2021 Camp Kateri @ CCLT Resident Camp Leader's Guide - ANTHONY WAYNE AREA COUNCIL, BSA 8315 WEST JEFFERSON BLVD FORT WAYNE, INDIANA 46804 260-432-9593

Page created by Jacob Alexander
2021 Camp Kateri @ CCLT Resident Camp Leader's Guide - ANTHONY WAYNE AREA COUNCIL, BSA 8315 WEST JEFFERSON BLVD FORT WAYNE, INDIANA 46804 260-432-9593
2021 Camp Kateri @ CCLT
Resident Camp Leader’s Guide
           8315 WEST JEFFERSON BLVD
          FORT WAYNE, INDIANA 46804
               260-436-1824 (Fax)
2021 Camp Kateri @ CCLT Resident Camp Leader's Guide - ANTHONY WAYNE AREA COUNCIL, BSA 8315 WEST JEFFERSON BLVD FORT WAYNE, INDIANA 46804 260-432-9593
         Contact Information                                                                                              3
         Summer Camp Checklist                                                                                            4
         Leadership Policy                                                                                                4
         Campsite Description                                                                                             5
         Fee Schedule                                                                                                     6
         Two-Week Prior Meeting                                                                                           6

         First Day & Orientation                                                                                          7
         General Camp Information & Policies                                                                              8&9
         Security, First-Aid, and Health Form                                                                             9
         Med Box & Special Accommodations (electrical, dietary, and transportation)                                       10

         Daily Schedule                                                                                                   11 - 12
         Program Areas & Description                                                                                      13
         Program Rotation Schedule                                                                                        14 - 16

         CCLT Special Dietary consideration/Restriction                                                                   17
         Camp Map                                                                                                         18 - 19
         Participation Agreement                                                                                          20
         CCLT Pre-Swim Test                                                                                               21 - 22
         Medication Form                                                                                                  23 - 24
         AHG Health Form                                                                                                  25 - 27
         AHG High Adventure                                                                                               28
         AHG Permission Slip/Release of Liability                                                                         29
         Camp Survey                                                                                                      30 - 31
         American Heritage Girls Packing List                                                                             Back Cover

2021 Camp Kateri @ CCLT Resident Camp Leader's Guide - ANTHONY WAYNE AREA COUNCIL, BSA 8315 WEST JEFFERSON BLVD FORT WAYNE, INDIANA 46804 260-432-9593
                          Anthony Wayne Scout Reservation—Camp Chief Little Turtle
                                          2282 West 500 South
                                         Pleasant Lake, IN 46779
                                   Camp Office: Staffed June 6 to July 31
                                          Phone: 260.475.5099
                  BSA Contacts                                                         AHG Contacts
    Assistant Scout Executive - Chuck Walker                                     Camp Director - Angie Bell
              Phone: 260.450.5583                                                  Phone: 260.804.0080
       Email: chuck.walker@scouting.org                                    Camp Program Director - Melissa Martin
  Council Program Assistant - Cody Zimmerman                                       Phone: 260.705.0584
              Phone: 260.432.9593                                        Camp Health & Safety Officer - Desiree Gunkel
     Email: cody.zimmerman@scouting.org                                            Phone: 260.450.6570
      Camp Kitchen Director - Tara Herman                                   Camp Team - Melissa Cass & Chad Bell
         Email: cclt.kitchen@gmail.com


Dear American Heritage Girls and Leaders,
         Welcome to our 9th summer of Camp Kateri @ CCLT! In January 2012, two ladies
began with their first Troop meeting and started on this wonderful AHG journey. As a child
I was blessed with a Mother who led my Troop and embraced the great outdoors and all
things camping. Even though she knew nothing about it, she stepped outside her comfort
zone and so began a personal love for the great outdoors and I look forward to sharing
and building that love with you. At that 1st meeting, we made a camping commitment and
continue to focus on making that opportunity available to all the ladies and their leaders
blessed to be an American Heritage Girl.
In 2018 we made a program change that gives the ladies a preset schedule focused on new
friendships in their program level, new experiences, life skills for Patriots, and an opportunity
for badges. We started the Patriot Quest with a goal of life skills and developing friendships
in the great outdoors. They will be learning knots, plumbing, pistols, night zipping, welding
& more. Returning this year will be the OUTPOST ADVENTURE! They will be challenged
outdoors and creative indoors! Due to the advanced activities for Patriot Quest, their
program is an additional $20 and worth every penny!
We are excited to spend more time with the friendships we have built already and can’t wait
to share our Camp Kateri with those of you joining us for the first time! We are a no drama
program and we will need you as a leader to help us give the best possible experience to our
girls. We hope Camp Kateri will be just as much fun for you as it is for our ladies. We encourage you to encourage all your
parents to get registered and join their daughter at Camp Kateri. Camping is a unique opportunity to connect with their
daughter with calm one on one, no electronic interference. Do not miss out on this blessed opportunity. We look forward to
joining you at the 2 week out video meeting, June 3rd at 7pm.
Through caring we serve,
Melissa Martin
AHG Camp Kateri Program Director
The greatest among you will be your servant, Matthew 23:11
If serving is beneath you, leading is beyond you.

2021 Camp Kateri @ CCLT Resident Camp Leader's Guide - ANTHONY WAYNE AREA COUNCIL, BSA 8315 WEST JEFFERSON BLVD FORT WAYNE, INDIANA 46804 260-432-9593
                             Designate a Troop camp coordinator to make all
                             arrangements and collect paperwork and fees.
                             Each Troop is responsible for all national Paperwork and adult Ratios
                             Hold a camp promotion at a Troop meeting
                             Pay all fees to the council using the online payment system

                             Email dietary restrictions to cclt.kitchen@gmail.com

                             Attend the two-week prior Phone/Computer meeting.(6/2 @ 7pm)
                             Must Complete BSA Youth Protection Training
                             Bring Troop Flag to be put up at Main Flag Poles

LEADERSHIP RATIO: Tenderhearts 6 girls to 1 registered leader. Explorers
8 girls to 1 registered leader. PiPa 10 girls to 1 registered leaders. Each
group must be under two-deep leadership throughout the duration of
resident camp with the ratios above followed.

