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2021 PRAYER AND FASTING GUIDE Our hear t for thes e 10 days is for you to draw closer to Jesus and deepen your own per sonal r hythm of prayer, worship, fasting and reading of God’ s word. On the next page ar e 5 “ Ever yday Prayer Focus” points to help get you started. We r ecommend star ting with these points each day and then turning to the “ Specific Daily Pr ayer Focus” for each corresponding date during the duration of our 10 Days of Prayer and Fasting. OTHER RESOURCES You c an f i nd mo r e r e s ou r c e s abou t p r a y e r and f a s t i n g on ou r we b s i t e . Th e s e i n c l ud e t e a c h i n g s , p r a c t i c a l app l i c a t i on s , and e x pand e d g u i d e s on God - s e e k i n g , p r a y e r , f a s t i n g and wo r s h i p . C l i c k on t h e l i nk b e l ow f o r mo r e i n f o rma t i on : h t t p s : / / www . g r e e nhou s e s ou t h f l o r i da . o r g / p r a y e r
DAILY PERSONAL PRAYER FOCUS “ . . . t hat t he God of our Lord Jesus Chri st , t he Fat her of gl ory, may gi ve you the Spi ri t of wi sdom and of revel at i on i n t he knowl edge of hi m, havi ng t he eyes of your heart s enl i ghtened, t hat you may know what i s t he hope t o whi ch he has cal l ed you, what are t he ri ches of hi s gl ori ous i nheri t ance i n t he sai nt s, and what i s t he i mmeasurabl e great ness of hi s power t oward us who bel i eve, accordi ng t o t he worki ng of hi s great mi ght . . . ” Ephesi ans 1: 17- 19 Humbl e Oursel ves: Conf essi ng our si ns and thanki ng God for forgi veness through Jesus. Phi l i ppi ans 2: 3- 4, 1 Pet er 5: 5- 6 Seeki ng God: Decl ari ng our dependence on God i n every area of our l i ves. Mat t hew 6: 33, Jeremi ah 29: 13 Hi s Ki ngdom Come: Prayi ng f or spi ri tual renewal i n our l i ves, church and ci ty, and f or the compl eti on of the Great Commi ssi on. Romans 14: 17, Matthew 16: 19 Li steni ng to the Spi ri t: I nvi ti ng God to l ead us and speak to us through Hi s Spi ri t and Word. John 16: 13, Romans 8: 26 Bel i evi ng God: Expecti ng God to work i n answered prayer for our speci fi c needs. Ephesi ans 3: 20, Hebrews 11: 6
MY 10 DAY PRAYER AND Green Living FASTING GUIDE Pray that we will make passionate followers of Jesus – January 25: leading our people into lives of Global Greenhouse Vision WORSHIP, MISSION, and COMMUNITY. Pray that everything we do will help produce disciples – not just Prayer converts. Pray for every We desire to see a massive member of our church body to increase in the unified truly be a disciple who makes intercession in and for the disciples and disciple-makers. church. “The intimate friendship of the Lord is reserved for those who fear him, and he makes Finances known to them his covenant. My Pray for supernatural provision eyes are ever towards the Lord.” as we continue to step out in (Psalms 25:14 -15) That God faith, striving to give 50% of all would birth in our hearts a that we spend to missions and supernatural culture of faith, the poor as we respond to the belief and hope fueled by radical call to “Reach the Least of prayer and fasting. That we These” Whoever is generous to would have more people joining the poor lends to the Lord, and in during this month of he will repay him for his deed. consecrated prayer and fasting (Proverbs 19:17) than ever before! Faith That we will be a body that Baptisms walks in courage and in We are praying for more people passionate response to the than we have ever seen to come words of God and the to know Jesus and make the promptings of the Spirit. Pray for public display of faith through the great expectations to be baptism. We pray that many stirred this year. Trust in the people will be wholeheartedly Lord with all your heart, and do transformed and that this will be not lean on your own expressed by taking the NEXT understanding. In all your ways step of going “ALL IN” through acknowledge him, and he will baptism. make straight your paths. (Proverbs 3:5-6)
MY 10 DAY PRAYER AND Pastoral Staff FASTING GUIDE Pray that all pastoral staff will have hours a day with the Lord January 26: this year. That they will lead Pastors, Staff & Leaders from a place of encountering the love of God. Unity Pray for unity, supernatural wisdom, and a strong Spirit-led discernment when it comes to decisions being made for our church body. Pray for a strong team atmosphere. Pray for ALL staff and leaders to be Pastors & Staff empowered by the Holy Spirit to Jon & Nancy Lash, Czar & Cindy lead in this year from a place of Derequito, Robert & Karina intimacy and encountering Valdez, Jamie Jacob, Malik revelation of who Jesus is. Murray, Greg Grzesiak, Andrea Gregg, Yohann Kurzweil, JC Cody, Michelle Beharry and Lisa Magdaleno. Hebrews 13:7 Families Pray for the wholeness, health, Remember your leaders, protection, covering & unity those who spoke to you within the pastors’ & staff the word of God. families. Consider the outcome of their way of life, and imitate their faith.
