2022 Boys and Girls Regional Track Bulletin - LHSAA
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IMPORTANT DATES 2021-2022 DATES CALENDAR WEEK ACTIVITY Monday, Aug. 9, 2021 -- Weight training/conditioning permitted. No 6-31 Sunday, Jan. 30, 2022 practice/contests allowed. First practice (current medical history/exam, Monday, Jan. 31, 2022 -- 31 athletic participation/parental permission and Sunday, Feb. 6, 2022 substance misuse forms must be on file) First meet (Eligibility must be submitted Monday, Feb. 28, 2022 35 online) Deadline for submitting GPAs online for Monday, March 7, 2022 36 seniors for All Academic Wednesday, April 20, 2022 -- 42 District Meets (All Classes - Boys and Girls) Saturday, April 23, 2022 End of Regular Season (All Classes -- Boys and Saturday, April 23, 2022 42 Girls) Friday, April 29, 2022 43 Regional Meet Deadline (All Classes) Thursday, May 5, 2022 44 State Meet (Classes B and C) - LSU Friday, May 6, 2022 44 State Meet (Classes 2A and 1A) - LSU Saturday, May 7, 2022 44 State Meet (Classes 5A, 4A and 3A) -LSU Saturday, May 15, 2022 46 Summer Rules Begin 3
GENERAL INFORMATION Listed below are the dates, starting times, sites and meet directors of each of the regional track GENERAL meets for girlsINFORMATION and boys in each class. District meet directors shall email any known scratches and/or relays alternate changes to the regional meet director by the end of their meet and upload their meet results on La.MileSplit.com prior to 10:00 p.m. on Saturday April 23rd. The MileSplit platform shall be utilized for results and advancement of qualifying athletes only. All scratches and new relay alternates will be handled by the regional meet director or their respective meet timer outside of the MileSplit platform. It is very important that the regional directors have the results from the district meet uploaded to MileSplit by the deadline and all known scratches and new relay alternates emailed to them at the conclusion of the district meets so they will have sufficient time to set up the regional meet. All other scratches shall be reported to the regional meet director no later than 12 p.m. two days prior to the regional meet. See rule 23.5.8 on page 6. All District, Regional and State Track meets will be conducted according to the National Federation Edition of Track and Field Rules, 2022, and Section 23 Track Rules of the LHSAA Handbook. All Class C schools shall have their entries completed in the MileSplit platform by Friday, April 15, 2022, in order for the regional directors to set up their meet. There will not be any district meets in Class C to qualify for the regional track meets. Each school may enter two (2) individuals and (1) relay team in each event at the regional meet. Each region will qualify three (3) individuals and (3) relay teams to the State Meet in each event. (In events where there are not 9 qualifiers to the state meet, the state meet director may advance the athlete(s) with the next best time(s) or mark(s) from any of the three regionals meets.) NOTE: In relay events, up to six individuals may be listed for each relay in the District, Regional and State meets. Any substitutions for the regional and state meets shall only come from those names listed on the relay cards that were presented to the meet director by the end of the District and Regional meets. Relay alternates shall remain the same in MileSplit if a coach fails to provide an updated relay card to the meet director by the end of the District and/or Regional meet. 23.5.16 Qualifying Plans and Special Rules for Regional Meets (All Classes - Boys and Girls) 4. Timing Device: Shall be fully automatic timing device (FAT), if available. Semi-automatic timing device is acceptable if FAT is unavailable. 23.5.11 The English measurement system shall be used to determine heights and distances in all field events. 4
EMAIL TEMPLATE TO REGIONAL MEET DIRECTORS AND STATE MEET DIRECTOR FOR SCRATCHES AND NEW RELAY ALTERNATES: Subject Line: Classification plus District or Regional Body: Full school name and gender, scratches and 5th or 4th place alternate, new relay (all 6) 23.6.6 Prior to the state meet, the LHSAA shall place a state meet memorandum on its website and notify all schools when available. Each head track coach shall be notified by email as to when the heat sheets are available. Once notified the participating schools shall have four hours to review, appeal, or dispute the school’s heat sheets which are posted on the LHSAA website. The only changes that will be considered at this time shall be errors in reporting/posting by the Regional Meet Director or the LHSAA administration. Omissions/errors by the participating schools are not appealable or disputable. 5
