Prefabricated housing market in Central and Northern Europe - Overview of market trends and development - Study extract

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Prefabricated housing market in Central and Northern Europe - Overview of market trends and development - Study extract
housing market in
Central and
Northern Europe
– Overview of
market trends and
Study extract

Munich, January 2018
Prefabricated housing market in Central and Northern Europe - Overview of market trends and development - Study extract
Management summary (1/2)

       The market study at hand analyzes the prefabricated 1+2 family housing market in Central and Northern Europe, covering the countries
       Germany, Scandinavia, the UK, Austria, Switzerland and Poland, and is based on primary and secondary sources of information

       The market volume of 1+2 family housing in focus regions is expected to display solid growth of 2.0% p.a. from 2017 to 2022, driven by
       a strong anticipated GDP development, favorable financing conditions, and governmental regulations and subsidiaries

       Among 1+2 family housing, the prefabricated housing segment (c.15% of all 1+2 family houses) is expected to further gain in relevance by
       growing at 3.2% p.a. from 2017 to 2022, driven particularly by an increasing demand for planning security and technology acceptance
       > Germany (c.25 k), followed by Scandinavia (c.13 k) and the UK (c.12 k) are expected to display the largest prefab volumes in 2017
       > Absolute volume growth is projected to be driven by Germany (3.1% p.a. in 2017-'22), the UK (3.8% p.a.) and Scandinavia (3.5% p.a.)
         – In Poland prefabricated housing is currently less popular, considerable catch-up effects are expected going forward (6.9% p.a.)

       Within prefabricated 1+2 family housing, there is a trend towards turnkey solutions with convenience and security as key drivers
       > Turnkey solutions are the prevailing prefabricated finishing type, accounting for c.50% of the market volume, and are projected to
         outgrow the prefabricated housing market in all focus regions (3.8% p.a. vs. 3.2% p.a. volume growth)
       > Germany (c.10 k), Scandinavia (c.8 k) and the UK (c.7 k) are the largest prefabricated turnkey housing markets in 2017 and are
         expected to grow at c.4% p.a. between 2017 and 2022

       The market value of prefabricated 1+2 family housing is expected to grow at c.6% p.a. between 2017 and 2022 in Central and Northern
       Europe due to favorable pricing trends (e.g. shift towards more expensive turnkey solutions and increasing wage levels)
       > Turnkey solutions are forecast to outgrow the prefabricated housing market with c.7% growth p.a.
       > Geographically, Switzerland (c.360 k per average prefabricated house), Scandinavia (c.330 k) and the UK (c.250 k) show the highest
         average prefabricated 1+2 family housing prices in 2017, while Poland (c.80 k) is estimated to have the lowest price level

Source: Roland Berger                                                              20180108_Roland Berger_Prefabricated housing market study_Draft version_vf.pptx   2
Prefabricated housing market in Central and Northern Europe - Overview of market trends and development - Study extract
Management summary (2/2)

       The route-to-market differs by focus region: In the DACH region (Germany, Austria, Switzerland), prefabricated 1+2 family houses are
       typically sold directly to end customers, while the UK has a higher share of intermediaries (i.e. developers and housing associations)

        The key buying criteria of customers are price/quality ratio, quality of sales, product customization and brand perception – Customers are
        increasingly willing to pay for superior quality, given the overall high investment combined with an expected long period of usage

        In the DACH region, several manufacturers of prefabricated 1+2 family housing exist, with vast differences in product price segment and
        level of finishing type
        > The largest manufacturers are DFH, followed by Equistone assets (Bien-Zenker and Hanse Haus), WeberHaus, FingerHaus and
          Polish-headquartered Danwood based on 2016 revenues
        > The majority of manufacturers have been able to gradually increase their revenues between 2012 and 2016, driven by a favorable
          market environment, which is expected to be the base for further growth going forward

       Specifically for Germany, the prefabricated 1+2 family housing market appears to be largely fragmented with the top 5 suppliers
       accounting for c.30% and suppliers beyond the top 5 holding market shares of below 3%
       > Within the prefabricated 1+2 family housing market, the turnkey subsegment reveals a similarly high level of market concentration
       > This market characteristic creates possibilities for M&A activity, which has intensified in recent years

        The entry of new manufacturers in the prefabricated 1+2 family housing market is hampered by several barriers – The main market entry
        barriers are related to technical capabilities, sales network with an attractive online channel, brand/track record and capital intensity

Source: Roland Berger                                                               20180108_Roland Berger_Prefabricated housing market study_Draft version_vf.pptx   3
Prefabricated housing market in Central and Northern Europe - Overview of market trends and development - Study extract

               A.       Market segmentation                                                                                              5

               B.       Market trends and drivers                                                                                      10

               C.       Market size and development                                                                                    21

               D.       Selected customer and manufacturer aspects                                                                     36

               E.       Roland Berger                                                                                                  45

Source: Roland Berger                                      20180108_Roland Berger_Prefabricated housing market study_Draft version_vf.pptx   4
Prefabricated housing market in Central and Northern Europe - Overview of market trends and development - Study extract
A. Market segmentation

                         20180108_Roland Berger_Prefabricated housing market study_Draft version_vf.pptx   5
Prefabricated housing market in Central and Northern Europe - Overview of market trends and development - Study extract
The 1+2 family housing market can be split along five dimensions:
Geography, construction tech., finishing & material type and price
Segmentation of the 1+2 family housing market

                                                     1+2 family housing
                                                     market (completed,
                                                     new houses)

  Geography                           Construction                     Finishing                            Material                               Price
                                      technology                       type                                 type                                   segment
  > Central and                       > Prefabricated                  > Turnkey                            > Timber-frame                         > High-end
    Northern Europe2)                 > Solid                                                                                                        (EUR >250 k)
                                                                       > Floor-covering                     > Brick
    – DE, Scandi-                                                                                                                                  > Mid-end
      navia (SE, NO,                                                   > Shell-finished                     > Concrete
                                                                                                                                                     (EUR 150-250 k)
      DK), UK, AT, CH
      and PL                                                                                                                                       > Low-end
  > Other EU                                                                                                                                         (EUR
Prefabricated housing market in Central and Northern Europe - Overview of market trends and development - Study extract
The study focuses particularly on the prefabricated housing market,
which can be segmented by finishing type, material type and price
Segmentation of the 1+2 family housing market                                                                            Indicative – Non-scaled

Residential housing type Construction technology

 Completed 1+2 family         Solid
 houses                       Traditional building technologies using
 Single (detached) and two-   brick/concrete or wood in which
 family (semi-detached)       construction takes place almost
 houses                       entirely on building site                                                    Focus of this study
                              Prefabricated                              Finishing type
                              Industrially prefabricated houses
                              which are delivered in finished parts to   Turnkey                     Floor-covering               Shell-finished
                              the building site and assembled there
                                                                         Material type
                                                                         Timber-frame                               Other

                                                                         Price segment
                                                                         High-end                    Mid-end                      Low-end
                                                                         (EUR >250 k)                (EUR 150-250 k)              (EUR
Prefabricated housing market in Central and Northern Europe - Overview of market trends and development - Study extract

The prefabricated housing segment seems to be particularly well
positioned to meet changing customer demand trends
Deep dive on construction technology: Customer demand trends
                                                                          Solid    Prefabrica-
Selected customer demand trends                                           houses   ted houses Comment
Increasingly busy lifestyle and importance of leisure time                                        > While the majority of solid house construction is supervised
> Convenience of house construction process (i.e. one-stop shop and                                 and coordinated by an owner, most of the prefabricated
  turnkey solutions) gains in importance                                                            suppliers fully cover the entire house construction process
Increasing need for risk avoidance in a fast changing world                                       > Prefabricated housing suppliers typically offer a higher
> Increased need for stabilization and certainty of future construction                             certainty in regard to construction budget and delivery date
  outcomes in terms of price and time                                                               as compared to solid construction
Increasing health consciousness                                                                   > A timber-framed house is considered more natural than a
> Increasing awareness of importance of healthy living and natural                                  solid construction, offering benefits such as greater air
  construction technologies                                                                         circulation and less waste production during construction
Increasing price and product awareness of customers                                               > Traditionally, prefabricated houses offer higher transparency
> Easier access to product offerings and comparisons as well as                                     on designs and prices, however, lately this advantage was
  higher awareness of 'reasonable' house prices                                                     partly diminished by growth of solid house catalogue players
Decreasing (building related) technical competency of customers                                   > Increasing number of customers are willing to delegate the
> Growing number of customers typically have low experience and                                     house construction process to a professional supplier that
  knowledge of house construction processes and material selection                                  supervises and coordinates all construction work and crews
Increasing need for security                                                                      > Solid houses that offer thicker, hardly inflammable walls are
> Importance of staying safe and secure is growing, especially in an                                still considered more secure than timber-framed houses by
  increasingly volatile environment                                                                 many customers, although the provision of long-term
                                                                                                    guarantees has helped to change this perception slightly
Increasing importance of individuality and customization                                          > Although the possibility of customization of house architec-
> Customers increasingly require the possibility to select products                                 ture has largely improved for prefabricated houses, solid
  from a broad product range with many customization options                                        houses provide fewer technical constraints in this respect
    Fully addressing trend          Not addressing trend

