2021 Roseburg Parks & Recreation Guide - Discover - City of Roseburg

Page created by Stacy Hoffman
2021 Roseburg Parks & Recreation Guide - Discover - City of Roseburg
Roseburg Parks &
Recreation Guide
Discover ...

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2021 Roseburg Parks & Recreation Guide - Discover - City of Roseburg
    Welcome to the City of Roseburg Parks and Recreation                               Roseburg park rules prohibit smoking
    Division. Our goal is to enrich people’s lives through providing                   any products including electronic
    park and recreation facilities and programs that benefit the                       cigarettes, and all use of tobacco
    quality of life for all Roseburg residents.                                        products, within any city park.

    The City of Roseburg Parks and Recreation Division is pleased                      “Tobacco products” include any
    to bring you the 2021 Roseburg Recreation Guide. We want                           tobacco cigarette, cigar, pipe tobacco,
                                                                                       chewing tobacco, or any other form of
    to connect Roseburg residents with recreation services.
                                                                                       tobacco that may be used for smoking,
    Whether you want to have family fun, learn a new skill, get
                                                                                       chewing, inhalation, or other means of
    fit, stay active, meet new people or have an adventure, the                        ingestion.
    guide will provide a source to find opportunities.

              CITY OF ROSEBURG MAYOR                                   ROSEBURG PARKS AND RECREATION
                                Larry Rich                                      COMMISSION

                         CITY COUNCIL                                                Alison Eggers (Chair)

     Alison Eggers           Andrea Zielinski Beverly Cole               Diana Wales             Kyle Bailey
     Bob Cotterell           Brian Prawitz    Patrice Sipos              Marsha La Verne         Robert Grubbs
     Sheila Cox              Sheri Moothart 		                           Ryan Finlay


                     STAFF DIRECTORY

                        Nicole Messenger
                           City Manager

                            Brice Perkins
                        Public Works Director

                           Kris Ammerman
                  Parks & Recreation Program Manager

                             Val Ligon
               Parks & Recreation Program Coordinator

                         Brendon DeMuth
                        Parks Superintendent
                                                                       We look forward to being able
                          Chanelle Rogers                               to have our local fireworks
                        Department Technician                                 again next year

2         Roseburg Parks & Recreation * 541-492-6730 * 900 SE Douglas Ave, Roseburg OR 97470 * www.cityofroseburg.org
2021 Roseburg Parks & Recreation Guide - Discover - City of Roseburg
City of

                                                                              Bike Path/Walking Trails

                                                                                                                                                                                                             Open Grass Space

                                                                                                                                                                       Botanical Garden
                                                                                                         Boat Ramp/Dock
                                                                                                                          Disc Golf Course
                                                           Basketball Court


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Volleyball Court
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Play Equipment
                                                                                                                                                       Horseshoe pit

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Picnic Tables

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Tennis Court

                                             Ball Fields


Beulah Park
1284 NE Beulah St.                 6.85     ◆ ◆◆           ◆◆
Brown Park
Corner of Harvard & Francis St.             ◆ ◆◆
Charles Gardiner Park
2537 NW Renann St.
                            5      ◆      ◆◆       ◆
Commercial St. Park
1626 NE Commercial St.
                                 ◆          ◆ ◆◆
Eagles Park
782 SE Jackson St.
                           0.25             ◆ ◆
Eastwood Park
2823 SE Douglas Ave.
                            1             ◆◆ ◆◆
Fir Grove Park
1614-1654 W Harvard Ave.
                            33     ◆      ◆◆◆◆◆◆     ◆
Fir Grove Splash Pad
1614-1654 W Harvard Ave.
                           .10     ◆        ◆◆◆◆◆    ◆
Gaddis park
800 NW Highland Ave.
                            19 ◆   ◆      ◆◆◆◆ ◆
Happy Trails Dog Park
100 SE Templin
                            1      ◆      ◆      ◆
Laurelwood Park
350 NW Madrone St.
                           2.15             ◆ ◆◆
Micelli Park
1498 SE Micelli St.         6 ◆    ◆      ◆◆ ◆◆◆
Parrot Creek Park
1852 SE Starmer St.        0.24  ◆          ◆ ◆◆
Quintus Park
350 W. Center St.
                           0.17  ◆          ◆ ◆◆
Riverfront Park
Stewart Park Dr.            45     ◆ ◆    ◆◆       ◆
Riverside Park
Oak & Washington Ave.      3.25    ◆     ◆◆◆ ◆     ◆
Skate Park
1101 NW Garden Valley       2      ◆             ◆   ◆
Stewart Park Golf Course
1005 NW Stewart Park Dr.    65     ◆          ◆ ◆    ◆
Stewart Park
1003-2058 Stewart Park Dr. 236 ◆ ◆ ◆    ◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆
Stewart Park Wildlife Area
929 Garden Valley Blvd.     15     ◆      ◆      ◆ ◆◆
                            80 ◆   ◆      ◆ ◆◆◆◆
Sunshine Park
205 Sunshine Rd
Templin Beach park
100 SE Templin              5      ◆◆ ◆   ◆      ◆ ◆
Thompson Park
1448 SE Thompson St.       0.25  ◆          ◆ ◆◆
    Roseburg Parks & Recreation * 541-492-6730 * 900 SE Douglas Ave, Roseburg OR 97470 * www.cityofroseburg.org                                                                                                                                                                                                                                3
2021 Roseburg Parks & Recreation Guide - Discover - City of Roseburg
                              ALL EVENTS AND DATES SUBJECT TO CHANGE
Discover Roseburg 11, Land of Umpqua Geocache Series - to be announced

Discover Roseburg 10, Land of Umpqua Geocache Series - limited coins still available                                   Front
Spring / Summer / Fall 2020
Get outdoors and enjoy the day with your family and friends. This outdoor adventure is great fun for
all ages. The series consists of 5 traditional & 15 virtual caches, and will lead cachers to city parks
and sights around Roseburg. Discover Roseburg 10 / Land of Umpqua Geocoins will be awarded
to those who complete the geocache challenge! The series will continue until all geocoins (200
available) have been awarded. Your passport may be picked up and / or returned to: Roseburg City                 Back
Hall (1st floor), 900 SE Douglas Ave or Hampton Inn & Suites, 1620 NW Mulholland Drive.

Check website for location and start date.
If you haven’t’ tried a foam roller yet, it’s time you give it a try! The foam roller is a safe and effective tool designed to
release muscle tension. Regular foam roller practice improves joint range of motion and flexibility, reduces muscle tightness and
soreness, and can help reduce the risk of injuries. It is similar to giving yourself a massage using your own body weight to roll
on the foam roller. All participants must bring their own round, 36-inch long foam roller and yoga mat. Please wear comfortable
clothing appropriate for a movement class. Participants need to be able to transfer up from and down to the floor with relative
ease, and should be able to sit comfortably on the floor. Fee: $1.00 per class on a drop-in basis.

                         Outdoor Low Impact Fitness Class -CLASS CURRENTLY ON HOLD
                         1614 - 1654 W. Harvard Avenue
                         Check website for location and start date.
                         This program offers older adults an opportunity to socialize while enjoying a light exercise routine
                         outdoors. Participants will warm-up with some stretching, followed by light exercise and walking.
                         Class will close with stretching and a cool down period. Participants should wear loose, comfortable
                         clothing and good walking shoes. No time commitments or pre-registration, just come when you
                         can. Fee: $1.00 per class on a drop-in basis.

