Update - 24/7 ServiCe 24 hours a day, 7 days a week - Deutsche Plasser

Page created by Scott Caldwell
Update - 24/7 ServiCe 24 hours a day, 7 days a week - Deutsche Plasser
update   Customer magazine of Deutsche Plasser
                                                 ISSUE 10, JuLY 2018

24/7 Service
24 hours a day, 7 days a week
Individual & flexible
Update - 24/7 ServiCe 24 hours a day, 7 days a week - Deutsche Plasser

                10                        16                                 13
03 Editorial

04 24/7-Service

07 Positive feedback from our customers

10	Virtually at our customers’ side

13	New Unimat 09-4x4/4S for DGU
16	Across all borders
                                               Deutsche Plasser Bahnbaumaschinen GmbH
19	News                                        Friedrich-Eckart-Str. 35, 81929 München
                                               Telefon: +49 89 93008-0
                                               Telefax: +49 89 93008-115
20 Committed to high quality                   E-Mail: info@deutsche-plasser.de

22 Committed to the future                     Photos
                                               Deutsche Plasser, Plasser & Theurer,
                                               Seite 10: www.shutterstock.com/leungchopan,
25	New paths in Leverkusen                     Seite 20: www.shutterstock.com/ESBProfessional,
                                               Seite 22: www.shutterstock.com/sciencephoto

                                               Druckwerkstatt, Vienna
Update - 24/7 ServiCe 24 hours a day, 7 days a week - Deutsche Plasser
                       Robert Riquel Stadtlander

Dear readers

A customer who ordered comprehensive services approached us with the
following request: to offer services that ensure maximum availability of the new
machines around the clock.
Our first thought was, “Of course! That’s what we’re doing anyhow.” This is why
we have operated an out-of-office-hours-service and have offered on-call services,
which have been well-received.
However, we understood that the meaning of “around the clock” has to be
defined more clearly.
Constructive and cooperative conversations with the customer soon revealed
that we view the need for it from different angles. There are, for instance, times
when the machines are not in operation and we must not be immediately available
for support.
Together, we managed to set up a highly individual service offer, tailored to the
customer’s needs - at a reasonable price-performance ratio.
The topic fascinated us. We have put a lot of thought into how we, as a com-
pany, can live up to our commitment to be there for our customers “around the
clock” in the best possible way. Learn more about the result in the first feature
of this update issue.
I am particularly pleased to write the foreword of our redesigned customer
magazine. We do not only have a new design, but also many new ideas, which
we will introduce step by step. Find the first ones in this issue.

Robert Riquel Stadtlander
Sales Manager

                                                                                     DP UPDATE   03
Update - 24/7 ServiCe 24 hours a day, 7 days a week - Deutsche Plasser

                 24/7 Service
                 Deutsche Plasser has always placed the focus on its
                 customers. We want to support them in fulfilling their
                   tasks successfully and cost-efficiently in the best
                   possible way. A new offer enables us to meet our
                  customers’ needs even more flexibly in the future.

Update - 24/7 ServiCe 24 hours a day, 7 days a week - Deutsche Plasser
Our new 24/7 service secures the success of your work site.

                 orks are at full swing on the      In the present case, telephone support           • Flexible service solution
                 night-time work site. Sud-         starts on weekdays at 20:30 and is available       (temporary or permanent)
                 denly, the machine breaks          until 4:30 the next morning. Additional sup-
                 down. For any reason, at the       port for the weekend has been arranged for       • From phone support to an
most inconvenient time. The trained machine         the machine’s working hours, available from        exclusive on-call service for
staff are at their wits‘ end. Deutsche              Friday 12:00 to Monday 07:30.                      your company
Plasser’s Technical Customer Service can
provide support, but will not be available be-                  Greater availability                 • On up to 24 hours a day,
fore the next morning. Until then, the works        When time is crucial, the requirements to be       7 days a week
must pause.                                         met by staff and machine are particularly
Situations like these can occur – despite the       high. Often, penalties are faced. Time saved
                                                                                                     • Individual offer tailored to
                                                                                                       your requirements and needs
best components and wearing parts, and              thanks to careful preparation and provision
despite thorough servicing. They might be           of staff and material increases the availabil-
rare, but if they occur, their consequences         ity of the machine. This reduces the risks in
are profound. To minimise their effects,            implementing contracts and fulfilling the
Deutsche Plasser provides its customers             customer’s requirements.
with a new offer: the 24/7 Service.
                                                                 Flexible support
          At our customers’ side                    From temporary support for an important
Following our customers request, we will be         work site to a permanent 24/7 on-call ser-
at their side to an even greater degree than        vice: the options are unlimited. We meet our
before - if necessary also 24/7. A first pro-       customers’ needs flexibly.
ject of this kind was launched in April 2018.       Together with the customers, we develop an
We set up a telephone support service for           individual concept tailored to their needs.
one of our customers, available on week-            The range of services includes support via
days from the afternoon to the early morn-          phone, the on-call services of a field techni-
ing of the next day. The exact details are          cian available exclusively to the customer
based on the customer’s needs.                      and the provision of defined spare parts and
                                                    wearing parts.

