Early Childhood Education GD108 - Professional Experience Handbook 2020 - Guidelines for Pre-service Teachers Early Childhood Educators RMIT ...
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RMIT Classification: Trusted Early Childhood Education GD108 Professional Experience Handbook 2020 Guidelines for Pre-service Teachers Early Childhood Educators RMIT University Staff Version 2.0 1 Nash 2019-02-21
RMIT Classification: Trusted ECE GD108 Professional Experience Handbook WELCOME TO PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE AT RMIT At RMIT University we view professional experience as an essential component of our pre-service teachers learning as they begin to integrate theoretical perspectives with practice. To all those who support our professional experience programs we extend our gratitude and appreciation. We aim to provide professional partners, especially our supervising educators, with support to undertake their role effectively and in a mutually beneficial way. We seek to facilitate communication between all partners to ensure shared understandings and expectations of the program. Our ongoing partnerships with centres and schools provide invaluable opportunities for our pre-service teachers to meet the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers at the Graduate level and are fundamental to the development of the next generation of Australian teachers. STAFF CONTACT DETAILS The Professional Experience Team The professional experience team and the course coordinator are the points of contact. The professional experience team administers placements in all programs, arranges placements for pre-service teachers, liaises with centre leaders, site coordinators and supervising educators and oversees reports and record keeping. The Course Coordinator will address specific questions about academic expectations of placement, including pre-service teacher practice or progress and may also direct these to the Program Manager. Contact details: Claudia Johnstone & Sharon Murphy Professional Experience Early Childhood education.placements@rmit.edu.au Julie Carmel Program Manger julie.carmel@rmit.edu.au Melanie Nash Academic Director, Professional Experience melanie.nash@rmit.edu.au CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK FOR ECE SERVICE - BASED PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCES RMIT’s Early childhood education programmes are based on an inquiry approach to education that views teaching as a holistic, multidimensional, complex, dynamic, disciplined and an ethical activity. We aim to prepare caring, knowledgeable and critically reflexive beginning teachers who are committed to ongoing engagement in their lifelong learning. The ultimate aim is a research informed, adaptive expert who understands what it means to work within and across communities of educators who, as professionals, are focused on continuous improvement and who are committed to provide meaningful learning experiences, which optimise achievement for all parties involved. Version 2.0 4 Nash 2020-02-21
RMIT Classification: Trusted ECE GD108 Professional Experience Handbook WHAT DO WE WANT PRE-SERVICE TEACHERS TO ACHIEVE FROM THEIR ECE PROFESSIONAL PLACEMENT EXPERIENCES? ECE professional placement experiences are crucial to the design and delivery of teacher education programmes at the School of Education, RMIT. This view is articulated by people within the school, by professional partners in services, early childhood services and by other stakeholders including pre-service teachers and the Education Department. Commitment to the professional experience is demonstrated through the excellent systems built on a manifesto of extensive experiences, rigorous critique and sustained credibility. Continued improvement in ECE service-based professional experiences for all pre-service teachers depends on a sound conceptual framework. In placing our pre-service teachers in ECE services experiences throughout their early childhood programme, they will be provided with the opportunity to be mentored within quality, authentic early childhood communities where they can observe and experience the complexities of the teaching profession. These experiences will enable pre-service teachers to: • Have opportunities to develop professional relationships; • Continue to develop content and pedagogical knowledge; • Have ample opportunities to practice theory and theorise practice; • Experience the implementation of EYLF / VEYLDF; • Work independently and collaboratively to create appropriate experiences for learners; • Develop effective pedagogical strategies; • Understand and experience teaching as inquiry; • Develop multicultural competencies; • Develop personal professional qualities; • Use all experiences as a basis for reflection and the development of a personal philosophy. These broad competencies should be considered in conjunction with the specific evaluative criteria for each professional experience and the DET/ VIT “Standards for the teaching profession”. PRE-SERVICE TEACHERS AS MEMBERS OF ECE STAFF Pre-service teachers on professional experience are effectively members of the ECE service staff. They are professionally responsible to the Director / Centre Manager, subject to the same regulations and sharing the same professional commitments as other staff members, where this is appropriate. However, pre-service teachers must not be used as part of the staffing ratio at any time of the day or in the case of staff sickness. They may accompany children as part of the adult ratio for outings, but they must be in the company of a trained adult. It is strongly advised that pre-service teachers do not continue outside paid employment during their professional experience. Professional experience is a full-time responsibility. Requirements cannot be altered to accommodate paid employment. Version 2.0 5 Nash 2020-02-21
