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VIEW OUR WEBSITE AT WWW.SYNGENTA.CO.UK FOR FURTHER EXPERT ADVICE ON: • Rooting and establishment • Cereal disease management • Grass weeds • Integrated pest management • Sustainable farming • Agronomy tools CLAIM YOUR BASIS POINT TO CLAIM BASIS POINTS BEFORE 31ST MAY 2021: CONTENTS Claim 1 BASIS point by logging onto the member area at GROWING FOR member-area and enter the reference END MARKETS 04 number CP/111631/2021/g or e-mail and quote the Winter Wheat 04 reference number CP/111631/2021/g. Winter Barley 16 TO CLAIM BASIS POINTS FROM 1ST JUNE 2021: Spring Barley 22 Cereal production in the UK faces lots of Syngenta is viewed by farmers and agronomists as the Claim 1 BASIS point by logging onto the uncertainties and challenges. This season forward-thinking leader in the cereals breeding industry Hybrid Barley 30 member area at we have already seen the increasingly and continues to be your trusted partner on-farm. member-area and enter the reference frequent extreme weather periods due We hope that this guide provides some inspiration on number CP/111856/2021/d or e-mail where best to position your cereal varieties on-farm to to climate change. This, together with and quote the ROOTING AND get great results! 42 other factors, such as the need for more reference number CP/111856/2021/d. ESTABLISHMENT sustainable farming, Brexit fall-out and We always listen to feedback so please do get in touch societal demands, means that resilience to tell us what you think of our guide, we would love to and agility in our farming businesses and hear from you. our varieties are essential for achieving the best possible yield, quality, and profit. CLAIM YOUR NROSO POINTS ASK US A QUESTION, WE WOULD Syngenta are proud of supplying practical on-farm TO CLAIM NROSO POINTS LIKE TO HEAR FROM YOU. advice about where best to grow our varieties and how JAMES TAYLOR-ALFORD BEFORE 31ST MAY 2021: We hope this guide provides you with useful to get the best out of them. We breed cereal varieties SYNGENTA, HEAD OF SEEDS Claim 2 NRoSO points by e-mailing information on the best variety for your farm that can cope with a range of your on-farm challenges UK & IRELAND and and how to maximise its potential. If you have a and match your quality demands. Even in difficult times quote the reference number NO469310f. question for one of our experts, you can email us: we are certain that together we can use our genetics CONNECT WITH US: TO CLAIM NROSO POINTS ? CUSTOMER.SERVICES@SYNGENTA.COM to help you manage a balance of trying the new whilst FROM 1ST JUNE 2021: managing risk. Claim 2 NRoSO points by e-mailing and quote the reference number NO469352f.
GROWING FOR You’re going to END MARKETS need a bigger barn SY Insitor. A winter wheat combining a very high yield with strong disease resistance and excellent HOW TO GET THE MOST grain quality. FROM YOUR WINTER WHEAT VARIETIES Once you have decided on the crops you are growing, finding the most suitable cereal variety from such a vast amount of options can be difficult. There are many factors to consider from intended drilling date to end market requirements. We have provided agronomic insights for each of our wheat varieties to assist with choosing the best option for your farm. SYNGENTA WINTER WHEAT VARIETIES Here’s a reminder of the main features of the winter wheats from the Syngenta family: The very high yielding barn filler with The high yielding, adaptable and flexible excellent grain quality. variety with a very wide drilling window. Graham The secure, consistent feed wheat, with The high yielding wheat variety that performs outstanding Septoria tritici resistance. particularly well on light land and in second wheat situations. 04 05
GROWING FOR END MARKETS HOW TO GET THE MOST FROM YOUR WINTER FEED WHEAT GROWTH HABIT OUTSTANDING YIELD POTENTIAL 95 HIGHEST yielding hard 90 Group 4 variety VARIETY DESCRIPTION Crop Height (cm) HIGHEST yielding variety in 13.4 cm SY INSITOR is the highest yielding hard feed wheat on the AHDB 85 You’re going to need Recommended List. It is a secure high yielding barn filler that has the North a bigger barn excellent grain quality. Launched on farm in 2020, SY INSITOR will 80 SY Insitor. A winter wheat HIGHEST yielding variety on combining a very high yield with strong be a strong choice for the feed wheat grower this autumn. light soils disease resistance and excellent grain quality. 75 Outstanding yields across the whole of the UK and on all soil types. HIGHEST yielding hard Group 4 70 as a 1st cereal Strong Septoria tritici resistance and a very good untreated yield, Untreated T0 only T1 only T2 only T0 + T1 T0 + T1 + T2 coupled with OWBM resistance. SY INSITOR Very high specific weight. GRAIN QUALITY • Quick early development with erect growth habit • Relatively fast to GS30 With a specific weight of • Later maturing, allowing more time to build yield 78.4 kg/hl and a Hagberg falling WHERE TO GROW SY INSITOR SY INSITOR KEY STATISTICS number of 273 – SY INSITOR has SY INSITOR is a taller variety (with no PGR). However, it responds well SY INSITOR is the highest yielding SEPTORIA TRITICI 6.8 one of the best quality profiles of to PGR applications to reduce height and lodging risk. the hard feed wheats. Syngenta UK Ltd. Registered in England No. 849037. hard feed wheat. UK TREATED YIELD (% CM) 104 CPC4 Capital Park, Fulbourn, Cambridge CB21 5XE. Tel: +44 (0) 1223 883400 Technical Enquiries: +44 (0) 800 1696058 Email: Website: Source: Syngenta PGR Trials, Harvest 2020 • An exceptional choice for the EAST 104 whole of the UK WEST 104 • The highest yielding variety DISEASE SY INSITOR NORTH 105 BREEDING INSIGHTS available for the North, and JOINS THE CLUB SPECIFIC WEIGHT 78.4 • Excellent resistance to Septoria • SY INSITOR has the best SY INSITOR adds to our current on light land Combining high hard feed wheat portfolio and tritici at 6.8 combination of Septoria tritici • Performs outstandingly on both resistance and treated yield of yield and robust brings an exciting combination • Yellow rust = 5 disease resistance light and heavy lands any of the hard Group 4 varieties of outstanding yield, disease DID YOU KNOW? • Both Brown and Yellow rust • Very high yields in the mid-late for Septoria tritici resistance and OWBM resistance. should be actively managed in It is a taller variety but responds drill slot SY INSITOR produces large order to maximise SY INSITOR well to a PGR. It has a high numbers of erect tillers. It has good yield potential specific weight and good grain WHERE NOT TO GROW SY INSITOR tiller survival over winter and can quality making it an outstanding carry these through the season to SY INSITOR has a vigorous deliver outstanding yields. Its early ORANGE WHEAT BLOSSOM MIDGE all round variety. overwinter growth habit and tall development and speed to GS30 KATE COBBOLD, Syngenta straw. It should not be drilled in means nitrogen timing is key to SY INSITOR also has OWBM resistance – adding security if midge numbers early September. feed the rapid early growth. are high. 06 07
