2022 Summer Program Guide - Ohio.gov

Page created by Kelly Stone
2022 Summer Program Guide - Ohio.gov
2022 Summer Program Guide
2022 Summer Program Guide - Ohio.gov
From Mayor Wade
Summer is an exciting time for everyone, but
it’s an especially fun time for kids.

In this guide, you will find a listing of all
of the many kid-friendly, family-friendly
programs that are available in Toledo this
summer. Working with countless community
partners, we have funded the largest and
most expansive list of youth activities in
Toledo’s recent history.

Whether it’s a sport, a camp, a mentorship
opportunity, or a job, there is something
here for every kid — regardless of age, zip
code, or ability to pay.

When we say “You Will Do Better in Toledo,”
we mean everyone — including our
youngest Toledoans.

So no more excuses, Toledo. There is plenty
for kids to do this summer. Search this list to
find the activity that is right for your child
and have a safe, happy, and fun summer!

Wade Kapszukiewicz
Mayor, City of Toledo
2022 Summer Program Guide - Ohio.gov
Table of Contents
Move                                                          2
Sports camps, clinics, and teams for young athletes.

Thrive                                                        5
Health and wellness activities for the mind and body.

Splash                                                        6
Pool and splash pad schedule and swim lessons.

Explore                                                       7
Get outdoors and get your hands dirty.

Perform                                                       8
All the world’s a stage for actors, speakers, and dancers.

Play                                                         10
Entertainment for all ages, no registration needed.

Create                                                       12
Hands-on programming for visual artists.

Learn                                                        13
Academic and career driven programming.

Grow                                                         14
Leadership development, personal growth, and mentorship.

Register                                                     20
Program contact and registration information.

                                                                  PAG E 1
2022 Summer Program Guide - Ohio.gov
                                                                               Dennis Hopson City Series
                                                                               Register to attend a basketball
                                                                               clinic for 2 hours of skill training. All

                                                                               clinics are from 9-11 a.m.
                                                                               June 4
                                                                               Savage Park Basketball Courts
                                                                               June 11
                                                                               Smith Park Basketball Courts
                                                                               July 9
                                                                               Joe E. Brown Basketball Courts
                                                                               July 30

Basketball                               FRIE N DSH IP PARK COMMUNITY          Sleepy Hollow Basketball Court
                                         CE N T E R
                                                                               4th-8th graders
                                         3-on-3 Basketball Tournaments
                                         3-on-3 basketball tournaments
Summer Basketball Camps                  in cooperation with Toledo Police
More than about building great           Athletic League. Prizes & t-shirts
athletes. Our week-long camps            will be given out. Snacks served.     G OD ’S BEST CREATION

                                         Friendship Park
                                                                               Early Bird Basketball
are created to help youth                                                      The lessons of team sports –
gain confidence and positive             2930-131st St.
                                                                               sublimation of the self for the
social skills. Our experienced,          June 30, July 28                      greater good, understanding
well-trained coaches will build          Thurs, 5:30-8:30 p.m.                 one’s role and diligently doing
sportsmanship with good                                                        one’s job, the appreciation of
                                         Ages 13-17
character and encourage a                                                      teamwork – fit well into the
healthier lifestyle.                                                           paradigm of a life well lived.
Wayman D. Palmer YMCA                    GE N TS BASK ETBALL CLUB
                                         Gents Basketball Club                 Smith Park
2053 N. 14th St.                                                               Fernwood Ave.
                                         Participants can expect to
June 6-10, June 27-July 1,               learn how to become better            June through July
July 11-15, August 1-6                   all-around basketball players         Sat, 8 a.m.-12 p.m.
Mon-Fri, 9 a.m.-2 p.m.                   while concentrating on the            Ages 4-18
Ages 10-17                               mental aspects of the game. By
                                         introducing mindfulness & yoga
                                         they will learn to be mentally        H OPSON ELITE BASK ET BA L L C LUB
                                         present and physically prepared       Hopson Elite
Summer Basketball Weekend                                                      Hopson Elite is dedicated
Camps                                    in all situations, which will allow
                                         them to excel in sport and life.      to providing kids with the
More than about building great                                                 opportunity to work hard with
athletes. Our camps are created          Arbor Hills Jr. High
                                                                               disciplined instruction. We strive
to help youth gain confidence            5334 Whiteford Rd. - Sylvania
                                                                               to prepare our students for the
and positive social skills. Our          April 5 through June 12               next level of life through sports.
experienced, well-trained                Tues/Thurs Practice, 6-7:30 p.m.      Optional pickup/drop-off location
coaches will build sportsmanship         Weekend Tournaments TBD               at TPS. Lunch provided.
with good character and
                                         Ages 12 and under                     Lourdes University
encourage a healthier lifestyle.
                                                                               6721 Convent Blvd., Sylvania
Joe E. Brown Park
1340 Blanchard St.                       GLE N WOOD ELITE                      June 13-17
                                         Glenwood Elite                        Mon-Fri, 10 a.m.-2 p.m.
June 18-19                               We are a community working to
Sat, 10 a.m.-1 p.m.                                                            3rd-11th graders
                                         help at-risk youth develop into
Sun, 3-4 p.m.                            young men. Glenwood Elite has
                                                                               MAK ING ALL PROVISION FO R THE
Sleepy Hollow Park                       developed a true sports program       PEOPLE (MAPP)
4035 Dorr St.                            that adds educational and             Summer MAPP/SunBridge
                                         mentoring activities, often missed    Basketball League (MSBL)
July 23-24                               during ordinary sports camp.          A summer basketball skills and
Sat, 10 a.m.-1 p.m.
                                         Begins May 3                          competition opportunity for
Sun, 3-4 p.m.
                                         Practices run year round              SunBridge Schools and Point
Bennett Park                             Game schedule varies                  Place neighborhood youth.
4974 Bennett Rd.                         Wayman D. Palmer YMCA                 SunBridge Schools
August 13-14                             Mon, 5-7 p.m.                         2729 124th St.
Sat, 10 a.m.-1 p.m.                      Glenwood Elementary                   June 13 through July 24 (except
Sun, 3-4 p.m.                            Fri, 6-8 p.m.                         week of July 4)
Ages 10-17                               Ages 10-18                            Mon-Thur, 9 a.m.-2 p.m.
                                                                               Ages 8-11

2022 Summer Program Guide - Ohio.gov
Basketball                                 Golf                                 Soccer
TO L EDO T HR E AT                         FIRST TEE - LAK E ERIE               EAST TOLED O FAMILY C ENTER
Girls Development Program                  First Tee Summer Program             ETFC Soccer Clinics
Providing the training and tools           This program will teach golf’s       Learn the fundamentals of the
needed to elevate as individuals           fundamental skills, etiquette and    game of soccer.
while instilling life-lessons and          how to play the game of golf.        Navarre Park
developing mental, physical,               Using golf, participants will also   1020 Varland Ave.
and emotional wellness through             be introduced to lessons that will
basketball.                                                                     August 6-27
                                           challenge them to set goals, work    Sat, 10 a.m. - 12 p.m.
DeVeaux Elementary School                  on self management and grow
2620 W. Sylvania Ave.                      their interpersonal skills.          K-6th graders

June 7 through July 16
                                           June 6 through August 1              NUESTRA G ENTE COMMUNI TY
Tue-Thur, 5:30.-8:30 p.m.                                                       PROJECTS, INC
Ages 8-11                                  Dattilo Youth Leadership Center      Soccer Program
                                           4700 Hill Ave.                       Participants will learn the
                                           7-9 year olds                        importance of working with a

Football                                   Tues, 5-6:30 p.m.                    team toward a common goal.
                                           Wed, 9-10:30 a.m.                    Danny Thomas Park
                                           Wed, 12-1:30 p.m.                    2101 Broadway St.
BE L I E V E C E N T E R I N C             Fri, 9-10:30 a.m.                    June 1 through August 10
STEM Flag Football Camp                    10-11 year olds                      Mon/Wed, 12-3 p.m.
Learning exercise is important
                                           Tues, 3-4:30 p.m.                    Ages 6-10
for physical and mental health.
                                           Wed, 5-6:30 p.m.
Focus on teamwork and skills.
                                           Thur, 9-10:30 a.m.
The camp will focus on creative                                                 TOLED O CELTICS SOCC ER C LUB
problem solutions, arts, fitness           12-13 year olds                      Toledo Celtics Summer Soccer
and social interaction.                    Tues, 12-2 p.m.                      Camp
                                           Wed, 2:30-4:30 p.m.                  Toledo Celtics will host a 4-day
Danny Thomas Park
                                           Thur, 11 a.m.-1 p.m.                 youth soccer camp designed
2101 Broadway St.
                                           14+ year olds                        for beginner soccer players. It’s
June 27-30
                                           Tues, 12-2 p.m.                      a great way to learn new skills,
Mon-Thur, 5-7 p.m.
                                           Wed, 2:30-4:30 p.m.                  get free soccer gear (including a
Ages 8-14                                                                       new ball), and instill a love for the
                                           Collins Park Golf Course             beautiful game.
                                           Mon, 5-6:30 p.m.
GR I D I RO N F L AG FO OT BALL LE AGU E                                        Schneider Soccer Complex
Gridiron Flag Football League              Detwiler Golf Course                 2708 Schneider Rd.
The kids will learn how to play            Thur, 5-6:30 p.m.
                                                                                July 25-28
the game of football. How to be            Ottawa Park Golf Course              Mon-Thur, 6-8 p.m.
a great player, teammate, and              Tue, 9:30-11 a.m.
person while staying active and                                                 Ages 3-14
                                           All ages
in shape. All without the worries of
tackle injuries.                                                                TOLED O FOOTBALL ACADEMY
Willys Park                                N ORT H END COMMUNITY COMMITTEE      Toledo TOPSoccer
1315 Hillcrest Ave.                        Introductory Golf Clinic             Toledo TOPSoccer is a dynamic
                                           Youth will learn fundamentals of     program for any athlete facing
Starts May 3                               golf basics, experience hands-       special cognitive, physical and/
Tue/Wed Practice, 5-6 p.m.                 on golfing activities, a chance to   or emotional challenges, allowing
Sunday Games, 10 a.m.-3 p.m.               meet a PGA professional as well      them to experience the game of
2nd-8th graders                            as make a new friend. Activities     soccer along with other players in
                                           will build patience and good         their peer group.
MENTO R IN G, E D U CAT ION , &            sportsmanship.                       Wilson Park
                                           Wilson Park                          3253 Otto St.
Dr. Carnel Smith Summer Boys               600 E. Oakland St.
Football Camp                                                                   June 27-July 2
The Dr. Carnel Smith Summer                June 27-July 2                       Mon-Fri, 9 a.m.-2 p.m.
Youth Football Camp teaches                Mon-Fri, 9 a.m.-2 p.m.               Sat, 8 a.m.-3 p.m.
basic football fundamentals and            Sat, 8 a.m.-3 p.m.                   Ages 4 and up
concepts from an offensive and             Ages 12-17
defensive perspective. In addition,
this camp focuses on basic social
skills, such as discipline, character
building, and respect.
Scott High School Football Field
2400 Collingwood Blvd.
June 13-17
Mon-Fri, 11 a.m.-3 p.m.
3rd-8th graders

