2022 FS Grain Product Guide - Growmark FS

Page created by Sarah Park
2022 FS Grain Product Guide - Growmark FS
FS Grain Product Guide
2022 FS Grain Product Guide - Growmark FS

When you choose seed from FS, you
get more than just proven products.
You get the expertise of a certified
crop specialist who is trained in
agronomy, soil types, genetics and
more. They know your ground because
they walk your ground. So, whether
recommending the right hybrid or
variety, or providing advice on disease
and pest management, FS crop
specialists are always focused on
the success of your operation.

2022 FS Grain Product Guide - Growmark FS
FS InVISION™ seed corn has been on the market for less than a
decade. And in that time, it’s already earned a reputation as one
of the industry’s top performers.
Every year, growers are dedicating more and more acres to
FS InVISION™. That’s because it outyields the competition —
whether it’s in your most challenging acreage or your very best
ground. Talk to your crop specialist today about FS InVISION™.
You’ll be glad you did.
2022 FS Grain Product Guide - Growmark FS

                         FS 3613V RIB                                                                                                    RM | 86      FS 3818V RIB                                                                                                 RM | 88

                                                                                            BREAKING NEW GROUND IN THE NORTH                                                                                            GREAT EXPECTATIONS

                         GRAIN YIELD                                                        » New, ultra-early hybrid with both ear size and          GRAIN YIELD                                                       » A showy hybrid in the field that can yield with the
                                                                                              plant stature                                                                                                               best of them
                         STANDABILITY                                                       » Strong out of the ground. Impressive yield              STANDABILITY                                                      » More flex to the ears with length, girth and solid
                                                                                              for maturity                                                                                                                tip fill. Takes lower pops
                         TEST WEIGHT                                                        » Husks reliably loosen and flare open to ensure          TEST WEIGHT                                                       » Excellent emergence and early growth. High test
                                                                                              rapid grain drydown                                                                                                         weight grain
                         SEEDLING GROWTH RATE
                                                                                            » Excellent stalks and roots with high quality grain      SEEDLING GROWTH RATE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        » Good staygreen and superior plant intactness right
                                                                                            » Raises the bar for Northern Leaf Blight resistance in                                                                       through harvest
                                                                                              the maturity                                                                                                              » Fights off both Northern Leaf Blight and
                         GRAIN DRYDOWN                                                                                                                GRAIN DRYDOWN                                                       Anthracnose Stalk Rot
                                                                                            » Keep in zone with a good population under it for
                                                                                              best performance                                                                                                          » Adapted to a wide range of soil types and
                         DROUGHT TOLERANCE                                                                                                            DROUGHT TOLERANCE                                                   productivity levels. Takes stress
                             Rating Scale: 1 - 5, 1 = Excellent, 5 = Poor, NR = Not Rated                                                                Rating Scale: 1 - 5, 1 = Excellent, 5 = Poor, NR = Not Rated

                         FS 4095X RIB                                                                                                    RM | 90      FS 42R88VT2P                                                                                                 RM | 92

                                                                                            THE LEADER OF THE PACK                                                                                                      PROVEN TRACK RECORD OF SUCCESS

                         GRAIN YIELD                                                        » Simply amazing yielder of high quality grain year       GRAIN YIELD                                                       » A very durable hybrid with excellent yields of top
                                                                                              in and year out                                                                                                             quality grain
                         STANDABILITY                                                       » First choice where the maturity fits. Strong track      STANDABILITY                                                      » Girthy ear with good length and flex. Good husks,
                                                                                              record for standability                                                                                                     tips and a longer shank
                         TEST WEIGHT                                                        » Rapid emergence for early planting and fast             TEST WEIGHT                                                       » Healthy stalks and excellent roots. Fends off
                                                                                              drydown for a timely harvest                                                                                                drought and stress
                         SEEDLING GROWTH RATE
                                                                                            » Adapted to all yield environments, but responds to      SEEDLING GROWTH RATE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        » Fast out of the ground for early planting and
                                                                                              top management                                                                                                              chilled soils. Widely adapted
                                                                                            » Superior staygreen with tops that stay intact long                                                                        » Resists Anthracnose Stalk Rot and Northern Leaf
                         GRAIN DRYDOWN                                                        into the growing season                                 GRAIN DRYDOWN                                                       Blight. Moves south
                                                                                            » VT Double PRO® RIB Complete® version, FS 4095V                                                                            » Roundup Ready® Corn 2 and conventional versions
                         DROUGHT TOLERANCE                                                    RIB, also available                                     DROUGHT TOLERANCE                                                   also available
                             Rating Scale: 1 - 5, 1 = Excellent, 5 = Poor, NR = Not Rated                                                                Rating Scale: 1 - 5, 1 = Excellent, 5 = Poor, NR = Not Rated

2022 FS Grain Product Guide - Growmark FS
FS 4303X RIB                                                                                                 RM | 93     FS 4616V RIB                                                                                                   RM | 96

                                                                  A RUGGED WORKHORSE                                                                                                       SETTING NEW STANDARDS FOR
GRAIN YIELD                                                       » Brawny hybrid with superior leafiness and a          GRAIN YIELD                                                       » A tall, leafy plant with a robust appearance is
                                                                    consistently larger ear style                                                                                            impressive in the field
STANDABILITY                                                      » Impressive yield for the maturity with high test     STANDABILITY                                                      » Ratchets up the bar for yield a notch higher in
                                                                    weight grain                                                                                                             the maturity
TEST WEIGHT                                                       » Ears with very good husk coverage and tip fill and   TEST WEIGHT                                                       » Girthy ears with flex, good length and superior tip
                                                                    hang on a longer shank                                                                                                   fill. Takes lower pops
                                                                  » Adapted to all growing conditions, even the tough    SEEDLING GROWTH RATE
                                                                                                                                                                                           » Performs well under drought. Good staygreen and
                                                                    acre where stressed                                                                                                      plant intactness
                                                                  » Top notch choice for reduced tillage and early                                                                         » Superior ratings for both Anthracnose Stalk Rot and
GRAIN DRYDOWN                                                       planting and corn on corn use                        GRAIN DRYDOWN                                                       general stalk health
                                                                  » Also VT Double PRO® RIB Complete®, conventional                                                                        » Takes tough, variable and ideal growing
DROUGHT TOLERANCE                                                   and organic options                                  DROUGHT TOLERANCE                                                   conditions. Goes north and south
   Rating Scale: 1 - 5, 1 = Excellent, 5 = Poor, NR = Not Rated                                                             Rating Scale: 1 - 5, 1 = Excellent, 5 = Poor, NR = Not Rated

FS 4799V RIB                                                                                                 RM | 97     FS 481X RIB                                                                                                   RM | 98

                                                                  ONE TOUGH HYBRID THAT SHINES UNDER                                                                                       POWERFUL NEW GENETIC PACKAGE
GRAIN YIELD                                                       » Outstanding yield for maturity with high test        GRAIN YIELD                                                       » Excellent top-end yielder with a fairly tall plant and
                                                                    weight grain                                                                                                             superior leafiness
STANDABILITY                                                      » Strong stalks and roots. Tapered ear with superior   STANDABILITY                                                      » Longer ears with flex, good girth and superior
                                                                    husk coverage                                                                                                            husks. Takes lower pops
TEST WEIGHT                                                       » Excellent emergence and early vigor. Resists         TEST WEIGHT                                                       » Strong stalks and roots. Good option for corn on
                                                                    Anthracnose Stalk Rot                                                                                                    corn ground
                                                                  » First choice for droughty soils and reduced          SEEDLING GROWTH RATE
                                                                                                                                                                                           » Superior fall appearance and staygreen ratings.
                                                                    tillage situations                                                                                                       Takes drought and stress
                                                                  » Adapted to all yield environments. Moves both                                                                          » Fends off Northern Leaf Blight, Gray Leaf Spot and
GRAIN DRYDOWN                                                       north and south of zone                              GRAIN DRYDOWN                                                       Stalk Anthracnose
                                                                  » Conventional and organic versions also available                                                                       » VT Double PRO® RIB Complete® version, FS 481V
DROUGHT TOLERANCE                                                                                                        DROUGHT TOLERANCE                                                   RIB, also available
   Rating Scale: 1 - 5, 1 = Excellent, 5 = Poor, NR = Not Rated                                                             Rating Scale: 1 - 5, 1 = Excellent, 5 = Poor, NR = Not Rated

2022 FS Grain Product Guide - Growmark FS

                         FS 5090X RIB                                                                                                   RM | 100        FS 5101X RIB                                                                                                RM | 101

                                                                                            HEAVY HITTER                                                                                                                  PERFORMANCE POWERHOUSE

                         GRAIN YIELD                                                        » A horse of a hybrid that is big, green and leafy with     GRAIN YIELD                                                       » Girthy ears with good length and husk coverage
                                                                                              impressive ear size                                                                                                           plus excellent yields
                         STANDABILITY                                                       » Outstanding yield for maturity and yield stability.       STANDABILITY                                                      » Superior leafiness and a wider leaf helps close the
                                                                                              Heavy test weight grain                                                                                                       canopy earlier
                         TEST WEIGHT                                                        » Husks flare open prior to harvest to promote rapid        TEST WEIGHT                                                       » Good ear flex permits planting across a wide
                                                                                              grain drydown                                                                                                                 population range
                         SEEDLING GROWTH RATE
                                                                                            » High flex ear with deep kernels and a long shank.         SEEDLING GROWTH RATE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          » Good southern movement. Fends off Anthracnose
                                                                                              Takes lower pops                                                                                                              Stalk Rot
                                                                                            » Healthy stalks. Fights off Anthracnose Stalk Rot.                                                                           » Shines on more productive soils but holds its own
                         GRAIN DRYDOWN                                                        Wide adaptation                                           GRAIN DRYDOWN                                                       on the tough acre
                                                                                            » VT Double PRO® RIB Complete® and conventional                                                                               » VT Double PRO® RIB Complete® and conventional
                         DROUGHT TOLERANCE                                                    versions also available                                   DROUGHT TOLERANCE                                                   versions also available
                             Rating Scale: 1 - 5, 1 = Excellent, 5 = Poor, NR = Not Rated                                                                  Rating Scale: 1 - 5, 1 = Excellent, 5 = Poor, NR = Not Rated

                         FS 53R85SS                                                                                                     RM | 103        FS 5699X RIB                                                                                                RM | 106

                                                                                            STILL THE ONE TO BEAT                                                                                                         A WINNING COMBINATION

                         GRAIN YIELD                                                        » Big, rugged hybrid with a clean and consistent look       GRAIN YIELD                                                       » Consistent girthy ears with excellent husk coverage
                                                                                              throughout the fall                                                                                                           on a leafy plant
                         STANDABILITY                                                       » Long, well-filled ears with flex and superior tip fill.   STANDABILITY                                                      » Superior yield for maturity. Deep kernels with rapid
                                                                                              Takes low pops                                                                                                                grain drydown
                         TEST WEIGHT                                                        » Strong stalks and roots. More intact plant extends        TEST WEIGHT                                                       » Strong stalks and roots with less risk of greensnap
                                                                                              the harvest window                                                                                                          » Takes drought and stress with good
                         SEEDLING GROWTH RATE
                                                                                            » Excellent choice for early planting. Adapted to all       SEEDLING GROWTH RATE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            southern movement
                                                                                              yield environments                                                                                                          » Adapted to a wide range of growing conditions.
                                                                                            » Solid overall health package. Resists Anthracnose                                                                             Can handle tough ground
                         GRAIN DRYDOWN                                                        Stalk Rot                                                 GRAIN DRYDOWN
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          » VT Double PRO® RIB Complete® and conventional
                                                                                            » VT Double PRO® RIB Complete® version, FS                                                                                      versions also available
                         DROUGHT TOLERANCE                                                    53R85VT2P, also available                                 DROUGHT TOLERANCE

