2022 MEDIA GUIDE - Sydney Royal Easter Show

Page created by Bob Mcdonald
2022 MEDIA GUIDE - Sydney Royal Easter Show
2022 MEDIA GUIDE - Sydney Royal Easter Show
8 - 19 APRIL 2022


Grand Champion

                                                           Strategic Sponsors


Blue Ribbon

Red Ribbon

                                                       Inspire Innovate Create

                             Last modified 24 March 2022

This annual event is run by the Royal Agricultural Society of NSW (RAS), a not-
for-profit organisation that promotes and rewards agricultural excellence.

First held in 1823, the Sydney Royal        Show traditions and entertainment can
Easter Show is Australia’s largest          be found throughout the grounds this
annual ticketed event, attracting           year, commemorating the rich history
over 850,000 attendees on average.          of the RAS and celebrating the very
Revenue generated by the Show               best of the Show over the years.
allows the RAS to invest in agricultural
programs, competitions, education,          It began in 1822, in the early days of
youth, and rural NSW. In total, the RAS     European settlement. The emphasis
invests almost $9 million annually in       at that time was on agriculture and
these activities, which are designed to     food provision for the new colony. The
promote agricultural excellence and         European settlers were struggling to
keep our rural communities strong.          adapt to the new environment and
                                            the problems they were facing with
The Show is a celebration of Australian     crops and farming. And so a group
culture, from our rural traditions to our   of interested agriculturalists met on
modern lifestyles, providing unique         5 July 1822 and formed the Agricultural
experiences for everyone. Every Easter,     Society of NSW.
the country and city come together at
Sydney Showground, Sydney Olympic           The following year the Society held
Park, for 12 days of agricultural           a Show, with livestock and produce
competitions, animal experiences, live      categories. It was an opportunity to
entertainment, carnival fun, shopping       educate and inform the people of
and much more.                              the colony, and to come together to
                                            transact business and exchange ideas.
This year is a very special celebration,    Competitions were held, prizes were
as the RAS celebrates 200 years             offered, and judging took place in
since its inception. Historical facts,      front of the public.
memorabilia, and references to early

MEDIA CENTRE                                                                      5

WHAT’S ON                                                                         11

DAILY TIMETABLES                                                                31

SYDNEY OLYMPIC PARK MAJOR EVENT BUSES                                          45

SHOW MAP                                                                       46

MEDIA GUIDE                                                                       3

Two hundred years down the track and the RAS is still organising events and
competitions and acting as a guardian for the state’s agricultural heritage. The
RAS celebrates Australia’s achievements in agriculture and works to promote
the viability of rural communities by ensuring that Australia remains a thriving
and innovative agricultural producer.

Your Media Guide is filled with essential information and story ideas to help
you plan your coverage of the Show. There are so many surprising stories,
colourful characters and exciting experiences that make the Sydney Royal
Easter Show the iconic event that it is.

We hope you enjoy telling these stories.

                         SHOW DATES 8-19 APRIL 2022

            OPENING TIMES Show and Pavilions open 9.00am.
    CLOSING TIMES Pavilions close at 7.30pm, with most staying open until
             8.30pm on weekends and Easter public holidays.
                 Evening entertainment concludes 9pm.
       Showbag Pavilion closes 9.30pm. Carnival stays open until late.

Country agricultural shows have an           about event management, competition
important role to play when it comes         administration and bio-security
to produce, art and craft. Some Sydney       messaging.
Royal competitions are only possible with    When our farmers do well we all
the accumulation of performance points       benefit: from the quality of our food
from regional shows, however this year       and produce to jobs and exports that
consideration has been given to those        help us thrive. By setting competition
impacted by drought and bushfire. There      benchmarks, sustaining our industry,
is pride the whole state can revel in when   strengthening communities and bringing
the best of the best compete in the city.    us all together to celebrate excellence in
It’s for that reason the RAS works closely   Australian agriculture, the RAS ensures a
with country shows to share knowledge        prosperous future for all.

4                                                    SYDNEY ROYAL EASTER SHOW 2022
 #EASTERSHOW       5

The Royal Agricultural Society of NSW
operates a hub for all accredited media     MEDIA ACCREDITATION
personnel reporting on the Sydney           All media representatives reporting on
Royal Easter Show. The Media Centre         the Show must be accredited by the
is located at:                              Media Centre prior to Wednesday 06
                                            April. Any media accreditation request
Level 4, Sydney Royal Stand Sydney          during the Show should apply online
Showground Stadium                          and contact the media centre directly
Tel: 02 9704 1042                           at mediacentre@rasnsw.com.au or call
Opening hours: 8.00am - 6.00pm              02 9704 1453.

The Media Centre provides accredited        To apply for media accreditation please
media with access to phone, internet        fill out the application online. Your
access via the Media Centre Wi-Fi           application will then be sent to the RAS
connection, light refreshments, and a       for approval. Once approved, you will
limited number of lockers are available.    receive an accreditation link to complete
                                            sent directly to your phone and email
Please note, leaving equipment and          from the RAS accreditation team. Please
belongings in the Media Centre is at        allow 5 business days for this link to
your own risk. The RAS accepts no           come through.
responsibility for any items.

Make the Media Centre your first port       MEDIA CENTRE TEAM
of call for:                                T: 02 9704 1042
• Show news and results                     E: mediacentre@rasnsw.com.au
• Daily Show highlights                     W: eastershow.com.au
• Story ideas
                                            Nicola Dalby, RAS
• Access to talent
                                            Public Relations
• Interview requests with authorised
                                            M: 0434 579 906
  Show spokespeople
                                            E: ndalby@rasnsw.com.au
• Access to restricted areas including
  GIANTS Stadium                            Samantha Cannings, RAS
• Maps                                      Communications Coordinator
                                            M: 0411 864 836
On Sunday 10 April the Media Centre         E: scannings@rasnsw.com.au
will be officially unveiled as the John B
                                            Justine Pirie, Cox Inall dentsu
Fairfax Media Centre in honour of the
                                            M: 0435 325 954
ongoing commitment John B Fairfax
                                            E: justine.pirie@coxinall.com.au
AO has made to the RAS and the RAS
Foundation. The Fairfax family name         Meg Pearce, Cox Inall dentsu
has been associated with the Royal          M: 0433 780 217
Agricultural Society of NSW dating as       E: meg.pearce@coxinall.com.au
far back as 1859 and the organisation
has always benefitted from the generous     Reagan Ruppell, Cox Inall dentsu
support given by generations of Fairfax     M: 0426 134 739
family members.                             E: reagan.ruppell@coxinall.com.au