                                                                                                               PAG E 3
2022 Summer Program Guide - Ohio.gov
Tennis                                N ORT H WESTERN OH IO TENNIS
                                      AS S OCIATION
                                      Midwest Youth Team Tennis
PA R K E R ’ S T E N N I S CA M P     Tennis is more fun and easier             EAST TOLED O FAMILY C ENTER
Parker’s Tennis Camp                  than ever. With smaller courts,           ETFC Volleyball
This tennis camp help minority        shorter tennis racquets and balls         Youth will learn the fundamentals
youths ready their tennis goals.      that bounce slower and lower,             of the game of volleyball.
The purpose for my camp is to         beginner players – especially
expose all children to tennis who     kids – can learn more easily and          East Toledo Family Center
wouldn’t otherwise have this          quickly.                                  1020 Varland Ave.
opportunity to learn the game of      Foxglove Park                             June through August
tennis.                               4416 Willis Blvd. (Close to St. Anne’s)   Mon/Wed, 12-2 p.m.
Jermain Tennis Courts                 June 1, 8, 15, 22                         6th - 12th grades
Upton and Monroe St.                  Entering 1-5 grade: 5:30-6:30 p.m.
June 1 through August 4               Entering 6-9 grade: 6:30-7:30 p.m.        BELIEVE CENTER INC
Mon-Fri, 10 a.m.-1:30 p.m.            Register by May 18                        STEM Volleyball Camp
Ages 5-18                                                                       Learning exercise is important
                                      Harry Kessler Park                        for physical and mental health.
                                      2460 Ottawa River Rd.                     The camp will focus on creative
AS S O C I AT I O N                   May 31, June 7, 14, 21                    problem solutions, arts, fitness
Play Tennis Midwest                   Entering 1-5 grade: 5:30-6:30 p.m.        and social interaction.
Whether it’s your first time on       Entering 6-9 grade: 6:30-7:30 p.m.        Believe Center
the court or you’re returning to      Register by May 18                        1 Aurora L Gonzalez Dr.
the game, we welcome you to
                                      Navarre Park                              June 20-23
come out and give it a shot. The
                                      907 White St.                             Mon-Thur, 5-7 p.m.
best part: there’s no cost to play.
Even better: if you don’t have a      June 13, 16, 20, 23                       Ages 8-14
racquet, one will be provided to      Entering 1-5 grade: 5-6 p.m.
you onsite!                           Entering 6-9 grade: 6-7 p.m.
Ottawa Park
2204 W. Bancroft St.
                                      Register by June 3                        Training
May 14                                U STA/MIDWEST SECTION                     4TH AND G OAL TRAINING, L LC
Ages 10 and under: 3-4 p.m.           Tennis 101                                Ultimate Sports Camp
Ages 11-17: 4-5 p.m.                  Learn the basics of the game              The ultimate sports camp is
Ages 18 and up: 5-6 p.m.              at our upcoming introduction              for athletes in grades 5th to
Navarre Park                          to tennis lessons designed for            8th who want to learn life skills
907 White St.                         beginners. Tennis is the perfect          and compete in athletics. Our
                                      sport to pick up and start playing.       camp provides some of the best
May 14                                                                          instruction ranging from youth to
Ages 5-17: 11 a.m.-12 p.m.            Navarre Park
                                      907 White St.                             college coaches and athletes.
Wilson Park                           June 6-9                                  Friendship Park
600 E. Oakland St.                    Mon-Thur, 11 a.m.-12 p.m.                 2930 131st St.
May 15                                Ages 5-10                                 June 20-23
Ages 5-10: 4-5 p.m.                                                             Mon-Thur, 9 a.m.-3 p.m.
Ages 11-17: 5-6 p.m.
                                                                                Navarre Park
                                      Boxing                                    1001 White St.
                                                                                June 11-14
                                      B E LIE VE CENTER INC                     Mon-Thur, 9 a.m.-3 p.m.
                                      STEM Boxing                               Ages 10-14
                                      Learning exercise is important
                                      for physical and mental health.
                                                                                MAK IT H APP3N INC.
                                      The camp will focus on creative
                                      problem solutions, fitness and
                                                                                Sports Performance Training
                                                                                Our program consists of strength,
                                      social interaction.
                                                                                conditioning, speed, agility, and
                                      Believe Center                            quickness training. Our program
                                      1 Aurora L Gonzalez Dr.                   is created and lead by a Certified
                                      June 13-17                                Strength Conditioning Specialist
                                      Mon-Fri, 4-5 p.m.                         through the National Strength
                                      Ages 8-14                                 Conditioning Association (NSCA-
                                                                                Ottawa Park Amphitheater
                                                                                2205 Kenwood Blvd.
                                                                                June 13 through August 5
                                                                                Mon/Wed/Fri, 10-11:30 a.m.
                                                                                Ages 9-19

2022 Summer Program Guide - Ohio.gov

Fitness                                 P LAYT I ME MOVEMENT
                                        Mastering Movement Weekly             Inline and
                                        Summer Camps
                                        Our most important movements          Roller Skating
STEM Fitness Camp                       are learned, not genetic.
Learning exercise is important                                                Visit the Ottawa Park Ice Rink for
                                        Movement is necessary for
for physical and mental health.                                               a year-round outdoor skating
                                        health and confidence! PlayTime
Track heart rates, healthy coping                                             experience! A limited amount of
                                        Movement’s Therapy team will
mechanisms, staying active                                                    roller skates and inline skates will
                                        assess your movement using
and healthy living without gym                                                be available for rent. Groups of 10
                                        photos, then teach you anatomy
membership. The camp will focus                                               should call ahead: 419-936-2700.
                                        and how to move your body in a
on creative problem solutions,          fun, safe way!                        Ottawa Park Ice Rink
arts, fitness and social interaction                                          2015 Parkside Dr.
                                        Ottawa Park Shelter House
Danny Thomas Park                       2205 Kenwood Blvd.                    June 6 through August 19
2101 Broadway St.                                                             Mon/Tue/Thur, 12-4 p.m.
                                        June 6-9, June 13-16, June 20-23,
June 6-9                                                                      Wed/Fri, 5-9 p.m.
                                        June 27-30, July 11-14
Mon-Thur, 5-7 p.m.                      Mon-Thur, 6-7:30 p.m.                 Hawaiian Night
Ages 8-14                                                                     June 17
                                        Ages 11 and up, families encouraged
                                                                              Mowtown Night
                                                                              July 8
ETFC Healthy Nutrition/Fitness          LET US WORK                           Pajama Party
Camps                                   All teens will learn the              July 22
This will be a series of camps          fundamentals and the benefits         Fiesta Night
focused on a healthy lifestyle;         of exercising in a fun, safe          August 5
including but not limited to            environment. Teens will learn how
healthy eating habits and an                                                  All ages
                                        exercise creates resilience, social
exercise program                        development skills, decreases
East Toledo Family Center
1020 Varland Ave.
                                        anxiety and depression and
                                        improves overall health.              Let’s Get
June through August
Mon-Thur, 12-2 p.m.
                                        Wayman Palmer YMCA
                                        2053 N. 14th St.
                                                                              Moving, Toledo!
All ages                                Begins May 28                         A low impact walking program for
                                        Sat/Sun, 11:30 a.m.-1:15 p.m.         the entire community. Participate
                                                                              in weekly walks to earn stamps
GO TYM E G RY N D                       Ages 11-18
                                                                              on your passport and compete
Go Tyme Grynd Summer Youth                                                    for prizes! Some events will also
Fitness Program                         S OU L CITY GYM                       feature free health screenings.
The program will infuse the             Create & Shape Summer Camp            Presented by City of Toledo Parks
cultures and lifestyles of Toledo       Participants will have the            and Youth Services in partnership
youth with an informed and              opportunity to interact with their    with Promedica Health, Area
active value of fitness and             peers in a positive, controlled       Office on Aging, the Toledo Lucas
nutrition. The young people will        environment while learning life       County Library, and Metroparks
gain experience of safe physical        skills and physical fitness.          Toledo.
fitness and healthy nutrition
                                        Soul City Gym                         June through September
habits through coaching and fun
                                        801 Junction Ave.                     Thur, 6:30 p.m.
group activities.
                                        June 6 through July 29                Full Schedule
Jamie Farr Park
                                        Mon-Fri, 2-5 p.m.                     toledo.oh.gov/get-moving
2140 N. Summit St.
                                        Ages 5-18                             All ages
June 14-July 26
Tue/Thur, 12-2:30 p.m.
Ages 12-17
                                                                                                            PAG E 5
2022 Summer Program Guide - Ohio.gov
Splash                                                                                                                       Admission
                                                                                                                             Under 12

                                                                                                                             13 and up
Roosevelt Pool                              Savage Splash Pad                     Willys Pool
910 Dorr St.                                645 Vance St.                         1375 Hillcrest Ave.
  419-936-2501                                419-936-2502                           419-936-2928

Jamie Farr Pool                             Navarre Pool                          Pickford Pool                         Wilson Pool
2000 Summit St.                             1001 White St.                        3000 Medford Dr.                      3253 Otto St.
  419-936-3072                                419-936-3064                          419-936-2863                          419-936-3071

Pool Schedule
                                                                                  Closed Mondays
                                                                                  Roosevelt, Savage, Willys
        12 p.m. - 6 p.m.                            3 p.m. - 7 p.m.
                                                                                  Closed Tuesdays
        Closed                                      2 p.m. - 6 p.m.
                                                                                  Jamie Farr, Navarre, Pickford, Wilson

                        June                                                July                                  August/September
  SUN    MON     TUE     WED   THUR   FRI     SAT         SUN   MON   TUE   WED     THUR       FRI   SAT   SUN    MON     TUE   WED   THUR     FRI     SAT

                        1      2      3      4                                             1         2     31     1      2      3     4       5       6

 5       6      7       8      9      10     11          3      4     5     6       7      8         9     7      8      9      10    11      12      13

 12      13     14      15     16     17     18          10     11    12    13      14     15        16    14     15     16     17    18      19      20

 19      20     21      22     23     24     25          17     18    19    20      21     22        23    21     22     23     24    25      26      27

 26      27     28      29     30                        24     25    26    27      28     29        30    28     29     30     31    1       2       3
                                                                                                                                      SEPT.   SEPT.   SEPT.

