Page created by Miguel Ball

◄ 1 / 19 ►      WWW.IUHPE2019.COM
  3   Introduction                               15 Exhibition Staff Passes
  4   About the International Union for Health   15 Exhibition Manual
      Promotion and Education (IUHPE)
                                                 15 We invite your support
  4   About the Health Promotion Forum (HPF)
                                                 16 Booking & Payment Conditions
  5   Theme
                                                 16 Cancellation Policy
  6   Sponsorship Platforms
                                                 16 Contact
  15 Preliminary Exhibition Timetable

◄ 2 / 19 ►                                                                WWW.IUHPE2019.COM

                         Kia Ora
                         E ngā mana, e ngā reo, e ngā tini karangamaha o te rā tēnā
                         koutou, tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou katoa.
                         As Co-Convenors of the next IUHPE World Conference on Health Promotion, we are
                         pleased to announce the coming of this prestigious event to Rotorua, New Zealand from
                         the 7th to the 11th of April 2019, and to share the opportunities it presents for the health
                         community and for your organisation.

                         It is a tremendous honour for the Health Promotion Forum of New Zealand (HPF) to be
                         hosting the Conference in association with the International Union for Health Promotion
                         and Education (IUHPE). It represents a unique platform to showcase New Zealand’s
                         innovation and excellence in health promotion to a global audience, along with our
                         country’s natural beauty, culture and hospitality.

                         With up to 3000 delegates expected from New Zealand, Australia, the Pacific Islands,
                         the wider Asia-Pacific region, Europe, Americas, Middle East and Africa, it will be an
                         invaluable forum for those in the sector to exchange and update knowledge and build
SPONSORSHIP              networks, in order to:
                         ▪▪ Share strategies, research outcomes, policies and practices;
CONTENTS                 ▪▪ Present results and assess progress;
                         ▪▪ Influence policy and bring about positive change;
3 Introduction
                         ▪▪ Promote health and equity amongst all people.
4 About IUHPE
                         As well as bringing the latest thinking, ideas, effective interventions and initiatives back
4 About HPF              to their communities, it is a chance for agencies and groups working in New Zealand
                         and the Pacific to raise the profile of their own organisations and build new partnerships
5 Theme
                         beyond their immediate communities.
6 Sponsorship
  Platforms              For more information about the 23rd IUHPE World Conference on Health Promotion and
                         related engagement opportunities, please contact our Conference Managers:
15 Preliminary
   Exhibition            The Conference Company
   Timetable             Post:       PO Box 90 040
                                     Auckland 1142
15 Exhibition Staff                  New Zealand
   Passes                Ph:         +64 9 360 1240
                         Fax:        +64 9 360 1242
15 Exhibition Manual     Email:      iuhpe@tcc.co.nz
                         Website:    www.iuhpe2019.com
15 We invite your

16 Booking &

16 Cancellation
   Policy                Sione Tuitahi                                   Graham Robertson
                         Executive Director, Health                      President, IUHPE
16 Contact               Promotion Forum of New Zealand                  Co-Chair 23rd IUHPE World
                         Co-Chair 23rd IUHPE World                       Conference on Health Promotion
                         Conference on Health Promotion

   ◄ 3 / 19 ►
                       UNION FOR HEALTH PROMOTION
                       AND EDUCATION

                       The International Union for Health Promotion and Education (IUHPE) is a
                       unique worldwide, independent and professional association of individuals
                       and organisations committed to improving the health and wellbeing of
                       the people through education, community action and the development of
                       healthy public policy.
                       The vision of the IUHPE is a world where all people achieve optimum health and wellbeing.

                       The values critical to the achievement of this vision include:

                       ▪▪ Respect — for the innate dignity of all people; for cultural identity; for cultural diversity; and for
                          natural resources and the environment;
                       ▪▪ Inclusion and involvement of people in making the decisions that shape their lives and impact upon
                          their health and wellbeing;
                       ▪▪ Equity in health, social and economic outcomes for all people;
                       ▪▪ Accountability and transparency — within governments, organisations and communities;
SPONSORSHIP            ▪▪ Sustainability;
PROSPECTUS             ▪▪ Social justice for all people; and
                       ▪▪ Compassion and empowerment.
3 Introduction