Source: Interviews, Roland Berger                                                      20180108_Roland Berger_Prefabricated housing market study_Draft version_vf.pptx   8
Prefabricated housing market in Central and Northern Europe - Overview of market trends and development - Study extract
Scandinavia appears to have the highest prefab share and Switzerland
the highest turnkey share – Low prefab and turnkey shares in Poland
Overview of market segmentation by focus regions, 2017
Share of turnkey solutions [among prefabricated segment]                                                                              > Scandinavia, Austria and
                                                                                                                                        Germany are estimated to
High         70                                                                                                                         have the highest
             65                                                                                                                         prefabricated shares
                                                                    Switzerland                                                         among focus regions –
             60                                                                                                                         Low share is assumed in
             55                                                                                                                         the UK and Poland (focus
                              United Kingdom                                                                                            on solid constructions)
             50                                                                                                                       > The share of turnkey
             45                                                                                                                         solutions in the
                                                                                                                                        prefabricated segment is
             40                                                                                   Scandinavia                           expected to be highest in
             35                                                                                                                         Switzerland, the UK and
                                                                                                                                        Scandinavia, while Poland
             30                                                                             Austria                                     and Austria indicate rather
             25                                                                                                                         low shares

             20                Poland
Low          15
                0                         10                   20                      30          40                      50
               Low                                                                                                       High
                               Share of prefabricated housing [among 1+2 family housing segment]
       Relevant market size (indicative), number of completed 1+2 family houses p.a.

Source: Euroconstruct, Interviews, Roland Berger                                            20180108_Roland Berger_Prefabricated housing market study_Draft version_vf.pptx   9
Prefabricated housing market in Central and Northern Europe - Overview of market trends and development - Study extract
B. Market trends
   and drivers

                   20180108_Roland Berger_Prefabricated housing market study_Draft version_vf.pptx   10
The prefabricated housing market volume and price are expected to
be favorably driven by a number of trends
Key market trends for the prefabricated housing market                                                                                                                   Indicative
                                                              Rele-               Influence on
Market trends                                                 vance                                    Description

                                A GDP development                                                      > Short/mid-term GDP growth rates are one of the closest proxies for
                                                                                                         construction development – Positive GDP growth rates expected
           1+2 family housing

                                B Financing conditions                                                 > Interest rates are expected to remain at record low levels in focus
                                  and land costs (interest                                               regions until 2019, positively impacting the new 1+2 housing market
                                  rates)                                                               > From 2019 onwards moderate increases are expected to be partially
                                                                                                         compensated for by a stabilization of land prices
                                C Population growth                                                    > The overall population level is expected to remain at a largely stable to
                                  (incl. migration)                                                      slightly increasing level in all focus regions in the upcoming years

                                D Energy efficiency regulations                                        > All focus regions have building energy efficiency regulations in place –
                                  & governmental subsidies                                               UK customers strongly benefit from governmental housing initiatives

                                E Planning security                                                    > Customers increasingly value planning security regarding budget and

                                                                                                         move-in date – Prefab constructions usually outperform solid ones
                                F Construction period                                                  > Prefabricated housing significantly reduces the construction time,
                                                                                                         given an effectively managed order backlog at manufacturers
                                G Technology acceptance                                                > Technology acceptance for prefabricated houses is increasing across
                                                                                                         focus regions – Prefab houses are increasingly seen to be modern

                                                                                                       > One partner from design to construction facilitates the entire process

                                H One-stop shop solution
                                                                                                         and thereby reduces the possibility of errors especially for individuals

                                I   Price of prefabricated                                             > Prefab turnkey house prices are driven by wages and to a lesser
                                    turnkey houses                                                       extent material prices – Increase in wages leads to price increases
   Overall                                                                                             > Overall, favorable trends for the prefabricated housing market
                                                                                                         in the focus regions
         High relevance                    Low relevance     Positive influence   Negative influence
Source: Interviews, Roland Berger                                                                      20180108_Roland Berger_Prefabricated housing market study_Draft version_vf.pptx   11
A GDP development

All focus countries are forecast to show positive GDP growth rates,
averaging to c.2% p.a. between 2017 and 2022
Comparison of real GDP development, 2010-2022 [%, indexed1)]
Historical                                            Forecast                           CAGR         CAGR         > For Germany, a favorable and
                                                                                         '14-'17      '17-'22        stable GDP development of
1.20                                                                                                                 1.5% p.a. by 2022 has been
                                                                       Poland              3.7%         3.1%
                                                                                                                     forecast mainly due to
                                                                       Norway              1.7%         1.8%         – Favorable financing and
                                                                       United Kingdom 1.9%              1.8%            investment conditions
                                                                                                                     – Construction activity and
1.10                                                                   Denmark             1.9%         1.8%            further public investments
                                                                       Switzerland         1.2%         1.8%         – Strong labor market
1.05                                                                   Sweden              3.5%         1.8%       > The economy in Poland is
                                                                                                                     expected to outperform that of
                                                                       Austria             1.8%         1.6%         other focus countries,
1.00                                                                   Germany                                       particularly due to
                                                                                           2.0%         1.5%
                                                                                                                     – Transfer of EU funds and
                                                                                                                        increased investments
                                                                                                                     – Strong labor market driving
                                                                                                                        private consumption (also
0.90                                                                                                                    through government
                                                                                                                   > GDP forecasts for the UK
0.85                                                                                                                 remain difficult as the full
                                                                                                                     effects of Brexit are not yet
                                                                                                                     clear – However, low interest
0.80                                                                                                                 rates still provide a good
    2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022                                                 climate for investments
1) Index: 2017 = 1.00

Source: Oxford Economics, World Bank, Roland Berger                     20180108_Roland Berger_Prefabricated housing market study_Draft version_vf.pptx   12
B Financing conditions and land costs (interest rates)

Interest rates are currently at a historically low level and expected to
moderately increase from 2019 onwards
Interest rates: Central bank rates, 2010-2022 [%]
Historical                                Forecast
 5                                                                                            "Extremely cheap             "Interest rates
                                                                                              money is certainly           only determine the
                                                                                              one of the drivers of        industry development
                                                                                              the higher value of          to a limited extent.
 4                                                                                            new 1+2 family               I would not expect a
                                                                                              houses constructed           direct effect if interest
                                                                                              in Sweden"                   rates go up by 1-2%
                                                                                                    Manufacturer           again"
 3                                                                                                                                    Manufacturer
                                                                                              "In the UK, the help-        "Expected interest rate
 2                                                                    United Kingdom          to-buy scheme                increases will mostly
                                                                      Sweden                  provides access to           impact the low-price
                                                                                              cash for extremely           segment as these
                                                                      Denmark                 low rates – This             people are most reliant
                                                                                              certainly helps"             on cheap loans"
                                                                                                     Manufacturer                   Manufacturer
                                                                      Germany, Austria1)
                                                                                              "Interest rates certainly have an influence but
 0                                                                    Switzerland             need to be assessed always in combination with
                                                                                              land prices – I would not be worried about an
   2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022                           increase in interest rates by 2-3%, as I would
                                                                                              expect land prices to stabilize"
 -1                                                                                                                               Market expert
1) Common EUR interest rate

Source: Oxford Economics, Roland Berger                               20180108_Roland Berger_Prefabricated housing market study_Draft version_vf.pptx   13
C Population growth (incl. migration)

Overall, the focus countries are forecast to show minor population
increases or remain largely stable in the upcoming years
Population: Inhabitants per country, 2010-2022 [m]
Historical                                Forecast                                      CAGR           CAGR                > The overall population
                                                                                        '14-'17        '17-'22               level of focus countries is
                                                                                                                             expected to remain at a
                                                                  Germany                 0.9%          0.0%                 largely stable level in the
80                                                                                                                           upcoming years
                                                                                                                           > Germany, which has
70                                                                                        0.7%          0.5%
                                                                  United Kingdom                                             experienced a moderate
                                                                                                                             increase of its population
60                                                                                                                           in the past decade, is
                                                                                                                             forecast to be flat on this
50                                                                                                                           indicator going forward

                                                                  Poland                  0.0%         -0.1%

                                                                  Sweden                  0.9%          0.6%
20                                                                Austria                 0.6%          0.5%
                                                                  Switzerland             1.1%          0.9%
                                                                  Denmark                 0.6%          0.3%
  0                                                                Norway                 0.9%          0.9%
   2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022