                                                                                                                        DP UPDATE      05
Update - 24/7 ServiCe 24 hours a day, 7 days a week - Deutsche Plasser
The ne w
                                 24/7 Service:
                                  We are there for you
                                  whenever you need us.
                                                          A conversation
                                                            with Robert Riquel Stadtlander
                                                                   Sales Manager

                                                          Will this new offer be available for all customers of
                                                          Deutsche Plasser, supporting them around the clock,
                                                          on 24 hours a day, 7 days a week?
                                                          That would be wonderful. Yet, it is impossible. However, we
                                                          offer our customers to be on call exclusively for them for up to
                                                          24 hours. Individual service contracts will regulate the details.
                                                          Together with interested customers, we will analyse their
                                                          needs and resources. On this basis, we will prepare an offer.

In addition, we collaborate closely with P&T              So, it need not be 24 hours in every case?
Connected. We use their services in the                   No, we are very flexible. If on-call services are needed specif-
generation and analysis of machine data                   ically for a few hours and nights only, we are happy to provide
and the development of maintenance strate-                this service too. We use the concept of “24/7 Service” to
gies to prepare an individual offer.                      express that Deutsche Plasser is at its customers disposal, if
                                                          need be on up to 24 hours on 7 days a week. However, this
              Higher reliability                          service is also available for less time.
Our 24/7 Service can be compared to an
insurance cover. Hopefully, you will never                Can you give an estimate of the costs involved?
need it. However, if an incident occurs, we               To give a reliable offer, too many variables must be taken into
will be at your side to ensure that your                  account. Our customers can rest assured that our offer will
machine can work again at full performance                be fair and tailored to their needs.
as quickly as possible.
To ensure this, the machine’s maintenance                 Does this service make the costing of construction
strategy must be redefined. Instead of reac-              work easier?
ting to problems and correcting them after                Yes, it does. Our offer can be compared to an insurance
they occurred, we develop preventive                      cover. The insurance fee can be taken into account for
concepts together with our customers. Our                 budgeting. If an incident occurs, it does not result in sudden
objective: to further increase the availability           costs that are hard to estimate. Ultimately, we minimise our
and reliability of the machine.                           customers risk on two levels: if there is a problem with a
                                                          machine, it can be put back into service more quickly thanks

                                                          to preventive planning. Moreover, in terms of costs, risks are
                                                          minimised to a large extent. As a result, the costs to be paid
                                                          by the machine operator can be budgeted more easily.

            instead of

Update - 24/7 ServiCe 24 hours a day, 7 days a week - Deutsche Plasser

                      Positive feedback
                    from our customers

                      At the initiative of Plasser & Theurer and
        Deutsche Plasser, twenty experts in track construction
         met to exchange their experiences with the operating
          concept of the Unimat 09-4x4/4S universal tamping
                 machine in Bingen am Rhein on 27 February.
                   Ralf Lange (left) was one of the participants in the workshop for Deutsche Plasser.
                                              On the right, Robert Kellermeier from Plasser & Theurer.

The machine operators have more than 170 years of experience in mechanised track maintenance.

                                                                                                               DP UPDATE   07
Update - 24/7 ServiCe 24 hours a day, 7 days a week - Deutsche Plasser
Within a short time, a highly interesting discussion evolved.
The users gave valuable input.

                                                                            perators of tamping machines,        operation was shared. The importance of a
                                                                            Plasser & Theurer experts from       machine’s ergonomic design is no surprise.

                                                                            Linz and Purkersdorf and emplo-      One participant explained, “The cabin is my
                                                                            yees of the service partner Deut-    second home”.
                                                                sche Plasser participated in the exchange
                                                                hosted by PMC Rail International Academy.           Participants, initiators and host
                                                                The working experience of the track machine          highly satisfied with the output
                                                                operators was between 1 and 35 years. In         When the day of intensive exchange be-
                                                                total, more than 170 years of experience in      tween operators, design engineers, program-
                                                                mechanised track maintenance were pres-          mers, and service technicians of the Unimat
                                                                ent. The resulting feedback was valuable,        09-4x4/4S series came to an end, all partici-
   “As a service partner, we are an im-                         constructive and forthright.                     pants were satisfied with the output. One of
portant interface between the machine                                                                            the machine operators was particularly pleased
producer and the machine user. That is                                     Discussion based                      with the exchange of experience between all
 why honest and constructive collabo-                                       on questionnaire                     partners in track maintenance, “I started my
ration is crucial to us. I am pleased that                      The evaluation of questionnaires on 12 main      professional career 35 years ago. As far as I
 so many machine operators attended                             topics, which also allowed for personal          know, this has been the first event of its kind.”
 this event and delighted with the sup-                         comments, provided the basis for the in-
 port we received from our customers                            depth discussion. The machine’s operating
  in this exchange of experiences. Our                          comfort, touch panels, reliability of the P-IC
 colleagues from Linz and Purkersdorf                           control system and the simple set-up and
   also contributed considerably to the                         close down received highly positive feed-
          success of this event.”                               back.
                                                                The topic of “ergonomic design of the con-
                       Ralf Lange                               trol elements” (touch panels, switches,
                    Deutsche Plasser
                                                                armrests, seats, etc.) was discussed the
                                                                most. A wealth of experience from practical

08      DP UPDATE
Update - 24/7 ServiCe 24 hours a day, 7 days a week - Deutsche Plasser
                                                                                                     The cabin
                                                                                                   is my second

                                                                                            On 27 February, operators of tamp-
                                                                                            ing machines from the Unimat
                                                                                            09-4x4/4S series, employees of
                                                                                            Deutsche Plasser and experts
                                                                                            from Plasser & Theurer met to
                                                                                            exchange experiences in Bingen

                                                                                            am Rhein.