YOUTH PROTECTION: All adults that remain overnight must be current registered members of
the AHG, no less than 21 years of age, have completed BSA Youth Protection Training within
the past two years, and provide a current AHG Health Form . Also must have AHG Key Training.
Safety of our Girls is priority #1, no exceptions.

2021 Camp Kateri @ CCLT Resident Camp Leader's Guide - ANTHONY WAYNE AREA COUNCIL, BSA 8315 WEST JEFFERSON BLVD FORT WAYNE, INDIANA 46804 260-432-9593
There are twelve campsites throughout Camp Chief Little Turtle. Each site consists
of several patrol sites (some tented and others are non-tented), a pit latrine, wash
stand, fire ring, picnic table, and an ample supply of firewood. Each tented
patrol site includes 5 wooden platforms, canvas tents, cots, and mattresses. Mosquito
nets for all campers are available to check-out through the Camp Quartermaster.

     Campsite                    Area Type                # of Patrol Sites                          Tented/Non-Tented
     Algonquin                  Long Wooded                      1                                       Non-Tented
      Apache                       Wooded                  4 (A, B, C, D)                              All Sites Tented
     Chippewa                  Small Wooded                      1                                       Non-Tented
        Cree                       Wooded                     2 (A, B)                                   Non-Tented
       Crow                   Large Open Field            5 (A, B, C, D, E)                   A is Tented B,C,D,E are Non-Tented
     Delaware                      Wooded                 5 (A, B, C, D, E)                 A & C are Tented B,D,E are Non-Tented
        Fox                    Large Wooded                   2 (A, B)                                   Non-Tented
       Huron                 Part Wood/Part Field       6 (A, B, C, D, E, F)              A,B,C & D are Tented E & F are Non-Tented
      Iroquois                Large Open Field            5 (A, B, C, D, E)                   E is Tented A,B,C,D are Non-Tented
     Mohawk                    Large Wooded                      1                                       Non-Tented
     Shawnee                   Large Wooded                   2 (A, B)                                   Non-Tented
    Winnebago                Wooded over Lake                 2 (A, B)                                   Non-Tented

      Daily Program Area
      Evening Program Area

2021 Camp Kateri @ CCLT Resident Camp Leader's Guide - ANTHONY WAYNE AREA COUNCIL, BSA 8315 WEST JEFFERSON BLVD FORT WAYNE, INDIANA 46804 260-432-9593
The following payment schedule will be used for AHG Resident Summer Camp. Youth and adults must
register and make payments through their Troops Summer Camp Coordinator. Troops will be responsible
for making all payments to the Council.
AHG Youth and Adult Fees:

Youth Camper                $150.00 ($140 Early Bird Fee & $160 Late Fee)
Adult                       $95.00 ($85.00 Early Bird Fee & $105 Late Fee)
Early Bird fee of $50 per Youth by April 12, 2021 AND remaining fee of $90.00 per Youth paid by May 10,
2021. fee After May 10 the price is the regular rate of $150 until midnight on May 31 then the late fee kick
in and goes to $160. The same due dates are for adults except the $50 deposit. NO deposits for adults
Camp fees cover the cost of attending camp. Your youth will want to have some extra spending money for
Trading Post souvenirs.
REFUND POLICY: Any camper fee can be transferred to another camper. Refund requests due to death
in the family, serious illness, or severe injury will be handled on a case by case review by the Council
Camping Committee. We strongly encourage the Troop leader to submit the refund form to the Camp
Office before departing from CCLT. It is the responsibility of the troop to keep accurate records of
individual payments from youth and adults to the troop. The Council is responsible for keeping accurate
records of payments, credits, and refunds. Please note that NO camper fees will be carried over to the
next year. Refundable amount does not include an initial $60.00 administration fee for AHG youth
 Resident camp. Refund forms must be received at the Council office within 30 days of that session
ending. No adult refunds.

This meeting will FINALIZE the program schedule and you will be able to ask any questions
relating to your arrival and stay and Camp Chief Little Turtle. Meeting will be held over the
phone/Computer. AHG Camp meeting will be Wednesday, June 2nd @ 7:00 pm.
Before your pre-camp meeting, please have the following already turned in by the 2nd for review:
 ALL health forms for those attending camp. Please keep a copy for your files. Unclaimed
    health forms will be shredded if not picked up at check-out.
   Dietary Restrictions Forms & Medication Administration Forms.
   Swimmers test, highly recommend completed prior to attending camp—A copy of Lifeguard
    Certification is required to accompany test results. If it is not provided test will be void.
Upon check-in at camp, please have the following ready to turn in:
 Swimmers test, highly recommend completed prior to attending camp—A copy of Lifeguard
  Certification is required to accompany test results. If it is not provided test will be void.
   Final roster of all youth and adults.
   Additional Health Forms that were not submitted before the pre-camp meeting.

2021 Camp Kateri @ CCLT Resident Camp Leader's Guide - ANTHONY WAYNE AREA COUNCIL, BSA 8315 WEST JEFFERSON BLVD FORT WAYNE, INDIANA 46804 260-432-9593
ORIENTATION TIME: 1:00 P.M. a Staff Guide will meet your unit at your campsite
to help assist your orientation rotation. Bring all medications, health forms, and
your swimsuits (under clothing, for slip-n-slide after orientation) with you on your
No Lunch is Provided. If for ANY reason you will be late coming to camp, please call
the camp office. Your cooperation is required to make the orientation as smooth as
You will be allowed to proceed to the campsite drop your gear and return your vehicle
to the parking lot. After the first day all vehicles need to be in the parking lot.
No pop-up campers, travel trailers, RV’s, personal Golf Carts, Motorcycles, or ATV’s
allowed at Camp.