Source: Oxford Economics, Roland Berger                                         20180108_Roland Berger_Prefabricated housing market study_Draft version_vf.pptx   14
D Energy efficiency regulations & governmental subsidies

Energy efficiency regulations available in all focus regions are likely to
positively impact the prefabricated housing markets, esp. in the UK
Overview of energy efficiency regulations & governmental subsidies
                                                                                                                  Austria &
                          Germany                        Scandinavia                UK                            Switzerland                       Poland
Key                       > German Energy Saving         > In Norway: Energy        > Self and Custom Build       > In 2013, a referendum           > Increasingly strict energy
regulations &               Ordinance (EnEV)               efficiency regulations     Housing Act 2015              led to the restriction that       efficiency regulations for
                                                           (TEK10)                  > Government's Housing          only 20% of homes in              newly constructed
governmental                                                                                                        holiday areas can be              buildings
                                                         > Across Scandinavia,        and Planning Bill
subsidies                                                  the high tax rates on                                    used as second homes            > Governmental support
                                                           electricity support                                                                        programs favor flats and
                                                           timber-frame solutions                                                                     developer-built houses

Market                      "At the moment, there         "Across Scandinavia,        "Prefab housing               "In Switzerland,                  "There are programs
feedback                    is no dedicated               the prefabricated           manufacturers benefit         canton regulations                that aim at increasing
                            governmental subsidy          segment is historically     from governmental             favor local companies.            the number of energy-
                            program in place for          very strong – There is      programs to increase          However, the                      efficient and passive
                            prefabricated houses"         simply no need for the      and facilitate access         referendum on second              houses in Poland with
                                     Manufacturer         government to further       to new housing"               homes limits 1+2                  funds secured until
                                                          support the industry                 Manufacturer         family prefabricated              2022"
                            "Higher energy                through subsidies"                                        housing constructions.                      Manufacturer
                            efficiency require-                    Manufacturer       "The ecological trend         In Austria, I believe no
                            ments increasingly                                        and focus on energy           subsidy programs are
                            support the prefabrica-                                   efficiency will favor         in place"
                            ted market segment"                                       prefabricated houses"                   Manufacturer
                                     Market expert                                             Market expert

     Positive influence             Negative influence

Source: Interviews, Roland Berger                                                                20180108_Roland Berger_Prefabricated housing market study_Draft version_vf.pptx   15
E Planning security

Market feedback revealed planning security and comfort level to be
a key driver in the purchasing decision for prefabricated houses
Market feedback – Planning security
                                                                                                              Austria &
Germany                                  Scandinavia                      UK                                  Switzerland                            Poland

  "I value the reliability of              "When deciding on my            "Our customers of                    "I would always prefer a                "Customers value the fact
  house cost estimations.                  house, I was in contact with    prefabricated houses know            prefabricated house after               that they have to deal with
  Once the contract is signed              5 companies. All of them        exactly what they get from           having had horrible                     only one party during the
  the house price is fixed"                provided me with detailed       us. We offer homes that              experiences with architects             construction process within
                     Customer              information on potential        are highly precise and               not meeting deadlines"                  agreed deadlines and
                                           move-in dates. Planning         accurate, without any heat-                           Customer               budget"
                                           security was definitely a       loss and absolutely air-                                                                  Manufacturer
  "Market players use the                  strong criterion for my         tight. This offers a very high       "Compared with
  promise to reliably deliver              choice"                         quality level to customers"          competition from on-site                "All construction dates are
  the house on a pre-agreed                                   Customer                    Manufacturer          1+2 family projects, we can             agreed beforehand.
  date as a means of                                                                                            certainly offer higher                  Customers know what to
  attracting customers"                                                                                         planning security. Our                  expect and within what
                Market expert              "One of the drivers of the      "Knowing the exact move-             building process is routine-            timeframe – It definitely
                                           Norwegian prefabricated         in date helped us to plan            based, guaranteeing                     increases planning
                                           housing market is certainly     and organize moving out of           delivery at a promised point            security"
                                           planning security.              our previous home.                   in time"                                              Manufacturer
  "When deciding for a                     Customers really look for a     Additionally, we                                   Manufacturer
  prefabricated house and                  concrete date when they         appreciated the possibility                                                  "Knowledge of the exact
  against on-site                          can move in, which we can       to agree upon a reliable             "Knowing exactly what you               price before construction is
  construction, planning                   offer"                          house construction budget            need to pay upfront is a key            a great advantage that
  security is a key driver"                             Manufacturer       upfront"                             advantage for our clients"              increases the comfort level"
                 Manufacturer                                                               Customer                         Manufacturer                            Manufacturer

     Positive influence             Negative influence

Source: Interviews, Roland Berger                                                                      20180108_Roland Berger_Prefabricated housing market study_Draft version_vf.pptx   16
F    Construction period

Prefabricated housing significantly reduces the construction time,
given an effectively managed order backlog at manufacturers
Overview of construction period of prefabricated vs. solid houses                                                                                                  Indicative

Prefabricated – Overall time: 3-4 months (accumulated time)
 2 weeks 2-3 days                1-2 days 1-2 days         Total:        Total:      Total:
                                                                                                          "Although lead times might be significantly longer,
                                                           1 month       2 months    c.3 months           construction of prefabricated houses can be performed within
                                                                                                          3-4 months, offering a considerable advantage over on-site
> Foun- > House     > Trans- > Assembly > Shell-                         > Floor-   > Turnkey:            construction projects"
  dations elements    port by  (including finished                         covering   The finishing,                                                      Manufacturer
          prefabri-   truck    roofing)                                               fixtures and
          cated                                                                       fittings are        "Due to the long backlog of many industry players, there is
                                                                                      ready               currently limited advantage in construction time for
                                                                                                          prefabricated buildings, esp. in the DACH region"
                                                                                                                                                          Market expert

Solid on-site – Overall time: 6-8 months (accumulated time)
3 weeks                          4 weeks                4 weeks                      Total: 3 months              Total: 4-5 months                        Total: >6 months

> Cellar &                       > Masonry              > Roof,                      > Shell-finished             > Floor-covering                         > Turnkey:
  foundations                      works                  windows,                                                                                           The finishing,
                                                          doors                                                                                              fixtures and
                                                                                                                                                             fittings are
Note: Planning/design not taken into account; best-case scenario shown

Source: Immonet, Roland Berger                                                                   20180108_Roland Berger_Prefabricated housing market study_Draft version_vf.pptx   17
G Technology acceptance

Market feedback on prefabricated houses suggests increasing
acceptance of and demand for modern and individual solutions
Market feedback – Technology acceptance
                                                                                                             Austria &
Germany                                  Scandinavia                      UK                                 Switzerland                            Poland

  "Key players have                         "In Denmark, prefabricated     "They have a modern and              "Neighbors and friends                 "Prefabricated houses are
  enlarged and personalized                 houses are typically non-      luxurious product offer. I           have already asked me a                not yet widely accepted"
  their portfolio – This has                timber-frame solutions. I      would not hesitate to buy a          couple of times who I built                         Market expert
  helped to increase the                    expect, however, a slightly    new house from them if I             my prefabricated house
  acceptance level"                         increasing trend towards       needed one in the future"            with, as it looks modern               "In Poland, prefabricated
                 Manufacturer               timber-frame in the future"                 Manufacturer            and quite unique"                      houses were historically
                                                         Manufacturer                                                             Customer             associated with lower
                                                                           "Prefabricated houses are                                                   quality, yet nowadays
  "Prefabricated construction                                              quite a convenient product.
                                            "In Sweden, we are                                                                                         people increasingly realize
  style is just the better and                                             Furthermore, it can be a
                                            European leaders in                                                                                        & appreciate their quality"
  more modern way with                                                     solution to the rapid
                                            prefabricated technology.                                           "I am a satisfied customer                           Manufacturer
  regard to energy efficiency                                              retirement rate of UK
  and fulfillment of regulatory             People appreciate the high                                          of a prefabricated house in
                                            energy efficiency"             construction workers"                                                       "The acceptance of timber-
  requirements"                                                                          Manufacturer           Switzerland, yet
                 Manufacturer                            Market expert                                          sometimes I am a bit                   frame prefabricated
                                                                                                                jealous when I see the                 houses is relatively low but
                                                                           "We've shown that there is           development and options                we see an increased
  "The possibility to introduce             "In general, the
                                                                           a demand for prefabricated           available nowadays in the              interest in this technology,
  individual adjustments is                 Scandinavians simply like
                                                                           houses, we have shown                prefabricated housing                  as customers have been
  key in winning new                        timber-frame buildings
                                                                           that quality levels are high,        market"                                approaching us more
  customers against on-site                 based on their
                                                                           and it's therefore becoming                            Customer             frequently in the last 2-3
  construction"                             architectural tastes"
                                                                           increasingly accepted"                                                      years"
                Manufacturer                              Manufacturer
                                                                                         Market expert                                                                Manufacturer

