2022 Winter/Spring - Register Early, Secure Your Seat In Class! www.pnwboces.org

Page created by Amber Swanson
2022 Winter/Spring - Register Early, Secure Your Seat In Class! www.pnwboces.org
Adult & Continuing Education

Register Early, Secure Your Seat In Class!
(914) 248-2430
2022 Winter/Spring - Register Early, Secure Your Seat In Class! www.pnwboces.org


 Academic Skills GED Preparation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20
 Automotive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5
 Business/Career Development. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5
 Career & Technical Education Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15
 Certificate Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16
 Computers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-8
 Construction/Trades . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8-9
 Continuing Education Units (CEU) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22
 Cosmetology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10
 Culinary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10-11
 English For Speakers Of Other Languages (ESOL) . . . . . . . .20
 Health/Medical . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11
 Health/Medical/NHA Certification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12
 Languages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13
 New Online Courses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18-19
 OSHA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13
 Program Calendar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4
 Real Estate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13-14
 Registration Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22
 Registration Form . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23
 Security Guard Training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5
 Special Interests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14

                 ON SCHOOL GROUNDS
                      OF THE BUILDINGS

Superintendents                               Board Members
JAMES M. RYAN ED.D                            RICHARD KREPS                     JENNIFER ROSEN
DISTRICT SUPERINTENDENT                       PRESIDENT                         TRUSTEE

LYNN ALLEN ED.D                               CATHERINE LILBURNE                FRANK SCHNECKER
ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENT                      VICE PRESIDENT                    TRUSTEE

TODD CURRIE                                   TINA MACKAY                       MICHAEL SIMPKINS
ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENT                      TRUSTEE                           TRUSTEE

LOUIS RIOLO                                   MARY CAY NILSEN

                        Cover Designed By: Michael Milanes Jr., North Salem HS,
                        PNW BOCES Graphic Design & Digital Photography

The Putnam/Northern Westchester Board of Cooperative Educational Services does not discriminate on
the basis of sex, race, creed, national origin, age or disability, in its employment, admissions practices,
vocational opportunities or access to and treatment in programs or activities in accordance with Title IX,
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and Title VII and the Americans with Disabilities Act.
2022 Winter/Spring - Register Early, Secure Your Seat In Class! www.pnwboces.org

                      HOW TO REGISTER
 • Fill out the registration form and enclose your payment for tuition and registra-
  tion fee. You may pay by credit card, check or money order. NO CASH,
 • For a credit card payment, please include credit card number, expiration date,
   security code and signature on form. (Receipt will be sent out in 10 days.)
 • For a check payment, make checks payable to PNW BOCES. There will be a
   $20 fee for all returned checks.
 • You are registered unless notified otherwise. If you would like confirmation,
   please include a self-addressed, stamped envelope.


                            MAIL TO                                     FAX TO
 Continuing Education                                              914-248-2410
 Career & Technical Center                    Receipt will be sent out in 10 days.
 200 BOCES Drive
 Yorktown Heights, NY 10598

                 PHONE                                        IN PERSON
        Call 914-248-2430
                                               DAYTIME 9am-3:30pm M-F
        Have a credit card handy.             The Continuing Education Office
                                            Room 202, Career & Technical Center

                                                 PHONE: 914-248-2430

REGISTRATION CONFIRMATION: Please make a note of your course
information: name of course, day of the week, time and starting date. We do not
send written confirmations. You are officially enrolled and your name is placed
on the class roster as soon as we receive your registration form and payment.
We will call you if there is any problem with your registration or a change that
you should know about. Unless we call, please assume that you are enrolled in
the classes of your choice.

If you cancel your registration at least two business days before the
class is scheduled to start, a refund (less registration fee) will be
processed. Once a course begins, NO refunds will be given.
2022 Winter/Spring - Register Early, Secure Your Seat In Class! www.pnwboces.org




              PROGRAM HOLIDAYS -


              PROGRAM HOLIDAYS -
2022 Winter/Spring - Register Early, Secure Your Seat In Class! www.pnwboces.org
AUTOMOTIVE                                                                                           5
    What vehicle doesn’t require upkeep and maintenance? What owner doesn’t want
to know a bit more about how to do these things within a budget? There are many sim-
ple tasks that a car owner can perform because parts are readily available. Start here
and go there, knowing what to do when, with what tools, and how to save money.
This introductory course will teach students how to           MAINTENANCE
do tune-ups, ignition work, transmission service,     Through lecture and demonstration, you will gain
lubrication and general maintenance of engines.       skills in the maintenance and repair of small gas
Other topics covered will be working on front ends,   engines (2 and 4 cycle). You will also have an
brakes, and tires.                                    opportunity to work on engines such as chain
AUT0051W                         $450.00              saws, lawn mowers, and snow blowers.
1/11/2022-3/8/2022               Days: T              AUT0211W                       $450.00
6:00 PM - 9:00 PM                Sessions: 8          1/12/2022-3/9/2022             Days: W
BOCES, CAREER & TECH CENTER, Room 131                 7:00 PM - 10:00 PM             Sessions: 8
J. P. PEGOLI                                          BOCES, TECH WEST, Room LAB
                                                      GEORGE BOCKHAUS
AUT0052WS              $450.00
4/19/2022-6/7/2022     Days: T                        AUT0212WS                       $450.00
6:00 PM - 9:00 PM      Sessions: 8                    4/21/2022-6/9/2022              Days: Th
BOCES, CAREER & TECH CENTER, Room 131                 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM               Sessions: 8
J. P. PEGOLI                                          BOCES, TECH WEST, Room         LAB
                                                      GEORGE BOCKHAUS