6                                                    SYDNEY ROYAL EASTER SHOW 2022

This year our accreditation system is          Please be considerate of competition
completely digital, which means once           judging and pay careful attention to
you have completed your accreditation          animals and exhibitors when filming,
pass you can either add it to your ‘phone      photographing or conducting interviews.
wallet’, take a screenshot to present at the
gate or you can be emailed a PDF to print
                                               SHOW WEBSITES
off and bring to the Show.
                                               The official Show website eastershow.
                                               com.au has the most up-to-date
MEDIA ACCESS TO VENUES                         information about the Show including
All requests for access to GIANTS Stadium      agricultural and entertainment timetables,
must be directed through the Media             making it a useful resource tool for media.
Centre. All media on the stadium grounds       The Media Centre section (found under
must wear a white coat (provided by the        the ABOUT tab) includes daily news
Media Centre) and broad-brimmed hat            releases and accreditation information.
(provided by the individual). Under no         For judging timetables and daily updates
circumstances are media allowed to enter       of judging results, visit rasnsw.com.au
GIANTS Stadium during a Grand Parade or
the evening entertainment program.
                                               MEDIA RELEASES
All requests for access to Schmidt Arena,      The daily media release will be
MasterChef Woodchop Stadium and Little         distributed to media and posted on the
Big Top Amphitheatre must be directed to       Show website early each morning.
the Media Centre.
                                               HIGH-RES IMAGES
ACCESS FOR TV CREWS                            The Media Centre maintains a library of
TV crews requiring onsite vehicle access       Show images. A selection of images will
for live-crosses and filming must advise       be available for media to download via a
the Media Centre, at least 2 hours in          link provided by the Easter Show Team.
advance where possible, every time             Contact the Media Centre for access.
they wish to enter Sydney Showground.
TV crews arriving at the Showground            Show photos are provided for publication
unannounced will not be admitted by            purposes free of charge, providing
Security. Crew cars and link trucks ONLY       the Royal Agricultural Society of NSW
will be provided with on-site parking.         (RAS) is credited. Commercial use of
                                               our photos is not permitted unless prior
                                               arrangement and a fee structure have
MEDIA PARKING                                  been negotiated.
A limited number of media parking spaces
are available daily in P1. Exchange your
P1 parking ticket for a validated parking
pass at the media centre but please note
parking is available on a first-in basis.


WH&S                                           POLICE AND LOST PROPERTY
All media representatives attending            Lost property should be handed into the
Sydney Showground must adhere to the           Police Station located on New England
RAS Workplace Health and Safety policy         Avenue opposite the Schmidt Arena
(which can be found at www.eastershow.         (under the GIANTS Stadium concourse).
com.au) and laws relating to WH&S.

                                               PUBLIC TRANSPORT
SHOW SPOKESPERSONS                             The best way to get to and from the
Comment from any of the following              Sydney Royal Easter Show in Sydney
RAS spokespersons should be arranged           Olympic Park is by public transport. With
through the Media Centre:                      plenty of extra trains and Sydney Olympic
                                               Park Major Event Buses running regularly
Michael Millner                                throughout the Show it’s easy to get there
President                                      and back by public transport.
                                               For all the details on the extra services
Brock Gilmour                                  and transport options available,
Chief Executive                                visit transportnsw.info.

Murray Wilton
General Manager, Agriculture & Sydney
Royal Easter Show                              Parking at Sydney Olympic Park will be
                                               in high demand during the Sydney Royal
Shane McGrath                                  Easter Show and car parks are likely to
Senior Manager, Operations & Product           reach capacity. You can guarantee a
Development                                    space and save on the daily rate by
                                               pre-booking your parking ticket.
                                               Pre-booked parking through Sydney
EMERGENCIES                                    Olympic Park is $20 for the whole day.
St John’s First Aid stations are located at:
• Corner of Olympic Boulevard and
                                               IMPORTANT TICKET INFORMATION
  7NEWS Grand Parade
• Woolworths Fresh Food Dome foyer             Show tickets are not available for purchase
• Opposite Domestic Animals Pavilion           at Sydney Trains and NSW TrainLink
• Behind the Showbag Pavilion                  stations or on-board Sydney Olympic Park
• Medical Centre on New England                Major Event Buses or any other transport
  Avenue                                       service. Show tickets are only available
                                               online via Ticketmaster.
                                               There are no exchanges, refunds or
                                               cancellations on purchased Show tickets.
                                               If the 2022 Sydney Royal Easter Show is
                                               cancelled, a full-refund policy will apply.

8                                                       SYDNEY ROYAL EASTER SHOW 2022

Shuttle buses will run between the            The Sydney Royal Easter Show carnival
northern bus terminal (plaza Show entry)      is excited to move away from the
and the P5 car park, and between the          traditional paper coupons for carnival
Dawn Fraser bus terminal and the P3 and       rides and games to the easy-to-use
P4 car park. All Showgoers travel for free.   Carnival Fun Pass. Once the Pass is
Service operates from 9.00am – 11.00pm.       loaded with credits you simply Tap &
                                              Ride and Tap & Play across the carnival,
                                              just like your NSW Opal card.
Taxis are available on Herb Elliot Ave        A Carnival Fun Pass can be ordered
(near Australia Ave) until 5pm and then       when you purchase your Show Tickets
on Murray Rose Ave (near the Carnival         from Ticketmaster. One pass per family
gate) from 5pm - 11pm.                        will be provided for free – additional can
                                              be purchased for $4 each. Your card will
                                              be posted out to you so you can load
                                              credits in advance, allowing you to head
• EarlyBird (Up to 7 April): Adult $39,       straight to the carnival as soon as you
  Child $23.50, Concession $29, Family        get to the Show.
  of 4 $99.50
• 8-19 April: Purchase online for Adult       The early bird carnival ticket offer is
  $41, Child $25.50 and Concession $31.       available until 07 April and could save
• Twilight tickets: visit the Show after      you up to 27%. Two packages are
  work/school and save. Child Twilight        available:
  tickets are just $12 for entry after 4pm,   140 credits $113 (save $41)
  Adult $33, Concession $24.                  115 credits $100 (save $26.50)
• A $4 booking fee applies when
  purchasing online.                          The Carnival Fun Pass can be topped
• A limited number of tickets may be          up via the official Sydney Royal Easter
  available for purchase at the gate,         Show app, or at specially marked kiosks
  however this is not guaranteed.             in the carnival areas at the Show. Passes
• Kids’ Day: Children get in for less than    may also be purchased from these kiosks
  half price ($12) on 19 April.               for $4 or are included for free when you
• Seniors’ Day: Seniors save on 13 April -    purchase a coupon package.
  pre-purchase Seniors’ Day tickets
  for $17.50
• Entry is free for children aged three
  years and under.



The Royal Agricultural Society of          With more than 50,000 items packed
NSW Foundation (RASF) was created          into 2,500 Ag Bags onsite at Sydney
in 2007 with a mission to support          Showground by volunteers and RAS
the development of sustainable and         staff, the bag serves as a brilliant
resilient regional and rural communities   reminder of what we can achieve when
across New South Wales by promoting        we come together for a great cause.
individual and community growth
via educational scholarships and           Donating organisations see it as a
community grants.                          terrific way to celebrate Australian
                                           agriculture and farming whilst helping
The RASF Community Futures Grant           generate funds for rural community
Program assists with funding and           projects. Participants appreciate the
supporting small, locally-focused          exposure of their brand and product
projects, that have the potential to       and the opportunity to support a grass-
provide long-term social or economic       roots initiative. This year, proceeds
benefits to regional communities in NSW.   from the sale of the AG Bag will go
Previous projects range from rebuilding    towards projects in Cooma, Ungarie,
areas of showgrounds impacted by           Wagga Wagga, Bellingen, Grenfell, Hay,
bushfires to local education workshops     Crookwell, Tullamore and Inverell.
and social programs that give back to
the community.                             The Ag Bag stand at the 2022 Sydney
                                           Royal Easter Show is in the Home &
The RASF is assisted by the sale of the    Lifestyle Pavilion. With over $70 worth
Ag Bag at the Sydney Royal Easter Show,    of product included this year, the Ag
with every cent raised from the sales      Bags are available for just $25 each until
going directly to the RAS Foundation       sold out.
Community Futures Grant program.