GROWING FOR GLEAM DEMONSTRATES CONSISTENCY ACROSS YEARS OWBM END MARKETS Added to its excellent disease 105 profile, GLEAM is also OWBM resistant which means it is a very Treated Yield (% control mean) 104 secure variety if midge numbers are high. 103 102 VARIETY DESCRIPTION BREEDING INSIGHTS GLEAM was added to the AHDB Recommended List in 2018 and is 101 Very high yielding hard feed with the most popular variety for harvest 2021. It is a very high yielding, excellent yield and strong disease adaptable hard feed winter wheat variety that performs in all seasons, 100 resistance. Early maturity and GLEAM New Hard G4 Competitor OWBM resistance are welcome all regions and on all soil types. 2018 2019 2020 UK yield benefits. Good straw strength Consistently high yielding in all situations. Source: AHDB Winter Wheat Recommended List 2021/22 and consistent performance are attractive traits. Wide drilling window, suitable from early September through to mid-February. DISEASE TRACY CREASY, Syngenta Excellent overall disease and OWBM resistance. 81 • Good all round disease resistance WHERE TO GROW GLEAM GLEAM KEY STATISTICS 80 • Septoria tritici = 6.1 GLEAM Excellent option as a first and UK TREATED YIELD (% cm) 103 • Consistently high untreated yields 79 Combining high second wheat, its prostrate growth EAST 103 yield and robust 78 habit means its good as an early Untreated yield (% cm) WEST 103 GLEAM delivers a uniquely strong disease resistance, drilling variety, but early maturity NORTH 102 combination of high Septoria tritici 77 with a 6.1 for means it also suits drilling up to resistance and high consistent 76 Septoria tritici 1ST CEREAL 103 mid-February. yields, both treated and untreated. resistance 2ND CEREAL 103 75 WHERE NOT TO GROW GLEAM ALL DRILLING DATES 103 74 You can grow it everywhere! LIGHT SOILS 102 CONSISTENCY 73 HEAVY SOILS 103 HOW TO GET THE MOST FROM YOUR WINTER FEED WHEAT 72 GLEAM is extremely consistent, GLEAM KWS RGT KWS KWS Cranium Gravity Kinetic Kerrin giving high yields in: GROWTH HABIT DID YOU KNOW? Source: AHDB Winter Wheat Recommended List 2021/22 • Every region • Slow growth habit throughout winter and can often look ‘backward’ Due to its slow growth habit, • All rotational positions • Later to reach stem extension excellent disease resistance and GRAIN QUALITY • All soil types stiff straw, GLEAM can be drilled • Rapidly catches up from GS30 onwards • Every year from 1st September onwards. GLEAM has reliable grain quality with a good specific weight of 76.3 kg/hl. • Earlier maturity (0) Having high tillering ability and It has a good Hagberg Falling Number which means it is less likely to sprout It is reliable for disease resistance, early maturity it is also highly in wet harvest conditions. straw strength, grain quality and GLEAM generates large numbers of tillers early on and maintains them suited to later drilling. has the bonus of OWBM resistance. through the growing season to flowering. High tillering varieties need GLEAM has early maturity with a ripening score of 0 (+/- Skyfall). sufficient nitrogen to support their growth and maintain tiller survival, but It will be one of the earliest varieties to combine on farm, thus spreading GLEAM really is the variety for GLEAM is highly adaptable. It has care needs to be taken to maximise yield without risking lodging. the workload and risk at harvest. every farm. one of the safest late sowing dates and good late drilling performance. Luckily GLEAM is a short, stiff-strawed variety that has good lodging resistance. GLEAM has shown good yield consistency over a number of 08 very different seasons. 09
GROWING FOR OWBM DID YOU KNOW? END MARKETS OWBM will need to be monitored and treated accordingly if midge numbers GRAHAM is the joint highest reach threshold, as GRAHAM does not have resistance to this pest, however yielding variety in the West. an application of HALLMARK Zeon® should provide good control. Its combination of disease resistance and agronomics Graham make it an outstanding choice AGRONOMICS for the wetter West. As well as excellent disease resistance, GRAHAM has an easy to manage VARIETY DESCRIPTION agronomic profile with good straw strength. It responds well to a PGR and BREEDING INSIGHTS GRAHAM is a high yielding, hard Group 4 feed winter wheat added is rated as an 8 for lodging resistance (with PGR). GRAHAM is a firm favourite and to the AHDB Recommended List in 2016. would be one of the first varieties Very high resistance to Septoria tritici and Yellow rust. GRAHAM is the joint earliest maturing variety on the AHDB Recommended on my list. With proven on-farm List, and will ripen and mature earlier than other varieties. performance and an excellent Flexible drilling window from early September onwards. Although rated as a -1 (days +/- Skyfall), our trials have shown GRAHAM disease profile which gives that The joint earliest maturing variety on the AHDB Recommended List. to be earlier than this in the field. In reality GRAHAM will mature 7-10 days extra flexibility when application Reliable straw and grain quality. timings are compromised, earlier than many crops. GRAHAM is a difficult variety WHERE TO GROW GRAHAM GRAHAM KEY STATISTICS GRAHAM has been shown to have low Take-all build up in first wheat to beat. GRAHAM is best suited in a first SEPTORIA TRITICI 6.8 situations which reduces the risk in following wheat crops. MATT BULL, Syngenta wheat situation, and can be drilled YELLOW RUST 8 from the 1st September to the end RESISTANCE TO LODGING of January. WITHOUT PGR 7 GRAIN QUALITY RESISTANCE TO LODGING 11.5% WITH PGR 8 GRAHAM was originally bred as a bread wheat. Although classed as a Group WHERE NOT TO GROW GRAHAM 4 feed wheat, there are some end-users that will accept GRAHAM in their SPECIFIC WEIGHT (kg/hl) 76.8 Syngenta do not advise GRAHAM grist. GRAHAM has a very good grain quality profile that is significantly to be grown north of Edinburgh. EARLY MATURITY -1 better than other hard feed varieties. It is worth checking with your local PROTEIN CONTENT purchaser to see if there are premiums available for GRAHAM. GRAHAM delivers high untreated HOW TO GET THE MOST FROM YOUR WINTER FEED WHEAT 279 yield, 8% above the average on • Growing for straight feed = a standard nitrogen programme GROWTH HABIT the Recommended List. • Growing for an end-use = check the protein specification and adapt 87 • Slower, prostrate growth habit throughout winter nitrogen applications 86 HAGBERG FALLING • Later to reach stem extension A good fungicide programme will further enhance the already robust specific NUMBER 85 weight of GRAHAM. The high and stable Hagberg adds security to the Untreated Yield (& control mean) • Rapidly catches up from GS30 onwards, and moves through the later 84 growth stages relatively quickly crop at harvest, this added to early maturity makes GRAHAM a reliable 76.8 83 choice for grain quality. • The joint earliest maturing winter wheat variety 82 81 PROTEIN CONTENT HAGBERG FALLING SPECIFIC WEIGHT DISEASE 80 (when grown as feed) % NUMBER KG/HL SPECIFIC WEIGHT 79 KG/HL GRAHAM is a low risk variety with excellent resistance to Septoria tritici (6.8) GRAHAM 11.5 279 76.8 78 and Yellow rust (8). 77 KWS SISKIN 12.0 289 76.9 GRAHAM is resilient under high disease pressure resulting in high untreated 76 yields. This gives you greater flexibility when spray timings are compromised. 75 GRAHAM RL AVERAGE Source: AHDB Winter Wheat Recommended List 2021/22 10 11
