Stemming the Rising Tide of Human-Biting Ticks and Tickborne Diseases, United States - CDC

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Stemming the Rising Tide of Human-Biting Ticks and Tickborne Diseases, United States - CDC

       Stemming the Rising Tide
       of Human-Biting Ticks and
   Tickborne Diseases, United States
                                                              Lars Eisen

 Ticks and tickborne diseases are increasingly problem-                of America produced a position paper on tickborne
 atic. There have been positive developments that should               diseases (9) and led the formation of a new coalition
 result in improved strategies and better tools to suppress            named the Vector-Borne Disease Network, which
 ticks, reduce human tick bites, and roll back tickborne               includes the Entomological Society of America and
 diseases. However, we equally need to address the                     a wide range of scientific and medical societies, pro-
 question of who is responsible for implementing the so-               fessional associations, and the 5 Centers for Disease
 lutions. The current model of individual responsibility for           Control and Prevention–funded Regional Centers for
 tick control evolved from a scenario in the 1990s focus-              Excellence in Vector-Borne Diseases (10). These are
 ing strongly on exposure to blacklegged ticks and Lyme
                                                                       all positive developments expected to contribute im-
 disease spirochetes in peridomestic settings of the north-
                                                                       proved strategies and better tools to suppress ticks,
 eastern United States. Today, the threat posed by human-
 biting ticks is more widespread across the eastern United             reduce human tick bites, and roll back tickborne
 States, increasingly complex (multiple tick species and               diseases. However, at the root of the growing prob-
 >10 notable tickborne pathogens), and, across tick spe-               lem with ticks and tickborne diseases lies the thorny
 cies, more spatially diffuse (including backyards, neigh-             problem of who will be responsible for implementing
 borhood green spaces, and public recreation areas).                   the solutions.
 To mitigate tick-associated negative societal effects, we                  In the United States, national surveillance of re-
 must consider shifting the responsibility for tick control to         portable tickborne diseases is achieved through the
 include both individual persons and professionally staffed            National Notifiable Diseases Surveillance System
 tick-management programs.                                             (11). National surveillance of ticks and pathogens

                                                                       found in ticks was launched only recently as part of
     icks and tickborne diseases are distinctly on the
                                                                       the Epidemiology and Laboratory Capacity for Pre-
     increase in the United States (1,2). Congress re-
                                                                       vention and Control of Emerging Infectious Diseas-
sponded to this growing problem by establishing a
                                                                       es program of the Centers for Disease Control and
Tick-Borne Disease Working Group in 2016, as part
                                                                       Prevention, which provides funding to states, cit-
of the 21st Century Cures Act (https://www.fda.
                                                                       ies, and territories (12). The initial focus was on the
                                                                       blacklegged tick (Ixodes scapularis) (13), with planned
fdc-act/21st-century-cures-act), and the first bian-
                                                                       expansion to include a wider range of human-biting
nual Tick-Borne Disease Working Group report was
                                                                       tick species. Collectively, these national surveillance
published in 2018 (3). Congress also recently passed
                                                                       programs provide information on when and where
the Kay Hagan Tick Act (https://www.congress.
                                                                       humans are at greatest risk for exposure to ticks and
                                                                       tickborne pathogens at state and county scales. When
to combat vectorborne diseases. Federal public health
                                                                       risk has been defined in space and time, the next obvi-
agencies have generated new strategic plans aiming
                                                                       ous question is how to most effectively suppress ticks,
to strengthen both research and operational capac-
                                                                       reduce human tick bites, and roll back tickborne dis-
ity to more effectively counter the threat of ticks and
                                                                       eases. I. scapularis ticks and Lyme disease in the north-
tickborne diseases (4–8). The Entomological Society
                                                                       eastern region is perhaps the best example of just how
                                                                       intractable this problem is. In parts of this region,
Author affiliation: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Fort
                                                                       peak risk for exposure to nymphal ticks (the primary
Collins, Colorado, USA
                                                                       vectors of Lyme disease spirochetes to humans) is al-
DOI:                            ready clearly defined in space (e.g., shady and moist