                                             CAMP ORIENTATION
 ➢ HEALTH CHECKS LOCATION: Administration Building The Troop leader should have all medicine
   collected from the youth & adult with name and troop number printed on the outside of the
   bag or container (Prescription and over-the-counter). All medication must be in the original
   container. Only enough medication to get through the week should be sent to camp.
 ➢ SWIM CHECKS Everyone wishing to swim or boat during their stay MUST complete a swim
   test. The BSA Swim Test will be conducted by camp lifeguards.
          OFF-SITE SWIM CHECKS may be conducted prior to arriving at camp. AT ANY TIME,
          STAFF MAY RE-TEST ANY CAMPER OR LEADER to determine swimming ability. The
          Waterfront Director has final authority on camper’s swimming level.
 ➢ CAMP TOUR (Storm Shelter, Shower house, Program Areas)

2021 Camp Kateri @ CCLT Resident Camp Leader's Guide - ANTHONY WAYNE AREA COUNCIL, BSA 8315 WEST JEFFERSON BLVD FORT WAYNE, INDIANA 46804 260-432-9593
CAMP OFFICE: The camp office hours are between 8:00 AM and 9:00 PM, but are subject to change. Camp office opens
June 6, 2021 and closes July 31, 2021. Outside of these dates please contact the council office.
                         CAMP PHONE/EMERGENCY #: 260-475-5099                    CAMP FAX #: 260-475-1709
MAIL SERVICE: Mail can be sent and received. Stamps and writing materials are available at the
Trading Post. Mail arriving after campers have left will be marked “Return to Sender”.
                                       Youth’s Name ________________ Troop # _________
                                                 Anthony Wayne Youth Reservation
                                                             2282 W 500 S
                                                    Pleasant Lake, IN 46779-9643
LOST AND FOUND: Most lost and found items will be kept outside of the Trading Post while valuable items will be kept at
the camp office. AWAC is not responsible for any unit or personal items that may be lost, stolen, or damaged. Items are
disposed of one week after each camp session.
VISITOR POLICY: Due to COVID Restrictions no visitors will be permitted.
PERSONAL BIKES: Personal bikes may be used for merit badge program. Troop are responsible for transporting them to and
from camp. CCLT is not responsible for personal bikes used for program. Bikes are not to be used as transportation to and
from merit badges. Helmets must be worn at all times.
FIREWORKS/FIREARMS: Personal firearms, fireworks, ammunition and bow hunting equipment are strictly prohibited.
Sheath Knives used as camp tools may be used by adults 18 years and older, NOT by youth.
Fire Rings: All fires must be burned in a fire ring. No materials are to be burned outside of the fire ring. Fire rings and
firewood will be provided by the Anthony Wayne Scout Reservation.
Fuel: Only wood provided by the Scout Reservation (with the exception of kiln dried lumber) is to be burned at camp.
Liquid fuels (white gas, lantern fuel, lighter fluid, etc.) must be stored in a ventilated, locking box a minimum of 20 feet
from all buildings, tents and open flames.
Area and Safety considerations: Troop must complete and follow the Fireguard Plan. Plan will be provided upon arrival. It is
recommended that an area of 10 feet around the fire ring area be checked for and cleared of flammable debris.
PERSONAL GEAR: A suggested list of personal gear can be on the camp website. Everything you will need can easily be
packed in a backpack. The less you bring, the easier it is to transport to your campsite. Girls should bring at least two pairs
of shoes, including one pair of hiking boots/shoes. Open-toed shoes are NOT permitted at CCLT. All personal gear should
be marked with Youth name and Troop number.
CAMP HOUSING: CCLT provides limited tented and non-tented sites. Tented sites have BSA wall tents, designed for two
Youth or adults. Tents stand on a wood platform and include cots, mattresses & mosquito netting. Each site has latrine
facilities, a wash stand, & flag pole. Camp management reserves the right to re-assign campsites and units. All units should
plan on sharing the site with other units as there are multiple unit sites in each site.
CAMP SHOWERS: Located near Shawnee Campsite. Units MUST have an adult present when their Youth are using the
facility. Adults and Youth are responsible for keeping the shower house and restrooms in good order. One key per unit will
be issued to an adult leader, if more keys are needed please see the camp office .
CELL PHONE POLICY: Cell phone usage during program time is at the discretion of the Counselor. Outside of program is up
to the unit leaders.
DRUGS/ALCOHOL/SMOKING: Alcohol and illicit drugs are strictly prohibited. Violators will be removed from camp by the
Steuben County Sheriff’s Department. All medications MUST be kept in the lockable Med Box provided by CCLT. Adults are
not permitted by BSA/AHG Policy to smoke or vape in front of Youth at any time. Please consult the camp administration for
designated smoking areas.

2021 Camp Kateri @ CCLT Resident Camp Leader's Guide - ANTHONY WAYNE AREA COUNCIL, BSA 8315 WEST JEFFERSON BLVD FORT WAYNE, INDIANA 46804 260-432-9593
VEHICLES IN CAMP: One vehicle per unit at a time ON CHECK-IN DAY ONLY. Each unit is allowed one trailer in the
campsite. DO NOT transport anyone outside the passenger cab of your vehicle at any time. Everyone riding in a vehicle
MUST have and wear a seat belt at all times.
BSA RULES & POLICIES: CCLT complies with and enforces all BSA rules, policies, and procedures. A complete list of
National BSA policies can be found in the Guide to Safe Scouting or at www.scouting.org
EMERGENCY PLANS: Detailed plans have been developed to handle emergencies that may arise at camp. Details about
these plans will be made available to leaders upon arrival at camp. Unit leaders are encouraged to leave their cell phone
number at the camp office in case we need to contact someone from the unit.