4 About HPF            FORUM
5 Theme

6 Sponsorship          Health Promotion Forum of New Zealand — Runanga Whakapiki Ake I Te
  Platforms            Hauora o Aotearoa (HPF) — is the umbrella organisation for all those who
15 Preliminary         identify health promotion as part of their work.
   Timetable           Founded on the principles of Te Tiriti o Waitangi and the Ottawa Charter, our non-profit organisation
15 Exhibition Staff    provides information, training and resources to build the workforce and health promotion leadership.
                       The membership of the Forum is made up of over 100 organisations committed to improving the
15 Exhibition Manual   health and wellbeing of New Zealanders. In addition over 3,000 individuals with an interest in health
                       promotion subscribe to our newsletter and information.
15 We invite your
   support             As well as its leading work in Aotearoa New Zealand, HPF is increasingly being recognised as a health
16 Booking &           promotion leader at regional and international level. Our team is connecting more and more with
   Payment             other international leaders. We share health promotion expertise and best practice to advance
   Conditions          socio-economic wellbeing and other outcomes at all levels.

16 Cancellation

16 Contact

   ◄ 4 / 19 ►

                       Promoting Planetary Health &
                       Sustainable Development for All
                       The theme of our Conference is Waiora: Promoting
                       Planetary Health and Sustainable Development For All.
                       Translated literally as ‘healing and healthy waters’,
                       Waiora refers to the interconnectedness of our
                       physical and spiritual worlds with our environment.
                       As a theme, Waiora reflects the dependence of our own health on that of
                       our planet, and recognises the major global challenge of balancing ongoing
                       development with environmental stewardship.

                             Recognising that most determinants                      Participants are expected from all
SPONSORSHIP                  of health in fact lie outside the                       over the world and will include:
PROSPECTUS                   health sector, a key focus will be the
                             need for increased dialogue with                        ▪▪ Politicians and Government
CONTENTS                     other sectors and disciplines. Other                       representatives;
                             issues addressed will include:                          ▪▪ Health policymakers;
3 Introduction                                                                       ▪▪ Academic researchers;
                             ▪▪ The impact of climate change
4 About IUHPE                   on individual and community                          ▪▪ Health promotion professionals;

4 About HPF                     health;                                              ▪▪ Representatives from
                             ▪▪ Addressing the challenges faced                         international organisations;
5 Theme                                                                              ▪▪ Non-Government
                                by communities within this
6 Sponsorship                   global context;                                         representatives;
  Platforms                  ▪▪ How best to balance sustainable                      ▪▪ Companies focused on
                                development with healthy                                sustainability, healthcare and
15 Preliminary
                                environments.                                           infrastructure.

15 Exhibition Staff

15 Exhibition Manual         As well as promoting the Conference through our own
15 We invite your            channels, the HPF will be working closely with the
   support                   IUHPE in the 18-month lead-up period to market the
                             event internationally through the Conference’s Global
16 Booking &                 Management Committee and the Board Members’
   Payment                   professional networks.

16 Cancellation
                       For programme updates
16 Contact
                       please visit the website at:

   ◄ 5 / 19 ►

                       Since time immemorial the stars
                       and other celestial bodies have
                       provided the basis for global
                       navigation and exploration.

                       No less in the Pacific where the drive to expand
                       and seek out new lands required a mastery of
                       the star systems and the application of this
                       knowledge to traverse the largest body of water
                       on Earth. As with all of the Pacific Island nations,
                       Aotearoa New Zealand’s discovery by the
                       ancient pioneers was made possible by a deep
                       understanding of this system and its use — what
                       we would now call “global positioning”.
                       Based on these deep historical and cultural
SPONSORSHIP            aspects we have adopted the Maori star system
PROSPECTUS             for our sponsorship platform.
3 Introduction

4 About IUHPE

4 About HPF

5 Theme                            MATARIKI SPONSOR
6 Sponsorship                      Thought Leadership — Limited to 5 opportunities

15 Preliminary
   Timetable                                      MAAHUTONGA SPONSOR
15 Exhibition Staff                               Networking and Exhibiting

15 Exhibition Manual

15 We invite your                                                TAKURUA SPONSOR
                                                                 Visibility and Association
16 Booking &