Swim Lessons
C I TY O F TO L E D O                                     YMCA OF G REATER TOLED O
Swim Lessons                                              YMCA Swim Lessons
Free swim lessons are offered at                          Gain basic water safety and
city pools during the month of                            swimming skills. Become
July! Registration is required and                        confident in the water through
spots are limited.                                        practicing safe water habits
Full Schedule                                             and learning how to swim safely.
toledo.oh.gov/pools                                       Registration is required.
Ages 3-18                                                 All ages
2022 Summer Program Guide - Ohio.gov
The Amare Lockett Youth                 Miakonda Summer Day Camp              LUCAS COUNTY
Fishing Camp                            Campers can expect 4 days of          Grow Your Own Vegetables,
The camp will provide youth             outdoor adventure, including          4-H Spin Club
participants with a positive            rotating through various program      The programming will expose
outdoor experience, enhanced            areas such as nature, BMX bikes,      youth to OSU’s 4-H Program using
social skills, & the chance to build    archery, outdoor skills, swimming,    the SPIN (SPecial INterest) Club
relationships with other youth          sports, and much more.                model and project book Grow
and adults in the community.                                                  Your Own Vegetables. Garden
                                        Camp Miakonda                         Club participants will learn more
Activities will build patience, good    5600 W. Sylvania Ave.
sportsmanship, and self control.                                              about vegetables from the seed/
                                        July 5-8                              plant to their own plate.
Scott High School Football Field        Tue-Fri, 10 a.m.-3 p.m.
and Field House                                                               Smith Park
2400 Collingwood Blvd.                  Ages 6-10 (entering 1st-5th grades)   Fernwood Ave.
June 6-11                                                                     Mott Library (outside garden)
                                        FRE DE RICK D OUG LASS COMMUNITY      1010 Dorr St.
Mon-Sat, 10 a.m.-3 p.m.                 AS S OCIATION
Ages 8-14                               The Great Outdoors                    June 9 through July 14
                                        Experience                            Thur, 11 a.m.-12 p.m.
BE L I E V E C E N T E R I N C          The participants can expect           Elementary students
STEM Fishing Camp                       to engage in youth oriented
Learn sustainable life through          activities such as horseback          TOLED O G ROWS
outdoor life skills. Includes lessons   riding, golf, swimming, arts &        How Does Your Garden GROW?
on bait, casting, cleaning and          crafts, chess, foosball, billiards,   These 45 minute drop-in programs
cooking. Focus on patience, fish        basketball, dodgeball, dance,         feature hands-on and movement
recognition, creative problem           cheerleading, board games,            activities about gardening. There
solutions, arts, fitness and social     yoga, gardening, Zoo and Mud          is a different topic each month:
interaction.                            Hens games.                           June, “Underground Friends”;
Believe Center Inc                      JB Simmons Building                   July, “Plants and Pollinators”; and
1 Aurora L. Gonzalez Dr.                1001 Indiana Ave.                     August, “Enjoying the Harvest”.
July 11-15 and July 18-22               June 6 through August 5               Friendship Park
Morning Session: 9 a.m.-12 p.m.         Mon-Thur, 9 a.m.-3 p.m.               2930 131st St.
Afternoon Session: 12-3 p.m.            Ages 7-15                             June 1, July 6, August 3
Ages 8-14                                                                     Wed, 1-1:45 p.m.
                                        U RBAN WH OLISTICS
                                        Urban Wholistics Urban                Harry Kessler Park
P RO J ECT E . R . I N C                                                      4200 290th St.
Puck-A-Luck’s Equestrian                Farmer Camp
Day Camp                                Urban Framing Program for             June 2, July 7, August 4
Puck-A-Luck Equestrian Day              families with youth ages 5-17.        Thur, 1-1:45 p.m.
Camp featuring Precious Seas            Lessons include planting, growing,
                                        harvesting, bee keeping and           Dale Stone Park
Stables will be offered to families                                           1 Aurora Gonzalez Dr.
in the Ironwood Area. This camp         garden upkeep. Grow your own
will introduce and educate our          healthy fruits and vegetables         June 8, July 13, August 10
children on horses, grooming,           within the environment that           Wed, 1-1:45 p.m.
equipment used for riding.              you live. Lunch is provided each
                                        meeting.                              Inez Nash Park
Project ER                                                                    2121 Linwood Ave.
1219 Crystal St.                        Tatum Park
                                        1209 City Park                        June 9, July 14, August 11
June 20 through August 12                                                     Thur, 1-1:45 p.m.
Mon-Fri, 10 a.m.-4 p.m.                 June 3 through August 13
                                        Fri, 10 a.m.-1 p.m.                   Ages 5-12
Ages 7-18                               Sat, 11 a.m.-2 p.m.
                                        Ages 5-17
                                                                                                            PAG E 7
2022 Summer Program Guide - Ohio.gov
Theatre                                   CHILDREN’S TH EATRE WORKSH OP
                                          Theatre Day Camps                      Speaking
Musical Theatre Production:
                                          Campers will practice improv,
                                          playwriting/storytelling, musical      & Improv
                                          theatre, and more! Each week
“Crazy For You”                           has a different theme to inspire       INSPIRE 2 REACH H IG HER
Teens will tackle this striking           creativity and theatricality!          You Speak Now Academy
classic and develop their singing                                                During this 10-week program,
                                          Collingwood Arts Center
and dancing skills with rehearsal                                                youth gain knowledge in public
                                          2417 Collingwood Blvd.
prep, auditions, and an intensive                                                speaking while being taught how
rehearsal process before                  June 6-10: “History Has Its Eyes       to perfect their communication
presenting “Crazy for You” to the         On You”                                skills. YSN will provide hands-on
public!                                   June 13-16: “Rock Fist”                experience to help youth build
The Historic Ohio Theatre                 June 27-July 1: “A Dash of This, a     confidence and use their voice to
3112 Lagrange St.                         Pinch of That”                         deliver messages that educate,
                                                                                 motivate, and inspire.
June 6 through July 17                    July 11-15: “Yar, Mateys! Mermaids
Mon-Fri Rehearsal, 1-5 p.m.               ahoy!”                                 West Toledo Branch Library
Performances July 15-17                                                          1320 W. Sylvania Ave.
                                          August 1-5: “Musical Theatre”
Ages 13-18                                                                       June 6 through August 10
                                          August 8-12: “Encore!”                 Mon/Wed
                                          Ages 4-5: 9 a.m.-1 p.m.                6th-8th graders: 9:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
                                          Ages 6-12: 9 a.m.-5 p.m.               9th-12th graders: 1-4 p.m.
Musical Theatre Production:                                                      YSN Talent Showcase: Tue, Aug. 16
“Willy Wonka Jr”
Sing and dance with us this               CHILDREN’S TH EATRE WORKSH OP
summer! Students will practice            Acting Camps                           INSPIRE 2 REACH H IG H ER
auditions, rehearse their roles,          Build acting skills with this play-    Open Mic Competition
learning singing and dancing              in-a-week format. Campers will         If you have a passion for
techniques, and present Willy             practice audition skills, acting       motivating and inspiring others,
Wonka, Jr for the public!                 techniques, build improvisation        come out and show your public
                                          skills, and rehearse a short play      speaking talent to the world at
The Historic Ohio Theatre                 to perform for their families at the   this weekly YSN event.
3112 Lagrange St.                         end of the week!                       West Toledo Branch Library
June 6 through August 7                   Collingwood Arts Center                1320 W. Sylvania Ave.
Mon/Tue/Thur Rehearsal, 6-8:30 p.m.       2417 Collingwood Blvd.
Performances August 5-7                                                          June 10, 17, 24, July 8, 15, 22, 29, and
                                          June 20-24: Acting for Ages 10-12      August 5
10-16 yrs old                                                                    Fri, 10 a.m.-1 p.m.
                                          July 18-22: Acting for Ages 7-9
                                          July 25-29: Acting for Ages 13-15      6th-12th graders
Musical Theatre Production:               9 a.m.-5 p.m.
“Magic Treehouse: Pirates                                                        TOLED O SCH OOL FOR T HE A RTS
Past NOON”                                                                       TSA Improv Camp
                                          CHILDREN’S TH EATRE WORKSH OP          This week-long camp will
Summer musical based on the               Technical Theatre
best-selling book series, Jack and                                               teach methods for improving
                                          Campers will meet once a week to       communication skills by studying
Annie journey in their magical tree       learn the technical theatre skills--
house to the eighteenth-century                                                  basic improvisation through
                                          carpentry, scenic painting, props      games and fun!
Caribbean and the time of Pirates.        making, and backstage activities
The Historic Ohio Theatre                 that make theatre happen!              Walbridge Park Shelter
3112 Lagrange St.                                                                2761 Broadway St.
                                          The Historic Ohio Theatre
May 9 through June 26                     3112 Lagrange St.                      June 13-17
Mon/Tue/Thur Rehearsal, 6-7:30 p.m.                                              Mon-Thur, 2-4 p.m.
                                          May 25 through July 13                 Fri, 2-5 p.m.
Performances June 24-26                   Wed, 6-8 p.m.
Ages 7-9                                                                         Ages 12+
                                          10-18 years old
Speak up! Speaking,                   Music & Dance                         TOLED O SCH OOL FOR T HE A RTS
                                                                            Music Production Camp
performing, educating, and                                                  This summer program will focus
acquiring knowledge.                  B E LIE VE CENTER                     on the basics of music production
Participants will be introduced to    STEM Dance Camp                       and recording. Learn the basics
poetry writing, art, and drumming     Learning exercise is important        of Garageband, Logic Pro X,
circles. Other activities will        for physical and mental health.       sequencing/layering of electronic
include trail walks, games, and       Focus on self esteem, hygiene and     instruments, and audio mixing.
performing. These interactions will   creative expression. The camp
                                                                            Toledo School for the Arts
become a part of their individual     will focus on creative problem
                                                                            333 14th St.
stories and interpreted in their      solutions, arts, fitness and social
original works.                       interaction. The camps will also      June 6-10 or July 11-15
                                      include a reading component.          Mon-Fri, 1-4 p.m.
Jamie Farr Park
June 3-4, 12-3 p.m.                   Believe Center Inc                    Ages 12-17
                                      1 Aurora L. Gonzalez
Friendship Park
                                      June 13-16                            MY5 TERY MUSIC
June 10-11, 12-3 p.m.
                                      Mon-Thur, 9 a.m.-12 p.m.              Summer Sizzler™ Performing
Navarre Park                                                                Arts Workshops
June 17-18, 12-3 p.m.                 Ages 8-14                             The Summer Sizzler™ is a
Ravine Park                                                                 culmination of 3 of My5tery
June 24-25, 12-3 p.m.                 M AE STRO IN TH E MAK ING             Music’s 5 Musical My5teries™
                                      Maestro In The Making                 Drumline, Step Team and Vocal
Ottawa Park                           Summer Session 2022
July 8-9, 12-3 p.m.                                                         Performance, all rolled up into
                                      Over an eight-week span each          three weeks of awesome Summer
Ages 11-18                            student will learn beginning piano.   workshop-style performing arts
                                      Each participant will receive         camps!
                                      course materials, T-shirt, and a
Broadcasting                          book bag. There will be a recital
                                      at the end of the eight weeks for
                                                                            Camp: St. Martin de Porres
                                                                            (Gallagher Hall Building 2nd Floor)

