2023 Media Guide - American Institute of Steel Construction

Page created by Miguel Acosta
2023 Media Guide - American Institute of Steel Construction
2023 Media Guide
2023 Media Guide - American Institute of Steel Construction
2023 Media Guide

                                                                                                                                     February 2022

                                                           Modern Steel Constructio
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      July 2022

                                                                                                                                                                 Modern Steel Construction
As the official monthly
magazine of the American
Institute of Steel Construction
(AISC), Modern Steel
Construction provides
our readers with in-depth                                                                                                                                                                    October 2022

                                                                                       FEBRUARY 2022

                                                                                                       Modern Steel Construction
information on the newest
and best uses of structural

                                                                                                                                                     JULY 2022
steel, focusing on innovative
and cost-effective designs and
the people, products, and
companies that help bring
them to life.
                                                                                                       OCTOBER 2022

Modern Steel is directed exclusively toward
professionals in the construction industry who
make and influence purchasing decisions—
whether they are engineers, architects, building
owners, contractors, or those employed
directly by the domestic steel industry. It is
the magazine of choice for people designing
structural steel framing systems and reaches
40,000 U.S.-based structural engineers—more                         Demographics
than any other publication. This includes                                                                                                                                                                    2% 2% 1%
23,000 AISC professional members plus all                              CIRCULATION                                                                                                                    2%
members of ASCE’s Structural Engineering
Institute and nearly every other person that
buys AISC’s Steel Construction Manual.
                                                                     54,500                                                                6%                                                               ■ Engineers
                                                                    August 2022                                                                                                                             ■ Fabricators
    In addition, every major domestic structural
steel fabricator receives Modern Steel. These                                                                                                                                                               ■ Architects

approximately 5,300 individuals (representing                                                                                                                                                               ■ Detailers
                                                                Subscribers share
roughly 1,000 AISC full member companies) are                   their copy of                                                      11%                                                                      ■ Erectors
responsible for more than three-quarters of all                 Modern Steel                                                                                                                                ■ Mills/Product
steel-framed buildings and bridges constructed                  with an average                                                                                                                               Manufacturers/Others
in the U.S. And of course, the magazine                         of 1 additional                                                                                                                             ■ Educators/Students
also reaches thousands of others, including                     person, for a                                                                                                                               ■ GCs/CMs/Owners/Code                 73%
architects, steel detailers, erectors, contractors,             pass-along rate                                                                                                                               Officials/Inspectors
code officials, and building inspectors.                        of 2 and a total
    On top of that, www.modernsteel.com is                      audience of
seen by countless additional readers, thanks to                 109,000 every
its comprehensive archives section (dating back                 month!
to the 1960s), daily Steel in the News items,
Career Center, Product Directory, a weekly quiz,
podcasts, and more.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            cover photo: James Ewing

 ADVERTISING SALES: M.J. Mrvica Associates, Inc. | 2 W Taunton Avenue, Berlin, NJ 08009 | 856.768.9360 | skogel@mrvica.com
                                         Modern Steel Construction | 2023 Media Guide | 2 of 7
editorial calendar
While the Editorial Calendar specifies monthly special                                    Geoff Weisenberger
                                                                                          Chief Editor
and product focuses, each issue includes a variety of                                     weisenberger@aisc.org
feature articles as well as regular monthly columns.                                      312.493.7694

