2022 GEHA MEDICAL PLANS - geha.com | - Choose from five unique medical plans designed to meet you where you are in life.

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2022 GEHA MEDICAL PLANS - geha.com | - Choose from five unique medical plans designed to meet you where you are in life.
2022 GEHA
Choose from five unique medical plans designed
to meet you where you are in life.

geha.com | 800.262.4342
Contents                                                                 Choose from five medical plans
02   Choose from five medical plans

04   Elevate

06   HDHP
                                                                              Elevate                                                               HDHP
08   Standard                                                                 geha.com/Elevate                                                      geha.com/HDHP

10   Elevate Plus                                                             • Our lowest premium plan                                             • Low premiums with a low
                                                                              • Low copays for doctor,                                                net-deductible
12   High                                                                       chiropractic and                                                    • Tax-advantaged health savings
                                                                                acupuncture visits                                                    account (HSA)
14   NEW! Exclusive plan perk for Elevate and Elevate Plus subscribers        • Digital wellness portal                                             • GEHA contributes
                                                                                                                                                      money to your HSA
15   Get help choosing the right plan                                                                                                                 geha.com/HSA

16   It pays to stay in-network
                                                                              How this plan pays you back                                           How this plan pays you back
17   Definitions and terms                                                    • NEW! Features an annual                                             • Earn rewards up to
                                                                                plan perk. See page 14.                                               $250 to $500 annually
18   Wellness Pays
                                                                                geha.com/PlanPerk                                                     geha.com/HealthRewards
19   Health Rewards                                                           • Earn rewards up to                                                  • GEHA contributes $900 (Self
                                                                                $500 to $1,000 annually                                               Only) or $1,800 (Self Plus One or
20   Vision benefits and discounts for all plans                                geha.com/WellnessPays                                                 Self and Family) to your HSA

21   Included in all five plans

22   Compare deductibles for all plans                                        Life-stage: early career                                              Life-stage: all career stages
                                                                              Health care style: wellness-focused,                                  Health care style: non-traditional,
22   Compare out-of-pocket max for all plans                                  cost-conscious                                                        focused on saving for future needs

23   Compare premiums for all plans
                                                                              How often you use your plan                                           How often you use your plan
24   Compare prescription coverage for all plans

                                                                              Low                   Average                  High                   Low                   Average                  High
25   GEHA works with Medicare A & B
                                                                              Prescription medication need                                          Prescription medication need
26   Compare medical benefits for all plans

28   GEHA has a medical plan for your needs
                                                                              Low                   Average                  High                   Low                   Average                  High

                                                                         These benefits are neither offered nor guaranteed under contract with the FEHB program, but are made available to all enrollees
02   2022 GEHA MEDICAL PLANS                                             who become members of a GEHA medical plan and their eligible family members.
We believe health care isn’t one size fits all, and our plans are designed with that in mind. Whatever stage of

                                                                                                                                                                                                            CHOOSE FROM FIVE MEDICAL PLANS
life you’re in, GEHA has a plan designed to fit your needs.                                                                                                            Get help choosing
                                                                                                                                                                       the right plan for
                                                                                                                                                                       your needs

     Standard                                                  Elevate Plus                                             High                                           Meet one-on-one
                                                                                                                                                                       Schedule an appointment with
     geha.com/Standard                                         geha.com/ElevatePlus                                     geha.com/High
                                                                                                                                                                       a GEHA Benefits Adviser.
     • Dependable,                                             • Easy to determine costs.                               • Comprehensive prescription
       traditional coverage                                      No deductible.                                           coverage
     • Affordable premiums                                     • Digital wellness portal                                • Low copays for doctor visits
     • Some of the lowest copays                               • NOTE: No out-of-network                                • $2,500 hearing aid benefit                   Talk to us
       for in-network primary care                               medical coverage                                         and additional discount                      Speak to a GEHA Benefits
       and specialist visits                                                                                                                                           Adviser Monday – Friday,
                                                                                                                                                                       7 a.m. – 7 p.m. Central time.
     How this plan pays you back                               How this plan pays you back                              How this plan pays you back
     • Earn rewards up to                                      • NEW! Features an annual                                • NEW! $800 Medicare Part
       $250 to $500 annually                                     plan perk. See page 14.                                  B premium reimbursement                      Chat online
       geha.com/HealthRewards                                    geha.com/PlanPerk                                        geha.com/Medicare                            During Open Season, you can
                                                               • Earn rewards up to                                     • Earn rewards up to                           chat with a GEHA Benefits
                                                                 $500 to $1,000 annually                                  $250 to $500 annually                        Adviser online.
                                                                 geha.com/WellnessPays                                    geha.com/HealthRewards                       geha.com

                                                                                                                                                                       Watch a webinar
     Life-stage: mid-career                                    Life-stage: mid-career                                   Life-stage: late-career                        Tune in at a time that is
     Health care style: traditional                            Health care style: proactive,                            Health care style: maximum                     convenient for you.
     care and coverage                                         values predictable pricing                               coverage, dependable support

     How often you use your plan                               How often you use your plan                              How often you use your plan
                                                                                                                                                                       Plan recommender tool
                                                                                                                                                                       Answer a few questions to
     Low              Average             High                 Low             Average              High                Low              Average             High
                                                                                                                                                                       see a plan that matches your
     Prescription medication need                              Prescription medication need                             Prescription medication need                   individual or family needs.
     Low              Average             High                 Low             Average             High                 Low              Average             High

These benefits are neither offered nor guaranteed under contract with the FEHB program, but are made available to all enrollees who become members of a GEHA medical
plan and their eligible family members.                                                                                                                                 2022 GEHA MEDICAL PLANS        03
Elevate                                               Premiums
                                                                                              Self Only
                                                                                              What you pay
                                                                                                                                      Self Plus One
                                                                                                                                      What you pay
                                                                                                                                                                              Self and Family
                                                                                                                                                                              What you pay
                                                      Enrollment codes                        254                                     256                                     255
• GEHA’s lowest premium plan                          Biweekly – employed                     $48.74                                  $112.11                                 $136.48
• Low copays for doctor visits, and                   Monthly – retired                       $105.61                                 $272.90                                 $295.71
  chiropractic and acupuncture visits
                                                      Footnote: These rates do not apply to all enrollees. If you are in a special enrollment category, please refer to the FEHB program website or contact the
                                                      agency or Tribal Employer that maintains your health benefits enrollment.
• Engaging digital wellness portal powered by
  Rally Health
                                                      Yearly deductible in-network1                                                                                           What you pay
How this plan pays you back
                                                      Self Only                                                                                                               $500
• NEW! Subscribers can select an annual
                                                      Self Plus One and Self and Family                                                                                       $1,000
  plan perk. Options include a Fitbit
  wearable device including monthly Fitbit
  Premium Membership, a $125 gift card                 Prescription benefits in-network1,2,3                                                                                   What you pay
  for DICK’S Sporting Goods or REI, or a
                                                       • 30-day retail generic                                                                                                 $4
  Daily Burn virtual fitness subscription.4
  geha.com/PlanPerk                                    • 30-day retail preferred brand-name                                                                                    50% ($500 max)

• Earn up to $500 (maximum $1,000 per                  • 30-day retail non-preferred brand-name                                                                                100%
  household) in Wellness Pays annually                 • 30-day specialty CVS exclusive generic and preferred brand-name                                                       50% ($500 max)
                                                       • 30-day specialty CVS exclusive non-preferred brand-name                                                               100%

                                                     Check prescription costs at geha.com/Prescriptions

                                                                 To provide a low premium, this plan does not include mail-order prescriptions or out-of-
Life stage: early career
                                                                 network pharmacy coverage, and it has a limited pharmacy network. Find a pharmacy at
Health care style: wellness-focused,