16 Cancellation

16 Contact

                                                                                       Castlepoint Wairarapa — Daniel Rood
   ◄ 6 / 19 ►

                       MATARIKI SPONSOR
                       Thought Leadership — Limited to 5 opportunities


                       Traditionally for Māori when                             relationship between people and the natural
                       Matariki appeared just before
                       dawn in late May or early June,                          The Matariki Sponsor is the Premier platform for
                                                                                engagement and collaboration at the 23rd IUHPE
                       it signaled the start of the Māori                       World Conference on Health Promotion. It is the
                       New Year.                                                highest level of support available to link through
                                                                                Thought Leadership at the Conference.
                       It is considered a time of planning and
                       preparation for the year ahead but also as               The Matariki Sponsor will encompass the
                       a period of reflection on previous times and             opportunity to put forward a speaker to be
                       remembrance of who have passed on. In                    included into the main programme thereby
                       Aotearoa New Zealand and across the Pacific the          presenting the sponsor a focussed platform to
SPONSORSHIP            Matariki star cluster holds special significance         get their message out to the entire spectrum of
PROSPECTUS             and reverence, and alludes to the interdependent         attendees.

3 Introduction
                       Speaker                                                      Session room during the sponsored speaker’s
4 About IUHPE                                                                       presentation (Banner to be provided by
                       Sponsored speaker to be provided a minimum of
                                                                                    the Sponsor and subject to approval by the
4 About HPF            20 minutes in the main programme. The direction
                                                                                    IUHPE 2019 Global Management Committee)
                       and topic to be determined in consultation
5 Theme                with the IUHPE Global Scientific Committee               ▪▪ Verbal acknowledgement by the Session
                       in accordance to the central topic of the                   Chairperson
6 Sponsorship
  Platforms            Conference                                               ▪▪ Sponsor logo in the Conference App and the
                                                                                   Conference Website
15 Preliminary         Registrations                                            ▪▪ 300 word Organisational profile in the
                       Seven (7) Complimentary Conference                          Conference App
                       Registrations with access to sessions, morning/          ▪▪ Opportunity to link through a multimedia
15 Exhibition Staff    afternoon tea breaks and lunch                              platform which will be profiled on the IUHPE
   Passes                                                                          2019 website and post the Conference on the
                       Profile                                                     Health Promotion Forum thereby continuing
15 Exhibition Manual
                       ▪▪ Sponsor logo will be displayed in the                    the avenues of visibility (Multimedia platform
15 We invite your         session room’s audio visual platform at                  to be supplied by Sponsor)
   support                the commencement of all programme                     ▪▪ Access to delegates list (4 weeks prior to the
16 Booking &              presentations by the sponsored speaker                   Conference and updates 1 week prior to at
   Payment             ▪▪ Opportunity to display a freestanding banner             the Conference and immediately after the
   Conditions             (maximum size 2m high and 1m wide) in the                Conference)

16 Cancellation

16 Contact
                       Matariki Sponsorship Investment Level
                                                                                                               NZ$30,000 + GST
                                                             As a guideline this equates to USD21,700 and EUR18,550 as at 30 September 2017
   ◄ 7 / 19 ►

                       MAAHUTONGA SPONSOR
                       Visibility and Association

                       MAAHUTONGA — THE SOUTHERN CROSS

                       Maahutonga or Te Pae Mahutonga                             position on the National Flag of Aotearoa
                                                                                  New Zealand. The Te Pae Mahutonga
                       has long been used as a significant                        constellation has also been developed as a
                       navigational aid and is closely                            model for Māori health promotion by Professor
                       associated with the discovery of                           Sir Mason Durie to world-wide acclaim.

                       Aotearoa and other Islands in the                          The Maahutonga Sponsor opportunity ties
                                                                                  in strongly with those organisations keen on
                       Pacific.                                                   interacting with the global audience through
                       Its ever reliable position in the night sky provided       Networking and Exhibition opportunities. This
                       an accurate and critical compass for those                 sponsorship provide a very visual and physical
                       early explorers traversing the huge distances              touch point for products or services and enables
SPONSORSHIP                                                                       attendees to have an experiential feel of the
                       across the Pacific Ocean. The importance
PROSPECTUS             of Maahutonga can be seen in its prominent                 organisation’s offering.