Women’s ‘Just for Fun’ Summer Golf - Stewart Park Golf Course
Monday evenings: June 21, July 5 & 19 and August 2 & 16 / 5:30 pm
Have you wanted to golf, but without the pressure? Here’s your chance to play and learn
more about the sport in a casual and relaxed atmosphere! Players will need their own set
of clubs, basic knowledge of the game and do not need an established handicap. Come
join the fun! No commitments, play all six evenings or just the ones that fit your schedule.
Note: This is not a group lesson. Register at Roseburg Parks & Recreation at City Hall, 900
SE Douglas Ave or call 541-492-6899. Fee: $5 per night program fee plus $10 green fees.
                          Cart rental available for $5 per rider (per night).

                          Free Yoga in the Park - Stewart Park near the Halfshell
                          Saturdays, July 10th - August 28th from 10:00 - 11 :00 am
                          Summer (along with other yoga instructors) will be teaching FREE yoga at Stewart Park this summer
                          next to the Halfshell. You will need to bring a yoga mat or a picnic blanket. Wear comfy/ stretchy
                          clothing, and please do not eat or drink for at least one hour prior to class. Plan to arrive a few
                          minutes early to sign in and get ready. Sponsored by Roseburg Parks & Recreation and Summer
                          Fry - Movement Artist & Mindfullness Coach.

Indoor Low Impact Fitness Class - CLASS CURRENTLY ON HOLD
Check our website for location and start date.

                                    ALL EVENTS AND DATES SUBJECT TO CHANGE
                                  SPONSORED BY ROSEBURG PARKS & RECREATION

4											                                                                                    www.cityofroseburg.org
2021 Roseburg Parks & Recreation Guide - Discover - City of Roseburg
                                  A                                        Umpqua Valley Watercolor Society
                                                                           Kathy McIntyre / 541-672-4768
Agriculture                                                                Monthly meetings are held the third Sunday of each month and
Umpqua Valley Farmer’s Market                                              painting afterwards is encouraged. Summer meetings (weather
1771 W Harvard Ave / 541-530-6200                                          permitting) are held outdoors. All skill levels are welcome!
Year-round market is located at the First United Methodist Church /
1771 W Harvard Ave. The market is open every Satur­day from 9:00           Astronomy
am - I :00 pm. Vendors provide local produce, food items, goods,           Umpqua Astronomers
crafts and more. Currently accepting new ven­dor applications. Live        Paul Morgan / 541-673-1081
music and other activities. Find us on Fa­cebook!                          pmorgan@douglasfast.net
                                                                           Find us on Facebook!
Umpqua Kennel Club
PO Box 189, Roseburg
Dian Smith, Secretary / 541-863-4187                                                           B
www.umpquakennelclub.org                                                   Baseball
AKC affiliated and supporting the sport of dogs including confor­          American Legion (Ages 16-19)
mation, obedience, agility, hunting and tracking. Dog and puppy            Tom Donegan / 541-729-6731
socialization by appointment. Welcoming new members. AKC                   American Legion baseball games are scheduled in June & July. Come
all breed dog show will be held September 9th - 12th. Find us on           out and enjoy a nice summer evening watching baseball in one of the
Facebook!                                                                  best facilities in the state at Stewart Park.

Umpqua Wildlife Rescue, Inc.                                               Umpqua Valley Cal Ripken Baseball (ages 5-12)
PO Box 851, Roseburg / 541-440-6895
https://umpquawildliferescue.org                                           Umpqua Valley Babe Ruth Baseball (ages 13 - 15)
Umpqua Wildlife Rescue is a volunteer group of trained, licensed           Jim Collins / 541-643-3625
wildlife rehabilitators dedicated to the rehabilitation and release of     www.umpquavalleycalripken.com
injured and orphaned wildlife. The emergency hotline is moni­tored         Coed T-Ball & Machine Pitch,
365 days a year and trained, licensed rehabilitators are on call to        Boys Baseball.
treat injured and orphaned wildlife. New members are welcome and
meetings are open to all. Call the hotline for time and location of        Bicycling
monthly meetings. Also available for educational programs. Find us         Bike Walk Roseburg
on Facebook!                                                               Dick Dolgonas / 541-672-1757
                                                                           Bike Walk Roseburg is a great source
                                                                           of information about biking and walking
Art                                                                        in and around Roseburg. Find us on Facebook!
Umpqua Valley Arts Association
1624 W. Harvard Ave, Roseburg
541-672-2532 / https://uvarts.com                                          Cycle Umpqua
The Umpqua Valley Arts Association serves the region year­round            www.cycleumpqua.com
with outstanding arts education programs and exceptional art exhibits.     Come share some epic cycling adventures with us in the Umpqua
Housed in Roseburg’s historic Old Soldiers’ Home, the building             Basin. Whether your ride is five miles or one hundred, we have
features six galleries which rotate shows every two months. Countless      routes specifically tailored to your need for an authentic bicycling
enriching youth and adult classes and work­shops are offered throughout    experience in an area where few cyclists ride.
the year. A beautiful gift shop offers one-of-a-kind gifts made by local
artists. Spaces in the building are available to rent for your special     LUMBR
events including weddings, meetings, workshops and parties. The            (Land of Umpqua Mountain Bike Riders)
Clay Place is located with­in the campus and offers continuous ceramic     Find us on Facebook!
workshops and clas­ses for beginners and advanced. Gallery hours are
10 am - 4 pm Tuesday - Friday, and 10 am - 2 pm on Saturdays. Find
us on Instagram and Facebook for updates, upcoming events, and vol­
unteer opportunities! #uvarts