How often you use your plan

Low                 Average                   High

Prescription medication need

                                                     1 In-network providers agree to limit what they will charge you. You pay a fixed dollar amount or a percentage of the provider’s negotiated amount.
Low                 Average                   High   2 Refer to geha.com/Prescriptions for formulary and specialty coverage for specific medications.
                                                     3 To provide a low premium, this plan does not include mail-order prescriptions or out-of-network pharmacy coverage, and it has a limited pharmacy
                                                       network. Find a pharmacy at geha.com/Find-Care
                                                     4 These benefits are neither offered nor guaranteed under contract with the FEHB program, but are made available to subscribers who become a member of
04    2022 GEHA MEDICAL PLANS                          GEHA’s Elevate and Elevate Plus medical plans.
Included with Elevate

 Medical benefits in-network1                                                                                         What you pay

 • Unlimited telehealth visits, including behavioral health, with MDLIVE                                                                                  Telehealth visits, including
   geha.com/MDLIVE                                                                                                                                        behavioral health
 • Preventive care; adult routine screenings                                                                          $0                                  geha.com/MDLIVE
 • Well-child visit; up to age 22
                                                                                                                                                          Vision discount4 (see page 20)
 • Maternity; routine care
 • Primary physician office visit
 • MinuteClinic© (where available) geha.com/MinuteClinic                                                                                                  Gym membership discount4
 • Chiropractic care (manipulative therapy), including X-rays;                                                        $10                                 geha.com/Fitness
   up to 12 visits per year
                                                                                                                                                          Electric toothbrush discount4
 • Acupuncture; up to 20 treatments per year
 • Specialist care; office visit                                                                                      $25
                                                                                                                                                          Teeth whitening discount4
 • Urgent care                                                                                                        $50
 •   Emergency care
 •   Hospital care; inpatient including maternity                                                                                                         Surgical concierge5
 •   Hospital care; outpatient                                                                                                                            $0 out-of-pocket surgery costs and
                                                                                                                      25%2                                care coordination
 •   Lab services
 •   Other diagnostic services
 •   Outpatient professional surgical services                                                                                                            For a complete list visit
 • Inpatient professional surgical services                                                                           $250                                geha.com/Savings

Medicare A & B primary? See page 25 or visit geha.com/Medicare
                                                                                                                                                          4 These benefits are neither offered nor guaranteed under
                                                                                                                                                            contract with the FEHB program, but are made available
                                                                                                                                                            to all enrollees who become members of a GEHA medical
                                                                                                                                                            plan and their eligible family members.
 Out-of-pocket maximum in-network1,3                                                                                  What you pay                        5 Subject to any eligibility limitations. See
                                                                                                                                                            info.bridgehealth.com/GEHA for more information.

 Self Only                                                                                                            $7,000
 Self Plus One and Self and Family                                                                                    $14,000

                                                                                                                                                              Learn how to enroll at
1 In-network providers agree to limit what they will charge you. You pay a fixed dollar amount or a percentage of the provider’s negotiated amount. For
  out-of-network benefits, refer to GEHA’s 2022 plan brochure RI 71-018 (Elevate and Elevate Plus) at geha.com/PlanBrochure
2 Calendar year deductible applies.
3 The out-of-pocket maximum is the maximum amount of coinsurance, copays and deductibles you pay for all family members before GEHA begins paying
  for 100% of covered services. This is a combined maximum for both medical care and prescriptions.                                                                 2022 GEHA MEDICAL PLANS                    05
HDHP                                                   Premiums
                                                                                               Self Only
                                                                                               What you pay
                                                                                                                                       Self Plus One
                                                                                                                                       What you pay
                                                                                                                                                                               Self and Family
                                                                                                                                                                               What you pay
                                                       Enrollment codes                        341                                     343                                     342
• Low premiums with a low net-deductible               Biweekly – employed                     $63.21                                  $135.90                                 $167.00
• Reduce out-of-pocket expenses and                    Monthly – retired                       $136.95                                 $294.44                                 $361.83
  enjoy a triple tax advantage with a health
                                                       Footnote: These rates do not apply to all enrollees. If you are in a special enrollment category, please refer to the FEHB program website or contact the
  savings account (HSA)6 geha.com/HSA                  agency or Tribal Employer that maintains your health benefits enrollment.

• Use your HSA money to reduce your net
  deductible or save it and let it grow tax-free                                                                                                           Yearly deductible you pay after
  in your account6                                     Plan type                               Yearly deductible in-network1                               GEHA contribution to your HSA2

How this plan pays you back                            Self Only                               $1,500                                                      $600
                                                       Self Plus One and
• GEHA contributes $900 (Self Only) or                 Self and Family
                                                                                               $3,000                                                      $1,200
  $1,800 (Self Plus One or Self and Family)
  to your HSA
                                                        Prescription benefits in-network1,3,4                                                                                    What you pay
• Earn up to $250 (maximum $500 per
  household) in Health Rewards annually                 • 30-day retail generic                                                                                                  25%
                                                        • 30-day retail preferred brand-name                                                                                     25%5
                                                        • 30-day retail non-preferred brand-name                                                                                 40%5
                                                        • 90-day mail service generic                                                                                            25%
                                                        • 90-day mail service preferred brand-name                                                                               25%5
                                                        • 90-day mail service non-preferred brand-name                                                                           40%5
Life stage: all career stages                           • 30-day specialty CVS exclusive generic and preferred brand-name                                                        25%5
Health care style: non-traditional, focused on
saving for future needs                                 • 30-day specialty CVS exclusive non-preferred brand-name                                                                40%5

                                                      Check prescription costs at geha.com/Prescriptions
How often you use your plan

Low                  Average                   High

Prescription medication need                          1 In-network providers agree to limit what they will charge you. You pay a fixed dollar amount or a percentage of the provider’s negotiated amount. For
                                                        out-of-network benefits, refer to GEHA’s 2022 plan brochure RI 71-014 (HDHP) at geha.com/PlanBrochure
                                                      2 The net deductible is the remaining amount after you subtract the annual GEHA contribution from the annual deductible. This is your out-of-pocket cost
                                                        before plan benefits begin.
                                                      3 Calendar year deductible applies.
Low                  Average                   High   4 Refer to geha.com/Prescriptions for formulary and specialty coverage for specific medications.
                                                      5 If you choose a brand-name medication when a generic is available, you will be charged the generic copay plus the difference in cost between the
                                                        brand-name and the generic.
                                                      6 The information provided is for informational purposes only. It should not be considered legal or financial advice. You should consult with a professional to
06    2022 GEHA MEDICAL PLANS                           determine what may be best for your individual needs.
Included with HDHP

 Medical benefits in-network1                                                                                                What you pay

 • Unlimited telehealth visits, including behavioral health, with MDLIVE                                                                                  Telehealth visits, including
   geha.com/MDLIVE                                                                                                                                        behavioral health3
 • Maternity; routine care
 • Hospital care; inpatient maternity                                                                                                                     Vision benefit and discount5
 • Preventive care; adult routine screenings                                                                                                              (see page 20)
 • Well-child visit; up to age 22                                                                                            $0                           geha.com/HDHPVision
 • Preventive dental care, twice yearly
                                                                                                                                                          Gym membership discount5
 •   Primary physician office visit                                                                                                                       geha.com/Fitness
 •   Specialist care; office visit
 •   Urgent care                                                                                                                                          Electric toothbrush discount5
 •   Emergency care                                                                                                                                       geha.com/Toothbrush
 •   Hospital care; inpatient and outpatient
                                                                                                                                                          Teeth whitening discount5
 •   MinuteClinic© (where available) geha.com/MinuteClinic                                                                   5%2
 •   Lab services
 •   Other diagnostic services                                                                                                                            For a complete list visit
 •   Professional surgical services                                                                                                                       geha.com/Savings
 •   Chiropractic care (manipulative therapy), including X-rays; up to 20 visits per year
 •   Acupuncture; up to 20 treatments per year                                                                                                            Learn about health
Medicare A & B primary? See page 25 or visit geha.com/Medicare
                                                                                                                                                          savings accounts

 Out-of-pocket maximum in-network1,4                                                                                         What you pay

 Self Only                                                                                                                   $5,000
 Self Plus One and Self and Family                                                                                           $10,000

                                                                                                                                                          5 These benefits are neither offered nor guaranteed under
                                                                                                                                                            contract with the FEHB program, but are made available
                                                                                                                                                            to all enrollees who become members of a GEHA medical
                                                                                                                                                            plan and their eligible family members.