3 Introduction
4 About IUHPE

4 About HPF            Exhibiting                                                 Profile
                       9 sqm (3m x 3m) Exhibition Stand/space provided            ▪▪ Sponsor logo in the Conference App and the
5 Theme
                       in the Networking area where all refreshments                 Conference Website
6 Sponsorship          and meals will be provided (furniture and custom           ▪▪ 100 word Organisational profile in the
  Platforms            design at sponsor cost)                                       Conference App
15 Preliminary         Registrations                                              ▪▪ Access to delegates list (1 week prior to the
   Exhibition                                                                        Conference and updates and immediately
   Timetable           Two (2) Complimentary Exhibitor passes with                   after the Conference)
                       access to morning/afternoon tea breaks, lunch
15 Exhibition Staff    and the Welcome Reception

15 Exhibition Manual

15 We invite your

16 Booking &

16 Cancellation

16 Contact
                       Maahutonga Sponsorship Investment Level
                                                                                                                   NZ$7,000 + GST
                                                                  As a guideline this equates to USD5100 and EUR4350 as at 30 September 2017
   ◄ 8 / 19 ►

                       TAKURUA SPONSOR
                       Visibility and Association

                       TAKURUA — SIRIUS, THE DOG STAR,

                       Takurua is usually associated with Sirius in winter months only and is
                       recognised as the star that brings frost, snow and cold.
                       Its post-harvest appearance indicates the coming of colder temperatures and preparations for indoor
                       activities. As the brightest star in the sky, the variations on colour, visibility and clarity would provide
                       clues for impending weather conditions and long term seasonal outcomes.

                       The Takurua Sponsor opportunity provides those organisations looking to create and forge links of their
                       brand, image and message to tie in with the objectives of the Conference which are Planetary Health
                       and Sustainable Development for All.
                       Takurua Sponsor Platforms				                                                                   NZ Dollars
3 Introduction
                       World Conference App                                                                      $15,000 + GST
4 About IUHPE

4 About HPF
                       World Conference Lounge                                                                   $10,000 + GST

5 Theme                Indigenous Culture Lounge                                                                 $10,000 + GST
6 Sponsorship          Pacific Showcase                                                                          $10,000 + GST

15 Preliminary
                       Lunch 		                                                                                  $10,000 + GST
   Timetable           Massage Corner                                                                              $8,000 + GST

15 Exhibition Staff    Fun Run 		                                                                                  $5,000 + GST
                       Yoga Session                                                                                $5,000 + GST
15 Exhibition Manual

15 We invite your      Coffee Cart                                                                                $4,000 + GST

16 Booking &

16 Cancellation

16 Contact

   ◄ 9 / 19 ►

                       World Conference App
                       NZ$15,000 + GST                                                                   (Exclusive Opportunity)
                       As a guideline this equates to USD10,900 and EUR9300 as at 30 September 2017

                       Five (5) Complimentary Conference Registrations with access to sessions, morning/afternoon tea
                       breaks and lunch

                       ▪▪ Exclusive logo presence on the home page and start up flash imagery
                       ▪▪ Promoted as exclusive App sponsor
                       ▪▪ Sponsor logo in the Conference App and the Conference Website
                       ▪▪ 100 word Organisational profile in the Conference App
                       ▪▪ Access to delegates list (1 week prior to the Conference and updates and immediately after the

                       World Conference Lounge
SPONSORSHIP            NZ$10,000 + GST                                                                   (Exclusive Opportunity)
PROSPECTUS             As a guideline this equates to USD7250 and EUR6200 as at 30 September 2017

                       This lounge will be located in the Exhibition Hall and will provide the sponsor the opportunity to have a
                       bespoke space to network and interact with the delegates in a relaxed setting incorporating branding
3 Introduction         and theming to match their message.