First launched at the Show in 2014, the
Ag Bag has been a sell-out success
every year since. Celebrating Australian
produce and proudly sponsored by
SunRice, the Ag Bag is jam-packed
with product donations from generous
Australian owned and made products
including Manildra’s Healthy Baker Flour
and Kurrajong Kitchen’s Lavosh.

10                                                  SYDNEY ROYAL EASTER SHOW 2022


ALPACA & FLEECE                                    HORSE
When 14-19April                                    When Daily
Where Alpaca & Cattle Pavilion,                    Where GIANTS Stadium & Schmidt Arena
New England Ave
ARTS & CRAFTS – PERISHABLE                         When Display - 8-12 April; Judging 10
COOKING                                            April
When 8 April, 1.00pm                               Where Pig & Goat Pavilion
Where Arts & Crafts Pavilion
AVIARY BIRDS                                       When 4.20pm 14 April, 4.25pm 15 April
When 12-13 April Where Pet Pavilion                Where GIANTS Stadium

CATS                                               POULTRY
When 15-17 April Where Pet Pavilion                When 8 April – Poultry; 15 April – Pigeons
                                                   Where Poultry Pavilion
When 8-12 April, (The Urquhart & Hordern           RABBIT
Trophies from 11 April, from 1:00pm)               When 14 April Where Pet Pavilion
Where Orana Pde, cnr New England Ave
                                                   RAT & MOUSE
CATTLE – DAIRY                                     When 8 April Where Pet Pavilion
When 15-19 April, Interbreed (19 April, 1.30 pm)
Where Orana Pde, cnr New England Ave               RODEO
                                                   When 6.00pm 14-19 April
DOGS                                               Where GIANTS Stadium
When Daily (Best in Show 3.30pm, 18 April)
Where Dog Judging Lawn                             SHEEP & FLEECE
                                                   When Fleece 08 April, Merino 9-11 April,
FLOWER & GARDEN                                    Meat & Dual Purpose 16-19 April Where
When Daily display; Judging days – 8, 10,          Sheep Pavilion
12, 14, 16, 18 April
Where Flower & Garden Pavilion                     YOUNG AUCTIONEER
                                                   When 8 April, 12pm Where Amphitheatre
When 18 April – Snakes/Frogs/Geckos, 19            YOUNG WOMAN AND RURAL
April – Lizards/Frogs/Geckos                       ACHIEVER
Where Pet Pavilion                                 When 10 April, 2.00pm
                                                   Where Amphitheatre
When 8-10 April – Dairy Goats                      WOODCHOP
      11-14 April - Angora & Mohair Fleece         When 8-19 April
      15 April – Mini Goats                        Where MasterChef Woodchop Stadium
      15-19 April – Boer Goats
Where Pig & Goat Pavilion

12                                                         SYDNEY ROYAL EASTER SHOW 2022

Sydney Royal Easter Show                         AVIARY BIRDS
competitions are run by the Royal                In 1869 aviary birds were entered in the
Agricultural Society of NSW to measure           poultry competition, and from 1907-
and maintain excellence in agriculture.          1985 they had a strong showing in the
The competitions are judged by experts           poultry, pigeons, canaries and cage birds
in their fields to ensure only the ‘best         competition. In 1998 they stood alone in
of the best’ are awarded a prestigious           the Cage Birds competition, which was
Sydney Royal ribbon.                             renamed the Aviary Birds competition
                                                 in 2017. With that much history it makes
ALPACA COMPETITION                               sense our feathered friends may be a
In 1869 Alpacas were first judged at the         small species, but their competition is
Show – in the sheep competition! In              a large one. Sponsored by Trill, African
1870 their fleece was judged in the wool         lovebirds, budgerigars, canaries, finches
section, in 1882 they were judged in the         and parrots are judged by specialists from
dog section, but at last in 1992 alpacas         breed clubs assessing head and neck
were placed in their own competition             type, colour and weight.
and have been showing strongly and               When 12-13 April
growing in popularity ever since. Alpacas        Where Pet Pavilion, Riverina Avenue
are assessed on their bone structure,
proportion and their balance, whilst their       BABY PUPPY COMPETITION
fleece is judged on density, lustre and          Cuteness overload! At just 3 – 6 months
character. Alpaca fleece is quite luxurious      old these little guys frolic more than
and silky, making the softest of baby            flaunt their way around the ring. Every
blankets, lightweight shawls and classic         afternoon, you will be treated to an
cardigans and coats.                             absolutely adorable display as Best Baby
When 14-19 April                                 Puppy of the day is awarded their trophy.
Where Alpaca & Cattle Pavilion                   When Daily 3pm – 5pm
                                                 Where Dog Judging Lawn, Shoalhaven Street
A competition dating back to 1888,               CANINE HERO AWARDS
the Sydney Royal Arts & Crafts Show              Every year, among our tail-wagging
welcomes over 4000 exhibits in art,              friends, heroes emerge with unique
photography, pottery, sculpture,                 stories. At the Royal Agricultural
preserves, woodwork, cake decorating,            Society of NSW Canine Hero Awards
quilting, soft toys and another 300              these deserving dogs are rewarded
categories. Recognised as the largest arts       and acknowledged in two categories;
& crafts competition in Australia it’s hard      AAR Service Dog Award and the AAR
to believe it all started with preserved fruit   Companion Dog Award. Whether
entries 134 years ago. This year a highlight     they have shown incredible bravery
is the Royal Agricultural Society of NSW         or transformed a life in adversity, the
200 Year Celebration Novelty Cake Class          common factor is these remarkable
and the new Perishable Cooking for               animals and their human companions
Novices and Baklava class.                       have enriched lives.
When 8-19 April                                  When 18 April, 1pm
Where Arts & Crafts Pavilion                     Where Dog Judging Lawn, Shoalhaven Street