RMIT Classification: Trusted ECE GD108 Professional Experience Handbook PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE OUTLINE Each professional experience (placement) is tied to a specific course, and pre-service teachers must ‘pass’ each placement to pass each course, which involves summative feedback from your supervising educator and meeting all expectations around attendance and the RMIT Student Charter. Coursework and assessments are designed to prepare pre-service teachers for the related placement component. Separate descriptions of each professional experience course will be provided by RMIT. Requirements cannot be altered to accommodate paid employment. Pre- service teachers are required to: • Take responsibility for checking your RMIT email account daily and responding to in a timely manner to staff requests. • Recognise opportunities for and facilitate meaningful play experiences through observations. • Engage in sustained, genuine dialogues with infant, toddlers and young children that respond appropriately to their needs and interests. • Use developing understandings of infant, toddler and child learning and development to inform planning and teaching decisions. • Use EYLF or VEYLDE to guide planning and pedagogy. • Utilise both formative and summative methods of assessment, which focus on individual children. These should relate directly to the EYLF / VELDF. • Develop an ‘insights’ section in your folder. This may relate to teaching approaches, curriculum, classroom organisation and management, administration and useful resources. • Keep all records in a ring binder with the various sections clearly organised. Setting professional goals During their work in university courses, pre-service teachers have been involved in identifying professional goals. During this professional experience block, they are to work towards achieving a specific professional development goal that they have identified. Pre-service teachers should use the professional experience assessment criteria to identify the competencies they feel they need practice in and then choose a specific goal to focus on. The goal chosen should be directly related to the pre-service teachers’ own needs or strengths. The pre-service teachers’ task is to: • Discuss their professional goal and practical ways to work on this, with their mentor teacher. • Ask their mentor teacher to provide specific written and verbal feedback on the goal. • Reflect on the written and verbal feedback from their mentor teacher. Over the duration of the professional experience, it is envisaged that the pre-service teacher will develop new goals and refine others as progress is made. Pre-service teachers should continue to set professional goals and seek feedback throughout their professional experience. Version 2.0 6 Nash 2020-02-21
RMIT Classification: Trusted ECE GD108 Professional Experience Handbook PRIOR TO PLACEMENT - CHECKLIST ● Ensure you have obtained a Working with Children Check and uploaded to RMIT InPlace. ● Ensure you have completed and signed the RMIT WIL Agreement and uploaded to RMIT InPlace. ● Where possible, arrange a time to visit the EC setting prior to placement to meet your supervising educator, and identify the room you will be placed in. ● Advice the PX team of any self-select placements you have confirmed. ● Advise the PX team and update online at MyRMIT any changes to your contact information, residential address and enrolment information. ● Advise the PX team of any potential conflict of interest. You should not undertake professional experience at a setting that you work (or worked in) that employs close family members or people with whom you have a close relationship, or where your children or siblings attend or have a financial interest in. ● Accommodate your placement with other work and family commitments. ● Prior to placement, contact the centre site-coordinator to confirm your daily starting and finishing times. It is reasonable to expect to be at the preschool/centre for 8 - 9 hours per day, including all breaks. AT THE END OF PLACEMENT ● Arrange a time to discuss your Professional Experience Report with your supervising teacher, have this signed and take a copy to scan. You will need to upload your report to Canvas & InPlace. ● Collect your Confidential Emergency Contact Form from the site-coordinator. ● Return any educational resources borrowed from the EC setting. Working with Children Check The Victorian Government’s Department of Justice requires anyone working or volunteering with children to meet a minimum-checking standard. The Working with Children Check (WWCC) helps to protect children from sexual or physical harm by checking a person's criminal history for serious sexual, violence or drug offences and findings from professional disciplinary bodies. Information about the WWCC is available at http://www.workingwithchildren.vic.gov.au. All pre-service teachers must have a current WWCC and upload this to InPlace prior to the commencement of their first placement. Pre-service teachers must also show their WWCC to each placement school / centre they attend on the first day of placement. WWCC applications must be completed online and then lodged in person at an Australia Post Office. Application information is available at http://www.workingwithchildren.vic.gov.au. As a volunteer, pre-service teachers do not need to pay for the WWCC. Please see your Professional Experience Canvas site for organisation details needed on the application form. If you already have a current WWCC (volunteer or Employee), you should update your details online to include the RMIT School of Education. Version 2.0 7 Nash 2020-02-21
RMIT Classification: Trusted ECE GD108 Professional Experience Handbook CODE OF ETHICS Pre-service teachers must always be aware of and uphold all aspects of the Early Childhood code of ethics. Attached is a link to the EC code of ethics http://www.earlychildhoodaustralia.org.au/our-publications/eca-code-ethics WORK INTEGRATED LEARNING AGREEMENT You must complete the Work Integrated Learning (WIL) agreement in accordance with RMIT University policy, and upload it onto RMIT InPlace. (Appendix pg. 32) EMERGENCY INFORMATION FORM Pre-service teachers must complete an Emergency Information Form on the Professional Experience (PX) course Canvas site. This form provides vital information to school/centre and emergency response staff in the event of an emergency during placement. Please complete the form, place in an envelope and hand to the site coordinator on your first day of placement at each centre. At the end of each placement, collect your Emergency Information form. If your details change, please complete a new form. In addition to completing the Emergency Information Form, pre-service teachers are advised to disclose to their placement setting any medical condition that may impact on their own safety or the safety of others. (Appendix pg. 31) ATTENDANCE Attendance is crucial to the successful completion of the Program and Teacher registration. Pre-service teachers are expected to attend their placements at the PX scheduled dates and at the times directed by the centre. Pre-teachers must attend a minimum of 7 hrs. per day, not including lunch breaks and cannot combine or average hours over a period of days to meet this daily requirement. Pre-service teachers are expected to be punctual and to observe the same hours of attendance as the educators at the school/centre in which they are placed. When illness or emergencies prevent attendance at a school/centre, pre-service teachers must telephone the director/site coordinator or nominated staff member and their supervising educator before the day commences. Pre-service teachers must satisfactorily complete all placement days as specified in the PX course outline. Absences during a placement must be made up before the end of semester at times negotiated between the pre-service teacher and supervising educator. A medical certificate or other appropriate documentation should be provided to the site coordinator and the professional experience office for any absence of 2 days or more along with written advice of the agreed make up days. Version 2.0 8 Nash 2020-02-21