                             Rating Scale: 1 - 5, 1 = Excellent, 5 = Poor, NR = Not Rated                                                                  Rating Scale: 1 - 5, 1 = Excellent, 5 = Poor, NR = Not Rated

2022 FS Grain Product Guide - Growmark FS
FS 6017V RIB                                                                                                  RM | 110     FS 6199X RIB                                                                                               RM | 111

                                                                  NEW HIGH YIELD PACESETTER                                                                                                  A REAL STANDOUT IN THE FIELD

GRAIN YIELD                                                       » Exceptional yield for maturity with deep kernels       GRAIN YIELD                                                       » Distinctive looking hybrid in the field with a
                                                                    that dry down fast                                                                                                         noticeable upright leaf
STANDABILITY                                                      » A tall plant with good leafiness. Good ear flex with   STANDABILITY                                                      » Premium grain quality and test weight with every
                                                                    length and girth                                                                                                           bushel. Emerges quickly
TEST WEIGHT                                                       » Strong out of the ground for early planting. Solid     TEST WEIGHT                                                       » A long slender ear with lower placement, deep
                                                                    stalks and roots                                                                                                           kernels and a small cob
                                                                  » Accelerated grain drydown ensures a timely             SEEDLING GROWTH RATE
                                                                                                                                                                                             » Excellent standability with low risk of greensnap.
                                                                    harvest. Good on greensnap                                                                                                 Use for corn after corn
                                                                  » Adapted to all yield environments, but excels on                                                                         » Healthy plants, healthy stalks and super staygreen
GRAIN DRYDOWN                                                       more productive soils                                  GRAIN DRYDOWN                                                       to protect yield
                                                                  » Best performance in zone, but moves both north                                                                           » Fights off Anthracnose Stalk Rot, Northern Leaf
DROUGHT TOLERANCE                                                   and south of zone                                      DROUGHT TOLERANCE                                                   Blight and Gray Leaf Spot
   Rating Scale: 1 - 5, 1 = Excellent, 5 = Poor, NR = Not Rated                                                               Rating Scale: 1 - 5, 1 = Excellent, 5 = Poor, NR = Not Rated

FS 6202V RIB                                                                                                  RM | 112     FS 6306T RIB                                                                                               RM | 113

                                                                  WINNING ITS WAY ONTO MORE AND MORE                                                                                         BLAZING A TRAIL WITH NEW TECHNOLOGY
GRAIN YIELD                                                       » Outstanding visual and performance package.            GRAIN YIELD                                                       » New Trecepta¥ technology introduction with high
                                                                    Clean and consistent look                                                                                                  performance genetics
STANDABILITY                                                      » Large ear type with impressive length and girth.       STANDABILITY                                                      » Improved control of both Western Bean Cutworm
                                                                    Superior husks and tip fill                                                                                                and Corn Earworm
TEST WEIGHT                                                       » Yields like a fuller season hybrid, but dries like a   TEST WEIGHT                                                       » Fairly tall plant with a lower ear placement and a
                                                                    shorter season one                                                                                                         wider, darker green leaf
                                                                  » Strong stalks and roots. Good on greensnap.                                                                              » Super yielder of high test weight grain. Deep
SEEDLING GROWTH RATE                                                                                                       SEEDLING GROWTH RATE
                                                                    Resists Stalk Anthracnose                                                                                                  kernels that dry down fast
                                                                  » Top performer in all yield environments. Moves                                                                           » Excellent standability. Strong performance under
GRAIN DRYDOWN                                                       north and south                                        GRAIN DRYDOWN                                                       drought. Widely adapted
                                                                  » Use where Corn Rootworm is not a concern                                                                                 » Resists Stalk Anthracnose, Northern Leaf Blight and
DROUGHT TOLERANCE                                                                                                          DROUGHT TOLERANCE                                                   Gray Leaf Spot
   Rating Scale: 1 - 5, 1 = Excellent, 5 = Poor, NR = Not Rated                                                               Rating Scale: 1 - 5, 1 = Excellent, 5 = Poor, NR = Not Rated

2022 FS Grain Product Guide - Growmark FS

                         FS 65R87VT2P                                                                                                 RM | 115       FS 6595V RIB                                                                                              RM | 115

                                                                                            TOUGH TO BEAT                                                                                                              THE BENCHMARK FOR PERFORMANCE

                         GRAIN YIELD                                                        » Super yields of premium quality grain on a horse of    GRAIN YIELD                                                       » Incredible yields. Consistent ear development
                                                                                              a plant                                                                                                                    down the row, with flex
                         STANDABILITY                                                       » Big flex ears with length and girth hang from a        STANDABILITY                                                      » Outstanding yield for maturity with rapid
                                                                                              long shank                                                                                                                 grain drydown
                         TEST WEIGHT                                                        » Good choice for early planting and conservation        TEST WEIGHT                                                       » Superior stalk health and reliable standability.
                                                                                              tillage situations                                                                                                         Good under drought
                         SEEDLING GROWTH RATE
                                                                                            » Adapted to all growing conditions but excels on        SEEDLING GROWTH RATE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       » Strong out of the ground for early planting and
                                                                                              more productive soils                                                                                                      reduced tillage
                                                                                            » Use where Corn Rootworm is not a concern. Solid                                                                          » Resists Anthracnose Stalk Rot, Gray Leaf Spot and
                         GRAIN DRYDOWN                                                        health package                                         GRAIN DRYDOWN                                                       Northern Leaf Blight
                                                                                            » SmartStax® RIB Complete® and Roundup Ready®                                                                              » SmartStax® RIB Complete® version, FS 6595X RIB,
                         DROUGHT TOLERANCE                                                    Corn 2 versions also available                         DROUGHT TOLERANCE                                                   also available
                             Rating Scale: 1 - 5, 1 = Excellent, 5 = Poor, NR = Not Rated                                                               Rating Scale: 1 - 5, 1 = Excellent, 5 = Poor, NR = Not Rated

                         FS 6818X RIB                                                                                                 RM | 118

                                                                                            NEW HEAVYWEIGHT THAT GOES SOUTH

                         GRAIN YIELD                                                        » New, full-season hybrid for the Mid-Atlantic and
                                                                                              going south
                         STANDABILITY                                                       » Lengthy flex ears produce strong yields of high test
                                                                                              weight grain
                         TEST WEIGHT                                                        » Takes tough, variable and ideal growing
                                                                                              conditions. Good on drought
                         SEEDLING GROWTH RATE
                                                                                            » Strong stalks and roots. Good option for continuous
                                                                                              corn situations
                                                                                            » Fights off Stalk Anthracnose, Gray Leaf Spot and
                         GRAIN DRYDOWN                                                        Northern Leaf Blight
                                                                                            » VT Double PRO® RIB Complete® version, FS 6818V
                         DROUGHT TOLERANCE                                                    RIB, also available
                             Rating Scale: 1 - 5, 1 = Excellent, 5 = Poor, NR = Not Rated

2022 FS Grain Product Guide - Growmark FS
                                                                                                                                                                             GRAIN DRYDOWN
                                                                RM-DAYS GRAIN

                                                                                DEGREE UNITS


                                                                                                                                                               GROWTH RATE


                                                                                                                                TEST WEIGHT
                                                                                               GRAIN YIELD


                                                                                                                                                                                                         GRAIN POP


         FS 3613V RIB       VT Double PRO® RIB Complete®         86              2150                                                                                                                    34-36
         FS 3818V RIB       VT Double PRO® RIB Complete®         88              2200                                                                                                                    32-36
         FS 3870                     Conventional                88              2200                                                                                                                    30-32
         FS 39R71DC3     Agrisure Duracade® 5222A E-Z Refuge®    89              2225                                                                                                                    30-34
         FS 39R71VP2      Agrisure Viptera® 3220A E-Z Refuge®    89              2225                                                                                                                    30-34
         FS 3926                     Conventional                89              2225                                                                                                                    32-34
         FS 40R27SS           SmartStax® RIB Complete®           90              2250                                                                                                                    32-36
         FS 40R27VT2P       VT Double PRO® RIB Complete®         90              2250                                                                                                                    32-36
         FS 4095V RIB       VT Double PRO® RIB Complete®         90              2250                                                                                                                    32-36
         FS 4095X RIB         SmartStax® RIB Complete®           90              2250                                                                                                                    32-36
         FS 41R57SS           SmartStax® RIB Complete®           91              2275                                                                                                                    32-36
         FS 4187                     Conventional                91              2275                                                                                                                    32-34
         FS 4187XRR             Roundup Ready® Corn 2            91              2275                                                                                                                    32-34
         FS 42R88VT2P       VT Double PRO® RIB Complete®         92              2300                                                                                                                    32-36
         FS 4303C                    Conventional                93              2325                                                                                                                    32-34
         FS 4303C                      Organic                   93              2325                                                                                                                    32-34
         FS 4303V RIB       VT Double PRO® RIB Complete®         93              2325                                                                                                                    32-36
         FS 4303X RIB         SmartStax® RIB Complete®           93              2325                                                                                                                    32-36
         FS 4242                     Conventional                92              2300                                                                                                                    30-32
         FS 43R43SS           SmartStax® RIB Complete®           93              2325                                                                                                                    30-34
         FS 4444                     Conventional                94              2350                                                                                                                    32-34
         FS 4616V RIB       VT Double PRO® RIB Complete®         96              2400                                                                                                                    32-36
         FS 46R64SS           SmartStax® RIB Complete®           96              2400                                                                                                                    30-34
         FS 46R64VT2P       VT Double PRO® RIB Complete®         96              2400                                                                                                                    30-34
         FS 4799C                    Conventional                97              2425                                                                                                                    32-34
                                                                 Rating Scale: 1 - 5, 1 = Excellent, 5 = Poor, NR = Not Rated

2022 FS Grain Product Guide - Growmark FS

                                                                                                                                                                                                  GRAIN DRYDOWN
                                                                                     RM-DAYS GRAIN

                                                                                                     DEGREE UNITS


                                                                                                                                                                                    GROWTH RATE


                                                                                                                                                     TEST WEIGHT
                                                                                                                    GRAIN YIELD


                                                                                                                                                                                                                              GRAIN POP

                                      FS 4799C                  Organic               97              2425                                                                                                                    32-34
                                      FS 4799V RIB    VT Double PRO® RIB Complete®    97              2425                                                                                                                    32-36
                                      FS 4814V RIB    VT Double PRO® RIB Complete®    98              2450                                                                                                                    32-36
                                      FS 4814X RIB      SmartStax® RIB Complete®      98              2450                                                                                                                    32-36
                                      FS 4843                 Conventional            98              2450                                                                                                                    30-32
                                      FS 49R44SS        SmartStax® RIB Complete®      99              2475                                                                                                                    30-34
                                      FS 49R44VT2P    VT Double PRO® RIB Complete®    99              2475                                                                                                                    30-34
                                      FS 4966VP3         Agrisure Viptera® 3111       99              2475                                                                                                                    30-34
                                      FS 49R79SS        SmartStax® RIB Complete®      99              2475                                                                                                                    34-36
                                      FS 49R79VT2P    VT Double PRO® RIB Complete®    99              2475                                                                                                                    34-36
                                      FS 5090C                Conventional           100              2500                                                                                                                    30-32
                                      FS 5090V RIB    VT Double PRO® RIB Complete®   100              2500                                                                                                                    30-34
                                      FS 5090X RIB      SmartStax® RIB Complete®     100              2500                                                                                                                    30-34
                                      FS 5101C                Conventional           101              2525                                                                                                                    32-34
                                      FS 5101V RIB    VT Double PRO® RIB Complete®   101              2525                                                                                                                    32-36
                                      FS 5101X RIB      SmartStax® RIB Complete®     101              2525                                                                                                                    32-36
                                      FS 5240                 Conventional           102              2550                                                                                                                    32-34
                                      FS 5296C                  Organic              102              2550                                                                                                                    32-34
                                      FS 53R85SS        SmartStax® RIB Complete®     103              2575                                                                                                                    32-36
                                      FS 53R85VT2P    VT Double PRO® RIB Complete®   103              2575                                                                                                                    32-36
                                      FS 5424XRR         Roundup Ready® Corn 2       104              2600                                                                                                                    32-34
                                      FS 55R25SS        SmartStax® RIB Complete®     105              2625                                                                                                                    32-36
                                      FS 5699C                Conventional           106              2650                                                                                                                    32-34
                                      FS 5699V RIB    VT Double PRO® RIB Complete®   106              2650                                                                                                                    32-36
                                      FS 5699X RIB      SmartStax® RIB Complete®     106              2650                                                                                                                    32-36
                                                                                      Rating Scale: 1 - 5, 1 = Excellent, 5 = Poor, NR = Not Rated