     Business and industry require workers to maintain and improve existing skills and
 find new professional development opportunities. Walk away with new ideas, new
 skills, and new knowledge to put to use tomorrow on the job.
BUS 315 SECURITY GUARD 8 HOUR                         BUS 316 SECURITY GUARD 16 HOUR
        PRE-ASSIGNMENT TRAINING                               ON-THE-JOB TRAINING
Are you thinking about a career as a security         This mandatory training is required for all security
guard? The first step is enrollment in a New York     guards 90 days past employment and explores
State approved eight-hour pre-assignment pro-         topics such as the duties of the guard, require-
gram. Sign up for this introductory course and        ments of the work site and the needs of the
learn about the role of security guards, the legal    employer.
powers and limitations. Find out how to handle        BUS3161W                       $200.00
emergency situations, communications and public       1/25/2022-2/17/2022            Days: TTh
relations, ethics, and conduct. Course concludes      6:00 PM - 8:00 PM              Sessions: 8
with a review and examination.                        BOCES, CAREER & TECH CENTER, Room 211
BUS3151W                        $110.00               THOMAS HOULAHAN
1/11/2022-1/20/2022             Days: TTh
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM               Sessions: 4           BUS3162WS              $200.00
BOCES, CAREER & TECH CENTER, Room 211                 5/3/2022-5/26/2022     Days: TTh
THOMAS HOULAHAN                                       6:00 PM - 8:00 PM      Sessions: 8
                                                      BOCES, CAREER & TECH CENTER, Room 211
BUS3152WS              $110.00                        THOMAS HOULAHAN
4/19/2022-4/28/2022    Days: TTh
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM      Sessions: 4                    BUS 317 SECURITY GUARD 8-HOUR
THOMAS HOULAHAN                                       This training must be completed each calendar
                                                      year following completion of the 16 hour OJT
                                                      course. This program is designed to meet current
                                                      training needs and refresh or update guards of
                                                      changes in the security field. The guard must com-
                                                      plete this course as a prerequisite for renewal of
                                                      his or her guard registration.
    Oops! We cancelled the class you                  BUS3171W                         $110.00
   wanted because we didn’t know you                  3/1/2022-3/10/2022               Days: TTh
    wanted it! Avoid disappointment...                6:00 PM - 8:00 PM                Sessions: 4
                                                      BOCES, CAREER & TECH CENTER, Room 211
  register early! Please register at least
                                                      THOMAS HOULAHAN
 two weeks in advance of the start date
     of a class. Sometimes excellent                  BUS3172WS              $110.00
                                                      6/7/2022-6/16/2022     Days: TTh
  programs are cancelled when people                  6:00 PM - 8:00 PM      Sessions: 4
   wait until the last minute to register.            BOCES, CAREER & TECH CENTER, Room 211
                                                      THOMAS HOULAHAN
2022 Winter/Spring - Register Early, Secure Your Seat In Class! www.pnwboces.org
6                                                                              COMPUTERS
          COMPUTERS-ACCOUNTING                                       COMPUTERS-MS OFFICE
COM 236 QUICKBOOKS                                       COM 409 MS OFFICE
Learn how to properly use this very popular pro-         Get a feel for Word, Excel and PowerPoint - the
gram that allows office managers and owners of           industry standards that most businesses use for
small businesses to track and manage their               word processing, spreadsheet, and presentation
finances and customers more effectively. In addi-        software in this overview course to help you decide
tion to standard bookkeeping tasks such as paying        which software you enjoy and want to study in
bills, printing checks, invoicing customers, tracking    depth. Topics covered include: keyboard shortcuts,
expenses and running payroll, QuickBooks can             creating formulas and functions to add and aver-
help you with most aspects of your business deci-        age columns of numbers, copy and paste, format-
sions. No accounting experience necessary. PRE-          ting with color and graphics, creating columns in
REQUISITE: Basic computer knowledge. 1.6 CEU             Word, correctly printing documents, using spell
COM2361W                           $240.00               check, inserting clip art and Excel charts, and the
1/12/2022-3/9/2022                 Days: W               basics of presenting from the computer. PREREQ-
7:00 PM - 9:00 PM                  Sessions: 8           UISITE: COMPUTERS FOR BEGINNERS or
BOCES, CAREER & TECH CENTER, Room 204                    equivalent experience.
JEOFFREY D SALERNO                                       COM4091W                         $240.00
                                                         1/12/2022-3/9/2022               Days: W
COM 237 QUICKBOOKS PART 2                                5:00 PM - 7:00 PM                Sessions: 8
Get to really understand the hidden capabilities of      BOCES, CAREER & TECH CENTER, Room 204
QuickBooks and explore many of the new fea-              JEOFFREY D SALERNO
tures. In this powerful course we will look at: start-
ing a company file from scratch; protecting your         COMPUTERS-PRESENTATION/DESIGN TOOLS
data with user account passwords; scheduling             COM 270 AutoCAD 1
recurring monthly transactions automatically; cus-       Learn to use AutoCAD which has become the
tomizing sales forms columns and fields; putting         industry standard in a variety of professional fields.
your company logo into your estimates, invoices          Architects, engineers, landscapers, draftspersons,
and sales receipts; tracking individual job prof-        and others who have an interest in design will be
itability; importing and exporting data and reports      introduced to essential concepts, commands, and
to Excel; budgets and forecasting; tracking pur-         electronic tools needed in preparing and printing
chases; exploring new features such as snap-             drawings. PREREQUISITE: Basic computer
shots, the calendar, and changing multiple item          knowledge. 1.6 CEU
prices. PREREQUISITE: QuickBooks Part 1. 1.6             COM2701W                          $240.00
CEU                                                      1/10/2022-3/14/2022               Days: M
COM2371W                          $240.00                6:00 PM - 8:00 PM                 Sessions: 8
4/20/2022-6/8/2022                Days: W                BOCES, CAREER & TECH CENTER,
7:00 PM - 9:00 PM                 Sessions: 8            Room 119D
BOCES, CAREER & TECH CENTER, Room 204                    JOHN L ANTONELLI
                                                         COM2702WS              $240.00
               COMPUTERS-BASIC                           4/18/2022-6/13/2022    Days: MW
COM 201 COMPUTER BASICS                                  6:00 PM - 8:00 PM      Sessions: 8
This is a hands-on course on using computers. It is      BOCES, CAREER & TECH CENTER,
for new users and those wanting to refresh their         Room 119D
computer skills. The course presents a variety of        JOHN L ANTONELLI
computer functions and program applications such
as word processing using the popular Microsoft           COM 272 AutoCAD 2
Word program, and creating files and folders to          This course builds on the skills mastered in
help manage data. Also presented is an introduc-         AutoCAD I, bringing AutoCAD user new strengths
tion to spreadsheets using the widely used               in technical drawing. This intensive course covers
Microsoft Excel program. In addition computer            commands and options that enhance productivity
user functions such as adding or removing icons          and drawing speed. Contents include: creating
from the startup screen and deleting files and fold-     symbol libraries, XREFs, advanced dimensioning
ers will be covered. Internet issues such as secu-       and text, multi-view plotting, and an introduction to
rity will also be addressed. Please bring a USB          drawing in 3D. PREREQUISITE: AutoCAD 1. 1.6
flash drive to class.                                    CEU
COM2011W                         $240.00                 COM2721W                          $240.00
1/10/2022-3/14/2022              Days: M                 1/11/2022-3/8/2022                Days: T
5:00 PM - 7:00 PM                Sessions: 8             6:00 PM - 8:00 PM                 Sessions: 8
MICHAEL J NEGRELLI                                       Room 119D
                                                         JOHN L ANTONELLI
COM2012WS              $240.00
4/18/2022-6/13/2022    Days: M                           COM2722WS              $240.00
5:00 PM - 7:00 PM      Sessions: 8                       4/19/2022-6/7/2022     Days: T
BOCES, CAREER & TECH CENTER, Room 204                    6:00 PM - 8:00 PM      Sessions: 8
MICHAEL J NEGRELLI                                       BOCES, CAREER & TECH CENTER,
                                                         Room 119D
                                                         JOHN L ANTONELLI
COMPUTERS                                                                                               7
COM 273 AutoCAD 3                                      COM 311 FUNDAMENTALS OF
For those students who have completed the                      GRAPHIC DESIGN
AutoCAD 1 and 2 courses, the next course in the        Students will be introduced to Adobe Illustrator,
series looks at some additional features available     Photoshop and In-design, as well as fundamental
in the AutoCAD software package. Topics covered        principals of design; color theory, the design and
will take the use of blocks you create. The course     creative process, importance of relationships, let-
covers customizing the user interface, using           ter studies and so much more.
macros and custom routines, system setup for effi-     COM3111W                        $240.00
cient design creation and using the feature of         1/10/2022-3/14/2022             Days: M
sheet sets to organize the publishing of the final     6:00 PM - 8:00 PM               Sessions: 8
design documents. PREREQUISITE: AutoCAD 1              BOCES, CAREER & TECH CENTER,
and AutoCAD 2.                                         Room TBA
COM2731W                         $240.00               KEEARA JONES
1/12/2022-3/9/2022               Days: W
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM                Sessions: 8                   COMPUTERS-SPREADSHEETS
BOCES, CAREER & TECH CENTER,                           COM 431 MS EXCEL
Room 119D                                              Learn the right way to use the industry standard for
JOHN L ANTONELLI                                       business spreadsheet software. Build a stronger
                                                       foundation and fix those bad habits by learning
COM2732WS              $240.00                         how to properly: enter formulas and functions, cre-
4/20/2022-6/8/2022     Days: W                         ate colorful charts from bland data tables, sort
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM      Sessions: 8                     large blocks of data, quickly move, copy and for-
BOCES, CAREER & TECH CENTER,                           mat cells in your existing worksheets, and modify
Room 119D                                              or repair spreadsheets that others left behind and
JOHN L ANTONELLI                                       keyboard shorts to help speed up work. Learn how
                                                       to properly print just the portions you need to see
COM 274 3-D AutoCAD                                    on paper and how to copy and paste from Excel
In this class you’ll learn how to create 3D geome-     into Word for more professional looking reports
try using the Solid, Surface, and Mesh tools in        and contracts. PREREQUISITE: Basic computer
AutoCAD. You’ll also learn how to create 3D files      knowledge and familiarity with Windows. 1.6 CEU
for other programs for subsequent enhancement.         COM4311W                          $240.00
You’ll edit the 3D objects using multiple editing      1/13/2022-3/10/2022               Days: Th
tools and export the 3D objects to various formats.    5:00 PM - 7:00 PM                 Sessions: 8
Using coordinate systems and an understanding of       BOCES, CAREER & TECH CENTER, Room 204
3D rendering and shading functions. This class is      JEOFFREY D SALERNO
designed to expand your AutoCAD 3D modeling
knowledge. PREREQUISITE: AutoCAD 1                     COM4312WS              $240.00
COM2741W                          $240.00              4/21/2022-6/9/2022     Days: Th
1/13/2022-3/10/2022               Days: Th             6:00 PM - 8:00 PM      Sessions: 8
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM                 Sessions: 8          BOCES, CAREER & TECH CENTER,
BOCES, CAREER & TECH CENTER,                           Room TBA
Room 119D                                              JOHN SEGRETI
                                                       COM 434 MS EXCEL PART 2
COM 275 AutoCAD RASTER DESIGNER                        Use enhanced features of Microsoft Excel to cus-
If you have a print created with a T-square and        tomize your worksheets. Topics covered are work-
pencil, this program will help you get that design     ing with large spreadsheets, hiding and displaying
into electronic format and then usable in AutoCAD.     data, working with multiple worksheets and work-
Raster Designer works directly inside AutoCAD to       books, linking spreadsheets by using 3-D formu-
manipulate and create vector linework from raster      las, consolidating data, advanced charting, work-
imagery. Scan in a pencil drawing and learn tech-      ing with dates, sorting and filtering lists, document-
niques on image editing and cleanup, vectorization     ing and auditing, protecting worksheets, and using
tools as well as de-speckling, mirror, rubber-sheet-   templates. PREREQUISITE: EXCEL PART 1 (no
ing and other touch up tools. PREREQUISITE:            exceptions). 1.6 CEU
AutoCAD 1 1.6 CEU                                      COM4341WS                          $240.00
COM2751WS                        $240.00               4/20/2022-6/8/2022                 Days: W
4/21/2022-6/9/2022               Days: Th              5:00 PM - 7:00 PM                  Sessions: 8
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM                Sessions: 8           BOCES, CAREER & TECH CENTER, Room 204
Room 119D
8                                                                              COMPUTERS
      COMPUTERS-WORD PROCESSING                          COM 425 MS WORD PART 2
COM 388 MICROSOFT WORD BASICS                            Go “beyond the basics” by learning how to create
Microsoft Word is the most frequently used word          templates (i.e., fax cover sheets); develop and
processor in business, education and home. It is         apply formatting styles; merge names and
available on all Windows computers, Apple                addresses with form letters and mailing labels;
Computers, and also on Tablets. This class covers        store frequent keystrokes for later recall via record-
preparing word processing documents with many of         ed macros. Other topics will include creating
its popular features, such as Cut-Copy-Paste, Spell      tables, which are more flexible than using tabs;
Checking, and Page Numbering. Also presented will        and an introduction to Desktop Publishing. PRE-
be how to insert pictures, clip art, and borders to      REQUISITE: INTRO TO WORD, ( no exceptions).
enhance document appearance. In addition,                1.6 CEU
preparing envelopes, labels, and data handling           COM4251W                          $240.00
using files and folders, and how to backup your data     1/13/2022-3/10/2022               Days: Th
will be covered. This course is useful for those want-   7:00 PM - 9:00 PM                 Sessions: 8
ing to learn how to use this popular word processor      BOCES, CAREER & TECH CENTER,
and for those wanting to refresh their skills.           Room 204
COM3881WS                         $240.00                JEOFFREY D SALERNO
4/19/2022-6/7/2022                Days: T
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM                 Sessions: 8
Room TBA

