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Education Made Accessible through SIHEA Pg. 3 2021 Homecoming Celebration Pg. 9 Pg. 13 - Recap on Page 9 - Iowa Wesleyan University ...
Education Made Accessible through SIHEA   Pg. 3

  2021 Homecoming Celebration               Pg. 9

  Record-Breaking Enrollment                Pg. 13

Fun & Memories
at Iowa Wesleyan
2021 Homecoming
Recap on Page 9

VOL     NUM       FALL

61      04        21
Education Made Accessible through SIHEA Pg. 3 2021 Homecoming Celebration Pg. 9 Pg. 13 - Recap on Page 9 - Iowa Wesleyan University ...
                         3       Education Made Accessible through Southeast
                                 Iowa Higher Education Alliance

                       13        Record-Breaking Enrollment

                         5       Continuous Growth: Criminal Justice at Iowa

                         7       Returning Home: Welcoming Two Alumnae to
                                 the Nursing Education Faculty Team

                        9        Homecoming 2021 Recap

                       12        Willis Wrestling Facility Dedication

                       15        Waunita W. Hobbie - in Memoriam 1925-2021

                       26        Alumni Referral Program

   Iowa Wesleyan
   University is a
whose passion is to
educate, empower
     and inspire
  students to lead
 meaningful lives
     and careers.

VOL       NUM   FALL   In this Spread: Wide Receiver Kelan Dove ’25 (right) clears a path as
                       Dmitri Rodriguez ’25 (left), Wide Receiver for the IW Tigers, makes
                       a successful completion during the Homecoming Football Game on

61        04    21     Saturday, October 2, 2021.

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          5   Academic Innovations    President
                                      Christine Plunkett

         17   Student Success

                                      University Provost
         19   Tiger Athletics         Dr. DeWayne Frazier
         23   Alumni in Action
                                      Vice President for
                                      Enrollment, Marketing, and
         EVENTS                       Meg Richtman
         9    2021 Homecoming
                                      Vice President for
                                      Advancement and Athletics
                                      Derek Zander ’11

                                      Dean of Students
                                      Matt Klundt ’17

                                      CONTRIBUTING WRITERS
                                      Courtney Carl
                                      Kendra Hefner
                                      Meg Richtman
                                      Diane Davis
                                      Jim Pedrick ’80

                                      Meg Richtman

                                      LAYOUT & DESIGN
                                      Jen Koch

                                      Amy Becker
                                      Courtney Carl
                                      Kendra Hefner
                                      Roy Manfredi

                                     TELL US WHAT YOU THINK
                                          Story ideas? Comments?
                                          Questions? Corrections?
                                         We want to hear from you!

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  Education Made Accessible through
  Southeast Iowa Higher Education Alliance

      In early 2021, Iowa Wesleyan
  University announced an alliance with
  Southeastern Community College
  (SCC), creating an affordable way for
  local students and community members
  to work toward their Bachelor’s
  degree. With the Fall 2021 semester,
  IW has already welcomed fifteen
  transfer students through the Alliance,
  including Andrew Huhuyana, an
  international student from Zimbabwe.
      Near the end of Huhuyana’s
  time at SCC, he learned about the
  Alliance with IW and realized that
  the affordable tuition, scholarship
  opportunities, and proximity to his
  friends in Burlington were precisely
  what he was looking for to finish his
  four-year degree. “I wanted to transfer
  to a school that was close,” stated
  Huhuyana. “I read that it was a smooth
  transition… I thought I should give it
  a try.” At IW, Huhuyana is an active
  member of the Men’s Soccer, Cross
  Country, and Track & Field teams.
      Mary Hofmann ’16, the SCC/
  IW Alliance Advisor, notes that the
  Alliance “has brought students into        Andrew Huhuyana, an international student from Zimbabwe and one of fifteen transfer students
                                             welcomed to IW through the Southeast Iowa Higher Education Alliance.
  my office who may never have thought

“[The Alliance] has
                                            about IW and staying in the region to
                                            complete their education.” Hofmann
                                                                                              A Combined Effort
                                            maintains an open-door policy, allowing
brought students into                       students to meet her in her office
                                                                                                  In addition to Hofmann’s work as
                                                                                              an Alliance Advisor, IW and SCC have
my office who may never                     anytime they have a question. “Having
                                            an extra person to connect with and be
                                                                                              worked together to create consistency
have thought about                          able to ask questions on their educational
                                                                                              for transferring students. One example
                                                                                              of this is IW’s upgrade of the Canvas
                                            journey is a key element that I aspire
IW and staying in the                       for students to see in my role as their
                                                                                              Learning Management System (LMS),
                                                                                              the same LMS used at SCC. Hofmann
region to complete their                    Alliance advisor,” emphasized Hofmann.
                                            “It is truly a seamless transition. I am
                                                                                              stated, “I have had several of my students
                                                                                              say how nice it has been; they did not
education.”                                 able to offer a warm handoff [from
                                                                                              have to take time to learn a new system
                                            SCC’s Student Advocates] to our
                - Mary Hofmann ’16          Success Coaches.”
                                                                                              of checking on classes.”
               SCC/IW Alliance Advisor                                                            Through the Alliance, IW and
                                                                                              SCC are creating additional combined

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President Plunkett addresses a group of alumni and friends at one
                                                                               of the many Community Conversations held this summer and fall to
                                                                               gather strategic planning input from our stakeholders.
positions which will not only save      to develop and schedule new
both institutions money, but will       unconscious bias training. Young

also provide additional support         notes that this training is intended
and connections between the two         “to show people their unconscious
colleges for students. One existing     biases and what to do with them.”
combined position belongs to Tina

Young, the Director of Title IX
& Chief Diversity Officer for IW        The Benefits of
and SCC. Young stepped into this
combined role in early 2021 with
the retirement of IW’s previous
                                            The Alliance between SCC

Title IX coordinator. Regarding
                                        and IW makes earning a four-
the development of Young’s
                                        year degree more accessible to
position, she stated, “I started
                                        Southeast Iowa residents. Iowans
looking at both of the schools
                                        who may not have been able to
and said that we could do this
                                        afford a traditional four-year
differently. We could have this be
                                        education can now complete
one position that only did Title IX
                                        their first two years with SCC at
equity for both schools; it actually                                               Iowa Wesleyan University launched its
                                        community college rates before
got carved out of positions in both
                                        smoothly transferring to IW with        strategic planning process in June. Since then,
schools and created as one for two
                                        an Alliance scholarship. This
schools.” Young hopes to make                                                   we have received excellent input from our
                                        scholarship helps to provide a
students, faculty, and staff across
                                        four-year degree to Iowa students       students, faculty, staff, alumni, community,
both institutions understand their
                                        at a price that is competitive with
rights under Title IX while also                                                and regional leaders and stakeholders. The
                                        Iowa’s large public institutions.
creating a “culture of safety.”
                                            This accessibility to               2022-2025 strategic plan is currently being
    Young is also focusing
                                        education not only provides
significant efforts on diversity.                                               drafted and will be presented to the Board of
                                        new opportunities for low-
She noted that “one of the first
                                        income Iowa residents, but also         Trustees at their January meeting for review
things President Plunkett said
                                        encourages students to stay local
when I met her was “diversity is                                                and ratification.
                                        as they complete their education.
essential to us.’” Young is currently
                                        Boosting engagement in local
working closely with the IW
                                        education is expected to encourage
Chadwick Library to develop a
                                        growth in the regional workforce
diversity-issue-related book club.
                                        and support local business              Please continue to share your feedback at
Additionally, Young is working