CAT COMPETITION                                CAVY
In 1870 cats were shown as an extra            Most people know them as guinea pigs,
exhibit in the poultry competition             but to breeders and enthusiasts they are
but in 1929 they were given their own          a cavy and make fascinating and low-
competition and they have been the             maintenance pets, quite often regarded as
cream of the crop ever since. The              a member of the family. This competition,
ADVANCE™ Sydney Royal Cat Show                 held by the NSW Cavy Club, promises to
is recognised as one of the most               deliver cuteness and curiosity at a whole
prestigious competitions in the world for      new level.
fancy felines.                                 When 11 April Where Pet Pavilion
When 9-10 April display, 15-17 April judging
Where Pet Pavilion, Riverina Avenue            DOG COMPETITION
                                               Man’s best friend has been a friend of the
CATTLE BEEF                                    Show dating back to 1824, but their first
The Elders Sydney Royal Beef Cattle            standalone competition began in 1869
Show begins on Day 1 of the Show               and along the way has included alpacas in
with the Beef Cattle judging and Steer         1882 and even dog biscuits in 1901. In 1931
Competitions. More than 20 breeds will         the first Dog Best in Show was awarded,
compete in various categories, with the        and it has been a highly coveted ribbon
most prestigious awards announced from         ever since. Along with the customary
1.00pm on Monday 11 April:                     competitions, including agility, breed, and
Urquhart Trophy: awarded to the                junior handler classes this year to mark
Supreme Beef Exhibit from both Grand           the bicentenary of the RAS a Periodic
Champion Males and Females in all              Class has been introduced. Open to
beef breeds,                                   breeds that were owned when the Sydney
RAS Supreme Interbreed Heifer:                 Royal Dog Shows first started, traditional
awarded to the Supreme Heifer                  breeds including Greyhounds, Skye
(under 20 months),                             Terriers, Retrievers, St Bernards, Bulldogs,
Hordern Trophy: awarded to the best pair       Pointers, Bloodhounds, Sheepdogs and
consisting of the Grand Champion Male          Beagles will be represented. This year
and Female of each breed.                      is also a celebration of our devoted
Feature breed is the Simmental, in             four-legged friends, with a special Pet/
conjunction with the Australian 50th           Companion class introduced. Don’t worry
Anniversary celebrations for the               about purebreds and fancy bloodlines,
Simmental Society.                             this class recognises the amazing bond
When 8-12 April                                we share with our pets and will award
Where Cattle Lawns                             Best Female, Best Male and the Best
                                               Exhibitor/Dog Lookalike.
                                               When Daily 8.30am – 5pm
                                               Where Dog Judging Lawn, Shoalhaven Street
A full and strong udder is a must, the
judges are looking for cows that can really
display lots of milk. They like to see nice    FLOWER & GARDEN COMPETITION
legs and feet that can walk long distances.    Until 2007 this competition was known as
But they also want well-attached udders        Horticulture – a competition that has been
and nice feet placement.                       held at the Show every year since 1929.
When 15-19 April                               However, 1929 wasn’t the first appearance
Where Cattle Lawns                             of gatherings from the garden, in 1869

14                                                      SYDNEY ROYAL EASTER SHOW 2022

silkworms were judged along with sugar        have rectangular pupils, giving them
cane and tobacco in 1871, and even salads     vision for 320-340 degrees (humans
in 1875. In 1929 the competition became       have 160-210 degrees). For the first time
one predominantly of ‘flowering and           the tiniest members of the bovid family
other plants’ although fish and aquariums     will enter the ring for assessment by
were entered in 1957-1959. Today the          our judges. Mini Goats are cooperative
competition looks at cut flowers, cacti       and curious, incredibly interactive and
& succulents, fruit and vegetables with       surprisingly brave… don’t miss them.
four special classes in flower arranging      When 9 April Best Dairy Goat, 12 April
this year – Period Design (heritage),         Best Angora Goat, 15 April Mini Goats, 18
Traditional Design, European Design, and      April Best Boer Goat
Contemporary Design. The Judges are           Where Pig & Goat Pavilion
looking for perfect blooms, well-kept and
tidy plants, and creative arrangements.       HONEY COMPETITION
When Daily                                    Although honey has been enjoyed as
Where Flower & Garden Pavilion                far back as Ancient Egyptian times, the
                                              first honeybees came to Australia 200
FROGS & REPTILES                              years ago and have been giving us the
Established in 2011 this is now one of the    nectar of the gods ever since. Perhaps it
biggest frog and reptile competitions         is the abundance of flowers and natural
in Australia as well as one of the most       goodness we have here, but we believe
popular amongst all Show visitors. Non-       Australian honey is the world’s best and
venomous snakes, lizards and a range of       our Sydney Royal Judges agree. But
frogs are judged on appearance and breed      they don’t stop at honey, this national
standard, so they are certainly not your      competition also assesses mead, candles,
common garden variety lizards!                wax molds, pollen and beeswax too. The
    Although the competition is held on       winning entries are on display every day.
two days only – 18 & 19 April, Australian     When Daily
Wildlife Displays will be hosting talks and   Where Flower & Garden Pavilion
displays every day of the Show inside the
Pet Pavilion.                                 HORSE COMPETITION
When 18 April (Snakes, frogs, geckos),        Horse competitions and events have
19 April (Lizards, frogs, geckos)             been a part of our Shows since the first
Where Pet Pavilion, Riverina Avenue           one in 1823 when a prize was awarded
                                              for best colonial-bred stallion. Over
GOAT COMPETITION                              the next 198 years the competition
Attracting over 1000 entries every year,      grew in classes, size and prestige and
this is the Goat Show that butts all others   is recognised as one of the largest
out of the way. Dairy, Boer, Angora and       in Australia.
Mohair fleece are judged across 12 days           The beauty and spectacle of horses
in their individual breed classes.Judges      in competition is a sight not to be
are looking at trueness to type and breed     missed – every day of the Show you
along with strong breeding lines or strong    can see the magnificent equines judged
yield ability in all classes, but when the    on presentation, movement, manners
goats aren’t in the judging ring they are     whilst the riders are assessed on position,
on display and ready to see you – goats       presentation and effectiveness of aids.


    Highlights of the Sydney Royal            markings, tail, head and legs and compare
Horse Show include the Col A V Pope           the bird to the Standard of Perfection
Best Gelding Hack over 15hh and the           for that breed. Pigeons, including racing
F L Crane Best Mare or Filly Hack over        pigeons will be judged on 15 April only.
15hh, along with the Champion Multiple           Judged to the Australian Poultry
Turnout featuring Heavy Horses and            Standard, eggs are assessed on shape,
heritage horse drawn vehicles. The            size, shell colour and quality before the
Evening Harness Parade is a must-see,         judges crack them open and assess egg
as is the RM Williams Pointscore and          freshness, internal colour and the height
Working Stock Horses competition.             of both yolk and white. The perfect egg
    New for 2022 is the Fancy Dress Class     has a shell that is smooth all over, with a
in celebration of the bicentenary of the      nicely rounded golden yellow yolk.
RAS. Open to horse riding young ones             The feature breeds are the Orpington
between 6 and 15 years of age – don’t         and the Australorp.
miss this - 13 April only.                    When Daily, judging 8 & 15 April
When Daily                                    Where Poultry Pavilion
Where GIANTS Stadium and Schmidt Arena
PIG COMPETITION                               In 1858 rabbits were judged in the poultry
First held at the Show in 1824, with          competition, which makes perfect sense…
Berkshires the common breed, the              one has fur and one has feathers, one hops
Sydney Royal Pig Show is returning to         and one has wings… but both do make
these roots to mark our bicentenary with      excellent pets! In 1882 the farmers of NSW
Berkshires appearing as the 2022 feature      decided rabbits were becoming a bit of
breed. These magnificent heritage breed       a pest, so they stopped the competition,
pigs are black with a splash of white on      but in 1997 they came back and have
the snout, legs and tip of the tail, and      been leaping into the hearts of Showgoers
weigh up to 280 kgs as an adult. Every        ever since. Run by the Rabbit Fanciers
year the Sydney Royal Pig Show is made        Society of NSW, the Sydney Royal Rabbit
up of the best display of pure breed stud     Show includes Fancy, Fur, Rex and Lop
pigs in Australia, including Tamworth,        classes with each bunny judged on colour,
Large White, Hampshire, Duroc and the         patterns and fur, coat condition, ears, eyes
Wessex Saddleback – all competing for         and tails.
the prestigious title of Best Pig in Show.    When 14 April
When 8-12 April, judging 10 April             Where Pet Pavilion, Riverina Avenue
Where Pig & Goat Pavilion
                                              RATS & MICE
POULTRY & PIGEON COMPETITION                  The smallest stowaways to arrive with the
Chickens, pigeons, ducks, turkeys, geese      First Fleet, mice are friendly, every bit as
and even guinea fowl make up the 2500         intelligent as dogs and are highly social
exhibits in this competition – one that       little creatures. Rats on the other hand are
has grown steadily since first taking place   even smarter than some humans and can
in 1858. The judges are not just looking      be trained to understand commands – so
for the finest feathers, they have their      both make the ideal first pet… and they
eyes firmly focussed on carriage, size,       don’t take up a lot of space. The Sydney

