2022 Featuring our phenomenal students and graduating seniors! - Annual recital

Page created by Gilbert Little
2022 Featuring our phenomenal students and graduating seniors! - Annual recital
            Annual recital

Featuring our phenomenal students and graduating seniors!
2022 Featuring our phenomenal students and graduating seniors! - Annual recital
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Welcome . . .
                          2022      Annual Recital
                                                  of our

                        exceptionally talented students!

                     Welcome to Cornerstone Music Studios' 15th Annual Recital!
      The fresh landscape of our 2022 Annual Recital certainly looks much different than it did
        this time last year. Returning in-person with our families and friends to this sacred
                         performance space at St. Peter's is truly a blessing!
  All of us have our own unique story to tell from the unexpected ways returning to "normal" living
  has affected us. We believe, however, that the best story of all is told through our students' musical
    achievements and how we worked together to keep our music vital, our community relevant,
        and our studio culture robust. Through it all, thank you for your continued support as
    Cornerstone Music Studios has remained committed to our high music education standards.
 Our devoted students develop a varied range of skills as their talent unfolds: technique, interpretive
       independence, sight-reading, aural and acting skills, theory and performance etiquette.
    Of course, there are no shortcuts! The honing of these skills requires discipline, perseverance,
                                   a great attitude and hard work.
       Thank you always for your confidence in us to provide our students with a creative and
  supportive environment. Nurturing each student to achieve their potential, both personally and
musically, brings us tremendous joy! Cornerstone Music Studios is as much about helping each student
                 reach their music potential, as we are about achieving personal goals.
       It is evident that your decision to support your child’s pursuit of their musical study at
       Cornerstone Music Studios plays a significant role in their commitment to their journey.
      “Bravo!” to all parents for your commitment to your child’s pursuit of musical excellence!
        On behalf of the entire faculty and staff, we applaud our immensely talented students
                       today and humbly welcome you to our Annual Recital!
                          With sincerest gratitude for your trust and support,

                                          Founder & Director
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                                        . . . A few notes
    To ensure that each student has the best recital
    experience possible, please take a moment to read
              the following information:

   In an effort to “go green” a PDF copy of the program will be available
    on our website, www.cornerstonemusicstudios.com and QR code.

   Please note that all recitals are being filmed.

   You are welcome to video tape your child’s performance, but please
   remain seated and keep the aisles completely clear. Flash photography
    is prohibited.

   Please turn off all electronic devices before the start of each recital.

   Two sets of restrooms are located in the adjacent building (the Parish
    House). Please exit through the doors located to the right of the stage
    and go directly to your left. There are also restrooms in the main Parish
    House entrance. Please wait to exit and return between performers or
    after the recital has ended.

   No smoking is allowed anywhere on the church campus.

   Please give each performer your undivided attention honoring their
    commitment, hard work, and dedication!

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Make a difference . . .

                        “Give freely without begrudging it, and the Lord your God

Each year, Cornerstone Music Studios identifies organizations that make a difference in the lives of
people locally or globally. Since 2008, through our families’ generosity, we have raised and donated
over $9,500 to such charities as the Gulf Relief Foundation, Music for Relief, St. Peter’s, AUSA
donations to Soldiers, The Songbird’s Gift, ROCK.Out.Loud, American Boychoir School and All
Hands Disaster Relief to help those in need over the years.
This year, two charitable organizations have been identified to benefit from our free will offering
during the Annual Recital weekend: St. Peter’s Church and United Help Ukraine. Each is a unique
organization bringing joy to the lives of individuals through the gift of music fellowship, stewardship
and ministry.
Our Annual Recital is a perfect opportunity to heighten awareness of the abundant blessings in our
lives. It is enlightening to consider others in different circumstances by identifying a worthwhile
charity in celebration of the music provided by our students. We continue to be humbled by your
generosity and giving spirit! Ushers will pass baskets at the conclusion of each recital.
Cash or check donations will be gratefully accepted.
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                                                                                  . . . We are
    Cornerstone Music Studios at Millstone provides quality music instruction in a professional, friendly, and
nurturing environment to students of all ages, fostering their musical development and confidence and cultivating
 a passion for music. As a community-oriented studio, Cornerstone Music Studios aspires to promote the positive
values of music by bringing families, neighbors, and friends together to inspire all to embrace the gift of music and
                    make all feel as though they are a part of something especially remarkable!

                                Nurturing your aspiring musicians brings us immense joy.
                       We are grateful to you for entrusting your children’s musical journey with us!
                                                Senior Faculty
                                            Annie Bryson, piano, voice
                                           Melissa Fajardo, piano, voice
                            Daniel Kochersberger, saxophone, clarinet, Jazz Ensemble
                                      Jane Labban, piano, Pre-Piano Class
     Dylan Lloyd, guitar, piano, ukulele, voice, cello, Rock Band, Guitar, Classes, Sound Recording Engineer
                                            Shane Tapley, voice, piano

                                               Faculty & Staff
                                                Rachel Ciani, acting
                                 Greg DeLuca, piano, woodwind, brass instruments
                                      Greg Federico, piano, percussion, theory
                     Nick Giunta, voice, piano, clarinet, language, Arts Admin. Coordinator
                                            Joe Gullace, theory, trumpet
                                     Ruotao Mao, violin, viola, String Ensemble
                                 Alexander Mason, composition, flute, piano, voice
                                  Christie Mitchell, Arts Administration Assistant
                          Brit Montoro, collaborative pianist, organ, piano, voice, theory
                                         Arielle Rabano, flute, piano, voice
                                        Kristin Schenk, piano, voice, ukulele
       Danyel Shiflet, voice, piano, ukulele, Mini Music Makers, Storybook Theatre, Arts Admin. Manager
                                        Mike Wells, guitar, mandolin, voice
                                       Isabel Wittman, piano, voice, ukulele
                      Laura Hines Wittman, piano, Founder & Director, Mini Music Makers

                                                                . . . gratitude
   A world of thanks and heartfelt gratitude to the dedicated Senior Recital and Annual Recital team for their
           tireless effort in the planning, preparation, and execution of this year’s fantastic program!


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Senior Awards . . .
  The purpose of the following awards is to honor our graduating seniors of distinction. These students are
  nominated and selected by Cornerstone Music Studios faculty and staff. Each award, with a monetary gift
  attachment, is special. A sincere note of thanks is offered to Joe, Hannah and Paul Cuffari for joining Laura
  Hines Wittman in developing our unique recognition for students who have “grown up” with us at
  Cornerstone Music Studios.