RMIT Classification: Trusted ECE GD108 Professional Experience Handbook The program manager must approve any significant changes to a pre-service teacher’s placement schedule in writing. In the event of industrial action by school/centre staff including the supervising educator, the pre-service teacher should withdraw from the school/centre for the duration of the action and notify the professional experience office. A pre-service teacher should never assume the duties of a teacher participating in the action. Absences related to prolonged industrial action should be discussed with the professional experience office. PROFESSIONAL CONDUCT Pre-service teachers are guests in schools/centres and their behaviour may affect opportunities for future pre-service teachers. Pre-service teachers are expected to be punctual, maintain professional communication (oral, written and electronic) with supervising educators and peers and to demonstrate a capacity to work collaboratively and display attitudes that support professional behaviour. Courteous staff room and car park usage, contribution to coffee funds and care with equipment and resources are further examples of sensible and appropriate conduct. Inappropriate remarks (verbal and written) regarding children, staff and schools/centres must be avoided under all circumstances. Pre-service teachers should strictly avoid giving personal details to children. Physical contact with the intention to punish, discipline or restrain children, or contact which could be misinterpreted as of a sexual nature should be strictly avoided. Pre-service teachers must not take photographs of children or centre staff. Pre-service teachers should also be aware of: Victorian Teaching Profession Code of Conduct: http://www.vit.vic.edu.au/conduct/victorian-teaching-profession-code-of- conduct/Pages/default.aspx Early Childhood Australia Code of Ethics: http://www.earlychildhoodaustralia.org.au/our-publications/eca-code-ethics SOCIAL MEDIA Expectations about pre-service teacher professional behaviour extend to use of social media where there may be a connection to your work or studies. Pre-service teachers should consider their conduct in public forums outside the school such as Instagram, Facebook, YouTube and Twitter, which are easily accessed by children and school students. Pre-service teachers are advised to ensure they are not represented inappropriately in social media and that private domains are used for personal interactions using this media. Version 2.0 9 Nash 2020-02-21
RMIT Classification: Trusted ECE GD108 Professional Experience Handbook Under no circumstances can pre-service teachers many any comment about a centre; its staff, children or families; in social media. PROFESSIONAL DRESS Pre-service teachers are expected to dress appropriately and present themselves in a professional manner. ECE services may have dress codes that exclude, for example, jeans, thongs, body piercing ornaments, to which pre-service teachers are expected to adhere. FAMILIARITY WITH CENTRE POLICIES Pre-service teachers should ensure that they are familiar with the service’s policies and practices for managing children’s behaviour and for health and safety issues, including playground accidents. Pre-service teachers should contribute to the cost of photocopying for personal use, if asked to do so. Pre-service teachers need to be clear about the use of and safe practices for digital devices, including phones. ● Mobile phones should be turned off during teaching periods and only accessed during teaching breaks for personal communications. ASSESSMENT Regularly discuss your teaching performance with your supervising educator and keep a record of any feedback in your Professional Experience folder. You have a responsibility to seek feedback on your performance. If you are unclear about the feedback, clarify with your supervising educator in a professional and courteous manner. Discuss issues and concerns with your supervising educator and with the site coordinator and make all reasonable attempts to find solutions to problems. There should be no surprises when you receive your End of Placement report. Each professional experience course will have accompanying assessment tasks that may require you to conduct specific data collection during the professional practice experience, these are detailed in your course guides on Canvas and you must ensure that you have a clear understanding of what is required. EXPERIENCING DIFFICULTIES OR WITHDRAWING FROM A PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE PLACEMENT Any serious problems in a professional experience (PX) need to be addressed quickly to ensure the interests of all stakeholders are maintained. If pre-service teachers or supervising educators experience difficulties of any nature during a placement, the issues should be discussed with the site coordinator and reported to the professional experience office as soon as possible. In many cases, the professional experience team can assist with strategies to resolve issues or help to negotiate appropriate modifications. If the issues cannot be dealt with at the centre/pre-school level, the Program Manager should be contacted. Pre-service teachers may also like to meet with an RMIT Student Counsellor for a confidential discussion of resources, adjustments and services to support learning. Version 2.0 10 Nash 2020-02-21