GROWING FOR SHABRAS covers the ground well over winter and is early to reach GS30 and DISEASE END MARKETS has rapid spring re-growth making it more competitive against grass weeds. SHABRAS has good resistance to Septoria tritici but is likely to benefit from rust control if conditions are conducive. An application of ELATUS™ Era will help keep this disease at bay. VARIETY DESCRIPTION OWBM SHABRAS is a high performing, reliable hard Group 4 feed wheat. SHABRAS: 78% ground cover KWS Kerrin: 68% ground cover SHABRAS does not have OWBM resistance, so will need to be Good yields on light land and in second wheat situations. SHABRAS is suited to light soils and in a second cereal position. monitored and treated accordingly Consistent yields across all years in official trials (showing good adaptability Key considerations: if midge numbers reach threshold. across different seasons). • Take-all in a second wheat situation A well-timed application of HALLMARK Zeon should provide • Drought and nutrient deficiencies on light land Quick growth habit and thick canopy structure makes it a more competitive good control. option in grass weed scenarios. For both these situations increased rooting mass can be a huge benefit to mitigate these issues. Early nitrogen and seed dressing choice can make Strong Septoria tritici resistance. a big difference in protecting root growth. AGRONOMICS SHABRAS is a strong variety in these situations, and the seed treatment SHABRAS will respond well to WHERE TO GROW SHABRAS SHABRAS KEY STATISTICS VIBRANCE® Duo can also bring big advantages by enhancing rooting. a PGR, especially on a high All regions, on light soil types and potential site. A split application SEPTORIA TRITICI 6.1 particularly suited to a second MATURITY AND GRAIN QUALITY of MODDUS® will help maintain wheat position. YELLOW RUST 5 the canopy and protect yield. SHABRAS has a ripening score • Early maturity will give added BROWN RUST 5 WHERE NOT TO GROW SHABRAS of 0 (+/- Skyfall) on the AHDB security in wet harvests LIGHT SOILS YIELD Recommended List, and is one • SHABRAS has a Hagberg Falling BREEDING INSIGHTS A robust PGR programme should be (% cm) 101 of the earliest maturing hard applied in high risk scenarios. Number of 211. A solid Hagberg A very high yielding variety feed wheats. Falling Number will be beneficial with full UK recommendation. 2ND CEREAL YIELD (% cm) 102 for sprouting resistance SHABRAS has outstanding • Harvest work load can be spread SHABRAS has secure grain quality second wheat yields plus strong HOW TO GET THE MOST FROM YOUR WINTER FEED WHEAT by choosing a range of maturities characteristics. performances on heavy and on farm light soils. GROWTH HABIT DID YOU KNOW? PROTEIN CONTENT HAGBERG FALLING SPECIFIC WEIGHT % NUMBER KG/HL Its very early maturity coupled with its robust Hagberg Falling • Fast spring growth and high SHABRAS builds its yield by maintaining a lot of tillers. Feeding these SHABRAS 11.5 211 76.0 Number means it is a safe bet tillering capacity tillers early on is a key nitrogen timing, as SHABRAS quickly reaches stem for harvest. • SHABRAS is often noted for its extension and therefore utilises the available soil nutrients quickly. RGT GRAVITY 11.5 199 75.9 TRACY CREASY, Syngenta lush growth and thick leaf shape Once at stem extension, SHABRAS will move at an even pace and will GLEAM 11.5 217 76.3 early on in the season reach major fungicide timings at similar times to Skyfall. • Quick to reach stem extension KWS KERRIN 10.9 148 76.2 and is a priority variety for early nitrogen and T0 • Early maturity 12 13
Choosing a hard group 4 wheat variety SYNGENTA VARIETIES OFFER COMBINATION OF HIGH YIELD With so many to choose from, selecting the best wheat variety for your farm can be difficult. AND SEPTORIA TRITICI RESISTANCE IN THE HARD FEED SECTOR Syngenta has a hard group 4 wheat variety for every situation: 105 VARIETAL RESISTANCE IS 104 THE FIRST LINE OF DEFENCE AGAINST SEPTORIA TRITICI 103 UK Treated Yield (% CM) SAFE Greater flexibility in Excellent first + second Graham 14 SOWING DATES 31 i wheat with impressive yields fungicide timings 102 on lighter land September January Maintain yield potential 101 in high disease pressure years 100 Potential for reducing 99 fungicide inputs SAFE 98 14 SOWING DATES 14 i Excels as a second wheat 4 5 6 7 Septoria Tritici Resistance 8 9 September February Source: AHDB RL 2021/22, Hard G4 varieties only A hard feed wheat for every situation SAFE You’re going to need 01 SOWING DATES 14 i Very good first + second wheat with very wide drilling a bigger barn SY Insitor. A winter wheat window combining a very high yield with strong September February disease resistance and excellent grain quality. Graham SAFE 01 SOWING DATES 31 i First wheat preferred and strong early drilled option Syngenta UK Ltd. Registered in England No. 849037. CPC4 Capital Park, Fulbourn, Cambridge CB21 5XE. Tel: +44 (0) 1223 883400 Technical Enquiries: +44 (0) 800 1696058 Email: Website: September January Graham 14 15
Most winter malting barley varieties will be aiming for a malting contract for brewing. Typically the GROWING FOR following will be required: END MARKETS • A grain nitrogen content of 1.6-1.75% HOW TO GET THE MOST • 94% screenings over FROM YOUR WINTER a 2.25 mm sieve MALTING BARLEY In order to achieve this, all our Syngenta have a long standing varieties require a similar nitrogen reputation for high yielding varieties programme of approximately with excellent malting quality. 100-120 kg N/ha applied in 2 splits, by the end of March. CRAFT and ELECTRUM are the only winter malting barleys on the AHDB This will vary depending on soil Recommended List. type, farm history and weather. CRAFT, ELECTRUM, and our heritage barley FLAGON all have Full MBC Approval for Brewing. Varieties such as ELECTRUM, FLAGON and SURGE will benefit from a PGR programme in order to protect grain quality. All varieties will have a different SYNGENTA WINTER BARLEY VARIETIES disease resistance programme and Here’s a reminder of the main features of the winter barleys from the Syngenta family: fungicide programmes should be adapted to suit the variety, region and weather in the season. The leading winter malting variety The new winter malt bringing high The heritage malt for East Anglia. in the UK. CRAFT combines yields, good quality and very early FLAGON has been a sought after big bold grain with outstanding maturity to the UK. variety in this region for many years malting potential. CRAFT is the and remains an important winter Now with MBC Approval most purchased winter barley by malt for the East. for Brewing! maltsters and has a strong end-user following. 16 17
