National Drug Policy 2015 to 2020 - Minimise alcohol and other drug-related harm and promote and protect health and wellbeing - Ministry of Health

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National Drug Policy
2015 to 2020
Minimise alcohol and other drug-related harm
and promote and protect health and wellbeing
Citation: Inter-Agency Committee on Drugs. 2015.
National Drug Policy 2015 to 2020. Wellington: Ministry of Health.
       Published in August 2015 by the Ministry of Health
          PO Box 5013, Wellington 6145, New Zealand
                ISBN: 978-0-478-44856-6 (print)
               ISBN: 978-0-478-44857-3 (online)
                           HP 6239
          This document is available at
The Government’s approach to          implement are both proportionate        There is still, however, a lot to do.
minimising harm from alcohol and      to the potential for harm and           The Government has set a range of
other drug misuse needs to be         evidence-based.                         Better Public Services targets and
compassionate, innovative and                                                 other social sector initiatives to
                                      In relation to alcohol, the
proportionate. This recognises                                                make New Zealand a better place to
                                      Government has already responded
that alcohol and other drug                                                   live for all New Zealanders. These
                                      by tightening the rules on the sale
problems are first and foremost                                               targets and initiatives include
                                      of alcohol and putting more control
health issues.                                                                reducing long-term welfare
                                      in the hands of local communities
                                                                              dependence, supporting vulnerable
Compassion is crucial. Help           through the Sale and Supply of
                                                                              children, boosting skills and
needs to be available for those       Alcohol Act 2012, reducing the
                                                                              employment, and reducing crime.
who need it, interventions need       blood-alcohol limit for driving and
                                                                              When we dig beneath the surface
to happen early, and the stigma       increasing alcohol screening and
                                                                              of many of the issues we need to
that acts as a barrier to help        brief interventions in primary care.
                                                                              address to achieve these outcomes,
seeking and recovery needs to be
                                      Actions are also included in this       we find that misuse of alcohol and
reduced. This National Drug
                                      National Drug Policy as the             drugs is a contributing factor.
Policy emphasises the need for
                                      Government’s response to the Law
a people-centred intervention                                                 There is no quick fix. Progress will
                                      Commission’s recommendations
system that is responsive to                                                  take time, and will require
                                      on the Misuse of Drugs Act 1975.
people’s circumstances,                                                       coordinated action across the social
                                      These relate to ensuring the Expert
environment and life stages.                                                  sector and other agencies to
                                      Advisory Committee on Drugs has
                                                                              understand where to target
We also have to be prepared to        appropriate decision-making
                                                                              resources and provide wrap-around
challenge traditional approaches      guidance, ensuring appropriate
                                                                              support. Partnership with non-
and ways of thinking about these      access to controlled drugs for
                                                                              governmental organisations,
issues. Innovation is essential       medical purposes (while minimising
                                                                              businesses, communities and
in a world where new drugs are        the risk of diversion), and assessing
                                                                              families will also be vital in
detected every week and the black     options for possession and utensils
                                                                              minimising alcohol and other drug
market has gone digital. The          offences to incorporate an
                                                                              related harm. As Minister
international landscape has also      enhanced health response.
                                                                              responsible for this Government’s
shifted, with a growing recognition
                                     New Zealand continues to make            policy on alcohol and other drugs,
that the harms we are trying to
                                     strong progress in minimising            I will work with my ministerial
prevent can come from our
                                     alcohol and other drug harm.             colleagues to ensure not only that
approach to drugs as much as
                                     Hazardous consumption of alcohol         agencies have a coordinated
from their use.
                                     has decreased over the last six          approach to this issue, but that we
Different drugs have different risk  years from 18 percent in 2006/07 to      work with those who deliver
profiles and our responses to them 16 percent in 2013/14. The Prime           services and interventions to make
need to reflect this. In some cases, Minister’s Methamphetamine               New Zealand a better place.
such as with methamphetamine,        Action Plan has helped to more
we want to eradicate all supply and than halve the reported rates of
use. For alcohol, we want those who amphetamine use. The combined
choose to drink to do so moderately focus on restricting the supply of
and those who are pregnant or        methamphetamine and its
planning pregnancy not to drink at   precursors, with treatment and           Hon Peter Dunne
all. When legislating to try and     community-based initiatives has          Associate Minister of Health
reduce harmful behaviour we need     contributed to this reduction.
to ensure the rules and penalties we

      		                                                                      National Drug Policy 2015 to 2020       iii
Foreword                                                                                          iii

Introduction                                                                                      1
  New Zealand has high rates of alcohol and other drug use                                        1
  Misuse of AOD harms individuals, communities and society                                        1
  Taking action to minimise harm means looking at the whole picture                               2
  An investment-based approach ensures support goes where it will make the biggest difference     2
  A collaborative response to AOD harm is needed                                                  3
  The Government is committed to getting results                                                  3

Our approach for the next five years                                                              4
  A shared goal provides a foundation for collaboration                                           4
  Clear objectives focus us on results                                                            6
  Evidence-based strategies ensure we are doing the right things                                  6
  Our priorities enable us to achieve results                                                     7

Our objectives                                                                                    8
  Delaying the uptake of AOD by young people                                                      8
  Reducing illness and injury from AOD                                                            10
  Reducing hazardous drinking of alcohol                                                          12
  Shifting our attitudes towards AOD                                                              14

Our strategies                                                                                    16

Our priorities for Government action                                                              18
  Priority area 1: creating a people-centred intervention system                                  18
  Priority area 2: shifting thinking and behaviour                                                20
  Priority area 3: getting the legal balance right                                                21
  Priority area 4: disrupting organised crime                                                     22
  Priority area 5: improving information flow                                                     24
  Summary of Government actions                                                                   25

References                                                                                        27

Further resources                                                                                 30

     		                                                              National Drug Policy 2015 to 2020   v
The National Drug Policy sets out our response as a society to alcohol and other
drug1 (AOD) issues. The Government will use the Policy to prioritise its resources
and assess the effectiveness of the actions taken by government agencies and
frontline services.
The Policy aims to guide, influence and support decision-making by local
services, communities and non-governmental organisations, and in doing so,
improve collaboration and maximise the effectiveness of the system as a whole.

New Zealand has                   Some people are psychologically                                          Misuse of AOD
                                  or physiologically dependent on
high rates of alcohol             these substances. This means they
                                                                                                           harms individuals,
and other drug use                have become so used to having                                            communities and
Over a lifetime 44 percent of
                                  AOD in their system they need to                                         society
                                  keep using them in order to
New Zealanders will have tried an                                                                          While not every instance of
                                  function normally. It is estimated
illegal drug and 93 percent will                                                                           AOD use is harmful, the effects
                                  that 12 percent of the population
have drunk alcohol (Ministry of                                                                            of these substances can be
                                  will experience a substance use
Health 2015b). A number of adults                                                                          significant. Immediate harms
                                  disorder at some stage in their
aged 15+ use illegal drugs:                                                                                related to AOD use include falls,
                                  lives (Wells et al 2007).
→→1 in 13 smoke cannabis at       Additionally, a recent study found                                       road accidents and the clogging
    least once a month (Ministry  that approximately 11 percent of                                         up of hospital accident and
    of Health 2015b)2             New Zealand secondary school                                             emergency departments. Harms
→→1 in 37 have used ecstasy       students use substances at a level                                       can also arise over the long term,
    in the last year(Ministry of  that are likely to cause them                                            such as AOD-related health
    Health 2015b)                 significant current harm and may                                         conditions, relationship issues
→→1 in 100 have used amphetamine cause long-term problems (The                                             and difficulty obtaining and
    in the last year (Ministry of University of Auckland 2014).                                            maintaining employment.
    Health 2014c).