www.cityofroseburg.org 									                                                                                                              5
2021 Roseburg Parks & Recreation Guide - Discover - City of Roseburg
Umpqua Velo Club                                                            www.tendownbowling.com
PO Box 2538, Roseburg                                                       541-672-3601
www.umpquavelo.org                                                          Register your child for 2 FREE GAMES of bowling a day all summer
Umpqua Velo Club promotes enjoyable and safe cycling for all whether        at www.kidsbowlfree.com! Summer and Fall leagues are forming
on road, gravel, mountain or commuter bikes. Members have access to         now! Please call for details on exciting Youth, Adult & Mixed
all club rides, limited accident insurance coverage, notices of meetings,   Leagues! Inquire about private bowling lessons. Ten Down hosts
rides and events as well as discounts at local merchants. Membership        nonprofit fundraisers and offers special rates for large groups and
for new members is only $10. Beginner road rides start at 6:00 pm on        seniors.
Tuesdays at the train in Stewart Park, and moderate-paced “leave no
rider behind” road rides start at 6:00 pm on Wednesdays at My Coffee.                                         C
Start riding now to enjoy the Vineyard Tour (www.thevineyardtour.
com) which of­fers five rides from 15 to 100 miles on Sunday of Labor       Car Clubs
Day weekend. Join us for a ride to learn new skills and have fun rid­       Cascade Historical Motor Club
ing with others. Check the website for more information or find us on       503 W. Harrison, Roseburg / 541-673-4635
Facebook!                                                                   Jim Johnston, President
                                                                            Club interest is in early vehicles and special interest vehicles.
                                                                            Entertainment includes tours, parades and exhibition.
Umpqua Valley Audubon Society
PO Box 381, Roseburg 97470
                                                                            Graffiti Weekend
                                                                            July 7 - 11, 2021
                                                                            P.O. Box 24, Roseburg
Email: info@umpquaaudubon.org
                                                                            Jeanine Coffey / 541-680-0384
Facebook: Umpqua Valley Audubon Society
The Umpqua Valley Audubon Society welcomes birders and
                                                                            Family fun for everyone! Five days of events, classic cars, car shows
nature enthusiasts to occasional field trips, educational programs
                                                                            and cruises. Please check our website for more information and a full
for the community and other activities that encourage enjoyment,
                                                                            listing of events.
appreciation and protection of the beautiful valleys of the Umpqua.
Umpqua Valley Audubon Society partners with Roseburg Parks &
Recreation to host ROSEBURG SWIFT WATCH each September                      Stray Angels Car Club
in the Fir Grove section of Stewart Park behind the Umpqua Valley           P.O. Box 1936, Roseburg
Arts Center off of Harvard Avenue to celebrate the fall migration of        Amy Holmgren, Director
the Vaux’s Swifts. Check the UVAS website and Facebook page for             www.strayangelscarclub.com
details about these and other chapter sponsored activities.                 Email: info@strayangelscarclub.com
                                                                            The group organizes and participates in many show cruises and events
                                                                            throughout the year and hosts the Riverforks Show ‘n’ Shine on Graffiti
Board / Card Clubs                                                          Weekend. Check website & follow us on Face-book for more information.
Cribbage Club
cribbage.org / ACC Grass Roots #62                                          Street Memories Car Club
                                                                            Todd Woodward, President / 541-459-1604
                                                                            The club organizes the Graffiti Week kickoff show at
Roseburg Chess Club
                                                                            the V.A. Hospital on Wednesday, July 7th from 12 - 5
                                                                            pm. The club also sponsors the annual Blackberry
The club meets on Wednesdays and Fridays from 1 - 4 pm at the
                                                                            Festival Poker Run and supports local charities throughout the year.
Roseburg Senior Center, 1614 SE Stephens Street. Chess players of
                                                                            Club meetings are held on the 2nd Tuesday of each month. Find us
all levels are welcome!
                                                                            on Facebook - Street Memories Car Club - Douglas County.

Roseburg Duplicate Bridge Club                                              Timberland Corvette Club
Seth / 541-863-8698                                                         www.timberlandcorvetteclub.com
Duplicate Bridge card play every Monday, Wednesday & Friday at              Find us on Facebook!
the VFW Hall / 1127 NE Walnut Street in Roseburg. Please call for
schedule.                                                                   Umpqua Flatheads
                                                                            P.O. Box 1635, Roseburg
Bowling                                                                     Tom Doss / 541-530-5491
Ten Down                                                                    Pete Benham / 541-430-0666
Bowling & Entertainment
                                                                            Regional group of Early Ford V-8 Club of America. Conducts
2400 NE Diamond Lake Blvd

6											                                                                                                  www.cityofroseburg.org
2021 Roseburg Parks & Recreation Guide - Discover - City of Roseburg
group outings and participates as sponsors of various car shows and                                              D
benefits throughout the year. Organizer of annual Graffiti Night
Cruise in downtown Roseburg as part of Graffiti Weekend in July.
The club encourages individuals with an interest in antique and hot          Buckeroo Square Dance Club
rod automobiles to join, applications can be downloaded from the             5051 NE Stephens St, Winchester
website. Club meetings are held the 3rd Monday of each month,                Bruce Knotts, President / 541-670-3864
dinner at 6:00 with meeting to follow (currently at Elmer’s). Check          www.roseburgsquaredance.com
website for more information.                                                Dance the 1st and 3rd Saturdays, Plus level at 7:00 pm; 7:30 pm
                                                                             Squares. Buckeroo Roundup 2nd weekend in June. Check website for
                                                                             more info. Find us on Facebook!
Southwest Oregon Climber’s Coalition                                         Chitwood Studio of Dance
www.swocc.rocks / sworegonclimberscoalition@gmail.com                        3782 Hooker Rd, Roseburg / 541-673-5792
Supporting stewardship and access for climbing in southwest Oregon.          Since 1969 classes in Ballet, Tap and Jazz ages 7 through adult.
Find us on Facebook!                                                         Saturday morning Technique Class is especially good for build­ing
                                                                             strength, endurance and flexibility. Recital performances for the year
                                                                             2021 will be June 21, 22 & 23 at Wildlife Safari. Possi­ble Art Festival
Community Education                                                          performance Saturday, June 26. Summer classes July 5 through July
Blue Zones Project - Umpqua                                                  30. Fall classes begin August 30.
556 SE Jackson St, Roseburg
Jessica Hand / 541-580-6857
                                                                             Dancing Friends
                                                                             5051 NE Stephens St, Winchester / 541-459-3709
Facebook: Blue Zones Project - Umpqua
                                                                             Joel Brock, President / www.roseburgsquaredance.com
Blue Zones Project - Umpqua is a community-wide initiative that
                                                                             Round Dance Club. Check website for more info. Find us on Fa­cebook!
is based on research from the original Blue Zones, five demo­
graphically confirmed areas where people are living into their 90’s
and l00 ‘s at much higher rates than anywhere else in the world. Blue        Kathryn Howard School of Dance
Zones Project provides a variety of free resources in the community          1437 NE Dee St, Roseburg / 541-672-8811
with the mission of enhancing our built environ­ment and creating            www.roseburgdance.com
opportunities to move naturally every day. The Project also facilitates      Kathryn Howard School of Dance
the coordination of Walking Moais (small groups that meet together to        offers instruction from highly qualified
walk for 10 weeks) and a number of other free classes and programs.          teachers in Ballet, Jazz, Hip Hop, Cheer
Learn more on our Facebook Page - Blue Zones Project Umpqua.                 and Tumbling for ages 3 - 18; as well
                                                                             as adult jazz / contemporary classes. We also have performance teams
Toastmasters International (two local clubs)                                 trained in Ballet, Jazz, Hip Hop, Contemporary, Pointe and Musical
Roseburg Toastmasters                                                        Theatre that perform regularly in the community. Our students participate
https://roseburgtoastmasters.toastmastersclubs.org                           in three recitals each season (Dec, March, June) at UCC Jacoby
Wonderful Oregon Wordmasters (WOW)                                           Auditorium during our school year program and we offer energetic & fun
https://2674320.toastmastersclubs.org                                        summer camps in July / August. Detailed information about our dance
Do you want to become a confident public speaker and strong leader?          philosophy, instructors and classes may be found on our website.
If so, Toastmasters is the place for you. You’ll find a sup­portive learn-
by-doing environment that allows you to achieve your goals at your           Leap of Faith Dance Center
own pace. Check website for more info!                                       831 SE Cass Ave, Roseburg
UCC Community and                                                            www.leapoffaithdancecenter.com
                                                                             Leap of Faith Dance Center is a non-denominational Christian dance
Workforce Training
                                                                             studio offering Ballet, Pointe, Tap, Jazz, Lyrical, Hip-Hop, Acrobatics,
PO Box 967, Roseburg
                                                                             Combo Classes, Creative Movement and Competition Dance Teams
541-440-4668 / www.umpqua.edu/cwt
                                                                             in a family-friendly, positive environment for ages 2 - 18. Students
UCC Community and Workforce Training
                                                                             perform in our annual June recital at Jacoby Auditorium, UCC, as well
serves the lifelong learning needs of Douglas County residents by
                                                                             as local community events. Our award winning competitive dance
providing non-credit programs, classes and workshops. Over 150
                                                                             teams attend competition events held in the Pacific Northwest. Summer
classes are offered each term and are listed in the quarterly UCC class
                                                                             programs, camps & classes run July - August, with our school year
schedule or on the UCC website. UCC offers classes for youth to
                                                                             program operating September - June. Leap of Faith is an official Leap
seniors covering a variety of topics including summer enrichment
                                                                             N’ Learn Acrobatic Arts certified studio. Visit our website for full online
camps for youth. Check out our website to register online!
                                                                             registration, and to learn more about what sets us apart, and how we’re
                                                                             “raising the barre in dance education.”
www.cityofroseburg.org 									                                                                                                                      7
2021 Roseburg Parks & Recreation Guide - Discover - City of Roseburg
Summer Fry - Movement                                                                                      G
Artist & Mindfullness Coach                                              Gardening
865 SE Court St, Roseburg
                                                                         Douglas County Dahlia Society
                                                                         2651 Loma Vista, Roseburg
www.summerfry.com / email: summerdawnfy@gmail.com
                                                                         Elva Sellens 541-672-7352 / Ginger Clack 541-863-4501
With close to 20 years of experience, Summer teaches movement
                                                                         Promoting growing and showing dahlias. Annual show will be held
practices with the intention of guiding students to move with steadi-
                                                                         at the Douglas County Fairgrounds Exhibit Building on Sat­urday,
ness, ease, pleasure and joy. Classes, workshops and private sessions
                                                                         September 25th from 12:00 pm - 5:00 pm, and Sunday, September
in a wide variety of dance, yoga & mind body practices. You are
                                                                         26th from 10:00 am - 3:00 pm. Admission is free. For monthly
invited to come as you are and share space with other people to move
                                                                         meetings information call Elva Sellens.
our bodies with intention and care in a safe and supportive environ-
ment. Find us on Facebook!
                                                                         Oregon Koi & Watergarden Society
                                                                         PO Box 1352, Roseburg
Timber 8’s Plus Square Dance Club                                        Pama Bangeman / 208-290-4078
5051 NE Stephens St, Winchester                                          www.oregonkoiandwatergardensociety.com
Jim Blocher, President 541-671-6791                                      Roseburg based social organization which exists to promote, cre­ate
www.roseburgsquaredance.com                                              and enlarge the hobby of koi keeping, breeding, appreciation and
Plus square dances 2nd & 4th Saturdays, September through May,           exhibition of koi and watergardening. The group meets monthly at a
7:30 - I 0:00 pm. Pre-rounds 7:00 pm. Check website for more             member’s pond. Koi Expo will be held on June 12th in the Sherm’s
information.                                                             parking lot.