GROWING FOR ELE CTRUM END MARKETS MB CA NO PPR W OVE D FO BR R E WIN G VARIETY DESCRIPTION VARIETY DESCRIPTION CRAFT has Full MBC Approval for Brewing with multiple contracts and ELECTRUM is the highest yielding malting variety on the AHDB strong demand from maltsters. Recommended List. High yielding across all regions with a strong disease profile. ELECTRUM now has MBC Approval for Brewing. This is the highest yielding winter malting barley and has strong interest from end users. Stiff straw with the highest lodging resistance of all winter malting varieties. Strong disease profile with high untreated yields. Big bold grain with high specific weight and low screenings. Very good grain quality and specific weight (69.2 kg/hl) with very low Excellent brewing quality with the highest hot water extract available. screening losses. Earliest maturing winter malt variety on the Recommended List. WHERE TO GROW CRAFT CRAFT KEY STATISTICS The joint earliest of any variety. CRAFT shows strong performance LODGING 8 in all regions. SPECIFIC WEIGHT 69.5 WHERE TO GROW ELECTRUM ELECTRUM KEY STATISTICS WHERE NOT TO GROW CRAFT (kg/hl) UK wide, but ELECTRUM is TREATED YIELD 97% You can grow it everywhere! 2.25 mm = 2.1% particularly strong in the East SCREENINGS and the West. SPECIFIC WEIGHT 2.5 mm = 6.6% (kg/hl) 69.2 BREEDING INSIGHTS BREEDING INSIGHTS CRAFT is a step forward over ELECTRUM is the highest yielding RIPENING WHERE NOT TO GROW -1 SY VENTURE - higher yielding winter malt with an excellent (+/- KWS Orwell) ELECTRUM with bigger, bolder grain. CRAFT combination of yield, disease has Full MBC Approval for resistance, very early maturity On very high lodging risk sites. Brewing and has strong support and agronomics. Low screenings, from end users. Contracts are good nitrogen and HWE makes widely available. it an attractive variety for the ELECTRUM HAS SLIGHTLY WEAKER STRAW THAN CRAFT TRACY CREASY, Syngenta maltster too. AND WILL BENEFIT FROM A PGR PROGRAMME. KATHRYN HAMLEN, Syngenta 18 19
GROWING FOR END MARKETS VARIETY DESCRIPTION VARIETY DESCRIPTION FLAGON is a heritage variety used for brewing. SURGE is a high yielding 2 row feed variety. Full MBC Approval for Brewing with good support from several Good treated yields with high specific weight. English maltsters. Very good disease resistance with the joint highest untreated yield of the Early ripening. 2-row winter barleys. High specific weight. SURGE has relatively stiff straw, but in high risk situations it will benefit from a PGR programme. FLAGON is weaker strawed and a full PGR programme will be needed to ensure the crop remains standing. WHERE TO GROW SURGE SURGE KEY STATISTICS Net blotch will also need to be monitored and an application of an SDHI is recommended in a higher risk situation. Very strong in the West and RHYNCHOSPORIUM 7 East regions. NET BLOTCH 6 WHERE TO GROW FLAGON FLAGON KEY STATISTICS WHERE NOT TO GROW SURGE UNTREATED YIELD 86% Strong support from end users in SURGE can be grown across the SPECIFIC WEIGHT (kg/hl) 69.5 whole of the UK, but will yield best BREEDING INSIGHTS East Anglia. BREEDING INSIGHTS FLAGON remains one of the SURGE is a high yielding feed in the West and East. RIPENING UK’s heritage winter malts. (+/- Cassata) -1 with excellent disease resistance WHERE NOT TO GROW FLAGON It has outstanding quality and untreated yield. SURGE is characteristics and strong Only grow if you have a contract for Data is from the AHDB RL 2016/17 as Flagon is marketed and distributed by support with English Maltsters this variety. no longer the Recommended List. Wynnstay Woodheads. and Brewers, especially in East KATE COBBOLD, Syngenta Anglia where there are many contracts available. TRACY CREASY, Syngenta 20 21
GROWING FOR END MARKETS HOW TO GET THE MOST FROM YOUR SPRING MALTING BARLEY Spring barley varieties will be growing quickly now. Attention needs to be paid to fungicide choice, PGR requirements and nitrogen as we move towards harvest. Nitrogen should be applied depending on which market you are growing for, and the contract specifications if growing for malt. GRAIN DISTILLING MALT GRAIN MALT DISTILLING GRAIN N TARGET: 1.85% BREWING USE DISTILLING DISTILLING FEED AND ABOVE BREWING GRAIN N TARGET: 1.65% AND BELOW Specialist varieties for grain GRAIN N TARGET: 1.6-1.75% distilling contain very high FOR DOMESTIC USE UP TO Syngenta trials have shown levels of enzymes to convert 1.85% FOR EXPORT total N from 100-125 kg N/ starch into sugar during the ha increased yield without fermentation process. These Syngenta trials have shown adversely affecting % grain How big is this varieties are in general lower 382,500 ha 235,500 ha 10,000 ha 120,000 ha LAUREATE has an increasing N in LAUREATE. market? yielding, but have higher innate yield response up to 150 kg grain N than the brewing and Northern Mainly Scotland but N/ha total dose without Suggested application timings Main geographic UK (mainly England) England and increasingly grown West and North of UK malt distilling varieties. region impacting % grain N in - either applied 100% in the Scotland in England too England. seedbed or as a split dose FAIRING has consistently 1.6-1.75% N applied before GS15. seen improving yields when (up to 1.85% N for 1.5-1.65% N Above 1.85% N Suggested application timings Non-GN Non-GN increasing N up to a total dose export) - 2 doses to be applied by What do end High yield with good of 150 kg N/ha, after this yield markets need? 90% screenings 90% screenings specific weight GS15. 94% screenings over over a 2.5 mm sieve over a 2.5 mm sieve tends to plateau, however % a 2.25 mm sieve (Scotland) (Scotland) grain N continues to increase (England) For export, higher total dose and later timings may help up to a total N dose of Nitrogen Lower total High total Normal to achieve the higher grain 200 kg/ha. programme to 2 splits Nitrogen, Nitrogen, later practice Nitrogen N, PROPINO has an innately achieve this 1 to 2 splits applications following RB209 Suggested application timings higher grain N which suits - 2 doses to be applied by the export market. LAUREATE GS21. Syngenta SY TUNGSTEN LAUREATE WAGGON varieties (provisional) SY TUNGSTEN FAIRING SCHOLAR SY SPLENDOR (provisional) KELIM (provisional) 22 23
