2021 OFFICERS - Windom Fire Company

Page created by Chris Jackson
2021 OFFICERS - Windom Fire Company
The                               25th Anniversary
                               indom                                 ews
JANUARY-MARCH 2021                                               VOLUME 25, NO 1

     2021 OFFICERS
  EXECUTIVE OFFICERS                      Well; There is not easier way to
  President - Bob Baun                    explain that this year’s activities are
  Vice Pres. - Dave Roessler              going to be canceled till further notice.
  Recording Sec. Marylyn Weichmann        This will include the Installation, and
  Corresponding Sec. Tom Held             Easter Party. So far things do not
  Treasurer - Donna Breitwieser           look promising for the summer
  Sgt. At Arm - Chet Covers               events including the Tri Company
  Parade Marshall - Rene Carrow           Picnic, Family Picnic, Life Member
  Southwestern Del. - Guy Carey           Picnic, Erie County Fair and
                        - Shawn Wheaton
  Erie County Del. - Bob Baun             We will keep you updated as we get
                      - Dave Roessler
                                          the information.
  FASNY Del. - Shari Hanrahan             Let’s hope that the Covid gets under
                - Bill Hanrahan           control so our lives can get back to
                                          normal or what ever the new normal
  Trustee - Karl Held
                                          will be by than. Things are starting to
                                          loosen up as far as restrictions but
  LINE OFFICERS                           like trying to book an installation it is
  Chief - Aaron Jarka                     extremely hard to meet all the
  9-1 - Nick Lobur                        restriction put in place. Example;
  9-2- Mike Carey                         Like the LaGalleria, they need us to
  Fire Captain - Jacob Leckel             have a negating covid test within 14
                                          days prior to the event. There are no
  Asst Fire Captain - Jacob Huff
                                          exceptions. Also no dancing, banquet
  Rescue Captain - Amy Jarka
                                          dinner or gathering around the bar
  Lt #1 - Scott Courteau                  and only a certain number of people
  Lt. #2 - Shawn Wheaton                  at tables that are spread around the
  Lt. #7 - Jay P. Knavel                  room. All these restrictions are the
  Lt. #8 - Kim Gretka                     responsibility of the committee and
  District Chief - Jay W. Knavel          executive office. It is not worth the
                                          effort, money or time to plan this.

  Happy St. Patrick’s Day
2021 OFFICERS - Windom Fire Company
Page 2                                                                                      Jan - March 2021

                  FROM THE CHIEF …

Drill calendar should be posted for the month via hall and social media
March 15th Dist. Drill, central, trucks depart 18:45
No drill Monday March 29th
Please use extra caution and make sure the plymo vents are disengaging prior to leaving the hall, it costs
the district roughly $500 - $1000 each time they break.
With the resignation of FF Courteau, looking for truck lieutenant for Windom 1, if any one is interested
please see a line officer
Please remember to fuel the apparatus at 3 / 4 or below
The sanitizer unit is back in service
Any member interested in FF Self Rescue class, Windom via Taylor rd is hosting may 19, 21, 22. See
county website to register.
Any member interested in FF-2, Windom via taylor rd is hosting in September 2021, please see county
website to register (as of 3-4-21) only accepting alternates.
Any interior FF’s interested in a live fire training class with Eckert Fire Tactics LLC, the fire dist is
booking a training class for possibly may / june (weekend) (friday - sat - sun), please forward a note of
interest to the chief asap. For more information on the group please utilize social media outlets ie
instagram, facebook etc
Moderate amount of the small equipment order is arriving as of March 4th, please ask a truck lieutenant
or the chiefs for quick reference and location of the equipment.
Any members interested in participating in a dist. wide member recruitment / retention committee please
contact the chief.
Not sure how to say it but…. If it’s not yours please don’t touch it or rummage through it especially gear.
Any questions or clarification see the chiefs
The wash bay is open or cleared up from the lift for the time being, please forward a
Thank you towards Jim B., Dennis B., if you cross paths as they performed an outstanding job in painting
the truck bays, doors, etc and installing new light fixtures
over the past couple months.
If participating in other companies drills please remember to fob in at the companies kiosk and also
obtain a copy of the drill sheet. please forward to Howard.
If responding to calls with other companies please remember to fob in at that companies kiosk, advise the
chief or incident commander of the call of your presence on the call, try to obtain an copy of the call
roster and or grab a few Windom call sheets for your vehicle to fill out and return to Windom forwarding
to Howard so you receive proper credit. Any questions or clarification please see a chief
2021 OFFICERS - Windom Fire Company
Jan - March 2021                                                                          Page 3