                                                                                                                                                                     GRAIN DRYDOWN
                                                        RM-DAYS GRAIN

                                                                        DEGREE UNITS


                                                                                                                                                       GROWTH RATE


                                                                                                                        TEST WEIGHT
                                                                                       GRAIN YIELD


                                                                                                                                                                                                 GRAIN POP


         FS 5746                 Conventional           107              2675                                                                                                                    32-34
         FS 58R47VT2P    VT Double PRO® RIB Complete®   108              2700                                                                                                                    32-36
         FS 5995V RIB    VT Double PRO® RIB Complete®   109              2725                                                                                                                    32-36
         FS 6017V RIB    VT Double PRO® RIB Complete®   110              2750                                                                                                                    32-36
         FS 60R76VT2P    VT Double PRO® RIB Complete®   110              2750                                                                                                                    32-36
         FS 6199X RIB      SmartStax® RIB Complete®     111              2775                                                                                                                    34-36
         FS 6202V RIB    VT Double PRO® RIB Complete®   112              2800                                                                                                                    32-36
         FS 6306T RIB       Trecepta® RIB Complete®     113              2825                                                                                                                    32-36
         FS 6232                 Conventional           112              2800                                                                                                                    30-32
         FS 63R33SS        SmartStax® RIB Complete®     113              2825                                                                                                                    30-34
         FS 6284                 Conventional           112              2800                                                                                                                    32-34
         FS 63R85SS        SmartStax® RIB Complete®     113              2825                                                                                                                    32-36
         FS 63R85VT2P    VT Double PRO® RIB Complete®   113              2825                                                                                                                    32-36
         FS 64R46SS        SmartStax® RIB Complete®     114              2850                                                                                                                    32-36
         FS 64R46VT2P    VT Double PRO® RIB Complete®   114              2850                                                                                                                    32-36
         FS 64R60VT2P    VT Double PRO® RIB Complete®   114              2850                                                                                                                    32-36
         FS 6460XRR         Roundup Ready® Corn 2       114              2850                                                                                                                    32-34
         FS 65R87SS        SmartStax® RIB Complete®     115              2875                                                                                                                    32-36
         FS 65R87VT2P    VT Double PRO® RIB Complete®   115              2875                                                                                                                    32-36
         FS 6587XRR         Roundup Ready® Corn 2       115              2875                                                                                                                    32-34
         FS 6595V RIB    VT Double PRO® RIB Complete®   115              2875                                                                                                                    32-36
         FS 6595X RIB      SmartStax® RIB Complete®     115              2875                                                                                                                    32-36
         FS 6797V RIB    VT Double PRO® RIB Complete®   117              2925                                                                                                                    30-34
         FS 6797X RIB      SmartStax® RIB Complete®     117              2925                                                                                                                    30-34
         FS 6818V RIB    VT Double PRO® RIB Complete®   118              2950                                                                                                                    30-34
         FS 6818X RIB      SmartStax® RIB Complete®     118              2950                                                                                                                    30-34
                                                         Rating Scale: 1 - 5, 1 = Excellent, 5 = Poor, NR = Not Rated
                  FS HiSOY® is one of the highest yielding soybean brands on the
                  market. And with good reason: we’ve spent over half a century at
                  the top of the performance curve.
                  When you plant FS HiSOY® you’re planting seed that’s fine-tuned
                  to perform on your ground. Our product line gives you flexibility
                  and choice of genetic and trait packages, so whatever your
                  growing conditions, you can count on FS HiSOY® for big yields.


                               HS 10X90                                                                                                    RM | 1.0   HS 18X70                                                                                                      RM | 1.8
                                                          TECHNOLOGY: ROUNDUP READY 2 XTEND®/SCN                                                                                 TECHNOLOGY: ROUNDUP READY 2 XTEND®/SCN

                               EMERGENCE                                                         INCREASE YIELDS BY EXPANDING YOUR                    EMERGENCE                                                         BUILD A PORTFOLIO AROUND THIS HIGH
                                                                                                 PORTFOLIO                                                                                                              OUTPUT VARIETY
                               STANDABILITY                                                                                                           STANDABILITY
                                                                                                 » Handles moderate stress and maintains strong                                                                         » Solid on Sclerotinia White Mold and Brown
                               PHYTOPHTHORA FIELD TOLERANCE                                        yields across all yield environments               PHYTOPHTHORA FIELD TOLERANCE                                        Stem Rot
                               SCLEROTINIA WHITE MOLD TOLERANCE                                  » Attractive light tawny plant with great late       SCLEROTINIA WHITE MOLD TOLERANCE                                  » Exceptional standability and harvestability
                                                                                                   season intactness                                                                                                    » Proven tough on variable soils and
                               BROWN STEM ROT RESISTANCE                                         » Excellent on Brown Stem Rot                        BROWN STEM ROT RESISTANCE                                           stress conditions

                               SUDDEN DEATH SYNDROME TOLERANCE                                                                                        SUDDEN DEATH SYNDROME TOLERANCE

                                  Rating Scale: 1 - 5, 1 = Excellent, 5 = Poor, NR = Not Rated                                                           Rating Scale: 1 - 5, 1 = Excellent, 5 = Poor, NR = Not Rated

                               HS 20X90                                                                                                    RM | 2.0   HS 34X80                                                                                                      RM | 3.4
                                                          TECHNOLOGY: ROUNDUP READY 2 XTEND®/SCN                                                                                 TECHNOLOGY: ROUNDUP READY 2 XTEND®/SCN

                               EMERGENCE                                                         EARLY-GROUP II ROUNDUP READY 2                       EMERGENCE                                                         A HIGH YIELD STANDOUT FOR TOUGH
                                                                                                 XTEND® VARIETY                                                                                                         SOILS
                               STANDABILITY                                                                                                           STANDABILITY
                                                                                                 » Excellent consistency across most soil types                                                                         » Taller plant type is great on thinner soils,
                               PHYTOPHTHORA FIELD TOLERANCE                                        throughout New York state                          PHYTOPHTHORA FIELD TOLERANCE                                        marginal fertility and later planting
                               SCLEROTINIA WHITE MOLD TOLERANCE                                  » Improvement in disease tolerance and yield         FROGEYE LEAF SPOT TOLERANCE                                       » Brings strong Frogeye Leaf Spot tolerance
                                                                                                   over HS 20X70                                                                                                        » Higher pod set for better harvestability
                               BROWN STEM ROT RESISTANCE                                         » Strong overall disease package brings great late   BROWN STEM ROT RESISTANCE
                                                                                                   season intactness
                               SUDDEN DEATH SYNDROME TOLERANCE                                                                                        SUDDEN DEATH SYNDROME TOLERANCE

                                  Rating Scale: 1 - 5, 1 = Excellent, 5 = Poor, NR = Not Rated                                                           Rating Scale: 1 - 5, 1 = Excellent, 5 = Poor, NR = Not Rated

HS 37X70                                                                                                                           RM | 3.7                          HS 38X70                                                                                                                                                      RM | 3.8
                           TECHNOLOGY: ROUNDUP READY 2 XTEND®/SCN                                                                                                                                   TECHNOLOGY: ROUNDUP READY 2 XTEND®/SCN/STS®

EMERGENCE                                                         AS SOLID AS THEY COME FOR                                                                          EMERGENCE                                                                              RUGGED LATE-GROUP III LOADED WITH
                                                                  PENNSYLVANIA AND JERSEY                                                                                                                                                                   HERBICIDE OPTIONS
STANDABILITY                                                                                                                                                         STANDABILITY
                                                                  » Great performance across high and low yield                                                                                                                                             » Aggressive plant handles stress well
PHYTOPHTHORA FIELD TOLERANCE                                        environments in Pennsylvania and New Jersey                                                      PHYTOPHTHORA FIELD TOLERANCE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            » Expect good performance on lighter soils and
FROGEYE LEAF SPOT TOLERANCE                                       » Good standability and yield stability                                                            FROGEYE LEAF SPOT TOLERANCE                                                              better Frogeye Leaf Spot tolerance than
                                                                  » Use fungicide if Frogeye Leaf Spot is a concern                                                                                                                                           HS 39A22
BROWN STEM ROT RESISTANCE                                                                                                                                            BROWN STEM ROT RESISTANCE                                                              » Includes Roundup Ready 2 Xtend® stacked with

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              STS® for herbicide flexibility
SUDDEN DEATH SYNDROME TOLERANCE                                                                                                                                      SUDDEN DEATH SYNDROME TOLERANCE

   Rating Scale: 1 - 5, 1 = Excellent, 5 = Poor, NR = Not Rated                                                                                                         Rating Scale: 1 - 5, 1 = Excellent, 5 = Poor, NR = Not Rated

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                PHYTOPHTHORA GENE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      RESISTANCE SOURCE
                                                                                                                                    PUBESCENCE COLOR
                                                                      RELATIVE MATURITY

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     SCLEROTINIA WHITE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     MOLD TOLERANCE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          FIELD TOLERANCE

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         SPOT TOLERANCE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    ROT RESISTANCE

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          SUDDEN DEATH
                                                                                                                                                                                                       SOYBEAN CYST

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         FROGEYE LEAF
                                                                                                                    PLANT HEIGHT


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    BROWN STEM

                                                                                                      PLANT TYPE

                                                                                                                                                       ROW WIDTH


           HS 10X90               Roundup Ready 2 Xtend®/SCN           1.0                2,800 Medium             Medium          Tawny                  30                                          R3, MR14 PI88788                        2.0               None

           HS 18X70               Roundup Ready 2 Xtend®/SCN           1.8                2,700 Medium              Tall           Gray                   30                                          R3, MR14 PI88788                        2.0            Rps 1a + 3a

           HS 20X90               Roundup Ready 2 Xtend®/SCN           2.0                2,700 Medium              Tall           Gray                   30                                          R3, MR14 PI88788                        1.5            Rps 1a + 3a

                                                                                                                   Medium           Light
           HS 34X80               Roundup Ready 2 Xtend®/SCN           3.4                2,700 Medium              Tall           Tawny                  30                                          R3, MR14 PI88788                        3.0               None

           HS 37X70               Roundup Ready 2 Xtend®/SCN           3.7                2,600 Medium             Medium          Gray                   30                                          R3, MR14 PI88788                        1.5            Rps 1c + 3a

           HS 38X70 Roundup Ready 2 Xtend®/SCN/STS® 3.8 2,800 Medium
                                                                                                                                   Tawny                  30                                          R3, MR14 PI88788                        2.0              Rps 1c