JANUARY 2023                              JULY 2023                                       Keith Grubb
Ad Space Reservation: 11.18.22            Ad Space Reservation: 5.12.23                   Publisher
Ad Material Due Date: 11.23.22            Ad Material Due Date: 5.19.23                   grubb@aisc.org
 S   NASCC Session Previews                S   AISC Research
 P   Fabrication Equipment                 P   NASCC Hot Products                         Scott Melnick
                                                                                          Editorial Director
FEBRUARY 2023                             AUGUST 2023                                     melnick@aisc.org
Ad Space Reservation: 12.16.22            Ad Space Reservation: 6.9.23                    312.804.1535
Ad Material Due Date: 12.23.22            Ad Material Due Date: 6.16.23
 S   NASCC Session Previews                S   Forge Prize
 P   Design Software                       S   Student Steel Bridge                       Need for Speed
                                                                                          The goal of AISC’s Need for Speed
                                               Competition                                initiative is to increase the speed at which
MARCH 2023
Ad Space Reservation: 1.13.23
                                           P   Bolts and Fasteners                        a steel project (either a building or a
                                                                                          bridge) can be designed, fabricated,
Ad Material Due Date: 1.20.23                                                             and erected by 50% by the end of
                                          SEPTEMBER 2023                                  2025 (visit aisc.org/needforspeed to
 S   NASCC Session Previews               Ad Space Reservation: 7.14.23                   learn more). We will include our Need
 P   Jobsite Tools                        Ad Material Due Date: 7.21.23                   for Speed logo in articles that are
                                                                                          geared toward achieving this goal.
                                           S   Education and Recruitment
APRIL 2023
Ad Space Reservation: 2.10.23
                                           P   Analysis Software
Ad Material Due Date: 2.17.23
                                          OCTOBER 2023
 S   NASCC Exhibitor List                 Ad Space Reservation: 8.11.23
 S   Bridges                              Ad Material Due Date: 8.18.23
 P   Coatings                              S   Bridges
                                           P   Bridge Products
MAY 2023                                                                                  You can peruse our
Ad Space Reservation: 3.10.23             NOVEMBER 2023
Ad Material Due Date: 3.17.23                                                             editorial guidelines
                                          Ad Space Reservation: 9.15.23
 S   AISC IDEAS2 Awards                   Ad Material Due Date: 9.22.23                   online at
 P   Fabrication Software                  S   Steel Design Student                       modernsteel.com/
JUNE 2023
                                               Competition                                getpublished.
Ad Space Reservation: 4.14.23
                                           S   Scholarship Winners                        For more information
Ad Material Due Date: 4.21.23              P   Safety Equipment                           or to submit an
 S   Curved Steel
                                          DECEMBER 2023                                   article or item to be
 P   Welding                              Ad Space Reservation: 10.13.23
                                          Ad Material Due Date: 10.20.23
                                                                                          considered for our
                                           S   What’s Cool in Steel                       online Steel in the
Key      S   – special focus               P   Detailing Software                         News section, contact
         P   – product focus                                                              Geoff Weisenberger.

ADVERTISING SALES: M.J. Mrvica Associates, Inc. | 2 W Taunton Avenue, Berlin, NJ 08009 | 856.768.9360 | skogel@mrvica.com
                                  Modern Steel Construction | 2023 Media Guide | 3 of 7
what’s inside?
Modern Steel Construction is written by the steel industry for the steel industy. We tell
steel success stories, offer practical advice and design tips, introduce innovative ideas,
and promote effective products and technologies—all in an effort to improve and                Technology Focus
expand the footprint of American fabricated structural steel.                                  In addition to the New Products section,
   While most of our feature articles focus on specific building and bridge projects, we       we periodically feature a product- or
also highlight ideas that are relevant to the steel industry and AISC’s mission. These         technology-related article, either in the
include trends pieces, technical articles, and product- and facility-related write-ups. In     form of a facility tour or a more tech-
addition to feature stories, every issue includes the following:                               nical article about a designated type
                                                                                               of product, software, or service (e.g.,
                                                                                               welding products, fabrication machin-
               Steel Interchange provides                           Steel Quiz tests           ery, safety equipment, or BIM software).
               answers to technical                                 readers’ design            These include articles on technologies
  Q&A          questions sent to AISC’s                             and technical              that are new to the industry as well
               Steel Solutions Center.                              know-how.                  as articles offering practical advice for
                                                                                               a specific type of product or service
                                                                                               (e.g., best practices for progressive-dip
               Field Notes is a podcast                                                        galvanizing jobs). In addition to the
               column featuring                                     SteelWise provides         technology types listed in our Editorial
               conversations with people                            practical technical        Calendar, we will consider other prod-
               from all corners of the                              information that           uct/technology/service-related articles
               structural steel industry with                       readers can use            as well. Contact Geoff Weisenberger
               interesting stories to tell.                         right away.                (weisenberger@aisc.org) if you have
                                                                                               an idea for a topic.

               News keeps readers in tune                           Marketplace &
               with AISC activities and                             Employment lists
               announcements and provides                           jobs and other             Special Sections
               a glimpse of what’s going on                         steel industry             A number of special sections make
               in the world of structural steel.                    opportunities.             appearances annually:
                                                                                               • Previews of interesting NASCC:
                                                                                                 The Steel Conference sessions,
               New Products is a free monthly section featuring a collection of                  as well as the full list of exhibitors,
               products from across the structural steel industry—from coatings                  are included in the first few issues
  NEW          to jobsite tools to design and detailing software to fabrication
               equipment. Send releases and images of new and updated products
                                                                                                 of the year. If you’re interested in
                                                                                                 exhibiting at NASCC, contact Renae
               to Geoff Weisenberger (weisenberger@aisc.org) for consideration.                  Gurthet at renae@gurthetmedia.com.
                                                                                               • AISC’s IDEAS2 Awards program
                                                                                                 celebrates the synergy between
               Business Issues and                                  Data Driven highlights       structural steel and architecture.
               Economics columns discuss                            market trends,               Winners are featured every May.
               steel industry and construction                      economic forecasts, or       For specifics about entering,
               trends and offer business and                        other relevant numbers       visit aisc.org/ideas2.
               management advice for the                            that affect steel design   • The August issue includes the
               office, shop, or project site.                       and construction.            winner and finalists of AISC’s
                                                                                                 Forge Prize competition, as well as
                                                                                                 Hot Products from NASCC.
                                                                                               • November highlights students and
                                                                                                 their visions of the future in the
                                                                                                 form of our Steel Design Student
                                                                                                 Competition winners and our
                                                   First Look                                    annual scholarship award winners.
                                                   Modern Steel’s monthly First Look           • In December, our What’s Cool
                                                   e-newsletter announces the availability       in Steel section presents a
                                                   of the current month’s issue. Each            compendium of fun, typically smaller
                                                   e-newsletter promotes a handful of            projects built with structural steel,
                                                   specific articles, recent news items, and     as well as other “cool” people or
                                                   the monthly Field Notes section. Contact      goings-on in our industry.
                                                   Stephanie Kogel at skogel@mrvica.com        • Every other year, the NSBA Prize
                                                   for details on sponsorship opportunities.     Bridge Awards recognize the
                                                                                                 best of the steel bridge world. For
                                                                                                 details, visit aisc.org/prizebridge.

