Brighton and sussex medical school - POSTGRADUATE PROSPECTUS 2021-22

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Brighton and sussex medical school - POSTGRADUATE PROSPECTUS 2021-22
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                        POSTGR ADUATE PROSPECTUS 2021-22
Brighton and sussex medical school - POSTGRADUATE PROSPECTUS 2021-22

    Welcome                                           3   Postgraduate courses

    What our postgraduate courses offer               5      Anaesthesia and Perioperative Medicine    16

    Studying at Brighton and Sussex Medical School    6      Cardiology                                18

    Inclusive environment                             8      Clinical Education                        20

    Postgraduate taught courses                      10      Clinical Professional Studies             22

    Flexible, modular learning                       12      Clinical Radiology                        24

    Continuing professional development              13      Contemporary Bioethics                    26

    International student programme                  14      Dementia Studies                          28

    Research programme                               54      Diabetes in Primary Care                  30

    Our teachers                                     56      Global Health                             32

    How to apply                                     61      Healthcare Leadership and Commissioning   34

    How to fnd us                                    63      Internal Medicine                         36

                                                             Medical Education                         38

                                                             Medical Research                          40

                                                             Paediatrics and Child Health              42

                                                             Physician Associate Studies               44

                                                             Psychiatry                                46

                                                             Public Health                             48

                                                             Simulation in Clinical Practice           50

                                                             Surgical Studies                          52

Brighton and sussex medical school - POSTGRADUATE PROSPECTUS 2021-22
Welcome                                                          We are delighted that you are considering
                                                                 postgraduate study at Brighton and
                                                                 Sussex Medical School (BSMS), whether
                                                                 as the next step in your own career or to
                                                                 develop your staff and trainees.

     Professor         As a partnership between the         Over the past few years we          The Universities of Sussex
     Malcolm Reed      Universities of Sussex and           have worked closely with            and Brighton are immensely
     Dean, BSMS        Brighton and the NHS, we pride       our colleagues in the region        proud of the success of our
                       ourselves on providing high-         to expand the scope of our          medical school.
                       quality clinical and professional    postgraduate offering and added
                                                                                                BSMS has developed
                       healthcare training in a nurturing   several new areas of study
                                                                                                a strong and diverse
                       learning environment. BSMS is a      including, most recently, an
                                                                                                portfolio of postgraduate
     Professor         highly regarded medical school,      MA in Contemporary Bioethics.
                                                                                                courses, informed by high-
     Gordon Ferns      and in the National Student          We have also responded to the
                                                                                                quality research, relevant
     Head of the       Survey (NSS) we have ranked          needs of both clinical and non-
                                                                                                to the workplace and
     Department        among the top fve UK medical         clinical healthcare providers,
                                                                                                multidisciplinary in nature.
     of Medical        schools for the past six years.      delivering a wide range of
     Education, BSMS                                        tailored courses in mental health   Our graduates are gaining
                       We provide a broad
                                                            and healthcare leadership and       signifcantly from this
                       portfolio of postgraduate
                                                            commissioning. You can read         experience and are
                       taught courses that have been
                                                            more about our bespoke options      increasingly well prepared
                       designed to meet the learning
                                                            on pages 12 and 13.                 to meet the challenges of an
                       needs of clinicians and other
                                                                                                evolving healthcare sector.
                       health professionals working         Our aim is to enable you to
                                                                                                We are committed to high
                       in an increasingly complex           deliver high-quality healthcare
                                                                                                academic and professional
                       healthcare sector.                   – be it regionally, nationally or
                                                                                                standards, as well as to
                                                            globally. We have continued
                       These courses range                                                      meeting the needs of students
                                                            to do this using a fexible and
                       from individual continuing                                               as individuals.
                                                            blended approach during the
                       professional development
                                                            COVID-19 pandemic.                  We welcome you in
                       modules to postgraduate
                                                                                                considering BSMS.
                       certifcates, diplomas and            We look forward to meeting your
                       full Masters.                        professional development needs.     Professor Debra Humphris
                                                                                                University of Brighton

                                                                                                Professor Adam Tickell
                                                                                                University of Sussex

Brighton and sussex medical school - POSTGRADUATE PROSPECTUS 2021-22
Brighton and sussex medical school - POSTGRADUATE PROSPECTUS 2021-22
What our postgraduate courses offer

Clinical and                     Strong multidisciplinary           Responding to changing              Nationally and
professional combined            learning                           healthcare needs                    globally relevant

All our clinical courses         Our courses bring together a       We tailor our courses to            Our courses are delivered by
include professional modules     vibrant mix of professionals       refect the current changes          high-level practitioners, who
as standard, ensuring that       from a variety of health and       taking place within the wider       base their teaching on the latest
students develop the skills      social care backgrounds. As a      healthcare environment,             research and case studies.
and knowledge to meet the        result, students gain valuable     including the NHS, local            Prominent guest lecturers add
challenges of a changing         insights into other disciplines,   authorities and independent or      to the student experience.
health and social care sector.   leading to stronger team           third sector providers delivering   This ensures the knowledge
                                 working – and, ultimately, to      or planning services.               is relevant and translatable to
                                 better patient care.                                                   both national and international
                                                                                                        healthcare settings.

Regionally signifcant            Beneft of two universities         Conveniently located with
                                 and local NHS trusts               excellent transport links           “The best thing is having
Our course content draws                                                                                 the fexibility to complete an
on regional experience with      BSMS is a partnership              BSMS is just over an hour from       MSc alongside full-time work
local professionals delivering   between the Universities of        London, and 45 minutes from          and medical training. The
the course, using relevant       Sussex and Brighton with           Gatwick Airport. Most courses        range and scope of options
research and case studies that   local NHS providers, and           are delivered at the main            and support available are
are directly applicable to the   all courses are validated by       campus at Falmer or at nearby        very impressive and the
regional health sector.          both universities. Each has a      NHS centres. The vibrant city        curriculum is tailored to
                                 strong reputation in medical       and seafront of Brighton are         confer an advantage when
                                 and healthcare teaching            just four miles away.                applying for competitive
                                 and research. Some clinical                                             consultant posts.”
                                 courses also take place in
                                 NHS trusts who work closely                                            Dr Alice Brooke
                                 with both universities.                                                Core Psychiatry Trainee

Brighton and sussex medical school - POSTGRADUATE PROSPECTUS 2021-22
Studying at Brighton and Sussex Medical School

                                                 The city has a very rich           Falmer is very well served by
     The vibrant seaside city of Brighton and    and diverse cultural life and      public transport, with regular
                                                 boasts many theatres, cinemas      rail and bus services running
     Hove offers an impressive array             and music venues. The              directly into both campuses,
     of restaurants, bars, specialist shops,     Brighton Festival takes places     and is easily accessed by road.
                                                 in May and is the second           The village of Falmer is located
     museums, galleries and other attractions.   largest arts festival in the UK,   on the edge of the South Downs
                                                 showcasing a wide variety of       National Park, with beautiful
                                                 art, music and performance.        countryside just minutes away.