16                                                     SYDNEY ROYAL EASTER SHOW 2022

Royal Rat and Mouse Show is the perfect          Fleece – Recognised around the
opportunity to talk to breeders and           world as the most luxurious natural fibre
owners and discover what to look for in       available, Australian Merino wool is judged
a pet, and to see what makes an award-        on one day only at the Sydney Royal
winning rodent!                               Sheep Show with weight, uniformity of
When 8 April                                  length and colour closely examined.
Where Pet Pavilion, Riverina Avenue              Meat & Dual Purpose – The Meat &
                                              Dual Purpose Breeds is a collective for 13
RODEO                                         breeds of sheep exhibiting at the Show.
Rodeos were introduced at the Show            These are well-rounded breeds of sheep,
in 1931 and the horses, riders, bulls and     valued for their ability to produce high
crowds have come back ever since. In          quality fleece whilst also possessing
1935 we invited international cowboys         the size and growth important for meat
to come and try their luck against            production.
the greatest buck-jumping horsemen            When 8-11 April FLeece & Merino, 16-19
in Australia and naturally we reigned         April Meat & Dual Purpose
supreme. These days, Rodeo comprises          Where Sheep Pavilion
the Bull Ride, Bareback, Saddle Bronc - all
chasing the elusive 8 seconds, and Steer      YOUNG AUCTIONEERS COMPETITION
Wrestling. For 6 nights only man will take    Auctions and agriculture have gone
on beast and prove once again that the        together in Australia since the days of
Australian way of rodeo is hold-your-         early settlement. In 1843 Thomas Mort
breath, edge-of-your-seat non-stop thrills    persuaded NSW pastoralists to sell their
and spills. At the conclusion of the final    wool by auction here rather than ship it to
round of the Wrangler Federation Rodeo        England to be sold. By the late 1840s he
Challenge on 19 April, a presentation will    was also running auctions of livestock and
take place rewarding the Champions            pastoral property. Fittingly, Mort was Vice-
in each discipline - Bull Ride, Bareback,     President of the RAS from 1861-1878 and
Saddle Bronc and Steer Wrestling.             the relationship with auctions continues…
When 14-19 April 6.00pm                       The Australian Livestock & Property
Where GIANTS Stadium                          Agents (ALPA) Young Auctioneers
                                              Competition with the State and then
SHEEP COMPETITION                             National Finals take place in front of a
The Sydney Royal Sheep Show, running          full audience. Not only a competition to
across all 12 days of the Show, consists of   see who has the gift of the gab, it is a
Merino, Fleece, and Meat & Dual Purpose       live auction with each competitor selling
Breeds Competitions.                          prize winning Sydney Royal Purebred
   Merino – The history of this magnificent   Steers and aiming to get the best price
breed dates back to the first Show held       for vendors.
by the RAS in 1823, when an award was         When 8 April, 12pm
presented for Best Australian Merino.         Where The Amphitheatre
Today, the Grand Champion Rams and
Grand Champion Ewes in the Sydney Royal
Sheep Show compete for the coveted title
of Supreme Merino.


OFFICIAL OPENING                               Authority, Telecommunications Industry
A Vice-Regal tradition dating back             Ombudsman, Legal Aid NSW, Carers
well over a hundred years, the Official        NSW, Seniors Rights Service, and
Opening of the Sydney Royal Easter             Sydney Water.
Show will be performed Her Royal                   Representatives from Residential
Highness, Princess Anne, the Princess          Aged Care, Retirement Living, Home
Royal. The participation of the Australian     Services and Community Services are
Defence Force, including Australia’s           also in the Seniors Hub to let you know
Federation Guard and the defence band,         about the range of services available to
adds prestige to the historical occasion.      seniors and their families. All Ombudsman
Princess Anne will be escorted by the          services are free, fair, and independent.
NSW Mounted Police as she makes her            They manage complaint issues that you
way into the stadium in a horse-drawn          are unable to resolve. So, if you’ve had
caleche originally built more than 150         an issue with a bank, financial institution,
years ago. The first time it was used it       state government department, energy
carried Her Majesty the Queen, Prince          or water company, or even a telephone
Phillip, Prince Charles and Princess Anne      provider, there’s always someone who
to the Main Arena where they officially        will listen. The team from Legal Aid will
opened the 1970 Show.                          help you take the complaint a step further
Saturday 9 April                               if necessary.
                                                   Here, you’ll also be able to get
THANK A FARMER DAY                             important information about wills,
At the RAS we recognise and celebrate          enduring power of attorneys, enduring
farmers every day of the Show, but this        guardianship, nursing homes, elder abuse
day we will kick it up a notch and elevate     and more.
their stories, resilience and passion to our       There will be plenty of giveaways and
urban audience and the media.                  prizes to be won, so come down and try
Monday 11 April                                your luck. Take a seat in the shade and
                                               enjoy your free cup of tea or coffee while
SENIOR’S DAY                                   you peruse all the literature and enjoy
Seniors save 50% on Seniors’ Day               the entertainment and atmosphere of
ShowLink tickets. Valid 13 April 2022 only     the Show.
Seniors Day Adult ShowLink                         Seniors’ Day is sponsored by
Online*      $17.50                            BaptistCare.
Box Office $17.50                              Wednesday 13 April
Grab a free cup of tea on the lawns            The Amphitheatre Lawns
adjacent to Little Big Top Amphitheatre,
then drop in for a chat with the
friendly staff from the Energy & Water
Ombudsman NSW, NSW Ombudsman,
Australian Financial Complaints

