2021 VOCAL SCHOLARSHIP INFORMATION - www.melbaoperatrust.com.au

Page created by Virgil Zimmerman
2021 VOCAL SCHOLARSHIP INFORMATION - www.melbaoperatrust.com.au
2020 Melba Artists, photo by Fi Mims Photography

2021 VOCAL
2021 VOCAL SCHOLARSHIP INFORMATION - www.melbaoperatrust.com.au
Melba Opera Trust is Australia’s premier scholarship program
  for promising young opera singers and aspiring repetiteurs.

                                                     2019 artist Xenia Puskarz Thomas with mentor Simon O’Neill ONZM, photo by David Ng

Our program prepares artists for the rigours of a professional career in opera. Three
development streams underpin Melba Opera Trust’s approach: Artistic Development,
Mentoring and Performance. The intersection of these programs establishes a
comprehensive and steadfast foundation for artists to launch their performing careers.

 Artistic Development                            Mentoring                                   Performance
Artists receive funding to              The Mentor program consists of a            The Performance program creates
underwrite an individually              series of workshops and seminars            performance opportunities
tailored Artistic Development           with industry experts throughout            for artists to put their learning
program. This program is                the year. It focuses on equipping           into practice. Performances
designed in consultation with           artists with practical professional         range from large concerts in
the Artistic Manager and CEO            skills, while fostering a supportive        metropolitan and regional venues,
and is periodically reviewed.           industry network for their                  to intimate private gatherings and
Programs are required to address        continued development. National             special events. The objective of
a balance of vocal development,         and international experts are               this program is to provide regular
languages, stagecraft, movement         enlisted as Mentors to cultivate in         performance opportunities for
and professional development            the scholarship recipients a global         scholarship recipients to facilitate
activities. To deliver the individual   understanding of the industry.              experience as performing artists.
programs, artists nominate their        On top of audition preparation              Through this program, artists
preferred service providers             and master classes, the Mentor              will learn how to plan and
and Melba Opera Trust assists           Program encourages the artists              execute their own performances,
by enlisting coaches from the           to develop their business skills,           gain experience in interacting
country’s top companies and             giving them access to legal                 with an audience and have
educational institutions.               and accounting professionals                the opportunity to raise their
                                        and sessions on networking,                 performance profile.
                                        negotiation, proposal writing,
                                        media training, time management
                                        and more.

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                                                                                                VOCAL SCHOLARSHIP INFORMATION
2021 VOCAL SCHOLARSHIP INFORMATION - www.melbaoperatrust.com.au
                                                                          2017–2019 artist Cleo Lee-McGowan, photo by David Ng

1.     Melba Opera Trust invites applications from singers who will be aged 21–28 years in 2021.
2.     By 1 January 2021, applicants must have completed an undergraduate degree in voice or equivalent
       program of performance studies. Applicants without the above tertiary qualifications must include a
       letter of reference from a vocal expert confirming their potential.
3.     For singers who demonstrate dramatic vocal potential the age limit will be extended to 30 years. In
       this instance, applicants must include a letter of reference from a vocal expert confirming their
       dramatic potential. Similar consideration will also be given to those applying without the above
       tertiary qualifications.
4.     For singers applying to the Harold Blair Opera Scholarship for Indigenous classical singers, the age
       limit is extended to 35 years.
5.     Applicants must be Australian citizens.

Applicants should be aware that the quality of application documents, video audition and interview will be
considered equally in the selection process.

Applicants must demonstrate:
•      Outstanding operatic potential.
•      A high level of language skills, interpretation, stagecraft and musicianship.
•      Availability to attend Mentor Program sessions and participate in the Performance Program.
•      Dedication and commitment to carrying forward their professional development.
•      The ability to self-motivate and be organised.
•      The potential to be an ambassador for Melba Opera Trust.

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                                                                                VOCAL SCHOLARSHIP INFORMATION
2021 VOCAL SCHOLARSHIP INFORMATION - www.melbaoperatrust.com.au
                                                                            2020 Melba Artists, photo by Fi Mims Photography


•    The Melba Opera Trust program is designed for singers that have completed their formal academic
     studies and are looking to establish themselves as professionals in the industry. It is not practical to
     undertake another formal development or academic program alongside a Melba Opera Trust
•    Uniquely for 2021, Melba Opera Trust is seeking to offer up to two scholarships – including the
     Harold Blair Opera Scholarship. These two artists will join the current cohort next year.
•    Decisions of the panel are final and applicants agree to accept the outcome. There is no forum to
     challenge or appeal the decision on any ground, nor is feedback given.
•    Communication or attempt to communicate by or on behalf of an applicant with any member of the
     selection panel is not permitted.
•    Late or incomplete applications will not be accepted.
•    The applicant is responsible for ensuring the permission of their referees to provide contact details.
•    Funding is to be used within Australia for programs of study approved by Melba Opera Trust and is
     conditional on attendance at the Mentor Program sessions and participation in the Performance
     Program. Repeat artists may be considered exempt from certain aspects of the Mentor Program in
     recognition of prior learning.
•    Scholarship funds are to be expended in the 2021 calendar year.
•    In submitting an application, the applicant certifies that the information contained in the application
     form and the documents submitted is all true and correct, is not misleading or deceptive and that no
     material information has been omitted or deleted.
•    It is the applicant’s responsibility to ensure all attached files and links are provided in the
     appropriate file type and links are functioning. Should any links to audition material be password
     protected it is the applicant’s responsibility to provide that password with the link.
•    Melba Opera Trust reserves the right not to award any or all scholarships in any given year.