1. Other drugs include: substances classified under the Medicines Act 1981 or Misuse of Drugs Act 1975 and not used within the controls set out in legislation
   or for their intended purpose; substances captured by the Psychoactive Substances Act 2013; and other substances such as solvents and aerosols.
2. Data for cannabis and ecstasy use in the last 12 months (as at 2012/13) are provisional and potentially subject to revision or change until they have been
   through the full quality assurance process and received final approval for release.

         		                                                                                               National Drug Policy 2015 to 2020                      1
For example, approximately 4500
    people receiving a health-related
                                           Taking action to                     An investment-
    benefit have a primary diagnosis       minimise harm                        based approach
    of alcohol or substance abuse          means looking at                     ensures support
    and a quarter of these people          the whole picture                    goes where it will
    have received a benefit for at least
    10 years.                           AOD policy cannot be viewed in          make the biggest
    AOD-related harm does not occur
                                        isolation from social factors (such     difference
                                        as income, employment, housing
    in a vacuum. The harm experienced                                           Harmful use of AOD has been
                                        and education) that may make
    depends on a complicated web of                                             estimated to cost our country
                                        people more at risk of being
    factors, including the substance(s)                                         around $6.5 billion each year
                                        affected, directly or indirectly, by
    involved, the extent of use, the                                            (Business and Economic Research
                                        harm from AOD. Effective
    method of use, the vulnerabilities                                          Limited 2009). This includes the
                                        government intervention requires
    of the person using AOD, and the                                            cost to healthcare of responding
                                        a cross-agency response. Health
    environment in which AOD is used.                                           to AOD related accidents, illnesses
                                        care, education and social services,
    Harmful impacts of AOD are not                                              and injuries, the cost of welfare
                                        alongside the justice system,
    restricted to the individual using                                          payments for people who have
                                        communities, families and whānau
    the substance. Examples of                                                  become incapacitated through
                                        play critical roles in minimising
    AOD-related harm to others                                                  substance dependence and the
                                        harm from AOD.
    include violence, foetal AOD                                                costs to the criminal justice
                                        The complexity of these issues          system of enforcing AOD-related
    exposure, family break-up and
                                        means that our responses need           legislation.
    child neglect, property crime and
                                        to be flexible, targeting the
    public health issues such as the                                            By focussing on prevention and
                                        needs of different populations,
    spread of hepatitis.                                                        early intervention at the
                                        family and whānau situations and
    Problematic AOD use is often                                                population level, through to
                                        environments, and responding
    multi-generational and can be                                               targeted, people-centred
                                        to emerging issues early.
    normalised within family and                                                responses for those individuals
                                        Approaches need to be evaluated,
    whānau groups. Such patterns of                                             who need greater support, we can
                                        tested and refined using domestic
    behaviour may also normalise                                                reduce these harms and their flow
                                        and international evidence and
    actions that will bring people,                                             on effects to families, whānau,
                                        best practice.
    particularly young people, into                                             communities and the wider public.
                                        New Zealand is not alone in             The Policy’s first Priority Area for
    contact with the criminal justice
                                        facing the challenge of reducing        action is targeted specifically at
    system, such as cannabis offences
                                        harm caused by AOD. We can learn        ensuring a people-centred
    or drink driving.
                                        from international practice, policy     intervention system.
    Particular populations often        and structures. This includes
    experience a disproportionate       international agreements, such
    amount of harm. For this Policy to as the United Nations Drug
    be successful, harm needs to be     Conventions, trade agreements and
    minimised for all populations.      human rights instruments. The
                                        Government will monitor innovative
                                        approaches as they are tested
                                        internationally, including
                                        experimental regimes that make
                                        cannabis available for medicinal use.

2   National Drug Policy 2015 to 2020
A collaborative                                       →→Employers can offer a chance
                                                        to people who are in the process
                                                                                                             the Ministries of Health, Justice,
                                                                                                             Social Development, and Education,
response to AOD                                         of recovering from substance                         the New Zealand Police, the
harm is needed                                          dependence.                                          Department of Corrections, and
                                                                                                             the New Zealand Customs Service.
There are many people and                             →→Frontline services can provide
                                                                                                             The Accident Compensation
organisations – including district                      appropriate interventions, plans
                                                                                                             Corporation, National Drug
health boards, service providers, iwi                   and treatment for those who
                                                                                                             Intelligence Bureau, Health
and hapū groups, schools, churches                      need help.
                                                                                                             Promotion Agency and Te Puni
and community organisations –                         Government agencies have a                             Kōkiri also participate at the
making a difference by minimising                     role by collaborating, supporting                      working group level. This collection
AOD-related harm and working                          and partnering with others to                          of agencies will ensure integration
to promote and protect health                         achieve common goals. In                               between the delivery of this Policy
and wellbeing. Indeed, everyone                       particular, the principles of                          and broader Social Sector
can have a role in minimising                         partnership, participation and                         objectives.
AOD harm.                                             protection will continue to
                                                                                                             The IACD will report to the
→→Individuals can take action                         underpin the relationship between
                                                                                                             Government annually. Their
  to reduce harmful use.                              government and Māori to achieve
                                                                                                             advice will cover progress on
                                                      pae ora3 and health equity by
→→Family, whānau and friends                                                                                 implementing actions, whether
                                                      supporting the health and
  can support someone to make                                                                                objectives are being achieved, and
                                                      wellbeing aspirations of Māori.
  changes in their use.                                                                                      any changes to actions and
                                                                                                             timelines that may be required as
→→Community members and
  leaders can advocate for                            The Government is                                      evidence emerges. The IACD will
                                                                                                             also provide advice on whether
  positive AOD policies in                            committed to                                           achieving the objectives of this
  community settings such as
  a local sports club, and also
                                                      getting results                                        Policy is helping to drive progress
                                                                                                             on the government’s broader social
  model responsible AOD use.                          The Government has instructed the
                                                                                                             sector goals, including the Better
                                                      Inter-Agency Committee on Drugs
→→Educational institutions can                                                                               Public Services Result Areas.
                                                      (IACD) to oversee the
  introduce policies to support
                                                      implementation of actions and
  students struggling with
                                                      monitor progress made against the
  AOD issues to stay engaged
                                                      objectives set out in this Policy. The
  in education.
                                                      Inter-Agency Committee on Drugs
                                                      brings together chief executives of

3. Pae ora is a holistic concept including three interconnected elements of mauri ora (healthy individuals), whanau ora (healthy families) and wai ora (healthy
   environments). Pae ora is also the Government’s vision for Māori health and can be accessed through

         		                                                                                                 National Drug Policy 2015 to 2020                     3
Our approach for
    the next five years
    The Government’s approach over the next five years includes a shared goal,
    objectives, strategies and priorities for action. This approach, and its
    contribution to wider social sector outcomes, is summarised in Figure 1 and
    discussed in detail in the rest of the chapter.

