2022 Spring Meeting & 2022 HCBS Conference - Exhibitor & Sponsorship Prospectus Spring Meeting: May 2022 Salt Lake City, UT - ADvancing ...

Page created by Brandon Perkins
2022 Spring Meeting & 2022 HCBS Conference - Exhibitor & Sponsorship Prospectus Spring Meeting: May 2022 Salt Lake City, UT - ADvancing ...
2022 Spring Meeting & 2022 HCBS Conference

Exhibitor & Sponsorship Prospectus

Spring Meeting: May 2022   •   Salt Lake City, UT
HCBS Conference: August 14–18, 2022      •   Washington D.C.
2022 Spring Meeting & 2022 HCBS Conference - Exhibitor & Sponsorship Prospectus Spring Meeting: May 2022 Salt Lake City, UT - ADvancing ...
Page 1 .......Letter from the Executive Director
            Page 2 ......2021 HCBS Hybrid Conference Attendance
            Page 2 ......Conference by the Numbers

 TABLE OF   Page 3 ......General Information
            Page 3 ......Important 2022 Dates to Remember

CONTENTS    Page 4 ......Exhibit Hall Information
            Page 5 ......Exhibitor Packages and Payment
            Page 6 ......Sponsorship Levels and Opportunities
            Page 12 ....ADvancing States Rules & Guidelines
2022 Spring Meeting & 2022 HCBS Conference - Exhibitor & Sponsorship Prospectus Spring Meeting: May 2022 Salt Lake City, UT - ADvancing ...
Letter from the Executive Director

Greetings HCBS Sponsors & Exhibitors                                             Over the course of five fulfilling days, the Conference
                                                                               fosters strategic relationships throughout the aging and
  On behalf of the nation’s directors of state aging                           disability networks, both across and within states, and at the
and disability agencies, I would like to invite you to                         national level. You do not want to miss being a part of this
participate in the 2022 Spring Meeting and the Home                            important event.
and Community-Based Services (HCBS) Conference.
                                                                                 Sponsors and exhibitors include vendors from a variety of
   Over the past two years, we have continued to learn to live                 corporate and non-profit sectors invested in LTSS, managed
life a little differently. We are anticipating that 2022 may still             care, health insurance, transportation, housing, health IT
bring some challenges, but together, we are strong! We are                     systems, consulting, nutrition, care/case management, and
planning an in-person Spring Meeting and in-person HCBS                        specialty health services.
conference, but will continue to monitor federal guidelines,
and adjust accordingly.                                                          The conference offers a variety of opportunities for your
                                                                               organization to gain exposure in both business and social
  The Spring Meeting is highly sought after by sponsors,                       events on the agenda—with the opportunity to connect with
as it is invite-only, bringing together state aging and                        more than 1,500 leaders over multiple days. By sponsoring
disability leaders from across the nation. This meeting                        the conference, you will gain visibility at a variety of business
provides an invaluable opportunity to share in robust                          and social events with targeted audiences. As usual, you will
dialogues, problem-solving, and networking.                                    enjoy eating, drinking, and dancing the night away with other
  ADvancing States also hosts the national HCBS                                LTSS thought leaders. We cannot wait to see you for the
Conference annually to convene state agencies around                           HCBS Conference August 14–18, 2022, in Washington D.C.
improving state systems that deliver long-term services                           Each year ADvancing States supports various activities
and supports for all ages and abilities. Because of this, the                  through collaboration, information sharing, advocacy,
Conference includes a rich combination of plenary sessions                     leadership, and innovation. If you are interested in learning
and workshops on policy directions, new initiatives, and                       more about ways to get involved, please reach out to
grant programs—it is the nexus of state-to-state exchange of                   info@advancingstates.org.
big ideas, information, and promising practices that informs
and enhances future policy and program development. You                            Thank you,
certainly do not want to miss the latest updates from CMS,
ACL, and other bright minds.
                                                                                   ADvancing States Executive Director

 Questions? Send us a note at inform@hcbsconference.org or check out our conference webpage www.hcbsconference.org.