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Continuous Growth
Criminal Justice at Iowa Wesleyan
    As recently as 2014, the Criminal                                                          Daniels stated, “We are starting from
Justice major at Iowa Wesleyan                                                             the bottom-up and letting students know
University hosted only eight                                                               that there are a lot more opportunities
undergraduate students. With the                                                           than they realize.” Students are given
beginning of the Fall 2021 semester,                                                       multiple opportunities to meet and hear
the program has expanded to serve                                                          from individuals working in different
nearly 100 on-campus students, making                                                      fields of criminal justice, many of
Criminal Justice the second largest                                                        whom are IW alumni. Faculty advisors
major program at IW. Professor Richard               Richard Buffington, J.D.              encourage students to choose electives
Buffington, Division of Science Chair                 Division of Science Chair and        or add additional majors or minors
and Director of the Criminal Justice              Director of Criminal Justice Institute   based on the student’s preferred career
Institute, noted that the “Criminal                                                        field. Professor Buffington emphasizes
Justice program has made several critical                                                  that faculty in the Criminal Justice
changes to the program curriculum to                                                       program “incorporate and explore
provide students with topical courses                                                      career opportunities with students and
in the field of Criminal Justice over the                                                  provide specialized elective courses to
years.”                                                                                    further enhance the students’ academic
    In addition to updating the                                                            experience at Iowa Wesleyan University.
curriculum to become more                                                                  The goal is to bridge the academic
comprehensive, Professor Buffington                                                        experience in the classroom with the
added that the growth of the program                                                       career opportunities that exist for
                                                     Nathan Daniels ’16, M.S.
“has occurred through the committed              Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice
                                                                                           graduates of the program.” Michal
and active recruitment of students                                                         Wohlleber, a current student in the
and continuous community outreach.”          offers every student a variety of academic    Criminal Justice program, noted, “I
Faculty within the Criminal Justice          resources, many of them available             didn’t know exactly what I wanted to
program actively engage with prospective     through the Student Success Center.           do [for a career]. I had a meeting with
students and parents, providing an           Professor Buffington noted, “Students         Professor Buffington, and we figured out
opportunity for families to ask questions    in the Criminal Justice program have          a plan.”
and learn about the programs and             unlimited access to faculty and peer              Beyond the classroom, students can
providing a chance for students to build     mentoring.” While faculty and peer            engage with professionals in all areas of
relationships with their professors before   mentoring availability is not exclusive       the Criminal Justice field. Additionally,
entering the classroom for the first time.   to Criminal Justice majors, Nathan            every Criminal Justice student completes
                                             Daniels ‘16, the new Assistant Professor      a minimum 240-hour internship to gain
A Dedication to Students                                                                   experience in the field and develop a
   Faculty within the Criminal Justice       of Criminal Justice, emphasizes that the
                                             faculty leading the program tend to be        deeper understanding of the variety of
program are dedicated to helping
                                             very forward-focused.                         career opportunities that are available.
students achieve academic success. IW
                                                                                           “We try to allow students to understand

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what it’s like to work in the field,” noted   Legal Studies minor. We currently have          graduate degree.” With five students
Daniels.                                      several graduates of the Criminal Justice       already participating in the Criminal
    The combination of forward focus          major attending law schools across the          Justice concentration under the Master
and emphasis on service-learning is a         country.”                                       of Arts in Management Leadership less
significant reason IW’s Criminal Justice                                                      than a year after the program’s launch,
program is unique compared to other
                                              Growth and Development for
institutions. “I would say that our           the Future
                                                  “There are plenty of opportunities for
                                                                                              “We are starting from the
focus on ethics is unique to us,” stated
Daniels. “It’s up to us to make sure          growth and employment in the Criminal           bottom-up and letting students
that we’re preparing these individuals        Justice field,” noted Professor Buffington.     know that there are a lot more
so that when they enter the field, they       “Jobs in criminal justice are growing
hold themselves to a high standard. I         faster than average and are expected to         opportunities than they realize.”
think that’s something that’s represented     grow by about 5% from 2019 to 2029.”                         - Nathan Daniels ’16
with our ability to have service-learning     With this expected level of growth                    Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice
opportunities as well as internships.         within the field, IW is continuously
Some institutions don’t provide students      making strides to accommodate the               it’s clear that there is a demand for a
with internships or a careers class to        increased demands for a Criminal Justice        graduate program in Criminal Justice.
explore their options.”                       education.                                      A Criminal Justice graduate program
    In addition to preparing students for         As the undergraduate program                would provide a direct avenue for new
careers immediately after graduation,         continues to grow, a proposal for a             graduates to continue their education
the Criminal Justice program faculty          Master of Arts degree in Criminal               and develop their skills within their
also support students who intend to           Justice is currently being drafted.             field. Professor Buffington added, “Our
continue their education into law             Professor Buffington notes that “many           graduates are exceptional men and
school. Professor Buffington noted,           of our Criminal Justice students                women committed to helping others and
“Faculty work to assist students with         are interested in remaining at Iowa             want to make a difference in their local
the LSAT Exam and preparation for             Wesleyan University to pursue their             communities through public service.”
law school through the recently added

A New Avenue for Success
Introduction of Honors Program
    To promote engagement and academic excellence in a variety
of ways, Iowa Wesleyan University is developing an Honors
Program. The new Honors Program will be open to any student
with a GPA of 3.5 or above to apply to, including transfer and
non-traditional students. Students with at least a 3.2 can still
apply if they can make a compelling case for acceptance into the
program. The personal essay will be of paramount importance
when considering these cases. Once accepted, students will
need to maintain a minimum GPA of 3.0 to retain eligibility
for Honors. This program will provide students with activities
beyond the traditional classroom intended to enhance their
academic experience at IW while creating a diverse community of
like-minded individuals. Honors Program students will undergo
a multidisciplinary approach to learning and exploration through                            The Honors Program is for the
field trips, theater performances, service learning projects, and
other exclusive activities.
    The creation of this program illustrates IW’s continued                    CHANGE-MAKERS,
goal to be innovative in a constantly changing higher education                                       and the
environment. Further, an Honors Program allows students to
develop essential life skills, such as leadership, public speaking,      STATUS QUO-BREAKERS
and critical thinking. To learn more about the IW Honors                             
Program, check out