& Podcasting                          family and friends to celebrate
                                      the participants success.
                                                                            1119 Bancroft St.
                                                                            Showcase: Ottawa Park
                                                                            2205 Kenwood Blvd.
A MAYSI N G KID S                     Southwyck Plaza
Broadcasting and Media                5445 Southwyck Blvd.                  Camp 1a: Drumline
Mentorship Program                    June 6 through July 30                July 11-15, 11 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Improving reading and                 Tue/Thur, 9 a.m.-5 p.m.               Showcase July 16, 4:30 p.m.
communication skills through
broadcasting! Campers                 Ages 7~18                             1st-3rd graders
tell creative stories through                                               Camp 1b: Vocal Performance
television, radio/podcasting,         ST. M ICH AEL’S IN TH E H ILLS
                                                                            June 11-15, 3:30-6:30 p.m.
vlogging, and sound engineering.      The Isabelle Carter Arts
                                      Program                               Showcase July 16, 4:30 p.m.
The Doug Community Center                                                   2nd-12th graders
                                      Each participant receives a
1001 Indiana Ave.
                                      weekly 30-45 minute lesson in
June 13-23                            each of the following: Visual Arts,   Camp 2a: Drumline
Mon-Thur, 9:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m.         Voice, Acting and Intro to Dance.     July 18-22, 11 a.m. - 2 p.m.
                                      Calligraphy is also offered for       Showcase July 23, 4 p.m.
Woodrow Wilson Park                   grades 7-12.                          4th-6th graders
600 E Oakland St.
                                      St. Michael’s in the Hills
June 27-July 14                                                             Camp 2b: Drumline
                                      Episcopal Church
Mon-Thur, 9:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m.                                               July 18-22, 3-6 p.m.
                                      4718 Brittany Rd.
                                                                            Showcase July 23, 4 p.m.
Wayman Palmer YMCA                    June 1 through June 29
                                                                            7th-12th graders
2053 N 14th St.                       Wed, 9 a.m.-1 p.m.
July 18-28                            K-12th graders
Mon-Thur, 9:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m.                                               Camp: Mott Branch Library
                                                                            1010 Dorr St.
Ages 9-14                             TOLE DO SCH OOL FOR TH E ARTS
                                      Drum Line Camp                        Showcase: Ottawa Park
                                      After touring clubs and galleries     2205 Kenwood Blvd.
Podcasting Camp                       in Europe, the US, and Asia;
                                      drummer and producer Dominick         Camp 3a: Step Team
Campers will be introduced                                                  August 1-5, 11 a.m. - 2 p.m.
to storyboarding, capturing           Gray (TSA Class of 2007) will join
                                      TSA advanced percussionists           Showcase August 6, 4 p.m.
interviews, stories, sound and
                                      to develop the first drum line        3rd-6th graders
music, organizing audio files and
collaborating to stitch and edit      in the East Toledo Ironwood
                                      Neighborhood.                         Camp 3b: Step Team
them into short pieces with basic                                           August 1-5, 3-6 p.m.
recording software.                   Edgar Holmes Park                     Showcase August 6, 4 p.m.
Toledo School for the Arts            1216 Ironwood Ave.
                                                                            7th-12th graders
333 14th St.                          June 14 through July 21
June 13-17 or July 18-22              Tue/Thur, 3-5 p.m.
Mon-Fri, 1-4 p.m.                     Ages 8-18
Ages 12-17
                                                                                                           PAG E 9
Play                                                                                 PARTY ON A TRUCK LLC
                                                                                     Get Your Game On: eSports
                                                                                     This will be a community building
                                                                                     experience centered around
                                                                                     tournament-style eSports gaming.
                                                                                     Games available include: Rocket
                                                                                     League, Mario Kart, Madden 22,
                                                                                     NBA 2k, and possibly more.
Family Fun                                                                           Ottawa Park
                                                                                     June 3, 2-6 p.m.
C ENTE R                                   Hoodstock                                 Walbridge Park
Summer Family Fun Evenings                 Hoodstock is a cornerstone for            June 17, 2-6 p.m.
Summer family dance with a DJ,             community progress, bringing              Navarre Park
dance contest, games, crafts and           together hundreds of people in            July 8, 2-6 p.m.
refreshments. Children under 12            Toledo’s inner city. Hoodstock will       Wilson Park
must be accompanied by adult.              include performances from artists         July 15, 2-6 p.m.
Friendship Park Community                  in the community with a wide
                                           range of arts, events, giveaways,         Smith Park
Center                                                                               August 5, 2-6 p.m.
2930 131st St.                             and more.
                                           Ottawa Park Amphitheater                  Trilby Park
July 8, August 12                                                                    August 12, 2-6 p.m.
Fri, 6-9 p.m.                              2205 Kenwood Blvd.
                                           July 31
F R I E ND SHIP PA R K C OM MU N IT Y      Sun, 11 a.m.-7 p.m.
Summer Family Fun Days                     YMCA OF G REATER TOLED O

