2021 BIRDATHON REPORT - s $107k+ - The Natural Resources Foundation of ...

Page created by Fred Hampton
2021 BIRDATHON REPORT - s 7k+ - The Natural Resources Foundation of ...
              Highlights from the                     Natural Resources Foundation of Wisconsin ' s                                                 annual fundraiser

          Breaking Records
          Wisconsin's bird lovers have
          done it again! In three short

          months during spring migration,
          hundreds of Wisconsinites came                                                                                                                              Mr . D a r ga t z' s Nat u r e
                                                                                                                                                                 K i n der ga r t en bir ds fr o m
          together to raise a record-breaking                                                                                                                 t he ir out doo r c la s s r o o m in
                                                                                                                                                               t he ir 4t h Bir da t ho n! Ph o t o
          $107,915 for the Foundation's                             Bird                                                                                                      b y Pe t e r D ar gat z

          Protection Fund .

          Thank you, Birdathoners and donors for

          your passion and commitment to our

          state's birds! Enjoy these highlights from

          our amazing season together.

            300+                                    65                              253
      Birdathoners from                         incredible                      bird species
                                                                                                                                                               Fi n c h G an g s c o ur e d
                                                                                                            No E gr et s didn' t r e gr e t e xplor ing        J e ffe r s o n Count y fo r bir ds
      across Wisconsin                             teams                           spotted                  t he L a ke s ho r e Na t ur e P r e s e r ve .    . . . a nd Bir da t ho n donor s .
                                                                                                            Ph o t o b y L in d s e y T aylo r                 Ph o t o b y Clare Carls o n

                                                                                                                         "My favorite part of the

                                                                                                                      Birdathon was discovering

                                                                                                                      new birds and sharing the

                                                                                                                          experience and love of

                                                                                                                     birding with my daughter."

T he e nda nge r e d Pi pi n g Pl o ver wa s vo t e d t o be our #Bir dOfT he Y e a r . T he Bir d
                                                                                                                                        - 2021 Birdathon Participant
P r o t e c t io n F und s uppor t s t he r e c ove r y of t his im pe r ile d s pe c ie s . Ph o t o b y
Ryan B r ad y
2021 BIRDATHON REPORT - s 7k+ - The Natural Resources Foundation of ...
T his Y e llow Wa r ble r wa s s pot t e d by t he
                                                                                                                                 So c i a l D i s t an c i n g Sa n dpi per s , who s e t e a m

          A Birdathon for Everyone
                                                                                                                                      s plit up t o c o ve r m o r e gr ound—a nd find
                                                                                                                                              m o r e bir ds ! Ph o t o b y E m ily D o n o van

          This year's Birdathon saw an                     The    Brix Cider Biking Bird
          amazing array of             65 teams :          Brigade         birded through the

          from classrooms and                              Sugar River watershed,

          nonprofits, to friends and                       visiting farms that provide

          family, to Bird Cities and                       local food to their restaurant.

          bird clubs.

                                                           The    Lake Superior eBirders
          Long-running teams like                          birded (and eBirded) all along

          Cutright's Even Older                            the North Shore.

          Coots      returned for their 10th

          year of Birdathoning, while                      Gathering Warblers
          new teams started what is                        gathered staff and board

          sure to become an annual                         members to explore some of

          tradition.                                       their favorite land trust


          Each team put their unique                                                                                             Classroom Teams
          touch on their Birdathon day                     What's That?             enjoyed their
                                                                                                                       Adams-Friendship High School Warblers
          as they set out to search for                    first Birdathon, discovering                                Adams-Friendship High School in Adams County

          Wisconsin's birds - by foot,                     new destinations (and new                                   Chrysalis Academy of Holway Homeschool
                                                                                                                       students in Taylor County
          by bike, by boat, or by car.                     birds) with friends.
                                                                                                                       Lincoln Middle School Lincoln Middle School in
                                                                                                                       LaCrosse, WI

          The   River Raptors            birded            Three Shrikes and You're                                    Mr. Dargatz's Nature Kindergarten Woodside
          with paddles in hand along                       Out     returned again, this time                           Elementary in Sussex, WI

                                                                                                                       The Wequiock Wonderers Wequiock Elementary
          their favorite waterways.                        recruiting new birders to join
                                                                                                                       in Green Bay, WI
                                                                                                                       Windsor Waxwings Windsor Elementary in
                                                                                                                       Windsor, WI

                                                           I n di go i n g Pl ac es br o ught pa r e nt s a nd
                                                           c hildr e n t oge t he r t o e nc o ur a ge a ne w                        Top Fundraisers
                                                           ge ne r a t io n o f bir de r s . Ph o t o b y Me lis s a
                                                           K e s lin g                                                  1.Cutright's Even Older Coots $16,353
                                                                                                                       2. Lake Superior eBirders $6,858
                                                                                                                       3. Finch Gang $5,899