                                             “Conducting this workshop has been a great honour
                                                for PMC Rail. We offer an instruction and further

                                             training programme that is independent of the manu-
                                                facturer. To reinforce what is known and to learn
                                              what is new, we provide our experience, our training
                                            facilities and simulators. The experiences of more than
                                             170 years of operation in track maintenance will have
                                              an impact on our training programme and ultimately
                                              benefit all of our customers. I look forward to further
                                                                 initiatives like this.”

“Our company stands for innovation in                               Antonio Intini
                                                           PMC Rail International Academy
  track maintenance. We want to help
our customers work cost-efficiently and
   increase the quality of their working
 results. In ensuring this, we also focus
 on the ergonomic design – that is, the
    user-friendliness – of our products.
  We, therefore, greatly appreciate the
       experiences gained today.”

            Robert Kellermeier
            Plasser & Theurer

                                                                                                              DP UPDATE     09
Update - 24/7 ServiCe 24 hours a day, 7 days a week - Deutsche Plasser
                   Innovative Tool

                   at our


Together with PMC Rail, we have produced a detailed model of a Unimat 09-4x4/4S.

Using the VR tool, our experts are virtually at our customer’s side when inspecting the machine.

        The digitalisation has been                                        ased on the latest technology,                            Great benefit
                                                                           PMC Rail International Academy            The team of Deutsche Plasser expects the
     gaining ground in all areas of
                                                                           and Deutsche Plasser have devel-          tool to provide a great benefit. Using Virtual
  everyday life. The use of Virtual                                        oped a Virtual Reality tool (VR tool)     Reality glasses, they can inspect the ma-
Reality technologies is particularly                             of the Unimat 09-4x4/4S that is accurate in         chine virtually at the customer’s side, see-
                                                                 every detail.                                       ing with their own eyes what the customer
 promising. It will enable us to be                                                                                  is seeing on the machine. Using a controller,
         virtually even closer to our                                    Interior and exterior view                  operations can be carried out, e.g. opening
            customers in the future.                             A detailed, digital interior and exterior view of   a maintenance flap. As we continue to work
                                                                 the track maintenance machine is the basis          on and with the tool, additional features will
                                                                 for the preparation of a realistic 3D machine       be implemented. For instance, it will become
                                                                 model. The VR tool makes it possible to             easier to put oneself in the customer’s situation
                                                                 move freely within and around the machine           and to find a solution to a problem.
                                                                 and to choose the viewpoint.

                                                                                                                                                DP UPDATE          11
Using the controller, operations can be carried out within the model,
e.g. opening a maintenance flaps.

                                                                                                                     “The service of the
                                                                                                                       future will bring
                                                                                                                   customers and service
             Visual identification                                   More machines, more functions                      even closer.”
Up to now, in most cases, the members of                         Currently, the VR tool is in the development
                                                                                                                               Philipp Verheyen
staff of Deutsche Plasser need a spare parts                     phase and is being tested thoroughly. The            Technology Munich, Project Engineer
number, which the machine operator must                          experiences gained so far are very promising.
find in the documents on site. Using the VR                      The new tool will probably be put into opera-
tool, the joint identification of a part is visually             tion next year.
supported. As a result, the part can be identi-
fied more quickly. The operator is virtually ac-                 However, we are still at the beginning. Philipp
companied to the respective part. Once there,                    Verheyen, responsible project manager at
a short description, such as “We need the seal                   Deutsche Plasser explains, “We are eager to
kit for this cylinder.” is sufficient to identify the            develop the tool further. In the future, there
part. This allows for time savings and makes it                  will be more machines and more functions.
possible to solve problems more quickly than                     We aim to support our customers in the best
before. The SmartCatalog of Plasser & Theurer                    possible way using these technologies –
offers additional support.                                       regardless of the machine.”

12      DP UPDATE
Official machine handover

                                           New Unimat
                                             for DGU

                    Deutsche Gleisbau Union (DGU) is a customer
                    of many years’ standing of Deutsche Plasser.
                     In early 2018, the company added a Unimat
                     09-4x4/4S universal tamping machine to its
                                          modern machine fleet.
                  New Unimat 09-4x4/4S for DGU: Lüder Gerdtz, Managing Director of DGU (centre)
                           and two staff members, who will work with the machine in the future.

THE Unimat 09-4x4/4S closes the gap between
compact machines and large universal tamping machines.
The main feature of this machine model is stressed by all
operators: it meets any requirement possibly existing on
plain track as well as in turnouts with tight radii.
                                                                                                  DP UPDATE   13
    “The partnership with
  DGU shows, yet again,
   that Plasser & Theurer
  appreciates sustainable
                Johannes Max-Theurer
                CEO, Plasser & Theurer

                                                               In June 2016, Deutsche Gleisbau Union ordered the Unimat 09-4x4/4S. In late 2017, the machine was already supplied.
                                                               On 17 January 2018, the machine was officially handed over on the DGU premises in Koblenz.

