Competition Winner! - CIT Students Union
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CIT Students’ Union Magazine Volume Twenty One, Issue 8 CIT SU PHOTO GRAPHY C o m p et it io n Win n e r! Olivia J Walsh IN THIS ISSUE: Union Council Awards 2020, Sports & Socs Roundup, 30 dares before 30 Enter our Competitions & Brainteasers & Win cash! Your Union AND LOTS MORE! Your Voice
STUDENTS’ UNION OFFICERS ADDRESS Dear student, (CIT SU) to Munster Technological to a 50 % plus one majority – this University Cork Students Union was also proposed by a student We hope you and your families are (MTU CSU). It has been agreed through the medium of a General keeping safe and well during these that the Cork and Tralee SUs will Meeting. unprecedented times. Be assured remain separate (at least for the we in the Students’ Union are work- foundation period of the MTU) VOTING STEP BY STEP: ing hard to represent students at all while working closely together to levels throughout the Insti- • Use your Student ID num- tute and please do not hesi- ber to access the voting tate to get in contact with us REFERENDUM screen (tip: use capital should you need support or assistance with any issue. Click this link to vote... R when entering your ID number) • Enter your email We would like to bring your address (all lower case - attention to the REFEREN- this is the only acceptable DUM regarding the adoption email address) of a new Students’ Union Constitu- provide continuity and continued • Cast your vote in the SU Constitu- tion. Voting continues until Thurs 7th effective student representation. tional Referendum by clicking on May 2020. We are voting Yes and Yes or No 2. The inclusion of Constituent Col- urge you to do the same. There are • Click this link to vote https://survey. lege Representatives and Con- a good number of proposed changes stituent College Councils will mean to the existing constitution and they increased engagement with CSM, run throughout the document. We For full details including the wording CCAD and NMCI – this was pro- recommend that you read through it. of the existing and proposed consti- posed at a General Meeting by a However, we would like to highlight tutions please visit http://www.citsu. student. some of the main changes: ie/union.elections.referendum 3. Changes to the ‘removal of a sab- 1. In the event that MTU status is batical officer’ – this is done by Continued on page 4... awarded: Provision is made for a referendum but the percentage to change of name from Cork Insti- approve such a motion has de- tute of Technology Students’ Union creased from a two thirds majority REFERENDUM Adoption of a New Constitution Running until Thursday 7th May. REFERENDUM WORDING: ARE YOU IN FAVOUR OF THE ADOPTION OF THE PROPOSED CIT STUDENTS’ UNION CONSTITUTION? Make your vote count. Two options – Yes or No. Simply click on your selection. Thats it! vote at:
Coronavirus CONTENTS COVID-19 4 SU OFFICERS’ ADDRESS SEX & COVID 11 Help prevent coronavirus Some useful advice advice 5 U UNION COUNCIL S AWARDS 2020 14 LIVE CIT, LOVE SOCIETIES Wash your Cover mouth if Avoid touching Student Socs & Activities hands coughing or sneezing your face CIT SU PHOTOGRAPHIC 8 Awards 2020 COMPETITION ENTRIES 16 LIVE CIT, LOVE SPORTS FLYNNERS FLYING 10 20x20 champion profiles Keep surfaces Stop shaking Keep a safe COLUMN clean hands and hugging distance Madrid COMPETITIONS & PUZZLES 18 The virus spreads in sneeze and cough droplets, so regularly taking the above measures helps reduce the chance of it spreading. Hard cash on offer! Visit For updated factual information and advice MARCH ISSUE COMPETITION WINNERS: Quiz - Fiona Hallahan, Bachelor of Business Or call 1850 24 1850 year 2; Say What You See - Alanna O’Connor, Bachelor of Business,1st year; Suduko - Melvin Sunny, Class DME4 Protection from coronavirus. It’s in our hands. FEB ISSUE COMPETITION WINNERS WILL BE ANNOUNCED AS SOON AS ATTENDANCE ON CIT CAMPUS IS ALLOWED AGAIN CIT Students’ Union, VP Education Aisling O’Mahony Advertising Opportunities Bishopstown, Cork. CIT has 17,000+ full and part-time students with VP Welfare Cian O’Driscoll over 1,500 staff. Why not use expliCIT to promote Tel: 021 433 5274 your business to this large audience? Web: Our copy deadlines, advertising rates and techni- Projects Officer Felix Milner cal specifications are available from our website and upon request from the Publica- CITSU CITSU Communications Officer Conor Flynn tions Office in hardcopy or via email. expliCIT Production, Design & Advertising expliCIT magazine is published monthly by CIT Students’ Entertainments Officer Aoife MacGaley Keith Brown, Union. The views expressed in the magazine are those of their authors and are not necessarily those of CIT Students’ CIT SU President Aaron Buckley Entertainments Manager Mick O’Mahony Union. All articles and pictures are the property of their respective owners and should not be reproduced without their permission. 3