    A shared goal
    provides a
    foundation for
    The goal of this Policy is to        Making progress towards this
    minimise AOD-related harm and        goal will impact on wider social
    promote and protect health and       objectives, and in particular four
    wellbeing for all New Zealanders.    of the Better Public Services
    The idea of harm minimisation        Result Areas in relation to
    encompasses the prevention and       reducing welfare dependency,
    reduction of health, social and      supporting vulnerable children,
    economic harms experienced by        boosting skills and employment
    individuals, their families and      and reducing crime.
    friends, communities and society
    from AOD use. The promotion and
    protection of wellbeing integrates
    physical, mental and social needs
    to strengthen protective factors
    for individuals, families and

4   National Drug Policy 2015 to 2020
Figure 1: The framework for the National Drug Policy 2015–2020

 Contribution to social sector outcomes

  Reducing welfare          Supporting                Boosting skills and
                                                                                     Reducing crime
  dependency                vulnerable children       employment


  To minimise AOD-related harm and promote and protect health and wellbeing.


  Delaying the uptake of    Reducing illness and      Reducing hazardous             Shifting our attitudes
  AOD by young people       injury from AOD           drinking of alcohol            towards AOD


  Problem limitation                  Demand reduction                   Supply control
  Barriers to people accessing        People have the knowledge,         Access to AOD for harmful
  and receiving support or            skill and support to make          use is minimised
  treatment for their own or          good decisions about their
  others’ AOD use are removed         AOD use

 Priority areas

  Creating a
                       Shifting             Getting the                                   Improving
  people-centred                                                   Disrupting
                       thinking and         legal balance                                 information
  intervention                                                     organised crime
                       behaviour            right                                         flow

     		                                                                National Drug Policy 2015 to 2020      5
Clear objectives                     Evidence-based
    focus us on results                  strategies ensure
    As well as having a shared goal,     we are doing the
    we need clear objectives to provide  right things
    a focus over the entire life of the                                          Demand reduction aims to
                                        This Policy provides a structure
    Policy. These objectives are:                                                reduce the desire to use AOD.
                                        for the wide range of activity
                                                                                 It includes activities that delay
    →→delayed uptake of AOD by          already being undertaken by
                                                                                 or prevent uptake. This means
       young people                     the Government and others to
                                                                                 reducing use through education,
                                        minimise harm and to promote and
    →→reduced AOD-related illness                                                health promotion, advertising and
                                        protect wellbeing. The activities can
       and injury                                                                marketing restrictions, and
                                        be categorised under three broad
                                                                                 influencing the conditions that
    →→reduced hazardous drinking        strategies, or ‘pillars’: problem
                                                                                 make people turn to AOD through
       of alcohol                       limitation, demand reduction and
                                                                                 community action, such as keeping
    →→a shift in attitudes towards      supply control. These pillars are
                                                                                 children in school.
       AOD.                             underpinned with high quality
                                        data to ensure the right balance
    Progress on these objectives will   and targeting of activity. These
    mean progress on reducing overall strategies also act as a guide for
    harm from AOD. To know whether new initiatives.
    progress is being made, high-level
    indicators and measures have        The approach is similar to that used
                                        in other countries, including the        Supply control aims to prevent
    been developed. These will be
                                        United Kingdom, Australia and many       or reduce the availability of
    based on the latest available data
                                        nations in the European Union.           AOD. It includes controlling
    and will enable high-level trends
                                                                                 New Zealand’s borders to prevent
    to be assessed.
                                                                                 illegal drugs being imported,
                                                                                 and shutting down domestic
                                                                                 growing, manufacturing and
                                                                                 supply. It also aims to control
                                                                                 and manage the supply of legal
                                         Problem limitation aims to              drugs through things like
                                         reduce harm that is already             prescribing guidelines, age
                                         occurring to those who use AOD or       restrictions, licensing conditions
                                         those affected by someone else’s        and permitted trading hours.
                                         AOD use. It includes activities that
                                         provide safer equipment and
                                         environments for AOD use, ensure
                                         access to quality AOD treatment
                                         services through New Zealand’s
                                         health system, and support people
                                         in recovery. It also includes
                                         activities that support others who
                                         are affected, such as the children of
                                         people with dependence problems.

6   National Drug Policy 2015 to 2020
Our priorities enable                 Each priority area has an initial set
                                      of actions to be undertaken by
us to achieve results                 2017/18. These actions are drawn
This Policy identifies five areas     from across the three strategies
that will require additional focus    and build on, rather than replace,
over the next five years if the       the significant contributions
Government is to make meaningful government, communities and
progress against the objectives:      individuals already make to the
                                      goal and objectives of this Policy.
→→Priority area 1: creating a people-
  centred intervention system         Many of the initial actions are
                                      designed to enhance collaboration
→→Priority area 2: shifting thinking and links across government,
  and behaviour                       service providers and communities
→→Priority area 3: getting the legal in order to achieve better outcomes
  balance right                       collectively than can be achieved
                                      alone. This collaborative approach
→→Priority area 4: disrupting         recognises that everyone has a role
  organised crime                     in minimising AOD-related harm,
→→Priority area 5: improving          but that the Government has a
  information flow.                   responsibility to lead.
                                      The initial actions are also
                                      designed to build a foundation to
                                      better enable individuals, families
                                      and communities to contribute to
                                      the Policy’s goals and objectives,
                                      and to support prevention and
                                      intervention activity, particularly
                                      for young people.

      		                                                                      National Drug Policy 2015 to 2020   7
Our objectives
    Delaying                                               Early uptake of AOD
                                                           is a predictor for
                                                           ongoing problems,

    the uptake                                             including substance
                                                           use and dependence.