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Returning Home
Welcoming Two Alumnae to the
Nursing Education Faculty Team
    At the beginning of the Fall 2021          years as an advanced practice provider.
semester, Iowa Wesleyan welcomed two           “Dr. Prisner has had a very decorated
alumnae to the Nursing program faculty:        career in private care for the last decade
Mary Tobin ’86, Ph. D., and Michelle           in Southeast Iowa and is well known
Prisner ’98, D.N.P.                            in the region for her tireless efforts
    Dr. Tobin is joining the IW faculty as     toward improving health care in the
the new Chair and Professor of Nursing.        region. Our students will benefit
She has taught at Coe College in Cedar         greatly from her real-world application
Rapids, Iowa, since 2003 before serving        of healthcare in the classrooms,” stated                Mary Tobin ’86, Ph.D.
as its Nursing Chair from 2016 to              Frazier. “Having the opportunity                      Chair and Professor of Nursing
early 2021. She also comes to IW with          to add two of our outstanding Iowa
extensive clinical experience through          Wesleyan nursing graduates as part of
part-time and volunteer positions. “We         our faculty is certainly special. Professor
find it particularly fitting that one of our   Lisa Kongable ’86 has been with Iowa
most accomplished nursing graduates            Wesleyan for numerous years, and she
is coming home to lead our program,”           serves as our Assistant Chair. With
stated Dr. DeWayne Frazier, University         our recent addition of Dr. Tobin as our
Provost. “IW could not ask for a more          new Chair, the addition of Dr. Michelle
qualified, passionate, and prepared nurse      Prisner was an excellent move for the
to lead our program moving forward.”           institution.”
    Fellow alumna, Dr. Prisner, is also            These recent additions to the IW
joining the IW faculty as the new              Nursing faculty illustrate a push for
Assistant Professor of Nursing. She            growth within the program as IW
joins the Nursing faculty with 25 years        continues to celebrate 50 years of nursing
                                                                                                    Michelle Prisner ’98, D.N.P.
of healthcare experience and seven             education on campus.                                  Assistant Professor of Nursing

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                                                 Helping Tigers Liftoff
         The New Tiger Station: Career Development,
                   Internships, and Service Learning
                                                 Iowa Wesleyan University is             Tiger Station, a one-stop shop for all
                                             dedicated to helping students develop       things career, internship, and service
                                             professionally, which is one of the         learning.
                                             main reasons why 100% of IW                     The Tiger Station provides a
                                             students graduate with an internship.       permanent location for the IW Career
                                             Additionally, service learning has always   Closet, a service providing professional
                                             been a critical component of how IW         clothing to students who may not be
                                             students learn while giving back to their   able to afford or have the time to shop
           Nikki Gerling ’03, M.Ed.          community. As these programs have           for the right outfits for job or internship
          Director of Career Development,    grown, it has been increasingly difficult   interviews. There is also space for
         Internships, and Service Learning
                                             for current students to navigate what       students to participate in careers classes,
                                             offices they need to communicate with       such as Resume and Cover Letter
                                             to ensure that all of their requirements    Writing or Interviewing Strategies.
                                             are being met. Additionally, few                To showcase alumni who are
                                             students were able to receive recognition   currently working in their field, the Tiger
                                             for going above and beyond in providing     Station also houses the Wall of Fame.
                                             community service.                          The goal for the wall is to inspire current
                                                 Beginning with the 2021-2022            students while educating them on the
                                             academic year, career development,          various career paths that they may not
                                             internships, and service learning have      have realized were available.
                                             all shifted under Academic Affairs,
                                             providing an opportunity to combine
                                             these three critical components of an IW              See what else the
                                             education into one office. A room in              Tiger Station has to offer!
                                             the lower level of the P.E.O. Memorial
                                             Building was renovated to become the    
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    Tigers raise the IW flag in
    victory at Mapleleaf Athletic
    Complex as Iowa Wesleyan
    defeats Crown College 69-28
    on Saturday, October 2, 2021.
                                       Iowa Wesleyan University was excited to
                                    welcome alumni and friends back onto campus
                                    with a 2021 Homecoming celebration. We were
                                    delighted to recognize two 50-year anniversary
                                    classes, Classes of 1970 and 1971, as well as
                                    provide a backdrop for Greek life reunions, such
                                    as Phi Delta Theta, Sigma Phi Epsilon, and Pi
                                    Beta Phi to name a few.
                                       Have photos from Homecoming you want
                                    to share? Send them to or
                                    post them to social media using the hashtag
                                       To see more photos from Homecoming,
                                    visit the IW Facebook page!
                                       Thank you for joining us for a very special
                                    Homecoming celebration. We can’t wait to see
                                    you at next year’s Homecoming, to take place
                                    from September 30 through October 2, 2022!

9                                              IOWA W E SLE YA N UNI V ERSIT Y   |   FA LL 2021
1                                                                                                                         2


                                               H I G H L I G H T S
 Clockwise from top left: 1 Tamia Coleman ’25, member of IW Dance Team, waves to the crowd during the Homecoming Parade. 2 Melinda Huisinga mans the wheel of
an antique John Deere B, while Linda Enearl tosses candy to Parade watchers. 3 Austin Burns ’13 (left) and Chris Seymore ’23 (right) during the Men’s Alumni Basketball
Game. 4 Alumnae from the classes of 1970 and 1971 enjoy a chance to socialize during the Annual Alumni Awards & Athletic Hall of Fame Banquet: (left to right) Sharon
 Watkins Hall ’70, Donna Lundin Hughes ’71, and Brenda Gatewood Carr ’71. 5 Homecoming Court receives honors at halftime: (left to right) Flora Hua, Princess; Jaheem
    Hampton, Prince; Allison Morris, Queen; Nico Sheck, King. 6 A spirited crowd of alumni, parents, students, and friends cheers on the Tigers at the Football game.

                                                                       5                                                                                            4

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1                                                                                      2

 H I G H L I G H T S                                                                  ( C O N T I N U E D )
Clockwise from top left: 1 Iowa Wesleyan International students display their home country flags after the Homecoming Parade. 2 Richard Garrels ’66 addresses Iowa
   Wesleyan alumni and guests at the Phi Delta Theta fraternity 50th Anniversary. 3 IW Wrestlers Alaina Sunlin ’24 (left) and Daisy Scholz ’24 (right) are the first All-
Americans in IW Women’s Wrestling history. 4 Professor Blair Buffington leads the IW Choir during Sunday service at the Chapel. 5 2021 Athletic Hall of Fame Inductee
  Nancy Eklund ’85 joins the fun in the Women’s Alumni Basketball Game. 6 (Center Photo) (left to right) Delaney Van Ness ’19, Callyn Organ ’25, Austin Willis ’19, and
                                       Jeremiah Carter ’22 are just a few of the many voices lifted up during the IW Choir Reunion.