MY 10 DAY PRAYER AND Powerful & Anointed Preaching FASTING GUIDE We are asking that God anoint our preaching team to always January 27: preach with unction, anointing, Weekend Gatherings and from a place of powerful abiding. Move of the Spirit We do not want to simply gather in religion’s name. We want to Spirit Led Worship gather in the powerful, living, Pray that our worship invites the and supernatural name of Jesus. presence and power of the Lord Pray for common outbreaks of into our services. the Spirit’s power. Pray 1 Corinthians 2:2-5 over our church family, and for churches all throughout South Florida! That the Holy Spirit would move Supernatural Hospitality IN POWER in our midsts! Signs We want every person on every and wonders. Healings and campus to experience the touch miracles. That our faith would of God. not rest simply on the WISDOM of men, but in the POWER of God. Psalm 133:1 Conviction & Repentance We are asking for thousands of How good and pleasant people to come to know Jesus in it is when God’s 2021. people live together in unity!
MY 10 DAY PRAYER AND Greenhouse Youth FASTING GUIDE Pray for our Greenhouse Youth to BE disciples who MAKE January 28: disciples. Student Ministries We desire to equip our students to become disciple-makers. We are praying for Middle and High Greenhouse Kids School students to bring their Pray for disciples to be made at a friends and classmates to to the young age and tender hearts to Lord. receive the Word. Pray that students preparing to go to high school would be Pray that parents would be focused and that God would equipped through the power of help their hearts and minds in the Holy Spirit to grow in their the transition. role as the primary spiritual Pray for our family ministry as leaders in the lives of their they help to prepare parents to children. be proficient disciple-makers in Pray that kids would know the their own homes. deep love Jesus has for them. Pray for an increase in That they would know that volunteers to join Greenhouse Jesus has a purpose for their Youth team. lives starting now and that as they get to know Him better College Ministries they will learn more about who Pray for GCM, Chi Alpha, they are truly meant to be and Navigators, Doulos, CRU, FCA, the big adventures Jesus has for and others college ministries to them. make disciples! Pray that the Greenhouse Kids Pray that students will continue team through the wisdom and to cultivate a discipleship strength of the Holy Spirit, culture where every student would work to encourage and that comes through these equip parents in their roles as ministries will be impacted to disciples and disciple-makers. GO and be salt and light to the world. Prayer they will become missionaries to the BC, Nova, FAU and FIU campuses, located near our church!
MY 10 DAY PRAYER AND Open Doors and Harvest FASTING GUIDE Pray that God would open doors and open hearts. That as we January 29: speak about God’s love and Evangelism & Harvest communicate the Gospel that people would be open and respond to God’s grace. That we would join God on His search God's Heart and rescue mission, and see an Pray that God would give us His abundant harvest of souls heart, full of love, compassion coming back to the waiting arms and passion to reach the lost in of their heavenly Father! our city and in our lives (co- workers, family members, neighbors, etc.). Boldness "Lost souls matter to Pray that we would step out in boldness to share the Gospel God, so they matter to us. and invite people to church. Pray There is a that God would stir up our church family to pursue the prophetic call on our HARVEST like never before! church for harvest, so we Every person with a VIP card, filled with the names of friends, will go after the lost co-workers and family members with not only a fierce and who do not know Jesus - YET. That God would stir OUR tenacious love but with HEARTS for what breaks HIS the confidence that we HEART - the lost. have been set apart by God to do so."
MY 10 DAY PRAYER AND FASTING GUIDE Microchurches We are asking the Lord for more January 30: MC leaders to be raised up, and more MC launches in 2021! Discipleship & Pray that our Microchurches Microchurches would be a place of faith-stirring gatherings where people are encountering the love of God, Disciples and becoming disciples that Pray that we would be disciples would impact the world around of Jesus, actively and them. That everyone would be a passionately following His lead. shining light, loving, supporting and comforting one another DEEPLY in these gatherings. Disciple-Makers Pray that the Lord would raise up more disciple-makers within "We make disciples. our body. Pray that discipleship Not religious services. will continue to be the main focus of real and meaningful Not song lists. Not community. Pray for disciples to interesting sermons. become disciple makers - That God would give us grace to work This is the Great together towards multiplicative Commission. reproduction of who we are to impact everyone around us. "Discipleship is the process of becoming who Jesus would be if He were you."
MY 10 DAY PRAYER AND FASTING GUIDE January 31: The Greenhouse Movement Matthew 28:18-20 And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in Microchurches, House Churches, & Macrochurches heaven and on earth has We want to see growth, been given to me. Go expansion, multiplication, and fruit at our Orlando, Tampa and therefore and make South Florida churches. We also disciples of a nations, want to see more house baptizing them in the churches and macrochurches planted outside of the name of the Father and Gainesville area: locally, of the Son and of the nationally, and globally! Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. Church Planters And behold, I am with Pray that the Lord will send us church planters from both you always, to the end of within our congregation and the age.” those who are not yet a part, but feel a connection with and want to plant with the Greenhouse.