                                                                       rom the very beginning, DGU has                        In his speech, Johannes Max-Theurer stressed
                                                                       been using machines made by                            the highly successful, long-term coopera-
                                                                       Plasser & Theurer. Now, the Unimat                     tion between DGU and Plasser & Theurer. He
                                                                       09-4x4/4S, a universal tamping ma-                     emphasized that, from the very beginning,
                                                               chine of the latest generation, was added to                   DGU has been setting store by the machi-
                                                               the machine fleet. The machine was ordered                     nes manufactured in Linz, and that individual
                                                               in June 2016 and supplied in late 2017.                        companies from the Union have been in a
Johannes Max-Theurer, CEO Plasser & Theurer, stressed the      Thanks to the strong support by the service                    business relationship with Plasser & Theurer
highly successful, long-term cooperation with DGU. It is not
without reason that the machine fleet of DGO comprises         technicians of Deutsche Plasser, in close                      for more than 50 years.
of six tamping machines and six ballast distributing and       collaboration with the responsible depart-
profiling machines made by Plasser & Theurer.
                                                               ments at Plasser & Theurer and DGU, the
                                                               machine could be put into operation sooner                       Among Germany‘s largest tamping
                                                               than expected.                                                      machine operators since 2007
                                                                                                                              Deutsche Gleisbau Union was formed by the
                                                                            Official handover                                 separate companies Gleisbau-Union in Kob-
                                                                                in Koblenz                                    lenz, RR Gleisbau in Hamm, Gleis-Instand-
                                                               On 17 January 2018, the machine was handed                     haltungs-Union in Köthen and the machine
                                                               over to DGU on the occasion of a construction                  department of Klostermannn. This is how
                                                               manager conference at the company’s prem-                      one of the largest medium-sized companies
                                                               ises. The event hosted by Lüder Gerdtz,                        for track and turnout tamping machines was
                                                               Managing Director of DGU, was attended by                      established in Germany in January 2007.
                                                               representatives of the shareholders of DGU; Jo-                Today, the four shareholders KAF Falkenhahn
                                                               hannes Max-Theurer, CEO of Plasser & Theurer;                  Bau AG, Hering Bau GmbH & Co. KG, H.
                                                               and Ralf Lange, the Managing Director of                       Klostermann Baugesellschaft mbH and Mar-
                                                               Deutsche Plasser.                                              tin Rose GmbH & Co. KG hold shares in DGU.

14      DP UPDATE
Benefits of the
                                                                                                          Unimat 09-4x4/4S
                                                                                              • Universal tamping units with 16 tilting tines
                                                                                              • Pivoting suspension of the tamping units
                                                                                              • Rotation speed modulation and frequency
                                                                                              • 3-rail lifting and 4-rail tamping
                                                                                              • Lower axle loads (20 t => line category C2)
                                                                                              • P-IC 2.0 control system, WIN-ALC, DRP
                                                                                              • Hydrostatic drive for transfer travel
                                                                                              • New cabin design and improved ergonomic design
DGU’s operating staff is highly pleased with the work places in the new machine.              • Sleeper detection system (optional)

Now, the machine’s successful operation can begin.                                            • CAL curve laser (optional)

    “High-quality machines made by Plasser & Theurer
      and comprehensive support for the entire service
    life of the machines provided by Deutsche Plasser:
             This approach has been paying off for
                 DGU from the very beginning.”

Currently, the machine fleet consists of six tamp-              chine carried out 1,038,200 tamping inser-
ing machines and six ballast distributing and                   tions, approx. 4,600 engine operating hours
profiling machines made by Plasser & Theurer.                   and 61,000 kilometres of transfer travel.
The machines are not only operated in Ger-                      More machines of this model have already
many, but also in its neighbouring European                     been supplied to Germany, to Joseph Hubert,
countries. According to DGU, the track con-                     Leonhard Weiss, Gleisbau Busching-Wagner,
struction machines ensure utmost cost-                          Eiffage Rail, JumboTec, Spitzke and DB Bahn-

efficiency, reliability and precision.                          bau. Now, 11 units are in operation already.

          New Unimat 09-4x4/4S
                for Germany
The Unimat 09-4x4/4S closes the gap be-
tween compact machines and large universal
tamping machines. The main feature of this
machine model is stressed by all operators:
it meets any requirement possibly existing on                                        “Thanks to the strong support by the
plain track as well as in turnouts with tight radii.
In March 2014, the first Unimat 09-4x4/4S
                                                                                   service technicians of Deutsche Plasser,
was delivered to Spitzke in Germany. It was                                        the machine could be put into operation
the first track maintenance machine in Ger-                                                 sooner than expected.”
many equipped with the new P-IC control
system, the DRP data recording processor                                                                    Ralf Lange
                                                                                                Managing Director, Deutsche Plasser
for digital recording and the rotation speed
modulation. By the end of May 2016, the ma-

                                                                                                                                      DP UPDATE   15
Simon Stöbich, Plasser & Theurer.
                                                                         A qualified engineer and member of staff
                                                                       experienced in various areas of production
                                                                    at the Linz plant, Simon Stöbich has first-hand
                                                                          knowledge of the workings of machines.


                   Across all
                   The close co-operation between Deutsche Plasser
                      and the Plasser & Theurer plant in Linz plays
                   an essential part in the smooth handling of orders.
                 In addition, it creates highly favourable preconditions
                   for our service offerings throughout the whole life
                                    cycle of a machine.

During handover in Linz, service engineers
                                                                                                                                    of Deutsche Plasser are present to check
                                                                                                                                    every detail of the new machines
                                                                                                                                    together with the customers.