                                       5                6                                                                                                            3

 JOIN THE FUN                                                                                                                                                        4


SEPT 30 - OCT 2
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                                                                                    The Willis family, along with the IW Men’s and Women’s Wrestling students
                                                                                    cut the ribbon during the dedication ceremony on Saturday, October 2, 2021.

Willis Wrestling
Facility Dedication
    On Saturday, October 2, 2021, the Iowa Wesleyan Men’s and
Women’s Wrestling teams hosted Mark Willis ’70 and the Willis
family, the Mount Pleasant community, and Tigers from the past,
present, and future at the Willis Wrestling Facility for a ribbon-
cutting and dedication ceremony. The facility underwent a total
renovation which began over the summer of 2020. In August
2021, the building welcomed the first women’s wrestlers of Iowa
Wesleyan and the first men’s wrestling team since the 1970s.
    While standing at the podium in front of the facility, Vice
President for Advancement and Athletics, Derek Zander ’11,
stated, “The building that is behind me is a symbol. It’s a symbol
of growth and change for the university.” With a state-of-the-art
area for wrestlers with a sound system, men’s and women’s locker
rooms, a kitchen, a laundry room, an athletic training room,
coaches’ offices, and much more, the facility allows almost 50
men’s and women’s wrestlers to perfect their craft. With the doors
to the facility being closed to the public due to the COVID-19
pandemic throughout the first year, the Tigers were finally given
the opportunity to share their home away from home.

President Christine Plunkett and Mark Willis ’70, as IW honors the Classes of ’70     The generous contributions from Mark and Sandra Willis and the Willis
and ’71 with a reception at the President’s House on October 1, 2021                  family made Iowa Wesleyan’s new Willis Wrestling Facility possible.

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Devotion to Our Students
Overcoming Obstacles to Achieve
Continuous Growth

    In Fall 2021, Iowa Wesleyan             create a positive experience for our     only getting a small handful of new Iowa
University posted its highest               student-athletes. And through the        students. We’ve seen these numbers grow
overall enrollment in over a decade.        NAIA affiliation, we feel we provide     each year slightly, and we are delighted
Additionally, IW excitedly welcomed the     an experience which will propel our      to see significant growth this fall,” stated
largest number of new students in the       students to be successful while on       Richtman.
record books.                               campus and after graduation.”                IW was also excited to return to near
    The University’s fall census boasted       The new partnership with              pre-Covid numbers in international
a total undergraduate day-student           Southeastern Community College (the      enrollment. This fall, 103 international
enrollment of 669 students. President       Southeast Iowa Higher Education          students are on campus representing 35
Christine Plunkett emphasized that          Alliance) also provided an immediate     countries despite continued international
this growth “is not just because                                                            travel restrictions.
we’re recovering from Covid-19.                                                                 IW’s continuous growth is also
It’s been a steady climb for the       “We feel very fortunate to                           reflected in graduate and online
past three to five years.” This                                                             programs. Fall 2021 saw the
enrollment growth is a 20%             have this solid enrollment for                       overall enrollment of 835 students,
increase over the past three years                                                          reflecting a 58% overall increase
and a 41% increase over the past       Fall 2021, especially amid                           over the past five years. As
five years, suggesting a continuous
trend for growth into the future.
                                       all the challenges presented                         enrollment continues to increase,
                                                                                            student housing has become a
This growth has been part of           by the pandemic. [...] Our                           new focal point for IW. New
a strategic path towards 1,000                                                              housing options are actively being
undergraduate students.                enrollment trends are a direct                       considered for the near future.
    A significant contribution to
the Fall 2021 growth may be IW’s
                                       reflection of a team effort on                       “We feel very fortunate to have
                                                                                            this solid enrollment for Fall 2021,
return to the National Association     our campus.”                                         especially amid all the challenges
of Intercollegiate Athletics
(NAIA). Meg Richtman,
                                                     - President Christine Plunkett presented           by the pandemic,”
                                                                                            said President Plunkett. “I am
Vice President for Enrollment,                                                              extremely proud of our faculty and
Marketing & Communications,                                                                 staff for their remarkable devotion
noted, “The shift back to the                                                               to our students, as our enrollment
NAIA provided new and exciting              enrollment impact, with fifteen students trends are a direct reflection of a team
opportunities for students.” The NAIA       transferring through the Alliance        effort on our campus.”
allows IW students to receive an athletic   this fall. This growth is expected
scholarship and to compete for one of       to continue as the Alliance further
our eighteen intercollegiate athletic       develops. Regional awareness has also
programs,” Derek Zander, Vice President     significantly increased the number of
for Advancement and Athletics added,        new Iowa students from previous years.
“The number one goal for IW is to           “I remembered back in 2013-14 we were

13                                                                                      IOWA W E SLE YA N UNI V ERSIT Y   |   FA LL 2021

                                New Tigers pose for a photo during New Student Orientation on Saturday, August 21, 2021.
                                       Iowa Wesleyan’s incoming new students are the largest number on record.

          Top Left: Traditions Night wouldn’t be
  complete without games, including tug-of-war.

    Top Right: Roommates Faith Younce ’25 (left)
   and Jordan Morthland ’25 (right) enjoy a mild
  summer evening outside on the Campus Lawn.

   Center Left: De’Kunta Mason Jr. ’25 (left) and
    Jordan Nevarez ’25 take a moment out from
  volleyball on Traditions Night, Sunday, August
                                        22, 2021

          Bottom Left: New and returning Iowa
      Wesleyan students pick up new Tiger gear
                             before the bonfire.

       Far Right: Angelynne Blagsvedt ’25 visits
   Finnegan, President Christine Plunkett’s Irish
            Wolfhound and unofficial IW mascot.

IW.EDU                                                                                                                              14

  An Interest in Life at its Best
  Waunita W. Hobbie ’46, L.H.D. ’92
      With an intentional approach to       hall and into the Harlan Hotel to
  life and the ability to write memorable   provide space for the 82nd Detachment,
  Christmas letters, Dr. Waunita W.         United States Army Air Forces, College
  Hobbie ’46, L.H.D ’92 became a cross-     Training Program. In 1946, Waunita
  generational friend to many.              graduated Cum Laude from IW before
      Waunita graduated as the              immediately beginning her career as
  Valedictorian of the New London High      private secretary to Charles C. Sowers,
  School Class of 1942 before attending     General Manager of the Mount
  Iowa Wesleyan University the following    Pleasant plant of the W.A. Sheaffer Pen
  fall. At IW, Waunita was inducted         Company.
  into Alpha Xi Delta, a sorority she           Waunita and Charles became equal
  continued to be involved in long after    business partners in 1959 as they opened
  her graduation. In 1943, Waunita was      the Sowers Insurance Agency. She was
  among the young women who were            the first woman in Henry County to be
  moved out of the Hershey Hall residence   licensed by the State of Iowa under the
                                            new law requiring insurance agents to
                                            pass written examinations in the lines
“Waunita was a pillar of the                of insurance to be sold and was licensed
Harlan-Lincoln House and Iowa               in all lines of insurance. In 1964 she
Wesleyan. [...] Her historical              also became the President of the Henry
                                            County Association of Independent
stewardship of Iowa Wesleyan                Insurance Agents, the only female
and the larger Mount Pleasant               president in Iowa of such an association.   Waunita Hobbie (right) and her fellow Alpha
                                                In 1971, Waunita became the first
community is unmatched.”                    female President of the Mount Pleasant
                                                                                        Xi Delta sorority sisters moved into the Harlan
                                                                                        Hotel in 1943, when Hershey Hall became
         - Anna Villareal                   Public Library Board of Trustees, a         quarters for the 82nd United States Army Air
         Former Director of the                                                         Forces College Training Program.
         Harlan-Lincoln House

