2021 Summer Camp at Kinsey Scout Reservation Stonewall, Louisiana Norwela Council, BSA

Page created by Wallace Myers
2021 Summer Camp at Kinsey Scout Reservation Stonewall, Louisiana Norwela Council, BSA
2021 Summer Camp
at Kinsey Scout Reservation
Stonewall, Louisiana
Norwela Council, BSA
2021 Summer Camp at Kinsey Scout Reservation Stonewall, Louisiana Norwela Council, BSA
Mission Statement
It is the mission of the Boy Scouts of America to serve others by helping to instill values in
young people and in other ways, to prepare them to make ethical and moral choices over their
lifetimes in achieving their full potential. The values we strive to instill are based on those found
in the Scout Oath and Law.

                                 Letter from the Scout Executive

Kinsey Scout Reservation strives to provide the best customer service-oriented summer camp
experience where we see ourselves as the highlight of your year-round program. Our mission
as a staff is to help you, as Scout Leaders, accomplish your goals that you aim to achieve at
summer camp and to ensure that your Scouts have a positive, exciting summer camp
experience that will keep them involved and enthusiastic about Scouting.

Our entire staff, from the Management Team to our Counselors in Training, is continually
looking for ways to improve the camp and its summer camp program, but we need your help to
reach our full potential. We want your feedback and your ideas about how we can make Kinsey
Scout Reservation and its programs even better. We at KSR know that the best measure for our
success is seeing the smiles on the faces of your Scouts and knowing that we had a positive
impact on them for Scouting. With your help, we will continue to be one of the most successful
summer camps in the country.

Summer camp is the heart of the Scouting program. At KSR, we have a reputation for excellent
service, facilities, and programs. We want every camper to feel like they are part of our
Scouting family. Our staff and I are dedicated to providing you the best camping experience
possible in 2021. I hope that we can provide your youth with memories that last a lifetime.

Yours in Scouting,

Jeff Brasher
Scout Executive/CEO
Norwela Council, BSA


2021 Summer Camp at Kinsey Scout Reservation Stonewall, Louisiana Norwela Council, BSA
Summer Camp Sessions and Dates                   ATV Adventure $10
                                                 ATV Trail Rides $10
Summer Camp Week 1: June 13 - 19                 Basketry $15
Summer Camp Week 2: June 20 - 26                 Indian Lore $15
                                                 Leatherwork $15
Camper Fee Schedule                              Metal Working $15
                                                 Photography $10
A KSR summer camp t-shirt is included in         Red River Rifles $25
the Fees for Summer Camp. We have                Rifle Shooting $20
extras available in the Trading Post for $15     Shotgun Shooting $25
                                                 Space Exploration $10
Scouts                                           Welding $2

Early Bird Registration Fee: $285
Regular Registration Fee: $300                   Camperships
                                                 Camperships are available to Norwela
Adult Leaders                                    Council Scouts camping at KSR with their
                                                 Troops or as Wranglers, in amounts
Early Bird Registration Fee: $85                 covering up to half of the early bird rate.
Regular Registration Fee: $110                   The campership application will be available
                                                 at the Council Service Center. The deadline
Early bird discount rates apply to all Scouts    for submitting the application is May 1, 2020
and adults paid in full by May 1, 2021.          and funds are allocated on a first come, first
                                                 served basis. Camperships are awarded to
                                                 individual Scouts and may not be
                                                 transferred. All campership applications
                                                 must include the signatures of a parent or
We allow one free adult leader per every         guardian and the registered unit leader.
six registered Scouts attending camp.            Scouts awarded camperships will be
Beyond that, the standard adult rates will       notified and the discounted camp fee will be
apply. Additional adult leaders may receive      entered into the unit’s camp registration.
discounts or fee waivers if they are available   \
to instruct merit badges or to provide skill
instruction or expertise during staff week. If
interested, contact the Program Director,
Robert Morgan, at 318-840-7490.

Additional Program Fees                          Online Registration
Archery $10

The registration process is to help campers       Final Payment
and staff make accurate plans for camp.           In order to qualify for the Early Bird rate, the
This guide contains all of the forms and          final balance for all Scout and adult leader
information necessary to register for             registration fees is due no later than May 1,
summer camp, we are using Tentaroo                2021 to the Norwela Council Office. The
software for our registration and Merit           $150 deposit is counted toward this final
Badge scheduling. Online payments are             payment. Units making camp fees payment
also accepted through the system. Go to           by this date qualify for the Early Bird fee
https://norwela.tentaroo.com. In order to         rates.
help us plan ahead and ensure that we
have accurate numbers of participants for         Check In
each course, all merit badge registration         Please arrive at camp with all the required
must be completed online.                         forms and paperwork detailed in the Check
                                                  In section on page 5. The camp staff will
Troops should register as a group instead of      update schedules and settle any remaining
completing individual registrations.              balances at this time. All program fees
Wranglers, of course, are an exception.           should be paid at Check In.

Troops can register online at:                    Methods of Payments
                                                  Payments can be made by cash, check or
       https://norwela.tentaroo.com               credit card. Credit Cards can be used by
                                                  visiting the Scout office or online at
Units need to submit a $150 unit deposit to       https://norwela.tentaroo.com. Norwela units
Norwela council to reserve a campsite.            may also pay using their unit accounts.
Units also need to submit Registration forms
with a deposit that includes unit contact         Online Registration
information and estimated number of               Due to the positive response we received
campers.                                          last year from our campers, and the
                                                  significant number of benefits that enhance
Payment                                           the overall experience, we will again by
The full payment, totaling $285 per Scout, is     using Tentaroo for registration and
due by May 1 for the Early Bird Rate and is       scheduling of merit badges. Login
$300 after May1, 2021. Only Scouts who            information will be sent out to units on the
have paid in full will be permitted to register   morning of May 1st for all Scouts that paid
for merit badge sessions.                         the full registration fee by that date. The
                                                  login information will be sent to the listed
Merit Badges and Programs                         unit contact. After May 1st, logins will be
As previously stated, all registration for        sent as payments are received. Complete
merit badge sessions will be completed            instructions and a step by step guide can be
online using Tentaroo. This process will          found on the Norwela website.
begin on May 1 and will be accessible only
to Scouts who have paid their full camp