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Stemming the Rising Tide of Human-Biting Ticks and Tickborne Diseases, United States - CDC

habitats in backyards, neighborhood green spaces,              However, these technologies will still not address
and recreation areas) and time (spring and early sum-          the major issue of who should bear the responsibility
mer) (14,15). There is no question that every year will        for implementing proven tick control and tickborne
be a bad year for Lyme disease in the northeastern re-         disease prevention solutions. As noted a decade ago
gion. However, I. scapularis ticks and their associated        by Piesman and Eisen (36): “Mosquito control is a
pathogens persist in the environment and continue to           community responsibility; tick control is an individ-
cause human illness year after year (2,16). Potential          ual homeowner responsibility. This may explain why
solutions that have emerged over the past 2 decades            currently in the United States, several thousand peo-
include a wide array of approaches to prevent tick             ple are dedicated to mosquito control, whereas only
bites through personal protection measures or to sup-          a few dozen are dedicated to public-health related
press host-seeking ticks or disrupt enzootic pathogen          tick control.” Other investigators have more recently
transmission through environmentally based control             similarly noted the difference in how mosquitoborne
methods, but evidence for their impact on human tick           and tickborne diseases are addressed in the United
bites or illness is limited (17–22). Moreover, uptake of       States and argued for a shift toward area-wide sup-
these solutions by the public remains weak because of          pression of I. scapularis ticks and Lyme disease spi-
limited acceptability of some methods with perceived           rochetes (37,38). With these considerations in mind,
risk to the environment, pets, or family members, as           the relentless increase in ticks and tickborne diseases
well as low willingness to pay, combined with the              in the United States raises 2 pointed questions that
consideration that the lowest-cost methods (e.g., use          are addressed in more detail in the following sections:
of tick repellents and daily tick checks) require high         First, is it possible to turn the tide of tickborne diseas-
levels of daily vigilance over several months each             es while control of ticks and their associated disease
year (18,23–25).                                               agents remain an individual responsibility or will this
     The overall public health threat posed by ticks           ultimately require a shift to also include a strong com-
and tickborne diseases in the United States is steadily        munity-based effort? Second, can we develop local,
increasing to include new human populations be-                professionally staffed programs capable of working
cause major vector ticks are expanding their geo-              with the public to reduce the risk for tick bites on both
graphic ranges (14,26–29), and we are still discover-          public and private land?
ing new native tickborne human pathogens (1,2,16).
For public health messaging, surveillance of ticks             Shifting Sands of Ticks and Tickborne Diseases
and their associated pathogens is especially useful            The concept of tick control as an individual home-
at the leading edges of an expanding vector tick spe-          owner responsibility emerged, in part, from the
cies range. Moreover, the negative effect of ticks on          knowledge gained about I. scapularis ticks, the Lyme
human health is expanding from long-recognized                 disease spirochete (Borrelia burgdorferi sensu stricto),
pathogen transmission and tick paralysis to also in-           and tick encounter locations in the late 1980s and the
clude an allergic response to red meat believed to             first half of the 1990s, which made perfect sense at
be associated with previous bites by ticks, including          that time. Lyme disease was the near absolute focus
the lone star tick (Amblyomma americanum) (30). Our            among tickborne diseases, most of human infections
most recent warning signal was the introduction and            occurred in the northeastern United States, and resi-
establishment along the Eastern Seaboard of an in-             dential properties were pinpointed as the most com-
vasive tick species (the Asian longhorned tick, Hae-           mon location for encounters with I. scapularis ticks in
maphysalis longicornis) with potential to negatively           Lyme disease–endemic areas (19,21,39,40). Moreover,
impact the cattle industry and perhaps also public             as is still the case, both broadcast application of re-
health if this tick is found to commonly bite humans           sidual acaricides to the vegetation and placement of
in the United States (31).                                     rodent-targeted tick control devices require physical
     The negative societal effects of ticks and tick-          access for control to be implemented on private prop-
borne diseases in the United States, including a gen-          erties. The difficulty in accessing these residential
eral feeling that family members are not safe during           high-risk environments presented (and still presents)
outdoor activities in the backyard and elsewhere, has          a major impediment for development of community-
reached the point where we need to rethink the basic           driven tick control, and the main focus was therefore
concepts of how to counter this threat. We still need          on devising tick suppression approaches intended for
a human Lyme disease vaccine (32,33), and intriguing           use in backyards and tick-bite prevention measures
new tick and pathogen control and tick-bite preven-            for personal protection (19). The notable exception
tion technologies are on the horizon (3,19,20,34,35).          was approaches targeting white-tailed deer, which