4 About IUHPE          Registration
4 About HPF            ▪▪ Three (3) Complimentary Conference Registrations with access to sessions, morning/afternoon tea
                          breaks and lunch
5 Theme
                       Lounge Space
6 Sponsorship
  Platforms            ▪▪ 6m x 6m space provided to create a lounge. (This space cannot be used to incorporate a stand. If a
                          stand is required, it needs to be purchased separately).
15 Preliminary
   Exhibition          ▪▪ Theming, furniture, refreshments are additional and at the Sponsor’s expense.
15 Exhibition Staff
                       ▪▪ Opportunity to have two (2) pull-up banners next to the World Conference Lounge
                       ▪▪ Sponsor logo in the Conference App and the Conference Website
15 Exhibition Manual
                       ▪▪ 100 word Organisational profile in the Conference App
15 We invite your      ▪▪ Access to delegates list (1 week prior to the Conference and updates and immediately after the
   support                Conference)
16 Booking &

16 Cancellation

16 Contact

   ◄ 10 / 19 ►

                       Indigenous Culture Lounge
                       NZ$10,000 + GST                                                                    (Exclusive Opportunity)
                       As a guideline this equates to USD7250 and EUR6200 as at 30 September 2017

                       The Indigenous Culture Lounge will be located in the primary venue of the Conference. The Lounge will
                       be the hub for Global Elders to share their history, wisdom and their thoughts on our future direction.
                       This presents a very engaging opportunity for delegates to experience and get enriched through this

                       ▪▪ Three (3) Complimentary Conference Registrations with access to sessions, morning/afternoon tea
                          breaks and lunch

                       Lounge Space
                       ▪▪ 6m x 6m space provided to create a lounge. (This space cannot be used to incorporate a stand.
                          If a stand is required, it needs to be purchased separately).
                       ▪▪ Theming, furniture, refreshments are additional and at the Sponsor’s expense.

SPONSORSHIP            ▪▪ Opportunity to have two (2) pull-up banners next to the Indigenous Culture Lounge
PROSPECTUS             ▪▪ Sponsor logo in the Conference App and the Conference Website
                       ▪▪ 100 word Organisational profile in the Conference App
CONTENTS               ▪▪ Access to delegates list (1 week prior to the Conference and updates and immediately after the
3 Introduction            Conference)

4 About IUHPE
                       The Pacific Showcase
4 About HPF
                       NZ$10,000 + GST                                                                    (Exclusive Opportunity)
5 Theme                As a guideline this equates to USD7250 and EUR6200 as at 30 September 2017

6 Sponsorship          The Pacific Showcase will be the platform for local businesses specialising in art, cultural experiences
                       and creation to have a platform to showcase their skills and innovations. The experiences will change
15 Preliminary         day to day to keep it fresh, vibrant and a place for international delegates to sample our varied culture in
   Exhibition          New Zealand and beyond into the Pacific.
15 Exhibition Staff
   Passes              ▪▪ Three (3) Complimentary Conference Registrations with access to sessions, morning/afternoon tea
                          breaks and lunch and the Welcome Reception
15 Exhibition Manual
                       Lounge Space
15 We invite your
   support             ▪▪ 6m x 6m space provided to create the Showcase. (This space cannot be used to incorporate a
                          stand. If a stand is required, it needs to be purchased separately).
16 Booking &
   Payment             ▪▪ Theming, furniture, refreshments are additional and at the Sponsor’s expense.
16 Cancellation        ▪▪ Opportunity to have two (2) pull-up banners next to the Pacific Showcase
                       ▪▪ Sponsor logo in the Conference App and the Conference Website
16 Contact             ▪▪ 100 word Organisational profile in the Conference App
                       ▪▪ Access to delegates list (1 week prior to the Conference and updates and immediately after the

   ◄ 11 / 19 ►

                       NZ$10,000 + GST                                                              (Exclusive Opportunity for all days)
                       As a guideline this equates to USD7250 and EUR6200 as at 30 September 2017

                       ▪▪ Three (3) Complimentary Conference Registrations with access to sessions, morning/afternoon tea
                          breaks and lunch

                       ▪▪ Opportunity to have two (2) pull-up banners near the catering stations during all the Conference
                          Lunch breaks
                       ▪▪ Sponsor logo in the Conference App and the Conference Website
                       ▪▪ 100 word Organisational profile in the Conference App
                       ▪▪ Access to delegates list (1 week prior to the Conference and updates and immediately after the

                       Massage Corner
SPONSORSHIP            NZ$8,000 + GST                                                                          (Exclusive Opportunity)
PROSPECTUS             As a guideline this equates to USD5800 and EUR5000 as at 30 September 2017

CONTENTS               Registration
                       ▪▪ Two (2) Complimentary Conference Registrations with access to sessions, morning/afternoon tea
3 Introduction
                          breaks and lunch
4 About IUHPE
                       Massage Corner Space
4 About HPF
                       ▪▪ 3m x 3m space provided to create a massage centre adequate for up to two (2) seated massage
5 Theme                   apparatus (This space cannot be used to incorporate a stand. If a stand is required, it needs to be
                          purchased separately).
6 Sponsorship
  Platforms            ▪▪ Masseuse and massage chairs/tables to be at Sponsors expense.