                                                                               “From the award of a contract through
                                                                               to the acceptance of machines I make
                                                                                 sure that the customer gets exactly
                                                                                      what they have ordered.”
                                                                                                           Simon Stöbich
                                                                                                Mechanical engineer, Plasser & Theurer

                                                                  in-depth knowledge about the workings and         in touch with the responsible department in
                                                                  special design features of Plasser & Theurer      the factory to find quick solutions. An impor-
                                                                  machines.                                         tant element during the production phase are
                                                                  In 2017 he moved to the “Approvals and Ac-        the regular production status updates sent
Following delivery, Simon Stöbich remains our first contact in    ceptance” department where he is respon-          to Deutsche Plasser in Munich: “I keep in
Linz, to provide technical support for the service engineers at   sible for the machines to be delivered to the     constant contact with Deutsche Plasser so
Deutsche Plasser and to assist with speedy procurement of
spare parts. .                                                    markets covered by Deutsche Plasser.              that they know everything about the relevant
                                                                                                                    parameters from when production starts.”
                                                                              Full control during
                                                                                  production                                Machine acceptance with
                                                                  Simon Stöbich’s area of responsibility starts            customers and our member
                                                                  well before the machines are being pro-                       of staff in Munich

                                                                  duced. He checks all the technical docu-          Of course, Simon Stöbich also oversees the
         ere, we would like to introduce                          ments available prior to production, star-        commissioning of the machine at the Linz
         two members of our staff whose                           ting with the order. An important task – this     factory and has direct access to all approv-
         exemplary collaboration in deliver-                      way he can ensure that the machine to be          als documents. The preliminary end point of
         ing the MISS work vehicles* to                           built conforms in all details to the machine      his work is the machine acceptance where
Deutsche Bahn is outlined below.                                  specified by the customer. Here it is worth       a customer representative and our Munich
                                                                  mentioning that every Plasser & Theurer           member of staff also take part. Simon Stöbich
             Simon Stöbich,                                       machine is practically tailor-made and that       will then hand over all machine documents
           Plasser & Theurer                                      even within certain machine types there can       to Deutsche Plasser. Following the handover
Simon Stöbich is a qualified mechanical en-                       be variations which the customer wants to         of the machine to the customer he will be at
gineer. He joined Plasser & Theurer in Linz                       have incorporated.                                hand throughout the machine service life to
in 2010 and has worked in different areas                         During the production phase Simon Stöbich         supply any technical expertise or to assist
of production, from mechanical manufactur-                        ensures that the quality standards are ad-        with the procurement of original spare parts.
ing through to final assembly. So, he has                         hered to. In case of any problems he gets

* Multifunctional Maintenance Vehicle Track Infrastructure

                                                                                                                                                  DP UPDATE               17
Every machine produced for the Deutsche Plasser market is
personally looked after by Simon Stöbich. He ensures that all
our customer specifications are met to the letter.
                                                                        “This continuous and close co-operation with
                                                                       Simon Stöbich at Plasser & Theurer Linz is the
                                                                       ideal precondition for being able to provide the
                                                                              perfect support for the machine.”
                                                                                                            Florian Müller
                                                                                             Technical Customer Service, Deutsche Plasser

                                                                                Florian Müller,                                  Point of contact for
                                                                             Deutsche Plasser                                       our customers
                                                                 Florian Müller completed his apprenticeship         His knowledge of all things technical about
                                                                 as a mechatronics technician at Deutsche            the machine, including all aspects of its
                                                                 Plasser. He then spent six months as a field        production history, make Florian Müller the
                                                                 engineer and then another six months in             ideal point of contact for our customers. He
                                                                 technical customer service. He also com-            retains this role over the two-year warranty
                                                                 pleted a two-year advanced training course          period, and it is he who plans and supports
                                                                 in mechatronics. Since 2018 he has been re-         any service engineer assignments and who
                                                                 sponsible for the support of newly commis-          manages the supply of original spare parts.
                                                                 sioned MISS work vehicles at Deutsche Plasser.
                                                                 As the direct contact for Simon Stöbich in Linz                Close cooperation
                                                                 he takes part in the machine acceptance in          He greatly appreciates the cooperation with
Florian Müller of Deutsche Plasser looks after the newly com-    Linz. This takes about a week where the             Simon Stöbich: “Being able to process a
missioned MISS work vehicles. He is the first point of contact   machines are checked over by the customer           speedy handover of machines and thus
for our customers during the two-year warranty period.
                                                                 representative and Florian Müller.                  ensuring that the machines are ready for
                                                                                                                     deployment very quickly, is only possible
                                                                           Introductory training                     because of our form of cooperation. This
                                                                               for operators                         contact between Munich and Linz remains
                                                                 During the subsequent support phase,                throughout the service life of a machine and
                                                                 the machine operators undergo theoretical           has great benefits. Should there be any issues
                                                                 training on the vehicle by the experts at           at any point a quick and lasting solution
                                                                 Plasser & Theurer in Linz. Following that,          can be found thanks to this direct contact.”
                                                                 Deutsche Plasser provides practical training
                                                                 at the customer’s site, which lasts about a
                                                                 week, depending on machine type.

18      DP UPDATE
                                                                          Customer              M
                                                                                                 4 0 0
                                                                         Service 2017

                                             9 km0 0 0
                            6                                                                  5200


       4 0 0
      Machines 910
                  .000                                                       *


        * Our Service Technicians circled the earth no less than 23 times.