                                                 Brighton and Sussex                BSMS is run in partnership
                                                 Medical School (BSMS) is           by the Universities of Sussex
                                                 located across two university      and Brighton, and all
                                                 campuses at Falmer, four           postgraduate courses lead
                                                 miles north of Brighton. Most      to joint awards. Our students
                                                 postgraduate teaching takes        are full members of both
                                                 place on the University of         universities and are entitled to
                                                 Brighton Falmer campus.            make use of the facilities each
                                                                                    institution has to offer.

Brighton and sussex medical school - POSTGRADUATE PROSPECTUS 2021-22
Support and facilities

Campus facilities                   Student accommodation                  Sport                               Disability and dyslexia
There are a number of catering      The University of Brighton             As members of both universities,    We believe that every
outlets on both campuses, from      guarantees an offer of halls of        BSMS students can use the           student should have an
small café bars to self-service     residence to all frst-year BSMS        sporting facilities offered by      equal opportunity to acquire
restaurants. The Students’          postgraduate students providing it     the University of Brighton          knowledge and prove their
Union runs a shop and café on       is their frst time studying with us.   and the University of Sussex.       ability. The Disability and
the Brighton campus during                                                 Sports facilities across both       Dyslexia team at the University
                                    Learning resources
term time. A number of facilities                                          campuses include sports halls,      of Brighton is on hand to discuss
                                    and libraries
are available on the Sussex                                                fitness rooms, dance classes        the specifc needs of students
                                    BSMS students have access to
campus including a post offce,                                             and studios, squash and tennis      and reasonable adjustments
                                    the range of learning resources
supermarket, pharmacy, GP                                                  courts, and football, rugby and     can be made to teaching and
                                    and facilities at the University
surgery and dentist.                                                       floodlit astroturf pitches.         learning delivery. The team
                                    of Sussex, the University of
                                                                                                               are able to offer advice on all
Student Services                    Brighton and Brighton and              Childcare
                                                                                                               aspects of studying with a
Student Services provide a          Sussex University Hospitals            Both universities offer nurseries
                                                                                                               disability or dyslexia.
range of support to students        NHS Trust. Resources include           and students may enquire and
throughout their courses to         libraries, media centres and           apply for a nursery place once      For more detailed information
help ensure they get the most       computer rooms.                        an offer from the university has    on the support offered
out of their experience. They                                              been accepted.                      please visit
offer professional support and                                                                                 applicantadvicedisability
advice on career development,
fnance and welfare, along with
counselling services.

Brighton and sussex medical school - POSTGRADUATE PROSPECTUS 2021-22
Inclusive environment                                             At BSMS we place the quality of the
                                                                      students’ learning at the heart of all our
                                                                      activities, in an environment which is
                                                                      intellectually challenging and enjoyable
                                                                      for a diverse body of students and staff.

                                We deliver an exciting,
    “At BSMS we                 relevant, balanced and well-
     recognise the complex      taught range of postgraduate
     intersecting social        courses which emphasise the
     issues within which        importance of research, both
     medicine operates and      to inform teaching and also as
     are striving for a world   a key skill for students.
     in which the benefits of
     medicine are available     Subject leadership is offered
     to all. BSMS is the        by professionals of the highest
     proud holder of an         academic calibre, supported
     Athena SWAN Silver         by a wide selection of high-
     Award, has recently        quality speakers who are
     signed up to the British   leading experts in their felds.
     Medical Association        BSMS is characterised by
     charter against            outstanding personal support
     racial harassment          for students and a commitment
     and is committed to        to listen and respond positively
                                                                   We believe that all people        BSMS strives to provide a
     the broader task of        to student feedback.
                                                                   involved with our school should   higher education environment
     decolonising medicine.”                                       feel welcome and respected,       that is intellectually challenging
                                Ensuring equality
     Dr Arianne Shahvisi                                           and be valued for the positive    and enjoyable for a diverse
                                and diversity
     BSMS Inclusivity Lead                                         contributions they can make.      body of students and staff,
                                Our medical school is based                                          underpinned by a culture of
                                                                   The school has a commitment
                                on fundamental values of                                             mutual respect.
                                                                   to equality and diversity,
                                friendliness, kindness and
                                                                   including protected               We believe that, as a result,
                                community allied to excellence
                                                                   characteristics such as           we are helping equip students
                                in education and deliberately
                                                                   sex, race, disability, religion   to provide best medical
                                chosen areas of research.
                                                                   and belief, age, gender           practice in a complex and
                                                                   reassignment, pregnancy           changing healthcare system.
                                                                   and maternity, marriage and
                                                                   civil partnership and sexual

Brighton and sussex medical school - POSTGRADUATE PROSPECTUS 2021-22
Brighton and sussex medical school - POSTGRADUATE PROSPECTUS 2021-22
Postgraduate taught courses

        BSMS offers a range of full-time and
        part-time taught postgraduate courses
        up to Masters level in subjects relevant to
        medicine and healthcare and the delivery
        of the national curriculum framework for
        specialist training.

     Courses are modular and lead   Unless otherwise stated on the    Mode of study                     Dissertation
     to the following awards:       relevant course page of our
                                                                      Modules are taught either         All Masters courses
                                    website, successful completion
     • Masters                                                        extensively over a semester or    include a research-based
                                    of a module is awarded
       Successful completion of                                       intensively in blocks of two to   dissertation on a relevant
                                    20 Masters level credits
       a minimum of four to six                                       five days (see relevant course    topic of interest, which
                                    and requires 200 hours of
       taught modules plus a                                          web page). Many courses           students are encouraged
                                    student input, mainly through
       dissertation                                                   offer a choice of full-time       to publish. Students are
                                    independent study. Every
                                                                      study over a year or part-time    supported by a dissertation
     • Postgraduate Diploma         module has its own method of
                                                                      study over a longer period to     supervisor and by an
       Successful completion of     presentation and assessment.
                                                                      suit individual needs, up to a    extensive programme of
       four to six taught modules   Some taught modules
                                                                      maximum of five years.            research skills workshops
                                    associated with postgraduate
     • Postgraduate Certifcate                                                                          that include: interview skills,
                                    courses are also available to
       Successful completion of                                                                         analysing qualitative data,
                                    take individually as continuing
       three taught modules.                                                                            statistical analysis, and
                                    professional development (see
                                                                                                        sampling and sample size.
                                    pages 12-13).