Cornerstone Music Studios
Inspiration Award
The Cornerstone Music Studios Inspiration
Award recognizes a graduating senior who has
demonstrated exceptional musical creativity and
achievement and who has made an outstanding
contribution to the musical life at Cornerstone Music
Studios through performance, study, composition,
and/or group leadership.
                                                  circa 2007

                                         Lori Wells Cuffari
                                         Spirit of Music Award
                                         The Lori Wells Cuffari Spirit of Music Award is presented
                                         annually to a graduating senior whose performance
                                         in voice is of distinguished quality and who will be
                                         pursuing a degree in college while furthering their passion for
                                         music in their communities and personal lives.

                                circa 2016

 Melinda Dianne Hines Brodman
 Humanitarian Award
 The Melinda Dianne Hines Brodman Humanitarian
 Award is presented annually to an outstanding
 graduating senior student of any instrument who
 embodies the essence of compassion and empathy
 for others, always encouraging and uplifting,
 nurturing harmony, making the best of difficult
 times, and promoting a team spirit, both at
 Cornerstone Music Studios and in the community.

                                                circa 1981
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                                                                     . . . Bravo
      Awards are presented to students who have accomplished the following
    achievements in their area of music education at Cornerstone Music Studios.

          Participation in the 2022 Annual Recital of Cornerstone Music Studios.

          Student is a graduating Senior at Cornerstone Music Studios.
                   Emma Bogusz, Courtney Burden, April Donnelly, Sydney Eber,
                Lorelai Hilarczyk, Lara Koppel, Cassandra Leach, Briana San Philips,
                Cira Shaw, Christopher Skelton, Timothy Skelton, and Olivia Stauder

          Student has completed 5 consecutive years of study at Cornerstone Music Studios.

                  Delilah Abbate, Luca Castronovo, Grayson Guterl, Rachel Levitt,
                  Matthew Levitt, Rebecca Rubinstein, Isabelle Serio, Michael Serio,
                                  Adam Severino, Joshua Sullivan

          Student has completed 10 or more consecutive years of study at Cornerstone Music Studios.

                              Abhilash Bodala (11), Anirudh Bodala (10),
                                  Ryan Bailey (10), Jack Saker (10)

          Congratulations to our 2021—2022 Student of the Week Students!

                     Michael Accardi, Kate Archbald, Raunak Aurora, Ryan Bailey,
                 Gabriella Besignano, Durga Bodala, Alyssa Bolshtyansky, Daniel Cutinho,
                Rhema Daniel, Haley DeCaro, Matthew Delgado, Layla Francisco, Shara Jaj,
                    Mikayla Marschner, Lucy Niemi, Leo Ottrando, Marilyn Owusu,
                   Cosima Petrillo, Loukia Petrillo, Amelie Petrillo, Rebecca Rubinstein,
                     Anthony Scarpa, Isabelle Serio, Adam Severino, Joshua Sullivan,
                              Sophia Volochay, Amy Warsaw, Eliana Winters

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Bravo . . .
  This year we congratulate our individual students at Cornerstone Music Studios for their year-long
               accomplishments in their private lessons! Each of our students have been
              selected to receive a special award and personally chosen by their teachers.
  The following awards are: Attendance, Punctuality, Practice, Preparedness, Discipline, Rookie of the
   Year (someone who just started this year!), Survivor (someone who stuck it out during hard times
  whether personally or musically), Performance, Composition, Most Inventive, Out of your Shell, and
                                           Tenacious Spirit.

Attendance: Raunak Aurora, Michael Hynes, Jai Patel, Timothy Skelton

Composition: Blake Brady, Lydon Giske

Discipline: Madison Adamcik, William Alsager, Layla Francisco, Isabella Genna, Alison Karmazin,
Anushka Patankar, Anik Patel, Jack Saker, Samantha Shearer, Amelia Stolc

Most Inventive: Ryan Bailey, Anirudh Bodala, Fiona Hennessy, Micah Mamotyuk, Marilyn Owusu,
Sophia Volochay

Out of your Shell: Kate Archbald, Isabelle Serio, Jayden Shanabrook, Sahasra Singirappa

Performance: Emilie Apollonsky, Surya Ashish, Abhilash Bodala, Alyssa Bolshtyansky,
Francesco Castronovo, Shane Fretz, Jackson Graye, Nathan Hauser, SharaJaj, Sameer Khemchandani,
Rachel Levitt, Patrick McNamara, Eva Nisenzon, Johnny Petrillo, Rebecca Rubinstein,
Noelle Schaneman, Rishi Somani, Joshua Sullivan, Arnav Vasa, Amy Warsaw

Practice: Kyra Andre, Viraaj Aurora, Aaroosh Bhow, Ethan Cutinho, Rhema Daniel, Alexa DeCaro,
Haley DeCaro, Anna DePinho, Lily Laszlo, Ellie Mamotyuk, Aiden Marino, Mikayla Marschner, Erin
McCabe, Zoe Strader

Preparedness: Ryan Bailey, Daniel Cutinho, Rhema Daniel, Haley DeCaro, Sydney Eber, Grayson Guterl,
Emma Hoffman, Nicholas Laszlo, Jamyah Leemow, Marilyn Owusu, Amelie Petrillo, Loukia Petrillo,
Savannah Shanabrook, Eliana Winters, Danya Winters

Punctuality: Daniel Apollonsky, Eva Nisenzon, Krish Patel, Michael Serio

Rookie of the Year: Kiara Bhargava, Bella Crivello, Ryan Daniel, Tommaso Intravaia, Azaria Madeam,
Valentina Matlese, Matthew Mikros, Reena Patel, Cosima Petrillo, Amelie Petrillo, Philip Petrovsky,
Victoria Severino, Manik Singh, Jiya Singh, Jack Stevens, Hailey Talamo

Survivor: Mia Bertone, Bella Dutka, Jack Saker

Tenacious Spirit: Delilah Abbate, Dean Alvarado, Daniel Apollonsky, Brennan Caldwell,
Luca Castronovo, Julia Grau, Joseph Grinshpun, Matteo Intravaia, EmilyKarmazin, Jaleah Leemow,
Matthew Levitt, Mia Mamotyuk, Giovanni Mandreucci, Leo Ottrando, Arya Patel, Connor Paulmenn,
Mariana Ramirez, Rachel Rozen, Jack Saker, Adam Severino, Arianna Shanabrook, Amanda Shearer,
Alexandria Stanley, Bridget Stemmler, Sebastien Stolc

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    . . . Senior Recital

Senior Recital
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Senior Recital . . .
   Dear Seniors,

   Bravo! It is with heartfelt joy and immense pride that I congratulate each of you
   for your tremendous accomplishment of high school graduation and the pursuit of
   a college education. It comes as no surprise that each of you has achieved such
   remarkable milestones; you possess the drive and determination of musicians!
   Your discipline and tenacious spirit have undoubtedly been cultivated by the
   commitment to and passion for your music education. Continue to dedicate your
   lives to sharing your inner song and your path will be richly blessed. Thank you
   for your inspiration!
                                                                     Laura Hines Wittman

                                             to our
                                   graduating seniors!

