Page created by Dwayne May

 2021 PROGRAM                          5-8 MARCH 2021


       Alison Lester Gallery. 1 Falls Road, Fish Creek.
                  10 am – 3 pm each day

Celia Rosser Gallery. 1791 Meeniyan-Prom Road, Fish Creek.
          10 am – 3 pm Saturday and Sunday only

           Fishyimage. 11 Falls Road, Fish Creek.
                  10am – 5 pm each day

Fish Creek Hotel Art Space. 1 Old Waratah Road, Fish Creek.
    Alison Lester’s ‘Magic Beach’ Exhibition and book signing.

 Foster and District Historical Museum. Main Street, Foster.
              Saturday & Sunday 11am – 3pm

   Luminous Glass Studio and Shop. Main Street, Foster.
         Friday, Saturday & Sunday 11am - 3pm

    Rare Earth Studio Gallery. 44 Stanley Street, Toora.
                  10 am – 4 pm each day

        Ride the Wild Goat. 5 Falls Road, Fish Creek.
           Saturday & Sunday 10.30 am – 4.30 pm                  Welcome to the Prom Coast Festival. This 8th iteration of the biennial Festival that
                                                                 began in 2007 consists again of events organised by community groups showcasing
     Sandy Point Galley. 33 Beach Parade, Sandy Point.
                                                                 the regions artists, creators, performers and produce growers.
                  9 am – 6 pm each day
                                                                 We’re pleased that the 2021 Festival although not to the scale of previous Festivals
     Stefani Hill Top Gallery. Keanes Road, Fish Creek.
                                                                 due to COVID, will have events such as Picnic in the Park with music, food and
                   10 am – 5 pm each day
                                                                 entertainment, Children’s Literature Day in Fish Creek with wonderful events
          Stockyard Gallery. 1 Main Street, Foster.              planned, degustation menu by local chef Wiggy; Welshpool Flower Show in its 60th
                  10 am – 4 pm each day                          year and Mystery Picnic giving you the opportunity to enjoy local produce while
                                                                 taking in the beautiful scenery of Prom Coast.
     The Handmakers Stall. 17 Falls Road, Fish Creek.
               10 am – 3 pm each day                             These are only some of the events designed to entertain you. As you wander through
                                                                 this booklet there will be decisions to make about what to see and when, and what
   Toora Village Studio Gallery. 25 Stanley Street, Toora.       not to miss! We make no apologies that the program is packed with music, food,
                  10 am – 3 pm each day                          books, games and lots of fun!

     Roland Harvey Fishy Gallery. Falls Rd, Fish Creek.          Prom Coast Festival Committee
                Open 10 - 4pm each day

                                                                                        PROM COAST FESTIVAL PROGRAM 2021. PAGE 1
We welcome entries from novices and “First Timers ! Come and “Have a Go”
                                                                                                  … just bring your flowers etc to the Hall before 10:10 am on Show day Friday
                                                                                                  March 5th and members will help you stage and display them. Vases are
                                                                                                  available if needed. First Timers don’t need to ring beforehand to lodge their
                                                                                                  entries but all other entrants must notify Prue by 9pm on Wednesday March
                                                                                                  3rd. There is no entry fee for exhibitors.

                                                                                                  Admission to the Show is $5 per adult and no charge for children and there is
                                                                                                  no entry fee for exhibitors. Tickets to our Club Raffle can be purchased at the
                                                                                                  Show entry table.