                                                                                                                   Rating Scale: 1 - 5, 1 = Excellent, 5 = Poor, NR = Not Rated

Think Before You Bin Run
     Verification Required The last patent on the original Roundup Ready® soybean trait expired a few years ago and U.S.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       High Value of
     farmers may legally plant saved seed from some varieties of soybean containing the Roundup Ready® soybean trait.                                                                                                                                                                  New Branded Seed
     However, it is important that you check with your seed supplier to determine if a specific Roundup Ready® soybean                                                                                                                                                                  Latest Technology
     variety is covered by other intellectual property rights, and if so, the policy for saving seed of that variety.                                                                                                                                                                  // High-yielding soybean technologies
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       // Better variety options
     Higher Seeding Rate A higher seeding rate may be required for bin-run Roundup Ready® soybeans compared to                                                                                                                                                                         // Leading seed treatment options
     new branded seed.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Customer Service
     Yield Loss Roundup Ready 2 Yield®, Roundup Ready 2 Xtend® and XtendFlex® soybean varieties typically have a                                                                                                                                                                       // Dealer agronomic support before
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          and after the sale
     higher yield opportunity than Roundup Ready® soybean varieties.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       // Replant policy support
     Cleanout Loss Loss of seed and/or shrink occurs during the seed cleaning and handling processes for bin-run seed.                                                                                                                                                                 // Convenient packaging and delivery
     Seed Treatment Costs Treating your seed will add costs—both the cost of the treatment and the application of                                                                                                                                                                      Reliable Germination and Quality
     that treatment.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   // Rigorously tested and meets
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          U.S. Federal Seed Act requirements
     Lost Income Every bushel of saved seed you plant is a bushel you’re not selling as commodity grain.                                                                                                                                                                               // Free of seed-borne diseases
     Increased Seed Management If you plan to save and bin-run Roundup Ready® soybeans for planting, you will                                                                                                                                                                          // Properly stored and conditioned
     have to manage your harvest operations and grain storage so that the seed isn’t co-mingled with other seed that’s
     covered by intellectual property rights.

     For more information on seed intellectual property protection, or to anonymously report a tip,
     please call 1-866-99-BAYER. For a list of relevant patents visit www.monsantotechnology.com
     Bayer is a member of Excellence Through Stewardship® (ETS). Bayer products are commercialized in accordance with ETS Product Launch Stewardship Guidance, and in compliance with Bayer’s Policy for Commercialization of Biotechnology-Derived Plant Products in Commodity Crops. Commercialized products have been approved for import
     into key export markets with functioning regulatory systems. Any crop or material produced from this product can only be exported to, or used, processed or sold in countries where all necessary regulatory approvals have been granted. It is a violation of national and international law to move material containing biotech traits across boundaries into
     nations where import is not permitted. Growers should talk to their grain handler or product purchaser to confirm their buying position for this product. Excellence Through Stewardship® is a registered trademark of Excellence Through Stewardship.
     ALWAYS READ AND FOLLOW PESTICIDE LABEL DIRECTIONS. It is a violation of federal and state law to use any pesticide product other than in accordance with its labeling. NOT ALL formulations of dicamba or glyphosate are approved for in-crop use with Roundup Ready 2 Xtend® soybeans. NOT ALL formulations of dicamba, glyphosate or
     glufosinate are approved for in-crop use with products with XtendFlex® Technology. ONLY USE FORMULATIONS THAT ARE SPECIFICALLY LABELED FOR SUCH USES AND APPROVED FOR SUCH USE IN THE STATE OF APPLICATION. Contact the U.S. EPA and your state pesticide regulatory agency with any questions about the approval status of dicamba
     herbicide products for in-crop use with Roundup Ready 2 Xtend® soybeans or products with XtendFlex® Technology.
     Roundup Ready® Technology contains genes that confer tolerance to glyphosate. Roundup Ready® 2 Technology contains genes that confer tolerance to glyphosate. Roundup Ready 2 Xtend® soybeans contain genes that confer tolerance to glyphosate and dicamba. Products with XtendFlex® Technology contain genes that confer
     tolerance to glyphosate, glufosinate and dicamba. Glyphosate will kill crops that are not tolerant to glyphosate. Dicamba will kill crops that are not tolerant to dicamba. Glufosinate will kill crops that are not tolerant to glufosinate. Contact your seed brand dealer or refer to the Bayer Technology Use Guide for recommended weed control programs.
     Bayer, Bayer Cross, Roundup Ready 2 Xtend®, Roundup Ready 2 Yield®, Roundup Ready®, Roundup® and XtendFlex® are registered trademarks of Bayer Group. ©2020 Bayer Group.
     All rights reserved.


                   HS 23F10                                                                                                     RM | 2.3   HS 29F10                                                                                                      RM | 2.9
                                                                 TECHNOLOGY: XTENDFLEX®                                                                                                 TECHNOLOGY: XTENDFLEX®

                   EMERGENCE                                                         MID-GROUP II XTENDFLEX® VARIETY FOR                   EMERGENCE                                                         XTENDFLEX® VARIETY WITH GREAT
                                                                                     ALL SOIL TYPES                                                                                                          DEFENSIVE PROFILE
                   STANDABILITY                                                                                                            STANDABILITY
                                                                                     » Stands well in high yield environments                                                                                » Good choice for tough acres
                   PHYTOPHTHORA FIELD TOLERANCE                                                                                            PHYTOPHTHORA FIELD TOLERANCE
                                                                                     » Resists Brown Stem Rot                                                                                                » Resists Brown Stem Rot and above average
                   SCLEROTINIA WHITE MOLD TOLERANCE                                  » Good stress tolerance                               SCLEROTINIA WHITE MOLD TOLERANCE                                    against Sclerotinia White Mold
                                                                                                                                                                                                             » Strong emergence and fast early season growth
                   BROWN STEM ROT RESISTANCE                                                                                               BROWN STEM ROT RESISTANCE

                   SUDDEN DEATH SYNDROME TOLERANCE                                                                                         SUDDEN DEATH SYNDROME TOLERANCE

                      Rating Scale: 1 - 5, 1 = Excellent, 5 = Poor, NR = Not Rated                                                            Rating Scale: 1 - 5, 1 = Excellent, 5 = Poor, NR = Not Rated

                   HS 33F10                                                                                                     RM | 3.3   HS 39F12                                                                                                      RM | 3.9
                                                                 TECHNOLOGY: XTENDFLEX®                                                                                            TECHNOLOGY: XTENDFLEX®/STS®

                   EMERGENCE                                                         DEPENDABLE XTENDFLEX® VARIETY FOR                     EMERGENCE                                                         LATE GROUP III XTENDFLEX® VARIETY
                                                                                     ANY SITUATION                                                                                                           FOR STRESS AND DOUBLE CROP
                   STANDABILITY                                                                                                            STANDABILITY
                                                                                     » Great choice for high yield environments                                                                              » Tall defensive variety with great stress tolerance
                   PHYTOPHTHORA FIELD TOLERANCE                                                                                            PHYTOPHTHORA FIELD TOLERANCE
                                                                                     » Resists Stem Canker and Phytophthora Root Rot                                                                         » Strong against Sudden Death Syndrome
                   SCLEROTINIA WHITE MOLD TOLERANCE                                  » Good standability                                   FROGEYE LEAF SPOT TOLERANCE                                       » HS 38X70-type placement

                   BROWN STEM ROT RESISTANCE                                                                                               BROWN STEM ROT RESISTANCE

                   SUDDEN DEATH SYNDROME TOLERANCE                                                                                         SUDDEN DEATH SYNDROME TOLERANCE

                      Rating Scale: 1 - 5, 1 = Excellent, 5 = Poor, NR = Not Rated                                                            Rating Scale: 1 - 5, 1 = Excellent, 5 = Poor, NR = Not Rated

HS 46F00                                                                                                    RM | 4.6   HS 48F00                                                                                                     RM | 4.8
                                        TECHNOLOGY: XTENDFLEX®/STS®                                                                                            TECHNOLOGY: XTENDFLEX®/STS®

EMERGENCE                                                         MID-GROUP IV XTENDFLEX® STACKED                      EMERGENCE                                                         MID-GROUP IV XTENDFLEX® STACKED
                                                                  WITH STS FOR STRESS AND DRYLAND                                                                                        WITH STS FOR ANY SITUATION
STANDABILITY                                                      ACRES                                                STANDABILITY
                                                                  » Tall aggressive plant for dryland and double                                                                         » Broadly adapted to most soil types and
PHYTOPHTHORA FIELD TOLERANCE                                        crop acres in XtendFlex® variety                   PHYTOPHTHORA FIELD TOLERANCE                                        productivity levels
FROGEYE LEAF SPOT TOLERANCE                                       » Resistant to race 3 and Moderately Resistant to    FROGEYE LEAF SPOT TOLERANCE                                       » Good standability and stress tolerance
                                                                    race 14 Soybean Cyst Nematode                                                                                        » Resists Stem Canker
BROWN STEM ROT RESISTANCE                                         » Salt excluder                                      BROWN STEM ROT RESISTANCE

SUDDEN DEATH SYNDROME TOLERANCE                                                                                        SUDDEN DEATH SYNDROME TOLERANCE

   Rating Scale: 1 - 5, 1 = Excellent, 5 = Poor, NR = Not Rated                                                           Rating Scale: 1 - 5, 1 = Excellent, 5 = Poor, NR = Not Rated

HS 50F10                                                                                                    RM | 5.0
                                        TECHNOLOGY: XTENDFLEX®/STS®

EMERGENCE                                                         EARLY-GROUP V XTENDFLEX® WITH
                                                                  GREAT DEFENSE
                                                                  » Good tolerance to Sudden Death Syndrome
                                                                  » Good against Stem Canker and Soybean
FROGEYE LEAF SPOT TOLERANCE                                         Cyst Nematode
                                                                  » Medium tall attractive gray/brown plant
BROWN STEM ROT RESISTANCE                                           at harvest


   Rating Scale: 1 - 5, 1 = Excellent, 5 = Poor, NR = Not Rated


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      PHYTOPHTHORA GENE
                                                                                                                                                                                                               RESISTANCE SOURCE
                                                                                                                                  PUBESCENCE COLOR
                                                                    RELATIVE MATURITY

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           SCLEROTINIA WHITE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           MOLD TOLERANCE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   FIELD TOLERANCE

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               SPOT TOLERANCE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          ROT RESISTANCE

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                SUDDEN DEATH
                                                                                                                                                                                                SOYBEAN CYST

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               FROGEYE LEAF
                                                                                                                  PLANT HEIGHT


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          BROWN STEM

                                                                                                    PLANT TYPE

                                                                                                                                                     ROW WIDTH


                              HS 23F10          XtendFlex®           2.3                2,900 Medium              Tall           Gray                   30                                      R3, MR14 PI88788                       3.0           Rps 1c

                                                                                        2,600 Medium             Medium
                              HS 29F10          XtendFlex®           2.9                       Bush               Tall           Gray                   30                                      R3, MR14 PI88788                       3.0           Rps 1c

                              HS 33F10          XtendFlex®           3.3                2,700 Medium             Medium          Gray                   30                                      R3, MR14 PI88788                       2.0           Rps 1c

                                                                                        2,900 Medium                              Light
                              HS 39F12        XtendFlex®/STS®        3.9                       Bush               Tall           Tawny                  30                                        MR3          HPI88788                2.0           None

                                                                                        2,800 Medium                              Light
                              HS 46F00        XtendFlex®/STS®        4.6                                          Tall                                  30                                      R3, MR14 PI88788                       NR            None

                                                                                               Bush                              Tawny
                              HS 48F00        XtendFlex®/STS®        4.8                2,800 Medium              Tall           Tawny                  30                                      R3, MR14 PI88788                       3.0           Rps 1a