    To our Dedicated and Proud Parents:

               This comes to you with overwhelming gratitude and congratulations
               for the musical strides and personal achievements of your children!

                     Trish & Chris Bogusz                   Jillian & Andrew Koppel

                     Colleen & Jim Burden                  Catherine & Stephen Leach

                   Jackie & Glenn Donnelly                    Lucy & Ed San Philips

                     Sharon & Scott Eber                      Susanne & Chris Shaw

                Stefanie & Timothy Hilarcyzk                Theresa & Jeffrey Skelton

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         Friday, June 3rd - 5:00pM
Before He Cheats                                                                    Tompkins, Kear
She Used to be Mine from Waitress                                                   Bareilles
                                            Lorelai Hilarczyk, voice
                                            Studio of Shane Tapley
Sonata II Op. 65 I. Grave II. Adagio III. Allegro Maestoso e Vivace                 Felix Mendelssohn
                                            Christopher Skelton, organ
                                            Studio of Brit Montoro
More Hearts Than Mine                                                               Ellis, Southerland,
Jolene                                                                              Parton
                                             April Donnelly, voice
                                            Studio of Shane Tapley
When He Sees Me from Waitress                                                       Bareilles
If I Love You from Carousel                                                         Rodgers, Hammerstein
                                               Cira Shaw, voice
                                            Studio of Annie Bryson
Claire de lune                                                                      Debussy
Claire de lune                                                                      Verlaine
                                    Courtney Burden, piano, French poem
                           Studio of Laura Hines Wittman & Nicholas Giunta
The View From Here from Darling                                                     Oliver
Moonfall from The Mystery of Edwin Drood                                            Holmes
                                           Briana San Philips, voice
                                            Studio of Shane Tapley
Can’t Help Falling In Love                                                          Weiss, Peretti, Creatore
Wake Me Up When September Ends                                                      Armstrong
                           Cassandra Leach, classical guitar, electric guitar
                                             Studio of Dylan Lloyd
Will You? from Grey Gardens                                                         Franker, Korie
Everything Changes from Waitress                                                    Bareilles
                                              Emma Bogusz, voice
                                            Studio of Shane Tapley
A Soft Place to Land from Waitress                                                  Bareilles
                           Emma Bogusz, Briana San Philips, Cira Shaw, voice trio

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Graduating Seniors . . .
                                      Emma Bogusz
                                 Emma has been taking lessons at
                                 Cornerstone Music Studios for 7
                                 years now. She takes voice and
                                 piano lessons with Shane Tapley,
                                 who has helped her find her
                                 confidence as a singer and has filled
                                 every lesson with endless laughter.
                                 Emma will be attending Emerson
                                 College in Boston as a journalism
                                 major. She hopes to always keep
                                 music in her life, as singing has
                                 brought her some of her favorite

 Dear Emma,
 We are so proud of all of your work- in school, in the theatre and in your music lessons. From the first
 time you stood at a Cornerstone recital and from your tiny frame, we heard you sing the song "Quiet,"
 your family realized you had the ability to reach our hearts through song. Thank you for always being
 you- happy, kind and amazing. Go do good things at Emerson and pursue Journalism, but do not forget
 your love of music- you need it as much as the world deserves to hear it.
 Mom, Dad, and Laney


  What a pleasure it has been teaching you and watching you grow into such a talented individual! I
  hope that you take the skills that you’ve learned at Cornerstone Music Studios with you everywhere
  and continue to sing always. You are going to thrive up there in Boston and I can’t wait to see the
  amazing things in store for you. Thank you for the laughs, the dedication to your craft, the beautiful
  music, and for always helping me remember that April Fools Day is actually on April 1. Good luck!

  Shane                                              &
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                      . . . Graduating Seniors
                                   Courtney Burden
                                     Courtney has been studying piano at
                                     Cornerstone Music Studios for 11 years
                                     and French for a year and a half. Next
                                     year she plans on studying International
                                     Affairs at Vesalius College in Brussels,
                                     Belgium. Her life goal is to travel the
                                     world and to help people in need. She
                                     also loves learning languages and plans to
                                     continue her French studies, as well as
                                     German and Dutch, while living in
                                     Europe. Cornerstone Music Studios has
                                     been a staple in her life for many years

 We have marveled at your musical journey, Courtney! From your first days with Ms. Megan, to Ms.
 Colleen, and beyond, your musical development at Cornerstone has been a delight to watch. Keep the
 music alive throughout your life! You continue to make us proud each day.
 Dad, Mom and Rafferty

  Dear Courtney,
  I am so proud of how far you have come with your French studies the past year and a half! It has been such a pleasure
  working with you, and I am SO excited for your next steps! You are incredibly talented and hardworking, and I look
  forward to seeing your bright future unfold. Godspeed, Courtney!
  I am beyond proud of the principled, intelligent and courageous young woman you are! What started out over 11 years
  ago (and 5 teachers later at Cornerstone Music Studios!) has evolved into a trusted and special bond. Your positive attitude
  and steady perseverance are your superpowers ~ you are not only a high achiever, but also an independent and
  adventurous spirit with a kind and gentle manner.
  The development of your musicality over the years is no accident! Your tenacity and genuine interest in music, travel, and
  special loyalty to Cornerstone Music Studios are evidence of your passion to excel and blossom. Spending your final months
  at Cornerstone Music Studios with me as your piano teacher is in many ways the "pièce de résistance", the most
  memorable accomplishment of your tenure here!
  Courtney, I believe abundant blessings await you as you study International Affairs at Vesalius College in Brussels, Belgium
  in the fall. Keep building on your truth, poise and style! Although who you will become tomorrow, Courtney, is so specific
  and perhaps slightly unforeseeable, you will need every bit of today’s lessons to become her! May God bless you and keep
  you always.
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Graduating Seniors . . .
                                       April Donnelly
                                   April has been attending Cornerstone Music
                                   Studios for 11 years and studied voice, piano,
                                   and guitar. She took guitar, voice and piano
                                   from ages 7-11 and then continued her studies
                                   at Cornerstone Music Studios with just voice.
                                   April has enjoyed her years here at
                                   Cornerstone Music Studios and not only
                                   developed a relationship with her peers but
                                   has grown to look at them as family. She will
                                   miss her time here at Cornerstone Music
                                   Studios but she will remember all the
                                   memories she made here and lessons learned
                                   that will help guide her through her life as she
                                   moves on to achieve all of her future
                                   endeavors. She wants to thank everyone at
                                   Cornerstone Music Studios for helping her
                                   achieve her goals in her musical career.