15 Preliminary         Profile
                       ▪▪ Opportunity to have one (1) pull up banner next to the Massage Corner
                       ▪▪ Sponsor logo in the Conference App and the Conference Website
15 Exhibition Staff
                       ▪▪ 100 word Organisational profile in the Conference App
                       ▪▪ Access to delegates list (1 week prior to the Conference and updates and immediately after the
15 Exhibition Manual      Conference)
15 We invite your

16 Booking &

16 Cancellation

16 Contact

   ◄ 12 / 19 ►

                       Fun Run
                       NZ$5,000 + GST
                       As a guideline this equates to US3650 and EUR4000 as at 30 September 2017

                       ▪▪ One (1) Complimentary Conference Registration with access to sessions, morning/afternoon tea
                          breaks and lunch

                       ▪▪ Promoted on the Meeting website as the Fun Run Sponsor of the Conference which will occur on an
                          allocated morning for the duration of 1 hour
                       ▪▪ Opportunity to provide branded T-Shirts to all the attendees (T-Shirts provided at Sponsor
                       ▪▪ Opportunity to provide refreshments at the start or end of the run (Sponsor’s expense)
                       ▪▪ Sponsor logo in the Conference App and the Conference Website
                       ▪▪ 100 word Organisational profile in the Conference App
                       ▪▪ Access to delegates list (1 week prior to the Conference and updates and immediately after the
                       Yoga Session
CONTENTS               NZ$5,000 + GST
                       As a guideline this equates to US3650 and EUR4000 as at 30 September 2017
3 Introduction

4 About IUHPE          Registration
4 About HPF            ▪▪ One (1) Complimentary Conference Registration with access to sessions, morning/afternoon tea
                          breaks and lunch
5 Theme
6 Sponsorship
                       ▪▪ Promoted on the Conference website and on the app as the Yoga Sponsor and at the Conference
                          which will occur on an allocated morning for the duration of 1 hour
15 Preliminary         ▪▪ Opportunity to provide branded T-Shirts to all the attendees (T-Shirts provided at Sponsor
   Exhibition             expense)
                       ▪▪ Yoga teacher and mats to be provided at Sponsors expense
15 Exhibition Staff    ▪▪ Opportunity to provide refreshments at the start or end of the session (Sponsor’s expense)
                       ▪▪ Sponsor logo in the Conference App and the Conference Website
15 Exhibition Manual   ▪▪ 100 word Organisational profile in the Conference App
15 We invite your      ▪▪ Access to delegates list (1 week prior to the Conference and updates and immediately after the
   support                Conference)

16 Booking &

16 Cancellation

16 Contact

   ◄ 13 / 19 ►

                       Bike Tour
                       NZ$5,000 + GST
                       As a guideline this equates to US3650 and EUR4000 as at 30 September 2017

                       ▪▪ One (1) Complimentary Conference Registration with access to sessions, morning/afternoon tea
                          breaks and lunch