                                                                                     Fourth of July
Featuring arts and crafts,                 YMCA Fun Bus
interactive sidewalk chalk demos,          The Fun Bus provides free
music, games, rock climbing wall,          recreational activities for youth
sports activities, contests, and           in neighborhoods within the City
                                                                                     CITY OF TOLED O
refreshments. Children under 12            of Toledo, keeping them engaged
                                                                                     Fireworks in the 419
must be accompanied by an                                                            Join us on the riverfront for
                                           throughout the summer.
adult.                                                                               the city’s annual fireworks
Friendship Park Community                  Walbridge Park                            celebration! Food trucks will be
Center                                     June 8 and July 13, 12:30-2 p.m.          parked along Promenade Park
2930 131st St.                                                                       and the fireworks will begin at
                                           Willys Park                               dark.
June 25, July 16                           June 15 and July 20, 12:30-2 p.m.
Sat, 1-4 p.m.                                                                        Downtown Toledo
                                           Wilson Park                               Promenade Park and
                                           June 22 and July 27, 12:30-2 p.m.         International Park
H UMA N R E L AT I O N S C OM M IS S ION   Smith Park
National Night Out                                                                   July 2
                                           June 29 and August 3, 12:30-2 p.m.        10 p.m.
An event to foster a relationship
between safety forces and the              Navarre Park
community. There will be food              July 6 and August 10, 12:30-2 p.m.        WALBRID G E PARK
trucks, bouncy houses, children’s          Riverside Elem. Community Hub
                                                                                     4th of July Celebration
activities, resource tables, and                                                     Featuring the Cake Walkin Jazz
                                           500 Chicago St.
demos from police and fire.                                                          Band, games, crafts, watermelon
                                           June 9, 16, 23, and 30; July 7, 14, 27,   eating contest, and more.
Ottawa Park Amphitheater                   and 28; August 4 and 11
1001 Indiana Ave.                                                                    Walbridge Park
                                           Thur, 2-3 p.m.
August 2                                                                             2761 Broadway St.
Tue, 3-7 p.m.                                                                        July 4
                                                                                     10 a.m.-12 p.m.
Concerts                                TOLE DO OPERA
                                        WGTE on the Road: Blue Day
                                                                               TOLED O SCH OOL FOR T HE A RTS
                                                                               Combos Tour
                                        at Mott Branch Library                 Three of TSA’s most popular
F R I END SHI P PA R K C OM MU N IT Y   The stars and creatives behind         touring groups come together for
                                        the upcoming opera Blue will           a 6-week concert serious.
Summer Concerts in the Park             perform musical selections and
Jazz and steel drum concerts.                                                  -Glass City Steel-
                                        read storybooks aloud.
Refreshments served. Children                                                  Glenwood Park
under 12 must be accompanied            Mott Branch Library                    June 20, 7-8 p.m.
by an adult.                            1010 Dorr St.
                                                                               Casey Jones Park
Friendship Park                         August 11, 6 p.m.                      June 22, 7-8 p.m.
2930 131st St.                                                                 Smith Park
                                        TOLE DO OPERA
July 25, August 15                                                             July 11, 7-8 p.m.
7-9 p.m.                                Preserving the African
                                        American Legacy in Law                 Copland Park
                                        Enforcement                            July 13, 7-8 p.m.
                                        Join the African American
Summer Concert Series                   Police League, the Toledo
                                                                               -Urban Jazz Collective-
Concerts in the park for all ages.      Police Museum, and the Toledo          Edgar Holmes Park
All concerts are from 6-8 p.m.          Opera for an evening of invited        June 27, 7-8 p.m.
Ottawa Park                             presentations, the Black and           Glenwood Park
2205 Kenwood Blvd.                      Blue exhibition, and an opera          July 18, 7-8 p.m.
June 4                                  performance in support of the          Foxglove Park
The Good, The Bad & The Blues           upcoming opera Blue.                   July 27, 7-8 p.m.
(Blues)                                 Toledo Police Museum                   Copland Park
June 11                                 2201 Kenwood Blvd.                     August 3, 7-8 p.m.
TBA                                     August 19, 7 p.m.
June 18                                                                        -Pop Combo-
Dezire (Motown)                         TOLE DO OPERA                          Foxglove Park
June 25                                 Blue Student and Community             June 29, 7-8 p.m.
Los Hermanos Villegas (Classic/         Night                                  Casey Jones Park
Contemporary Latin)                     Sponsored by the Lucas County          July 20, 7-8 p.m.1
                                        Commissioners, local community
July 9                                  organizations will distribute free     Edgar Holmes Park
East River Drive (Motown/R&B)           tickets to the final dress rehearsal   July 25, 7-8 p.m.
July 16                                 of the opera Blue for community        Smith Park
Madison Avenue (Classic Rock)           members and students.                  August 1, 7-8 p.m.
July 23                                 Valentine Theatre
Distant Cousinz (Top 40/R&B)            410 Adams St.                          WALBRID G E PARK
July 30                                 August 24, 7 p.m.
                                                                               Summer Concert Series
The Grape Smugglers                                                            Concerts in the park for all ages.
(Contemporary Rock/R&B)                                                        All concerts are Thursdays from
                                        TOLE DO SCH OOL FOR TH E ARTS          7-9 p.m.
                                        TSA Summer Pops Concerts
TO L E DO O P E RA                      This award-winning advanced            Walbridge Park
Opera Outdoors                          combination of strings, brass,         2761 Broadway St.
Opera Outdoors is back for              woodwinds, and percussion              June 2
another series of free pop-up           comes together for a four-week         The House Band
live performances at outdoor            series, presenting one-hour Pops       June 9
community hubs throughout               Concerts for all ages.                 Jasin Quik Band
Toledo. Our Resident Artists will       Ottawa Park Amphitheater               June 16
perform iconic vocal selections         July 5, 7-8 p.m.                       Bareli, May and Leinenkugel
from the classical opera
repertoire, along with musical          Inez Nash Amphitheater                 June 23
theater and other American              July 7, 7-8 p.m.                       High Milage
standards.                              Walbridge Park Gazebo                  June 30
Toledo Botanical Garden                 July 19, 7-8 p.m.                      Nicole Khoury with John Bareli
(Metroparks Toledo)                     International Park
Old Jazz Stage by Conference            July 21, 7-8 p.m.
Center at Elmer Drive Entrance
May 4, May 11, May 18, May 25, and      TOLE DO SCH OOL FOR TH E ARTS
select Wednesdays in August             Strings in the Park
Wed, 6 p.m.                             Advanced string students from
                                        the TSA orchestra will perform
Toledo Farmers’ Market                  in quartet to sextet ensembles.
525 Market St                           This group is perfect for a quiet,
May 14, May 21 and select               mellow experience in a roofed or
Saturdays in August                     shaded area.
10 a.m.                                 June 7, 14, 21, 28
                                        Thur, 7-8 p.m.

                                                                                                            PAG E 1 1
                                                                           Art in the Park
                                                                           Scrap 4Art will be providing
                                                                           arts and crafts instruction and
                                                                           materials for children at the park,
                                                                           weekdays from 10 a.m. to noon.
                                                                           Jermain Park
                                                                           June 20-24
                                                                           Friendship Park

                                                                           June 27-July 1
                                                                           Navarre Park
                                                                           July 11-15
                                                                           Danny Thomas Park
                                                                           July 18-22
                                                                           Trilby Park
                                                                           July 25-29
                                                                           Ages 6-12
Circles and Verses                 Hands-On Visual Arts                    EAST TOLED O FAMILY C ENTER
At weekly drop-in sessions,        Nationally known mosaic glass           ETFC Summer Art
the Arts Commission will work      artist, Gail Christofferson, and TSA    Youth will learn how to express
with youths on community arts      artists invite the whole city to join   their thoughts and feelings
projects, building personal        a community arts project. Play a        through a variety of art projects.
communication skills and           part in the art! Open to all families   East Toledo Family Center
integrating principles of          and individuals of any age.             1020 Varland Ave.
restorative justice.               June 20-24, August 8-12                 June through August
Junction 419                       Drop-in 12-4 p.m.                       Tue, 2-4 p.m.
419 Junction Ave.                  All ages                                Wed, 10 a.m. - 12 p.m.
All Summer                                                                 K-6th graders
Thur, 4-6 p.m.                     B E LIE VE CENTER
Ages 12-17                         STEM Art Camp                           SOFIA QUINTERO
                                   Learn the connection of Science         Arts-n-Eats Camp
A RTS COM M ISSIO N                and Art. Focus on self expression       This week-long summer camp
Goal Miners                        and reusable resources. The             offers activities in gardening,
These summer programs will         camp will focus on creative             cooking, and the arts. Participants
work with youths on community      problem solutions, arts, fitness        will have the opportunity to learn
arts projects, building personal   and social interaction.                 different art mediums, such
communication skills and           Believe Center Inc                      as screen printing, ceramics,
integrating principles of          1 Aurora L. Gonzalez                    painting, and more. Kids will get to
restorative justice.                                                       work alongside our Culinary Artist
                                   June 20-23
                                                                           inside Nana’s Kitchen creating
Junction 419                       Mon-Thur, 9 a.m.-12 p.m.
                                                                           and cooking different dishes and
419 Junction Ave.                  Ages 8-14                               enjoy Grandpa’s Garden outside.
June 20-30
                                                                           Sofia Quintero Art and Cultural
Mon-Thur, 12-2 p.m.                T E N ACITY TOLED O                     Center
                                   Camp Picasso - Toledo Youth             1225 Broadway St.
The Historic Ohio Theatre          Art Camp
3112 Lagrange St.                  This four-day camp will feature         July 25-29
July 18-28                         two step-by-step canvas                 Mon-Fri, 9 a.m.-4 p.m.
Mon-Thur, 12-2 p.m.                painting sessions, learning about       Ages 8-12
                                   alternative art mediums, and
Locke Branch Library               dabbling in facepainting/theater        WOMEN OF TOLED O
703 Miami St.                      makeup. Artist will leave with          Toledo Girls Hub
August 1-11                        their projects and tools for future     Girls Hub summer session offers a
Mon-Thur, 12-2 p.m.                creativity.                             dedicated workspace in design
Ages 12-17                         Conn Weissenberger VFW Hall             and construction for girls and
                                   2020 W. Alexis Rd.                      gender-expansive youth, through
                                                                           classes in carpentry, architecture,
                                   June 27-30
                                                                           and activist art.
                                   Mon-Thur, 9 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
                                                                           Women of Toledo
                                   Ages 11-18
                                                                           425 Jefferson Ave. 3rd Fl
                                                                           June 6-10, June 13-17, June 20-24,
                                                                           June 27-July 1
                                                                           Mon-Fri, 9 a.m.-4 p.m.
                                                                           Ages 13-24

                                                                                      Math Corps UToledo
                                                                                      MathCorps is a mathematics
                                                                                      enrichment and mentoring
                                                                                      program that operates during
                                                                                      summers, serving students from
                                                                                      underserved communities of
                                                                                      UT University Hall

                                                                                      2801 W Bancroft St.
                                                                                      July 11 through August 4
                                                                                      Middle school: 8:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m.
                                                                                      High school: 8:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m.
                                                                                      Entering 7th-11th grades