RMIT Classification: Trusted ECE GD108 Professional Experience Handbook If a Pre-service teacher fails to attend their scheduled placement or who withdraw from a placement without approval from the Program Manager, this will be deemed a termination of placement and will be recorded as a fail, unless there are extenuating circumstances. The pre-service teacher will be identified as at risk of failing to maintain satisfactory progress and managed according to Assessment and assessment flexibility policy. STUDENT CONFIDENTIALITY AND AUTHORISATION Confidentiality of school/centre and children’s information must always be maintained. References to specific children and schools/centres should be deleted when reproducing examples and case studies. Collection of children’s work for sample illustration must be authorised by the supervising educator and, where possible, the parent. Children may only be photographed, audio or videotaped with prior parental/ legal guardian permission; any video or images of children are the property of the Centre and are not to be removed from the premises. TAKING RESOURCES AND STUDENT WORK FROM SCHOOLS / CENTRES Any books or resources borrowed from schools/centres during the placement must be done so with permission from the school/centre and returned before the end of the placement. Any costs related to loss or damage of school/centre property use is the pre-service teacher’s responsibility. Electronic resources remain the property of each school/centre and can only be downloaded with school/centre permission. Commitments to assess children's work must also be discharged and any work returned before the end of the placement. Course results may be withheld pending return of resources or children’s work to the school/ centre. ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES ROLE OF THE PRESCHOOL/CENTRE LEADER NOMINATE ● Please email a signed copy of the End of Placement report, attendance sheet and the tax invoice to the PX team Education.placements@rmit.edu.au. ● Ensure the pre-service teacher also receives a copy of the End of Placement report. ROLE OF THE MENTOR During the professional experience the mentor teacher is the main source of professional support and guidance for the pre-service teacher. The mentor teacher: • Is a consistent, positive teacher role model, with sound knowledge of curriculum and effective teaching practice • Communicates effectively about the service requirements and the pre-service teachers’ responsibilities Version 2.0 11 Nash 2020-02-21
RMIT Classification: Trusted ECE GD108 Professional Experience Handbook • Gives quality feedback, positive and negative, written and verbal in a professional manner to the pre- service teacher and evaluative lecturers. • Provides regular feedback to pre-service teachers on their progress and offers support when needed • Facilitates open and honest communication in which the pre-service teacher feels they can trust and be trusted • Challenges pre-service teachers to critically analyse their practice and encourages them to seek solutions to the problems and challenges of situations/ issues as they arise • Encourages discussions about teaching pedagogy and associated theories and philosophies. • Explain your expectations to the pre-service teacher including start and finish times, break times, dress code, mobile phone policy, car parking and attendance at meetings. • Collect the confidential Emergency Contact form and course information from the pre-service teacher. • Familiarise the pre-service teacher with the organisation of the centre, including daily organisation, management structure, meeting and other schedules. • Ensure the pre-service teacher is informed of Work Safety regulations, especially emergency procedures. • If the centre has a planned excursion, the pre-service teacher can attend but cannot supervise any children or be considered as part of staffing ratios. The process of developing pre-service teachers is the responsibility of both the University and the mentor teacher, together. There are some aspects of a pre-service teachers’ development that can be initiated at university but can only be developed in the context of professional experience. Some examples are observation and assessment processes in order to respond appropriately to the learning interests and needs of infants, toddlers and young children, and implementing both planned and spontaneous pedagogical experiences based on these insights. Please do not expect your pre-service teacher to be a fully-fledged teacher. It is important that if problems arise during the placement, or you are not satisfied with the pre-service teacher’s progress that you discuss these concerns with the course coordinator and/or the Program Manager. If your concerns persist or if you feel the pre-service teacher’s progress is unsatisfactory, the Course Coordinator or Program Manager will arrange an RMIT University staff visit to support you and the pre- service teacher. The pre-service teacher should be made aware that they are at risk of failing the placement and be given enough time to improve their performance. ROLE OF THE VISITING RMIT UNIVERSITY STAFF MEMBER An RMIT staff member will contact the pre-service teacher, during their placement to provide support and feedback. This contact is an opportunity for pre-service teachers, supervising educators and site coordinators to discuss the pre-service teacher’s progress, which may result in additional communication. The staff member will contact the pre-service teacher at the preschool/centre before making a visit. Version 2.0 12 Nash 2020-02-21
RMIT Classification: Trusted ECE GD108 Professional Experience Handbook PROTOCOLS FOR SUPPORTING PRE-SERVICE TEACHER PROGRESS Pre-service teachers should meet with their supervising educators to discuss their teaching performance regularly throughout placement. If either the supervising educator or pre-service teacher has concerns about the placement, an Expression of Concern Form (Appendix pg. 22 & 29 respectively) should be completed and sent to the PX Office, so that further action, such as a visit by an RMIT staff member can be taken. Interim Report At the mid-point of placement, pre-service teachers should schedule a discussion with their mentor to review their initial progress and in order to complete the interim report form. It is the pre-service teacher’s responsibility to ensure this conversation takes place. A copy of the completed form, signed by the mentor, should be sent to the PX office if two or more areas are identified as ‘Unsatisfactory’. The PX office will arrange for an RMIT staff member to visit to discuss progress. A copy should also be given to the pre-service teacher to place in their Professional Experience Folder (Appendix, pg. 23). End of Placement Report At the end of placement pre-service teachers must receive a completed end of placement report (sent separately alongside handbook for each course) from the supervising mentor. The report needs to be discussed and signed by both the mentors and pre-service