                       ▪▪ Promoted on the Meeting website and on the app as the Bike Tour Sponsor of the Conference which
                          will occur on an allocated morning for the duration of 1 hour (Bike hire, insurance, staff costs to be
                          at Sponsors expense)
                       ▪▪ Opportunity to provide branded T-Shirts to all the attendees (T-Shirts provided at Sponsor’s
                       ▪▪ Opportunity to provide refreshments at the start or end of the tour (Sponsor’s expense)
                       ▪▪ Sponsor logo in the Conference App and the Conference Website
                       ▪▪ 100 word Organisational profile in the Conference App
                       ▪▪ Access to delegates list (1 week prior to the Conference and updates and immediately after the
SPONSORSHIP               Conference)
CONTENTS               Coffee Cart
3 Introduction         NZ$4,000 + GST                                                                             (5 Opportunities)
                       As a guideline this equates to US2900 and EUR2500 as at 30 September 2017
4 About IUHPE
4 About HPF
                       ▪▪ One (1) Complimentary Conference Registration with access to sessions, morning/afternoon tea
5 Theme                   breaks and lunch
6 Sponsorship
                       ▪▪ Promoted as a Coffee Cart Sponsor of the Conference (Coffee Cart / Barista cost, coffee costs, staff
15 Preliminary
                          costs are at Sponsor’s expense)
   Timetable           ▪▪ Coffee Cart / Barista will be located in a high traffic location or close to the sponsor stand if
                          exhibiting (Branding of Coffee Cart / Barista at Sponsor’s expense)
15 Exhibition Staff
                       ▪▪ Sponsor logo in the Conference App and the Conference Website
                       ▪▪ 100 word Organisational profile in the Conference App
15 Exhibition Manual
                       ▪▪ Access to delegates list (1 week prior to the Conference and updates and immediately after the
15 We invite your         Conference)

16 Booking &

16 Cancellation

16 Contact

   ◄ 14 / 19 ►

                       Preliminary Exhibition Timetable
                       6 April 2019                                                                   Build and dressing of stands

                       7 April 2019                                                                                 Exhibition open

                       8 April 2019                                                                                 Exhibition open

                       9 April 2019                                                                                 Exhibition open

                       10 April 2019                                                                                Exhibition open

                       11 April 2019                                                                         Dismantle and Pack out

                       Note: This is a preliminary schedule. Final timings will be published in the Exhibition Manual.

                       Exhibition Staff Passes
                       Exhibition Staff Passes are included in the Maahutonga package.. These passes will not include
                       attendance to any of the scientific sessions. Sponsors will receive access to an online form in order
                       to register staff. Additional passes may be purchased from the Conference Managers, at NZD $400
                       (including GST) per person and includes:

                       ▪▪ Attendance at the Exhibition
PROSPECTUS             ▪▪ All refreshment breaks
                       ▪▪ Welcome Reception
                       Exhibition staff wishing to attend sessions or any of the social events must register as a Conference
3 Introduction         Delegate and pay the appropriate registration fee.

4 About IUHPE          Exhibition Manual
4 About HPF            An Exhibition Manual will be distributed to all exhibitors six months prior to the Exhibition. The manual
                       will contain details on the online registration process for Exhibition Staff Passes, the pack-in / pack-out
5 Theme                schedule and supplier contact details.
6 Sponsorship
                       We invite your support
                       Thank you for taking the time to acquaint yourself with the possibilities on offer.
15 Preliminary
   Exhibition          For those who have made their choices, please complete and return to us the Application for
   Timetable           Sponsorship. If we can assist with further information, or discussing further opportunities, please
15 Exhibition Staff    contact the Conference Managers.
                       We hope that you are as enthusiastic as we are about the opportunities that are being offered in New
15 Exhibition Manual   Zealand around this 23rd IUHPE World Conference on Health Promotion. We look forward to welcoming
                       you to Rotorua in April 2019.
15 We invite your
   support             23rd IUHPE World Conference on Health Promotion Managers
16 Booking &           The Conference Company
   Payment             Post:          PO Box 90 040
   Conditions                         Auckland 1142
                                      New Zealand
16 Cancellation
   Policy              Tel (Int):     +64 9 360 1240
                       Tel (Aus): 1800 193 405
16 Contact
                       Email:         iuhpe@tcc.co.nz
                       Website:       WWW.IUHPE2019.COM

   ◄ 15 / 19 ►

3 Introduction

4 About IUHPE

4 About HPF

5 Theme

6 Sponsorship

15 Preliminary

15 Exhibition Staff

15 Exhibition Manual

15 We invite your

16 Booking &

16 Cancellation

16 Contact

   ◄ 16 / 19 ►
                       Please complete the form below and email to iuhpe@tcc.co.nz
                       If you wish to pay by credit card, we will send you a secure link for payment.

                       We, ­­­­­                                        (company name),
                       apply for sponsorship in accordance with the terms and conditions
                       set out in the prospectus.