Course                                                                                            Award                     Eligible applicants      Mode

     Anaesthesia and Perioperative Medicine                                           MSc         PGDip        PGCert       UK*                      PT

     Cardiology                                                                       MSc         PGDip        PGCert       UK • International       FT or PT

     Clinical Education                                                               MSc         PGDip                     UK*                      PT

     Clinical Professional Studies                                                                             PGCert       UK • International       FT or PT

     Clinical Radiology                                                               MSc         PGDip        PGCert       UK*                      PT

     Contemporary Bioethics                                                            MA         PGDip        PGCert       UK • International       FT or PT

     Dementia Studies                                                                 MSc         PGDip        PGCert       UK • International       FT or PT

     Diabetes in Primary Care                                                                                  PGCert       UK*                      PT

     Global Health                                                                    MSc         PGDip        PGCert       UK • International       FT or PT

     Healthcare Leadership and Commissioning                                          MSc         PGDip        PGCert       UK • International       FT or PT

     Internal Medicine                                                                MSc         PGDip        PGCert       UK • International       FT or PT

     Medical Education                                                                                         PGCert       UK*                      PT

     Medical Research                                                                MRes                      PGCert       UK • International       FT or PT

     Paediatrics and Child Health                                                     MSc         PGDip        PGCert       UK • International       FT or PT

     Physician Associate Studies                                                      MSc                                   UK • International       FT

     Psychiatry                                                                       MSc         PGDip        PGCert       UK*                      PT

     Public Health                                                                    MSc         PGDip        PGCert       UK • International       FT or PT

     Simulation in Clinical Practice                                                                           PGCert       UK*                      PT

     Surgical Studies                                                                 MSc         PGDip        PGCert       UK • International       FT or PT

MSc: Master of Science; MA: Master of Art; MRes: Master of Research; PGDip: Postgraduate Diploma; PGCert: Postgraduate Certificate; FT: full time; PT: part time

*Also open to EU applicants who are appointed to a post within Health Education England Kent, Surrey and Sussex (HEEKSS)

Flexible, modular learning                                            Our modular course structure allows
                                                                           flexible study options for part-time
                                                                           learning. Many modules can be studied
                                                                           as stand-alone units or as part of a multi-
                                                                           year programme of part-time study
                                                                           leading to a postgraduate qualification.

     Single modules                  Build towards an                   Further information                Fees
                                     academic qualifcation
     Most modules involve                                               For more information about         The single module fee is
     approximately 35 hours          Each module is worth 20            any of our modules, or for         pro-rata of the relevant course
     of face-to-face teaching        level 7 credits. Modules can       advice about single module         fee. For further information
     accompanied by 165 hours        be taken individually or can       registration and part-time         please visit
     of independent learning.        build towards an academic          study towards a qualifcation,      postgraduate-fees
     Teaching is usually an          qualifcation if desired. Where     contact the Department of
     intensive fve-day block over    relevant, candidates may gain      Medical Education by emailing
     one week, although some         credits via recognition of prior
     modules are taught over         learning (RPL) gained at another
                                                                        Course delivery methods for
     several weeks. For detailed     academic institution. Some
                                                                        2021/22 are still to be confrmed
     information on eligibility      qualifcations require completion
                                                                        as we take into account
     requirements, teaching format   of mandatory modules (these
                                                                        the ongoing impact of the
     and assessment methods for      vary by qualifcation); in many
                                                                        COVID-19 pandemic. However,
     each of our modules, visit      instances these are combined
                                                                        the intention will be to provide                     with your choice of optional
                                                                        a blended learning approach
     pg-single-modules               modules to achieve the credits
                                                                        of both online and face to face
                                     required for the award.
                                                                        provision where possible.

Continuing professional development

   BSMS offers a variety of continuing professional development (CPD) opportunities
   to help you to develop new skills and update your current knowledge base.

Single modules as CPD              Short courses and workshops                                       Bespoke options

Our extensive range of             BSMS provides a wide variety of short courses and workshops       Many of our workshops and
postgraduate taught modules        throughout the year, including the following:                     short courses are bespoke
cover clinical, professional and                                                                     educational packages
research subjects in depth.                                                                          commissioned by local
                                   General workshops                  Conferences
Many of these individual                                                                             healthcare organisations.
modules can be taken for CPD                                                                         BSMS can partner with your
                                   Clinical/Educational               Heath Education Conference
purposes alone. Standard                                                                             organisation to help meet
                                   Supervisor Course
single module registration                                            Inclusion Health Day           your staff development
processes and fees apply (see      Effective Presentations Training                                  requirements.
                                                                      Research Symposia
previous page); participants
                                   Teaching and Innovation in                                        If your desired CPD
can opt out of assessments
                                   Medical Education (TIME)                                          opportunity is not listed,
in advance to be awarded a
                                                                      Psychiatry updates             please visit
certifcate of completion for       Personal and Professional
                                                                                                     or contact
their CPD portfolio.               Development Master classes
                                                                      Forensic Psychiatry Update     to discuss your requirements.
Postgraduate study, including
                                                                      Leadership for Psychiatrists
independent study, can be
recorded as external CPD                                              Physical Health Updates
hours. For further information                                        for Psychiatrists
on CPD requirements and how
                                                                      Psychopharmacology Update
to claim postgraduate study
as CPD, please see advice
published by the relevant
royal college, approving body
or organisation.

International student programme                                          BSMS provides a range of benefits
                                                                              for international students, including
                                                                              preparation in language and study skills
                                                                              and dedicated support from tutorial staff.

     Postgraduate courses suitable
     for study by international
     students include:

     • Cardiology

     • Clinical Professional Studies

     • Contemporary Bioethics

     • Dementia Studies

     • Global Health

     • Healthcare Leadership
       and Commissioning

     • Internal Medicine

     • Medical Research

     • Paediatrics and Child Health

     • Public Health

     • Surgical Studies                As a postgraduate student at BSMS, you will beneft from the following support:

     Full-time courses are studied     • a personalised learning          • professional modules in          • guest lectures are offered
     over a 12-15 month period.          experience, with small group       leadership, communication,         from a wide range of lecturers,
                                         seminars and workshops             learning and teaching,             including professionals
     For further information and
                                                                            in which a wide range of           working at the forefront of
     details of courses which          • international students have
                                                                            students study together            health care delivery, advocacy
     are suitable for international      dedicated support services
                                                                                                               and research with world-
     students please visit:              and a member of staff as a       • in-depth study at the cutting-
                                                                                                               leading institutions            frst point of contact              edge of clinical and health
     international                                                          practice                         • extensive additional wellbeing
                                       • research training tailored to
                                                                                                               and academic skills support
                                         individual needs and interests   • opportunities to network with
                                                                                                               from both the Universities of
                                                                            leaders in health research and
                                       • each student is assigned                                              Sussex and Brighton.
                                         two dissertation supervisors
                                         to cover both topical and
                                         methodological expertise

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“One of the best decisions
 I’ve made in my life was to
 do my Masters at BSMS.
 As an overseas student,
 I had all the care and
 support I needed. It was a
 great year, my supervisors
 were super and I wish I
 could turn back time to be
 there again.”