    of AOD by                                              Early use of AOD raises very
                                                           serious issues for our children

    young people
                                                           and society. The brain does not
                                                           fully mature until the third decade
                                                           of life, and the evidence suggests
                                                           that exposure to AOD during
                                                           adolescence and young adulthood
                                                           may interrupt important
                                                           neurological processes and natural
    Around 75 percent of people who develop a              brain maturation. This can have
                                                           consequences for social and
    substance use disorder (eg. substance abuse            neurobiological functioning in
    or dependence) will do so by the age of 25             adulthood (Squeglia et al 2009;
    (Wells et al 2007).                                    Office of the Prime Minister’s
                                                           Science Committee and Gluckman
                                                           2011). This is more likely when
    By age 15 one in four people have drunk alcohol        people start using AOD earlier
                                                           (early onset) and do so regularly
    and one in six have used an illegal drug (Ministry
                                                           or heavily.
    of Health 2015a and 2015b).
                                                           Early onset of alcohol consumption
                                                           tends to increase the likelihood of
    By the age of 21 approximately 80 percent of young     regular and heavy use and has been
                                                           associated with increased rates of
    New Zealanders will have used cannabis, with
                                                           violence and injury, unprotected
    10 percent developing a pattern of heavy, dependent    sex, mental health problems,
    use (Office of the Prime Minister’s Science Advisory   suicide, poorer educational
                                                           outcomes and problem drinking
    Committee and Gluckman 2011).                          later in life (Dawson et al 2008;
                                                           Fergusson et al 1994; Hingston et al
                                                           2006, 2009; Komro et al 2010;
                                                           Office of the Prime Minister’s
                                                           Science Advisory Committee, 2011;
                                                           Swahn et al 2010). Of adults aged
                                                           15 years and over who reported
                                                           drinking hazardously in the past
                                                           12 months 48 percent had first
                                                           used alcohol before age 15
                                                           (Ministry of Health 2015b).

8   National Drug Policy 2015 to 2020
The evidence highlights that early                   can also influence use. We know                       were the second most prevalent
onset of cannabis use also tends                     people are more likely to use drugs                   reason cited by school boards for
to increase the likelihood of                        such as cannabis when their peers                     exclusions4 in 2013, accounting for
misuse, as well as mental health                     are doing so (Kuntsche and                            17 percent, and the main reason for
issues, other illicit drug use, school               Delgrande 2006) and that social                       expulsions5, at 34 percent (Ministry
drop-out and educational                             and parental modelling influences                     of Education 2013). Not being able
underachievement, neurocognitive                     youth AOD use. There is also a                        to participate fully in school life
deficits and injury (Meier et al.                    strong genetic component to AOD                       can limit a young person’s ability
2012; Office of the Prime Minister’s                 issues (Office of the Prime                           to gain employment, sustain
Science Advisory Committee 2011;                     Minister’s Science Advisory                           relationships and make life
Silins et al 2014).                                  Committee 2011).                                      choices. Similarly, consequences
                                                                                                           from interaction with the criminal
Early use and misuse of AOD is                       The way that we respond to young
                                                                                                           justice system from low-level
linked to a range of social and                      people’s use of AOD can have
                                                                                                           AOD-related offending can be far
environmental factors, including                     life-long consequences.
                                                                                                           reaching. During 2013/14 (ie, fiscal
exposure to traumatic life                           Accordingly, the Prime Minister’s
                                                                                                           year ending 30 June 2014) 2410
experiences such as child abuse                      Chief Science Advisor warns
                                                                                                           police proceedings6 for illicit drug
and neglect, family violence and                     against responding punitively to
                                                                                                           possession or use against youth
household dysfunction (Office of                     behaviours that reflect incomplete
                                                                                                           (aged 5–24) were recorded, with
the Prime Minister’s Science                         maturation (Office of the Prime
                                                                                                           approximately a quarter resulting
Committee and Gluckman 2011).                        Minister’s Chief Science Advisor
                                                                                                           in court action.7
The way young people socialise                       2011). Drugs (excluding alcohol)

Table 1: Indicator for delaying the uptake of AOD by young people

 Indicator of success                                Delayed uptake of alcohol and other drugs by young people

 Measure                                             Initiation of first use as reported by adults aged 15+ years
 Data source                                         New Zealand Health Survey (5 yearly)

                                                     (Alcohol)                   Baseline 2012/13
                                                                                 Under 15: 27%; 15-19: 60%; 20-24: 10%

                                                     (Other drugs)               Baseline: 2012/138
                                                                                 14 and under: 16%; 15-17: 33%; 18-20: 29%

4. Exclusion means the formal removal of a student aged under 16 from the school and the requirement that the student enrol elsewhere.
5. Expulsion means the formal removal of a student aged 16 or over from the school. If the student wishes to continue schooling, he or she may enrol
6. Proceedings include court action, formal and informal warnings, non-court referred conferences and other non-court action.
7. These figures have been produced from a statistical dataset that is still under development, and which will, in the future be used to produce Recorded
   Crime Offender Statistics. Those Tier 1 statistics should be available from 1 July 2015.
8. Data for other drug use in the last 12 months (as at 2012/13) are provisional and potentially subject to revision or change until they have been through
   the full quality assurance process and received final approval for release.

         		                                                                                              National Drug Policy 2015 to 2020                    9
Reducing                                                                                                  AOD misuse
                                                                                                               has serious

     illness                                                                                                   for the health of
                                                                                                               New Zealanders.

     and injury                                                                                                AOD taken recreationally produces
                                                                                                               physiological changes to the body.

     from AOD
                                                                                                               These effects are generally
                                                                                                               intended to be pleasurable, but
                                                                                                               they also have the potential to
                                                                                                               cause considerable harm to the
                                                                                                               people that use them and to
                                                                                                               others. Each year about 150,000
                                                                                                               New Zealanders aged 16 and older
     Approximately 12 percent of New Zealanders will                                                           experience substance use problems
                                                                                                               that could benefit from an
     experience a substance use disorder at some stage                                                         intervention (Mental Health
     in their lives (Oakley et al 2006).                                                                       Commission 2011). Different drugs
                                                                                                               also carry different risk profiles and
                                                                                                               the impact on individuals will vary
     AOD use accounts for about 5 percent of all health                                                        depending on their vulnerabilities,
     loss9 experienced by New Zealanders and 23 percent                                                        environmental and social
                                                                                                               circumstances and patterns of use.
     of mental illness, mainly through substance use
                                                                                                               Around 800 deaths per year are
     disorders. Alcohol comprises the majority of this                                                         attributable to alcohol. Injuries are
     loss (3.9% and 18% respectively) (Ministry of Health                                                      the dominant cause of alcohol-
     2013b).                                                                                                   attributable deaths for people
                                                                                                               under 45, with alcohol-induced
                                                                                                               cancers becoming increasingly
     Sharing needles and other drug utensils remains                                                           dominant from the age of 45
     the key route for hepatitis C virus transmission in                                                       (Connor et al 2013). Alcohol-
                                                                                                               attributable injuries are estimated
     New Zealand. Eighty-three percent of people with                                                          to account for 11 percent of all ACC
     hepatitis C virus infection report a history of                                                           claims, at a cost of $350 million
                                                                                                               per year (Accident Compensation
     intravenous drug use (Gane et al 2014).                                                                   Corporation 2012).
                                                                                                               Regular and heavy cannabis
                                                                                                               smokers are at increased risk of
                                                                                                               contracting chronic bronchitis,
                                                                                                               respiratory infections and
                                                                                                               pneumonia when compared to