  15                                                                                    IOWA W E SLE YA N UNI V ERSIT Y    |   FA LL 2021
                                                                                               YOUR LOVED ONES
                                                                                                A N D C R E AT E Y O U R

Waunita (bottom left) with friends at the Iowa
Wesleyan Victory Bell.

board she continued to serve until July
1, 2010. She also served on the Henry
County Health Center Board from 1967
to 2005, acting as Secretary, Vice Chair,
and Chair.
    Many people remember Waunita
                                                 Waunita at age 17 in 1943, just beginning
most for her life-long dedication to             her journey at Iowa Wesleyan.
Iowa Wesleyan. Anita Hampton ’71
noted that she first met Waunita as a
student. Anita sat in the University
Chapel during Waunita’s Founders
                                                     Waunita was also well known for           ARE YOUR
                                                 being an avid reader, as a founding
Day presentation. Despite the 25-year            member of the 4th Tuesday Book
age gap, Anita and Waunita were fast             Club, and writer, as an active member
friends. “We both expressed an interest
in life at its best,” noted Anita. “It was
our common curiosities that drove our
                                                 of the local writing group, Scribblers,
                                                 since 1958. Villareal stated, “Before        UP-TO-DATE?
                                                 having the opportunity to meet Dr.
friendship and our discussions. I adored         Hobbie in person, I had the distinct        A current estate plan is vital to
her for her quirkiness.”                         pleasure of learning about her through
    Waunita served as a member of the            archived Christmas letters sent to          making sure your wishes are
Iowa Wesleyan Alumni Association                 the University. Waunita’s letters
Board of Directors from 1983-1996 and                                                        carried out and can help you
                                                 introduced me to an individual who
as a member of the Board of Trustees             valued travel, literature, history, and     leave a lasting personal legacy.
from 1986-2003 and was a Trustee                 above all else her friends, family,
Emeritus. IW awarded Waunita with                and the people of Mount Pleasant.”          With just a little planning,
an Honorary Doctorate of Humane                  She had an extensive home library,
Letters degree in 1992. Anna Villareal,                                                      you can have peace of mind
                                                 offering armfuls of books to visiting
2017-2021 Director of the Harlan-                friends, though she had a preference        knowing you’ve taken care of
Lincoln House, noted that “Waunita was           for Agatha Christie. “She always told
a pillar of the Harlan-Lincoln House             me some books were not meant to be          your family and secured their
and Iowa Wesleyan. She always had a              finished,” noted Hampton. “If it didn’t
historical tidbit or personal campus story                                                   future.
                                                 suit, you could definitely put it down
to share; her historical stewardship of          and not pick it up again ever.”
Iowa Wesleyan and the larger Mount                   Waunita passed away on May 26,          To discuss planning your
Pleasant community is unmatched.” In             2021, at the Henry County Health
2015, Waunita was proclaimed as one of           Center in Mount Pleasant. While
                                                                                             legacy, please contact us at
the first recipients of the Arabella “Belle”     she is greatly missed, her impact and or give us a
Babb Mansfield Award for embodying               legacy continue on through the many
the legacy of Belle.                             friendships she cultivated throughout       call at 319-385-6215.
                                                 her life.

IW.EDU                                                                                                                  16

  An International Perspective
  Striving for Success On and Off the Field
      In August 2017, Jose Baldo Gonzalez ’20      Beyond the classroom, Gonzalez is also
  came to Iowa Wesleyan University                 working as a Graduate Assistant for
  from Barquisimeto, Venezuela, with the           IW Men’s Soccer. Gonzalez notes that
  dream of getting his Bachelor’s degree           “Soccer has been my passion since I was
  and playing soccer. After graduating             a kid! I’m glad to be on the other side
  from U.E. Colegio San Vicente de Paul,           of the field.”
  Gonzalez was recruited as an international           In addition to his time with the
  student to play soccer. Gonzalez stated          men’s soccer team, Gonzalez attributes
  that he “liked the education level the           his continued success to the connections
  institution was offering... my professors        he has made with his professors.
  and coaches have contributed to my               Gonzalez stated, “I had the opportunity
  success by guiding me to make the best           to have a great relationship with some
  decisions and not miss opportunities.”           business professors at IW... they listen
      Beyond the traditional challenges faced      and they are always trying to give you
  by college students, Gonzalez noted, “As         the best guidance.”
  an international student, it is very difficult       After graduating, Gonzalez plans
  to find a place to do the internship and         to continue working with a long-term
  stay working.” Despite this challenge,           goal of starting his own business. “I
  he is working as a Project Manager in a          believe IW has prepared me to achieve
  local company where he completed his             my goals; to be successful outside of
  internship in 2020.                              college, you need to learn how to solve
      Gonzalez was a three-year member             problems.
  of the Tiger Men’s Soccer team before            IW makes students develop those
  finishing his Bachelor’s degree in Business      [problem-solving] skills.”
  Administration with a concentration in
  Management. After graduating in 2020,
  he decided to continue his education
  with IW and is currently completing
  his last semester of the Master of Arts
  in Management Leadership program.