Wiaam Alaa
MSc Public Health

Anaesthesia and Perioperative Medicine                                            MSc PGDip PGCert
                                                                                                •               •

                                                                                                    Open to
                                                                                                    UK applicants*

                                                                                                    Start date
                                                                                                    September 2021

                                                                                                    Mode of study
                                                                                                    Part-time: 3 years

                                                                                                    Course location
                                                                                                    Princess Royal Hospital,
                                                                                                    Haywards Heath
                                                                                                    University of Brighton, Falmer

                                                                                                    Course Leader
                                                                                                    Dr Vanessa Fludder

                                                                                                    Entry requirements
                                                                                                    Applicants should have
                                                                                                    a medical degree plus a
                                                                                                    minimum of two years’
                                                                                                    UK NHS experience in
                                                                                                    anaesthesia. Applicants are
                                                                                                    normally expected to be in
                                                                                                    clinical practice throughout
                                                                                                    the course.

                                                                                                    Bursaries may be available,
                                                                                                    please check the course web
                                                                                                    page for more details.   *Also open to EU applicants who are appointed to a post within HEEKSS

About this course                   Who is it for?                    Key areas of study                 What are the benefts?

The course is based on              The course covers areas that      • Assessment and                   Students will be able to
areas of clinical practice and      are relevant to all anaesthetic     optimisation                     develop the skills to become
professional skills that are        trainees. It is suitable for      • High-risk anaesthesia            the high-achieving consultants
relevant to all anaesthetic         doctors who have at least         • Emergency care                   and clinical leaders of the
trainees. Face-to-face tuition      two years’ experience in          • Research methods and             future. Tuition is provided
will be provided in cutting-        anaesthesia in the UK.              critical appraisal               in both clinical practice
edge aspects of patient                                               • Communication, learning          and key professional skills
care. The course uses an              Stand-alone modules               and teaching in health and       including leadership, service
evidence-based approach to                                              social care                      development, research and
                                      The clinical modules can
provide knowledge of clinical                                         • Leadership and change            an appreciation of evidence-
                                      all be taken as stand-
practice which extends beyond                                           management in clinical           based practice.
                                      alone modules as part of
the scope of the training                                               services
                                      continuing professional
programme and represents
many of the most important
areas of development for
clinical anaesthesia. It also
includes modules which
enable students to gain an
in-depth understanding of the
professional skills essential for
a successful career in the NHS.

                                                                      “After completing the FRCA, I wanted to enhance my
                                                                       knowledge and understanding of clinical anaesthesia and
                                                                       particularly the developing area of perioperative medicine
                                                                       so that I could improve the care I provide to patients. The
                                                                       taught modules were really well supported and gave me the
                                                                       confdence to complete the dissertation.”

                                                                       Clare Invernee
                                                                       MSc Anaesthesia and Perioperative Medicine graduate

Cardiology              MSc PGDip PGCert
                                •                •

                                    Open to
                                    UK and international applicants

                                    Start date
                                    September 2021

                                    Mode of study
                                    Full-time: 1 year
                                    Part-time: 3 years

                                    Course location
                                    University of Brighton, Falmer

                                    Course Leader
                                    Dr Sean O’Nunain

                                    Entry requirements
                                    The course is open to post-
                                    registration doctors and
                                    qualifed practitioners in any
                                    profession allied to medicine.
                                    Those with a frst degree
                                    will have a minimum of two
                                    years’ clinical practice; those
                                    without will have a minimum
                                    of fve years’ post-qualifcation
                                    practice in cardiology.
                                    Applicants who do not hold a
                                    frst degree will initially register
                                    for either a Postgraduate
                                    Certifcate or a Postgraduate
                                    Diploma award.

                                    For international students a
                                    minimum IELTS score of 7.0
                                    is required.

                                    Bursaries may be available,
                                    please check the course web
                                    page for more details.

About this course                 Who is it for?                     Key areas of study                 What are the benefts?

This internationally recognised   The course is designed to          • Communication,                   On completion of the
course is designed to train       provide advanced professional        learning and teaching in         course, students will have
healthcare professionals to       education for a wide range           health and social care           developed a broad and
be the clinical leaders of the    of practitioners with a career     • Acute cardiology principles      systematic understanding
future by providing a mix         interest in cardiology. It is        and practice                     of cardiovascular medicine
of clinical and professional      suitable for doctors aspiring      • Fundamentals of cardiac          and will be equipped to
knowledge relevant to the         to specialist positions. With        diagnostic procedures            translate this knowledge
practice of cardiology in         a multi-professional focus,          and investigations               into good practice. Students
contemporary healthcare.          the course is also suitable        • Invasive and interventional      will also have acquired
Learning in key professional      for nurses, pharmacists,             cardiology                       a portfolio of advanced
domains includes service          paramedic practitioners,           • Research methods and             research, leadership,
leadership and development,       radiographers and cardiac            critical appraisal               and communication and
research, commissioning and       physiologists who wish to          • Leadership and change            learning skills to support the
communication and teaching.       develop a specialist interest in     management in                    development of a specialist
The cardiology content            cardiology at Masters level.         clinical services                interest in cardiology and
provides comprehensive                                               • Quality, safety and              enhance their future career
learning to meet the                                                   service improvement in           opportunities.
professional development                                               clinical services
needs of a wide range of
practitioners working in

                                                                     “ The Acute Cardiology module defnitely had a positive
                                                                      effect on my practice in cardiology. It allowed me to
                                                                      review and discuss the main topics which I am most likely
                                                                      to encounter working in this feld.”

                                                                      Ebraham Alskaf
                                                                      MSc Cardiology graduate

Clinical Education                                                            MSc PGDip •

                                                                               Open to
                                                                               UK applicants*

                                                                               Start date
                                                                               September 2021

                                                                               Mode of study
                                                                               Part-time: 1-3 years

                                                                               Course location
                                                                               University of Brighton, Falmer

                                                                               Course Leader
                                                                               Dr Jim Price

                                                                               Entry requirements
                                                                               This course is open to
                                                                               health professionals who will
                                                                               normally have completed
                                                                               a Postgraduate Certificate
                                                                               in Medical Education or
                                                                               Simulation in Clinical Practice
                                                                               at BSMS, or the equivalent
                                                                               from other institutions. It is
                                                                               expected that teaching will
                                                                               form a significant element in
                                                                               your professional role.   *Also open to EU applicants who are appointed to a post within HEEKSS

About this course                 Who is it for?                     Key areas of study                 What are the benefits?

The overall aim of the course     The course is aimed at             • Professional identity            The course provides health
is to promote knowledge of,       professionals from medical           as a teacher                     professionals who have
and research into, learning,      and other clinical backgrounds     • Pedagogical practice in          a significant element of
teaching and communication        who are involved in teaching,        medical education                education within their clinical
in a clinical context, together   or proposing to teach, medical     • Advanced communication           work with the credibility,
with facilitating a reflective    students, doctors or other           skills and strategies in         credentialing and personal
awareness of participants’        healthcare professionals.            medical education                development opportunities
related skills and their          Participants will wish to          • Technology-enhanced              to become excellent
ongoing development. The          develop their teaching, learning     learning                         specialist medical and clinical
course allows candidates to       and communication skills to        • Simulation studies               educators. Students will have
progress from initial PGCert      a high standard. Applicants        • Leadership and facilitation      the opportunity to further their
level to PGDip and MSc level      will also be interested in the     • Evidence-based clinical          career in clinical education
qualifications. The Diploma       academic evidence base for           academic practice                as well as clinical practice,
route will normally take a        medical and clinical education,    • Clinical education research      and will have the academic
year, while progression to        and at Masters level will have       and methodology                  grounding to confidently
the Masters degree entails        the opportunity to pursue                                             address educational issues
completion of an in-depth         an in-depth, research-based                                           and standards in their
research project, normally        dissertation.                                                         professional roles as clinicians
taking a further year.                                                                                  and educators.