     9. Health loss is a measure of how much healthy life is lost due to early death, illness or disability.

10   National Drug Policy 2015 to 2020
non-smokers and may suffer              communicable diseases. Availability     transition plans between services
cancers of the lung (Room et            of clean equipment will reduce          – for example from specialist care
al 2008).                               harm: the introduction of the 1-for-1   to primary care – are important
                                        needle exchange has reduced the         tools to assist people with recovery.
Large doses of methamphetamine
                                        rate of hepatitis C infection among
can cause potentially life-                                                     Reducing illness and injury from
                                        people who currently inject drugs
threatening conditions, such as                                                 AOD includes having a focus on
                                        by around 25 percent (Noller and
hypothermia, renal and liver failure,                                           other people who are affected by
                                        Henderson, 2014; Henderson
cardiac arrhythmias, heart attacks,                                             an individual’s use, particularly
                                        et al 2011).
strokes and seizures (Krasnova                                                  children. For example:
& Cadet, 2009; Drake et al 2008).       Additionally, stopping use of
                                                                                →→AOD misuse is a ­ factor in
The long-term health impacts of         alcohol or other drugs after daily
                                                                                  25 percent of families with
frequent methamphetamine use            or frequent use over a couple of
                                                                                  children in Child, Youth and
can include respiratory problems,       months can trigger withdrawal
                                                                                  Family care (Office of the Chief
stroke, irregular heartbeat,            symptoms. Most people will
                                                                                  Social Worker 2014)
anorexia, and neurotoxicity as well     experience mild to moderate
as affecting cardiovascular health,     symptoms, but for some, the             →→alcohol was a contributing
and cognitive functioning (Drake        effects will be more serious (for         factor in 34 percent of all family
et al 2008).                            example, alcohol and                      violence incidents in 2007/08
                                        benzodiazepine withdrawal can be          (Ministry of Justice 2010).
Rates of accidental poisonings
                                        fatal (Bayard et al 2004; Lann and      →→for every 100 alcohol or drug-
(including overdose) are higher for
                                        Molina 2009)).                            impaired drivers or riders who
opioids such as heroin, methadone
and codeine than for any other          Relapse is common, and people             died in road crashes, 47 of their
illegal drug in New Zealand. These      who have stopped using even for           passengers and 17 sober road
substances are also the most likely     a short period of time are at risk        users died with them (Ministry
to be injected, which can cause vein    of over-dosing should they resume         of Transport 2014).
damage and increase exposure to         use. Relapse prevention plans and

Table 2: Indicator for reducing illness and injury from AOD

 Indicator of success       Reduced AOD-related illness and injury

 Measure                    Alcohol-related emergency department presentations
 Data source                Ministry of Health National Collections data (annual)
                            Baseline to be established in 2015/16

 Measure                    Accidental poisoning by exposure to opioids
 Data source                Mortality collection, Ministry of Health
                            2011 baseline: 39

 Measure                    People receiving a health-related benefit where primary diagnosis
                            is listed as alcohol or substance abuse
 Data source                Ministry of Social Development
                            March 2015 baseline: 4,435

      		                                                                        National Drug Policy 2015 to 2020       11
Reducing                                                                                                  One in six
                                                                                                               New Zealand adults
                                                                                                               have hazardous

     hazardous                                                                                                 drinking patterns.10

     drinking of
                                                                                                               It is encouraging that both total
                                                                                                               and hazardous consumption of
                                                                                                               alcohol by New Zealanders aged
                                                                                                               15+ has reduced over the last six

                                                                                                               years (Ministry of Health, 2014b).
                                                                                                               →→The proportion of the adult
                                                                                                                 population who drink has
                                                                                                                 decreased from 84 percent in
                                                                                                                 2006/07 to 80 percent in
     Men (22 percent) are twice as likely as women                                                             →→The proportion who drink
     (11 percent) to drink hazardously.                                                                          hazardously has decreased from
                                                                                                                 18 percent in 2006/07 to 16
                                                                                                                 percent in 2013/14.
     One in three 18–24-year-olds drink at levels that are
                                                                                                               Despite these positive trends, the
     hazardous to their health (Ministry of Health 2014b).                                                     rates of hazardous drinking
                                                                                                               continue to be high. Approximately
                                                                                                               575,000 New Zealanders report
     Alcohol contributes to around 30 percent of
                                                                                                               drinking in a way that carries a risk
     New Zealand’s fatal road crashes (Ministry of                                                             of harm to themselves and others
     Transport 2014).                                                                                          around them. Additionally, while
                                                                                                               total and hazardous consumption
                                                                                                               of alcohol by young people aged
     Approximately 10 percent of women drink heavily                                                           18-24 also decreased between
     during pregnancy (Ministry of Health 2015a).                                                              2006/07 and 2013/14 (from 89 to
                                                                                                               84 percent and 43 to 33 percent
                                                                                                               respectively) this group remains
                                                                                                               most likely to drink hazardously
                                                                                                               (Ministry of Health, 2014b).
                                                                                                               Hazardous drinking can contribute
                                                                                                               to a number of social harms – not
                                                                                                               just to individuals, but also to
                                                                                                               those around them. The most
                                                                                                               common harmful effects reported

     10. Ministry of Health, 2014b. The Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT) developed by the World Health Organization is used to identify hazardous
         drinking patterns. The AUDIT is a 10-item questionnaire covering alcohol consumption, alcohol-related problems, and abnormal drinking behaviour.
         Each question is scored from 0 to 4, so the questionnaire has a maximum score of 40. An AUDIT score of 8 or more is defined as hazardous drinking.

12   National Drug Policy 2015 to 2020
by adults due to someone else’s       (FASD), but they are preventable.    There is also evidence that
drinking are damage to friendships    For women who are pregnant or        parental alcohol use can harm
and social life, and damage to        planning a pregnancy, the safest     children. Children with parents or
home life and financial position      option is to avoid drinking alcohol. caregivers who drink heavily are
(Ministry of Health 2010). Alcohol                                         likely to suffer from a greater
                                      New Zealand has relatively high
consumption is also a factor in                                            number of hospital admissions for
                                      rates of alcohol consumption
offending behaviour. Police                                                physical injuries (Families
                                      during pregnancy, with up to a third
estimate that at least one-third of                                        Commission 2006). Children raised
                                      of New Zealand women consuming
recorded violent offences and                                              by caregivers who are alcohol
                                      some alcohol while pregnant, and
15 percent of sexual offences occur                                        dependent can have higher levels
                                      around 10 percent drinking heavily
after the offender has consumed                                            of anxiety, behavioural problems
                                      (Morton et al, 2010; Mallard et al,
alcohol (New Zealand Police 2009).                                         and other mental health issues
                                      2013; Ministry of Health 2015a). The
                                                                           than children who do not have
Babies exposed to alcohol before      Health Select Committee’s Inquiry
                                                                           alcohol-dependent parents
birth can develop lifelong            into Improving Child Health
                                                                           (Maynard 1997). Research also
problems, including behavioural       Outcomes and Preventing Child
                                                                           suggests that children of alcohol-
problems, intellectual disability     Abuse, with a Focus from Pre-
                                                                           dependent parents are more
and heart defects. This can lead to   conception until Three years of
                                                                           likely to become alcohol
poor life outcomes and increased      Age identified estimates of the
                                                                           dependent themselves, creating
risk of involvement with the          number of babies born each year
                                                                           generational impacts (Jennison
criminal justice and welfare          in New Zealand with FASD ranging
                                                                           and Johnson 1998).
systems. There is no cure for Fetal   from 173 to 3000.
Alcohol Spectrum Disorders