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Human-Biting Ticks and Tickborne Diseases, USA

were recognized as dominant hosts for the adult life             from their previous core ranges in the southeastern
stage of I. scapularis ticks and potentially represent a         United States (27–29), and we now also have the in-
weak link in the life cycle of the tick (41). With the           vasive H. longicornis tick to contend with along the
exception of deer fencing, which can be used for                 Eastern Seaboard, as far north as New York state (31).
single residential properties, deer-targeted tick con-                 Lyme disease is still by far the most commonly
trol approaches (i.e., deer reduction or treatment of            reported tickborne disease in the eastern United
deer with topical acaricide) require area-wide imple-            States, where 2 primary causative agents (B. burgdor-
mentation to be successful. There is broad consensus             feri sensu stricto across the eastern half and B. mayonii
that the white-tailed deer is a main driver for the re-          in the upper Midwest) are transmitted by I. scapularis
markable increase in I. scapularis ticks in the north-           ticks (2). However, several other tickborne illnesses,
ern parts of the eastern United States over the past 40          as well as co-infections with Lyme disease, are on the
years (17,19,42,43). However, fierce debate continues            rise and increasingly recognized as serious health
about the specific thresholds required to be reached             threats. These illnesses include conditions caused by
for either deer reduction (achieving a sufficiently low          viral, bacterial, and parasitic pathogens transmitted
deer density) or topical treatment of deer with acari-           by I. scapularis ticks (Anaplasma phagocytophilum, Ba-
cides (achieving a sufficiently high level of treatment          besia microti, B. miyamotoi, Ehrlichia muris eauclairensis,
coverage in the deer population) to suppress I. scapu-           and Powassan virus), A. americanum ticks (E. chaffeen-
laris tick populations to the point where we also see            sis, E. ewingii, Bourbon virus, and Heartland virus),
an effect on human tick bites and tickborne diseases             and A. maculatum ticks (Rickettsia parkeri) (1,16,27,28).
(17,19,43–45). Despite promising results in some stud-                 In contrast to the situation in the Northeast and
ies (43,45), neither deer reduction nor topical treat-           upper Midwest, I. scapularis ticks are only a minor
ment of deer with acaricides has, to date, been widely           public health threat compared with Amblyomma ticks
used operationally to control I. scapularis ticks.               in the Southeast. Moreover, the potential involve-
     In the 25 years since control of human-biting               ment of A. americanum ticks in red meat allergy is
ticks in the United States evolved into an individual            concerning because this notorious human-biter is not
homeowner responsibility, the sands of ticks and tick-           only abundant in the Southeast but also expanding
borne diseases have shifted dramatically, and we are             its range north and thus affecting new human popu-
no longer facing the same problems as in the 1990s.              lations (28,29). Finally, the American dog tick (Der-
Although there is empirical evidence that I. scapu-              macentor variabilis) remains a threat across its wide
laris tick bites still result most commonly from tick            geographic range as a vector of the agents causing
encounters on residential properties in suburban/ex-             Rocky Mountain spotted fever (R. rickettsii) and tu-
urban settings of the northeastern United States (46),           laremia (Francisella tularensis) (1). Other vector tick
ongoing spread and population increase of this tick              species similarly are public health concerns in the
across the northern part of the eastern United States            Rocky Mountain region and the far western United
might have resulted in a more spatially diffuse risk             States, including the western blacklegged tick (I. paci-
for tick encounters as the density of host-seeking I.            ficus), the Rocky Mountain wood tick (D. andersoni),
scapularis ticks reached levels across the landscape             the Pacific Coast tick (D. occidentalis), the brown dog
where even activities of limited duration (compared              tick (Rhipicephalus sanguineus), and Ornithodoros spp.
with the time spent in your own backyard) increas-               soft ticks (1).
ingly results in tick encounters. A recent systematic                  The strategies devised 2 decades ago to address I.
review and meta-analysis on spatial risk factors for             scapularis ticks and Lyme disease spirochetes on resi-
I. scapularis tick bites and I. scapularis tick–associated       dential properties in the Northeast are not necessar-
diseases in eastern North America concluded that risk            ily well suited to address the current broader, more
occurs in backyards, as well as in neighborhood green            complex, and spatially diffuse threat of ticks and
spaces and public lands used for recreation (47).                tickborne diseases in the United States. There is hope
     Expanding ranges of other human-biting vector               that a badly needed human Lyme disease vaccine will
ticks contribute to a changing risk scenario for tick            be found, but this will only solve 1 part of the over-
bites. Jordan and Egizi (48) reported that during 2006–          all problem with tickborne pathogens and it will not
2016, the vector tick species most commonly collected            have any effect on tick populations. Because no silver
from humans and submitted to a passive tick surveil-             bullets are on the near horizon to broadly address the
lance system in New Jersey shifted from I. scapularis to         increasing threat of ticks and tickborne diseases in the
A. americanum. Both A. americanum ticks and the Gulf             United States, we must reassess the problem and con-
Coast tick (A. maculatum) are spreading northward                sider new shorter-term solutions.