                                                                     “The course was extremely dynamic and included varied
                                                                      content and learning opportunities developed from peer-
                                                                      reviewed teaching practice, group discussions and group
                                                                      communication exercises. The focus on excellent teaching
                                                                      at BSMS also means that you benefit from fantastic practical
                                                                      experience of teaching undergraduate students.”

                                                                      Dr Camilla Tooley
                                                                      Clinical Teaching Fellow in Medicine and Surgery
                                                                      at Epsom and St Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust

Clinical Professional Studies                            PGCert
                                                Open to
                                                UK and international applicants

                                                Start date
                                                September 2021

                                                Mode of study
                                                Full-time: 1 year
                                                Part-time: 3-5 years

                                                Course location
                                                University of Brighton, Falmer
                                                University of Sussex, Falmer

                                                Course Leader
                                                Dr Jackie Knight

                                                Entry requirements
                                                This course is open to all
                                                medical trainees, physician
                                                associates, locally employed
                                                doctors, specialty associate
                                                doctors and other healthcare
                                                professionals. Students should
                                                normally have at least one
                                                year of professional practice
                                                before entering the course.

                                                For international students
                                                a minimum IELTS score of 7.0
                                                is required.

About this course                Who is it for?                  Key areas of study                    What are the benefts?

This course will provide         This course is designed to      Three professional modules:           The course is an opportunity
a rounded education to           meet the career development                                           for anyone returning to
                                                                 • Research methods and
prepare senior specialists for   needs of healthcare                                                   postgraduate studies or
                                                                   critical appraisal
clinical practice, taking into   professionals, in particular:                                         wishing to start a clinical
                                                                 • Leadership and change
account their academic and       medical, surgical, psychiatry                                         Master programme. The
                                                                   management in clinical
professional development         and GP trainees; physician                                            PGCert is designed to provide
needs. Participants will study   associates; locally employed                                          additional support at Master
                                                                 • Communication, learning
both theory and practical        doctors and specialty                                                 level with a focus on the
                                                                   and teaching in health and
skills in a range of subjects    associate doctors.                                                    professional core modules.
                                                                   social care
that cover the three core                                                                              Therefore, students will be
domains of research,                                             It may be possible to                 able to use their existing credit
leadership and education.                                        substitute another module             to fast track on to a Master
                                                                 from the BSMS Department of           programme. Successful
                                                                 Medical Education portfolio for       completion will prepare
                                                                 one of the modules above.             students for more effective
                                                                                                       leadership and for senior
                                                                                                       clinician roles in the future.

                                                                 “ This course provided me with a detailed insight into
                                                                  communication in both clinical practice and educational
                                                                  activities. I found it really valuable to be in a group with such
                                                                  a diverse range of professionals, and I have been able to
                                                                  incorporate the learning into my practice.”

                                                                  Rachel Thompson
                                                                  PGCert Clinical Professional Studies graduate

Clinical Radiology                                            MSc PGDip PGCert
                                                                            •               •

                                                                                Open to
                                                                                UK applicants*

                                                                                Start date
                                                                                September 2021

                                                                                Mode of study
                                                                                Part-time: 3 years

                                                                                Course location
                                                                                University of Brighton, Falmer
                                                                                University of Sussex, Falmer

                                                                                Course Leader
                                                                                Dr Phil Thompson

                                                                                Entry requirements
                                                                                Applicants should have
                                                                                a medical degree plus a
                                                                                minimum of two years’
                                                                                postgraduate experience or a
                                                                                degree in a profession allied to
                                                                                clinical radiology. Applicants
                                                                                are normally expected to be
                                                                                in clinical practice in the UK
                                                                                throughout the course.   *Also open to EU applicants who are appointed to a post within HEEKSS

About this course                    Who is it for?                   Key areas of study             What are the benefts?

The clinical modules of              The course has been              • Imaging physics              This course aims to produce
this course allow in-depth           specifcally designed in            and anatomy                  high-quality clinical radiology
coverage of key areas of             collaboration with the           • Musculoskeletal and          consultants, capable of
knowledge. These include             Health Education Kent,             neurological imaging         meeting the challenges of this
imaging physics and anatomy          Surrey and Sussex School         • Oncological imaging          dynamic and rapidly evolving
and a wide spectrum of               of Radiology to provide          • Research methods and         specialty and equipped with
disease processes with               advanced professional              critical appraisal           a wide range of invaluable
associated imaging features,         education for trainees in        • Communication, learning      clinical and professional
all essential for professionals      clinical radiology.                and teaching in health and   knowledge and skills.
and trainees working in                                                 social care
radiology today. The number of                                        • Leadership and change
radiologists actively engaged                                           management in clinical
in high-quality research                                                services
remains small, despite the
rapid advances being made
in imaging technology and
the professional modules
allow development in the
key domains of research,
leadership and teaching.

  “Delivered through a series of interesting and engaging lectures,
   this MSc course has provided a thorough foundation in the
   basic concepts underlying clinical radiology. This has enhanced
   my knowledge and understanding of the specialty, and greatly
   supported my professional practice as a trainee radiologist.”

   Dr Frances Sheehan
   MSc Clinical Radiology student

Contemporary Bioethics              MA PGDip PGCert
                                           •               •

                                               Open to
                                               UK and international applicants

                                               Start date
                                               September 2022

                                               Mode of study
                                               Full-time: 1 year
                                               Part-time: 2 years

                                               Course location
                                               University of Brighton, Falmer
                                               University of Sussex, Falmer

                                               Course Principal
                                               Professor Bobbie Farsides

                                               Course Leader
                                               Dr Peter West-Oram

                                               Entry requirements
                                               Applicants should have a
                                               first or upper second-class
                                               undergraduate honours
                                               degree in a relevant subject
                                               or equivalent.
                                               Completion of at least three
                                               years’ basic medical science
                                               at a UK medical school (having
                                               gained at least 360 credits)
                                               with a guaranteed place to
                                               continue medical studies on
                                               completion of the MA.

                                               For international students a
                                               minimum IELTS score of 7.0
                                               is required.

                                                 Please note this course will
                                                 launch in September 2022.
                                                 Please visit the webpage for
                                                 more information.

About this course                 Who is it for?                  Key areas of study                  What are the benefts?