     Workshops are designed in response to homeowners’ needs to know basic repair
 and upgrade techniques, to employment trends and to community needs. Instructors
 are from the community and they work as tradespersons, professionals and educators.
 They teach classes and technical skills workshops in a broad range of trades, includ-
 ing electricity, carpentry and welding.

Learn the skills of accurate measuring, cutting,                 CARPENTRY
fastening and materials estimating. Development          Materials and techniques used in framing, roofing
of proficiency in the use of tools will be also be       and siding systems practiced in the industry today
reviewed. Course fee includes cost for materials.        will be covered in this class. Theory and applica-
2.4 CEU                                                  tion process will be reviewed and developed in
CON4051WS                      $560.00                   hands on class projects. Course fee includes cost
1/11/2022-3/8/2022             Days: T                   for materials. 2.4 CEU
6:00 PM - 9:00 PM              Sessions: 8               CON4061W                        $560.00
BOCES, CAREER & TECH CENTER, Room 130                    1/12/2022-3/9/2022              Days: W
GEOFFREY LINE                                            6:00 PM - 9:00 PM               Sessions: 8
                                                         BOCES, CAREER & TECH CENTER, Room 130
CON4052WS              $560.00                           GEOFFREY LINE
4/19/2022-6/7/2022     Days: T
6:00 PM - 9:00 PM      Sessions: 8                       CON4062WS              $560.00
BOCES, CAREER & TECH CENTER, Room 130                    4/20/2022-6/8/2022     Days: W
GEOFFREY LINE                                            6:00 PM - 9:00 PM      Sessions: 8
                                                         BOCES, CAREER & TECH CENTER, Room 130
                                                         GEOFFREY LINE