                                                                                      ORGANIC G IVING
                                                                                      Organic Giving Career Camp
                                                                                      A 6-week program aimed at
BE L I E V E C E N T E R I N C                E AST TOLED O FAMILY CENTER             assisting youth with career
STEM Environmental Camp                       ETFC Early Literacy Event -             exploration through guest
Learn about the environment.                  Storybook Festival                      speakers from various career
How to live a sustainable life                This is a one-day early literacy        fields, hands on career
through gardening, recycling,                 event with early literacy activities,   exploration activities, and
healthy food & reusable resources.            performers, giveaways, and lots         education on post-secondary
The camp will focus on creative               of fun for the whole family.            options.
problem solutions, arts, fitness              Waite High School Fieldhouse            FAMED Studios
and social interaction.                       301 Morrison Dr.                        2610 Central Ave.
Believe Center Inc                            June 4                                  June 13 through July 27
1 Aurora L. Gonzalez Dr.                      Sat, 11 a.m.-2 p.m.                     Mon-Wed, 9 a.m.-1 p.m.
June 6-9                                      Ages 0-12                               Ages 12-18
Mon-Thur, 9 a.m.-12 p.m.
Ages 8-14                                     GRE AT ERG ENERATIONS                   TOLED O SCIENCE CENTER , DBA
                                                                                      IMAG INATION STATION
                                              Outdoor Maintenance
BE L I E V E C E N T E R I N C                Volunteer Program- OMVP                 Imagination Station Summer
STEM Camp                                     OMVP provides jobs for youth and        of STEAM
Traditional STEM based camp.                  young adults as an alternative          For the STEAM in the Parks, we
The camp will focus on creative               to criminal activity and negative       will provide curricula aligned to
problem solutions, arts, fitness              environments as a means                 current standards to enhance
and social interaction. The                   of survival. The purpose of             academic learning while making
camps will also include a reading             GreaterGenerations is to provide        the sciences fun and engaging
component.                                    a successful transition into            so that anyone participating can
                                              adulthood for all.                      excitement and accessibility of
Believe Center Inc                                                                    the sciences.
1 Aurora L Gonzalez Dr.                       May 3 - August 15
                                              Mon/Thur/Fri, 9 a.m.-5 p.m.             More information coming soon
June 27-30
Mon-Thur, 9 a.m.-12 p.m.                                                              K-8 graders
                                              Ages 12-24
Ages 8-14
                                                                                      TOLED O SISTER CITIES
                                              RE AD FOR LITERACY, INC.                INTERNATIONAL
C ENTE R O F HO P E FA M I LY S E RVICE S ,   Early Literacy Camp                     Toledo to Tanga: Tanzania
I N C.                                        One-week literacy camps to              Virtual Exchange Project
ELEVATE After-School Program                  children ages 4-8. The focus will       The Toledo-Tanga and Tanzanian
ELEVATE is a comprehensive                    be on increasing early literacy         Sister Cities Virtual Exchange
enrichment program in October-                skills such as concepts of print,       Project opens avenues for
May. ELEVATE is a State Award                 letter recognition, rhyming,            Tanzanian and Toledo, OH
winning program with a proven                 alliteration and phonemic               students to increase their
track record of raising reading               awareness.                              technological skills and share
and math scores. Students                     Oakdale Park                            cultural experiences. This
participate in visual and                     1621 Bond St.                           technological endeavor will foster
performing arts, sports, and                                                          emotional well-being.
receive free meals daily.                     June 13-17, June 27-July 1, July
                                              18-22                                   June 4 through November 5
Sylvania Area Family Services                 Mon-Fri, 9:30-11 a.m.
5440 Marshall Rd. Sylvania                                                            Ages 12-18

June 7 through July 14                        Wilson Park
Mon-Thur, 8:30 a.m.-3 p.m.                    600 E. Oakland St.
Ages 5-9                                      June 20-24, July 11-15, July 25-29
                                              Mon-Fri, 9:30-11 a.m.
                                              Ages 4-8

                                                                                                                  PAG E 1 3
NO RTHW E ST E R N O HIO                      DDYC Summer Initiative                 Summer Success Series
Empowering Future Leaders                     The initiative will focus on 7 core    The Summer Success Series
A new Big Brothers Big Sisters of             areas: conflict resolution, loss and   emphasizes the acquisition
Northwestern Ohio (BBBSNWO)                   trauma, work readiness, health         of hard and soft skills through
program focusing on four primary              and fitness, life enrichment,          experiential learning and
youth development areas: Life                 finances, and civic engagement.        interactive activities around
Skills, Leadership Development,                                                      education, career preparation,
Cultural Competence, and Career               People’s MB Church
                                              1101 Heston St.                        money management, housing
Development.                                                                         and home management, health
Robinson Elementary School                    June 1 through August 18               and nutrition and risk prevention.
1075 Horace St.                               Mon-Thur, 10 a.m.-2 p.m.
                                                                                     Gateway Youth Development
June 6 through July 9                         Ages 8-17                              1320 Madison Ave.
Mon-Fri, 9 a.m.-1 p.m.                                                               June 6 through August 5
                                              E AST TOLED O FAMILY CENTER
Ages 5-18                                                                            Mon-Fri, 11 a.m.-1 p.m.
                                              ELEVATE - Enriching Youth              Every other Saturday
C OMMU N IT Y L E A R N IN G AS S OCIAT E S   Building leadership skills and         Ages 14-18
Financial Literacy and                        changing mindsets to excel
Empowerment                                   academically and socially.             D IABETES YOUTH SERV I C ES
An innovative Financial Literacy                                                     DYS Camp Open House
and Empowerment program                       East Toledo Family Center
                                              1020 Varland Ave.                      DYS invites local families living
targeting young adults ages                                                          with Type 1 diabetes to enjoy an
14-25. The program is being                   June 1, 15, July 6, 20, August 3, 17   afternoon at our Camp Open
developed to meet the need in                 Wed, 5-7 p.m.                          House. We will provide games,
the community to teach the basic              Ages 12-16                             food and fun for both parents
concepts of personal finance.                                                        and kids for an afternoon of
Library Branches                              T HE P ROG RAM INC.                    community and enjoyment.
Call for full schedule                        The A-List Mentoring Program           Navarre Park
Begins June 11                                The “A-List” is a mentoring            1020 Varland Ave.
Sat, 9 a.m.-12 p.m. or 1-3 p.m.               program for male youth in
                                                                                     May 22, 1-4 p.m.
Wed/Thur, 3:30-6:30 p.m.                      absent father homes. The
                                              A-list focuses on deepening            All ages
Ages 14-25
                                              positive relationships through
                                              participation of outings,              SOFIA QUINTERO
C R E8 TI V E M IN DZ                         community service, and other           Summer Mentorship
Cre8tive Mindz Youth Program                  opportunities.                         Gain one-on-one experience
Providing authoratative guidance                                                     in arts, cuisine, or agriculture.
to help develop our youth.                    Sportway Go Kart
                                              5950 Angola Rd.                        Depending on which field they
Focusing on essential elements                                                       choose, participants may learn
of adolescent well-being and                  June 26                                about screen printing and
healthy development.                          4-6 p.m.                               ceramics, work and cook in our
Cre8tive Mindz Youth Program                  Ottawa Park                            commercial kitchen or be outside
4111 Asbury Dr.                               2201 Ottawa Pkwy.                      in one of 4 major gardens while
June 6 through August 7                                                              earning rewards and incentives
                                              July 10                                for their participation.
Tue-Thur, some Saturdays                      4-6 p.m.
9 a.m.-5 p.m.                                                                        Sofia Quintero Art and Cultural
Ages 5-16                                     Maumee Tackle                          Center
                                              104 W. Wayne St. - Maumee              1222 Broadway St.
                                              August 28                              June through October
                                              3-5 p.m.                               Days and times will vary.
                                              Ages 7-18                              Ages 13-17
                                      Youth Empowerment and
                                      Engagement Committee
                                      We work to engage City of Toledo
                                      youth in positive activities, job
                                      training, and education. Youth
                                      members work alongside the
                                      adult committee members to
                                      provide a youth perspective as
                                      events are planned and initiative
                                      are supported.
                                      Second Wednesday of the month
C O NNECT IN G K ID S TO M E ALS      Ages 15+
Summer Meal Program
Connecting Kids To Meals
                                      MY FIRST DAYS DAYCARE
provides healthy meals at no cost
to kids ages 18 and under located
                                      My First Days Daycare and
in low-income and underserved
                                      Learning Center
                                      My First Days has created a
areas of our community. CKM
                                      weekly summer activity plan,
partners with schools, libraries,
                                      that provides daily activities that
shelters, community centers,
                                      promote outdoor recreational
pools, and parks.
                                      activities, sports, fitness, dance,
Meal sites across Lucas County        music, entertainment, community
Full schedule will be online soon.    volunteering, and many
connectingkidstomeals.org             educational experiences. ,
                                      My First Days Daycare and
                                      Learning Center
                                      580 N. Byrne Rd.
                                      Ages 3-13
T.I.K - Teens Inspiring Kids          Sound Mind Summer
Participants will learn coping        Enrichment Program
skills, receive tutoring, and         We provide programming that
participate in support groups,        delivers a safe, secure and
book club, and Y.E.P (Young           inclusive environment to nurture
Entrepreneur Program). We will        the potential of each youth
have field trips, guest speakers,     participant. Youth can expect to
and daily conversations on            develop valuable life skills through
manners and respect. We also          fun activities and adventures.
provide Artistic Expressions
Development (mainly dance) for        Sound Mind Behavioral
physical and mental health.           5726 Southwyck Blvd. Suite 200-B
Grace Temple                          June 13 through August 4
2730 Fulton St.                       Mon-Thur, 10 a.m.-2 p.m.
June 6 through August 5               3rd-8th graders
Mon-Fri, 9 a.m.-2 p.m.
                                      YMCA OF G REATER TOLED O
Ages 5-18
                                      YMCA Y Achievers Program
                                      Y Achievers assists teens in
TH E P I N E WO O D TA B E R N ACLE   meeting high school academic
The Tabernacle Summer Camp            and career expectations. The
at McClinton Nunn                     program develops minds, builds
Students residing at McClinton        character, a strong work ethic,
Nunn Homes can be involved            and reinforces the importance of
in engaging art, sports, STEM,        education.
academic, and social emotional
learning activities throughout the    West Toledo YMCA
day. We support students in a         2110 Tremainsville Rd.
safe and thriving community.          Wayman Palmer YMCA
McClinton Nunn Community              2053 N. 14th St.
Center                                Year-Round
425 Nebraska Ave.                     Mon-Fri, 3-6 p.m.
June (during TPS Summer School)       Ages 14-18
Mon-Fri, 2-5 p.m.
July 11 through August 12
Mon-Fri, 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
Entering 1st-8th grades

                                                                             PAG E 1 5
Free Drop Off Refuse and Recycling Events

    23         Toledo Zoo                              18    Scott High School                  20      Longfellow Elementary
    APR                                                JUN                                      AUG
               2 Hippo Way                                   2400 Collingwood Blvd.                     1955 West Laskey Rd.
                  9 a.m. to 1 p.m.                             9 a.m. to 1 p.m.                            9 a.m. to 1 p.m.