Table 2: Indicator for reducing hazardous drinking of alcohol

 Indicator of success      New Zealand past-year drinkers who report hazardous drinking patterns

 Measure                   Hazardous drinking score (AUDIT) in past-year drinkers
                           aged 15 years and over
 Data source               New Zealand Health Survey (annual)
                           2011/12 Baseline: 19%

 Measure                   Women who had been pregnant in the last 12 months
                           and drank during most recent pregnancy
 Data source               New Zealand Health Survey (5 yearly)
                           2012/13 Baseline: 19%

      		                                                                     National Drug Policy 2015 to 2020   13
Shifting our                                             Social attitudes
                                                              towards AOD can
                                                              promote misuse and

     attitudes                                                act as barriers to
                                                              help-seeking and

     towards AOD                                              Our attitudes are a key predictor of
                                                              our behaviour. They are shaped by
                                                              our individual values and beliefs,
                                                              the values and beliefs of our peers
     Six percent of all adult past-year drinkers planned to   and people of influence, and by our
                                                              surroundings, such as the
     get drunk on their most recent drinking occasion,        messages we are exposed to and
     and 12 percent reported having ‘got drunk or had         the rules set by the Government.
     too much to drink’ on their most recent drinking         People use AOD for many reasons,
     occasion (Research New Zealand 2014).                    including enjoyment of the effects,
                                                              relaxation, alleviation of stress or a
                                                              depressed mood, to enhance an
     Twenty-five percent of high school age students          activity, to better bond with peers,
     thought it was okay for people their age to drink        and to keep awake at night to
                                                              socialise (Boys et al 2001; Duff
     alcohol, and 10 percent thought it was okay to use       2008; Jay 1999). Young people
     cannabis (almost the same number as for cigarettes)      have also reported that they have
                                                              used drugs to ‘fit in’ with peers, to
     (Adolescent Health Research Group 2013).                 cope with problems, to relieve
                                                              boredom, and to rebel (Ministry
     Around 50,000 people wanted help to reduce               of Health 2009b).

     their AOD use in the past 12 months but had, for a       Environmental factors contribute
                                                              to AOD use and can be a barrier to
     variety of reasons, not received it (Mental Health       help-seeking and recovery. These
     Commission 2011).                                        factors include ease of access to
                                                              substances, the presence of
                                                              violence in the home, peer
                                                              pressure, unemployment, and/or
                                                              mental health issues. Such factors
                                                              can in turn be exacerbated by
                                                              AOD use.

14   National Drug Policy 2015 to 2020
In most cases AOD use is not                        of Health 2009b). For example, a                     control over their lives. This means
problematic. For example, many                      dedicated methamphetamine                            being able to be better parents, to
people enjoy moderate                               telephone helpline service found                     be employed, and to live as others
consumption of alcohol in social                    that many callers were deeply                        do. This can be difficult if they
settings with few ill effects.                      concerned about confidentiality                      encounter discrimination for their
However, harm can result when                       because of such fears. Information                   past actions. As well as their AOD
people misuse AOD, particularly                     that allowed them to self-manage                     use, their offending histories can
when social patterns of misuse and                  their issues was often considered                    severely limit future possibilities,
intoxication become entrenched.                     more important than seeing a                         for example, cannabis convictions
                                                    counsellor. Offering people a                        can limit someone’s ability to
There are many reasons why
                                                    variety of choices for treatment is                  travel overseas, or to get a job.
people who feel they need help for
                                                    more likely to change behaviour
their AOD use might not seek                                                                             Over the medium to long term,
                                                    than limiting support to only a few
assistance to do so. These include                                                                       achieving our objectives will
                                                    options. Several studies have
not being ready to stop use, not                                                                         require shifting the attitudes of
                                                    found that substance use
knowing where to go for help or                                                                          individuals and communities to
                                                    disorders are more highly
encountering long waiting lists,                                                                         AOD use and misuse, and to
                                                    stigmatised than other health
and being concerned about the                                                                            seeking help. But, as we have seen
                                                    conditions (Livingston et al 2012).
potential negative effects on                                                                            with tobacco and drink-driving,
employment, or that receiving help Stigma can also impact people’s                                       it is possible to shift attitudes
might cause others to have a       recovery journey. For many people,                                    over time.
negative opinion of them (Ministry recovery means assuming some

Table 4: Indicator for shifting our attitudes towards AOD

 Indicator of success                                Shifting our attitudes towards AOD

 Measure                                             Adults aged 15+ who sought or have been given advice,
                                                     information or help on how to cut back their drinking
                                                     in the last 12 months11
 Data source                                         HPA Alcohol Behaviours and Attitudes Survey (annual)
                                                     Baseline 2013: 5%

 Measure                                             AOD outcome measure for AOD treatment services
 Data source                                         AOD treatment services reporting requirements to the
                                                     Ministry of Health
                                                     Baseline to be established in 2015/16

11. Note that this question is only asked of people who had consumed two or more drinks on their last drinking occasion (within the last three months).

         		                                                                                             National Drug Policy 2015 to 2020                 15
Our strategies
     In order to achieve these objectives and move towards the goal of minimising
     AOD harm and promoting and protecting health and wellbeing, we need clear
     strategies for action. This Policy carries over from previous policies the three
     strategies for action of problem limitation, demand reduction and
     supply control.
     Current activities by government, communities, families and individuals can
     be categorised under one or more of these strategies, and these strategies
     act as a guide for the development of new initiatives. The three strategies,
     and examples of activities, are described in Table 5.

     Table 5: National Drug Policy strategies and example activities

             Problem limitation
      Barriers are removed to people accessing and receiving
      support or treatment for their own or others’ AOD use

      New Zealand is working in this area to:
      →→provide effective, high-quality, compassionate, timely, accessible,
        and age- and culture-appropriate support and treatment services
      →→address the factors that have an impact on people’s ability
        to access treatment and support, including destigmatising
      →→provide AOD services that are responsive to people with
        co-existing problems
      →→ensure all frontline services (justice, health, education, etc.)
        provide an entry point to AOD support, referral and treatment
        (including for the child affected by a parent’s addiction)
      →→support and strengthen harm reduction approaches such as the
        needle exchange programme
      →→ensure continuity of care for people transitioning from one service
        or environment to another, including from youth to adult services,
        and between justice facilities and the community.