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2022 Spring Meeting & 2022 HCBS Conference - Exhibitor & Sponsorship Prospectus Spring Meeting: May 2022 Salt Lake City, UT - ADvancing ...
2021 HCBS Hybrid Conference Attendance

                   HCBS Conference Attendees                                                                       2021 HCBS Hybrid
                                                                                                               Conference Participation by
                                                                           50                                         Percentage
                                                  States and Territories                                      42%..
                                                           represented                                    State/Federal                      23%..
                                                                                                           Government                      Non-profit/
                                                                                                            Attendees                         Local

  67                160+                     300+                            84
Sessions      Abstracts Submitted            Speakers            Sponsors/Exhibitors

           2021 HCBS Conference Attendees by Region                                                                                         Corporate

                                                                                                       “I am looking forward to
                                                                      South:.24.7%                       seeing old friends and making
                                                                     Midwest:.22.6%                      new connections with people
                                                                       Central:.3.4%                     and organizations that may
                                                                                                         lead to impactful partnerships
                                                                                                         and programs.”
                                                                                                         —Michelle Martin, Sr. Policy Director of LTSS
                                                                                                            at UnitedHealthcare Community & State

Questions? Send us a note at inform@hcbsconference.org or check out our conference webpage www.hcbsconference.org.

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2022 Spring Meeting & 2022 HCBS Conference - Exhibitor & Sponsorship Prospectus Spring Meeting: May 2022 Salt Lake City, UT - ADvancing ...
General Information

WHEN:                                                                                                               Important 2022 Dates to Remember
                                                                                                                    HCBS Conference Call for Sessions
                                                                                                                     • February 2022 opens
                                                                                                                     • April 2022 closes
                  901 Massachusetts Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20001 
                                                                                                                    ADvancing States MLTSS Symposium
                                                                                                                    & Spring Meeting
                                                                                                                      (State members + 2022 Platinum sponsors—by invitation only)
Hotel Accomodations                                   On-Site Registration/
ADvancing States is offering special                  Information Hours                                               • May 2022
hotel rates for 2022 conference                       (subject to change)                                             • Salt Lake City, UT
attendees and speakers. Rooms are                                                                                     • Sponsored activity options
assigned on a first-come, first-serve                 Sunday, Aug. 14............. 12:00PM – 7:00PM
basis. We recommend booking early                     Monday, Aug. 15............. 7:30AM – 6:00PM                   HCBS Conference
through a provided link available at                                                                                 • March 2022: Early-bird registration opens
                                                      Tuesday, Aug. 16............. 7:30AM – 6:00PM
the end of the registration process.
                                                      Wednesday, Aug. 17......7:30AM – 7:00PM                        • May 2022: Early-bird registration closes
Room Rates*:                                                                                                         • March 2022: Lodging/Room Blocks opens
                                                      Thursday, Aug. 18......... 7:30AM – 12:00PM
  Government rate:                 $172.00                                                                           • April 2022: Exhibitor Services Kit is available
  Non-Government rate: $229.00                                                                                       • Sunday, August 14: Fall Meeting .
* Hotel room rates are subject to applicable                “Biggest and BEST                                          (State Members only)
  state and local taxes in effect at the time
  of check-out.
                                                           conference on HCBS”                                       • Monday–Thursday, August 15–18: .
                                                                                                                       General Conference
                                                                  —Applied Self Direction

  Questions? Send us a note at inform@hcbsconference.org or check out our conference webpage www.hcbsconference.org.

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2022 Spring Meeting & 2022 HCBS Conference - Exhibitor & Sponsorship Prospectus Spring Meeting: May 2022 Salt Lake City, UT - ADvancing ...
Exhibit Hall Information

      Exhibit Schedule                           How we drive attendance to the exhibit hall
 Tuesday, August 16 AM-PM and
                                                 • Focused marketing campaigns                               • Identified events and activities
 Wednesday, August 17 AM-PM
                                                   that occur prior to and during the                          to bolster exposure and access.
                                                   conference. Information on the                              ADvancing States works closely
  Installation of Exhibits                         exhibit hall, vendors, and exhibit hall                     and collaboratively with sponsors
       Monday, August 15                           activities is shared on the conference                      and exhibitors to understand the
                                                   agenda, conference app, signage                             value and impact most beneficial
 Dismantling of Exhibits                           throughout the conference, etc.                             to their organization.
    Wednesday, August 17 PM                      • Planned and real-time social media                        • Designated area of the exhibit
                                                   postings. ADvancing States utilizes                         hall focused on technology and
Booth Space Assignment                             Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and                            innovation. Technology and
Assignment is prioritized based on                 other platforms to highlight activities                     Innovation vendors highlight
      level of sponsorship.                        in the exhibit hall. We encourage our                       cutting-edge solutions.
                                                   exhibitors to do the same.
                                                 • Dedicated exhibit hours provide .
                                                   you with direct access to our
                                                   attendees during our complimentary
                                                   morning and afternoon breaks and
                                                   evening receptions without any
                                                   conflicting sessions.