Disc Golf                                                                Native Plant Society of Oregon
Riverfront Park                                                          Umpqua Valley Chapter
Stewart Park Drive                                                       Donna Rawson / 541-459-2821
This 45 acre City park runs nearly 1.3                                   www.npsoregon.org
miles along the north shore of the South Umpqua River. The main          Find us on Facebook!
multiuse path runs through the park connecting Stewart Park to the
downtown core. An 18-hole disc golf course is set in the park.           Rainbow Garden Club
                                                                         Kay Edmonson / 541-679-5784
                                                                         Club meets the first Tuesday of each month for lunch at 11:30. Programs
                                 F                                       include various topics on seasonal horticulture. Visits to both private
Fishing                                                                  and public gardens and nurseries are planned throughout the year.
Umpqua Fishermen’s Association
Mike Brochu / 541-839-4853                                               Umpqua Orchid Society
                                                                         PO Box 401, Roseburg
Umpqua Valley Fly Fishers                                                John Klinger, President
PO Box 2374, Roseburg                                                    Email: umpquaorchidsociety@gmail.com
Mike McCoy / 541-677-0100                                                Speakers & programs to teach about orchids. Each month members
www.umpquavalleyflyfishers.org                                           do a “show-and-tell” display of their blooming plants. Meetings held
Monthly meetings are held the first Thursday of each month at the        the 2nd Thursday of each month, September to June at 7:00 pm at the
Roseburg Country Club, 5051 Garden Valley Road, socializ­ing/food        Umpqua Valley Arts Association building on Harvard.
5:30 pm, meeting 6:30 pm. Visit website for more info!

                                                                         Gem & Mineral
Football                                                                 Umpqua Gem & Mineral Club
Roseburg Youth Football                                                  PO Box 1264, Roseburg
https://www.roseburgyouthfootball.com                                    Monthly meetings are held on the 2nd Wednesday
Roseburg Youth Football is a non-profit                                  of each month at Westside Christian Church, 2712 West Harvard,
community group dedicated to providing                                   Roseburg. Potluck begins at 6:00 pm, Jr’s club meets at 6:30 pm,
the safest & highest quality tackle football                             general membership meeting starts at 7:00 pm. Annual show is the
experience possible to Roseburg athletes. Our mission is to build a      first full weekend in May at the Douglas County Fairgrounds. Any-
strong foundation of competitive athletes that will have the desire to   one interested in gems, minerals and lapidary is welcome. Find us on
participate in football through their high school years.                 Facebook!