                                                                                                  Show schedules/programs both printed and a digital version and any
                                                                                                  further information are available from acting show secretary - Prue Fleming
                                                                                                  (0418 775 717).
FRI                                                                                               Come and purchase some plants from the extensive and very reasonably
        The Yanakie Hall committee proudly present Moosejaw Rifle Club. Moosejaw
                                                                                                  priced plants in our Club Nursery at the rear of the Hall.
        Rifle Club are a four piece folk/country band from Melbourne with a
        reputation for fun loving, good time music with a dark edge. Four part                    The Show will be held at the Welshpool Memorial Hall, South Gippsland
        harmonies over banjo, guitar, bass and mandolin move between country                      Highway Welshpool, on Friday March 5th 1:30 to 5pm and Saturday March 6th
        ballads and rollicking foot stompers songs about alleyways and the ne’er-                 from 10 am to 4pm.
        do-wells that inhabit them. Tickets $30, must be pre-booked, https://www.
        trybooking.com/BOMDT. Friday 5 March 2021. 7.30pm, Yanakie Hall, Yanakie.
                                                                                                  BETWEEN THE COVERS
        FILM SOCIETY NIGHT                                                                & SUN   Come along and hear library staff chat about their latest and favourite reads.
FRI                                                                                               Bring along a book to share. Browse our new books and themed display:
        The film society will be screening ‘The Assistant’. Our Film Society screenings           People, Places & Produce. Event is free but places are limited. Bookings can
        are open to subscribers and their guests and we’re unable to offer single                 be made from February on Eventbrite or ring the Foster Library. 56821735.
        evening tickets. Subscriptions available for a minimum of 3 months.
        Subscriptions: 3 months $25 or annual subscription $60. Friday 5 March 2021.              EVENT 1. FOR CHILDREN. Themed Story Time including books that
        7.30pm, Fish Creek Hall.                                                                  feature the local area and focus on the “Place” part of the festival theme.
                                                                                                  Friday 5th March. 10.30am. Foster Library.
 FRI                                                                                              EVENT 2. FOR CHILDREN. Lisa will be presenting a story and craft
& SAT   The Welshpool & District Horticultural Society’s upcoming Autumn Show                     combination activity based on the “Produce” part of the festival theme. Lisa
        on Friday March 5th and Saturday March 6th 2021, will be our Diamond                      will start with a reading of the story “Anywhere Farm” and the children will
        Anniversary 60th year of consecutive Autumn Shows! We are very proud of                   create a vegie garden craft with a focus on our community garden in Fish
        this significant milestone!!                                                              Creek. Sunday 7th March. 10.30am. Fish Creek

        In addition to our normal comprehensive Show Schedule we are delighted                    EVENT FOR ADULTS. For adults, our team member Julie will be
        to be hosting the “The Rose Society Victorian Autumn Country Rose                         hosting a lively bookchat session in support of the theme of the festival.
        Championship” and also “The Dahlia Society of Victoria Rural Championship”                Friday 5th March. 2.30pm. Foster Library
        as part of our 60th Autumn Show program!!

        The Show Schedule clearly explains the various definitions to help entrants
        with their entries and Club Members and Section Stewards will be readily
        available to answer queries from entrants and visitors.

                    PROM COAST FESTIVAL PROGRAM 2021. PAGE 2                                                  PROM COAST FESTIVAL PROGRAM 2021. PAGE 3
                                                                                               1.30PM. GREAT SOUTHERN UKES
                                                                                               The diverse and eclectic Great Southern Ukes began as a small
                                                                                               group of enthusiasts helping each other learn to play ukulele.
                                                                                               Their song list includes bouncy old timey tunes with a mix of
                                                                                               Bluegrass, Jug and Jazz. With the odd guitar, washboard and
                                                                                               harmonica thrown in you’re bound to smile and tap your toes!

                                                                                               2.30PM. NO PROMISES
                                                                                               No Promises are a collaboration of two respected Aussie
                                                                                               musicians, based in South Gippsland, - Victoria, featuring
                                                                                               Janine Garvey and Eric Collier. A little bit country, a little bit
                                                                                               rock, a little bit pop, they refuse to be stuck in a genre box!

                                                                                               3.30PM. GRAND OLE FACTORY BAND
                                                                                               Heavily influenced by the music of the 60s, 70s and 80s, The
 PICNIC IN THE PARK                                                                            Grand Ole Factory Band’s eclectic repertoire crosses many genres
                                                                                               including, folk/rock, blues, country, soul and rhythm and blues.
 SATURDAY 6TH MARCH 2021. 11:00AM – 8:30PM

 Live music event with bands and solo performers. Children’s activities, food stalls, coffee
 and bar. Bring a picnic rug or chair and relax in the beautiful Foster Recreation Reserve.    4.30PM. KATE LUCETTA