Campsite Reservations                          Registering for a campsite will improve your
Kinsey Scout Reservation maintains ten         chance of being assigned to the campsite of
campsites for use by units during the          your choice. Campsites will be shared if no
summer camp season. Each site has              one unit will fill the campsite to capacity. A
electricity and a covered pavilion. Most       $150 unit reservation fee (separate from
campsites have canvas Philmont Tents on        individual program registration deposit) will
wooden platforms. All are near hot showers     hold a specific campsite for a unit
and flush toilets. Each platform has one       Requesting a reservation is easy and can
tent that holds two people only, so if the     be accomplished in one of the following
campsite doesn’t have enough tents, troops     ways:
should arrange to bring more to fulfill the        1. Fill out and return a unit reservation
total need. The campsite reservation will be           form to the Council Service Center
based on two adults in each tent.                      along with your $150 deposit.
Cots are not provided with the tent and            2. You can request a reservation by
platforms, but are available at registration           logging in to your Tentaroo account
for a $5 fee. Campsite X has cabin camping             and click on the upcoming events
available for $50 per person, per week.                tab at the top of the page. You can
There are three cabins and they                        fill out an electronic version of the
accommodate 10 people per cabin.                       reservation form as well as place
                                                       your deposit with a credit card.
Please reference the following list of
campsites for specific information on          Once you have submitted your request, you
campsite details, including special            will receive a confirmation email to the
accommodations and the number of               address listed in your Tentaroo account. If
platforms found at each site.                  you do not have a Tentaroo account, you
                                               can create one at the above site or we can
                                               create one for you with the information from
                                               the paper form. For more information on
                                               the Tentaroo process, please refer to the
                                               Tentaroo instructions on Norwela.org.
                                               Campsite reservations are not refundable
                                               but may be applied to the total camp fee
                                               and the campsite reserved may be
                                               exchanged for a different campsite provided
                                               that it is available at that time. If a unit
                                               reserves a site that is too large for the
                                               number of campers they bring to camp, the
                                               KSR Summer Camp staff has the right to
                                               assign an additional unit to share that

Arrival and Check in                              recorded on the Unit Swim Classification
Units should plan on arriving at camp             Record and brought with the unit leader to
between 1:00 PM and 3:00 PM on Sunday.            camp. A copy of the reviewer’s certificate or
Upon arrival at camp, the Scoutmaster and         card must be attached to the Unit Swim
Senior Patrol Leader will report to the Hallett   Classification Test Record Form.
Building with all paperwork. After
paperwork is collected and the unit is            The KSR Aquatics staff reserves the right to
checked in, a Campsite Host will be               retest any swimmer. The BSA Swimmer
assigned to take the troop to set up and          who are very winded during the aquatic
prepare for swim checks.                          activities or upon completion of a swim test -
                                                  may be designated beginners. Please
After the troop has set up camp and               remind swim test participants to pace
prepared for swim checks, the campsite            themselves.
host will take the troop on a brief guided
tour of the camp, highlighting major program
areas. Scouts who need to take swim tests
will do so during this time at the Swimming       Check Out
Pool.                                             Check out procedures will begin Saturday
Items to bring on the camp tour:                  after breakfast and should be completed
                                                  before 10 AM. Units with special check out
   1.   Swim Trunks                               considerations should make plans through
   2.   Towel                                     the Camp Commissioner in advance.
   3.   Money for Trading Post                    Vehicles will be permitted access to the
   4.   Class A shirt if arriving closer to       campsites to load equipment. The
        dinner time                               Commissioner and unit leader will conduct a
                                                  final campsite inspection prior to dismissal.
Vehicles and Parking                              Health Forms and medication should be
All vehicles should remain parked in the          picked up from the Health Lodge, and
parking lot by the DogTrot from Sunday            advancement records should be obtained
afternoon until Saturday morning. The KSR         from the Program Director prior to leaving.
Ranger and Summer Camp Key 3 employ a             Units checking out early can pick theirs up
zero-tolerance policy when it comes to            from the Council Office or can request to
vehicles on camp property during summer           have them mailed.
camp. Violations may result in eviction of
the vehicle.

Swim Checks
Swim classification tests conducted at the
unit level should be conducted by one of the
following council approved resource people:
Aquatics Instructor BSA, Aquatics
Supervisor BSA, BSA Lifeguard, certified
lifeguard, swimming instructor, or swim
coach. The results of the test should be

Youth Protection Policies for                  Corporal punishment is never permitted in
                                               any situation.
Summer Camp
                                               Hazing is Prohibited
Youth Protection Training
                                               Physical hazing and invitations are
All Adults are required to have a current
                                               prohibited and may not be included as part
BSA Youth Protection Training certificate.
                                               of any Scouting Activity.
This training must be taken every two years.
                                               Youth Leader Training and Supervision
Two Deep Leadership
                                               Adult leaders must monitor and guide the
There must be a minimum of two adult
                                               leadership techniques used by youth
leaders with each unit and/or campsite. The
                                               leaders and ensure that BSA politics are
unit leader or anyone serving as a unit
leader must be at least 21 years of age and
a registered member of the Boys Scouts of
                                               Appropriate Sleeping Quarters
America. The second adult may be a
                                               Male and Female leaders must have
registered Scouter 18 years of age or older.
                                               separate sleeping facilities. Married
                                               couples may share the same quarters if
No One on One Contact
                                               appropriate facilities are available. Male
One on one contact between adults and
                                               and female youth participants will not share
youth members is not permitted. In
                                               the same sleeping facilities. When staying
situations that require personal
                                               in tents, no youth will stay in the tent of an
conferences, such as a Scoutmaster’s
                                               adult other than his or her parent or
Conference, the meeting is to be conducted
                                               guardian. No youth will tent with another
in view of other adults and youths.
                                               youth two years older or younger.