18                                                      SYDNEY ROYAL EASTER SHOW 2022

KIDS DAY 19 APRIL                                Kids’ Day also first occurred in 1870,
Today is the last day of the Sydney Royal    but its appearance seems to have been a
Easter Show, which means it’s Kids’          much less organised affair. The Exhibition
Day! There are loads of great deals and      for 1870 ran from 30th August to the 30th
attractions to thrill and amaze younger      September, but on the 7th September
Showgoers. Children can come to the          1870 the minutes show that the Exhibition
Show for just $12 today and enjoy two        Committee met and declared that for a
for one rides up until 5pm (offer excludes   Children’s Day “Friday 16th be appointed
Kyle & Jackie O’s Haunted House and          and that the programmes submitted be
Sling Shot). Entry for children three and    adopted as amended”. The reason for the
under is FREE!                               lateness of the introduction of Children’s
    Kids day at the show can be traced       Day is unknown, but it seems by 1871 the
back to 1870 when the exhibition             Exhibition Committee was still getting
committee met during the show and            used to the idea as on Friday 25th August,
declared that a Children’s Day be            the second last day of the Exhibition, they
appointed, and the programmes be             declared “to reduce the price of admission
amended accordingly. The concept was         for children tomorrow”.
not scheduled for the following year until
the second last day of the Exhibition,
when it was announced to ‘reduce the
price of admission for children tomorrow’,
thus beginning a last day of show

The 1870s were the start of many
traditions for the Royal Agricultural
Society of NSW that continue to this day,
including two that involve some of our
youngest attendees.
    On Tuesday 2nd August 1870 we can
see the origins of Primary Preview Day,
when the Exhibition Committee decreed
that “a day be set apart in the third
week of the Exhibition for the purpose
of enabling all school children to visit
the Exhibition”. The day was advertised
in advance by the Society, and the
Launceston Examiner reported that “The
school children, to the number of 10,000,
were entertained at the Exhibition.”


Get in on the fun with new experiences         CAR PARADE
and amazing entertainment!                     We may have relied on horse and cart
                                               in the early years but once the first
LET’S CELEBRATE A TRIBUTE TO OUR               automobiles appeared in Australia it was
SPECTACULAR PAST                               a whole new world. Classic car collectors
Settle in your seats as we present you         are just as passionate about their beasts
with a night of spectacular entertainment      as any livestock owner and just as happy
and non-stop action in the main arena.         to have a talk and tell you all about their
Journey back in time to the horse-drawn        pride and joy. Each day at the Show a
and motorcycle chariots of Shows gone          different car club will pull up and park for
by. Admire the noble beasts of early           the day before departing in a crowd-
settlement as they parade the arena –          stopping parade at 5.00pm.
they are the true pioneers of Australian       When: Display 8.00am-5.00pm, parade
farming. Marvel at the magnificent hot         at 5.00pm
air balloon and hold your breath as you        8 April Early Falcon Car Club Of NSW
watch the aerialists dangle beneath it.        9 April Old Car Social Club Incorporated
The terror of the stunt bikes and precision    10 April The Early Ford V8 Club Of NSW
driving teams is eclipsed only by the thrill   11 April Veteran Car Club Of Australia
of the trampolinists, who will have you        (NSW) Inc
gasping in awe. With so much going on          12 April FE FCHolden Car Club Of NSW
you won’t know where to turn! Finally, the     13 April The Morgan Owners Club Of
heart-stirring drama of the stockman’s         Australia
ride will settle your nerves before the        14 April Cruizin Hot Rods
skies light up with cascades of colour.        15 April The Classic Falcon Owners Club
When Every evening from 7.00pm                 16 April NSW Ute Club
Where GIANTS Stadium                           17 April Kar Nutz Club
                                               18 April Lancia Motor Club Of NSW
200 YEARS BICENTENARY STREET                   19 April Cars Under The Starz
The past 200 years will pass before            PEPPA PIG MEET & GREET
your eyes in a historical street parade        Everyone’s favourite bossy little pink pig
paying tribute to the history of the Royal     is ready and waiting to say ‘oink oink’ and
Agricultural Society of NSW from our           pose for a photo at the Pig Pavilion every
beginnings in Parramatta Park (1823-           day of the Show. She’s cheeky, fun and
1868) to the grandeur of Prince Alfred         always looking for a muddy puddle to
Park (1869-1881), the sentimental favourite    jump in!
Moore Park (1882-1997) right through           When 10.00am, 11.00am, 12.00pm,
to our current home at Sydney Olympic          1.00pm, 2.00pm, 3.00pm, 4.00pm daily
Park. The parade features fashions and         (30 minute sessions)
entertainment fads, dancers, drummers          Where Pig Pavilion
and circus performers travelling around the
grounds and back in time 3 times a day.
When 11.30am, 1.00PM & 2.30pm Daily
Where Around the grounds

20                                                      SYDNEY ROYAL EASTER SHOW 2022

BALLOON BIKES                                 THE CYCLOPOD
Once upon a time, balloons were the only      A magnificent moving stage mixing
way to travel up high in the sky, but this    vintage tricycles with horse drawn
year you’ll see a glorious hot air balloon    wagons and turn of the century elegance,
around the grounds on a bicycle built for     the Cyclopod is a circus-inspired
two… or three! Catch the aeronauts as         extravaganza featuring one of Australia’s
they prepare to take flight and head for      finest contortionists. Taking an upside
the clouds – they’ll be sure to give you a    down and inside out look at the Show,
brave smile and a wave.                       bending her body into unimaginable
When 12.30pm daily roving theatre             shapes all atop a moving stage
and 11.30am, 1.00pm, 2.30pm daily in the      reminiscent of steampunk engines and
Street Parade                                 vintage machinery, the Cyclopod is like
                                              nothing you have ever seen before.
GANDINI’S MEDICAL MARVELS                     When 12.15pm daily, roving theatre
A travelling medicine show like no            and 11.30am, 1.00pm, 2.30pm daily in the
other, the Great Gandini has come to us       Street Parade
from the desert plains with his Medical
Marvels and his Luscious Love Elixir!         THE GAGLIARDIES
Paying tribute to the world of vaudeville,    Penny farthing bicycles were first seen
the traditions of physical comedy and         on the streets of Sydney in the 1870s
the marvellous men and their miracle          and all but disappeared by the late
medicines, this will tickle the funny bones   1890s, but this year The Gagliardies are
of young and old… with a healthy shot of      bringing theirs to the Show with tricks
circus inspired laughs and slapstick at its   and skills you won’t believe. Mixing variety,
finest.                                       vaudeville and circus, the Gagliardies take
When 12.30pm & 2.00pm                         bike riding to new heights and show us
Where The Intersection                        just how far a penny farthing can go in
                                              the name of laughs!You can catch this
SYNC OR SWIM                                  family friendly duo twice a day at the
Just in time for the 1952 Helsinki            Intersection and also in the incredible
Olympics, the synchronised swim team          street parade – whilst the wheels are
trials are on, and Extra Bimbo will do        turning, you’re seeing acrobatics and
whatever it takes to go for gold. Their       balancing at its very best.
routine is flawless, with eggbeater kicks,    When 11.00am & 3.15pm
strong sculls and a splash of fabulous -      Where The Intersection
they are bringing amazing aerial lollipop,
happy hula hooping and terrific travelling
paddling pools to the Show.
When 11.45am & 1.15pm
Where The Intersection