                                                                                                                                                              Learn how to enroll at
1 In-network providers agree to limit what they will charge you. You pay a fixed dollar amount or a percentage of the provider’s negotiated amount. For
  out-of-network benefits, refer to GEHA’s 2022 plan brochure RI 71-014 (HDHP) at geha.com/PlanBrochure
2 Calendar year deductible applies.
3 If the deductible is met, high deductible health plan (HDHP) member will be charged by MDLIVE but GEHA will then reimburse the member 100% of the
  billed charges.
4 The out-of-pocket maximum is the maximum amount of coinsurance, copays and deductibles you pay for all family members before GEHA begins paying
  for 100% of covered services. This is a combined maximum for both medical care and prescriptions.                                                                 2022 GEHA MEDICAL PLANS                    07
Standard                                            Premiums
                                                                                            Self Only
                                                                                            What you pay
                                                                                                                                    Self Plus One
                                                                                                                                    What you pay
                                                                                                                                                                            Self and Family
                                                                                                                                                                            What you pay
                                                    Enrollment codes                        314                                     316                                     315
• Dependable, traditional coverage                  Biweekly – employed                     $62.66                                  $134.73                                 $164.85
• Affordable premiums                               Monthly – retired                       $135.77                                 $291.92                                 $357.17
• Some of the lowest copays for in-network          Footnote: These rates do not apply to all enrollees. If you are in a special enrollment category, please refer to the FEHB program website or contact the
                                                    agency or Tribal Employer that maintains your health benefits enrollment.
  primary care and specialist visits

How this plan pays you back                         Yearly deductible in-network1                                                                                           What you pay

• Earn up to $250 (maximum $500 per                 Self Only                                                                                                               $350
  household) in Health Rewards annually
                                                    Self Plus One and Self and Family                                                                                       $700

                                                    Prescription benefits in-network1,2                                                                                     What you pay

                                                     • 30-day retail generic                                                                                                  $10
                                                     • 30-day retail preferred brand-name                                                                                     50% ($200 max3)
                                                     • 30-day retail non-preferred brand-name                                                                                 50% ($300 max3)
                                                     • 90-day mail service generic                                                                                            $20
                                                     • 90-day mail service preferred brand-name                                                                               50% ($500 max3)
                                                     • 90-day mail service non-preferred brand-name                                                                           50% ($600 max3)
                                                     • 30-day specialty CVS exclusive generic and preferred brand-name                                                        50% ($250 max3)
Life stage: mid-career                               • 30-day specialty CVS exclusive non-preferred brand-name                                                                50% ($400 max3)
Health care style: traditional coverage to stay
on a healthy path                                  Check prescription costs at geha.com/Prescriptions

How often you use your plan

Low                 Average                 High

Prescription medication need

Low                 Average                 High   1 In-network providers agree to limit what they will charge you. You pay a fixed dollar amount or a percentage of the provider’s negotiated amount. For
                                                     out-of-network benefits, refer to GEHA’s 2022 plan brochure RI 71-006 (High and Standard) at geha.com/PlanBrochure
                                                   2 Refer to geha.com/Prescriptions for formulary and specialty coverage for specific medications.
                                                   3 If you choose a brand-name medication when a generic is available, you will be charged the generic copay plus the difference in cost between the
08    2022 GEHA MEDICAL PLANS                        brand-name and the generic.
Included with Standard

 Medical benefits in-network1                                                                                          What you pay

 • Unlimited telehealth visits, including behavioral health, with MDLIVE                                                                                  Telehealth visits, including
   geha.com/MDLIVE                                                                                                                                        behavioral health
 • Preventive care; adult routine screenings                                                                                                              geha.com/MDLIVE
 • Well-child visit; up to age 22                                                                                      $0
                                                                                                                                                          Vision discount4 (see page 20)
 • Maternity; routine care
 • Hospital care; inpatient maternity
 • Lab Card services geha.com/LabCard                                                                                                                     Hearing aid discount4
 • MinuteClinic© (where available) geha.com/MinuteClinic                                                               $10                                geha.com/Hearing

 • Primary physician office visit                                                                                      $15                                Gym membership discount4
 • Specialist care; office visit                                                                                       $30                                geha.com/Fitness

 • Urgent care                                                                                                         $35                                Electric toothbrush discount4
 • Lab services (other than Lab Card)                                                                                  15%                                geha.com/Toothbrush

 •   Emergency care                                                                                                                                       Teeth whitening discount4
 •   Hospital care; inpatient and outpatient                                                                                                              geha.com/Whitening
 •   Professional surgical services                                                                                    15%2
 •   X-ray and other diagnostic services
                                                                                                                                                          Medical alert system discount4
 •   Acupuncture; up to 20 treatments per year
 • Preventive dental care; twice yearly                                                                                50%                                Lab Card service
 • Chiropractic care (manipulative therapy), including X-rays; up to 20 visits
   per year
                                                                                                                                                          For a complete list visit
 • Outpatient professional High Tech Imaging (MRI, CT, PET, etc.)                                                      $100                               geha.com/Savings
 • Outpatient facility High Tech Imaging (MRI, CT, PET, etc.)                                                          $150

Medicare A & B primary? See page 25 or visit geha.com/Medicare                                                                                            4 These benefits are neither offered nor guaranteed under
                                                                                                                                                            contract with the FEHB program, but are made available
                                                                                                                                                            to all enrollees who become members of a GEHA medical
                                                                                                                                                            plan and their eligible family members.
 Out-of-pocket maximum in-network1,3                                                                                   What you pay

 Self Only                                                                                                             $6,500
 Self Plus One and Self and Family                                                                                     $13,000

                                                                                                                                                              Learn how to enroll at
1 In-network providers agree to limit what they will charge you. You pay a fixed dollar amount or a percentage of the provider’s negotiated amount. For
  out-of-network benefits, refer to GEHA’s 2022 plan brochure RI 71-006 (High and Standard) at geha.com/PlanBrochure
2 Calendar year deductible applies.
3 The out-of-pocket maximum is the maximum amount of coinsurance, copays and deductibles you pay for all family members before GEHA begins paying
  for 100% of covered services. This is a combined maximum for both medical care and prescriptions.                                                                 2022 GEHA MEDICAL PLANS                   09
Elevate Plus                                               Premiums
                                                                                                Self Only
                                                                                                What you pay
                                                                                                                                      Self Plus One
                                                                                                                                      What you pay
                                                                                                                                                                           Self and Family
                                                                                                                                                                           What you pay
                                                           Enrollment codes                     251                                   253                                  252
• Easy to determine costs. No deductible. Copays for       Biweekly – employed                  $79.13                                $182.51                              $190.63
  most common services.
                                                           Monthly – retired                    $171.44                               $395.44                              $413.04
• Low copays for non-traditional care, like
                                                           Footnote: These rates do not apply to all enrollees. If you are in a special enrollment category, please refer to the FEHB program website or
  chiropractic and acupuncture                             contact the agency or Tribal Employer that maintains your health benefits enrollment.