Respect of Privacy
                                               Behavior Guidelines
Adult leaders must respect the privacy of
                                               All members of the Boy Scouts of America
youth members in situations such as
                                               are expected to conduct themselves in
changing clothes and taking showers at
                                               accordance with the principles set forth in
camp, and intrude only to the extent that
                                               the Scout Oath and Law. Physical violence,
health and safety require. Adults must
                                               hazing, bullying, theft, vandalism, insults,
protect their own privacy in similar
                                               and drugs and alcohol have no place in the
situations. Many individual shower and
                                               Scouting program and may result in the
restroom stalls are in use at Kinsey Scout
                                               revocation of a Scout’s membership. Unit
                                               leaders are responsible for monitoring the
                                               behavior of youth members and interceding
Appropriate Attire
                                               when necessary. The leadership of camp
Proper clothing for camp activities is
                                               will determine if misbehavior warrants
required at all times.
                                               expelling a camper from the property, and it
                                               is the unit and parent’s responsibility to
Constructive Discipline
                                               transport the camper home.
Discipline used in Scouting should be
constructive and reflect Scouting’s values.

Health and Medical Procedures                     Health Lodge
A current BSA Annual Health and Medical           Kinsey Scout Reservation Summer Camp
Record, with Parts A, B, and C completed          employs a Camp Health Officer under the
within the past 12 calendar months, is            direction of the council physician. The
required for all staff, leaders, and campers      Camp Health Officer resides in the health
in attendance at KSR. Health history and          lodge and is available around the clock.
examination by a physician is required for        The camp maintains an extensive first aid
this form. Medical forms are shared only on       kit, exam room, and two beds.
a need to know basis and will be on file in       If a camper requires emergency medical
the health lodge. Forms may be picked up          services, or needs to see a physician, a
from the health lodge upon departure from         Scout’s parent or guardian will be notified by
camp. Per relevant laws, uncollected forms        telephone. Non emergency transportation
will be destroyed upon completion of each         must be arranged by the parents or the unit.
camp session.
Upon Arrival at camp, everyone is given a         Unit Leader First Aid
private medical screening by a physician,         Unit leaders are encouraged to provide
health officer, or other adult approved by the    basic first aid for minor cuts, blisters, and
camp physician. The check is required by          scrapes using a unit first aid kit. Please
BSA National Standards and helps improve          contact the health lodge for anything
the health and safety of all campers. The         beyond adult leader skill and training.
Camp Director and unit leaders are                Camp welcomes the assistance of qualified
informed of campers with limitations so that      medical personnel with visiting units.
the appropriate staff members are alerted.
Any camper, youth or adult, who does not          Prevention of Dehydration and Heat
submit a current and completed BSA                Exhaustion
Annual Health and Medical Record, No.             Please prepare Scouts to counter common
34605, with Parts A, B, and C will be             health issues, especially dehydration and
required to leave within 24 hours. There is       heat exhaustion. Symptoms of dehydration
no fee refund in this situation. Visitors on      and heat exhaustion are more varied than
camp for less than 24 hours are not               just being thirsty or hot and may include
required to submit medical forms.                 nausea, loss of appetite, headaches,
All prescription medications are to be kept in    dizziness, and muscle cramps. Please
locked storage. An exception may be made          review the Boy Scout Handbook for
for a limited amount of medication to be          symptoms of and first aid for dehydration
carried by the camper, leader, parent, or         and heat exhaustion. Every camper should
staff member for life threatening conditions      carry a water bottle and drink plenty of
including bee stings or heart medication,         water while at camp. Water refill stations are
inhalers, or for limited quantities of            provided throughout the program areas.
medication approved for use in a first aid kit.
All drug dispensation must be documented
using the Routine Drug Administration
Record, one sheet for each camper.

Buddy System
The buddy system is strictly enforced at        Prohibited Items
KSR. Youth should always make efforts to
be in groups of two or more campers.            Alcohol, Tobacco, and Drugs
                                                Possession or use of any alcoholic
Emergency Procedures: Medical                   beverage, illegal drugs or the misuse of
Emergency                                       prescriptions drugs is expressly prohibited.
In the event of a medical emergency, the        Anyone found in violation of this will be
Camp Health Officer should be contacted         asked to leave camp property and reported
immediately. If a medical emergency is          to the local law enforcement agency. All
beyond the skill and training of the Health     Prescription Drugs need to be in their
Officer, the camp staff will contact            original packaging with pharmacists’ label.
emergency medical services.
                                                Use of tobacco products is limited to adults
Severe Weather                                  in specifically designated areas.
In case of severe weather, campers should
seek shelter in buildings or tents. At least    Firearms, Ammunition, and Archery
one adult leader in each unit should have       Equipment
completed BSA Weather Hazards                   KSR Summer Camp Shooting Sports Staff
Training and be familiar with precautions       will provide all shooting sports equipment.
for lightning and tornadoes. In a tornado       Please leave all personal guns,
warning, campers should seek cover in the       ammunition, bows, and arrows at home.
nearest solid structure with a slab (Hallett,
Wasner, Diminish Hall or shower houses.)        Fireworks
                                                Fireworks and pyrotechnic devices are
                                                prohibited from possession of use by
Motor Vehicles and Parking                      campers.
Parking is provided in two designated
parking lots for adult leaders and visitors.    Troop and Individual Equipment
Troops may use a vehicle to pull trailers to    Units should prepare detailed checklists to
the campsite. After the gear and trailer are    ensure all necessary equipment is brought
at the campsite, the vehicle must return to     to camp. A shakedown may also be
the designated parking lot. Units may leave     needed to ensure that unnecessary items
the trailer in the campsite to store gear as    stay at home.
long as it is not blocking the way of campers
or emergency vehicles. Vehicles should not      Please Label all items!
be moved into camp during the week, and         Metal items: use an engraving tool or
roads through campsites and program             permanent marker-
areas are restricted to authorized camp         Plastic items: Use a soldering iron or wood
vehicles only. NO ATVs!                         burning tool (be careful not to go too deep!)
                                                or permanent marker.
                                                Clothing: sew in clothing labels with name
                                                or use permanent laundry markers.