                              HS 50F10        XtendFlex®/STS®            5              2,700 Medium              Tall           Gray                   30                                      R3, MR15 PI88789                       3.5           None

                                                                                                                 Rating Scale: 1 - 5, 1 = Excellent, 5 = Poor, NR = Not Rated

                            The Enlist™ System - Get Control of Tough Weeds
                                                • New 2,4-D Choline
                                                • Glyphosate                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Applications
                                                • Glufosinate
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             • 90% less drift than
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               traditional 2,4-D
                                                                                                    • Convenient blend of 2,4-D                                                • Straight-goods 2,4-D choline with                                                           • 96% less volatile
                            Following burndown, Enlist Duo      ®                                     choline and glyphosate                                                     additional tank-mix flexibility                                                                than 2,4-D ester
                            and Enlist One® with Colex-D®                                           • Two modes of action to                                                   • Ability to tank-mix with Liberty®
                            technology are the only herbicides                                        deliver control and help                                                   herbicide and other qualified
                            containing 2,4-D that are labeled for                                     prevent resistance in your                                                 herbicides, customizing the ratio
                            preemergence and postemergence                                            fields                                                                      of herbicides to match each
                            use with Enlist E3™ soybeans.                                                                                                                        farm’s needs

                       ENLIST E3®
HS 19E00                                                                                                     RM | 1.9   HS 21E00                                                                                                    RM | 2.1
                                                              TECHNOLOGY: ENLIST E3®/SCN                                                                                              TECHNOLOGY: ENLIST E3®/SCN

                   EMERGENCE                                                         LATE-GROUP I ENLIST E3® FOR NEW YORK                  EMERGENCE                                                         NEW ENLIST E3® YIELD LEADER FOR NEW
                                                                                     STATE                                                                                                                   YORK STATE
                   STANDABILITY                                                                                                            STANDABILITY
                                                                                     » Excellent performance across all soil types and                                                                       » Heavy duty plant-type for all soil types and
                   PHYTOPHTHORA FIELD TOLERANCE                                        yield levels                                        PHYTOPHTHORA FIELD TOLERANCE                                        yield levels
                   SCLEROTINIA WHITE MOLD TOLERANCE                                  » Solid Enlist E3® package for defense and offense    SCLEROTINIA WHITE MOLD TOLERANCE                                  » Yield leader with plant health and consistency
                                                                                     » Another strong choice as part of a plan to                                                                              across GFS trials in 2020
                   BROWN STEM ROT RESISTANCE                                           combat Sclerotinia White Mold                       BROWN STEM ROT RESISTANCE                                         » Great to package with HS 19E00

                   SUDDEN DEATH SYNDROME TOLERANCE                                                                                         SUDDEN DEATH SYNDROME TOLERANCE

                      Rating Scale: 1 - 5, 1 = Excellent, 5 = Poor, NR = Not Rated                                                            Rating Scale: 1 - 5, 1 = Excellent, 5 = Poor, NR = Not Rated

                   HS 23E10                                                                                                     RM | 2.3   HS 27E00                                                                                                    RM | 2.7
                                                         TECHNOLOGY: ENLIST E3®/SCN/STS®                                                                                              TECHNOLOGY: ENLIST E3®/SCN

                                                                                     NEW EARLY-GROUP II ENLIST E3®                                                                                           LATE-GROUP II ENLIST E3® FOR TOUGH

                   EMERGENCE                                                                                                               EMERGENCE
                                                                                     STACKED WITH STS                                                                                                        SOILS
                   STANDABILITY                                                                                                            STANDABILITY
                                                                                     » Resists Brown Stem Rot and Sudden                                                                                     » Consistent Mid-Group II Enlist E3®
                   PHYTOPHTHORA FIELD TOLERANCE                                        Death Syndrome                                      PHYTOPHTHORA FIELD TOLERANCE
                                                                                                                                                                                                             » Great yield and intactness on high-yield or
                   SCLEROTINIA WHITE MOLD TOLERANCE                                  » Good field tolerance to Phytophthora Root Rot       SCLEROTINIA WHITE MOLD TOLERANCE                                    stress acres
                                                                                     » Handles variable soil types and stress acres well                                                                     » Maintains height for improved harvestability
                   BROWN STEM ROT RESISTANCE                                                                                               BROWN STEM ROT RESISTANCE                                           and consistency across the field

                   SUDDEN DEATH SYNDROME TOLERANCE                                                                                         SUDDEN DEATH SYNDROME TOLERANCE

                      Rating Scale: 1 - 5, 1 = Excellent, 5 = Poor, NR = Not Rated                                                            Rating Scale: 1 - 5, 1 = Excellent, 5 = Poor, NR = Not Rated

HS 31E12                                                                                                    RM | 3.1   HS 33E00                                                                                                     RM | 3.3
                                           TECHNOLOGY: ENLIST E3®/SCN                                                                                             TECHNOLOGY: ENLIST E3®/SCN

EMERGENCE                                                         NEW ENLIST E3® FOR TOUGH ACRES                       EMERGENCE                                                         HIGH YIELDING ENLIST E3® SOYBEAN
                                                                                                                                                                                         WITH GREAT STRESS TOLERANCE
STANDABILITY                                                                                                           STANDABILITY
                                                                  » Wide aggressive plant handles tough soils                                                                            » Handles variable soil types and stress acres well
PHYTOPHTHORA FIELD TOLERANCE                                                                                           PHYTOPHTHORA FIELD TOLERANCE
                                                                  » Strong performance across 2020 GFS field trials                                                                      » Wide bushy light tawny plant at harvest
SCLEROTINIA WHITE MOLD TOLERANCE                                  » Solid against Frogeye Leaf Spot                    SCLEROTINIA WHITE MOLD TOLERANCE                                  » Proved itself across high-yield acres in 2019 and
                                                                                                                                                                                           stress acres in 2020
BROWN STEM ROT RESISTANCE                                                                                              BROWN STEM ROT RESISTANCE

SUDDEN DEATH SYNDROME TOLERANCE                                                                                        SUDDEN DEATH SYNDROME TOLERANCE

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    ENLIST E3®
   Rating Scale: 1 - 5, 1 = Excellent, 5 = Poor, NR = Not Rated                                                           Rating Scale: 1 - 5, 1 = Excellent, 5 = Poor, NR = Not Rated

HS 35E10                                                                                                    RM | 3.5   HS 37E10                                                                                                     RM | 3.7
                                           TECHNOLOGY: ENLIST E3®/SCN                                                                                        TECHNOLOGY: ENLIST E3®/SCN/STS®

                                                                  RUGGED MID-GROUP III ENLIST E3® FOR                                                                                    NEXT LEVEL OF YIELD FOR ENLIST E3®

EMERGENCE                                                                                                              EMERGENCE
                                                                  PENN. & JERSEY
STANDABILITY                                                                                                           STANDABILITY
                                                                  » Chart topping Mid-Group III across all                                                                               » High-yielding Enlist E3® stacked with STS
PHYTOPHTHORA FIELD TOLERANCE                                        yield levels                                       PHYTOPHTHORA FIELD TOLERANCE
                                                                                                                                                                                         » Great choice for productive acres
FROGEYE LEAF SPOT TOLERANCE                                       » Good against Brown Stem Rot and Stem Canker        FROGEYE LEAF SPOT TOLERANCE                                       » Use fungicide if Frogeye Leaf Spot is a concern
                                                                  » Yield and appearance upgrade over HS 35E80
BROWN STEM ROT RESISTANCE                                                                                              BROWN STEM ROT RESISTANCE

SUDDEN DEATH SYNDROME TOLERANCE                                                                                        SUDDEN DEATH SYNDROME TOLERANCE

   Rating Scale: 1 - 5, 1 = Excellent, 5 = Poor, NR = Not Rated                                                           Rating Scale: 1 - 5, 1 = Excellent, 5 = Poor, NR = Not Rated

HS 37E90                                                                                                    RM | 3.7   HS 39E10                                                                                                     RM | 3.9
                                                         TECHNOLOGY: ENLIST E3®/SCN/STS®                                                                                             TECHNOLOGY: ENLIST E3®/SCN

                   EMERGENCE                                                         ESSENTIAL ENLIST E3® FOR ALL                         EMERGENCE                                                         NEW LATE-GROUP III ENLIST E3® FOR
                                                                                     MID-GROUP III PORTFOLIOS                                                                                               PRODUCTIVE ACRES
                   STANDABILITY                                                                                                           STANDABILITY
                                                                                     » Stands great on high yield acres yet handles                                                                         » Solid choice for high yield environments
                   PHYTOPHTHORA FIELD TOLERANCE                                        moderate stress                                    PHYTOPHTHORA FIELD TOLERANCE
                                                                                                                                                                                                            » Attractive light tawny plant stands great
                   FROGEYE LEAF SPOT TOLERANCE                                       » Fantastic performance across GFS testing           FROGEYE LEAF SPOT TOLERANCE                                         through harvest
                                                                                       program in 2019 & 2020                                                                                               » Use fungicide if Frogeye Leaf Spot is a concern
                   BROWN STEM ROT RESISTANCE                                         » Good on Frogeye Leaf Spot                          BROWN STEM ROT RESISTANCE

                   SUDDEN DEATH SYNDROME TOLERANCE                                                                                        SUDDEN DEATH SYNDROME TOLERANCE

                      Rating Scale: 1 - 5, 1 = Excellent, 5 = Poor, NR = Not Rated                                                           Rating Scale: 1 - 5, 1 = Excellent, 5 = Poor, NR = Not Rated

                   HS 39E80                                                                                                    RM | 3.9   HS 43E00                                                                                                     RM | 4.3
                                                              TECHNOLOGY: ENLIST E3®/SCN                                                                                             TECHNOLOGY: ENLIST E3®/SCN

                                                                                     LATE-GROUP III ENLIST E3® VARIETY                                                                                      NEW LEVEL OF YIELD AND LATE-SEASON

                   EMERGENCE                                                                                                              EMERGENCE
                   STANDABILITY                                                                                                           STANDABILITY
                                                                                     » Adapted to southeastern Pennsylvania, New                                                                            » Yield and standability upgrade over HS 42E90
                   PHYTOPHTHORA FIELD TOLERANCE                                        Jersey and Delmarva                                PHYTOPHTHORA FIELD TOLERANCE
                                                                                                                                                                                                            » Very solid against Frogeye Leaf Spot, Stem
                   FROGEYE LEAF SPOT TOLERANCE                                       » Wide plant type closes row quickly                 FROGEYE LEAF SPOT TOLERANCE                                         Canker, and Sudden Death Syndrome
                                                                                     » Good on Frogeye Leaf Spot                                                                                            » Multi-purpose variety for full season or
                   BROWN STEM ROT RESISTANCE                                                                                              BROWN STEM ROT RESISTANCE                                           double crop

                   SUDDEN DEATH SYNDROME TOLERANCE                                                                                        SUDDEN DEATH SYNDROME TOLERANCE

                      Rating Scale: 1 - 5, 1 = Excellent, 5 = Poor, NR = Not Rated                                                           Rating Scale: 1 - 5, 1 = Excellent, 5 = Poor, NR = Not Rated

HS 45E00                                                                                                          RM | 4.5   HS 46E92                                                                                                       RM | 4.6
                                           TECHNOLOGY: ENLIST E3®/SCN                                                                                              TECHNOLOGY: ENLIST E3®/SCN/STS®

