2021 PROGRAMS and INFORMATION - Gabriel Dumont Institute

Page created by Lauren Patterson
2021 PROGRAMS and INFORMATION - Gabriel Dumont Institute
Helping Build Brighter Futures
Aen ooshihtaahk mitooni kaykway
poor li taan kaa payaamakuhk
2021 PROGRAMS and INFORMATION - Gabriel Dumont Institute
We believe
At DTI...

   917 – 22nd Street West
   Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
   S7M 0R9
   Phone: (306) 242-6070
   Fax: (306) 242-0002

   1235 – 2nd Avenue North
   Regina, Saskatchewan
   S4R 0X5
   Phone: 1-877-488-6888

   La Loche
   D5 La Loche Ave Box 910
   La Loche, Saskatchewan
   S0M 1G0
   Phone: (306) 822-2812
   Fax: (306) 822-3038
                                   “If you have had problems or felt
   Prince Albert                 over whelmed with other attempts
   48 – 12 Street East                to achieve a post-secondary
   Prince Albert, Saskatchewan    education, DTI is a welcoming and
   S6V 1B2                           helpful environment that is a
   Phone: (306) 763-8202          much more personal experience as
   Fax: (306) 922-0203            opposed to the large class sizes in
                                   larger institutes. The professors
                                 are all very valuable and have done
   Toll Free: 1-877-488-6888        all that they can to reduce our
   Our website: www.gdins.org     stress during this new process of
                                 learning we have adapted to during
                                         the pandemic.” – Enya
2021 PROGRAMS and INFORMATION - Gabriel Dumont Institute
Dumont Technical Institute (DTI) is the
adult education and skills training entity
of Gabriel Dumont Institute. Established in
1992, DTI provides quality education, training
opportunities, and services to Saskatchewan’s
Métis. Over the past twenty-nine years, DTI has
been successful in offering adult education and
skill training programs to Métis people across
the province. With the philosophy “Learners
Come First,” DTI has been instrumental in
helping reshape the lives of Métis individuals
and communities. DTI continues to prioritize
Adult Education, Health, Industry/Trades, and
Business training.

DTI is proud of its partnerships with various
employers that help Métis learners obtain
solid employment as well as the giant strides
it has made over the years to help meet the
needs of Métis learners through curriculum
enhancement and Métis-specific programming;
working cooperatively with other institutions
and agencies to improve Métis participation and
success in the education system; and ultimately
developing a skilled Métis workforce that will
meet local, regional, and national labour market


•   Culturally re-affirming environment
•   Academic support
•   Tutoring and guidance
•   Links to employment
•   Liaison with sponsoring agencies such
    as: GDI Training & Employment, Provincial
    Training Allowance, and Student Financial      “I attended DTI in 2017 and completed
    Assistance                                     my ABE. I always knew that I would be
•   Referrals for student assistance                back at DTI one day because I love the
•   Career counseling                               support I received from my teachers
•   Essential Skills training
                                                    and counselors. I feel so blessed to be
•   Accredited training opportunities
                                                      back for the Office Administration
•   Testing Services
•   Class 5 Driver Training                        Program! I know that it will be a more
                                                      difficult year with online learning,
                                                   but with all of the support from peers
                                                      and teachers, I know that I can do
                                                          whatever I put my mind to!”
                                                                    – Allishia
2021 PROGRAMS and INFORMATION - Gabriel Dumont Institute
Dumont Technical Institute - Course Offerings
2021-2022                                           2022-2023
Buffalo Narrows                                     Île-à-la-Crosse
 Continuing Care Assistant                            Adult Basic Education

Île-à-la-Crosse                                     La Loche
  Adult Basic Education                              Adult Basic Education
  Educational Assistant
                                                    Prince Albert
La Loche                                             Adult Basic Education
 Adult Basic Education                               Practical Nursing
 Heavy Equipment Operator                            Heavy Equipment Truck & Transport Technician

Prince Albert                                       Regina
 Adult Basic Education                               Adult Basic Education
 Practical Nursing                                   Practical Nursing
 Heavy Equipment Truck & Transport Technician        Office Administration

Regina                                              Saskatoon
 Adult Basic Education                               Adult Basic Education
 Practical Nursing                                   Practical Nursing
 Office Administration                               Continuing Care Assistant
 Continuing Care Assistant

Saskatoon                                           Additional programming opportunities
 Adult Basic Education                              for 2022-2023 will soon be available
 Practical Nursing                                  on our website - www.gdins.org
 Continuing Care Assistant
 Workplace 101: Early Childhood Education Level 1   All program delivery is based on
                                                    adequate client numbers and funding.
                                                    For start dates and other information,
Coming soon                                         please call: 1-877-488-6888
 Workplace 101
 Multi-Sector Safety Tickets
 Class 5 Driver Training