CAMP SECURITY: ALL campers, leaders, and visitors must check-in & out of camp at the Administration Building. It is
strongly recommended that Youth do not leave camp. All authorized participants are identifiable by a provided
wristband. Visitors will be identified with a “visitor tag” and all staff will wear appropriate identifying markings.
Unauthorized persons are to be reported to the camp office immediately.
EARLY RELEASE POLICY: Any person needing to leave camp outside of the regular check-in/out time must do so at the
camp administration office. Any person under the age of 18 must have written consent from their parent/legal guardian
on file in the camp office if they need to leave with another adult. This form is available in Part A of page 1 of the annual
health form.
MEDICAL FORM: The Annual Health Form requires an annual physical by youth and adults regardless of age and signature
of a license healthcare practitioner. These forms need to be turned in to the council office or no later than the two week
out meeting for every person attending camp. Please keep a copy for your files. Everyone attending CCLT overnight
(Youth and adults) must turn in a health history before participating in any camp activities.
The Annual Health and Medical Record is valid for 12 months and ALL PARTS must be completed for all persons attending
FIRST-AID: The camp provides a Health Officer on-call 24 hours a day. All injuries requiring additional treatment will be
sent to Cameron Memorial Hospital. According to BSA policy, the camp must insure that injuries receive full medical
attention in a timely manner. The camp will notify parents if additional treatment is required. ALL injuries (no matter
how small) must be reported to the camp Health Officer.
ILLNESS: When a Scout or Scouter’s health is in question prior to their arrival at camp, it is better for them to delay their
trip to camp. If any camper becomes ill during camp, it must be reported to the Health Officer. If a scout becomes too ill
to participate in the program or is potentially contagious, their parents will be contacted regarding transportation home.
The Camp Health Officer and Camp Director may ask ill Youth and Scouters to leave camp in order to prevent the spread
of illness.
The Boy Scouts of America or American Heritage Girls medical insurance does not automatically cover medical bills.
1) The Unit Leader must complete an Incident Report Form with the camp medical staff.
2) All medical bills must be submitted to the person’s family insurance.
3) Any portion not covered by the family insurance may be submitted to the BSA Insurance by providing all medical bills
    and insurance statements to the Anthony Wayne Area Council.
The Boy Scouts of America medical insurance is a secondary insurance coverage. It is primary coverage for those
members without medical insurance.

2021 Camp Kateri @ CCLT Resident Camp Leader's Guide - ANTHONY WAYNE AREA COUNCIL, BSA 8315 WEST JEFFERSON BLVD FORT WAYNE, INDIANA 46804 260-432-9593
        Upon arrival at camp all medications will be reviewed by the Health Officer during check-in of unit physicals.
         Medication not requiring refrigeration or temperature controlled storage will be placed in a Medication Box (camp
         provided), a lockable storage container to be kept at the unit’s campsite.
        Each unit will have a Unit Leader who will be assigned a key to the Medication Box.
        Medication Boxes must be stored in a locked location, such as a unit trailer or leader vehicle.
        Each day the Unit Leader will complete the Medication Distribution Log. This log will be reviewed by the Health
         Officer periodically throughout the week.
        At check-out, all medications must be returned to the scout(s) from both the campsite Medication Box and the
         Health Officer. All Medication Boxes and Medication Administration Records must be returned to the Health

All medications must be in their ORIGINAL container. Medications not provided in their Original Container WILL NOT be
accepted. Youth on medications must have a completed medication record sheet signed by their parent upon arrival.
Those with epi-pens, inhalers, etc. should bring TWO, marked with Scout’s full name. An extra shall be kept in the
Medication Box as a precaution. Medications needing refrigeration will be kept in the Health Office.

ELECTRICAL NEEDS: Anyone needing electricity for medical assisted devices need to notify the council no later than
your two-week out meeting. Camp can provide battery charging in the administration office during the day with your
provided battery. No electricity is available at the campsites.
DIETARY NEEDS: All Participants having special dietary needs should complete & submit the Dietary Restriction Form
included in the health form packet. The kitchen staff will take these needs under advisement & contact the parent
with any necessary questions the kitchen staff may have. Dietary needs and questions should be emailed to the Kitchen
Manager at cclt.kitchen@gmail.com
ACCESSIBLE TRANSPORTATION: If you require assistance you must contact the Council Office prior
to camp. The camp is not equipped to charge electric golf carts or other electric forms of transportation.
All forms of gas-powered vehicle must be inspected and approved by the Camp Ranger and follow all
driving policies. All vehicles must be equipped with a first-aid kit and a fire extinguisher. No personal
ATV’s or UTV’s are permitted.
USDA DISCRIMINATION STATEMENT: In accordance with Federal Law and U.S. Department of Agriculture policy, this
institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability.
To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA, Director, Office of Adjudication, 1400 Independence
Avenue, SW, Washington, D.C. 20250-9410 or call (866) 632-9992 (Voice). Individuals who are hearing
impaired or have speech disabilities may contact USDA through the Federal Relay Service at (800) 877-8339; or (800)
845-6136 (Spanish). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer.
It is the policy of the Indiana Department of Education not to discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex,
national origin, age, or disability, in its programs, activities, or employment policies as required by the Indiana Civil Rights
Law (I.C. 22-9-1), Title VI and VII (Civil Rights Act of 1964), the Equal Pay of 1973, Title IX (Educational Amendments),
Section 504 (Rehabilitation Act of 1973), and the Americans with Disabilities Act (42 USCS § 12101, et seq.).
Inquiries regarding compliance by the Indiana Department of Education with Title IX and other civil rights laws may be
directed to the Title IX Coordinator, Indiana Department of Education, Room 229, State House, Indianapolis, IN 46204-
2798, or by telephone to (317) 232-6610 or the Director of the Office for Civil Rights, U.S. Department of Education, 111
North Canal Street, Suite 1053, Chicago, IL, 60606-7204 (312) 886-8434 Jennifer McCormick, Indiana Superintendent of
Public Instruction.