ADVERTISING SALES: M.J. Mrvica Associates, Inc. | 2 W Taunton Avenue, Berlin, NJ 08009 | 856.768.9360 | skogel@mrvica.com
                                         Modern Steel Construction | 2023 Media Guide | 4 of 7
print advertising
Modern Steel Construction offers competitive                                                      Inserts, etc.
                                                                                                  Special rates apply for supplied inserts, tip-ins,
advertising rates to fit any program budget.                                                      gatefolds, etc. Prices available upon request.
                                                                                                  Samples may be required prior to approval.
All rates are per issue, per insertion, and in
U.S. dollars. Insertions must occur during the                                                    AISC Member Discount
                                                                                                  AISC full and associate members receive a 20%
2023 calendar year for these rates.                                                               discount on gross billing. There is no discount
                                                                                                  for AISC professional members.

DISPLAY RATES                                                                                     Issuance Dates
Four-Color Ads                                                                                    Modern Steel is published 12 times a year and
Size                            1x           3x         6x      12x       18x     24x             mails within the last week of the previous month.
                                                                                                  For example, the January issue is usually mailed
Spread                         13240        12650     11260     9680      9470    9290
                                                                                                  the last week of December.
Full Page                       7170         6760      6010     5330      5130    5040
q Page                          5390         5090      4620     4180      3900    3860            Payment Terms
2 Island                        4950         4610      4210     3760      3670    3610            All rates are in U.S. dollars. Advertisers are
2 Horizontal                    4630         4330      3990     3470      3420    3370            responsible for payment. Terms are net 30
3 Page                          3260         2860      2580     2040      1920    1840            days. If invoices are not paid within 60 days,
                                                                                                  a service charge of 2% of the entire bill,
Premium Positions                                                                                 per month, may be assessed. Payments not
Size                                                    1x          3x            6x              received within 60 days may result in loss of
Inside Front Cover                                     8240        7770          6920             AISC membership.
Opposite Table of Contents                             8240        7770          6920
Steel Interchange or Steel Quiz                        7890        7440          6610
                                                                                                  Ads cannot be cancelled after the closing
Inside Back Cover                                      7890        7440          6610             dates published on the editorial calendar.
Back Cover                                             8610        8110          7210             Advertisers who fail to fulfill a frequency
                                                                                                  contract will be short-rated to reflect actual
                                                                                                  frequency rate earned.
CLASSIFIED RATES                                                                b&w only
 Size                                    1x    6x   12x          1x     3x         12x
                                                                                                  Receipt of Materials
                                                                                                  Current ad materials will run at the publisher’s
 Single (34” × 12”)                      720   540 370           400   360         320            discretion if new materials are not received by
 Double (34” × 3”)                       970   720 480           550   490         470            the material submission deadline published on
 Triple (34” × 42”)                     1440 1090 720            840  760          720            the editorial calendar. Send materials by email
 Black-and-white company                Marketplace             Employment                        to Stephanie Kogel at skogel@mrvica.com.
 logos may appear in ads for an         Advertisements for      Ads for employment
 additional $25 charge per insertion.
                                        products and services   and recruiting firms

Use of AISC Logos in Ads
AISC member advertisers are advised to check the Members area of the AISC website at www.aisc.org for up-to-date logos and
guidelines. For questions about logo usage, contact Kristin Hall, Graphic Design Manager: hall@aisc.org | 773.636.8543

           Current Logos                                                                    Obsolete Logos