     Positive influence             Negative influence

Source: Interviews, Roland Berger                                                                     20180108_Roland Berger_Prefabricated housing market study_Draft version_vf.pptx   18
H One-stop shop solution

The prefabricated turnkey one-stop shop approach offers
convenience and requires less personnel time and resources
Overview of prefabricated turnkey vs. solid construction: One-stop shop
One-stop shop                                               "Convenience is a strong driver of prefabricated
                                                            and turnkey house development – One single
                                                                                                                      "In Poland, the process of making houses
                                                                                                                      turnkey is typically supported by families,
                                                            point of contact and high reliability are very            neighbors and friends. People are very
                                                            attractive for customers"                                 skilled, so they do not need to assign a
 Prefabricated turnkey                                                                             Manufacturer       company for everything"
                                                                                                                                                       Market expert
                                                            "Prefab turnkey one-stop shop offers high
                                                            convenience, whereas during conventional on-              "Especially for people that lack time and are
                                                            site constructions, assignment of up to 10 parties        not born craftsmen, one-stop shop offers
                                                            could become a very lengthy and tedious                   significant advantages"
                                                            process"                                                                                    Manufacturer
   Client                                                                                       Manufacturer

                                                            "When I decided for my second home in                     "Building a house and organizing all
                          VS.                               Switzerland, I just wanted to have one point of           necessary process steps can be quite
                                                            contact. For me, it was of utmost importance that         cumbersome. I really appreciated having one
 On-site construction                                       my involvement in the process was limited. As a           point of contact that guides me through the
                                                            businessman, I simply do not have the time"               process"
                                    Besides the                                                     Customer                                              Customer
                                    architect, the house
                                    builder needs to get
                                    in contact with up      "As many of our customers are families with both          "All across Europe, we see a trend that
                                    to 10 additional        parents working, we see that one-stop shop                individuals are less savvy when it comes to
                                    parties (e.g. roofer,   solutions are increasingly valued. People have            house building. The work that people in the
   Client                           floorer, plumber,       less time for planning and overseeing the                 past could do on their own often needs to be
                                                            construction process of their house. This is why          provided by companies now"
                                                            we offer the necessary support"                                                           Market expert

Source: Interviews, Roland Berger                                                          20180108_Roland Berger_Prefabricated housing market study_Draft version_vf.pptx   19
I    Price of prefabricated turnkey houses

Due to the strong economic development, average wages are
expected to grow strongly, supporting growth in house prices
Comparison of wages per hour1)2), 2010-2022 [EUR/h]
                                                                                                                    CAGR           CAGR              > Inflation rates have
           Historical                                     Forecast                                                  '14-'17        '17-'22
65                                                                                                                                                     led to an increase in
                                                                                                                                                       average wage levels
60                                                                                             Switzerland            8.3%           2.0%              and material prices
55                                                                                             Norway                 0.0%           4.7%            > Further acceleration of
50                                                                                                                                                     wage dynamics is
                                                                                               Denmark                3.9%           3.6%              expected, especially
45                                                                                                                                                     in Poland, Sweden
40                                                                                                                                                     and Norway
                                                                                               Sweden                 6.3%           4.8%
                                                                                               Germany                3.6%           3.7%
30                                                                                             Austria                3.6%           3.1%
25                                                                                             United Kingdom        -0.2%           4.4%
20                                                                                                                                                      "There are basically two
                                                                                                                                                        main factors influencing
15                                                                                                                                                      the prices of housing:
                                                                                                                                                        Wages, which are
10                                                                                             Poland                 2.5%           6.6%               expected to increase in
 5                                                                                                                                                      the coming years, and to
                                                                                                                                                        a lesser extent material
 0                                                                                                                                                      costs"
   2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022                                                                                               Market expert

1) Direct pay and social insurance expenditures and labor-related taxes (minus subsidies);
2) Nominal values – For Denmark, Norway, Poland, Sweden, Switzerland and the UK recalculated from local currency to EUR using floating average exchange rates

Source: Oxford Economics, Roland Berger                                                              20180108_Roland Berger_Prefabricated housing market study_Draft version_vf.pptx   20
C. Market size and

                     20180108_Roland Berger_Prefabricated housing market study_Draft version_vf.pptx   21
The prefabricated 1+2 family housing market has been derived via a
market model, incorporating primary and secondary sources
Market model methodology
                        Methodology                                                                                                      Sources
                                                                                                                                         Euroconstruct, national
 Volume                                                        1+2 family housing2)                                                      statistics, interviews
                                                                                                                                         Interviews, project
                                                               Share of prefab housing                                                   experience
                                                               Prefabricated housing2)
                                      x                                    x                                   x
                                                                                                                                         Interviews, project
                        Share by material type                 Share by finishing type        Share by price segment                     experience
                                   =                                        =                             =
                        Prefabricated housing by               Prefabricated housing by       Prefabricated housing by
                        material type                          finishing type                 price segment
                                                                                                                                         Interviews, project
 Price1)                                                       Price by finishing type                                                   experience
 Value1)                                                       Prefabricated housing by
                                                               finishing type

1) Nominal price and market value development; 2) Completed houses            Output       Input               /       By focus region

Source: Roland Berger                                                                     20180108_Roland Berger_Prefabricated housing market study_Draft version_vf.pptx   22
The market value of prefabricated 1+2 family housing is expected to
grow across all focus regions between 2017 and 2022
Overview of market development, 2017 vs. 2022
Average price1) [EUR]

High 450,000
         400,000              Switzerland 2022 (0.6)
                                                                                                 Scandinavia 2022 (6.1)
                              Switzerland 2017 (0.5)
                                                   Scandinavia 2017 (4.3)
                                                                                            United Kingdom 2022 (4.3)
                                          Austria 2022 (1.2)
         200,000                                               United Kingdom 2017 (3.0)
                                                                                                                                           Germany 2022 (7.1)
         150,000                                                                                                            Germany 2017 (5.2)
                                       Austria 2017 (1.0)
         100,000                 Poland 2022 (0.2)
                              Poland 2017 (0.1)

Low                  0                   5,000                 10,000              15,000                 20,000                  25,000                  30,000                  35,000
                 Low                                                                                                                                                               High
       Relevant market size of prefabricated housing [EUR bn]           Prefabricated housing market volume2) [units]
1) Average prefabricated 1+2 family housing prices used; 2) Completed 1+2 prefabricated family housing

Source: Euroconstruct, Interviews, Roland Berger                                                         20180108_Roland Berger_Prefabricated housing market study_Draft version_vf.pptx   23
The market volume of 1+2 family housing is expected to continue its
growth between 2017 and 2022 but at a slower pace
Market volume of 1+2 family housing, 2014-2022 [k units]
                                                                                                                                   CAGR        CAGR           > The market volume of 1+2
                                                                                                                                   '14-'17     '17-'22          family housing is forecast
                                                                                   423.5        428.0                               5.3%       2.0%             to display solid growth of
                                                            410.4       419.0                       6.5                                                         c.2% p.a. from 2017-'22
                                                398.7                      6.4         6.4      18.4      Switzerland               -2.6%      -1.6%
                                                                6.6    17.8        18.1
                                     386.8          6.8     17.6                                                                    2.0%        1.4%          > All focus regions display
                                        7.0     17.5                                             36.3     Austria
                         365.9                                           34.5        35.4
                                                                                                                                                                an expected increase in
             356.8           7.2
                                    17.2                     33.4                                         Scandinavia1)             6.6%        3.1%
  331.7      16.4
                 7.5     16.6         31.2                                                                                                                      1+2 family housing market
                                                                                     91.9        92.1     Poland                    3.4%        1.8%
                                                                                                                                                                volumes, except for
  25.7                                            88.3
                                                             91.6                                                                                               Switzerland
               79.8       80.1                                                                                                                                > Geographically, the UK,
   76.1                                                                                                                                                         Germany and Poland
                                                                                                                                                                show the highest demand
                                                                        123.5       124.8        126.0    Germany2)                 2.3%        2.0%            for 1+2 family housing in
                                                 118.1       122.3
              102.7       109.6                                                                                                                                 2017 across all focus
  106.8                                                                                                                                                         regions

                                     132.9       135.0       138.9      145.1       146.9
                                                                                                          Kingdom                  10.2%        2.3%
              123.1       123.4

  2014        2015       2016        2017        2018       2019        2020        2021        2022
1) Including Sweden, Norway and Denmark; 2) Market volume development of 1+2 family housing in Germany based on interviews