STUDENTS’ UNION OFFICERS ADDRESS SOCIAL CARE PROGRAMME Student A: Students have experienced events in their personal lives such as stant advocate and support for stu- dents in this department and has taken Below we have included the Stu- illness and family passing away, and in calls at all hours of the day and night to dents’ Union statement in relation instances when they email for exten- support them. to the ongoing issues arising in the sions on assignments, a lot of times Social Care Department. The Students’ Union of CIT are urging students would receive no replies or management to take urgent action on sympathy from lecturers. Statement in response to recent head- the behaviour of this cohort of lectur- lines and social media coverage about Student B: Students have sent emails ers within the Social Care programme. ill treatment of students by a selection to lecturers for explanations on how This is not what the ethos of our col- of Social Care lecturers within the in- to do assignments over the last few lege stands for. This is not the student stitute. There were over 60 posts on weeks of the Covid-19 crisis and have focused ethos that CIT has worked so Facebook Sunday evening about stu- received passive aggressive emails in hard to build. We want action and we dents negative experiences, our offi- return. want it now.’ cial response is in the below transcript: Student C: A lecturer attempted to We continue to work very hard on this “Throughout my last two years as fail several students due to the lecturer issue by negotiating with the college, President of the Students’ Union in losing the work that the students sub- interacting with national media organi- CIT, I have had the pleasure of work- mitted. sations, campaigning on social media ing with fantastic student-centric and and interviewing students and staff Student D: Students feel their grades student-focused staff members. I who have been affected. We will keep have been unfairly graded because a have seen first-hand the amazing work you updated with progress.” lecturer doesn’t like them rather than done by lecturers and staff who go on the work they submitted. above and beyond for students to en- sure their student experience is a very Student E: A lecturer used a threaten- STUDENTS’ UNION COUNCIL positive one. It is for this reason; I am ing tone towards a friend of a student in a class to try to intimidate a group AWARDS even more appalled and dismayed at the treatment of students by a selec- of students and deter them from com- We were delighted and proud to hold tion of lecturers in the Social Care pro- plaining their conduct to management. our virtual Union Council Awards gramme. announcements last week. It was a Student F: Students have told lec- great opportunity to catch up with The behaviour of these minority of turers that either they or their fam- some of our Class Reps. Special lecturers goes against everything that ily members are suspected of having thanks to the staff who tuned in to CIT stands for. CIT is a big commu- Covid-19 and there has been no com- support the event including CIT Presi- nity where people go out of their way passion shown by lecturers towards dent, Barry O’Connor, and Professor to help each other but from what I’ve the students. Margaret Linehan. Huge kudos and seen in the social care programme Trust me when I say, this is only a fla- congratulations to our awardees and over the last two years, this is not the vour of some of the emails I have re- of course a special mention to the CIT case. These students have been tyr- ceived from students in the social care Presidential Citation recipient, Colm annized and intimidated by lecturers department over the past 12 months. Healy, Social Care Year 3. Full details to the point that I have had students Students have spoken of how their of the awards are here in this edition of in my office in tears more often than treatment has deteriorated and exac- expliCIT and you will also find a link to you would care to imagine. Students erbated their mental health. Students a video of the event. have felt so terrified by these tactics have spoken about how their treat- that until now, they have felt like they ment has made them want to drop out On a separate note, congratulations cannot speak out publicity for fear of of college, request fees back and also to all those who were announced as their treatment worsening further. This not pursue a career in social care. winners at the Societies & Activities all came to the fore on Sunday when Awards. Also well done to all in the over 60 Social Care students posted Although, the students have felt the Societies Office on their hard work to on Facebook about their ill- treatment, behaviour of a group of six or seven ensure it was a very special event. where students started posting their social care lecturers has been noth- individual horror stories online. Here ing short of a disgrace, they have also Watch out for our upcoming online is an example of some of the horror asked me to state that there are a small welfare campaigns to support you stories experienced by students at the proportion of lecturers who have been while studying at home entering online hands of specific lecturers within the excellent with them. They have also examinations. For now, be safe and department. Students are so terrified asked me to put on record their thanks to the Head of school, Professor Mar- look after yourselves. of this malicious behaviour worsen- ing that they have requested to remain garet Linehan as she has been one of anonymous in the below examples. the only reasons they haven’t dropped Aaron, Aisling and Cian, out of college. She has been a con- your CIT SU Officers 4
Cork Institute of Technology Students’ Union Council Awards 2020 See the awards video on YouTube: On the evening of Thursday 23rd April, the Students’ Union hosted the Virtual Union Council Awards Announce- ments. The event was hosted by Aaron Buckley, Students’ Union President and Dr Barry O’Connor, President of CIT, acknowledging the hard work of Class Reps through video format. This was a great opportunity to celebrate and acknowledge the hard work and dedication of these students in front of their family and friends. Class Reps play a very important role in the work of the Students’ Union and underpin its success in actively representing all the students of the Institute. They are the link between the Students’Union and the wider student body and are the voice of their class. They are key to student engagement in CIT, at both a local and national level. They are also pivotal in ensuring