EMERGENCE                                                         VERSATILE ENLIST E3® FOR ALL                               EMERGENCE                                                         MID-GROUP IV ENLIST E3® STACKED
                                                                  ENVIRONMENTS                                                                                                                 WITH STS® FOR DELMARVA DRYLAND
STANDABILITY                                                                                                                 STANDABILITY
                                                                  » Great intactness on dryland or irrigated acres                                                                             » Taller plant type is good fit for dryland acres or
PHYTOPHTHORA FIELD TOLERANCE                                                                                                 PHYTOPHTHORA FIELD TOLERANCE                                        stress ground
                                                                  » Yield and standability upgrade over HS 45E01
FROGEYE LEAF SPOT TOLERANCE                                       » Multi-purpose variety for full season or                 FROGEYE LEAF SPOT TOLERANCE                                       » Great double crop or full season
                                                                    double crop                                                                                                                » Salt excluder
BROWN STEM ROT RESISTANCE                                                                                                    BROWN STEM ROT RESISTANCE

SUDDEN DEATH SYNDROME TOLERANCE                                                                                              SUDDEN DEATH SYNDROME TOLERANCE

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            ENLIST E3®
   Rating Scale: 1 - 5, 1 = Excellent, 5 = Poor, NR = Not Rated                                                                 Rating Scale: 1 - 5, 1 = Excellent, 5 = Poor, NR = Not Rated

HS 47E90                                                                                                          RM | 4.7
                                      TECHNOLOGY: ENLIST E3®/SCN/STS®

                                                                  MID-GROUP IV ENLIST E3® STACKED

                                                                  WITH STS® FOR DELMARVA
                                                                  » Great fit for irrigated or high-yield acres
                                                                  » Great against Stem Canker and Frogeye
FROGEYE LEAF SPOT TOLERANCE                                         Leaf Spot
                                                                  » Salt excluder


   Rating Scale: 1 - 5, 1 = Excellent, 5 = Poor, NR = Not Rated

HS 48E10                                                                                                        RM | 4.8   HS 50E01                                                                                                    RM | 5.0
                                                              TECHNOLOGY: ENLIST E3®/SCN/STS®                                                                                            TECHNOLOGY: ENLIST E3®/STS®

                    EMERGENCE                                                             LATE-GROUP IV BUILT FOR THE TOUGH                    EMERGENCE                                                         ENLIST E3® VARIETY WITH GREAT STRESSS
                                                                                          ACRE                                                                                                                   TOLERANCE FOR DRYLAND ACRES
                    STANDABILITY                                                                                                               STANDABILITY
                                                                                          » Holds height under stress and double                                                                                 » Tall aggressive plant for dryland and double
                    PHYTOPHTHORA FIELD TOLERANCE                                            crop situations                                    PHYTOPHTHORA FIELD TOLERANCE                                        crop acres in Enlist E3® variety stacked
                                                                                          » STS stack and chloride excluder                                                                                        with STS®
                    FROGEYE LEAF SPOT TOLERANCE                                                                                                FROGEYE LEAF SPOT TOLERANCE
                                                                                          » Resistant to race 3 and Moderately Resistant to                                                                      » Strong against Frogeye Leaf Spot
                    BROWN STEM ROT RESISTANCE                                               race 14 Soybean Cyst Nematode                      BROWN STEM ROT RESISTANCE                                         » Excellent tolerance to Metribuzin herbicides

                    SUDDEN DEATH SYNDROME TOLERANCE                                                                                            SUDDEN DEATH SYNDROME TOLERANCE

                           Rating Scale: 1 - 5, 1 = Excellent, 5 = Poor, NR = Not Rated                                                           Rating Scale: 1 - 5, 1 = Excellent, 5 = Poor, NR = Not Rated

                                                                                                                                                                                    RESISTANCE SOURCE
                                                                                                         PUBESCENCE COLOR
                                           RELATIVE MATURITY

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                SCLEROTINIA WHITE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                MOLD TOLERANCE
                                                                                                                                                                                                        FIELD TOLERANCE

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    SPOT TOLERANCE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               ROT RESISTANCE

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     SUDDEN DEATH
                                                                                                                                                                     SOYBEAN CYST

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    FROGEYE LEAF
                                                                                         PLANT HEIGHT


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               BROWN STEM

                                                                           PLANT TYPE

                                                                                                                            ROW WIDTH


         HS 19E00      Enlist E3®/SCN       1.9                2,600 Medium             Medium          Gray                   30                                    R3, MR14 PI88788                       2.5           None

         HS 21E00      Enlist E3®/SCN       2.1                2,600 Medium             Medium          Gray                   30                                    R3, MR14 PI88788                       2.5           Rps 1k

         HS 23E10    Enlist E3®/SCN/STS®    2.3                2,700 Medium              Tall           Gray                   30                                    R3, MR14 PI88788                       1.5           Rps 1k

         HS 27E00      Enlist E3®/SCN       2.7                2,600 Medium              Tall           Gray                   30                                    R3, MR14 PI88788                       2.0           None

                                                               2,600 Medium             Medium
         HS 31E12      Enlist E3®/SCN       3.1                       Bush               Tall           Gray                   30                                    R3, MR15 PI88788                       2.0           Rps 1c

         HS 33E00      Enlist E3®/SCN       3.3                2,800       Bush         Medium          Tawny                  30                                    R3, MR14 PI88788                       2.5           None

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         ENLIST E3®
                                                                                        Medium           Light
         HS 35E10      Enlist E3®/SCN       3.5                2,700 Medium              Tall           Tawny                  30                                    R3, MR14 PI88788                       2.0           Rps 1k

         HS 37E10    Enlist E3®/SCN/STS®    3.7                2,500 Medium             Medium          Tawny                  30                                    R3, MR14 PI88788                       2.5           Rps 1k

                                                               2,700 Medium             Medium
         HS 37E90    Enlist E3®/SCN/STS®    3.7                       Bush               Tall           Gray                   30                                    R3, MR14 PI88788                       1.5           Rps 1k

         HS 39E10      Enlist E3®/SCN       3.9                2,700 Medium             Medium          Tawny                  30                                    R3, MR14 PI88788                       2.0           Rps 1k

                                                               2,600 Medium             Medium
         HS 39E80      Enlist E3®/SCN       3.9                       Bush               Tall           Gray                   30                                    R3, MR14 PI88788                       1.5           None

         HS 43E00      Enlist E3®/SCN       4.3                2,700 Medium             Medium          Tawny                  30                                    R3, MR14 PI88788                       3.0           None

         HS 45E00      Enlist E3®/SCN       4.5                2,600 Medium             Medium          Gray                   30                                    R3, MR14 PI88788                       1.5           Rps 1a

         HS 46E92    Enlist E3®/SCN/STS®    4.6                2,800 Branching           Tall           Gray                   30                                    R3, MR14 PI88788                       NR            None

         HS 47E90    Enlist E3®/SCN/STS®    4.7                2,700 Medium             Medium          Tawny                  30                                    R3, MR14 PI88788                       NR            None

         HS 48E10    Enlist E3®/SCN/STS®    4.8                2,700 Medium             Medium          Gray                   30                                    R3, MR14 PI88788                       3.0           None
         HS 50E01      Enlist E3®/STS®          5              2,800 Branching           Tall           Gray                   30                                     None            None                  3.0           None

                                                                                        Rating Scale: 1 - 5, 1 = Excellent, 5 = Poor, NR = Not Rated

HS 16B10                                                                                                   RM | 1.6   HS 18B00                                                                                                    RM | 1.8
                                      TECHNOLOGY: LIBERTYLINK® GT27™                                                                                        TECHNOLOGY: LIBERTYLINK® GT27™

EMERGENCE                                                         GREAT DEFENSIVE LIBERTYLINK® GT27™                  EMERGENCE                                                         LATE-GROUP I THAT'S TOUGH ON
                                                                  PACKAGE                                                                                                               SCLEROTINIA WHITE MOLD
STANDABILITY                                                                                                          STANDABILITY
                                                                  » Great performance across GFS Trials in 2020                                                                         » Attractive light tawny plant with
PHYTOPHTHORA FIELD TOLERANCE                                                                                          PHYTOPHTHORA FIELD TOLERANCE                                        solid standability
                                                                  » Resists Brown Stem Rot and Stem Canker
SCLEROTINIA WHITE MOLD TOLERANCE                                  » Good choice for Sclerotinia White Mold Acres      SCLEROTINIA WHITE MOLD TOLERANCE                                  » Good variety for high fertility acres
                                                                                                                                                                                        » Great choice against Brown Stem Rot and
BROWN STEM ROT RESISTANCE                                                                                             BROWN STEM ROT RESISTANCE                                           Sclerotinia White Mold

SUDDEN DEATH SYNDROME TOLERANCE                                                                                       SUDDEN DEATH SYNDROME TOLERANCE

   Rating Scale: 1 - 5, 1 = Excellent, 5 = Poor, NR = Not Rated                                                          Rating Scale: 1 - 5, 1 = Excellent, 5 = Poor, NR = Not Rated

HS 20B10                                                                                                   RM | 2.0   HS 29B10                                                                                                    RM | 2.9
                                      TECHNOLOGY: LIBERTYLINK® GT27™                                                                                        TECHNOLOGY: LIBERTYLINK® GT27™

EMERGENCE                                                         EARLY GROUP II LIBERTYLINK® GT27™                   EMERGENCE                                                         CORNERSTONE FOR ANY LIBERTYLINK®
                                                                                                                                                                                        GT27™ PORTFOLIO
STANDABILITY                                                                                                          STANDABILITY

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   LLGT27® SOYBEANS
                                                                  » Stands well in high yield environments                                                                              » Fits both high and low yield environments
PHYTOPHTHORA FIELD TOLERANCE                                                                                          PHYTOPHTHORA FIELD TOLERANCE
                                                                  » Solid against Sudden Death Syndrome and                                                                             » Attractive light tawny/tan that yields and stands
SCLEROTINIA WHITE MOLD TOLERANCE                                    Stem Canker                                       SCLEROTINIA WHITE MOLD TOLERANCE                                  » Great early companion to HS 34B00
                                                                  » Impressive yield and appearance across
BROWN STEM ROT RESISTANCE                                           all environments                                  BROWN STEM ROT RESISTANCE

SUDDEN DEATH SYNDROME TOLERANCE                                                                                       SUDDEN DEATH SYNDROME TOLERANCE

   Rating Scale: 1 - 5, 1 = Excellent, 5 = Poor, NR = Not Rated                                                          Rating Scale: 1 - 5, 1 = Excellent, 5 = Poor, NR = Not Rated

HS 34B00                                                                                                                            RM | 3.4                          HS 45B10                                                                                                                                                    RM | 4.5
                                                               TECHNOLOGY: LIBERTYLINK® GT27™                                                                                                                                         TECHNOLOGY: LIBERTYLINK® GT27™

                        EMERGENCE                                                          MID-GROUP III LIBERTYLINK® GT27™ FOR                                                               EMERGENCE                                                                           ATTRACTIVE SALT EXCLUDER THAT
                                                                                           ALL ACRES                                                                                                                                                                              YIELDS AND STANDS
                        STANDABILITY                                                                                                                                                          STANDABILITY
                                                                                           » Yield superstar in 2019 GFS testing                                                                                                                                                  » Solid against Frogeye Leaf Spot and Sudden
                        PHYTOPHTHORA FIELD TOLERANCE                                                                                                                                          PHYTOPHTHORA FIELD TOLERANCE                                                          Death Syndrome
                                                                                           » Stands well on productive soils yet
                        SCLEROTINIA WHITE MOLD TOLERANCE                                     handles stress                                                                                   FROGEYE LEAF SPOT TOLERANCE                                                         » Resistant to race 3 and Moderately Resistant to
                                                                                           » Good field ratings on Sudden Death Syndrome                                                                                                                                            race 14 Soybean Cyst Nematode
                        BROWN STEM ROT RESISTANCE                                                                                                                                             BROWN STEM ROT RESISTANCE                                                           » Superior yield and agronomic performance in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    2020 GFS field trials
                        SUDDEN DEATH SYNDROME TOLERANCE                                                                                                                                       SUDDEN DEATH SYNDROME TOLERANCE