                                                 “Attending this conference, helped us to accomplish several
                                                  significant goals. … Sponsoring the HCBS Conference and
                                                  partnering with ADvancing States has been a great decision
                                                  for us at Therap Services.”
                                                                 —Jeff Case, National Director of Business Development, of Therap Services

    Questions? Send us a note at inform@hcbsconference.org or check out our conference webpage www.hcbsconference.org.

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2022 Spring Meeting & 2022 HCBS Conference - Exhibitor & Sponsorship Prospectus Spring Meeting: May 2022 Salt Lake City, UT - ADvancing ...
Exhibitor Packages and Payment

Benefits of Being an Exhibitor                                                 Sponsorship Packages
• Be present and part of the nation’s largest conference                       See Sponsorship Levels & Opportunities (page 6)
  focusing solely on long-term services and supports and                       • All.sponsorship.packages.include
  home and community-based services                                              an.exhibitor.booth.and.access.for.1
• Meet and connect with new prospective customers                                booth.representative.to.join.all.general
• Network with state and federal leaders, health plans,                          conference.activities.(booth.dimensions
  community-based organizations, technology, software, and                       subject.to.change)
  innovation companies, and consultants                                               - ALL.booth.representatives.must.register.for.access
• Build lasting relationships                                                           to.the.exhibit.hall
• Gain insight from talking with and listening to attendees                           - Exhibit.booth—
• Highlight and strengthen your brand, get your foot in the                              • 8’.x.10’.booth.is.included.for.Gold,.Ruby,.Sapphire,
  door, and/or land your next contract                                                     Emerald,.and.Diamond.sponsorship.levels
                                                                                         • Premium.16’.x.20’.booth.is.included.for.Platinum
Exhibitor-Only Packages                                                                    sponsorship.levels
• Exhibit.booth:.8’.x.10’.—.$5,500—for-profit.and..
                                                                               Payment Information & Processes
• Exhibit.booth:.8’.x.10’.—.$2,500—non-profit.community-                       • To secure your 2022 Sponsor or Exhibitor-Only Package
  based,.educational,.and.government-based.organizations                         sign-up at 2022 HCBS Conference Exhibitor Booth
                                                                                 Signup Form, advancingstates.org
• Exhibit.booth.packages.include:
                                                                               • Please note there are many options surrounding
     - Access.for.1.booth.representative.to.join.all.general
                                                                                 sponsorship packages. Not sure which package to pick?
                                                                                 Be sure to check out the following pages to review .
       • ALL.booth.representatives.must.register.for.                            the possibilities.
         access to.the.exhibit.hall
                                                                               • Need more time to make a decision? No problem! .
     - Option.to.share.brand.on.conference.materials,                            Stay in the loop and receive conference updates. .
       signage,.and.on.the.conference.app                                        Sign-up here.

 Questions? Send us a note at inform@hcbsconference.org or check out our conference webpage www.hcbsconference.org.

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2022 Spring Meeting & 2022 HCBS Conference - Exhibitor & Sponsorship Prospectus Spring Meeting: May 2022 Salt Lake City, UT - ADvancing ...
Sponsorship Levels and Opportunities

2022 HCBS Conference
Event Sponsorships                                 2022 Sponsorship           Platinum      Diamond        Emerald        Sapphire   Ruby       Gold
                                                   Levels/Pricing             $51,500+      $41,500+       $31,500+       $21,500+   $11,500+   $9,000+
Through sponsored activities, available
                                                   Sponsored Activity              4             4              4             4           4         4
to all interested parties, organizations
can gain and enhance exposure,                     Logo on Conference
                                                                                   4             4              4             4           4         4
network at business and social events,
and promote your brand and message.                Differentiated Signage
                                                                                   4             4              4             4           4         4
                                                   at Exhibit Hall Entrance
Each sponsor has the opportunity
                                                   Screen Projection
choose one activity associated with the            Loop before and after           4             4              4             4           4         4
designated level, while available. Don’t           general sessions

wait, these activities won’t last. See             Promotional in Tote Bag         4             4              4             4           4
following pages for more details.                  Logo Displayed on the
                                                   HCBS Clearinghouse              4             4              4             4
Sponsorship contributions support                  webpage
                                                   Private Meal/Reception
the ADvancing States mission                       with State Members (as          4             4              4
to design, improve, and sustain                    available)

state systems delivering long-term                 10-second commercial
                                                   played during                   4             4
services for older adults, people .                conference
with disabilities, and their caregivers.           Conference App—
For more information on how to                     Promotional Post

secure your conference sponsorship,                Invitation to the MLTSS
please contact Kristin Murphy at                   Symposium/Spring                4
                                                   Exhibit Booth
                                                                               Premier        Premier       Premier
                                                                               location       location      location
                                                   Additional Conference
                                                   Registrations                   6              5             4             3           2         1