 To my Dearest April ~ My number 3, the youngest of the pride. This comes with tremendous responsibility being
 the youngest child. Believe me I know; you will always be living your life trying to prove yourself to your elder
 siblings and trying to earn their favor and respect, all while learning from their mistakes. It's complicated, but
 that's why God saves the best for last. It's always tough and sometimes stressful. But you are growing into an
 amazing young lady, and that's why you are so special. The road ahead will be amazing, stressful, challenging,
 and sometimes scary. But life is best served when it is lived fully. Never give into your fears, always be kind and
 work hard.
 Always remember to have the "glass is always half full" attitude.
 Always remember Dad and Mom will always love you.
 And above all, always remember that you are a Donnelly and you are here to represent us.


  it seems like only yesterday that you were just a child walking into my studio. I can’t believe that
  Cornerstone Music Studios has actually watched you grow from a child to an adult. I have enjoyed
  seeing you progress and turn into such a hilarious and kind person. Thank you for keeping my country
  music knowledge going strong and for being willing to try new vocal techniques. Good luck in New
  Hampshire and keep singing!!!

  Shane                                                  &
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                   . . . Graduating Seniors
                                       Sydney Eber
                                 Sydney has been at Cornerstone Music
                                 Studios since fifth grade taking voice lessons
                                 with Annie. She has also done some acting
                                 classes and guitar lessons throughout, and
                                 volunteered at Rock.Out.Loud for a while.
                                 She looks forward to her lessons each week
                                 and enjoys choosing songs she loves to
                                 perform in recitals like this one! Next year
                                 she plans on attending UMass Amherst, and
                                 is majoring in communication disorders to
                                 study speech pathology. She would like to
                                 thank Annie, Laura, Danyel, and all of the
                                 Cornerstone Music Studios’ faculty for
                                 making her time here so memorable. She is
                                 going to miss it so much!

 Dear Sydney,

 Your poise and confidence while performing has always amazed us! We are so proud of your passion
 and dedication to voice as well as your volunteer work at Rock Out Loud ever since you were a little
 girl. We know you will always have a place in your heart for Cornerstone and your special bond with
 Annie. We are so excited to see what your future holds!

 Mom, Dad, and Josh


  Congratulations on graduating! It is hard to believe that you started singing with me at Cornerstone as
  a young middle schooler and now you are off to UMass. I have loved working with you and watching
  you grow up. I hope that you keep music and singing as a part of your life.

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Graduating Seniors . . .
                                  Lorelai Hilarzyck
                                 Lorelai Hilarczyk has been a part of
                                 Cornerstone Music Studios since 7th grade.
                                 She has greatly enjoyed her time here and
                                 wishes it could last forever and ever. She is
                                 going to Monmouth University in the fall,
                                 majoring in Journalism and minoring in
                                 Musical Theatre. She wants to thank
                                 everyone who has been a part of her
                                 musical journey for making her the
                                 performer and person she is today.

 To our dearest Lorelai:

 We are so overjoyed to be able to say we get to watch your growth! When you first began at
 Cornerstone, you were a timid 8th grader just making her way. Over the last year you have blossomed
 into this beautiful butterfly, filled with bright colors in full wonder of what else the world has in store
 for you. You not only have a voice that can sing, you also grew into a voice of strength and courage.
 No matter where your life leads you remember you are filled with music. Lean on it always for it will
 lead you no matter where you go! We love you more!

 Mom, Dad and Timmy


  Your dedication to singing is inspiring and your eagerness to find opportunities is unparalleled. I’ve had
  so much fun working with you and hearing some of the amazing capabilities that your voice has!
  Thank you for trying new genres, discovering new music for yourself, and being one of Cornerstone
  Music Studios’ biggest cheerleaders! Keep singing and keep doing great work!!

  Shane                                               &
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                   . . . Graduating Seniors
                                       Lara Koppel
                                Lara Koppel has been a voice and piano
                                student for 13 years. She started at
                                Cornerstone Music Studios at the age of 5 as
                                a gift from her parents. Lara’s path has
                                provided opportunities to perform
                                throughout NY, NJ, and PA under the name
                                Lara Grant. She will be attending
                                Northeastern University as a Criminal
                                Justice and Psychology major. Lara will join
                                theatre organizations there and open mics
                                in the city of Boston. She thanks
                                Cornerstone Music Studios for all they have
                                done throughout the years.

 Dear Lara,

 Your commitment to music has taken us all to places we never would’ve been, with experiences we
 could not have imagined . Your connection to music has given you lifetime bonds with friends, and it
 will always open pathways to your next adventure in life. As you begin your college journey, remember
 what you love and you will always find where you belong.

 We Love you so very much,
 Mom, Dad and Morgan
                   Thank you Cornerstone for always being a constant in our lives.

  Dear Lara,

  First of all, thank you! Thank you for trusting me with your wonderful voice! I appreciate your
  dedication to singing and am so happy that I could be a part of your musical journey. You have been a
  joy to work with not only because of your powerhouse of a voice, but because of your go with the
  flow, sunny disposition; this made lessons truly enjoyable. I wish you the best in Boston and know that
  you’ll continue inspire those around you through your music.

  All my best,                                      &
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Graduating Seniors . . .
                                  Cassandra Leach
                                Casandra Leach has been studying at
                                Cornerstone Music Studios for 13 years,
                                learning different instruments such as
                                acoustic and electric guitar, piano, and voice.
                                She also played the saxophone in school. She
                                will be attending Penn State University in the
                                fall to study food science and follow her
                                passion for cooking and baking. During her
                                time at Cornerstone Music Studios she has
                                benefited from wonderful instructors and
                                holds many fond memories.

 We are so amazed by your remarkable talents in music and voice. The time and effort you have
 invested in your instruments, instruction, and creative freedom have been returned exponentially in the
 immense joy and lifelong gift you have developed and shared along your Cornerstone journey. From
 our heart and soul you have touched us and your loved ones with your expression and pas-
 sion. Continue to sing out loud, create, tinker, arrange and compose, so the delight of your music
 carries you and us throughout our lives.
 Mom and Dad


  It has been a pleasure watching you grow up. I've always been able to count on your enthusiasm for
  Christmas duets and Disney play-alongs. Continue to develop your ear and skill set and start a family
  band with your sister. I wish you the best of luck in college and beyond. If you ever need anything,
  feel free to reach out.