                            Rating Scale: 1 - 5, 1 = Excellent, 5 = Poor, NR = Not Rated                                                                                                         Rating Scale: 1 - 5, 1 = Excellent, 5 = Poor, NR = Not Rated

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       PHYTOPHTHORA GENE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            RESISTANCE SOURCE
                                                                                                                                                             PUBESCENCE COLOR
                                                                                               RELATIVE MATURITY

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            SCLEROTINIA WHITE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            MOLD TOLERANCE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                FIELD TOLERANCE

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                SPOT TOLERANCE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           ROT RESISTANCE

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 SUDDEN DEATH
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             SOYBEAN CYST

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                FROGEYE LEAF
                                                                                                                                             PLANT HEIGHT


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           BROWN STEM

                                                                                                                               PLANT TYPE

                                                                                                                                                                                ROW WIDTH


                                   HS 16B10                      LibertyLink® GT27™             1.6                2,700 Medium             Medium          Tawny                  30                                        R3, MR14 PI88788                       2.5               None

                                   HS 18B00                      LibertyLink® GT27™             1.8                2,500 Medium             Medium          Tawny                  30                                        R3, MR14 PI88788                       2.5              Rps 1k

                                   HS 20B10                      LibertyLink® GT27™             2.0                2,500 Medium             Medium          Tawny                  30                                        R3, MR14 PI88788                       2.0               None

                                   HS 29B10                      LibertyLink® GT27™             2.9                2,600 Medium             Medium          Tawny                  30                                        R3, MR14 PI88788                       NR               Rps H1k

                                                                                                                                            Medium           Light
                                   HS 34B00                      LibertyLink® GT27™             3.4                2,700 Medium              Tall           Tawny                  30                                        R3, MR14 PI88788                       2.5               None

                                                                                                                                            Medium           Light
                                   HS 45B10                      LibertyLink® GT27™             4.5                2,600 Medium              Tall           Tawny                  30                                        R3, MR14 PI88788                       3.0               None

                                                                                                                                            Rating Scale: 1 - 5, 1 = Excellent, 5 = Poor, NR = Not Rated

HS 15C00                                                                                                   RM | 1.5   HS 21C70                                                                                                      RM | 2.1
                                                               TECHNOLOGY: CONVENTIONAL/ORGANIC                                                                                      TECHNOLOGY: CONVENTIONAL/ORGANIC

                             EMERGENCE                                                         MID-GROUP I CONVENTIONAL VARIETY                    EMERGENCE                                                         MID-GROUP I ORGANIC OPTION FOR NEW
                                                                                               FOR NEW YORK STATE                                                                                                    YORK STATE
                             STANDABILITY                                                                                                          STANDABILITY
                                                                                               » Compact branchy plant brings new level of yield                                                                     » Wide area of adaptation fits all soil types and
                             PHYTOPHTHORA FIELD TOLERANCE                                                                                          PHYTOPHTHORA FIELD TOLERANCE                                        yield levels in New York state
                                                                                               » Attractive light tawny plant type with
                             SCLEROTINIA WHITE MOLD TOLERANCE                                    excellent standability                            SCLEROTINIA WHITE MOLD TOLERANCE                                  » Good grain quality with yellow hilum
                                                                                               » Conventional variety with no herbicide                                                                              » Conventional variety with no herbicide
                             BROWN STEM ROT RESISTANCE                                           tolerance traits                                  BROWN STEM ROT RESISTANCE                                           tolerance traits
                                                                                               » Both conventional and organically produced                                                                          » Both conventional and organically produced
                             SUDDEN DEATH SYNDROME TOLERANCE                                     seed available                                    SUDDEN DEATH SYNDROME TOLERANCE                                     seed available
                                Rating Scale: 1 - 5, 1 = Excellent, 5 = Poor, NR = Not Rated                                                          Rating Scale: 1 - 5, 1 = Excellent, 5 = Poor, NR = Not Rated

                             HS 30C80                                                                                                   RM | 3.0   HS 36C80                                                                                                      RM | 3.6
                                                                    TECHNOLOGY: CONVENTIONAL/STS                                                                                          TECHNOLOGY: CONVENTIONAL/STS

                             EMERGENCE                                                         EARLY-GROUP III CONVENTIONAL                        EMERGENCE                                                         MID-GROUP III CONVENTIONAL VARIETY

                                                                                               VARIETY WITH STS                                                                                                      WITH STS
                             STANDABILITY                                                                                                          STANDABILITY
                                                                                               » Carries the STS trait                                                                                               » Carries the STS trait
                             PHYTOPHTHORA FIELD TOLERANCE                                                                                          PHYTOPHTHORA FIELD TOLERANCE
                                                                                               » Medium bush plant type good for covering                                                                            » Medium bush plant type good for covering
                             SCLEROTINIA WHITE MOLD TOLERANCE                                    rows                                              FROGEYE LEAF SPOT TOLERANCE                                         rows
                                                                                               » Attractive light tawny plant at harvest                                                                             » Attractive light tawny plant at harvest
                             BROWN STEM ROT RESISTANCE                                                                                             BROWN STEM ROT RESISTANCE

                             SUDDEN DEATH SYNDROME TOLERANCE                                                                                       SUDDEN DEATH SYNDROME TOLERANCE

                                Rating Scale: 1 - 5, 1 = Excellent, 5 = Poor, NR = Not Rated                                                          Rating Scale: 1 - 5, 1 = Excellent, 5 = Poor, NR = Not Rated

HS 38C70                                                                                                                            RM | 3.8
                                           TECHNOLOGY: CONVENTIONAL

EMERGENCE                                                         WIDELY ADAPTED LATE-GROUP III
                                                                  CONVENTIONAL VARIETY
                                                                  » Adapted to all soil types and productivity levels
                                                                  » Solid against Frogeye Leaf Spot and Sudden
FROGEYE LEAF SPOT TOLERANCE                                         Death Syndrome
                                                                  » Medium bush plant type good for covering
BROWN STEM ROT RESISTANCE                                           rows


   Rating Scale: 1 - 5, 1 = Excellent, 5 = Poor, NR = Not Rated

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       PHYTOPHTHORA GENE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                RESISTANCE SOURCE
                                                                                                                                     PUBESCENCE COLOR
                                                                       RELATIVE MATURITY

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            SCLEROTINIA WHITE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            MOLD TOLERANCE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    FIELD TOLERANCE

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                SPOT TOLERANCE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           ROT RESISTANCE

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 SUDDEN DEATH
                                                                                                                                                                                                 SOYBEAN CYST

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                FROGEYE LEAF
                                                                                                                     PLANT HEIGHT


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           BROWN STEM

                                                                                                       PLANT TYPE

                                                                                                                                                        ROW WIDTH


                                                                                           2,800 Medium                              Light
           HS 15C00                     Conventional/Organic            1.5                       Bush              Medium          Tawny                  30                                    R3, MR14 PI88788                       2.0           Rps 1k

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     CONVENTIONAL SOYBEANS
           HS 21C70                     Conventional/Organic            2.1                2,500 Medium             Medium          Gray                   30                                    R3, MR14 PI88788                       2.5           Rps 1c

                                                                                           3,000 Medium                              Light
           HS 30C80                       Conventional/STS              3.0                       Bush              Medium          Tawny                  30                                    R3, MR14 PI88788                       2.0           None

                                                                                           2,800 Medium                              Light
           HS 36C80                       Conventional/STS              3.6                       Bush              Medium          Tawny                  30                                    R3, MR14 PI88788                       2.0           None

                                                                                           2,900 Medium                              Light
           HS 38C70                          Conventional               3.8                       Bush              Medium          Tawny                  30                                    R3, MR14 PI88788                       2.0           Rps 1c

                                                                                                                    Rating Scale: 1 - 5, 1 = Excellent, 5 = Poor, NR = Not Rated

                                                                                                                                                                                                                 RESISTANCE SOURCE
                                                                                                                                      PUBESCENCE COLOR
                                                                        RELATIVE MATURITY

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               SCLEROTINIA WHITE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               MOLD TOLERANCE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     FIELD TOLERANCE

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   SPOT TOLERANCE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              ROT RESISTANCE

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    SUDDEN DEATH
                                                                                                                                                                                                  SOYBEAN CYST

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   FROGEYE LEAF
                                                                                                                      PLANT HEIGHT


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              BROWN STEM

                                                                                                        PLANT TYPE

                                                                                                                                                         ROW WIDTH


                               HS 10X90    Roundup Ready 2 Xtend®/SCN    1.0                2,800 Medium             Medium          Tawny                  30                                    R3, MR14 PI88788                       2.0              None

                                                                                            2,800 Medium                              Light
                               HS 15C00       Conventional/Organic       1.5                       Bush              Medium          Tawny                  30                                    R3, MR14 PI88788                       2.0             Rps 1k

                               HS 16B10        LibertyLink® GT27™        1.6                2,700 Medium             Medium          Tawny                  30                                    R3, MR14 PI88788                       2.5              None

                               HS 18X70    Roundup Ready 2 Xtend®/SCN    1.8                2,700 Medium              Tall           Gray                   30                                    R3, MR14 PI88788                       2.0           Rps 1a + 3a

                               HS 18B00        LibertyLink® GT27™        1.8                2,500 Medium             Medium          Tawny                  30                                    R3, MR14 PI88788                       2.5             Rps 1k

                               HS 19E00          Enlist E3®/SCN          1.9                2,600 Medium             Medium          Gray                   30                                    R3, MR14 PI88788                       2.5              None

                               HS 20X90    Roundup Ready 2 Xtend®/SCN    2.0                2,700 Medium              Tall           Gray                   30                                    R3, MR14 PI88788                       1.5           Rps 1a + 3a

                               HS 20B10        LibertyLink® GT27™        2.0                2,500 Medium             Medium          Tawny                  30                                    R3, MR14 PI88788                       2.0              None

                               HS 21E00          Enlist E3®/SCN          2.1                2,600 Medium             Medium          Gray                   30                                    R3, MR14 PI88788                       2.5             Rps 1k

                               HS 21C70       Conventional/Organic       2.1                2,500 Medium             Medium          Gray                   30                                    R3, MR14 PI88788                       2.5             Rps 1c
                               HS 23F10            XtendFlex®            2.3                2,900 Medium              Tall           Gray                   30                                    R3, MR14 PI88788                       3.0             Rps 1c

                               HS 23E10        Enlist E3®/SCN/STS®       2.3                2,700 Medium              Tall           Gray                   30                                    R3, MR14 PI88788                       1.5             Rps 1k


                               HS 27E00          Enlist E3®/SCN          2.7                2,600 Medium              Tall           Gray                   30                                    R3, MR14 PI88788                       2.0              None

                                                                                            2,600 Medium             Medium
                               HS 29F10            XtendFlex®            2.9                       Bush               Tall           Gray                   30                                    R3, MR14 PI88788                       3.0             Rps 1c

                               HS 29B10        LibertyLink® GT27™        2.9                2,600 Medium             Medium          Tawny                  30                                    R3, MR14 PI88788                       NR             Rps H1k

                                                                                            3,000 Medium                              Light
                               HS 30C80         Conventional/STS         3.0                       Bush              Medium          Tawny                  30                                    R3, MR14 PI88788                       2.0              None

                                                                                                                     Rating Scale: 1 - 5, 1 = Excellent, 5 = Poor, NR = Not Rated

                                                                                                                                                                                            RESISTANCE SOURCE
                                                                                                                 PUBESCENCE COLOR
                                                   RELATIVE MATURITY

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          SCLEROTINIA WHITE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          MOLD TOLERANCE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                FIELD TOLERANCE

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              SPOT TOLERANCE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         ROT RESISTANCE