  Oops! We cancelled the class you                       CON 407 INTERIOR RESIDENTIAL
   wanted because we didn’t know                                 CARPENTRY
           you wanted it!                                A review of materials and techniques used in wall
                                                         covering, flooring, interior trim and cabinetry sys-
                                                         tems will be covered in this class. Course fee does
          Avoid disappointment...                        not include materials. 2.4 CEU
              register early!                            CON4071W                          $560.00
                                                         1/13/2022-3/10/2022               Days: Th
  Please register at least two weeks                     6:00 PM - 9:00 PM                 Sessions: 8
                                                         BOCES, CAREER & TECH CENTER, Room 130
          in advance of the                              GEOFFREY LINE
        start date of a class.
                                                         CON4072WS              $560.00
  Sometimes excellent programs are                       4/21/2022-6/9/2022     Days: Th
                                                         6:00 PM - 9:00 PM      Sessions: 8
   cancelled when people wait until                      BOCES, CAREER & TECH CENTER, Room 130
      the last minute to register.                       GEOFFREY LINE
CONSTRUCTION/TRADES                                                                                           9
CON 413 HOME REPAIRS FOR THE                               CON 465 HVAC
        HOMEOWNER                                          In this program students will learn the skill sets
Learn how to be self-sufficient around the house,          needed to gain entry level employment in the
avoid depending on others and avoid costly repair          HVAC field. Instruction includes work safety, ener-
bills. This hands-on course is aimed at the average        gy production and transmission, common tools
homeowner. If you’re not handy around the house            and test instruments, controls, wiring basics, refrig-
when you sign-up, you will be by the end of the            eration, electric motors, digital controls, commer-
course. Depending on time, you’ll learn about              cial refrigeration and application. The CFC EPA
many of the following topics: fixing leaky faucets,        Certification test for levels 1, 2 and 3 is included for
lubricating squeaky house and car doors, maintain-         certification and licensure to service, repair, main-
ing your drains, patching holes in sheetrock, you          tain equipment and purchase refrigerants. Heating
will replace a light switch and outlet, rescreen a         systems including oil and gas fired boilers/fur-
torn storm window, you’ll learn painting tips, gutter      naces and heat pumps, and systematic trouble-
cleaning, fixing a loose or ripped shingle, changing       shooting. To gain full benefit, students should be
broken lightbulbs, replace a cracked floor tile, hang      able to use hand tools and be prepared to pur-
a light fixture, tricks to clean tons of items like your   chase a textbook for additional study activities.
shower curtains and microwave, proper use of a             Course fee includes cost for materials. Eye Safety
fire extinguisher, quiet constantly running toilets,       Wear is required. PLEASE CALL (914) 248-2430
proper use of screwdrivers, pliers and wrenches,           FOR FALL SEMESTER INFORMATION.
replacing your house door lock, proper way to
steam clean your carpets yourself, and more.               CON 491 WELDING 1
Recommendations for household tools and sup-               This course starts off with safety basics, equip-
plies will be offered.                                     ment setup and safety checks, and leads to hands-
CON4131WS                           $560.00                on welding. Skills will include the basics of oxy-
4/21/2022-6/9/2022                  Days: Th               acetylene welding and cutting, brazing, plasma
6:00 PM - 9:00 PM                   Sessions: 8            cutting, and will move to an introduction to ARC
BOCES, CAREER & TECH CENTER, Room 125                      welding. No prerequisite necessary. Course fee
JEOFFREY D SALERNO                                         includes cost for materials. Student use of materi-
                                                           als must follow course guidelines. Eye Safety
CON 417 RESIDENTIAL WIRING 1                               Wear is required. 2.4 CEU
This hands-on course will teach you how to replace         CON4911W                         $560.00
receptacles, light switches and fixtures.                  1/11/2022-3/8/2022               Days: T
Description and proper use of electrical wiring tools      5:30 PM - 8:30 PM                Sessions: 8
and techniques will be demonstrated and then               BOCES, CAREER & TECH CENTER, Room 132
practiced by students. Theory of electricity along         ROB STANFORD
with grounding and polarization will be explained
as well as how wiring works, how wiring diagrams           CON4912WS              $560.00
are drawn and proper selection of wire for each            4/19/2022-6/7/2022     Days: T
project. Students will wire receptacles, single loca-      5:30 PM - 8:30 PM      Sessions: 8
tion light switches as well as 3-way switches, typi-       BOCES, CAREER & TECH CENTER, Room 132
cally used at the top and bottom of stairwells.            ROB STANFORD
Recommendations for tools will be offered. Eye
Safety Wear is required. 2.4 CEU                           CON 495 WELDING 2
CON4171W                         $560.00                   Review the safety basics and move directly to an
1/11/2022-3/8/2022               Days: T                   intermediate level of oxyacetylene cutting tech-
6:00 PM - 9:00 PM                Sessions: 8               niques, plasma cutting techniques, and advanced
BOCES, CAREER & TECH CENTER, Room 125                      ARC welding with MIG welding techniques. PRE-
JEOFFREY D SALERNO                                         REQUISITE: successful completion of Welding 1.
                                                           Course fee includes cost for materials. Student
CON 418 RESIDENTIAL WIRING 2                               use of course materials must follow course guide-
This course will continue where part 1 left off. After     lines. Eye Safety Wear is required. 2.4 CEU
reviewing the tools and techniques learned in              CON4951W                        $560.00
Residential Wiring 1, we’ll go on to install and trou-     1/13/2022-3/10/2022             Days: Th
bleshoot ground fault circuit receptacles for              5:30 PM - 8:30 PM               Sessions: 8
kitchens and bathrooms, assemble and wire low-             BOCES, CAREER & TECH CENTER, Room 132
voltage circuits such as doorbells and thermostats,        ROB STANFORD
repair and rebuild lamps, replace circuit breakers in
the home electrical panel and hang or replace ceil-        CON4952WS              $560.00
ing light fixtures. Course fee includes cost for mate-     4/21/2022-6/9/2022     Days: Th
rials. PREREQUISITE: Residential Wiring 1. Eye             5:30 PM - 8:30 PM      Sessions: 8
Safety Wear is Required. 2.4 CEU                           BOCES, CAREER & TECH CENTER, Room 132
CON4181WS                          $560.00                 ROB STANFORD
4/19/2022-6/7/2022                 Days: T
6:00 PM - 9:00 PM                  Sessions: 8
10                                                                         COSMETOLOGY
COS 200 COSMETOLOGY                                         COS 300 SPANISH COSMETOLOGY
This program prepares students for employment as            Instruction in this program is delivered in Spanish.
hair stylists, skin care specialists, hair colorists, and   Students are prepared for employment as hair styl-
other positions in cosmetology. Upon successful             ists, skin care specialists, hair colorists, and other
completion of 1000 hours of training, students are          positions in cosmetology. Upon successful com-
eligible to take the New York State Licensing               pletion of 1000 hours of training, students are eli-
Examination for Cosmetology. Students study the             gible to take the New York State Licensing
structure of hair and skin, bacteriology, and sanita-       Examination for Cosmetology in Spanish. This is a
tion. This course is administered in two parts.             two-year program. Adults are integrated with day-
Sessions begin in September and January. Class              time high school students. PLEASE CALL (914)
meets Monday-Thursday from 5:30-9:30 PM.                    248-2440 for more information.
PLEASE CALL (914) 248-2440 for more information.

    Holidays, birthdays, family dinners, and friendly get-togethers all go better with the
 right food. If ideas are needed, this is the right place. Our cooking workshops are
 taught by experts with years in the culinary field. Our classes are one-night, hands-on
 culinary milestones for anyone. Learn new techniques for the kitchen, seasonal
 favorites with new twists, new combinations, new cooking styles and new ways to
 prep, cook, and serve meals that will be crowd-pleasers.