teacher. The overall assessment needs to be satisfactory, to complete the placement. A copy of the signed completed form needs to be given to the pre- service teacher so that they can uploaded it to the appropriate course canvas site and InPlace. UNSATISFACTORY PERFORMANCE While most pre-service teachers will have highly rewarding and successful Professional Experience, some may find it a challenge. Site coordinators and supervising educators should discuss and document concerns with pre-service teachers, so they can make every effort to take advice on board, address areas of concern and improve performance. Concerns may arise at any time during the placement and may not become apparent until after the mid-point of the placement. When the Program Manager receives notification of concerns, they will liaise with the site coordinator and Program Managers to implement support strategies. On occasion, the site coordinator or mentor will judge performance as unsatisfactory. When a pre-service teacher receives an unsatisfactory result for their placement, they will fail the course and be identified as ‘At Risk’ in accordance with the Assessment and assessment flexibility policy. The pre- service teacher will be asked to attend an ‘At Risk’ meeting with an academic advisor after the release of result, to discuss repeating the relevant course. Pre-service teachers need to be advised however that this will substantially add to the duration of the program, as re-enrolment in the course in subsequent semesters will need to occur. Version 2.0 13 Nash 2020-02-21
RMIT Classification: Trusted ECE GD108 Professional Experience Handbook DELAYED OR DEFERRED PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Pre-service teachers must complete the number of placement days specified for the course in the semester of enrolment. If days are missed due to illness, bereavement or public holidays, days must be made up at the discretion of the preschool/centre within the Semester of course enrolment. However, make up days cannot be scheduled where they conflict with RMIT University classes. Failure to complete the number of days or minimum teaching time within the semester of enrolment will result in a fail grade. Pre-service teachers who cannot complete the specified requirements of a course by the due date, including scheduled placement days for extenuating circumstances (e.g. illness or injury), must submit either an Application for Extension of Time form or apply for Special Consideration. https://www.rmit.edu.au/students/student-essentials/assessment-and-exams/assessment/special- consideration On occasion, pre-service teachers face serious difficulties that mean that they, or teaching staff, consider that they are unable or unprepared to undertake their placement at the usual time. Examples of such situations are: ● Where a pre-service teacher has a mental or physical illness, which severely limits their capacities for a time-limited period. ● Where a pre-service teacher has been selected for the program and subsequently found to need further support in communication/language skills. ● Where pre-service teachers have not completed the required academic work (or briefing sessions) prior to the beginning of placement. If pre-service teachers consider they are in such a situation, they should in the first instance, consider enrolling in the relevant course in a different semester and in the case of mental or physical illness, approach the Equitable Learning Service for advice. TERMINATION OF PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE When on Professional Experience we expect all pre-service teachers to act professionally. A placement may be terminated at the discretion of the Preschool or Centre Director or site coordinator where that conduct contravenes the Student conduct policy. For example, if you: ● Behave in a manner that is indecent or offensive to the extent that it is likely to make any others feel unsafe in the RMIT learning and working environment. ● Harass, intimidates or bullies any person (or attempts to). ● Wilfully, recklessly or negligently engages in a course of action that causes or may cause physical or psychological harm or arouses apprehension or fear, either directly or indirectly, physically, verbally, electronically or by any other means. ● Engage in any other conduct, whether within or outside RMIT premises, that may be prejudicial to the good order and discipline of RMIT or is likely to bring RMIT into disrepute. Version 2.0 14 Nash 2020-02-21
RMIT Classification: Trusted ECE GD108 Professional Experience Handbook For the complete Student conduct policy: www.rmit.edu.au/about/governance-and- management/governance/policies/student-conduct-policy General misconduct will be forwarded to a senior officer in the School of Education. General misconduct and academic misconduct may result in expulsion or suspension from the program. If you make a unilateral decision to terminate your placement without having completed the mandated total teaching days, or without consulting the PX Team, you will fail the Professional Experience Course you are enrolled in. You will be identified as "At Risk" as per the Assessment and assessment flexibility policy. If a placement is terminated at an early stage, the Program Manager will carefully review the situation and the learning needs of the pre-service teacher and make recommendations about: ● Opportunity to repeat the placement. ● Special requirements in relation to placement. ● Requirements in relation to course enrolment policy. ● Nature of the learning environment, and appropriate work. ● Pass on this information to the site coordinator. UNRESOLVED CONCERNS Very occasionally, pre-service teachers may have issues or concerns about their Professional Experience. Where issues between a pre-service teacher and mentor cannot be resolved the first course of action is to discuss the concerns or issues with the site coordinator. If this fails to resolve the issue, the pre-service teacher should contact the Program Manager and provide an explanation of the issue in writing using Expression of Concern Form (see Forms Section of handbook). This may prompt a visit by an RMIT staff member to provide additional support. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE POLICIES PLACEMENT POLICY All pre-service teachers undertake placement in a registered preschool or centre. Pre-service teachers undertake placement according to the following guidelines: 1. Pre-service teachers do not undertake placement in a preschool/centre they are employed at (or have been employed at). 2. Pre-service teachers do not undertake placement in a preschool/centre their children attend. 3. Pre-service teachers do not undertake placement in a preschool/centre at which a relative is employed. Version 2.0 15 Nash 2020-02-21