The programme brings              The course has been             • Current issues and                This programme pays
together experts from many        specifcally designed for          approaches in bioethics           particular attention to the
disciplines within BSMS to        students seeking advanced         research                          systemic and structural issues
deliver a vibrant programme       training and education          • Feminist and anti-colonial        which have shaped traditional
offering a contemporary and       in both theoretical and           bioethics                         bioethics discourse. Against
critical approach to bioethics.   applied bioethics. It will      • Solidarity in bioethics           this background, students will
The course will address core      be of signifcant value            and society                       be schooled in the tools of
issues in bioethics while also    to those who wish to            • Global bioethics                  theoretical analysis needed to
considering the frameworks        continue their bioethical and   • Ethical issues at the             analyse emerging and novel
and structures which shape        philosophical education,          beginning and end of life         bioethical issues. Graduates
bioethical discourse, including   either in preparation for       • Philosophy and health             will be well placed to deliver
gender, coloniality and global    a PhD programme, or as                                              ethically and theoretically
health. As such, the course       a terminal degree. The                                              robust research and
will empower students to          course will also serve those                                        professional practice.
engage with the bioethical        working and training in the
challenges that medical,          medical, scientifc and allied
scientifc, technological and      professions.
social changes will present in
the future.

                                                                  “In an era of rapid social, medical and scientifc change,
                                                                   both domestically and globally, expertise in bioethics is of
                                                                   particular importance. This programme will build on BSMS’s
                                                                   commitment to placing bioethics at the core of medical and
                                                                   scientifc education and practice, with students being given
                                                                   the opportunity to interact with a dynamic group of experts in
                                                                   the feld and related disciplines.”

                                                                   Professor Malcolm Reed
                                                                   Dean, BSMS

Dementia Studies              MSc PGDip PGCert
                                      •               •

                                          Open to
                                          UK and international applicants

                                          Start date
                                          September 2021

                                          Mode of study
                                          Full-time: 1 year
                                          Part-time: 3 years

                                          Course location
                                          University of Brighton, Falmer

                                          Course Leader
                                          Dr Naji Tabet

                                          Entry requirements
                                          Applicants should have a
                                          degree and evidence of a
                                          capacity to study at Masters
                                          level with a substantial interest
                                          and/or experience in an area
                                          of health or social care.
                                          Evidence of a capacity to
                                          study at Masters level and
                                          at least two years’ work
                                          experience in an environment
                                          related to dementia care
                                          (including lived experience).
                                          Completion of at least three
                                          years’ basic medical science
                                          at a UK medical school (having
                                          gained at least 360 credits)
                                          with a guaranteed place to
                                          continue medical studies on
                                          completion of the MSc.

                                          For international students a
                                          minimum IELTS score of 7.0
                                          is required.

About this course                    Who is it for?                    Key areas of study             What are the benefts?

Dementia is a growing                The course is aimed at a          • Understanding dementia       Students will be empowered
problem globally. This course        wide range of professionals       • Assessment and treatment     to deliver significant
comprises a set of educational       who are in a position to            of dementia                  improvements in the quality of
initiatives which enable             deliver improvements to the       • Psychological and social     services provided. Successful
healthcare professionals to          health and care of people           perspectives of dementia     completion of the course
improve the quality of life of       with dementia. This includes      • Research methods and         will provide specialised
dementia patients by building        nurses, doctors, psychologists,     critical appraisal           knowledge and expertise
expertise in generating and          occupational therapists and       • Leadership and               which will be invaluable in
delivering better care. The          managers and staff in nursing       change management in         improving the prospect of
comprehensive, holistic,             and residential homes.              clinical services            employment in the field and
theoretical and practical                                              • Quality, safety and          will enhance the likelihood of
framework for understanding                                              service improvement in       career progression.
dementia enables a broad                                                 clinical services
understanding of the impact                                            • Communication and learning
on the individual and society.                                           in health and social care
Clinical knowledge is blended
with developing skills in
communication for health
and social care, research and
leadership learning.

  “The course has brought me up to date on the latest
   understanding of dementia and how we can best assess,
   diagnose, treat and support people affected by it. The range
   of topics and engaging lecturers have really increased my
   knowledge of, and passion for, the subject. Involving people
   living with dementia in the teaching was a real highlight too.”

   Lauren Wonnacott
   MSc Dementia Studies student

Diabetes in Primary Care                                                                     PGCert
                                                                                    Open to
                                                                                    UK applicants*

                                                                                    Start date
                                                                                    September 2021

                                                                                    Mode of study
                                                                                    Part-time: 2 years

                                                                                    Course locations
                                                                                    University of Brighton, Falmer

                                                                                    Course Principal
                                                                                    Dr David Lipscomb

                                                                                    Course Leader
                                                                                    Dr Wajeeha Aziz

                                                                                    Entry requirements
                                                                                    This course is open to post-
                                                                                    registration doctors and
                                                                                    qualified practitioners with
                                                                                    two years’ relevant clinical
                                                                                    experience in any profession
                                                                                    allied to medicine.   *Also open to EU applicants who are appointed to a post within HEEKSS

About this course                   Who is it for?                    Key areas of study               What are the benefts?
The course delivers advanced        The course meets the              • Complications of diabetes      Professionals who provide
professional education in           professional development            and their management           care and support in the
diabetes for people working         needs of a wide range of          • Epidemiology                   community for people
in primary care. Uniquely,          practitioners working in          • Lifestyle interventions and    with diabetes will gain an
it enhances both clinical           primary care, including general     up-to-date treatment options   accessible and achievable
knowledge of diabetes and           practitioners, practice nurses,   • Self-management and the        postgraduate qualification.
current best practice in its        community nurses, podiatrists       patient perspective            Practitioners will gain clinical
diagnosis and management in         and pharmacists.                  • Insulin management,            and professional knowledge
a primary care setting, with the                                        therapeutics and monitoring    which will enhance their ability
option to study commissioning         Continuing professional         • Evidence-based practice in     to practise, commission and
and service development               development                       diabetes care                  promote state-of-the-art,
or evidence-based care for                                            • Quality, safety and service    evidence-based care.
people with diabetes.                 Two core diabetes
                                                                        improvement in clinical
                                      clinical modules can
                                      be taken as a stand-
                                                                      • Leadership and
                                      alone module as part of
                                                                        change management in
                                      continuing professional
                                                                        clinical services
                                      development. bsms.

  “Being a GP in East Sussex, I wished to lead by example
   and practise good evidence -based medicine. My aim was to
   tailor the care I provide for my patients as well as push the
   existing boundaries to achieve good outcomes. I feel
   the balance at BSMS was just right with respect to taught
   and self- directed learning.”