                                                                                                                       4. River Raptors $5,206

                                                                                                                       5. GLC Chickadees $4,058

                                                                                                                                 Most Species Seen
                                                                                                                       1. Lake Superior eBirders 187 species
T he H o u s e Un -Bo u n d Wr en s go t o ut s ide                                                                    2. Vaccinated Vireos 177 species
t o ge t he r a s a fa m ily. Ph o t o b y Mat t                                                                       3. Social Distancing Sandpipers 170 species
K ru e ge r
                                                                                                                       4. Cutright's Even Older Coots 167 species

                                                                                                                       5. MuirLand Merlins 153 species

                                                                                                                       (shout-out to the Tireless Turnstones, a youth-led
                                                                                                                       team, for spotting 151 species!)

                                                                                                                                 Notable Rare Birds
                                                                                                                       Piping Plover seen by Vaccinated Vireos, the only
                                                                                                                       team to spot our #BirdOfTheYear!

                                                                                                                       Scissor-Tailed Flycatcher seen by Brew City Bird

                                                                                                                       Western Kingbird seen by Lake Superior eBirders
                                                                                                                       Worm-Eating Warbler seen by Double Stuffed
T he E l m G r o ve H i gh Fl yer s got bir d-
e nt hus ia s t s involve d in pr o gr e s s ing t he ir
Bir d Cit y goa ls . Ph o t o b y K are n L lo yd
2021 BIRDATHON REPORT - s 7k+ - The Natural Resources Foundation of ...
An AD A-a c c e s s ible dua l s c o pe
                          s ys t e m wa s ins t a lle d a t L e wis
                        P a r k t ha nks t o t he Mc Far l a n d
                      Bi r d Fes t i val t e a m . U p ne xt a r e
                             int e r pr e t ive s igns ! Ph o t o b y
                                                    Sh awn Mille r
                                                                                  Teams Give Back to Birds
                                                                                  Nonprofit organizations, Bird                              They're building and

                                                                                  Cities, and bird clubs that                                installing nest boxes,

                                                                                  participate in the Great                                   planting native plants,

                                                                                  Wisconsin Birdathon are                                    restoring land, funding

                                                                                  able to keep           50% of the                          bird-specific citizen

                                                                                  funds they raise                —    while                 science programs, putting

                                                                                  the rest goes to support our                               binoculars in the hands of

                                                                                  Bird Protection Fund                                       new birders, installing

                                                                                  projects.                                                  scopes and bird-related

                                                                                                                                             signage at local parks,

     Organizational Teams                                                         Funds for these                                            and much, much

                                                                                  organizational teams go                                    more!
1000 Friends of Wisconsin Birdlanders
                                                                                  back into their communities,
Aldo Leopold Nature Center Double Stuffed
                                                                                  supporting local bird


Baraboo Range Preservation Association                                            conservation at its source.

Baraboo Rangers

Benedictine Life Foundation of Wisconsin Wrens
                                                                                  This year, we had               23
of Wisdom Prairie

Chequamegon Chapter of the North Country                                          organizational teams                     that
                                                                                                                                                    go es back
Trail Association North Country Birders
Chippewa County Land Conservancy Chirp
                                                                                  are collectively putting
                                                                                                                                                     local o to
                                                                                  $16,744 back into local

                                                                                  conservation work across
Dane County Humane Society Wildlife Center
                                                                                  our state.
Dane County Humane Society Wildlife Center

Driftless Area Land Conservancy Prairie DALCons
Elm Grove Bird City Elm Grove High Flyers
Feminist Bird Club-Madison WI Chapter Yes We                                      Know someone who might be interested in joining the

                                                                                  Birdathon next year? Send them to                             www.WIBirdathon.org
Friends of McFarland Parks McFarland Bird

Gathering Waters Gathering Warblers
Glacial Lakes Conservancy GLC Chickadees
Madison Audubon All About Aves, Reckless Wrens
Madison FUN Paddling Peddling Prius Pewees,
Camp Coots

MuirLand Bird Club MuirLand Merlins
North Lakeland Discovery Center Up North

Richland Center-Santa Teresa Sister City Project
Motmot Crew

Schlitz Audubon Nature Center Schlitz Audubon
Screech Owls

Wausau Bird Club Wausau Nutcrackers                                     Y es We Pel i c an ! r a is e d funds t o pur c ha s e             Wr en s o f Wi s do m Pr a i r i e r a is e d funds
                                                                        bino c ula r s for ne w bir de r s in t he F e m inis t            for e c ologic a l r e s t or a t io n wor k a t Ho ly
Wisconsin Pheasants Forever Funky Pheasants                             Bir d Club. Ph o t o b y Me lis s a K e s lin g                    Wis do m Mona s t e r y. Ph o t o b y A m y A ls t ad