  TIME                DAY 1                    DAY 2                        DAY 3                        DAY 4                 DAY 5
   6:00                                                                                          Polar Bear Swim
6:30 AM                                                                           REVEILLE
7:15-8:15                                                            Camp Breakfast
8:30 AM                                                             Assembly & Flags                                        Breakfast
                                                                                                                             in site
8:45 AM                                                              Leader Meeting

9:00 AM
  10:10    Troop Arrival,                      D1H1                         D2H1                         D3H1               Checkout
         Check-in @ Camp                                                                                                    by 10am
  11:20  Office & Campsite
12:30 PM      No Lunch                                                Lunch & Break
                Troops begin Camp
2:10 PM
                 Orientation from
               Campsite with Slip &
3:20 PM                 Slide                  D1H2                         D2H1                         D3H1
                      1:00 pm
                   Flock & Swap
4:30 PM               5:00 pm

6:00 PM                                                                    Dinner
                    5:30 pm
6:45 PM                                                                      Flags
                    6:15 PM
        Leader Meeting/
          Girls Range                          E1H1                         E2H1                         E3H1
7:00 PM    Safety Talk
            6:30 PM

                  Campfires by
8:00 PM              Flock
                                               E1H2                         E2H2                         E3H2

10:00 PM                                            Everyone in Campsites
11:00 PM                                                Taps (Lights Out)

Schedule of Events
Wednesday – June 16, 2021
10:00am 12:00pm           Camp Opens – Check in With Meds and forms, Set Up Equipment
1:00pm – 3:00pm           Check-In/Orientations/Swim Test/Swaps/Trading Post
1:00pm - 5:00 pm          Slip & Slide Open
5:00pm                    Flock & Swap
5:30pm                    Dinner                                             NEW: Wednesday at 5pm
6:15pm                    Flag Lowering                                      we  will gather on the porch
6:30pm                    Adults – Orientation Meeting                        to share S.W.A.P.S. Meet
6:30pm                    Range Safety Talk                                   your   flock and dine with
7:45pm                    Campfires by flock                                           you Flock.
10:00pm                   Everyone at Campsites
11:00pm                   Lights Out
Thursday – June 17, 2021
6:30am                    Wake-up
7:30am                    Prayer/Breakfast
8:30am                    Flag Raising/Adult Meeting
9:00am – 12:20pm          Morning Session
12:30pm – 2:00pm          Lunch/Free Time
2:10pm – 5:30pm           Afternoon Session
6:00pm                    Dinner
6:45 pm – 9:00pm          Flags & Evening Rotations
10:00pm                   Everyone at Campsites
11:00pm                   Lights Out
Friday – June 18, 2021
6:30am                    Wake-up
7:30am                    Prayer/Breakfast
8:30am                    Flag Raising/Adult Meeting
9:00am – 12:20pm          Morning Session
12:30pm – 2:00pm          Lunch/Free Time
2:10pm – 5:30pm           Afternoon Session
6:00pm                    Dinner (PQ Dinner at Outpost Adventure)
6:45pm                    Flag Lowering
7:00pm-9:00pm             Evening Rotations
10:00pm                   Everyone at Campsites
11:00pm                   Lights Out
Saturday – June 19, 2021
6:00 am                   Polar Bear Swim
6:30am                    Wake-up
7:30am                    Prayer/Breakfast
8:30am                    Flag Raising/Adult Meeting
9:00am – 12:20pm          Morning Session
12:30pm – 2:00pm          Lunch/Free Time
2:10pm – 5:30pm           Afternoon Session
6:00                      Dinner
6:45pm                    Flag Lowering
7:00pm                    Evening Rotations
10:00pm                   Everyone at Campsites
11:00pm                   Lights Out
Sunday – June 20, 2021
6:30am                    Wake-up/Tear Down
7:30am                    Prayer/Breakfast
8:30am                    Check Out Starts
10:00am                   Camp Closed

PROGRAM PHILOSPHY: The Anthony Wayne Youth Reservation provides a 1200 acre playground
of fun and adventure for all youths. Youths have the opportunity to do things they may not
have the opportunity to do elsewhere which is why our program does not just focus on
advancement, but fun with a purpose in the out-of-doors! Each year, the Camping Committee
works with the Camp Leadership Team to develop a well-rounded experience that includes
theme related, age-appropriate activities, shooting sports, aquatics, nature, and games.
Although not a priority when planning program, youths will also have an opportunity to earn
some rank and achievement advancement. All Troops will receive a report at the end of the
session that details any requirements that may have been completed during their stay.
                                                         Rotation Areas
AQUATICS: Pit Lake, a former rock quarry, is a crystal clear lake where all boating and
swimming takes place. This program will not only help you beat the summer heat, but you will
have a great time and earn some advancement! Swimming Badge will be completed during
camp and each day you will have a session of Open Boating.
CRAFTS: Located in Grandstaff Lodge, this program will cover requirements for Needle Arts
OUTDOOR SKILLS: Located at Tomahawk Corners & the Fishing Shed by the Chapel on Pit Lake,
this program will cover requirements for Outdoor Skills & Fishing Badge.
SHOOTING SPORTS: Always a favorite among youths (and leaders), this program includes
training in BB Guns & Archery. Along the way, youths will earn Shooting Badge & Archery Badge
ECOLOGY: Located in Thoms Ecology Lodge, this program will cover requirements for
Biomimicry Badge.
HIGH ADVENTURE: This program area will include the badge Auto Care & Safety.
                               Alternative Areas
                                                     (Will take place of a rotation time slot )

Patriot Quest will include (but not limited to) Outdoor Skills, Conservation Projects, Tomahawk &
Knife Throwing, Welding & Forging, Skill Trades & an Outpost Adventure. (This is more for the
camaraderie, Life skills, & Fun over badge work.)