Source: Euroconstruct, Swedish National Statistics, Interviews, Press research, Roland Berger                       20180108_Roland Berger_Prefabricated housing market study_Draft version_vf.pptx   24
Among 1+2 family housing, prefabricated housing is expected to
gain in relevance, growing at c.3% p.a. from 2017 to 2022
Market volume of prefabricated housing, 2014-2022 [k units]
                                                                                                                 CAGR        CAGR           > Prefabricated housing
                                                                                                                 '14-'17     '17-'22          growth is expected to
                                                                                 70.1                             6.1%       3.2%             outpace the 1+2 family
                                                                          68.4   1.4                                                          housing market
                                                                   66.8   1.4           Switzerland               -1.7%      -0.6%
                                                            64.6   1.3           6.5
                                                62.3         1.4          6.4           Austria                   1.9%        1.6%          > Geographically, absolute
                                     59.8        1.4               6.3
                                      1.4                    6.2                                                                              growth is projected to be
                         56.3                    6.2                                                                                          driven by Germany, the
              53.2        1.4         6.0
                                                                                 15.6   Scandinavia1)             6.9%        3.5%            UK and Scandinavia
  50.1         1.5        5.8                                      14.8
    1.5                                                     14.2
               5.8                               13.9                                                                                       > The UK is expected to be
    5.7                              13.2                                        2.2    Poland                    7.6%        6.9%            negatively impacted by
                                                                   2.0    2.1
                          12.7                               1.9
              11.8                               1.8                                                                                          Brexit and is forecast to
                                                                                                                                              grow stably but well below
               1.4                                                                                                                            strong historical growth
                                                                   28.4   29.0   29.6   Germany                   4.6%        3.1%            figures
                                                 26.6       27.8
                                     25.4                                                                                                   > In Poland, prefabricated
              22.0                                                                                                                            housing is currently
                                                                                                                                              assumed to be less
                                                                                                                                              popular than in other focus
                                                                                        United                                                regions – Some catch-up
                                                                   14.0   14.3   14.7                            12.2%        3.8%
    8.6       10.8        10.9       12.2        12.6       13.2                        Kingdom                                               effect anticipated going
                                                                                                                                              forward, underpinned by
                                                                                                                                              strong growth until 2022
  2014       2015        2016       2017        2018       2019    2020   2021   2022
1) Including Sweden, Norway and Denmark

Source: Euroconstruct, Interviews, Press research, Roland Berger                                  20180108_Roland Berger_Prefabricated housing market study_Draft version_vf.pptx   25
Within prefabricated 1+2 family housing, there is a trend towards
turnkey solutions with convenience and security as key drivers
Market volume of prefabricated turnkey housing, 2014-2022 [k units]
                                                                                                                 CAGR        CAGR           > The share of turnkey
                                                                                                                 '14-'17     '17-'22          solutions is projected to
                                                                                 33.7                             7.3%       3.8%             outgrow the prefabricated
                                                                          32.7   0.9                              -1.5%      -0.2%            housing market
                                                                   31.7   0.9           Switzerland
                                                            30.4                 2.0
                                                                   0.9    2.0           Austria                   2.1%        2.0%          > This development is
                                                29.2         0.9   1.9
                                     27.9        0.9         1.9                                                                              expected to be driven by a
                         26.2         0.9        1.9                                                                                          growing demand for
              24.6        0.9         1.8
                                                                                 9.6    Scandinavia1)             7.2%        3.8%            convenience and security
                          1.7                                      9.0
  22.6         0.9
                                                             8.6                                                                              (provision of guarantee)
                                                 8.4                                                                                          across all focus regions
    1.7                                                                   0.4    0.5    Poland                    8.8%        7.9%
                                                                   0.4                                                                      > Germany, followed by
               7.1                               0.4                                                                                          Scandinavia and the UK
    6.4                               0.3
                          0.3                                                                                                                 are the largest
               0.3                                                        11.3   11.6   Germany                   5.6%        4.0%            prefabricated turnkey
    0.3                                                     10.7
                                      9.6        10.1                                                                                         housing markets
               8.1        9.0

                                                             8.0   8.5    8.8    9.1                             12.8%        4.3%
               6.4        6.5         7.4        7.6                                    Kingdom

  2014       2015        2016       2017        2018       2019    2020   2021   2022
1) Including Sweden, Norway and Denmark

Source: Euroconstruct, Interviews, Press research, Roland Berger                                  20180108_Roland Berger_Prefabricated housing market study_Draft version_vf.pptx   26
The market value of prefabricated 1+2 family housing is projected to
grow faster than volume growth due to favorable pricing trends
Market value of prefabricated housing, 2014-2022 [EUR bn]
                                                                                                                 CAGR        CAGR           > The market value of
                                                                                                                 '14-'17     '17-'22          prefabricated 1+2 family
                                                                                 19.4                             9.7%       6.4%             housing is expected to
                                                                          18.4   0.6    Switzerland               1.3%       1.5%             grow faster than volume
                                                                   17.4   0.5    1.2
                                                                                        Austria                   4.8%        4.2%
                                                                                                                                              growth due to
                                                                   0.5    1.2
                                                            16.3                                                                              – Shift towards turnkey
                                                             0.5   1.1
                                                15.3                                                                                            solutions with 20-30%
                                                 0.5         1.1
                                     14.2                                        6.1    Scandinavia1)            10.4%        7.0%              higher average prices
                                      0.5        1.0
                         13.0                                             5.7                                                                   (greater value added)
                                      1.0                          5.4
              11.9        0.5
                                                                                                                                                vs. floor-covering
  10.8         0.5                               4.7                             0.2    Poland                   11.5%       11.8%            – Favorable pricing
               0.9                                                        0.2
    0.5                               4.3                          0.2                                                                          trends due to growing
    0.9                   4.0                                0.2
                                                 0.1                                                                                            wage levels across all
                                                                                                                                                focus regions
                          0.1                                             6.7
                                                                                 7.1                              8.1%        6.3%
               0.1                                           6.1
                                                                   6.4                                                                        – Positive region mix
    0.1                                          5.6
                                      5.2                                                                                                       effects (Scandinavia
                          4.8                                                                                                                   and the UK with above
    4.1                                                                                                                                         average price level and
                                                                                        United                                                  market growth)
                                                             3.5   3.8    4.0    4.3
                                                                                        Kingdom                  15.4%        7.1%
                          2.6         3.0        3.2
    2.0        2.5

  2014       2015        2016       2017        2018       2019    2020   2021   2022
1) Including Sweden, Norway and Denmark

Source: Euroconstruct, Interviews, Press research, Roland Berger                                  20180108_Roland Berger_Prefabricated housing market study_Draft version_vf.pptx   27
Turnkey solutions account for more than 50% of the prefabricated
1+2 family housing market and are forecast to outgrow the market
Market value of prefabricated turnkey housing, 2014-2022 [EUR bn]
                                                                                                                 CAGR        CAGR           > Within prefabricated 1+2
                                                                                                                 '14-'17     '17-'22          family housing, turnkey
                                                                                 11.2                            10.6%       7.0%             solutions are clearly the
                                                                          10.5   0.4    Switzerland        F      1.5%       1.8%             prevailing finishing type
                                                                   9.9    0.4
                                                                                        Austria            E      5.0%        4.6%
                                                                                                                                              (share of more than 50%)
                                                            9.2    0.4                                                                      > Turnkey solutions are
                                                 8.6         0.4                                                                              projected to outgrow the
                                                             0.4                                                                              prefabricated housing
                                          8.0    0.4
                                                 0.4                             4.2    Scandinavia1)     D      10.6%        7.4%
                                          0.4                             3.9                                                                 market by growing at c.7%
                             7.3          0.4
                                                                   3.7                                                                        p.a. from 2017 to 2022
                6.6                 0.3                      3.4
                       0.4                       3.2
                                                                                                                                            > Scandinavia, followed by
   5.9          0.3                                                              0.1    Poland            C      12.6%       12.8%
          0.3                             2.9                             0.1                                                                 Germany and the UK are
    0.3                                                            0.0                                                                        the largest prefabricated
                             2.7                             0.0
                2.4                              0.0                             3.2    Germany           B       9.1%        7.1%
                                                                                                                                              turnkey housing markets
                                          0.0                             3.0
                             0.0                                   2.9                                                                        in value terms
                0.0                                          2.7
    0.0                                   2.3
                1.8          2.1
                                                                   2.6    2.7    2.9                      A      15.8%        7.5%
                                          2.0    2.2         2.3                        Kingdom
                1.7          1.7

  2014          2015         2016         2017   2018      2019    2020   2021   2022
1) Including Sweden, Norway and Denmark

Source: Euroconstruct, Interviews, Press research, Roland Berger                                  20180108_Roland Berger_Prefabricated housing market study_Draft version_vf.pptx   28
A Deep dive on United Kingdom