 Questions? Send us a note at inform@hcbsconference.org or check out our conference webpage www.hcbsconference.org.

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2022 Spring Meeting & 2022 HCBS Conference - Exhibitor & Sponsorship Prospectus Spring Meeting: May 2022 Salt Lake City, UT - ADvancing ...
Sponsorship Levels and Opportunities Continued.

Platinum Exclusive Features                                                    • HCBS Band
Opportunity to sponsor ADvancing States Member                                   Your company will sponsor and host our annual dance

Breakfasts, Lunches, Dinners, Receptions, and the Band!                          party, featuring everyone’s favorite “Millennium Band.”
With officials anticipated from all 56 states and territories,
                                                                                                                        L D
                                                                                 They are led and anchored by Season 4 American Idol

sponsors of these activities will work with ADvancing States                     finalist, Travis Tucker. Conference attendees gather to cut
staff on identifying and personally inviting state directors in                  a rug and celebrate on the dance floor. Sponsor will have
targeted states. This is an exclusive opportunity to mingle,                     their company’s logo displayed on the bandstand and will
have an informal meeting with targeted contacts, and discuss                     receive recognition from the band.
your products and programs. Sponsors will be recognized

                                                                               • HCBS Party Toys

by having their logo displayed during the event, as well as

                                                                                 Your company will provide additional fun for all attendees
throughout the meeting agenda materials.

                                                                                 during ADvancing States Dance Party and Celebration.
• Private Breakfast with ADvancing States Members                                What exciting toys are you going to shake, rattle, and roll?

• Private Lunch with ADvancing States Members at the
  Fall Meeting Membership Meeting

                              D   !
• Private Dinner with ADvancing States Members
• Private Presidential Reception for ADvancing
  States Members
  ADvancing States hosts receptions for state members
  during the HCBS Conference. These events are

                                 D !
  well attended by the ADvancing States board and

  membership and are a highlight of the conference.

  Sponsoring organizations will have their logo displayed
  on reception tables, as well as in the membership agenda
  materials. Sponsors are invited to join the reception to
  mingle and network with ADvancing States members.

 Questions? Send us a note at inform@hcbsconference.org or check out our conference webpage www.hcbsconference.org.

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2022 Spring Meeting & 2022 HCBS Conference - Exhibitor & Sponsorship Prospectus Spring Meeting: May 2022 Salt Lake City, UT - ADvancing ...
Sponsorship Levels and Opportunities Continued.

Diamond Sponsorship Activities
• Plenary Speaker                                                            • HCBS Conference Registration Station and
  The.plenary.speaker.of.the.Conference.draws.attendees                        Electronic Badging
  together.during.the.week.and.serves.as.one.of.the.few                        Welcome to electronic badging and kiosk registration!
  collective.experiences.of.the.Conference..It.creates                         All registrants will check in to receive their electronically
  emotional.synchronicity.throughout.the.crowd..Our                            printed badge and tote bag. Your company’s logo will be
  plenary.will.be.live.allowing.for.branding.opportunities                     featured at all check-in kiosks, as well as on floor decals
  before.and.after.the.speech..This.year’s.Plenary.sponsor                     leading up to the registration station.
  thank.you.slide.with.logo.branding.at.the.conclusion.of                   Emerald Sponsorship Activities
                                                                             • HCBS Conference Smartphone App
• HCBS Exhibit Hall Reception                                                  Wish you could send a message to a speaker you just

  Conference.attendees.gather.to.gather.to.enjoy                               heard? Or send a message to an attendee? The HCBS

  appetizers.and.good.company.before.the.dance.party                           Conference Smartphone App allows for attendees to

  begins..Your.company.will.be.recognized.throughout the.                      bookmark and save the people they meet and sessions
  reception.at.the.food.stations,.as.well.as.highlighted                       they attend within a full online listing of the agenda.
  within.the.conference.program.                                               Sponsorship for the App includes your logo displayed
                                                                               on posters throughout the conference, as well as in
• HCBS Bar during the Exhibit Hall Reception

                                                                               communication about the app. Your company’s name will
  Conference.attendees.will.enjoy.a.cocktail.bar.hosted by.