• Engaging digital wellness portal
• NOTE: This plan has no                                   Yearly deductible in-network.1,2 No out-of-network coverage.                                                    What you pay
  out-of-network coverage
                                                           Self Only, Self Plus One and Self and Family                                                                    $0
How this plan pays you back
                                                           Prescription benefits in-network.1,3,4 No out-of-network coverage.                                              What you pay
• NEW! Subscribers can select an annual plan perk.
  Options include a SilverSneakers fitness benefit,         • 30-day retail generic                                                                                          $10
  a Fitbit wearable device including monthly Fitbit
                                                            • 30-day retail preferred brand-name                                                                             $805
  Premium Membership, a $125 gift card for DICK’S
  Sporting Goods or REI, or a Daily Burn virtual            • 30-day retail non-preferred brand-name                                                                         50%5
  fitness subscription.6 geha.com/PlanPerk
                                                            • 90-day mail service generic                                                                                    $20
• Earn up to $500 (maximum $1,000 per
                                                            • 90-day mail service preferred brand-name                                                                       $2005
  household) in Wellness Pays annually
  geha.com/WellnessPays                                     • 90-day mail service non-preferred brand-name                                                                   50%5
                                                            • 30-day specialty CVS exclusive generic and preferred brand-name                                                40% ($500 max5)
                                                            • 30-day specialty CVS exclusive non-preferred brand-name                                                        50%5
Life stage: mid-career
Health care style: health-focused and proactive,          Check prescription costs at geha.com/Prescriptions
values predictable pricing
                                                                      No out-of-network pharmacy coverage and a limited pharmacy network. Find a
How often you use your plan                                           pharmacy at geha.com/Find-Care

Low                     Average                    High

Prescription medication need
                                                          1 In-network providers agree to limit what they will charge you. You pay a fixed dollar amount or a percentage of the provider’s negotiated
                                                            amount. Refer to GEHA’s 2022 plan brochure RI 71-018 (Elevate and Elevate Plus) at geha.com/PlanBrochure
                                                          2 This plan has no out-of-network coverage.
                                                          3 Refer to geha.com/Prescriptions for formulary and specialty coverage for specific medications.
Low                     Average                    High   4 This plan has no out-of-network pharmacy coverage and a limited pharmacy network. Find a pharmacy at geha.com/Find-Care
                                                          5 If you choose a brand-name medication when a generic is available, you will be charged the generic copay plus the difference in cost between
                                                            the brand-name and the generic.
                                                          6 These benefits are neither offered nor guaranteed under contract with the FEHB program, but are made available to subscribers who become a
10    2022 GEHA MEDICAL PLANS                               member of GEHA’s Elevate and Elevate Plus medical plans.
Included with

                                                                                                                                                                                                                            ELEVATE PLUS
 Medical benefits in-network.1,2 No out-of-network coverage.                                                  What you pay
                                                                                                                                                          Elevate Plus
 • Unlimited telehealth visits, including behavioral health, with MDLIVE
   geha.com/MDLIVE                                                                                                                                        Telehealth visits, including
 • Preventive care; adult routine screenings                                                                                                              behavioral health
 • Well-child visit; up to age 22                                                                                                                         geha.com/MDLIVE
 • Lab services
 • Maternity; routine care                                                                                                                                Vision discount5 (see page 20)
 • MinuteClinic© (where available) geha.com/MinuteClinic                                                      $10
 • Primary physician office visit                                                                                                                         Hearing aid discount5
 • Chiropractic care (manipulative therapy), including X-rays; up to 15 visits                                                                            geha.com/Hearing
   per year
                                                                                                                                                          Gym membership discount5
 • Acupuncture; up to 20 treatments per year
 • Specialist care; office visit                                                                              $40
                                                                                                                                                          Electric toothbrush discount5
 • Urgent care                                                                                                $50
 • Other diagnostic services                                                                                  $503
                                                                                                                                                          Teeth whitening discount5
 • In-office professional surgical services                                                                   $75
 • Emergency care                                                                                             $200
                                                                                                                                                          Surgical concierge6
 • Outpatient and inpatient professional surgical services                                                    $200
                                                                                                                                                          $0 out-of-pocket surgery costs and
 • Hospital care; inpatient including maternity
                                                                                                              $250 per day up to                          care coordination
                                                                                                              $1,000 per admission                        geha.com/BridgeHealth
 • Hospital care; outpatient                                                                                  $250 per day per facility
                                                                                                                                                          For a complete list visit
Medicare A & B primary? See page 25 or visit geha.com/Medicare                                                                                            geha.com/Savings

 Out-of-pocket maximum in-network.1,4 No out-of-network coverage.                                             What you pay
                                                                                                                                                          5 These benefits are neither offered nor guaranteed under
                                                                                                                                                            contract with the FEHB program, but are made available to
 Self Only                                                                                                    $6,000                                        all enrollees who become members of a GEHA medical plan
                                                                                                                                                            and their eligible family members.
 Self Plus One and Self and Family                                                                            $12,000                                     6 Subject to any eligibility limitations. For more information,
                                                                                                                                                            see info.bridgehealth.com/GEHA

            This plan has no out-of-network medical coverage. Find a provider or check if your
            provider is in-network at geha.com/Find-Care
                                                                                                                                                              Learn how to enroll at
1 In-network providers agree to limit what they will charge you. You pay a fixed dollar amount or a percentage of the provider’s negotiated amount.
  Elevate Plus has no out of network benefits. Refer to GEHA’s 2022 plan brochure RI 71-018 (Elevate and Elevate Plus) at geha.com/PlanBrochure
2 This plan has no out-of-network coverage.
3 You pay $175 ($100 professional fee, $75 facility fee) for advanced outpatient High Tech Imaging such as MRI, CT, PET, etc. Refer to GEHA’s 2022 plan
  brochure RI 71-018 (Elevate and Elevate Plus) at geha.com/PlanBrochure
4 The out-of-pocket maximum is the maximum amount of coinsurance and copays you pay for all family members before GEHA begins paying for 100%
  of covered services. This is a combined maximum for both medical care and prescriptions.                                                                             2022 GEHA MEDICAL PLANS                        11
High                                              Premiums
                                                                                            Self Only
                                                                                            What you pay
                                                                                                                                      Self Plus One
                                                                                                                                      What you pay
                                                                                                                                                                                Self and Family
                                                                                                                                                                                What you pay
                                                  Enrollment codes                          311                                       313                                       312
• Comprehensive brand-name and specialty          Biweekly – employed                       $104.86                                   $244.76                                   $302.25
  prescription coverage
                                                  Monthly – retired                         $227.20                                   $530.31                                   $654.87
• Low copays for doctor visits
                                                  Footnote: These rates do not apply to all enrollees. If you are in a special enrollment category, please refer to the FEHB program website or contact the
                                                  agency or Tribal Employer that maintains your health benefits enrollment.
• $2,500 hearing aid benefit and
  additional discount
                                                  Yearly deductible in-network1                                                                                                 What you pay
How this plan pays you back
                                                  Self Only                                                                                                                     $350
• NEW! $800 part B Medicare premium
                                                  Self Plus One and Self and Family                                                                                             $700
  reimbursement geha.com/Medicare
• Earn up to $250 (maximum $500 per
  household) in Health Rewards annually           Prescription benefits in-network1,2                                                                                           What you pay
                                                    • 30-day retail generic                                                                                                      $103
                                                    • 30-day retail preferred brand-name                                                                                         25% ($150 max3,4)
                                                    • 30-day retail non-preferred brand-name                                                                                     40% ($200 max3,4)
                                                    • 90-day mail service generic                                                                                                $20
                                                    • 90-day mail service preferred brand-name                                                                                   25% ($350 max4)
                                                    • 90-day mail service non-preferred brand-name                                                                               40% ($500 max4)
Life stage: late-career
                                                    • 30-day specialty CVS exclusive generic and preferred brand-name                                                            25% ($150 max4)
Health care style: maximum coverage and
dependable support                                  • 30-day specialty CVS exclusive non-preferred brand-name                                                                    40% ($200 max4)

                                                 Check prescription costs at geha.com/Prescriptions
How often you use your plan

Low                 Average               High

Prescription medication need

                                                 1 In-network providers agree to limit what they will charge you. You pay a fixed dollar amount or a percentage of the provider’s negotiated amount. For
Low                 Average               High
                                                   out-of-network benefits, refer to GEHA’s 2022 plan brochure RI 71-006 (High and Standard) at geha.com/PlanBrochure
                                                 2 Refer to geha.com/Prescriptions for formulary and specialty coverage for specific medications.
                                                 3 Costs for initial prescription and first refill. You pay 50% for third and additional refills at retail for 30-day supply. For long-term prescriptions, use mail
                                                   order or your local retail CVS Pharmacy store (90-day supply) for greater cost savings.
                                                 4 If you choose a brand-name medication when a generic is available, you will be charged the generic copay plus the difference in cost between the
12    2022 GEHA MEDICAL PLANS                      brand-name and the generic.
Included with High