                                                                   “My favourite thing about
                                                                  DTI is the way we as students
                                                                   are always learning about
                                                                          the Métis way.
                                                                     It’s a nice way to get to
                                                                         know more about
                                                                       ourselves as Métis.”
                                                                              – Kayla
2021 PROGRAMS and INFORMATION - Gabriel Dumont Institute
Dumont Technical Institute - Course Information
Heavy Equipment Truck & Transport Mechanic is a               Office Administration is a Saskatchewan Polytechnic
Saskatchewan Polytechnic certificate program that             certificate program that provides knowledge and
provides knowledge and skill development in servicing,        skill development related to the business office
maintaining, testing, diagnosing and repairing heavy          environment, with an emphasis on computer
equipment, trucks, buses, and transport vehicles.             applications. Learners will receive practical and applied
                                                              training in word processing, accounting, spreadsheets,
Educational Assistant is a one year certificate program.      communications, office procedures, employability
This program is ideal for people who like to work with        skills and more.
children who have a variety of needs. Educational
Assistants provide the one-on-one supports that allow         Multi-Sector Safety Tickets is industry-certified training
for an inclusive classroom. Educational Assistants            to provide students with the safety tickets necessary
support classroom teachers by working with children           for workplace maintenance and potential employment
or youth with diverse learning needs. You will gain the       across a variety of industries. These include, but are not
skills needed to make a difference in children’s lives.       limited to: mining, oil and gas, agriculture, and forestry.

Practical Nursing is a provincially accredited program.               All DTI programs are nationally and
Graduates receive a Saskatchewan Polytechnic/DTI                              provincially certified.
diploma and are eligible to write the national licensure
exam, register with the Saskatchewan Association                    DTI has a Federation Agreement with
of Licensed Practical Nurses (SALPN), and practice                     Saskatchewan Polytechnic that
anywhere in Canada.                                                 provides DTI with the ability to deliver
   The program curriculum includes concepts of health               Saskatchewan Polytechnic programs.
promotion, illness prevention, mental health, acute
care, and rehabilitative care. Students gain hands-
on learning experience with our in-lab classrooms,
unique prep programs, small class sizes, and our highly
qualified staff.

Continuing Care Assistant is a one-year Saskatchewan
Polytechnic certificate program. This program provides
hands-on classroom learning and practical clinical
experience. Practicums provide direct experience in
home care, long-term care, special care, and acute care