                                                                               also be highlighted within the app. This is a fantastic way

  your.company.while.they.dance.the.night.away.with our.                       to be at the fingertips of every attendee!

  live.HCBS.band..Sponsors.of.the.cocktail.hour.will have.

  their.company’s.logo.displayed.and.will.receive                            • Name Badge Lanyards

                                                                                                                      L D
                                                                               In-person attendees will wear your company’s logo or

                                                                               name around their necks to display their name badge
                                                                               for the conference. Your company’s logo will be worn .
                                                                               by attendees!

 Questions? Send us a note at inform@hcbsconference.org or check out our conference webpage www.hcbsconference.org.

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Sponsorship Levels and Opportunities Continued.

Emerald Sponsorship Activities   (Continued)                                         Sapphire Sponsorship Activities
• Lunch for All Attendees                                                            • Continental Breakfast (4 available)
  Join.attendees.in the exhibit hall as.they.enjoy.lunch..                             Conference attendees will enjoy a continental breakfast
  Your.company.logo will.be.displayed.for.viewing.by.all.                              with coffee and tea. Join the breakfast crowd, do some
                                                                                       networking, and see your sponsorship activity in action.
• Bottled Water at Registration (4 available)
  Quench attendee thirst by sponsoring bottled water for                             • Conference Wi-Fi
  one day of the conference, which will be made available                              Conference attendees will appreciate Wi-Fi available
  near the registration area.

                                                                                                                                D !
                                                                                       throughout the conference, allowing them to easily

                                                                                       connect to exhibitors’ and speakers’ websites, and to

• After-party Sponsor (3 available)
                                                                                       engage with the Conference App. Sponsorship includes
  Looking to chillax after a long-day of learning, meeting
                                                                                       your name on all materials highlighting the conference Wi-
  new people, and conference activities? Host an                                       Fi, as well as throughout the conference agenda.
  after party. We will work with you to plan an after-party

  experience to be remembered.                                                       • Elevator Door Banners

                                                                                       Capture. the. undivided. attention. of. attendees. each..
• After-party Sponsor (3 available)
                                                                                       day. at. the. HCBS. Conference. as. they. ride. up. and. down
  Spend quality time with state members before and after
                                                                                       the. elevator. banks. of. the. Marriott. Marquis. Washington,
  they receive a digital and print copy of their 2022 Head                             DC.hotel.
  Shot. Their printed copy will be provided to the state
  members in a folder with your branding and message.                                • Innovation Track Workshops (6 sold)
                                                                                       This. track. will. allow. for. corporations. and. private. funders
                                                                                       to. present. to. a. large. and. diverse. group. of. individuals..
                                                                                       This will. be. the. opportunity. to. present. a. session. during.
                                                                                       the conference. and. sell. your. product/products. to. a.
                                                                                       broader audience.

 Questions? Send us a note at inform@hcbsconference.org or check out our conference webpage www.hcbsconference.org.

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Sponsorship Levels and Opportunities Continued.

Sapphire Sponsorship Activities   (Continued)
                                                                                     Ruby Sponsorship Activities
• Interactive Demonstration Exhibitors (5 available)
                                                                                      • HCBS Yoga (Traditional and/or Chair), Stretching,
  Does your company have software or innovative
                                                                                        Meditation, Massage, or Fitness Breaks (3 available)
  technology to share? Included with your sponsorship, you
  have the option to add-on an extra booth space while
  you exhibit on Innovation Row to provide on-site                                      during.the.conference..You.will.also.be.able.to.brand.a 5-
  demonstrations to attendees highlighting new, exciting                                minute.video.(pre-recorded.by.ADvancing.States).in one.
  innovations and/or technology.                                                        of.the.wellness.categories.above.that.you.choose—just.
• Charging Stations (2 available)                                                       send.in.an.opening.slide,.your.logo.to.be.displayed as.a.
  These days everyone is on their smartphone or tablet,                                 bottom.banner.during.the.video,.and.a.closing.slide.
  using it to take notes, and to gather contact info from                               Consider.providing.a.coordinated.promo.item.at.your
  other conference attendees. Sponsorship of a charging                                 booth.like.a.branded.essential.oil,.hand.towel,.earbuds,..or.
  station include a screen display, showcasing a slideshow                              candle.

  loop that can be used as advertising space, as well as                              • Water Stations

                                                                                        Keep. conference. attendees. well. hydrated. during the.

  your logo displayed on the kiosk.