    5200Fixed prices
        for repairs and inspections
Assignments Maschin               en
    Deutsche Plasser is preparing a new offer for repairs and inspections. Up to now,
        machine components sent in for revision have been thoroughly checked. Based
        on this check, an offer is prepared. That is time-consuming. Moreover, the costs
        for the inspection cannot be predicted exactly.
        The introduction of fixed prices will change that. In the future, the repair or in-
        spection of a component will have a fixed price, provided that the component’s
        condition is within a clearly defined framework. Your benefits: Time savings as
        there is no need to check the component, and fixed costs, which can be taken
        into account for planning.
                                                                                                   DP UPDATE   19
Quality assurance is crucial to Deutsche Plasser.
                                                                                              Jaime Gallego has joined the quality management team in Munich.

                                                            QualitY management

                                                        to high quality
                                                          Deutsche Plasser has always placed utmost
                                                         importance on the high quality of its services.

                                       20   DP UPDATE
             The focus is on
             the high quality
               of services

            o maintain and even further in-                        New staff
            crease this high level of quality,   To fulfil these extended tasks professionally,

            the company has further im-          the QM department in Munich has taken on
            proved and reorganised quality       another member of staff, Jaime Fernando
            management in recent months          Gallego. He will support Michael Bittmann,
and added staff. The purpose of quality          Head of Department, in the development
management (QM) is to support the ma-            and implementation of measures in this field.
nagement and staff in providing our custom-      As a systems engineer, Mr Gallego has ex-
ers with maximum quality in accordance           periences in quality assurance (QA) and quality
with our company‘s business requirements.        management. In Munich, he will be respon-
This requires efficient processes ensuring       sible for the operational implementation.
that the customers’ expectations are not                                                            “All of us need to get better
only met, but exceeded.                                      Improvements in
                                                                                                     every day. This is true for
            Company mission                      Currently, we are setting up a concept for            each member of staff.
Together with other departments, the Quality     further improving the QM/QA system in our         We promote any idea aimed
Management Department plays a leading            maintenance workshop. We aim to imple-
                                                                                                   at further improving services.
role in the implementation of the company        ment the concept in the near future, to be
mission. In coordination with the manage-        prepared even better for the 2018/2019              As small as the daily steps
ment, the company’s basic orientation is         winter overhauls.                                 we take might be, they help
checked regularly. It provides both staff and
business partners with a clear orientation as                    ISO 9001:2015
                                                                                                        us progress steadily.”
to the company’s objectives and values. It       Currently, the department is focussing on                    Michael Bittmann
is no surprise that Deutsche Plasser places      fulfilling the new, additional requirements of          Head of Quality Management
utmost importance on the quality of the ser-     the revised standard ISO 9001:2015. This is
vices it provides for its customers.             a welcome occasion to further develop the
                                                 existing QM system in the entire company.
      Key performance indicators                 The new parameters help achieve this. At
               & evaluations                     the same time, they make it possible to
Jointly developed key performance indica-        question existing structures and prepare the
tors and evaluations will support both the       ground for a more practical and experience-
management and staff in the future. This will    able management system.
increase the transparency and evaluability of
the processes in the company and allow for
regular monitoring and improvement on the
basis of the knowledge gained.

                                                                                                                        DP UPDATE     21

                 to the future
                   Training apprentices is particularly important
                  to Deutsche Plasser. The company ensures the
                  vocational qualification of junior staff and lives
                    up to its responsibility to train young people.


Jonas von Wachter with his project work for the final examination to become a mechatronics

technician. At Deutsche Plasser, trainers place particular importance on hands-on training.

                                                                             “The skills shortage and the experience with track
                                                                             maintenance machines required from our members

                                                                             of staff make distinct training absolutely necessary.
                                                                                      This is how we ensure the efficiency
                                                                                       of our company in the long term.”
                                                                                                            Stefan Brandt
                                                                                                      Project Manager/Foreman
                                                                                              Leverkusen-Opladen maintenance workshop

   “Supporting young people in
   their vocational training is of
   great importance to us. If we                                 The professional profiles may have changed                  Trust & responsibility
    succeed, this benefits not                                   over the years, the objective, however, has        Once the first big step has been taken and
    only the young people, but                                   remained the same: to provide young peo-           the vocational training contract has been
        also the company.”                                       ple with high-quality vocational training and      signed, the training starts. Deutsche Plasser
                                                                 occupational prospects.                            places a lot of trust in its apprentices. Early
                   Ingeborg Winter                                                                                  on, they assume certain responsibilities.
       Assistant to the Management & Trainer                     In addition to the commitment to its social
                                                                 responsibility, the company ensures that           Within a short time, the future mechatronics
                                                                 it can take on professionally qualified staff      technicians carry out tasks in the work se-
                                                                 who are perfectly familiar with the company        quence, allowing them to get to know the
                                                                 and the corporate processes.                       Plasser & Theurer machines and gain valuable
                                                                                                                    experiences. The trainers make sure that all
                                                                                                                    aspects relevant to the job are taught during

                                                                            Choosing apprentices                    the period of training.
           t Deutsche Plasser, it is a long-                     Choosing apprentices is different from
           established tradition to train ap-                    choosing staff. In general, school-leavers         Apprentices in office management go
           prentices. Many of its employees                      only have little documentation to add to their     through almost all administrative depart-
           started their career as apprentices.                  application. As a result, the criteria used to     ments, where they get their own workplace.
Today, they are the backbone of the company.                     choose apprentices are different.                  Experienced members of staff introduce
                                                                 In addition to formal requirements, such           them to the activities of the department.
           Vocational training                                   as good grades, the textual evaluation in          First tasks and projects, on which they work
Young people are apprenticed to two                              school reports is particularly important. It       independently, are assigned to them after a
different professions. Mechatronics techni-                      provides insight in a candidate’s motivation,      short time. It goes without saying that the
cians are trained in Munich and Leverkusen-                      reliability and attitude. Moreover, personal       staff in the departments supports them.
Opladen. Vocational training in office man-                      commitment, e.g. in social areas or asso-
agement is offered in Munich.                                    ciations and clubs, plays an important role.