                       Signed: 				                                                    Date:

                       Please forward this form to: iuhpe@tcc.co.nz
                       By fax:                      +64 9 360 1242
                       By mail to: 	The Conference Company, PO Box 90040,
                                                    Auckland, 1142, New Zealand

                       COMPANY DETAILS:

                       Postal Address:

                       Telephone:				 Facsimile:
PROSPECTUS             Mobile:				 Email:
                       Contact Person:
3 Introduction
                               I confirm we have read the IUHPE Sponsorship Guidelines and will adhere to the
4 About IUHPE                  guidelines. In addition, we do not receive any funding from the tobacco industry,
                               or any other industry which damages mental or physical health and well-being.
4 About HPF
                       Please note: Health Promotion Forum NZ (HPF) and the International Union for Health Promotion & Education
5 Theme                (IUHPE) reserve the right to decline your application to sponsor the conference on the grounds of professional
                       and ethical considerations.
6 Sponsorship
                       SPONSORSHIP REQUIREMENTS:
15 Preliminary
   Exhibition          Please specify sponsorship platform:
                               Matariki                                                            NZ$
15 Exhibition Staff
   Passes                      Maahutonga                                                          NZ$
15 Exhibition Manual           Takura                                                              NZ$
15 We invite your
   support             MAAHUTONGA REQUIREMENTS:
16 Booking &           If applying for Maahutonga Sponsorship, please indicate your stand number preferences:
   Conditions          1.
16 Cancellation        2.

16 Contact             3.

                               I am making payments by electronic funds transfer

   ◄ 17 / 19 ►                 I wish to pay via credit card (relevant card fees applicable)

                       Sponsorship Guidelines
                       Prior to submitting an application, sponsors must review the IUHPE Sponsorship Guidelines and ensure
                       they adhere to the principles of IUHPE. In addition, any sponsors must not receive any income from the
                       tobacco industry.

                       Booking & Payment Conditions
                       All prices are quoted in New Zealand dollars and exclude GST. At the time of publication, GST is 15% and
                       will be added onto the total sponsorship package. The Conference reserves the right to vary the quoted
                       prices in line with any changes in the rate of the GST.

                       Conversion in US dollar and Euro are provided as a guide only. Sponsorship packages will be invoiced
                       in New Zealand dollars and paid into a New Zealand account and subject to currency fluctuations at
                       the time of payment. Sponsorship Packages and Exhibition space will be allocated only on receipt of a
                       signed Booking Form. Confirmation will be sent together with a tax invoice for the required 50% deposit.
                       The deposit is payable 30 days from the date of the tax invoice. The balance is due and payable by 1 July
                       2018. Applications after this date must include full payment.

                       All payments should be made in New Zealand dollars.

                       All payments due must be received by the Conference Managers prior to the Conference. No sponsor/
                       exhibitor will be allowed to set up their exhibition stand at the Conference until full payment has been
SPONSORSHIP            received.
                       The Organising Committee may need to make changes to the floor plan; however, changes will not be
CONTENTS               undertaken without prior discussion with the companies affected.

3 Introduction         Cancellation Policy:

4 About IUHPE          If notification of cancellation of sponsorship is received in writing:

4 About HPF            ▪▪ Prior to 31st December 2017, your deposit will be refunded less a 20% administration fee
                       ▪▪ Between 1st January 2018 and 30th June 2018, you will be refunded 50% of your deposit
5 Theme
                       ▪▪ From 1st July 2018 there will be no refund
6 Sponsorship          The Organising Committee reserves the right to cancel the Conference not later than 1 July 2018 in case
                       of circumstances beyond its control. In such a case all monies paid to date will be refunded in full less
15 Preliminary         any expenses incurred. The liability of the organisers will be limited to that amount.
   Timetable           Contact
15 Exhibition Staff    To discuss how we can tailor make a specific package to suit your objectives, kindly contact Nihal
   Passes              Fernandez (Sponsorship Manager) at The Conference Company:

15 Exhibition Manual   The Conference Company
                       Post:        PO Box 90 040
15 We invite your
                                    Auckland 1142
   support                          New Zealand
16 Booking &           Tel (Int):   +64 9 360 1240
                       Tel (Aus): 1800 193 405
                       Email:       iuhpe@tcc.co.nz
16 Cancellation
                       Website:     www.iuhpe2019.com

16 Contact

   ◄ 18 / 19 ►
See you in 2019!

◄ 19 / 19 ►          WWW.IUHPE2019.COM
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