    30         Riverside Elementary                    25    Start High School                  27      Bowsher High School
    APR        500 Chicago St.                         JUN   2010 Tremainsville Rd.             AUG     2200 Arlington Ave.
                 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.                              9 a.m. to 1 p.m.                           9 a.m. to 1 p.m.

        7      Robinson Elementary                     9     Keyser Elementary                  10      Good Shepherd Church
    MAY        1075 Horace St.                         JUL   3900 Hill Ave.                     SEP     3934 West Laskey Rd.
                  9 a.m. to 1 p.m.                             9 a.m. to 1 p.m.                           9 a.m. to 1 p.m.

        7      Detwiler Park                           16    Whitmer High School                17      Burroughs Elementary
    MAY                                                JUL                                      SEP
               4001 North Summit St.                         5601 Clegg Dr.                             2420 South Ave.
                 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.                              9 a.m. to 1 p.m.                           9 a.m. to 1 p.m.

    14         Rogers High School                      23    Manhattan Plaza                    24      Detwiler Park
    MAY                                                JUL                                      SEP
               222 McTigue Dr.                               553 East Manhattan Blvd.                   4001 North Summit St.
                 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.                              9 a.m. to 1 p.m.                           9 a.m. to 1 p.m.

    21         Point Place Plaza                       30    Epworth United                      1      Friendship Park
    MAY                                                JUL                                      OCT
               5109 Suder Ave.                               Methodist Church                           2930 131 St.
                  9 a.m. to 1 p.m.                           4855 Central Ave.                             9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
                                                               9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
     4         Waite High School                                                                 8      Cedar Creek Church
                                                             DeVeaux School                     OCT     South Toledo Campus
    JUN        301 Morrison Dr.                        6
                                                       AUG   2620 West Sylvania Ave.                    2150 South Byrne Rd.
                 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
                                                               9 a.m. to 2 p.m.                            9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
     11        Frederick Douglass
    JUN        Center                                  13    Woodward High School               15      Oakdale Elementary
                                                       AUG                                      OCT
               1001 Indiana Ave.                             701 East Central Ave.                      1620 East Broadway
                 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.                              9 a.m. to 1 p.m.                            9 a.m. to 1 p.m.

    Acceptable Items                                                     Special Items
    →       Electronic waste                                             →   Residential yard waste
            (including TVs and CRT TVs and monitors)                         (only available April 30 and May 7)

    →       10 tires                                                     →   Household hazardous waste, oil-based paints and
            (on or off the rim, no commercial tires)                         stains
                                                                             (only available May 21, June 11, June 25, July 16, July 30,
    →       Cardboard, phone books, newspapers, documents
                                                                             August 6, August 20, August 27, September 24)
            (shredding and recycling)
                                                                         →   Styrofoam and boat wrap
    →       Houseware goods, clothing, toys
                                                                             (only available April 23, May 7 and May 21)
    →       Latex paint
                                                                         →   Medical equipment
    →       Bulky items and refuse                                           (only available April 23, June 11, July 30, and August 6)
            (no air conditioning units refrigerators/freezers, or
            large appliances)
Lead Line
The City of Toledo is replacing all
city and customer owned lead
service lines. If your home was built
before 1989, you may have lead pipes.
Register online or by phone to have your
lead pipes replaced at no cost to you.

  toledo.oh.gov/lead-lines                 419-936-2020

                                                 What is a service line?
                                                 A service line delivers water from the
                                                 water main to your house. It is split into
                                                 two pieces at your property line.

                                                 1. City side: owned and maintained by
                                                 the city. Replacement is ongoing.

                                                 2. Customer side: owned and
                                                 maintained by the property owner.
                                                 Register online to have yours replaced.

Is my water safe?
Yes. To keep our customers safe the department has been utilizing
specific water chemistry to coat the pipes and services in our
system, encasing any lead or harmful particles allowing for safe
clean drinking water. Required annual lead testing has consistently
shown our water is free of lead and safe to drink.                        SCAN FOR MORE

                                                                                     PAG E 1 7
City Parks
                                                                                A Trilby   Park
                                                                                   3125 Shawnee Rd.

                                                                                B Friendship
                                                                                   2930 131 St.

                                                                                C Harry    Kessler Park

More to Explore
                                                                                   2460 Ottawa River Rd.

                                                                                D Bennett      Park
                                                                                   4974 Bennett Rd.

                                                                                E Foxglove      Meadow Park
                                                                                   4422 Willis Blvd.

                                                                                F Willys    Park
                                                                                   1375 Hillcrest Ave.

Community                                        Toledo Zoo
                                                 TOLE DOZOO.ORG                 G Joe    E. Brown Park
                                                                                   3304 Blanchard St.
Art in Public Places Tour
                                                 Toledo Museum of Art
                                                 TOLE DOMUSEUM.ORG              H Woodrow
                                                                                   3235 Otto St.
                                                                                                 Wilson Park

Toledo Lucas County
Public Library
                                                 National Museum of the
                                                 Great Lakes                    I Glenwood       Park
                                                                                   2860 Glenwood Ave.
TO L E DOL I B RA RY.O RG                        N MGL.ORG

Imagination Station                              Metroparks Toledo              J Jermain      Park
                                                                                   2434 S. Cove Blvd.
                                                                                K Jamie
                                                 M E T ROPARKSTOLED O.COM
                                                                                            Farr Park
                                                                                   2140 N. Summit St.

                                                                                L Ottawa       Park
                                                                                   2205 Kenwood Blvd.
Movies                                                                          M Inez   Nash Park
                                                                                   2121 Linwood Ave.

                                                                                N Smith
Community Movie Nights                                                             668 Dorr St.
Free weekly movie nights in
different city parks across the city.
Patrons are encourage to bring                                                  O Sleepy     Hollow Park
                                                                                   4100 Overlook Blvd.
lawn chairs or blankets and enjoy
a movie under the stars.
All movies will begin at 7 p.m.
                                                                                P Ravine     Park
                                                                                   1721 Seaman Rd.

                                           Joe E Brown Park   Walbridge Park    Q Casey     Jones Park
                                                                                   1760 Hamilton St.

                                                                                R Rev.   H. V. Savage Park
                                                                                   617 City Park Ave.

                                                                                S Navarre      Park
                                                                                   1020 Varland Ave.

                                                                                T Dale    Stone Park
                                                                                   1 Aurora L Gonzalez Dr.

                                                                                U Danny      Thomas Park
                                                                                   2583 Broadway St.

Savage Park              Inez Nash Park    Asbury Park        Ottawa Park       V Edgar     Holmes Park
                                                                                   1214 Ironwood Ave.

                                                                                W Oakdale
                                                                                   1621 Bond St.

                                                                                X Walbridge       Park
                                                                                   2761 Broadway St.

                                                                                Y Birmingham
                                                                                   2100 Knox St.

  16                        23              28                    4             Z Copland       Park
                                                                                   4000 Copland Blvd.

                                                                                Δ Asbury
 June                       June            July              August
Navarre Park             Woodsdale Park    Wilson Park        Birmingham Park      4300 Asbury Dr.

    E                                   Δ

                                F                   G
                        J                                                      K
                    L                                   M                                    3

                                    N                                                    Y
O                                                                                    P
                        Q                       R

                                    U                                  V


                                                                Muni Challenge
                                                                May 1-31
                                                                Take part in this contest
        Z                                                       challenging area golfers to play
                                                                all three municipal golf courses.

                                                                1     Detwiler Golf Course
                                                                      4001 N. Summit St.

                                                                2     Ottawa Park Golf Course
                                                                      2315 Walden Pond Dr.

                                                                3     Collins Park Golf Course
                                                                      624 Reineck Dr.

                                                                                                 PAG E 1 9
                                                   Registration is required for all programs where specified.
                                                   All registration info can also be accessed at toledo.oh.gov/summer.
                                                   For questions or help, call the program contact listed below.