Summer Camp                                   ❏ Girls-Swimsuit-(1 piece swimsuits
Packing List                                    only for girls)
                                              ❏ Sleeping Gear
Scout Basic Essentials:                       ❏ Cot or Sleeping Bag
The Scouts BSA Handbook lists 10 outdoor      ❏ Sleeping Bag or Bed Roll
essentials that campers should plan to take   ❏ Small Pillow and Pillowcase
on every outing. These essentials can be      ❏ Eating Kit/Mess Kit: Only need for
carried in a day pack and are appropriate       Thursday Dinner and Friday Lunch
for summer camp.                              ❏ Spoon and Fork
                                              ❏ Plate/Bowl
   ❏ Folding Blade Pocket Knife               ❏ Camp Cup- you will carry this with
   ❏ Personal First Aid Kit: (See list of       you everywhere on camp for
     suggested items in your Scouts BSA         hydration. Water provided in all
     Handbook to pack in your personal          areas.
     first aid kit)                           ❏ Cleanup Kit
   ❏ Extra Clothing                           ❏ Soap
   ❏ Rain Gear or Poncho                      ❏ Toothbrush
   ❏ Water Bottle                             ❏ Toothpaste
   ❏ Flashlight (with extra batteries)        ❏ Dental Floss
   ❏ Trail Food                               ❏ Comb or Hairbrush
   ❏ Matches and Fire Starters                ❏ Towels for bathing
   ❏ Sun protection (sunscreen, wide-         ❏ Feminine Hygiene Items
     brimmed hat, neckerchief)
                                              ❏ Baby Powder or Anti-Chafe Powder
   ❏ Sunglasses
                                              ❏ Scout Handbook
   ❏ Camp Map and Compass
                                              ❏ Merit Badge Books
   ❏ Clothing (1 full change per day)
                                              ❏ Notebook
   ❏ Scout uniform shirt
                                              ❏ Pencil or Pen
   ❏ Scout uniform shorts/pants
                                              ❏ Totin Chip and Firem’n Chit
   ❏ Scout uniform belt
                                              ❏ Waterproof Watch
   ❏ Scout uniform socks
                                              ❏ Battery Operated Alarm Clock
   ❏ Scout uniform hat
                                              ❏ Personal medications (with original
   ❏ Scout “Class A” Uniform                    prescription packaging)
   ❏ Scout Uniform Neckerchief and Slide      ❏ Eyewear and eyewear protection
   ❏ Scout T-Shirts                             and supplies
   ❏ Shorts                                   ❏ Camera with extra batteries
   ❏ Underwear (2 pair per day)               ❏ Money for the Trading Post
   ❏ Extra Shoes (rotate them out)            ❏ Small Musical Instruments
   ❏ Socks (2 pair per day-change after       ❏ Other Gear required for specific
     lunch to dry out feet and prevent          merit badge courses or activities as
     blisters)                                  required by the merit badge book or
   ❏ Boys-Swim Trunks-No Speedos                your merit badge counselor.

Prohibited Items
**Some merit badges and activities require        ❖ Alcohol
specific clothing or equipment. Some              ❖ Persona firearms
examples are: Swimming and Lifesaving.            ❖ Tobacco products or Vapes
Check your Merit Badge Books.
                                                  ❖ Fireworks
                                                  ❖ Illegal drugs
Group Summer Camp Gear
Most troops bring a trailer to camp to store      ❖ Video games or gaming devices
common equipment. Below is a list of              ❖ Fixed-blade knives
general equipment often needed at a long-         ❖ Excessive grooming products
term camp. Some troops may wish to bring          ❖ Highly odorous products such as
other items to enrich their experience or to         scented body sprays
cook special desserts or snacks for their         ❖ Excessive amounts of candy
campers.                                          ❖ Clothing with inappropriate language
                                                     or graphics will not be permitted.
   ❏ Tents (if not using camp tents)              ❖ No pets of any kind, with the
   ❏ Dining Fly or canopy (1 per patrol)             exception of special needs animals,
   ❏ Nylon Cord or Paracord                          are permitted in camp.
   ❏ Group First Aid Kit                          ❖ Campers are not permitted to use
   ❏ Repair Kit and Tools                            ATVs (all-terrain vehicles) or UTVs
   ❏ Tarps                                           (utility cart vehicles).
   ❏ Rope
                                               IDEA Disabilities or Special Needs
   ❏ Patrol Flags
   ❏ United States and state flags
   ❏ Lanterns                                  If a Scout or Adult needs some extra help to
   ❏ Solid Fire Starter                        enjoy the camp experience, let us know!
   ❏ Matches                                   Unit leaders should contact the Camp
   ❏ Water Jugs                                Director prior to camp regarding campers
   ❏ Ice Chests                                with special needs who require assistance
   ❏ Hand Carts                                from camp staff. Arrangements should be
   ❏ Camp Chairs                               made in writing so the preparation can be
                                               accurate and staff training can be
   ❏ Woods Tools
                                               completed for accommodations. Camp is
   ❏ Dutch Oven
                                               not able to accommodate all possible
   ❏ Charcoal                                  special needs, but the staff will work
   ❏ Trash Bags                                diligently to make arrangements where
   ❏ Registration Paperwork                    possible.
   ❏ Maps
   ❏ Merit Badge Book Library                  Dietary Needs / Food Allergies
   ❏ Advancement forms and record              The Camp Cook can order some special
     book                                      food for vegetarians and campers with
   ❏ Bulletin board material and stapler or    known food allergies. Please provide a
     tacks                                     specific list of food requests to the Camp