 Medical benefits in-network1                                                                                             What you pay

 • Unlimited telehealth visits, including behavioral health, with MDLIVE                                                                                  Telehealth visits, including
   geha.com/MDLIVE                                                                                                                                        behavioral health
 • Preventive care; adult routine screenings                                                                                                              geha.com/MDLIVE
 • Well-child visit; up to age 22
                                                                                                                          $0                              Vision discount4 (see page 20)
 • Maternity; routine care
 • Emergency care; accidental (must be within 72 hours)
 • Hospital care; inpatient maternity                                                                                                                     Hearing aid discount4
 • Lab Card services geha.com/LabCard                                                                                                                     geha.com/Hearing
 • MinuteClinic© (where available) geha.com/MinuteClinic                                                                  $10
                                                                                                                                                          Gym membership discount4
 • Primary physician office visit                                                                                                                         geha.com/Fitness
 • Specialist care; office visit                                                                                          $20
 • Chiropractic care (manipulative therapy), including X-rays; up to 20 visits per year                                                                   Electric toothbrush discount4
 • Urgent care                                                                                                            $35
 • Lab services (other than Lab Card)                                                                                     10%                             Teeth whitening discount4
 •   Emergency care; medical
 •   Hospital care; outpatient                                                                                                                            Medical alert system discount4
 •   Professional surgical services                                                                                                                       geha.com/LifeAlert
 •   X-ray services
                                                                                                                                                          Lab Card service
 •   Other diagnostic services
 •   Acupuncture; up to 20 treatments per year
                                                                                                                          $100 per admission              For a complete list visit
 • Hospital care; inpatient
                                                                                                                          plus 10%                        geha.com/Savings
                                                                                                                          Balance after GEHA
 • Preventive dental care, twice yearly
                                                                                                                          pays $22 per visit
                                                                                                                                                          4 These benefits are neither offered nor guaranteed under
                                                                                                                                                            contract with the FEHB program, but are made available
Medicare A & B primary? See page 25 or visit geha.com/Medicare                                                                                              to all enrollees who become members of a GEHA medical
                                                                                                                                                            plan and their eligible family members.

 Out-of-pocket maximum in-network1,3                                                                                      What you pay

 Self Only                                                                                                                $5,000
 Self Plus One and Self and Family                                                                                        $10,000
                                                                                                                                                              Learn how to enroll at
1 In-network providers agree to limit what they will charge you. You pay a fixed dollar amount or a percentage of the provider’s negotiated amount. For
  out-of-network benefits, refer to GEHA’s 2022 plan brochure RI 71-006 (High and Standard) at geha.com/PlanBrochure
2 Calendar year deductible applies.
3 The out-of-pocket maximum is the maximum amount of coinsurance and copays you pay for all family members before GEHA begins paying for 100% of
  covered services. This is a combined maximum for both medical care and prescriptions.                                                                             2022 GEHA MEDICAL PLANS                    13
It pays to be a GEHA subscriber
                                 GEHA’s unique position as a nonprofit member association allows us to offer this plan
                                 perk. We don’t have stockholders, which means our priority is putting money back into
                                 supporting our members.

                                 Beginning in 2022, Elevate and Elevate Plus plan subscribers are eligible annually to
                                 choose one plan perk from the following options

                                                                        Fitbit wearable device including
                                                                        monthly Fitbit Premium Membership

             Exclusive plan                                             $125 gift card for DICK’S Sporting
                                                                        Goods or REI
             perk for Elevate
             and Elevate Plus                                           Daily Burn virtual fitness subscription
             geha.com/PlanPerk                                          SilverSneakers
                                                                        Exclusively for Elevate Plus plan subscriber and spouse
                                                                        enrolled in Medicare Part A and/or B

                                 Activation is easy
                                 It’s quick and easy for Elevate and Elevate Plus subscribers to claim their plan perk
                                 after January 1, 2022. Just sign up for a geha.com account (or log into your existing
                                 account) and update your contact preferences.

                                 These benefits are neither offered nor guaranteed under contract with the FEHB program, but are made available to subscribers who
14   2022 GEHA MEDICAL PLANS     become a member of GEHA’s Elevate and Elevate Plus medical plans.
Get help choosing the right plan

                                                                                                                                                    PLAN PERK | RESOURCES
For more information about FEHB plans, visit opm.gov/Healthcare-Insurance

   Book an appointment                                                      Call us
   Meet one-on-one with a GEHA Benefits Adviser to help answer              Talk to a GEHA Benefits Adviser Monday – Friday, 7 a.m. – 7 p.m.
   your questions.                                                          Central time.

   geha.com/Meet                                                            800.262.4342

   Chat online at Open Season                                               Watch on-demand webinars
   Chat with a GEHA Benefits Adviser in real time during                    Learn how to find a plan that’s right for you with an
   Open Season.                                                             on-demand webinar.

   geha.com                                                                 geha.com/2022Webinars

   Plan recommender tool                                                    Compare plans
   Answer a few questions to see a plan that matches your                   Compare GEHA’s five medical plans to easily find the right plan
   individual or family needs.                                              for you.

   geha.com/Select-A-Plan                                                   geha.com/CompareMedical

                                                                                                                   2022 GEHA MEDICAL PLANS     15
It pays to stay in-network
Whether it’s a fixed dollar amount, or a percentage, we want you to understand what you pay for in- or out-of-network services. We’ve included an example
below for a plan with a 10% coinsurance1 for services in-network and 25% coinsurance for services out-of-network.

          The Elevate Plus medical plan does not offer out-of-network coverage.

  Service example                                                                 Out-of-network price              In-network price

  Provider’s billed rate                                                          $150                              $150

  In-network provider’s contracted rate with GEHA and
                                                                                  $100                              $100
  GEHA’s plan allowance for out-of-network providers

                                                                                  $75                               $90
  What GEHA pays
                                                                                  75% of $100                       90% of $100

                                                                                  $25                               $10
  What you pay (coinsurance)
                                                                                  25% of $100                       10% of $100

  You also pay the difference between the out-of-network
                                                                                  $50                               $0
  provider’s billed rate and GEHA’s plan allowance

  What you pay total for this service                                             $75                               $10

1 See page 17 for definition.

Definitions and terms

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              IN- & OUT-OF-NETWORK EXAMPLES | DEFINITIONS
We know some terms can be confusing. As you work your way through this guide, these definitions may help.

  Term                                                       Definition

  Calendar year deductible                                   What you pay each year before the plan begins to pay out benefits.

  Coinsurance                                                The percentage you pay for a covered health care service, after you’ve met your deductible.

  Copay                                                      A fixed amount you pay for a service or prescription.

                                                             Portion of monthly HDHP premium that GEHA contributes to a health savings account (HSA) or health reimbursement
  GEHA contribution
                                                             arrangement (HRA).

                                                             A health care provider who is a part of GEHA’s provider network. These providers agree to limit what they will
  In-network provider
                                                             charge you.

                                                             The remaining amount after you subtract the annual GEHA contribution from the annual deductible. This is your
  Net deductible (HDHP)
                                                             out-of-pocket cost before plan benefits begin.

                                                             The maximum amount you pay each year for coverage. Includes copays, deductibles and coinsurance, but not premiums.
  Out-of-pocket max
                                                             Once the limit is met, the plan pays the remainder of your covered health care expenses for the rest of the year.

                                                             Cost of health care goods and services after subtracting the insurance company’s negotiated discount. For complete
  Plan allowance
                                                             details see the definition of “Plan allowance” in Section 10 of any GEHA plan brochure. geha.com/PlanBrochure

  PPO                                                        A preferred provider organization.

  Premium                                                    What you pay monthly or biweekly for coverage.

  Prescription benefits                                      What you pay as a copay or percentage of coinsurance for medication.

This is a brief description of the features of Government Employees Health Association, Inc.’s medical plans. Before making a final decision, please read the GEHA Federal brochures which are available at geha.com/PlanBrochure. All
benefits are subject to the definitions, limitations and exclusions set forth in the Federal brochures.