RMIT Classification: Trusted ECE GD108 Professional Experience Handbook 4. Pre-service teachers cannot arrange for their children to be placed in the same preschool/centre as themselves during their placement. 5. Placement dates are set in advance and absences for work or other commitments are not permitted. 6. Pre-service teachers cannot be paid whilst on placement. Special needs or circumstances are considered when arranging placements. However, special arrangements must meet course requirements and contribute to the pre-service teacher’s successful development as an educator or practitioner capable of participating fully in the responsibilities of the profession. https://www.rmit.edu.au/study-with-us/applying-to-rmit/local-student-applications/entry- requirements/inherent-requirements/education-teaching OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY HEALTH PRECAUTIONS Pre-service teachers are advised to take the following protective measures regarding their own health while on placement: ● Ensure immunisation against Whooping Cough, Chicken Pox, Hepatitis, Measles, Poliomyelitis, Diphtheria, Tetanus and Rubella are up to date ● Ensure that you are physically healthy during placement. ● Take particular care with personal hygiene while on placement. PRESCHOOL/CENTRE OHS INDUCTION Pre-service teachers should ensure that they are aware of: ● Occupational health and safety procedures in the preschool/centre and on relevant excursions and camps. ● Accident, first aid and emergency procedures and responsible staff. ● Policies relating to allergies and anaphylactic shock. ● Staff and children duty of care, welfare and discipline policies. ● Privacy legislation requirements. ● Professional expectations of student teachers. ● Policies regarding daily arrival and departure, leaving the preschool/centre during working hours and authorised access outside normal working hours. Pre-service teachers should actively seek this information if it is not provided. In the event of a medical emergency, pre-service teachers should offer emergency first aid commensurate with their first aid qualifications and experience and/or contact an ambulance or medical assistance immediately. All Occupational Health and Safety incidents in which pre-service teachers are involved should be reported to the preschool/centre and the RMIT University PX Office. Version 2.0 16 Nash 2020-02-21
RMIT Classification: Trusted ECE GD108 Professional Experience Handbook The process steps if an accident or incident occurs during a WIL activity are: • Manage Incident • Manage Accident All accidents and incidents should be reported in PRIME and in InPlace. DISCRIMINATION, SEXUAL HARASSMENT AND BULLYING Discrimination, sexual harassment and bullying are unlawful in all work and education environments. If a pre- service teacher feels they have been discriminated against, sexually harassed or bullied by someone employed by a preschool or organisation at which they are on placement or by a student or client of the placement organisation, the University’s Discrimination, Sexual Harassment and Bullying Prevention Advisers can provide support and advice. Similarly, if a staff member or child at a placement claims that they have been discriminated against, sexually harassed or bullied by a pre-service teacher, RMIT University can provide assistance. At RMIT, we are committed to providing a respectful and safe place to study and work. If you are feeling unsafe or unsure what to do about threatening or unwanted behaviour, you can talk to us about your concerns and options -even if the behaviour happened off campus. If you or someone you know has experienced unwanted or threatening behaviour -including sexual harassment or assault, please contact Safer Community at RMIT https://www.rmit.edu.au/students/support-and-facilities/student-support/safer-community INSURANCE COVER Pre-service teachers are covered by the RMIT University's Student Accident insurance policies whilst they are participating in and travelling directly to or from authorised placements. Pre-service teachers who are not officially enrolled in a placement subject are not covered by the university’s policy. For further information, please see: https://www.rmit.edu.au/students/student-essentials/work-integrated-learning/important-requirements- and-details. Pre-service teachers are not eligible for Work-cover because they are not employees of the arrangement exists independently of the pre-service teacher program of study. PRE-SERVICE TEACHERS LIABILITY Pre-service teachers should not be left in sole charge of children or classes and should not take over the roles of supervising educators who are absent. This includes non-teaching activities such as excursions. The legal Version 2.0 17 Nash 2020-02-21
RMIT Classification: Trusted ECE GD108 Professional Experience Handbook responsibility for a class or group of children being taught by a pre-service teacher rests with the supervising educator. Similarly, pre-service teachers should not represent themselves as fully qualified teachers under any circumstances. IMMEDIATE ASSISTANCE AT RMIT If you or others require immediate assistance relating to mental wellbeing, such as overwhelming stress or thoughts of harming yourself or others call: RMIT Connect (business hours) Telephone 9925 5000 RMIT student Crisis Line (after hours) Telephone 1300 305 737 Text 0488 884 16 Version 2.0 18 Nash 2020-02-21
RMIT Classification: Trusted ECE GD108 Professional Experience Handbook Appendix - RMIT Forms Version 2.0 19 Nash 2020-02-21
RMIT Classification: Trusted ECE GD108 Professional Experience Handbook PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE ACCEPTANCE FORM Please ensure you have three copies of the Professional Experience Acceptance Form Original Copy: Scanned and returned to RMIT Student Professional Experience Office. Copy #1: Retained by the pre-service teacher. Copy #2: Retained by the EC Education Setting RMIT Student to complete this section Program Title: Course Code: Course Name: Placement Dates: / / to / / RMIT Student to complete this section Name: RMIT Email Address: Telephone Number: Student ID#: I am aware and accept the requirements outlined in this Professional Experience Program. I have read the relevant Professional Experience Program Handbook in relation to Professional Code of Conduct, Policies, and Assessment. RMIT Student Signature: ______________________________________Date: _____/____/____ Educational setting to complete this section. Setting name: Address: Postcode: Telephone #: Email: Name of Centre Director/Coordinator/Manager: Mentor to complete this section: Details of Mentor directly responsible for mentoring and supervising the Pre-Service teacher. Name: Contact Number/ Email Address: Declaration: I confirm that _____[Education Setting Name]___________________________ agrees to offer a place in your establishment for this RMIT Student for a Professional Experience Placement between the dates of: _____/______/______ to ______/______/_____. Signature: Date: Version 2.0 20 Nash 2020-02-21