8											                                                                                             www.cityofroseburg.org
2021 Roseburg Parks & Recreation Guide - Discover - City of Roseburg
Geocaching                                                                                       H
Umpqua Valley Geocacher’s Association                                        Hiking
Find us on Facebook!                                                         Friends of the Umpqua
                                                                             Hiking Club
Golf                                                                         Rheo Wheeler, President / 541-677-0799
Stewart Park Golf Course                                                     www.friendsoftheumpqua.org
Call 541-672-4592 for tee times & info.                                      Hikes scheduled every other Saturday throughout the year, new
Stewart Park Golf Course is a family                                         hikers welcome. Check website for schedule.
friendly 9-hole municipal course owned by the City of Roseburg and
located in the heart of Stewart Park. Amenities include a golf shop, snack   Umpqua Watersheds
bar and covered driving range. Recreational leagues play through the         539 SE Main Street, Roseburg
summer. Lessons available. Find us on Facebook!                              541-672-7065
Stewart Park Men’s Golf Association                                          Umpqua Watersheds (UW) is looking to
Ron Miller / 541-580-6946                                                    fill a number of volun­teer positions. Find out more on June 5th at
Season runs April through August at 4:00 pm on Tuesday and                   Umpqua Watersheds’ Volunteer Training Day. July 17, 2021 River
Thursday. Ten teams of four men play 9 holes each afternoon. Friday          Appreciation Day, Steamboat Ball Field, Umpqua National Forest,
Night Scrambles start in April. Contact Stewart Park Golf Course for         1-8 pm. July 23-25, 2021 Youth Wilderness Campout, Twin Lakes,
more information.                                                            Umpqua Na­tional Forest. Contact ryan@umpquawatersheds.org to
                                                                             learn more!
Stewart Park Senior Men’s Golf Association
Scott Michael / 760-532-3543, Stan Weaver / 541-673-1713                     Bureau of Land Management
The Senior Men’s Golf Association (Roseburg Old Duffers Club)                777 NW Garden Valley Blvd, Roseburg
currently gathers for golf and fun on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday          541-440-4930 / www.blm.gov/office/roseburg-district-office
mornings. Play starts at 8:00 am, arrive at 7:30 to check in and get
on a team. Currently with 40 members, we play a wide assortment of           Umpqua National Forest
games in a relaxed atmosphere. Come join us!                                 2900 NW Stewart Parkway, Roseburg
Stewart Park                                                                 www.fs.usda.gov/umpqua
Women’s Golf Assn.                                                           Find us on Facebook!
Jane Michaelson, President / 541-670-6263                                    Historical
The SPWGA season starts the second Tuesday morning in April                  Genealogical Society
and ends the last Tuesday in October. With currently 38 mem­bers,            of Douglas County
women play nine holes of golf on Tuesday and Thursday mornings               1036 SE Douglas, Room 105B, Roseburg
at the Stewart Park Golf Course, teeing off at 9:00 am. SPWGA                541-440-6178
dues are $15 per year with daily green fees of $10 or $15 with a             www.gsdci.org / Email: info@gsdci.org
cart. SPWGA’s goal is to promote a fun and friendly atmosphere for           Experienced librarians are on duty to help with your research. The
women golfers of all ages and degrees of golfing experience. Golf            library is staffed entirely by volunteers and always welcomes new
lessons available! Please check out the Stewart Park Women’s Golf            volunteers. Find us on Facebook!
Association Facebook page for more infor­mation!
                                                                             Douglas County
Gymnastics                                                                   Historical Society
Umpqua Valley Gymnastics                                                     544 SE Douglas Ave
780 NW Garden Valley Blvd, Suite 230, Roseburg                               PO Box 2534 / Roseburg
www.umpuavalleygymnastics.org                                                541-672-4386 / Email: DCHS.Oregon@gmail.com
541-672-3534                                                                 Historical Floed-Lane House and Pioneer Museum is open to the
Umpqua Valley Gymnastics is a non-profit, parent                             public most Saturdays and Sundays from 1 - 4 pm.
run program offering a variety of gymnastics
classes. Kids of all ages can participate in classes
designed to teach everything from basic to advanced gymnastics
skills. The organization’s goal is to provide children with a fun and
positive environment where they can develop their physical fitness
and build self-esteem.

www.cityofroseburg.org 											                                                                                                             9
2021 Roseburg Parks & Recreation Guide - Discover - City of Roseburg
                                                                             Performance Martial Arts Academy
     Douglas County
                                                                             760 NW Hill Ave, Roseburg
 MUSEUM                                                                      541-733-4599 / www.pmaabjj.com
Natural & Cultural History                                                   If you’ve ever wanted to try a new workout or are
                                                                             interested in learning an effective martial art, there’s
123 Museum Drive, Roseburg
                                                                             no better time than now! You will meet professional,
                                                                             talented and encouraging instructors and students
                                                                             who will help you accomplish your martial arts and fitness goals. Ages
Have some great fun at the Douglas County Museum! Open Tuesday -
                                                                             4 and up. Call today to set up a free trail of our youth or adult programs.
Saturday from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm. Admission rates are free to members
and preschoolers, $2 for students, $5 for seniors, and $8 for adults.
                                                                             Roseburg Martial Arts Academy
                                                                             1523 NE Vine St., Roseburg / 541-672-6190
Horseshoes                                                                   www.roseburgmartialarts.com
Roseburg Horseshoe Club                                                      Family friendly self defense programs
Chuck Warner / 541-459-1206                                                  designed to benefit everyone regardless
Come pitch with us! Located in Stewart Park behind the outdoor               of age or fitness level. Student ages 4
tennis courts. Join us on Thursdays, May - September from 4-7                years old and older.
pm, and October through April from 2-4pm (weather permitting).
No experience necessary. National Horseshoe Pitchers Associa­
tion sanctioned tournament June 12-13, 2021. NHPA sanctioned                 Model Railroad
tournament contestants must by NHPA members.                                 Umpqua Valley Model Railroad Club
                                                                             Dave Olson / 541-580-0011 / dolson3265@msn.com
                                                                             Umpqua Valley Model Railroad Club promotes the art and craft
Horticulture                                                                 of model railroading and railroad history through education,
OSU Extension Service                                                        demonstration, advocacy and social interaction. The club is a 501 (c)
of Douglas County                                                            (3) foundation. Club welcomes model railroaders of all ages, skill
1134 SE Douglas Ave / PO Box 1165, Roseburg / 541-672-4461                   levels and interests. UVMRC is located at 1425 SE Stephens Street
https://extension.oregonstate.edu/douglas                                    in a 3,000 square foot building with two Lange operational layouts.
OSU Extension Service provides research-based knowledge and                  Check our hours of operation on Facebook or contact Dave Olson for
education that strengthens local economies, sustains natural re-             information and assistance.
sources and promotes healthy communities, families and individuals.
Horticulture programs advise and educate producers of wine grapes,
ornamentals, fruit, nut, vegetable and berry crops on issues relating
to insect pests, plant disease, fertilization, cultivar selection and        Accordion Club of Roseburg
pesticide use. OSU Master Gardener programs help the community               Lavonne Knapp / 541-784-3574
with their gardening questions.                                              Club promotes playing of the accordion for enjoyment, fun and
                                                                             fellowship of the members and audience. Membership open to all
                                                                             levels. Members meet the third Monday evening of each month.
Libraries                                                                    Douglas County
Roseburg Public Library                                                      Youth Orchestra
1409 NE Diamond Lake Blvd, Roseburg                                          PO Box 241, Roseburg / 541-672-7511
541-492-7050 / www.roseburgpubliclibrary.org                                 www.dcyomusic.org / bkt3@charter.net
Facebook and Instagram @roseburglibrary                                      Douglas County Youth Orchestra (DCYO) is
Roseburg Public Library provides meeting spaces, public com­      puters,    accepting new stu­dents! DCYO offers student-
wifi, research materials, 80,000 items for checkout, ebooks and more. The    centered instruction on violin, viola, cello and
vibrant programming schedule includes storytimes, crafts, teen activities,   string bass to children and adults throughout
educational presentations and author events.                                 Douglas County. In 2020 the Private Lesson Enrichment Program was
                                                                             established which provides free, one-on-one instruction for stu­dents.
                                     M                                       Members regularly work with professional string players through
                                                                             partnership with the Eugene Symphony Orchestra. Stu­dents perform at
Martial Arts                                                                 two concerts per year as well as various commu­nity events during the
Dynamic Martial Arts                                                         summer. DCYO meets every Tuesday in Roseburg.
1223 NE Cedar Street, Roseburg / 541-229-5836
Email: roseburgdojo@gmail.com