FOD 106 DINNER & DESSERT                                    FOD 225 DELICIOUS COOKIES
Come and learn how to cook a quick 3 course                 The whole family loves cookies and this class will
meal for you and your family. You will learn how to         give you the basic understanding of making good
make appetizers, entrees and desserts easy                  cookies that could turn into a cookie cake if you
enough to create within an hour, so that you can sit        like. We will get into some fancier cookies as the
at the table and share your masterpiece with your           night progresses. Course fee includes cost for
family. Course fee includes cost for materials.             materials.
FOD1061W                        $60.00                      FOD2251W                        $60.00
1/24/2022-1/24/2022             Days: M                     2/7/2022-2/7/2022               Days: M
5:00 PM - 8:00 PM               Sessions: 1                 5:00 PM - 8:00 PM               Sessions: 1
BOCES, TILLY FOSTER FARM,                                   BOCES, TILLY FOSTER FARM, Room
Room KITCHEN                                                KITCHEN
CHRISTINA HOLIC                                             CHRISTINA HOLIC

FOD1062WS               $60.00                              FOD2252WS               $60.00
4/26/2022-4/26/2022     Days: T                             5/9/2022-5/9/2022       Days: M
5:00 PM - 8:00 PM       Sessions: 1                         5:00 PM - 8:00 PM       Sessions: 1
BOCES, TILLY FOSTER FARM,                                   BOCES, TILLY FOSTER FARM,
Room KITCHEN                                                Room KITCHEN
CHRISTINA HOLIC                                             CHRISTINA HOLIC

FOD 205 BASIC CAKE DECORATING                               FOD 354 KETO DIET - VERY LOW
Learn the basic techniques that go into making a                    CARBS
good cake that not only tastes great but looks fab-         Learn how to make delicious low carbohydrate
ulous as well. You will learn how to make a great           meals, Keto dounts, bagels, pizza and more.
buttercream frosting, piping techniques and                 Ketosis is when good fats replace carbs for energy
designs for your cake. Course fee includes cost for         production. Course fee includes cost for materials.
materials.                                                  FOD3541WS                       $60.00
FOD2051WS                       $60.00                      4/26/2022-4/26/2022             Days: T
2/1/2022-2/1/2022               Days: T                     6:00 PM - 9:00 PM               Sessions: 1
5:00 PM - 8:00 PM               Sessions: 1                 BOCES, TECH WEST, Room KITCHEN
BOCES, TILLY FOSTER FARM,                                   LAURIE LEAHY

FOD2052WS               $60.00
5/3/2022-5/3/2022       Days: T
5:00 PM - 8:00 PM       Sessions: 1
CULINARY                                                                                           11
FOD 416 PASTA NIGHT                                   FOD 640 FARM TO TABLE
Learn how to make fresh pasta by hand using a         Enjoy our local farm produce but don’t know how
basic pasta dough recipe. You will also learn how     to prepare it? Learn how to prepare Butternut
to prepare a tasty sauce. Course fee includes cost    Squash Soup, Roasted Squash with Pasta, Acorn
for materials.                                        Squash with brandied apples, Kombucha Winter
FOD4161W                       $60.00                 Squash and hearty Minestrone Soup. Course fee
2/3/2022-2/3/2022              Days: Th               includes cost for materials.
6:00 PM - 9:00 PM              Sessions: 1            FOD6401WS                     $60.00
BOCES, TECH WEST, Room KITCHEN                        4/6/2022-4/6/2022             Days: W
ANTONIO PAONE                                         6:00 PM - 9:00 PM             Sessions: 1
                                                      BOCES, TECH WEST, Room KITCHEN
FOD4162WS                      $60.00                 LAURIE LEAHY
4/28/2022-4/28/2022            Days: Th
6:00 PM - 9:00 PM              Sessions: 1            FOD 786 THE MEDITERRANEAN DIET
BOCES, TECH WEST, Room         KITCHEN                It’s all about calories but it’s also about nutrition
ANTONIO PAONE                                         and good taste! Learn how to prepare Hummus,
                                                      Baba Ghanoush (eggplant with tahini) Chicken
FOD 638 THAI COOKING                                  Francese, Pastas with home roasted tomatoes,
Thai cooking is low in fat, nutritious, as spicy as   Pesto, and Broccoli Rabe. Course fee includes
you want, and delicious, too! Learn how to make       cost for materials.
authentic Thai dishes such as Curries, Summer         FOD7861W                           $60.00
Rice Paper Rolls, and Pad Thai. Course fee            3/8/2022-3/8/2022                  Days: T
includes cost for materials.                          6:00 PM - 9:00 PM                  Sessions: 1
FOD6381W                        $60.00                BOCES, TECH WEST, Room KITCHEN
3/23/2022-3/23/2022             Days: W               LAURIE LEAHY
6:00 PM - 9:00 PM               Sessions: 1

 We offer courses in health-related fields to help you begin a new career path, supple-
 ment existing knowledge, or update your skills.

New York State approved training for nurse            This course for health professionals presents the
aides/assistants. Designed to prepare participants    New York State approved curriculum on maintain-
for possible employment in nursing homes, assist-     ing proper standards of infection control and barri-
ed living centers, and hospitals. Program includes    er precautions to prevent the transmission of the
classroom work (theory) and clinical experiences      human immunodeficiency (HIV) and the hepatitis B
at local hospital/nursing home. Application to pro-   virus (HBV).
gram required before registration. Classes meet       HEA9621W                        $50.00
for 23 sessions plus FIVE DAY-TIME CLINICAL           1/12/2022-1/12/2022             Days: W
ROTATIONS 7:30 AM-3:30PM. CALL (914) 248-             6:00 PM - 9:00 PM               Sessions: 1
2440 FOR MORE INFORMATION.                            BOCES, CAREER & TECH CENTER,
                                                      Room TBA
                                                      KATHY PELLECCHIA

                                                      HEA9622W               $50.00
                                                      3/16/2022-3/16/2022    Days: W
                                                      6:00 PM - 9:00 PM      Sessions: 1
                                                      BOCES, CAREER & TECH CENTER,
                                                      Room TBA
                                                      KATHY PELLECCHIA
    NHA National Healthcareer Association (NHA) has approved P/NW BOCES as an affil-
 iated partner to offer NHA exams for its healthcare training programs. NHA certification is
 recognized nationwide and is one way to be competitive in the job market or when apply-
 ing for promotional opportunities. NHA certifications also highlight a person’s commitment
 to his or her field because they are a measurement of knowledge and expertise in an indus-
 try where certification requirements are increasing everywhere.