The prefabricated housing market in the UK is characterized by a
large share of turnkey solutions and houses above EUR 150 k
Market volume of prefabricated housing, 2014-2022 [k units]
    8.7%            9.2%            9.9%
                                                                                                                CAGR       CAGR
                                                                                                                                             > The significant historical
                                                             By finishing type                                  '14-'17    '17-'22             increase in market volume
                                    14.7                                            14.7                                                       of prefabricated housing in
                                                                                           Turnkey              12.8%       4.3%               the UK from 2014 to 2016
                                                                    8.6             9.1
                                                                                           Floor-covering       12.5%       4.0%               was driven by
                    12.2                                             5.1
                                                                                                                                               – Governmental support
                                                                             2.4    3.0                         10.4%       1.9%
                                                                       1.7                 Shell-finished
                                                                   1.8       2.4    2.6                                                        – Housing shortage
                                                                   2014      2017   2022                                                     > The trend towards turnkey
     8.6                                                     By material type                                                                  solutions is further fueled
                                                                                    14.7                                                       by a shortage of
                                                                             12.2                                                              craftsmen and a growing
                                                                                    4.1    Timber-frame         13.7%       5.8%
                                                                    8.6      3.1
                                                                                                                                               demand for security and
                                                                             9.1    10.6   Other                11.7%       4.5%               convenience
                                                                                                                                             > Within the UK, Scotland
                                                                   2014      2017   2022                                                       is believed to have a very
                                                                                                                                               high share of timber-frame
                                                             By price segment                                                                  construction of c.75%
                                                                             12.2                                                            > The vast majority of
                                                                    8.6             6.7    EUR >250k            12.7%       3.9%               houses cost in excess of
    2014           2017             2022                             3.9                   EUR 150-250k         12.3%       4.2%               EUR 150 k
                                                                             6.1    7.5
                                                                     4.3                   EUR
B Deep dive on Germany

In Germany, prefabricated turnkey housing is expected to grow
strongest until 2022 – Timber-frame is the prevailing material type
Market volume of prefabricated housing, 2014-2022 [k units]
    20.8%         22.2%           23.5%
                                                                                                             CAGR       CAGR
                                                                                                                                          > Prefabricated housing
                                                             By finishing type                               '14-'17    '17-'22             growth is expected to
                                  29.6                                           29.6                                                       outpace the 1+2 family
                                                                   22.2          11.6   Turnkey               5.6%       4.0%               housing market
                                                                                 11.6   Floor-covering        3.8%       2.6%             > Within prefabricated
                                                                   9.1    10.2
                                                                                        Shell-finished        4.2%       2.4%               housing, turnkey solutions
    22.2                                                           5.0    5.7    6.4
                                                                                                                                            are projected to grow
                                                                   2014   2017   2022                                                       strongest in the upcoming
                                                             By material type
                                                                                 29.6                                                     > Timber-frame is the
                                                                   22.2                                                                     prevailing material type of
                                                                                 25.4   Timber-frame          4.7%       3.3%               prefabricated housing and
                                                                   18.9   21.6
                                                                                                                                            is expected to further gain
                                                                                        Other                 3.9%       2.1%
                                                                   3.4    3.8    4.2                                                        in relevance – This
                                                                                                                                            development is supported
                                                                   2014   2017   2022
                                                                                                                                            by the increasing
                                                                                                                                            relevance of sustainability
                                                             By price segment
                                                                                 29.6                                                       and ecological structures
                                                                   22.2   3.5
                                                                                 5.5    EUR >250k             7.4%       9.8%             > The mid-price segment
    2014           2017           2022                             11.6   13.8   16.7   EUR 150-250k          5.9%       3.9%               (EUR 150-250 k) is
C Deep dive on Poland

The Polish market for prefabricated housing appears very price-
sensitive and mainly focused on shell-finished housing
Market volume of prefabricated housing, 2014-2022 [k units]
    1.7%            1.9%            2.4%
                                                                                                                      CAGR       CAGR
                                                                                                                                                   > In Poland, the
                                                             By finishing type                                        '14-'17    '17-'22             prefabricated housing
                                    2.2                                                 2.2                                                          market is dominated by
                                                                              1.6        0.5     Turnkey               8.8%       7.9%               shell-finished solutions –
                                                                    1.3        0.3
                                                                                         0.7     Floor-covering        8.4%       7.6%               Local people seem to
                                                                                         1.1     Shell-finished
                                                                                                                                                     have the required skill set
                                                                     0.7       0.8                                     6.6%       6.0%
                                                                                                                                                     to perform internal
                    1.6                                                                                                                              finishing themselves
                                                                   2014      2017      2022
                                                                                                                                                   > However, with younger
     1.3                                                     By material type                                                                        generations of Poles being
                                                                                                                                                     less technically savvy,
                                                                                         1.8     Timber-frame          7.6%       6.9%
                                                                                                                                                     other finishing types are
                                                                     1.0       1.3                                                                   gaining in relevance
                                                                                                 Other                 7.6%       6.9%
                                                                     0.3       0.3       0.4                                                       > The Polish market for
                                                                                                                                                     prefabricated housing
                                                                   2014      2017      2022
                                                                                                                                                     appears very price-
                                                                                                                                                     sensitive with the vast
                                                             By price segment           2.2                                                          majority of houses being
                                                                              1.6      0.1 0.0   EUR >250k             8.3%       9.0%               below EUR 150 k
                                                                    1.3      0.1 0.0
                                                                   0.1 0.0                       EUR 150-250k          8.5%      10.3%             > Timber-frame is estimated
    2014           2017             2022                                                 2.0
                                                                     1.2       1.5               EUR
D Deep dive on Scandinavia

In Scandinavia, turnkey solutions and timber-frame constructions
are the prevailing finishing type and material type, respectively
Market volume of prefabricated housing, 2014-2022 [k units]
    41.8%         42.2%           43.0%
                                                                                                                 CAGR       CAGR
                                                                                                                                              > Compared to other focus
                                                             By finishing type                                   '14-'17    '17-'22             regions, Scandinavia has
                                  15.6                                                                                                          an exceptionally high
                                                                               13.2                               7.2%       3.8%               share of prefabricated
                                                                    10.8                     Turnkey
                                                                                             Floor-covering       7.6%       3.6%               housing (c.42% in 2017)
                   13.2                                              6.4
                                                                         2.1   2.7    3.2    Shell-finished       5.4%       2.2%             > Sweden accounts for the
                                                                   2.2         2.6    2.9                                                       largest portion of the pre-
    10.8                                                           2014        2017   2022                                                      fabricated housing market
                                                             By material type                                                                 > The prefabricated housing
                                                                                                                                                market in Scandinavia is
                                                                               13.2                                                             dominated by the premium
                                                                    10.8                                                                        price segment and turnkey
                                                                                      14.7   Timber-frame         7.0%       3.6%               solutions
                                                                    10.1       12.3
                                                                                             Other                6.1%       2.1%
                                                                     0.7       0.9    0.9                                                     > Timber-frame is by far the
                                                                                                                                                dominant material type
                                                                   2014        2017   2022

                                                             By price segment
                                                                               13.2          EUR >250k            6.9%       3.2%
    2014           2017           2022                               6.2
                                                                               7.6           EUR 150-250k         7.4%       4.0%
                                                                         3.8   4.8    5.8    EUR
E Deep dive on Austria

The Austrian prefabricated housing market displays a good balance
of finishing types – Timber-frame is the prevailing material type
Market volume of prefabricated housing, 2014-2022 [k units]
    35.2%          35.1%            35.4%
                                                                                                             CAGR       CAGR
                                                                                                                                          > Austria reveals a high
                                                             By finishing type                               '14-'17    '17-'22             share of prefabricated
                                     6.5                                         6.5                                                        housing (c.35% in 2017) –
                                                                   5.7    6.0
                    6.0                                                   1.8    2.0    Turnkey               1.1%       2.4%               The western part of
     5.7                                                                                Floor-covering        1.0%       2.2%               Austria has a lower share
                                                                   2.3    2.4    2.6
                                                                                                                                            than the eastern part of
                                                                          1.8    1.9    Shell-finished        0.6%       1.3%
                                                                   1.7                                                                      the country
                                                                   2014   2017   2022                                                     > Prefabricated housing
                                                                                                                                            displays a good balance of
                                                             By material type                                                               different finishing types
                                                                          6.0    6.5                                                      > The mid-price segment is
                                                                                                                                            estimated to account for
                                                                   4.4    4.7    5.2    Timber-frame          1.2%       2.5%               the largest share of
                                                                                        Other                -0.1%       0.1%               prefabricated housing –
                                                                   1.3    1.4    1.3
                                                                                                                                            The mid- and high-price
                                                                   2014   2017   2022                                                       segments are forecast to
                                                                                                                                            grow strongest in the
                                                             By price segment
                                                                                 6.5                                                        upcoming years
                                                                   5.7    6.0
                                                                          0.6    0.7    EUR >250k             3.1%       1.6%
                                                                   2.9    3.1    3.5    EUR 150-250k          2.9%       2.1%
    2014           2017             2022
                                                                   2.2    2.3    2.3    EUR
F     Deep dive on Switzerland

