhibit Report NCBA 2022
In-Line Success: Small Booths that Rock!


AgriWebb was the Reserve Champion In-Line Exhibit in the Best of Show Contest with their
functional and effective 10x20 exhibit. The wooden slat back wall, green color scheme, functional
areas for conversation and meetings and well placed A/V all worked seamlessly to attract visitors.
To top it off, the booth featured an interactive “Scan to win” game, placed right at the perimeter,
and was manned by an enthusiastic and engaging staff. A terrific all around exhibit.

                                                              Competitive Edge: Stand-Out Exhibit Report NCBA 2022
In-Line Success: Small Booths that Rock!

Hayden Outdoors

Sometimes a small in-line booth can be hard to stand out from the crowd, but Hayden Outdoors
overcame this challenge with a uniquely designed exhibit property that simulated what you might
see on a ranch, also utilizing colorful, well lit exhibit properties. They made finding the type of
ranch you were looking for a quick and easy task by displaying ranches for sale on large display
cards on the perimeter of the booth. This is a small exhibit that is firing on all cylinders.

                                                               Competitive Edge: Stand-Out Exhibit Report NCBA 2022
In-Line Success: Small Booths that Rock!

Quality Liquid Feeds

Here’s another small in-line booth that really stands out from the crowd. QLF’s brightly lit back wall
immediately grabs your attention. Well-placed product displays demonstrate their products, and a
conference table offset on the left allows for in-depth meetings and discussion. Very effective.

                                                               Competitive Edge: Stand-Out Exhibit Report NCBA 2022
In-Line Success: Small Booths that Rock!


Who says small has to be second rate? The small booth was getting its fair share of attention by
using a well designed backdrop, crystal clear value proposition, well-placed A/V, and having the
physical products on display in the exhibit. It’s a small booth that packs a big punch.

                                                             Competitive Edge: Stand-Out Exhibit Report NCBA 2022
In-Line Success: Small Booths that Rock!

Caravan Tech                                     Knight Cattle Corp

This small booth had it all. Clean lines, open   Familiar objects draw attention. The corrugated
layout, bright lighting, red carpet, simple      steel used by Knight Cattle is a familair icon to
graphics and well-placed A/V all worked          most ranchers and helped established their
together to create a memorable exhibit in a      credibility among visitors.
10x10 space.

                                                            Competitive Edge: Stand-Out Exhibit Report NCBA 2022
Bonus Section:
Ideas from NCBA
● Added attractions and extras
● Cool elements to enhance the
  visitor experience
● Unique ways to keep visitors on
  the show floor

                         Competitive Edge: Stand-Out Exhibit Report NCBA 2022
Bonus Section: Ideas from NCBA

NCBA Store & Lifestyle Shopping

By inviting select vendors to set up shop and sell themed merchandise, NCBA provided their
audience with an array of hard-to-find products and styles unique to the ranching culture. This
keeps visitors engaged and present during all hours of the show, and they shop for goods that are
both personally relevant and professionally relevant to their lifestyle and livelihood.

                                                             Competitive Edge: Stand-Out Exhibit Report NCBA 2022
Bonus Section: Ideas from NCBA

Best of Show Contest

Out of the hundreds of exhibits at NCBA 2022, six were recognized as either a Grand Champion
or Reserve Champion in three different categories in the inaugural Best of Show Contest.
Winners received custom made banner signs and a portfolio of recognition and prizes from the
NCBA. All six Champions went above and beyond excellence in their efforts, and the NCBA
recognized and affirmed their hard work.

                                                          Competitive Edge: Stand-Out Exhibit Report NCBA 2022
Bonus Section: Ideas from NCBA

Onsite Education

Several venues throughout the exhibit hall offered a series of live educational events. Attendees
could choose to stop by, and soak up all the latest trends, strategies and techniques necessary for
their success. Education is an important element of every conference, and NCBA made it easy
and convenient for attendees to get to many of these sessions by placing them right in the exhibit
hall. No wasted time searching for a time or classroom, and more time for the exhibits.

                                                              Competitive Edge: Stand-Out Exhibit Report NCBA 2022
Bonus Section: Ideas from NCBA

Marshalling the Herd

Even the simplest of tasks, like wayfinding in the exhibit hall, were designed to be fun and
informative. From the large scale floor map of the exhibits to highlighting an exhibiting company
located on an a specific aisle, NCBA gave visitors a stress-free experience at the show.

                                                              Competitive Edge: Stand-Out Exhibit Report NCBA 2022
Bonus Section: Ideas from NCBA

Rest and Recharge

Even the downtime was fun!! Whether it was a faux campfire, a boot shaped easy chair, or stools
designed to look like wranglers’ jeans and saddles, NCBA themed their entire show experience to
meet the tastes and culture of their audience. It’s not often that you find such attention to detail,
and these details are talked about and remembered by attendees when they return home.

                                                               Competitive Edge: Stand-Out Exhibit Report NCBA 2022
Your evaluators (L-R): Jefferson Davis & Bob Milam
                                               with Show Manager Lorie Liddicoat

           Thank You for Exhibiting at NCBA 2022!
                 Mark your calendar now for NCBA 2023,
                 February 1-3, 2023, in New Orleans, LA

We hope this report inspires you to bring your creativity and great execution to
         next year’s show so we can recognize your company too.

                                                     Competitive Edge: Stand-Out Exhibit Report NCBA 2022
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