students in their class have a sense of belonging and they are key to fostering a culture of inclusivity for our diverse student population. The Students’ Union Sabbatical Officers: Aaron Buckley, President; Aisling O’Mahony, VP Education and Cian O’Driscoll, VP Welfare; announced the six Class Reps, as awardees in recognition of their ‘Outstanding Voluntary Contribution’. This year 60 nominations were received. The Awards winners were… THE WINNERS! Jack Ahern Being a Class Rep requires dedication, drive but most importantly compassion for the people around them and it is evident that this person has it all. Jack Ahern has really embraced the role and will do anything he can for his class to make college life the best it can be. He has been described by fellow classmates as outgoing, confident, amusing and caring. One commented that, ‘Jack is always there to help if we need a hand. He will stand up for us and fight our cor- ner if needed.’ Others said ‘He got our rooms changed when they didn’t work out for us.’ ‘He puts our class group first and has always listened and acted on any issues that popped up.’ ‘He is a people’s person and has a great relationship with not only the class but the lecturing staff too.’ ‘Jack has the classes best interests at heart and has done an excellent job. He encour- aged us to donate to RAG charities and to help one another.’ This was done by him leading by example. He has only had a positive impact on our class group and anybody that is involved with his actions and we are dead proud to have him represent us. Kyle Byrne To represent the voice of your class is an absolute privilege but some students go above and beyond of what’s expected of them. Kyle Byrne has been described by the class as help- ful, hardworking, responsible, brave, supportive and willing. Kyle has excelled in represent- ing his classmates both inside the classrooms and boardrooms with staff. It was evident from the overwhelming amount of nominations that we received that Kyle puts his heart and soul into looking out for the best interests of the class. The responses we received highlighted the respect this person’s class has for him both as a representative and as a person. One student commented that Kyle really helps keep morale high even through exam season. He has not only thrived on improving the student experience for his own class but the entire depart- ment. Kyle took it upon himself to start up a course society. The intention of this society was to assist students, not just in their own year but also help the years below, to communicate with other years and assist each other with tough course material. Kyle has a caring heart combined with a proactive drive to push his class forward academically – a team player deserv- ing of recognition. It is with great pleasure that the Students Union awards Kyle with an award of excellence. 5
Cork Institute of Technology Students’ Union THE WINNERS! Oisin Gahan Getting selected by your peers to be their Class Rep is such a great experience and a great compliment to an individual. Oisin Gahan has really embraced the role by doing anything he can for his class and fellow students to make college life that bit more satisfy- ing and more enjoyable. Oisin has been a great advocate and voice for students within his class. He has been at every single Union Council meeting to date and his input has always been very constructive and beneficial to all. Oisin is kind hearted and showed this by helping to raise money during our RAG week. While juggling many other commitments, he represents his class with passion, energy and a sense of inclusion. Oisin liaised with the Students’ Union for and on behalf of their class members. It was an honour to present Oisin Gahan with this award. Isobel Kavanagh At the start of the year when recruiting Class Reps we highlighted how much of a great experi- ence it is and this awardee definitely took a lot of experience from it! Isobel Kavanagh was at every meeting giving us feedback from her class and reporting meeting minutes back to them. Also working effectively and appropriately on behalf of her class, whether it be academically between lecturers and students, organizing class social events such as nights out or lunch in the canteen. Isobel also does the small things such as checking in on class- mates and is very enthusiastic in classroom which creates a good and positive environment. Shannon has not only be recognised by their classmates but also by the staff of the Insti- tute as they have noted her help at any time of asking. Isobel was not just a Class Rep but a college rep, helping out the general CIT Community and CIT itself, so big congratulations to Isobel Kavanagh, International Business Year 2, on her great work! Shannon Whyte Shannon Whyte has made an incredible contribution to her class over the past number of years. Shannon has been an exemplary Class Rep in representing the views of her class. She is very approachable, genuine and quoted to have a ‘heart of gold’ and is not afraid to fight for their class when issues may arise, especially when the rest of the class maybe too shy or quiet. We can always count on Shannon and she puts her classmates first, always replies to messages and helps. Shannon has even set up a study group to help her classmates. Shannon encourages classmates to attend class events and also events organised by the Students’ Union and the college. Like the other award winners she has also excelled outside of her duties as a Class Rep helping CIT itself and both staff and students of CIT. It is an honour to recognise the countless hours of voluntary help Shannon has given, and we were delighted to announce awardee, Shannon White, Class Rep of Marketing, year 4. 6 Congratulations to all Class Reps!