RMIT Classification: Trusted ECE GD108 Professional Experience Handbook PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE ATTENDANCE DIARY If Pre-Service Teacher is absent for any reason, please do not sign for that that day, but write absent. RMIT Early Childhood Student to Complete Course Name: Course Code: TCHE Student Name: Student Number: Name of Educational Setting: Date of Attendance Total Hours per day Mentor’s Signature Attendance (minimum 7 hours Morning session Afternoon to lunch break Session /day excluding lunch Start Finish Start Finish break Example 9:30 12:30 1:00 5:00 7 A N Other 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Note: Pre- Service Teachers should be in attendance for 7 hours per day. If in a sessional preschool where this is not possible, extra days will need to be added to make up hours. Please attach this form with the Professional Experience Assessment Report. Version 2.0 21 Nash 2020-02-21
RMIT Classification: Trusted ECE GD108 Professional Experience Handbook STUDENTS AT RISK - SUPERVISING EDUCATOR EXPRESSION OF CONCERN FORM This form should be returned to the professional experience team prior to a pre-service teacher being assessed as Unsatisfactory on the End of Placement Report. Pre-service teacher: Pre-service teacher RMIT student No: Early Childhood Setting: Program Code: Supervising Educator: Age range of children: Supervising Educator Email: Supervising Educator /Centre Ph.: Concerns: Progress Unsatisfactory ☐ Visit from RMIT staff member required ☐ Name: Signature: Date: Please return form to PX Office: education.placements@rmit.edu.au Version 2.0 22 Nash 2020-02-21
RMIT Classification: Trusted ECE GD108 Professional Experience Handbook PLACEMENT TERMINATION FORM Placement termination form: For use by Pre- service teacher or Centre Pre-service teacher: Pre-service teacher RMIT Student No: Early Childhood Setting: Program Code: Supervising Educator: Age range of children: Supervising Educator Email: Supervising Educator / Centre Ph.: Reason for terminating the Placement: Has the issue been raised prior to termination of placement? If so, please provide details e.g. who with, when, actions taken. Has the issue been raised or discussed with the Course Coordinator? If so, please provide details e.g. when, outcome of discussion. Name: Signature: Date: Please return form to Professional Practice Office: education.placements@rmit.edu.au Version 2.0 23 Nash 2020-02-21
RMIT Classification: Trusted ECE GD108 Professional Experience Handbook INTERIM REPORT This form should be completed at the mid-point of placement. If 2 or more fields are identified as Unsatisfactory (US) the form MUST be sent to the PX Office, so that support mechanisms can be put in place. This may include a visit by an RMIT staff member. Please indicate your opinion of the pre-service teacher’s progress so far and where appropriate provide the student with improvement strategies. Pre-Service Teacher Date School Grade Supervising Teacher No. of Days in School Pre-service teacher to complete: RMIT Student ID Program Year-Level Home Campus Course Code Use the following codes to indicate progress: Satisfactory – S; Unsatisfactory - US Personal/Professional Qualities Progress Action Required Attendance Reliability & punctuality Preparation & organisation Eagerness to learn & improve Ability to fulfil common professional duties Additional Comments Supervising Teacher signature: Date: Pre-service Teacher signature: Date: Version 2.0 24 Nash 2020-02-21
RMIT Classification: Trusted ECE GD108 Professional Experience Handbook EXAMPLE OF A PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE REPORT This is an example of a professional experience from, each placement has its own report and this can be found on the PX website https://sites.rmit.edu.au/educationplacements Pre-service teacher Name Dates of From ____/_____/____ Professional Experience To ____/_____/____ Pre-service teacher RMIT Children’s’ Age Student No. S range Early Childhood Setting No. of Days at Placement Mentor Name Mentor Contact details WORK EFFECTIVELY WITH CHILDREN EVALUATION Developing Achieved Excelling Key Indicators ☐ ☐ ☐ 1. Forms effective relationships with children in their care. 2. Uses appropriate language and body language to communicate with children in each developmental stage. SUPPORTING COMMENTS: WORK TOGETHER WITH CHILDREN AND FAMILIES TO PROVIDE AN EFFECTIVE EVALUATION PROGRAM Developing Achieved Excelling Key Indicators ☐ ☐ ☐ 1. Communicates with children and their families in an open manner in agreement with centre policy. 2. Demonstrates an awareness of children’s social and emotional needs. SUPPORTING COMMENTS: DESIGN APPROPRIATE EXPERIENCES BASED ON AN UNDERSTANDING OF CHILDREN’S EVALUATION DEVELOPMENTAL STAGES Developing Achieved Excelling Key Indicators ☐ ☐ ☐ 1. Evidence of theoretical knowledge underpinning developmental observations, interpretations and design of experiences. Version 2.0 25 Nash 2020-02-21
RMIT Classification: Trusted ECE GD108 Professional Experience Handbook SUPPORTING COMMENTS: DESIGN AND IMPLEMENT WEEKLY AND DAILY SCHEDULING FOR INFANTS OR EVALUATION TODDLERS OR PRE-SCHOOL CHILDREN THAT PROMOTE THEIR WELLBEING Developing Achieved Excelling Key Indicators ☐ ☐ ☐ 1. Evidence of thoughtful planning of daily events to promote agency, levels of choice and wellbeing of children in their care. 3. Plans for children’s needs by listening to children. SUPPORTING COMMENTS: IMPLEMENT A PLAY CURRICULUM FOR THE CHILDREN EVALUATION Developing Achieved Excelling Key Indicators ☐ ☐ ☐ 1. Produces a range of ideas to incorporate play into the current learning environment. SUPPORTING COMMENTS: EVALUATE AND REFLECT ON IMPLEMENTED EXPERIENCES EVALUATION Developing Achieved Excelling Key Indicators ☐ ☐ ☐ 1. Evidence of thoughtful reflection and evaluation on implemented experiences, linking to theoretical understandings when appropriate. SUPPORTING COMMENTS: APPLY KNOWLEDGE OF IMPORTANCE OF CHILDREN’S MUSICAL ABILITIES TO SUPPORT EVALUATION PEDAGOGICAL PRACTICE Developing Achieved Excelling Key Indicators ☐ ☐ ☐ 1. Design age and level appropriate musical activities. For example: singing at spontaneous or planned moments with individual children, or helping children move in response to music such as rocking, bouncing or clapping. 2. Pedagogical practice incorporates musical activities that are based on appropriate theoretical knowledge. For example: scaffolding by singing a song related to the children’s activity or facilitating wellbeing by using music to calm or move. SUPPORTING COMMENTS: Version 2.0 26 Nash 2020-02-21