10											                                                                                                   www.cityofroseburg.org
Music on the Half Shell                                                      https://ultraohv.com / email: info@ultraohv.com
PO Box 2010, Roseburg                                                        Ultra is a 250+ member group of motorcycle and ATV enthusiasts
www.halfshell.org                                                            whose club objective is to preserve and develop off road riding
“Half Shell” brings a wide variety                                           through partnerships with public, governmental and private entities.
of music to Roseburg / Doug­las                                              Club meetings are held the 2nd Wednesday of every month at 6:30
County for its annual Tuesday                                                pm at Abby’s Pizza on Diamond Lake Blvd. Check website for events
night summer concert series in                                               and more information. Find us on Facebook!
Stewart Park. Check website for line-up. Find us on Facebook!
                                                                             Outdoor Entertainment
Oregon Old Time Fiddlers’ Association                                        Experience Roseburg
District 10                                                                  https://experienceroseburg.com
Sharon Thompson                                                              541-672-9731
541-496-3927 or 541-430-5898                                                 The outdoors are calling! The Umpqua Valley is Oregon’s best kept
www.ootfa.org                                                                secret, featuring rolling hills, old-growth forests, deep turquoise rivers
Live music entertainment, promoting old time fiddle                          and mountains with unique geological features. It is also the gateway
music. Monthly jam at the senior center in Sutherlin,                        to one of America’s most stunning destinations: Crater Lake National
4th Saturday of each month, 12:00 - 3:00 pm, open to the public.             Park. Whatever your favorite activities are, you’re more than likely
                                                                             to find a way to enjoy them here! Browse our Outdoors section to
                                                                             discover your next adventure! Find us on Facebook!
Roseburg Community
Concert Association
PO Box 352, Winchester 97495                                                                                     P
541-643-8046                                                                 Parks
www.roseburgcommunityconcerts.org                                            City of Roseburg
RCCA bring artists & audiences together by providing national &
international performers to the community. Please check website for
                                                                             Parks & Recreation
membership / ticket information.

Roseburg Concert Chorale
541-496-0748                                                                 Douglas County Parks
The Roseburg Concert Chorale is a community ‘no-audition’ choir              www.co.douglas.us/parks/
and is open to anyone wishing to join. Unfortunately the choir has not       541-957-7001
been able to meet for a year due to COVID-19 and is hopeful to begin
rehearsing in September 2021. Tentative first rehearsal is September
14, 2021. Visit our Facebook page!
Umpqua Valley                                                                Radio
Youth Orchestra                                                              Umpqua Valley
PO Box 549, Roseburg
Kristin Parks / 541-643-5035
                                                                             Amateur Radio Club
                                                                             PO Box 925, Roseburg
Email: umpquavalleyyo@gmail.com
                                                                             Jim Stuntz / 541-430-3786
The Umpqua Valley Youth Orchestra is one of the only orchestras in
the nation that instructs students regardless of experience. Under the di-
                                                                             Meets the 3rd Thursday of the month at 7 pm at “The Way” Church
rection of Kristin Parks, UVYO offers classes for violin, viola, cello
                                                                             in Sutherlin. Field Day last full weekend in June. Check website for
and string bass from pre-beginning (no prior experience with strings)
                                                                             more information!
through advanced levels for students throughout Douglas County. Cur-
rently there are 150 involved in our program, ages 6 to adult, and we
welcome new members! We meet weekly during the school year on                Rafting
Thursday afternoons at Umpqua Valley Christian School in Roseburg.           North West Rafters Association
                                                                             Judy Bammann / 541-530-7487
                                   O                                         Trips are taken to various rivers around the state
Off Highway Vehicles                                                         throughout the year. Visit website for details!
Umpqua Lands
Trail Riders Association (ULTRA)

www.cityofroseburg.org 									                                                                                                                  11
Roller Skating                                                            Email: karen.mcguire@ucancap.org
Parkview Skating Center                                                   RSVP is one of the largest volunteer networks in the nation and has
1151-A NW Stewart Parkway, Roseburg                                       been a part of Douglas County for over 20 years. Do not let the word
www.parkviewskating.com / 541-957-5283                                    “senior” scare you off. RSVP is for individuals 55 and older who are
Parkview is the areas only roller-skating rink                            vital, active, and want to use their skills and interests to share with
and offers a variety of public skating sessions                           others. RSVP volunteers help by encouraging others in our community,
and lessons. Parkview Skating Center is located                           provide needed support, offer a helping hand, share needed knowledge
behind the YMCA. Classes run October - May,                               with others and assist with various programs and organizations as
$25.00 for 6 weeks, includes the first hour of public session and skate   needed. You can choose how, when, where and how often you want to
rental. Tuesday 5:00 pm parents skate free. Saturday night is $1.00       volunteer. It is a great way to get to know our community and make
Cheapskate night from 7:00 - 9:00 pm. Parkview offers fundraising         friends. Call or stop by to learn more about how to become part of
opportunities to local schools and organizations.                         this volunteer program. Currently over 200 individuals serve in RSVP
                                                                          locally! Wonderful opportunities for you are on the horizon!

Running                                                                   YMCA of Douglas County
Roseburg Road Runners Club                                                1151 NW Stewart Parkway, Roseburg
Local running club. Find us on Facebook!                                  541-440-9622
                        S                                                 Check website for information! Find us on Facebook!

Boy Scouts of America
                                                                          Brazilian Embroidery Sewcial Time
Doug Fir District                                                         Debbie Kelley / 541-440-9571
www.otcbsa.org                                                            Meets the third Thursday of every month (except December) from
Cub Scouts is for boys and girls from kindergarten to 10 years old!       10:00 am - 2:00 pm at a member’s home. Please call for more
Outdoor fun, friends, games, service, action and fun! Camps held          information. Visitors and new members welcome.
throughout the summer.
                                                                          Umpqua Valley
Seniors                                                                   Quilters’ Guild
Roseburg Senior Center                                                    PO Box 2125, Roseburg 97470
1614 SE Stephens, Roseburg / 541-671-2634                                 www.uvquilters.com
www.roseburgseniorcenter.org                                              Email: uvqgpresident@gmail.com
The Roseburg Senior Center was established in 1965 and operates a         The purpose of the Umpqua Valley Quilters’
welcoming place for seniors to gather and enjoy fellowship, healthy       Guild is to promote the joy of quilting as a
meals, music, games, artistic creativity, classes and special events.     creative expression and an art form. Meetings are a time to learn more
Membership is open to anyone 50 years and older at a cost of $24          about various quilting related techniques, share the excitement of
per year. The senior center’s mission is “to promote respect, dignity,    creating new quilts and meet other quilters. Please check the website
health and well-being by enhancing quality of life, strengthening         for scheduled meetings and events.
networks and recognizing individual desires to remain active,
productive and independent”. The center is committed to providing
services, information, education and recreation for seniors in            Shooting Sports
Douglas County and envisions a caring and healthy community               Roseburg Rod & Gun Club
recognizing the wisdom and experience of the seniors. Activities          875 Old Del Rio Rd., Roseburg
consist of weekly bingo, pinochle, chess, oil painting, crafting,         541-673-5616 / www.rrgclub.org
woodcarving, senior luncheons with entertainment or guest speakers        Whether you’re interested in shooting at the indoor or outdoor pistol
and monthly tour bus excursions The center is always looking for          ranges, 200-yard rifle range, archery range, trapshooting, swimming,
volunteers and welcomes new senior members! Check website for             fishing, attending one of our shooting classes, or just relaxing in the
event calendar and other information! Visit our newly opened Rice         park-like setting on the banks of the North Umpqua River, we have
Avenue Thriftique, Monday - Friday, 10:00 am - 3:00 pm. Find us           something for everyone. This is a private club, but ranges are open
on Facebook!                                                              to the public on the first weekend of each month. Picnic area and
                                                                          pavilion are available to rent for parties, reunions and weddings.
UCAN Retired Senior                                                       Private tours are available by appointment.
Volunteer Program (RSVP)
Karen McGuire / 541-492-3917
948 SE Mill Street, Roseburg

12											                                                                                              www.cityofroseburg.org
Skateboarding                                                               Douglas County Women’s
Roseburg Skate Park / 541-492-6730                                          Slow-Pitch Softball Association
Park is open from dawn to dusk seven days a week. Bikes are allowed         Mary Johnson / 541-971-9772
from dawn to noon on Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday. Located off             dcwssa@gmail.com
the 900 block of Garden Valley Boulevard, behind Fred Meyer. Park           Women’s adult softball league.
also accessible via the bike path from Stewart Park.                        Season runs May - August at Sunshine Park. Find us on Facebook!