               Aquatics           Fishing                            Ecology           Outdoor Skills            Craft
                                                                                       Outdoor Skills,                        Patriot
                                                 Shooting &                                                     Needle        Quest
              Swimming             Fishing                         Biomimicry         Outdoor Cooking,
                                                  Archery                                                        Arts
                Badge              Badge                             Badge              Fire Safety &
                                                   Badge                                                        Badge

                    P1                P2               E1                E2                     T1                 T2         Plumbing

  12:30 -
                                                                  LUNCH/REST TIME

                    T2                P1               P2                E1                     E2                 T1       Woodworking

6:00-6:45                                                           DINNER/FLAGS

 Program        Hammock              Hike           Shooting          Ecology                Aquatics             Dune      Patriot Quest

                    P1                P2               T1                T2                     E1                 E2
Session 1


                    E2                P1               P2                T1                     T2                 E1
Session 2

                Aquatics          Fishing                         Ecology           Outdoor Skills                Craft
                                               Shooting &                           Outdoor Skills,
               Swimming            Fishing                       Biomimicry                                   Needle Arts Quest
                                                Archery                            Outdoor Cooking,
                 Badge             Badge                           Badge                                          Badge
                                                 Badge                               Fire Safety &

                     T1               T2             P1                P2                    E1                     E2            Sailing

12:30 - 2:00                                                      LUNCH/REST TIME

                     E2               T1             T2                P1                    P2                     E1

 6:00-6:45                                                          DINNER/FLAGS

 Program         Hammock             Hike        Shooting           Ecology               Aquatics                 Dune

                     E1               E2             P1                P2                    T1                     T2
 Session 1


                     T2               E1             E2                P1                    P2                     T1
 Session 2

Daily Program Area

                                 Evening Program Area

               Aquatics           Fishing                          Ecology        Outdoor Skills             Craft
                                                                        Outdoor Skills,                                      Quest
                                                 Shooting &
               Swimming           Fishing                   Biomimicry Outdoor Cooking, Needle Arts
                 Badge            Badge                       Badge      Fire Safety &    Badge

                                                                                                                              Hike &
                    E1               E2               T1               T2                  P1                  P2

12:30 - 2:00                                                      LUNCH/REST TIME

                                                                                                                             Kayak &
                    P2               E1               E2               T1                  T2                  P1

 6:00-6:45                                                          DINNER/FLAGS

 Program        Hammock             Hike           Shooting          Ecology            Aquatics              Dune         Patriot Quest

                    T1               T2               E1               E2                  P1                  P2
 Session 1


                    P2               T1               T2               E1                  E2                  P1
 Session 2


 CCLT tries to accommodate special dietary needs of Youths and Adults. Certain specialized needs will
 require parental or leadership support to ensure that dietary needs can be adequately met.

 Youth/Adult Name ________________________ Date of Birth ____________ Session _________
 Any food allergies (including milk protein allergy)?                ____Yes ____No.
 If yes, please explain, list each allergy, including type/severity of reaction:
 Is cross-contamination with small amounts of potentially allergy-producing food items a concern?
                                                                                                        ____Yes ____ No

 Is an Epi-pen required for any of these food allergies? ____ Yes ____No. If yes, which ones?

 Aside from food allergies, are there any other dietary restrictions? If yes, please list:

 Does Youth or Adults have a specific medically-prescribed diet? If yes, please list:

 Does Youth or Adults have any physical disabilities and/or conditions that make eating and/or drinking
 difficult? If yes, please explain below, including accommodations that need to be made while your child is
 at camp:

 Are there any other special considerations or insights we should know about the Youth’s or Adults dietary
 restrictions/concerns? If so, please explain:

Participation Agreement

 I acknowledge that participating in the activity described above involves risk to the
 Participant (and to Participant’s parents or guardians, if Participant is a minor), and may
 result in various types of injury including, but not limited to, the following: sickness, bodily
 injury, death, emotional injury, personal injury, property damage and financial damage.
 In consideration for the opportunity to participate in the activity described above (the
 “Activity”), the Participant (or parent/guardian if Participant is a minor) acknowledges and
 accepts the risks of injury associated with participation in and transportation to and from the
 Activity. The Participant (or parent/guardian) accepts personal financial responsibility for
 any injury or other loss sustained during the activity or during transportation to and from
 the activity, as well as for any medical treatment rendered to the Participant that is authorized
 by the Anthony Wayne Area Council, Boy Scouts of America or its agents, employees,
 volunteers, or any other representatives (collectively referred to hereinafter as the “Activity
 Sponsor”). Further, the Participant (or parent/guardian) release and promises to indemnify,
 defend, and hold harmless Anthony Wayne Area Council, Boy Scouts of America for any
 injury arising directly or indirectly out of the described Activity or transportation to and from
 the Activity, whether such injury arises out of the negligence of the Anthony Wayne Area
 Council, Boy Scouts of America, the Participant, or otherwise.
 If a dispute over this agreement or any claim for damages arises, the Participant
 (or parent/guardian) agrees to resolve the matter through mutually acceptable alternative
 dispute resolution process. If the Participant (or parent/guardian) and the Anthony Wayne
 Area Council, Boy Scouts of America cannot agree upon such a process, the dispute will
 be submitted to a three-member arbitration panel for resolution pursuant to the rules of the
 American Arbitration Association.

 Signature:                                                       Date
 Signature:                                                       Date

 (Participant and/or All parent/guardians if participant is a minor

Swim Test Classification Form for Girls and Adults

•   If an activity will take girls or adults into water more than ankle deep a Swim Test Classification Form is required.
•   A girl or adult always has the option to opt out of the swim test and declare themselves a Non-Swimmer (Red).
•   Swim Tests can be conducted by a lifeguard, swim instructor, swim coach, water safety instructor, or other qualified adult.
    A "qualified adult" is one who has a recognized certification, training, license, or accreditation, and has experience in
    supervising/educating youth on water safety.
•   Swim Test Classification Forms are good for one year from the date of the test.
•   Troops maintain an original copy of the Swim Test Classification Form in Troop records for four (4) years.