16   National Drug Policy 2015 to 2020
All three strategies
       Demand reduction                                                 are needed
People have the knowledge, skill and support to make good               Often they work well together,
decisions about their AOD use                                           but sometimes they come into
                                                                        conflict and require a balancing
New Zealand is working in this area to:                                 act. For example, fear of the legal
                                                                        consequences of using an illegal
→→ensure messages about AOD harm, harm reduction and help-
                                                                        drug can act as a barrier to some
  seeking (including information about less harmful consumption
                                                                        people seeking the help they need.
  and means of administration) are consistent, evidence-based,
                                                                        In these instances, assessment
  accessible and relevant
                                                                        of the best available evidence is
→→tailor messages, resources and services appropriately to respond      needed to determine which mix
  to different cultures, populations and communities                    of approaches is required to best
→→encourage women to abstain from AOD use (or use less harmful          address social, economic and
  substitutions, such as methadone, where appropriate) during           health harms. This is harm
  pregnancy and while breast feeding                                    minimisation in action.

→→bring about a societal shift in attitudes about harmful AOD use.

       Supply control
Access to AOD for harmful use is minimised

New Zealand is working in this area to achieve:
→→legislation and enforcement that can respond to changing
  environments and new technologies
→→enforcement action that seeks prevention and has broad coverage
  (eg. border control), while also targeting substances, environments
  and organisations (such as gangs) that cause the most harm
→→effective detection of substances and enforcement of the law
  relating to the importation, manufacture and distribution of drugs
  for illegal use
→→effective regulation and monitoring of the supply chain for
  prescription drugs.

     		                                                                 National Drug Policy 2015 to 2020     17
Our priorities for
     Government action
     Five areas have been identified to focus on if we are to make meaningful
     progress towards achieving our objectives. These have been labelled:
     → Priority area 1: creating a people-centred intervention system
     → Priority area 2: shifting thinking and behaviour
     → Priority area 3: getting the legal balance right
     → Priority area 4: disrupting organised crime
     → Priority area 5: improving information flow.

     This Policy makes a commitment         The AOD landscape continues to         Priority area 1:
     to an initial set of actions, and      evolve, and new evidence will
     these will be reviewed and             continue to emerge about the           creating a people-
     updated by the end of 2017. The        issues that need to be addressed       centred intervention
     actions are drawn from across the      and the effectiveness of the           system
     three strategies and will build on,    interventions aimed at addressing
     rather than replace, the significant   them. The IACD will review the         This priority area involves creating
     contributions that government,         progress made and emerging             an AOD intervention system that
     communities and individuals            evidence, and will provide advice      responds to people at their place
     already make to the goal and           on a revised set of actions in 2017.   of need, as early, efficiently and
     objectives of this Policy.             This will ensure initiatives are       effectively as possible. For people
                                            added, cancelled and amended as        living with AOD addiction or
                                            appropriate, to reflect changes in     dependence this may mean
                                            AOD issues and evidence on the         accessible, high-quality addiction
                                            effectiveness of interventions.        treatment services, access to
                                                                                   housing or counselling services.
                                                                                   But we also don’t want to wait for
                                                                                   people to be in crisis, or for young
                                                                                   people to adopt habits that will
                                                                                   become problematic in later life.

18   National Drug Policy 2015 to 2020
The Prime Minister’s Youth Mental      habits and providing advice. For         organisations to prevent and
Health Project introduced national     children of parents with addiction       reduce AOD-related harm
waiting time targets for 12–19 year    issues, it could be that a specific
                                                                             →→identify and connect referral
olds to be seen within three weeks     plan is required to ensure their
                                                                               pathways so that ‘any door is
of contacting a youth alcohol and      needs are looked after.
                                                                               the right door’
drug service and with eight weeks
                                      In order to make the most of
of referral from a service. Initial                                       →→know what works, including
                                      opportunities to build resilience
results show that youth are being                                           opportunities to intervene
                                      (eg. through peer support, positive
provided with better access to                                              earlier, and tailoring activities
                                      role-modelling and confidence-
timely and appropriate treatment                                            to different populations and
                                      building programmes) and
and follow-up (Ministry of Health                                           needs across life stages
                                      intervene (eg. through the
2014). However, we need to                                                →→identify the settings that
                                      provision of information and by
continue to monitor this to avoid                                           are needed to better support
                                      connecting people to AOD
access slipping.                                                            individuals, community
                                      treatment) we will need to:
All many people may need is reliable,                                       organisations and services
                                      →→be clear about the roles,
internet-based information, or their                                        to carry out their roles and
                                         responsibilities and
family doctor or school nurse asking                                        responsibilities for the
                                         opportunities for individuals,
about their drinking and drug-taking                                        greatest impact.
                                         families and community

 By 2017/18 the Government will:

 Action                                                                           Date         Strategies
 Develop a system map of potential resilience and intervention points             2016/17
 across a person’s life stages

 Develop and implement a strategic framework for adult and youth                  2017/18
 AOD services

 Regularly disseminate case studies of good and innovative practice               Annual

 Develop common tools and/or forums to share practice and celebrate               2017/18
 success to foster system learning and improvement

 Develop initiatives and an implementation plan to improve outcomes               2017/18
 for the children of parents with mental illness and addiction

These actions will integrate closely   government services and provide
with the Government’s Rising to        wrap-around responses through
the Challenge plan for mental          the Government’s Better Public
health and addiction services, and     Services Result Areas.
the new ways of working to target

      		                                                                     National Drug Policy 2015 to 2020   19
Priority area 2:                    If we are going to achieve real
                                         change, then, just like smoking,
                                                                               Making progress in this area will
                                                                               require sustained effort over a
     shifting thinking                   AOD misuse needs to become less       considerable period. Change will be
     and behaviour                       desirable and help-seeking            gradual, but efforts in this area will
                                         encouraged with the right support     be vital in the long term.
     This priority area involves         available at the right time. Social   Communities play an integral role
     encouraging a positive shift in     sector agencies also need to work     in mobilising and sustaining
     thinking and behaviour in New       together to identify people who       change, so we will also develop a
     Zealand in relation to:             need additional support and tailor    set of actions that builds the
     →→the culture of drinking and       responses and services to their       capacity and capability of
       intoxication, including during    needs. This includes young people     communities, particularly those
       pregnancy                         whose schooling is impacted by        most affected by AOD use and
                                         AOD use, people not in education      related harm.
     →→help seeking
                                         or employment, and people
     →→the way in which the system       affected by a fetal alcohol
       intervenes to help.               spectrum disorder.