                                                                                                                                                                                          2022 GEHA MEDICAL PLANS                        17
Wellness Pays                                   Wellness Pays rewards you for activities you’re probably
                                                already doing
                                                • When you complete your first rewardable activity, you will receive a Wellness Pays prepaid debit
Elevate and Elevate                               card in the mail.
                                                • The card can be used for qualified medical expenses such as copays, medical, dental and vision
Plus plans                                        expenses at many major retailers.
                                                • As you continue completing rewardable activities, funds will be loaded onto your Wellness Pays
                                                  prepaid debit card.

                                                 Rewardable activity                                              Wellness Pays plan reward

$500                                             • Achieve your Stride step goal                                  $10 per month
PER PERSON                                       • Use of the medical cost estimate tool                          $10 per month, $30 max
                                                 •   Biometric screening
The maximum amount of Wellness Pays
                                                 •   Rally Missions
rewards that an individual can earn per year.
                                                 •   Wellness quizzes
                                                 •   Flu shot
                                                 •   MDLIVE telehealth visit
                                                 •   MDLIVE behavioral health visit

$1,000                                           • Rally health survey                                            $75
PER HOUSEHOLD                                    •   Annual physical
                                                 •   Breast cancer screening (mammogram)1
The maximum amount of Wellness Pays
                                                 •   Cervical cancer screening (Pap)1
rewards a household can earn per year.                                                                            $100
                                                 •   Colorectal cancer screening (colonoscopy or in-home kit)1
                                                 •   Digital wellness coaching
geha.com/WellnessPays                            •   First trimester prenatal appointment
                                                 • Complete Real Appeal or Quit for Life                          $200

                                                Earn rewards on GEHA’s digital platform powered by Rally
                                                Register on our Rally® platform to self-manage your health goals, enroll with a wellness coach
                                                and more.

                                                Earn rewards automatically
                                                You’ll receive a rewards card deposit about 10 business days after GEHA receives notification that
                                                you completed a rewardable activity. geha.com/ElevateLearn

18   2022 GEHA MEDICAL PLANS                    1 Restrictions may apply
Health Rewards                           Health Rewards empowers you with tools and incentives to

                                                                                                                                                                                    EARN REWARDS FOR HEALTHY ACTIVITIES
                                         help you live healthier
                                         • Complete healthy activities like a health risk assessment, preventive screenings, and
HDHP, Standard and                         online wellness workshops such as weight management, stress management or
                                           smoking cessation.
High plans                               • As you continue completing rewardable activities, the money you earn can be used for
                                           qualified medical expenses1 with your Health Rewards prepaid debit card.

                                          Rewardable activity                                                                       Health Rewards plan reward

                                          • Online wellness workshops                                                               $10 per workshop
                                          • Flu shot                                                                                $25
                                          •   Cervical cancer screening (Pap)2
The maximum amount of Health Rewards      •   Colorectal cancer screening (colonoscopy or in-home kit)2
that an individual can earn per year.     •   Breast cancer screening (mammogram)2                                                  $50
                                          •   First trimester prenatal appointment
                                          •   MDLIVE telehealth visit
                                          • Health risk assessment                                                                  $75

$500                                      • Participation in a targeted health program (by invitation)                              $50 – $250


The maximum amount of Health Rewards a   1 HDHP + HSA members can use their rewards on qualified dental and vision care expenses until they meet their deductible. Then, all
                                           eligible medical and pharmacy expenses qualify, too.
household can earn per year.             2 Restrictions may apply.


                                                                                                                                 2022 GEHA MEDICAL PLANS                       19
Vision benefits and
discounts for all plans
What you pay for an annual eye exam at a qualified
EyeMed provider                                                                                                       With all GEHA medical plans, you get low copays on eye exams, and discounts
                                                                                                                      on frames and lenses through EyeMed.™

  $0 COPAY                                                    $5 COPAY                                                The EyeMed network includes LensCrafters, Target Optical, independent eye
  Elevate and Elevate Plus                                    HDHP, Standard and High                                 doctors and top optical retailers. Members also save on LASIK at participating

                                                                                                                   Elevate, Standard, Elevate Plus and High                           HDHP
  Vision discounts in-network1,2                                                                                   What you pay                                                       What you pay

  Frames (retail price)                                                                                            60% of price                                                       $0 under $100 plus 80% over $100
  Eyeglass lenses, standard plastic single vision (retail price)                                                   Up to $50                                                          $10
  Eyeglass lenses, standard plastic bifocal lens (retail price)                                                    Up to $70                                                          $10
  Eyeglass lenses, standard plastic progressive lens (retail price)                                                Up to $135                                                         No more than $75
  Eyeglass lens options, UV treatment, tint (solid and gradient), standard plastic
                                                                                                                   $15                                                                $15
  scratch coating
  Eyeglass lens options, standard anti-reflective coating                                                          $45                                                                $45

  Contact lens, conventional (retail price)                                                                        85% of price                                                       $10 under $110 plus 85% over $110

     HDHP is GEHA’s only plan to include a complete vision benefit in addition to vision discounts through EyeMed. Learn more about this benefit at

1 Elevate, Standard, Elevate Plus and High plans only when you visit an EyeMed provider.
2 These benefits are neither offered nor guaranteed under contract with the FEHB program, but are made available to all enrollees who become members of a GEHA medical plan and their eligible family members.

Included in all five plans

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   VISION | INCLUDED BENEFITS & DISCOUNTS
                                                                                                                                  Free 24/7 Health Advice Line
                                                                                                                                  Talk to a nurse 24/7.

       Unlimited $0 MDLIVE1                                                                                                       Gym membership discount2
                                                                                                                                  Access 11,000+ Active&Fit Direct™ locations nationwide with
       telehealth visits                                                                                                          GEHA’s Connection Fitness® program.
       Get access to certified doctors, including pediatricians,                                                                  geha.com/Fitness
       behavioral health therapists and dermatologists.

                                                                                                                                  Teeth whitening discounts2
                                                                                                                                  Get a 20% discount on the lowest published price on all Smile
                                                                                                                                  Brilliant home teeth whitening and oral care products.

                                                                                                                                  Hearing aid discounts2
                                                                                                                                  Get discounts through TruHearing on hearing aids. Save up to
                                                                                                                                  30% to 60% off hearing aids. Some average more than $2,500
                                                                                                                                  in savings per pair.
       Electric toothbrush discount2,3                                                                                            geha.com/Hearing
       Enjoy 70% off a cariPROTM premium electric
                                                                                                                                  Medical alert system discount2
       geha.com/Toothbrush                                                                                                        Get free activation on LifeAlert® services, plus a 10% monthly
                                                                                                                                  discount, for you and your extended family.

1 If deductible is met, high deductible health plan (HDHP) member will be charged by MDLIVE but GEHA will then reimburse the member 100% of the billed charge.
2 These benefits are neither offered nor guaranteed under contract with the FEHB program, but are made available to all enrollees who become members of a GEHA medical plan and their eligible family members.
3 The cariPROTM premium toothbrush removes seven times more plaque than a regular brush, is completely waterproof and comes with a two-year manufacturer’s warranty. Replacement brush heads with high-quality DuPontTM bristles
  are also available at this exclusive, member-only price.

                                                                                                                                                                                   2022 GEHA MEDICAL PLANS                    21
Compare deductibles for all plans
Yearly deductible in-network.1 The Elevate Plus medical plan does not offer out-of-network coverage.
What you pay each year before the plan begins to pay out benefits. For HDHP, the net deductible is the remaining amount after you subtract the GEHA
contribution from the annual deductible. This is your out-of-pocket cost before plan benefits begin.