See the awards video on YouTube: Council Awards 2020 Niamh Cronin The chairperson of the Union Council is charged with the difficult task of keeping a some- times passionate group in check to ensure that Union Council Meetings run smoothly and can progress in an effective and timely manner. Congratulations to Niamh Cronin, Chairperson of the Students’ Union Council, in acknowledgment of her service to the Students’ Union Council over the past academic year. Niamh has been con- sistently reliable, and we greatly appreciate the diligent manner in which she has executed this role. Throughout her time as Chairperson, Niamh has always ensured that everyone gets their say ensuring that the student voice is heard. This is crucial to the effective work- ing of the Students’ Union as a whole. Niamh has also made a great contribution to the SU in terms of involvement in campaigns and the MTU process. AWARD WINNER & PRESIDENTIAL CITATION FOR OUTSTANDING SERVICE TO CIT Colm Healy is without a doubt one of the strongest Class Reps that the CIT Students’ Union has had the pleasure of working with throughout the years. This per- son is a kind hearted individual who is always helping others in both CIT and in the greater community. Colm has shown incredible bravery in his role as Class Rep by put- ting himself in harms way for the sake of his classmates. We are very much aware of the praise Colm’s fellow classmates had for him, both as a person and as their Class Rep. Colm has received a large amount of nominations which is testament to how much he has improved the student experience of his class. Colm has also been a tremendous asset to us all in the Students’ Union through his help in organising activities for our various campaigns. His tireless and selfless hard work and dedication does not go unnoticed within the CIT community. We have had the great pleasure of getting to know this one in a million guy and (we) the stakeholders of CIT are privileged to have this guy within our community. Colm has experienced hardship and setbacks in his life but has always used them as motivation to keep going and bettering society. He is a credit to CIT, his class and the Students’ Union. He has also done tireless work in the community by setting up his own charity, ‘Cork Stand Together’. Colm Healy, Social Care Year 3, was also awarded the prestigious Cork Institute of Technology’s Presidential Citation. This is the sixth year in which a presentation of the Presidential Citation to a Class Rep has been made in recognition of exceptional and outstanding service to the Students’ Union and the wider community as a whole. The voluntary work Colm has done with charitable causes, the support he has given to enhance students’ well- being and his contributions to the external community were taken into consideration when identifying him as a deserving recipient of this citation. We look forward to presenting the Class Reps with Certificates of Merit in recognition of their voluntary contribution to campus life at some point in the future and to the physical presentation of the awards. Sincerest thanks to Aoife Kelliher, Societies Officer, for her gener- ous support throughout the process – we couldn’t have done it without her. Awards Selection Panel: Fiona Kelly, Edel Kelly, Aoife Kelliher, Keith Brown, Mick O’Mahony, Vicky O’Sullivan, Aaron Buckley, Aisling O’Mahony and Cian O’Driscoll. See the awards video on YouTube: 7
CIT SU PHOTO GRAPHY C om p et it io n A SELECTION OF THE GREAT ENTRIES For the past four years the Students’ Union has run a photographic competition with the winning photo- Congrats to our winner: Olivia J Walsh, with a photo of her Grandad, graph being reproduced on the front cover of this edition 93 years of age. of expliCIT, and €100 thrown in for good measure. We received a wonderful array of entries, all clearly holding a meaning for their photographers and which give us, the view- er, a few moments of pleasure in pensively exploring the story behind the image. Conor O’Callaghan Fiona Hallahan Veda Mandavkar Leonard Coughlan Runner up: Mike Landers THANKS TO ALL WHO ENTERED! Justine Bongcaras Olivia J Walsh 8
Tuguldur Batsaikhan Kai Zhuo So Justine Bongcaras Marilyn O’Leary Justine Bongcaras Elaine Muscheidt Grace Bateman Olivia J Walsh Jagriti Jain Conor O’Callaghan Grace Bateman Rachel Mc Mahon Meadhbh Hayes Ella Crane 9