RMIT Classification: Trusted ECE GD108 Professional Experience Handbook IDENTIFY AND EVALUATE A RANGE OF STRATEGIES TO SUPPORT EXPRESSIVE ACTIVITIES EVALUATION FOR CHILDREN Developing Achieved Excelling Key Indicators ☐ ☐ ☐ 1. Uses a range of teaching strategies when preparing art experiences for children Example: introducing children to materials such as crayons, paintbrushes, paper, dough, or exploring visual images, colour, light and shadow. 2. Listens to children and plan for participatory learning. Example: activities that allow the child to explore what materials can do. SUPPORTING COMMENTS: USE EFFECTIVE SKILLS TO ENCOURAGE ENTHUSIASM FOR BOOKS IN AN EARLY EVALUATION CHILDHOOD CONTEXT Developing Achieved Excelling Key Indicators ☐ ☐ ☐ 1. Uses skills such as; voice, singing, movement, instruments, stories, pictures, books, puppets, props and play areas to encourage awareness and interest in books. SUPPORTING COMMENTS: CRITICALLY REFLECTS ON THE IMPORTANCE OF PHYSICAL ACTIVITY FOR THE SENSORY EVALUATION MOTOR CHILD AND PLANS ACCORDINGLY Developing Achieved Excelling Key Indicators ☐ ☐ ☐ 1. Produces reflections on current use of outdoor space. 2. Suggests ideas to implement an outdoor program to promote physical development and a relationship with the natural world. Example: Assist children to observe and experience nature, set up equipment appropriately for the development of the child SUPPORTING COMMENTS: : PLAN AND IMPLEMENT ENJOYABLE ROUTINES THAT PROMOTE RELATIONSHIPS WITH EVALUATION YOUNG CHILDREN. Developing Achieved Excelling Key Indicators ☐ ☐ ☐ 1. Able to plan and implement appropriate scaffolded enjoyable experiences during necessary routine events. Example: engage in discussion or song during routines, support child to participate in routines, respect the child’s opinion when appropriate. SUPPORTING COMMENTS: Version 2.0 27 Nash 2020-02-21
RMIT Classification: Trusted ECE GD108 Professional Experience Handbook OVERALL RATING: What is your overall assessment of this pre-service teacher? Please mark the appropriate box Has passed the placement ☐ Has failed the placement ☐ GENERAL COMMENTS: Strengths Areas that need improvement Pre-Service Teacher Signature _____________________________________________ Date___________ Supervising Teacher Signature ______________________________________________ Date___________ Please provide A COPY OF THIS COMPLETED REPORT to the Pre-Service Teacher Please so that they can upload to InPlace and the course canvas website. Version 2.0 28 Nash 2020-02-21
RMIT Classification: Trusted ECE GD108 Professional Experience Handbook PRE-SERVICE TEACHER EXPRESSION OF CONCERN FORM The pre-service teacher should return this form to the professional experience office if they have concern about their placement. Preservice teacher: RMIT Student No: EC Setting: Program Code: Mentor: Children Age range: Mentor Email: Mentor / Centre Ph.: Concerns: Visit from RMIT staff member required ☐ Name: Signature: Date: Please send the form to the Professional Experience Office. Email: education.placements@rmit.edu.au Version 2.0 29 Nash 2020-02-21
RMIT Classification: Trusted ECE GD108 Professional Experience Handbook PARENTAL / GUARDIAN PERMISSION FORM FOR POST GRAD.DIPLOMA RMIT PRE-SERVICE TEACHERS (GD108) School of Education Building 220, Level 4, Plenty Road Bundoora, VIC, 3083 Tel: +61 3 9925 748 [DATE] Dear Parent/Guardian This letter is to introduce……………………..………………………………………………………who is currently a pre- service teacher in the Graduate Diploma in Education (Early Childhood) program, undertaking the course---TCHE--------------------------------. This means they already hold a bachelor’s degree in another discipline. The pre-service teacher is required to observe/gather data on a child in order to gain an understanding of the child’s interests, learning and development as part of their teacher training. The pre-service teacher has an assignment task that requires them to document the data information related to the observations and to plan curriculum for children. The assignment will be kept confidential and identifying material such as the centre name and child’s name will not be included when the assignment is submitted. Permission from parents/ guardians is needed for the pre-service teacher to conduct observations of the child’s learning experiences. I thank you in advance for your permission and if you have any questions our contact details are included. Yours faithfully, Jullie Carmel Parent/Guardian permission I give my permission for…………….….……………………………………………… (Pre-service teacher’s name) to carry out observations on my child…………………………………………..…………..(Child’s name) for the purpose of preparing an assignment task for their Graduate Diploma in Education (Early Childhood) program. I understand all records will be kept confidential. Parent/Guardian name …………………………………………………………………………… Date: …………………… Signature: ……………………………………………… Parental / Guardian Permission form for Bachelor of Education RMIT pre-service teachers RMIT provides a payment to Centres in recognition of hosting a RMIT student. Version 2.0 30 Nash 2020-02-21
RMIT Classification: Trusted ECE GD108 Professional Experience Handbook TAX INVOICE CLAIM FORM Payment Terms 30 Days Date: School/Site: ABN: Address: Postcode: School Email: Ph.: Fax: Bank Name: Account Name: Please note we cannot accept personal BSB: Account No: bank details Student Teacher No of Mentor Name Name Program Placement Date Days Amount Site Coordinator: Email: Payment Details (Exclusive of GST) Sub Total $ + 10% Mentor Teacher: $25.00 per day per Student Teacher $ GST Site Coordinator: $1.50 per day per Student Teacher TOTAL $ Please attach student placement report/s and return to: RMIT Reply Paid 2476, Professional Experience Team, RMIT School of Education, Melbourne, 8060 (no stamp required) Fax: 03 9925 6623 / Ph.: 03 9925 7944 Email: education.placements@rmit.edu.au Please retain a copy of Tax Invoice Claim Form for school account reconciliation Version 2.0 31 Nash 2020-02-21
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