                                        Elevate                              HDHP                                               Standard                               Elevate Plus                           High
  Plan type                             What you pay                         What you pay                                       What you pay                           What you pay                           What you pay

                                                                              $1,500 yearly deductible
  Self Only                             $500                                 −$900 GEHA contribution2                           $350                                   $0                                     $350
                                                                             =$600 your net deductible

                                                                              $3,000 yearly deductible
  Self Plus One and
                                        $1,000                               −$1,800 GEHA contribution2                         $700                                   $0                                     $700
  Self and Family
                                                                             =$1,200 your net deductible

Compare out-of-pocket max for all plans
Out-of-pocket max in-network.1 The Elevate Plus medical plan does not offer out-of-network coverage.
The maximum amount of coinsurance, copays and deductibles you pay for all family members before GEHA begins to pay 100% of covered services. This is
a combined maximum of medical care and prescriptions.

                                        Elevate                                  HDHP                                     Standard                                 Elevate Plus                              High
  Plan type                             What you pay                             What you pay                             What you pay                             What you pay                              What you pay

  Self Only                             $7,000                                   $5,000                                   $6,500                                   $6,000                                    $5,000

  Self Plus One and
  Self and Family                       $14,000                                  $10,000                                  $13,000                                  $12,000                                   $10,000

1 In-network providers agree to limit what they will charge you. You pay a fixed dollar amount or a percentage of the provider’s negotiated amount. For out-of-network benefits, refer to one of GEHA’s 2022 plan brochures: RI 71-006 (High and
  Standard), RI 71-014 (HDHP) or RI 71-018 (Elevate and Elevate Plus) at geha.com/PlanBrochure
2 GEHA’s contribution will go into a health savings account (HSA) or a health reimbursement arrangement (HRA). Most people qualify for an HSA. Those who don’t are enrolled in an HRA; this group includes Medicare enrollees and those who
  have non-HDHP coverage elsewhere. Find out which one you’re eligible for at geha.com/IRS969

Compare premiums for all plans

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                COMPARE PREMIUMS, DEDUCTIBLES & OUT-OF-POCKET MAX
What you pay monthly or biweekly for coverage.

                                                              Elevate                            HDHP                              Standard                           Elevate Plus                       High
  Self Only premium                                           What you pay                       What you pay                      What you pay                       What you pay                       What you pay

  Enrollment code                                             254                                341                               314                                251                                311

  Biweekly – employed                                         $48.74                           $63.21                             $62.66                              $79.13                           $104.86

  Monthly – retired                                           $105.61                          $136.95                            $135.77                             $171.44                          $227.20

                                                              Elevate                            HDHP                              Standard                           Elevate Plus                       High
  Self Plus One premium                                       What you pay                       What you pay                      What you pay                       What you pay                       What you pay

  Enrollment code                                             256                                343                               316                                253                                313

  Biweekly – employed                                         $112.11                          $135.90                            $134.73                             $182.51                          $244.76

  Monthly – retired                                           $242.90                          $294.44                            $291.92                             $395.44                          $530.31

                                                              Elevate                            HDHP                              Standard                           Elevate Plus                       High
  Self and Family premium                                     What you pay                       What you pay                      What you pay                       What you pay                       What you pay

  Enrollment code                                             255                                342                               315                                252                                312

  Biweekly – employed                                         $136.48                          $167.00                            $164.85                             $190.63                          $302.25

  Monthly – retired                                           $295.71                          $361.83                            $357.17                             $413.04                          $654.87

These rates do not apply to all enrollees. If you are in a special enrollment category, please refer to the FEHB program website or contact the agency or Tribal Employer that maintains your health benefit enrollment.

                                                                                                                                                                                          2022 GEHA MEDICAL PLANS          23
Compare prescription coverage for all plans
What you pay in-network.1,2

                                                                                  Elevate                            HDHP                              Standard                           Elevate Plus                      High
  Prescription type                                                               What you pay                       What you pay                      What you pay                       What you pay                      What you pay

  • 30-day retail generic                                                         $4                                 25%3                              $10                                $10                               $104

  • 30-day preferred brand-name                                                   50% ($500 max)                     25%3,5                            50% ($200 max5)                    $805                              25% ($150 max4,5)

  • 30-day non-preferred brand-name                                               100%                               40%3,5                            50% ($300 max5)                    50%5                              40% ($200 max4,5)

  • 90-day mail order service generic                                             No benefit                         25%3                              $20                                $20                               $20

  • 90-day mail order service preferred
                                                                                  No benefit                         25%3,5                            50% ($500 max5)                    $2005                             25% ($350 max5)

  • 90-day mail order service non-preferred
                                                                                  No benefit                         40%3,5                            50% ($600 max5)                    50%5                              40% ($500 max5)

  • 30-day specialty CVS exclusive generic and
                                                                                  50% ($500 max)                     25%3,5                            50% ($250 max5)                    40% ($500 max5)                   25% ($150 max5)
    preferred brand-name

  • 30-day specialty CVS exclusive non-preferred
                                                                                  100%                               40%3,5                            50% ($400 max5)                    50%5                              40% ($200 max5)

                Elevate and Elevate Plus do not have out-of-network pharmacy coverage and have a limited pharmacy network. Learn more about prescription
                coverage at geha.com/Prescriptions

     Check drug costs at info.caremark.com/GEHA

1 In-network providers agree to limit what they will charge you. You pay a fixed dollar amount or a percentage of the provider’s negotiated amount. For out-of-network benefits, refer to one of GEHA’s 2022 plan brochures: RI 71-006 (High and
  Standard), RI 71-014 (HDHP) or RI 71-018 (Elevate and Elevate Plus) at geha.com/PlanBrochure
2 The out-of-pocket maximum is the maximum amount of coinsurance and copays you pay for all family members before GEHA begins paying for 100% of covered services. This is a combined maximum for both medical care and prescriptions.
3 Calendar year deductible applies.
4 Cost for initial prescription and first refill. You pay 50% for third and additional refills at retail for 30-day supply. For long term prescriptions, use mail order or your local retail CVS Pharmacy store (90-day supply) for greater cost savings.
5 If you choose a brand-name medication when a generic is available, you will be charged the generic copay plus the difference in cost between the brand-name and the generic.

GEHA works with Medicare A & B

                                                                                                                                                                                             COMPARE PRESCRIPTION | MEDICARE COVERAGE
                                    GEHA offers five medical plan, each with coverage that coordinates with Medicare. For more
                                    information, including benefits and rates, visit geha.com/Medicare

You’ve got
options with retail                                                              Elevate +            HDHP +              Standard +           Elevate Plus           High +
prescriptions                         Plan service                               Medicare             Medicare            Medicare             + Medicare             Medicare

Pay less for prescriptions filled     NEW! Choice of plan perk1                  Yes                  No                  No                   Yes                    No
at an in-network pharmacy
                                      NEW! $800 Medicare Part
location. Locations include any                                                  No                   No                  No                   No                     Yes
                                      B reimbursement
CVS Pharmacy location, but you
                                      Coverage for in- and
don’t have to go to a CVS to                                                     Yes                  Yes                 Yes                  Yes                    Yes
                                      out-of-network care2
pay in-network prices.
                                      100% medical coverage
Find an in-network pharmacy           (copays and deductibles
                                                                                 No                   No                  Yes                  Yes                    Yes
location at geha.com/Find-Care        waived) with Medicare
                                      A & B primary

                                      Mail service pharmacy                      No                   Yes                 Yes                  Yes                    Yes

                                                                                 No                   Yes                 Yes                  Yes                    Yes
                                      drug coverage3

                                      Vision and hearing aid
                                                                                 Yes                  Yes                 Yes                  Yes                    Yes
                                      discounts or benefit4,5,6
Save more with mail
                                      Coverage for care outside
order prescriptions                   of the United States
                                                                                 Yes                  Yes                 Yes                  Yes                    Yes

With CVS Caremark’s Mail
Service Pharmacy, you can save
                                        NEW! in 2022 Elevate and Elevate Plus subscribers can select a plan perk from several
money and have your routine             health and wellness options, including SilverSneakers fitness benefit for Elevate Plus only.1
prescriptions delivered to your         To learn more, see page 14 or visit geha.com/PlanPerk
home, postage-paid, within
about 14 days from the time you
                                    1 These benefits are neither offered nor guaranteed under contract with the FEHB program, but are made available to subscribers who become a
submit your prescription.             member of GEHA’s Elevate and Elevate Plus medical plans.
                                    2 Though the Elevate Plus plan on it’s own does not provide out-of-network medical coverage when it’s combined with Medicare and the provider
                                      accepts Medicare assignment, out-of-network cost shares are waived. There are no out-of-network pharmacy benefits for Elevate and Elevate Plus.
Mail order is not available for     3 With High plan, when Medicare A & B is primary, you pay a lower coinsurance for preferred and non-preferred brand medications.
                                    4 These benefits are neither offered nor guaranteed under contract with the FEHB program, but are made available to all enrollees who become
the Elevate plan option.              members of GEHA and their eligible family members.
                                    5 The HDHP plan also includes additional vision benefits. Learn more at geha.com/HDHPVision
                                    6 Standard, Elevate Plus and High also include additional hearing aid benefits. Learn more at geha.com/Hearing

                                                                                                                                         2022 GEHA MEDICAL PLANS                        25
Compare medical benefits for all plans
NOTE: The Elevate Plus medical plan does not offer out-of-network coverage.