Flights of Fancy… Flynner’s Flying Column Hopefully, in the near future, things will get back to normal and travel will be possible again. With this in mind, please read about Flynner’s adventures in Madrid and we all look forward to happy travel times ahead. Madrid meet a Good Friday Procession; the Spaniards, predominantly Roman Catho- lic, take their religious processions seri- ously. That night, I hit an Irish bar nearby A pril 9th 2016, and it was the Easter called Dubliners, where I met a gang from Break of my first year in CIT. With Dublin on stag duty, and started singing, summer exams on the way, it was after a brief introduction: “James Flynn, time for a break, and thus Da Flynner, Your-My-James-Flynn!” (a-la Tom Jones’ feeling a desire to experience the Spanish ‘Sex Bomb’). Caught up with their hu- Language and Culture after studying it for mour, I decided to move swiftly on, as I so long, decided to make it an adventure thought I may have offended the groom in Madrid! in the midst of their antics… indeed, so I thought. Taking the coach to Dublin Airport, and after a few ales, I boarded the Aer Lin- Saturday, and back to exploring. I would gus flight and jetted across the Bay of pass plenty of pork butchers and pop in Biscay and the Pyrenees, landing late in even more frequently. The Spaniards are the evening at Madrid Airport. Then I took sure fond of their Chorizo and I thought so get to a restaurant early. I went to a the Metro to Calle Mayor Station at Plaza it made an ideal snack-on-the-go when restaurant at Plaza Mayor where I had Del Sol and walked to Sungate Hostel on you might not want a massive bite to eat. the most delicious burger in my life. And the Calle Del Carmen where I was given a I would cross the Plaza Mayor numerous then to Dubliners again where I met them warm welcome! times and met Puss In Boots (Shriek) for crazy but loveable Dubs for one more a photo. Then I done a guided walking session; they were nicely winding down The bathroom may have been a commu- tour through the historic centre, ending as all but one of them had to fly home to nal one, but it was well maintained. Plus at the Puerta De Alcala, where bullet and Dublin the next day. I stay in touch with all the rooms had balconies (which took shrapnel holes serve as a reminder of the them regularly and would go on to meet you back in time when you looked out at tragedy that was the Spanish Civil War them in Euro 2016 a year later. But that’s the warm streets) and the staff were very (1936-39). Then it was a walk through the for another Flying Column in the future. friendly! Meals were cooked for free and nearby parks, then a trip to the Prado Art beverages, be it beer or mineral, could be Easter Monday, April 13th, and I decided Gallery to take in the splendid art works to check out Estadio Santiago Bernabeu, obtained for only €1. There were games of Goya, Van Bosco, Raphael, Donatello, in the lounge and you can be guaranteed the home of CF Real Madrid. One of Eu- Picasso and many others. rope’s largest stadiums, the tour will take that you will make new friends… I made plenty from around the world, all whom That night, after a delicious meal at the you everywhere and teach you about its I keep in touch to this day! And the best hostel (it can be so hard to get a table rich soccer legacy… and how (from the was yet to come! in the excellent restaurants there!), I de- photo) Da Flynner could have taken a dif- cided to hit the town. Back at Dubliners ferent career path, if only! After the hostel took us out on a pub pub… it was them Dubs! And a big blast crawl, it was time to explore the next day, A last few drinks and it was then off home of “…your-my-James-Flynn!!” It turned to Ireland the following evening. And yes, Good Friday. I did a bit of a stroll to the out that, hailing from Sandyford and Tal- Royal Palace, where the Spanish Royal I did get to use my Spanish that I learned laght, these boys are a great crew who in CIT quite a lot and a trip like this can Family reside, and looked out at the stun- act naughty and wicked but love to make ning countryside that would make one provide one with a first opportunity. Yes, friends and have good times. One of their I will be returning, to meet my many new desire satsumas straight away! A deli- crew actually lives in Madrid where he cious lunch was had at Mercado De San pals, to check out more food and drink, works as a school teacher and soccer explore more heritage and everything Miguel, which would be Madrid’s answer manager (he loves St Pats Athletic by the to the Cork English Market. And I would else that goes with it… ¡Viva España! way) and was putting up his mates while cross over to the Museo Naval, where one on stag duty; he sussed me out on Fa- Cork Airport Website: can learn about the Spanish Naval Tradi- cebook and his personality is similar to Seasonal Flights to/from Madrid June to tions that have brought