Any change in classification after this date will require a reclassification test. AHG Adult Members leading or conducting
water activities reserve the right to retest all participants to assure that swim standards have been met.

Please circle one classification:

    Girl/Adult Name

    Troop #

    Date of Test

    Location of Test

    Classification                                                Requirements
    Green (Swimmer) (BSA Class RED & BLUE):                       Jumps into deep water.
    May swim in all designated swimming areas.                    Swims 75 yards with strong forward stroke.
                                                                  Swims 25 yards with restful backstroke or elementary back-
                                                                  Rests by floating.
                                                                  Total 100 yards with entry and turn.

    Beginner (Yellow) (BSA Class RED): May only                   Jumps into deep water.
    swim in the shallow end or areas where they can               Swims 25 feet.
    touch the bottom.                                             Turns.
                                                                  Total 50 feet with entry and turn.

    Non-Swimmer (Red) (BSA Class WHITE): Must                     Cannot complete either of the above swimming tests, without
    use Coastguard approved Personal Flotation                    considerable strain, touching the bottom, holding onto wall,
    Device (PFD) and may only swim in the shallow                 lane lines, etc. or chooses to opt out of a swimming test.
    end or areas where they can touch the bottom.

    Name of person conducting Swim Classification Tests:

    ❑Lifeguard         ❑Swimming Instructor               ❑Swimming Coach               ❑Water Safety Instructor              ❑Other
    Certification expires:


Request for Administration of Medication Form

Request for Administration of Medication
Please list all medications currently used, including any over-the-counter medications. If additional medications are added at any time, including short term prescriptions or over-the-counter
treatments, please complete an additional or new Request for Administration of Medication Form.
Member Name                                                                                            Troop Number
                     Diagnosis or Prescription Nonprescription Topical    Supplement Refrigeration Emergency     Dosage                   To be administered For the following Restrictions or
  Name of medication reason the                                Product or                          medication to                          at the following   period of time:   reactions, if any,
                                   Medication Medication                             Required
                     medication is                             Lotion                              be kept on                             times:                               and necessary
                     needed                                                                                                                                                    emergency
If additional medications are needed, please attach additional documentation.
Non-prescription medication administration is authorized with these exceptions:
I authorize the AHG Health and Safety Lead for the meeting, trip, evet or activity to administer the above medications as prescribed by my child’s health care provider. If the medication is an
over-the-counter medication, I authorize its use according to the provided instructions. If I am unable to be contacted, I authorize the Troop to contact my child’s health care provider as need-
ed regarding this medication and/or my child’s response.
Parent/guardian signature:                                                                                                                                                      MD/DO, NP,
or PA signature (if your state requires signature):
                                                                                                        Troop _____________ Medication Log
For more information on the policies and guidelines for administering medication, please see the AHG Health and Safety Policies.
Date     Time      Member Name                     Symptoms (if applicable)       Allergic reaction?       Medication              Dosage   Initials
                                                                                  Permission Slip
Please return this form to the Troop by: _______________________________________.
Troop #: ______ is going to ________________________on _________ (date).
Activities will include: ______________________________________________________
Place: _____________________________________Phone #: __________________
Address: _________________________________________________________________
Leaving from: __________________________________ at (time): ______________
Returning to: ___________________________________ at (time): ______________
Adult Members accompanying girls: ___________________________________________
Emergency Contact Person (attending trip): _______________________________
Emergency Contact Phone #:___________________________

              ----------------- (Cut here and keep the above for your records) -----------------
 (Please use BLUE INK when completing this form to differentiate between original and copies made.)

                                                                              Release of Liability
I, ______________ certify that I am the parent or legal guardian of the participant mentioned above. I hereby
authorize ______________________________ to participate in _________________________ I understand
that my child must obey all AHG guidelines in addition to any other guidelines associated with this activity.
Prior to the participation of my child listed above, I acknowledge that there are certain risks associated with
this activity. Furthermore, I acknowledge that there may be other inherent risks in this activity in which I am
unaware. Accordingly, I acknowledge that participation in this activity involves certain dangers and risk that
expose my child to death or serious injury.
By signing this consent and liability form, I expressly warrant that my child named above is capable of with-
standing the physical and mental demands associated with this activity. I expressly assume all risks, known or
unknown, to my child’s participation. On behalf of my child, I agree to release, waive, or disclaim any and all
liabilities of claims against, American Heritage Girls, Inc., their agents and employees of any resulting person-
ally injury from participating in this activity.
Additionally, in the event that I cannot be reached in an EMERGENCY, I hereby give my permission to the
physician selected by the person in charge to secure emergency treatment for my child as named above.
If I cannot be reached, please contact: _______________ Phone #: ________________
Relationship to girl: _________________________
Date(s) of Event(s): ____________________________________________________
Parent/Guardian Signature: _______________________________                             Date: ______________

Camp Kateri Turtle!

        Get your
     official Camp
     Kateri stuffed
                           Turtles are

       $15 each
     Personalize it with your Daughter’s
                Name for…

                   Turtles are 7 ¾” tall

       Order by                                                                  Order them online
                                                                                 when registering for
       April 30th!
                              CAMP CHIEF LITTLE TURTLE
                            CUSTOMER SATISFACTION SURVEY
                 Thank-you for completing this survey, your feedback is important to helping us improve our program.

                     Always feel free to bring immediate concerns to the attention of the Camp Leadership Team.