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     One reasonable assessment, based on the expe-              in reduced human tick bites for the residents (49). To
rience over the past 25 years and the steadily wors-            more effectively suppress ticks in the environment
ening problem, is that the responsibility for tick and          and reduce human tick bites and tickborne diseases,
pathogen control must be shifted to include both                we need to invest in studies to optimize the effect of
individual persons (responsible for their own prop-             existing technologies, as well as stimulate the devel-
erties and use of personal protection measures) and             opment of novel approaches.
local public health programs with professional staff                 Nevertheless, elements of organized mosquito
(responsible for public outreach, assistance to home-           control can be used as building blocks for an inte-
owners with selection of appropriate tick control op-           grated tick-management program. Well-functioning
tions, and control of ticks and tickborne pathogens             mosquito management programs are based on the
in high-use risk areas, such as neighborhood green              principles of integrated pest management (striving
spaces and picnic areas and hiking trails on pub-               to protect the human population from mosquito
lic lands). This 2-pronged concept for responsibility           bites and mosquitoborne disease agents while at the
should be accompanied by a 2-pronged spatial con-               same time minimizing the impact of pesticides on
cept: first, making the backyard a safe, tick-free zone;        the environment) and staffed with professionals ex-
and second, achieving area-wide suppression of ticks            perienced in public outreach, mosquito biology, pes-
and tickborne pathogens to reduce the risk for tick en-         ticide use, and operational surveillance and control
counters in other high-use environments.                        concepts. Expanding the activities of existing mos-
                                                                quito management programs to also include ticks
Need for Local and Professionally Staffed                       (50) provides an economy of scale compared with
Integrated Tick-Management Programs                             the alternative of having separate community-sup-
Basic differences in the biology of vector mosquitoes           ported mosquito- and tick-management programs.
and vector ticks drive the selection of methods and             Specific benefits from building tick responsibilities
implementation schemes to control these pests. In               into an existing mosquito management program
the United States, local risk associated with tickborne         might include shared use of existing office/labo-
pathogens tend to be predictable both in space and              ratory space, laboratory equipment, and vehicles;
time (across years and seasonally), whereas the local           presence of professionals already skilled in morpho-
intensity of transmission of mosquitoborne viruses              logic vector identification and knowledgeable about
fluctuates dramatically among years and builds over             basic principles for vector surveillance and control;
the warm time of the year when mosquitoes are ac-               presence of licensed and highly experienced pesti-
tive. This advantage for tick control is counteracted           cide applicator personnel; and presence of person-
by the fact that mosquito control can focus initially on        nel with previous experience of public outreach for
known larval development sites and then, as needed              vector-related issues. Regarding access to experi-
based on surveillance data, move to a space spray               enced personnel, effective control of ticks, in back-
emergency measure not requiring physical access to              yards or elsewhere, requires control products target-
residential properties. For ticks, every year brings a          ing host-seeking ticks or ticks on host animals to be
seasonally predictable emergency situation, risk habi-          implemented by persons with a solid understanding
tats are diffuse and include both private and public            of tick biology (e.g., to ensure that the product is
lands, and current options for area-wide tick suppres-          applied to the environment in a manner that maxi-
sion are limited and have weak evidence bases for im-           mizes contact with host-seeking ticks), the nature
pact on human tick bites and disease (20). Even con-            of the acaricide product used (e.g., the frequency of
trol of ticks, such as I. scapularis and A. americanum, in      acaricide applications needed to provide sustained
backyards is problematic because we have a poor un-             control over the tick season), and the limitations of
derstanding of how effectively host-seeking ticks are           the application equipment (which, for example, can
suppressed across the full extent of a residential prop-        effect penetration into microhabitats in which ticks
erty through broadcast of synthetic acaricides, natural         are found). Another potential benefit from strength-
acaricides, or fungal control agents by homeowners              ening the linkages between mosquito and tick con-
or commercial pest control companies. A large-scale             trol is an increased involvement by industry in tick
study that limited application of synthetic acaricide           control solutions through the already existing inter-
to include only a barrier zone along the lawn–woods             face between industry and the American Mosquito
ecotone on residential properties did not find the ob-          Control Association. A better defined market for tick
served suppression of host-seeking ticks within this            control products should stimulate industry to invest
treated portion of the residential properties to result         in new solutions.