its language and mine; no problems with adding each oth- September. influence across the world and proved in- er there along with the rest of that crew! I strumental in the discovery and shaping Sungate Hostel: made some new great friends and I par- of the Americas. Moving past the Cortes tied the night away with them! Turismo Madrid: (the Spanish Parliament) and that after- noon brought me to La Fontana De Oro, Easter Sunday and I said I would relax Real Madrid football Stadium: an Old World Spanish bar for a pint or two and take it easy. A few drinks and then of Estrella and some delicious olive tapas. I would get ready for a dinner out. Din- Then, heading back to the hostel, I would ing out is something that Spaniards love 10
SEX AND COVID 19 Coronavirus is spread in sneeze or cough droplets. To infect you, it has to get from an infected person’s nose or mouth into your eyes, nose or mouth. This can be direct or indirect (on hands, objects, surfaces). You need to stay at home and maintain social distancing to help slow the spread of coronavirus. Sex and intimate contacts are risks for covid-19 transmission. You should avoid close contact, including sex, with anyone outside your own household. If you or your partner have symptoms of covid-19, you need to follow HSE guidelines which can be found here. The Sexual Health Centre in Cork launched it’s ‘SafeRsex campaign’ to highlight the importance of taking additional precautionary measures regarding sexual activity during the COVID-19 outbreak. See their frequently asked questions at the link below for further information and all things related to sex and covid-19. highlights-precautionary-measures-required-during-covid-19-outbreak The Sexual Health Centre is also operating a free condom postal service, so that you can take every precaution and stay at home. Just contact them 021- 4276676 or email: to have free condoms posted to you. For renewal of your contraception prescription please contact your GP as this may be facilitated with a phone consultation. If you are concerned about having a sexually transmitted infection, please con- tact your GP where you will be phone assessed and possibly booked in or re- ferred for testing. You can contact Nurse Sarah Hickey on 021 2355784 for further information. 11
30 dares before 30! “Hi, I’m Muriel and, more importantly, I’m from Cork. I turn 30 this year and instead of having an expensive party and getting gifts, I wanted to do something different while raising money for a worthy charity at the same time, Cork Penny Dinners”. Muriel Foley is an alumna of CIT, she did her Master’s in Public Relations with New Media and she is now a Digital Marketing Lecturer at CIT. Starting on the 21st of February 2020, Muriel started taking on 30 dares for 30 days and the dares were sub- mitted through her Instagram account @dare2donate. She post- ed each dare every day to Instagram for accountability, which is a must see for everyone! We decided to ask Muriel about her quirky idea and how it all started: Q: Where did the idea come from? Q: How much money did you raise more than ever and I am so grate- A: I knew I didn’t want to have a big for your charity? ful to everyone who has donated expensive party for my 30th. I A: I set a target of €1,000. My dona- to them through my initiative. The equally didn’t want to people buy- tion is still running until the 21st support has been outstanding! ing me expensive gifts that I didn’t of April but as of today (25th of need so I decided that I wanted to March) I have raised €3,477 for Q: What was the worst dare you do a fundraiser for my birthday in- Cork Penny Dinners. got asked to do? stead and do something a little dif- A: I have a big fear of birds! One of ferent. The idea came to me when Q: Why did you decide to choose my friends dared me to feed the I was driving, literally out of thin air Cork Penny Dinners? birds at Fota as one of my dares I got a notion to do 30 dares for 30 A: Cork Penny Dinners are such an so I was very much dreading that days for my 30th birthday and for amazing charity. They prepare one. I ended up going to Fota every dare, I would get a donation over 2,000 fresh meals every week Wildlife Park and they arranged for Cork Penny Dinners. to feed and shelter the homeless everything. I had to feed the in Cork. I have huge respect for geese there which was terrifying everyone who volunteers with this but it made me face my fears so I charity. They need donations now was grateful in the end. 12