THE NEWSPAPER BOYS                           When 9.30am, 10.30am, 11.30am, 12.30pm,
“Extra! Extra! Read all about it! The        1.30pm, 2.30pm, 3.30pm and 4.30pm every
Sydney Royal Easter Show is back and         day (afternoon sessions only on 12 April)
we are here to flaunt it!” Step back in      Where Woolworths Fresh Food Dome
time as you are welcomed to the Show
by the folks in the know. Grab your paper    BEEF BULL DISPLAY
and information from these turn of the       There’s almost as many cows and bulls
century jovial Joes at the front gate.       in Australia as there are people, but the
The Newspaper Boys are the perfect           ones you don’t want to miss are the
welcoming committee for the beginning        magnificent big beasts on display at the
of your show adventures.                     Show. The first Beef Bull Display, with
When 9.00am-1.00pm                           some weighing in at just over a tonne, is
Where The Intersection                       on for 5 days only at the Show. Although
                                             they like to lay down, bulls really only
TALK & TASTE                                 sleep for about four hours a day, so you
Take a seat at the Producer’s Table and      don’t need to worry about disturbing their
learn from some of Australia’s finest food   beauty sleep. But you do need to treat
producers at these delicious entertaining    them with respect and caution, they carry
and interactive sessions hosted by           more muscle than fat!
Show favourites Lyndey Milan and Ed          When 8-18 April
Halmagyi. Find out everything there is       Where Cattle Pavilion
to know about the Sydney Royal food
competition judging process, pick up a       HERITAGE PAVILION
tip or two from award-winning food and       Drop into the Heritage Pavilion and
beverage producers, and sample some of       explore Snapshots and Stories from
the freshest and fanciest produce from       200 years of the Royal Agricultural
the Fine Food competitions. Each session     Society. We’ve pulled together all sorts of
runs for 30 minutes and the products on      highlights to celebrate the many facets of
offer vary from session to session.          the history of the RAS.
When 10am, 11am, 12pm, 1pm, 2pm, 3pm,        • Step back in time and immerse yourself
4pm daily                                      in a selection of documentaries from
Where Woolworths Fresh Food Dome               across the years.
                                             • Celebrate the history of shopping at the
THE MEATING PLACE                              Show, from horse & buggy to tractors
Stop by The Meating Place for everything       to cars, the Show has always had
you need to know about butchers and            something to marvel at.
meat and the art of the sausage... you’ll    • Check out the fashions of yesteryear
learn how to serve gourmet meals to the        and make sure you pick up your
family, which cuts to serve and why, and       copy of our Book – Sydney Royal,
gain a very interesting insight into your      Celebrating 200 Years of the Royal
local butcher. Two sessions a day on each      Agricultural Society of New South
meat - beef, pork, lamb and chicken.

22                                                    SYDNEY ROYAL EASTER SHOW 2022

  Wales - Just $75, and the limited edition    bloodlines, this class recognises the
  Bicentenary Tea Towel – produced in          amazing bond we share with our pets and
  Australia, 100% linen – just $20.            will award Best Female, Best Male and the
• Join our Trophy Treasure Hunt and            Best Exhibitor/Dog Lookalike.
  learn more about our Trophy collection
  and the endeavour and excellence that        SYDNEY ROYAL HORSE SHOW FANCY
  they represent.                              DRESS CLASS
                                               The Sydney Royal Horse Show is
ROYAL AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY                     celebrating the bicentenary of the RAS
OF NSW 200 YEAR CELEBRATION                    with Fancy Dress Classes in the 2022
NOVELTY CAKE                                   Show. Riders are encouraged to dress
The Royal Agricultural Society of NSW          themselves and their horse – with entry
is celebrating its bicentenary in 2022         free and limited to those aged between
and what better way to do it than with         6 years and 15 years.
a novelty cake or two… Each cake will
depict aspects of bygone years in
agriculture and the Sydney Royal Easter        WOODCHOP – BICENTENARY
Show, taking us on a very sweet walk           ENDURANCE EVENT
down memory lane. The cakes will be on         New for 2022 is the Bicentenary
display every day of the Show and are          Endurance Event. In this triathlon of
certain to raise nostalgia levels along with   Woodchopping, competitors will race
cravings for a slice.                          to complete the 3 disciplines of Sawing,
When Daily                                     Underhand, and Standing Block one after
Where Arts & Crafts Pavilion                   the other – the ultimate test of endurance!

SHOW PERIODIC CLASS                            EXHIBITORS - For the first and only
To celebrate our bicentenary we will be        time in our history, the RAS will
hosting an extra special Periodic Class        celebrate families who have had a 100-
in 2022 only. This Class is confined to        year association with Sydney Royal
any dog or bitch 6 months of age and           competitions at the Sydney Royal Easter
over, specifically breeds that have been       Show. The 100-year Exhibitor Award, in
exhibited in Australia for 100 years or        honour of our bicentenary, will be offered
more. Exhibitors are encouraged to wear        in 2022 only!
period costumes from approximately 100
years ago for this event.

This year is also a celebration of our
devoted four-legged friends, with a
special Pet/Companion class introduced.
Don’t worry about purebreds and fancy


Traditions, favourites and always           chocolate, prawns, cheese, oysters,
something for everyone...                   spices, spirits and an incredible
                                            assortment of the freshest our regions
BIG BUSH BBQ                                deliver. If its wine, chocolate coated
Nothing beats a good old-fashioned          strawberries, vegan or gluten-free treats,
sausage sizzle… and nothing makes           and Italian sauces or fresh pasta from
the snag taste as good as knowing all       Bianco Kitchen you’re looking for – take
funds raised are going straight back to     a walk through the Woolworths Fresh
a regional community. Each day of the       Food Dome.
Show different NSW Show Societies will          You’ll also see demonstrations by
pick up the tongs and fire up the barbie    butchers, the Tyrrells Wine Bar, the return
in two locations. You can enjoy a sausage   of the Sydney Royal Talk and Taste area
sandwich knowing all money made at          and the Woolworths stand with samples
the BBQ will go to help our friends in      and recipe ideas too.
the bush.
When: Daily 8.00am-4.00pm                   WOOLWORTHS FRESH FARM TOURS
Where: Orana Parade, opposite the           Learn about the places and faces behind
Cattle Lawns                                the fresh food you eat every day at the
                                            Woolworths Fresh Farm Tours. Hop on
CWA TEA ROOM                                a tour, meet some of Australia’s farmers,
The aroma of freshly baked scones           pick up healthy eating and sustainability
with jam and cream, piping-hot tea,         tips and sample delicious food along
and the warmth of the serving ladies        the way. Here’s your chance to go
from the Country Women’s Association        on an immersive fresh food journey
(CWA) are a Show tradition not to be        around Australia – on Woolworth’s very
missed. Celebrating their 100th birthday    own farm, sharing our excitement for
this year, the CWA was born out of a        Australian fresh food at its best, and
‘Bushwoman’s Conference’ held at the        celebrating it through seasonality and
1922 Show. It was founded with the aim      provenance.
to improve living conditions for women      When: Daily from 10am to 7pm
and children living in rural and remote     Where: Woolworths Fresh Food Dome
Australia. Each year the CWA ladies keep
a tally of how many scones are baked        R.M. WILLIAMS RAS RURAL
during the Show, with 2017 holding          ACHIEVERS DEBATE AND THE LAND
the current record of a massive 53,872      SYDNEY ROYAL AGSHOWS NSW
scones sold. Come and be part of this       YOUNG WOMAN PRESENTATION
delicious tradition, show your support      These prestigious competitions culminate
and help the CWA celebrate their 100th      with the sashing of 2022’s NSW Young
birthday at the Show this year.             Woman and the Rural Achievers debate,
Where: Home & Lifestyle Pavilion            showcasing some of the best and
                                            brightest members of agriculture’s next
WOOLWORTHS FRESH FOOD DOME                  generation. Celebrating 60 years this
The heart of the Show, featuring the        year, The Land Sydney Royal AgShows
iconic District Exhibits and the ultimate   NSW Young Woman competition attracts
sampling experiences, the Dome has          young rural women with purpose and
been the first stop for generations         ambition, with the winner going on to
of Showgoers. Fresh fruit, nuts, tea,       become an ambassador for rural NSW