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Human-Biting Ticks and Tickborne Diseases, USA

     The most productive way of exploring the con-              will need to account for local variation in tick spe-
cept of integrated tick-management programs would               cies of public health concern needing to be addressed
be (well-funded) demonstration projects focused on              (e.g., only I. scapularis ticks, only A. americanum ticks,
geographic locations with strong existing mosquito              or both species). Cost assessments would be critical to
management programs and severe problems with                    clarify the resources needed to either build ticks into
a wide range of tick species and tickborne diseases.            an existing mosquito management program or build
Such an effort is guaranteed to be challenging be-              an integrated tick-management program from the
cause it needs to include development of tick-specific          ground up in settings lacking existing mosquito man-
knowledge and acquisition of tick-specific equip-               agement programs. Finally, the need for adequate
ment; development, implementation, and evaluation               funding for operational tick management cannot be
of a locally appropriate, standardized tick/pathogen            overstated; tick management cannot be incorporated
surveillance scheme to address key knowledge gaps,              into an existing mosquito management program as
if they exist, for human-biting ticks of local concern          an unfunded activity or mandate, and a stand-alone
and their associated pathogens; development, imple-             tick-management program equally will require sub-
mentation, and evaluation of a public outreach pro-             stantial and sustained funding.
gram to raise local awareness of spatially and season-
ally variable risk for exposure to locally found ticks          Acknowledgments
and tickborne pathogens; and development, imple-                I thank the members of the Tick Biology, Ecology, and
mentation, and evaluation of schemes for suppres-               Control Subcommittee of the 2020 Tick-Borne Disease
sion of locally found human-biting ticks on high-use            Working Group for stimulating discussions about human-
portions of public lands (e.g., along hiking trails, and        biting ticks and tickborne diseases.
in and around camp sites, picnic areas, and play-
grounds) and on private properties in conjunction
                                                                About the Author
with homeowners and using different tick suppres-
sion models (e.g., by tick-management program per-              Dr. Eisen is a research entomologist in the Division of
sonnel; through contracts with licensed pest control            Vector-Borne Diseases, National Center for Emerging and
operators from the tick-management program and                  Zoonotic Infectious Diseases, Centers for Disease Control
with oversight by tick-management program person-               and Prevention, Fort Collins, CO. His primary research
nel; or through homeowner incentives leading to tick            interest is control of ticks and tickborne diseases in the
suppression executed either by the homeowner or a               United States.
licensed pest control operator). The lessons learned
from such demonstration projects to establish inte-             References
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