Ski                                                                         Roseburg Church Softball League
                                                                            Mike Goetz / 541-784-8280
Edelweiss Ski Club, Inc.                                                    Men’s & Coed leagues. Season runs June - August with games held
Evan Kruse, Secretary / 541-375-0440
                                                                            at Stewart Park.
Email: edelweiss.skiclub@gmail.com
Monthly meetings January - April. Email the club for meeting details.
Find us on Facebook!                                                        Umpqua Valley
                                                                            Babe Ruth Softball
Snowmobile                                                                  Jim Collins / 541-643-3625
Cascade Connection Snowmobile Club                                          Babe Ruth Softball serves girls ages 8 - 16.
Come join the fun and be a part of preserving and enjoying both the sport
of snowmobiling and our natural environment. Find us on Facebook at         Special Olympics
CC Riders Cascade Connection Snowmobile Club Roseburg, Oregon.              Special Olympics
                                                                            of Douglas County
                                                                            PO Box 541, Roseburg / Frank Rambaum / 541-784-2017
Soccer                                                                      Activities include softball, golf, bocce, track, aquatics, bowling,
Umpqua United Soccer Club                                                   soccer, basketball & snow sports.
576 Stewart Park Drive, Roseburg
www.umpquaunited.org / Email: info@umpquaunited.org                         Stamps
UUSC provides opportunities for school-age youth to play in the             Umpqua Valley Stamp Club
Fall and Spring, as well as summer camps. Check website for more            Bill Poulter 541-459-8282 / Doug Holloway 541-673-4949
information.                                                                The Umpqua Valley Stamp Club is a postage stamp club for col-
                                                                            lectors of philatelic material and all ages are welcome! Monthly
                                                                            meetings (except June and December) are on the 3rd Monday of each
Softball                                                                    month at 7:15 pm at St. George’s Episcopal Church parish hall, 1024
Indian Fastpitch
Ashley Moss / 541-643-4887
                                                                            SE Cass Avenue in Roseburg.

Indian Fastpitch is for girls ages 10 - 17.
Softball season runs February to August.                                    Swimming
                                                                            YMCA of Douglas County
Douglas County Co-Ed Softball                                               1151 NW Stewart Parkway, Roseburg
Mary Johnson / 541-971-9772                                                 541-440-9622
dcwssa@gmail.com                                                            www.ymcaofdouglascounty.org
Co-Ed adult softball league.                                                Two indoor heated pools for lap swimming,
Season runs May - August at Sunshine Park.                                  recreational swim­ming, water exercise and
Find us on Facebook!                                                        swim lessons for all ages.

Douglas County Men’s                                                        Roseburg Y Swim Team
                                                                            1151 NW Stewart Parkway, Roseburg
Softball Association                                                        Coaches Christy Todd & Dave Myhill / 541-440-9622 ext #215
John Bruns / 863-214-7821
Men’s adult softball league.
                                                                            Year-round and summer swim team for ages 5 and older. The YMCA
Season runs May - August at Sunshine Park.
                                                                            swim team provides youth with an opportunity to participate in com-
                                                                            petitive swimming while fostering athletic ability and the Y’s core
                                                                            values of caring, respect, responsibility and honesty. YMCA and
                                                                            USA Swimming promote leadership and enjoyment in this lifetime

www.cityofroseburg.org 									                                                                                                           13
UCC Pool                                                                                                   W
1140 Umpqua College Rd, Roseburg
Lap swim, recreational swim, credit and non-                             Bike Walk Roseburg
credit swim classes. Outdoor pool. Check                                 Dick Dolgonas / 541-672-1757
website for more information.                                            Bike Walk Roseburg is a great source of information about biking
                                                                         and walking in and around Roseburg. Find us on Facebook!