GROWING FOR END MARKETS VARIETY DESCRIPTION LAUREATE is a very high yielding spring malting barley with an excellent disease and agronomic profile. Non-GN variety with Full MBC Approval for Brewing and Malt Distilling. Very strong support from all end users and contracts available for both markets across the UK. High disease resistance with very strong untreated yields. SYNGENTA SPRING BARLEY VARIETIES WHERE TO GROW LAUREATE LAUREATE KEY STATISTICS Here’s a reminder of the main features of the spring barleys from the Syngenta family: All regions and soil types. RHYNCHOSPORIUM 6 LAUREATE is approved for both brewing and malt distilling so can BROWN RUST 5 be grown for both markets (with UNTREATED YIELD nitrogen applied accordingly). (% cm) 93 Very high yielding spring malting Newly recommended spring Newly recommended spring malting TREATED YIELD barley with FULL MBC Approval malting barley with outstanding barley for the brewing market. BREEDING INSIGHTS WHERE NOT TO GROW (% cm) 101 for Brewing and Malt Distilling. quality for both the distilling and Outstanding yields with good LAUREATE is the leading spring LAUREATE LAUREATE has an excellent overall brewing markets. Provisionally malt potential. Provisionally MBC barley variety in the UK. It has full MBC Approval for both brewing Care should be taken on high Many of the new high yielding agronomic package with strong MBC Approved for Brewing and Approved for Brewing. and distilling. It is the mainstay lodging risk sites, a full PGR spring barley varieties have maltster support. Distilling. of the distilling industry and a programme will be needed. increased weight in the ear, as a leading variety in the brewing result the straw is at increased risk sector. LAUREATE has shown THE STORY OF LAUREATE of lodging, so in high risk situations outstanding consistency over very a PGR programme of MODDUS + different growing seasons and Have you ever wondered how the chlormequat followed by a height PROPINO has been the mainstay The only fully MBC Approved A spring feed barley with consistent has consistently performed for varieties in your field end up in your reduction application of ethephon of the brewing market for a number variety for Grain Distilling, with yield performance, stiff straw both growers and end-users. whisky or beer? Watch our video at GS39 if the risk is still high. of years but no longer has MBC contracts available in this market. and very high specific weight, at KATHRYN HAMLEN, Syngenta malting-barley-excellence to see Approval. It remains popular on Very early ripening and excellent SCHOLAR is a very good option farm for its consistency. Rhynchosporium resistance makes for the feed market. how the variety LAUREATE was FAIRING very suited to the grain bred and how it finds its way to distilling market. a drink near you! 24 25
GROWING FOR END MARKETS VARIETY DESCRIPTION VARIETY DESCRIPTION PROPINO is a spring malting barley that has been on the Fairing FAIRING is a spring malting barley with Full MBC Approval for Grain Recommended List since 2010. Although no longer on the MBC The outlook for grain distilling Distilling. It was specifically bred for this market and has high grain just got a whole lot better Approved List many growers still value PROPINO and there are nitrogen content required for the end use. still options with many maltsters and with exporters. Excellent resistance to wet weather diseases. Consistent yields across all regions. The earliest spring barley to mature on the AHDB Recommended List 2021. Excellent grain quality with big, bold grain and high specific weight. Excellent grain quality with high specific weight and low screenings. PROPINO has the lowest screenings of all spring malting varieties. WHERE TO GROW FAIRING FAIRING KEY STATISTICS WHERE TO GROW PROPINO PROPINO KEY STATISTICS Syngenta UK Ltd. Registered in England No. 849037. FAIRING is a specialist variety RHYNCHOSPORIUM 6 Mainly in the East and West for SPECIFIC grown on contract in Scotland CPC4 Capital Park, Fulbourn, Cambridge CB21 5XE. Tel: +44 (0) 1223 883400 Technical Enquiries: +44 (0) 800 1696058 Email: Website: the domestic and export markets. WEIGHT 68.1 and Eastern England. RIPENING (kg/hl) (+/- Concerto) -1 Check with your local maltster for contracts and acceptability. SPECIFIC WEIGHT 2.25 mm = 1.0% WHERE NOT TO GROW FAIRING (kg/hl) 68.2 SCREENINGS BREEDING INSIGHTS 2.5 mm = 2.2% BREEDING INSIGHTS WHERE NOT TO GROW It is a specialist variety bred PROPINO has been the mainstay FAIRING was specifically bred for PROPINO specifically for the grain distilling of the English brewing market for the Scottish grain distilling market, with lower yields and the past ten years. It is consistent, Only grow PROPINO if you have market. It is now a popular variety Protecting the crop through the higher nitrogen, therefore it is tried and trusted. Many growers a contract or end-user who will in England, due to significant growing season will be essential to advised to only grow FAIRING if still like it and it still has its place. accept it. If grown in Scotland it contracts available. It has very maintain green leaf area and obtain you have a contract in place. It is no longer MBC Approved, will most likely go for feed. high grain N and big bold grain, the best yields. Each variety will and growers may want to look to with low screenings and high have different strengths and move to LAUREATE, or the newer specific weight. weaknesses, therefore fungicide provisionally approved varieties programmes should be adapted KATHRYN HAMLEN, Syngenta SY TUNGSTEN and SY SPLENDOR. accordingly, also taking into TRACY CREASY, Syngenta consideration location and weather conditions for this season. ELATUS Era has approval for malting barley and is a very strong tool for the control of Brown rust and other foliar diseases. 26 27
GROWING FOR END MARKETS VARIETY DESCRIPTION VARIETY DESCRIPTION SY SPLENDOR SY SPLENDOR is a very high yielding malting barley on the AHDB SY Tungsten SY TUNGSTEN is a very high yielding dual purpose variety on the AHDB Splendid ‘til the last drop Recommended List. It is a non-GN variety that is Provisionally Recommended List. It is a non-GN variety with excellent potential for Approved for Brewing. both the malt distilling and brewing markets. Excellent quality for the brewing market. The highest yielding variety on the RL with potential for brewing and malt distilling. SY SPLENDOR is currently undergoing MBC pilots with full approval for brewing possible by June 2022. Currently under evaluation by maltsters and end-users with the potential for full MBC approval by June 2022. The second highest yielding spring barley variety on the RL. One of those rare finds Very strong support from all UK maltsters. The early maturing variety with high yields and very good quality for the brewing market. Very consistent variety that performs well in every region and in every year. The malting barley that everyone is looking for! The highest yielding variety for the North. Its high yields and competitive nature mean SY SPLENDOR is also a good option as a feed variety. Good grain characteristics with high specific weight. Syngenta UK Ltd. Registered in England No. 849037. Syngenta UK Ltd. Registered in England No. 849037. CPC4 Capital Park, Fulbourn, Cambridge CB21 5XE. CPC4 Capital Park, Fulbourn, Cambridge CB21 5XE. Tel: +44 (0) 1223 883400 Technical Enquiries: +44 (0) 800 1696058 Tel: +44 (0) 1223 883400 Technical Enquiries: +44 (0) 800 1696058 Email: Website: Email: Website: 6771 SY Splendor A4 Advert.indd 1 03/06/2019 17:05 6772 SY Tungsten A4 Advert.indd 1 03/06/2019 17:39 SY SPLENDOR KEY STATISTICS SY TUNGSTEN KEY STATISTICS BREEDING INSIGHTS BREEDING INSIGHTS SY SPLENDOR looks very UK TREATED YIELD (% cm) 103 SY TUNGSTEN has outstanding UK TREATED YIELD (% cm) 103 promising. We identified it early yield and good all round BRACKLING 8 LODGING UNTREATED (% cm) 7 due to its excellent malting characteristics. It is attractive for quality and it is undergoing large LODGING UNTREATED (% cm) 7 maltsters as it is a dual purpose SPECIFIC WEIGHT (kg/hl) 67.4 scale testing from grain produced variety that can be used for in H2020. SY SPLENDOR has 2 SPECIFIC WEIGHT (kg/hl) 67.9 both brewing and malt distilling, years to complete industrial pilots and should follow the likes of and should have MBC Approval by LAUREATE in the UK. Its very high June 2022. Northern yields re-enforce its TRACY CREASY, Syngenta suitability for Scotland. KATHRYN HAMLEN, Syngenta 28 29