Early Childhood Education is important when working
with young children in child care facilities and as a home
child care provider. This training will give you the skills                   “I would encourage anyone
and abilities to provide the best care and education                      who has always wanted to further
for infants, toddlers, pre-schoolers, and school aged
                                                                          their education to give DTI or GDI a
                                                                        chance. They will guide you every step
Heavy Equipment Operator (HEO) The HEO Program                           of the way. My favourite part about
prepares students for professional construction work                   DTI are my teachers, fellow classmates,
as Heavy Equipment Operators. Participants receive                      and the rich Métis cultural education.
instruction in the classroom and gain hands-on                                 I’ve learned so much and I
practical experience in the field. Equipment includes:                            really appreciate it!”
Excavator, dozer, grader, and articulated truck.                                          - Lisa
2021 PROGRAMS and INFORMATION - Gabriel Dumont Institute
Dumont Technical Institute - Course Information
as Adult Upgrading, is an umbrella term that refers        GED tests measure the academic skills and knowledge
to a wide range of services, credit, and non-credit        expected of high school graduates. The tests are
programs designed to help adult learners achieve           designed to measure the general knowledge, ideas,
their goals. These goals may include:                      and thinking skills that are normally acquired through
  • increasing education and/or                            four years of high school.
    certification levels;
  • gaining prerequisites for further training             The GED test is comprised of five testing areas:
    or employment;                                         reading, writing, mathematics, science, and social
  • enhancing life skills, independence and                studies. The tests also measure communication,
    self-sufficiency; or                                   information-processing, problem solving, and critical
  • learning skills in specific areas (such as             thinking skills.
    technological literacy, communication skills,
    or portfolio development).                             WORKPLACE 101
                                                           This program will address the link from academic
There are four levels of Adult Basic Education in          education to employment focus by assisting Level
Saskatchewan:                                              1 and 2 literacy learners in obtaining the academic
                                                           and essential skills needed to find gainful full and
LEVELS 1 AND 2 (LITERACY) In this program,                 part time employment. Subsequent objectives of
DTI adults develop communication, numeracy,                the program are to provide adult learners, through
interpersonal skills, lifelong learning skills, and more   work experience placements and safety training, an
recently may include workplace essential skills.           opportunity to gain full/part time employment.
LEVEL 3 (ADULT 10) programs are designed for
people who want to build on their knowledge and            Each Workplace 101 program has a unique focus
skills. The Level 3 programs offered by Saskatchewan       dependent upon community need.
Polytechnic, regional colleges, SIIT, and DTI consist
of five subject areas: Communications, Social
Sciences, Life/Work Studies, Mathematics, and
Science. Learners who complete Level Three
successfully, go on to further education, training, or
employment opportunities.
LEVEL 4 (ADULT 12) Under Adult 12 Policy, an adult
may attain a Grade 12 standing by successfully
completing seven credit classes.
Prerequisite requirements are waived for adults.
Compulsory courses for Adult 12 (secondary
completion) are:
  • English Language Arts A 30 and English
    Language Arts B 30;
  • One Canadian Studies course (History 30,
    Native Studies 30, or Social Studies 30);
  • One level 20 or level 30 mathematics;
  • One level 20 or level 30 science;
  • Two electives at level 30 (one may be Prior
    Learning 30).
2021 PROGRAMS and INFORMATION - Gabriel Dumont Institute
 Class 5 Driver Training has been offered since 2017, in various
 communities across the province. This program has been widely
 successful so far and is in the plans for the future as well. The
 program itself consists of a classroom portion allowing applicants
 to gain their class 7 learners licence, six hours of required practice
 driving with a qualified instructor, as well as a class 5 road exam
 when clients are eligible. The Class 5 Driver Training program is
 removing barriers for our clients, which aids in the process of
 finding meaningful employment in the future.
2021 PROGRAMS and INFORMATION - Gabriel Dumont Institute
GED® (General Educational Development) is
 the system of standardized examinations
 which entitle those who pass to receive a                   Looking to become an apprentice, but don’t
 credential considered as an equivalent to                       have the educational requirements?
   completion of a high school diploma.                       IXL Learning is a computer online learning
                                                             system that helps people update the literacy
The GED® Test is a five-part exam measuring                 and math skills with a fresh and supportive style.
high school equivalent skills and knowledge
      in these subject areas: Language                           IXL Learning’s skills are aligned to the
 Arts-Reading, Language Arts-Writing, Math,                       Saskatchewan Curriculum Outcomes
          Social Studies, and Science                        providing comprehensive coverage of Math
                                                              and English Language Arts. Clients taking
WANT TO REGISTER? Please go to www.ged.com
                  and create an account                     the Entrance Requirements Training will have
                                                            a certain time frame to complete the training,
       Individual Subjects: $7.00                             and must meet the required score in each
       FULL GED® Exam: $35.00                                  learning outcome before they can move
       Sponsorship may be available-                            forward with becoming an apprentice.
       please contact testing services

                                         The Canadian Practical Nurse Registration Examination (CPNRE)
                                         is a comprehensive exam for those who have successfully
                                         completed an accredited Practical Nursing program; it is an
                                         entry-to-practice exam.

                                         The CPNRE is a computer-based exam delivered via Pearson Vue.

2021 PROGRAMS and INFORMATION - Gabriel Dumont Institute
The Gabriel Dumont Institute (GDI) has been                 STUDENT FUNDING & SUPPORT
administering scholarships for Saskatchewan’s Métis         Adult Upgrading/Adult Basic Education
since the early 1980’s through the Gabriel Dumont
Scholarship Foundation. Scholarships are awarded            Provincial Training Allowance (PTA) - PTA is a
to Métis students who are Saskatchewan residents            monthly allowance for students enrolled in adult basic
and are registered as full-time students at an              education (or related studies), quick skills (less than
accredited post-secondary institution. The programs         12 weeks), and bridging programs. The Allowance
are intended to recognize leadership, academic              assists lower income families or families receiving
ability, financial need, and community involvement of       social assistance to upgrade their educational
students who meet the eligibility criteria for any or all   credentials and then move into the workforce.
scholarship programs.                                       www.saskatchewan.ca/residents/jobs-working-
To apply for scholarships or for more information on        programs/provincial-training-allowance
GDI Scholarship Foundation, please visit our website:
www.gdins.org/scholarships                                  STUDENT LOANS

                                                            The Canada Student Loans Program and the
                                                            Saskatchewan Student Loans Program provide
                                                            repayable and non-repayable financial assistance
                                                            to full-time post-secondary students to supplement
                                                            student and family resources. The amount of
                                                            assistance awarded is based on financial need,
                                                            according to criteria set out by the program.