Director at least two weeks prior to arrival.   uniform or “Class B” uniform, substituting a
Campers may have to bring some dietary          Scout T-Shirt for the uniform shirt, is
supplements and food with them for              encouraged at all other times.
specialty dietary restrictions.
                                                Campers should wear sturdy walking or
                                                hiking shoes with socks and closed toes.
                                                Lighter shoes may be worn in the campsite
                                                or at the waterfront. Sandals or shoes
                                                without toes, or with gaps or holes, are
Mobility                                        unsafe and prohibited.
Camp Staff will be able to provide cart
transportation to Scouts with special           Inappropriate clothing includes sleeveless
mobility needs between merit badge              undershirts, cutoff shirts or shorts, clothes
sessions. Please contact the Camp               with holes, clothing with alcohol, tobacco or
Director by May 1, 2021 to make                 drug promotions, sexual references, vulgar,
arrangements. In the event that not enough      sexist or racist sayings or symbols, gang
carts are available, the camp staff may         insignias, and bikini swimsuits.
issue a special vehicle permit to a unit for    Questionable or offensive tattoos must
the sole purpose of transporting a Scout        remain covered.
with mobility needs. There are several
wheelchair accessible showers and               Leader Meetings
restrooms at camp. Campers may bring            A meeting for all the adult leaders and
their own wheelchairs or motorized chairs,      senior patrol leaders will be held after
but ATVs are not permitted                      opening campfire on Sunday night. Each
                                                day, the Camp Commissioner will hold an
                                                adult leader meeting after breakfast. Unit
Summer Camp Procedures
                                                leaders will be able to ask questions, get
                                                any updates on special events going on in
Vehicles in Camp
                                                camp, and the daily newsletter will be
Upon arrival, vehicles may go to campsites
after troop check-in, unload/drop trailer and
                                                In addition to adult leader meetings, there
return to the designated parking areas at
                                                will also be a daily SPL meeting with the
the Hallett Building and at the Dog Trot
                                                program director. This will be similar to the
                                                morning leader meeting, but will cover
                                                things pertinent to the SPLs. Bring a
Gates will be shut and locked for safety
reasons at 8pm Sunday Evening!
                                                Campsite Inspection
Uniform and Attire In Camp
                                                Campsite cleanliness is the responsibility of
The Official Scouts BSA field uniform “Class
                                                the unit and unit leadership. The Camp
A” is always appropriate dress at summer
                                                Commissioner will perform daily inspections
camp. Every camper is expected to wear
                                                of each campsite for cleanliness, originality,
the field uniform at evening meals, while
                                                impressiveness and organization. Campsite
performing flag ceremonies, attending
chapel, and during campfires. The activity

awards will be given out at the Friday night    Visitors at any time other than Friday
closing campfire.                               should make prior arrangements with the
                                                camp staff.

                                                All camp visitors should park in the main
                                                parking lot. Visitors must follow the same
                                                guidelines as campers with parking, wearing
                                                appropriate clothing, and not bringing pets.
                                                Visitors should wear sturdy closed-toe
Dining Hall and Meals                           shoes to walk around camp.
Before each meal, the camp assembles at
the campsite markers on the parade              Mail for Campers
ground. The camp staff facilitates the flag     All outgoing mail may be placed in the
ceremony, grace, proves program notes,          mailbox inside the trading post. Mail will be
and dismisses Scouts to go eat. The table       taken to the post office in town on a daily
waiter system, relying on a few Scouts from     basis. Incoming mail will be available only
each unit, is used in the Dining Hall for       to the unit leaders after 1:30 pm Each
setting up and cleaning up after meals. The     campsite will have an assigned mailbox
Dining Hall Steward will explain this during    inside the trading post. All mail sent to
the camp tour.                                  campers at KSR should be addressed:

Leader Training                                                Scout Name, Troop # or Staff
Our staff and volunteers will host a variety                   Kinsey Scout Reservation
of leader training opportunities throughout                    3492 Hwy 171 South
the week. Be sure to check our council                         Stonewall, LA 71457
website and the Kinsey Scout Reservation
for updates to the leader guide.                Parents are encouraged to write their
                                                Scouts while they are at camp. Please
Visitors                                        remember that the mail takes more time in a
Visitor Night at camp is Friday evening. At     rural area than in a large city or suburb.
this time, parents will have the opportunity    Letters mailed after Wednesday probably
to eat with their children in the dining hall   will not arrive in time. Any mail received
and to attend the closing campfire. Visitors    after the troop has checked out will be
should not plan to arrive before 5:00 pm as     returned to the sender.
scouts will be involved in camp activities.
The campfire will conclude around 9:30 pm.      Flag Ceremonies
A head count of the number of visitors who      The camp will assemble twice daily for
will be at Friday’s Visitor Night at Camp       opening and closing flag ceremonies.
dinner will be needed by noon on                Scouts will raise and lower the flag every
Wednesday. The cost of each visitor             day after Sunday. Scouts and leaders are
supper on Friday is $7 per person. Visitors     expected to attend the evening flag
may purchase meal tickets at the trading        ceremony in complete field uniform. Scouts
post.                                           should wear the field uniform when
                                                performing any flag ceremony as the honor

guard. Youth Buglers are encouraged to
                                                Wrangler Campers
                                                Boy scouts who wish to attend summer
                                                camp outside of a regular troop may attend
                                                Kinsey Summer Camp as a Wrangler Scout.
                                                Wrangler campers will enjoy all the benefits
                                                of camp including a tent, merit badge
                                                sessions, twilight activities, and meals in the
                                                dining hall. Also provided will be two deep
Inter-troop Campfires                           adult leadership with a Scoutmaster.
Each Thursday night, the troops in camp         Wranglers attending one week of camp
are paired up together for an evening of fun    should follow the same registration and
and fellowship. We try to pair up troops of     payment schedule as other Scouts.
similar size as well as troops from different   Wranglers attending KSR summer camp for
councils. Starting at about 5:00 pm, the        a second week are exempt from late fees.
troops are on their own program time to         Wranglers may register for any week of
schedule activities of their own choosing       camp.
such as chapel services, nature hikes,
fishing trips, or maybe even a game of          Kinsey Scout Reservation ATV
GaGa Ball. It is recommended that troops        Adventure Program
should do a campfire together to ensure that    Are your older Scouts looking for an exciting
the Scouts in Communications merit badge        adventure at summer camp? Two sessions
are able to fulfill their campfire planning     per day and each session will last 3 hours.
requirement.                                    There is a strict limit of eight Scouts per
                                                session, so space is very limited. There will
Campsite Cooking                                be an additional $10 charge to participate in
To encourage development of outdoor             the program. During the course the Scouts
cooking skills and assist in meeting rank       will earn the ATV Safety Institute rider
and merit badge requirements, Thursday          certification as well as explore areas of
night is Campsite Cooking Night. We             camp that few have ever seen. Long pants
encourage cooking competitions between          and boots are required for this program.
patrols and troops. Ingredients will be
available for pick up from the kitchen by       Kinsey Scout Reservation Trail Rides
4:00 pm.                                        Scouts 16 years or older which have
                                                completed an ATV Safety Institute training
Friday Campfire                                 course can enjoy an evening ATV Trail Ride
At the Friday night campfire, Scouts will       around the camp, after dinner each evening.
provide the skits, stunts, and songs. There     We will depart from the ATV Stables and
will be sign ups during the week with an        spend two hours exploring the 1600 acres
audition on Thursday night for campfire         of camp. Be prepared to venture to
selection and placement. Not every skit can     locations where few have gone before.
be chosen for campfire, so practice hard        Additional Cost is $10.
and polish up your acting and musical skills.