NEW! I N T R O D U C I N G GROWING FOR S Y T H U N D E R B O LT END MARKETS H Y B R I D B A R L E Y HOW TO GET THE MOST FROM YOUR HYBRID FEED BARLEY SYNGENTA HYBRID FEED BARLEY VARIETIES Which varieties should you Here’s a reminder of the main features of the hybrid feed barleys choose this autumn? A brief in the Syngenta family: introduction to our current hybrid barley portfolio is shown on the right. Each variety can bring something different to NEW! The variety with NEW! A strong performer for S T R I K I N G H I G H Y I E L D S your farm, but the underlying benefit of hybrid barley is consistently high regional yields. the North, West and on light land. based on its high yield Strong on heavy land, great grain Early maturing and great grain potential which is uniquely quality and early to mature quality driven by hybrid vigour. Our strong hybrid barley breeding and genetics means you can depend on our varieties The high-performing all-rounder. Proven on farm performance. consistently performing across Ideal choice for all regions with Strong track record of grass weed YOU NEED T all regions and all years. great grain quality and easy to grow suppression and wet weather O EAT YOUR disease resistance SY KINGSB THE F E E D BARLEY W ITH SUPER ARN IOR GRAIN QUALITY The number 1 variety for UK High yield, resilient and easy yield. Top choice for the East to manage. Robust disease and and strong on light land lodging profile for management flexibility The high yielding variety for all Toughen up your disease regions. Good disease resistance protection. Great choice for and grass weed suppression the North with exceptional Rhynchosporium resistance Exceptional grain quality. Consistent regional grain quality and good wet weather disease resistance 30 31
GROWING FOR ALL HYBRIDS OFFER GOOD SPECIFIC WEIGHT END MARKETS TOP 75% BOTTOM 25% 72 71 70 Specific weight (kg/hl) ALL HYBRIDS IN HYBRID BARLEY VARIETIES OFFER MUCH MORE THAN HIGH YIELD 69 THE TOP 75% FOR SPECIFIC WEIGHT Hybrid barley offers a wide range of benefits in addition to consistently high yields: 68 67 STRONG GRASS WEED ALTERNATIVE 66 SUPPRESSION TO 2ND WHEATS Grass weed suppression is an added strength and hybrid barley should 65 be an integral part of your grass weed management strategy on-farm. LIBRA SY KINGSBARN SY KINGSTON SY THUNDERBOLT BAZOOKA BELMONT SY BARACOODA BELFRY Source: AHDB Winter Barley Recommended List 2021/22. MORE Our varieties also offer management flexibility. For example, early Data shown for feed varieties only. EXTRA INCOME FLEXIBLE FROM STRAW DISEASE ripening provides an opportunity to spread workload at harvest, avoid MANAGEMENT overlap with the wheat harvest and drill following crops of winter oilseed rape. Likewise, the robust disease resistance profile of some varieties provides greater flexibility for fungicide application timings. HYBRID BARLEY IS EASY TO GROW HIGH SPECIFIC IDEAL ENTRY WEIGHT FOR WOSR FOR GRAIN Barley straw is valued more highly than wheat straw. The straw from SIX CRITICAL STEPS CONTRACTS hybrid barley crops offers an extra income opportunity. Many growers have found that hybrid barley is an easy crop to grow successfully. With all this in mind, many growers choose to grow hybrid barley as On-farm experience over many seasons has shown that it pays to focus on six critical steps: EARLY HARVEST GIVES DEPENDABLE a great alternative to second wheats. WORKLOAD & PERFORMANCE 1 2 3 CASH FLOW REDUCES RISK BENEFITS GRAIN QUALITY GOOD AUTUMN Apply AUTUMN EARLY NITROGEN IS KEY Meanwhile, improved grain quality has been a key target for our breeding programme and the specific ESTABLISHMENT INSECTICIDE TO CONTROL weight of our latest generation of hybrids is now equivalent to the two-row feed varieties. – variety, seed rate, seed BYDV if required treatment, seedbed & drill 70 timing are all key Mean specific weight (kg/hl) 4 5 6 69 68 APPROPRIATE GROWTH Use a ROBUST fungicide OPTIMISE combine 67 REGULATION with a programme at T1 & T2 harvester set-up HYBRID (MEAN) programmed approach 2-ROW FEED (MEAN) 66 04/05 05/06 06/07 07/08 08/09 09/10 10/11 11/12 12/13 13/14 14/15 15/16 16/17 17/18 18/19 19/20 20/21 21/22 Year of Recommended List Source: AHDB Winter Barley Recommended Lists 2004/05 to 2021/22. Data shown for hybrids vs 2-row feed varieties. 32 33
GROWING FOR END MARKETS SEED RATE AND DRILLING DATE Aim to establish a uniform crop across the whole field (especially in a grass weed scenario). Typically, you should plan to drill hybrid barley at 200-250 seeds per m2 at normal drill timings (and select a seed rate at the upper end of this range in grass weed situations or tougher conditions). MANAGING YOUR HYBRID BARLEY CROP DURING THE SEASON The traditional window for drilling hybrid barley is mid-September to NITROGEN TIMING mid-October, and this still stands. However, delaying the start of drilling Once you have successfully % OF TOTAL by a few weeks may be beneficial for established your hybrid barley SPLIT TIMING TARGET N BYDV and grass weed management. crop, you should focus on growing the canopy and maintaining green Early spring (approx. GS25) as leaf area for as long as possible. 1 30 soon as application is possible To do this, you need to ensure you optimise your nitrogen, PGR and At or just before GS31 (typically 2 50 fungicide timings. A typical Syngenta 3-4 weeks after application) programme is summarised here. 2-3 weeks after 3 20 Consult a FACTS qualified advisor for specific advice second application for each field. FUNGICIDE AND PGR TIMINGS TIMING FUNGICIDE PGR WHY? KAYAK® 0.5-0.7 l/ha Remove overwintered disease in T0 MODDUS 0.1-0.2 l/ha (plus partner if mildew or rust lush crops, protect new growth (GS30) + chlormequat* THE ROCHE APPROACH are established) and help with rooting Paul Roche, our Seeds Technical Manager, Keep lower leaves green, T1 Triazole/SDHI/ MODDUS 0.1-0.2 l/ha gives in-season agronomy advice and keep out disease and aid stem (GS31-32) strobe/cyprodinil + chlormequat* variety updates for hybrid barley. strengthening For more information see our Roche T2 ELATUS Era 0.7 l/ha Terpal 0.75-1.5 l/ha Drive final yield and maintain Approach playlist on our Hybrid Barley page (GS39-59) + folpet Do NOT apply after GS39 specific weight, reduce brackling *chlormequat at ~50% dose rate. Various products and formulations exist. Rates dependent on situation. Consult a BASIS qualified advisor for specific advice for each field. 34 35