  Sincerely,                                        &
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                   . . . Graduating Seniors
                                  Briana San Philips
                                 Briana San Philips has studied music at
                                 Cornerstone Music Studios for 6 years,
                                 taking ukulele with Dylan Lloyd and voice
                                 with Shane Tapley. She will be attending
                                 Northeastern University in Boston,
                                 Massachusetts this fall, studying Behavioral
                                 Neuroscience in pursuit of the Pre-Med
                                 track. She is so grateful for everything she
                                 has learned from her wonderful teachers at
                                 Cornerstone Music Studios and will always
                                 be grateful for the time she had with the


 It seems like yesterday when this musical story started. It has been a fun and exciting journey watching
 you grow from a little girl playing the ukulele to the great performer you are today. Music will always
 be part of you. We are delighted and proud of the amazing young lady you have become.
 Wishing you success and happiness in everything you do, and looking forward to all your future

 We love you so very much,
 Mom, Dad and Anthony


  I am so fortunate to have gotten the chance to work with you these past two years. Your drive to do
  excellent work, persevere through challenges, and maintain such a fun aura has been such an amazing
  thing to witness. Please keep singing and keep Cornerstone Music Studio close to your heart. I hope
  your time in Boston is stellar and I can’t wait to hear about all the incredible things you’re about to do
  in college!

  Shane                                               &
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Graduating Seniors . . .
                                         Cira Shaw

                                  This is Cira’s fourth year studying voice at Cornerstone Music Studios
                                  with Annie Bryson. She would like to thank Annie for helping
                                  strengthen her confidence and grow as both a singer and as an
                                  individual. Music has been a constant and great passion in Cira’s life.
                                  She will be attending Marist College in the fall and is excited to see
                                  how her love for music will take form in this new chapter!


 We watched with pride as your passion and talent for singing grew over the years. The confidence you
 display while singing and performing is heartwarming. We can see the joy that fills you when you
 perform. Keep music in your heart and continue to let performing be part of who you are.

 With all our love and pride,
 Mom, Dad, C.J. & Calli


  Congratulations on graduating! You have accomplished so much during your time in high school, and I
  consider myself very fortunate to have been a part of that time. You have learned to know your voice
  well, and it was so exciting to watch you in Sweeney Todd as the Beggar Woman. I hope that you
  continue singing throughout your life.

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                  . . . Graduating Seniors
                                      Chris Skelton
                                Chris Skelton has been playing the piano for 10 years now and has
                                only recently started playing both the organ 3 years ago and playing
                                in Cornerstone Music Studios’ Rock Band 2 years ago. He has just
                                graduated from Christian Brothers Academy and will move on to
                                Purdue University to study Aerospace Engineering with a minor in
                                Music Theory and History, hopefully continuing to play the organ for
                                Purdue’s local churches and compose for piano.

 To our son, Christopher Skelton, we are so pleased with how you have sustained your enthusiasm in
 playing the organ. Supported by your teacher, Brit Montoro, with challenging but appropriate pieces,
 you have enjoyed opportunities through St. Peter’s Church and Cornerstone Music Studios to supply
 music for Sunday morning worship on a few occasions. It has been a blessing to listen to you. We are
 also impressed with your keyboarding contribution to the Rock Band ensemble led by Dylan Lloyd.
 Wishing you the best in engineering and music during your undergraduate studies at Purdue University.

 Dad, Mom, Kenny, Tim and Ella


  As my first organ teacher once said about me before a recital I gave at my alma mater years after I
  graduated, "You never quite cut the string as a teacher." From manual and pedal technique to console
  technique and registration to playing the Masterworks to substituting for me at St. Peter's, you have
  excelled in an instrument that for many seems daunting but for those of us drawn to its study have
  found most rewarding and special. Your leadership at the instrument has continually impressed me. I
  wish you the best of luck in your college studies and know that your journey with the King of
  Instruments is never over. Congratulations and keep in touch!

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Graduating Seniors . . .
                                 Timothy Skelton
                                  Tim Skelton began playing percussion six years ago, first at Notre
                                  Dame High School and also at Cornerstone Music Studios with Greg
                                  Federico. Tim began guitar lessons with Dylan Lloyd three years ago
                                  and has played in the Thursday night Rock Band just as long. Tim
                                  studies Music at Brookdale Community College working towards an

 To our son, Timothy Skelton, we are happy with your interest in learning guitar with Dylan Lloyd and
 playing percussion in the Cornerstone Rock Band. As you continue your lessons at Cornerstone Music
 Studios and your studies in Music at Brookdale Community College, working to earn an Associate’s
 degree in Music, we encourage you as you look ahead to a possible career teaching music or working in
 the music industry. Take the opportunities that come your way to share your abilities with others. Our
 lives are richer for the music you have played to us.

 Dad, Mom, Kenny, Christopher and Ella


  You have shown excellent musical growth over the years. You can hold your own in a band with
  complex drum beats and your improvisation on the guitar is sounding great. People of few words
  often have the most to say on their instrument. Keep up the good work!

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                   . . . Graduating Seniors
                                     Olivia Stauder
                               Olivia joined Cornerstone Music Studios to
                               begin piano lessons in Elementary school. She
                               has remained with the studio since then and has
                               challenged herself to learn to play the Ukulele
                               and guitar, and even added voice lessons to the
                               mix. Her passion for music will continue as she
                               moves to Boston this fall to attend Northeastern
                               University, majoring in Music Technology and
                               on course to becoming a Doctor of
                               Audiology. Olivia is so thankful to Cornerstone
                               Music Studios, and especially Dylan, for all they
                               have done for her over the years.

 Dear Liv,

 Watching your passion for music and your natural talent grow throughout the years has truly been a gift
 to all of us. We are so incredibly proud. We can’t wait to see what the future has in store for you.

 Mom, Dad, Jack and the rest of your family that adores you!


  It has been a pleasure watching you grow up. I always enjoy our various life discussions during
  lessons. I'm so glad you are interested in the fascinating world of audio and production. I'm sure you
  will go far with whatever you end up doing in life. Keep writing songs and feel free to reach out if
  you ever need anything.