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                                                                             VOCAL SCHOLARSHIP INFORMATION
2021 VOCAL SCHOLARSHIP INFORMATION - www.melbaoperatrust.com.au
                                                            2018 artist Jessica Harper with mentor Chuck Hudson, photo by Ben Symons

Applications close at midnight 11:59 pm AEST on Sunday 27 September 2020. Applications that are
incomplete or submitted after this time will not be accepted. Melba Opera Trust will acknowledge receipt of
your application by email.

1. Prepare two PDF files (combined max. 10MB) containing:

       PDF 1: Completed 2021 VOCAL SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION FORM from the website.

       PDF 2: Supporting Documents:
       •    Your CV – please include the following:

       		 - Tertiary study – full details of all courses completed/completing, including name of course, name
       		 of institution and campus, duration (years) and year completed/completing. Do not include the
          name of your teacher.
       		 - Professional or musical experience – dates and organisations.
       		 - Any other training undertaken (including language courses)

       •    Proof of Australian Citizenship and age – please include a copy of a passport or birth certificate, or
            a similar official document, which confirms date and birthplace.
       •    Scanned reference letter confirming dramatic vocal potential (if applicable).
       •    Supporting documentation (for Harold Blair Opera Scholarship applicants).

Please note: all files provided should ONLY be in PDF format. PDF forms may not fill correctly on Apple
Preview. Adobe Acrobat Reader is recommended to fill your form.

2. Upload two audition videos to YouTube.
•      Links to two unedited videos should be provided, each containing one piece. Repertoire should be
       contrasting, in different languages and include at least one aria. Art song, oratorio and operetta are
       also permitted.
•      All pieces should be performed from memory with live or pre-recorded piano accompaniment for the
       purposes of the audition video and shot in a studio or equivalent setting.
•      Recordings should not be more than 6 months old.
•      Videos must include both audio and video.

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                                                                                     VOCAL SCHOLARSHIP INFORMATION
2021 VOCAL SCHOLARSHIP INFORMATION - www.melbaoperatrust.com.au
                                                                                              Photo by Denny Feng on Unsplash

The Melba Opera Trust audition panel will be assessing candidates exclusively via video recordings for 2021,
so it is critical that your filmed performance showcases you to the best of your ability. The quality of the
sound and the image will affect the panel’s assessment. Please follow the guidelines and tips below to ensure
the suitability and quality of your video material

YouTube Video Requirements: Refer to the latest YouTube recommended resolution and encoding settings
at https://support.google.com/youtube. YouTube will automatically compress videos that do not adhere to
their standards which may result in loss of quality.

Lighting: Film your video in a well-lit location, where you are facing the light source. Avoid light behind or
directly above you.

Framing: Your full body should be in the shot. If you cannot fit due to space constraints or sound issues,
make sure your head, torso and hands are still visible.

Sound: Test your microphone ahead of recording and make sure sound is clear. If your piano accompaniment
is pre-recorded, it is recommended that you edit your recording and add the music track after to ensure the
sound is balanced.

•      Record a test video and review the resolution and sound. You
       should also do a test upload to YouTube to make sure the quality is
•      Test for ambient sounds that your microphone is picking up from
       nearby appliances that you need to turn off or move away from
       while recording.
•      Be mindful of not standing too close or too far from the microphone.
       Test this as you want to avoid voice peaking where sound becomes
       distorted, or increased background noise from being too far away.

Once your application is complete, use the CHECKLIST FOR VOCAL
APPLICANTS to ensure all areas have been completed before submitting                 Ideal framing for your video
your application.                                                                    Photo of alumnus Paull-Anthony
                                                                                      Keightley (2018) by David Ng

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                                                                                VOCAL SCHOLARSHIP INFORMATION
2021 VOCAL SCHOLARSHIP INFORMATION - www.melbaoperatrust.com.au
                                                                              2018–2019 artist Stephen Marsh, photo by David Ng

Stage 2 of the audition process will also be via video recordings. Applicants advancing to this round will
be notified by Monday 12 October and invited to submit video performances of two pieces selected by
the audition panel. These choices will be drawn from the candidate’s repertoire list of four pieces in their
application and may include a re-recording of a piece from Stage 1. The panel may also make specific
requests as to the way the video performance is to be presented.

Stage 2 audition videos are due by Sunday 26 October and will be followed with an online interview on 29
and 30 October.

•      Two pieces will be selected by the panel from your repertoire listed in your application for you to
       record and provide as your Stage 2 audition videos.
•      The pieces selected by the panel may include a piece already submitted in Stage 1.
•      The panel may also make specific requests as to the way the video performance is to be presented.
•      Stage 2 audition videos must be newly recorded.
•      Stage 2 audition videos are due to be submitted by Sunday 26 October by 5pm.
•      Interviews will be held online and via Zoom on 29 and 30 October.
•      Interviews will last for approximately 15 minutes.

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                                                                                VOCAL SCHOLARSHIP INFORMATION
2021 VOCAL SCHOLARSHIP INFORMATION - www.melbaoperatrust.com.au
                                                                                          Photo by Fi Mims Photography

  INFORMATION brochure.

  I have filled in all required areas of the 2021 VOCAL SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION FORM

  I have included two PDF files (combined max. 10MB):

		       One PDF of my completed 2021 VOCAL SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION FORM.

		       One PDF of my Supporting Documents including:

			A CV.

			             A scanned copy of passport or birth certificate, or a similar official document, which
			             confirms date and place of birth as proof of Australian Citizenship and age.

			             A scanned reference letter confirming dramatic vocal potential (if applicable).

			             Supporting documentation (for Harold Blair Opera Scholarship applicants).

  I have provided YouTube links for my two application videos and provided passwords for any private

  I have submitted my application online at www.melbaoperatrust.com.au.

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                                                                            VOCAL SCHOLARSHIP INFORMATION
2021 VOCAL SCHOLARSHIP INFORMATION - www.melbaoperatrust.com.au
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