                                                                                        action-packed,. fun-filled. days!. Your. logo. will. be
• Hotel Key Cards                                                                       highlighted. throughout. water. stations. throughout. the
  Be.the.first.thing.attendees.see.as.they.check-in.for.the                             conference. space.
  logo.will.be.printed.on.the.hotel.key.cards,.providing                              • Exhibit Hall Coffee/Tea (3 available)
  repeated.views.at.your.logo.and.messaging.                                            Everyone loves a coffee or tea break! Mingle with
                                                                                        attendees in the exhibit hall as they grab coffee for the
• Opening Exhibit Hall Dessert                                                          afternoon

 Questions? Send us a note at inform@hcbsconference.org or check out our conference webpage www.hcbsconference.org.

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Sponsorship Levels and Opportunities Continued.

Gold Sponsorship Activities
• Conference Spirit Competition Host (3 available)
  you want,.you.can.award.a.prize.to.the.winner.at.the.end.
  and collect.leads.along.the.way.

• Notebooks

                                D !



• Pens


                              L D

  ADvancing.States.a.pen.with.your.company.logo..                                 “If you want to learn a lot, in a
  them.throughout.the.conference,.in.multiple.locations.                           condensed period of time, the HCBS
                                                                                   conference is the place to do it.”
                                                                                         —Carol Steckel, Executive VP of Government Relations at
                                                                                        InnovAge. Former Medicaid Commissioner/Director in AL,
                                                                                           NC, and KY and also led the Office of Innovation at the
                                                                                                              Dept. of Health and Hospitals in LA

 Questions? Send us a note at inform@hcbsconference.org or check out our conference webpage www.hcbsconference.org.

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ADvancing States Rules & Guidelines

1.   Registration. All.exhibitors.and            3.    Booth Blocks. In the event
     sponsors,.including.staff.staffing                an organization would like to
     the.booth,.are.required.to.register               purchase multiple booth spaces
     as.participating.attendees.at                     or if two exhibitors would like
     the.ADvancing.States.2022 HCBS.                   adjoining space, this request
     Conference..Conference                            MUST be indicated on the
     registration.entitles.exhibitors.and              Booth Application forms and
     sponsors.to.participate.fully.in                  must be received at the same
     all.open.conference.workshops,                    time as spaces are assigned on
     keynotes,.and.social.events.on.the                a first-come, first-served basis.
     program.agenda.                                   Every effort will be made to
                                                       accommodate adjoining booth
2.   Exhibit Hall. Booth.Logistics...
                                                       requests, but final assignment is at
                                                       the discretion of the Conference
                                                       Coordinator. If a customization is
     includes.one.6.ft..skirted.table and.
                                                       desired beyond what is provided
                                                       in traditional booth setup, the
                                                       request must be shared in
                                                       writing with ADvancing States.
                                                       Supplemental charges may apply.
     additional,.drayage,.AV,.electrical,                                                                           “If someone is working in
     etc..All.necessary.order.forms and.         4.    Exhibit Installation. Exhibit
     shipping.information.will.be                      installation hours are Monday,
                                                                                                                     the aging, disability, or
     provided.in.the.Exhibitor’s.Manual.               August 15, 1:00—5:00 PM and                                   Medicaid space, this is
                                                       Tuesday, August 16, 7:00—10:00
                                                       AM. Exhibitors agree that all
                                                                                                                     the conference.”
                                                       booths will be operational and                                   —Nels Holmgren, Division Director,
                                                       staffed during designated exhibit                            Aging and Adult Services, State of Utah
                                                       hall hours.                                                          Department of Human Services

 Questions? Send us a note at inform@hcbsconference.org or check out our conference webpage www.hcbsconference.org.

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ADvancing States Rules & Guidelines Continued.