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  Saturday, June 4th - 9:00AM
Smells Like Teen Spirit                                                Nirvana
                                           Aiden Marino, guitar
                                           Studio of Dylan Lloyd
Dinosaur Music Night                                                   Faber
                                             Jiya Singh, piano
                                         Studio of Kristin Schenk
I See the Light from Tangled                                           arr. Faber
                                           Delilah Abbate, piano
                                         Studio of Melissa Fajardo
Alyssa Greene from The Prom                                            Sklar, Beguelin
                                          Bridget Stemmler, voice
                                         Studio of Melissa Fajardo
Chelsie                                                                Snyder
                                            Manik Singh, guitar
                                           Studio of Dylan Lloyd
The Detective                                                          Schaum
                                         Tommaso Intravaia, piano
                                          Studio of Greg Federico
Mommat                                                                 Giske
                                            Lydon Giske, piano
                                          Studio of Danyel Shiflet
Ode to Joy                                                             Beethoven
                                           Sebastien Stolc, guitar
                                           Studio of Dylan Lloyd
Novelette Romantique                                                   Duvernoy
Words Fail from Dear Evan Hansen                                       Pasek, Paul
                                     Madison Adamcik, piano, voice
                                          Studio of Brit Montoro
Perfect                                                                E. Sheeran
                                        Surya Ashish, guitar & voice
                                           Studio of Dylan Lloyd
The Old Gray Mare                                                      Traditional
                                          Matteo Intravaia, piano
                                          Studio of Annie Bryson
Spring                                                                 Vivaldi
                                            Amelia Stolc, piano
                                         Studio of Melissa Fajardo
Everything I Know from In the Heights                                  Manuel-Miranda
                                         Rebecca Rubinstein, voice
                                          Studio of Annie Bryson

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  Saturday, June 4th - 10:15AM
Quiet from Matilda                                                               Minchin
                                          Grayson Guterl, voice
                                        Studio of Melissa Fajardo
The Entertainer                                                                  Joplin
                                         Brennan Caldwell, piano
                                         Studio of Annie Bryson
Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star                                                    Folk Song
                                        Hailey Talamo, desk bells
                                         Studio of Kristin Schenk
Theme Caprice No. 24                                                             Paganini
                                         Luca Castronovo, piano
                                          Studio of Jane Labban
The Fairies’ Harp                                                                Thompson
                                          Jaleah Leemow, piano
                                          Studio of Jane Labban
Upside Down                                                                      Johnson
                                   Francesco Castronovo, guitar & voice
                                          Studio of Dylan Lloyd
Tucker’s Secret Life                                                             Faber
                                          Fiona Hennessy, piano
                                         Studio of Kristin Schenk
Californication                                                                  Red Hot Chili Peppers
                                          Anna DePinho, guitar
                                          Studio of Dylan Lloyd
The Clown                                                                        Kabalevsky
                                         Jamyah Leemow, piano
                                          Studio of Jane Labban
Popular from Wicked                                                              Schwartz
                                          Emma Hoffman, voice
                                         Studio of Kristin Schenk
Wonderful Tonight                                                                Clapton
                                         Timothy Skelton, guitar
                                          Studio of Dylan Lloyd
I Speak Six Languages from 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee                Craig, Finn, Howard
                                            Bella Dutka, voice
                                        Studio of Melissa Fajardo
Notturno                                                                         Respighi
                                            Jack Saker, piano
                                        Studio of Laura Wittman
Go With the Flow                                                                  Queens of the Stone Age
Uprising                                                                          Muse
             Christopher Skelton, keyboard & vocals, Timothy Skelton, drums, Arnav Vasa, bass,
                                           Thursday Rock Band
                                          Studio of Dylan Lloyd

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  Saturday, June 4th - 11:30AM
Raider’s March                                                                      Williams
I’ll Make a Man Out of You from Mulan                                               Wilder, Zippel
                                         Matthew Levitt, piano, voice
                                           Studio of Nicholas Giunta
Bunker Hill                                                                         Harr
Yellow                                                                              Coldplay
                                       Daniel Apollonsky, drums, guitar
                                     Studio of Greg Federico & Dylan Lloyd
Raccoon’s Lullaby                                                                   Faber
                                            Philip Petrovsky, piano
                                            Studio of Danyel Shiflet
I Love Rock N’ Roll                                                                 Hooker, Merrill
                                              Blake Brady, guitar
                                             Studio of Dylan Lloyd
Baby Owl                                                                            Faber
What Else Can I Do? from Encanto                                                    Manuel-Miranda
                                           Rachel Levitt, piano, voice
                                            Studio of Annie Bryson
Ring of Fire                                                                        Cash
                                              Leo Ottrando, guitar
                                             Studio of Mike Wells
Allegro                                                                             Giuliani
Hide Away                                                                           King
                              Emilie Apollonsky, acoustic guitar, electric guitar
                                             Studio of Dylan Lloyd
Moonlight Sonata                                                                    Beethoven
Journey to the Past from Anastasia                                                  Ahrens, Flaherty
                                         Mariana Ramirez, piano, voice
                                            Studio of Shane Tapley
Sweet Child O’ Mine                                                                 Guns N’ Roses
                                            Arnav Vasa, bass guitar
                                             Studio of Dylan Lloyd

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   Saturday, June 4th - 1:00PM
I Will                                                                        Mitski
                                             Julia Grau, guitar
                                          Studio of Dylan Lloyd
No Tears Left to Cry                                                          Grande
                                           Alexa DeCaro, piano
                                          Studio of Annie Bryson
Little Brass Band                                                             Gillock
                                          Cosima Petrillo, piano
                                          Studio of Jane Labban
Gallop Pony                                                                   Faber
                                         Victoria Severino, piano
                                          Studio of Jane Labban
ABC                                                                           arr. Faber
                                           Isabella Genna, piano
                                         Studio of Melissa Fajardo
Forest Drums                                                                  Faber
Down by the Salley Gardens                                                    Irish Folk Song
                                       William Alsager, piano, voice
                                        Studio of Nicholas Giunta
Do-Re-Mi from The Sound of Music                                              arr. Faber
                                           Loukia Petrillo, piano
                                         Studio of Danyel Shiflet
March of the Gnomes                                                           Meir
                                          Adam Severino, piano
                                          Studio of Jane Labban
Stacy’s Mom                                                                   Fountains of Wayne
                                          Johnny Petrillo, guitar
                                          Studio of Dylan Lloyd
Menuetto                                                                      Haydn
Mad World                                                                     arr. Jules
                                      Haley DeCaro, clarinet, piano
                             Studio of Daniel Kochersberger and Dylan Lloyd
La donna é mobile                                                             arr. Faber
Lost Boy                                                                      Ruth B
                                   Amelie Petrillo, piano, guitar & voice
                               Studio of Nicholas Giunta and Dylan Lloyd