GROWING FOR END MARKETS NEW ON THE RECOMMENDED LIST THIS YEAR! NEW ON THE RECOMMENDED LIST THIS YEAR! THE HIGH-PERFORMING ALL-ROUNDER. THE VARIETY WITH CONSISTENTLY HIGH REGIONAL A STRONG PERFORMER FOR THE NORTH, WEST IDEAL CHOICE FOR ALL REGIONS WITH BREEDING INSIGHTS YIELDS. STRONG ON HEAVY LAND, GREAT GRAIN AND ON LIGHT LAND. EARLY MATURING AND GREAT GRAIN QUALITY AND EASY TO GROW. SY KINGSBARN is the next step forward in hybrid QUALITY AND EARLY TO MATURE. GREAT GRAIN QUALITY. technology. This variety combines increased yield with improved agronomics: it’s a great package. Fantastic yields PAUL ROCHE, Syngenta TOP CHOICE Fantastic yields TOP CHOICE GREAT CHOICE (107%) in the Reliable 5-year (107%) in the FOR THE NORTH North – 10 t/ha FOR THE NORTH North – 10 t/ha+ FOR ALL high yields across AND WEST AND WEST yields every year REGIONS all regions every year on average WHAT MAKES SY KINGSBARN YOUR VARIETY OF CHOICE? STRONG ON Performs STRONG ON Performs SUPERB GRAIN Consistently delivers Apart from being a top yielding variety, SY KINGSBARN particularly well particularly well outstanding grain HEAVY LAND on heavy land LIGHT LAND on light land QUALITY quality every year has consistently delivered high specific weights every year for the past five years (even in a difficult year like 2016). Early ripening means Early ripening means GOOD Good all-round EARLY TO following WOSR EARLY TO following WOSR RESISTANCE TO resistance to 2020 crops can be drilled crops can be drilled MATURE earlier to increase MATURE earlier to increase DISEASE AND disease and LODGING lodging 2019 yield potential yield potential 2018 Grass weed suppression Grass weed suppression Grass weed 2017 HYVIDO BEATS uniquely powered HYVIDO BEATS uniquely powered HYVIDO BEATS suppression uniquely by hybrid vigour by hybrid vigour powered by hybrid 2016 GRASS WEEDS and superior plant GRASS WEEDS and superior plant GRASS WEEDS vigour and superior architecture architecture plant architecture 65.0 66.0 67.0 68.0 69.0 70.0 71.0 72.0 Specific weight (kg/hl) Trial mean SY KINGSBARN advantage Source: AHDB Winter Barley RL report BREEDING INSIGHTS BREEDING INSIGHTS SY THUNDERBOLT is our newest variety showing SY KINGSTON is a fantastic variety for the North and strong yields across all regions and has performed West and is great on light land too. This variety has well [111%] on heavy soils. It is also early maturing also produced an average yield of 10.4 t/ha in trials to help with harvest flexibility. over the past 4 seasons. Very early ripening provides SARAH HUGHES, Syngenta an opportunity to spread workload at harvest and drill following oilseed rape crops earlier. PAUL ROCHE, Syngenta 36 37
GROWING FOR END MARKETS PROVEN ON FARM PERFORMANCE. STRONG TRACK THE NUMBER 1 VARIETY FOR UK YIELD. TOP CHOICE BELMONT IS YOUR RELIABLE CHOICE RECORD OF GRASS WEED SUPPRESSION AND WET FOR THE EAST AND STRONG ON LIGHT LAND. WEATHER DISEASE RESISTANCE. BELMONT, a commercially-proven variety with a strong track record, has been the UK number 1 for yield Consistently high HYBRID BARLEY AS A TOOL FOR MANAGING over the past 5 years. To ensure you give it the best PROVEN TRACK performance across "THE TROUBLESOME TRIO" TOP CHOICE Highest yielding opportunity to deliver, you should focus on optimising RECORD all regions and soil FOR winter barley the nutrition, PGR and fungicide programme so that it ON-FARM types over many THE EAST variety in the East years Over the past few years we have shown that hybrid can achieve its full potential on farm. barley can be an integral part of your strategy for managing grass weeds. Trials have shown that hybrid 12 Annual Treated yield (% of controls) barley offers better suppression of black-grass, brome 11 10 TRIED & Improved specific and ryegrass than winter wheat and 2-row winter barley. Performs weight for better STRONG ON particularly well 9 TRUSTED grain quality This benefit, which is uniquely powered by hybrid vigour, LIGHT LAND on light land 8 10.4 t/ha is a common feature of all of our hybrid varieties. 7 6 5 4 Good all-round Consistently high WET WEATHER PROVEN TRACK performance across 3 resistance to DISEASE disease and BLACK-GRASS RECORD all regions and soil 2 PROTECTION lodging ON-FARM types over many 1 IS COMPETITIVE years 0 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Average Year Source: AHDB Winter Barley Recommended List 2021/22 Grass weed Grass weed HYVIDO BEATS suppression uniquely suppression uniquely powered by hybrid HYVIDO BEATS powered by hybrid GRASS WEEDS vigour and superior GRASS WEEDS vigour and superior WHERE DOES BELMONT GROW BEST? plant architecture plant architecture BROME BELMONT has shown strong performance in all regions IS VERY and all soil types in the UK. It will help you to achieve COMPETITIVE high yields with confidence on your farm. BREEDING INSIGHTS 110 BAZOOKA performs particularly well in the East BREEDING INSIGHTS where grass weeds are often an issue. The powerful BELMONT is an exceptional variety that offers best 109 spring growth of this variety boosts its grass weed in-class yields in the East. BELMONT will have a Treated yield (% cm) 108 suppression. If you are looking for a variety with a special appeal to barley growers looking for a reliable proven track record then BAZOOKA is the one for you. RYEGRASS variety that will perform in black-grass areas. 107 PAUL ROCHE, Syngenta IS VERY SARAH HUGHES, Syngenta COMPETITIVE 106 105 104 GRASS WEED SUPPRESSION: HYBRID BARLEY UK East West North WORKS WELL AGAINST THE "TROUBLESOME TRIO" 38 39
GROWING FOR END MARKETS HIGH YIELD, RESILIENT AND EASY TO MANAGE. THE HIGH YIELDING VARIETY FOR ALL REGIONS. NEW! TOUGHEN UP YOUR DISEASE PROTECTION. EXCEPTIONAL GRAIN QUALITY, CONSISTENT ROBUST DISEASE AND LODGING PROFILE FOR GOOD DISEASE RESISTANCE AND GRASS WEED GREAT CHOICE FOR THE NORTH WITH EXCEPTIONAL REGIONAL SPECIFIC WEIGHT AND GOOD WET MANAGEMENT FLEXIBILITY. SUPPRESSION. RHYNCHOSPORIUM RESISTANCE. WEATHER DISEASE RESISTANCE. Proven and GREAT CHOICE reliable on-farm GREAT CHOICE Superb yields in the Superb grain HIGH YIELDS Reliable 5-year SUPERB GRAIN FOR THE WEST performance FOR THE North (10 t/ha+) quality, sets the FOR ALL high yields across QUALITY AND HEAVY in the UK but all regions NORTH AND coupled with strong new standard for especially in REGIONS light land performance 6-rows LAND ON LIGHT LAND the West The hybrid with CONSISTENT Exceptional CONSISTENT Consistently the best lodging Consistently ROBUST LODGING PERFORMANCE Rhynchosporium PERFORMANCE delivers high yields resistance and delivers high yields AGRONOMICS resistance provides ACROSS RESISTANCE shortest straw to ACROSS to improve return a strong foundation to improve return reduce risk and on investment ADD FLEXIBILITY REGIONS on investment REGIONS for disease control protect returns Good all-round Good all-round WET WEATHER Good all-round WET WEATHER Good all-round GOOD DISEASE resistance to GOOD DISEASE resistance to resistance to DISEASE resistance to DISEASE RESISTANCE disease and RESISTANCE disease and disease and PROTECTION disease and lodging lodging PROTECTION lodging lodging Grass weed Grass weed Grass weed suppression Grass weed suppression HYVIDO BEATS suppression uniquely HYVIDO BEATS suppression uniquely HYVIDO BEATS uniquely powered HYVIDO BEATS uniquely powered powered by hybrid powered by hybrid by hybrid vigour by hybrid vigour GRASS WEEDS vigour and superior GRASS WEEDS vigour and superior GRASS WEEDS and superior plant GRASS WEEDS and superior plant plant architecture plant architecture architecture architecture BREEDING INSIGHTS BREEDING INSIGHTS BREEDING INSIGHTS BREEDING INSIGHTS The hybrid variety with high yields that is easy to SY BARACOODA has excellent treated and untreated SY ARMADILLO offers outstanding protection against This variety has outstanding specific weight and manage. The strong disease resistance scores and yields. Consistent performance and good agronomics Rhynchosporium in combination with high yield yields 5% more than KWS Cassia. An excellent shorter straw make this the hybrid of choice for those make this variety an exciting option for growers. (especially in the North), low brackling and good combination. situations where spray timings may be compromised. SARAH HUGHES, Syngenta grain quality. SARAH HUGHES, Syngenta JAMES TAYLOR-ALFORD, Syngenta PAUL ROCHE, Syngenta 40 41