  "The Birdathon is a win-win-

  win. Raising dollars for bird

  conservation, raising dollars

for our land trust, and hanging

 out with fellow birders! What

           could be better?!"
                                                                        Fu n k y Ph ea s a n t s of Wis c o ns in P he a s a nt s F o r e ve r us e d t he ir s t a ff' s fir s t in-pe r s o n
             - 2021 Birdathon Participant                               o ut ing o f 2021 t o r a is e funds for e duc a t io n a nd out r e a c h e ve nt s . Ph o t o b y B rit t a
                                                                        Pe t e rs o n
2021 BIRDATHON REPORT - s 7k+ - The Natural Resources Foundation of ...
2021 Bird Protection
                                                                                                                        Fund Projects
                                                                                 The Great Wisconsin Birdathon raises funds for the                                       Natural
                                                                                 Resources Foundation of Wisconsin's Bird Protection Fund,                                                      which

                                                                                 supports Wisconsin's highest priority bird conservation needs. The

                                                                                 following projects were selected by the advisory committee to

                                                                                 receive the funds raised by our amazing 2021 Birdathon participants:

T he Neo t r o pi c al Fl yways Pr o j ec t r e c e nt ly m a de ne w                Advancing Bird Conservation within Wisconsin’s
dis c ove r ie s a bo ut t he m igr a t o r y pa t t e r ns o f C an a da
Wa r bl er s . Ph o t o c o u rt e s y o f Gru p o Q u e t zalli, N ic aragu a       Important Bird Area (IBA) System —                                Wisconsin Bird

                                                                                     Conservation Partnership

                                                                                     Kirtland’s Warbler Nest Monitoring —                                   Wisconsin Department

                                                                                     of Natural Resources

                                                                                     Neighborhood Habitat Improvement Project                                            — Western

                                                                                     Great Lakes Bird and Bat Observatory

                                                                                     Neotropical Flyways Project                         — Cornell Lab of Ornithology /


                                                                                     Outreach and Optics Purchase                              — BIPOC Birding Club of


                                                                                     Piping Plover Conservation and Management in Wisconsin
                                                                                     — Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources

                                                                                     Reintroduction of Whooping Cranes into Eastern North
                                                                                     America                —   International Crane Foundation

A r e s e a r c he r s e t s up a t r a il c a m e r a t ha t m o nit or s
Wh o o pi n g C r a n es a s pa r t o f a r e int r o duc t ion pr o gr a m .    Visit   www.WisConservation.org/Bird-Protection-Fund to learn more
Ph o t o b y In t e r n at io n al Cran e F o u n d at io n
                                                                                 about these projects and how you can provide permanent support for the

                                                                                 Bird Protection Fund with a gift to the Birds of Wisconsin Legacy Fund.

                                                                                                                          T he BI POC Bi r di n g C l u b o f WI ho s t e d it s fir s t kic ko ff
                                                                                                                       e ve nt in J uly 2021, invit ing Bla c k, Indige no us , pe o ple o f
                                                                                                                         c o lor , a llie s , a nd fa m ilie s t o e xplor e t he jo y of bir ding
                                                                                                                                                      t o ge t he r . Ph o t o b y D e x t e r Pat t e rs o n

Nei gh bo r h o o d H a bi t a t I mpr o vemen t Pr o j ec t
vo lunt e e r s c ons t r uc t e d bir d ho us e s t ha t e na ble d
c it ize n s c ie nt is t s t o m o nit or bir d ne s t ing s uc c e s s .
Ph o t o b y W e s t e rn Gre at L ake s B ird an d B at O b s e rvat o ry

             The Great Wisconsin Birdathon is                                                              Thank you to our 2021 Birdathon sponsors!
                         brought you to by

                                                                                         Patrick Marsden

2021 BIRDATHON REPORT - s $107k+ - The Natural Resources Foundation of ... 2021 BIRDATHON REPORT - s $107k+ - The Natural Resources Foundation of ... 2021 BIRDATHON REPORT - s $107k+ - The Natural Resources Foundation of ... 2021 BIRDATHON REPORT - s $107k+ - The Natural Resources Foundation of ... 2021 BIRDATHON REPORT - s $107k+ - The Natural Resources Foundation of ... 2021 BIRDATHON REPORT - s $107k+ - The Natural Resources Foundation of ...
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