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    Saturday, June 4th - 2:15PM
Pop Goes the Weasel                                                      Bastien
                                     Kate Archbald, piano
                                Studio of Laura Hines Wittman
Perfect                                                                  arr. Faber
                                    Emily Karmazin, piano
                                   Studio of Melissa Fajardo
Minuet in D minor                                                        Mozart
                                     Rachel Rozen, piano
                                    Studio of Jane Labban
Argentina                                                                Gillock
                                    Nicholas Laszlo, piano
                                    Studio of Jane Labban
Raining from Rocky                                                       Flaherty
                                    Allison Karmazin, voice
                                   Studio of Melissa Fajardo
Fake Love                                                                BTS
                                   Anushka Patankar, piano
                                   Studio of Melissa Fajardo
Ballade                                                                  Burgmüller
Come Ready and See Me                                                    Hundley
                                   Lily Laszlo, piano, voice
                                   Studio of Melissa Fajardo
Sunshine of Your Love                                                    Brown, Bruce, Clapton
                                    Joshua Sullivan, guitar
                                    Studio of Dylan Lloyd
Allegro                                                                  Kittel
Invention No. 14                                                         Bach
                                 Marilyn Owusu, organ, piano
                        Studio of Brit Montoro and Laura Hines Wittman

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   Saturday, June 4th - 3:30PM
The Juggler                                                                  Faber
Alone in the Universe from Seussical the Musical                             Ahrens, Flaherty
                                         Isabelle Serio, piano, voice
                                           Studio of Arielle Rabano
Star Wars Theme                                                              arr. Faber
                                            Aaroosh Bhow, piano
                                          Studio of Nicholas Giunta
Proud Corazon from Coco                                                      Giacchino, Franco
                                              Reena Patel, voice
                                           Studio of Melissa Fajardo
Egyptian Ballet Dance                                                        Saint-Saëns
When Will My Life Begin from Tangled                                         Menken, Slater
                                    Sophia Volochay, piano, voice
                                       Studio of Melissa Fajardo
Hedwig's Theme from Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone                    Williams
                                            Daniel Cutinho, piano
                                       Studio of Laura Hines Wittman
Silver Skates                                                                Fletcher
                                              Ryan Daniel, piano
                                          Studio of Nicholas Giunta
Shave and a Haircut                                                          arr. Faber
                                             Michael Serio, piano
                                           Studio of Arielle Rabano
Fur Elise                                                                    Beethoven
                                            Ethan Cutinho, piano
                                            Studio of Shane Tapley
Requiem from Dear Evan Hansen                                                Pasek, Paul
Hallelujah                                                                   Cohen
                                         Rhema Daniel, voice, guitar
                                 Studio of Nicholas Giunta and Dylan Lloyd

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   Saturday, June 4th - 4:45PM
The Tempest                                                              Faber
Music Box                                                                Shearer
                                   Alyssa Bolshtyansky, piano, guitar
                                Studio of Shane Tapley and Dylan Lloyd
Copy Cat                                                                 Faber
                                         Dean Alvarado, piano
                                        Studio of Danyel Shiflet
Tetris Theme                                                             Tanaka
                                           Krish Patel, piano
                                       Studio of Melissa Fajardo
Comfortably Numb                                                         Pink Floyd
                                        Abhilash Bodala, guitar
                                        Studio of Dylan Lloyd
Prelude in C from The Well Tempered Clavier                              Bach
Blues Rock                                                               Snyder
                                      Erin McCabe, piano, guitar
                                        Studio of Dylan Lloyd
All of Me                                                                Legend
                                            Jai Patel, piano
                                        Studio of Shane Tapley
Pokemon Theme from Pokemon                                               Loeffler, Siegler
                                        Anirudh Bodala, piano
                                        Studio of Annie Bryson
Legend of Madrid                                                         Faber
Sing Happy from Flora and the Red Menace                                 Kander, Ebb
                                      Amy Warsaw, piano, voice
                                        Studio of Annie Bryson

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      Sunday, June 5th - 12:00PM
Die Forelle                                                                       Schubert
Journey To The Past from Anastasia                                                Ahrens, Flaherty
                                          Shara Jaj, piano, voice
                                        Studio of Melissa Fajardo
Waltzing Elephants                                                                Bastien
                                         Micah Mamotyuk, piano
                                     Studio of Laura Hines Wittman
The Entertainer                                                                   Joplin
A Change in Me from Beauty and the Beast                                          Menken
                                      Eva Nisenzon, piano, voice
                            Studio of Laura Hines Wittman and Annie Bryson
Mary’s Rockin’ Pets                                                               Faber
Mickey Mouse March from The Mickey Mouse Club                                     Dodd
                                  Valentina Maltese, piano, voice
                                         Studio of Danyel Shiflet
I Hear the Echo                                                                   Faber
                                          Ellie Mamotyuk, piano
                                         Studio of Danyel Shiflet
Hedwig’s Theme from Harry Potter                                                  Williams
                                      Sameer Khemchandani, piano
                                        Studio of Nicholas Giunta
Love Story                                                                        Swift
                             Bella Crivello, voice, feat. April Donnelly, voice
                                          Studio of Dylan Lloyd
Jazzy Joe                                                                         Faber
Once Upon a December from Anastasia                                               Ahrens, Flaherty
                                      Amanda Shearer, piano, voice
                                         Studio of Danyel Shiflet
Phantom of the Keys                                                               Faber
                                          Mia Mamotyuk, piano
                                         Studio of Brit Montoro
Smells Like Teen Spirit                                                           Nirvana
                                        Patrick McNamara, guitar
                                          Studio of Dylan Lloyd
Hey Jude                                                                          Lennon, McCartney
Thank You for the Music from Mama Mia                                             Andersson, Ulvaeus
                                   Samantha Shearer, piano, voice
                                         Studio of Danyel Shiflet
Adagio and Allegro                                                                Handel
                                      Ryan Bailey, tenor saxophone
                                     Studio of Daniel Kochersberger
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         Sunday, June 5th - 1:15PM
Medley 6/8 Rhythms                                                      Harr
                                           Michael Hynes, drums
                                           Studio of Greg Federico
Gaston from Beauty and the Beast                                        Menken arr. Faber
                                            Danya Winters, piano
                                       Studio of Danyel Shiflet
Hedwig's Theme from Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone               Williams
                                          Connor Paulmenn, piano
                                           Studio of Annie Bryson
Be Our Guest from Beauty and the Beast                                  Menken
                                         Sahasra Singirappa, clarinet
                                     Studio of Daniel Kochersberger
Theme from Rondo Alla Turca                                             Mozart
                                         Giovanni Mandreucci, piano
                                            Studio of Jane Labban
The Trout                                                               Faber
Requiem from Dear Evan Hansen                                           Pasek, Paul
                                         Eliana Winters, piano, voice
                                          Studio of Nicholas Giunta
Born to be Wild                                                         Bonfire
                                          Joseph Grinshpun, guitar
                                           Studio of Dylan Lloyd
Easy on Me                                                              Adele, Kurstin
                                          Noelle Schaneman, voice
                                           Studio of Danyel Shiflet
The Animal Band                                                         Bastien
                                          Mikayla Marschner, piano
                                           Studio of Danyel Shiflet
Stupid with Love from Mean Girls                                        Benjamin, Richmond
                                             Sydney Eber, voice
                                           Studio of Annie Bryson