   Dr Varuna Paranahewa
   PGCert Diabetes in Primary Care student

Global Health              MSc PGDip PGCert
                                   •               •

                                       Open to
                                       UK and international applicants

                                       Start date
                                       September 2021

                                       Mode of study
                                       Full-time: 1 year
                                       Part-time: 2 years

                                       Course locations
                                       University of Sussex, Falmer

                                       Course Principal
                                       Professor Melanie Newport

                                       Course Leader
                                       Dr Anne Gatuguta

                                       Entry requirements
                                       Applicants should have a
                                       first or upper second-class
                                       undergraduate honours
                                       degree or equivalent in
                                       any global health-related
                                       subject (eg, development
                                       studies, anthropology,
                                       nursing, political sciences,
                                       geography, psychology,
                                       biomedical sciences, etc) or
                                       the successful completion
                                       of at least three years’ basic
                                       medical science at a UK
                                       medical school (having gained
                                       at least 360 credits). Relevant
                                       global health experience is
                                       desirable but not essential.

                                       For international students an
                                       IELTS score of 7 or above is
                                       required, with no less than 6.5
                                       in each section.

About this course                   Who is it for?                       Key areas of study                 What are the benefts?

The course brings together          The course is suitable for           • Determinants of health           Graduates will have the
experts from the health             anyone interested in global            and ill-health in a              skills to work as global
sciences, pharmaceutical            health who would like to take          globalised world                 health practitioners, policy
sciences, development               an inter, multi and cross-           • Global burden and                makers, consultants or
studies, anthropology,              disciplinary approach to health        management of disease            researchers within national
economics and political             and ill health. It develops            and injury                       and international health
sciences, among others, in          students’ understanding of           • Access to medicines              and development agencies.
order to deliver a stimulating      the complex determinants of          • Neglected tropical diseases      They will have a sound
and vibrant programme. We           health in a globalised world,        • Health, poverty and              understanding of the complex
combine traditional didactic        global health challenges and           development                      global health problems,
teaching with dynamic and           their potential solutions in order   • Global mental health             their potential management
interactive methods, using          to help them contribute to the       • Emerging infectious              strategies at different
case studies alongside              improvement of health equity           diseases and antibiotic          levels and the research
evidence and insights from the      and social justice worldwide.          resistance                       approaches used to foster
various disciplines to facilitate                                        • Sexuality, fertility and         change. Previous graduates
students’ critical understanding                                           reproductive rights              have gone into a range of
of current global health issues,                                         • Confict and violence             careers, including working for
their complex determinants                                               • Research practice in             international non-governmental
and their potential solutions.                                             global contexts                  organisations, Public Health
                                                                                                            England or pursuing fully
                                                                                                            funded PhDs.

                                                                         “The Global Health MSc is a phenomenal course that embraces
                                                                          a diverse student body, and insightfully teaches us to address
                                                                          the health complexities that exist in our world today.”

                                                                          Mah Asombang
                                                                          MSc Global Health graduate from Zambia

Healthcare Leadership and Commissioning              MSc PGDip PGCert
                                                             •               •

                                                                 Open to
                                                                 UK and international applicants

                                                                 Start date
                                                                 September 2021;
                                                                 January 2022; April 2022

                                                                 Mode of study
                                                                 Full-time: 1 year
                                                                 Part-time: 3 years

                                                                 Course locations
                                                                 University of Brighton, Falmer
                                                                 University of Sussex, Falmer

                                                                 Course Leader
                                                                 Ms Breda Flaherty

                                                                 Entry requirements
                                                                 Applicants will normally
                                                                 have clinical, managerial or
                                                                 leadership experience and/
                                                                 or be educated to degree
                                                                 level. Students are normally
                                                                 in practice in the health and
                                                                 social care field. Full-time
                                                                 students, or students not
                                                                 in healthcare practice, will
                                                                 be identified and supported
                                                                 through the tutorial process.
                                                                 Successful completion of
                                                                 at least three years’ basic
                                                                 medical science at a UK
                                                                 medical school (having gained
                                                                 at least 360 credits) with a
                                                                 guaranteed place to continue
                                                                 medical studies on completion
                                                                 of the MSc.

                                                                 For international students a
                                                                 minimum IELTS score of 7.0
                                                                 is required.

About this course                   Who is it for?                   Key areas of study              What are the benefts?

With an innovative blend            Our multidisciplinary approach   • Leadership and change         We have been offering
of leadership theory,               brings clinicians, leaders,        management in clinical        in-depth academic study of
contemporary healthcare             commissioners and managers         services                      healthcare leadership and
policy and active application       together from all parts of       • Commissioning for             commissioning at BSMS
to practice, we equip clinicians,   the health and care system,        quality care                  for over 10 years. Our
leaders, commissioners and          offering a rich learning         • Quality, safety and service   graduates will apply their
managers to develop their           environment to build links         improvement in clinical       range of specialist skills to
knowledge and understanding         with colleagues from other         services                      real healthcare challenges.
of healthcare leadership.           professions and services.        • Principles and practice of    They will conduct research
Uniquely, we focus on clinical                                         public health                 and enquiry into challenges
expertise and clinical contexts                                      • Research methods and          to the dominant 20th century
in depth, alongside research                                           critical appraisal            models of healthcare and help
and implementing change                                              • Economics of health and       to shape healthcare for the
in practice.                                                           health-related behaviour      21st century.

  “Partnered to theoretical teaching was practical teaching
   from regional healthcare leaders, who spoke about the
   challenges they face. The wide variety of students from
   clinical and non- clinical backgrounds created exciting
   discussions and networking opportunities that would not
   otherwise have been possible.”

   Elliott Sharp
   MSc Healthcare Leadership and Commissioning graduate

Internal Medicine              MSc PGDip PGCert
                                       •               •

                                           Open to
                                           UK and international applicants

                                           Start date
                                           September 2021
                                           January 2022

                                           Mode of study
                                           Full-time: 1 year
                                           Part-time: 3-5 years

                                           Course locations
                                           University of Brighton, Falmer
                                           University of Sussex, Falmer

                                           Course Principal
                                           Professor Kevin Davies

                                           Course Leader
                                           Dr Ursula Davies

                                           Entry requirements
                                           This course is open to
                                           medical trainees who have
                                           completed a primary medical
                                           qualification and MRCP Part 1.
                                           These requirements may under
                                           special circumstances be
                                           reviewed for applicants
                                           with substantial clinical
                                           experience (please enquire
                                           prior to application).

                                           For international students a
                                           minimum IELTS score of 7.0
                                           is required.

                                           Bursaries may be available;
                                           please check the course web
                                           page for more details.
     PET-CT showing
     increased FDG
     uptake in the wall
     of the thoracic
     ascending aorta

About this course                Who is it for?                      Key areas of study                   What are the benefts?