“My professors and coaches
have contributed to my success
by guiding me to make the
best decisions and not miss
                     - Jose Baldo Gonzalez ’20
                     Men’s Soccer Graduate Assistant

  17                                                                                          IOWA W E SLE YA N UNI V ERSIT Y   |   FA LL 2021

IW Tiger Women’s Wrestler
Ranked Nationally
Mia Palumbo ’25
    Mia Palumbo ’25 was just an              Wesleyan University to continue her
ordinary girl from Oak Lawn, Illinois,       academic and athletic career. She had
but she has become an extraordinary          many different reasons for choosing
women’s wrestler who has been placed         Iowa Wesleyan, stating, “The coaching
on a national pedestal. Palumbo has          staff at IW were a huge contribution to
recently been ranked 1st in the nation       why I decided to come to this university.
for women’s wrestling, an amazing            They have gone above and beyond to
accomplishment for the freshman              help me with anything on and off the
wrestler at Iowa Wesleyan University.        mat.”
    To Palumbo, it is an honor to be             Palumbo has many different
recognized for her hard work and             expectations for her upcoming wrestling        leave a legacy for future IW women
dedication to the sport. “It feels good to   season at Iowa Wesleyan. “I have high          wrestlers. “I hope to set standards for
be ranked nationally because it shows my     expectations this season, which include        the IW Tiger Wrestling Program, but
hard work and sacrifices are paying off,”    winning a national championship as             I also know we’re all there for a reason
she stated. “But I also know rankings        an individual and as a team,” she said.        and that we all have a variety of different
don’t matter when you step on the line,      “Regardless of my goals, I plan to just        goals we want to accomplish,” she stated.
you’re just two wrestlers aiming for the     keep getting better every day.”                “I believe that it’s more of paving the
same goal.”                                      With Iowa Wesleyan Women’s                 way for other girl wrestlers here (Iowa
    After becoming nationally ranked,        Wrestling being a new athletic program,        Wesleyan) and to know what we are all
Palumbo decided to commit to Iowa            Palumbo can set high standards and             capable of accomplishing.”

The Right Place to Be
Tyrek Fuller ’24
    It wasn’t until Head Football Coach      Criminal Justice, but was introduced
MD Daniels reached out to Tyrek              to the Agribusiness faculty two weeks
Fuller ’24 with a scholarship opportunity    before the start of the Fall 2021 semester.
that Fuller even considered going to         “We kind of call ourselves the ‘dream
college. Fuller grew up in Albany,           team,’’’ noted Fuller. “Being a part of this
Georgia, before moving to Orlando,           team of people with all of the experience
Florida, during his junior year of high      that wants to help is amazing.” Fuller
school. While in high school, Fuller         has expressed his goals of owning his
worked in a couple of trade positions        own land and becoming a rancher to his
before deciding that he wanted to            Agribusiness professors, Gail Kunch and
eventually buy land and get involved in      Timothy Furlong. Fuller notes that his
agribusiness.                                professors are helping him learn what he       Tyrek Fuller ’24 (right) with his mother (left), whom Tyrek
    Fuller initially considered enlisting    needs to in order to be successful.            says is his “guidance counselor, on and off the field.”
in the United States Navy straight out           As a first-generation college student,     what we can really do. I feel like Iowa
of high school when Coach Daniels            Fuller emphasized that “being a first-gen      Wesleyan helps you accomplish what you
recruited him to play football at IW.        is outspoken. Many people think we’re          want to get in life and it’s just the right
Fuller originally planned to major in        going to fail, but you’d be shocked by         place to be.”

IW.EDU                                                                                                                                      18

IW Tigers punch their ticket to the CAC
 Championships with a 2-1 victory over
  the Waldorf University Warriors on
      Thursday, October 21, 2021.

          Iowa Wesleyan Tigers
          Return to NAIA with a ROAR
               In the first week of October 2020, the                                     assisting us through the application and
           National Association of Intercollegiate                                        evaluation process. We are [excited for]
           Athletics (NAIA) voted and approved                                            our return to the NAIA, where we have
           the Iowa Wesleyan Tigers to make their                                         so many great memories of tradition
           return to NAIA, accepting IW into                                              and success. Our Tiger fans across the
           membership, which officially took place                                        country should get ready for an exciting
           on July 1, 2021.                                                               ride.”
               After evaluating a possible transition                                         The Iowa Wesleyan Tigers’ fall
           for the Tigers in early 2020, it was                                           season is underway and eight teams have
           determined that IW’s mission, academic
           programs, geographic location, and
                                                        “Our Tiger                        competed at the NAIA level. Tiger
                                                                                          Football has played in seven games as
           commitment to quality athletics align
           with the philosophy and goals within         fans across the                   a member of the North Star Athletic
                                                                                          Conference. Volleyball has competed in
           the NAIA. Since June 2020, Iowa                                                22 matches, men’s soccer in 13, women’s
           Wesleyan and Tiger Athletics have
           worked closely with the NAIA and its
                                                        country should                    soccer in 12, men’s golf competed in 10
                                                                                          competitions, women’s golf in 7, and
           Membership Evaluation Team including
           participating in a day and a half review     get ready for an                  cross country in 5 meets. Each of these
                                                                                          teams is competing as a member of
           of IW policies and procedures related to                                       the Continental Athletic Conference,
           NAIA membership.
               “This is an exciting time for
                                                        exciting ride.”                   formerly known as the Association of
                                                                                          Independent Institutions.
           Iowa Wesleyan University and Tiger                 - Derek Zander ’11              IW was a decades-long member of
           Athletics,” said Vice President for                Vice President for          the NAIA up until 2012. The Tigers
           Advancement and Athletics, Derek                   Advancement and Athletics   had a significant tradition of success
           Zander ’11. “I would like to personally                                        while competing in the Midwest
           thank the NAIA membership team for                                             Collegiate Conference (MCC). In 2006

           19                                                                             IOWA W E SLE YA N UNI V ERSIT Y   |   FA LL 2021

Marlon Brown ’25, of IW Men’s Cross-Country, at the                                      Kyra Linkin ’25, serves as IW Volleyball challenges
    Morningside Open on September 17, 2021.                                           Southeastern Community College on September 28, 2021.

Colton Sherwood ’25, at the Central Fall Classic, October 4-5, 2021.                     Zaki Meliani ’25, takes a penalty kick as IW Men’s Soccer takes on
               Photo courtesy of Katina Wilson.                                                   William Woods University, September 18, 2021.

 and 2009, the Tiger Men’s and Women’s                  Floyd Turner, who became a 4x NAIA             Qualifiers. While members of the
 Basketball teams qualified for the NAIA                All-American and National Champion,            MCC, the Tiger Volleyball team were 4x
 National Basketball Tournament. The                    winning the Outdoor National Title in          Conference Champions, 4x Tournament
 famous ‘Air Raid’ offense, which has                   the discus from 2004-07. Many have             Champions, 2x Regional Tournament
 recently come back into the spotlight                  seen Nigel Talton, more commonly               Champions, 5x Regional Tournament
 in collegiate and professional football,               known as “The Freeze,” outrunning              Qualifiers, and 2x National Qualifiers.
 was developed by Hal Mumme and                         Braves fans as they race around the                “We look forward to continuing
 Mike Leach at IW. With that offense,                   warning track at Truist Park. Talton           our focus on the development of our
 Coach Mumme led the Tigers to a 10-2                   also got his start at IW and, to this day,     student-athletes within the spirit of
 record in 1991, which is deemed one                    holds the IW record for the Men’s 100m,        intercollegiate athletics,” said Zander.
 of the Tigers’ most successful periods                 running an impressive 10.54 seconds.           “The NAIA offers Iowa Wesleyan the
 in football history. The Tiger Baseball                    The softball program also                  ability to compete on a level playing
 team was 3x National Qualifiers in                     experienced success in the MCC,                field, and we look forward to creating
 2007, 2008, and 2011. The Tiger Men’s                  becoming 3x Conference Champions, 3x           regional rivalries that our fans, alumni,
 Track & Field team found success with                  Tournament Champions, and National             and community can support.”