                                                                                Elevate                          HDHP                             Standard                          Elevate Plus                     High
  Medical benefits in-network1                                                  What you pay                     What you pay                     What you pay                      What you pay                     What you pay

  Unlimited telehealth visits, including behavioral
                                                                                $0                               $02,3                            $0                                $0                               $0
  health, with MDLIVE

  • Preventive care; adult routine screenings
                                                                                $0                               $0                               $0                                $0                               $0
  • Well-child visit; up to age 22

  Maternity; routine care                                                       $0                               $02                              $0                                $0                               $0

  MinuteClinic© (where available)                                               $10                              5%2                              $10                               $10                              $10

  Primary physician office visit                                                $10                              5%2                              $15                               $25                              $20

  Specialist care; office visit                                                 $25                              5%2                              $30                               $40                              $20
  Urgent care                                                                   $50                              5%2                              $35                               $50                              $35
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     $0 (must be within
  Emergency care; accidental                                                    25%2                             5%2                              15%2                             $200
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     72 hours)

  Emergency care; medical                                                       25%2                             5%2                              15%2                             $200                              10%2

                                                                                                                                                                                   $250 per day up
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     $100 per admission
  Hospital care; inpatient                                                      25%2                             5%2                              15%2                             to $1,000 per
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     plus 10%
                                                                                                                                                                                    $250 per day up
  Hospital care; inpatient maternity                                            25%2                             $02                              $0                                to $1,000 per                    $0
                                                                                                                                                                                   $250 per day per
  Hospital care; outpatient                                                     25%2                             5%2                              15%2                                                               10%2

1 In-network providers agree to limit what they will charge you. You pay a fixed dollar amount or a percentage of the provider’s negotiated amount. For out-of-network benefits, refer to one of GEHA’s 2022 plan brochures: RI 71-006 (High and
  Standard), RI 71-014 (HDHP) or RI 71-018 (Elevate and Elevate Plus) at geha.com/PlanBrochure
2 Calendar year deductible applies.
3 If deductible is met, high deductible health plan (HDHP) member will be charged by MDLIVE but GEHA will then reimburse the member 100% of the billed charge.

                                                                 Elevate                         HDHP                              Standard                          Elevate Plus                      High
  Medical benefits in-network1                                   What you pay                    What you pay                      What you pay                      What you pay                      What you pay

  Inpatient professional surgical services                       $250                            5%2                               15%2                              $200                              10%2
  Outpatient professional surgical services                      25%2                            5%2                               15%2                              $200                              10%2
  Lab Card services                                              No benefit                      No benefit                        $0                                No benefit                        $0
  Lab services (other than Lab Card)                             25%2                            5%2                               15%                               $0                                10%
  Other diagnostic services                                      25%                             5%   2
                                                                                                                                   15%    2,3
                                                                                                                                                                     $50   4

  Chiropractic care visit (manipulative                          $10 up to 12 visits             5%2 up to 20 visits               $30 up to 20 visits               $25 up to 15 visits               $20 up to 20 visits
  therapy), including X-rays                                     per year                        per year                          per year                          per year                          per year

                                                                                                                                                                                                       Balance after GEHA
                                                                                                 $0 twice yearly;
  Preventive dental care                                         No benefit                                                        50% twice yearly                  No benefit                        pays $22 per visit,
                                                                                                 no deductible
                                                                                                                                                                                                       twice yearly
  Acupuncture visit; 20 treatments
                                                                 $10                             5%2                               15%2                              $25                               10%2
  per year

      Still unsure? Try our plan recommender tool Answer a few                                                               Your doctor is probably in-network GEHA has an extensive
      simple questions and we’ll help you find a plan that might be                                                          nationwide network of up to 4 million provider locations. Check
      right for your needs. geha.com/Select-A-Plan                                                                           to see if your doctor is in-network. geha.com/Find-Care

1 In-network providers agree to limit what they will charge you. You pay a fixed dollar amount or a percentage of the provider’s negotiated amount. For out-of-network benefits, refer to one of GEHA’s 2022 plan brochures:
  RI 71-006 (High and Standard), RI 71-014 (HDHP) or RI 71-018 (Elevate and Elevate Plus) at geha.com/PlanBrochure
2 Calendar year deductible applies.
3 Standard, you pay $175 ($100 professional fee, $75 facility fee) for advanced outpatient High Tech Imaging such as MRI, CT, PET, etc. You pay $175 ($100 professional fee, $75 facility fee) for High Tech Imaging such as MRI, CT,
  PET, etc. Refer to GEHA’s 2022 plan brochure RI 71-006 (High and Standard) at geha.com/PlanBrochure
4 Elevate Plus, you pay 25% for advanced outpatient diagnostic tests such as, High Tech Imaging such as MRI, CT, PET, etc. Refer to GEHA’s 2022 plan brochure RI 71-018 (Elevate and Elevate Plus) for a complete list at

                                                                                                                                                                                      2022 GEHA MEDICAL PLANS                      27
GEHA has a medical plan for your needs
Choose from five unique medical plans designed to meet you where you are in life.

                                                                                          Book an appointment
                                                                                          Meet one-on-one with a GEHA Benefits Adviser.
          Ready to enroll?
          If you’ve found a plan that aligns with your                                    Call us
          needs, learn how to enroll in a plan today.                                     Monday – Friday, 7 a.m. – 7 p.m. Central time.
          geha.com/Enroll                                                                 800.262.4342

                                                                                          Chat with a GEHA representative
                                                                                          Chat with a Benefits Adviser in real time during Open Season.
This is a brief description of the features of Government Employees Health Association,   geha.com
Inc.‘s medical plans. Before making a final decision, please read the GEHA Federal
brochures which are available at geha.com/PlanBrochure. All benefits are subject
to the definitions, limitations and exclusions set forth in the Federal brochure. For
information and changes to GEHA’s medical plans, see our three plan brochures –           Watch a webinar
RI 71-006 (High and Standard), RI 71-014 (HDHP) and RI 71-018 (Elevate and
Elevate Plus) – which are available at geha.com/PlanBrochure                              Find a plan that’s right for you with an on-demand webinar.
Notice of Summary of Benefits and Coverage (SBC): Availability of Summary Health
Information: The Federal Employees Health Benefit (FEHB) program offers numerous
health benefits plans and coverage options. Choosing a health plan and coverage
option is an important decision. To help you make an informed choice, each FEHB plan      Compare plans
makes available a Summary of Benefits and Coverage (SBC) about each of its health
coverage options, online and in paper. The SBC summarizes important information in        geha.com/CompareMedical
a standard format to help you compare plans and options. GEHA’s SBCs are available
on the internet at geha.com/SBC. Paper copies are also available, free of charge, by
calling 800.821.6136.
                                                                                          Plan recommender tool
To find out more information about plans available under the FEHB program, including
SBCs for other FEHB plans, please visit opm.gov/Insure

©2021-2022 Government Employees Health Association, Inc. All rights reserved.
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                                                                                                         Get in touch
                                                                                                         Let us help you choose a GEHA plan that
                                                                                                         can work for you.

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