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       Sunday, June 5th - 2:30PM
Minuet in D minor                                                          Mozart
                                               Arya Patel, piano
                                             Studio of Jane Labban
I Love Rock N’ Roll                                                        Hooker, Merrill
                                              Shane Fretz, guitar
                                            Studio of Dylan Lloyd
Old Devil Moon from Finian’s Rainbow                                       Harburg, Saidy
                                            Matthew Mikros, voice
                                            Studio of Shane Tapley
Sonatina in G Major                                                        Beethoven
On My Own from Les Misérables                                              Schönberg
                                           Mia Bertone, piano, voice
                                            Studio of Shane Tapley
Mist                                                                       Snyder
                                            Azaria Madeam, guitar
                                            Studio of Dylan Lloyd
Morning from Peer Gynt                                                     Grieg
I Can Hear the Bells from Hairspray                                        Shaiman
                                        Alexandria Stanley, piano, voice
                                            Studio of Annie Bryson
New World Symphony Theme                                                   Dvorak
                                              Zoe Strader, piano
                                            Studio of Annie Bryson
Argentina                                                                  Gillcok
                                               Anik Patel, piano
                                         Studio of Jane Labban
Middle of a Moment from James and the Giant Peach                          Newman
                                             Nathan Hauser, voice
                                           Studio of Nicholas Giunta

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          Sunday, June 5th - 3:45PM
Flake                                                                   Johnson
                                         Rishi Somani, guitar & voice
                                            Studio of Dylan Lloyd
Showboat                                                                arr. Faber
                                            Viraaj Aurora, piano
                                          Studio of Melissa Fajardo
Folk Song                                                               Snyder
                                            Kiara Bhargava, guitar
                                            Studio of Dylan Lloyd
Happy Farmer                                                            Schumann
                                           Layla Francisco, violin
                                            Studio of Ruotao Mao
Hedwig’s Theme from Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone               Williams
                                     Savannah Shanabrook, piano
                                          Studio of Nicholas Giunta
Allegro                                                                 Suzuki
                                            Raunak Aurora, violin
                                            Studio of Ruotao Mao
Surprise Symphony                                                       arr. Faber
                                          Jayden Shanabrook, piano
                                          Studio of Nicholas Giunta
Across the Universe                                                     Lennon, McCartney
Fortunate Son                                                           Fogerty
                                         Jackson Graye, piano, guitar
                                            Studio of Dylan Lloyd
Be Our Guest from Beauty and the Beast                                  arr. Faber
                                         Arianna Shanabrook, piano
                                          Studio of Melissa Fajardo
Moonlight Sonata (Excerpt)                                              Beethoven
                                             Jack Stevens, piano
                                           Studio of Brit Montoro

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Cornerstone Community
Arts Project . . .

                                           The Cornerstone Community Arts Project
                                           (CCAP) was conceived with the belief that
                                           motivating our youth to participate in
                                           music and the performing arts will
                                           ultimately foster awareness to support
                                           local arts as a way to improve our
                                           community as a whole. CCAP is a
                                           community outreach service program of
                                           The Songbird's Gift, a nonprofit 501(c)3
                                           organization, which serves to develop,
                                           strengthen, connect and support youth on
                                           their musical journey through educational
                                           programming, camps and outreach
                                           offerings, and focused mentoring.

  CCAP provides our community with equal opportunities to access the benefits of
  music and performing arts education, while being mindful of the principles of
  inclusion and diversity, regardless of socio-economic circumstances.

  The greater mission of CCAP is to support youth in following their artistic dreams,
  and to honor them by providing passionate, inspiring mentors while celebrating
  creative self-expression, community, and service, all of which have a profound effect
  on their intellectual growth, self-confidence and well-roundedness. CCAP affirms
  that those who play musical instruments and engage in creative self -expression
  develop strong skills in interpersonal communication and teamwork, critical
  thinking aptitude, long-term goals, and a lifelong love of expressing themselves
  freely through music and performing arts!

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           . . . CCAP Music & Theatre
                           Arts Camp

Campers will put together a fully staged musical (in only 3 weeks!) with a live pit orchestra! Your aspiring performer
 will gain expert tips and coaching in music skills, dramatic performance, and stage movement! Our dedicated and
energetic camp team will foster development of such performance skills as: Stage Presence, Character Development,
Vocal Training, Choreography and Blocking, Improvisation and Creativity, Theatrical Process, and Ensemble Work!
Do you want to be part of the camp team? Are you a responsible, punctual, positive role-model with good leadership
skills and passionate about the music theatre arts? We want to hear from you! Internships are available to individuals
                                         entering 10th grade through college!

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CCAP Storybook Theatre
CAMP . . .

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    . . . Acting Classes

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Acting Classes . . .

Read about the inspiration for the mural at EAST
              by Lt. Olivia Mae Wittman, United States Navy

 “Untitled” (Olivia M. Wittman, 2011)
        When I first stepped into the new studio, I immediately had a sense of calmness
 and maturity impressed upon me. Between the antique clock and pillars, beautiful
 grand piano, and the dramatic hues of each room, a nautical theme seemed to fit right
 in. Inside these walls, students young and old, of myriad skill levels, build and fortify
 ships of their own that guide them through the beautiful, ever-changing sea that is the
 world of music. Music enables us to see life from an entirely different, richer
 perspective. It evokes emotion, provides inspiration, builds discipline, and strengthens
 intellect. I have never encountered a single person who has argued that life would be
 better without the presence of music. It is everywhere; in nature, in our minds, in the
 beating of our hearts, being broadcast over radio waves or through the speakers of a car
 or computer. And this place, this studio, is where ships are built. It is where minds
 grow and skills are expanded, one plank at a time. It is where the journey to find a
 deeper connection with music unfolds, and I see no better representation of that than
 what you see before you.
        The silhouette approach is meant to perpetuate the mature theme of the studio,
 and I have always viewed tall ships as a powerful embodiment of nautical strength and
 craftsmanship. This mural is merely in its beginning stages and will continue to
 encompass the length of the wall.

       Medium: White acrylic.              Lieutenant Olivia M. Wittman, U.S. Navy

Cornerstone Music Studios
        358 (MAIN) & 352 (EAST) Sweetmans Lane
               Millstone Township, NJ 08535
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