MY 10 DAY PRAYER AND Neighborhood Outreach FASTING GUIDE Pray for salvation and discipleship to take place in the February 1: neighborhoods located all Local Missions around Western High. Pray for our local ministry partners like Firewall Centers, who we are joining in active, intentional Local Missions & Church Family outreach and youth mentoring Pray that our Greenhouse family here within our community. would be stirred to serve in local missions opportunities. For the continual faithful financial giving. That we will see an Increase in Mentors & Tutors increase of God’s provision in We would love to see more 2021. mentors and tutors invest in the lives of children throughout our different partnerships. School & City Partnerships Pray for our current school partnership here at Western Correctional Facilities High School, that we would be a Pray for salvation and disciples deep source of blessing to this to be made as well as open school. Pray for favor with doors. Pray for the volunteers administration, and open doors who help in these different areas for the Gospel. of ministry. Corporate Love of Our City Pray that our entire congregation would have a burden and heart for the South Florida community and its people.
MY 10 DAY PRAYER AND Persecuted Church FASTING GUIDE Pray for the Global Church as it faces intensifying persecution. February 2: Pray that Christians would have Global Missions many opportunities to share the gospel. Pray they would stand firm and increase in their faith through trials, and that they Local Missions & Church Family would be strengthened by our Pray for new relationships and and other believer’s prayers. open doors to share the Gospel Pray specifically for Missionary with the many internationals in Benson in East Africa and our city. Pray, we would show Missionary Sam and his team. supernatural love and hospitality to the foreigner and stranger. We feel a unique stirring for relationships to be Lesser and Unreached developed this year with Pray that we along with the Muslims and Jewish people and Global Church make significant are praying we would see many moves to impact, love, and help of them come to know Jesus as the lesser and unreached people Lord. Pray, that as a movement, groups encounter Jesus in a life- Greenhouse could do at least changing way. Pray for the one mission trip this year. boldness and safety of the many partners we have in the Arab World and throughout the 10/40 Window. Pray that the Church Planting gospel would be proclaimed in For wisdom, and guidance, as we many places it has never gone plan the way forward with before. planting this new movement in Guyana. Multiply our young people's group from one to two microchurches and start a new women's microchurch. That gifts of the spirit would be activated in our members using those specific giftings to strengthen and build up each other and their microchurches.
MY 10 DAY PRAYER AND FASTING GUIDE 1 Corinthians 9:26 February 3: "So I do not run Our Vision aimlessly..." 1. Pray that our church will carry out the will of God through advancing his Kingdom. 2. Pray that our people will live free in Jesus, discover and live out their calling, and begin to make a difference in the world around them. 3. Pray that all who come through the doors of Greenhouse will have a life-changing encounter with Jesus. 4. Pray Greenhouse would be a place that welcomes people far from God and our disciples would always be aware of them. “To help ordinary people become passionate followers of Jesus Christ”
LIFESTYLE OF PRAYER How do we ma k e p r a y e r a pa r t o f ou r e v e r yda y l i f e ? We c an mod e l t h r e e t h i n g s t ha t J e s u s d i d : Ve r y e a r l y i n t h e mo r n i n g , wh i l e i t wa s s t i l l da r k , J e s u s g o t up , l e f t t h e hou s e , and we n t o f f t o a s o l i t a r y p l a c e , wh e r e h e p r a y e d ( Ma r k 1 : 35 ) . A CERTA I N T I ME J e s u s g o t up v e r y e a r l y i n t h e mo r n i n g t o s p e nd t i me w i t h H i s He a v e n l y Fa t h e r . Fo r p r a y e r t o wo r k , we s hou l d do t h e s ame . Ma k e a da i l y appo i n tme n t w i t h God and k e e p i t . A CERTA I N PLACE J e s u s had a p r a y e r p l a c e . You r p r a y e r p l a c e n e e d s t o b e an und i s t r a c t e d e nv i r onme n t wh e r e y ou c an p r a y ou t l oud and p e r hap s ha v e s ome wo r s h i p mu s i c p l a y i n g i n t h e ba c k g r ound . A CERTA I N PLAN Go i n t o y ou r p r a y e r t i me w i t h a p l an . I f i t c han g e s t ha t ’ s f i n e . Wh e n J e s u s t au gh t H i s d i s c i p l e s how t o p r a y , He g a v e H i s d i s c i p l e s a p r a y e r ou t l i n e . We c a l l i t t h e L o r d ’ s P r a y e r . Us e t h i s g u i d e f o r t h e n e x t 10 da y s t o h e l p y ou p l an . h t t p s : / / www . g r e e nho u s e s ou t h f l o r i da . o r g / p r a y e r
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