                       T                                                 Weavers
Tennis                                                                   Umpqua Weavers
Umpqua Valley Tennis Center                                              & Spinners Guild
1200 NW Stewart Parkway, Roseburg                                        1624 W. Harvard Ave, Roseburg
541-673-3429                                                             Corienne Geddes / 541-679-5886
www.umpquavalleytennis.com                                               Hand-weavers and spinners meet on the 4th Friday of each month at
Facility has 6 indoor courts and 11 outdoor                              10:00 am at the Umpqua Valley Arts Center. Occasional workshops
tennis courts. Tennis lessons directed by                                are offered as is one-on-one mentoring for beginners.
certified tennis professionals. All levels welcome. Weekly junior
camps offered during the summer. Adult classes available for all
abilities. Check our website for more detailed information or call the
office. Open to the public.                                              An Association of Writers
                                                                         of the Umpqua Valley
                                                                         16444 Nonpareil Rd, Sutherlin 97479
Theatre                                                                  Emily Blakely / Ron Bolt
Umpqua Actors                                                            541-459-9830 / 541-817-2650
Community Theatre (UACT)                                                 Find us on Facebook!
1614 W. Harvard, Roseburg                                                An Association of Writers provides fellowship, feedback and forums
Melody Schwegel, Executive Director                                      for writers. Group welcomes writers of poetry, fiction, non-fiction,
541-673-2125                                                             short-stories, novels and screenplays, and publishes a biennial
www.uact-theatre.com                                                     collection of its members’ writings as well as a holiday booklet in the
UACT is a volunteer based performing arts organization dedicated         off years. Outreach includes poetry contests for adults and children
to providing community involvement opportunities while offering          along with a writing contest for high school students. Visitors are
the best possible live entertainment experience for audiences in         always welcome!
our community. For information on memberships and volunteer
opportunities, please call the theatre Monday - Friday, 9am - 3pm                                           Y
                                 V                                       Body Balance Yoga Center
                                                                         612 SE Jackson Street #1, Roseburg
Visitor Info                                                             Alli Spooner / 541-672-5889
Experience Roseburg, Oregon                                              www.bodbal.com or email: info@bodbal.com
Tourist Information                                                      Join us for yoga classes, workshops, and free meditation in historic
https://experienceroseburg.com                                           downtown Roseburg. During the summer enjoy free yoga at Stewart
541-672-9731                                                             Park by the halfshell on Saturdays, July 10th through August 28th,
Experience      the   natural                                            from 10:00 - 11:00 am. Check website for current schedule. All
beauty of the Umpqua Valley,                                             levels welcome.
the exhilarating Umpqua
Rivers, an award-winning wine producing region, the small-town           Summer Fry - Movement
charm and everything that Roseburg and the Umpqua Valley has to          Artist & Mindfullness Coach
offer. Find us on Facebook!                                              865 SE Court St, Roseburg
Umpqua Valley Winegrowers                                                www.summerfry.com/ email: summerdawnfry@gmail.com
541-673-5323                                                             With close to 20 years of experience, Summer teaches movement
www.umpquavalleywineries.org                                             practices with the intention of guiding students to move with steadiness,
                                                                         ease, pleasure and joy. Classes, workshops, and private sessions in a
                                                                         wide variety of dance, yoga & mind body practices. You are invited to
                                                                         come as you are and share space with other people to move our bodies
14											                                                                                               www.cityofroseburg.org
with intention and care in a safe and supportive environment. Enjoy free    Students will rotate between three areas where they will gain hands on
Yoga in the Park at Stewart Park by the halfshell on Saturdays, July 10th   experience learning about the farming and forestry industries, automotive
through August 28th, from 10:00 - 11 :00 am. Studio space is available      power systems and, of course, computer science and engineering! Come
for rent by the hour for teachers who offer movement classes to the         build with us as we explore how each of these high demand trade
community. Let’s Move Mindfully! Find us on Facebook!                       industries works and what opportunities beyond high school we have
                                                                            to offer. Ex­ploration will also include how all three industries can and
Youth Resources                                                             do work together as well. Meet friends with similar interests and caring
                                                                            instructors ready to teach your incoming 7th-9th grade students career
Boys & Girls Club                                                           ready practices in each of these dynamic in­dustries!
of the Umpqua Valley                                                        Exploring the Trades Camp - (Middle School)
1144 NE Cedar St, Roseburg                                                  July 19 - 23, Phoenix School, 8 am - 2 pm
Kendra Wilson, Director of Operations / Jordan Steele, Athletics Director   Open to students from all school districts.
www.bgcuv.org / 541-440-9505                                                If being active, working with your hands, developing leadership
The Club provides fun, educational, youth development programs              skills, improving your STEAM skills and teamwork all sound like
throughout the year for youth 1st - 12th grade. Our mission is to           a great way to spend part of your summer vacation, come attend
prepare young people for a successful future through our academic           Phoenix’s ‘Exploring the Trades Summer Camp.’ You will learn the
success, good character & leadership, and healthy life­style programs.      basics of job site safety, what is an apprentice, measurement and
The Club manages the Boys & Girls Club of the Umpqua Valley                 math, resilience and teamwork. Projects you may be involved with
Athletics program (BGCUV Athletics) for ele­mentary and middle              include: design and build a sprinkler, build a tool box, frame and pour
school youth and organizes league play in boys / girls lacrosse, co-        a stepping stone, build and process a garden box, build a bird house,
ed volleyball, co-ed flag football, co-ed bowling and boys / girls          obstacle course and many other options. Limited to only 30 middle
basketball. From June -August the Club traditionally offers more than       school students for this camp. Please register on-line at www.dcpss.
30 different summer camps includ­ing sports and STEAM (Science,             org and expect to connect with our camp coordinator for additional
Technology, Engineering, Art & Math) for youth 2nd - 12th grade.            forms and information.
Throughout the year the Club provides specialized programming for
1st graders in Junior Club. Clubhouse hours are 2:30 - 6:30 pm during       Check website for additional camp information.
the school year. The Clubhouse opens at 7:30 am for summer camps
and summer clubhouse hours are 12:00 - 5:30 pm. Check website for           OSU Extension Service
com­plete program details, and availability during COVID-19.                of Douglas County - 4-H
                                                                            1134 SE Douglas Ave
Douglas County Partners for Student Success                                 PO Box 1165, Roseburg
Umpqua Valley STEAM Hub                                                     541-672-4461
Gwen Soderberg-Chase, Director                                              https://extension.oregonstate.edu/douglas
541-440-7848 / www.dcpss.org/steam/                                         Douglas County 4-H reaches 5-19 year olds, providing high qual-ity
The Umpqua Valley STEAM Hub seeks to build a solid infrastructure           education in clinics and workshops ranging from livestock to expressive
to provide STEAM education in Douglas County. The letters in                arts. 4-H serves over 650 youth and has club-based programs in over
STEAM education refer to Sci­     ence, Technology, Engineering,            50 project areas. 4-H science classes, at local schools, reach over 500
Artistic Innovation and Mathe­matics. Umpqua Valley STEAM Hub               youth annually.
is an initiative of Douglas County Partners for Student Success
(DCPSS) who envisions a future where each child in Douglas                  Phoenix Charter School
County will receive effective and meaningful support to achieve             3131 NE Diamond Lake Blvd, Roseburg
economic and social success by graduating high school, completing           541-673-3036
post-secondary education and/or entering a career.                          www.roseburgphoenix.com
                                                                            Earth Connect Day Camp is a fun summer day camp for kid in grades
Expanding Horizons                                                          1 - 6. Campers will explore science, art & math through nature-based,
                                                                            hands-on activities utilizing the school’s green­  house, gardens &
Career Technical Education &                                                orchard. Camp runs June 26th - August 5th, Monday - Thursday. Fees
STEAM Summer Camps                                                          being waved in 2021. Free breakfast & lunch for all campers through
541-440-7848 I ww.dcpss.org/expandinghorizons                               our USDA summer lunch pro­gram (also open to all kids ages 1 - 18).
CAMPS ARE FREE and breakfast and lunch are provided!
Agriculture, Power Systems and Robotics - (Middle School)
June 14 - 18, Roseburg High School, 8 am - 12 pm                            YMCA of Douglas County
Gain hands on experience in our Agriculture, Power Systems and              1151 NW Stewart Pkwy, Roseburg
Robotics summer Institute at Roseburg High School. Your child will          541-440-9622
be able to experience firsthand secondary level learning about three        www.ymcaofdouglascounty.org
of our academic and college focused programs while also gaining             Find us on Facebook: Roseburg YMCA. Check
exposure to the RHS campus and environment in a small group.                website for more info!

                                                  The Stewart Park large pavilion contains the following amenities:
                                                  electricity, water and 28 picnic tables; 16 of the picnic tables are located
                                                  on the east side and 12 on the west side. A large grassy area and
                                                  playground are nearby.

                                                  Large Pavilion: All = $150 - $180 / Half = $75 - $90

                                                  A smaller pavilion containing 4 picnic tables is located on the hill above
                                                  the bandshell adjacent to the restrooms.
                                                  Small Pavilion: $50 - $60

          The Nichols bandshell is located near the South Umpqua River
                                 in Stewart Park. Electricity is available.

                                 Covered bandshell: $250 - $300 per day
                                      Platform only: $125 - $150 per day
                      (rate available off season when the cover is down)

                                           The Gaddis Park pavilion contains 8 picnic tables. Electricity and
                                           restrooms are available by permit only. The pavilion is adjacent
                                           to youth softball and baseball fields and the multi-use path system
                                           which contains six miles of pathway.

                                           Rental fee is $75 - $90

                              Sunshine Park has two pavilions available:
                 The north pavilion contains 4 (8’) concrete picnic tables.
                 The south pavilion contains 8 (8’) concrete picnic tables.

               The park encompasses hundreds of acres of natural area,
                         a seasonal stream, sports fields and a play area.
        Sunshine Park is a great location for small gatherings and picnics.

                                                    Rental fee is $75 - $90

                                             Adult and youth softball and baseball fields can be
                                             rented for your family reunion or company picnic.

                                             Fields are located at Gaddis Park, Sunshine Park,
                                             Stewart Park and Micelli Park.

                                             Rental fee is $125 - $150 per field per day

  For more information or to reserve any of the above facilities please call 541-492-6730
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