In Switzerland, the prefabricated housing market is projected to
remain broadly stable following a slight decline historically
Market volume of prefabricated housing, 2014-2022 [k units]
    19.7%           20.2%            21.2%
                                                                                                                            CAGR       CAGR
                                                                                                                                                         > The Swiss prefabricated
                                                             By finishing type                                              '14-'17    '17-'22             housing market is forecast
      1.5                                                                                                                                                  to remain broadly stable
                                                                    1.5         1.4         1.4
                     1.4                                                                                                                                   following a slight decline
                                      1.4                                                          Turnkey                  -1.5%       -0.2%
                                                                     0.9         0.9         0.9   Floor-covering           -1.6%       -0.4%              between 2014 and 2017
                                                                     0.4         0.4           0.4 Shell-finished           -3.7%       -4.0%            > Turnkey solutions and
                                                                     0.2         0.1       0.1                                                             timber-frame constructions
                                                                   2014        2017        2022                                                            are the prevailing finishing
                                                                                                                                                           type and material type,
                                                             By material type                                                                              respectively
                                                                    1.5         1.4         1.4                                                          > The premium price
                                                                                                                                                           segment (EUR >250 k)
                                                                                 1.1         1.0       Timber-frame         -1.4%       -0.3%
                                                                                                                                                           accounts for the largest
                                                                     0.4         0.4
                                                                                                       Other                -2.8%       -1.5%              share of the prefabricated
                                                                                                                                                           housing market
                                                                   2014        2017        2022

                                                             By price segment
                                                                    1.5         1.4         1.4
                                                                                                       EUR >250k            -1.9%       -0.8%
      2014          2017             2022                            1.2         1.1         1.0       EUR 150-250k         -0.8%       0.4%
Among the focus regions, Switzerland, followed by Scandinavia and
the UK, displays the highest average prefabricated housing price
Development of average prefabricated housing pricing, 2014-2022 [EUR k]
Germany                                           Scandinavia                    United Kingdom                                     > All focus regions show
                                                                                                                                      growing average
                    3.4%           3.1%                            3.2%   3.4%                   2.8%           3.1%                  prefabricated housing
                                                                                                                                      prices between 2017 and
                                                                          390                                                         2022, largely in line with
                                                        300        330
                                                                                                                 288                  historical price increases
                    205             239                                            228
     186                                                                                                                            > Switzerland, followed by
                                                                                                                                      Scandinavia and the UK
                                                                                                                                      have the highest average
    2014            2017           2022                2014        2017   2022     2014          2017           2022                  prefabricated housing
                                                                                                                                      price – Poland is
                                                                                                                                      estimated to have the
Austria                                           Switzerland                    Poland                                               lowest price
                                                                                                                                    > Prices are positively
                    2.9%           2.6%                            3.1%   2.1%                   3.6%           4.6%                  impacted by increasing
                                                                                                                                      wage levels and a shift
                                                        333        364                                                                towards turnkey solutions,
                                                                                                                                      which are more expensive
                    166             188                                                                                               (higher value added)
                                                                                    71            79             100

    2014            2017           2022                2014        2017   2022     2014          2017           2022
 x.x%    CAGR 2014-'17                x.x%    CAGR 2017-'21

Source: Euroconstruct, Interviews, Press research, Roland Berger                          20180108_Roland Berger_Prefabricated housing market study_Draft version_vf.pptx   35
D. Selected customer and
   manufacturer aspects

                           20180108_Roland Berger_Prefabricated housing market study_Draft version_vf.pptx   36
In the DACH region, prefabricated houses are typically sold directly to
end customers, while the UK has a higher share of intermediaries
Distribution channels – Prefabricated house route-to-market                                                                                                       Indicative

                            DACH1)                                          Poland                                           UK

Route-to-market              Manufacturers                                  Manufacturers                                      Manufacturers
                                                       1-3%                                          0-1%                                                    70-75%
                                    97-99%       Developers                    99-100%          Developers                          25-30%
                                                                                                                                                       housing assoc.

                             End customer                                   End customer                                       End customer

Relevance of                           > Large developers almost                     > Housing manufacturers                               > Rather low share of self-build
developers                               exclusively focus on traditional              typically organize and                                is a result of the lack of land
                                         technologies to retain control                supervise house construction                          with building permission,
and other                                of the construction process                   on their own                                          difficulties in obtaining a
intermediaries                           and to optimize costs                       > Developers are cost conscious                         mortgage for self-builders and
                                       > Small prefabricated housing                   and rely on traditional                               historical customer
                                         manufacturers are reported to                 technologies to fully control the                     preferences towards developer
                                         cooperate with regional                       construction process                                  projects
                                         developers on projects of up                > Developers typically do not                         > However, the importance of
                                         to 10 houses – However, this                  consider prefabricated houses                         developers is likely to slightly
                                         is rarely the case for large                  for their projects, fearing                           decrease as the government
                                         manufactures                                  difficulty in finding multiple                        plans to grant more incentives
                                                                                       buyers for houses based on                            and permissions to individual
    Future trend                                                                       the rather new technology                             investors
1) Germany, Austria and Switzerland

Source: Interviews, Roland Berger                                                               20180108_Roland Berger_Prefabricated housing market study_Draft version_vf.pptx   37

The UK prefab housing market is currently dominated by developers
– Development of self-build is likely to be supported by legislation
Distribution channels – Deep dive on UK                                                                                                                               Indicative
    Total new 1+2
family houses [%]

                      Self-build           > The residential 1+2 family housing
                                             market is dominated by intermediaries      Right to Build legislation                     Selected projects
                                             – Developers and housing associations
                    Developers/                are better positioned to acquire land,   > The majority of local authorities              Cherwell District Council
                       housing     c.90%       receive construction permissions and       (mainly local councils) across the             Delivery of 2,000 custom-build
                    associations               financing than individual investors        UK are obliged to hold registers to            homes in a 10 year period
                                             – Customers are used to buying ready-        track the demand for self-build land
                                               made houses built by developers            plots                                          Sheffield City Council
                                                                                        > Eligible for registration are British          Making available over 800 self-build
                                                                                          or EU citizens >18 years old
  houses [%]

                                           > Also in the prefabricated housing                                                           sites
                      Self-build 25-30%                                                   seeking to build a house as their
                                             market, the majority of volumes are
                                                                                          sole residence                                 Stoke-on-Trent City
                                             estimated to be sold through
                                             developers and housing associations        > Local authorities have a duty to               Making available 72 hectares of
                    Developers/                                                           grant planning permissions for                 land for self-builders
                       housing 70-75%                                                     sufficient serviced plots to meet
                    associations                                                          registered demand within a three-              Teignbridge District Council
                                                                                          year period (on an ongoing basis)
                                                                                                                                         '5% self-build' policy (5% of all new
                                                                                        > Serviced plot is a piece of land that          homes delivered by self-builders)
                                   3-5%                                                   already has access to utilities and
prefab houses [%]

                    Developers/            > Self-builders tend to use timber-
                       housing                                                            is fundamentally ready to develop              …
                                             frame prefabrications (frequently in
                    associations             the form of so-called kit houses for
                                             self-assembly), while developers
                      Self-build 95-97%      typically focus on other                   > Legislation is expected to boost             > First projects aimed at providing
                                             prefabrication technologies                  the number of self-build homes                 building schemes or sites for
                                                                                          across the UK                                  self-builders are already in the
                                                                                                                                         development phase

Source: Interviews, Roland Berger                                                                   20180108_Roland Berger_Prefabricated housing market study_Draft version_vf.pptx   38
Customers consider quality of sales, product customization, brand
image and price/quality ratio as key buying criteria
Customers' key buying criteria                                                                                                                                               Indicative