Scouts should come to camp with a
General Information on Merit Badge               familiarity of the subjects they will be
Sessions                                         learning about for the week. Merit badge
Experiencing camp through merit badges is        pamphlets are available for purchase at the
the core of the summer camp program for          trading post during camp but acquiring a
Scouts, BSA. Merit badge sessions are            merit badge pamphlet from the Scout
offered by the program staff throughout          Service Center prior to camp is
each day, mostly during four schedule            recommended. It is a good idea to bring a
session times.                                   spiral notebook and pencil or the printed
Our Merit Badge course offerings feature         merit badge workbook for each merit badge
just under half of the required merit badges     session. The US Scouting Service project
for Eagle. We also offer:                        has a list of printable merit badge
                                                 workbooks available at
Our Star to Eagle Program where older            http://usscouts.org/mb/worksheets/list.asp
Scouts can learn what the Council                The first requirement of many merit badges
advancement Committee expects during the         is to know first aid procedures for common
Eagle Project and Board of Review process.       injuries or illnesses that may occur during
                                                 the associated activity. Counselors will
Our Trail to First Class Program has been        touch on this topic, but Scouts should be
designed to introduce new Scouts to the          familiar with basic first aid procedures
fundamental skills they will need throughout     before attempting more adventurous merit
their scouting journey.                          badge topics.

The summer camp program offers many              Scouts will be able to complete many merit
merit badge programs for every skill level.      badges at camp. Some merit badges have
Merit Badge class sessions last an hour and      requirements that should be completed prior
fifteen minutes with fifteen minutes in          to camp and some requirements may only
between to travel to the next class. With        be completed outside of camp. Scouts
several trails strategically placed to connect   must demonstrate completion of each
key parts of the camp, this allows more than     requirement before it is approved by a
adequate time to navigate between the            counselor.
                                                 Garland Summer Camp merit badges and
Attendance to class does not guarantee           programs are run through various program
completion of any badge. Scouts are              areas on Kinsey Scout Reservation. This is
encouraged to participate fully in each          to ensure qualified instruction by
session to receive the maximum benefit.          knowledgeable counselors and a great
Unforeseen circumstances, such as                experience by Scouts in each area.
inclement weather, may result with
incomplete coursework.

Star to Eagle Program (STEP)                      vehicle insurance available to photocopy for
Our Star to Eagle Program was designed to         camp records. This good deed may even
help older Scouts learn key skills that will      apply as credit toward the Scoutmaster
help them advance through these last few          Merit Badge.
ranks of Scouting. Earning the coveted
Eagle rank is more complex than just              Trail to First Class (TFC)
completing 21 merit badges, 6-7                   This hallmark program is designed for new
Scoutmaster Conferences and 8 Boards of           Scouts, especially those coming to resident
Review. True the Scout must know and live         camp for the very first time and working on
by the Boy Scout Oath and Law. Indeed,            their Tenderfoot through First Class
they must be an active member of their            requirements. This is the ideal experience
Troop and diligently hold leadership              for the novice scout, designed to deliver a
positions. Yes, they must have completed          hands on experience of the Patrol Method.
service hours as they progressed in               Participants in the program begin with the
Scouting. The Eagle rank is about more,           history of Scouting, the origin of Scout
though. This highest rank in Scouts, BSA is       Spirit, and the concept of participatory
also about time management, scout skills,         citizenship. Scouts will be covering
demonstrated leadership, planning and             requirements for knots, lashings, wood tool
preparation.                                      use and care, swimming, lifesaving
In today’s fast paced world, Scouts               techniques, orienteering, plant and animal
sometimes get overwhelmed with the                identification, fire building, and first aid.
amount of work they are tasked with like          Each Scout will need a swimsuit, towel,
homework, school projects, sports, music,         personal first aid kit and their Boy Scout
volunteering,etc. Our goal is to help Scouts      handbook. Scout skills, the Patrol Method
better prepare themselves for the tasks they      and the Buddy System are stressed through
will need to accomplish to advance from           the week.
Star Scout to Life Scout to Eagle Scout.          Please note that this is merely an
This course covers the Eagle Scout Service        introductory course in the essentials of
Project, the checklist of items to be             Scouting, even active participation in the
completed prior to applying for the Eagle         curriculum will not create a First Class
Scout rank, and the Eagle Scout Board of          Scout in one week’s time. It will be up to
Review.                                           the Scout’s home unit and Scoutmaster to
                                                  fully achieve this lofty goal because there is
Field Trips                                       so much to learn. TFC classes will be held
Scouts enrolled in certain merit badges will      in the Fort Dan Beard Program area found
have the opportunity to take field trips off of   on the camp map.
camp property. In the event that adult
leaders with vehicles are needed, the
Commissioner will make an announcement
at the daily leader meeting. Adults
interested in helping us with transportation
need to have the Driver’s License and

Aquatics Merit Badges                         session can be cause for dismissal from the
                                              Mile Swim program.
BSA Lifeguard

         This course is intended for Scouts
and Leaders serving on a camp staff or who              What can be more fun than
wish to in the future. Scouts must be at      operating a motorboat at summer camp?
least 15 years of age and have completed      Scouts not only have the opportunity to earn
the Lifesaving, Swimming, and First Aid       this education and exciting merit badge, but
merit badges.                                 will also receive an official Safe Powerboat
                                              Handling Certificate upon successful
Canoeing                                      completion of this course. Please note that
                                              in order to participate in this merit badge
                                              course, the participant has to pass the BSA
                                              Swim Test.
        Scouts must be classified as a
swimmer and need to bring shoes that can
get wet during classes.