                                    Troop #: _______ Session: AHG Summer Camp, Camp Kateri

Please let us know who is completing this survey:

                  _______Entire Troop         ________Youth ______ Troop Leader (Name: __________________)

Did your Troop attend the Two-Week Prior Meeting?                YES       NO, because____________________

Did your unit hold a Camp Promotional Night?                     YES       NO, because____________________

CATEGORY                                      POOR      SCALE              EXCELLENT                   COMMENTS

Communication with council office             1         2        3         4        5        NA        ___________________

Quality of promotional material               1         2        3         4        5        NA        ___________________

Registration Process                          1         2        3         4        5        NA        ___________________

Camp Website (www.ccltbsa.org)                1         2        3         4        5        NA        ___________________

Council Website (www.awac.org)                1         2        3         4        5        NA        ___________________

SECTION 2: CAMP PROGRAMS POOR                                              EXCELLENT

Diversity of Program Offerings                1         2        3         4        5        NA        ___________________

Opening Campfire                              1         2        3         4        5        NA        ___________________

Aquatics                                      1         2        3         4        5        NA        ___________________

Shooting Sports                               1         2        3         4        5        NA        ___________________

Ecology                                       1         2        3         4        5        NA        ___________________

Climbing                                      1         2        3         4        5        NA        ___________________

Handicraft                                    1         2        3         4        5        NA        ___________________

Patriot Quest                                 1         2        3         4        5        NA        ___________________

COPE                                          1         2        3         4        5        NA        ___________________

Outdoor Skills                                1         2        3         4        5        NA        ___________________

Welding & Forging                             1         2        3         4        5        NA        ___________________

Evening Program                               1         2        3         4        5        NA        ___________________

SECTION 3: CAMP PERSONNEL                               POOR                        EXCELLENT

Camp Leadership                               1         2        3         4        5        NA        ___________________

Customer Service                              1         2        3         4        5        NA        ___________________

Quality of Instruction                        1         2        3         4        5        NA        ___________________

Staff Energy & Enthusiasm                     1         2        3         4        5        NA        ___________________

Please let us know if any staff members exceeded your expectations: __________________________________________


SECTION 4: FACILITIES & SERVICES POOR                                               EXCELLENT

Check-In Process                              1         2        3         4        5        NA        ___________________

Hiking Trails                                 1         2        3         4        5        NA        ___________________

Overall Maintenance                           1         2        3         4        5        NA        ___________________

Overall Cleanliness                           1         2        3         4        5        NA        ___________________

Shower House                                  1         2        3         4        5        NA        ___________________

Dining Hall Service                           1         2        3         4        5        NA        ___________________

Food Quality                                  1         2        3         4        5        NA        ___________________

Trading Post                                  1         2        3         4        5        NA        ___________________

What would you identify as Camp Kateri at CCLT's greatest strengths? _________________________________________



What would you identify as Camp Kateri at CCLT's greatest weaknesses? _______________________________________



Would you recommend Camp Kateri at CCLT's to other Troop                   YES      NO

Additional Comments: _______________________________________________________________________________



Would you like to be contacted about any issues you identified in this survey?

If yes, please provide Contact information below:

NAME: ___________________________ EMAIL: ______________________________ Phone #: ____________________

Time to contact: Mornings: _________          Afternoons: _________        Evenings: _________ Other: _________

                          Must have backpack with you at all times
                     Summer List                                                         Day Pack, Essential
                       NO electronics!                                              (with comfortable shoulders, will always carry)

•   Official AHG Uniform (If doing Flags)                                     •   First Aid Kit (small), you can make your
•   Moisture-wicking T-shirts                                                     own, always have flash light batteries and
•   Moisture-wicking underwear                                                    gloves for bleeding
                                                                              •   Sunscreen
•   Quick-drying pants/shorts (pockets!)                                      •   Bug spray, deep woods
•   Long-sleeve shirts (for sun, bugs)                                        •   Sun glasses
•   Sun-shielding hats                                                        •   Multi-tool or Pocket Knife, if certified w/
•   Swimsuits/quick dry small towel                                               totin chit (optional)
•   Biodegradable soap                                                        •   Water bottle (2 if possible)
•   Bandanas                                                                  •   Carabineers to attach items
                                                                              •   Mess kit (cup, utensils, plate) Camp spork
•   Hiking boots                                                                  (Walmart)
•   2nd pair of shoes                                                         •   Flashlight, extra bulb if that style
•   Socks (synthetic or smart wool, never cotton if possi-                    •   Hat/Buff
    ble)                                                                      •   6’ rope & Paracord bracelet (available at
•   Sleepwear (cooler at night sometimes)                                         trading post)
•   Bag for dirty clothes                                                     •   Whistle, may be on bracelet clasp
•   Water sandals                                                             •   Swimsuits/quick dry small towel
•   Fleece jacket or pullover for cool nights & hikes                         •   Gallon Ziplock bag
•   In-camp closed toe sandals only                                           •   Wallet w/ ID & Money
•   Sleeping bag/pillow/sheet (for when hot)                                  •   Rainwear (jacket and pants preferred)
                                                                                  Poncho will do but legs get wet
•   Brush/toothbrush/paste/ponytail holder
•   Sleeping pad                                                              An ideal day pack has a waiststrap to keep
•   Camp chair, tent rug by door for shoes                                    weight even and not just on shoulders.
•   May want to bring: cards, paper & pencils, book to
    read, camera in Ziplock, & Religious Material

      Troop & Leaders                                          Patriot Quest
Clipboard                                           Tarp
Alarm Clock                                         Hammock
Clothes line ( 50-100ft) and Pins                   Rope ( 50-100ft)
Lantern for latrine Light

This above list is recommended. Everything is the ideal items and not always possible. Girls are growing &
any substitutes are fine. The day pack is required because it teaches the girls personal responsibility and to be
prepared. Any backpack will do. If you need assistance gathering these items, please let us know.
Clothing is recommended one group for each day. Place each day in a sealed ziplock bag to keep dry. These
are also sold in 2 gallon size which holds more. The freezer style are sturdier.

You can also read