SEED- AND SOIL-BORNE DISEASES ROOTING AND Seed- and soil-borne pathogens present the first risk in the cropping year. ESTABLISHMENT They have the potential to reduce the number of healthy plants able to establish and are a long-term risk to yield and quality. SEASONS CONTINUE TO BRING We are able to protect against them through effective seed treating. EXTREMES OF WEATHER, FROM THE ‘BEAST FROM THE EAST’, KNOW YOUR RISK TO DROUGHTS AND FLOODING. It is important to understand the quality of your seed by testing for When you purchase your seed, you don’t seed-borne diseases. know what conditions your seed will be Below are the key diseases to test for in wheat and barley. drilled into, or the weather conditions for the remainder of the season. WHEAT Fast emergence, good rooting and strong early crop development help to build a more resilient crop that can better cope with whatever the season throws at it. Remember, having clean seed is one ESTABLISHMENT CONSIDERATIONS Bunt Microdochium aspect of If you suspect a further problem in wheat, test for Fusarium seedling blight, minimising Drilling date impacts temperature, Septoria nodorum, ergot and loose smut. disease risk. Unpredictable weather can have moisture and availability of Don’t overlook an impact on the health of the crop sunlight, affecting germination and BARLEY the risk in throughout the season. establishment speed but also risks from certain pests. your soil. Soil types pose different challenges: Previous cropping can impact on • Light land – less able to deal with the risk of certain diseases. For drought example, with second cereals, the • Heavy land – more difficult to risk of Take-all increases. cultivate for an optimum seedbed Leaf stripe Loose smut Grass weed mitigation involves delaying drilling to allow time for Aphid avoidance through delayed Loose smut and leaf stripe can seem to be of a low risk if the number of infected a flush of weeds and a good stale drilling can help to reduce the risk seeds are low however, disease levels will increase rapidly if seed is not treated. seedbed, but also balancing this of BYDV. with establishing a competitive crop. If you suspect a further problem in barley, test for ergot, Microdochium and Fusarium seedling blights and covered smut. 42 43
ROOTING AND BUILDING A RESILIENT CROP ESTABLISHMENT Whether you plan to drill early or late, at the time you buy your seed you don’t know what the weather has in store, but you can mitigate against adverse conditions. 16% INCREASE IN PLANT 32% INCREASE IN This season we have experienced a very wet winter ESTABLISHMENT ROOT WEIGHT followed by very cold and dry conditions into spring which has led to stressed crops. VIBRANCE Duo vs Redigo Pro establishment and rooting comparisons across In cereals a fungicidal seed dressing provides protection from seed- FUSARIUM AND MICRODOCHIUM 49 sites from seasons 2018 and 2019. and soil-borne diseases, helps to ensure good crop establishment SEED INFECTED TRIALS Treating seed is the first step in building a more resilient crop and using VIBRANCE Duo can improve establishment Whether drilling early or late, VIBRANCE Duo has and lays the foundations to maximise crop yield and quality. and rooting as can be seen below. been proven to consistently give establishment 150 % plant stand over untreated and rooting benefits, helping to build a more seed (untreated = 100%) CHOOSING A WHEAT SEED TREATMENT 140 resilient crop no matter the season. BERET® Gold provides excellent overall seedling disease protection. 130 It is especially strong on Fusarium and Microdochium which can 120 significantly impact crop establishment. WINTER WHEAT IMPROVED ESTABLISHMENT WINTER WHEAT INCREASED ROOTING 110 However, VIBRANCE Duo is the best technical product against seed- and soil-borne diseases. It gives fast emergence, proven rooting benefits 100 Redigo Pro BERET Gold VIBRANCE Duo 17 % 44 % INCREASE INCREASE IN IN FOLIAGE and strong early crop development which can help to build a more resilient Fusarium Microdochium TILLERING WEIGHT crop to cope with stress. Newark, Nottinghamshire, drilled November 2016 31 % INCREASE 19 % INCREASE WHEN TO UPGRADE TO VIBRANCE DUO IN ROOT IN ROOT WEIGHT WEIGHT Kinto Plus VIBRANCE Duo Kinto Plus VIBRANCE Duo Newark, Nottinghamshire SY INSITOR drilled 15th October 2020. Banbury, Oxfordshire SY INSITOR drilled 14th October 2020. 0.34 t/ha INCREASE 0.38 t/ha INCREASE STEWARDSHIP IN YIELD IN YIELD Delayed Light Faster, improved drilling land Improved rooting emergence when for better drought delaying drilling tolerance on light soils Let’s protect our available chemistry and go back to basics: they empty. Avoid breathing in dust and ensure all equipment is cleaned following use. Second TARGET YOUR CHEMISTRY – some diseases cannot be controlled wheats 0.51 t/ha INCREASE by foliar sprays. Seed treatments are highly targeted so the field only receives a small amount of active ingredient. Choose your E NSURE DRILLING IS ON TARGET – ensure no seed is released in transit to the field and that the drill vents are in the soil and the drill chemistry wisely. is moving forward before the seed is released. IN YIELD ALWAYS READ AND FOLLOW THE LABEL – adhere to cut-off ANAGE SPILL RISKS – carry a spill kit containing a spade and M Delayed drilling = sites drilled after the dates, drilling depth and safety advice. seed bag when drilling. Fill the drill in an area where a spill can first week of October Improved be easily cleared up. Small spills can be buried, larger spills will Delayed drilling: based on 34 sites in 2018. establishment and ENSURE SAFE HANDLING OF TREATED SEED – always wear the require clearing up into a bag for safe disposal later. Light land: based on 17 sites in 2018. 2nd wheats: based on 13 sites in 2018. rooting an excellent right PPE according to label requirements. Yield benefit of VIBRANCE Duo over SPD. partner for Latitude E NSURE ALL TREATED SEED IS BURIED – during drilling visually R EDUCE DUST – reduce the risk of dust by avoiding filling the check difficult areas of the field, such as corners and headlands to hopper too quickly or from a height. Avoid shaking seed bags as ensure all treated seed is buried to protect wildlife. 44 45
You can also read