 Tickets: $5.00. (Children under 5 are free) for Picnic in the Park.                           Kate’s songs and stories take a heartfelt, hopeful and
 Arrival after 7pm gold coin donation for the Twilight Lantern Parade.                         sometimes humorous look at the ups, downs and in
 Pre-purchase for Picnic in the Park from https://www.trybooking.com/BOEJA                     betweens of being single, being in love and trying to survive
 or at the gate upon arrival. Wrist band Covid-safe registration required                      in today’s modern world without a Netflix account.
 upon entry by all visitors. Please: No pets. No BYO alcohol.
 Foster Recreation Reserve 70 Station Road, Foster.                                            5.30PM. BRODY YOUNG
 Saturday 6 March 2021. Gates open at 11.00am.
                                                                                               Rootsy-blues/folk tunes, built on a percussive guitar beat.
                      11.30AM. SOULY US                                                        Brody’s latest independent album ‘One Way’ narrates life
                      Taking inspiration from the world around them, Ben and                   travelling through 23 countries; listening and being immersed
                      Kate can literally write and perform their music anywhere.               in different cultures. More info: https://www.brodyyoung.com
                      Their original soulful sound is captivating audiences across
                      Australia and beyond. Their catchy lyrics are echoing in people’s
                      hearts and minds. This young coastal Victorian duo share                 6.30PM. TIM WOODZ AND THE DIRTY SHOES
                      dreams, hope, love and connection through their music.
                                                                                               Tim Woodz is a storytelling folk singer with a quirky narrative. His
                      12.30PM. DUENNA CHOIR                                                    songwriting is spontaneous, energetic and warm, often about things
                                                                                               that you wouldn’t think to write about. Tim Woodz is a trained
                      Duenna is a small acapella vocal group made up of mostly
                                                                                               musician and natural performer and a bit of goof. He brings all this
                      women, formed mid 2018 in the hills of Budgeree. The group
                                                                                               together for a unique experience with well crafted songwriting.
                      sings a wide variety of music, from popular tunes to classical,
                      and has performed at many community and private events.                  7.30PM. TWILIGHT LANTERN PARADE

                          PROM COAST FESTIVAL PROGRAM 2021. PAGE 4                                PROM COAST FESTIVAL PROGRAM 2021. PAGE 5
                                                                                         Entries are now on our website! Visit www.promcoastfestival.com.au. Photo
                                                                                         entries for the Photo Project will be displayed at the Picnic in the Park Event
                                                                                         on Saturday 6th March. Foster Recreation Reserve 70 Station Road, Foster.

                                                                                         SANDY POINT MUSIC - LITTLE QUIRKS
                                                                                         Little Quirks are an Australian indie folk band formed on the Central Coast
                                                                                         (New South Wales) in 2015 by sisters, Abbey Toole (guitar, lead vocals) and
                                                                                         Mia Toole (drums, vocals), and their cousin Jaymi Toole (mandolin, vocals).
                                                                                         The group have toured Australia and released three extended plays. In
                                                                                         2019 they were joined by Alex Toole (Jaymi’s older brother) on bass guitar.
                                                                                         Bookings via https://www.trybooking.com/BOOVY $30 a ticket.
      PROM COAST COMEDY EVENT                                                            Saturday 6 March 2021. 8pm start. Sandy Point Hall.
      Celebrate the Prom Coast Community with your friends, at a night of                BAKE OFF
      laughter and entertainment featuring some of Australians top comedians.      SAT
      Claire Hooper, Dave O’Neill and Des Dowling will ‘bring the fun’ to the            Do you love to cook and do you love to eat? Here’s the challenge! Is your
      Prom Coast Festival! Bookings essential as numbers are limited:                    favourite recipe the best! The Prom Country Community Bake-Off is the place
      https://www.trybooking.com/BONNI Saturday 6 March 2021. 8.30pm.                    to find out. The categories are Cakes, Biscuits and Slices, Savoury & Yeast and
      Foster War Memorial Art Centre.                                                    there’s also a Children’s section. There will be entry forms and entry boxes as
                                                                                         various places in Foster, Toora, Welshpool, Fish Creek and Sandy Point. Entries
      TWILIGHT LANTERN PARADE                                                            will need to be at the Foster Football Club between 9.00 - 10.30am. Judging
                                                                                         will begin at 11.00am on Saturday, March 6th. Once the judges have had a
SAT                                                                                      taste and decided who the winner is in each of the categories the baked goods
      FIRST EVER TWILIGHT LANTERN PARADE!                                                will be available to the public to taste. The $5 entry to this event includes tea
                                                                                         and coffee and the baked goodies, children can taste for $2. So come along at
      Be enchanted and delighted by magicians, fire performers and musicians as          1.30pm to see if you agree with the judges decisions. Saturday 6 March 2021.
      you parade your handmade lantern with family and friends. An evening to            1.30pm - 3.30pm. Foster Football Club Rooms, Foster
      remember for young and old alike.
                                                                                         MYSTERY PICNIC
      Watching over the event is a 3 metre Southern Boobook Owl lantern that
      magically comes to life as dusk descends…                                    SUN   Pack your picnic rug and your basket and get ready to explore our gorgeous
                                                                                         Prom Coast region while enjoying a fabulous picnic hamper with produce from
      Fire performers build the excitement as the lantern parade draws near              the area. Collect your Gourmet Hamper from Meeniyan Recreation Reserve
      then lead the crowd through the event site with interaction, surprises and         and then follow the clues included to take you meandering through the back
      wonder along the way.                                                              roads and countryside of South Gippsland eating from your hamper along the
      Upon return the large Owl Lantern will enchant the crowd with a delightful         way. Sunday 6 March 2021, Meeniyan Recreation Reserve, Pick up from
      display of theatrical special effects designed to round off the evening.           10-11am. $77 per couple. Add $33 for each extra person above 2.