SCRATCH MEETING/ TEAM PACKETS 23.5.8 1. There will be no scratch meeting for the Regional meet. Schools that qualify contestants from the district meet to the regional meet shall declare by 12:00 noon two (2) days prior to the regional meet any scratches for those qualifying to the regional meet. It will be the responsibility of the school that scratches a contestant to notify the alternate school qualifier by 12:00 noon two (2) days prior to the regional meet. Schools failing to scratch contestants prior to 12:00 noon two (2) days prior to the regional meet shall be fined $50 per contestant unless a letter from a doctor or the principal stipulates that the contestant was unable to compete due to medical reasons or other unusual circumstances. Scratches to the regional meet shall be faxed or emailed to the host school on school letterhead signed by the head coach. 2. Team packets containing heat sheets, time schedule, meet information, appeal form, etc., may be picked up at the host school two hours prior to your school participating. 3. Coach must pick up his/her packet and pay fees prior to participation in any event. 4. If a school enters no more than two contestants in the meet, the student(s) may be accompanied by a faculty coach/representative, or an LHSAA-approved non-faculty coach from any other school/school system entered in the meet, if both schools’ principals give written permission. The written permission shall be presented to the meet director at the packet pick-up area. 5. If a qualifying contestant from the district meet is scratched and the alternate is not notified by 12:00 noon two (2) days prior to the meet, there shall be no replacement allowed. SUBSTITUTIONS ON RELAY TEAMS 23.5.9 A coach may substitute a contestant to participate with his/her relay team if the contestant’s name is listed on the relay entry form provided to the regional meet director by the respective district meet directors at the conclusion of the district meet, and if the substitute’s participation limit of four events (including relays) is not exceeded. DROP OUTS It is the school's responsibility to notify alternate qualifiers and the meet directors of the regional or state meet if their participant decides not to participate in the higher meet. Both the alternate participant and the regional or state meet director should be notified by 12:00 noon on Tuesday prior to the succeeding meet. 6
GENERAL INFORMATION 1. A 3 turn stagger will be used during the state meet for the 4x400 meter relay. 2. 800 meter run & 4x800 meter relay: a one (1) turn stagger will be used in the state meet. 3. 1600 meter run and 3200 meter run - will use the waterfall start at the state meet. 4. Alternates - Only those individuals listed as alternates on the final entry sheets may be used on relay events should one of the original four runners have to withdraw from that event. A participate may compete in a total of four events. The following chart shows the number of events in which a participant is registered along with the number of times he/she can be listed as an alternate in a relay event. CONTESTANT MAY OFFICIALLY ENTER Four individual events No relayes allowed May be listed on any number of relays but compete in Three individual events only one relay May be listed on any number of relays but compete in Two individual events only two relays May be listed on any number of relays but compete in One individual events only three relays May be listed on four relays and may compete in four Zero individual events relays 7
REGIONAL MEET INFORMATION Class 5A Region Date/Start Times Location Meet Director Allen Whitaker April 27, 2022 1 Northwestern Ruston High School Field: 1 p.m. Districts 1, 2, 3 State University awhitaker@lincolnschools.org Running: 3 p.m. 225-685-9609 Chris Carrier April 28, 2022 2 Zachary High Zachary High School Field: 2:30 p.m. Districts 4, 5, 6 School chris.carrier@zacharyschools.org Running: 5:30 p.m. 225-907-4186 Doug Haydel 3 Thibodaux High Thibodaux High School April 27, 2022 Districts 7, 8, 9 School dtrosclair@MYLPSD.COM 985-226-2745 Class 4A Region Date/Start Times Location Meet Director Joan Catanese April 27, 2022 1 Lee Hedges Huntington High School Field: 12 p.m. Districts 1, 2, 3 Stadium jccatanese@caddoschools.org Running: 1:30 p.m. 318-230-2171 Logan Duplechien April 28, 2022 2 Cecilia High Cecilia High School Field: 1 p.m. Districts 4, 5, 6, 7 School logan_duplechien@saintmartinschools.org Running: 3:15 p.m. 337-342-3314 Darian Chestnut April 26, 2022 3 West Jefferson George Washington Carver High School Field: 2 p.m. Districts 8, 9, 10, 11 High School dkchestnut80@gmail.com Running: 5 p.m. 504-231-8313 8