                                                            GABRIEL DUMONT INSTITUTE
                                                            TRAINING & EMPLOYMENT (GDI T&E)

                                                            GDI T&E may provide individual sponsorship to assist
                                                            students to obtain the skills required to advance
                                                            their present position or obtain quality employment
                                                            in their chosen field. These initiatives will always
                                                            include a recognized and accredited education or
                                                            training component. Costs that may be covered may
                                                            include, but are not limited to: tuition, books, training
               “DTI is not only filled with                 allowance, and student travel.
           amazing people who are amazing                   www.gdins.org
            at their jobs, it is also filled with
        tons of people who are understanding,
        give you courage, and show compassion
         when it comes to understanding their
          students. I chose DTI because it felt
          right, because I was accepted into a
               group that felt like it was
                  fitted for me.” - Kayla
• Dumont Technical Institute does not request an         To apply online, please use the following steps:
application fee. Our application form requires a few
moments of your time.                                    • Visit www.gdins.org
• Priority is given to applicants who are Métis and      • In the top right corner, click ‘Apply Now’
meet the program entrance requirements.                  • Select the program you are interested in applying
• It is imperative that you keep your contact            to from the drop down menu under the Programs
information up to date with our registration             and Courses tab, and fill out the listed information
department to ensure that we are able to contact         under Program Details.
you if we require more information, to set up
interviews, and for any general correspondence. To       Some programs will require extra documentation to
update your information, simply call toll free: 1-877-   attach to your application such as official transcripts,
488-6888, provide your name, the program you             copy of driver’s license, criminal record checks, etc.
applied for, and the updated contact information.
                                                         Upon submission of your application, you will be
To apply in person, please complete the application      contacted by a DTI representative within two weeks.
form attached to this package and submit in one of
the following ways:
                                                         If you have any questions at all during the application
• Visit your nearest Gabriel Dumont Institute office     process, please do not hesitate to call us for assistance
and our friendly staff will forward your application     at 1–877-488-6888.
to our head office location in Saskatoon free of
charge. For a listing of addresses of these offices,
please visit: www.gdins.org/contact-us/directory/ or
call toll free: 1-877-488-6888.
• Mail your application form to: Dumont Technical
Institute, 917-22nd Street West, SK S7M 0R9
• Fax your application form to: (306) 242-0002
Attention: Student Registration
• Scan and email your application form to:

                                                                           “This is the best school that I’ve
                                                                            succeeded in. As someone who
                                 “My favourite thing about               despised school and failed, I’ve been
                                  DTI is the professionalism               maintaining 80-90% averages!
                                      here. DTI provided                  This is all due to the support from
                                   school supplies and the                  my teacher, peers, and school.”
                                        support needed.                                – Cassandra
                                   Everyone here is kind.”
                                            – Cody
Dumont Technical Institute
Student Application Form
917-22nd Street West, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan S7M 0R9
Phone: 306-242-6070 Fax: 306-242-0002 Toll-Free: 1-877-488-6888

Personal Information
Last Name
First Name
Middle Name(s)
Former Name (if applicable)
Apt. Number               Street
City or Town                                                                Box Number
Province                                                                    Postal Code
Telephone home                                cell                            work
Email Address

Male        Female         Date of Birth

Social Insurance Number                                   Health Card Number

Aboriginal Ancestry: Métis            Status Indian          Non-Status Indian            Other

Main Activity in Prior 12 Months: Working                  Student               Unemployed


Are you currently receiving: Employment Insurance                     Social Assistance           None

Emergency Contact (someone not living with you) Phone Number

 Name                                                       Relationship to you

Program Information
You must complete a separate application form for each program and location to which you are applying
Program Name:
Program Location:
How did you learn about the program? Career Fair      Radio                     Program Brochure
DTI Staff    Website          Facebook         Friend/Relative                     Promotional Items
Digital Sign          Newspaper              TV         High School Presentation
Dumont Technical Institute
Student Application Form
917-22nd Street West, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan S7M 0R9
Phone: 306-242-6070 Fax: 306-242-0002 Toll-Free: 1-877-488-6888

    Completed Degree Program                                Completed some High School or some ABE

    Completed a Certificate Program                         Completed Elementary School

    Completed High School, GED, or ABE Level 4

Please list any post-secondary education, including DTI programs:
          Program                             Institute/School                           Dates

Additional Requirements
In the space below, tell us in your own words why you’re interested in this program.

   The privacy of your information is important to us. Personal information that you provide to DTI may
be shared with Gabriel Dumont Institute Training and Employment and relevant program partners for the
purpose of planning, education, and employment-related assistance. If you do not wish to share your
information, please contact the Student Registration Department at 306-242-6070.
   In signing this form, I acknowledge my consent to DTI’s use and disclosure of my personal information
as outlined above.
   I hereby certify that all the information on this form is true and complete.

                   Signature                                                         Date

  For Office Use Only: Date Application Received:
  Processed by:
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