2022 MEDIA KIT more content. more opportunities. more exposure. more leads - Commercial UAV Expo

Page created by Joe Daniel
2022 MEDIA KIT more content. more opportunities. more exposure. more leads - Commercial UAV Expo
more content. more opportunities. more exposure. more leads.

                                Produced by Diversified Communications.
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2022 MEDIA KIT more content. more opportunities. more exposure. more leads - Commercial UAV Expo

                   LETTER FROM THE EDITOR                                                                                                                                           Commercial UAV News is the
                                                                                                                                                                                   leading source of news, insight
                   Getting your story out so that it reaches the right people can be daunting, but our experienced team can help. Commercial UAV News                              and analysis for the commercial
                   has been providing unique, tailor-made programs for over five years to the drone industry.                                                                        drone market, focusing on:
                   The quality of our content, the commitment to our readers to provide unbiased information, and our ability to not only keep up with
                   the news but also contextualize it in terms of what it means for the entire drone ecosystem has earned us the trust of the industry,
                   which is indicated by our growing international subscriber base of over 22,500 professionals.
                   We are constantly seeking out cutting-edge solutions to help you get in front of your desired audience as well as amplify your                               Construction              Drone              Energy
                   presence and provide year-long exposure of your solutions at Commercial UAV Expo with our product announcement packages.                                                              Delivery           & Utilities

                   In 2019 and 2020, we added options such as video and visionary panel webinars alongside our written content. These options have
                   helped companies put a face and voice to their solutions and gather leads through demonstrating their expertise and experience.
                   We are dedicated to helping you get in front of the right audience with the right messaging that will resonate with your customers                             Forestry             Infrastructure         Mining
                   and prospects, and our editorial team is eager to collaborate on any ideas you may have. Our media kit breaks down what we offer by                          & Agriculture         & Transportation     & Aggregates

                   the numbers to help you better understand and quantify what our content can do for your company and the ways you can leverage
                   our ever growing and engaged audience of professionals. We invite you to read through what we’ve laid out, and we are always happy
                   to answer any questions you may have.                                                                                                                        Public Safety            Security           Surveying
                                                                                                                                                                                & Emergency                                 & Mapping
                   Let us put our years of experience to work to help you break through the digital noise to get you to your target market.                                       Services

                                                                                                                                                                                                       UAS European
                   Jeremiah Karpowicz                                                                                                                                                                    Markets

                   Executive Editor

   AUDIENCE                                                                   Lee Corkhill          Jeremiah Karpowicz               Katherine Dow                Kat McDonald                     Linda McLaughlin

  TO EXCEED                                                                 Event Show Director
                                                                                                        Executive Editor
                                                                                                                                        Sales Manager
                                                                                                                                                                 Account Executive
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Program Manager

                                                                              Lora Burns             Dominique Caron                Adrianne Madden                 Erin Sewall                     Molly Nicholson
                                                                             Marketing Manager    Marketing & Sales Coordinator   Conference Project Manager   Conference Administrator         Marketing & Sales Coordinator
                                                                            lburns@divcom.com         dcaron@divcom.com             amadden@divcom.com           esewall@divcom.com              mnicholson@divcom.com
© 2021 Diversified Communications.
                                                                               207-842-5522               207-842-5404                   207-842-5502               207-842-5419                        207-842-5410
All rights reserved.

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2022 MEDIA KIT more content. more opportunities. more exposure. more leads - Commercial UAV Expo

     Exclusive Webinar                                                                    Average

     Curate your own webinar to target your market and get qualified leads.
                                                                                          (298 - 1,094 range)

      Gain leads – you will receive contact
      information from all registrants,
      including name, title, company name,
      email, telephone number, state,                                          The webinar experience we’ve
      country and industry sector.
                                                                                 had with Commercial UAV
      Webinar management from start to                                          News has been very positive.
      finish: Creation of landing page and
      registration form, technical rehearsal,
                                                                                  The team is clear on the
      webinar hosting, and moderation is                                        deliverables they need to get
      all handled by our team.                                                  the program up and running
      Dedicated advertising includes                                            as fast as possible. They kept
      banner placements on Commercial                                           me updated on the timing of
      UAV News and in our weekly
      newsletter.                                                             the promotion strategy and the
                                                                               precise registration count. The
      Marketing elements include two
      dedicated e-mails sent to Commercial                                      webinar experience itself was
      UAV Subscribers to promote                                              smooth; they have tech experts
      registrations, reminder emails,                                           on the panel for support and
      post-webinar thank you email to all
      registrants with OnDemand viewing                                        are flexible on the structure of
      link, Social Media posts via LinkedIn,                                   the presentation. The results
      Twitter, and Facebook
                                                                                have been very positive:
                                                                                  a high percentage of
                                                                                      decision makers
                                                                              and a healthy spread across
                                                                                 use cases and verticals.
                                                                                     – Nick Billy, Sr. Director,
                                                                               Demand Generation and Growth, Skydio
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2022 MEDIA KIT more content. more opportunities. more exposure. more leads - Commercial UAV Expo