                  From the
               Rescue Captain
Any one that participated in the Windom C.P.R. class please
check the emails you provided for
the class for the “E-Card”, please print out and forward a
copy to the call box for proper filing
with Amy & Howard, any questions please contact Amy or           February Birthdays:
AJ.                                                              Guy Carey      03
                                                                 Bill Szewc Jr. 10
EMS drill packet for March will be available March 15th
                                                                 Bill Hanrahan 26
and due no later than Monday March
22nd.                                                            March Birthdays:
Please remember to respond in a timely manner after calling      Tom Held 06
standing by with the Windom                                      Ed Madar     08
Ambulance, I (AJ), was provided response times which             David Roessler 09
reflected additional waiting / response                          Don Neureuther 12
times of 10-15 minutes after calling standing by. If no one is   Jim Breitwieser Jr. 26
able to drive the ambulance please                               Lindsey Lobur 30
                                                                 Shari Hanrahan 31
advise dispatch / Dist. Ems or incident commander in a
timely manner so driving arrangements
                                                                 April Birthdays:
can be made.                                                     Dennis Goss 06
                                                                 Caitlyn Carr 12
                                                                 Frank Wierzbowski 16
                                                                 Alexis Knavel 19
                                                                 Pat Landy 22
                                                                 Jacob Huff 23
* Half of us are going to come out of this quarantine            Bob Buerger 29
as amazing cooks. The other half will come out with a
drinking problem,
* I used to spin hat toilet paper like I was on Wheel
of Fortune. Now I turn it like I’m cracking a safe.
*I need to practice social-distancing from the
*Still haven’t decided where to go for Easter – The
Living Room or Bedroom.
*PSA: every few days try your jeans on just to make
sure they fit. Pajamas will have you believing all is
well in the kingdom.
2021 OFFICERS - Windom Fire Company
Page 4                                                                                      Jan-March 2021

Windom Volunteer Fire Company
Attn: Active Membership
:) 2021 Physical Information
Dear Active Membership, please review the following information regarding the 2021 physicals.
Requirement is Annual for all Orchard Park District Members
Any Interior and SCBA qualified Fire-Fighters need to have the physical conducted with the District
Physicians group NO EXCEPTIONS.
Exterior Fire-Fighters have the option to do a physical with their private physician however the private
physician MUST complete the Niagara Management physical form (at members expense) and forward to
Niagara Medical Management.
In town physical dates are April 17th & April 20th @ Orchard Park Training Facility, 4222 South Taylor
Once updated (2021 VERSION) physical forms are made available, forms will be located next to the
F.O.B. / Kiosk.
All physicals to be completed by 5/31/2021
Aaron Jarka
Chief - Windom Volunteer Fire Company
March 3rd, 2021

Ever since I was a child, I’ve always had a fear of someone under my bed at night.
So I went to a shrink and told him “I’ve got problems. Every time I go to to bed I think there’s someone Is
under it. I’m scared and I think I am going crazy.”
“Just put yourself in my hands for one year”, said the shrink. “Come in and talk to me three times a week
and we should be able to get rid of those fears.”
“How much do you charge?”
“Eighty dollars per visit”, replies the doctor.
“I’ll sleep on it”’ I said.
Six months later the doctor met me on the street. “Why didn’t you come to see me about those fears you
were having?”, he asked.
“Well, eighty bucks a visit, three times a week for a year is $12,480.00.
“A bartender cured me for $10.00. I was so happy to have saved that money that I went and bought me a
new pickup truck.””Is that so?” With a bit of an attitude, he said, “and how may I ask did a bartender cure
“He told me to cut the legs off the bed. Ain’t nobody under there new!”
2021 OFFICERS - Windom Fire Company
Jan-March 2021                                                                             Page 5

I do not forward these things to make you feel obligated to forward them on, it's strictly up to
But this particular e-mail is so true. We cannot forget history!! We cannot forget the thousands
of people who fought/lost their lives for our country, the men/women/children who were killed
in the concentration camps.....
& for "others" to say "it never happened"???? I am so sick of we, the Americans, having to bow
down to groups, because something offends them.
2021 OFFICERS - Windom Fire Company
Page 6                    Jan-March 2021

         2021 Committee
Jan-March 2021   Page 7



Windom Volunteer Fire Co.
            PO Box 446
            Orchard Park NY 14127

     Phone #

                                         CLOVER     IRELAND    PARADE
jbreitwieser.3013@gmail.com               COINS       IRISH   PATRICK
                                        CORN BEEF LEPRECHAUN RAINBOW
                                        TRADITION     LUCK   SHAMROCK
    jknavel@yahoo.com                     GREEN      MARCH POT OF GOLD
                                          BOWS        WOW       ROCK
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