        SPECIALIST                                               TECHNICIAN
At the completion of this course, you will be eligi-     Take this course and get the skills and learn the
ble to take the National Certification exam in Billing   roles of the professional Phlebotomist and EKG
and Coding. You will be prepared to code patient’s       technician. Topics include industry-accepted safe-
medical records correctly and optimize reimburse-        ty practices, actual “live” capillary punctures/blood
ment. You will be introduced to several techniques       drawing, and typical procedures. You will study the
for finding and applying the correct codes in            principles of electrocardiography and train to do an
today’s standard coding systems. Topics include:         EKG. You will learn the connection between the
current procedural terminology, classification of        conduction system to the cardiac cycle, prepare
diseases, clinical modification, healthcare proce-       patients for EKG, identify dysrhythmias, recognize
dure coding system, insurance form preparation,          technical problems and follow procedures in the
Medicare, Medicaid, Workers’ Compensation and            event of emergency situations. This course is both
other insurance reimbursement, diagnosis-related         theory and practical training. Participating students
groups, peer review organizations and ambulatory         and volunteer subjects must agree to sign a liabil-
patient groups. You will review the importance of        ity form. Students must attend 80% of all class ses-
the Federal Register, Privacy Act and Medicare           sions. Additional fee for textbooks and exam.
Fraud and Abuse. Students must attend 80% of all         PREREQUISITE: High School Diploma or
class sessions and complete homework assign-             Equivalency.
ments, quizzes, midterm and final. Additional fee        HEA3411W                           $2,500.00
for textbooks and exam. Students are required to         1/10/2022-5/25/2022                Days: MW
purchase textbooks. PREREQUISITE: High                   6:00 PM - 9:00 PM                  Sessions: 36
School Diploma or Equivalency.                           BOCES, TECH SOUTH, Room 108
HEA2001W                         $2,750.00               NANCY CHOMAS
1/11/2022-6/19/2022              Days: TTh
5:30 PM - 8:30 PM                Sessions: 40            HEA3412WS              $2,500.00
BOCES, TECH SOUTH, Room 104                              4/19/2022-8/11/2022    Days: TTh
JEANINE LABRIOLA                                         6:00 PM - 9:00 PM      Sessions: 36
                                                         BOCES, TECH SOUTH, Room 108
HEA2002WS             $2,750.00                          NANCY CHOMAS
4/18/2022-9/12/2022   Days: MW
5:30 PM - 8:30 PM     Sessions: 40                       HEA 435 CERTIFIED CLINICAL MEDICAL
BOCES, TECH SOUTH, Room 104                                      ASSISTANT
JEANINE LABRIOLA                                         This course will prepare you to work in hospitals,
                                                         medical offices, labs and other health related facil-
HEA 300 CERTIFIED MEDICAL                                ities. Topics covered will include medical terminol-
        ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT                         ogy, measuring vital signs, basic EKG, phlebotomy,
This course will combine front office skills, person-    routine lab tests, infection control, safety and
al and professional skills, medical skills, and com-     patient communication. Students must attend 80%
puter skills necessary to achieve certification.         of all class sessions. Additional fee for textbooks
Students should have a basic understanding of            and exam. PREREQUISITE: High School Diploma
computers and a strong interest in a career in front     or Equivalency.
office medical assisting. Students must attend           HEA4351W                         $4,100.00
80% of all class sessions. Additional fee for text-      1/10/2022-5/19/2022              Days: TWTh
books and exam. Students are required to pur-            5:30 PM - 9:00 PM                Sessions: 51
chase textbook. PREREQUISITE: High School                BOCES, TECH SOUTH, Room 106
Diploma or Equivalency.                                  MELISSA CORTES-CANDIA
HEA3001W                        $2,275.00
1/11/2022-5/17/2022             Days: TTh
6:00 PM - 9:00 PM               Sessions: 33
Room TBA

   Oops! We cancelled the class you wanted because we didn’t know you
   wanted it! Avoid disappointment...register early! Please register at least
   two weeks in advance of the start date of a class. Sometimes excellent
  programs are cancelled when people wait until the last minute to register.
LANGUAGE                                                                                                13
   Traveling abroad for business or pleasure? Learn to communicate, to buy train tick-
 ets, order meals, ask directions and understand what is being said around you.
LAN 100 IMPARIAMO L’ITALIANO                               LAN 130 SPANISH FOR BEGINNERS
        (LEARN ITALIAN)                                    This course is for those students who do not have
This course is an introduction to Italian designed         any knowledge of Spanish. Focus will be on prac-
for individuals with little or no previous knowledge       tical vocabulary and basic grammar. Students will
of the language. Students will learn to form sen-          be provided the opportunity to develop the four
tences on their own and communicate in a variety           communicative skills of listening, speaking, read-
of situations. Additional fee for textbook.                ing and writing. Effective communication will be
LAN1001W                            $220.00                achieved in a friendly setting that infuses the cul-
1/19/2022-2/7/2022                  Days: MW               ture as well as the target language. Course flexibil-
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM                   Sessions: 8            ity will meet individual needs of students on a
BOCES, CAREER & TECH CENTER,                               basic level.
Room TBA                                                   LAN1301WS                        $220.00
ANTONIO PAONE                                              4/19/2022-6/7/2022               Days: T
                                                           6:00 PM - 8:00 PM                Sessions: 8
LAN1002WS              $220.00                             BOCES, CAREER & TECH CENTER,
4/18/2022-5/11/2022    Days: MW                            Room 233
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM      Sessions: 8                         LUZ SALVIA
Room TBA

 The OSHA safety course provides training for entry level workers and employers on occu-
 pational safety and health hazards in workplaces. The course also provides information
 regarding workers’ rights, employer responsibilities, and regulations set forth by OSHA.

OSH 530 OSHA 10 HOUR GENERAL                               OSH 532 OSHA 30 HOUR TRAINING
        INDUSTRY OUTREACH                                  This course covers 30 hours of training, required
        TRAINING                                           by the Occupational Health and Safety Act (OSHA)
This course is ideal for supervisors with safety and       and can be applied toward the 30-hour
health responsibilities, and for employee safety           Construction Industry course completion card. The
and health awareness. Students will be introduced          course is comprised of 25 sections, each either
to OSHA policies, procedures and standards as              one or two hours in length and covers topics per-
well as general industry safety and health princi-         taining to regulations covered by Standard 29 CFR
ples covered in OSHA Act Part 1910. Special                1926. The successful completion of this course will
emphasis will be placed on areas most hazardous            help meet the Construction Industry standards
using OSHA standards as a guide. Upon success-             established by OSHA. Upon successful completion
ful completion of the course, participants will            of the course, participants will receive an OSHA
receive an OSHA general industry 10 hour course            construction safety and health 30-hour course
completion card from the Department of Labor.              completion card from the Department of Labor.
OSH5301W                         $120.00                   OSH5321W                        $420.00
1/26/2022-2/9/2022               Days: W                   1/13/2022-3/31/2022             Days: Th
5:30 PM - 9:00 PM                Sessions: 3               5:30 PM - 8:30 PM               Sessions: 10
BOCES, CAREER & TECH CENTER,                               BOCES, CAREER & TECH CENTER,
Room TBA                                                   Room TBA
STAFF                                                      STAFF

        LICENSING                                          This course is a practical overview of the various
Considering a career in real estate? Learn about           approaches to financing real estate transactions.
listing, financing, closing and related costs, and         Topics include features and requirements of insti-
real estate law as it pertains to agency, finance,         tutional and private loans, seller financing, refi-
and real estate interest. Meet instructional and           nancing and loan documentation. This is a 7.5
attendance requirements of New York State’s                hour course for NYS Continuing Education Credit.
Property Licensing Law and prepare to obtain your          Mandatory attendance at all sessions to receive
license within one year of successful completion of        credit.
this course. NYS mandates 80% attendance                   REA1691W                        $80.00
requirement for license credit eligibility. This is a 75   1/24/2022-2/7/2022              Days: M
hour course. Students must purchase textbook.              6:00 PM - 8:30 PM               Sessions: 3
REA1401WS                         $750.00                  BOCES, CAREER & TECH CENTER,
4/19/2022-7/12/2022               Days: TTh                Room TBA
6:00 PM - 9:00 PM                 Sessions: 25             STAFF
Room TBA
14                                                                          REAL ESTATE
REA 172 CREDIT ANALYSIS &                                REA 183 REAL ESTATE TRENDS
        NON-CONFORMING LOANS                             This course gives an in depth overview of national
Non-conforming loans and credit analysis are             housing trends. It addresses the current strengths
essential topics for today’s real estate profession-     and vulnerabilities of today’s housing market, eval-
al. This course will include discussions of such         uates long term prospects in the sales and rental
timely topics as: credit reports, dealing with credit    markets, and exposes the continuing challenges
reporting companies, non-conforming loans,               faced in housing. The course also explores the
increasing your client base through using these          role of socio-economics, demographics and immi-
loans, and examples for credit analysis. This is a       gration in shaping the direction of the housing mar-
7.5 hour course for NYS Continuing Education             ket. This is a 7.5 hour course for NYS Continuing
Credit. Mandatory attendance at all sessions to          Education Credit. Mandatory attendance at all ses-
receive credit.                                          sions to receive credit.
REA1721W                          $80.00                 REA1831W                          $80.00
2/28/2022-3/14/2022               Days: M                3/2/2022-3/16/2022                Days: W
6:00 PM - 8:30 PM                 Sessions: 3            6:00 PM - 8:30 PM                 Sessions: 3
BOCES, CAREER & TECH CENTER,                             BOCES, CAREER & TECH CENTER,
Room TBA                                                 Room TBA
STAFF                                                    STAFF