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               SUDDEN DEATH
                                                                                                                                                                             SOYBEAN CYST

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              FROGEYE LEAF
                                                                                                 PLANT HEIGHT


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         BROWN STEM

                                                                                   PLANT TYPE

                                                                                                                                    ROW WIDTH


                                                                       2,600 Medium             Medium
         HS 31E12           Enlist E3®/SCN          3.1                       Bush               Tall           Gray                   30                                    R3, MR15 PI88788                       2.0             Rps 1c

         HS 33F10             XtendFlex®            3.3                2,700 Medium             Medium          Gray                   30                                    R3, MR14 PI88788                       2.0             Rps 1c

         HS 33E00           Enlist E3®/SCN          3.3                2,800       Bush         Medium          Tawny                  30                                    R3, MR14 PI88788                       2.5              None

                                                                                                Medium           Light
         HS 34X80     Roundup Ready 2 Xtend®/SCN    3.4                2,700 Medium              Tall           Tawny                  30                                    R3, MR14 PI88788                       3.0              None

                                                                                                Medium           Light
         HS 34B00         LibertyLink® GT27™        3.4                2,700 Medium              Tall           Tawny                  30                                    R3, MR14 PI88788                       2.5              None

                                                                                                Medium           Light
         HS 35E10           Enlist E3®/SCN          3.5                2,700 Medium              Tall           Tawny                  30                                    R3, MR14 PI88788                       2.0             Rps 1k

                                                                       2,800 Medium                              Light
         HS 36C80          Conventional/STS         3.6                       Bush              Medium          Tawny                  30                                    R3, MR14 PI88788                       2.0              None

         HS 37X70     Roundup Ready 2 Xtend®/SCN    3.7                2,600 Medium             Medium          Gray                   30                                    R3, MR14 PI88788                       1.5           Rps 1c + 3a

         HS 37E10         Enlist E3®/SCN/STS®       3.7                2,500 Medium             Medium          Tawny                  30                                    R3, MR14 PI88788                       2.5             Rps 1k

                                                                       2,700 Medium             Medium
         HS 37E90         Enlist E3®/SCN/STS®       3.7                       Bush               Tall           Gray                   30                                    R3, MR14 PI88788                       1.5             Rps 1k

         HS 38X70 Roundup Ready 2 Xtend®/SCN/STS® 3.8 2,800 Medium
                                                                                                                Tawny                  30                                    R3, MR14 PI88788                       2.0             Rps 1c

                                                                       2,900 Medium                              Light
         HS 38C70            Conventional           3.8                       Bush              Medium          Tawny                  30                                    R3, MR14 PI88788                       2.0             Rps 1c

                                                                       2,900 Medium                              Light

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   HiSOY SOYBEANS
         HS 39F12          XtendFlex®/STS®          3.9                       Bush               Tall           Tawny                  30                                      MR3          HPI88788                2.0              None

         HS 39E10           Enlist E3®/SCN          3.9                2,700 Medium             Medium          Tawny                  30                                    R3, MR14 PI88788                       2.0             Rps 1k

                                                                       2,600 Medium             Medium
         HS 39E80           Enlist E3®/SCN          3.9                       Bush               Tall           Gray                   30                                    R3, MR14 PI88788                       1.5              None

         HS 43E00           Enlist E3®/SCN          4.3                2,700 Medium             Medium          Tawny                  30                                    R3, MR14 PI88788                       3.0              None

                                                                                                Rating Scale: 1 - 5, 1 = Excellent, 5 = Poor, NR = Not Rated

                                                                                                                                                                                                            RESISTANCE SOURCE
                                                                                                                                 PUBESCENCE COLOR
                                                                   RELATIVE MATURITY

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        SCLEROTINIA WHITE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        MOLD TOLERANCE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                FIELD TOLERANCE

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            SPOT TOLERANCE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       ROT RESISTANCE

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             SUDDEN DEATH
                                                                                                                                                                                             SOYBEAN CYST

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            FROGEYE LEAF
                                                                                                                 PLANT HEIGHT


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       BROWN STEM

                                                                                                   PLANT TYPE

                                                                                                                                                    ROW WIDTH


                                 HS 45E00      Enlist E3®/SCN       4.5                2,600 Medium             Medium          Gray                   30                                    R3, MR14 PI88788                       1.5           Rps 1a

                                                                                                                Medium           Light
                                 HS 45B10    LibertyLink® GT27™     4.5                2,600 Medium              Tall           Tawny                  30                                    R3, MR14 PI88788                       3.0           None

                                                                                       2,800 Medium                              Light
                                 HS 46F00     XtendFlex®/STS®       4.6                       Bush               Tall           Tawny                  30                                    R3, MR14 PI88788                       NR            None

                                 HS 46E92    Enlist E3®/SCN/STS®    4.6                2,800 Branching           Tall           Gray                   30                                    R3, MR14 PI88788                       NR            None

                                 HS 47E90    Enlist E3®/SCN/STS®    4.7                2,700 Medium             Medium          Tawny                  30                                    R3, MR14 PI88788                       NR            None

                                 HS 48F00     XtendFlex®/STS®       4.8                2,800 Medium              Tall           Tawny                  30                                    R3, MR14 PI88788                       3.0           Rps 1a

                                 HS 48E10    Enlist E3®/SCN/STS®    4.8                2,700 Medium             Medium          Gray                   30                                    R3, MR14 PI88788                       3.0           None
                                 HS 50F10     XtendFlex®/STS®           5              2,700 Medium              Tall           Gray                   30                                    R3, MR15 PI88789                       3.5           None

                                 HS 50E01      Enlist E3®/STS®          5              2,800 Branching           Tall           Gray                   30                                     None            None                  3.0           None

                                                                                                                Rating Scale: 1 - 5, 1 = Excellent, 5 = Poor, NR = Not Rated

FS InVISION™ TECHNOLOGIES                                                                                                    FS HiSOY® TECHNOLOGIES
             DroughtGard® Hybrids with VT Double PRO® RIB Complete® Corn Blend contain the                                                Roundup Ready 2 Yield® soybeans have demonstrated a clear yield advantage:
             first double-stacked trait with dual modes of action for above ground insects and maximum                                     They yield an average 4.5 Bu/A advantage over original Roundup Ready soybeans.
             protection against corn earworm. Superior genetics along with innovative drought-tolerant                                    Studies show that Roundup Ready 2 Yield soybeans develop greater root biomass,
             trait technology helps DroughtGard® Hybrids withstand drought conditions for a better chance                                 more nodes on the main stem and larger shoot biomass than original Roundup Ready®
             of maximizing kernels per ear and overall yield potential.                                                                   soybean products.

             SmartStax® RIB Complete® Corn Blend* is a mix of 95% Bt. traited, 5% refuge seed. You get                                    Roundup Ready 2 Xtend® Soybeans are built on the high yielding Roundup
             all the benefits of SmartStax® technology, plus the convenience of 5% refuge seed interspersed in                             Ready 2 Yield® soybean technology. Roundup Ready 2 Xtend® is the industry’s first
             every bag. It has proven to have a 10 bu/A advantage over non-Bt. traited corn and a 20 bu/A                                 biotech-stacked soybean trait with both dicamba and glyphosate herbicide tolerance.
             advantage over non-Bt. treated corn + a soil-applied insecticide.                                                            With tolerance to glyphosate and dicamba, farmers will have access to additional tools
                                                                                                                                          to help control glyphosate-resistant broadleaf weeds such as Palmer amaranth,
            *In moderate to high rootworm pressure situations, SmartStax® RIB Complete® corn blend products provided an                   waterhemp and marestail, along with other tough-to-control broadleaf weeds such
             average 20 bu/acre advantage over products without Bt corn rootworm protection and an average 10 bu/acre                     as lambsquarters and velvetleaf. The technology offers the yield and quality potential
             advantage over products without Bt corn rootworm protection used in combination with a soil-applied                          that farmers already know and trust from their Roundup Ready 2 Yield® soybeans.
             insecticide. TD Sites in IL, IA, KS, CO, NE, WI, MI, IN, MN, SD, OH, DE (2010-2013)100-112RM; N = 46 protocol
             site years under moderate and high CRW pressure. Moderate Pressure = untreated check averaged > 0.5-1.0.
             High Pressure = locations where untreated check averaged > 1.0.                                                              XtendFlex® Soybeans have received full approval for planting in the United
                                                                                                                                          States but are pending approval in certain export markets. XtendFlex® soybeans
                                                                                                                                          will be available as part of a stewarded introduction only to growers who have
             Trecepta® technology contains Cry1A.105, Cry2Ab2 and Vip3Aa20 from B.t. that together controls                               signed a XtendFlex® Stewardship Agreement and agree to follow the stewardship
             European corn borer, southwestern corn borer, southern cornstalk borer, corn earworm, fall                                   requirements.
             armyworm, stalk borer, sugarcane borer, beet armyworm, true armyworm, black cutworm,
             western bean cutworm, lesser cornstalk borer and dingy cutworm. Products containing this
             technology also contain Roundup Ready® 2 Technology that provides tolerance to in-crop                                       Enlist E3® soybeans provide tolerance to new 2,4-D choline, glyphosate
             applications of labeled glyphosate herbicides when applied according to label directions.                                    and glufosinate.
                                                                                                                                          Required legal: ™®Trademarks of Dow AgroSciences or DuPont, and their
                                                                                                                                          affiliated companies or their respective owners. Enlist E3 soybeans were
             VT Double PRO® RIB Complete® Corn Blend is a mix of 95% traited and 5% refuge seed. With                                     jointly developed by Dow AgroSciences and M.S. Technologies, L.L.C.
             refuge-in-a-bag, there’s no need to calculate or plant separate, structured refuge in the Corn-
             Growing Area. It contains dual modes of action for maximum protection against corn earworm and
             other above-ground pests, like European and Southwestern corn borers and fall armyworm.                                      LibertyLink® GT27™ Created with high-yielding elite genetics, LibertyLink® GT27™
                                                                                                                                          soybeans will give growers exceptional performance coupled with outstanding weed
                                                                                                                                          control. LibertyLink GT27 soybeans will be the first soybean technology enabling both
             The Agrisure Viptera® 3220 E-Z Refuge® trait stack offers the most comprehensive above-                                       Liberty® and glyphosate use over the top.
             ground insect control with control of ear-feeding insects, multiple modes of action against key
             above-ground insects and the convenience of an integrated E-Z Refuge® seed blend. It is ideal in
             areas where corn rootworm management is not a primary concern. Featuring the Agrisure Viptera
             trait, which is the only trait available today that effectively controls western bean cutworm, the
             Agrisure Viptera 3220 E-Z Refuge trait stack helps protect genetic yield potential. Important:
             Always read and follow label and bag tag instructions; only those labeled as tolerant
             to glufosinate may be sprayed with glufosinate ammonium based herbicides.

             The Agrisure Duracade® 5222A E-Z Refuge® trait stack is the ultimate choice for insect control,
             simplicity and choice providing control of 16 key above- and below-ground pests— more than any
             competitive trait stack —combined with the elite genetics of Agrisure Artesian® hybrids, which help
             growers make the most of their available water. This trait stack combines the Agrisure Duracade trait,
             which features a unique mode of action that demonstrates strong performance against corn rootworm,
             with the Agrisure Viptera® trait, which offers the most comprehensive above-ground insect control on
             the market. It provides multiple modes of action against corn rootworm and corn borer and control of
             ear-feeding corn insects with the convenience of an integrated E-Z Refuge seed blend. Important:
             Always read and follow label and bag tag instructions; only those labeled as tolerant to
             glufosinate may be sprayed with glufosinate ammonium based herbicides. More
             information about Agrisure Duracade® is available at www.biotradestatus.com.

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