      (Lantern making workshops with the Festive Fires team will occur in local          If you would like to include alcohol in your package there is a choice of
      schools in the lead up to the event)                                               $20 extra for a Gurney’s cider or if you prefer a bottle of wine $30 from
                                                                                         The Wine Farm - Koonwarra. Pre-booking required. Book through
      Saturday 6th March 7.30pm start - Foster Recreation Reserve.                       Trybookings from 29 JAN. Enquiries: Contact Amelia - 0407 988 274
      Lantern Parade 7.30 - 8.30pm                                                       or email promcoastfoodcoop@gmail.com

                  PROM COAST FESTIVAL PROGRAM 2021. PAGE 6                                           PROM COAST FESTIVAL PROGRAM 2021. PAGE 7
PROM COAST FESTIVAL PROGRAM                                                                                    MARCH 5TH TO 8TH 2021

                         FRIDAY                              SATURDAY                                   SUNDAY                           MONDAY                          ALL
                       5TH MARCH                            6TH MARCH                                 7TH MARCH                         8TH MARCH                      WEEKEND

                     Film Society Night                                                                 Fish Creek
FISH CREEK             “The Assistant”                                                           Children’s Literature Day
                          7.30pm                                                                       10am to 7pm

                                                              Bake Off
                                                          1.30pm - 3.30pm                         “Between the Covers”
                                                                  •                              Foster Library Book Chat
                                                         Picnic in the Park                         Children 10.30am                                                  Notable Women
                                                          Live Music Event                                   •                                                         of our District
                   “Between the Covers”                    11am - 8.30pm                              Mountain Bike                                                     10am - 3pm
                  Foster Library Book Chat                        •                                Cross Country Race                                                         •
  FOSTER             Children 10.30am                      Lantern Parade                                  10am
                                                                                                                                         Women’s Day
                                                                                                                                                                        Art Window
                       Adults 2.30pm                           7.30pm                                        •                                                          Installations
                                                                  •                                 Degustation Menu                                                       “Light”
                                                           Comedy Event                                      @                                                       Foster Main Street
                                                    Claire Hooper, Dave O’Neill                    Wiggy’s Restaurant
                                                           & Des Dowling                                   6pm

                  Welshpool Garden Show                  Welshpool Garden Show
WELSHPOOL              1.30pm - 5pm                           10am - 4pm

                   “Moosejaw Rifle Club”
  YANAKIE            Live Music Event

                                                             “Little Quirks”
SANDY POINT                                                 Live Music Event

                                                                                                     Mystery Picnic
PROM COAST                                                                                             Tidal River
                                                                                                    Open Spaces Walk

               Please note: Details in this program are correct at the time of printing. Please visit the website promcoastfestival.com.au to confirm details.