                                                        Scouts must be classified as a
                                              Swimmer and need to bring shoes that can
        Advanced merit badge for strong       get wet during the course.
swimmers. Scouts need to bring long pants
and a button up shirt that can get wet.       Small Boat Sailing
Prerequisites include Second Class
requirements 8a through 8c and First Class
requirements 9a through 9c. Completion or             This is the most advanced boating
concurrent taking of the Swimming Merit       merit badge. Scouts must be familiar with
Badge is also recommended by not              knots and be classified Swimmers. Bring
required.                                     shoes that can get wet during the course.

Mile Swim BSA                                 Swimming

         This is an award that Scouts and             This merit badge is required for the
leaders can earn at camp. Campers must        rank of Eagle Scout and is an essential
participate in practices Monday through       Scout skill. Scouts must be classified as a
Friday from 6am to 7am each morning.          Swimmer and will practice swimming
Participants will swim the mile at 6am on     strokes and diving. Scouts need to bring
Friday morning. Please note that missing a    long pants and a button up shirt that can get
Instructional Swim

This session is for Scouts who have not
passed the BSA Swim Test and are not yet
classified as swimmers. This course will                Shotgun shooting requires
help them improve their swimming skills.        participants to use 20 gauge shotshell type
Adult leaders who are capable of providing      guns. Scouts must be 13 years of age or
assistance in the instruction of Swimming       older. There is a $25 program fee for this
techniques should speak with the Aquatics       merit badge.
Director if they would like to volunteer some
time assisting the Aquatics Staff.              Red River Rifles

Shooting Sports Merit Badges                                         Red River Rifles is a
Through the Shooting Sports program at          Norwela exclusive recognition and is open
KSR, Scouts will learn about the sport of       to campers and leaders. Scouts should be
shooting, safety, and how to maintain a         at least second year campers and shooting
firearm. The requirements for these merit       experience is recommended. Through this
badges are strenuous. Parents and Scouts        course, participants will use muzzle loading,
are strongly encouraged to review the           black powder rifles shooting at long distance
books at home prior to arriving at camp.        targets. Scouts will be under the instruction
Shooting sports merit badge classes fill        of a NRA Instructor. There is a $25 fee,
quickly, so don’t delay when classes open       which includes one Red River Rifles patch
up for registration.                            upon successful completion of the program.

Archery                                         Outdoor Scout Skills
                                                at Fort Bond
       Scouts will learn how to safely
handle and shoot a bow and arrow. There         Camping
is a $10 program fee for this merit badge.
Scouts will complete the compound bow
option with a Genesis bow and shoot arrows              This is a significant merit badge
at 15 yard targets.                             required for the Eagle Scout rank. The
                                                instruction covers camping skills including
Rifle Shooting                                  gear selection, navigation, campsite
                                                selection, and food prep. Scouts should
                                                complete requirements 4a and 4b as they
        Scouts will use .22 rifles with and     prepare for summer camp by making a duty
without scopes under the instruction and        roster and assisting another patrol to do so.
supervision of an NRA Instructor. There is      Requirements 8c and 8d must be completed
a $20 program fee for this merit badge.         outside of class by preparing a menu and
                                                cooking a variety of patrol meals. Scouts
                                                must camp a total of 20 days and nights as
                                                defined in 9a to complete the merit badge.
                                                Scouts will be able to rappel and complete
Shotgun Shooting

9b(6) at camp but must complete one other       Orienteering
9b option outside of camp.
Requirement 9 cannot be completed at
camp.                                                     Scouts will learn about map and
                                                compass navigation and competitive
Cooking (Two Period Class)                      orienteering. They will lay out and complete
                                                orienteering courses and find their way with
                                                other navigational aids. This is an essential
        The cooking merit badge introduces      skill for wilderness travel and backcountry
principles of cooking that can be used both     trekking. Scouts may complete requirement
at home or in the outdoors. Scouts who          10 outside of the sessions.
earn this merit badge will learn about food
safety nutritional guidelines, meal planning,   Wilderness Survival
and methods of food preparation, and will
review the variety of culinary careers
                                                        Scouts should have mastered First
                                                Class first aid and outdoor skills in order to
Participants will need to prepare their own
                                                participate in this challenging merit badge.
meals on Thursday during the Troop
                                                Scouts will participate in a Thursday
cooking event.
                                                overnight survival session and learn how to
                                                live in remote locations and extreme
                                                situations. Scouts must have clothing and
                                                shoes appropriate for a hike and overnight
        Scouts will use the blacksmith forge    outpost.
and iron in this merit badge session. Scouts
need to wear long pants and a long sleeved      Health Merit Badges
shirt to protect themselves from the heat of
the forge. Scouts may bring their own           First Aid
gloves. Minimum age is 13 years old.
There is a program fee of $15 for materials.
Scouts will complete steel items with
                                                        This merit badge is required for the
decorative twists, L bends and U bends.
                                                Eagle Scout rank. Scouts should already
                                                have a good understanding of the first aid
                                                requirements for Tenderfoot, Second Class,
                                                and First Class ranks. Instruction in this
                                                session will focus on first aid skills beyond
         Scouts will use ropes, lashings, and
                                                these requirements including an
spars to build useful and fanciful camp         understanding of CPR and AED use along
gadgets and towers. Scouts should be            with more extensive injuries and situations.
familiar with the knots and lashings of the     Scouts should bring a first aid kit for
Tenderfoot, Second Class, and First Class       requirement 2d.
ranks to participate in this merit badge
course. Suggested items to bring include a
knife and gloves.                               Search and Rescue

          Scouts will learn real life search and
rescue skills. They will learn proper
procedures and then practice them in                         Scouts will make two kinds of
realistic situations and scenarios. After          baskets and a camp stool seat using
taking this merit badge course, scouts will        different kinds of material and weaving.
know how to do their part to help in real life     Scouts will also learn about traditional
situations.                                        Chickasaw basketry techniques. Basketry
                                                   kit is included in the $15 program fee for this
                                                   merit badge.
Science Merit Badges
                                                   Indian Lore
Space Exploration

       Catch the spirit of the great space                  Scouts will discover the Native
explorers. Experience why space missions           American culture, including languages,
are launched and the physics of rocketry.          traditions, tribes and heritage. The is a $15
Scouts will build, launch, and recover model       program fee for this merit badge.
rockets. There is a $10 program fee for
materials and rocket assemblies.                   Leatherworking

                                                           Scouts will be making leather crafts
                                                   such as a knife pouch and dyeing a belt.
                                                   Scouts will learn how to craft and care for
          Scouts will get to experience the
                                                   leather items and should bring one leather
skill of welding commonly used in industry
                                                   item from home such as a pair of gloves,
and agriculture. Long pants and a long
                                                   shoes, or a belt. Materials are included in
sleeved shirt are required to protect
                                                   the $15 program fee for this merit badge.
themselves from the torch. Minimum age
for this course is 13 years old. There is a
program fee of $20 for materials.