     Visionary Panel                                                                  Average

     Webinar                                                                          (270 - 373 range)

      Take part in a panel discussion with other commercial drone
      visionaries and demonstrate your knowledge and thought leadership.

     Gain leads – you will receive contact
     information from all registrants, including
     name, title, company name, email, telephone
     number, state, country and industry sector.
                                                                             Our agency has worked on
                                                                              behalf of our client buying
     Webinar management from start to finish:
     Creation of landing page and registration
                                                                             paid media placements and
     form, technical rehearsal, webinar hosting, and                         programs with Commercial
     moderation is all handled by our team.                                  UAV News for several years.
     Dedicated advertising includes banner                                     The proposed programs
     placements on Commercial UAV News and in                               that come through to us are
     our weekly newsletter.
                                                                           strategic, in line with our goals
     Marketing elements include a dedicated                                 and impactful. We also find
     e-mail sent to Commercial UAV Subscribers to
     promote registrations, reminder emails, post-
                                                                             value in the inclusion of
     webinar thank you email to all registrants with                       paid content programs that
     OnDemand viewing link, Social Media posts via                          allow us to tell a deeper,
     LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook .
                                                                             more meaningful story.
     Custom content article can address
     unanswered questions from the live webinar                                      – Danielle Perez
     and promotes the on-demand version.                                         Director of Media, R/West

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2022 MEDIA KIT more content. more opportunities. more exposure. more leads - Commercial UAV Expo

     Gated Content
     Extend your reach and expand your network with
     a content promotion package.
     Enlighten your buyers, establish your business as a thought-leader, and increase brand
     awareness all while filling your pipeline with warm leads. Leverage the trust and respect
     of the Commercial UAV News brand to share your message.

                                                                    Gain leads from a three-month campaign – you
                                                                    will receive contact information including name, title,    Aloft (formerly Kittyhawk) relies
                                                                    company name, email, telephone number, state, country
                                                                    and more.                                                  on Commercial UAV News as a
                                                                                                                                trusted media partner. During
                                                                    Team Support: Our team builds a responsive landing         our rebranding initiative earlier
                                                                    page and form to house your content and collects and
                                                                    delivers all leads to you.
                                                                                                                                 this year, Commercial UAV
                                                                                                                                 was an immense help in
                                                                    Dedicated advertising includes banner placements on        bringing brand awareness
                                                                    Commercial UAV News and in our newsletter.
                                                                                                                                   to our audience. From
                                                                    Marketing elements include a dedicated e-mail sent
                                                                                                                               special events and webinars to
                                                                    to Commercial UAV Subscribers to promote downloads,       content marketing and audience
                                                                    Social Media posts via LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook    development, they have helped
                                                                                                                                   Aloft increase the quality
                                                                                                                                  and depth of inbound sales
                                                                                                                                leads and driven high volume
                                                                                                                                 – Steve Roy, VP of Marketing, Aloft

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2022 MEDIA KIT more content. more opportunities. more exposure. more leads - Commercial UAV Expo

     Custom Content                                                                                                                  Average Views*:

     Share your expertise with the commercial                                                ¢  Build Brand Awareness
                                                                                                    & Establish Expertise
     drone community via a custom content piece.                                             ¢  Demonstrate ROI through           per custom piece
                                                                                                    Customer Success Stories
     Content is key, and yours will be featured on Commercial UAV News in the form
                                                                                             ¢  Highlight Specific Technology
     of an interview, article, series, or a combination of elements. Our trusted editorial          or Application
     team will work with you to tell your story in a way that is relevant and delves into    ¢  Share your Company’s Story
     the value your company creates for our audiences.