              PROM COAST FESTIVAL PROGRAM 2021. PAGE 8                                                                    PROM COAST FESTIVAL PROGRAM 2021. PAGE 9
FOSTER MOUNTAIN BIKE CROSS COUNTRY RACE                                                  TIDAL RIVER OPEN SPACE - TROS WALK
SUN                                                                                    SUN     WALK TO MILLERS LANDING Meet at Vereker Car Park. Fabulous morning
      Solo and Team Entries. Classes are: 3 Hours Solo Mens, Womans, Jnr U/19s                 tea to finish. Sunday 9:30am start, Tidal River, Wilsons Promontory
      and E-bikes. 2 Hours Solo Junior U/15s boys and girls. 3 Hour Senior and                 National Park
      Junior Teams (up to 3 riders per team). Juniors: $15. Seniors: $25. Teams:
      $20 per person. All entries will require a 1 day license if they do not have a
      yearly one.
                                                                                               INTERNATIONAL WOMEN’S DAY
                                                                                       MON     The International Women’s Day 2021 campaign theme is:
      Sponsored by: S&J Cycles Morwell, Wheel Heat Wonthaggi and Glen Sports
                                                                                               #ChooseToChallenge. Event details to be announced on the website.
      & Gifts Foster. For registration, go to: www.promcoastmtb.com.au. Sunday
                                                                                               Monday 8 March 2021.
      March 7th, 2021. 10a.m. for Registration. Cement Hill Foster – Rail Trail Car
      Park Entrance
                                                                                               NOTABLE WOMEN OF OUR DISTRICT
      WIGGY’S ON THE GREEN                                                             W’END   The Foster and District Historical Society welcomes you to our exhibition of
SUN   5-COURSE DEGUSTATION MENU                                                                women who have contributed to the special nature of our area.
                                                                                               5-8th March. 10am-3pm. Foster Museum, Foster Main Street. Admission $5.
      Anthony Wignall (a.k.a Wiggy) has been a chef for over 17 years. He honed
      his skills at one of the best restaurants in Liverpool (his home city) before            ART WINDOW INSTALLATIONS - “LIGHT”
      enjoying an exciting couple of years at the famous “Blue Mallard” in his          ALL
      home town. From there he moved to Gippsland where he loves working               W’END   Local artists will be exhibiting in shop windows in Foster Main street for
      with all the amazing local produce at his fingertips. Creating dishes and                the whole month of March. After a very ordinary year in 2020 we are
      designing menus with local seasonal produce, this is a chance to enjoy                   finally seeing some light in our lives. As part of the Prom Coast Festival,
      the best of our local produce expertly prepared. Pumpkin veloute. Goats                  local artists have been asked to produce an artwork to convey “Light”
      cheesecake, red onion jam. Corner Inlet flathead, Thorpdale potato, minted               as its theme. Foster traders have embraced the chance to work with the
      peas, tartare. Braised ox cheek, local garlic, celeriac, crispy kale. Home               local artists to display their work. See if you can find the ten installations.
      grown rhubarb crumble, creme Anglaise. $65 per head. Call 5682 2272 for                  The artwork is available for Sale and if you are interested details are
      bookings. Sunday 7 March 2021: 6:00pm, Foster Golf Club                                  available at the shop which has the display.

                                                                                               A prize will be awarded to the first entry received with ten artists names
                                                                                               correctly noted. Send your entry to: promcoastfestival@gmail.com
                                                                                               For the month of March 2021. Foster Main Street. Foster.