ADVERTISING SALES: M.J. Mrvica Associates, Inc. | 2 W Taunton Avenue, Berlin, NJ 08009 | 856.768.9360 | skogel@mrvica.com
                                                    Modern Steel Construction | 2023 Media Guide | 5 of 7
web advertising
Modern Steel’s website,                                       Online Banner Ads
                                                              Modern Steel Construction’s website accepts online ads. Ads are
www.modernsteel.com,                                          available in various sizes and placement options. Rates are per month
                                                              of exposure. AISC full and associate Members receive a 20% discount
features multiple opportunities                               for online ads.
for advertisers to connect with
                                                              MONTHLY RATE
our readership online.                                         Website Page            Ad Size         1 mo.      6 mo.      12 mo.
                                                                                   Square (3)          $1500       $1400      $1200
                                                               Home                Tall                $1800       $1700      $1500
                                                                                   Leaderboard         $2000       $1800      $1600

                                                                                    Resources, Steel Interchange, SteelWise,
                                                                                    Field Notes, Product Directory,
                                                                                    Industry Contacts, Archives

                                                              DIMENSIONS (WIDTH × HEIGHT)
                                                               Size (pixels)            Home           Run-of-Site         Mobile
                                                               Square                 300×300           300×300            300×150
                                                               Tall                    300×600          300×300            300×150
                                                               Leaderboard            1200×150          300×300            300×150

Enhanced Online Experience                                                     • JPEG file format
                                                                               • RGB color format
Our website, www.modernsteel.com, is organized                                 • Display and mobile pixel sizes (two files) are required
to provide a streamlined online experience. In                   JPG             so ad is viewable on a mobile device. If a mobile-sized
addition to easy access to the current issue,                                    ad is not supplied, we will create a text-based graphic
daily news items, popular articles and links, the                                at our discretion that will display on mobile devices.
Career Center, the Product Directory, the entire
archive of Modern Steel issues, and more, the
current iteration of our web presence also includes
the following sections:

              Project Extras. Additional photos,
              details, animations, videos, and
              other items tied to articles from
              the print magazine, as well as
              occasional web-exclusive content.

              Field Notes. Engaging monthly
              podcasts, typically around 20
              minutes, with interesting folks
              from the design and construction                Online Product                          Online Career
              industry. An abbreviated transcript             Directory                               Center
              of each podcast appears in the                  Our interactive Product Direc-          The goal of our online Career
              print magazine.                                 tory is searchable by category.         Center is to create a one-stop-
                                                              Visit officialmediaguide.com/           shop for posting and finding jobs
              Weekly Steel Quiz. A fun oppor-                 modernsteel for rates and in-           in the structural steel industry.
              tunity for visitors to test their steel         structions for upgrading to en-         See careers.modernsteel.com/
              knowledge—and win prizes!                       hanced listings.                        rates for rates.

ADVERTISING SALES: M.J. Mrvica Associates, Inc. | 2 W Taunton Avenue, Berlin, NJ 08009 | 856.768.9360 | skogel@mrvica.com
                                      Modern Steel Construction | 2023 Media Guide | 6 of 7
production                                         Ad Artwork Sizes

                                                         Keep text 0.5 in.
                                                       away from the edge
                                                        of the art to avoid
                                                         having it cut off.
File Format
DO NOT INCLUDE CROP MARKS                                     spread
or other printer’s marks when creating your                 (two full pages,
PDF files.                                                    not pictured)
                                                      16.5 in. × 11.125 in.

   PDF               JPG               TIF
                                                         FULL PAGE               2
                                                                                     ∕3 VERTICAL
                                                     8.375 in. × 11.125 in.    4.75 in. × 10.125 in.

 • PDF files in CMYK format (high-resolution
   or press-quality PDF files with all fonts
   embedded). A full-size JPG or TIF image of
   the ad in CMYK format at 300 dots per inch
   is also acceptable. We cannot accommodate
   ads with spot colors (PMS inks).
 • Native QuarkXPress, InDesign, Photoshop,
   Illustrator, PowerPoint, or Word formats will
   not be accepted.

Publication Specs
Body Stock 45-lb gloss text with
		post-consumer content
Cover 		   80-lb gloss text                           ½ HORIZONTAL                   ½ ISLAND
Binding    perfect bound                                7.1251 in. × 5 in.      4.75 in. × 7.5 in.
Trim Size  8.125 in. × 10.875 in.

Submit your ad properly.
Submit materials by email to account manager
Stephanie Kogel at skogel@mrvica.com.

                                                            ∕3 VERTICAL           1
                                                                                     ∕3 SQUARE
                                                      2.5 in. × 10.125 in.        4.75 in. × 5 in.

           M.J. Mrvica Associates, Inc.
      2 W Taunton Avenue, Berlin, NJ 08009
       856.768.9360 | skogel@mrvica.com

Modern Steel Construction | 2023 Media Guide | 7
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