      By 2017/18 the Government will:

      Action                                                                         Date         Strategies
      Build on existing AOD-related public education campaigns to shift              Ongoing
      AOD culture, promote help-seeking and address stigma

      Publish a Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders Action Plan                         2015/16

      Provide guidance to support schools dealing with AOD issues and                2015/16
      helping students who need it, with a focus on keeping students engaged,
      where possible

      Develop guidance for improving AOD intervention for services engaging          2016/17
      with young people not in education or employment

20   National Drug Policy 2015 to 2020
Priority area 3:                     For example:                          The enforcement of the Misuse of
                                                                           Drugs Act 1975 also provides scope
getting the legal                  →→recent changes to the
                                                                           to offer low-level offenders
                                     regulation of alcohol and
balance right                        psychoactive substances have
                                                                           alternatives to the criminal justice
                                                                           system. For example, a study into
This priority area involves          set national requirements, while
                                                                           cannabis use offences in New
ensuring we monitor and evaluate     giving communities a greater
                                                                           Zealand between 1991 and 2008
how well legislation – and its       say about where and when
                                                                           found a substantial decline in
implementation – is working for      these products will be sold
                                                                           arrests, prosecutions and
individuals, communities and       →→the pilot for the Alcohol and         convictions for cannabis use over
society so that we can provide the   Other Drug Treatment Court            that period. This was despite any
right support and make changes       offers offenders the opportunity changes to the statutory penalties
where they are needed.               to enter an intensive treatment       for cannabis use since the
Legislation and law enforcement      programme for their AOD               enactment of the Misuse of Drugs
acts to prevent and deter people     dependency with frequent,             Act in 1975 (Wilkins et al 2012).
from accessing and using AOD         random   drug  testing, and, if their
harmfully. Laws set the boundaries   participation is successful, for
of what can be legally sold and      this to be taken into account
under what circumstances and         when they are sentenced.
whether penalties enable health-
oriented responses where an
offence has been committed.

 By 2017/18 the Government will:

 Action                                                                          Date         Strategies
 Work with the Expert Advisory Committee on Drugs (EACD) to ensure               2015/16
 harm minimisation is a central feature of drug classification assessments

 Review the regulation of controlled drugs for legitimate purposes               2017/18
 (such as medicines) alongside reviews of the Medicines Act 1981 and
 other therapeutics legislation

 Develop options for further minimising harm in relation to the offence and      2017/18
 penalty regime for personal possession within the Misuse of Drugs Act 1975

 Release a discussion document seeking feedback on appropriate regulation        2015/16
 of drug utensils

 Introduce the Substance Addiction (Compulsory Assessment and                    2015/16
 Treatment) Bill to Parliament

      		                                                                  National Drug Policy 2015 to 2020       21
By 2017/18 the Government will:

      Action                                                                       Date         Strategies
      Develop a New Zealand position for the United Nations General Assembly       2015/16
      Special Session on Drugs 2016

      Review the effectiveness of new police powers to deal with breaches          2015/16
      of local alcohol bans introduced through the Local Government (Alcohol
      Reform) Amendment Act 2012

      Evaluate the Alcohol and other Drug Treatment Court Pilot                    2017/18

      Commence a review of the policy and operation of the Psychoactive            2017/18
      Substances Act 2013

     Priority area 4:                    As well as contributing to broader    To successfully disrupt organised
                                         societal harms, certain families and  crime enforcement efforts must
     disrupting                          communities are disproportionately    be supported by initiatives aimed
     organised crime                     affected by these activities (for     at reducing social harm. These
                                         example, children living in           initiatives need to address the
     This priority area involves taking
                                         clandestine laboratories).            social, economic and cultural
     a multi-agency approach to disrupt
                                                                               factors that facilitate the
     the ability of sophisticated           Disrupting activity as far up the
                                                                               recruitment of individuals by
     domestic and trans-national            supply chain as possible is a
                                                                               organised crime groups. We need
     organised crime groups to              continuing focus for New Zealand
                                                                               to place emphasis both on building
     operate illicit drug networks in       enforcement agencies. For example,
                                                                               resilience in communities with a
     New Zealand. It recognises that        ‘Taskforce GHOST’ – an operation
                                                                               large organised crime presence
     these groups drive the importation, in December 2013 conducted by
                                                                               and supporting individuals and
     manufacture and regular supply of New Zealand Police, the Organised
                                                                               families to turn away from the
     chemicals and illicit drugs that both and Financial Crime Agency of
                                                                               organised crime environment.
     sustain and expand the domestic        New Zealand and the New Zealand
     illicit drug market. Given the illegal Customs Service – prevented
     nature of these activities, these      578kg of pseudoephedrine and
     groups are also often associated       16kg of ephedrine entering the
     with a range of other offending,       country and being used in the
     including violence, crimes against     domestic methamphetamine
     property and money laundering.         manufacturing process.

22   National Drug Policy 2015 to 2020
We need to maintain our focus on:      supported by improved multi-         →→reducing the availability of
                                       agency information-sharing,            chemicals and other specialist
→→making it easier for
                                       analysis and intelligence              equipment used by domestic
  communities to report illegal
                                                                              drug manufacturers
  activities such as the presence    →→reinforcing law enforcement
  of tinny houses and clandestine      efforts to break supply chains       →→targeting the proceeds from
  labs and taking prompt action        and sophisticated distribution         illicit drug networks to remove
  to remove these                      networks                               the profit motive and prevent
                                                                              the financing of further crime.
→→reducing social harm through a     →→strengthening border protection
  range of prevention and law          efforts to target drug trafficking
  enforcement actions that are         networks

 By 2017/18 the Government will:

 Action                                                                          Date         Strategies
 Conduct the National Cannabis and Crime Operation to disrupt the activities     Annual
 of organised crime groups involved in the cultivation of cannabis

 Implement the Whole of Government Action Plan on Tackling Gangs                 2017/18

 Work with authorities in drug source and transit countries to break             Ongoing
 precursor chemical and drug supply chains into New Zealand

 Continue multi-agency investigations and targeting operations focussed          Ongoing
 on identified vulnerabilities of key organised crime groups and the drug
 supply chain

 Implement the Organised Crime and Anti-corruption Legislation Bill              2017/18
 provisions (once enacted) which include initiatives that will assist
 disruption of illicit drug supply, using:
 →→a more effective money laundering offence
 →→improved detection of drug supply networks through reporting
   of international and large cash transactions to Police

      		                                                                    National Drug Policy 2015 to 2020   23
Priority area 5:                      →→collaborate to provide wrap-
                                             around services
                                                                               target policy, interventions,
                                                                               services and resources where they
     improving                                                                 will have the greatest impact.
                                           →→assess the effectiveness of
     information flow                        policy and service responses,
                                                                               Making information accessible is
                                                                               also crucial in order for
     The aim of this priority area is to     and make improvements
                                                                               communities to decide the AOD
     improve the use and sharing of        →→track overall progress towards    issues that are important to them
     information we collect so that          the objectives and goal of this   and that shape their environment,
     we, communities and individuals,        Policy and its contribution to    and for individuals to be able to
     can better:                             the government’s wider social     make informed choices about their
     →→understand and respond to the         objectives.                       own AOD use.
       causes of harmful AOD use           Collection, use and sharing of
     →→target the right resources and      information is vital if we are to
       initiatives to people in need at    anticipate and respond to AOD
       the right time                      issues early and effectively, and

      By 2017/18 the Government will:

      Action                                                                        Date        Strategies
      develop Tier 1 statistics for alcohol and other drug harm                     2015/16

      develop a multi-agency Early Warning System for the purposes of               2016/17
      monitoring emerging trends and informing both enforcement and harm
      reduction strategies

      update the New Zealand Drug Harm Index                                        2016/17

      publish a literature review of population-level AOD impacts and unmet needs   2015/16

      develop and implement an AOD information plan                                 2016/17

24   National Drug Policy 2015 to 2020
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