                  PROM COAST FESTIVAL PROGRAM 2021. PAGE 10                                                PROM COAST FESTIVAL PROGRAM 2021. PAGE 11
                                                   Sunday 7th March 2021                                 B   Festival Marquee
                                                   10am to 7pm                                               The Festival Marquee featuring presentations, workshops and Q&A’s with
                                                                                                             Alison Lester, Roland Harvey, Aviva Reed, Ailsa Wild and more.
                                                   The 2021 Fish Creek Children’s Literature Day is
                                                                                                             11AM. JANIE FRITH & JUDITH BARKER. Talk on “The Oo in Uluru”
                                                   part of the 2021 Prom Coast Festival. It recognises
                                                                                                             & “The Ee in The Deep Blue Sea”. FREE WORKSHOP
                                                   Fish Creek’s unique standing as a destination
                                                   for children’s literature and storytelling. The           2.00PM. SMALL FRIENDS BOOKS. If you missed this FREE WORKSHOP at the Community
                                                   program is an opportunity for children near               Garden Science Marquee at 12noon, you can see Ailsa Wild & Aviva Reed here.
                                                   and far to meet the authors and illustrators              6PM. TEK TEK ENSEMBLE - perform virtuosic and original music inspired by tropical
                                                   behind their favourite storybooks, as well as             jungles, late night Balkan weddings, 1960s chic, and shamanistic desert rituals.
                                                   for local children to feel the sense of pride and         https://www.trybooking.com/BOMQG - TICKET PRICE - $35
Fish Creek Children’s                                       Fish Creek Children s                    ’
                                                   belonging which comes from celebrating the            C   Children’s Authors & Illustrators, Talks & Workshops
   Literature Day                                              Literature Day
                                                   creative pursuits of their local community.               • THE ALISON LESTER GALLERY All day program featuring Alison Lester.
                                                                                                             • ROLAND HARVEY GALLERY All day program featuring Roland Harvey.
  Sunday 7th March 2021                                        Sunday 7th March 2021
The program10am       to 7pm
              will showcase                                               10amand
                              local talent such as renowned children’s authors     toillustrators
                                                                                        7pm              D   Rail Trail
Alison Lester, Janie Frith and Roland Harvey. Explore an expanded form of storytelling,                      PERFORMED BY MH2C3 History Tales and Dress up Adventures.
tapping into creative storytelling through puppetry, oral traditions, illustration, circus,                  Town Park
performance and interactive games.                                                                       E
                                                                                                             •M  Y STORY TENT Create your own stories using felt, paper, fabric & cardboard.
       Fish Creek Memorial Hall                                                                              • INDIGENOUS LITERACY FOUNDATION
 A     Series of performances, workshops & story telling                                                     • JANIE FRITH & JUDITH BARKER WORKSHOP
                                                                                                             • MARG HAYCROFT BOOKS
       10AM: SIMI GENZUIK, author of “So She Did: The Story of May Wirth”.                                   • 10AM TO 1PM: WEST GIPPSLAND LIBRARY - “ANYWHERE FARM” Make a paper
       Learn three Circus skills and create a story with strongwoman and author, Simi Genzuik.                  plate veggie garden including threading, drawing, colouring, cutting and pasting.
       https://www.trybooking.com/BOMFX - TICKET PRICE - $10                                                 • MICHAEL HYDE Writing Stories – Tricks of the Trade
       12NOON: ABOUT FACE PRODUCTIONS, “The Miss Muffet Show”: Like a child’s dream                          • GREAT PAPER PLANE FLY OFF on the Tennis Courts
       come true, The Miss Muffet Show unfolds out of a giant pop-up book. When the Dish                     • COASTCARE Education Trailer
       runs away with the Spoon the audience is taken on a hilarious journey through the best-               Fish Creek Community Garden Science Marquee
       loved stories of childhood. https://www.trybooking.com/BOMPQ - TICKET PRICE - $10                 F
                                                                                                             12NOON. “SMALL FRIENDS BOOKS”. The soil is full of creatures so small we can’t see them.
       1.30PM: “DR HUBBLE” is the newest show of world renowned circus and sideshow                          Meet author and illustrator Ailsa Wild and Aviva Reed. They’ll read you some of their fungi
       performer Shep Huntly. Bubbles only ever want to be spheres, but Dr Hubble                            story ‘The Forest in the Tree’, followed by a Q&A about what creatures might be in the soil
       will show you a square bubble. If you are lucky he might show you a hexagon,                          just beneath us. Together we’ll create and illustrate a story set in the secret communities of
       an octagon or a pyramid. You may even get to be the famous kid inside the                             the soil. If you miss this FREE WORKSHOP, you can enjoy it at the Festival Marquee at 2pm.
       bubble! https://www.trybooking.com/BOMPU - TICKET PRICE - $20
                                                                                                             ALL DAY PRESENTATIONS: Diane Jackson Hill, Landcare, Birdlife Australia
       2.30PM: TAI SNAITH, author and illustrator of “The Family Hour”, “Sticks and Stones”,
                                                                                                             & Community Garden Treasure Hunt.
       “Slow Down World” and “You Might Find Yourself”, invites children on a winding path
       through the possibilities of their self, their choices and their imagination. Tai will read       G   Fish Creek Hotel - Oberon Room
       her book and then run a half hour session guiding young artists in the process of making              Alison Lester’s 30 year anniversary Magic Beach Exhibition.
       their own picture book character from cut paper, paint and pva. They may choose to make
       themselves or a family member or a completely new character from their imagination,                   Roaming Entertainment
       ready to go on their own picture book adventures! https://www.trybooking.com/                         12 NOON. VARDOS. Driven by Alana’s wild violin, chased by accordion and double bass,
       BOMPY - TICKET PRICE - $10 (children under 5 to be assisted by an adult guardian).                    Vardos play folk and Romany music learnt from Roma (Gypsy) musicians during their
                                                                                                             travels in Eastern Europe. FREE PERFORMANCE
       3.30PM: THE STONY SIX, a band from Meeniyan, present “Bing’s Burrow”, a shadow
       puppet show about adversity and friendship. A bilby, crocodile, eagle, bull, goat and
       an ant are accompanied on their adventures by live music and sound effects. After                     FOR MORE INFORMATION VISIT
       the show, the audience is invited to look at the puppets, instruments and other sound                 fishcreekchildrensliteratureday.com.au
       effect making props. https://www.trybooking.com/BOMQB - TICKET PRICE - $10                            Fish Creek Children’s Literature Day is a covid safe event.
                                                                                                             Please note: program is subject to change.