Success factors                               Importance
                                                                  > Product quality is one of the most important buying criteria for customers, considering the high investment
                                                                    and the anticipated long period of usage
             Quality of sales                                     > A customer-friendly sales organization is a crucial factor for typically busy and inexperienced customers
             (online and offline                                  > The online channel has become an increasingly important source of product information, comparison and
             channel)                                               initial shortlisting – Relevance of the online presence as direct sales channel is expected to further increase
                                                                  > Besides product quality, the final product price is a key buying criterion for customers – However, customers
                                                                    are willing to pay for superior quality (good price/quality ratio)
                                                                  > German, British and Swiss customers appear to be considerably less price sensitive than Polish customers
             Product                                              > Customization options bring the prefabricated segment closer to the solid housing segment
             customization                                        > Most of the suppliers allow the usage of external sources in the designing process
             Brand perception/                                    > As the investment is a substantial part of the family budget, a good reputation plays a crucial role in assuring
             track record                                           a sound service, particularly for countries with a share of premium-focused customers (e.g. the UK, DE, CH)
                                                                  > Declining consumer expertise and time limitations drive turnkey solutions, esp. in the UK and Scandinavia
             Turnkey solutions
                                                                  > Turnkey solutions offer very high commercial security since the responsibility is borne by the supplier only
             Information                                          > Transparency allows customers to gather preliminary information, make first decisions and compare
             transparency                                           available options (i.e. house types/variants and manufacturers)
             Product portfolio                                    > Typical portfolios cover all types of houses in many variants, therefore portfolio depth is rarely a differentiator
             depth                                                > Customers may choose external design offerings if they strive for more personalized solutions
             Construction/lead                                    > Prefabrication reduces construction time, which is esp. valued by Polish customers – However, this factor is
             time                                                   of diminishing importance due to long backlogs resulting in lead times similar to those of regular solid houses
             Energy efficiency                                    > High energy efficiency is standard in the industry and individual manufacturers appear to differ moderately –
                                                                    Initial high investment cost frequently outweighs continuous cost considerations
                  High           Low
Source: Press research, Online communities, Interviews, Roland Berger                                      20180108_Roland Berger_Prefabricated housing market study_Draft version_vf.pptx   39
Prefabricated housing manufacturers show vast differences in
product price segment and level of finishing type
Positioning of selected manufacturers in the DACH region                                                                                                                 Indicative

Price segment1)                                                                                                                                    > The analyzed prefabricated
                                                                                                                                                     housing manufacturers differ
Pre-                                                                                                                                                 with regard to their market
mium                                                                                                                                                 focus
                                                                                                           3)                                        – The majority of
                                                                                                                                                        manufacturers mainly
                                                                                                                                                        focus on the floor-covering
                                                                                                                                                        market segment –
                                                                                                                                                        However, selected
                                                                                                                                                        suppliers specialize in
                                                                                                                                                        shell-finished or turnkey
                                                                                                                                                        house offerings
                                                                                                                                                     – Prices are estimated to
                                                                                                                                                        differ significantly between
                                                                                                                                                        premium- and economy-
                                                                                                                                                        focused manufacturers
                                                                                                                                                   > There are dominant brands in
                                                                                                                                                     the economy and premium
                                                                                                                                                     segments, DFH (esp.
Eco-                                                                                                                                                 Massahaus) and Schworer,
nomy                                                                                                                                                 respectively – In the mid-
                                                                                                                                                     price segment, fast growing
               Shell-                                                                                                                Turn-           Danwood is considered to
               finished                                            Level of finishing type2)                                          key            have become a market leader
       Last available revenues (indicative)
                                                                                                                                                     in 2017

1) Estimated average price of prefabricated houses delivered based on market interviews and desk research; 2) Key business focus based on market interviews and desk research;
3) Estimated revenues as no financial information publically available
Source: Orbis, Annual reports, Company websites, Trade press, Interviews, Roland Berger                20180108_Roland Berger_Prefabricated housing market study_Draft version_vf.pptx   40
There are several manufacturers of prefabricated housing in the
DACH region – DFH is the largest manufacturer in DACH
Overview of selected manufacturers in the DACH region                                                                                                             Non-exhaustive

                                                                                      Finishing type                  Geographical coverage
                                                             20161)         Shell-   Floor-                         Scandi-
Company                          Headquarters                [EUR m]        finished covering Turnkey          DACH navia           UK      Poland Other Comments

                                                                                                                                                               Conglomerate of four
              DFH                Simmern                          447                                                     -         -         -      ()      brands
                                 Schlüchtern                      144                                                     -         -         -      ()      Acquired by Equistone
                                                                                                                                                               in December 2017
              Hanse              Oberleichters-
              Haus               bach
                                                                  116                                                     -                  -              from ADCURAM

                                                                                                                                                               Founded in 1960 with 2
              WeberHaus          Rheinau                          240
                                                                                                                 -                           -              production sites in DE
                                                                                                                                                               Best prefab supplier
              FingerHaus         Frankenberg                    1582)                                            -   -                        -         -     award winner in 2017
                                 Bielsk                                                                                                                        Acquired by Enterprise
                                                                  154                                            ()                                  -     Investors in 2014
              Haas                                                                                                                                             Other markets include
                                 Falkenberg                    1522)4)                                           -   -                                      CZ, SK and IT3)
              Schwörer-                                                                                                                                        Part of family-owned
                                 Hohenstein                        n/a                                                                                    Schwörer Group
                                                                                                                                                               Operates more than 60
              ScanHaus           Marlow                            91
                                                                                                                 -   -                        -         -     show houses
                                 Georgens-                                                                                                                     Offering of plot and
                                                                  722)                                           -   -                        -         -     financing concepts
1) Group figures; 2) 2015 figure; 3) Czech Republic, Slovakia and Italy             Strong focus       Focus          No to limited focus         Covered         () Partially covered
4) Haas Baumanagement GmbH revenue (part of Haas Group)
Source: Orbis, Annual reports, Company websites, Trade press, Interviews, Roland Berger                  20180108_Roland Berger_Prefabricated housing market study_Draft version_vf.pptx   41
The majority of manufacturers have been able to gradually increase
their revenues between 2012 and 2016
Revenue development of selected manufacturers, 2012-2016 [EUR m]                                                                                              Non-exhaustive

440                                                                                                                                          DFH                           17.1%
280                                                                                                                                          Equistone                     7.7%
240                                                                                                                                                                        7.8%
                                                                                                                                             FingerHaus                   4.0%1)
                                                                                                                                             Danwood2)                    21.1%
                                                                                                                                             ScanHaus                      8.0%
                                                                                                                                             Luxhaus                      3.4%1)
    2012                               2013                          2014                            2015                               2016

1) CAGR 2012-2015; 2) Figures in PLN have been recalculated to EUR using the fixed exchange rate of 4.4 PLN/EUR;
3) Combined figures of Bien-Zenker and Hanse Haus (also for 2013 prior to the acquisition by ADCURAM) – Acquired by Equistone in 2017
Source: Company information, Dafne, Annual reports, Roland Berger                                    20180108_Roland Berger_Prefabricated housing market study_Draft version_vf.pptx   42
The German market is largely fragmented with the top 5 suppliers
accounting for c.30% – Recent trend towards consolidation revealed
High-level overview of market volume shares in Germany, 2016                                                                                                      Indicative

                                                                                Overview of recent M&A activity                      > Though the German
 Top 5
 suppliers                                                                      (selection)                                            market is more
                           DFH                                                                                                         concentrated than other
                   12-13%                          10-11%        Danwood
                           Equistone1)                                                                                                 European markets, the top
                                                           Equistone1)              December 2017
                    5-6%   Danwood                   8-9%                           Equistone acquired Bien-Zenker and                 5 suppliers only account
                  4-5%     Schwörer-                6-7%   ScanHaus                 Hanse Haus from ADCURAM                            for c.30% of the
                      3-4% Haus                                                                                                        prefabricated housing
                  3-4%                                4-5% SchwörerHaus             July 2016
                           Weber-                 2-3%     WeberHaus                Gampen Fertighaus acquired ELK                     market volume
                           Haus                                                     Fertighaus                                         – Suppliers beyond the
                                                                                    July 2015                                             top 5 hold market
                                                                                    Private equity firm EQT acquired                      shares of less than 3%
                                                                                    June 2015
                                                                                                                                       – Also, the turnkey sub-
                                                                                    Matthias Calice acquired Hanlo-                       segment reveals a
                   68-73%       Other              65-70%        Other              Fertighaus                                            similar high level of
                                                                                    November 2014                                         market concentration
                                                                                    ADCURAM acquired Hanse Haus                      > This market characteristic
                                                                                    November 2013                                      creates possibilities for
                                                                                    Enterprise Investors acquired Budimex              M&A activity, which has
                                                                                                                                       intensified in recent years
                                                                                    September 2013
                Prefabricated                     Turnkey                           ADCURAM Fertigbautechnik acquired
               housing market                   prefabricated                       Bien-Zenker
                                               housing market                       January 2013
                                                                                    DFH acquired Ein SteinHaus
1) Combined figures of Bien-Zenker and Hanse Haus

Source: Company information, Dafne, Annual reports, Interviews, Roland Berger                   20180108_Roland Berger_Prefabricated housing market study_Draft version_vf.pptx   43
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