                                                   Nature Pavilion Area Merit
                                                   Badge Programs
Scoutcraft Merit Badges

Environmental Science
                                                           Although Reptiles and amphibians
                                                   come in many shapes, sizes and colors,
                                                   move about in various ways, and live in a
          This is a very challenging merit
                                                   vast array of habitats they are connected by
badge required for the rank of Eagle Scout.
                                                   their common threads. Join an exciting
It is highly advisable to obtain the merit
                                                   journey of discovery while learning about
badge book from the Scout Service Center
                                                   the commonalities that connect reptiles and
and read it through before summer camp.
Through the study of this merit badge,
Scouts explore ecology, pollution
prevention, endangered species,
environment impact and conservation, and
discuss all of their connections. Pencil and
                                                            Scouts will show proficiency in a
Paper are necessary for this merit badge
                                                   varied study of ecosystems, animals, plants,
                                                   and soil. This is a great merit badge to
                                                   combine with another badge in the Nature
                                                   program area as many requirements

         Scouts will learn to use fishing
tackle, knots, lures and baits. Scouts are
encouraged to bring their own fishing tackle,
but may use the camp equipment. Scouts                    Meteorology is the study of Earth’s
must catch, clean, and cook at least one           atmosphere and its weather and the ways in
fish. Consumption of the fish is not a             which temperature, wind, and moisture act
requirement of the merit badge.                    together in the environment. In addition to
                                                   learning how everyday weather is predicted,
Forestry                                           Scouts learn about the extreme weather
                                                   such as thunderstorms, tornadoes, and
                                                   hurricanes, and how to be safe in those
         Through identifying types of plants       incidents.
and trees, investigating the life cycle of a
forest, and discovering the roles that
different forms of life play in that life cycle,
Scouts will take away a deeper
understanding of the many resources our
forests provide and the role humans play in
preserving and protecting those resources.

Reptile and Amphibian Studies

Other Merit Badge Programs                       Summer Camp, but our experienced
                                                 counselor will help participants develop a
Communications                                   plan and will continue to encourage them
                                                 even after summer camp. Participants
                                                 should complete requirement 1a and 1b
         Communication is an Eagle required      before arriving at camp.
merit badge that covers the many different
forms of communications while also               KSR Activities and
exploring things that affect communication.      Competitions
Participants will prepare a daily newsletter
for unites, organize campfires and attend a
                                                 Evening Activities
meeting. Participants should interview
                                                 Camp wide activities will be hosted each
someone prior to coming and should bring
                                                 night by camp staff. SPLs will receive the
the notes with them. In addition,
                                                 schedule daily in the SPL meeting. Join us
participants should bring any props used to
                                                 for fun, competition, and surprises.
describe themselves. Scouts should not
bring anything of great monetary or
                                                 A Scout is Reverent
sentimental value that could be lost or
                                                 Wednesday evening is our interfaith chapel
                                                 service at the Chapel in the Woods. Join us
                                                 at 6:30 for fellowship through faith.
                                                 Order of the Arrow Call Outs
        For most of history, people have         Units are encouraged to conduct troop
dreamed of flying, imagining how it would        Order of the Arrow elections during summer
feel to soar through the sky like an eagle or    camp if they have not already done so for
hover in midair like a hummingbird, to float     the year. Scouts elected for the Order of
on unseen currents, free of Earth's constant     the Arrow can be tapped out in an
tug, able to travel great distances and rise     impressive ceremony during Friday evening
above any obstacle. Today, through               at the closing campfire. Out of council units
aviation, we cannot only join the birds but      should be sure to turn in the call out letters
also fly farther, faster, and higher than they   during check in.
ever could. Preparation: Requirement 4
prior to camp. Recommended for 3rd year

Personal Fitness

          This Eagle-required merit badge is
frequently referred to as one of the most
difficult to complete due to the 12 week
commitment to exercise, including tracking
and recording the results. Obviously, it
cannot be completed during the week of           Scoutmaster Dessert Cook-Off

Don’t forget to pack your secret ingredients    menu for the Thursday night dinner in the
this summer along with your dutch ovens         campsite will be distributed before camp to
and supplies. Thursday night, while the         allow units to bring any gear, recipes, or
Scouts prepare dinner at the campsite,          added ingredients that they desire.
Scoutmasters will be busily preparing their
tastiest creative desserts. Don’t forget to     Troop Campfire
save a serving for the Camp Key 3 because       Your troop will organize a campfire program
they are your judges in the Scoutmaster         and invite some staff members to attend as
Dessert Cook Off. Winners will be               guests. This is a troop’s chance to hang out
announced and recognized at the Friday          with their favorite staff members.
                                                Bear’s Den Trading Post
Campsite Cooking                                The Bear’s Den trading Post has new items
Troops will prepare dinner on Thursday          this summer. In addition to games available
night and lunch in their campsites on Friday.   for use in the Trading Post, Scouts can also
Units can begin sending Scouts to fetch         check out sports equipment and stock up on
ingredients from the Dining Hall Steward at     souvenirs, snacks, and scouting supplies.
least 30 minutes prior to each meal. Lunch      The Bear’s Den is open most hours of the
will be simple, quick, and nutritious. Dinner   day and evening with the exception of
will be a meal fit to feed a hungry             meals and camp wide activities. Accepted
Scoutmaster, including plenty of versatile      payment methods include credit and debit
ingredients with the invitation to put your     cards, check, and cash. All prices include
own spin on it. Don’t forget about the          sales tax. There is not an ATM machine at
Scoutmaster Dessert Cook Off either. The        camp.

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