Run in partnership with          The course is designed for          Clinical modules                     The course provides increased
educators, commissioners and     medical trainees interested         • Intensive medicine                 scientifc awareness of
practitioners from throughout    in professional and academic        • Autoimmunity                       pathophysiological processes
the region, the Masters          development in the field            • Infectious diseases                and will prepare medical
course has support from          of internal medicine. It is a lso   • Frailty and elderly medicine       trainees for advanced practice
Health Education England         valuable for those seeking                                               and senior clinical posts. It
                                                                     Professional modules
Kent, Surrey, and Sussex         to build their portfolio and                                             trains students to be high-
                                                                     • Research methods and
(HEEKSS). It provides a          strengthen contacts                                                      achieving consultants and
                                                                       critical appraisal
rounded education in internal    for the future.                                                          clinical leaders by combining
                                                                     • Leadership and change
medicine, including current                                                                               clinical knowledge with
                                                                       management in clinical
advances in medical sciences                                                                              professional development
and their application in the                                                                              and learning in the three
                                                                     • Communication, learning
clinical arena. Students will                                                                             key domains of leadership,
                                                                       and teaching in health and
gain detailed understanding of                                                                            communication, and learning
                                                                       social care
core research methodologies,                                                                              and teaching. It develops
critical evaluation, evidence-                                                                            research and publishing skills
based approaches and the                                                                                  and this provides a sound
pathophysiology of conditions                                                                             foundation for students who
of clinical interest.                                                                                     wish to engage in substantive
                                                                                                          research projects leading to
                                                                                                          an MD or PhD.

                                                                     “Expert speakers with a focus not on simply learning a
                                                                      bunch of diseases but rather on clinical reasoning, principles
                                                                      of autoimmunity and developing a deeper understanding.”

                                                                      MSc Internal Medicine graduate

Medical Education                                                                      PGCert
                                                                              Open to
                                                                              UK applicants*

                                                                              Start date
                                                                              September 2021

                                                                              Mode of study
                                                                              Part-time: 1 year

                                                                              Course locations
                                                                              University of Brighton, Falmer

                                                                              Course Leader
                                                                              Dr Jim Price

                                                                              Entry requirements
                                                                              The course is open to post-
                                                                              registration doctors, nurses,
                                                                              midwives and other health
                                                                              practitioners who contribute
                                                                              to the education of medical
                                                                              students and/or doctors.
                                                                              A first degree is not essential
                                                                              but evidence of ability to
                                                                              study at Masters level and a
                                                                              current teaching commitment
                                                                              are desirable.
                                                                              Successful completion of at
                                                                              least three years’ basic medical
                                                                              science at a UK medical school
                                                                              (having gained at least 360
                                                                              credits) with a guaranteed place
                                                                              to continue medical studies on
                                                                              completion of the MSc.

                                                                              The course forms one of two
                                                                              validated routes for entry to
                                                                              the PGDip or MSc in Clinical
                                                                              Education, the other being via
                                                                              the PGCert in Simulation in
                                                                              Clinical Practice.   *Also open to EU applicants who are appointed to a post within HEEKSS

About this course                    Who is it for?                   Key areas of study             What are the benefts?

The course aims to promote           The course is aimed at           • Professional identity        Graduates will gain a frm base
knowledge of learning and            professionals from medical         as a teacher                 and accredited professional
teaching theories in a medical       and other clinical backgrounds   • Learning and teaching in     standards to underpin their
and clinical context and to          who are involved in teaching       medical education            role as medical and clinical
facilitate a refective awareness     or proposing to teach medical    • Pedagogical practice in      educators. It will help them
of the student’s own teaching        students, doctors or other         medical education            develop academic skills in
and learning practice, ensuring      health professionals, and        • Advanced communication       ‘social science’ writing, as
that the teacher is also a           who wish to develop their          skills and strategies in     well as an in-depth refective
learner. The Academy of              teaching, learning and             medical education            educational portfolio to give
Medical Educators (AoME)             communication skills.            • Medical education research   them a strong foundation as
has fully accredited the course                                                                      both a scholar and practitioner
and successful completion                                                                            in clinical education. This
now entitles participants to                                                                         forms an ideal springboard
membership of the Academy.                                                                           for further qualifcations in
For further information,                                                                             medical or clinical education
visit the AoME website:                                                                              such as a Diploma or Masters                                                                                 degree, fellowship of the
                                                                                                     Higher Education Academy or
                                                                                                     membership/fellowship of the
                                                                                                     Academy of Medical Educators.

  “The PGCert in Medical Education was a good opportunity to
   ground my teaching in education theory and to refect on my
   current practice. The modules were varied in their teaching
   and the portfolio exercise provided a great opportunity to look
   forwards as a medical educator.”

   Sam Wickham
   PGCert Medical Education graduate

Medical Research              MRes PGCert •

                                   Open to
                                   UK and international applicants

                                   Start date
                                   September 2021

                                   Mode of study
                                   Full-time: 1 year
                                   Part-time: 3-5 years

                                   Course locations
                                   University of Brighton, Falmer
                                   University of Sussex, Falmer

                                   Course Leader
                                   Dr Trevor Welland

                                   Entry requirements
                                   Applicants should have a first
                                   degree plus a stated desire to
                                   develop as a researcher.
                                   Evidence of involvement in an
                                   ongoing research programme,
                                   award of a research grant
                                   or employer support for a
                                   research project.
                                   Successful completion of at
                                   least three years’ basic medical
                                   science at a UK medical school
                                   (having gained at least 360
                                   credits) with a guaranteed place
                                   to continue medical studies on
                                   completion of the MSc.

About this course                 Who is it for?                    Key areas of study                  What are the benefts?

The course has been designed      The MRes is aimed primarily       This course is research             The course can be a useful
to develop and promote            at BSMS Academic Clinical         focused and core and optional       stepping stone to PhD level
independent research skills in    Fellows, intercalating students   modules explore:                    study and collaborative or
future principal investigators.   and NHS trainees in medicine      • Research methods and              independent research in the
Education and training is         and surgery. Applications           critical appraisal of research    future. Course graduates
provided through classroom        are welcome from NHS staff          literature                        will be research literate,
teaching, workshops, self-        in a setting in which medical     • Essential statistics for health   research skilled and equipped
directed learning and the         research is part of their day-      and medical research              to be research active in
development and application       to-day activity. Independently    • Evidence-based practice           their careers. It is expected
of research skills. Students      funded applicants may also          (this module is delivered by      that they will present their
engage with a supervised          apply. Individuals who do           distance learning)                studies at conferences and
research project and are          not wish to pursue the full       • Clinical trials management        publish research papers in
encouraged to develop             MRes course may consider          • Advanced research                 appropriate professional and
their autonomy in research        the PGCert with the potential       skills (eg, interview and         academic journals.
project design, management,       to transfer to the MRes later       focus groups; systematic
governance and reporting. All     should they wish.                   reviews; statistical analysis;
students are expected to give                                         qualitative data analysis)
presentations and publish their                                     • Epidemiology
research work.

                                                                    “The PGCert in Medical Research further developed my
                                                                     interest in research and gave me the confdence to start
                                                                     writing articles. I enjoyed the way that teaching combined an
                                                                     intensive course with self-studying. I am looking forward to
                                                                     putting my knowledge into practice.”

                                                                     Asma Rourou
                                                                     PGCert Medical Research student

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