                             PROM COAST FESTIVAL PROGRAM 2021. PAGE 12                                                          PROM COAST FESTIVAL PROGRAM 2021. PAGE 13
                                                                                                           A    Workshops & Storytelling
                                                                                                                @ Fish Creek Memorial Hall

                                   A                                                                       B    Workshops and Q&A’s
                                                                                C                               @ Festival Marquee

                                                                                                                Children’s Author & Illustrator
                                                                                                           C    Talks & Workshops with Alison
Fish Creek Children’s              Fish Creek Children’s                                                        Lester & Roland Harvey
   Literature Day                     Literature Day                                                            Rail Trail Tales @ The
                                                                                                           D    Great Southern Rail Trail
 Sunday 7th March 2021                 Sunday 7th March 2021
      10am to 7pm                           10am to 7pm                                                         All Day Presentations
                                                                                                           E    in the Town Park

                                                                                                                Science Marquee
                                                                                                           F    @ Buckley Park

 SUN                                                                                                            Alison Lester’s Exhibition
                                                                                                           G    @ Fish Creek Hotel

                                              B                 E


 C                                                                                              F


COVID19 SAFETY INFORMATION                                                                           FESTIVAL SUPPORTERS
The Prom Coast Festival aims to ensure all guests at our events are safe and protected
from the Covid-19 virus. To ensure we are compliant the committee reserve the right
to adapt or cancel our events should safety requirements change. The committee is
keeping up to date with advice from the Victorian Health Department. We have also
established some preventative measures at our events including:

• The ability to pre-book and pre-pay for events to reduce money-handling.

• Conduct contact tracking and tracing with the use of QR codes and manual
   check-ins at venues.

• The wearing of gloves for high-touch areas.

• Hand sanitizer and hand wash stations at all events.                                  TOORA
• The wearing of masks where social distancing is not possible.
• Social distancing of visitors and ensuring venues have available space
   to cater for guests.

• The provision of educative and informative education for visitors.

YOUR RESPONSIBILITY:                                                                     14 CUNNINGHAM ST, TOORA VIC 3962

• Remain at home if you are experiencing cold symptoms such as fever,
   cough, running nose.

• Follow instructions at each event and respect the venue rules and expectations
   which are designed to keep us all safe.

• Remain at home if you have been a close contact or there is a possibility you have
   been exposed to covid-19.

• Pre-book for events where possible, or bring correct change where needed.

• Ensure you are socially distant, 1.5m apart from other visitors. And wear a mask
   when this is not possible.

• Remain up to date with Health Department safety guidelines and restrictions.

                       PROM COAST FESTIVAL PROGRAM 2021. PAGE 16


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