Q: What was the nicest dare you Q: What was the experience like Q: Would you recommend others got asked to do? overall for you? to do this challenge? A: I was asked to pay for someone’s A: I honestly loved every minute of A: Yes, 100%. It’s a great way of shopping or lunch in front of me it! The feedback from people fol- bringing your friends and fam- at a checkout, so I did this as my lowing my channel was so lovely ily together to fundraise through first dare as I thought it was the too. As we are in tough times right a fun initiative. It will make you nicest one to start with. now, people were messaging me face fears and do things you thanking me for providing some wouldn’t do if you weren’t dared comic relief for them at the end of to do them. (That’s if your family Q: Was there any dares that you their days. Hearing that, on top of and friends are anything like mine, refused to do? raising so much money for Cork they won’t make it easy!) A: I got a few joke ones that would Penny Dinners, I am absolutely have involved nudity so naturally over the moon that I decided to I turned those down! I ended up do this. No regrets. @MURIELSTAGRAM accepting all of the other dares @MURIEL_FOLEY until my list was full up. Would you believe, I’m still getting dare requests from people! 13
LIVE CIT, LOVE SOCIETIES For full list of societies go to STUDENT SOCIETIES & ACTIVITIES AWARDS 2020 Best Academic Society: Civil & Structural Engineering Risam Uile was awarded to LGBT society for their Gay Straight Allaince Training Day Supreme Event Diwaili organised by the Indian Society Society of the Year: International Students Society Best Small Event: Programming Society Hackathon Best New Society: Sci-Fi 14
Most Improved Society Individual Award receipient Joshua Manaid (in red) Supreme Individual Award recipient Konrad IM the Crawford Open Mic with members of Enactus Society with Stephanie Fogarty Individual Award receipient Individual Award recipient, Blake Rogers Kayme O’Callaghan Individual Award receipient Aoife James with Andrew Corkery Best Fresher Sharan Shaju with fello committee members Individual Award receipient Michelle Desmond (left) with BICS rep Zack Nutchanat, Best Fresher Sharan Shaju with Individual award receipient LGBT Treasurer Caoimhe O’Brien and Supreme Individual receipient Konrad Im Avinash Nagarajan 15
LIVE CIT, LOVE SPORTS by Miriam Deasy, Sports Officer AFL team AFL team AFL team SPORTING HIGHLIGHTS 2020 All-Ireland Ladies Basketball Freshers Cup Champions & Moynihan Cup Ladies Football Finalists Mens Freshers Plate Champions Purcell Cup Camogie semi-finalists and Division 2 League Trench Cup Football Winners Finalists Bob Eustace Mens Soccer Cup Winners 2 students retained their US Mens Open Handball Doubles title in Austin Texas Mens Plate winners and Ladies Plate Finalists at the Hockey Intervarsities 3 players on the Irish Australian Rules Football team at the European Championships in London Silver and bronze at the World Powerlifting Champion- ships in Canada. At the “Full Powers” powerlifting com- For the first time ever our Tennis Club entered three teams petition, had three students claim gold, two students claim in the Intervarsities bronze and three students finish fourth. At the “Push/Pull” competition had four podium finishes Won gold at the World Kickboxing Championships Silver at the UK National Tae Kwon Do Championships. Won Mens Semi-finalists at the Gormanston Volleyball Blitz gold, two silvers and three bronze at the Irish Tae Kwon Do International Championships. 2 Gold and 4 silver at the Tae Won bronze at the IBJJF Dublin International Mixed Martial Kwon Do Intervarsities. Sparring seminar with World Cham- Arts Open pion, Paul Manning! Athletics Club had members win a silver and a bronze in the 3rd in the Irish Karate Federation International Champion- Irish Wheelchair Assoc Games. Silver in the World Para T & ships F Championships. Won the National U23 pole vault title. Also won the Irish Colleges Indoor 2km, National Indoor 5k and Cork Darts Player Association Division 4 semi-finalists National 20km race walking titles. Sailing: CIT student among 450 sailors who competed in the SSI Division 2 Mens Rugby Cup semi-finalists 36th Primo Cup in France with 20 nations represented 1,100 participants in the “Rebel Run” 5k & 10k hosted in CIT 3 golds and 2 silvers at the Boxing intervarsities Hosted the national “Operation Transformation” walk, the 2nd at the Irish Indoor Rowing Championships, making him GOAL mile and for the first time the “Business House Ath- the second fastest U23 in the country letics Association 5k” with 420 runners Thanks: COVID-19 ensured that our exit from the academic year was an astonishingly sharp and quick one. So while we didn’t get the chance to thank people in person we would