                                                                                                                                             DP UPDATE          23
Dennis Harwege was apprentriced to mechatronics technician in our
Leverkusen-Opladen maintenance workshop. Today, he is an important                            Vocational training
member of our team.
                                                                                              at Deutsche Plasser
                                                                                              • Mechatronics technician
                                                                                                – Training period: 3.5 years
                                                                                                – Locations: Munich, Leverkusen-Opladen

                                                                                              • Office manager
                                                                                                – Training period: 3 years
                                                                                                – Office: Munich

                  „                                                         Great support
                                                            At Deutsche Plasser, all apprentices are sup-
                                                            ported. We respond to their educational and
                                                            professional needs in the best possible way.
                                                            If necessary, we even organise tutoring. In
                                                            addition, we promote further education in
                                                                                                               apprentices can rest assured to obtain em-
                                                                                                               ployment in a successful company. Deutsche
                                                                                                               Plasser benefits from the expertise acquired,
                                                                                                               the experiences gained and the knowledge of
                                                                                                               the company.
                                                                                                               As a result, the company’s staff has become
    “Our apprentices meet our                               other fields – at the trainees request or due to   multigenerational, offering diverse experi-
   need for qualified junior staff                          a need that arises during training.                ences, which benefit both our company and
       and are crucial to our
                                                                      Training cooperation
  company‘s future. Once their                              To enable the mechatronics technician ap-
  training has been completed,                              prentices to gain as much practical experi-                    Trust,
  they are experts in their fields                          ence as possible, Deutsche Plasser coope-
  who are very familiar with the                            rates with external partners. In Munich, we                 responsibility
            company.”                                       cooperate with Stadtwerke München; in
                                                            Leverkusen, with Wuppermann Bildungswerk.
                                                                                                                        and support
                  Josef Sommer                              These cooperations make it possible to offer
      Repair Engineering Department, Munich                 high-quality training modules in fields that
                                                            cannot be offered by the company.
                                                                                                                             Customer focus
                                                                                                               Our entire staff, regardless of whether they
                                                                      Employment following                     started as apprentices or joined the company
                                                                               training                        later, has one thing in common: their commit-
                                                            Our vocational training aims to give young         ment to the customer. Future team members
                                                            people the best opportunities. Once the            must contribute to meeting the customers’
                                                            training has been completed, the former ap-        requests and needs with great determination
                                                            prentices are offered permanent employment         and dedication. In the past, we have fulfilled
                                                            in almost all cases. This is to the benefit of     this objective. Our apprentices will contribute
                                                            both, company and employee: The former             to ensuring this in future too.

24     DP UPDATE
Maintenance Workshop

  New paths
in Leverkusen
   Working at full capacity in the winter season.
 Numerous measures to improve work processes.
 And a new plant manager, Sven Peters, on board.

                                    On 1st January 2018 Sven Peters took
                                 over as head of our Leverkusen-Opladen
                                 maintenance workshop. He is a qualified
                                mechatronics engineer specialising in rail
                                                    vehicle maintenance.

                                                                             DP UPDATE   25
RM 800 Super 3S
                                                                                One of the highlights this last winter was the overhaul of the RM
                                                                                800 Super 3S from Hubert. The machine arrived at Leverkusen-
                                                                                Opladen on 6th November 2017 and left the shop floor on 16th
                                                                                March 2018. It became apparent once again how important the
                                                                                size and the equipment of the Leverkusen-Opladen plant are. The
                                                                                machine was put on the 120 m long workshop track 2 with a con-
                                                                                tinuous pit. With the use of the numerous 35 t lifting jacks it was
                                                                                possible to lift the complete machine and disassemble and pull out
                                                                                all 11 bogies and bogie bridges simultaneously.

                                                                                The following work was carried out:
                                                                                • co-operative overhaul and some repair work following diagnosis
                                                                                  of the 22 (power) axles and axle gearboxes
                                                                                • checking the installations subject to mandatory monitoring
                                                                                  (air reservoir/diesel tank/nitrogen accumulator and macrophones)
The RM 800 Super 3S overhaul made it apparent once again how
important the size and equipment of the Leverkusen-Opladen workshop               and the pneumatic brake components
are for efficient working. With the use of the numerous 35 t lifting jacks      • refurbishment of pump distribution gearboxes
it was possible to lift the complete vehicle and disassemble and pull           • cleaning gearboxes and renewal of gearbox components
out all 11 bogies and bogie bridges simultaneously.
                                                                                Following acceptance by DB on 13 th March 2018, the machine
                                                                                was picked up for its first deployment on 16 th March 2018. A
                                                                                Deutsche Plasser service engineer and a specialist were pres-
                                                                                ent during this deployment, which was successful despite the
                                                                                cold and the snow. By the end of May 2018, the overhauled RM
                                                                                800 Super 3S had already worked through 40 km of track.