Program                                             Contact                Phone          How to Register             Cost   Pg.
3-on-3 Youth Basketball Tournament                  Joyce Ejhinger         419-320-9979   —                           Free   2
A-List Mentoring                                    Tramain Rayford        419-215-8771   programinc.org              Free   14
Acting Camps                                        Aimee Reid             419-244-5061   ctwtoledo.org               $180   8
Amare Lockett Youth Fishing Camp                    Mark Lockett, Sr.      419-822-1371   First day registration      Free   7
Art in the Park                                     Barb Mauntler          419-343-8338   —                           Free   12
Arts-n-Eats                                         Taylor Burciaga        419-241-1655   sqacc.org                   Free   12
Blue Student and Community Night                    Alyssa Greenberg       917-880-9425   —                           Free   11
Broadcasting and Media Mentorship                   Tisha Mays             330-703-2825   amaysingkids.org            Free   8
Camp Picasso - Toledo Youth Art Camp                Kayla Kowalski         419-356-5201   eventbrite.com              Free   12
Circles and Verses                                  Dave Ross              419-254-2787   —                           Free   12
Combos Tour                                         Bethany Urbanski Fry   419-246-8732   —                           Free   10
Community Movie Nights                              Moni Featchurs         419-215-8521   —                           Free   18
Cre8tive Mindz Youth Program                        Ceaira Kynard          419-276-8448   Call to register            Free   14
Create & Shape Summer Camp                          Sha'Risha Crockett     419-508-5336   —                           Free   5
DDYC Summer Initiative                              Dedra Brown            567-868-9091   Call to register            Free   14
Dennis Hopson City Series                           Dennis Hopson          614-623-0737   deehop@hotmail.com          Free   2
Dr. Carnel Smith Summer Boys Football Camp          Dr. Carnel L. Smith    419-917-3547   —                           Free   3
DYS Camp Open House                                 Cindy Presser          419-291-1238   dys4kids.org                Free   14
Early Bird Basketball                              Timothy Evans           419-270-4813   —                           Free   2
Early Literacy Camp                                Diana Bush              419-242-7323   Call to register            Free   13
ELEVATE - Enriching Youth Leaders                  Holly Keenen            419-691-1429   East Toledo Family Center   Free   14
ELEVATE After-School Program                       Dr. Tracee Perryman     419-304-5693   cohfs.org/elevate           Free   12
Empowering Future Leaders                          Alissa Hernandez        419-243-4600   Call to register            Free   14
eSports Tournament hosted by Party On A Truck      Jastassia "Joy" James   419-665-3696   toledo.oh.gov/summer        Free   10
ETFC Early Literacy Event - Storybook Festival     Jodi Gross              419-691-1429   —                           Free   13
ETFC Healthy Nutrition/Fitness Camps               Holly Keenen            419-691-1429   East Toledo Family Center   Free   5
ETFC Soccer Clinics                                Holly Keenen            419-691-1429   East Toledo Family Center   Free   3
ETFC Summer Art                                    Holly Keenen            419-691-1429   East Toledo Family Center   Free   12
ETFC Volleyball                                    Holly Keenen            419-691-1429   East Toledo Family Center   Free   4
Financial Literacy and Empowerment                 LaMont Stewart          419-724-4881   Call to register            Free   14
First Tee Summer Program                           Michael Prothe          419-344-1179   firstteelakeerie.org        $50    3
Gents Basketball Club                              Jeff Tyburski           419-343-6400   —                           Free   2
Girls Development Program                          Saundra Brown                          toledothreat.com            Free   3
Glenwood Elite                                     Coach Ray Scott         419-917-0237   rayscott1461@gmail.com      Free   2
Go Tyme Grynd Summer Youth Fitness Program         DeAndre Gaston          614-302-2081   First day registration      Free   5
Goal Miners                                        Dave Ross               419-254-2787   Call to register            Free   12
Great Outdoors Experience                          Reggie D. Williams      567-343-9390   —                           Free   7
Gridiron Flag Football League                      Orlando Smith           419-461-1854   toledogridiron.com          $50    3
Grow Your Own Vegetables, 4-H Spin Club            Amy Stone               419-574-0986   —                           Free   7
Hands-On Visual Arts                               Bethany Urbanski Fry    419-246-8732   —                           Free   12
Hoodstock                                          DeVonne Fagan           419-810-6229   —                           Free   10
Hopson Elite                                       Dennis Hopson           614-623-0737   deehop@hotmail.com          Free   2
How Does Your Garden GROW?                         Yvonne Dubielak         419.720.8714   —                           Free   7
Imagination Station Summer of STEAM                Dan Clements            419-214-9150   —                           Free   13
Introductory Golf Clinic                           Nolan Hych              419-464-1153   Call 419-705-9909           Free   3
Isabelle Carter Arts Program                       Michelle Knecht         419-531-1616   lovelearnserve.org          Free   9
LET US WORK                                        Anthony Amison Sr.      419-392-5737   —                           Free   5
Maestro In The Making Summer Session 2022          David Williams          419-975-3392   maestrointhemaking.com      Free   9
Mastering Movement Weekly Summer Camps             Caroline Humberston     567-686-3720   playtimemovement.com        $20    5
Math Corps UToledo                                 Funda Gultepe           419-392-4541   utoledo.edu                 Free   13
Miakonda Summer Day Camp                           Andrew Curran           419-704-1223   Call 419-843-0107           Free   7
Midwest Youth Team Tennis                          Amy Beaverson           317-941-3509   midwestteamtennis.com       $25    4
Musical Theatre Production: "Crazy For You"        Aimee Reid              419-244-5061   ctwtoledo.org               $180   8
Musical Theatre Production: "Magic Treehouse..."   Aimee Reid              419-244-5061   ctwtoledo.org               $150   8
Program                                           Contact                 Phone          How to Register                Cost   Pg.
Musical Theatre Production: "Willy Wonka Jr"      Aimee Reid              419-244-5061   ctwtoledo.org                  $180   8
My First Days Daycare and Learning Center         Kashaundra Besteda      419-466-3354   myfirstdays@att.net            Free   15
National Night Out                                Caryn Maloney           419-245-1476   —                              Free   10
Open Mic Competition                              Jason A. Dixon          419-902-1223   —                              Free   8
Opera Outdoors                                    Alyssa Greenberg        917-880-9425   —                              Free   11
Organic Giving Career Camp                        Tyler Stone             419-936-4736   eventbrite.com                 Free   13
Outdoor Maintenance Volunteer Program             Ebony Robinson          419-270-5481   greatergen.org                 Free   13
Parker's Tennis Camp                              Ethel Parker            419-508-2989   toledo.oh.gov/parkertennis     Free   4
Play Tennis Midwest                               Amy Beaverson           317-941-3509   playtennismidwest.com          Free   4
Preserving the African American Legacy...         Alyssa Greenberg        917-880-9425   —                              Free   11
Puck-A-Luck’s Equestrian Day Camp                 Mary Wilson             419-450-6217   Call 419-392-5640              Free   7
Soccer Program (Nuestra Gente)                    Linda Parra             419-283-0581   Call to register               Free   3
Sound Mind Summer Enrichment Program              Michelle Williams       419-205-5883   Call to register               Free   15
Speak Up! Speaking, performing, educating...      David Bush              419-509-6776   —                              Free   9
Sports Performance Training (MakiT Happ3n Inc.)   Jeremy Green            419-283-3199   eventbrite.com                 $10    4
STEM Art Camp                                     Elaina Hernandez        419-283-1628   At Believe Center              $25    12
STEM Boxing                                       Elaina Hernandez        419-283-1628   At Believe Center              $25    4
STEM Camp                                         Elaina Hernandez        419-283-1628   At Believe Center              $25    13
STEM Dance Camp                                   Elaina Hernandez        419-283-1628   At Believe Center              $25    9
STEM Environmental Camp                           Elaina Hernandez        419-283-1628   At Believe Center              $25    13
STEM Fishing Camp                                 Elaina Hernandez        419-283-1628   At Believe Center              $25    7
STEM Fitness Camp                                 Elaina Hernandez        419-283-1628   At Believe Center              $25    5
STEM Flag Football Camp                           Elaina Hernandez        419-283-1628   At Believe Center              $25    3
STEM Volleyball Camp                              Elaina Hernandez        419-283-1628   At Believe Center              $25    4
Strings in the Park                               Bethany Urbanski Fry    419-246-8732   —                              Free   11
Summer Basketball Camps                           Jeffrey Taylor          614-599-2693   cvbcwixsite.com                Free   2
Summer Basketball Weekend Camps                   Jeffrey Taylor          614-599-2693   cvbcwixsite.com                Free   2
Summer Concerts (Friendship Park)                 Joyce Ejhinger          419-320-9979   —                              Free   11
Summer Concerts (Ottawa Park)                     Shawn Sobel             419-936-3887   —                              Free   11
Summer Concerts (Walbridge Park)                                                         —                              Free   11
Summer Family Fun Days                            Joyce Ejhinger          419-320-9979   —                              Free   10
Summer Family Fun Evenings                        Joyce Ejhinger          419-320-9979   —                              Free   10
Summer MAPP/SunBridge Basketball League           Joe M. Johnson, III     419-215-6942   mapp4life.org                  Free   2
Summer Mentorship (Sofia Quintero)                Taylor Burciaga         419-241-1655   Call to register               Free   14
Summer Sizzler™ Performing Arts Workshop          Errick B. Dixon         937-536-2704   my5terymusic.com               $25    9
Summer Success Series                             KaTrice Perry           419-378-9899   Call to register               Free   15
Swim Lessons (City of Toledo)                     Dawn Cousino            419-936-2700   toledo.oh.gov/pools            Free   6
T.I.K - Teens Inspiring Kids                      Rochelle S. Morrishaw   567-315-8860   whewincintl.org                Free   15
Tabernacle Summer Camp (McClinton Nunn)           Christine Sweeney       419.902.5902   At McClinton Nunn              Free   15
Technical Theatre                                 Aimee Reid              419-244-5061   ctwtoledo.org                  $75    8
Tennis 101                                        Amy Beaverson           317-941-3509   toledo.oh.gov/tennis101        $10    4
Theatre Day Camps                                 Aimee Reid              419-244-5061   ctwtoledo.org                  $180   8
Toledo Celtics Summer Soccer Camp                 Yousef Aliakbar         419-473-9490   toledoceltics.com              Free   3
Toledo Girls Hub                                  Nina Corder             567.970.7172   womenoftoledo.org/girlshub     $30    12
Toledo to Tanga: Tanzania Virtual Exchange        Leslie Henriquez        419-699-8686   Call to register               Free   13
Toledo TOPSoccer                                  Paul Holdgate           419-509-1419   toledofootballacademy.org      Free   3
TSA Drum Line Camp                                Bethany Urbanski Fry    419-246-8732   ts4arts.org                    Free   9
TSA Improv Camp                                   Bethany Urbanski Fry    419-246-8732   ts4arts.org                    Free   8
TSA Intro to Music Production Camp                Bethany Urbanski Fry    419-246-8732   ts4arts.org                    Free   9
TSA Podcasting Camp                               Bethany Urbanski Fry    419-246-8732   ts4arts.org                    Free   9
TSA Summer Pops Concerts                          Bethany Urbanski Fry    419-246-8732   —                              Free   11
Ultimate Sports Camp                              Mike Robinson           567-400-0481   ohioshowcase.com               Free   4
Urban Wholistics Urban Farmer Camp                Sonia Flunder-McNair    567-249-6621   —                              Free   7
WGTE on the Road: Blue Day                        Alyssa Greenberg        917-880-9425   —                              Free   11
YMCA Fun Bus                                      Debbie Frison           419-241-7218   —                              Free   10
YMCA Swim Lessons                                 Debbie Frison           419-241-7218   Call to register               Free   6
YMCA Y Achievers Program                          Danielle Kisch          419-475-3496   dkisch@ymcatoledo.org          Free   13
You Speak Now Academy                             Jason A. Dixon          419-902-1223   jasonadixon.com                Free   8
Youth Empowerment and Engagement                  Caryn Maloney           419-245-1476   caryn.maloney@.toledo.oh.gov   Free   15
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