SPE 205 REIKI LEVEL 1                                    SPE 242 MIXED MEDIA PAINTING
Interested in healing yourself and others simply by      Whether you are painting for the first time or want
placing your hands upon them? You can learn to           to hone your skills, you will have fun in this class
do this and more in this Reiki Level 1 class where       by experimenting! Learn how to use various acrylic
you will also learn what Reiki is, (a light touch        paints, mediums, additives, textures, and applica-
healing energy), how Reiki heals and how to use          tions on traditional canvas as well as various sur-
Reiki to promote stress reduction and relaxation.        faces. Instruction will cover everything from color
Most importantly you will receive an attunement to       mixing basics to collage composition. List of sup-
the Reiki energy that will remain with you through-      plies will be provided upon registration.
out your life.                                           SPE2421W                        $160.00
SPE2051WS                        $75.00                  1/11/2022-3/8/2022              Days: T
4/20/2022-4/21/2022              Days: WTh               5:00 PM - 7:00 PM               Sessions: 8
6:00 PM - 9:00 PM                Sessions: 2             BOCES, CAREER & TECH CENTER,
BOCES, TECH SOUTH, Room 102                              Room TBA
PAUL NARAD                                               GALINA VAHT

SPE 206 REIKI LEVEL 2                                    SPE2422WS              $160.00
This class builds on what you have already               4/21/2022-6/9/2022     Days: Th
learned in Reiki 1, and your experiences using it.       5:00 PM - 7:00 PM      Sessions: 8
During the class you will receive two additional         BOCES, CAREER & TECH CENTER,
Reiki attunements and learn four Reiki symbols           Room TBA
and how to apply them for additional empower-            GALINA VAHT
ment. You will learn to offer Reiki to people and sit-
uations at a distance and how to access cellular         SPE 251 PENCIL DRAWING FOR
memory to heal emotional situations.                             BEGINNERS
SPE2061WS                         $75.00                 Drawing with pencil is an accessible method of
5/18/2022-5/19/2022               Days: WTh              creating artwork at any skill level. In this class you
6:00 PM - 9:00 PM                 Sessions: 2            will learn how to choose an image, outline, tones
BOCES, TECH SOUTH, Room 102                              and textures. Discussion about perspective and
PAUL NARAD                                               proportion and some art history will also be cov-
                                                         ered. You will receive step by step instructions on
                                                         how to create a realistic drawing. List of supplies
                                                         will be provided upon registration.
                                                         SPE2511W                         $160.00
                                                         1/13/2022-3/10/2022              Days: Th
                                                         5:00 PM - 7:00 PM                Sessions: 8
                                                         BOCES, CAREER & TECH CENTER,
                                                         Room TBA
                                                         GALINA VAHT

                                                         SPE2512WS              $160.00
                                                         4/19/2022-6/7/2022     Days: T
                                                         5:00 PM - 7:00 PM      Sessions: 8
                                                         BOCES, CAREER & TECH CENTER,
                                                         Room TBA
                                                         GALINA VAHT

        Business Career Academy
   Communications Career Academy
      Construction Career Academy
      Cosmetology Career Academy
English as New Learners Career Academy
     Environmental Career Academy
         Health Career Academy
        Teaching Career Academy
     Transportation Career Academy
         Alternate Options (GED)

 The Career & Technical Education Center offers
      Career & Technical Education courses
   to high school students from 18 districts in
       Putnam and Northern Westchester.

       For information call: 914-248-2427
16 Certificate Programs

These special sequences of courses are designed to help you
meet the changing demands of today’s job market. Develop new
skills or maintain and improve existing ones. After completing a
program series, you will receive a Certificate of Completion.

• Microsoft Office Assistant Certificate
    Word 1 & 2                                  32 hours
    Excel 1 & 2                                 32 hours
    QuickBooks 1 & 2                            32 hours
    Total Hours:                              96 hours

• Maintenance Mechanic Certificate
    Welding 1 & 2                               48 hours
    Carpentry                                   24 hours
    Residential Wiring 1 & 2                    48 hours
    Total Hours:                            120 hours

• Computer Aided Designer Certificate
    AutoCad I                                   16 hours
    AutoCad II                                  16 hours
    AutoCad III                                 16 hours
    Total Hours:                              48 hours
Putnam Northern Westchester BOCES

                                                                           from the
                                                                          comfort of

    anytime, anywhere...
          just a click away!

Prepare for employment in some of today’s hottest careers with a                                   • 6-18 Month Format
comprehensive, affordable, and self paced online Career Training
                                                                                                   • All materials included
course. You can begin these courses at any time and learn at your
                                                                                                   • Prepare for certification
own pace. Upon successful completion of all required coursework,
                                                                                                   • Student advisors
you will receive a Certificate of Completion.

                                         Some of our most popular courses include:

AutoCAD 2018 Certified User (Voucher Included)                      CPC Certified Medical Administrative Assistant
This AutoCAD 2018 Certified User course will teach you              with Medical Billing and Coding
basic and more advanced design skills as you gain                   (Vouchers Included)
hands-on practice using the 2D tools in AutoCAD                     This course offers valuable training in medical office
                                                                    management and legal, ethical, and regulatory
Certified Administrative Professional with
                                                                    concepts that are central to this field, including HIPAA
Microsoft Office Specialist 2016 (Vouchers
                                                                    compliance and third-party guidelines for filing
                                                                    insurance claims.
This course prepares you to take the CAP exam offered
by the International Association of Administrative                  Full Stack Software Developer
Professionals (IAAP).                                               The Professional Certificate in Software Development
                                                                    program, fast tracks you into one of the most in
Certified Bookkeeper                                                demand professions worldwide: Full Stack
This course helps professional bookkeepers earn                     Software Development.
prestigious American Institute of Professional
Bookkeepers (AIPB) certification.                                   Mobile and Desktop Web Developer
                                                                    Expand your career possibilities by learning Web
Certified Medical Administrative Assistant                          Development in this online course. Build dynamic
(CMAA)                                                              websites, and play a key role in increasing client
Administrative medical assistants are skilled multi-taskers         interaction for any company or business. Create your own
who direct the flow of patients through an office. Effective        websites and work with clients, or improve existing
patient flow allows the practice to operate efficiently, increase   websites to increase their functionality and make them
revenue, and provide a positive experience for the patient.         more complex or user-friendly.
Cisco® CCNA® Certification Training                                 Paralegal (with voucher)
(Voucher Included)                                                  Paralegals are involved in sophisticated legal work in
The Cisco CCNA Online Training Course will give you the             traditional law office settings and in the corporate,
essential knowledge to install, configure, operate, and             government, and public arenas. This self-paced, online
troubleshoot medium-size routed and switched networks               course will get you ready for an entry-level paralegal
while preparing you for the 100-101 ICND1 and 200-101               position, and it'll prepare you to take the
ICND2 Cisco exams or the single 200-120 CCNA exam.                  certification exam.