                                                                   his last winter our team in Leverku-   specialists of this kind in Germany. For twelve
                                                                   sen-Opladen again did not have to      years he had been working all over the world
                                                                   complain about a lack of work. The     at different companies in the complete refur-
                                                                   shop floor was working at full ca-     bishment of Plasser & Theurer machines and
The overhaul of the RM 800 Super 3S from Hubert
                                                        pacity throughout and the staff had a job to      as such has a vast array of valuable practical
was one of our highlights this last winter. The ma-
chine arrived at Leverkusen-Opladen on 6th Novem-       finish all the orders on time. Even when          knowledge. He joined Deutsche Plasser
ber 2017 and left the shop floor on 16th March 2018.    many of them were hit by a flu epidemic, the      in 2017 as production engineer and was
About two months later the machine had already          team could still be relied on.                    appointed plant manager at Leverkusen-
worked through 40 km of track.
                                                                                                          Opladen at the beginning of this year.
                                                                     Change at the top
                                                        At the beginning of the year a personnel de-                Competent, efficient
                                                        cision was made that would point the way                    and true to his word
                                                        for the future. Dirk Thormann, who had been       When asked what his ambitions were for the
                                                        in charge of the plant since its opening in the   new role, Sven Peters replied: “Two things
                                                        summer of 2010 and who shaped its con-            are important for me: I would like to develop
                                                        tinuous positive development, left Deutsche       the workshop so that we can offer even more
                                                        Plasser. We would like to take this opportu-      technical competence, efficiency and trans-
                                                        nity here to thank him for his commitment         parency to our customers. And secondly, I
                                                        and wish him all the best and success in his      want to base this on handshake quality. To
                                                        new position.                                     me, being partners means that we discuss
                                                                                                          things openly to start with and then stick
                                                        On 1st January 2018 Sven Peters took over         to what we agreed. This is the only way to
                                                        as plant manager. Sven Peters is a qualified      overcome all obstacles together.”
                                                        mechatronics engineer specialising in rail ve-
                                                        hicle maintenance; there are only very few

26     DP UPDATE
Certification news
                                                                    • Certificate “Welding of railway vehicles and components as per EN
                                                                      15085-2” with certification level CL1 according to DVS ZERT: We
                                                                      meet all the relevant requirements. Certificate valid from 6th Decem-
                                                                      ber 2017 to 5th December 2020.
                                                                    • Certificate as per ECM - VO 445/2011 as maintenance supplier:
                                                                      We completed the required audit successfully in 2017 and hold the
                                                                      certificate to 14th September 2021.
                                                                    • The new plant manager Sven Peters is an expert authorised by the
                                                                      Eisenbahn-Bundesamt (EBA - German Federal Railway Office) for
                                                                      installations subject to mandatory monitoring as per Art. 33 of the
                                                                      Railway Construction and Operations Act:
                                                                      – installations for flammable liquids in rail vehicles
                                                                      – pressurised container installations in rail vehicles
                                                                      – explosive and battery installations in rail vehicles

                                                                      This also increases our flexibility as we are not dependent
                                                                      on external specialists.

           Clear points of contact               The reconditioning of semi-finished products       because the individual work steps are much
             for our customers                   was added as a new workshop area. The              more visible. And it will increase flexibility be-
One of the new manager’s first tasks was to      pendulum and transducer workshop area,             cause any changes will become visible for all
introduce a new organisational structure. The    welding and electronics were expanded.             involved at the push of a button.
key idea behind this was to structure the pro-
cesses more clearly and to make them more                 Training specialists for                          Better orientation for our
efficient. On the other hand, it was important           new technology sectors                               customers’ employees
to increase transparency for our customers.      The new organisation will also bring about a       Leverkusen-Opladen is known to regularly
This means that these are now better in-         change in our training strategy. In the past       involve customers’ employees in the jobs.
formed about our specific offering and have      all apprentices obtained qualifications in all     To make it easier for these employees to find
clear points of contact in each area.            areas of workshop activity. In future, they will   their way, the shop floor has been divided
                                                 be increasingly trained as specialists in indi-    up into new zones and labelled accordingly.
The following technology divisions               vidual technological sectors. This will make       As Sven Peters has indicated, more changes
were set up:                                     it possible to significantly raise staff compe-    are yet to be made. A range of new measures
• measurement and test engineering               tence.                                             is already planned and will be implemented
		 and electronics                                                                                  in the near future. The new drive in the
• guiding assembly, pneumatic brake                           Digitalisation of                     Leverkusen-Opladen maintenance workshop
		 system and installations subject to                        work processes                        will continue and ensure even better cus-
		 mandatory monitoring                          In addition to the new organisational struc-       tomer support.
• mechatronics and commissioning                 ture, InfoBoard software was introduced.
• mechanics and hydraulics                       This means that the whole information
• painting                                       chain, from suppliers to procurement, pro-
• bogies, wheelsets and mechanical               duction and sales through to customers can
		 brake system                                  now be presented in digital format. This will
• welding                                        lead to better transparency of the processes

                                                                                                                               DP UPDATE          27
InnoTrans 2018
                 18th – 21st September 2018, Berlin
                        Visit us in hall 26, booth 222.

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