like to take this opportunity to say a huge THANKS to each and every person who played a part for CIT Sport this year. As with every year there were some exceptional highs as well as a few disappointments, but no matter what the memories made will be cherished for ever. To every student who played their part whether in participation, coaching, administration, leadership of the Club a huge thanks. To all we say “best of luck” with the exams and to those graduating from CIT we say our door is always open, don’t be a stranger and every success for the future. To our coaches, volunteers, staff members who helped and supported sport we say thanks. We thank Bank of Ireland for their generous sponsorship of many of our Clubs. We thank Fiona Kelly and Dan Collins for their leadership and support both financially and otherwise of sport in CIT. Well done to the Sports Department staff, Fintan, Rory, Eric, Norma, Denis, Keith and Craig for their hard work throughout the year and their ongoing efforts for the good of our CIT community. A word of thanks also to our gym staff, groundsmen and caretakers for their support. Thanks to Keith in SU for his coverage of sport in this magazine. CIT abu! 16
20 x 20 Student Champion Campaign Well done & thanks to everybody who helped make our “20x20” campaign such a massive success. At the start of the academic year our CIT President, Registrar, Academic Administration & Student Affairs Manager, Students Union President & fellow Officers attended the official signing. Also present were 22 student and 2 staff “20 x20” ambassadors. By year end we had 25 student & 3 staff ambassadors on- board. With also support from 4 more staff develop- ment officers. A sincere thanks for your input to our enjoyable and all-encompassing campaign. We had some fantastic projects from volleyball divas, zum- ba, social boxing, social soccer, “learn to lift”, ladies AFL, self defence seminar, powerlifting competition, 20x20 photos shared all over social media and many more events, so a huge thanks to everyone! Student DELIVERING TIL 4AM SPECIAL 14” LARGE CHEESE PIZZA + 3 TOPPINGS €10 T&C: *UP to 3 toppings. please mention offer when ordering. only valid with student id. not vaild with any other offer. valid for a limited time only and at participating stores. WWW.FOURSTARPIZZA.IE 17
SUDUKO 5 3 7 1 9 WIN €50! 6 7 5 0 4 7 1 9 6 Sponsored by: 4 3 8 AnSEO - CIT Student Engagement Office and CIT Department of 9 5 2 3 Mathematics as part of Maths Positive. 1 7 2 Name: 8 4 1 Class: 3 1 8 6 Mobile Tel: 8 6 7 2 5 FOR YOUR CHANCE TO WIN... Print it out, take a snap and email your solution to: Alternatively, redraw the puzzle and email it in to us. Brainteasers - WIN €30 FIND THE DIFFERENT EMOJI HOW MANY TRIANGLES CAN YOU FIND IN THE PICTURE CAN YOU OPEN THE LOCK USING THESE CLUES? 682 One digit is right and in its place 614 One digit is right but in the wrong place 206 Two digits are right but both are in the wrong place 738 All digits are wrong ? ? ? 380 One digit is right but in the wrong place Name: PRIZE €30! Print out, take a snap or simply write down the Class: Mobile Tel: answers in an email to us: 18
Good luck in your exams... & Stay Well. SAY WHAT YOU SEE... Sponsored by WIN €30! 1. 2. 3. DEA JOB AN ci ii 4. 5. 6. yyymen HOROBOD Sπky Name: PRIZE €30! Print out, take a snap or simply write down the Class: Mobile Tel: answers in an email to us: MARCH ISSUE COMPETITION WINNERS: Quiz - Fiona Hallahan, Bachelor of business year 2; Say What You See - Alanna O’Connor, Bachelor of Business,1st year; Suduko - Melvin Sunny, Class DME4 19
Herlihy’s Centra Curraheen Road, Bishopstown STUDENT DEALS TO FILL YOU UP!! Tel: 021 4541232 .................................. Hot Chicken Baguette Meal Deal (2 fi llings) Any Sandwich & Hot Soup of the day (Regular Size) + Portion of Wedges / Chips 330ml Can Coke + ONLY 6 + ONLY 5.50 ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... .................................. .................................. Hot Carvery Large Breakfast Roll Hot Pizza slice Dinner (6 fillings) and Can of Coke 330ml ONLY ONLY ONLY 5 .50 3.50 3 ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... .................................. .................................. Irish Chicken fillets, Irish Pork Chops Irish Steak Mince ONLY Regular Frank & Honest Irish Beef Burgers 400grm Coffee and 3 Mini scone ANY 3 ONLY FOR 3.50 3 #LIVETODAY Offervalid Offer validMonday Monday 27th 27th April to January to Monday Monday10th 25th May 2020 February 2020inclusive. inclusive See instore for full details. Customer quotas may apply.
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