 IW.EDU                                                                                                                                                20

      Iowa Wesleyan to Host Men’s
      and Women’s Golf and Basketball
      CAC Tournaments
         In their first year returning to the          campus. The tournament will include
      National Association of Intercollegiate          16 teams total (eight men’s and eight
      Athletics (NAIA) and as a first-year             women’s). The champion, runner-up,
      member of the Continental Athletic               and consolation winner will all receive
      Conference (CAC), Iowa Wesleyan                  Automatic Qualifiers (AQs) to the
      University has been selected as the              national tournament, which will begin
      host institution for both the men’s and          on March 11, with the opening rounds.
      women’s golf and the men’s and women’s               IW will host the men’s and women’s
      basketball conference tournaments.               golf tournaments May 2-4, 2022. After              encouraged to play. One men’s and one
      IW will host the men’s and women’s               the regular season, the top six teams              women’s team will receive AQs, while a
      basketball tournaments February 25-27,           in the conference are mandated to                  second women’s team can qualify if they
      2022, inside the Ruble Arena on IW’s             play, while all others are invited and             are ranked in the Top 25. The men’s
                                                                                                          national championship will take place
                                                                                                          in Silvis, Illinois, at the TPC Deere
                                                                                                          Run, May 17-20. The women’s national
                                                                                                          championship will be held in Oklahoma
                                                                                                          City, Oklahoma, May 25-28 at the Rose
                                                                                                          Creek Golf Course.
                                                                                                              “We are thrilled to have the
                                                                                                          opportunity to host these four CAC
                                                                                                          tournaments in our first year back in
                                                                                                          the NAIA,” said Derek Zander, Vice
                                                                                                          President for Advancement and Athletics.
                                                                                                          “This will be a great experience for our
                                                                                                          student-athletes, the community of
                                                                                                          Mount Pleasant, and our fans.”
                                                                                                              The other conference tournaments
                                                                                                          have been set as well. The men’s and
                                                                                                          women’s cross country tournaments
                                                                                                          are hosted by Haskell Indian Nations
Michal Wohlleber ’23, prepares to tee off at the        Jared Arellano ’22, looks for an opening as the   University and take place on November 6,
   IW Tiger Classic on September 29, 2021                  Tigers play Cornell on February 6, 2021.
                                                                                                          2021 in Lawrence, Kansas. The volleyball
                                                                                                          tournament will be hosted by Cottey
                                                                                                          College in Nevada, Missouri, November
                                  Tiger Athletics is looking for                                          12-13. The men’s and women’s soccer
                                                                                                          tournaments occur November 12-13
                                  local businesses to sponsor CAC                                         in Lawrenceville, Georgia, hosted by
                                  basketball & golf tournaments!                                          Georgia Gwinnett College. Georgia
                                                                                                          Gwinnett will also host the baseball
                                                                                                          and softball tournaments. The softball
                                                         Derek Zander                                     tournament will take place May 5-8,
     Contact us for more                               Vice President for                                 2022 while baseball will take place
                                                                                                          May 7-10, 2022.
        information:                               Advancement and Athletics

      21                                                                                                  IOWA W E SLE YA N UNI V ERSIT Y   |   FA LL 2021

   Locker Room Remodel
  Completed for IW Football
    Over the past few years, Iowa              current players as well as our program’s
Wesleyan has been fortunate to receive         rich history. We have a great graphic
donations to help improve the campus           highlighting the ‘Birthplace of the Air
experience for our students. One of the        Raid Offense’ featuring Hal Mumme,
newest improvements for Iowa Wesleyan          Mike Leach, Dana Holgersen, and Bill
has been remodeling the football locker        Bedenbaugh. Seeing these legends of the
room located on the lower level of the         game on our wall every day motivates
Old Gym.                                       our players to strive for greatness and put
    “Anytime you have an opportunity to        their own stamp on the history of IW
upgrade facilities, it’s always an awesome     Football.”
feeling. We utilized some space we had             According to the Iowa Wesleyan
and turned it into a new locker room           head coach, the players use the locker
that consists of brand new lockers,            room to their full advantage.
floors, LED lights, state-of-the-art               “They spend a lot of time in the
video projector, and some amazing wall         locker room, and this is an area they can     “Seeing these legends
graphics,” Head Football Coach MD              be proud of,” said Daniels.
Daniels said. “The locker room has given           Having something like this is not
                                                                                             of the game on our wall
us a way to enhance our mindset and            only terrific for the university, but it is   every day motivates
message as a program.”                         also great for the players who put on
    Walking into the locker room, one          the purple and white to represent Iowa        our players to strive
of the first things a person notices is        Wesleyan on Saturdays during the fall.
the graphics on the wall that display              “On the night the team moved in           for greatness and put
some of the legendary coaches that have
impacted the Iowa Wesleyan football
                                               for training camp, we had a locker room
                                               reveal event. It was priceless to see their
                                                                                             their own stamp on the
program and brand new wood lockers             reaction and the smiles on their faces,”      history of IW Football.”
for the players.                               Daniels said. “It’s important to our
    “My favorite part of the locker room       staff and me that we provide these
                                                                                                           - MD Daniels
is the incredible wall graphics we were        young men the experience they                        Head Football Coach
able to put up to make it all fit together,”   deserve.”
Daniels said. “The graphics showcase our