                          Visit our website for course details!


       Academic Skills/GED Preparation
                       NOW YOU CAN!
              • Gain valuable communication skills
        • Improve your writing, reading and math skills
     • Earn your high school equivalency credential (GED)
           • Prepare for college and technical training

Convenient locations throughout Putnam & Northern Westchester
CARMEL    - Carmel High School (English GED)
OSSINING - Ossining High School (Spanish GED)
PEEKSKILL - Church of the Assumption (Spanish GED)
          - Parent Resource Center (English & Spanish GED)
YORKTOWN - Career & Technical Education - BOCES (English

                       $50.00 Tuition Fee

English for Speakers of Other Languages
CARMEL    - Carmel High School
OSSINING - Ossining High School
PEEKSKILL - Church of the Assumption
          - Parent Resource Center
YORKTOWN - Career & Technical Education - BOCES

                       $40.00 Tuition Fee


                     (914) 248-2414
        (between 8:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. — Monday - Friday)


       Here is a list of possible sources of assistance.
If you need more information, call the numbers listed below.
The Workforce Investment Offices are an excellent source of
  a wide variety of services for people who are looking for
                       work or training.

           Westchester One Stop Employment Center
           120 Bloomingdale Road
           White Plains, NY 10605
           (914) 995-3910

           201 James Street
           Peekskill, NY 10566
           (914) 737-3490

           Putnam Workforce Partnership
           110 Old Route 6 Center
           Carmel, NY 10512
           (845) 808-1651

           Dutchess One-Stop
           235 Main St., 1st Floor
           Poughkeepsie, NY 12601
           (845) 485-2660

  ACCES-VR (formerly VESID) provides assistance
         to individuals with disabilities.

                    Westchester ACCES-VR
                    75 South Broadway, 1st Floor
                    White Plains, NY 10601
                    (914) 946-1313

                    Putnam-Dutchess ACCES-VR
                    301 Manchester Road, Suite 200
                    Poughkeepsie, NY 12603
                    (845) 452-5325

The listings above are for informational purposes only. Putnam/Northern
Westchester BOCES does not qualify or approve any individuals for funding by
the agencies listed above.
                           You may register for late starting courses
            up to 72 hrs. before the first class meeting on a space-available basis.

 • BOCES reserves the right to change or cancel any course. The decision to cancel will be
   made up until 48 hours before the class is scheduled to start.
 • If BOCES cancels a course, the full tuition and registration fee will be refunded.
   We are not responsible for emergency cancellations.
 • If there is a problem with your registration, you will be contacted.
 • If you cancel your registration at least two business days before the class is scheduled to
   start, a refund (less registration fee) will be processed. Once a course begins, NO
   refunds will be given.
 • Credit card refunds are processed within 10 days after an official registrant withdrawal.
 • Money orders or check refunds are processed after written notification of withdrawal is
   received. Please allow four weeks for processing of a refund check.
 • There is a $20 fee for returned checks.
 • Please plan your work and vacation schedules accordingly.

    R E G I STRATI O N                       INFORMATION
COURSES are offered by Putnam/Northern                   PNW BOCES does not assume any responsibility,
Westchester BOCES Tech Center at Yorktown.               Either real or implied or the loss of personal prop-
Certificates of completion are awarded to all stu-       erty or injury of any student.
dents who attend 80% or more of the classes for          NONDISCRIMINATION STATEMENT Putnam/
courses which are at least 10 hours in length.           Northern Westchester BOCES offers equal educa-
Generally, 8 registrants are required to operate a       tional and employment opportunities, including
class. As a rule, late registrations are NOT accept-     career and technical education opportunities, with-
ed but under certain circumstances could be              out regard to age, religion, race, creed, color,
approved by the manager. Courses are open to             national origin, sex, disability, marital status, mili-
persons 18 years of age or older. Although every         tary status, sexual orientation, predisposing genet-
effort has been made to make this brochure as            ic characteristics, as defined by New York State
accurate as possible, please contact the                 Human Rights Law. The BOCES prohibits discrim-
Continuing Education Office (914) 248-2430 for           ination and harassment of students on the basis of
any changes/updates.                                     actual or perceived race, color, weight, national
ACCESSIBILITY Many of our classrooms are                 origin, ethnic group, religion, religious practice,
accessible to persons with disabilities. Please noti-    disability, sex, sexual orientation or gender
fy us at the time of registration if you have any spe-   (including gender identity and expression) as
cial needs.                                              defined in the New York State Dignity for all
                                                         Students Act. Inquiries regarding the BOCES’s
                                                         nondiscrimination policies may be directed to the
carry Continuing Education Units, or CEUs. The
                                                         BOCES Clerk, 200 BOCES Drive, Yorktown
Continuing Education Unit is recognized nationally
                                                         Heights, NY 10598, Telephone: 914-248-2302.
to document the type, quality and duration of non-
                                                         The District Clerk will provide information, includ-
credit work. One CEU equals ten hours of instruc-
                                                         ing policies and complaint procedures, to any citi-
tion in a non-credit course.
                                                         zen, student or employee who feels that s/he or
WEATHER CONDITIONS CLASS CANCELLATIONS                   her/his rights under Title VI, VII, IX/EEO, Section
Listen for cancellation announcements after 2 p.m.       504/Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) have
on WLNA (1420 AM), WHUD (100.7 FM)                       been violated by the BOCES or its officials. All
WBNR/WSPK (K104 FM) and WFAS (1230 AM).                  complaints are sent to the Assistant
Each instructor will circulate a phone-chain emer-       Superintendent, who will route the complaint to
gency list at the first session.                         the appropriate compliance officer. His office is
SAFETY RULES & REGULATIONS BOCES                         located at 200 BOCES Drive, Yorktown Heights,
upholds a policy of maintaining safety. Individuals      NY 10598, Telephone: 914-248-2304.
who participate in any of BOCES’ Adult &                 DISCLAIMER Instructors are retained to teach in
Continuing Education Trade-Related Programs              their area of expertise. The instructors are not per-
must adhere to the Safety Rules and Guidelines           mitted to use the classroom for personal gain, or
outlined in the “Safety Rules Student Handout.” All      to solicit clients or customers. BOCES is not
(trade-related) student participants must review         responsible for any advice/consultation given
and sign off on this policy. Violation of any or all     beyond the classroom setting and course curricu-
parts of these rules will result in dismissal from the   lum materials. Any complaint against an instructor
Program. BOCES reserves the right to enforce its         must be made in writing and given to the
Policies and Procedures including the Code of            Continuing Education Manager. Full grievance
Conduct regulations.                                     procedures are available in the Continuing
DAMAGE TO OR LOSS OF PERSONAL PROPER-                    Education Office.
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