24                                                   SYDNEY ROYAL EASTER SHOW 2022

and the agricultural show movement.            10 SHAKE FARMYARD NURSERY
This year the name of the competition          Stroll along the 10 Shake Animal Walk
has changed, with the move away from           and you will find the 10 Shake Farmyard
‘Showgirl’ better reflecting the importance    Nursery - an open-plan indoor paddock
of the competition and opportunities           with over 500 free-range animals you can
it presents.                                   pat. Here you’ll see playful ducklings on
    The R.M. Williams RAS Rural Achiever       their waterslide, piglets, geese, donkeys
Award acknowledges young people                and much more or maybe have a go at
working to make a significant contribution     feeding the friendly chickens, sheep and
to their local community and rural             goats that come to visit you. To remember
Australia, and tests the eloquence, oratory    this special farmyard experience, purchase
skills and opinions of the finalists in a      a professional photo of yourself or one of
public speaking showcase.                      the family with an adorable baby lamb.
When: 2.00pm 10 April – R.M.                   When: Daily, 9.30am-6.30pm (9.00am-
Williams RAS Rural Achiever’s Debate           7.00pm weekends & public holidays)
2.00pm 10 April – The Land Sydney              Where: 10 Shake Farmyard Nursery
Royal AgShows NSW Young Woman
Presentation                                   BEE-ZEEBO
Where: Little Big Top Amphitheatre             Where’s the best place to find bees? In
                                               the garden, of course and this year that is
DISTRICT EXHIBIT DISPLAYS                      exactly where you will find the Bee-Zeebo
In 1876 Show Societies across NSW were         – in the Flower & Garden Pavilion nestled
asked to mount displays of their produce       in amongst the gorgeous floral displays.
– the very first District Exhibits but it      Run by the NSW Apiarists Association the
wasn’t until 1911 that the Perpetual Shield    Bee-Zeebo is where you’ll learn all about
was first presented in this competition.       just how sweet it is to be a beekeeper
In 1950 the five distinct districts were       and see how apiarists care for their bees
finalised and continue to be Southern,         and harvest their delicious honey. Make a
Northern, Western, Central NSW and             beeline for the Bee-Zeebo for a live action,
South East Queensland.                         interactive display and your opportunity
    Traditionally judged on all displayed      to ask all the questions that have been
produce – from grasses and grains to           buzzing around in your head. Don’t forget
fruit, cheese and even eggs – as well as       to sample and purchase some liquid gold
the originality of the design, this year the   at the nearby Honey Land stand too.
Districts (also known as Courts) have          When: Daily – 10.30, 12.30, 2.30, 4.30
come together to present one huge              Where: Flower & Garden Pavilion
display for viewing pleasure only. Whilst
competition will still be fierce for the       BEE HOTEL KIDS WORKSHOPS
produce, the display is a 3D timeline of       Life is sweetest when you have a place to
the Royal Agricultural Society of NSW          call home, somewhere to rest your weary
from 1822 to 2022 and beyond.                  head and body after a hard day at work –
When: 9.30am-8.30pm Daily                      and bees are no different. Help our fuzzy
Where: Woolworths Fresh Food Dome              honey-makers with an environmentally
                                               friendly hotel they can check in and out of
                                               in between flitting to the flowers in your


garden. Without bees 75% of our food          Fresh – has been supplying premium
crops would not exist, so these hotels are    fresh milk and dairy to Australians from
as much for our benefit as theirs.            Wagga Wagga NSW since 1922 and was
   The Bee Hotel Workshops are free for       recently awarded Australia’s Best Rated
children and all materials are provided –     Fresh Milk Brand. See first-hand how a
along with a helping hand making them         modern dairy works with state-of-the-art
and hints and tips for hanging your hotel     equipment and technology that helps
at home.                                      farmers look after their cows and provide
When: 11.30am, 12.30pm, 1.30pm 8-12 April     us with nutritious, high-quality fresh milk.
Where: Flower & Garden Pavilion               Join Riverina Fresh as they mark their
                                              centenary and hear from their farmers
                                              and other experts about the complexity,
                                              challenges, and rewards of dairy farming.
At the 2022 Show, 200 conferees will
                                              The Working Dairy will produce some
take one of the biggest steps of their
                                              14,000lt of milk at this year’s Sydney
lives and receive Australian Citizenship,
                                              Royal Easter Show.
taking a pledge and oath to officially call
                                              When: 10.00am-5.00pm (sessions on
Australia home. The ceremony, open for
                                              the hour) Daily
all Showgoers to witness, is incredibly
                                              Where: Riverina Fresh Working Dairy
moving and serves as a reminder to all of
us how blessed we are to live in the land
Down Under.                                   GOAT MOUNTAIN
    RAS Patron Her Excellency the             Not only are they incredibly curious, but
Honourable Margaret Beazley AO QC has         they also love to have fun and what is
been invited to act as Presiding Officer,     more fun for a baby goat – also known
alongside RAS President Michael Millner       as a kid - than climbing? Our goats can
and government representatives.               spend all day climbing up and down their
    As the country comes to the               man-made mountain – these kids are
city during the Show, it is incredibly        natural dare devils, and they enjoy nothing
appropriate for 200 conferees to repeat       more than a game or two of ‘king of the
their pledge in front of friends and family   mountain’!
and become our newest citizens. The           When: 9.00am-7.30pm Daily (until
number of conferees also represents the       8.30pm on public holidays)
200 years of existence of the RAS.            Where: Pig & Goat Pavilion
When: 12 April 10:30am
Where: Little Big Top Amphitheatre            CHOOK WASHING AND PAT A CHICK
                                              Be sure to head to the Poultry Pavilion to
RIVERINA FRESH WORKING DAIRY                  see some of the country’s most pampered
Visit the Riverina Fresh Working Dairy for    poultry during their daily beauty routine.
a great insight into where our food comes     You’ll never guess what goes into preparing
from. Dairy cows in Australia are typically   chooks for competition. Watch as the birds
milked twice a day, and the industry          are lathered, fluffed and blow-dried. All the
produces about 8.8 billion litres of milk     while, an experienced commentator will
each year. This is the milk that we enjoy     talk you through the demonstration which
on our cereal, in our coffees, milkshakes,    is, quite literally, all for show!
ice cream, cheese and straight from the       Children can then pat the friendly farmyard
glass. The Working Dairy’s proud sponsor      fowls in one of the Pat a Chick sessions
– 100% Australian-owned Riverina              which is also a great photo opportunity.
                                              Where: Poultry Pavilion

26                                                     SYDNEY ROYAL EASTER SHOW 2022
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