IW.EDU                                                                                                                22

         IW Nursing Alumnae
         in Action
             As the celebration of Iowa Wesleyan’s         of Iowa Transitional Care Program from
         50 Years of Nursing comes to a close, we          2012-2015 for Henry County Health
         want to highlight and appreciate three            Center and was named one of the 100
         of our Nursing alums. They have held              Great Nurses in 2014.
         various roles and responsibilities over the           The ongoing pandemic has been a                Lynelle Diers ’82, BSN, Wapello County Public
                                                                                                               Health, perching with just a few of the boxes
         years and are currently working in public         stressful time in healthcare; however,                of personal protective equipment (PPE)
         health in Southeast Iowa.                         Shelley commends her entire team.                         temporarily stored in her office.
                                                           Shelley stated, “I have the best team,
         Shelley Van Dorin ’10                             and we work together; they don’t work             should be part of every health science
         Henry County                                      for me.”                                          curriculum.”
              Shelley Van Dorin ’10 graduated                                                                    Chris has been in nursing for 30
          from the RN to BSN program. She                  Chris Estle ’99, Jefferson                        years. 2021 marks 14 years since Chris
          felt it was the right time for her to            County, Washington County                         took the helm as the Jefferson County
          return to college and the local option                Chris Estle ’99 came to Iowa                 Public Health Administrator. She
          was “the icing on the cake.” She                 Wesleyan after receiving her Associate’s          notes that Covid has made her and her
          attended IW while her three children             degree from Indian Hills Community                team stronger. However, mental health
          were in school; she would drop them              College. Chris chose IW because                   continues to be an issue within the
          off at the elementary school and come            she was attracted to the classroom                health care industry. Chris emphasized
          directly to campus. Shelly noted that            size, and she knew the college had a              that health care professionals need to
          “it was a key learning experience for            great nursing program. It became a                take care of themselves. As Chris stated,
                              my children to see           demanding period in her life as she was           “We are people first.” Public health,
                              me reading, studying,        raising two children, working full-time           in particular, is “a group effort, and you
                              and completing my            at Jefferson County Health Center,                cannot do it alone.” Chris credits her
                              homework each                and attending classes nearly full-time.           team for the reason she continues to be
                              evening.” Shelley            Despite her challenges, Chris stated that         in Jefferson County and how she can
                              initially believed that      her experiences at IW were priceless,             assist in her role in Washington County.
                              she wouldn’t benefit         explicitly noting the relationships she           Lynelle Diers ’82
                              from her BSN;                built, especially among her peers who
                              however, she admits          were also working full-time jobs, and her         Wapello County
                              now that it enabled her      Responsible Social Involvement project.               Lynelle Diers came to Iowa Wesleyan
                              “to be a better thinker,          Chris credits her professor, Connie          directly out of high school to pursue her
                              better person, and           Gartin, for exposing her to public health         BSN. Lynelle had already been accepted
Shelley Van Dorin ’10, BSN
                              more well-rounded            opportunities. The courses she took               to a two-year program in northern Iowa
Henry County Health Center                                                                                   when a family friend encouraged her to
                             individual.”                                                were vital in
              Shelley appreciated the opportunity                                        her learning the    visit the IW campus. Lynelle liked the
          to work in public health as a student.                                         impact public       size of the college and the community
          Shelley stated that being able to work                                         health plays on     resonated with her. Lynelle opted to
          in the field as a student “opens your                                          nurses and the      attend IW, and she continues to be
          eyes to the real-life experiences and not                                      community.          grateful for her decision.
          simply the textbook learning.” Shelley                                         Chris stated            Lynelle enjoyed her time in S-T Hall
          served as a campus nurse for two years                                         that her clinical   before moving to the second floor of
          following graduation. She attributes her                                       time in the         Hershey Hall in her junior and senior
          time serving in public health during                                           Washington          years. She met her husband, Norm ’80, at
          her internship as a critical factor to her                                     County Public       IW; they recently celebrated their 40th
          being selected to serve as the current                                         Health “was         wedding anniversary. Lynelle stated,
          Henry County Public Health Director.                                            a wonderful        “Iowa Wesleyan shaped me into the
          She was associated with the University         Chris Estle ’99, BSN, Jefferson experience and      person I am today as I met my husband,
                                                             County Health Center

         23                                                                                                  IOWA W E SLE YA N UNI V ERSIT Y   |   FA LL 2021

we have our family, and I have had my        notes that she’s still friends with the      public health; she could anticipate the
tremendous nursing career.”                  roommate she had in the second half of       busy times in other aspects of nursing
    When Lynelle first considered Iowa       her freshman year.                           and wanted the challenge. Today,
Wesleyan, her pastor reminded her to             Lynelle had clinicals at Iowa            Lynelle thoroughly enjoys public health.
“not let your college courses interfere      Wesleyan her sophomore, junior, and          Public health “always [brings] something
with your social life. You develop the       senior years. Without these clinicals, she   new,” noted Lynelle, and for that, she is
most in the years you spend at college       indicates she would not have been nearly     grateful.
and away from home.” As she reflects         as successful. She recalled working full         Thank you to Shelley, Chris, Lynelle,
on that advice today, she feels as though    days twice a week with public health as      their staff, and all of the other fantastic
she made great choices with classes, her     part of those rotations.                     IW Nursing alumni for all you are
major, as well as her husband and friends.       After graduation, Lynelle worked at      doing on a daily basis to help others
    Lynelle was part of the IW Swim          Ottumwa Regional Health Center for           throughout Southeast Iowa and beyond.
team for three years. The campus and         five years, a long-term care facility for    We salute you and all healthcare workers
class sizes were “perfect” for Lynelle.      five years, and has been in public health    and are proud to highlight your roles in
Her teachers “were so interactive and        for the past 30 years with 25 years spent    our 50 Years of Iowa Wesleyan Nursing
always available.” The relationships she     as the Director. Early in her career,        celebration!
developed have lasted a lifetime; she        Lynelle was striving to transition to

                          Did you meet the love of your life at Iowa Wesleyan?
                                 Tell us your story for the chance to be featured in a future issue of the Purple & White!
                                               More details about the Voices of IW Project are on Page 25.

                                                   Submit your story at

Brothers in Solidarity
Chuck Steen ’50
    While Iowa Wesleyan has not always       and informed the fraternity
been as diverse as it is in 2021, IW         that the charter limited
and its students have a long history of      membership to Caucasians.
supporting and encouraging diversity.            Chuck and others
One such story of support arose in 1950      immediately started a
with Chuck Steen ’50.                        campaign to get the charter
    Chuck was involved in Football           changed. “We suggested that
                                                                                            Jim Morita ’51 (first row, far left), and Chuck
and the Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity         we would give up our national charter             Steen ’50 (back row, second from left),
while pursuing a degree in History. The      and go local. We wrote to the other                      with Sigma Phi Epsilon.
two co-curricular activities frequently      Sig Ep chapters all across the country
intersected. “We pledged a ton of kids       suggesting that the fraternity take that     the national Sig Ep convention to
from the football team,” Chuck said.         clause out of the charter.” After minimal    pass legislation that opened Sig Ep
“Jim Morita was a really good football       response, Morita chose to resign from        to members of any race, religion, or
player, a great guy, and we felt he was      the fraternity. Chuck believes that          creed. “The vote came at a time,” says
well worth recruiting.” And he was           some other members also resigned in          Hasenkamp, “when some in America
Japanese-American.                           solidarity with Morita. While they           still believed in ‘separate but equal,’
    Jim Morita ’51, is pictured as a         were unsuccessful in changing the            and many large universities remained
member of Sig Ep fraternity in both          system for Morita, Chuck feels that they     segregated. Integrating a national
the 1948-49 and 1949-50 Croaker              successfully “shone a light on the issue.”   fraternity at the height of the Civil
yearbooks. Sometime after the second             It wasn’t until 1959 when Bruce          Rights movement was not easy, but it
photograph, a national secretary of          Hasenkamp, Grand President from              was the right thing to do.”
Sigma Phi Epsilon was visiting campus        Dartmouth College led the effort at

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