                                                                                                                                    Average View time*:
           Featured Interview                             Featured Article                       Video Interview

                                                                                                                                    New Podcast!

                                                                                                                                      Listen Today

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2022 MEDIA KIT more content. more opportunities. more exposure. more leads - Commercial UAV Expo

     Dedicated Email
     Get your message into the hands of our qualified audience
     with a dedicated email.
     Dedicated emails are a great way to expand your marketing reach outside your own list and leverage
     our highly qualified, highly engaged audience of more than 22,500 subscribers. Use this tool to:

              ¢    Drive Traffic to Your Site
              ¢    Announce product or Service Launches
              ¢    Share a New Resource
              ¢    Reach an Already Engaged Audience

                                                Dedicated Email Stats

                       22,500+ subscribers list
        Average open rate*               19.7%           Average click to open rate*       10.5%
        Average click rate*                 2.1%         Average clicks*                       417

     *2021 Dedicated Email Results

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     Commercial UAV News’                                                                                             commercialuavnews.com

     Site Display                                                                                                          Leaderboard (728x90)

     Banners                                                                                         Top 20
                                                                                                  banners  average
                                                                                                  7 times
                                                                                                   55 visits
                                                                                                  clicks than other
                                                                                                       in 2020!


                                                                   Average Monthly                                                                  (300x250)

       Commercial UAV News                        Geographic       Pop Up                 25.5K
       Web Traffic                                Breakdown        Leaderboard
                                                                   & Trailerboard         46.1K
       Pageviews per month 39,395
                                                                   Medium Rectangle       34.3K
       Sessions per month          28,555            49%                                                                                            300x600

                                                                   Small Rectangle          N/A
       Users per month              21,548                         In-article Ad          27.1K                  300x100         300x100

                                                   United States                                                      Small Rectangle

       Pages per visit                  1.38
                                                                   Right-side Rectangle   38.3K
                                                                   2021 Q4 Stats
       38% of readers go on to a second article
                                                     51%              ASK US ABOUT                                                                  Rectangle
       Average time
       per page          3 min 16 sec                                  VIDEO ADS!
                                                                      ASK US ABOUT                                          Trailerboard (728x90)
       Average time                                 Rest of the
       spent per         6 min 53 sec                 World
                                                                      OUR PODCAST!
       top 10 article

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     Commercial UAV News’
     Commercial UAV News                                         Commercial UAV News
     Weekly International E-Newsletter                           Monthly European E-Newsletter

     22,500+                                                     7,913                                                      Banner (728x90)
     Subscribers as of November 2021                             Subscribers as of October 2021

     18%                                                         21%
     Average Open                                                Average Open
     (Q4 2021)                                                   (Q4 2021)

                                       United Kingdom
                              U.S.              Germany
                                                                          Japan                                             Banner (728x90)

                                                                    South Korea
                                                     Australia                                                                         Specs >>

                                                 South Africa                                                             Trailerboard (728x90)

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     Sponsored                                                                                      Social Media   (as of November 12, 2021)

     Social Media
     Package                                                                                                       8,757
                                                                                                                   Twitter Followers

     Take advantage of our
     social media influence                                                                                        11,058
     with a sponsored                                                                                              Facebook Followers
     social media package
     comprised of:

             +   One tweet                                                                                     4,965
             +  One Facebook post                                                                                 LinkedIn Followers

             +  One LinkedIn post

                        Let us share your message to our engaged social audiences – a
                        perfect complement for any of your marketing campaigns!

     Content subject to approval

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        Commercial UAV News
       Buyer’s Guide
        The Commercial UAV Products and Services Buyer’s Guide showcases drone solutions for
        professionals using drones commercially. This version is an interactive, user-driven resource to help
        people find out about specific UAV technology, capabilities, and businesses.


                                                              Company Name
                                                              Company Description
Do you know                                                   Company Address
about the
                                                              Company Region
UAV News                                                      Phone Number

Job Board?                                                    Website URL

Reach                                                         Industry Categories
thousands of                                                  Link to Listing
commercial UAS                   Searchable                   Email
professionals                    by:
quickly and                                                   Company Logo
easily by                        • Industry                   Hero Image
posting a free
employment                       • Region                     Ad Display
                                                              Video Embed
listing.                         • Keyword
                                                              Featured Listing
> VISIT                                                       Link to Website                                         Specs >>

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