Class 3A Region Date/Start Times Location Meet Director David Janssen April 27, 2022 University of 1 Sterlington High School Field: 1:30 p.m. Louisiana Districts 1, 2, 3 janssen@opsb.net Running: 4 p.m. Monroe 138-538-9767 William Christian April 27, 2022 2 Iowa High Iowa High School Field: 12 p.m. Districts 4, 5, 6, 9 School william.christian@CPSB.org Running: 2:30 p.m. 337-499-4358 Rickey Grant April 27, 2022 3 West Feliciana West Feliciana High School Field: 1 p.m. Districts 7, 8, 10, 11 High School grantr@wfpsb.org Running: 5:30 p.m. 225-802-7486 Class 2A Region Date/Start Times Location Meet Director Shelley Warren April 26, 2022 1 Northwestern State Holy Savior Menard Field: 12 p.m. Districts 1, 2, 3, 4 University shelleywarren02@yahoo.com Running: 3:30 p.m. 318-729-8810 Claney Duplechin April 26, 2022 2 University of Episcopal High School Field: 1:30 p.m. Districts 5, 6, 7, 8 Louisiana Lafayette duplechinc@ehsbr.org Running: 5:30 p.m. 225-247-9477 Mark Faliveno April 27, 2022 3 Tad Gormley Isidore Newman High School Field: 3 p.m. Districts 9, 10, 11 Stadium markfaliveno@newmanschool.org Running: 6 p.m. 504-654-9503 9
Class 1A Region Date/Start Times Location Meet Director April 26, 2022 Steven Fitzhugh 1 Field: 11 a.m. Ouachita Christian Ouachita Christian School Districts 1, 2, 3 Running: when field is School steven.fitzhugh@ocs.org done 318-450-7855 Scottie Williams April 26, 2022 2 New Iberia Senior Highland Baptist Christian School Field: 3:30 p.m. Districts 4, 5, 8 High School swilliams@hbcsni.org Running: 5:30 p.m. 337-967-2834 Maurice DuCarpe 3 April 28, 2022 East Jefferson High Metairie Park Country Day Districts 6, 7, 9 TBD School mducar61487@yahoo.com 504-835-2545 Class B Region Date/Start Times Location Meet Director Brandi Martin April 26, 2022 1 Castor High School Field: 1 p.m. Castor High School Districts 1, 2, 3, 4 bbmartin@bpsb.us Running: 3:30 p.m. 318-471-3205 Tammy Cecil Anacoco High School tammy.cecil@vpsb.us April 25, 2022 337-238-2751 2 Field: 3 p.m. Tioga High School Districts 5, 6 Running: 5 p.m. Justin Simmons Glenmora High School jlsimmons@gmail.com 318-748-8145 Chad Hunt April 28, 2022 3 Christ Episcopal Christ Episcopal School Field: 3 p.m. Districts 7, 8 School ivyvi@me.com Running: 5:45 p.m. 985-259-5152 10
Class C Region Date/Start Times Location Meet Director 1 TBD TBD Epps High School See list below Angie Little April 26, 2022 2 Hackberry High Hackberry High School Field: 12:45 p.m. See list below School angie_little@camsch.org Running: 3:45 p.m. 337-802-5664 Dirk Ricks April 27, 2022 3 Louisiana School for Jehovah-Jireh Christian Academy Field: 1 p.m. See list below the Deaf. dhricks@me.com Running: 4 p.m. 225-978-8073 CLASS C REGIONS Region 1 Region 2 Region 3 Atlanta Ebarb Baton Rouge International Epps Evans Family Christian Georgetown Hackberry First Baptist Gibsland-Coleman Hicks Jehovah-Jireh Kilbourne Hornbeck La. School for the Deaf New Living Word Johnson Bayou La. School for the Visually Summerfield Plainview Impaired Pleasant Hill Lutheran Reeves Pheonix Simpson South Cameron Starks 11
QUALIFYING FROM DISTRICT TO REGIONAL CLASS 5A BOYS AND GIRLS DISTRICTS REGION QUALIFY TO REGIONAL 1, 2, 3 1 4 individuals, 4 relays 4, 5, 6 2 4 " 4 " 7, 8, 9 3 4 " 4 " CLASS 4A BOYS AND GIRLS DISTRICTS REGION QUALIFY TO REGIONAL 1, 2, 3 1 4 individuals, 4 relays 4, 5, 6, 7 2 4 " 4 " 8, 9, 10, 11 3 4 " 4 " CLASS 3A BOYS AND GIRLS DISTRICTS REGION QUALIFY TO REGIONAL 1, 2, 3 1 4 individuals, 4 relays 4, 5, 6, 9 2 4 " 4 " 7, 8, 10, 11 3 4 " 4 " CLASS 2A BOYS AND GIRLS DISTRICTS REGION QUALIFY TO REGIONAL 1, 2, 3, 4 1 4 individuals, 4 relays 5, 6, 7, 8 2 4 " 4 " 9, 10, 11 3 4 " 4 " CLASS 1A BOYS AND GIRLS DISTRICTS REGION QUALIFY TO REGIONAL 1, 2, 3 1 4 individuals, 4 relays 4, 5, 8 2 4 " 4 " 6, 7, 9 3 4 " 4 " CLASS B BOYS AND GIRLS DISTRICTS REGION QUALIFY TO REGIONAL 1, 2, 3, 4 1 4 individuals, 4 relays 5, 6 2 4 " 4 " 7, 8 3 4 " 4 " CLASS C BOYS AND GIRLS There will not be any district meets in Class C. Alternates: Fifth-place finishers in each event in all district meets will be alternates to the regional meet. Each region will qualify 3 individuals and 3 relay teams to the state meet. Fourth place finishers in the regional meet will be alternates in the state meet. 12
WHEELCHAIR TRACK AND FIELD ALL WHEELCHAIR EVENTS AT THE STATE TRACK MEET WILL BE HELD ON THURSDAY, MAY 5, 2022. Any questions concerning wheelchair track and field should be answered by applying the section of the LHSAA handbook dealing with participation in wheelchair track and field. This information can be found in Section 23, Rule 23.7 of the LHSAA handbook. PARA AMBULATORY TRACK AND FIELD ALL PARA AMBULATORY EVENTS AT THE STATE TRACK MEET WILL BE HELD ON FRIDAY, MAY 6, 2022. Any questions concerning para ambulatory track and field should be answered by applying the section of the LHSAA handbook dealing with participation in wheelchair track and field. This information can be found in Section 23, Rule 23.8 of the LHSAA handbook. 13
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