5.   Dismantling Exhibits. Exhibits              8.    No Shows. If an Exhibit Hall
     may be dismantled on Wednesday,                   Exhibitor fails to install or display
     August 17 by 3:30 PM EST.                         in assigned space or fails to
                                                       comply with any other provision of
6.   Cancelled Sponsorships.
                                                       this agreement, ADvancing States
     Cancellations made by July
                                                       shall have the right, without notice
     10, 2022 will receive a refund,
                                                       to Exhibitor, to take possession
     less the $1,000 conference
                                                       of said space and lease said
     sponsorship cancellation fee.
                                                       space, or any part thereof, to such
     There will be no refunds after
                                                       parties, and upon such terms
     July 10, 2022. All cancellations
                                                       and conditions, as it may deem
     and requests for refunds must
                                                       proper. Any exhibitors who do
     be made in writing and sent to
                                                       not show up will not get a refund.
     the attention of Kristin Murphy.
                                                       If you e-mail, fax, or mail your
7.   Cancelled Exhibitor Booths.                       cancellation notice, please call to
     Cancellations made by July 10,                    confirm receipt.
     2022 will receive a refund, less the
                                                 9.    Fees. Full payment of any
     $100.00 conference cancellation
                                                       sponsorship or exhibitor booth
     fee. There will be no refunds after
                                                       must be received within 30 days
     July 10, 2022. All cancellations and
     requests for refunds must be in
                                                       of the invoice issued.                                       “The HCBS Conference has
     writing and sent to the attention                                                                               become the premier
     of Kristin Murphy.                                                                                              conference for HCBS... which
                                                                                                                     is the fastest growing service
                                                                                                                     in state Medicaid programs.”
                                                                                                                                 —Kevin Hancock, Health
                                                                                                                                 Management Associates

 Questions? Send us a note at inform@hcbsconference.org or check out our conference webpage www.hcbsconference.org.

                               2 0 2 2 H O M E & C O M M U N I T Y- B A S E D S E R V I C E S C O N F E R E N C E    •   13
ADvancing States Rules & Guidelines Continued.

  10. Exhibitor/Sponsor Meetings                 11. Videotaping/Recordings.                                 13. Changes. ADvancing States
      & Events. Any promotion of                     Because of the sensitive nature                             reserves the right to make
      products, services, and meetings               of many of the sessions and                                 changes to these rules. Any
      that directly compete with                     presentations, videotaping and/                             matters not specifically
      those offered by ADvancing                     or recording is prohibited during                           covered herein are subject to
      States during the conference is                any conference session or                                   decision by ADvancing States.
      prohibited. No sponsor, exhibitor,             keynote address.                                            ADvancing States reserves the
      or attendee may host/sponsor/                                                                              right to make such changes,
                                                 12. Badges. Lanyard/Registration
      promote an event that directly                                                                             amendments, and additions
                                                     badges with must be always
      competes with the ADvancing                                                                                to these rules as considered
                                                     worn during conference spaces
      States conference agenda. If you                                                                           advisable for the proper
                                                     and time-frames. Badge
      would like to host a meeting/event                                                                         conduct of the exhibit, with the
                                                     sharing is prohibited. If you
      that conflicts with conference                                                                             provision the exhibitors will be
                                                     need to purchase an additional
      activities, please reach out to                                                                            advised of any such changes.
                                                     registration, please contact
      Kristin Murphy to discuss options.
                                                     Kristin Murphy pre-conference for
                                                     assistance or visit the registration
                                                     desk, on-site.

“If someone is working in the aging,
 disability, or Medicaid space, this is
 the conference.”
     —Nels Holmgren, Division Director, Aging and Adult
  Services, State of Utah Department of Human Services

   Questions? Send us a note at inform@hcbsconference.org or check out our conference webpage www.hcbsconference.org.

                               2 0 2 2 H O M E & C O M M U N I T Y- B A S E D S E R V I C E S C O N F E R E N C E   •   14
HCBS Conference Contacts:

• Sponsors, Exhibitors, and Logistics: Kristin Murphy,
  kmurphy@advancingstates.org 202-898-2579,
  ADvancing States Sr. Director of Partnerships .
  and Special Projects

• Speakers, Registration, & Agenda: Ally La Pinta,
  alapinta@advancingstates.org, 202-898-2585,
  Communications Guru

• Invoices & Payment: Pearl Barnett, .
  pbarnett@advancingstates.org, 202-499-5946,
  Deputy Director of Operations

• General Questions? inform@hcbsconference.org .
  or 202-898-2578 for additional information.

• The 2022 HCBS Conference is supported .
  by the entire staff at ADvancing States .
  www.ADvancingStates.org, 202-898-2578

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